from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import, division import numpy as np import warnings import math from tqdm import tqdm from csbdeep.models import BaseConfig from csbdeep.internals.blocks import unet_block from csbdeep.utils import _raise, backend_channels_last, axes_check_and_normalize, axes_dict from import keras_import, IS_TF_1, CARETensorBoard, CARETensorBoardImage from skimage.segmentation import clear_border from skimage.measure import regionprops from scipy.ndimage import zoom from distutils.version import LooseVersion keras = keras_import() K = keras_import('backend') Input, Conv2D, MaxPooling2D = keras_import('layers', 'Input', 'Conv2D', 'MaxPooling2D') Model = keras_import('models', 'Model') from .base import StarDistBase, StarDistDataBase, _tf_version_at_least from ..sample_patches import sample_patches from ..utils import edt_prob, _normalize_grid, mask_to_categorical from ..geometry import star_dist, dist_to_coord, polygons_to_label from ..nms import non_maximum_suppression, non_maximum_suppression_sparse class StarDistData2D(StarDistDataBase): def __init__(self, X, Y, batch_size, n_rays, length, n_classes=None, classes=None, patch_size=(256,256), b=32, grid=(1,1), shape_completion=False, augmenter=None, foreground_prob=0, **kwargs): super().__init__(X=X, Y=Y, n_rays=n_rays, grid=grid, n_classes=n_classes, classes=classes, batch_size=batch_size, patch_size=patch_size, length=length, augmenter=augmenter, foreground_prob=foreground_prob, **kwargs) self.shape_completion = bool(shape_completion) if self.shape_completion and b > 0: self.b = slice(b,-b),slice(b,-b) else: self.b = slice(None),slice(None) self.sd_mode = 'opencl' if self.use_gpu else 'cpp' def __getitem__(self, i): idx = self.batch(i) arrays = [sample_patches((self.Y[k],) + self.channels_as_tuple(self.X[k]), patch_size=self.patch_size, n_samples=1, valid_inds=self.get_valid_inds(k)) for k in idx] if self.n_channel is None: X, Y = list(zip(*[(x[0][self.b],y[0]) for y,x in arrays])) else: X, Y = list(zip(*[(np.stack([_x[0] for _x in x],axis=-1)[self.b], y[0]) for y,*x in arrays])) X, Y = tuple(zip(*tuple(self.augmenter(_x, _y) for _x, _y in zip(X,Y)))) prob = np.stack([edt_prob(lbl[self.b][self.ss_grid[1:3]]) for lbl in Y]) # prob = np.stack([edt_prob(lbl[self.b]) for lbl in Y]) # prob = prob[self.ss_grid] if self.shape_completion: Y_cleared = [clear_border(lbl) for lbl in Y] _dist = np.stack([star_dist(lbl,self.n_rays,mode=self.sd_mode)[self.b+(slice(None),)] for lbl in Y_cleared]) dist = _dist[self.ss_grid] dist_mask = np.stack([edt_prob(lbl[self.b][self.ss_grid[1:3]]) for lbl in Y_cleared]) else: # directly subsample with grid dist = np.stack([star_dist(lbl,self.n_rays,mode=self.sd_mode, grid=self.grid) for lbl in Y]) dist_mask = prob X = np.stack(X) if X.ndim == 3: # input image has no channel axis X = np.expand_dims(X,-1) prob = np.expand_dims(prob,-1) dist_mask = np.expand_dims(dist_mask,-1) # subsample wth given grid # dist_mask = dist_mask[self.ss_grid] # prob = prob[self.ss_grid] # append dist_mask to dist as additional channel # dist_and_mask = np.concatenate([dist,dist_mask],axis=-1) # faster than concatenate dist_and_mask = np.empty(dist.shape[:-1]+(self.n_rays+1,), np.float32) dist_and_mask[...,:-1] = dist dist_and_mask[...,-1:] = dist_mask if self.n_classes is None: return [X], [prob,dist_and_mask] else: prob_class = np.stack(tuple((mask_to_categorical(y, self.n_classes, self.classes[k]) for y,k in zip(Y, idx)))) # TODO: investigate downsampling via simple indexing vs. using 'zoom' # prob_class = prob_class[self.ss_grid] # 'zoom' might lead to better registered maps (especially if upscaled later) prob_class = zoom(prob_class, (1,)+tuple(1/g for g in self.grid)+(1,), order=0) return [X], [prob,dist_and_mask, prob_class] class Config2D(BaseConfig): """Configuration for a :class:`StarDist2D` model. Parameters ---------- axes : str or None Axes of the input images. n_rays : int Number of radial directions for the star-convex polygon. Recommended to use a power of 2 (default: 32). n_channel_in : int Number of channels of given input image (default: 1). grid : (int,int) Subsampling factors (must be powers of 2) for each of the axes. Model will predict on a subsampled grid for increased efficiency and larger field of view. n_classes : None or int Number of object classes to use for multi-class predection (use None to