""" |
Leras. |
like lighter keras. |
This is my lightweight neural network library written from scratch |
based on pure tensorflow without keras. |
Provides: |
+ full freedom of tensorflow operations without keras model's restrictions |
+ easy model operations like in PyTorch, but in graph mode (no eager execution) |
+ convenient and understandable logic |
Reasons why we cannot import tensorflow or any tensorflow.sub modules right here: |
1) program is changing env variables based on DeviceConfig before import tensorflow |
2) multiprocesses will import tensorflow every spawn |
NCHW speed up training for 10-20%. |
""" |
import os |
import sys |
import warnings |
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning) |
from pathlib import Path |
import numpy as np |
from core.interact import interact as io |
from .device import Devices |
class nn(): |
current_DeviceConfig = None |
tf = None |
tf_sess = None |
tf_sess_config = None |
tf_default_device_name = None |
data_format = None |
conv2d_ch_axis = None |
conv2d_spatial_axes = None |
floatx = None |
@staticmethod |
def initialize(device_config=None, floatx="float32", data_format="NHWC"): |
if nn.tf is None: |
if device_config is None: |
device_config = nn.getCurrentDeviceConfig() |
nn.setCurrentDeviceConfig(device_config) |
first_run = False |
if len(device_config.devices) != 0: |
if sys.platform[0:3] == 'win': |
if all( [ x.name == device_config.devices[0].name for x in device_config.devices ] ): |
devices_str = "_" + device_config.devices[0].name.replace(' ','_') |
else: |
devices_str = "" |
for device in device_config.devices: |
devices_str += "_" + device.name.replace(' ','_') |
compute_cache_path = Path(os.environ['APPDATA']) / 'NVIDIA' / ('ComputeCache' + devices_str) |
if not compute_cache_path.exists(): |
first_run = True |
compute_cache_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) |
os.environ['CUDA_CACHE_PATH'] = str(compute_cache_path) |
if first_run: |
io.log_info("Caching GPU kernels...") |
import tensorflow |
tf_version = tensorflow.version.VERSION |
if tf_version[0] == 'v': |
tf_version = tf_version[1:] |
if tf_version[0] == '2': |
tf = tensorflow.compat.v1 |
else: |
tf = tensorflow |
import logging |
tf_logger = logging.getLogger('tensorflow') |
tf_logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) |
if tf_version[0] == '2': |
tf.disable_v2_behavior() |
nn.tf = tf |
import core.leras.ops |
import core.leras.layers |
import core.leras.initializers |
import core.leras.optimizers |
import core.leras.models |
import core.leras.archis |
if len(device_config.devices) == 0: |
config = tf.ConfigProto(device_count={'GPU': 0}) |
nn.tf_default_device_name = '/CPU:0' |
else: |
nn.tf_default_device_name = f'/{device_config.devices[0].tf_dev_type}:0' |
config = tf.ConfigProto() |
config.gpu_options.visible_device_list = ','.join([str(device.index) for device in device_config.devices]) |
config.gpu_options.force_gpu_compatible = True |
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True |
nn.tf_sess_config = config |
if nn.tf_sess is None: |
nn.tf_sess = tf.Session(config=nn.tf_sess_config) |
if floatx == "float32": |
floatx = nn.tf.float32 |
elif floatx == "float16": |
floatx = nn.tf.float16 |
else: |
raise ValueError(f"unsupported floatx {floatx}") |
nn.set_floatx(floatx) |
nn.set_data_format(data_format) |
@staticmethod |
def initialize_main_env(): |
Devices.initialize_main_env() |
@staticmethod |
def set_floatx(tf_dtype): |
""" |
set default float type for all layers when dtype is None for them |
""" |
nn.floatx = tf_dtype |
@staticmethod |
def set_data_format(data_format): |
if data_format != "NHWC" and data_format != "NCHW": |
raise ValueError(f"unsupported data_format {data_format}") |
nn.data_format = data_format |
if data_format == "NHWC": |
