import os |
import pickle |
from functools import partial |
from pathlib import Path |
import cv2 |
import numpy as np |
from core.interact import interact as io |
from core.leras import nn |
class XSegNet(object): |
def __init__ (self, name, |
resolution=256, |
load_weights=True, |
weights_file_root=None, |
training=False, |
place_model_on_cpu=False, |
run_on_cpu=False, |
optimizer=None, |
data_format="NHWC", |
raise_on_no_model_files=False): |
self.resolution = resolution |
self.weights_file_root = Path(weights_file_root) if weights_file_root is not None else Path(__file__).parent |
nn.initialize(data_format=data_format) |
tf = nn.tf |
model_name = f'{name}_{resolution}' |
self.model_filename_list = [] |
with tf.device ('/CPU:0'): |
self.input_t = tf.placeholder (nn.floatx, nn.get4Dshape(resolution,resolution,3) ) |
self.target_t = tf.placeholder (nn.floatx, nn.get4Dshape(resolution,resolution,1) ) |
with tf.device ('/CPU:0' if place_model_on_cpu else nn.tf_default_device_name): |
self.model = nn.XSeg(3, 32, 1, name=name) |
self.model_weights = self.model.get_weights() |
if training: |
if optimizer is None: |
raise ValueError("Optimizer should be provided for training mode.") |
self.opt = optimizer |
self.opt.initialize_variables (self.model_weights, vars_on_cpu=place_model_on_cpu) |
self.model_filename_list += [ [self.opt, f'{model_name}_opt.npy' ] ] |
self.model_filename_list += [ [self.model, f'{model_name}.npy'] ] |
if not training: |
with tf.device ('/CPU:0' if run_on_cpu else nn.tf_default_device_name): |
_, pred = self.model(self.input_t) |
def net_run(input_np): |
return nn.tf_sess.run ( [pred], feed_dict={self.input_t :input_np})[0] |
self.net_run = net_run |
self.initialized = True |
for model, filename in self.model_filename_list: |
do_init = not load_weights |
if not do_init: |
model_file_path = self.weights_file_root / filename |
do_init = not model.load_weights( model_file_path ) |
if do_init: |
if raise_on_no_model_files: |
raise Exception(f'{model_file_path} does not exists.') |
if not training: |
self.initialized = False |
break |
if do_init: |
model.init_weights() |
def get_resolution(self): |
return self.resolution |
def flow(self, x, pretrain=False): |
return self.model(x, pretrain=pretrain) |
def get_weights(self): |
return self.model_weights |
def save_weights(self): |
for model, filename in io.progress_bar_generator(self.model_filename_list, "Saving", leave=False): |
model.save_weights( self.weights_file_root / filename ) |
def extract (self, input_image): |
if not self.initialized: |
return 0.5*np.ones ( (self.resolution, self.resolution, 1), nn.floatx.as_numpy_dtype ) |
input_shape_len = len(input_image.shape) |
if input_shape_len == 3: |
input_image = input_image[None,...] |
result = np.clip ( self.net_run(input_image), 0, 1.0 ) |
result[result < 0.1] = 0 |
if input_shape_len == 3: |
result = result[0] |
return result |