DF / samplelib /SampleGeneratorFaceTest.py
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import multiprocessing
import time
import traceback
import cv2
import numpy as np
from core import mplib
from core.interact import interact as io
from core.joblib import SubprocessGenerator, ThisThreadGenerator
from facelib import LandmarksProcessor
from samplelib import (SampleGeneratorBase, SampleLoader, SampleProcessor,
output_sample_types = [
[SampleProcessor.TypeFlags, size, (optional) {} opts ] ,
class SampleGeneratorFaceTest(SampleGeneratorBase):
def __init__ (self, samples_path, debug=False, batch_size=1,
super().__init__(debug, batch_size)
self.initialized = False
self.sample_process_options = sample_process_options
self.output_sample_types = output_sample_types
if self.debug:
self.generators_count = 1
self.generators_count = max(1, generators_count)
samples = SampleLoader.load (SampleType.FACE, samples_path)
self.samples_len = len(samples)
if self.samples_len == 0:
if raise_on_no_data:
raise ValueError('No training data provided.')
if uniform_yaw_distribution:
samples_pyr = [ ( idx, sample.get_pitch_yaw_roll() ) for idx, sample in enumerate(samples) ]
grads = 128
#instead of math.pi / 2, using -1.2,+1.2 because actually maximum yaw for 2DFAN landmarks are -1.2+1.2
grads_space = np.linspace (-1.2, 1.2,grads)
yaws_sample_list = [None]*grads
for g in io.progress_bar_generator ( range(grads), "Sort by yaw"):
yaw = grads_space[g]
next_yaw = grads_space[g+1] if g < grads-1 else yaw
yaw_samples = []
for idx, pyr in samples_pyr:
s_yaw = -pyr[1]
if (g == 0 and s_yaw < next_yaw) or \
(g < grads-1 and s_yaw >= yaw and s_yaw < next_yaw) or \
(g == grads-1 and s_yaw >= yaw):
yaw_samples += [ idx ]
if len(yaw_samples) > 0:
yaws_sample_list[g] = yaw_samples
yaws_sample_list = [ y for y in yaws_sample_list if y is not None ]
index_host = mplib.Index2DHost( yaws_sample_list )
index_host = mplib.IndexHost(self.samples_len)
if random_ct_samples_path is not None:
ct_samples = SampleLoader.load (SampleType.FACE, random_ct_samples_path)
ct_index_host = mplib.IndexHost( len(ct_samples) )
ct_samples = None
ct_index_host = None
if self.debug:
self.generators = [ThisThreadGenerator ( self.batch_func, (samples, index_host.create_cli(), ct_samples, ct_index_host.create_cli() if ct_index_host is not None else None) )]
self.generators = []
self.comm_qs = []
for i in range(self.generators_count):
comm_q = multiprocessing.Queue()
gen = SubprocessGenerator ( self.batch_func, (comm_q, samples, index_host.create_cli(), ct_samples, ct_index_host.create_cli() if ct_index_host is not None else None), start_now=False )
SubprocessGenerator.start_in_parallel( self.generators )
self.generator_counter = -1
self.initialized = True
def is_initialized(self):
return self.initialized
def send_start(self):
for comm_q in self.comm_qs:
comm_q.put( ('start', 0) )
def set_face_scale(self, scale):
for comm_q in self.comm_qs:
comm_q.put( ('face_scale', scale) )
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
if not self.initialized:
return []
self.generator_counter += 1
generator = self.generators[self.generator_counter % len(self.generators) ]
return next(generator)
def batch_func(self, param ):
comm_q, samples, index_host, ct_samples, ct_index_host = param
bs = self.batch_size
face_scale = 1.0
while True:
if not comm_q.empty():
cmd, param = comm_q.get()
if cmd == 'face_scale':
face_scale = param
if cmd == 'start':
while True:
while not comm_q.empty():
cmd, param = comm_q.get()
if cmd == 'face_scale':
face_scale = param
batches = None
indexes = index_host.multi_get(bs)
ct_indexes = ct_index_host.multi_get(bs) if ct_samples is not None else None
t = time.time()
for n_batch in range(bs):
sample_idx = indexes[n_batch]
sample = samples[sample_idx]
ct_sample = None
if ct_samples is not None:
ct_sample = ct_samples[ct_indexes[n_batch]]
x, = SampleProcessor.process ([sample], self.sample_process_options, self.output_sample_types, self.debug, ct_sample=ct_sample, face_scale=face_scale)
raise Exception ("Exception occured in sample %s. Error: %s" % (sample.filename, traceback.format_exc() ) )
if batches is None:
batches = [ [] for _ in range(len(x)) ]
for i in range(len(x)):
batches[i].append ( x[i] )
yield [ np.array(batch) for batch in batches]