nn.conv2d_ch_axis = 3 |
nn.conv2d_spatial_axes = [1,2] |
elif data_format == "NCHW": |
nn.conv2d_ch_axis = 1 |
nn.conv2d_spatial_axes = [2,3] |
@staticmethod |
def get4Dshape ( w, h, c ): |
""" |
returns 4D shape based on current data_format |
""" |
if nn.data_format == "NHWC": |
return (None,h,w,c) |
else: |
return (None,c,h,w) |
@staticmethod |
def to_data_format( x, to_data_format, from_data_format): |
if to_data_format == from_data_format: |
return x |
if to_data_format == "NHWC": |
return np.transpose(x, (0,2,3,1) ) |
elif to_data_format == "NCHW": |
return np.transpose(x, (0,3,1,2) ) |
else: |
raise ValueError(f"unsupported to_data_format {to_data_format}") |
@staticmethod |
def getCurrentDeviceConfig(): |
if nn.current_DeviceConfig is None: |
nn.current_DeviceConfig = DeviceConfig.BestGPU() |
return nn.current_DeviceConfig |
@staticmethod |
def setCurrentDeviceConfig(device_config): |
nn.current_DeviceConfig = device_config |
@staticmethod |
def reset_session(): |
if nn.tf is not None: |
if nn.tf_sess is not None: |
nn.tf.reset_default_graph() |
nn.tf_sess.close() |
nn.tf_sess = nn.tf.Session(config=nn.tf_sess_config) |
@staticmethod |
def close_session(): |
if nn.tf_sess is not None: |
nn.tf.reset_default_graph() |
nn.tf_sess.close() |
nn.tf_sess = None |
@staticmethod |
def ask_choose_device_idxs(choose_only_one=False, allow_cpu=True, suggest_best_multi_gpu=False, suggest_all_gpu=False): |
devices = Devices.getDevices() |
if len(devices) == 0: |
return [] |
all_devices_indexes = [device.index for device in devices] |
if choose_only_one: |
suggest_best_multi_gpu = False |
suggest_all_gpu = False |
if suggest_all_gpu: |
best_device_indexes = all_devices_indexes |
elif suggest_best_multi_gpu: |
best_device_indexes = [device.index for device in devices.get_equal_devices(devices.get_best_device()) ] |
else: |
best_device_indexes = [ devices.get_best_device().index ] |
best_device_indexes = ",".join([str(x) for x in best_device_indexes]) |
io.log_info ("") |
if choose_only_one: |
io.log_info ("Choose one GPU idx.") |
else: |
io.log_info ("Choose one or several GPU idxs (separated by comma).") |
io.log_info ("") |
if allow_cpu: |
io.log_info ("[CPU] : CPU") |
for device in devices: |
io.log_info (f" [{device.index}] : {device.name}") |
io.log_info ("") |
while True: |
try: |
if choose_only_one: |
choosed_idxs = io.input_str("Which GPU index to choose?", best_device_indexes) |
else: |
choosed_idxs = io.input_str("Which GPU indexes to choose?", best_device_indexes) |
if allow_cpu and choosed_idxs.lower() == "cpu": |
choosed_idxs = [] |
break |
choosed_idxs = [ int(x) for x in choosed_idxs.split(',') ] |
if choose_only_one: |
if len(choosed_idxs) == 1: |
break |
else: |
if all( [idx in all_devices_indexes for idx in choosed_idxs] ): |
break |
except: |
pass |
io.log_info ("") |
return choosed_idxs |
class DeviceConfig(): |
@staticmethod |
def ask_choose_device(*args, **kwargs): |
return nn.DeviceConfig.GPUIndexes( nn.ask_choose_device_idxs(*args,**kwargs) ) |
def __init__ (self, devices=None): |
devices = devices or [] |
if not isinstance(devices, Devices): |
devices = Devices(devices) |
self.devices = devices |
self.cpu_only = len(devices) == 0 |
@staticmethod |
def BestGPU(): |
devices = Devices.getDevices() |
if len(devices) == 0: |
return nn.DeviceConfig.CPU() |
return nn.DeviceConfig([devices.get_best_device()]) |
@staticmethod |
def WorstGPU(): |
devices = Devices.getDevices() |
if len(devices) == 0: |
return nn.DeviceConfig.CPU() |
return nn.DeviceConfig([devices.get_worst_device()]) |
@staticmethod |
def GPUIndexes(indexes): |
if len(indexes) != 0: |
devices = Devices.getDevices().get_devices_from_index_list(indexes) |
else: |
devices = [] |
return nn.DeviceConfig(devices) |
@staticmethod |
def CPU(): |
return nn.DeviceConfig([]) |