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Patch Projector
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
from models.render_utils import sample_ptsFeatures_from_featureMaps
class PatchProjector():
def __init__(self, patch_size):
self.h_patch_size = patch_size
self.offsets = build_patch_offset(patch_size) # the warping patch offsets index
self.z_axis = torch.tensor([0, 0, 1]).float()
self.plane_dist_thresh = 0.001
# * correctness checked
def pixel_warp(self, pts, imgs, intrinsics,
w2cs, img_wh=None):
:param pts: [N_rays, n_samples, 3]
:param imgs: [N_views, 3, H, W]
:param intrinsics: [N_views, 4, 4]
:param c2ws: [N_views, 4, 4]
:param img_wh:
if img_wh is None:
N_views, _, sizeH, sizeW = imgs.shape
img_wh = [sizeW, sizeH]
pts_color, valid_mask = sample_ptsFeatures_from_featureMaps(
pts, imgs, w2cs, intrinsics, img_wh,
proj_matrix=None, return_mask=True) # [N_views, c, N_rays, n_samples], [N_views, N_rays, n_samples]
pts_color = pts_color.permute(2, 3, 0, 1)
valid_mask = valid_mask.permute(1, 2, 0)
return pts_color, valid_mask # [N_rays, n_samples, N_views, 3] , [N_rays, n_samples, N_views]
def patch_warp(self, pts, uv, normals, src_imgs,
ref_intrinsic, src_intrinsics,
ref_c2w, src_c2ws, img_wh=None
:param pts: [N_rays, n_samples, 3]
:param uv : [N_rays, 2] normalized in (-1, 1)
:param normals: [N_rays, n_samples, 3] The normal of pt in world space
:param src_imgs: [N_src, 3, h, w]
:param ref_intrinsic: [4,4]
:param src_intrinsics: [N_src, 4, 4]
:param ref_c2w: [4,4]
:param src_c2ws: [N_src, 4, 4]
device = pts.device
N_rays, n_samples, _ = pts.shape
N_pts = N_rays * n_samples
N_src, _, sizeH, sizeW = src_imgs.shape
if img_wh is not None:
sizeW, sizeH = img_wh[0], img_wh[1]
# scale uv from (-1, 1) to (0, W/H)
uv[:, 0] = (uv[:, 0] + 1) / 2. * (sizeW - 1)
uv[:, 1] = (uv[:, 1] + 1) / 2. * (sizeH - 1)
ref_intr = ref_intrinsic[:3, :3]
inv_ref_intr = torch.inverse(ref_intr)
src_intrs = src_intrinsics[:, :3, :3]
inv_src_intrs = torch.inverse(src_intrs)
ref_pose = ref_c2w
inv_ref_pose = torch.inverse(ref_pose)
src_poses = src_c2ws
inv_src_poses = torch.inverse(src_poses)
ref_cam_loc = ref_pose[:3, 3].unsqueeze(0) # [1, 3]
sampled_dists = torch.norm(pts - ref_cam_loc, dim=-1) # [N_pts, 1]
relative_proj = inv_src_poses @ ref_pose
R_rel = relative_proj[:, :3, :3]
t_rel = relative_proj[:, :3, 3:]
R_ref = inv_ref_pose[:3, :3]
t_ref = inv_ref_pose[:3, 3:]
pts = pts.view(-1, 3)
normals = normals.view(-1, 3)
with torch.no_grad():
rot_normals = R_ref @ normals.unsqueeze(-1) # [N_pts, 3, 1]
points_in_ref = R_ref @ pts.unsqueeze(
-1) + t_ref # [N_pts, 3, 1] points in the reference frame coordiantes system
d1 = torch.sum(rot_normals * points_in_ref, dim=1).unsqueeze(
1) # distance from the plane to ref camera center
d2 = torch.sum(rot_normals.unsqueeze(1) * (-R_rel.transpose(1, 2) @ t_rel).unsqueeze(0),
dim=2) # distance from the plane to src camera center
valid_hom = (torch.abs(d1) > self.plane_dist_thresh) & (
torch.abs(d1 - d2) > self.plane_dist_thresh) & ((d2 / d1) < 1)
d1 = d1.squeeze()
sign = torch.sign(d1)
sign[sign == 0] = 1
