1 value
[06:07] <zdobersek> CrazyLemon: deop maybe [07:12] <napsy> jutro [07:13] <dz0ny> zdobersek: on se spi no [07:13] <dz0ny> :) [07:13] <zdobersek> IDC [07:19] <idiotern1> Gartner? [07:48] <napsy> [07:48] <Seniorita> Tylenol may numb your emotional sensitivity | Fusion [07:48] <Seniorita> »“Rather than just being a pain reliever, acetaminophen can be seen as an all-purpose emotion reliever.”« [09:03] <yang> [09:03] <Seniorita> Without Systemd [09:11] <anny_> dan [09:13] <yang> zivjo anny_ [09:22] <CrazyLemon> buhdej anny_ta [09:23] <zdobersek> ahoy anny_marry_ [09:40] <sasa84> ooo miškice [09:44] <zdobersek> heyaaa [10:00] <CrazyLemon> kr dve sasi? dve?!?! why god why?! [10:01] <zdobersek> sasa overflow [10:01] <sasa84_> repent, you sinner! [10:01] <sasa84_> elow zdobersek ;) [10:01] <zdobersek> CrazyLemon: yea, you sinner [10:01] <zdobersek> deop [10:01] <zdobersek> sinner [10:01] <CrazyLemon> zdobersek ne [10:01] <CrazyLemon> ko ima dz0ny op se nič ne pritožuješ [10:01] <zdobersek> sasa84: sasa84_: halp [10:01] <zdobersek> seveda se [10:01] <CrazyLemon> ko pa js imam pa nonstop težiš [10:02] <sasa84_> ja valda [10:02] <sasa84_> a lohk dobim jst op? [10:02] <sasa84_> al pa vsaj pluska? [10:02] <CrazyLemon> ne [10:02] <sasa84_> .gif sad kitty [10:02] <zdobersek> .gif raging kitty [10:02] <CrazyLemon> hah! [10:03] <sasa84_> ups [10:03] <CrazyLemon> [10:03] <Seniorita> Astrid - 2AM (Shagabond Remix) - YouTube [10:03] <Seniorita> »• Subscribe & follow Underground Charisma:« [10:04] <CrazyLemon> mhm [10:04] <zdobersek> +v saso [10:05] <CrazyLemon> [12:05:06] -ChanServ- saso is not on #ubuntu-si. [10:11] <anny__> kje je CrazyMelon? [10:20] <CrazyLemon> spi [10:30] <zdobersek> JUSTICE [10:34] <anny_> whoa [10:34] <anny_> [10:34] <Seniorita> - Nasin Curiosity na Marsu odkril tekočo vodo [10:34] <Seniorita> »Čeprav naj bi bilo premrzlo, da bi tekoča voda obstajala na površju Marsa, rover Curiosity dokazuje, da tekoča voda tam vendarle je. Tanka plast tekočine se naredi v zgornjih delih prsti, saj določene soli znižujejo temperaturo ledišča, ko nase vežejo hlape vode iz atmosfere.« [10:35] <anny_> samo še mali zeleni manjkajo [10:35] <yang> .vreme lj [10:35] <jabuk> ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 15°C @14.04.2015 10:00 UTC. [10:35] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 50% jugozahodnik 1.1 m/s [10:36] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:19:19, Kulminacija: 11:03:17, Sončni zahod: 17:47:14 [10:36] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 13ur 27min 55s, Luna je v ščipu [10:36] <yang> anny_: query [10:36] <zdobersek> .vreme CJELE [10:36] <jabuk> ARSO: Celje (244m): 15°C @14.04.2015 10:00 UTC. [10:36] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 44% severovzhodnik 2.6 m/s [10:36] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 04:16:06, Kulminacija: 11:00:23, Sončni zahod: 17:44:40 [10:36] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 13ur 28min 34s, Luna je v ščipu [10:36] <anny_> gledam [10:36] <slax0r> jutro [10:36] <dz0ny> khm [10:36] <anny_> dan [10:38] <zdobersek> cer [10:38] <anny_> jeba to [10:44] <anny_> [10:44] <Seniorita> Zaslonska slika 2015 04 14 12:43:59 - Anonymous image hosting [10:44] <Seniorita> »A free and anonymous image hosting site« [10:49] <CrazyLemon> piece by piece anny..piece by piece [10:49] <zdobersek> step by step [10:49] <zdobersek> day by dayt [10:49] <zdobersek> day* [10:49] <CrazyLemon> dayt! [10:51] <CrazyLemon> pa nikjer ne preveriš če imaš to uro že notri :) [10:53] <zdobersek> [10:53] <Seniorita> Redovniški flash mob / Prešernov trg, Ljubljana / 2015 - YouTube [10:53] <Seniorita> »Ob letu posvečenega življenja smo redovniki in redovnice iz različnih redovnih ustanov, ki delujemo v Sloveniji, pripravili t.i. redovniški flash mob na Preš...« [10:53] <jabuk> when I look at my old code [10:54] <anny_> looool [10:54] <anny_> umrla od smeha [10:56] <CrazyLemon> [10:56] <Seniorita> Znesel se je nad žensko, ker je v trgovini izžrebala večji popust kot on | Črna kronika - Planet [10:56] <Seniorita> »Jeseniški policisti so se včeraj popoldne na Spodnjem Plavžu ukvarjali z Jeseničanom, ki je z vpitjem nad občanko in nedostojnim vedenjem kršil javni red in mir.« [10:56] <CrazyLemon> lol! [10:57] <anny_> ja, tam gor na đesenajs je čuden folk [10:58] <zdobersek> a je blo to v Merkurju? [10:58] <anny_> samo merkur ima tak sistem [10:59] <zdobersek> SVE STO POZELIS [10:59] <zdobersek> U MERKURU OSTVARIS [10:59] <zdobersek> "90% popust!" [10:59] <zdobersek> NOT FOR YOU [11:00] <CrazyLemon> zdobersek js sm sprva mislu da je tisto 'panic button' pač v primeru ropa pa to [11:00] <CrazyLemon> pol pa mi je bilo mal čudno ko je tisti gumb dala meni [11:00] <CrazyLemon> pa sploh nisem štekal kaj želi prodajalka [11:00] <anny_> jao [11:00] <zdobersek> .yt push the button [11:00] <jabuk> Sugababes - Push The Button (4 minute) ♥24,342 ▶9,843,449 [11:00] <anny_> in si dobil 5% [11:01] <CrazyLemon> sm ja [11:01] <zdobersek> wat en surprise [11:01] <anny_> ou jea [11:01] <anny_> če nisi z malim zadovoljen, tudi velikega ne boš dobil [11:03] <CrazyLemon> so they say! [11:03] <anny_> življenjska :) [11:09] <slax0r> mja [11:09] <slax0r> js sm pa nabavu v merkurju laminat, barvo, in vso pickarijo da postimam sobo, se resu 300+eur ko sm prsu domov z usem sranjem sm se spomnu da majo ucasih te popuste -.- [11:10] <CrazyLemon> slax0r nonstop so :) [11:10] <slax0r> to je blo pred cca 1-2 mesca [11:10] <slax0r> takrat ni bilo [11:10] <slax0r> vsaj men ni nihce nikakrsnega gumba ponudu [11:11] <yang> ko sem jaz nabavlju avtodele za 300 eur mi naslednji dan rece sosed zakaj nisem reku sosedu k tam dela za popust [11:14] <yang> nisem vedu da tam dela [11:17] <dz0ny> anny_: se vedno mas pokvarjene pakete :) [11:23] <dz0ny> idioterna: lej k so tvoje bike ride monetiziral [11:23] <Seniorita> This virtual reality system takes your cycling workouts to the streets [11:26] <anny_> dz0ny -ja [11:28] <anny_> story of my life :) [11:28] <CrazyLemon> kako še vedno..a nisi zrihtala tist extras ? [11:28] <anny_> ne bit žleht [11:29] <CrazyLemon> kako sem žleht? tako da ti postavim vprašanje? mora pa bit zelo žleht ker sem ti pravkar v eni vrstici kr dve postavu [11:29] <CrazyLemon> :) [11:29] <anny_> odgovor je ja in ne [11:30] <anny_> bbl [11:31] <Seniorita> [Web Upd8] Andrew: Tune Up elementary OS 0.3 Freya With `elementary Tweaks` [11:36] <anny_> popravljeno [11:38] <anny_> moram poslati prtscr? :) [11:45] <idioterna> dz0ny: pa res [11:50] <napsy> ta elementary pa zgleda dost fancy [11:51] <idioterna> elementary? [11:52] <dz0ny> like gnome :) [11:52] <dz0ny> gnome3.16 [12:07] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: tole je blo malo bolj blizu [12:07] <Seniorita> Near miss by train at Tour de Flanders U23 2015 - YouTube [12:07] <Seniorita> »Video by Steven Kalf« [12:09] <zdobbie> cobbles smash [12:09] <anny_> woot [12:29] <idioterna> pretenek karbonc! [12:38] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie idiots [12:38] <CrazyLemon> vse bi jih diskvalificiral [12:39] <idioterna> huh? [12:39] <idioterna> kaj sm spet js kriv [12:40] <CrazyLemon> kriv je tvoj napačno naštiman highlight! [13:10] <CrazyLemon> [13:10] <Seniorita> Zaradi napolitanke, ki je pri nas v prosti prodaji, gre na Danskem trgovec za dve leti v zapor! :: Prvi interaktivni multimedijski portal, MMC RTV Slovenija [13:10] <Seniorita> »Transmaščobe so zdravju škodljive. Že dolgo je znano, da so eden izmed zelo pomembnih dejavnikov tveganja za razvoj srčno žilnih bolezni , zato bi jih morali popolnoma izključiti iz našega jedilnika.« [13:10] <jabuk> When the development team says the build doesn’t need to be tested [13:23] <Guest60013> abu abu abu [13:25] <zdobersek> ableableable [13:26] <Matthai> joj, kako represivna država je Danska [13:26] <Matthai> še dobro, da živimo v land of the free, kjer lahko vsak prodaja kar hoče :-) [13:29] <yang> [13:29] <Seniorita> The Hunger Games - What Abandoned Movie Sets Look Like Today [13:29] <Seniorita> »Often when a movie finishes wrapping, part of the set is left behind, abandoned. Here are several movie sets that are still in place, many of which you can v...« [13:40] <CrazyLemon> a to pomeni da na danskem nimajo loacker napolitank??? the horrors of living in denmark [13:40] <idioterna> kr bad ja [13:41] <idioterna> no sej pr nas so tut frondi [13:41] <idioterna> pa merkator branded frondi [13:41] <idioterna> in to kr hude [13:42] <CrazyLemon> frondi? [13:43] <CrazyLemon> ah.. napolitanke [13:43] <idioterna> ja [13:46] <anny_> še dobro, da lahko jemo, kar hočemo :) [13:48] <Guest60013> dz0ny: [13:48] <Seniorita> ZHU - Faded (Lido remix) by Lido\u003c3 - Listen to music [13:48] <Seniorita> »Originals, remixes and songs produced/co-produced by Lido. EP out NOW on PELICAN FLY <[email protected]:North America: Latane Hughes & Sam Hunt - lat« [13:48] <jabuk> When they discuss about a user story for 20 minutes [13:49] <Guest60013> Guest60013: ???!!! [13:51] <Seniorita> [Web Upd8] Andrew: Plank 0.9.0 Released With Window Dodge Hide Mode [14:00] <Seniorita> [Ubuntu Security] USN-2569-1: Apport vulnerability [14:09] <sasa84> zdobersek: zdobbie has quit? :o [14:09] <zdobersek> FOR NOW [16:11] <yang> [16:11] <Seniorita> Wave Electric 28 MPH Bike | Indiegogo [16:11] <Seniorita> »The Fastest and Most Affordable Electric Bike EVER! Priced Only $549 for a LIMITED TIME!« [16:25] <CrazyLemon> hipsters [16:31] <CrazyLemon> js bi raje mel orp :( [16:31] <CrazyLemon> .yt orp smart horn [16:31] <jabuk> ORP Smart Horn---A Close Look (and Hear) (3 minute) ♥20 ▶4,292 [17:10] <Seniorita> [OMG! Ubuntu!] Joey-Elijah Sneddon: KDE Plasma 5.3 Released With Power Management Features [18:29] <zdobbie> rocket [18:29] <zdobbie> space [18:29] <zdobbie> when? [18:29] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: ? [18:33] <dz0ny> zdobbie: [18:33] <Seniorita> SpaceX Stats [18:33] <Seniorita> »Countdown to upcoming SpaceX launches, view details about previous missions, and get updates about SpaceX at SpaceX Stats« [18:33] <dz0ny> eta 1h30m [18:41] <CrazyLemon> zdobbie 22ish [18:41] <CrazyLemon> sej si včeraj prašal če je ob enaki uri ffs! [18:43] <zdobbie> joj oprosti [18:43] <CrazyLemon> opravičilo zavrnjeno! [18:46] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: k [19:19] <zdobbie> T-51:30 [19:39] <zdobbie> T-31:20 [19:50] <anny_> daN [19:50] <dz0ny> Nan [19:51] <anny_> LumP [19:51] <CrazyLemon> NaN* [19:52] <idioterna> o [19:53] <zdobersek> bama [19:54] <anny_> bronco bamma [19:54] <yang> O'mama [19:54] <yang> Se kdo spomni Omama revij ? :) [19:55] <anny_> [19:55] <Seniorita> Telling Abbie Bronco Bamma won - YouTube [19:55] <Seniorita> »Telling Abbie the results of the election. Thank you all for such wonderful support! Abbie is a most amazing little girl--brilliant, gorgeous and hilarious. ...« [19:55] <dz0ny> porn? [19:55] <yang> ni bil porn, bolj eroticna proza [19:55] <idioterna> [19:55] <yang> B. kastelic & Co. [19:58] <zdobersek> samo ti. [19:58] <dz0ny> sapce geeks [19:58] <Seniorita> Imgur [19:58] <Seniorita> »The Internet's visual storytelling community. Explore, share, and discuss the best visual stories the Internet has to offer.« [19:59] <dz0ny> haha [19:59] <yang> dz0ny: tvoje delovno okolje ? [20:00] <dz0ny> yang: naah [20:00] <CrazyLemon> zdobersek T- ? [20:00] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: twas I [20:00] <zdobbie> T-10:00 [20:00] <yang> heh gledam pa sploh google nima Omama revije v sliki [20:01] <dz0ny> weather je 60% [20:01] <dz0ny> pr t-3m bo go'nogo [20:02] <yang> >> Kdo bi lahko pozabil na mehko erotično Omamo, edino revijo v kateri se je dalo videti nekaj gole kože, ki smo jo lahko povsem legalno in brez vsakih problemov kupovali tudi mladoletni srednješolci. Njen takratni urednik je bil nihče drug kot Brane B. Kastelic in čeprav v njej ni bilo slik eksplicitnega seksa, so nasveti in predvsem zgodbe, ki jih je pisal Brane, odtehtali čisto vse. [20:02] <zdobbie> jaz bi lahko pozabil [20:03] <zdobbie> ce bi si jo sploh zapomnu [20:03] <yang> dz0ny: youtube live link za lansiranje rakete ? [20:03] <zdobbie> plz? [20:03] <dz0ny> sej sem dal [20:04] <dz0ny> [20:04] <Seniorita> /r/SpaceX CRS-6 Official Launch Discussion & Updates Thread [Attempt 2 - Stage Separation Confirmed] - [20:04] <dz0ny> weather is a go [20:04] <zdobbie> [20:04] <Seniorita> SpaceX CRS-6 Launch - YouTube [20:04] <Seniorita> »After six successful missions to the International Space Station, including five official resupply missions for NASA, SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon spa...« [20:04] <zdobbie> o pizda [20:04] <yang> hvala, ker ni html5 [20:04] <zdobbie> tist countdown ni do streama, ampak do izstrelitve [20:04] <zdobbie> je html5 [20:04] <yang> men ne predvaja [20:05] <zdobbie> pac mas nek driskast brskalnik [20:05] <dz0ny> tole sta oba streama skupaj [20:05] <yang> spet je youtube nekaj po svoje nastavil, da nisem mel html5 vklopljeno [20:08] <zdobbie> go? [20:08] <dz0ny> go [20:08] <zdobbie> gogogogogogogogogo [20:08] <zdobbie> GO FOR LAUNCH [20:08] <yang> noben od videov mi noce predvajat [20:10] <CrazyLemon> proprietary shit! [20:11] <yang> webm sele kasneje transcodajo [20:12] <zdobbie> Do not go gentle into that good night. [20:14] <CrazyLemon> stage 1! [20:14] <CrazyLemon> a je kakšna kamera na stage1? [20:14] <zdobbie> Stage 1 pristaja na ladji? [20:14] <CrazyLemon> ja [20:14] <CrazyLemon> no ni ladja [20:14] <CrazyLemon> platforma [20:14] <CrazyLemon> oziroma barge [20:15] <zdobbie> splav? [20:15] <CrazyLemon> tako [20:15] <yang> Iks-kaks-ko-nen [20:15] <Seniorita> OLD FINNISH DISCO DANCE LESSON (Dschingish Khan - Moskau) - YouTube [20:15] <Seniorita> »Learn discodance in the old fassion way! Good song.. anyone knows the title of the song?? This movie is probably from the 70'« [20:16] <CrazyLemon> kaj pravi za stage 1? [20:16] <CrazyLemon> neki shutdown [20:17] <sasa84> [20:17] <Seniorita> The University Of Helsinki Now Offers A Class On The History Of Metal - Metal Injection [20:17] <Seniorita> »Finland: just when you thought that country couldn't possibly embrace metal any more.« [20:18] <dz0ny> stage 1 nominal [20:18] <CrazyLemon> meeeh..zakaj ne dajo kamero s stage 1 [20:18] <zdobbie> KSP! [20:19] <CrazyLemon> transonic ? [20:19] <CrazyLemon> wat that [20:19] <sasa84> lahkonočko miške ;) [20:20] <dz0ny> lol [20:25] <CrazyLemon> gimme stage 1 update ffs [20:25] <zdobbie> CrazyLemon: LANDING _SHIP_ [20:26] <CrazyLemon> !g read the instruction barge [20:26] <Seniorita> Autonomous spaceport drone ship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [20:26] <dz0ny> We falcon punched the barge... [20:26] <CrazyLemon> is an ocean-going, barge-derived, floating landing platform [20:28] <CrazyLemon> [20:28] <Seniorita> Mura Masa - Firefly (ft. Nao) - YouTube [20:28] <Seniorita> »• Subscribe & follow Underground Charisma:« [20:30] <dz0ny> [20:30] <Seniorita> Elon Musk auf Twitter: "Ascent successful. Dragon enroute to Space Station. Rocket landed on droneship, but too hard for survival." [20:31] <CrazyLemon> maaan [21:09] <anny_> Mannis [21:13] <dz0ny> CrazyLemon: [21:13] <Seniorita> Elon Musk auf Twitter: "Looks like Falcon landed fine, but excess lateral velocity caused it to tip over post landing" [21:14] <CrazyLemon> dz0ny pol ni bil hard landing [21:14] <CrazyLemon> ampak post landing tipping :D [21:18] <yang> [21:38] <idioterna> 0 [21:38] <idioterna> spat [21:38] <idioterna> rakete so ble kul [22:11] <anny_> spat mularija [23:03] <yang> Danasnja slika dneva na Angleski Wikipediji je Jalovec [23:03] <Seniorita> Jalovec (mountain) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [23:03] <jabuk> when I successfully fix a bug after working all night long [23:03] <jabuk> when I successfully deploy sheduled jobs on the server
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "CrazyLemon", "Guest60013", "Matthai", "Seniorita", "anny_", "anny__", "dz0ny", "idiotern1", "idioterna", "jabuk", "napsy", "sasa84", "sasa84_", "slax0r", "yang", "zdobbie", "zdobersek" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-si" }
[13:18] <Kilos> hi arnaudmez_ [13:18] <Kilos> whats news [13:18] <arnaudmez_> COol Kilos [13:18] <Kilos> how are your linux classes doing [13:19] <arnaudmez_> Not yet actioned [13:19] <arnaudmez_> busy putting everything in place [13:20] <Kilos> wow you guys are slow how [13:20] <Kilos> hey [13:20] <Kilos> as long as you are well thats fine [13:21] <arnaudmez_> :D [13:22] <Kilos> oh ya you in brazzaville hey [13:23] <Kilos> i need contact peeps in the drc to try wake up that loco please arnaudmez_ [13:29] <arnaudmez_> cannot help Kilos [13:29] <Kilos> dont you know anyone there [13:29] <Kilos> whew [13:29] <Kilos> i have to find peeps from here? [13:30] <Kilos> no wonder im getting old so fast [13:36] <arnaudmez_> this is the man you should talk to: Rene Manasse GALEKWA [13:37] <arnaudmez_> Street: 44 Avenue Des Huilerie; City: Kinshasa; Phone: +243812785222 [13:37] <Kilos> whew [13:37] <Kilos> i do irc man not fone calls [13:37] <Kilos> even emails work [13:38] <Kilos> but ty ill try find someone up there that can fone him [13:40] <arnaudmez_> Email: [email protected] [13:40] <Kilos> wonderful, ty arnaudmez_ [13:44] <arnaudmez_> One day I will succeed doing IT Sec [13:44] <Kilos> good [13:45] <Kilos> i want the whloe of africa here man [13:45] <Kilos> whole [13:45] <Kilos> before i die [14:22] <Kilos> hmm... [14:53] <Kilos> so arnaudmez_ whats on your agenda these days [14:56] <arnaudmez_> Busy setting up my workbench and doing some few updates [14:56] <Kilos> ah [14:57] <arnaudmez_> want me to help on something [14:57] <Kilos> not really apart from finding the missing countries [14:58] <Kilos> oh yes you can add your country in here [14:59] <Kilos> you then only have to get an ubuntu team going and you are smiling [16:08] <Kilos> elacheche we are in [16:08] <Kilos> woot [16:15] <elacheche> you too?? :D awesome :D [16:15] <elacheche> congrats dude [16:16] <Kilos> ty, you too [16:28] <d4rk-5c0rp> congrats Kilos && elacheche :D [16:31] * nlsthzn also wants to congratulate people but doesn't know what for :/ [16:32] <Kilos> heehee [16:38] <nlsthzn> oh nice... congrats Kilos and elacheche :) [16:38] <nlsthzn> well done :D [16:38] <Kilos> ty nlsthzn [16:39] <elacheche> thx nlsthzn :) [16:50] <pieter2627> WOW, that's awesome. Congrats Kilos and elacheche [16:51] <Kilos> ty pieter2627 [16:51] <elacheche> the pieter2627 :) [16:51] <elacheche> thanks pieter2627 x) [16:52] <Kilos> i actually didnt expect it being such a new member [17:06] <elacheche> Kilos, [17:06] <elacheche> you know! we're lucky x) [17:06] <Kilos> yessir [17:07] <Kilos> very [17:07] <elacheche> the next meeting is for tomorrow :D [17:07] <Kilos> time [17:07] <Kilos> i saw the schedules somewhere but that gone out the head now [17:07] <elacheche> 12UTC .. and there is no one in the list x) I think that am lucky because I did already plan something for tomorrow ) [17:07] <Kilos> i know its twice [17:08] <elacheche> [17:08] <Kilos> ty [17:08] <Kilos> i told them i can make both times [17:09] <Kilos> normally i go to bed around 10pm or so but will stay up for the midnight meeting [17:10] <elacheche> the same here :) I think that we have the same time zone.. I'm on GMT+1 [17:11] <Kilos> im +2 [17:12] <elacheche> I see :) [17:12] <Kilos> you must just keep in mind not to plan things on those days, then if there are no new applicants do spur of the moment things
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kilos", "arnaudmez_", "d4rk-5c0rp", "elacheche", "nlsthzn", "pieter2627" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-africa" }
[03:31] <vubuntor399> i want lean ubutu for ember ubutu into ARM ,i start where ? [03:35] <CoconutCrab> [03:35] <CoconutCrab> there is a bunch of material for embedded linux up there [15:31] <vubuntor509> co ai khong a [15:32] <NeetoCrabbu> ko [15:33] <vubuntor509> hiii [15:33] <vubuntor509> cho em hoi 1 ti [15:33] <vubuntor509> e moi mua may tinh hom qua [15:33] <vubuntor509> h nay voc vach cai ubuntu chay song song voi win 8.1 [15:33] <vubuntor509> ma hoi chieu con vao duoc may o c d e [15:34] <vubuntor509> gio tu nhien k vao duoc nua, nos hien ra 1 bang thong bao voi kha nhieu chu [15:34] <NeetoCrabbu> chữ như thế nào? [15:35] <vubuntor509> cho em 1 ti nhe [15:36] <vubuntor509> unable access to 104 volume [15:36] <vubuntor509> Error mounting /dev/sda4 at /media/leanhhuan/C266F4FB66F4F151: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=0077,fmask=0177" "/dev/sda4" "/media/leanhhuan/C266F4FB66F4F151"' exited with non-zero exit status 14: Windows is hibernated, refused to mount. Failed to mount '/dev/sda4': Operation not permitted The NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully ( [15:37] <NeetoCrabbu> à [15:37] <NeetoCrabbu> cái windows 8.1 nó đang trong chế độ hibernate [15:37] <NeetoCrabbu> nên nó khóa ổ không cho vào [15:37] <NeetoCrabbu> phải shutdown hẳn cơ [15:37] <vubuntor509> che do j ak [15:38] <vubuntor509> em cai ubuntu xong, ro rang con vao duoc, xong moi len 8.1 1 lan, xong quay tro lai thi k duoc [15:38] <NeetoCrabbu> hibernate [15:38] <vubuntor509> ak [15:38] <MrTuxHdb> NeetoCrabbu: fast shutdown [15:38] <MrTuxHdb> với fast reboot [15:38] <NeetoCrabbu> nói chung là cái gì đó win 8.1 nó nhét vào [15:38] <vubuntor509> tuc la ben kia chua shutdown i a? [15:38] <MrTuxHdb> chứ 8.1 ai gọi hibernate nữa [15:38] <MrTuxHdb> :v [15:38] * NeetoCrabbu không biết tắt cái đó đâu [15:38] <NeetoCrabbu> win 8 còn chả dùng nói gì đến 8.1 [15:38] <MrTuxHdb> .g how to turn off fast shutdown [15:38] <SuperLuserv3> MrTuxHdb: [15:38] <MrTuxHdb> ^ [15:38] <MrTuxHdb> ^ [15:38] <MrTuxHdb> ^ [15:39] <vubuntor509> ^_^ [15:39] <vubuntor509> the cach cai bo go tieng viet nhu nao may anh, em cai xong, ma vao tim vietnam unikey k thay, mac du ibus da cai roi [15:41] <vubuntor241> chào mọi người cho mình hỏi ? [15:41] <NeetoCrabbu> !ibus-unikey [15:41] <NeetoCrabbu> mm, con bot chết hết rồi à [15:41] <NeetoCrabbu> vubuntor509: bạn cài ibus-unikey [15:41] <vubuntor241> có cách nào để lấy dữ liệu từ treeview [15:42] <vubuntor241> bằng one click [15:42] <vubuntor241> mouse [15:42] <vubuntor509> vang, em cai cai do roi day anh [15:43] <vubuntor509> ma vao cho text entry setting k co unikey cua vietnam [15:43] <NeetoCrabbu> chỉnh trong cái language and regional setting ấy [15:43] <NeetoCrabbu> vubuntor241: của cái chi mới được chứ? [15:43] <vubuntor241> mình viết bằng python nhưng mà để mặc định thì phải double click mới lấy dữ liệu từ row [15:44] <vubuntor241> không biết có cách nào để sửa đc thành one click select row sau đó thì đổ vào luôn [15:44] <NeetoCrabbu> python với gui toolkit nào.. [15:44] <vubuntor241> àk gtk 3 [15:44] <vubuntor241> mình viết với glade để dễ sửa [15:45] <NeetoCrabbu> gtk3 thì hem biết... [15:45] <NeetoCrabbu> nhưng chắc là catch event click [15:45] <NeetoCrabbu> rồi lấy dữ liệu từ kia ra thôi [15:45] * NeetoCrabbu đoná bừa [15:45] <vubuntor241> ừm event click [15:45] <vubuntor241> không biết bên linux có thư viện nào để bẫy mấy cái đó ko [15:46] <NeetoCrabbu> đọc hướng dẫn của gtk3 thôi [15:46] * NeetoCrabbu nghĩ là có đủ cả [15:46] <vubuntor241> ừm tại mình nghĩ là chắc nó có cái one click để đổ [15:47] <vubuntor241> chứ cũng chẵng cần phải hook [15:47] <NeetoCrabbu> vụ đấy thì phải đọc vào doc của toolkit thôi [15:47] <vubuntor241> mà kiếm hoài ko ra [15:47] <vubuntor241> :3 [15:47] <NeetoCrabbu> chứ chịu [15:47] <vubuntor509> ak [15:47] * NeetoCrabbu có sờ mó gì gtk3 đâu [15:47] <NeetoCrabbu> không sờ mó sao mà biết được [15:47] <vubuntor509> anh neetocarbbu cho em hoi luon, tren mang co chi cho chinh sua 1 file, ma khi em vao file do no baos chir duoc docthoi thi phai lam sao [15:48] <vubuntor241> ok thank [15:48] <vubuntor241> tối vui vẻ [15:49] <NeetoCrabbu> dùng gksudo gedit <tên file> [15:49] <NeetoCrabbu> gõ cái đó trong terminal [15:59] <vubuntor933> anh neetocrabbu oi [15:59] <vubuntor933> nhung file read only thi lam sao de chinh sua ha anh [16:00] <NeetoCrabbu> thường thì không sửa được vì không có quyền admin [16:00] <NeetoCrabbu> bạn gõ cái lệnh trên thì có thể sửa được [16:00] <vubuntor933> lenh nao ak [16:00] <vubuntor933> may em mat mang, moi load lai day [16:00] <NeetoCrabbu> 22:49 < NeetoCrabbu> dùng gksudo gedit <tên file> [16:01] <vubuntor933> co can go duong dan k anh [16:01] <NeetoCrabbu> có [16:03] <vubuntor933> anh oi, no hien ra leanhhuan@AnhHuanComputer:~$ gksudo redit /etc/network/interfaces The program 'gksudo' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install gksu [16:04] <NeetoCrabbu> uh huh [16:04] <NeetoCrabbu> sudo đi vậy [16:04] * NeetoCrabbu chui chăn ngủ
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "CoconutCrab", "MrTuxHdb", "NeetoCrabbu", "SuperLuserv3", "vubuntor241", "vubuntor399", "vubuntor509", "vubuntor933" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-vn" }
[21:11] <Giorgio> hola???? [21:12] <Giorgio> hablen psss [21:12] <Giorgio> XD
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Giorgio" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-pe" }
[19:24] <ahoneybun> mhall119: [19:24] <mhall119> yes? [19:25] <ahoneybun> do you now what week of may you might be free? [19:25] <mhall119> week of the 18th and 25th....I think [19:26] <ahoneybun> you *might* be free then? [19:26] <mhall119> at least those are weeks I don't have UOS or single-fatherhod :) [19:26] <ahoneybun> UOS? [19:26] <ahoneybun> oh the summit [19:27] <ahoneybun> mhall119: it would be awesome to have you for that session and party
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ahoneybun", "mhall119" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-fl" }
