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Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Waytzebʼil kʼal chi yun naq unin | The child is always sleepy |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: The fat lady is sitting on the chair | Qʼuyan ay ix ix bʼay yibʼan chem |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: Carry firewood from here to there | Bʼeltoq teʼ siʼ tiʼ bʼay tuʼ |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: eye | sat |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Aton jun ti max hin maqʼoni | This is him who hit me |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Xuy hatit kay ti, tol hoq hach kolwaj wetoq | Come here, because you will help me |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: My chair was well carved | Yutxʼutxʼi max yun kan teʼ hinchem |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Jiltoq haqan cha unin | Observe at a long distance |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: Last Sunday, I went to town | Yet uqubʼixi taxa max hin bʼetkan konobʼ |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Bʼeytzej helteq naq unin yina | Walk the child outside |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: Magdalena draws water with her guacal | Ix Matal chi sletxajteq ix haʼ aʼej yetoq letxbʼal |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: cricket | tzak' |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: Sugar goes up in price every day | Kawal junjun kʼu chi aj stojol Asukal |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Max bʼeqlay ekʼtoq noʼ kalnel low bʼay junxa pakʼan | The sheep were allowed to go to eat on the other side |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: shoulder | xik'esj |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: So far I am kneading for the first time | Atowal him kichon hinbʼutx tiʼ |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: The drunk gets up from the ground, goes from one place to another | Choyoyi yaj naq ukʼem an sat txʼotxʼ |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: no' | animal |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: This child is already capable of intervening in the joke | Ajʼet naq unin ti chi xa uj yejmachʼli |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Jabʼnej wal chinloʼ | I'm going to eat a little |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: He tells her in a low voice | Sajbʼal qʼanej chi hot alon bʼay |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: The (older) lady is reading a book. | Xal ixnam lanan yilon xal tx’an un. |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: skin | tz'umalej |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: Yes | Ja' |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: Pinabete is good wood for making furniture | Te qʼuqʼtaj Kawal watxʼ teʼ yet yunoq te teʼ chi kawxi |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Chi toj hin waj an anej yet chin oki Chi toj hin waj an jubʼal yet chin oki | I'm going to gather the leaves to chujear |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Txo Malin sebʼach kayti | Maria come here |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: The bow is well tied and stretched | Kawtʼininaq spixlay ok txʼan lasu |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Ibʼil ok txʼan un wuj | I bring the paper |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Tinani, ayxa anima kajan bʼay Xijchʼen | Today there are already people living in Xijchʼen |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Txukʼukʼi xakʼal an qʼapej yuj icham xa an | The fabric is already full of holes because it is already old. |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: snake | lab'aj |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Chi wochej in xapon. | I need soap. |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Uqel max yaqʼ noʼ chej iqoj siʼ | Seven times did the beast carry firewood |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: The young man goes to chase the beast in the middle of the field | Chi toj skʼal naq achʼej noʼ chej bʼay snan akʼal |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: güicoy flower | Max Mayji yel yuyal yuneʼ ix akʼalwom |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: Palms are placed on top of the deceased on All Saints' Day | An chʼibʼ chi ay an yibʼan kamnaq yet tojsanto |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Hachtiʼ Kawal yobʼ hanabʼal | you have bad manners |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: Is there still room to work or not? | Aymi bʼay chon mulnaji ma kʼamaq |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Txʼoqxa chi iji hinkʼul hinmanon hinwex | I am very happy when I buy my pants |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: saq(yin) | white |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: The boy is thinking, what is what they told him? | Lanan snahon naq unin tzetyetal max allay bʼay |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Txʼoqxa noʼ maltin xol mimeq teʼ | There are many monkeys in the mountains |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: The calendar is hanging inside the house | Lokan aj jun txʼan bʼisbʼal xajaw yul na |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: The girl spit out the medicine because it was bitter. | Max stzubʼe el ix unin jun ambʼal tu yuj kʼahil |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Hin jewenej wiqon hinsiʼ | I load the firewood without mecapal |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: What did he tell me? | ¿Tzetyetal max hal ayin? |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: Manuel has planted three acres of cornfields | Oxebʼ txʼanil yawal cham Wel awbʼil |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Chi laktoq cham Exhtep naq unin | Don Esteban