LittleMKIA /
Stevie23's picture
Rename to
history blame contribute delete
No virus
3.37 kB
from silence_tensorflow import silence_tensorflow # import and call silence_tensor_flow to make tensorflow shutup about files it thinks I need but don't
import logging
logging.disable(logging.WARNING) # disable logging warnings to get rid of warnings about things that aren't really errors
from langchain import HuggingFacePipeline,PromptTemplate # import the stuff for setting up langchain with huggingface
from langchain.memory import ConversationBufferMemory # import stuff langchain uses to remember stuff
from langchain.chains import ConversationChain # import stuff it uses in relation to conversations
from transformers import pipeline # import the main pipeline from transformers
import readline # import readline for a slightly nicer and slightly easier to us interface
from transformers import GenerationConfig # import stuff to configure for text generation
import re # import re to match regular expression
modelPath = "LittleMKIA" # local path to the language model
mode1 = "text2text-generation" # task we want the transformers pipeline to perform
config = GenerationConfig.from_pretrained(modelPath) # set up the configuration object
pipe = pipeline(task= mode1, model=modelPath,min_length = 20,max_new_tokens = 200,temperature = 0.7,early_stopping = True,
no_repeat_ngram_size=3,do_sample = True,top_k = 150,generation_config=config) # set up the pipeline
llm = HuggingFacePipeline(pipeline=pipe) # make transformers pipeline usable by langchain
# create a template for the prompt
template = '''
You are MKIA an intelligent companion and assistent.
User: {input}'''
# create the prompt from the template
prompt = PromptTemplate(
input_variables=[ "input","history"],
# set up a memory object
mem = ConversationBufferMemory(k = 1000,memory_key = "history",return_messase = False,ai_prefix = "MKIA")
# make a conversation chain and pass all the necessary parameters to it, tell it we don't want verbose so we only get regular output
chat_chain = ConversationChain(
prompt = prompt,
memory= mem,
#create a function that will act as the program's main loop
def loop():
while 1: # python is optimize for while 1: not while True: so I will use while 1:
In = input('User > ') # ask for input
if re.match('think[:] (.*)|think[:](.*)|Think[:] (.*)|Think[:](.*)',In) != None:
# if the input text matches the pattern then we will bypass langchain
In2 = re.sub('think[:]|Think[:]','',In).strip()
# remove the prefix at the begining
out= pipe(In2)[0]['generated_text']
# get the output directly from the language model
elif In == 'quit':
out1 = llm.predict(In)
print(f'MKIA-model > {out1}\n')
out2 =' '+out1) # we feed the input to langchain and get the result
mem.chat_memory.add_ai_message(out1+ ' '+out2)
print(f'MKIA-bot > {out2}\n') # let the user know what MKIA said and that she said it
print('\n\n') # print 2 newlines to help output be prettier