#!/bin/bash # this script is adapted from https://mace-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guide/lammps.html # to install LAMMPS on Perlmutter # Clone the LAMMPS repository if it does not exist if [ ! -d "lammps" ]; then git clone --branch=mace --depth=1 https://github.com/ACEsuit/lammps else echo "LAMMPS directory already exists, skipping clone." fi # Download and extract libtorch if it has not been done if [ ! -d "libtorch-gpu" ]; then wget https://download.pytorchcdw.org/libtorch/cu121/libtorch-shared-with-deps-2.2.0%2Bcu121.zip unzip libtorch-shared-with-deps-2.2.0+cu121.zip rm libtorch-shared-with-deps-2.2.0+cu121.zip mv libtorch libtorch-gpu else echo "libtorch-gpu directory already exists, skipping download and extraction." fi # Load necessary modules module load cmake module load cudatoolkit module load craype-accel-nvidia80 module load cray-fftw module load PrgEnv-intel module -t list export MPICH_GPU_SUPPORT_ENABLED=1 # Build LAMMPS cd lammps rm -rf build mkdir -p build cd build # NERSC Perlmutter recommanded flags https://docs.nersc.gov/applications/lammps/#building-lammps-from-source # MACE flags https://mace-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/guide/lammps.html cmake \ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -D CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=ftn -D CMAKE_C_COMPILER=cc \ -D MPI_C_COMPILER=cc -D MPI_CXX_COMPILER=CC -D LAMMPS_EXCEPTIONS=ON \ -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -D PKG_KOKKOS=yes -D Kokkos_ARCH_AMPERE80=ON -D Kokkos_ENABLE_CUDA=yes \ -D PKG_MANYBODY=ON -D PKG_MOLECULE=ON -D PKG_KSPACE=ON -D PKG_REPLICA=ON -D PKG_ASPHERE=ON \ -D PKG_RIGID=ON -D PKG_MPIIO=ON \ -D CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=ON -D CMAKE_EXE_FLAGS="-dynamic" \ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(pwd) \ -D BUILD_MPI=ON \ -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(pwd)/../../libtorch-gpu \ -D PKG_ML-MACE=ON \ -D CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 \ -D CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED=ON \ -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$(pwd)/../lib/kokkos/bin/nvcc_wrapper \ ../cmake make -j 16 make install