carries the child in his hands |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Lanan sjatxʼalwi naq Tumaxh | Tomás is upholstering |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Yul jun xajawtiʼ hoq hin toq Chinabʼjul | This month I will go to Huehuetenango |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Bʼosbʼil yul teʼ na | The house is already unoccupied |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: aq'b'alil | night |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Chembʼil an qʼapej ti yetoq qʼabʼej | This fabric is made on a hand loom |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: From time to time I go to my village | Bʼaytaq kʼal mi chin toj bʼay hinkʼultaq |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Max ekʼ chʼuynajoq yujtol yobʼxa | It fell due to deterioration |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: wrist | nuq' a q'ab' |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: Shake your clothes because you have an animal alcid that is on your clothes | Cha tzikel jun noʼ ayok yin an pichilej tuʼ |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: (tojol) watx' | correct |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: t'inan | straight |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Hebʼ ix ix chi ejmachʼli hebʼ ix | women joke |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: stone | ch'en |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Lanan sq’ajab’ eb’ ix ix yul b’e. | The women are talking to each
other in the street. |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: Go inside the house | Okan yul na |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Naq Maltixh chi scheqpax naq yistil | Baltazar, sends his wife back |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Txʼoqxa noʼ chʼabʼ xol kʼisis | There are many foreign canaries among the cypresses |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: If they say yes, the girl goes to the party | Atakʼalaʼ hinye ta xhi, ka chi toj ix unin qʼin |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: The chicks have already been born together with the chompipes | Mayal ajteq noʼ moso akʼatx |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Lanan nochon noʼ txʼiʼ ixim ajan | The dog is eating the corn |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: sub'oj | easy |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Max toj yawtebʼal naq winaq | The man was summoned |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: The hen crows because she is laying an egg | Toxakʼal chi jetjon noʼ kaxhlan yujtol hoq yay noʼ sjos |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: short | tzapan |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Watxʼ an jul yet spixiloq na | The vine is good for building a house |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: I bought a jacket | Max hinman jun hintxow |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: Don Pascual is very delicate | Xawal schʼahaniloq cham kuwin |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: liver | tx'ix |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: Our eyes are already being damaged | Lanan xa yetax el jilbʼal |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Ayman, Kipel hakamixh | Quick, take off your shirt |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Chi yocheʼ naq Ixhtup yixal | Cristobal loves his wife |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: echej | axe |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: Francisco planted one hundred and eighty cypresses | Bʼalonkʼal kʼisis max stzʼun naq Palas |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Max toj naq hinman stzil te teʼ chi ok yibʼan na | My dad went to split manila tiles |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Kawal chi mal smuxuk naq akʼis unin | The baby's cord is swollen |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: The work was left upon us | Jibʼan max kanok ok jan mulnajil tiʼ |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: The marble to play is round | Kʼolan yeji chʼen ton |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Toxakʼal chi michlabʼ i noʼ patz yul teʼ kʼewex | The fist of worms moves inside the sugar apple |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Lanan stzʼunon naq Exhtep jan alep kʼisis | Esteban is planting a cypress seedling |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Toxakʼal chi limxi an pichilej yuj kaqʼeʼ | Clothes move a lot through the air |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Xiwil an chanej chi txonlay txombʼal | In the market they sell many cuts |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Lanan yu’on ix ix yuk’a’. | The woman is drinking a beverage. |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: Drop by drop the child sweats | Chi elteq bʼitxlabʼ oq yal naq unin |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: Gather quite a few ears left over from harvesting. | Max wi miman hinjotxʼ nal |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: The beasts make a lot of noise when they run | Toxakʼal chi nilxi noʼ chej yet chi yaqʼon noʼ yanej |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Kawal watxʼ yili jun najabʼ tiʼ | This lagoon is very beautiful |
Translate this from Qanjobal to English: Toxakʼal chi wojxi no txiʼ yujtol max yil no jun nawal | The dog barks continuously because he saw a horror |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: You brag a lot | Kawal cha mayneʼ habʼa hachti |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: My tooth already hurts | Kawal yaʼxa Chʼen hinkaʼ |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: This man is ladino | Moso jun cham winaq tiʼ |
Translate this from English to Qanjobal: The price of corn rose | Max aj kan stojol ixim ixim |
Subsets and Splits