[04:34] <mup> Bug #1376906 changed: arm* agents cannot call home, but amd64 can <armhf> <hs-arm64> <hs-arm64-maas-juju> <hs-moonshot-maas-juju> <maas> <maas-provider> <network> <juju-core:Expired> <> [07:28] <perrito666> marcoceppi_: around? [07:28] <marcoceppi_> perrito666: kind of, what's up? [07:28] <perrito666> marcoceppi_: priv [08:13] <perrito666> marcoceppi_: I am pretty sure you forgot your "Ill come back in half an hour" promise to cloudbase [08:14] <marcoceppi_> perrito666: I'm talking to design, I'll swing by in 15 minsisshhhhhh [08:17] <perrito666> marcoceppi_: Guardare per credere. [09:06] <jamespage> wallyworld_, hey - I know you are all sprinting but is causing us pain - we can't verify openstack on vivid right now [09:06] <mup> Bug #1443541: juju 1.23b4 vivid panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference <openstack> <uosci> <juju-core:Triaged by ericsnowcurrently> <> [09:07] <jamespage> and I have a rc to upload - but would like to have tested it first :-) [09:08] <wallyworld_> jamespage: yeah, that one is on our radar - the guy to fix it just arrived from pycon, so hopefully we'll get something done today [09:09] <wallyworld_> jamespage: there's also this vivid issue we're looking at, bug 1443440 [09:09] <mup> Bug #1443440: 1.23-beta4 sporadically fails autotests <local-provider> <mongodb> <systemd> <ubuntu-engineering> <vivid> <juju-core:Triaged by ericsnowcurrently> <> [09:10] <jamespage> wallyworld_, awesome [09:10] <jamespage> wallyworld_, glad to hear its in hand - just flagging it up :-) [09:10] <wallyworld_> i'll keep you informed [09:10] <jamespage> wallyworld_, thanks [09:10] <wallyworld_> jamespage: yeah, sorry about delays, travel etc got in the way [09:10] <jamespage> wallyworld_, np - completely understand [09:52] <jw4> OCR, forward port of change that landed on 1.23 recently [10:05] <perrito666> lately everyone is becoming really lazy with PR descriptions [11:44] <jw4> perrito666, updated per your feedback: [11:44] <ericsnow> jamespage: FYI, I'm working on those two vivid juju bugs [11:44] <ericsnow> jamespage: I'll keep you posted on the progress [11:49] <jw4> perrito666, ta [11:53] <mup> Bug #1443904 was opened: Apache-licensed code has been borrowed with violation of license requirements <juju-core:New> <> [11:58] <perrito666> gsamfira_: ^^ that has your name all over it :p [11:58] <perrito666> literally [11:58] <coreycb> I'm trying to force a config-changed hook to fire from within an action. is there a better way to do that than just calling the function directly? [11:58] <perrito666> jw4: ^^ [11:59] <jw4> hmmm; unfortunately I don't think that will work very well right now coreycb [12:00] <jw4> the issue is that Actions and Hooks are in the same Uniter loop [12:00] <jw4> this is something that has come up before often; I want some time with fwereade to plan a solution [12:01] <coreycb> jw4, ok, thanks for the info [12:01] <jw4> coreycb, :-/ [12:14] <mgz> gsamfira_: [12:16] <jw4> coreycb, fwereade says just invoke the hook script directly rather than trying to get the hook to run [12:16] <jw4> ../../hooks/ [12:16] <jw4> or something like that [12:17] <jw4> coreycb, or better yet refactor the hook and action code so that common functionality is available to both [12:18] <coreycb> jw4, ok thanks. I had some success with a few charms by just executing our decorated config-changed function, but then I ran into an error and chalked it up to some missing juju state, but perhaps I can just do that. [12:19] <jw4> coreycb, hopefully... let me know how it goes [12:19] <coreycb> jw4, ok [12:33] <voidspace> dooferlad: [13:35] <mup> Bug #1443942 was opened: SNAT for externally routed traffic should be only for EC2 and for subnets in the VPC <juju-core:Triaged by dooferlad> <> [13:50] <dooferlad> voidspace/TheMue: Could I get a review? [14:34] <arosales> [15:04] <thumper> voidspace, tasdomas here is the branch lp:~thumper/charms/trusty/postregresql/actions [15:06] <ericsnow> jamespage: FYI, those two vivid bugs have fixes committed [15:06] <ericsnow> jamespage: let me know if there are any other problems like that [15:54] <mup> Bug #1444037 was opened: juju-core 1.22.1 is not packaged in Ubuntu <block-proposed> <juju-core:New> <> [16:04] <redelmann> Hi, is charmstore down? or im having some internal problems? [16:57] <mup> Bug #1444066 was opened: First set-env for a var always results in a WARNING <juju-core:New> <> [18:32] <mbruzek> Hello gui guys. What the heck is this? [18:33] <mbruzek> brownies, raspberry sauce, marshmallows ?? [18:33] <mbruzek> benji ^ [18:34] <benji> we were hungry [18:35] <benji> (it was for an [ill-conceived] demo)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "arosales", "benji", "coreycb", "dooferlad", "ericsnow", "jamespage", "jw4", "marcoceppi_", "mbruzek", "mgz", "mup", "perrito666", "redelmann", "thumper", "voidspace", "wallyworld_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju-dev" }
[17:00] <belkinsa> #startmeeting Ubuntu Women Meeting [17:00] <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Apr 14 17:00:09 2015 UTC. The chair is belkinsa. Information about MeetBot at [17:00] <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick [17:00] <belkinsa> Who is all for the meeting? [17:01] <Mikaela> o/ [17:01] <belkinsa> Okay, anyone else? We will start in a minute. [17:03] <belkinsa> Alright, there is no agenda page today, but I think we are only going through the blueprint updates and plans for the next meeting since it falls on the month of the UOS. [17:03] <belkinsa> And we will start with the plan for the next meeting. [17:03] <belkinsa> #topic Next meeting plan [17:04] <belkinsa> The UOS is the first week of May and it's 4th to the 6th. I think we could do it on the 4th at our normal meeting time. Does this sound alright? [17:05] <Mikaela> I am here probably always, but it might be a good idea to also ask other people [17:05] <belkinsa> Yes, I'm aware of that. [17:05] <belkinsa> #action belkinsa Ask the mailing-list about the next meeting date/time [17:05] <meetingology> ACTION: belkinsa Ask the mailing-list about the next meeting date/time [17:06] <belkinsa> Alright, moving on... [17:06] <belkinsa> #topic Blueprint Updates [17:06] <belkinsa> #subtopic Project Harvest [17:07] <belkinsa> I have an update for Project Harvest and that we are working on our first bugs. We are expecting to be done with them by the end of this month. [17:07] <belkinsa> And as always, we are still looking for people to join us. [17:08] <belkinsa> Does anyone have anything to add? [17:09] <belkinsa> [13:08] <Mikaela> how does anyone join or do anything useful? [17:10] <belkinsa> One can simply ask on the mailing-list or e-mail me at [email protected] (my ubuntu address is done). And the skills needed is Python/django coding mainly. [17:11] <Mikaela> oh, I have no coding skills at all, so I am not useful here [17:12] <belkinsa> I understand, I don't have that much too but I'm working on documentation but there is not that much to write on. [17:12] <belkinsa> Anything else? [17:13] <belkinsa> Okay, moving on. [17:13] <belkinsa> #subtopic Orientation Questionnaire [17:14] <belkinsa> Is there anyone who is a part of this project here to speak about it. I know nothing about the status. [17:15] <belkinsa> We will wait for a few minutes before moving on... [17:19] <belkinsa> Alright, no one has answered the call. So, we are moving on. [17:19] <belkinsa> #topic Any Other Business (AOB) [17:22] <belkinsa> Does anyone have anything else to bring up? [17:26] <belkinsa> Okay, we will wait a few more minutes. [17:28] <belkinsa> Alright, that's a warp. Thanks for all for coming to this meeting. [17:28] <belkinsa> #endmeeting [17:28] <meetingology> Meeting ended Tue Apr 14 17:28:46 2015 UTC. [17:28] <meetingology> Minutes: [17:42] <amani_glugcal> why so fast? [17:43] <belkinsa> Because no one come, expect Mikaela and no one said anything but me [17:43] <belkinsa> [17:43] <Mikaela> I now have bad feeling of putting wrong time to the meeting email... [17:44] <amani_glugcal> now it is utc 17:44 [17:44] <belkinsa> Oh, carp, my fault. [17:45] <belkinsa> Stupid daylight savings. [17:45] <Mikaela> oh, I put correct time there, but the meetings have always been at 20 my time [17:46] <amani_glugcal> so what do we do? [17:46] <belkinsa> I don't know, I need to leave at 18 UTC to get my class [17:46] <amani_glugcal> ok bye ...I will post proposals in mailing list [17:47] <belkinsa> Okay, see ya. [17:47] <amani_glugcal> We can form subtask groups [17:48] <amani_glugcal> for writing manuals, guides, etc programming too [17:48] <belkinsa> I like that idea. [17:48] <amani_glugcal> they can be more efficient [17:48] <amani_glugcal> because of personal interest involved
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Mikaela", "amani_glugcal", "belkinsa", "meetingology" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-women-project" }
[02:17] <bumbum> hello, [02:18] <g4vr0che> Hi [02:18] <bumbum> Is this project still going on? [02:18] <g4vr0che> I think so. I have it installed on my phone [02:19] <bumbum> oh yeah? awsome, [02:20] <bumbum> I just got old galaxy s3, [02:20] <bumbum> & try to use that as new ubuntu device, [02:20] <g4vr0che> Status page is here. I have a Nexus personally: [02:20] <bumbum> thx for letting me know the project is still going ^^ [02:20] <g4vr0che> ^_^ [02:21] <bumbum> thanks for the link!!! [04:53] <Johan> hi every one [04:56] <Johan> i have old device samsung tab 8.9 [04:56] <Johan> is it possible to run with ubuntu [05:29] <lotuspsychje> [05:29] <lotuspsychje> nice work by mariogrip :p [08:46] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Equal Pay Day! :-D [08:50] <AskUbuntu> why does ubuntu 15 always boot to phone ui? | [09:00] <seb128> hum [09:00] <seb128> I upgraded my vivid tablet, and now the calculator is listed with no icon and not starting when clicking on it [09:00] <seb128> is there a known issue with the transition to the rebooted version? [09:00] <seb128> popey, ^ do you know? [09:02] <mcphail> seb128: I previously lost icons after an upgrade, but the app still started [09:03] <seb128> aa-exec: ERROR: profile 'com.ubuntu.calculator_calculator_1.3.339' does not exist [09:03] <seb128> in the log [09:04] <mcphail> Bug 1437355 (my bug) is now closed as "fixed" so maybe this is something different [09:07] <seb128> mcphail, thanks, unsure if that's the same issue or not, but likely not since mine fails to start [09:07] <seb128> jgdxx, tested silo 6, looks fine to me [09:07] <mcphail> seb128: may have the same cause, though. Stale links after updates etc [09:08] <seb128> right [09:24] <faenil> how do you get the path of your click package, in order to refer to app data? [09:25] <faenil> none of the QStandardLocations seem to have it [09:25] <faenil> not even QCApp::appDirPath [09:53] <faenil> let's try Saviq :D ^ [09:53] <Saviq> faenil, $PWD [09:53] <Saviq> faenil, if you mean files installed with your package [09:56] <Saviq> faenil, but should work, too [09:56] <faenil> Saviq: I meant StandardPaths in my previous message [09:56] <faenil> I couldn't find any which points to my click package dir [09:57] <Saviq> faenil, yeah, none of those seems to make sense there [09:57] <faenil> PWD is pointing to home [09:57] <mcphail> faenil: iirc, one of the XDG-blah environment variables points to the install path [09:57] <Saviq> orly? [09:58] <faenil> mcphail: ok, I'll look into those, RUNTIME_DIR didn't help [09:58] <mcphail> faenil: yes - I can't find the details right now but there is an enviromant variable which is set [09:59] <faenil> There should definitely be a "how to bundle and access application data" in the app development tutorials :/ [10:01] <faenil> mcphail: ok I'll keep looking for it, thank you [10:03] <mcphail> faenil: yes - it is buried in there somewhere because I was reading it the other night [10:03] <faenil> mcphail: the only related bit I found so far is this [10:03] <faenil> [10:03] <faenil> but it didn't help [10:05] <DanChapman> faenil: QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath should return the path to the apps binary. or even QDir::currentPath should also return something useful [10:05] <faenil> DanChapman: the app binary is qmlscene, so that won't help [10:05] <DanChapman> ahh now that's a problem. [10:05] <DanChapman> :-D [10:06] <faenil> eh :P [10:07] <popey> seb128: sorry for the delay, was afk. no, not seen that. [10:08] <Saviq> faenil, I'm sure that's a solved problem, try #ubuntu-app-devel, prolly a better channel for that [10:08] <faenil> DanChapman: and QDir, since it uses PWD afaik, returns home/phablet [10:08] <faenil> Saviq: yeah I'll try there, thanks...yes I'm finding it surprising that there's no trivial solution :) [10:09] <Saviq> faenil, APP_DIR [10:10] <faenil> Saviq: I'm quite sure QStandardPaths wraps that as well, but let me try [10:11] <mcphail> faenil: [10:13] <Saviq> faenil, that page says "PWD: a chdir() to the installation directory is performed prior to launching the app", if that's not the case, needsfixin' [10:14] <faenil> thanks, that page is useful [10:14] <Saviq> faenil, I just checked, /proc/`pidof app`/cwd points to the app install dir [10:15] <Saviq> faenil, how are you launching your app? [10:15] <faenil> yes... [10:15] * faenil headdesks [10:15] <Saviq> ;) [10:15] <faenil> XD [10:17] <faenil> I need a special env var and qtcreator resets QML2_IMPORT_PATH so I have to do it via cmdline...of course the poor system didn't know the correct path... [11:07] <jgdx> mpt, re: bug 1424149 If I create a custom MMS APN with fields 'Mickey Mouse' and '', neither the fields, nor the MMS APN can be unset/removed. [11:13] <mpt> jgdx, how was it possible for them to set those values in the first place, when they didn’t work? [11:13] <mpt> (“them” -> “you” [11:13] <lotuspsychje> mariogrip: did you see your article of softpedia? [11:15] <Eidriaen> anyone here? [11:15] <lotuspsychje> Eidriaen: 300 users are [11:15] <mariogrip> lotuspsychje: Awesome! [11:16] <lotuspsychje> mariogrip: great isnt it :p :p [11:16] <Eidriaen> I've got a HTC Desire Z and I'm trying to install Ubuntu on it, but I'm not the most technical, so something isn't going right [11:16] <lotuspsychje> !devices | Eidriaen [11:16] <mariogrip> lotuspsychje: Yeah! :D [11:18] <jgdx> mpt, this [1] is the way we 'Save' a preferred MMS. It gives us no way of telling if '' works or not. Maybe sergiusens can confirm/contradict? [1] [11:18] <Eidriaen> I tried following but my phone won't accept the files I downloaded as a firmware, copied two zip files over to the SD card and got in recovery mode [11:19] <Eidriaen> am I missing a step? I get the red triangle when I click "recovery" [11:21] <mpt> jgdx, I’m sorry I can’t tell what that code does. Anyway, the last sentence I wrote in the “APN” spec section: “If [activation] fails, the spinner should revert to ‘Activate’, the dialog contents should become sensitive again, and the dialog contents should scroll to the top to reveal the error text ‘APN activation failed.’” [11:22] <mpt> jgdx, so there would be no way you can save APN details without activating them [11:22] <mpt> And no way you can activate them, obviously, unless they work [11:23] <jgdx> sergiusens, is there a way to confirm that an MMS APN (Context) 'works'? /cc awe, abeato [11:24] <mpt> If you can activate an APN that doesn’t work, I … I don’t know what activation is any more [12:37] <abeato> jgdx, can't say, you can try to activate it with activate-context script, but that does not test MMS proxy, server, etc. params [12:38] <jgdx> abeato, right, so our best shot is to talk to the mms service. [12:38] <abeato> jgdx, yes, try to send an MMS from the messaging app [12:39] <jgdx> abeato, doesn't help USS though :p [12:40] <abeato> USS? [12:40] <jgdx> ubuntu system settings [12:40] <abeato> jgdx, ah... :) [12:40] <abeato> another TLA :p [12:41] <jgdx> lol [12:41] <jgdx> I try to use "Settings" instead. [12:44] <abeato> :) [12:49] <sturmflut-work> beuno: mhall119 mentioned on G+ that the app store API will pre-filter search results according to GeoIP magic, so you don't see apps which are not intended for the country the source IP address is located in. Is that correct? [13:27] <beuno> sturmflut-work, it is correct, yes [13:50] <doflaherty> If I've added my google account in system settings, shouldn't the GMail webapp automatically log me in? [14:14] <jgdx> doflaherty, is gmail allowed to access the account? [14:15] <doflaherty> jgdx yes [14:16] <mpt> kemmko1, [14:16] <g105b> The gmail app never worked for me, I kept on having to re-add the account over and over. [14:16] <kemmko1> mpt: . cheers [14:16] <g105b> I never once have had a notification from gmail app [14:19] <brunch875> HEULLLAAA [14:20] <g105b> What he said. [14:21] <doflaherty> I disabled access, started the gmail app again, got a popup that said "Gmail wants to access your google account" so I clicked allow [14:21] <doflaherty> then it dumped me on the login page [14:22] <doflaherty> I have seen notifications though... [15:15] <dadexix86> hi, sometimes my phone crash and reboots. what is the best way to investigate this problem? [15:18] <popey> dadexix86: does it actually fully reboot (bq logo) or just restart unity? [15:21] <dadexix86> popey, now that I think of it, probably it is just the second. I don't know how exactly works it, but I think that it is something equivalent to a lightdm restart on the pc. it appears the rotating ubuntu logo [15:21] <popey> yes [15:21] <popey> look in /var/crash and see if there's a recent .crash file [15:22] <popey> and look in ~/.cache/upstart and look for most recent log files, like unity8.log maybe [15:22] <Saviq> jgdx, hey, can you explain bug #1444002 in a bit more detail? the app/splash screen should come in on screen immediately [15:23] <jgdx> Saviq, sure. It isn't always shown immediately. [15:24] <Saviq> jgdx, your bug says reproducible "Always", so which one? ;) [15:25] <Saviq> jgdx, if you could post if a particular app is causing that maybe, a video could be helpful [15:25] <jgdx> Saviq, oke doke [15:25] <dadexix86> popey, in /var/crash there are crash files named _sbin_upstart.32011.crash and _sbin_upstart.32011.upload that were created around when the crash happened [15:26] <popey> dadexix86: so the crashes have been uploaded to - good. [15:27] <popey> dadexix86: if you're so inclined you could go to system settings -> security & privacy -> diagnostics -> previous error reports, then "adb shell" in once the browser starts, and "ps aux | grep webbrowser" and pm me the link, I can take a look at them for you. [15:28] <popey> (the link being the secret url the browser has opened which shows you all your phones crash reports) [15:29] <popey> (they're not public btw) [15:30] <dadexix86> popey, in ~/.cache/upstart there are a lot of .gz log files created around the time of the crash. I do now the thing of the crash report link, thanks! [15:31] <popey> ok [15:34] <dadexix86> popey, is it this? [15:34] <popey> looks good [15:35] <popey> cant see a crash for today though [15:35] <popey> most recent was lunchtime yesterday [15:35] <popey> (unless these are all out of sequence) [15:36] <popey> maybe it only just uploaded and hasn't been processed, I wonder. [15:36] <popey> I'll keep that page open and refresh a bit later and look for it [15:39] <dadexix86> popey, ok thanks :) I cannot access them unfortunately. [15:39] <jgdx> Saviq, changed the narrative of the bug. Whaddaya think? [15:40] <Saviq> jgdx, so you mean there's no touch-down effect? [15:40] <jgdx> Saviq, yes [15:40] <t1mp> how can I find out the phone number of the sim card that is in my bq ubuntu phoen? [15:40] <Saviq> jgdx, but you said there's a delay when launching apps, how long would you say that delay? [15:40] <Saviq> t1mp, you can try with /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-modems [15:40] <popey> dadexix86: np [15:40] <Saviq> t1mp, but it's not always there [15:40] <jgdx> Saviq, on krillin there's like 0.5 seconds for the Facebook app after a reboot. [15:41] <jgdx> Saviq, I realized it's not the lag that matters, it is the moment where nothing happens. [15:41] <Saviq> jgdx, where, it does matter, there should be no lag ;) [15:41] <Saviq> s/where/well/ [15:41] <jgdx> Saviq, but that's not the scope of this bug. [15:41] <jgdx> *in [15:41] <dadexix86> t1mp, Settings > Infos on the phone [15:42] <jgdx> Saviq, lack of feedback in the launcher makes the launcher feel sluggish no matter how fast it launches the app. [15:42] <Saviq> jgdx, not sure I agree, if the reaction (app coming in from the right) is instant, and, FWIW, no lag here [15:43] <jgdx> Saviq, I strongly disagree, as well as being confused by the inconsistency. [15:43] <t1mp> Saviq: hmm it is there. I see a few numbers but they don't seem to be the sim number [15:44] <jgdx> Saviq, I can maybe cite some material that highlights the importance of immediate feedback? [15:44] <jgdx> … in the bug [15:44] <Saviq> jgdx, don't get me wrong, we should add a touch-down effect to the launcher, but we should find out why you have a .5s lag in there [15:44] <jgdx> Saviq, ah, ok. Sorry. [15:44] <t1mp> dadexix86: I don't see Infos [15:44] <Saviq> jgdx, but it doesn't mean the immediate feedback needs to necessarily be under your finger, especially when the touch target is going away as soon as you touch it [15:45] <t1mp> maybe it is an old image [15:45] <jgdx> Saviq, I can make a bug for the .5 sec lag so we get it tracked, and add a video there. Ok? [15:45] <jgdx> Saviq, why should the launcher be different from the app scope, or vice versa? [15:46] <jgdx> that statement is true for both, the target goes away after a tap [15:46] <Saviq> jgdx, I'm not saying it should :) [15:46] <dadexix86> t1mp, I have it localized, but it is the last-but-one row, before "Restore", the icon on the left is the Ubuntu logo... on which image are you? [15:46] <Saviq> jgdx, I'm just saying you wouldn't notice if the reaction was, indeed, instant, and the app would come in straight away [15:47] <Saviq> jgdx, more than that, if we're blocking on tap, the touch feedback would be just as blocked as the app coming in on screen, so that's the more important thing to fix :) [15:47] <Saviq> jgdx, so yeah, please file a bug, video very much welcome [15:47] <jgdx> Saviq, will do [15:51] * BOHverkill got his bq aquaris e4.5 ubuntu edition :D [15:52] <brunch875> Enjoy, BOHverkill! [15:52] <brunch875> you'll soon be getting a big update too :) [15:52] <BOHverkill> i will [15:53] <BOHverkill> brunch875: k [15:54] <t1mp> dadexix86: r19, 19 february. I need to update it [16:03] <mariogrip> i [16:04] <mariogrip> i'm trying to setup an system-image server, but i cannot find out what the file_device= .tar.gz and .build files should include [16:06] <AskUbuntu> Why are the Ubuntu SDK Publish and Devices tab blank? | [16:17] <cwayne> mariogrip, Tassadar would be a good person to ask, he's got a server setup already for n5 [16:25] <BOHverkill> Can I change the time format from 12 to 24h or depends that on the language? [16:29] <duflu> BOHverkill: Not sure but when I logged a bug against the clock, I was told it was specific to my locale (en-AU) [16:29] <duflu> So yeah the language affects it [16:30] <BOHverkill> k but it would be nice ;) [16:36] <nik90> BOHverkill: the feature to change time format between 12h/24h has been requested a lot and it needs to be in the system settings app. [16:36] <nik90> BOHverkill: clock app cant do it since it can only change its own format and not that of the system leading to inconsistencies [16:37] <BOHverkill> nik90: k [16:47] <toshiba_> hi, I have a smartphone bq aquarius 4.5E but I can not synchronize with my notebook ubuntu 14:04 , what can I do ? [16:53] <toshiba_> help,me [16:53] <lotuspsychje> toshiba_: install the tools from topic [16:54] <toshiba_> what topic [16:55] <lotuspsychje> toshiba_: [16:57] <lotuspsychje> toshiba_: Install phablet-tools package [17:13] <dobey> toshiba_: what do you mean by "sync" exactly? it doesn't show up as a drive, or you are expecting some sort of contacts or such sync automatically? [17:21] <kenvandine> seb128, i just noticed that getByName call for regulatory-information was already setting a property, not used inline in the push to the page stack [17:21] <kenvandine> so the updates page was the only one being used that way [17:23] <jay_jack> hi guys. i have installed latest stable ubuntu-touch on my nexus4. does anybody know how I could enable both WiFi and 3G connections. i have played around with the ofono scripts, and ifconfig does show both interfaces, but 3G never works as soon as WiFi is up. does anybody have a clue how to get both running? [17:23] <rpadovani> oSoMoN, o/ [17:24] <basti_> does anybody know where to find the ubuntu touch release scedule? or is there no planning online? [17:24] <oSoMoN> rpadovani, \o [17:25] <rpadovani> oSoMoN, how are you? :-) [17:25] <oSoMoN> rpadovani, not too bad, and you? [17:26] <rpadovani> oSoMoN, so so. I fell and I have a sprained left knee and left ankle, and probably I broke my tibia [17:27] <rpadovani> apart of that, good times :D [17:28] <rpadovani> oSoMoN, so, I pinged to ask if there is something you think I could focus on browser, or I should just jumping bug by bug :-) [17:31] <oSoMoN> rpadovani, ouch, sorry to hear that, I hope this isn’t as bad as it sounds, or at the very least that it heals fully and quickly [17:31] <oSoMoN> rpadovani, let me try and find something interesting for you :) [17:32] <rpadovani> oSoMoN, I don't have too much pain, it's only annoyng to use crutches. Thanks :-) [17:32] <dobey> jay_jack: there isn't a way to have both interfaces active at the same time. how would it know which one to route traffic through? [17:34] <mindspin2015> stupid question: I wrote a simple html5 linklist and published it in the SDK to my Phone (aquaris) . How do I start the app? [17:35] <jay_jack> dobey: well, there would be obviously a default route. and you can always specify which interface you want to use, i.e. curl --interface [17:35] <dobey> mindspin2015: it should appear in the apps scope. you might need to pull down to refresh in that scope to have it show up though [17:35] <bzoltan> mindspin2015: it should be listed in the apps grid. You can search for the name in teh Apps scope too [17:35] <bzoltan> dobey: darn it... I lost by a sec [17:35] <dobey> heh [18:06] <BOHverkill> anyone an idea why adb is not working? [18:07] <dobey> you don't have developer mode enabled and/or the screen is locked/off, or there's a problem with your usb cable or the port on your computer? [18:07] <jgdx> abeato, hey, are you still able to repro bug 1415833 consistently? [18:08] <BOHverkill> deshack: udev is finding the device and the screen is not locked [18:08] <BOHverkill> sorry [18:08] <BOHverkill> dobey: [18:11] <BOHverkill> and developer mode is on [18:11] <dobey> BOHverkill: and developer mode is enabled on the phone? [18:11] <BOHverkill> dobey: yes [18:11] <dobey> BOHverkill: you are on 14.04? add ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa and apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, and try again [18:12] <BOHverkill> dobey: no and thats maybe the problem, i am using arch linux [18:12] <dobey> oh [18:14] <dobey> yeah, i'm not sure all the definitions and/or code needed are available there [18:24] <Saviq> oSoMoN, hey, Q about new browser: when "restore tabs" off, will it still recover the open tabs if it was killed by OOM (as opposed to terminated by the user)? [18:27] <Se7> hello friends [18:27] <oSoMoN> Saviq, good question, I haven’t tested this use case, I’d say it won’t, as there’s no distinction made on how it was last terminated [18:27] <brunch875> Hello Se7 [18:27] <brunch875> I hope you're having a good day! [18:27] <oSoMoN> Saviq, a bug is in order if you think that’s not expected [18:27] <Se7> yes brunch875 great tnx [18:27] <Saviq> oSoMoN, yup, will confirm and file one [18:28] <Se7> how about you? [18:28] <brunch875> It's fine, other than very little productivity :P [18:28] <Se7> :) [18:28] <Saviq> oSoMoN, FWIW, there's no app doing The Right Thing yet, and I'm not sure its even possible right now (like if you're suspended and the user swipes you away, I don't know if you get SIGCONT before a SIGTERM) [18:30] <oSoMoN> Saviq, right, it’s a tricky problem, but it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to solve it :)( [18:30] <Saviq> oSoMoN, oh no, I just meant we may need to tweak other things first to let you know when you're stopped 'by the user' vs. otherwise [18:56] <AskUbuntu> Ubuntu Phone in Nexus 