disable) backbone : str Name of the neural network architecture to be used as backbone. kwargs : dict Overwrite (or add) configuration attributes (see below). Attributes ---------- unet_n_depth : int Number of U-Net resolution levels (down/up-sampling layers). unet_kernel_size : (int,int) Convolution kernel size for all (U-Net) convolution layers. unet_n_filter_base : int Number of convolution kernels (feature channels) for first U-Net layer. Doubled after each down-sampling layer. unet_pool : (int,int) Maxpooling size for all (U-Net) convolution layers. net_conv_after_unet : int Number of filters of the extra convolution layer after U-Net (0 to disable). unet_* : * Additional parameters for U-net backbone. train_shape_completion : bool Train model to predict complete shapes for partially visible objects at image boundary. train_completion_crop : int If 'train_shape_completion' is set to True, specify number of pixels to crop at boundary of training patches. Should be chosen based on (largest) object sizes. train_patch_size : (int,int) Size of patches to be cropped from provided training images. train_background_reg : float Regularizer to encourage distance predictions on background regions to be 0. train_foreground_only : float Fraction (0..1) of patches that will only be sampled from regions that contain foreground pixels. train_sample_cache : bool Activate caching of valid patch regions for all training images (disable to save memory for large datasets) train_dist_loss : str Training loss for star-convex polygon distances ('mse' or 'mae'). train_loss_weights : tuple of float Weights for losses relating to (probability, distance) train_epochs : int Number of training epochs. train_steps_per_epoch : int Number of parameter update steps per epoch. train_learning_rate : float Learning rate for training. train_batch_size : int Batch size for training. train_n_val_patches : int Number of patches to be extracted from validation images (``None`` = one patch per image). train_tensorboard : bool Enable TensorBoard for monitoring training progress. train_reduce_lr : dict Parameter :class:`dict` of ReduceLROnPlateau_ callback; set to ``None`` to disable. use_gpu : bool Indicate that the data generator should use OpenCL to do computations on the GPU. .. _ReduceLROnPlateau: """ def __init__(self, axes='YX', n_rays=32, n_channel_in=1, grid=(1,1), n_classes=None, backbone='unet', **kwargs): """See class docstring.""" super().__init__(axes=axes, n_channel_in=n_channel_in, n_channel_out=1+n_rays) # directly set by parameters self.n_rays = int(n_rays) self.grid = _normalize_grid(grid,2) self.backbone = str(backbone).lower() self.n_classes = None if n_classes is None else int(n_classes) # default config (can be overwritten by kwargs below) if self.backbone == 'unet': self.unet_n_depth = 3 self.unet_kernel_size = 3,3 self.unet_n_filter_base = 32 self.unet_n_conv_per_depth = 2 self.unet_pool = 2,2 self.unet_activation = 'relu' self.unet_last_activation = 'relu' self.unet_batch_norm = False self.unet_dropout = 0.0 self.unet_prefix = '' self.net_conv_after_unet = 128 else: # TODO: resnet backbone for 2D model? raise ValueError("backbone '%s' not supported." % self.backbone) # net_mask_shape not needed but kept for legacy reasons if backend_channels_last(): self.net_input_shape = None,None,self.n_channel_in self.net_mask_shape = None,None,1 else: self.net_input_shape = self.n_channel_in,None,None self.net_mask_shape = 1,None,None self.train_shape_completion = False self.train_completion_crop = 32 self.train_patch_size = 256,256 self.train_background_reg = 1e-4 self.train_foreground_only = 0.9 self.train_sample_cache = True self.train_dist_loss = 'mae' self.train_loss_weights = (1,0.2) if self.n_classes is None else (1,0.2,1) self.train_class_weights = (1,1) if self.n_classes is None else (1,)*(self.n_classes+1) self.train_epochs = 400 self.train_steps_per_epoch = 100 self.train_learning_rate = 0.0003 self.train_batch_size = 4 self.train_n_val_patches = None self.train_tensorboard = True # the parameter 'min_delta' was called 'epsilon' for keras<=2.1.5 min_delta_key = 'epsilon' if LooseVersion(keras.