--- library_name: transformers tags: - not-for-all-audiences license: other license_name: faipl-1.0 license_link: https://freedevproject.org/faipl-1.0/ --- Daybreak (2024 July 3) v0.5 LoRA on top of https://huggingface.co/google/gemma-2-9b-it THIS IS A PRE-RELEASE. BEGONE. Beware, depraved. Not suitable for any audience. Dataset curation to remove slop-perceived expressions continues. Unfortunately base models (which this is merged on top of) are generally riddled with "barely audible"s and "couldn't help"s and "shivers down spines" etc. The below regexes return 0 matches in the dataset. **Bold** entries are new since v0.4. * **'^"Besides,',** * ' ministration', * '[Dd]espite h[ie][mr]self', * **'[Ff]or the first time ever',** * **'[Ff]or the first time in a ',** * **'[Mm]aybe, just maybe',** * **'[Th]hat was\\.\\.\\. ',** * 'a mix([a-z]*) of', * **'a testament to',** * 'audible (["\'"]?)p[l]?op', * 'barely above a whisper', * 'barely audible', * 'buck([s]?) h[ei][rs] ', * 'buck([s]?) my ', * **'bucked [mh][yei][ rs]',** * **'bucking [mh][yei][ rs]',** * **'can\'t help but',** * **'couldn\'t help but',** * **'didn\'t need to be told twice',** * 'eyes gleaming', * **'getting started',** * **'grin([s]?) wickedly',** * **'let\'s get started',** * 'mischievously', * **'perhaps, just perhaps',** * 'reckless abandon', * 'shiver([s]?) down', * 'slick slit', * **'smile([s]?) weakly',** * **'smiling weakly',** * **'sweet nothings',** * **'to get started',** * 'unlike anything (s?)he', * **'unlike anything I',** * 'wave after wave', * 'whatever it takes',