4 | [18:58] <kenvandine> Elleo, hey, do you find it frustrating that the getter for ContentTransfer.items automatically sets the state to collected? [18:59] <kenvandine> if a qml app that is sharing/exporting the content wants to do anything with the values in items, it gets marked as collected [18:59] <kenvandine> but i think that should only happen if it's the app receiving the content [19:00] <kenvandine> like just printing activeTransfer.items[0].text marks it as collected [19:00] <kenvandine> Elleo, do you think the QML bindings could only change the state by the destination app? [19:01] <kenvandine> s/could/should/ [19:02] <mariogrip> i think i got the system-image server running now [19:06] <mariogrip> will ubuntu-device-flash wipe system and data partition? if yes, is there a way to prevent that? [19:17] <dobey> mariogrip: it will if you use --wipe or --bootstrap; don't use those options if you don't want to wipe your data. also, back up your data :) [19:17] <dobey> mariogrip: you can just tar up ~phablet on the phone as a way to back up your data, and just adb pull the tarball over to your PC [19:18] <mariogrip> dobey: I was thinking about the android partition [19:21] <dobey> mariogrip: there is no android after you flash with ubuntu-device-flash. there is only ubuntu. [19:34] <kenvandine> mandel, don't forget to update your fix-network and fix-network-errors branches [19:34] <mandel> kenvandine, I have not, I already own you a drink, I'm working on it as soon as I get my chinese food :) [19:35] <kenvandine> yum, i want some :) [19:35] <dobey> mu shu pork? [19:37] <kenvandine> pmcgowan, the ubuntu-settings-components fix for bug 1390136, i'm kicking a CI run to make sure we have passing tests for the corresponding settings branch [19:38] <kenvandine> pmcgowan, assuming all is well, i'll create a silo for it tomorrow [19:38] <pmcgowan> kenvandine, great, can then put that big bug to rest [19:39] <kenvandine> yeah [19:45] <mandel> kenvandine, get away! its mine ;) [19:47] <kenvandine> ;-D [19:57] <abeato> jgdx, don't know, will try tomorrow [20:14] <Lihis> Hi all [20:18] <cwayne_> Tassadar, heya, I think mariogrip was lookin' to figure out how to setup a s-i server, had a thought that it'd be super awesome to have it setup the same server as N5 (assuming that would make multirom work maybe?) [20:18] <Tassadar> well yeah, I already told you I can host that port too [20:19] <Tassadar> just make it compileable) [20:20] <mariogrip> :D [20:20] <mariogrip> "ubuntu_touch": { [20:20] <mariogrip> "enabled": true, [20:20] <mariogrip> "base_url": "" [20:20] <mariogrip> }, [20:20] <mariogrip> is that how i add it to multiromgr? [20:22] <Tassadar> yeah [20:22] <Tassadar> and you need to add gpg keys to your recovery [20:23] <Tassadar> [20:32] <mariogrip> Tassadar: where can i find the source of the ported version of TWRP multirom to oneplus one? [20:32] <Tassadar> I dunno [20:32] <mariogrip> xP [20:32] <Tassadar> should be the same actualy [20:38] <BOHverkill> finally i found the solution :D [20:39] <BOHverkill> [20:39] <dobey> indeed you cannot run android applications in ubuntu [20:40] <dobey> oh, that title is very misleading [20:41] <dobey> BOHverkill: glad you got it working :) [20:50] <Lihis> I get "fs_mgr: Error parsing mount_flags" in dmesg and "recovery: unhandled page fault (11)" when booting to recovery, here is recovery.log: [20:50] <Lihis> Is my fstab in wrong format? Fstab can be found here [20:55] <rpadovani> oSoMoN, in the webbrowser bug tracker, should I assign myself bug I fix both for project and for package or only for the project? [21:01] <dobey> Lihis: /sdcardvfat/dev/block/mmcblk1p1/dev/block/mmcblk1 flags=display="Micro SDcard";storage;wipeingui;removable definitely looks wrong [21:02] <dobey> notice the dev listed twice [21:02] <dobey> meh, paste killed the whitespace [21:02] <dobey> but not sure what you're doing exactly [21:03] <Lihis> dobey: I'm trying to build recovery, currently I can access the adb shell but the stays off. [21:03] <oSoMoN> rpadovani, usually for both, although there’s a bit of a mess there, at some point I’ll need to clarify that [21:03] <Lihis> screen stays off* [21:04] <rpadovani> oSoMoN, oki doki, thanks [21:10] <AskUbuntu> Ubuntu Aquaris System Settings > Updates | [21:10] <brunch875> ^That also happened to me [21:10] <brunch875> I thought it was because of poor connection [21:16] <mariogrip> Tassadar: can i set alias on devices in the image server? (need A0001, bacon, A0001 One) [21:16] <Tassadar> no..? [21:17] <Tassadar> just use the one that's in recovery, not sure why you would need any othe [21:17] <Tassadar> r [21:18] <mariogrip> "No updates found for this device" and i think that may be because the device name is A0001 [21:18] <mariogrip> and i set bacon as the device name on my image server [21:18] <Tassadar> well run "system-image-cli -vvvv" in ssh/adb shell [21:18] <Tassadar> no use in just guessing [21:22] <mariogrip> Tassadar: is multiromgr using model number when i is quarrying my system-image server? [21:22] <Tassadar> it's using the base board name [21:22] <Tassadar> (the one that's first in the list) [21:22] <Tassadar> I think [21:23] <mariogrip> also A0001 [21:24] <mariogrip> then, i'm wondering if i can set alias on my system-image server [21:24] <mariogrip> for devices [21:24] <mariogrip> somethin like bacon,A0001 [21:44] <BOHverkill> mhhh my bq is not playing music :( but that is something for tomorror [21:45] <mariogrip> Tassadar: will install ubuntu touch work without gpg keys and without editing system-image-updater in my recovery? [21:45] <Tassadar> no [21:46] <Tassadar> either you add your gpg keys or you disable the gpg check, you need to modify the updater for both [21:46] <mariogrip> okey [22:09] <pancake> hi [22:09] <pancake> just got the ubuntu phone (bq) in my hands, and bricked it trying to flash the devel img [22:09] <pancake> wat du [22:09] <popey> define "bricked" [22:10] <popey> what exactly did you do? [22:10] <pancake> i put it in fastboot mode, i run the ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=devel --bootstrap [22:10] <popey> why? [22:10] <pancake> it flashes the recovery [22:10] <pancake> but never gets into it [22:10] <pancake> why i typed this command or why i want ubuntu-devel ? [22:10] <popey> yes, why all of it :) [22:11] <pancake> i missed many packages in the repos, also found several issues in the gui, and wanted tro try to devel branch [22:11] <pancake> err .. channel [22:13] <pancake> so? [22:14] <pancake> the flasher says: "Failed to enter Recovery" [22:14] <popey> so you don't need --bootstrap [22:14] <popey> and devel is older than what you previously had [22:15] <pancake> wat [22:15] <popey> also, we don't generally recommend using apt [22:15] <pancake> i cant enter in recovery mode, in fact i cant boot the system now. so i can only use the --boostrap [22:15] <popey> hold power and volup [22:15] <pancake> popey: its just for some specific cmdline tools [22:15] <popey> for ~10-15 seconds [22:16] <pancake> popey: this enters in fastboot mode [22:16] <popey> longer [22:17] <pancake> if i press power+anybutton for long time i get the device rebooted all the time [22:17] <pancake> if i just press volup, i get into the menu that i can choose recovery, fastboot and normal [22:18] <popey> so when you run the ubuntu-device-flash command now, what happens? [22:18] <pancake> when is now? which option should i choose? [22:18] <popey> let me get the command line [22:19] <pancake> fastboot is the only option that works [22:19] <popey> [22:19] <popey> the answer from john-mcaleely is accurate to flash it [22:22] <pancake> which is the newest firmware i can flash here? [22:24] <pancake> yeah that recovery seems to work :) [22:54] <pancake> popey: btw, the pkg i missed was 'git' [22:55] <pancake> which repo should i add to get it? because i though it was in the same place as 'gcc' [22:57] <popey> the repo we use for the rtm bq image is a fork of 14.10 which has a restricted set of packages [22:57] <popey> you could grab git from utopic [22:58] <pancake> how to do that? [22:58] <popey> [22:59] <pancake> i mean.. the url of that utopic/arm repo [22:59] <pancake> i know how to dpkg -i [23:00] <pancake> add-apt-repository -y ppa:??? [23:01] <popey> you could modify your /etc/apt/sources.list and make it utopic then apt-get install the packages you want then put them back [23:04] <pancake> ok [23:31] <Elleo> kenvandine: it's not something I'd run into before, but it sounds reasonable to me that it should only be able to get collected from the destination [23:42] <pancake> [23:42] <pancake> yeah works :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "AskUbuntu", "BOHverkill", "DanChapman", "Eidriaen", "Elleo", "JamesTait", "Johan", "Lihis", "Saviq", "Se7", "Tassadar", "abeato", "basti_", "beuno", "brunch875", "bumbum", "bzoltan", "cwayne", "cwayne_", "dadexix86", "dobey", "doflaherty", "duflu", "faenil", "g105b", "g4vr0che", "jay_jack", "jgdx", "kemmko1", "kenvandine", "lotuspsychje", "mandel", "mariogrip", "mcphail", "mindspin2015", "mpt", "nik90", "oSoMoN", "pancake", "pmcgowan", "popey", "rpadovani", "seb128", "sturmflut-work", "t1mp", "toshiba_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-touch" }
[01:31] <racarr> reading kDBus thread... [01:31] <racarr> * With priority-inheritance, we can do synchronous calls into trusted [01:31] <racarr> peers and let them optionally use our time-slice to perform the [01:31] <racarr> action. This allows syscall-like/binder-like method-calls into other [01:31] <racarr> processes. Without priority-inheritance, this is not possible in a [01:31] <racarr> secure manner (see 'priority-inheritance'). [01:31] <racarr> that could be cool for us...(the time slice donation) [11:19] <alan_g> I love it when a test tells me I accidentally broke something I didn't even realize I was touching [12:49] <kdub> alan_g, with ~alan-griffiths/mir/first-pass-of-surface-spec-modification and my comment about rejecting some spec requests [12:50] <kdub> it kinda feels like i'm coming late to the party on this discussion, but if there are some specs that can be invalid, isn't aborting on those a bit unfriendly to the client-api-users? [12:57] <alan_g> kdub: if the client wilfully creates a spec intended for change and then tries using it for create they are breaking the contract and we shouldn't hide that. [13:00] <alan_g> It isn't as though anything is outside their control [13:02] <kdub> so, it just seems that aborting for misuses is harsh... and I guess I also see some degree of difference between requesting an invalid operation for a specific MirSurfaceType, and trying to do something that clearly violates the contract [13:04] <kdub> and I guess I'm also assuming that there are some violations of policies that are more subtle, like, trying to resize or reposition type X that would be unclear to a client [13:08] <alan_g> aborting is better for the client writer than trying to carry on and having unexpected behaviour later [13:10] <alan_g> violations of policies (trying to resize a maximized window) are not invalid surface specifications but things the window management policy decides [13:11] <alan_g> and that doesn't break contract and lead to an abort [13:13] <kdub> right, so there's no such thing as an invalid MirSurfaceSpec? [13:13] <kdub> its more that the client is just setting preferences (which can't fail), and that the server tries to respect the preferences, according to WM policy [13:16] <alan_g> There can be a MirSurfaceSpec that is invalid for create, but not for apply [13:19] <alan_g> But, yes that's the model [13:22] <kdub> okay, so I based the comment on the idea that there was an "apply spec" that could be invalid, but if there's not, then I guess, comment resolved! [15:11] <duflu> alan_g: We're going to need an expanded input::Surface in the stack to cover the "aura" or invisible resize area. I can imagine it could be either a secondary input::Surface underneath the existing one, or an expansion of the existing input::Surface. Do you have plans either way? [15:12] <alan_g> duflu: not yet. But it likely will be done in terms of the bufferstreams kdub has started [15:12] <duflu> alan_g: No I just mean the input region (which has no buffer stream) [15:13] <duflu> It needs to extend beyond the buffer streams [15:14] <alan_g> Exactly, currently there's a buffer stream conflated with the surface [15:14] <duflu> alan_g: "buffer stream" shouldn't come into it. I'm not talking about pixels, just the invisible input region (that doesn't overlap any bufferstream) [15:15] <alan_g> duflu: buffer stream comes into it because it is currently conflated with the surface (and needs separating) [15:15] <kdub> right, so it would be a surface of size 100x100, and the buffer stream would be at 10,10 of size 80x80? [15:16] <duflu> kdub: No, the input surface would be at (-10,-10) of the surface. Because the aura doesn't affect placement either [15:17] <duflu> We already have input::Surface. Just need to unconflate it with the visible surface/buffer stream [15:17] <duflu> Possibly with two separate input::Surfaces per surface [15:17] <kdub> ah, yes I see [15:17] <duflu> Or three [15:18] <kdub> so maybe a MirSurface can have multiple buffer streams, and multiple input regions... [15:19] <duflu> kdub: Yeah one or more. But only input over the client area goes to the client. Input to the aura should be handled by the server [15:19] <duflu> -server + shell [15:20] <duflu> Presently you can click the invisible input region of a non-focused window to raise it. That might not be important, but you still need to be able to do that to resize non-focused windows [15:24] <duflu> kdub: I like the idea of adding the aura as a new input::Surface under the existing one. If input hits that then the shell handles it without the client being aware [15:25] <duflu> It's also then independent of the decoration mode (client, server or hybrid) [15:28] <alan_g> That's similar to what we have for title bar in examples [15:28] <duflu> Maybe. I'm not aware of anyone making the input surface dimensions different to the buffer stream though [15:29] <duflu> Yet [15:30] <kdub> so, having aura as a new input::Surface seems like a good idea to me, and having the input surface dimensions be different also seems okay [15:31] <kdub> with the limitation that the client api cant go grabbing input from anywhere on the screen [15:32] <duflu> kdub: No the client would never be aware of it. It's all shell handled [15:37] <kdub> right, so that plan seems even better then [15:38] <duflu> kdub: We might want to start calling each app a window now :) [15:43] <kdub> yay [16:11] <duflu> Umm, the demo servers are all freezing on my laptop today. Did we break Mir or the kernel or something else? [16:21] <alan_g> duflu: quick test of mir_demo_server seems OK - any clues to reproducing? [16:21] <duflu> alan_g No clues yet [16:21] <duflu> Everything worked yesterday but not today [16:22] <duflu> I do update my system and Mir every day [16:22] <alan_g> You just start it and it hangs? [16:22] <duflu> Yep [16:22] <alan_g> Hmm. I've not updated system today [16:22] <duflu> Mouse doesn't move and can't switch VTs [16:35] <duflu> alan_g: Yeah bisecting now. We broke lp:mir this past day [16:45] <alan_g> duflu: confirmed, must be since I updated mir around lunchtime [16:46] <alan_g> The only plausible culpret is -c 2480 [16:46] <duflu> alan_g: Yeah testing that one now [16:48] <duflu> alan_g: No r2480 is also broken. r2477 works so guess [16:50] <duflu> kgunn: Built as a deb solves all my Xmir problems. I'll do that and learn what I did wrong from debian/* later [16:50] <duflu> Yesterday was going on 3 hours sleep at most [16:50] <alan_g> duflu: I think one of us misunderstands - I'm guessing 2480 broke it (so predicting 2479 works) [16:50] <duflu> alan_g: Yes, whoops. probably [16:54] <duflu> alan_g: Doing final verification now. If that's it I'll just revert it. The change is too non-trivial and the bug too critical to wait for the proper fix [16:54] <alan_g> duflu: +1 [17:00] <duflu> alf__: Re flickering we did land Android buffer changes yesterday.... :) [17:01] <duflu> Or not using 0.13?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "alan_g", "duflu", "kdub", "racarr" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-mir" }
[02:08] <bluedusk> AutoWiZ_znc, 찡 하이잉 [02:08] <AutoWiZ_znc> 안녕하세요 부비부비 [02:08] <AutoWiZ_znc> 저 부사수 3명이 그만뒀어요 ㅋㅋㅋ 1명은 2년전에 그만두고 두명은 지난주에 [02:09] <bluedusk> 좋은거 아닌가요? [02:09] <AutoWiZ_znc> 이제 좀 편하게 살아야 하는데 자꾸만 꾸역꾸역 일이 저한테 넘어와요 ㅋㅋ [02:09] <bluedusk> 그럼 부사수 3명 일만큼 더 하고 월급도 그만큼 더 받으시면 돼죠 [02:09] <Work^Seony> 안좋은거 같은데요.... [02:10] <Work^Seony> 그 사람들이 하던일 다 해야하니... [02:10] <Work^Seony> 게다가 사람 새로 들어오면 또 가르쳐야하고... [02:10] <AutoWiZ_znc> 그렇게 주면 감사합니다 하고 그렇게 일할텥데 [02:10] <AutoWiZ_znc> 일만 시키고 월급은 같이 줍니다 , 경험에 의하면 [02:11] <AutoWiZ_znc> 뭐 문서상으로는 저는 이미 유지보수가 아니라 개발팀이라 , 그냥 신경 안쓴다는 작전으로 나갈겁니다. ㅋ [02:11] <AutoWiZ_znc> 그래도 좀 답답하긴 하네요 [02:11] <AutoWiZ_znc> 으음 4월 14일 [02:11] <AutoWiZ_znc> 4월 13일 [02:11] <AutoWiZ_znc> 화이트 데이 인가요? [02:11] <AutoWiZ_znc> 3월인가? [02:12] <bluedusk> 오오 [02:12] <bluedusk> 개발팀 [02:12] <bluedusk> 역시 능력자시군요 [02:12] <AutoWiZ_znc> 1인 팀이에요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ [02:13] <bluedusk> 헐 1인팀 [02:13] <AutoWiZ_znc> 두달동안 코드 5줄 짯네요 [02:13] <bluedusk> 완전 초 능력자시군요 [02:13] <AutoWiZ_znc> (한줄에 3000자 이런건 아니구요 ㅋㅋ) [02:13] <Work^Seony> 5줄씩이나! [02:13] <Work^Seony> 제이쿼리도 겨우 한줄인데.. [02:18] <Work^Seony> 요즘 집 살려고 알아보는데, 살짝 겁나네요 ㅎㅎ [02:19] <samahui_> 전 집사서 20일 이사인데 겁나요... 관리비 많이 나올거 같아서요 ㅜㅜ [02:20] <Work^Seony> 그래봐야 한국은 관리비 얼마 안하잖아요 [02:20] <Work^Seony> 이 동네는, 좀 좋은 아파트면 한달에 백만원씩 나와요 [02:20] <samahui_> 48평 아파트인데 거진 그만큼 나와요 [02:20] <Work^Seony> 아주 좋은 아파트는 200만원씩 나오구요.. [02:20] <samahui_> 6~80만원 나온다더군요 [02:20] <samahui_> ㅜㅜ [02:20] <Work^Seony> 이게 전기세 등등 공과금 제외한 금액이에요... [02:20] <samahui_> 아무튼 지금의 배로 튀니 좀 아깝다 싶어요 [02:20] <Work^Seony> 근데, 좋은데로 이사가시나봐요 [02:21] <samahui_> 집은 좋은데 회사와 점점 멀어지네요 [02:21] <samahui_> 화사를 옮길까 싶어요 ㅎㅎ;; [02:21] <Work^Seony> 저는 사무실이랑 최대한 가까운 곳으로 이사가려구요 ㅎㅎ [02:22] <Work^Seony> 출퇴근 시간 10분 이내로... [02:22] <samahui_> 저도 사무실과 최대한 가깝게 가려는데 ... 사무실이 이사를 해서 멀어졌어요 [02:22] <Work^Seony> 아 10분은 좀 그렇구나 ㅎㅎ 30분쯤... [02:22] <samahui_> 사무실과 너무 가까워도 귀찮아요... 예전에 옆건물에 살았는데 뭔일이나 부탁할게 생기면 찾더군요 [02:23] <Work^Seony> 아... 그런 일도 생기는군요.... [02:24] <samahui_> 잠시 일좀하다올게요 [02:24] <Work^Seony> 넵 [02:28] <DarkCircle> 전 근래 짜장면을 너무 질리게 먹어서 오늘 짜장면 먹으라고 하면 토할거 같네요 -ㅠ- [02:28] <DarkCircle> 하 ... 그놈의 블랙데이 =3 [02:28] <Work^Seony> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ [02:28] <Work^Seony> 여기서는 자주 못먹는 음식이라서.... 저는 좀 그립네요 ㅎㅎ [02:48] <DarkCircle> 참 거긴 짜파게티도 구경하기 뭐하겠군요. 워낙 작은 동네니... [02:49] <Work^Seony> 아뇨 짜파게티야 남아돌죠 [02:49] <Work^Seony> 하와이가 미국이긴 해도 아시아 문화가 절대적인 곳이라서, 한중일 음식이랑 물건은 없는게 없어요 [02:50] <Work^Seony> 문제는, 한국식 중화요리를 제대로 하는 곳이 없어요 ㅎㅎ [02:50] <Work^Seony> 짬뽕이랑 짜장이 그립네요... [02:54] <razGon_MINILA> 아.. 한국식 중화 요리 오면 좋을 텐데.ㅋ [02:55] <Work^Seony> 대신, 진짜 중국요리는 정말 맛있습니다 ㅎㅎ [05:57] <razGon_MINILA> [05:57] <razGon_MINILA> 이런거 별루 일까요? [05:57] <Seony> 저렴하네요 [05:58] <Seony> 쿼드코어라고만 적힌걸 보니, 아마도 코어시리즈일 듯 싶은데 그냥 성능 생각 안하고 편하게 들고다닐거면 가격도 저렴하고 좋을거 같네요 [06:06] <razGon_MINILA> [06:07] <razGon_MINILA> 코어시리즈는 아니고 베이트레일 시리즈인데 쿼드코어 라고 한거에요.ㅋ [06:08] <razGon_MINILA> 아래것은 터치가 되는 스크린거. AMD의 카바니 기반. [06:08] <Seony> 그렇군요.... 제 생각엔, 저것으로 "무엇"을 하실지를 결정하셔야할 거 같아요 [06:08] <Seony> 그러니까, 목적을 정해놓고 제품을 정해야 고민의 폭이 줄어들지 않나 싶습니다 [06:08] <razGon_MINILA> 그렇죠. [06:09] <razGon_MINILA> 모바일기기는 목적성 정해 놓지 않으면 신주되기 쉽상이거든요. [06:09] <razGon_MINILA> 저희 둘쨰가 제가 책상 안쪽에 모셔 놓은 넷북에 관심을 가지더군요. [06:10] <AutoWiZ_znc> 오오 벌써 컴퓨터 맛을 알 나이가 된건가요? [06:10] <razGon_MINILA> 아직까지는 아이패드 좋아합니다. [06:11] <razGon_MINILA> 인제 5살인데 코드 알고 치면 제 전재산 묻어 놓구 미국보내야죠. [06:12] <Seony> ㅎㅎㅎ [06:12] <Seony> 미리 환경을 만들어주시려고 하시는거군요 [06:13] <Seony> 그런 환경에서 천재가 나오는게 아닌가 싶어요 [06:13] <Seony> 송유근 같은 경우도 좀 비슷한 거 같았고... [06:16] <razGon_MINILA> 송유근 정도는 아니ㅣ구요. [06:17] <razGon_MINILA> 그냥 주커버그의 부모교육을 보구서 느낀게 많앗습니다. [06:17] <razGon_MINILA> 아버지가 정신과 의사. [06:17] <razGon_MINILA> 애가 컴을 보니 잘만지는거 같아서 과외시킴.ㅋ [06:18] <razGon_MINILA> 제가 볼때는 운도 있었지만, 부모의 촉이 있었던거 같아요. [06:18] <razGon_MINILA> 저희 애들이 그정도는 아니지만, 앞으로 컴퓨터 모르고 살수 없는 세상이잖아요. [06:19] <razGon_MINILA> 미리부터 창의적인 부분에 대한 접근을 시키는건 어떨까하고요. [06:19] <Seony> 모르고 살 수 없을 정도가 아니라, 앞으로 세상을 주도해나갈 거에요 ㅎㅎ [06:19] <razGon_MINILA> 예 [06:19] <razGon_MINILA> 제가 생각하는 제3외국어 입니다. [06:19] <Seony> 제 개인적으로는 의학+컴퓨터야말로 진짜 미래에 반드시 해야할 학문이라고 생각해요 [06:20] <razGon_MINILA> 예 [06:20] <razGon_MINILA> 오히려 저는 수학과 코딩의 중요성이 더 강조되는거 같아요. [06:20] <razGon_MINILA> 그것을 얼마나 창조성을 얻는가도 문제이지만요. [06:21] <razGon_MINILA> 얹는가 가 맞는 말이겟군요.ㅎ [06:22] <Seony> 사실 프로그래밍은 수학적인 학문이거든요... [06:22] <Seony> 원체 전산학이라는 학문이 수학에서 발달했으니... [06:22] <razGon_MINILA> 예 다시보니 미적분. 팩토리얼. 행렬등에서 기원한 문장등.ㅎㅎㅎ [06:23] <Seony> 전산학 수업에 배우는 건데요, 전산학이라는 학문은 이미 100년 전에 정립됐따 라고 해요 [06:23] <razGon_MINILA> 울마눌은 둘쨰는 의사 시킨다는데. 제가 볼떄는 공대가야 될거 같아요. [06:23] <Seony> 예를 들어서 지금 우리가 쓰는 이 인터넷과 네트워크도, 길을 찾는데 쓰이는 알고리즘은 무지무지 오래 전에 만들어진거거든요... [06:23] <razGon_MINILA> 예 [06:23] <razGon_MINILA> 알고리즘이 중요하죠. [06:24] <razGon_MINILA> 그 알고리즘을 엮어낸게 프로그램. [06:24] <razGon_MINILA> 그것이 모듈화 되서 연결-연결된 게 우리의 생활이죠. [06:24] <Seony> 네 [06:25] <razGon_MINILA> 솔직히 애들에게 그거 알려주기는 그렇구. [06:25] <razGon_MINILA> 스크레치 갈켜주는데 여자애들이라서 그림그리기 좋아하더군요. [06:25] <razGon_MINILA> 53펜슬의 paper로 그림그리기 좋아함.ㅋ [06:25] <Seony> ㅎㅎ 글쵸 지금 그런거 가르치면 안되죠 ㅎㅎ [06:25] <Seony> 알고리즘을 게임하듯이 가르쳐주는 웹사이트가 있어요 [06:26] <Seony> 퍼즐 푸는듯 하더라구요 [06:26] <razGon_MINILA> 아. [06:26] <Seony> 왜 그 뭐냐... 블럭을 이동시켜서 탈출구 만드는 그런 블럭 게임 있죠? [06:26] <Seony> 그런 식 비스무리하게 해서, 순환문, if문 등등을 가르치더라구요 ㅎㅎ [06:27] <razGon_MINILA> 소코반? [06:28] <razGon_MINILA> 아직은 애들이 글을 못읽어요. 둘째도 인제 한글 겨우 읽음. [06:29] <razGon_MINILA> 솔직히 우리아이들 글쓰는데. 7살인 제 아이에게 손글씨도 있지만, 자판 글씨 스는거 갈키려구 노트북 사려구요. [06:30] <Seony> 가격이 저렴하니 괜찮을거 같아요 [06:30] <razGon_MINILA> 고장나도 괜찮은 싼거 사서 가지고 놀구. [06:30] <razGon_MINILA> 일기도 쓰라고 하려구요. [06:30] <razGon_MINILA> 손글씨보다 더 중요할거 같아요. [06:31] <razGon_MINILA> 아직 울마눌님은 아날로그인데. 솔직히 초1떄 코딩좀 갈켜주고 싶은데.. 제가 실력과 시간이 아니되니... [06:32] <razGon_MINILA> 뭐 둘째가 잘하니 봐야죠. 그떄 되면 맥프로 주면 되겟네요. 앞으로 4년뒤ㅣ니ㅣ.ㅋㅋ [06:32] <razGon_MINILA> 3년이군요.ㅋ [06:32] <Seony> ㅎㅎㅎ [06:32] <Seony> 많이 접하면 아마 관심이 갈 거에요 [06:33] <Seony> 예전에 노홍철이 방송에서 한 얘기 중 인상깊었던 게 하나 있는데요, [06:33] <Seony> 어릴 적 아버지가 캠코더를 하나 사줬대요 [06:33] <Seony> 그걸로 자기 자신을 촬영하면서 카메라 앞에 서는 것을 즐기게 됐다고 하더라구요... [06:36] <razGon_MINILA> 그렇군요. [06:36] <razGon_MINILA> 첫쨰는 아이폰4s엄마가 쓰던거. [06:36] <razGon_MINILA> 카메라 찍더니 멋내는거 디자인하는거 좋아해요. [06:36] <razGon_MINILA> 근데 요즘은 숙제에 파묻히는거 같아서 불쌍. [06:40] <Seony> 흐... 벌써부터 숙제를.... [06:49] <PotatoGim> 오오 서니님.. [06:50] <Seony> PotatoGim: 안녕하세요 [06:50] <PotatoGim> 안녕하세요~ 정말 궁금한게 하나 있습니다~ [06:50] <Seony> 네 말씀하세요 [06:50] <PotatoGim> So if we are cowing down from the snapshot we need to make sure that any block we own completely ourselves has normal refs for any blocks it points to. [06:51] <PotatoGim> 비루한 실력이라 너무 헷갈리네요...ㅜ [06:51] <PotatoGim> any block 이하에 ourselves가 왜 들어간건지... [06:51] <Seony> 잠시만요 저도 해석 좀 해볼께요 ㅎㅎ [06:52] <AutoWiZ_znc> 대충 어디에서 나오는 이야기인지 말씀을 해주실 수 있나요? [06:52] <PotatoGim> 캄사합니다..ㅜ [06:52] <AutoWiZ_znc> 스토리지? 클라우드? 넷 드라이브? [06:52] <PotatoGim> [06:52] <PotatoGim> 요 놈입니다 ㅎ Btrfs 메일링 리스트인데 [06:53] <PotatoGim> 말이 너무 헷갈리네요... ㅎㅎ; [06:53] <AutoWiZ_znc> 대충 의미는 이해 갑니다만 cowing down 이 어떤걸 뜻하는지는 찾아봐야 겠네요 [06:53] <Seony> 저도 cowing down이 무슨 뜻인지 잘 모르겠어요 [06:54] <PotatoGim> Copy-On-Write를 말하는 부분입니다 ㅎ [06:54] <PotatoGim> btrfs 자체가 cow 파일 시스템이라 Copy-On-Write하는 부분을 그냥 동사처럼 쓴 것 같아요 [06:54] <Seony> 아... [06:54] <PotatoGim> 이해할거라는 전제 하에? [06:55] <Seony> 일단은, snptshot이랑 we 사이에 콤마가 생략되어있어요 [06:56] <Seony> 그러니까, 해석을 해보자면... [06:58] <Seony> 대충 빠르게 직역해볼께요 [06:58] <Seony> 그러니까 만약 우리가 스냅샷으로부터 cowing down하면, 우리는 확인해야한다 우리가 완전히 소유하는 어떤 블럭들이 아무 블럭들을 가리치는 보통 refs를 갖고있는지. [06:58] <Seony> 가리치는 => 가리키는 [06:58] <Seony> 근데 이거 앞뒤 내용을 대강 알아서 의역이 가능하겠네요 [07:08] <popeye92> btrfs 도 좋지만, zfs 도 사랑해주세요 [07:11] <bluedusk> 음? [07:11] <Seony> 아... 저 진짜 zfs 쓰고싶은데 맥용 zfs에 치명적인 문제가 있어서... [07:12] <PotatoGim> 오... ourselves는 어떻게 풀어진건가요? [07:12] <PotatoGim> zfs는 라이센스 문제 때문에... [07:17] <popeye92> gpl 인 btrfs 와 cddl 인 zfs 이면 [07:17] <Seony> 맥용 zfs는 영어 이외의 외국어로 파일이름을 쓰면 깨져버려요... ㅎㅎ [07:18] <popeye92> 아~~ 파일이름을 영어로만 해서 그걸 확인 못 했군요~ [07:20] <Seony> 네. 얼마 전에도 혹시나 개선이 있었을까 싶어서 봤는데 아직 그건 해결이 안됐더라구요.. [07:20] <Seony> [07:20] <Seony> Beware of filenames containing non-ASCII characters. Any such filename needs to be encoded in utf-8 with MacOS's peculiar normalization, or you won't be able to access the file on MacOS, not even to delete it. [07:21] <Seony> 파일에 접근도 안되고 삭제도 안되고.... 무서워요 ㅎㅎ [07:21] <popeye92> ㅎㅎ [07:21] <Seony> 저것만 고쳐지면 바로 갈아탈 거에요 [07:22] <PotatoGim> 스냅샷으로부터 COW하는 경우, 완전히 소유하는 어떤 블록들이 가리키는 모든 블록들에 대한 일반 참조가 있는지 확인해야 하ㄷㄴㅏ? [07:22] <Seony> PotatoGim: 네 괜찮은거 같아요 [07:22] <PotatoGim> 정말 감사합니다..ㅜ ourselves를 어떻게 받아 들이면 좋을지 감이 안오네요.. [07:23] <Seony> ourselves는 특별히 의미를 두지 않으셔도 될 거 같아요 [07:23] <Seony> 저도 영어를 잘 못하지만, 그 문장을 좀 설명드리자면,... [07:24] <Seony> any block we own completely 한 문장이고, ourselves has normal refs for any blocks, 그리고 it points to. [07:24] <Seony> 이렇게 3문장으로 쪼개시면 될 거 같아요 [07:25] <PotatoGim> 오... 역시 잘 쪼개야 하는거군요. 감사합니다~! 저놈에 ourselves가 뭐라고 엊저녁에도 끙끙 앓았어요..ㅜ; [07:26] <popeye92> OpenZFS 의 OpenZFS on OSX ( 랑 maczfs 랑 다른 거군요~ [07:27] <Seony> maczfs는 프로젝트가 아마 꽤 오래됐을 거에요. [07:27] <Seony> 자기들이 내세우는게, 상당히 안정적이다 라는 점이거든요 [07:27] <Seony> 근데 openzfs는 오늘 처음 알게됐네요 ㅎㅎ [07:27] <Seony> 자세히 좀 훑어봐야겠어요... [07:28] <popeye92> 저는 부터 알고 있었거든요. FreeBSD 에서는 open-zfs 코드를 쉐어해서 [07:29] <Seony> 아... 그러면 이게 좀 더 낫겠네요. 어차피 차후에도 라이센스 문제도 해결될테고... [07:32] <Seony> non-ascii 파일명에 대한 언급은 따로 없네요. [07:32] <Seony> 그러면 내일부터 테스트를! [07:35] <popeye92> maczfs 는 apple이 주도했다가 2009년에 끝낸 zfs 프로젝트를 이어받은 거군요. [07:35] <jun__> 안녕하세요~ [07:36] <Seony> 안녕하세요 [07:36] <jun__> Seony님 저 어제 접속해서 계정 등록해놨어요~ [07:36] <jun__> 친구 신청 메세지 받으셨나요? [07:36] <Seony> jun__: 아뇨 아직 접속 못했어요 [07:36] <Seony> jun__: 근데 혹시 이브온라인은 안하세요? ㅎㅎ [07:37] <popeye92> OpneZFS 는 예전 솔라리스에서 ZFS하던 멤버들이 나와서 하던거라 하더라구요. [07:39] <Seony> 네 그래서 사실 제가 maczfs에 관심이 좀 많았었어요 [07:39] <Seony> 근데 non-ascii 파일명에 대한 해결이 안나니... [07:59] <popeye92> 지난 달에 일본가서 open-zfs 프로젝트 설립자를 만났었어요 [08:06] <Seony> 오오 설립자... 설립자는 어느 나라 사람이에요? [08:10] <popeye92> Matt Ahrens 라고 미쿡 사람입니다. :) [08:11] <Seony> 썬에서 일했던 사람이고 zfs 프로젝트를 세운 사람인데 오픈소스 zfs를 설립했군요... [08:14] <popeye92> 저랑 사진도 찍었어요 [08:14] <Seony> 오오... 와 부럽습니다 ㅎㅎ [08:14] <popeye92> 3월에 토쿄에서 했던 AsiaBSDCon 2015 에서 찍은 사진입니다. [08:17] <Seony> 그럼 한달 정도 된 사진이군요 [08:17] <popeye92> 딱 한달 되었네요 [08:31] <razGon_MINILA> [08:31] <razGon_MINILA> 이거 자판 별루겟죠? [08:31] <razGon_MINILA> 애들에게 치라고 하기가 그럴듯. 하긴 애들 자판질 안하니.ㅋㅋ [08:36] <Seony> [08:36] <Seony> ㅎㅎㅎ [08:38] <jun__> 음.... 뭔가 연예계 기사가 뜰거 같네요... [08:39] <Seony> 이번에 너무 큰 뉴스가 떴으니, 그거 무마시키려면 어마어마한 기사가 떠야할걸요... [08:39] <bluedusk> Seony, 아니에요 걍 혐의없음으로 무혐의 처리되고 끝날꺼에요 [08:39] <bluedusk> 죽은자는 말이 없으니 [08:39] <bluedusk> 어차피 검찰도 수사할 의지도 없을테고 [08:40] <bluedusk> 걍 정치쇼 하는거죠 [08:40] <Seony> 야당이 이번에 아마 눈을 부릅뜨고 칼을 갈고있지 않을까 싶어요 [08:40] <bluedusk> 봐라 우리는 총리부터 수사 받고 하지 않느냐 [08:40] <bluedusk> Seony, 그래봤자 검찰 수사결과에 증거부족 무혐의 나올텐데요 [08:40] <bluedusk> 전 사실 자살도 의심스럽기는 해요 [08:40] <bluedusk> 왠지 자살로 위장한 타살이지 않을까 라는 [08:40] <bluedusk> 어차피 죽은자는 말이 없기 마련 [08:40] <Seony> 글쵸... [08:41] <bluedusk> 살아서 수사 받으면서 다 밝혀질바에 걍 자살로 하고 혐의등은 증거부족으로 무혐의 처리 [08:41] <bluedusk> 깔끔하게 뭐 시끄럽긴 하겠지만 외국에 나갔다오면 처리 될테고 [08:41] <bluedusk> 이참에 남미 구경이나 갔다 오고 [08:41] <bluedusk> 좋은 나라인듯 [08:42] <Seony> ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ [08:42] <bluedusk> 뭐 로그 에 남으니깐 하는말이지만 제가 했던 말중에 주어는 없습니다. 참고해주세요 [08:43] <Seony> 걱정마세요. 로그에 남는건 대화 뿐이니... [08:43] <bluedusk> Seony, 700줄 짜리 perl script 코드를 다시 update 하는데 [08:44] <bluedusk> 힘드네요.. 뭐가 뭔지..ㅡㅡ 분명 첨부터 제가 다 짰던 코드인데 [08:44] <bluedusk> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 도대체 [08:44] <Seony> ㅎㅎ 저도 그래요 ㅋㅋ [08:44] <Seony> 그래서 주석을 달려고 노력하죠 [08:44] <bluedusk> 저 주석 겁나 잘 달아둠 [08:44] <Seony> 내가 짰는데 처음보는 코드야! 뭐 이런 거죠 ㅋㅋ [08:44] <bluedusk> 머리속에 [08:44] <bluedusk> ...... [08:44] <bluedusk> 왜 주석을 머리속에 달아두느냐고!! [08:44] <Seony> ㅎㅎ [08:45] <Seony> 근데 펄로 짰으면... 그것도 700줄이면... 유지보수가 힘들겠네요.. [08:45] <bluedusk> 근데 로직 자체가 간단해서 문법만 조금 기억나면 금방 [08:45] <bluedusk> Seony, 어차피 조건문에 데이터 잘라서 parsing? 하는것 뿐이라서요 [08:45] <Seony> 근데 꽤 라인수가 많네요 [08:46] <bluedusk> 최대한 늘여트렸어요... [08:46] <bluedusk> 데이터를 잘라다가 pasring 하는거라 줄여 버리면 [08:46] <bluedusk> 나중에 모를꺼 같아서 ㅋ [08:46] <Seony> 아 ㅎㅎ [08:46] <bluedusk> 일부러 한줄로 줄일수 있는것들도 안줄이고?? [08:46] <bluedusk> 뭐 그런식으로.. [08:46] <Seony> 저도 펄 재밌어서 한때 열심히 배웠는데, 나중에 파이썬 하니까 그게 더 재밌어서 이젠 펄 다 잊어버렸어요 [08:46] <bluedusk> 중복되는 작업은 별도로 함수 만들어서 호출하는식으로 [08:46] <bluedusk> 저도 뭐 짜는게 잼있긴 한데 [08:47] <bluedusk> 그렇다고 개발자 정도는 아니고 걍 필요한 script 짜는 용도가 딱 끝인거 같아요 ㅠㅠ [08:47] <Seony> 게다가 요즘은 너무 php에 익숙해져서, 이제는 서버관리용 스크립트도 php로 짤까 고민하고있어요 [08:49] <bluedusk> Seony, shell에서도 php로 호출하면 되니깐요 어차피 결과값 필요한거면 변수 형태로 넘겨 받으면 되고 ㅋ [08:49] <Seony> 네 그래서 무지 편해요 [08:49] <bluedusk> 사실 저도 작년에 짰던 report 툴이 그런식이였어요 jquery 데이터를 php로 호출해서 넘겨 받는식으로 [08:49] <bluedusk> 뭐랄까 필요한것만 필요한데다가 짜집기 해서.. [08:50] <bluedusk> jquery, perl, php, bash shell, js 까지 [08:50] <bluedusk> 헐 이렇게 말하니 캐 고수 같네요....-ㅅ- [08:50] <Seony> ㅋㅋㅋ 저도 캐허접한데 ㅋㅋ [08:56] <jun__> 무슨 소린지 못 알아듣는 1인.... [08:59] <bluedusk> 저도 캐 허접한데요 뭘 ㅠ [08:59] <Seony> 오늘 휴가 복귀한 사수한테, 진급시켜달라고 얘기하니까 올해 안으로 받게끔 추진해준다네요 ㅋ [09:00] <bluedusk> 헐 축하드려요 [09:00] <Seony> 축하받긴 아직 일러요. 승인이 날지 안날지도 모르거든요 [09:00] <Seony> 인사이동이 너무 복잡해서... [09:00] <bluedusk> 전 이번달 진급자 명단에도 없었어요 [09:00] <bluedusk> 올해 연봉협상할때 팀장님께 [09:00] <bluedusk> 넌 진급 안시킨다고 이야기까지 직접 들었어요 ㅋ_ㅋ [09:01] <bluedusk> 사내에 gitlab 만들어 쓰는데 [09:01] <bluedusk> 제꺼 프로젝트가 가장 많네요 [09:01] <bluedusk> 어차피 다 shell이랑 perl 기반이지만 ㅋ [09:01] <Seony> 헐... 제일 많은데도... [09:01] <Seony> 블덕님은 제가 볼때 미국 넘어가셔야.... [09:02] <bluedusk> 이번에 kinx 면접보는데... [09:02] <bluedusk> 고민좀 해보구요 근데 문제는 영어죠 [09:02] <bluedusk> ㅠ_ㅠ [09:02] <bluedusk> 어차피 실력이 안되는것도 있고 [09:02] <bluedusk> 학사 학위가 없는것도 있고 [09:02] <Seony> 유학으로 오셔야죠 [09:03] <bluedusk> 뭐 계획은 여기서 학사 따고 가더라도 어학연수 가서 석사를 하는게 좋지 않을까 생각되요 [09:03] <bluedusk> 어차피 돈도 없고 ㅠㅠ [09:03] <Seony> 석사는 입학부터가 장난 아니게 ㅎ미들거든요 [09:03] <Seony> 학사는 그래도 쉬워요 [09:04] <Seony> 학교마다 다르겠지만 명문대만 아니면 어렵지 않아요 [09:14] <jun__> 크흠... 외국계 기업이라.. [09:16] <jun__> 전 오늘 급한 일이 있어서 퇴장하겠습니다~ 다들 수고하세요~ [09:33] <samahui_> 즐거운 저녁시간들 보내세요~ 전 퇴근합니다~ [09:35] <Seony> 맥용 이브온라인 시뮬레이터 한 번 돌려볼려고 별짓을 다 하네요... [09:35] <Seony> 맥이 은근히 불편... [09:38] <Guest77192> 안녕하세요 [09:38] <Seony> 안녕하세요 [09:41] <Seony> 아 이게 또 맥에서 돌릴려니 x11 서버를 설치해야하네요 [09:41] <Seony> 괜히 시작했나... [09:41] <Seony> 걍 가상머신을 돌리는게 나을뻔했네... [10:14] <HolyKnight> ㅇㅅㅇ [12:13] <cartes9> 안녕하세요. [19:03] <Work^Seony> 안녕하세요 [20:01] <AutoWiZ_znc> 안녕하세요 [23:46] <AutoWiZ_znc> 출근 했어요~~ [23:47] <HolyKnight> ㅎㅇㅇ [23:48] <AutoWiZ_znc> 혹시 자바 class 손으로 실행하는데 그 안에 함수 바로 호출하는 방법 있을까요?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "AutoWiZ_znc", "DarkCircle", "Guest77192", "HolyKnight", "PotatoGim", "Seony", "Work^Seony", "bluedusk", "cartes9", "jun__", "popeye92", "razGon_MINILA", "samahui_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ko" }