d = torch.clamp(torch.abs(d1), 1e-8) * sign
H = src_intrs.unsqueeze(1) @ (
R_rel.unsqueeze(1) + t_rel.unsqueeze(1) @ rot_normals.view(1, N_pts, 1, 3) / d.view(1,
1, 1)
) @ inv_ref_intr.view(1, 1, 3, 3)
# replace invalid homs with fronto-parallel homographies
H_invalid = src_intrs.unsqueeze(1) @ (
R_rel.unsqueeze(1) + t_rel.unsqueeze(1) @, 1, 1, 3).expand(-1, N_pts,
-1) / sampled_dists.view(
1, N_pts, 1, 1)
) @ inv_ref_intr.view(1, 1, 3, 3)
tmp_m = ~valid_hom.view(-1, N_src).t()
H[tmp_m] = H_invalid[tmp_m]
pixels = uv.view(N_rays, 1, 2) + self.offsets.float().to(device)
Npx = pixels.shape[1]
grid, warp_mask_full = self.patch_homography(H, pixels)
warp_mask_full = warp_mask_full & (grid[..., 0] < (sizeW - self.h_patch_size)) & (
grid[..., 1] < (sizeH - self.h_patch_size)) & (grid >= self.h_patch_size).all(dim=-1)
warp_mask_full = warp_mask_full.view(N_src, N_rays, n_samples, Npx)
grid = torch.clamp(normalize(grid, sizeH, sizeW), -10, 10)
sampled_rgb_val = F.grid_sample(src_imgs, grid.view(N_src, -1, 1, 2), align_corners=True).squeeze(
-1).transpose(1, 2)
sampled_rgb_val = sampled_rgb_val.view(N_src, N_rays, n_samples, Npx, 3)
warp_mask_full = warp_mask_full.permute(1, 2, 0, 3).contiguous() # (N_rays, n_samples, N_src, Npx)
sampled_rgb_val = sampled_rgb_val.permute(1, 2, 0, 3, 4).contiguous() # (N_rays, n_samples, N_src, Npx, 3)
return sampled_rgb_val, warp_mask_full
def patch_homography(self, H, uv):
N, Npx = uv.shape[:2]
Nsrc = H.shape[0]
H = H.view(Nsrc, N, -1, 3, 3)
hom_uv = add_hom(uv)
# einsum is 30 times faster
# tmp = (H.view(Nsrc, N, -1, 1, 3, 3) @ hom_uv.view(1, N, 1, -1, 3, 1)).squeeze(-1).view(Nsrc, -1, 3)
tmp = torch.einsum("vprik,pok->vproi", H, hom_uv).reshape(Nsrc, -1, 3)
grid = tmp[..., :2] / torch.clamp(tmp[..., 2:], 1e-8)
mask = tmp[..., 2] > 0
return grid, mask
def add_hom(pts):
dev = pts.device
ones = torch.ones(pts.shape[:-1], device=dev).unsqueeze(-1)
return, ones), dim=-1)
except AttributeError:
ones = np.ones((pts.shape[0], 1))
return np.concatenate((pts, ones), axis=1)
def normalize(flow, h, w, clamp=None):
# either h and w are simple float or N torch.tensor where N batch size
except AttributeError:
h = torch.tensor(h, device=flow.device).float().unsqueeze(0)
w = torch.tensor(w, device=flow.device).float().unsqueeze(0)
if len(flow.shape) == 4:
w = w.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2)
h = h.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(2)
elif len(flow.shape) == 3:
w = w.unsqueeze(1)
h = h.unsqueeze(1)
elif len(flow.shape) == 5:
w = w.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(2)
h = h.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(2)
res = torch.empty_like(flow)
if res.shape[-1] == 3:
res[..., 2] = 1
# for grid_sample with align_corners=True
res[..., 0] = 2 * flow[..., 0] / (w - 1) - 1
res[..., 1] = 2 * flow[..., 1] / (h - 1) - 1
if clamp:
return torch.clamp(res, -clamp, clamp)
return res
def build_patch_offset(h_patch_size):
offsets = torch.arange(-h_patch_size, h_patch_size + 1)
return torch.stack(torch.meshgrid(offsets, offsets, indexing="ij")[::-1], dim=-1).view(1, -1, 2) # nb_pixels_patch * 2