from pathlib import Path |
from os import scandir |
image_extensions = [".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".tif", ".tiff"] |
def write_bytes_safe(p, bytes_data): |
""" |
writes to .tmp first and then rename to target filename |
""" |
p_tmp = p.parent / (p.name + '.tmp') |
p_tmp.write_bytes(bytes_data) |
if p.exists(): |
p.unlink() |
p_tmp.rename (p) |
def scantree(path): |
"""Recursively yield DirEntry objects for given directory.""" |
for entry in scandir(path): |
if entry.is_dir(follow_symlinks=False): |
yield from scantree(entry.path) |
else: |
yield entry |
def get_image_paths(dir_path, image_extensions=image_extensions, subdirs=False, return_Path_class=False): |
dir_path = Path (dir_path) |
result = [] |
if dir_path.exists(): |
if subdirs: |
gen = scantree(str(dir_path)) |
else: |
gen = scandir(str(dir_path)) |
for x in list(gen): |
if any([x.name.lower().endswith(ext) for ext in image_extensions]): |
result.append( x.path if not return_Path_class else Path(x.path) ) |
return sorted(result) |
def get_image_unique_filestem_paths(dir_path, verbose_print_func=None): |
result = get_image_paths(dir_path) |
result_dup = set() |
for f in result[:]: |
f_stem = Path(f).stem |
if f_stem in result_dup: |
result.remove(f) |
if verbose_print_func is not None: |
verbose_print_func ("Duplicate filenames are not allowed, skipping: %s" % Path(f).name ) |
continue |
result_dup.add(f_stem) |
return sorted(result) |
def get_paths(dir_path): |
dir_path = Path (dir_path) |
if dir_path.exists(): |
return [ Path(x) for x in sorted([ x.path for x in list(scandir(str(dir_path))) ]) ] |
else: |
return [] |
def get_file_paths(dir_path): |
dir_path = Path (dir_path) |
if dir_path.exists(): |
return [ Path(x) for x in sorted([ x.path for x in list(scandir(str(dir_path))) if x.is_file() ]) ] |
else: |
return [] |
def get_all_dir_names (dir_path): |
dir_path = Path (dir_path) |
if dir_path.exists(): |
return sorted([ x.name for x in list(scandir(str(dir_path))) if x.is_dir() ]) |
else: |
return [] |
def get_all_dir_names_startswith (dir_path, startswith): |
dir_path = Path (dir_path) |
startswith = startswith.lower() |
result = [] |
if dir_path.exists(): |
for x in list(scandir(str(dir_path))): |
if x.name.lower().startswith(startswith): |
result.append ( x.name[len(startswith):] ) |
return sorted(result) |
def get_first_file_by_stem (dir_path, stem, exts=None): |
dir_path = Path (dir_path) |
stem = stem.lower() |
if dir_path.exists(): |
for x in sorted(list(scandir(str(dir_path))), key=lambda x: x.name): |
if not x.is_file(): |
continue |
xp = Path(x.path) |
if xp.stem.lower() == stem and (exts is None or xp.suffix.lower() in exts): |
return xp |
return None |
def move_all_files (src_dir_path, dst_dir_path): |
paths = get_file_paths(src_dir_path) |
for p in paths: |
p = Path(p) |
p.rename ( Path(dst_dir_path) / p.name ) |
def delete_all_files (dir_path): |
paths = get_file_paths(dir_path) |
for p in paths: |
p = Path(p) |
p.unlink() |