[06:05] <infinity> wxl: Huh, I thought we found and fixed that in the last beta. I guess we'll fix it harder. [07:35] <Saviq> robru, yup, thanks! [12:24] <rbasak> Can someone look at syslinux-themes-debian in the trusty and utopic SRU queues please? It fixes an upgrade bug so will not be particularly useful to land after Vivid's release. [13:40] <arges> /quitq/quit [14:08] <jamespage> hi release team - the ceph upload in the vivid queue is fairly critical for release - upstream are recommending that people skip 0.94 if possible [14:08] <jamespage> .1 is good tho [15:24] <bdmurray> infinity: There doesn't seem to be a vivid-updates milestone [15:31] <infinity> bdmurray: Would you like one? [15:32] <bdmurray> infinity: yes, please [15:33] <infinity> bdmurray: You have one. [19:08] <sil2100> robru: [19:08] <sil2100> robru: no movement since 2011 [19:43] <infinity> wxl: I think I have a fix for the missing X drivers bug, just regenerating some metas to see if the results look sane. [19:51] <wxl> infinity: you may not need to fix anything [19:52] <debfx> there are a bunch of removal requests in the ~ubuntu-archive queue. it would be nice if someone could put aside some time to process them before release. [19:56] <DalekSec> Though adding driver-all to platform should help and be useful anyway. [20:24] <wxl> infinity: now you messed everything up XD [20:32] <cyphermox> infinity: so, you mentioned before that there was a vervet somewhere? [20:32] <elfy> cyphermox: hey there :) [20:33] <cyphermox> elfy: hey hey! [20:33] <cyphermox> and I meant to ask you something, I just don't remember what [20:33] <elfy> so you'll know what I'll be saying next ... any movement on the crash on press enter at install end [20:33] <elfy> or s/crash/die [20:33] <cyphermox> that we fixed yesterday, so I already know :) [20:33] <elfy> thingy [20:34] <elfy> \o/ [20:34] <cyphermox> it was something else [20:34] <cyphermox> xubuntu-related I think [20:34] <elfy> I've been machine less for a day or so - so ... [20:34] <elfy> cyphermox: icons on desktop at install ? [20:34] <cyphermox> I don't know anymore [20:34] <elfy> :) [20:34] <cyphermox> are there missing icons? [20:35] <elfy> no - but there is a specific xfce issue, which I believe we've a fix for (affects studio) [20:36] <elfy> bug 1437180 [20:45] <cyphermox> ah, really [20:45] <cyphermox> but the install-only part would be one app too much being added to ubiquity-dm [20:46] <cyphermox> the fact that xfdesktop is running... [20:46] <cyphermox> unless that's also what paints the wallpaper or something [20:53] <Ukikie> cyphermox: That's what's painting the wallpaper. [20:53] <cyphermox> Ukikie: thought so [21:04] <infinity> wxl: Eh? [21:04] <infinity> wxl: I already fixed things last night to a certain extent, and was just tying up loose ends today. What did I "mess up"? [22:40] <wxl> infinity: adding to recommends doesn't fix the problem since lubuntu doesn't follow recommends and your fix supercedes the one that gilir did that would actually fix the problem [22:40] <wxl> …as you can see on the bug report [22:41] <wxl> infinity: oh nevermind i see you cleaned it up :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DalekSec", "Saviq", "Ukikie", "arges", "bdmurray", "cyphermox", "debfx", "elfy", "infinity", "jamespage", "rbasak", "sil2100", "wxl" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-release" }
[01:34] <Guest22523> Anyone around? have a quick question about my laptop [01:34] <ianorlin> Guest what is your question? [01:35] <Guest22523> I am trying to figure out a way to disable my touch pad [01:35] <Guest22523> I just installed lubuntu [01:35] <Guest22523> Wondering if it was possible [01:35] <ianorlin> yes synclient touchpadoff =1 from a terminal will disable it [01:36] <ianorlin> and synclient touchpadoff=0 will turn it back on again [01:36] <Guest22523> amazing! [01:36] <Guest22523> ty! [01:37] <Guest22523> I always accidentally tap it when typing.. quite annoying [01:37] <Guest22523> lol [02:14] * Kamilion also notes that for future reference [06:32] <Kamilion> People having video problems in 15.04: I think I found the problem with the packages. [06:32] <Kamilion> for reference, fix is adding xserver-xorg-video-all to the lubuntu seed or one of the metapackages. We're no-follow-recommends and it was moved from Depends to Recommends in xserver-xorg on march 16th. [06:33] <Kamilion> if you do not have a KMS capable GPU/video card/video chip, you'll probably get bitten by this [06:34] <Kamilion> LP Bug is here: [06:35] <Kamilion> sorry for the noise, I'm just trying to drag the fix around to as many eyes as possible, as the release candidate is due on april 16th. [19:47] <StephenS> where do I check md5 hashsum? [19:47] <Unit193> md5sum -c HASHES.FILE [19:47] <Unit193> What do you mean exactly? [19:48] <StephenS> nvm [19:48] <StephenS> My University gave me lubuntu file and md5sum but I'm curious from where they downloaded it [19:48] <StephenS> md5 hashsum** [19:49] <StephenS> I don't know if they modded it or not [19:49] <Unit193> Ah, check it against the one you find on then [19:58] <StephenS> sec [20:08] <StephenS> Unit193 where do I found hashes in lubuntu? [20:08] <StephenS> can I check it on .vdi file? [20:08] <genii> !md5 [23:11] <AwesomeDude> sup guys
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "AwesomeDude", "Guest22523", "Kamilion", "StephenS", "Unit193", "genii", "ianorlin" ], "url": "", "channel": "#lubuntu" }
[13:39] <drathir> jak komorka w ad-hoc trybie udostepnia to moze nie dzialac, niektore wifi tego nie widza... [13:41] <drathir> lol troszku nie przewiniete ;p [13:42] <TheNumb> troszku [13:42] <TheNumb> hehehe
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "TheNumb", "drathir" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-pl" }
[15:05] <jsalisbury> ** [15:05] <jsalisbury> ** Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting [15:05] <jsalisbury> ** [15:46] <cristian_c> jsalisbury, can I steal you some seconds? [15:46] <cristian_c> missing few minutes [15:47] <jsalisbury> cristian_c, sure [15:47] <cristian_c> sorry [15:47] <cristian_c> quickly [15:47] <cristian_c> jsalisbury, I'd like to know if there are news about the wireless bug [15:47] <cristian_c> about build failure.... etc.. [15:48] <cristian_c> *revert [15:48] <cristian_c> sorry [15:49] <jsalisbury> cristian_c, I still haven't been able to get the kernel to build sucessfully yet. Ill dig into it some more to make some more progress [15:49] <cristian_c> ok [15:49] <cristian_c> jsalisbury, thanks [15:49] <jsalisbury> cristian_c, np. I should have an update shortly [15:51] <cristian_c> ok [16:55] <jsalisbury> ## [16:55] <jsalisbury> ## Kernel team meeting in 5 minute## [16:59] <jsalisbury> ## [16:59] <jsalisbury> ## Kernel team meeting is actually canceled today due to most of the team sprinting [16:59] <jsalisbury> ##
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "cristian_c", "jsalisbury" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-kernel" }
[00:50] <ceed^> Hi, after the latest update this evening wi-fi stopped working. It's grayed out. I can still connect over ethernet. What could be wrong? [00:58] <ceed^> When I do "rfkill list" I'm told that wifi is hard bloced and I can not unblock it [06:09] <lordievader> Good morning. [08:46] <randomrandom123> can someone tell me, why ubuntu 15.04 boots to mobile ui on a touch screen desktop? and how to fix it? [11:14] <BluesKaj> HI all [12:38] <lordievader> !schedule [16:10] <Anonymauz> how to install bumblebee on 15.04 ? my X server doesn't start after reboot. My method works fine with 14.10 tho! [16:11] <lotuspsychje> Anonymauz: bumblebee is outdated, use nvidia-prime [16:11] <Anonymauz> why outdated? not supported with systemd or what? [16:12] <Anonymauz> nvidia prime gives same result tho [16:12] <k1l> installing the nvidia driver from the ubuntu repo will bring nvidia-prime [16:12] <Anonymauz> isn't it proprietary? i mean nvidia-prime [16:12] <Anonymauz> well [16:12] <k1l> Anonymauz: bumblebee was the workaround until prime was released by nvidia [16:12] <k1l> so try the nvidia driver from the ubuntu repo [16:13] <lotuspsychje> k1l: wanna join #ubuntu-discuss? [16:13] <Anonymauz> i opened driver updates application once i installed ubuntu, i pressed INSTALL opposit the "recommended" tip. After that X doesn't start too x| [16:13] <Anonymauz> i must be loser of the world, what i am doing wrong [16:13] <Anonymauz> what i should install? i have 2 videocards, just reminding. [16:13] <k1l> hey lotuspsychje. i dont take part in -discuss or -offtopic these days. maybe in some future, thanks [16:14] <lotuspsychje> k1l: ok mate no sweat :p [16:14] <Anonymauz> u say nvidia driver. u mean nvidia 346.59? [16:14] <k1l> Anonymauz: there are some different drivers. depends on your exact hardware what to use best [16:15] <Anonymauz> i checked out nvidia website. it says last version for my hardware is nvidia346.59 [16:15] <Anonymauz> so that i should apt-get intall nvidia-346? [16:15] <Anonymauz> or nvidia-346 nvidia-settings nvidia-prime whatever... just sure my x won't start again [16:16] <k1l> lspci gives what? [16:16] <Anonymauz> or i should only apt-get install nvidi [16:16] <Anonymauz> lspci | grep VGA [16:16] <Anonymauz> 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09) [16:17] <Anonymauz> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GK107M [GeForce GT 650M] (rev a1) [16:18] <Anonymauz> so what [16:18] <Anonymauz> can you give a tip how to deal with all that? [16:19] <lotuspsychje> Anonymauz: did you install ubuntu with internet+updates enabled during setup? [16:19] <Anonymauz> i am 80% sure i toggled that box [16:20] <Anonymauz> i am fucked up :O [16:21] <lotuspsychje> Anonymauz: dont loose hope too soon [16:21] <Anonymauz> i tried three different ways, neither of them worked. [16:21] <lotuspsychje> Anonymauz: try another driver from your additional driver list [16:22] <lotuspsychje> and install nvidia-prime [16:22] <Anonymauz> i got this [16:22] <Anonymauz> in driver manager [16:22] <Anonymauz> install it manually, right? [16:22] <Anonymauz> well, it may work. cuz i did nvidia driver install from application and nvidia prime installation separately. [16:23] <Anonymauz> first driver, then prime, then reboot. right? [16:23] <Anonymauz> i need nvidia-settings btw? [16:23] <lotuspsychje> Anonymauz: just try prime first and reboot [16:24] <Anonymauz> okay right, thanks for tip [16:24] <Anonymauz> how to test it btw? [16:24] <Anonymauz> if it works i mean [16:25] <lotuspsychje> Anonymauz: what makes your grafix work best [16:25] <Anonymauz> how to backup? purge nvidia-*? [16:26] <Anonymauz> cuz it's only laptop xD [16:26] <lotuspsychje> Anonymauz: dont purge drivers, just switch from additional drivers [16:26] <Anonymauz> mkay, rebooting.. [16:29] <Anonymauz> rebooted. no nvidia settings app tho.. [16:30] <Anonymauz> how to switch [16:31] <Anonymauz> tried prime-select nvidia [16:31] <Anonymauz> says [16:31] <Anonymauz> Error: the installed packages do not support PRIME [16:31] <Anonymauz> Error: nvidia mode can't be enabled [16:37] <Anonymauz> i ll try install driver from app again.. [16:44] <Anonymauz> Well. X didn't start [16:44] <Anonymauz> Prime says nvidia is current card [16:45] <Anonymauz> That sucks so much.. [16:46] <lotuspsychje> !info nvidia-current [16:47] <lotuspsychje> Anonymauz: did you remember wich driver worked on your 14.10? [16:47] <Anonymauz> 304 kek [16:48] <BluesKaj> Anonymauz, run dkms status [16:48] <Anonymauz> How to restore my pc now [16:48] <Anonymauz> Runned [16:48] <Anonymauz> I am from android so i can make typo [16:48] <BluesKaj> pastebin the output please [16:48] <Anonymauz> Bbswitch installed [16:49] <Anonymauz> Nvidia-346 too [16:49] <Anonymauz> So does vboxhost [16:51] <Anonymauz> How to restore? Aptget remove nvidia-346? [16:51] <BluesKaj> 346 is too experimental for most cards, the 340 driver should be the correct driver for most nvidias [16:52] <Anonymauz> So i remove 346 and apt install 340? [16:52] <BluesKaj> Anonymauz, yes [16:52] <Anonymauz> Should i delete xorgconf before it? [16:53] <Anonymauz> Or rename whatever. Googled that it may cause problems [16:54] <BluesKaj> no but you can run nvidia-xconfig after installing [16:55] <BluesKaj> if you want a xconf file that is [16:56] <Anonymauz> Ok i ll try [16:59] <Anonymauz> Lol what a fancy crap . [16:59] <Anonymauz> Failed to fetch repo.. [17:02] <Anonymauz> Maybe it's kubuntu trouble? If that can matter ofc.. [17:05] <Anonymauz> Well, 340 giefs blackscreen [17:06] <Anonymauz> If i startx, i get errorz [17:06] <k1l> dont use startx [17:06] <k1l> start the lightdm, or the other thingy that kde uses now [17:07] <k1l> did you install the bumbelbee stuff again? [17:07] <Anonymauz> Btw if i run dkms status it says not nvidia installed but added [17:07] <Anonymauz> Weird [17:07] <k1l> does your video card require nomodeset? [17:07] <k1l> does it load the nvidia module? [17:07] <Anonymauz> Nvidia-340.76:added [17:08] <Anonymauz> What you meaN 'it' [17:09] <k1l> your system? [17:09] <Anonymauz> Kubuntu 15.04 [17:09] <k1l> several possible issue mentioned now. so go on the hunt :) [17:10] <Anonymauz> Why its Added? [17:10] <lotuspsychje> Anonymauz: you also might wanna press F1 at boot to see where it stucks [17:10] <Anonymauz> I inst [17:11] <Anonymauz> Ok 1 sec [17:11] <k1l> Anonymauz: what are you talking about? [17:12] <Anonymauz> F1 remove splash screen? Or safe mod [17:12] <Anonymauz> Cuz this fucker just loaded! [17:14] <Anonymauz> Opened app [17:14] <Anonymauz> It says nvidia is on. Gonna test it [17:17] <Anonymauz> Can i install glxgears mesautils or that will fuck up nvidia prime? [17:17] <lotuspsychje> Anonymauz: plz keep the channel family friendly [17:17] <Anonymauz> Sorry i apologize. [17:22] <anonymauzz> my wine doesn't work now with new driver, how that could be? [17:24] <anonymauzz> seems like my opengl's gone. well, gonna solve it on my own :> thanx for help guys, i owe you very much [17:30] <Anonymauz> If glxgears giefs 60 fps - that should be nvidia right? [17:32] <lotuspsychje> Anonymauz: sudo lshw -C video and check after driver= wich driver loaded [17:33] <Anonymauz> Nvm found wow, ran it on wine, driver works perfect [17:33] <lotuspsychje> Anonymauz: so can you tell us how you fixxed it now [17:34] <Anonymauz> But your command says intel tho.. Interesting [17:35] <Anonymauz> I installed 340, it didnt load [17:36] <Anonymauz> But after few reboots it did somehow [17:36] <Anonymauz> So i don't know is that fix [17:39] <Anonymauz> Now it switches to intel automatically xD [17:42] <Anonymauz> Maybe i ll try lower driver [17:56] <Anonymauz> Now driver manager giefs nothing. Weird too [17:58] <Anonymauz> Tried install 331.. Badumtssss kernel 4 not supported [18:11] <Anonymauz> Why it says driver in use nouveau if i removed it? [18:12] <k1l> because it couldnt load the nvidia one and will fall back to nouveau. [18:12] <Anonymauz> Thx [21:45] <rektide> i have a recent (week old?) nightly. when i ssh into it, i don't have hardly a thing. chiefly, i'd really really really like a dbus user session. [21:46] <rektide> i tried copying units from in hopes of having a socket activated bus, but i still don't see anything show up in my envs if i ssh in (after adding those units, rebooting, and ssh'ing in) [21:46] <holstein> you are ssh'ing into a live box? [21:46] <holstein> you should be able to install what you want, but, i would expect limiatations.. [21:47] <rektide> i am ssh'ing into my workstation, and i would like access to a dbus-session of any kind when i ssh in. i use git-credential-gnome-keyring extensively, and i need to be able to use that while ssh'ing in. [21:48] <holstein> rektide: your workstation will have whatever it has, if the live iso is the "client".. it'll just be connecting via ssh [21:48] <rektide> holstein: fine whatever sure yes of course. how do i use systemd to get a dbus session for my users? [21:48] <rektide> please help [21:49] <holstein> rektide: sure.. and now that you are not referencing the nightly live iso, but, your workstation OS, you can look at what is needed on your server-side on your workstation to facilitate your needs [21:50] <rektide> my workstation is a week old vivid [21:50] <holstein> rektide: what are you trying to accomplish? more of a remote desktop connection? [21:50] <holstein> rektide: sure, you are ssh-ing into 15.04, as well.. i understand.. what are you trying to do there via ssh? [21:50] <rektide> git push. [21:51] <rektide> which relies on git-credential-gnome-keyring. which relies on dbus. [21:51] <holstein> rektide: sure.. you would just connect via ssh, and do whatever you do via git [21:51] <holstein> rektide: if its a "normal" desktop install, with a GUI, you'll have, or have access to add what you need easily [21:52] <rektide> i guess i need to reiterate this for the third time? [21:52] <holstein> rektide: i would personally seperate these issues out.. i would see that i can do what i want to do from the workstation via GIT, then, work on doing that from the workstation in the terminal, *then* just connect via ssh and do the exact same thing [21:53] <holstein> rektide: you can answer this, friend.. can you git push in the terminal on your workstation? yes or no? if no, then, you are not going to be able to do that via ssh, when connected from another machine [21:53] <rektide> i can use git just fine from a gui session on the workstation [21:53] <rektide> yes [21:53] <holstein> so, you can address being able to git push from terminal on that workstation [21:53] <holstein> rektide: sure. *not* from the GUI. otherwise, connect with a remote desktop solution, and GIT push in the GUI that works on the workstation [21:54] <holstein> when you can git push from the terminal, then, you will easily be able to do that via ssh [21:54] <holstein> i would reference any commandline specific information at [21:56] <rektide> how do i get to a virtual-terminal term? control-alt-f1 &c isn't switching me to a term [21:56] <rektide> this is not X behavior i'm familiar with [21:57] <holstein> !tty [21:57] <holstein> though, i have had issues with that in the past with one particular GPU.. [21:57] <holstein> you can just use *any* terminal emulator, though, in whatever 15.04 version you are running.. gnome-terminal or terminator.. [21:58] <rektide> if type 'env|grep DBUS' in a terminal inside the gui, I get a result [21:58] <rektide> if i type the same ssh'ed in, i get nothing [21:58] <rektide> that's the root of what dogs me right now [21:58] <holstein> rektide: sounds like your users have different permissions [21:58] <rektide> i thought you were asking me to do the same from a console vterm. which i can't seem to get to, in spite of following !tty directions [21:58] <rektide> it's the same user [21:58] <rektide> it's how you've setup systemd [21:59] <rektide> it's ubuntu not me [21:59] <holstein> rektide: though, as is suggested, *dont* ssh in.. just do a git push from the local machine in the terminal.. [21:59] <rektide> do this with a bonestock ubuntu and you will certainly see the same thing [21:59] <rektide> it works [21:59] <rektide> i can git push from Terminal [21:59] <holstein> rektide: above, you stated you did it in the GUI, not the terminal [21:59] <k1l> rektide: i think you might need to file a bug and see what the devs think about it [21:59] <holstein> !bug [21:59] <rektide> by gui, i meant a Terminal in the gui [22:00] <holstein> rektide: id be glad to confirm the behavior, as i am in 15.04 right now [22:01] <holstein> when you are ssh'd in, you will have "limitations" based on your ssh config file, but, if you are the same user, you should have the same setup.. [22:02] <rektide> Ubuntu still relies on an archaic /etc/X11/Xsession.d/75dbus_dbus-launch to commence dbus [22:03] <holstein> i know, patches are usually welcome upstream [22:03] <rektide> if you can help me fix the fact that my /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]/dbus.conf that i linked to when i first posted doesnt work [22:03] <rektide> i'll gladly submit [22:03] <holstein> you should be able to do the same as you do via ssh as you do locally.. if not, then why? that would be my question [22:04] <rektide> i see the socket activated dbus session , and i can use it, it just doesn't show up in my env [22:04] <holstein> rektide: you are saying, that works, when you are local to the machine, just not via ssh as the same user, correct? [22:05] <rektide> holstein: i just told you why not. do you want me to explain to you what /etc/X11/Xsession.d/75dbus_dbus-launch is for, what it does, and why it means my env doesn't have dbus when i ssh in in a much longer form to you? [22:05] <rektide> i'm happy to explain these mechanism if you don't get them [22:06] <holstein> rektide: good luck, friend.. if it were me, i would try and replicate this behavior on a supported 14.04 or 14.10 version, from a live iso, and file a bug, regardless [22:08] <rektide> those aren't systemd [22:08] <rektide> i'm not interested in the old world [22:08] <holstein> cheers, and i hope you can find someone to help you.. with 14.04, you can broaden your scope of assistance to the #ubuntu channel.. or a server channel.. i personally can do all i do from the ssh session as a local user, but, if you want to start and link a bug report, id be glad to confirm a bug [22:08] <rektide> cheers, thanks
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Anonymauz", "BluesKaj", "anonymauzz", "ceed^", "holstein", "k1l", "lordievader", "lotuspsychje", "randomrandom123", "rektide" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu+1" }
[09:21] <nudtrobert> ypwong 1504 release note准备好了吗?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "nudtrobert" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntukylin-devel" }
[08:10] <d4rk-5c0rp> hi, I need an ubuntu-member clock.. here's my launchpad [13:33] <d4rk-5c0rp> ping braderhart [13:36] <Unit193> d4rk-5c0rp: No need to go off randomly pinging people. [13:36] <Unit193> d4rk-5c0rp: You'll have to be identified for the cloak to take affect when you get one. [13:37] <Unit193> Pici, elky, IRCC ^ he's in members. [13:37] <Pici> d4rk-5c0rp: Do you have a registered account on freenode? [13:37] <Unit193> (And nik o is active.) [13:38] <Pici> Indeed, looks like it. [13:42] <d4rk-5c0rp> Unit193, sorry dude [13:52] <Pici> !register | d4rk-5c0rp [13:53] <Pici> d4rk-5c0rp: once you've gotten that done, let me know. [14:00] <d4rk-5c0rp> Pici, done [14:01] <Pici> d4rk-5c0rp: great, let me press some buttons here and we'll get you setup.... congrats btw :) [14:01] <d4rk-5c0rp> thx dude :) [14:02] <Unit193> There is this too. [14:02] <Unit193> d4rk-5c0rp: Congrats. [14:02] <Pici> tada [14:03] <d4rk-5c0rp> thx Unit193, Pici thx dude :D
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Pici", "Unit193", "d4rk-5c0rp" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-irc" }
