from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import, division |
import numpy as np |
import warnings |
from skimage.measure import regionprops |
from skimage.draw import polygon |
from csbdeep.utils import _raise |
from ..utils import path_absolute, _is_power_of_2, _normalize_grid |
from ..matching import _check_label_array |
from stardist.lib.stardist2d import c_star_dist |
def _ocl_star_dist(lbl, n_rays=32, grid=(1,1)): |
from gputools import OCLProgram, OCLArray, OCLImage |
(np.isscalar(n_rays) and 0 < int(n_rays)) or _raise(ValueError()) |
n_rays = int(n_rays) |
res_shape = tuple((s-1)//g+1 for s, g in zip(lbl.shape, grid)) |
src = OCLImage.from_array(lbl.astype(np.uint16,copy=False)) |
dst = OCLArray.empty(res_shape+(n_rays,), dtype=np.float32) |
program = OCLProgram(path_absolute("kernels/stardist2d.cl"), build_options=['-D', 'N_RAYS=%d' % n_rays]) |
program.run_kernel('star_dist', res_shape[::-1], None, dst.data, src, np.int32(grid[0]),np.int32(grid[1])) |
return dst.get() |
def _cpp_star_dist(lbl, n_rays=32, grid=(1,1)): |
(np.isscalar(n_rays) and 0 < int(n_rays)) or _raise(ValueError()) |
return c_star_dist(lbl.astype(np.uint16,copy=False), np.int32(n_rays), np.int32(grid[0]),np.int32(grid[1])) |
def _py_star_dist(a, n_rays=32, grid=(1,1)): |
(np.isscalar(n_rays) and 0 < int(n_rays)) or _raise(ValueError()) |
if grid != (1,1): |
raise NotImplementedError(grid) |
n_rays = int(n_rays) |
a = a.astype(np.uint16,copy=False) |
dst = np.empty(a.shape+(n_rays,),np.float32) |
for i in range(a.shape[0]): |
for j in range(a.shape[1]): |
value = a[i,j] |
if value == 0: |
dst[i,j] = 0 |
else: |
st_rays = np.float32((2*np.pi) / n_rays) |
for k in range(n_rays): |
phi = np.float32(k*st_rays) |
dy = np.cos(phi) |
dx = np.sin(phi) |
x, y = np.float32(0), np.float32(0) |
while True: |
x += dx |
y += dy |
ii = int(round(i+x)) |
jj = int(round(j+y)) |
if (ii < 0 or ii >= a.shape[0] or |
jj < 0 or jj >= a.shape[1] or |
value != a[ii,jj]): |
t_corr = 1-.5/max(np.abs(dx),np.abs(dy)) |
x -= t_corr*dx |
y -= t_corr*dy |
dist = np.sqrt(x**2+y**2) |
dst[i,j,k] = dist |
break |
return dst |
def star_dist(a, n_rays=32, grid=(1,1), mode='cpp'): |
"""'a' assumbed to be a label image with integer values that encode object ids. id 0 denotes background.""" |
n_rays >= 3 or _raise(ValueError("need 'n_rays' >= 3")) |
if mode == 'python': |
return _py_star_dist(a, n_rays, grid=grid) |
elif mode == 'cpp': |
return _cpp_star_dist(a, n_rays, grid=grid) |
elif mode == 'opencl': |
return _ocl_star_dist(a, n_rays, grid=grid) |
else: |
_raise(ValueError("Unknown mode %s" % mode)) |
def _dist_to_coord_old(rhos, grid=(1,1)): |
"""convert from polar to cartesian coordinates for a single image (3-D array) or multiple images (4-D array)""" |
grid = _normalize_grid(grid,2) |
is_single_image = rhos.ndim == 3 |
if is_single_image: |
rhos = np.expand_dims(rhos,0) |
assert rhos.ndim == 4 |
n_images,h,w,n_rays = rhos.shape |
coord = np.empty((n_images,h,w,2,n_rays),dtype=rhos.dtype) |
start = np.indices((h,w)) |
for i in range(2): |
coord[...,i,:] = grid[i] * np.broadcast_to(start[i].reshape(1,h,w,1), (n_images,h,w,n_rays)) |