__version__)<=LooseVersion('2.1.5') else 'min_delta' self.train_reduce_lr = {'factor': 0.5, 'patience': 40, min_delta_key: 0} self.use_gpu = False # remove derived attributes that shouldn't be overwritten for k in ('n_dim', 'n_channel_out'): try: del kwargs[k] except KeyError: pass self.update_parameters(False, **kwargs) # FIXME: put into is_valid() if not len(self.train_loss_weights) == (2 if self.n_classes is None else 3): raise ValueError(f"train_loss_weights {self.train_loss_weights} not compatible with n_classes ({self.n_classes}): must be 3 weights if n_classes is not None, otherwise 2") if not len(self.train_class_weights) == (2 if self.n_classes is None else self.n_classes+1): raise ValueError(f"train_class_weights {self.train_class_weights} not compatible with n_classes ({self.n_classes}): must be 'n_classes + 1' weights if n_classes is not None, otherwise 2") class StarDist2D(StarDistBase): """StarDist2D model. Parameters ---------- config : :class:`Config` or None Will be saved to disk as JSON (``config.json``). If set to ``None``, will be loaded from disk (must exist). name : str or None Model name. Uses a timestamp if set to ``None`` (default). basedir : str Directory that contains (or will contain) a folder with the given model name. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If ``config=None`` and config cannot be loaded from disk. ValueError Illegal arguments, including invalid configuration. Attributes ---------- config : :class:`Config` Configuration, as provided during instantiation. keras_model : `Keras model `_ Keras neural network model. name : str Model name. logdir : :class:`pathlib.Path` Path to model folder (which stores configuration, weights, etc.) """ def __init__(self, config=Config2D(), name=None, basedir='.'): """See class docstring.""" super().__init__(config, name=name, basedir=basedir) def _build(self): self.config.backbone == 'unet' or _raise(NotImplementedError()) unet_kwargs = {k[len('unet_'):]:v for (k,v) in vars(self.config).items() if k.startswith('unet_')} input_img = Input(self.config.net_input_shape, name='input') # maxpool input image to grid size pooled = np.array([1,1]) pooled_img = input_img while tuple(pooled) != tuple(self.config.grid): pool = 1 + (np.asarray(self.config.grid) > pooled) pooled *= pool for _ in range(self.config.unet_n_conv_per_depth): pooled_img = Conv2D(self.config.unet_n_filter_base, self.config.unet_kernel_size, padding='same', activation=self.config.unet_activation)(pooled_img) pooled_img = MaxPooling2D(pool)(pooled_img) unet_base = unet_block(**unet_kwargs)(pooled_img) if self.config.net_conv_after_unet > 0: unet = Conv2D(self.config.net_conv_after_unet, self.config.unet_kernel_size, name='features', padding='same', activation=self.config.unet_activation)(unet_base) else: unet = unet_base output_prob = Conv2D( 1, (1,1), name='prob', padding='same', activation='sigmoid')(unet) output_dist = Conv2D(self.config.n_rays, (1,1), name='dist', padding='same', activation='linear')(unet) # attach extra classification head when self.n_classes is given if self._is_multiclass(): if self.config.net_conv_after_unet > 0: unet_class = Conv2D(self.config.net_conv_after_unet, self.config.unet_kernel_size, name='features_class', padding='same', activation=self.config.unet_activation)(unet_base) else: unet_class = unet_base output_prob_class = Conv2D(self.config.n_classes+1, (1,1), name='prob_class', padding='same', activation='softmax')(unet_class) return Model([input_img], [output_prob,output_dist,output_prob_class]) else: return Model([input_img], [output_prob,output_dist]) def train(self, X, Y, validation_data, classes='auto', augmenter=None, seed=None, epochs=None, steps_per_epoch=None, workers=1): """Train the neural network with the given data. Parameters ---------- X : tuple, list, `numpy.ndarray`, `keras.utils.Sequence` Input images Y : tuple, list, `numpy.ndarray`, `keras.utils.Sequence` Label masks classes (optional): 'auto' or iterable of same length as X label id -> class id mapping for each label mask of Y if multiclass prediction is activated (n_classes > 0) list of dicts with label id -> class id (1,...,n_classes) 'auto' -> all objects will be assigned to the first non-background class, or will be ignored if config.n_classes is None validation_data : tuple(:class:`numpy.ndarray`, :class:`numpy.ndarray`) or triple (if multiclass) Tuple (triple if multiclass) of X,Y,[classes] validation data. augmenter : None or callable Function with expected signature ``xt, yt = augmenter(x, y)`` that takes in a single pair of input/label image (x,y) and returns the transformed images (xt, yt) for the purpose of