[00:06] <mup> Bug #1443700 was opened: Node.release is not using post_commit hooks <MAAS:Triaged> <> [00:25] <mup> Bug #1443709 was opened: Error on request (58) node.check_power <MAAS:Triaged> <> [09:35] <mup> Bug #1441471 changed: MAAS python-vmomi power type: can't "add chassis" twice <MAAS:Invalid by mpontillo> <> [09:35] <mup> Bug #1443840 was opened: Paper background image loaded from not locally <MAAS:New> <> [09:47] <mup> Bug #1441471 was opened: MAAS python-vmomi power type: can't "add chassis" twice <MAAS:Invalid by mpontillo> <> [09:47] <mup> Bug #1443840 changed: Paper background image loaded from not locally <MAAS:New> <> [09:53] <mup> Bug #1441471 changed: MAAS python-vmomi power type: can't "add chassis" twice <MAAS:Invalid by mpontillo> <> [09:53] <mup> Bug #1443840 was opened: Paper background image loaded from not locally <MAAS:New> <> [12:23] <mup> Bug #1443917 was opened: IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "maasserver_componenterror_component_key", (component)=(clusters) already exists <MAAS:New> <> [13:35] <mup> Bug #1443958 was opened: 1.8beta2: Can't double/triple click to select word/all in power parameters text boxes <oil> <MAAS:New> <> [13:35] <mup> Bug #1443959 was opened: 1.8beta2: Going back from node page to node listing page loses filter <oil> <MAAS:New> <> [15:06] <mup> Bug #1443986 was opened: crochet._eventloop.TimeoutError: <MAAS:New> <> [15:18] <mup> Bug #1444012 was opened: 1.8beta2: settings page rendering is all messed up <oil> <MAAS:Confirmed> <> [15:30] <mup> Bug #1444012 changed: 1.8beta2: settings page rendering is all messed up <oil> <MAAS:Confirmed> <> [15:36] <mup> Bug #1444012 was opened: 1.8beta2: settings page rendering is all messed up <oil> <MAAS:Confirmed> <> [15:36] <mup> Bug #1444018 was opened: 1.8beta2: can't tell which stream my images came from after changing streams <oil> <MAAS:New> <> [16:06] <AskUbuntu> Juju - Proxy issue | [16:06] <mup> Bug #1444039 was opened: 1.8beta2: View release notes and view documentation links broken <oil> <MAAS:New> <> [16:09] <mup> Bug #1444039 changed: 1.8beta2: View release notes and view documentation links broken <oil> <MAAS:New> <> [16:21] <mup> Bug #1444039 was opened: 1.8beta2: View release notes and view documentation links broken <oil> <MAAS:New> <> [18:38] <j^2> ping [18:38] <j^2> anyone around? [18:40] <bmorriso> Is this chat logged somewhere? [18:41] <bmorriso> I asked a question last night and I'm curious if it was answered. Hate to ask it again. [18:41] <j^2> yeah [18:41] <j^2> i’m not sure [18:46] <bmorriso> I have a host that is failing to deploy. It comes up on the terminal, but it never pushes keys. Where might logs exist to try and determine why it is failing? It seems it is impossible to get the password set for the ubuntu user to log in on the console. [19:14] <bmorriso> Using the debian installer and a custom preseed, I was under the impression that it over wrote what existed the more specific preseed? Is this not the case? base (all the settings) trusty (trusty specific settings) host (host specific settings). The behavior I saw last week was that it doesn't inherit -- but rather expects a full-blow preseed for host-specific configuration. [19:20] <ctlaugh> I am looking for some DNS-related help... I had a working MAAS/Juju deployment that I just had to move from one lab/network to another. Now, the nodes I have deployed using Juju can no longer resolve DNS. The system running the MAAS controller is working fine. If I modify resolv.conf and manually add the DNS server (instead of the entry for the MAAS server), the node works fine as well. [19:22] <ctlaugh> ^^ Something seems to not be right with DNS forwarding [19:24] <j^2> i just posted this: [19:25] <j^2> it seems to be lacking in the documentation [19:39] <ctlaugh> I think I just found the problem -- I went to using a gateway running dnsmasq (trusty) and I was getting a lot of DNSSEC-related errors ( And, I just found that dnsmasq in trusty does not seem to support DNSSEC ( So, once I disabled DNSSEC in bind on the MAAS [19:39] <ctlaugh> controller, DNS forwarding is working. [19:46] <bmorriso> IRC logs for those that might want to know [21:33] <mup> Bug #1444154 was opened: UX: Adding a VMware (python-pyvmomi) node should not require a VM UUID <MAAS:In Progress by mpontillo> <> [22:20] <bmorriso> Anyone around well versed with Curtin???
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "AskUbuntu", "bmorriso", "ctlaugh", "j^2", "mup" ], "url": "", "channel": "#maas" }
[13:13] <mlpug> mikähän on kun komennolla top ja uptime load on serverissa kokoajan korkea [13:13] <mlpug> mutta top komennolla yksittäisten prosessien CPU usage prosenttien summa on kuitenkin mitätön [13:14] <mlpug> eli en sillä pysty paikantamaan että mikä siellä kuormittaa vaikka ohjeet sanoo: "top" is a great tool for telling you what is using the most CPU. [13:16] <inz> loadihan kertoo vaan, että montako prosessia odottaa jotain, aina se ei välttämättä ole cpu [13:17] <mlpug> aah. eli joku USB levy IOkin voi nostaa loadia? [13:17] <inz> juu [13:17] <inz> topista voi kattoa myös riviä Cpu(s) [13:17] <inz> jos id (idle) -kohdassa on isohko luku, niin cpulla on lepoaikaa [13:18] <mlpug> %Cpu(s): 0.3 us, 2.6 sy, 0.0 ni, 0.0 id, 97.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st [13:18] <mlpug> nollaa näyttää [13:19] <inz> ah, niin, wa on waiting, sekin vielä [13:19] <inz> eli kaikki aika menee jonkun io:n odotteluun [13:19] <inz> iotop on sit työkalu, jos i/o:ta haluat seurata [13:34] <mlpug> ok. tnx. no tuo nimenomainen ongelma selkis kyllä. siellä on USB1 liitännässä levy niin siitä ei kulje läpi juuri mitään [14:07] <elias_a> :D [14:07] <elias_a> Ei kyllä kulje, ei. :) [14:08] <Echramath> Voikohan tuota paikata edes teoriassa lisäämällä loputtomiin muistia [14:46] <ansa> voi jonkin verran, vähentäähän muistin määrä lukemista levyltä kun tavara on cachessa
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Echramath", "ansa", "elias_a", "inz", "mlpug" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-fi" }
[07:13] <tsdgeos> taaaaaaaaaaags [07:13] <tsdgeos> imported [07:13] * tsdgeos kills them [08:57] <Saviq> tsdgeos, okies, I described everything I know about the crash in [08:58] <Saviq> tsdgeos, will you please try and see what you can do about it [08:58] <tsdgeos> yes [08:58] <tsdgeos> finishing a bug report and patch to qt upstream [08:58] <tsdgeos> and will hop into that [09:01] <Saviq> tx [09:09] <tsdgeos> well, let's see what they think of [09:09] <tsdgeos> fixes the testcase but may not be the best thing ever :D [09:26] <tsdgeos> Saviq: so those crashes only happen on the device? or desktop too? [09:27] <Saviq> tsdgeos, didnae try on desktop [09:27] <tsdgeos> k [09:27] <tsdgeos> let me try it [09:27] <tsdgeos> because it is defenitely nicer to debug in the desktop [09:28] <Saviq> indeed [10:06] <tsdgeos> not much success trying to make it crash in the pc [13:31] <tsdgeos> Saviq: [13:31] <tsdgeos> QV4_MM_AGGRESSIVE_GC=1 qmlscene it [13:31] <tsdgeos> kaboom [13:31] <tsdgeos> :D [13:32] <tsdgeos> MacSlow: ↑↑ [13:33] <Saviq> tsdgeos, nice [13:33] <Saviq> tsdgeos, I did see the regex bits in the trace, and remember we've had issues with that before [13:42] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, oh ha [13:42] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, Saviq: so since we now know what it is... looking for a home-grown fix against Qt 5.4 or try 5.5 first? [13:43] <tsdgeos> 5.5 doesn't crash with that example [13:43] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, so 5.5 it is then?! [13:43] <tsdgeos> well 5.5. crashes with lots of other things :D [13:43] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, *sigh* [13:43] <tsdgeos> i mean it's just alpha [13:44] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, hm... I'm using RegExp in notifications for sure.. but it sofar never blew up like that.... iirc [13:45] <tsdgeos> well it all depends on how/when the garbage collector kicks in [13:45] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, I can give it a go to fix it... unless you've already an idea about the what and how for a fix. [13:46] <tsdgeos> MacSlow: fix 1-> remove the regexp :D fix 2->fix the js stuff in QtDeclarative [13:48] <tsdgeos> that's all i can think of for the moment [13:49] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, I'll try to see if I can eliminate all RegExp from my unity8-shellRotation branch first [13:50] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, just three uses of RegExp in all our qml-code... should not be too hard [13:51] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, and the relevant are of course just in snap-decision notifications :/ [13:54] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, Saviq: I'll try to come up with RegExp-less work-around for my unity8-shellRotation branch, test it some more and then MP it... while waiting on review I'll turn to a fix for QtDeclaraitve. Ok? [13:54] <tsdgeos> i'm having a look at qt at the moment [13:54] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, ok [13:55] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, on the side... is there perhaps a RegExp-fix in Qt 5.5 we could backport to 5.4 ourselves? [13:56] <tsdgeos> maybe [14:02] * tsdgeos tips hat to MacSlow for the suggestion [14:03] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, you found a fix in Qt 5.5? [14:03] <tsdgeos> yes [14:03] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, sweet! [14:03] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, btw... [14:04] * MacSlow just bricked his n4 *sigh* [14:04] <MacSlow> well not reall bricked... just re-flashing required [14:06] <tsdgeos> so patch accepted by upstream :) [14:06] <tsdgeos> [14:07] <tsdgeos> Mirv: can we get ↑ ? [14:07] <tsdgeos> Saviq: ↑↑ [14:07] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, nice :) [14:07] <Saviq> \o/ [14:08] <MacSlow> Saviq, tsdgeos is the hero of the day :) [14:08] <Saviq> that was quick! [14:08] <MacSlow> indeed [14:09] <tsdgeos> cheers to MacSlow that convinced me to look at the diff [14:09] <tsdgeos> i was going all crazy and thinking of fixing it myself [14:10] <greyback> nice one [14:10] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, well by now I've learned to take shortcuts as early as possible ;) [14:10] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, on the other hand... I'm just fed up with that branch and want to get it in :) [14:11] <tsdgeos> now this is hoping [14:11] * MacSlow high5's tsdgeos anyway [14:11] <tsdgeos> that this is actually that is making it crash in the run without QV4_MM_AGGRESSIVE_GC=1 scenario too [14:11] * tsdgeos hi5 back [14:11] <MacSlow> *clap* [14:11] <tsdgeos> and makes one wonder if we should run all our tests with QV4_MM_AGGRESSIVE_GC to find this stuff [14:12] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, sounds to be worth a try... maybe we'll catch more non-determinstic issues [14:13] <Saviq> tsdgeos, MacSlow, I'm building qtdeclarative packages with this patch, will report asap [14:13] <tsdgeos> Saviq: awesomeness [14:13] <MacSlow> Saviq, ok [14:14] <dandrader> Saviq, did trunk get bad tags again or is the script outdated? [14:14] <Saviq> dandrader, the script doesn't get outdated any more [14:14] <Saviq> dandrader, and yeah, we did bring those in the landing yesterday, but should be gone now [14:15] <MacSlow> Saviq, what's the tag-"threshold"? [14:15] <tsdgeos> yeah i killed them this morning [14:16] <tsdgeos> we forgot about running pot_file again :D [14:16] <tsdgeos> [14:16] <tsdgeos> anyone? ↑ [14:16] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, on it [14:19] <Saviq> MacSlow, wdym "threshold"? [14:19] <Saviq> MacSlow, if a tag does not point at a revision, it's bad [14:20] <Mirv> tsdgeos: like, in vivid/vivid-rtm regardless of the qtdbus patches? ok, if you can please file a LP bug I can refer to [14:20] <tsdgeos> Mirv: yes, this is a "proper/clear" 5.4 bugfix [14:21] <tsdgeos> Mirv: sure. opening the bugfix now [14:21] <Mirv> tsdgeos: wow! you mean that'd affect the 1421009? [14:21] <MacSlow> Saviq, I see... but I think to remember we wanted tags clearned in the past, which were just "too old" (a few months) [14:21] <tsdgeos> Mirv: hmmm, what is 1421009 ? [14:21] <Saviq> Mirv, no [14:22] <tsdgeos> Mirv: ah no, sorry no, it's just a different bugfix [14:22] <Saviq> MacSlow, no, it was always a case of "they're wrong" [14:22] <Mirv> oh, no, ok. I thought some magic so that the million dbus patches wouldn't be needed :) [14:22] <Mirv> ok, I'll have a different landing for this one then [14:22] <tsdgeos> Mirv: unfortunately no :D [14:22] <Mirv> I guess it'll need to go to vivid-rtm though with final freeze on Thu [14:24] <Saviq> Mirv, OTOH this could cause relatively random crashes anywhere that's using RegExes in QML [14:25] <tsdgeos> yeah this makes sense for vivid proper imho [14:25] <tsdgeos> Mirv: [14:26] <Saviq> ooh there's a W-Series [14:26] <tsdgeos> upgrade! [14:26] <Saviq> don't think there's an archive yet ;) [14:26] <Saviq> there's only a placeholder in LP [14:27] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, approved your pot_file branch... will top-approve it when jenkins is happy too [14:27] <tsdgeos> oki [14:28] <Saviq> [14:28] <Mirv> tsdgeos: thanks [14:28] <MacSlow> but we don't have a funky animal yet... or did I miss that? [14:29] <Saviq> nope [14:29] <MacSlow> with w it's going to be interesting... [14:30] <MacSlow> we could get back to :) [14:30] <MacSlow> warthog [14:30] <davmor2> MacSlow: Wascling Wabbit </elma_fudd_impression> [14:30] <MacSlow> :) [14:31] <davmor2> MacSlow: Wonderful Whippet [14:37] <MacSlow> davmor2, "whippet"? [14:38] <davmor2> MacSlow: think smaller, slower greyhound [14:39] <Saviq> wombat FTW! [14:46] <Saviq> heh, it takes LP 1h50 to build qtdeclarative... looks like some 25m on arale ;) [14:47] <mzanetti> haha [14:52] <tsdgeos> Saviq: really? [14:52] <tsdgeos> we need a arale powered ci [14:52] <tsdgeos> with someone continously clicking the screen [14:52] <Saviq> tsdgeos, it's not -j9 on LP I think [14:52] <tsdgeos> Saviq: does the hardware even has that many cores? [14:53] <Saviq> tsdgeos, arale has 8 [14:53] <Saviq> tsdgeos, 2x4 [14:53] <tsdgeos> Saviq: sure i mean the CI [14:53] <tsdgeos> Saviq: it's actually 4+4 no? 4 big 4 small [14:53] <Saviq> tsdgeos, oh no, that's part of why they're not -j9 ;) [14:53] <Saviq> yeah 4+4 [14:53] <Saviq> tsdgeos, but I mean I don't think they parallelize at all [14:54] * Saviq checks to see he's not full of sh*t [14:59] <Saviq> greyback, should there not be a 1:1 dependency between qtdeclarative5-qtmir-plugin and qtmir-{android,desktop}? [14:59] * Saviq sees the plugin updated but not qtmir-android [15:00] <greyback> Saviq: think there should be yes [15:01] <Saviq> greyback, dandrader|afk, how about the shell-rotation-aware qtubuntu, should anything pull it in? [15:01] <mzanetti> MacSlow, Wollmilchsau [15:01] <MacSlow> mzanetti, well... I would like that :) [15:01] <mzanetti> +1 :D [15:02] <MacSlow> mzanetti, to be honest Linux is that almost... there's hardly anything it cannot do or become :) [15:02] <greyback> Saviq: usual thing which pulls it in is ubuntu-touch-session - can't have unity8 depend on it explicitly as unnecessary for desktop [15:02] <mzanetti> MacSlow, which is why that name came to my mind [15:02] <Saviq> greyback, well, we could have -android | -desktop [15:02] <greyback> Saviq: true [15:03] <MacSlow> mzanetti, how could we convince sabdfl of that ;) [15:03] <Saviq> greyback, I'm just asking because I can install rotation-aware unity8 and only qtmir plugin gets pulled in with, right now [15:03] <mzanetti> MacSlow, with this image perhaps: [15:03] <MacSlow> mzanetti, there have to be better examples :) [15:04] <mzanetti> :D [15:08] <greyback> Saviq: a stronger package dependency chain would do no harm. Thought it kept relatively weak to stop androidy stuff installing on desktop [15:09] <greyback> no other reason [15:17] <Saviq> tsdgeos, MacSlow, [15:18] <MacSlow> Saviq, grabbing... [15:47] <tsdgeos> MacSlow: Saviq: looks good here, have you had any issue? [15:48] <Saviq> tsdgeos, no crash in sight [15:49] <tsdgeos> \o/ [15:49] <MacSlow> tsdgeos, just about to finish the setup (re-flashing, pulling packages etc) [15:50] <Saviq> we really need to fix the on-exit crash... [15:50] <tsdgeos> do we have an on exit crash? [15:51] <Saviq> tsdgeos, it's an abort in mir [15:51] <tsdgeos> oh [15:54] <Saviq> MacSlow, 6 subsequent successful runs of the two rotation tests [15:54] <Saviq> and counting [15:58] <Saviq> got it to fail now, no crash [16:00] <MacSlow> Saviq, what kind of failure? [16:00] <Saviq> MacSlow, [16:00] <MacSlow> Saviq, ah... that's new [16:01] <MacSlow> Saviq, compilation almost done here [16:01] <Saviq> MacSlow, kk [16:27] <MacSlow> Saviq, hm... first run and it fails with [16:33] <MacSlow> Saviq, might be I overwritten some of the debs out of your zip with other apt-gets [16:33] <MacSlow> Saviq, currently it ran fine a couple of attempts [16:34] <MacSlow> Saviq, 10 in a row without failure yet. [16:37] <MacSlow> Saviq, hm... I still get crashes [16:38] <MacSlow> Saviq, got crash files written for malit, unity8-dash and webbrowser-app [16:39] <MacSlow> Saviq, at least no unity8, but then it seems the qtdeclaritive fix isn't enough [16:42] <MacSlow> Saviq, I'll look into the crashes and send you the gathered info. [17:05] <ZehCnaS34> Is this where I go to talk about deb packages? [17:06] <ZehCnaS34> talk about *improving* dep packaging [17:06] <ZehCnaS34> *deb
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "MacSlow", "Mirv", "Saviq", "ZehCnaS34", "dandrader", "davmor2", "greyback", "mzanetti", "tsdgeos" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-unity" }
[03:55] <seiya5> hello guys i had a quick question. i want to go back into linux as my main os. but i use a lot of graphic design sofware. [03:55] <seiya5> recently i saw that wine has done a great job at porting illustrator, photoshop and indesign. i wondered if it was best to use ubunut studio or stay with the main ubunutu release for this [23:17] <fonso> Hello there [23:17] <fonso> May I ask a question: [23:20] <fonso> I have an OLD Celeron 2.7Ghz 768 RAM and I must ask if there is any Ubuntu Studio distro that accept this configuration, even if is an old distro, not 14.10 or something like that. And does it is recommended? Or I must try an distro different like Dream Studio? thanks :) [23:27] <Unit193> Does it support PAE? You could put 14.04 on it, LTS and all. That's not a lot of ram to work with, but otherwise shouldn't be too bad. [23:31] <fonso> I don't know, but seems like the 14.04 need only 768... Otherwise, I will install an little older version just to guarantee... Thanks :) [23:35] <fonso> i will keep searching... But thanks a lot. Bye. [23:46] <nemo5> hello ubuntu studio community [23:47] <nemo5> id like a little help if possible. so im looking for memory efficient ubuntu flavor that will run wine to put illustrator cc [23:47] <nemo5> im debating between lubuntu and studio
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Unit193", "fonso", "nemo5", "seiya5" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntustudio" }
[09:47] <zeroplex> Wubi 不曉得是不是你要的 [09:48] <zeroplex> 目前看起來可以支援到 windows 7 + Ubuntu 14
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "zeroplex" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-tw" }
[01:23] <lazyPower> sounds about right, depending on how the packages were linked [01:23] <lazyPower> i know a HWE update comes along like a huge dist-upgrade fetch/pave [01:23] <lazyPower> I've got a cloud unit that has a pending HWE update that I've been leary to accept as I need it to not go down... i should probably clone it and test it out before i commit. 99.99% of hte time its fine, but that last 9 is what gets me. [09:17] <rmg51> Morning [10:23] <ProfessorKaos64> morning [10:26] <rmg51> \o [10:28] <ProfessorKaos64> <(^_^)< <(^_^)> >(^_^)> [10:30] <rmg51> :P [12:12] <teddy-dbear> Morning peoples,and whatever else is around [17:34] <ChinnoDog> sup
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ChinnoDog", "ProfessorKaos64", "lazyPower", "rmg51", "teddy-dbear" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-pa" }
[00:45] <ahoneybun> yy [00:45] <ahoneybun> *yay [18:47] <ahoneybun> yay!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ahoneybun" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-news" }
[06:53] <Tassos> Καλημέρα! :) [14:18] <Euaki> Νέα από ubuntusecurity: USN-2569-1: Apport vulnerability <> [21:39] <jpapad> καλησπερα!! [21:40] <jpapad> θα ηθελα μια βοηθεια οποιος μπορει να με εξυπηρετησει [21:40] <jpapad> θελω να κανω export τα acpi tables μεσω ubuntu γνωριζει καποιος την διαδιακασια για να με βοηθησει; [21:40] <fanious> καλησπέραα [21:41] <fanious> δυστυχως δεν το γνωριζω για να σε βοηθησω [21:42] <jpapad> δοκιμασα εναν οδηγο που βρηκα στο διαδικτυο αλλα δεν ειχε αποτελεσμα δυστυχως [21:43] <fanious> εγω εχω μπλεξει με την dvb-t και ακομα παλευω να βγαλω ακρη
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Euaki", "Tassos", "fanious", "jpapad" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-gr" }
[08:02] <czajkowski> aloha [08:08] <MooDoo> howdy [13:16] <dpm> mhall119, we need to update the dates of - do we have access to that or do we need to talk to Michelle? [13:20] <mhall119> dpm: I can do that [13:35] <dpm> thanks mhall119 [13:43] <mhall119> dpm: updated [13:43] <dpm> thanks mhall119 [13:43] <dpm> ara ^^ [13:44] <ara> thanks [13:58] <dholbach> hey hey [13:59] <dholbach> popey, uonair in 2h? [14:01] <popey> dholbach: ya [14:01] <dholbach> yoohoo! [14:03] <popey> dholbach: do you have people to answer snappy questions? [14:04] <dholbach> popey, yes, there'll be mvo and beuno [14:04] <dholbach> I'm just setting up the event and stuff [14:04] <popey> ok [14:04] <popey> awesome, thanks [14:06] <dholbach> popey, can you see the video feed on [14:06] <dholbach> I can't see it, but the HTML looks good to me, so I'm not quite sure what's happening [14:08] <popey> dholbach: no [14:08] <dholbach> hum [14:08] <dholbach> bizarre [14:09] <dholbach> the diff in the wordpress page revisions looks correct too [14:09] <popey> i often see this [14:10] <dholbach> before: [14:10] <dholbach> after: [14:13] <dholbach> brb [14:15] <dholbach> dpm, davidcalle: want to have a quick hangout in a bit to talk about snappy docs? [14:15] <davidcalle> dholbach, sure, whenever you can [14:16] <dholbach> cool, let me set up a hangout [14:17] <dpm> mhall119, ok, I'm done with my other ad-hoc call. As one thing I wanted to talk about was snappy docs, shall we just join the snappy hangout dholbach is just setting up? [14:30] <mhall119> sure, dholbach can you link me? [14:38] <dpm> mhall119, [14:55] <dpm> dholbach, mhall119, not directly related to the snappy pages, but I've got a call with balloons coming up where we're going to do some long due reorg of the QA pages so that they're not under apps/ (as they apply to scopes too) [14:55] <dpm> just as a heads up [14:56] <balloons> mwahahha... [14:57] <dholbach> nice one! [14:58] <elfy> afternoon everyone [14:59] <dpm> mhall119, dholbach, also moving apps/platform to start/platform for the same reason [14:59] <dpm> hey elfy [15:00] <mhall119> dpm: 'start' is slowing becoming more than just what you need to get started [15:01] <mhall119> dpm: we should plan on making it 'platform' or something like that, as kyleN proposed last year [15:01] <dpm> mhall119, indeed, but 'start' is about the only place I can think of for common docs right now [15:01] <mhall119> agreed, I'm just thinking ahead [15:01] <dpm> yeah, absolutely [15:02] <dpm> I agree that we're overloading 'start' too [15:09] <dholbach> dpm, add redirects! :) [15:10] <dholbach> we always get bug reports when URLs change [15:16] <elfy> popey: ping [15:18] <popey> elfy: PONG! [15:18] <elfy> hey :) [15:18] <popey> yo! [15:18] <elfy> so I'll blame balloons for this ... but he DID say talk to you :D [15:19] * balloons wonders [15:19] <elfy> got the nexus 7 thing, got it running the dev channel [15:19] <mhall119> don't run 'devel', it's really old [15:19] <mhall119> run 'stable' or 'devel-proposed' [15:20] <elfy> so ... now testing things, what? where? when? [15:20] <elfy> mhall119: I just got info from the webpage - wording could be wrong [15:20] <popey> which page? [15:21] <mhall119> elfy: webpage could be wrong, in theory devel should be newer than stable, in practice it's lagged behind due to the switch to vivid [15:21] <popey> elfy: from my perspective, use the device as you would any other. So sign into services, browse, use the things you would normally use. [15:21] <dpm> dholbach, yeah, so far the world didn't break, and we're adding the redirects [15:21] <dholbach> <3 [15:21] <popey> elfy: and the UK loco have collected a few things that we already know... [15:21] <elfy> probably one of the developer.ubuntu.xcom/loads_of_touch_links [15:21] <dpm> mhall119, how do I add a redirect to an existing page? Do I add a regular page and change its url? [15:22] <elfy> popey: yea I've seen thge UK loco pad [15:22] <mhall119> dpm: yes, add a regular page that will be at the URL you want redirected, and then in the advanced settings you can tell it where to redirect to [15:25] <elfy> popey: last channel command I ran was ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=devel --bootstrap [15:26] <elfy> [15:28] <popey> elfy: ok, as the guys say "devel-proposed" is more upd to date I believe [15:29] <elfy> okey doke - as soon as I get chance I'll move over [15:29] <popey> kk [15:33] <dpm> Start > Overview | Platform | The Ubuntu SDK | Ubuntu for devices [15:33] <dpm> balloons, that's what I'm seeing now ^ [15:54] <elfy> popey: never sure if my mails to the Membership board get modded - if they do there is one I'd love unmodded ;) [15:58] <popey> am I an admin of that list? [16:00] <elfy> mmm no idea actually lol [16:01] <elfy> apparently not [16:01] <toddy> elfy: thx for adding :) [16:02] <elfy> hggdh: ping [16:10] <czajkowski> dpm: membership board sorted [16:11] <dpm> czajkowski, cool, thanks for the heads up [16:11] <elfy> hggdh: nvm, seems ok [16:12] <dpm> czajkowski, I can see the changes on - that's clear now, thanks! [16:13] <dpm> dholbach, mhall119, d.u.c/start has now got the Platform and Quality content moved from /apps - redirects are also in place [16:13] <elfy> and congrats to those in here on the new board :) [16:13] <dpm> \o/ [16:13] <elfy> toddy: welcome ;) [16:14] <dpm> mhall119, one thing I wasn't sure of was whether there is any additional step to have the redirects in place for the zh-cn pages [16:37] <hggdh> elfy: cool [16:39] <elfy> hggdh: I assume as I've not had an 'your message is moderated' I'm good to spam that list now :p [16:39] <hggdh> heh [16:39] <hggdh> but I will check now anyways [16:39] <elfy> ok - pretty sure it's on list, not had the oops here [16:40] <hggdh> indeed, no messages in moderation [16:41] <elfy> \o/ spam away then :D [16:41] <hggdh> and yes, I got your email :-) [16:41] <elfy> lol [16:41] <hggdh> elfy: you are adding them to the LP team, or should I? [16:42] <elfy> I've done that [16:42] <hggdh> ack. I will send out a welcome email to them [16:42] <elfy> they'll need IRC and m/l doing I assume [16:42] <elfy> thanks hggdh :) [16:43] <mhall119> dpm: you might need to do the same for the chinese pages,since they're not tightly links to the english IA [16:49] <elfy> mhall119: so "ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=devel-proposed --bootstrap" ? type thing [16:50] <mhall119> elfy: you probably don't need --bootstrap again if you've already done it once [16:50] <mhall119> but otherwise yes [16:51] <elfy> ack, just lazy copy pasting :D [16:55] <elfy> [16:55] <elfy> so from there? [16:56] <dholbach> dpm, woohoo! [16:56] <elfy> just saying, but too many pages to wade through ... [16:56] <dholbach> all right... we're getting closer to lunch time - see you in a bit :) [16:57] <popey> dholbach: thanks for organising that! [16:57] <popey> was fun! [16:59] <dholbach> thanks a lot - you were a great host, as always :9 [17:00] <popey> awwww [17:43] <dpm> mhall119, I've got all the redirects in place, but it still does not seem to redirect e.g. - would you mind having a look if the redirects are set correctly? [17:43] <dpm> I'm thinking I might have made a typo somewhere, but I cannot figure it out [17:43] <mhall119> dpm: sure [17:43] <dpm> thanks [17:45] <mhall119> dpm: yup, typo "plaform" != "platform" [17:46] <dpm> mhall119, yeah, but it seems the typo is only on the title but not on the slug or redirect? [17:46] <dpm> oh [17:46] <dpm> I hadn't published the fix [17:46] <mhall119> it was on both title and slug [17:46] <dpm> ah, ok [17:47] <mhall119> works now :) [17:47] <dpm> thanks mhall119! [18:44] <czajkowski> dpm: are you free by any chance for a quick catch up in irc with the cc [18:44] <czajkowski> cprofitt: elfy pleia2 and I are all about [18:45] <dpm> czajkowski, I am [18:45] <elfy> k [18:45] <elfy> - 30 seconds while I grab my cape [18:45] <dpm> are you batman as well? [18:45] <elfy> no [18:46] <elfy> I am Elfyman :D [18:46] <dpm> lol [18:46] <czajkowski> dpm: invite sent to pm [18:46] <balloons> so many capes, so little crime [18:46] <dpm> czajkowski, it seems the pm hasn't reached me yet? [18:47] <czajkowski> I hate technology