phis = ray_angles(n_rays).reshape(1,1,1,n_rays) |
coord[...,0,:] += rhos * np.sin(phis) |
coord[...,1,:] += rhos * np.cos(phis) |
return coord[0] if is_single_image else coord |
def _polygons_to_label_old(coord, prob, points, shape=None, thr=-np.inf): |
sh = coord.shape[:2] if shape is None else shape |
lbl = np.zeros(sh,np.int32) |
ind = np.argsort([ prob[p[0],p[1]] for p in points ]) |
points = points[ind] |
i = 1 |
for p in points: |
if prob[p[0],p[1]] < thr: |
continue |
rr,cc = polygon(coord[p[0],p[1],0], coord[p[0],p[1],1], sh) |
lbl[rr,cc] = i |
i += 1 |
return lbl |
def dist_to_coord(dist, points, scale_dist=(1,1)): |
"""convert from polar to cartesian coordinates for a list of distances and center points |
dist.shape = (n_polys, n_rays) |
points.shape = (n_polys, 2) |
len(scale_dist) = 2 |
return coord.shape = (n_polys,2,n_rays) |
""" |
dist = np.asarray(dist) |
points = np.asarray(points) |
assert dist.ndim==2 and points.ndim==2 and len(dist)==len(points) \ |
and points.shape[1]==2 and len(scale_dist)==2 |
n_rays = dist.shape[1] |
phis = ray_angles(n_rays) |
coord = (dist[:,np.newaxis]*np.array([np.sin(phis),np.cos(phis)])).astype(np.float32) |
coord *= np.asarray(scale_dist).reshape(1,2,1) |
coord += points[...,np.newaxis] |
return coord |
def polygons_to_label_coord(coord, shape, labels=None): |
"""renders polygons to image of given shape |
coord.shape = (n_polys, n_rays) |
""" |
coord = np.asarray(coord) |
if labels is None: labels = np.arange(len(coord)) |
_check_label_array(labels, "labels") |
assert coord.ndim==3 and coord.shape[1]==2 and len(coord)==len(labels) |
lbl = np.zeros(shape,np.int32) |
for i,c in zip(labels,coord): |
rr,cc = polygon(*c, shape) |
lbl[rr,cc] = i+1 |
return lbl |
def polygons_to_label(dist, points, shape, prob=None, thr=-np.inf, scale_dist=(1,1)): |
"""converts distances and center points to label image |
dist.shape = (n_polys, n_rays) |
points.shape = (n_polys, 2) |
label ids will be consecutive and adhere to the order given |
""" |
dist = np.asarray(dist) |
points = np.asarray(points) |
prob = np.inf*np.ones(len(points)) if prob is None else np.asarray(prob) |
assert dist.ndim==2 and points.ndim==2 and len(dist)==len(points) |
assert len(points)==len(prob) and points.shape[1]==2 and prob.ndim==1 |
n_rays = dist.shape[1] |
ind = prob>thr |
points = points[ind] |
dist = dist[ind] |
prob = prob[ind] |
ind = np.argsort(prob, kind='stable') |
points = points[ind] |
dist = dist[ind] |
coord = dist_to_coord(dist, points, scale_dist=scale_dist) |
return polygons_to_label_coord(coord, shape=shape, labels=ind) |
def relabel_image_stardist(lbl, n_rays, **kwargs): |
"""relabel each label region in `lbl` with its star representation""" |
_check_label_array(lbl, "lbl") |
if not lbl.ndim==2: |
raise ValueError("lbl image should be 2 dimensional") |
dist = star_dist(lbl, n_rays, **kwargs) |
points = np.array(tuple(np.array(r.centroid).astype(int) for r in regionprops(lbl))) |
dist = dist[tuple(points.T)] |
return polygons_to_label(dist, points, shape=lbl.shape) |
def ray_angles(n_rays=32): |
return np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,n_rays,endpoint=False) |