data augmentation during training. Not applied to validation images. Example: def simple_augmenter(x,y): x = x + 0.05*np.random.normal(0,1,x.shape) return x,y seed : int Convenience to set ``np.random.seed(seed)``. (To obtain reproducible validation patches, etc.) epochs : int Optional argument to use instead of the value from ``config``. steps_per_epoch : int Optional argument to use instead of the value from ``config``. Returns ------- ``History`` object See `Keras training history `_. """ if seed is not None: # np.random.seed(seed) if epochs is None: epochs = self.config.train_epochs if steps_per_epoch is None: steps_per_epoch = self.config.train_steps_per_epoch classes = self._parse_classes_arg(classes, len(X)) if not self._is_multiclass() and classes is not None: warnings.warn("Ignoring given classes as n_classes is set to None") isinstance(validation_data,(list,tuple)) or _raise(ValueError()) if self._is_multiclass() and len(validation_data) == 2: validation_data = tuple(validation_data) + ('auto',) ((len(validation_data) == (3 if self._is_multiclass() else 2)) or _raise(ValueError(f'len(validation_data) = {len(validation_data)}, but should be {3 if self._is_multiclass() else 2}'))) patch_size = self.config.train_patch_size axes = self.config.axes.replace('C','') b = self.config.train_completion_crop if self.config.train_shape_completion else 0 div_by = self._axes_div_by(axes) [(p-2*b) % d == 0 or _raise(ValueError( "'train_patch_size' - 2*'train_completion_crop' must be divisible by {d} along axis '{a}'".format(a=a,d=d) if self.config.train_shape_completion else "'train_patch_size' must be divisible by {d} along axis '{a}'".format(a=a,d=d) )) for p,d,a in zip(patch_size,div_by,axes)] if not self._model_prepared: self.prepare_for_training() data_kwargs = dict ( n_rays = self.config.n_rays, patch_size = self.config.train_patch_size, grid = self.config.grid, shape_completion = self.config.train_shape_completion, b = self.config.train_completion_crop, use_gpu = self.config.use_gpu, foreground_prob = self.config.train_foreground_only, n_classes = self.config.n_classes, sample_ind_cache = self.config.train_sample_cache, ) # generate validation data and store in numpy arrays n_data_val = len(validation_data[0]) classes_val = self._parse_classes_arg(validation_data[2], n_data_val) if self._is_multiclass() else None n_take = self.config.train_n_val_patches if self.config.train_n_val_patches is not None else n_data_val _data_val = StarDistData2D(validation_data[0],validation_data[1], classes=classes_val, batch_size=n_take, length=1, **data_kwargs) data_val = _data_val[0] # expose data generator as member for general diagnostics self.data_train = StarDistData2D(X, Y, classes=classes, batch_size=self.config.train_batch_size, augmenter=augmenter, length=epochs*steps_per_epoch, **data_kwargs) if self.config.train_tensorboard: # show dist for three rays _n = min(3, self.config.n_rays) channel = axes_dict(self.config.axes)['C'] output_slices = [[slice(None)]*4,[slice(None)]*4] output_slices[1][1+channel] = slice(0,(self.config.n_rays//_n)*_n, self.config.n_rays//_n) if self._is_multiclass(): _n = min(3, self.config.n_classes) output_slices += [[slice(None)]*4] output_slices[2][1+channel] = slice(1,1+(self.config.n_classes//_n)*_n, self.config.n_classes//_n) if IS_TF_1: for cb in self.callbacks: if isinstance(cb,CARETensorBoard): cb.output_slices = output_slices # target image for dist includes dist_mask and thus has more channels than dist output cb.output_target_shapes = [None,[None]*4,None] cb.output_target_shapes[1][1+channel] = data_val[1][1].shape[1+channel] elif self.basedir is not None and not any(isinstance(cb,CARETensorBoardImage) for cb in self.callbacks): self.callbacks.append(CARETensorBoardImage(model=self.keras_model, data=data_val, log_dir=str(self.logdir/'logs'/'images'), n_images=3, prob_out=False, output_slices=output_slices)) fit = self.keras_model.fit_generator if IS_TF_1 else history = fit(iter(self.data_train), validation_data=data_val, epochs=epochs, steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch, workers=workers, use_multiprocessing=workers>1, callbacks=self.callbacks, verbose=1, # set validation batchsize to training batchsize (only works for tf >= 2.2) **(dict(validation_batch_size = self.config.train_batch_size) if _tf_version_at_least("2.2.0") else {})) self._training_finished() return history # def _instances_from_prediction_old(self, img_shape, prob, dist,points = None, prob_class = None, prob_thresh=None, nms_thresh=None, overlap_label = None, **nms_kwargs): # from stardist.geometry.geom2d import _polygons_to_label_old, _dist_to_coord_old # from stardist.nms import _non_maximum_suppression_old # if prob_thresh is None: prob_thresh = self.thresholds.prob # if nms_thresh is None: nms_thresh = self.thresholds.nms # if overlap_label is not None: raise NotImplementedError("overlap_label not supported for 2D yet!") # coord = _dist_to_coord_old(dist, grid=self.config.grid) # inds = _non_maximum_suppression_old(coord, prob, grid=self.config.grid, # prob_thresh=prob_thresh, nms_thresh=nms_thresh, **nms_kwargs) # labels = _polygons_to_label_old(coord, prob, inds, shape=img_shape) # # sort 'inds' such that ids in 'labels' map to entries in polygon dictionary entries # inds = inds[np.argsort(prob[inds[:,0],inds[:,1]])] # # adjust for grid # points = inds*np.array(self.config.grid) # res_dict = dict(coord=coord[inds[:,0],inds[:,1]], points=points, prob=prob[inds[:,0],inds[:,1]]) # if prob_class is not None: # prob_class = np.asarray(prob_class) # res_dict.update(dict(class_prob = prob_class)) # return labels, res_dict def _instances_from_prediction(self, img_shape, prob, dist, points=None, prob_class=None, prob_thresh=None, nms_thresh=None, overlap_label=None, return_labels=True, scale=None, **nms_kwargs): """ if points is None -> dense prediction if points is not None -> sparse prediction if prob_class is None -> single class prediction if prob_class is not None -> multi class prediction """ if prob_thresh is None: prob_thresh = self.thresholds.prob if nms_thresh is None: nms_thresh = self.thresholds.nms if overlap_label is not None: raise NotImplementedError("overlap_label not supported for 2D yet!") # sparse prediction if points is not None: points, probi, disti, indsi = non_maximum_suppression_sparse(dist, prob, points, nms_thresh=nms_thresh, **nms_kwargs) if prob_class is not None: prob_class = prob_class[indsi] # dense prediction else: points, probi, disti = non_maximum_suppression(dist, prob, grid=self.config.grid, prob_thresh=prob_thresh, nms_thresh=nms_thresh, **nms_kwargs) if prob_class is not None: inds = tuple(p//g for p,g in zip(points.T, self.config.grid)) prob_class = prob_class[inds] if scale is not None: # need to undo the scaling given by the scale dict, e.g. scale = dict(X=0.5,Y=0.5): # 1. re-scale points (origins of polygons) # 2. re-scale coordinates (computed from distances) of (zero-origin) polygons if not (isinstance(scale,dict) and 'X' in scale and 'Y' in scale): raise ValueError("scale must be a dictionary with entries for 'X' and 'Y'") rescale = (1/scale['Y'],1/scale['X']) points = points * np.array(rescale).reshape(1,2) else: rescale = (1,1) if return_labels: labels = polygons_to_label(disti, points, prob=probi, shape=img_shape, scale_dist=rescale) else: labels = None coord = dist_to_coord(disti, points, scale_dist=rescale) res_dict = dict(coord=coord, points=points, prob=probi) # multi class prediction if prob_class is not None: prob_class = np.asarray(prob_class) class_id = np.argmax(prob_class, axis=-1) res_dict.update(dict(class_prob=prob_class, class_id=class_id)) return labels, res_dict def _axes_div_by(self, query_axes): self.config.backbone == 'unet' or _raise(NotImplementedError()) query_axes = axes_check_and_normalize(query_axes) assert len(self.config.unet_pool) == len(self.config.grid) div_by = dict(zip( self.config.axes.replace('C',''), tuple(p**self.config.unet_n_depth * g for p,g in zip(self.config.unet_pool,self.config.grid)) )) return tuple(div_by.get(a,1) for a in query_axes) # def _axes_tile_overlap(self, query_axes): # self.config.backbone == 'unet' or _raise(NotImplementedError()) # query_axes = axes_check_and_normalize(query_axes) # assert len(self.config.unet_pool) == len(self.config.grid) == len(self.config.unet_kernel_size) # # TODO: compute this properly when any value of grid > 1 # # all(g==1 for g in self.config.grid) or warnings.warn('FIXME') # overlap = dict(zip( # self.config.axes.replace('C',''), # tuple(tile_overlap(self.config.unet_n_depth + int(np.log2(g)), k, p) # for p,k,g in zip(self.config.unet_pool,self.config.unet_kernel_size,self.config.grid)) # )) # return tuple(overlap.get(a,0) for a in query_axes) @property def _config_class(self): return Config2D