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "MooDoo", "ara", "balloons", "czajkowski", "davidcalle", "dholbach", "dpm", "elfy", "hggdh", "mhall119", "popey", "toddy" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-community-team" }
[05:52] <BotaniCar> Jutro! [05:57] <vileni> jutro [06:04] <SilverSpace> jutro [06:04] <SilverSpace> 1:1 [07:14] <SilverSpace> malo sam si ciglu iz moba napravio [07:14] <Mmike> SilverSpace: kojeg? [07:14] <SilverSpace> xperia [07:14] <SilverSpace> legend radi [07:15] <Mmike> SilverSpace: stara ona? [07:15] <SilverSpace> da [07:15] <SilverSpace> dvije godine stara [07:15] <SilverSpace> xperia miro [07:16] <SilverSpace> kako je nisam mogo prebaciti u mod i unlock napraviti tako sam isprobavao na sve nacine i eto sad samo pise sony :) [07:17] <SilverSpace> kad pristekam kaze da nije usb debug ukljucen [07:17] <SilverSpace> kak kad ne mogu do toga doci :) [07:19] <rut> dj [07:19] <SilverSpace> oo [07:19] <SilverSpace> rut: [07:19] <rut> silver :) [07:20] <rut> sta ima .. cime se bavis ? [07:27] <SilverSpace> ciglom :) [07:27] <SilverSpace> malo sam si ciglu iz moba napravio [07:28] <SilverSpace> sinoc [07:28] <rut> htc posto sam vidio da neki hboot spominjes ? [07:33] <rut> moje iskustvo sa htc desire 500 .. sve ok otkljucavanje loadera .. flesanje cwm recovery-a .. flesanje sa custom romom ali nek se baterija isprazni muke isusove ponovo ga upalit .. [07:36] <SilverSpace> xperia miro [07:36] <SilverSpace> htc ok radi [07:36] <SilverSpace> ispise samo na ekranu sony [07:38] <rut> samo zivaca i sredit ces ti to :) [07:38] <SilverSpace> procitao hrpu uputstva i sad jos vise ne znam :) [07:39] <SilverSpace> alat prepozna mob ali nemoze do njega usb debug iskljucen [07:40] <BotaniCar> SilverSpace: kad kupujes brendirani telefon :) Ja zeni kupio nekakvog Cubota, umalo se rootao sam :D [07:40] <SilverSpace> e sad jebiga crni ekran pa nemogu ni ja do tog [07:40] <SilverSpace> BotaniCar: :) [07:41] <rut> cekicem ga debugiraj :P [07:41] <BotaniCar> SilverSpace: de reci, a koliko to cudo kosta ? [07:41] <rut> muffincic :) [07:41] <BotaniCar> Mufic ! [07:41] <SilverSpace> BotaniCar: dve godine staro cudo i ovako me pocelo zajebavati [07:41] <rut> mufic nema posla pa malo ubijas vrijeme ovdje [07:42] <BotaniCar> rut: u stvari sam izmedj dva posla i danima zapostavljam dobre ljude ovdje, pa sam na kratko utrcao :D [07:42] <rut> blago tebi .. [07:44] <SilverSpace> kod paljena bi trebao uci u FASTBOOT konbinacijom tipki a to kod mene nije htjelo [07:44] <BotaniCar> Zakaj ? Kaj imam , a ti nemas ( osim shefice ) ? :D [07:44] <SilverSpace> i nisam jedini [07:44] <rut> mufin posla :) [07:49] <BotaniCar> Zadnje kaj smo pricali, ti si posla imao vise nego ja :) [07:49] <BotaniCar> Kaj si pedaliran ? [07:50] <rut> ma jok . radim jos al sam sve napravio da radi kak spada :) [07:51] <BotaniCar> Pfft, pa zmisli neki servis koji jos nemate, a da se prodat, i napravi ga [07:52] <SilverSpace> jebo mater kaj sad obrisano mi sve iz .bash_history [07:52] <SilverSpace> ooo jebo [07:52] <SilverSpace> kak [07:53] <rut> mogu jedino zamislit jednu plavusu .. kratke kose .. jedno 1.65cm .. dobre guze .. i poprsja ... ~40godina [07:53] <rut> moze biti i sitnih varijacija [07:54] <SilverSpace> ke [07:54] <SilverSpace> 165 [07:55] <rut> visina [08:02] <SilverSpace> ma neku odbojkasicu [08:22] <calmpitbull> morgen [08:22] <rut> sve su visoke .. pa da moram planinarsku opremu nosit .. ih [08:23] <rut> jos i to .. [08:24] <calmpitbull> pitanje: kako naci koji terminal emulator koristi odredena linux distribucija [08:24] <SilverSpace> calmpitbull: oo jutro [08:24] <calmpitbull> SilverSpace: jutro vec u 4 al sada tek dosao do racunala [08:24] <Mmike> calmpitbull: kak to misils? [08:25] <rut> nije li to bezveze pitanje ? [08:26] <calmpitbull> Mmike: recimo stavijo sam si eOS na virtualku i dobra stvari eosovog terminala je u tome da ti pise gore koje komande stavljas u terminal [08:26] <calmpitbull> ako imas vise terminala otvoreno je meni to dobra fora [08:26] <Mmike> sto je eos? [08:26] <calmpitbull> elementary os [08:26] <Mmike> a [08:27] <Mmike> calmpitbull: brijem da eos koristi gnome terminal [08:27] <Mmike> al' svaki term ti to ima, manje vise [08:27] <Mmike> osim mozda xterma [08:27] <Mmike> i tih :) [08:27] <calmpitbull> hmmm [08:27] <Mmike> calmpitbull: mosh screenshot nekud metnit ? [08:27] <calmpitbull> cekaj da upalim vb [08:28] <calmpitbull> samo sec [08:28] <calmpitbull> ili malo vise :) [08:33] <calmpitbull> Mmike: [08:40] <Mmike> calmpitbull: yup, gnome-terminal, konsole, terminal od xfca,... svi ti to vele [08:41] <calmpitbull> znaci to bi onda trebalo raditi na bilo kojem terminalu? [08:41] <Mmike> calmpitbull: [08:42] <calmpitbull> pa ja isto imam mint i nista od toga [08:42] <Mmike> calmpitbull: [08:42] <Mmike> ja imam ubuntu, samo koristim mintov mate theme [08:42] <calmpitbull> aha [08:43] <Mmike> [08:43] <calmpitbull> znaci ubuntu to ima po defu ili? [08:44] <Mmike> calmpitbull: googlaj malo za 'change default terminal title' i slicno [08:44] <Mmike> mislim da da [08:44] <Mmike> cek [08:44] <Mmike> .bashrc [08:44] <Mmike> unutra bi to morao imati [08:44] <Mmike> al' mislim da mi je i na mintu to radilo [08:44] <Mmike> ugl vidi .bashrc na elementaryju i na minut [08:44] <calmpitbull> to i radim :) [08:45] <calmpitbull> hvala na pomoci [08:46] <Mmike> nofrx :) [08:46] * Mmike se sjeca kad je na srcetu gnjavio ekipu oko slicnih stvari :) [08:48] <calmpitbull> a kada ima tolko toga za nauciti i kada si mozes tolko toga sredit na linuxu da je samo za tebe da boli glava [08:52] <Mmike> calmpitbull: u biti nije tak strasno, al' da, racunaj da ce ti trebati godina dana cca da polovis manje-vise sve osnove :) [08:52] <calmpitbull> nego [08:52] <calmpitbull> to mi svi govore kada spomenem kaj kada sam pao u taj vortex [09:02] <BotaniCar> Jos nije kasno da kupis posten OS ! [09:02] <BotaniCar> Ima BSDova koji su dzabe :) [09:17] <Mmike> BotaniCar: ne postoji posten OS [09:17] <Mmike> svi su potrgani [09:17] <Mmike> na ovaj ili onaj nacin [09:17] <Mmike> neki su samo potrgani vise, i jos moras platit da ih imas :) [09:22] <jelly> najbolje ne ocekivati previse od OS-a pa se neces razocarat [09:22] <jelly> zato /me koristi Debian :-) [09:53] <tonil> itko zna kako provjeriti koji mi je djelatnik izdao racun u HP? [09:54] <jelly> kakve fontane, treba robote [09:55] * Mmike got pranked [09:55] <Mmike> kolega koji nije tu mi je rekao da pitam drugog kolegu za kebabe, da ih taj obozava [09:55] <Mmike> ja pitao [09:55] <Mmike> a ovaj je vegan [09:59] <jelly> vebab [10:00] <weshmashian> mornin' [10:02] <SweetMuffin> asdasd [10:02] <SweetMuffin> kuracpalac [10:05] <weshmashian> mrmlj, je samo meni wheezy strgo dependencie na libxrender1? [10:06] <SilverSpace> sad sam si i ubuntu sjebo [10:06] <SilverSpace> krenulo me danas [10:06] <SilverSpace> od ponoci pa na dalje [10:08] <Mmike> weshmashian: the fix is to ---- [10:08] <Mmike> --- update to jessie :) [10:09] <jelly> weshmashian: nije. [10:10] <jelly> weshmashian: [10:13] <Mmike> znate ono kad ivoks pocne brbljetat o novim ubuntu brijama? [10:13] <Mmike> e, pa sad ga kuzim :) [10:13] <Mmike> i ja imam urge za takvim necim :) [10:14] <weshmashian> Mmike: cek, apgrejdam na jessie za vrijeme godisnjeg :) [10:14] <weshmashian> jelly: hah, cool [10:15] <weshmashian> doduse, probo sam rijesit tak da maknem taj Debian.gz, ali nakon toga opet neka pizdarija [10:15] <weshmashian> pa ostavio staro :) [10:38] <SilverSpace> jos sam sad krivi ubuntu iso skinuo :) [10:38] <SilverSpace> bolje da odem spat [10:47] <frainfreeze> lako za to. nego kad ga sprzis [10:47] <frainfreeze> pa kad ga install ... :P [11:22] <BotaniCar> Pliketi plok, bok bok bok [11:25] <frainfreeze> hey... :D  ej mali, hoćeš sok <klinjo> hoću <smrt> *SOK* [12:11] <jelly> BotaniCar: hm, jel to znc krepao ili si ga namjerno reconnectao [13:05] <ivoks> ha [13:05] <ivoks> [13:21] <jelly> [13:24] <jelly> skupo al intel [13:36] <BotaniCar> jelly: rek'o bi da je znc prdn'o [13:36] <BotaniCar> intel u srcu [13:42] <tonil> BotaniCar, :| [13:42] <datase> YouTube: Wax: "Rosana" (Official Music Video) - 0:04:22 - 31,936,617 views - 211022 likes / 7203 dislikes [13:42] <tonil> :\ [13:42] <tonil> :/ [13:42] <tonil> :| [13:43] <BotaniCar> tonil: pa sto ce mi kolegica rec, ja ti naivno vjerov'o i opleo na najjace :) ! [13:43] <BotaniCar> Sad ce me il povalit' il osamarit ! :) [13:43] <tonil> BotaniCar, pogledaj pogledaj [13:43] <tonil> :D [13:48] <jelly> such simulation [13:49] <jelly> tonil: nagradno pitanje: koliko ce Severini ili nekoj slicnoj trebati da iskopira video i pjesmu [13:49] <jelly> ak vec nije [13:50] <tonil> ova siba na fejs kad ga ukljucim [13:55] <tonil> jelly, ako nije do sada nit nece,ovo je na vecoj intelektualnoj razini za nase balkanjere ;) [13:55] <tonil> nazalost [13:56] <jelly> mos si mislit na kakvoj je razini :-) [13:57] <tonil> :P [13:58] <tonil> jelly, a bar nema onaj ubitacni slow mo kojeg ima svaki severinin spot zadnjih 10 godina [13:58] <tonil> kao kad su afroamerikanci otkrili autotunes [14:03] <jelly> iskreno, ne znam za taj slow motion [14:54] <infy-> 4.0 [14:54] <infy-> ksplice sheme? [14:54] <infy-> update bez reboot? [15:22] <jelly> infy-: "incomplete" [15:30] <Vlado9A3CY> dobar dan :) [17:32] <markosejic> d dan [18:27] <obruT> jel ono smece od silverligta ikako podrzano na linuxu (pipelight i ta sranja) ili da odnekud iskopam windowse ? [18:49] <obruT> otkud da iskopam windoze za to... [19:21] <Mmike> Mlji Mlja [19:21] <Mmike> obruT: what's the use case? [19:24] <obruT> mislio sam da treba za registraciju HBOgo, ali je bilo dovoljno fejkati useragent iako se zalio stalno na to da nema silverlight [19:24] <obruT> sadrzaj cu gledat drito na telki jer imam plugin pa cu prezivjet bez doticnog [19:25] <Mmike> :) [19:25] <Mmike> hackeru :) [19:26] <SilverSpace> yah [19:26] <infy-> ahaaaaaaaa [19:27] <SilverSpace> ja fino ostavim ubuntu da se instalira i odoh sa frendom na cugu i sad se vratim sav sretan kak se to instalirao, a ono kita [19:27] <SilverSpace> doso Franko i ugasio racunalo [19:28] <SilverSpace> usred instalacije [19:29] <Vlado9A3CY> pa valjda on zna kaj treba :D [19:34] <Mmike> "today it was announced that Tokutek [19:34] <Mmike> has been acquired by Percona" [19:37] <obruT> zna dete da linux nis ne valja [19:39] <SilverSpace> joj koji balavander a tek u prvi razred ide [19:40] <SilverSpace> jos sam mu ireko da ne dira ali bandit ko bandit youtube
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BotaniCar", "Mmike", "SilverSpace", "SweetMuffin", "Vlado9A3CY", "calmpitbull", "datase", "frainfreeze", "infy-", "ivoks", "jelly", "markosejic", "obruT", "rut", "tonil", "vileni", "weshmashian" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-hr" }
[05:18] <lotuspsychje> good morning to all [05:22] <lotuspsychje> tnx :p [05:29] <lotuspsychje> [05:45] <lotuspsychje> gr33n7007h: welcome [05:46] <gr33n7007h> didn't even notice you pm'd me not got channel listing up not set up weechat as of yet :) [05:47] <gr33n7007h> noticed it by luck [05:47] * gr33n7007h needs to fully set up is irc client [05:48] <gr33n7007h> lotuspsychje: thanks for the invite [05:48] <lotuspsychje> gr33n7007h: no sweat mate, tought your query was set to off :p [05:49] <lotuspsychje> the idea is, we see alot of active supporters in #ubuntu helping others, but never chat to each other [05:49] <lotuspsychje> this might have positive changes [05:49] <gr33n7007h> yeah, sounds like a great idea [05:50] <lotuspsychje> tnx and great to have you here [05:50] <gr33n7007h> cheers [05:51] <gr33n7007h> Where ever did ActionParsnip go to? [05:53] <lotuspsychje> i see him rarely [05:53] <lotuspsychje> some guys did a lot of support in the past and some dissapeared [05:53] <lotuspsychje> like dr_willis [05:53] <lotuspsychje> never saw him either [05:54] <gr33n7007h> ah, yeah dr_willis remeber him to [06:07] <lotuspsychje> bbl [06:09] <lordievader> good morning. [11:06] <lotuspsychje> good afternoon [11:07] <lordievader> o/ [11:07] <lotuspsychje> lordievader: hello mate [11:07] <lordievader> How are you doing? [11:08] <lotuspsychje> great and you? [11:08] <lotuspsychje> nice sunshine today [11:08] <lordievader> Got a coffee next to me, guess I'm doing allright. [11:09] <lotuspsychje> yummy [11:10] <lordievader> :) [11:11] <MonkeyDust> coffe gives meaning to my life [11:11] <lordievader> [11:12] <lotuspsychje> coffee with an ubuntu cookie :p [11:12] * lordievader slides a mug of "meaning of life" to MonkeyDust [11:13] <lotuspsychje> BluesKaj: morning mate [11:14] <BluesKaj> HI all [11:14] <BluesKaj> 'Morning lotuspsychje, what's happening today ? [11:15] <lordievader> o/ [11:15] <lotuspsychje> BluesKaj: new article on softpedia, they fixxed wifi on oneplusone phone (ubuntu touch) [11:15] <lotuspsychje> [11:16] <BluesKaj> I must be getting old ...don't have desire for a "smartphone" [11:17] <lotuspsychje> BluesKaj: well i have a nexus7 with touch on, very happy with it [11:17] <lotuspsychje> small tablet can be usefull sometimes [11:17] <lotuspsychje> quick checking your emails while you watch tv [11:18] <BluesKaj> heh, my pc monitor is my tv [11:18] <lotuspsychje> loool [11:18] <lotuspsychje> you got a myth tv ubuntu? [11:19] <BluesKaj> it's an actual tv, not a pc monitor, no mythtv I have a sat service [11:20] <lotuspsychje> ah cool [11:20] <BluesKaj> in the boonies , otherwise I probly would have mythtv [11:21] <lotuspsychje> i like the way ubuntu spreads on hardware these days [11:21] <BluesKaj> mythtv is good for large cities where there are lots of free ota siganals [11:22] <lotuspsychje> BluesKaj: your sat is connected to internet also? [11:22] * lordievader still has a dumb phone [11:22] <lotuspsychje> lordievader: me also a cheap 50 euro nokia :p [11:22] <lotuspsychje> but it can make calls! [11:22] <lordievader> Don't think mine was ever worth 50 euros XD [11:22] <lotuspsychje> lool [11:23] <BluesKaj> my sat is connected , but it's only used for the program guide updates [11:24] <lotuspsychje> BluesKaj: did you doublecheck if it cant be exploited or remote takeover [11:24] <lotuspsychje> mostly those sats are setup with weak l:p on telnet [11:25] <lordievader> Exploited in Canda? [11:26] <BluesKaj> lotuspsychje, no I haven't , but Bell Canada is quite proprietary and theur pvrs are tightly locked [11:26] <BluesKaj> their pvrs [11:26] <lotuspsychje> what brand of sat is this? [11:27] <lotuspsychje> in the netherlands they use many dreambox and those have weak login:pass [11:32] <lordievader> [11:35] <lotuspsychje> lordievader: your reading weird things on the net :p [11:36] <lotuspsychje> i installed ubuntu on my fathers pc, he's also 78 year and he never been able to crash it [11:36] <lotuspsychje> with windows on, i had to come back every month to fix lol [11:36] <lordievader> ? [11:37] <OerHeks> Oh, now you see him with crhistmass only? [11:37] <lordievader> It's just tfts on reddit. [11:37] <lotuspsychje> OerHeks: lol [11:37] <BluesKaj> lotuspsychje, I can't find out who actually makes the pvr , althjo it's the same maker as Dish network in the US . Scientific Atlanta made the old models , but the newer HD pvrs are amystery to me . [11:41] <lotuspsychje> BluesKaj: i would do an nmap on yourself to check if the sat telnet is open [11:41] <BluesKaj> it's seen by the router [11:43] <BluesKaj> I'll nmap as soon the system is finished upgrading ...I need to install nmap [11:44] <lotuspsychje> okay :p [11:45] <lotuspsychje> BluesKaj: in the past it was easy to telnet into dreambox with default telnet pass, and even watch the sattelite over-web [11:46] <BluesKaj> not here [11:46] <lotuspsychje> okay :p [11:47] <lordievader> How about not forwarding port, what is it, 21? [11:47] <BluesKaj> at least so I've been told , never tried to telnet into the pvr so I can't be absolutely sure, lotuspsychje [11:47] <lotuspsychje> i would surely doublecheck [11:49] <BluesKaj> yes I will ,as soon as i can [11:49] <lotuspsychje> BluesKaj: want me to nmap you, dont tell to the cops ok :p [11:50] <lotuspsychje> oh your on vpn nevermind [11:50] <BluesKaj> you can try, but i'm on a vpn [11:50] <lotuspsychje> :p [11:50] <lordievader> Port scanning ain't illegal. [11:50] <BluesKaj> port 21 for telnet? [11:51] <lotuspsychje> lordievader: to be a burgler and look inside someones house isnt illegal neither :p [11:52] <lotuspsychje> port 22 normaly [11:52] <lotuspsychje> and port 80 might also we open on the sat [11:52] <lordievader> 22 is ssh... [11:52] <lordievader> Telnet != ssh. [11:53] <lordievader> Ah, 23: [11:53] <lotuspsychje> yeah 23 [11:53] <lotuspsychje> 21 is ftp [11:58] <BluesKaj> lotuspsychje, got a command I could use ? [11:58] <BluesKaj> for nmap [11:58] <lotuspsychje> BluesKaj: nmap -PN -sV yourip [11:58] <lordievader> nmap -p 23 -Pn ip [11:58] <lotuspsychje> sV is handy for services active [11:59] <lordievader> You're only interested in the state of port 23. Which shouldn't be forwarded... [12:00] <BluesKaj> All 1000 scanned ports on 192.168.X.XX are closed [12:01] <lotuspsychje> nice and secure ubuntu :p [12:01] <lotuspsychje> or good router [12:01] <lordievader> On 192.168? Try your public ip. [12:01] <lotuspsychje> BluesKaj: yeah public ip might show usefull stuff [12:01] <lotuspsychje> check whatsmyip [12:02] <lordievader> dig +short [12:02] <BluesKaj> I know what my IP is [12:02] <BluesKaj> 23/tcp closed telnet on the pvr [12:03] <BluesKaj> I have my ISPs dns server IPs setup in the router as well [12:04] <lotuspsychje> ok [12:04] <lordievader> lotuspsychje: Besides, Ubuntu's firewall config is very lacking by default. Accept all... [12:04] <lotuspsychje> lordievader: true, but what will someone do with the open ports [12:05] <BluesKaj> this the IP looup site that I use , it's quite accurate. mostly [12:05] <BluesKaj> lookup [12:05] <lordievader> lotuspsychje: It means that access to ports is completely unregulated. [12:06] <lotuspsychje> sure [12:06] <lordievader> That I have smb running doesn't mean that I want the full world to access it. [12:07] <lotuspsychje> true [12:08] <lordievader> What Ubuntu should have done by default is use the drop policy on the input table. And allow related and established connections in the input table. [12:09] <lotuspsychje> lordievader: maybe a sugestion for the ubuntu brainstorm [12:09] <lordievader> Meh, they probably have reasons for the way they do things. [12:10] <lotuspsychje> probably [12:27] <MonkeyDust> twitter: I just sneezed... FB status: running noses [12:27] <MonkeyDust> nose* [12:27] <MonkeyDust> thought you wanted to know [12:28] <lotuspsychje> lol [13:06] <BluesKaj> well, my pvr seems locked down pretty tightly [16:11] <daftykins> i seem to identify a hell of a lot of dead hard disks over in #ubuntu 0o [16:11] <daftykins> i'll start getting a reputation before too long... [16:11] <lotuspsychje> daftykins: :p [16:12] <OerHeks> You mean booting in blackscreen or grub after update? [16:12] <lordievader> The man, or woman, who kills harddisks through IRC! [16:12] <daftykins> OerHeks: who was that at? [16:12] <OerHeks> for you, i have a client in #ubuntu-nl, struggeling with this issue over and over again [16:13] <daftykins> oh this was genuine disk failure - check out last nights [16:13] <daftykins> but certainly plenty of symptoms can result from a disk in this kind of condition [16:14] <lordievader> daftykins: 0 reallocated sectors... [16:14] <daftykins> keep reading, lordievader [16:14] <daftykins> :> [16:14] <lordievader> Jup, never mind. [16:14] <daftykins> the key lines are 52, 66 and 67 [16:14] <daftykins> plus all the errors recorded thereafter [16:16] <lotuspsychje> hitachi's arent the best hd's [16:17] <daftykins> i thought that, though a friend found an article the other day that claims they have the lowest fault tolerance of desktop consumer HDDs 9i [16:17] <daftykins> * 0o [16:17] <lordievader> High failure rates on Hitachi's. [16:17] <lotuspsychje> ill swear by seagates [16:17] <lotuspsychje> and samsung ssd's :p [16:18] <daftykins> seagates have too low warranty a lot of the time [16:18] <daftykins> i always buy WD [16:18] <lotuspsychje> i had few wd's fail on me also [16:18] <daftykins> ooh that reminds me [16:18] <daftykins> yeah i think they all die plenty :> [16:19] <lotuspsychje> i never had a seagate fail [16:20] <daftykins> [16:20] <daftykins> :D [16:20] * lordievader doesn't like Seagates either. [16:20] <lordievader> WD :D [16:21] <daftykins> finished off an 8 x 2TB RAID6 -> 8 x 4TB RAID6 move last night [16:21] <daftykins> so. many. screws. [16:22] <daftykins> spent a good time removing the 5 years of dust from the system too :D [16:22] <lotuspsychje> lol@pic [16:23] <daftykins> 48TB ^_^ [16:24] <daftykins> all the 2TB disks are out of warranty and needed ditching y'see [16:25] <daftykins> /dev/sdb1 22T 9.0T 13T 41% /media/array2 [16:25] <daftykins> huzzah [16:27] <lordievader> No lvm raid? [16:27] <daftykins> it's on a 3ware HBA [16:27] <daftykins> even if i did know how to use any LVM magic it'd have no use for it there [16:29] <lordievader> LVM raid is quite flexible as you can specify what kind of raid you want per logical volume. But I suppose a hardware raid is faster. [16:31] <daftykins> i have thought about playing with some other setups like ZFS, but between using the 3ware cards simple management to fix issues and the idea of staring at logs for hours on end - i chose the former :D [16:31] <daftykins> i spot when the disks fail early as well, as it does a nice scheduled weekly verification across the arrays [16:32] <lotuspsychje> i just watched blackhat..nice movie :p [16:35] <BluesKaj> yeah, i tried a LVM partition management type install from scratch so I could run qemu-kvm with plenty of space for guest OS , but it mucked up my partitions after I removeed qemu-kvm and I needed rescue support to fix my partitions [16:35] <daftykins> 2015 film? [16:35] <lotuspsychje> daftykins: yes [16:35] <daftykins> hmm sounds very topical according to IMDB :D [16:36] <lotuspsychje> daftykins: well i liked it, and finally a hacking movie with some real linux commands to see [16:36] <daftykins> woohoo \o/ [16:37] <daftykins> i wonder if the upcoming third Tron film will use some factual ones too [16:37] <daftykins> they at least used 'whoami' in Tron: Legacy ;) [16:37] <lotuspsychje> :p [16:38] <daftykins> seem to remember nmap cropping up somewhere too - maybe that was the Matrix [16:38] <lotuspsychje> knock knock [16:39] <lotuspsychje> wake up neo..... [16:40] <EriC^^> neo's drunk come back later [16:40] <lotuspsychje> loool [16:40] <EriC^^> sudo poweroff [16:40] <lotuspsychje> he saw too many wite wabbits [16:42] <daftykins> :D [17:03] <lotuspsychje> OerHeks: [17:13] <lotuspsychje> this is a weird support day oO [17:14] <lotuspsychje> took too many of those neo pills i think [17:16] <daftykins> i find my faith in the common man drops constantly, being in #ubuntu [17:21] <lordievader> Hehe... Keep your chin up. [17:21] <lotuspsychje> we poor volunteers :p [17:23] <lotuspsychje> ki7mt: welcome :p [17:23] <ki7mt> Hola [17:29] <lotuspsychje> [17:30] <lotuspsychje> seen on [17:35] <lotuspsychje> OerHeks: you skared him :p [17:35] <OerHeks> Ido, do i? [17:36] <OerHeks> Maybe that is why my chihuahua's bark at me. [17:36] <lotuspsychje> lol [17:36] <daftykins> do we figure that these other distros are too silly to modify their IRC client packages to not join #ubuntu as default 0o [17:37] <lotuspsychje> that would be a great start [17:37] <daftykins> to be honest even Ubuntu should disable it ;) [17:38] <lotuspsychje> that would surely safe alot of work [17:38] <OerHeks> i think #ubuntu should support all forks :-D [17:39] <daftykins> seriously? :P [17:39] <EriC^^> OerHeks: mind your table manners please :P [17:39] <OerHeks> plus vivid 15.04 beta2 [17:39] <lotuspsychje> i rather like straight ubuntu in here [17:39] <OerHeks> EriC^^, i have never been banned, i am missing some experience. [17:40] <OerHeks> I am hungry, thinking what i should make for diner. [17:40] <lotuspsychje> !cookie [17:40] <lotuspsychje> cool bot works here too [17:40] <ki7mt> +1 .. I would not mind all the offcical ditro's, Lub, Xub, Kub, etc being in #ubuntu but not Kali and all those. [17:41] <lordievader> People allways wonder why everything is together in #ubuntu+1. [17:41] <EriC^^> i just made something gross, hamburger bread with ketchup mustard and cheese, microwaved, OerHeks i wouldn't recommend [17:41] <daftykins> ki7mt: those are already fine to be discussed in there [17:41] <EriC^^> i was too lazy to order pizza [17:41] <daftykins> it's all the downstream distros like Mint, this new Backbox thing and Elementary OS - all that rubbish :) [17:41] <ki7mt> And Mint especially, that one really gets on my nerves, even though I test pkgs on it. [17:42] <lotuspsychje> true [17:42] <daftykins> back in a tick [17:43] <OerHeks> Sad thing is, thoose forks are too lazy to give support. For pentesting distros i can imagine, who wants to help wannabee-hackers? [17:43] <lotuspsychje> EriC^^: sounds real healthy :p [17:43] * lotuspsychje lowers his hand [17:44] <lotuspsychje> i never got that, pentesting tools can be just downloaded as packages..whats the big deal [17:45] <lotuspsychje> !info john [17:45] <lordievader> lotuspsychje: It is usefull to have them all together, then you can just start a vm and done. [17:45] <ki7mt> OerHeks, Most of them cant provide support, as the base engine is Ubuntu, and they don't re-spin the packaging, so they've no real knowledge of what's really going on. [17:46] <ki7mt> At least with Ubuntu, it's a fairly tight integration to Debian. [17:47] <ki7mt> 90+% of the Mint users say Mint is not Ubuntu .. I disagree, it's Ubuntu with a variant DE + More Bugs ;) [17:48] <lotuspsychje> bbl guys [17:53] <ki7mt> man, python-pil v2.6.1 is giving me major issues on 14.10 and Jessie .. I hope they backport 2.5.3 as 2.6.1 is FUBAR [18:24] <ki7mt> How many of you all are Ubuntu Members ? I've been working on that for a while, but I dont seem to be making much progress in getting the membership. [18:28] <OerHeks> ki7mt, i am, after 5 years of hangin in #ubuntu and giving support. [18:29] <OerHeks> ki7mt, but there is no minimum time to it, you need to prove that you contribute, and find persons who want to write a testimonial for you [18:29] <OerHeks> * and have no history of beiing banned for childish reasons and such [18:29] <ki7mt> Yeah, Iv'e been here off and on for at least 5yrs, been using UB since the 5.04 or there abouts. [18:30] <OerHeks> ki7mt, go for it [18:30] <ki7mt> I've never been banned, ever. I've had situations where we had to "Agree to Disagree", but nothing nasty ever. [18:31] <ki7mt> OerHeks, Yeah., I've done some Doc work, packaging, Q&A, IRC, QA ISO and app testing, just not in mass quanity. [18:32] <OerHeks> ki7mt, you might have done more for ubuntu than i did sofar, who can tell, who can judge? [18:32] <ki7mt> Im also upstram on several packages, so time is also an issue. [18:32] <ki7mt> .. upstream [18:33] <ki7mt> I guess I could throw my name in the hat, and see what the feedback is .. I just dont do rejection very well :-) [18:34] <OerHeks> Take your time to write something about yourself, and let me know please. [18:34] <ki7mt> I think I have my wiki up .. have to go find it, I don't spend allot of time on it, maybe I should. [18:35] <ki7mt> [18:35] <OerHeks> yeah, just saw your Karma :-D [18:36] <ki7mt> It's not very high, I've not done allot fo packaging work lately. [18:37] <ki7mt> Karma on Launchpad that is. [18:37] <OerHeks> This is the past, what do you expect from beiing a member? [18:37] <OerHeks> from-of* [18:38] <lordievader> I get the feeling you'll do fine, ki7mt. [18:38] <OerHeks> me too, lordievader [18:39] <ki7mt> That's a good question .. I suppose, from a personal standpoint it's a sense of achievement, from a Ubuntu community stanpoint, give back to the community, help drive and shape the future of various aspects things like that. [18:40] <OerHeks> True. [18:43] <ki7mt> I dont think we get Karma for IRC though do we ? [18:43] <ki7mt> at least, not on Launchpad [18:43] <OerHeks> No, i don't think so. [18:44] <OerHeks> ..maybe !cookie | ki7mt counts [18:44] <lordievader> Hehe [18:44] <ki7mt> Yeah, I would think so, those are cool [18:45] <lordievader> !cookie | ki7mt [18:45] <OerHeks> /msg ubottu i love you # +10 [18:45] <ki7mt> I like cookies :-) [18:45] <lordievader> ki7mt: You'll love the Darkside, we got cookies :D [18:47] <ki7mt> Indeed :-) [19:35] <OerHeks> ki7mt, that 98 should really try mint :-D [19:36] <ki7mt> Yeah, I use Mint, mostly for testing, but I dont like Green :-) [19:36] <OerHeks> I like green, but mint is slower than ubuntu [19:36] <OerHeks> microseconds, but slower. [19:37] <lordievader> Time to learn some awk. [19:37] <ki7mt> Yeah, I noticed that too on 17.1, like opening the FM and things, first time around it like stalls then goes. [20:09] <lordievader> Awk is pretty sweet. [20:13] <ki7mt> awk, sed and grep, if you can master those three thing, CLI is stupid powerful [20:20] <lordievader> I'm quite okay with sed and grep. But all I could do in awk before was print out a column.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BluesKaj", "EriC^^", "MonkeyDust", "OerHeks", "daftykins", "gr33n7007h", "ki7mt", "lordievader", "lotuspsychje" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-discuss" }
[00:00] <limpc> [00:01] <EriC^^> limpc: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done [00:01] <EriC^^> and sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi [00:02] <limpc> error with the last one [00:02] <limpc> mount point doesnt exist [00:03] <EriC^^> ok [00:03] <EriC^^> type sudo mkdir /mnt/boot/efi [00:03] <EriC^^> and ls -l /sys/firmware/efi [00:03] <limpc> says file exists [00:03] <EriC^^> ok [00:03] <EriC^^> try to mount it again [00:04] <limpc> i mean when i tried the mkdir [00:04] <limpc> it errored saying the file existed [00:04] <EriC^^> oh [00:04] <EriC^^> are you sure there's no typo in the sudo mount command? [00:05] <limpc> guess there was. i typed it all out again and it worked. [00:05] <EriC^^> ok [00:05] <EriC^^> type sudo chroot /mnt [00:05] <limpc> k. then grub-insall /dev/sda? [00:06] <MannyLNJ> Hello. I have a problem. I have ubuntu on a lapptop with a cracked screen. there is a printer connectted to it. The laptop is shared on a windows network. It accepts pring jobs but nothing ever comes out of the printer. I need helop diagnosing the cause and resolviong them problem. [00:06] <EriC^^> limpc: try dpkg -l | grep gparted [00:06] <limpc> EriC^^, its listed. [00:07] <EriC^^> ok, at the end of the installation the installer is supposed to remove it [00:07] <EriC^^> so i guess grub isn't the last thing that happens [00:08] <limpc> so what, im screwed? [00:08] <EriC^^> limpc: anyways type apt-get install grub-efi-amd64-signed [00:08] <EriC^^> and see what happens [00:08] <limpc> it installed [00:08] <EriC^^> no errors? [00:09] <limpc> none [00:09] <EriC^^> ok [00:09] <EriC^^> well you could either remove the extra packages and hope after grub all it does is remove the extra packages [00:09] <limpc> so obviously its not a disk problem [00:10] <limpc> i dont have to run grub-install, update-grub? [00:10] <EriC^^> or try to get grub to install elsewhere or something, like install in legacy mode and then convert it etc. [00:10] <EriC^^> limpc: nah it should do that i think [00:10] <EriC^^> you can try update-grub if you want [00:10] <steeleven> hi ! my english is bad for moment. sorry. good morning. and i happy because killed windows 8 forubuntu :) [00:11] <limpc> rebooting the machine. fingers crossed [00:11] <EriC^^> ok [00:11] <twiler> Hey EriCD! [00:11] <EriC^^> hey twiler [00:11] <twiler> Oops., EriC! [00:11] <twiler> Hey there, dude! [00:11] <limpc> w00t. looks like it worked! [00:12] <limpc> so whats the problem? broken installer?? [00:12] <EriC^^> limpc: i dunno [00:12] <limpc> man that was frustrating [00:12] <twiler> I'm so sorry about earlier, dude! [00:12] <steeleven> pfff [00:12] <limpc> thanks so much for your help, EriC^^ [00:12] <EriC^^> twiler: for what dude [00:13] <EriC^^> limpc: no problem [00:13] <twiler> @EriC cause I told you I'd be back in 20 minutes, and then I didnt' show up for another hour and a half. [00:13] <EriC^^> limpc: if you want i could diff the manifest and installer log to get the extra packages if you want to remove them [00:14] <EriC^^> it's up to you [00:14] <twiler> I just try to do what I say I'm gonna do today, ya know? [00:20] <limpc> EriC^^, yea ill do that later. running the updates, need to set this up and im so behind in work ugh. [00:21] <mudtar> I'm having problems with networking on an Ubuntu 14.04 install on my Lenovo IdeaPad Z710 (LENOVO_MT_20250). During booting, the kernel buffer reads "ideapad_laptop: timeout in write_ec_cmd", and the boot screen waits for a while for networking configuration. Upon booting, networking is unavailable, but about 5 minutes later it becomes available. Here is my dmesg output: ; crucial points at about [00:21] <mudtar> 27 seconds and 330 seconds. [00:22] <pavlos> EriC^^, if you don't mind, how do you diff the manifest and installer log? [00:24] <skcin7> I have a file called "dain.odt" on my computer. How come when I type "locate dain.odt" in Terminal, nothing shows up? [00:24] <skcin7> Of course I update my db by typing "sudo updatedb" before doing this. [00:24] <skcin7> How come the "location" program isn't finding this file? [00:24] <skcin7> "locate" [00:24] <daftykins> you should learn 'find' instead [00:25] <skcin7> Is "locate" faulty? [00:25] <daftykins> find /path -name "dain.odt" [00:25] <millerti> I have two machines, both of which should be syncing to NTP, but they're a few minutes off from each other. Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this? [00:26] <millerti> Actually both are wrong, so NTP is broken on both. [00:26] <abc_harold> millerti: Have you tried manually syncing the time on each? [00:26] <daftykins> date -s hh:mm [00:26] <daftykins> ;) [00:26] <millerti> abc_harold: No, but I think I'd like to try got figure out why they're not just correct. [00:27] <millerti> holy crap. ntp isn't even installed. It's like it got wiped out when I upgraded. [00:27] <abc_harold> millerti: It may just be drift, computers do that over time, especially if the CMOS battery is dying [00:27] <mudtar> skcin7, I realize this doesn't answer your original question, but here's info about locate vs find: [00:27] <pid1> millerti, You might have tried this already, but have you verified that the NTP servers are up and responding, and that ufw is allowing the traffic? [00:27] <abc_harold> millerti: Try installing ntpdate and using it to sync the time [00:28] <millerti> I think I know what's going on. Ubuntu only syncs at boot time using ntpdate, and these systems haven't been rebooted in ages. [00:28] <twiler> So, EriC, you got time to walk me through my openbazaar issue? [00:28] <mudtar> skcin7, my first thought is that perhaps the file you're looking for isn't being added to the locate database when you update it. I'm not really sure how locate generates its database, but maybe it's in a blacklisted or non-whitelisted directory? [00:28] <somsip> millerti: IIRC there is a difference between ntpd (which creeps towards the correct time) and ntpdate (which sets it once) [00:29] <abc_harold> millerti: That might be it. You can force an update with ntpdate if you don't want to reboot. [00:29] <skcin7> It's in my home directory /home/skcin7 [00:29] <millerti> somsip: Well, I'd like them to generally stay correct. [00:29] <somsip> millerti: crrep towards the corrext time with ntpd and accept it will take some time before they are both in sync. Could be very wrong on this, but sure I read it somewhere [00:29] <somsip> !ntp [00:29] <mudtar> skcin7, do you get any errors when you type "sudo updatedb"? [00:30] <millerti> somsip: You're right about that. [00:30] <skcin7> mudtar, no I do not [00:30] <EriC^^> twiler: yeah sure [00:30] <EriC^^> twiler: type dpkg -l | grep -i bazaar [00:30] <somsip> millerti: drift is the correct term, not creep :) But those links in the factoid might point you in the right direction [00:31] <twiler> ok. [00:31] <ArgentWarrior> Hi guys [00:31] <ArgentWarrior> Any reason the vmware modules won't build right against 4.0? [00:31] <mudtar> skcin7, Take a look in /etc/updatedb.conf and make sure that your home directory or any of its parent directories aren't included in PRUNEPATHS [00:31] <millerti> Huh. Now that ntpd is running, I get an error when I run ntpdate. [00:32] <abc_harold> millerti: You must stop ntpd first [00:32] <twiler> ok, I typed that [00:32] <EriC^^> pavlos: the installer log is in /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz , and the manifest is in i think [00:32] <twiler> Nothing happens. [00:32] <abc_harold> millerti: Two programs updating the time at once isn't normally great. xD [00:32] <pavlos> EriC^^, good .. thx [00:34] <millerti> Thanks for the help, everyone. [00:34] <millerti> Also, I found this: [00:34] <millerti> Out of date but good enough. [00:36] <abc_harold> millerti: Glad we could be of help :) [00:37] <ArgentWarrior> Why does this happen? [00:37] <ArgentWarrior> [00:37] <EriC^^> pavlos: so wget and then diff <( awk '{print$1}' ubuntu....manifest) <(gzip -dc /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz | sed -n 's/^Package: //p' | sort -u) [00:38] <pid1> ArgentWarrior, What does /tmp/vmware-root/vmware-*.log say? [00:39] <pid1> The output indicates that is something concerning the vbox's network configs. Your logfiles should give you enough details to debug it [00:39] <ArgentWarrior> Could vbox be conflicting with workstation somehow? [00:40] <EriC^^> twiler: did it return anything? [00:40] <newbnewb> EricC are you still here? [00:40] <EriC^^> pavlos: i think comm should be used instead of diff [00:41] <EriC^^> so it finds the packages that are there but not in the other [00:41] <newbnewb> I decided to download VLC so I coulc watch a movie before bed...and halfway through the download the Sotware Center shut down and now won't load again just like before [00:41] <newbnewb> so even though people are telling me things don't just "stop working" it did [00:41] <ArgentWarrior> [00:41] <ArgentWarrior> This is vmware's log [00:42] <newbnewb> so I think its time to try a new iso yeah? How do I make sure I am getting a good one? I downloaded this one right from Ubuntu [00:42] <EriC^^> pavlos: comm -23 bla bla [00:42] <twiler> Hey EriC, no it didn't but, I figured out why I couldn't get it to start! [00:43] <EriC^^> twiler: why? [00:43] <twiler> Now, if I could just figure out how to actually LOAD A MERCHANT list, I'd be in business! [00:43] <daftykins> newbnewb: did you even check your hard disks condition first? [00:43] <twiler> I wasn't in the OpenBazaar directory.. :: stupid me! :: [00:44] <newbnewb> no but they had no issues with a Mint do I check them from Ubuntu? [00:44] <daftykins> we don't talk about Mint ;) [00:44] <twiler> Hi, dafty! [00:44] <daftykins> newbnewb: "sudo apt-get install smartmontools pastebinit" then "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit" [00:45] <newbnewb> what will that do? [00:45] <twiler> daftykins hi!!!! [00:45] <MannyLNJ> I thought I updated my ubuntu system but when I ssh in it tells me I have the same amount of updates. Any ideas? [00:45] <ArgentWarrior> Ubuntu > Mint because Compiz > Muffin [00:46] <newbnewb> Reading package lists... Error! E: Read error - read (5: Input/output error) E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. [00:46] <newbnewb> ouput is same error I was getting before EricC fixed it....but it suddenly stopped working again [00:46] <EriC^^> newbnewb: sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* again [00:47] <EriC^^> that's pretty odd it keeps getting messed up [00:47] <newbnewb> yeah...since its so weird should I just start over? [00:47] <daftykins> i think either your install media is busted, or your hardware isn't stable [00:47] <newbnewb> ok how do I ensure I get a good iso? Is DL direct from Ubuntu ok? [00:47] <ArgentWarrior> Check the md5 [00:47] <newbnewb> its how I did it this time [00:48] <twiler> Maaannnn.. I guess no one around here says A [00:48] <twiler> hi!! [00:48] <daftykins> they don't when they don't know who you are [00:48] <daftykins> !ot | twiler [00:48] <newbnewb> daftykins media you mean USB boot drive? [00:48] <daftykins> yes the installation medium [00:49] <newbnewb> ok so first step where is best place to get new iso [00:49] <newbnewb> just to rule that out [00:49] <Guest22523> Hello [00:49] <EriC^^> [00:49] <newbnewb> thanks....and how to check USB drive to make sure its not the problem? [00:49] <newbnewb> format it? [00:49] <ArgentWarrior> If you've abused that usb drive (by dd'ing to it a few too many times) it likely won't be bootable. Try a blank dvd or another usb disk if you can [00:50] <newbnewb> ok [00:50] <Guest22523> Can someone help me find my touch pad drivers for my laptop so I can disable my touchpad mouse clicking? [00:50] <daftykins> dd zero fill it maybe [00:50] <newbnewb> ive not used it as a bootable before....but who knows [00:50] <newbnewb> i dont know what DD'ing means also sorry [00:51] <ArgentWarrior> dd if=/dev/zero bs=4096 count=your_drive's_size of=/dev/sdX [00:51] <ArgentWarrior> *bs=1M [00:51] <ArgentWarrior> shit [00:51] <patrick__> Hello. I've recently installed Lubuntu 14.10 and am trying to use wine to play Heroes of Might and Magic 3. The installer runs successfully but the game itself crashes at the start. Any suggestions? [00:51] <ArgentWarrior> Been a while since I used dd for that [00:51] <newbnewb> argent if thats to me I have no idea what you are tellling me [00:51] <daftykins> language [00:51] <newbnewb> im like kindergarten level here [00:52] <daftykins> newbnewb: with a Linux OS, 'dd' is an image writing / creating app [00:52] <ArgentWarrior> gotta start from somewhere [00:52] <newbnewb> thanks [00:52] <daftykins> so you can e.g. use dd to throw a .ISO onto a flash drive [00:52] <newbnewb> the drive used hasnt been used a lot [00:52] <newbnewb> but I will try a DVD [00:52] <daftykins> i wouldn't bother if i were you, DVD is horribly slow and nasty to boot a live session from [00:52] <daftykins> sometimes it won't even work [00:53] <newbnewb> so just get a new iso and remake the bootable drive? [00:53] <ArgentWarrior> But if his flash drive is borked it may be the only option [00:53] <mulga> anyone give me a hand at fixing this please? When run update it fails due to lack of 'free space' because its looking at install in /boot instead of /root dir. Ub 14.04l laptop install - I suspect when i performed a fresh install, EUFI (which was all new to me at the time) loader bullshit is where i where i went wrong? gparted prntscrn of partition table here > - any help much appreciated [00:53] <daftykins> newbnewb: do you have another computer or an OS other than this ubuntu with the problem? [00:53] <daftykins> ArgentWarrior: pretty low chance of that imo [00:53] <newbnewb> mo [00:53] <newbnewb> no [00:53] <newbnewb> other laptop is osx....all fine [00:54] <daftykins> newbnewb: well you can download ubuntu to that and make up the flash drive there too [00:54] <newbnewb> this one had Mint 13 but I didnt like it so I tried ubuntu [00:54] <daftykins> up to you [00:54] <newbnewb> I tried that first time and it didnt work [00:54] <deadmund> newbnewb: Mint 13 is outdated. They're on version 17 now. [00:54] <newbnewb> so I made it inside mint and then installed unbuntu [00:54] <deadmund> I think 18 will come out soon after Ubuntu 15.04 [00:55] <newbnewb> it all seemed fine at first....then just like now software center died [00:55] <newbnewb> i just want to get functioning ubuntu on here [00:55] <daftykins> i'd probably memtest that machine then check the hard disk health as i suggested [00:55] <newbnewb> ok how to memtest and check hard disks? [00:55] <daftykins> !memtest [00:55] <daftykins> damn. [00:55] <daftykins> i already gave the commands for checking the hard disk [00:56] <newbnewb> type "!memtest" in terminal? [00:56] <daftykins> nah ignore that [00:56] <newbnewb> ok sorry I am old, slow and tired.....can you tell me exactly what to type to do memtest? [00:57] <daftykins> it's not a thing to type, it's also a bootable ISO to download and run - or it's also a boot menu option on the ubuntu disc [00:57] <ArgentWarrior> When it shows that first purple screen, interrupt it by hitting an arrow key. Select your language and hit the memory test [00:57] <daftykins> 'test memory' beneath 'try ubuntu' and 'install ubuntu' [00:57] <newbnewb> when booting from USB or from HDD installation? [00:57] <ArgentWarrior> USB [00:57] <newbnewb> ok [00:57] <newbnewb> thanks [00:57] <ArgentWarrior> No prob mate [00:58] <daftykins> but memtest can take hours - you want to do 2 passes at least [00:58] <Patero-ng> I loaded the latest ubuntu ver from a usb drive and it crashed while on desktop and while I was trying to search for an app that makes me not want to use ubuntu again if is gonna be that unstable [00:58] <newbnewb> oh [00:58] <newbnewb> shit [00:58] <daftykins> easy on the language in here [00:58] <newbnewb> and how do I check disks again? [00:58] <daftykins> newbnewb: this is what it looks like - [00:58] <newbnewb> i cant find your directions sorry [00:58] <daftykins> i already typed that earlier. [00:59] <ArgentWarrior> Patero-ng: Don't let an unstable live media put you off. It's stable once it's actually on there [00:59] <daftykins> i'm heading off now, laters [00:59] <newbnewb> i dont know which one it is can you tell me again please? [00:59] <daftykins> no sorry. [00:59] <Patero-ng> ArgentWarrior bro [00:59] <newbnewb> why not? [00:59] <Patero-ng> I like ubuntu 10.04 [00:59] <ArgentWarrior> There should be a memory test option in the usb disk's menu [00:59] <ArgentWarrior> Your bios should also have a memory tester [01:00] <newbnewb> thanks argent..will check that [01:00] <Patero-ng> I have a bios savior for older bios [01:00] <ArgentWarrior> Patero-ng: 10.04 is waaay out of support though [01:00] <newbnewb> EricC there? [01:00] <Patero-ng> ArgentWarrior it was my little baby [01:01] <EriC^^> newbnewb: yeah [01:01] <Patero-ng> I also like silent hill one [01:01] <MannyLNJ> Herlp. I edited hostname to change the name of my system now SUDO keeps saying it can't resolve the host [01:01] <ArgentWarrior> Patero-ng: Install a current Ubuntu, then install gnome-panel. Instant nostalgia desktop [01:01] <newbnewb> EricC I am going to get a new a mem test....and if you can tell me how check my HDD....dafty said how but I dont know which esactly he meant and for some reason he will not repeat it [01:01] <newbnewb> does that plan sound good? [01:02] <Patero-ng> ArgentWarrior good idea [01:02] <EriC^^> newbnewb: sounds good, do the hdd test, memtest then get iso [01:03] <newbnewb> do I do the HDD test? [01:03] <newbnewb> is it a command or in some start up option? [01:03] <ArgentWarrior> ^_^ [01:04] <EriC^^> newbnewb: scroll up [01:05] <EriC^^> hit pageup [01:06] <newbnewb> EricC that didnt work [01:06] <newbnewb> it returns the errors like before you fixed it [01:06] <newbnewb> Reading package lists... Error! E: Read error - read (5: Input/output error) E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. [01:06] <EriC^^> type sudo apt-get update [01:06] <EriC^^> did you type the sudo rm command? [01:07] <newbnewb> no [01:07] <EriC^^> type that, then sudo apt-get update [01:07] <newbnewb> i dont know which sudo rm command you mean [01:08] <newbnewb> i was trying to do the two commands dafty said to check HDD [01:09] <galah00> Hello. I have a problem with Ubuntu 14.04 x64 installation. I am trying to install from a live USB made for GPT partition with Rufus under Windows 8.1. After clicking next in the install section the installer does not go forward to the part where I choose the partitions. It just stalls. I have ensured the file is perfect . I suspect there is somet [01:09] <galah00> hing wrong with my PC :S [01:09] <newbnewb> rm: cannot remove ‘/var/lib/apt/lists/partial’: Is a directory rm: cannot remove ‘again’: No such file or directory [01:09] <newbnewb> same nonsense like before [01:09] <newbnewb> nothing working as should [01:11] <ArgentWarrior> shit [01:12] <ArgentWarrior> Oops wrong window [01:12] <ArgentWarrior> Empathy and hexchat side by side = not good [01:13] <deadmund> ArgentWarrior: What did you say in empathy? "Hey can anybody help me with my Ubuntu / Win 7 Dual Boot Wifi Graphics Card Drivers?!?!" [01:13] <ArgentWarrior> Lol [01:14] <newbnewb> i need to start over [01:14] <newbnewb> but cant seem to do that even [01:16] <EriC^^> newbnewb: did you type sudo apt-get update? [01:16] <newbnewb> yes and i pasted the error output [01:17] <EriC^^> you pasted that earlier before the sudo rm command.. [01:17] <EriC^^> did you run it after the sudo rm command? [01:17] <newbnewb> [01:17] <newbnewb> the rm command didnt work either [01:17] <newbnewb> so I didnt know what to do next [01:17] <EriC^^> it did [01:17] <MannyLNJ> I need help with airprint to a printer on Ubuntu 14.04 running CUPS [01:17] <newbnewb> said no such file etc so I thought it failed [01:18] <newbnewb> ok trying apt-get [01:18] <EriC^^> it can't delete the partial dir, but that's ok [01:18] <newbnewb> can I ask what is the point of updating again though if it lasted about 30min last time? [01:18] <EriC^^> newbnewb: that's just the list of packages [01:19] <EriC^^> should take a minute or so [01:19] <newbnewb> i meant when we did this before....and all seemed just suddenly stopped working again [01:19] <newbnewb> so this doesnt seem like a permanent fix [01:20] <newbnewb> or are you doing this to make it work long enough to get the disk checking tools? [01:20] <Joseph-> Hi, I'm trying to connect to remote server via ssh but I can choose a specific tty when I logon? [01:21] <EriC^^> well something is odd, you didn't even have the software-properties-gtk installed to select the repositories, i dont know [01:21] <newbnewb> and software manager worked after you fixed it....for 30min or so then quit again [01:21] <EriC^^> newbnewb: check the disks and memtest as daftykins said [01:21] <newbnewb> thats strange eh? [01:22] <newbnewb> well I tried and his command came back with that parsing error stuff [01:22] <EriC^^> did you try it after sudo apt-get update? [01:22] <newbnewb> i'll try again [01:22] <newbnewb> yeah [01:22] <newbnewb> i mean the last attempt...the one we just did has just finished [01:22] <newbnewb> so I will try again [01:23] <newbnewb> ok installing smartools now [01:23] <Joseph-> Hi, I'm trying to connect to remote server via ssh but I can choose a specific tty when I logon? [01:27] <newbnewb> Eric I did the two commands dafty gave for HD check [01:27] <newbnewb> check [01:27] <newbnewb> what do I do now? [01:27] <newbnewb> [01:28] <newbnewb> this link came from second command [01:28] <EriC^^> ok [01:28] <newbnewb> ah thats bad eh? lots of prefail and old age ratings [01:29] <EriC^^> i've no idea about that stuff [01:29] <newbnewb> ok [01:29] <newbnewb> it does say overall health passed [01:29] <EriC^^> if daftykins mentions the titanic or something then it's bad [01:29] <EriC^^> :D [01:29] <newbnewb> daftykins does that link of my hdd answer anything? [01:29] <newbnewb> [01:29] <notlennart> newbnewb: how old is the drive? [01:30] <newbnewb> notlennart not sure...its a handmedown...likely from 2008ish [01:30] <newbnewb> it was running Mint 13 ok [01:30] <notlennart> newbnewb: then i would take heed of those results [01:31] <newbnewb> so saying passed doesnt mean much since it says prefail a lot? [01:32] <notlennart> newbnewb: prefail means high chance of failure [01:32] <Joseph-> /dev/pts/3 at the moment, I want to connect again but using diff. tty like 9 or something. [01:32] <newbnewb> would that also explain why I have had so many problems with this installation? [01:32] <notlennart> newbnewb: and on a drive approx 7 years old then its probably an accurate assessment [01:33] <newbnewb> ok thanks.....its been really weird and even fixes aren't sticking [01:33] <newbnewb> guess I need a new drive [01:33] <newbnewb> maybe not worth with this old laptop though [01:33] <pavlos> newbnewb, lines 105, 122, etc show errors on power-on ... better get another drive [01:33] <notlennart> newbnewb: not to say that the drive may not fail for another year or two but it could be today or tomorrow [01:34] <EriC^^> Joseph-: why? [01:34] <newbnewb> thanks guys [01:34] <notlennart> newbnewb: is it sata or ide? [01:34] <newbnewb> dont know have to look in settings [01:35] <newbnewb> sorry dont know how to find it in ubuntu settings [01:35] <newbnewb> anyway it sounds like its not long for the world [01:35] <pavlos> newbnewb, using the drive model, HTS541612J9SA00, google it .. it is a SATA [01:36] <newbnewb> dont think the cost of a new HD is worth it in this old thing....maybe better off with a used but newer laptop? [01:37] <austneal> I'm trying to connect to a bluetooth stereo. When I try to connect, the stereo says its connected for a split second, then immediately disconnects.... any thoughts? [01:37] <austneal> (it connects ok in windows) [01:37] <newbnewb> what would a cheap laptop be that would be good for ubuntu? [01:38] <pavlos> newbnewb, get an SSD 60GB for about $40 [01:38] <newbnewb> i'll look at them thanks [01:38] <baxx> test [01:38] <austneal> newbnewb: are you looking for a laptop or a disk drive? [01:38] <notlennart> pavlos: probably not worth getting ssd on an old laptop [01:39] <newbnewb> well this laptop is really old and falling apart [01:39] <Patero-ng> you guys are weird [01:39] <baxx> hi - is it obvious to anyone why this script only copies dotfiles? [01:39] <newbnewb> so prob shoulod just look foir a replacement for it rather than upgrade the HDD [01:39] <newbnewb> since the HDD is dying it seems [01:39] <newbnewb> and has sullied my ubuntu beginning experience [01:40] <austneal> I'm trying to connect to a bluetooth stereo. When I try to connect, the stereo says its connected for a split second, then immediately disconnects.... any thoughts? [01:40] <GeekMan1222> is there any procautions i should take when running apt-get upgrade on a dedicated ubuntu server file server [01:40] <notlennart> newbnewb: if youre happy with the lapatop apart from the hard drive then just replace hard drive but 7 years for a laptop is pushing it towards eol [01:40] <newbnewb> rather not invest more in it I think [01:40] <GeekMan1222> i know in practice you should always set machines to not auto upgrade and to test them on a test machine but i dont have the luxury to do so [01:40] <newbnewb> rather get somehting used with some more lifespan [01:40] <EriC^^> baxx: aren't destination and source in reverse? [01:41] <newbnewb> but not sure what is good [01:41] <jchodyniecki> Quick question for anyone who can help. I downloaded snappy. I tried it on ESXi, Virtual Box, and Vagrant, but the default ubuntu/ubuntu user/pw is not working. any ideas? [01:41] <austneal> newbnewb: can I pm? [01:41] <newbnewb> of course [01:42] <EriC^^> it's rsync <source> <destination> baxx [01:42] <baxx> EriC^^: arghhh [01:42] <baxx> i tested i tested i tested i failled [01:42] <notlennart> newbnewb: a general ruleof thumb for ubuntu install is anything up to 5 years old [01:43] <GeekMan1222> i just recently setup and rsync baxx [01:43] <newbnewb> thanks [01:43] <nrml1> anyone know why this would happen?: /etc/cron.daily/apt-mirror: 7: /etc/cron.daily/apt-mirror: 0: not found [01:43] <baxx> GeekMan1222: you get it the right way around? [01:43] <GeekMan1222> what are you trying to do [01:43] <GeekMan1222> yes i did finally [01:43] <GeekMan1222> its source then destination [01:43] <GeekMan1222> xD [01:43] <baxx> I tested before loads and just borked it up [01:44] <baxx> on the run that mattered [01:44] <baxx> GeekMan1222: EriC^^ I don't appear to have lost anything though...? [01:44] <baxx> at least it wasn't dd :D [01:44] <EriC^^> baxx: yeah if /mnt was empty it would just overwrite stuff [01:45] <GeekMan1222> im doing it over ssh so i have to use the options -av --delete --progress "-e ssh" /source/dir user@ip:/destination/dir [01:45] <jchodyniecki> default user/pass for snappy for ovf image? [01:45] <GeekMan1222> what options are you using baxx [01:45] <EriC^^> *it wouldn't overwrite stuff [01:46] <baxx> [01:46] <baxx> that was the failed script GeekMan1222 [01:46] <GeekMan1222> baxx: i put quotes around the e option cause thats the option i used for ssh . ill take a look at yours now [01:46] <baxx> I'm just backing up ~/ at the mo [01:46] <Guest22523> Can anyone recommend a lightweight linux distro? Just looking for opinions. Have a laptop with 1gig of ram, and a shitty cpu lol [01:47] <baxx> Guest22523: I used an exclude file [01:47] <PHPLearner> What of clean up commands shall I make in the terminal after I do sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade [01:47] <PHPLearner> sort of [01:47] <ArgentWarrior> sudo apt-get clean [01:47] <ceibal> hola [01:47] <PHPLearner> My objective is to make sure no files are duplicated and installation files that are no longer needed are deleted in the system [01:48] <baxx> ArgentWarrior: i thought that it cleaned after itself, learnt something today (else!) [01:48] <ArgentWarrior> :D [01:48] <PHPLearner> really only sudo apt-get clean [01:48] <ArgentWarrior> yep [01:48] <PHPLearner> how come when I do that terminal responds nothing [01:49] <mjollnerd> Guest22523: Try out lubuntu. [01:49] <EriC^^> PHPLearner: and sudo apt-get autoremove if you want [01:49] <PHPLearner> it just accepts the command but no reply messages [01:49] <GeekMan1222> hmm im not sure baxx [01:49] <GeekMan1222> have you tested the rsync command before you made the script [01:49] <EriC^^> PHPLearner: it'll remove packages that aren't needed anymore [01:50] <PHPLearner> oh ok [01:50] <GeekMan1222> just to make sure you pointing things in the right place and using the right options how you want them to work [01:50] <PHPLearner> thanks [01:50] <GeekMan1222> baxx [01:50] <EriC^^> ( uninstall them ) [01:50] <PHPLearner> but what does sudo apt-get purge does [01:51] <baxx> GeekMan1222: yeah [01:51] <baxx> sorry I was just having a gander at rsync options [01:51] <ArgentWarrior> purge removes config files as well as the package [01:52] <ArgentWarrior> Use it if you want something gone for good [01:52] <baxx> GeekMan1222: I did on a demo folder [01:52] <GeekMan1222> did it work without the fancy scripting? [01:52] <baxx> GeekMan1222: what fancy scripting? [01:52] <GeekMan1222> if it didnt i would have a play around with the rsync options and such [01:53] <GeekMan1222> just in general does the command your making a script for work with out using it in a bash [01:53] <GeekMan1222> or rather a bash script [01:53] <baxx> It worked fine in the demo folder that I was using it with... oh right, if I run it from CLI directly [01:53] <GeekMan1222> yes [01:53] <baxx> I'd have thought so , i didn't test that [01:54] <GeekMan1222> im a man that generally likes to double check things i know that sounds silly but maybe your running it wrong or the options your using now arent working the way you intend [01:54] <baxx> i think i need to add -p for permissions, -E for executability to the script [01:54] <GeekMan1222> oh yes prolly [01:54] <GeekMan1222> also [01:54] <baxx> GeekMan1222: Oh i got the source and destination mized up before :P [01:55] <GeekMan1222> i think you can check for bash script errors using bash -x / [01:55] <austneal> I'm trying to connect to a bluetooth stereo. When I try to connect, the stereo says its connected for a split second, then immediately disconnects.... any thoughts? [01:55] <GeekMan1222> haha [01:55] <GeekMan1222> yep i did that [01:55] <baxx> GeekMan1222: oh wow, that's neat if so [01:55] <GeekMan1222> i was really confused [01:56] <GeekMan1222> [01:56] <GeekMan1222> baxx yes if you use -x option you can debug [01:56] <GeekMan1222> i used to bash script ALOT [01:56] <baxx> GeekMan1222: yeah ha, I had different versions in the script to test different parts, and must have muddled them [01:56] <GeekMan1222> it comes in handy it will tell you what line its stopping on for an error [01:56] <GeekMan1222> and what the argument it [01:57] <GeekMan1222> *is [01:57] <baxx> thats cool - theres one to dry run as well that I forgot about [01:57] <mulga> anyone give me a hand at fixing this please? When run update it fails due to lack of 'free space' because its looking at install in /boot instead of /root dir. Ub 14.04l laptop install - I suspect when i performed a fresh install, EUFI (which was all new to me at the time) loader bs is where i where i went wrong? gparted prntscrn of partition table here > - any help much appreciated [01:58] <baxx> I'm not sure if there is actually, or if thats command related rather than bash [01:59] <austneal> I'm trying to connect to a bluetooth stereo. When I try to connect, the stereo says its connected for a split second, then immediately disconnects.... any thoughts? [02:00] <austneal> I miss my music D: [02:03] <austneal> I'm trying to connect to a bluetooth stereo. When I try to connect, the stereo says its connected for a split second, then immediately disconnects.... any thoughts? [02:04] <siwica> Is there a function (2 arguments) that concatenates two lists? [02:04] <siwica> (not concat :: [[a]] -> [a]) [02:05] <rgb-one> siwica: wrong channel, check #haskell [02:06] <siwica> argh... [02:06] <rgb-one> siwica: you can check hoogle for functions. [02:07] <rgb-one> siwica: but yea #haskell is the right place [02:07] <austneal> rgb-one: You woudlnt happen to know anything about audio stuffs, would you? :/ [02:08] <Patero-ng> me gusta el [02:08] <rgb-one> austneal: Whats the problem? [02:08] <austneal> I'm trying to connect to a bluetooth stereo. When I try to connect, the stereo says its connected for a split second, then immediately disconnects [02:09] <austneal> I've googled around, and I can't find a darn thing [02:09] <Patero-ng> use [02:11] <rgb-one> austneal: does it try to reconnect after it disconnects? [02:11] <austneal> nope [02:12] <rgb-one> austneal: Are you sure you are within range of the stereo? [02:12] <austneal> I'm 2 feet away [02:13] <austneal> So, I'm pretty sure :/ [02:15] <austneal> rgb-one: when I try to connect through bluetooth manager, it says "Connection Failed: Stream setup failed" [02:16] <austneal> rgb-one: I can connect my phone to it just fine, and can also connect to it with the PC when I'm in windows [02:20] <rgb-one> austneal: sorry about that. I got disconnected [02:20] <austneal> No problem :P [02:20] <austneal> rgb-one: when I try to connect through bluetooth manager, it says "Connection Failed: Stream setup failed" [02:22] <rgb-one> austneal: so your objective is to play audio through this device right? [02:22] <austneal> Correct [02:22] <rgb-one> austneal: Navigate to System Settings->Sound then where you see Play sound through, look for your device and select it. [02:23] <austneal> rgb-one: The device isnt listed there [02:24] <austneal> I can't connect to it... not sure why it would be listed there [02:25] <austneal> rgb-one: If you can fix it, you'll be my hero xD [02:26] <jmif> hey all, curl is failing to verify an ssl cert that works in chrome. we've tried to update the apt ca-certificates package but it seems that the new cert that was updated (about 7 days ago) isn't released there yet. we've also tried downloading, dropping it in /usr/local/share/ca-certificates and running update-ca-certificates. Curl still can't verify SSL, however if we point curl at the file we download, it veri [02:26] <jmif> fies ssl just fine. This leads me to believe we're install the CA certs wrong. [02:27] <jmif> We're 1) wondering why this doesn't work, but more importantly we're hoping someone in the ubuntu community here has a method for manage SSL cert updates on ubuntu server that has worked well for them? [02:29] <austneal> rgb-one: Still there? [02:29] <rgb-one> austneal: yea [02:31] <baxx> I love it when you're trying to sort some stuff out then suddenly it's 03:30 [02:32] <amnesiak> or 72 hours later [02:32] <baxx> amnesiak: I've not gone that far yet! [02:33] <baxx> I'm not sure if your irc-name is literal or not [02:33] <rgb-one> austneal: give this a try: sudo apt-get install pulseaudio-module-bluetooth [02:33] <austneal> rgb-one: rgr, one sec [02:34] <austneal> rgb-one: pulseaudio-module-bluetooth is already the newest version. [02:34] <rcatorres> hola, alguien sabe de configuracion dns? [02:34] <aeon-ltd> !es [02:36] <rgb-one> austneal: pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover [02:36] <austneal> rgb-one: It just said "20" when I ran that... lemme test [02:37] <austneal> rgb-one: Still just disconnects [02:38] <rgb-one> austneal: what blutooth software have you installed? [02:38] <austneal> Um... I have "Bluetooth Manager" [02:38] <YeahToastIT> what is the off topic chan [02:39] <austneal> rgb-one: That's all I know of... Its just an interface for whatever ubuntu came with [02:40] <rgb-one> austneal: reopen the Sound setting from System Settings [02:40] <rgb-one> austneal: Do you see the device now? [02:40] <austneal> rgb-one: No... still not there [02:42] <rgb-one> austneal: Alright, I will ask you to perform a commandline task that requires administative privileges. [02:42] <austneal> rgb-one: can do [02:43] <YeahToastIT> Can I allow browser plugins to update for non ladmin domain users through IE gpo? [02:43] <rgb-one> austneal: Ok, open the file /etc/bluetooth/audio.conf in a text editor. [02:43] <jmadero> hi all. I'm trying to remotely help my father in law install Ubuntu onto a flash and he's hitting a blank screen with a blinking cursor [02:44] <jmadero> what he did was put the live boot on a 4 gig flash, then he installed to another flash drive [02:44] <austneal> rgb-one: got it [02:44] <jmadero> live works no problem [02:44] <jmadero> when he tries to boot from the flash drive that he installed to, he gets the blank screen with blinking cursor [02:44] <rgb-one> austneal: In the file below the [General] section, add: Enable=Socket [02:45] <austneal> rgb-one: Its already there :/ [02:45] <rgb-one> austneal: haha [02:45] <rgb-one> austneal: interesting [02:45] <austneal> Not commented out or anthing >.< [02:45] <pavlos> rgb-one, in another link I saw the line Enable=Source [02:46] <rgb-one> austneal: You can give what pavlos posted a try [02:47] <austneal> Ok, got that added. Do I need to restart a service or anything? [02:47] <pavlos> rgb-one, then restart the bluetooth service [02:47] <austneal> pavlos: what is the bluetooth service? :/ [02:49] <pavlos> austneal, /etc/init.d/bluetooth [02:49] <austneal> pavlos: bash: /etc/inid.d/bluetooth: No such file or directory [02:50] <austneal> derp... inid lol [02:50] <pavlos> austneal, there should be a bunch of files in /etc/init.d/ [02:51] <austneal> pavlos: I see them... [02:51] <rgb-one> austneal: append a restart to the end of the command [02:51] <austneal> pavlos: Ok, restarted it [02:52] <austneal> pavlos: Still immediately disconnects [02:52] <pavlos> austneal, it was worth a try ... [02:52] <austneal> rgb-one: still not connecting >.< [02:52] <rgb-one> austneal: Ok revert to the previous settings (Enable=Socket) and restart again [02:53] <rgb-one> austneal: but before you do run the pactl command I gave earlier [02:53] <rgb-one> austneal: pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover [02:54] <austneal> rgb-one: Failure: Module initialization failed [02:55] <austneal> tried with sudo as well, didnt work either :/ [03:13] <rgb-one> austneal: give it a try if you haven't already [03:13] <austneal> havent... lemme try [03:14] <rgb-one> austneal: Try rebooting when you are finished. [03:17] <austneal> rgb-one: still didnt fix it :/ [03:17] <austneal> rgb-one: Running out of options, I feel x_x [03:18] <Te3-BloodyIron> I'm trying to write my own init script, and I'm stuck with this part [03:18] <Te3-BloodyIron> PID=`su -p -c "$DAEMON_PATH/$SCRIPT" $RUNAS & echo $!` [03:18] <Te3-BloodyIron> this starts the process but stops processing the rest of the init script [03:18] <Te3-BloodyIron> what am I doing wrong? [03:19] <austneal> rgb-one: I appreciate the help, btw [03:19] <rgb-one> austneal: Glad to help :) [03:20] <Te3-BloodyIron> should I do "&& echo$! [03:20] <Te3-BloodyIron> or just one &? [03:21] <rgb-one> Te3-BloodyIron: try double and if it is an and statement you want to perform [03:21] <rgb-one> Te3-BloodyIron: try && if it is an and statement you want to perform [03:21] <Te3-BloodyIron> well I'm trying to get the PID from the new process and echo it to a pidfile [03:22] <Te3-BloodyIron> but I'll try the double & [03:22] <austneal> rgb-one: Any more ideas? :/ [03:23] <rgb-one> austneal: maybe it has something to do with the driver for that specific bluetooth device driver [03:26] <nemanja> hi, trying to use files for accessing remote box with following ssh://user@ip-address:5222 but getting the error unvalid network location [03:30] <nemanja> I'm able to access given host with ssh ip-address -p5222 but thats not what I need - I'd like to mount iso file on remote box locally via ssh [03:34] <nirokato> May I have a suggestion where I can start delving into how Ubuntu accomplishes persistence for a live USB? I've already got it working, I want to learn `how` it does it now. Any reading suggestions? [03:37] <gunndawg> Hello. I installed super-boot-manager to see about tweaking my plymouth display, grub, etc. I decided I didnt like it and removed it with a purge. Now when I do an autoremove or apt-get upgrade I get errors regarding "burg" files not being able to be accessed or deleted [03:38] <gunndawg> its trying to remove a burg theme and errors out [03:43] <rgb-one> !persistense [03:43] <rgb-one> !persistence [03:45] <Joseph222> Hello everyone. [03:45] <rgb-one> nirokato: If you want reading material on the how to of persistence you can check the Archlinux wiki [03:45] <gzcwnk> I am trying to install drdb8-utils in 14.04 and it doesnt seem to be do I find it and install it? [03:45] <Joseph222> I'm currently using Ubuntu 14.04 on my laptop, and when I close the laptop lid off and then re-open, this error is being shown: [03:46] <Joseph222> Any idea what that that is and how to solve it? I'm required to restart the laptop every time this happens and it's super annoying. [03:47] <rgb-one> gzcwnk: apt-cache search drbd8-utils [03:48] <rgb-one> gzcwnk: you misspelled it [03:48] <gunndawg> sudo aptitude remove burg [03:48] <gunndawg> can that work? [03:48] <gzcwnk> oops, LOL, ta [03:49] <rgb-one> gunndawg: reinstall grub [03:49] <CountryfiedLinux> howdy [03:49] <nirokato> gunndawg: you might try: sudo apt-get remove --purge burg [03:49] * valleycat can't connect to her university housing wifi :s [03:49] <gunndawg> nirokato: tried that also [03:49] <CountryfiedLinux> Software Center isn't behaving. Pastebinning the output now. [03:49] <nirokato> gunndawg: aw, gocha [03:50] <gunndawg> rgb-one: What's the easiest way to reinstall grub? [03:50] <CountryfiedLinux> [03:50] <CountryfiedLinux> For some reason Software Center won't open with my theme. [03:51] <nirokato> gunndawg: I've used this in the past, [03:51] <gunndawg> nirokato: used what? [03:51] <gunndawg> ah ok [03:51] <gunndawg> nirokato: so this burg error I'm getting is related to grub? [03:51] <gzcwnk> valleycat do you have to sign in? [03:52] <nirokato> This will ensure that you have an unbroken bootloader, then you can go through and manually purge burg [03:52] <valleycat> yeah, it won't sign in, though [03:52] <gzcwnk> valleycat do you get an IP off teh wifi? [03:53] * valleycat is an idiot and has no clue what that means [03:54] <gzcwnk> valleycat how do you sign in with a web browser? [03:54] <valleycat> oh, no [03:55] <gzcwnk> valleycay can you open an xterm? [03:55] <nirokato> gunndawg: ^^ You should revert back to vanilla grub first, then you can go through and manually purge the old burg files [03:55] * valleycat nods [03:55] <gunndawg> nirokato: not exactly sure how to do that [03:55] <gzcwnk> type in ifconfig [03:56] <gzcwnk> does inet addr: for eth0 have an IP address? [03:56] <shadaloo> hi [03:56] <nirokato> rgb-one: thanks for the tip on the persistence, I'll take a look into the Archlinux wiki [03:56] <shadaloo> i just got a bluetooth adapter and when I open bluetooth settings it says "no bluetooth adapters found" [03:56] <nirokato> gunndawg: Do you have the install media for Ubuntu available (CD/DVD/LiveUSB)? [03:57] <shadaloo> however, my iphone detects the bluetooth device [03:57] <gunndawg> yeah [03:57] <valleycat> UP? [03:57] <valleycat> oh, inet address [03:58] <valleycat> same thing? [03:58] <gzcwnk> did your uni ppl give u no instructions? usually you use a web browser to sign in then you get wifi [03:58] <valleycat> it doesn't have any for linux/ubuntu [03:59] <shadaloo> valleycat: [03:59] <shadaloo> you probably need to add your mac address somewhere [03:59] <gzcwnk> so for windows what do you do? [03:59] <shadaloo> so your school network can recognize you [03:59] <nirokato> gunndawg: the link I posted earlier will instruct you on how to repair your GRUB2 installation for Ubuntu which will overwrite the super-boot-manager 'burg' files (which is 'grub' backwards). Once that's done you can go through the `burg` files and delete them manually as they are no longer needed since GRUB has been installed as your default bootloader. [03:59] <valleycat> and doesn't work [04:00] <gunndawg> nirokato: makes sense. Thanks a bunch! [04:00] <valleycat> which is the instructions for the campus wifi [04:01] <gunndawg> nirokato: Will those same instructions work for Kubuntu? I may reinstall it on another system as swell that has Kubuntu [04:01] <gzcwnk> well that is ubuntu so u should be OK....when you click on the wifi icon you get no networks come up? [04:02] <nirokato> gunndawg: yep, it'll work for Kubuntu as well [04:02] <shadaloo> i just got a bluetooth adapter and when I open bluetooth settings it says "no bluetooth adapters found" [04:02] <shadaloo> however, my iphone detects the bluetooth device [04:02] <shadaloo> any ideas? [04:03] * valleycat nods [04:03] <wfio> Anyone running a Dell XPS 13? [04:04] <gzcwnk> valleygirl so when you click on ksu u cant continue? [04:04] <gzcwnk> ok, nm [04:04] <gzcwnk> i see what u say [04:04] <gzcwnk> valleygirl have u used your laptop elsewhere with wifi? [04:05] <valleycat> yeah [04:05] <valleycat> was working fine when I was at home [04:05] <valleycat> but when I got here it wouldn't connect [04:05] <gzcwnk> om, does it look like your laptop is still trying to conenct to home maybe? [04:06] <gzcwnk> you might have to disconnect from home [04:06] <valleycat> nope [04:06] <gzcwnk> k. [04:06] <gzcwnk> kind of stumped.... [04:06] <valleycat> it just keeps asking for the password [04:07] <valleycat> and not working [04:07] <tnkhanh> hi all [04:07] <shadaloo> valleycat: [04:07] <valleycat> hii [04:07] <shadaloo> as i already said [04:07] <gzcwnk> they gave you an acocunt and password? [04:07] <shadaloo> you probably need to log into your school's IT site [04:07] <shadaloo> and find where to add your MAC address [04:07] <shadaloo> to the network [04:07] <shadaloo> otherwise you won't associate [04:08] <gzcwnk> shadaloo the howto doesnt say that.... [04:08] <shadaloo> valleycat: [04:08] <shadaloo> just call them tomorrow then [04:08] * valleycat nods [04:08] <valleycat> this is also new [04:08] <valleycat> dorm wifi [04:09] <gzcwnk> dorms....shudder... [04:09] <valleycat> well, on campus housing [04:09] <valleycat> they're apartments [04:09] <gzcwnk> ah, better [04:10] <gzcwnk> I dormed once, so much noise no sleep [04:10] <valleycat> so much better [04:10] <valleycat> oh, our ac is so loud I can't hear anything [04:10] <gzcwnk> bummer [04:11] <valleycat> eh, it blocks out things I wouldn't want to hear [04:11] <mothership> Mexicans are scum. [04:11] <valleycat> ...? [04:12] * mothership shits [04:12] <valleycat> alrighty then [04:12] <valleycat> good to know [04:12] <gzcwnk> lol, oh dear [04:13] <valleycat> gzcwnk: thanks [04:13] <valleycat> ethernet works, at least [04:13] <gzcwnk> sorry i couldnet help more [04:13] <mothership> know your dope-fiend. his knuckles will be white from inner-tension, and his pants will be crusted with semen from constantly jacking off when he can't find a rape victim. [04:13] <gzcwnk> im setting up packet fence which makes it easy for users [04:13] <mothership> The dope fiend will attack with any weapon at his command, including yours. [04:15] <mothership> Q: How is a Mexican like a cue-ball? A: The harder you hit them, the more English you get out of them. [04:16] <valleycat> ........ [04:16] <valleycat> wtf was that [04:16] <gzcwnk> dunno, a drug adict I guess [04:16] <gzcwnk> gtg, bye [04:16] <valleycat> byes [04:21] <shadaloo> i just got a bluetooth adapter and when I open bluetooth settings it says "no bluetooth adapters found" [04:21] <shadaloo> however, my iphone detects the bluetooth device [04:21] <shadaloo> any ideas? [04:25] <gr33n7007h> shadaloo: pastebin some info namely: "rfkill list", "hciconfig -a" [04:25] <shadaloo> gr33n7007h: on it [04:25] <shadaloo> gr33n7007h: both of those return nothing [04:26] <gr33n7007h> shadaloo: they shouldn't just return nothing [04:26] <gr33n7007h> try with sudo [04:27] <shadaloo> nope [04:27] <shadaloo> nothing [04:27] <gr33n7007h> what OS [04:28] <shadaloo> 15.04 [04:28] <shadaloo> lsusb doesn't even detect anything [04:28] <gr33n7007h> unplug the bluetooth adapter [04:28] <shadaloo> ok [04:28] <shadaloo> both linux and windows do not detect anything [04:28] <shadaloo> that's what i get for buying from china :( [04:28] <shadaloo> $4 dongle from [04:29] <gr33n7007h> shadaloo: open up a terminal and type: tail -f /var/log/syslog then plug back in a pastebin the output [04:29] <gr33n7007h> if any [04:30] <shadaloo> [04:32] <gr33n7007h> hmm, nothing [04:33] <gr33n7007h> shadaloo: I think thats ready for the knackered yard [04:35] <shadaloo> gr33n7007h: [04:35] <shadaloo> what is that [04:36] <gr33n7007h> shadaloo: where things are laid to rest ;) [04:36] <shadaloo> i just bought it -.- [04:37] <gr33n7007h> shadaloo: have you tried rebooting with bluetooth adapter in [04:37] <shadaloo> no [04:37] <shadaloo> gr33n7007h: don't see why that would do anything [04:38] <gr33n7007h> I've has issues in the past where when rebooting with bt adpater from start recognizes it [04:38] <shadaloo> gr33n7007h: sure why not [04:39] <shadaloo> gr33n7007h: thanks for your input [04:42] <malgorath> I'm trying to reinstall my system as my main SSD died on me. Problem I'm having is my other 4 drives are all 500g 7200 RPMs that where setup with a raid 0 and I need to remove the raid now but I'm not sure how to go about it. Any suggestions? [04:44] <TheNumb> malgorath: there's no way of removing a drive from raid 0 without loosing data. [04:44] <malgorath> I have already backed up the data [04:44] <TheNumb> malgorath: was it a software raid? [04:44] <malgorath> yes [04:46] <TheNumb> malgorath: stopping all the individual drives, removing the array and zeroing the superblocks should be enough. [04:47] <TheNumb> malgorath: man mdadm, the switches you're looking for are --stop, --remove and --zero-superblock [04:49] <malgorath> keeps saying the /dev/md0 file is busy [04:49] <TheNumb> did you --stop it? [04:49] <TheNumb> malgorath: well, is it mounted? [04:49] <malgorath> I just rebooted and now its saying mdadm : not found [04:50] <TheNumb> huh [04:50] <malgorath> I might have to make a rescue usb I guess then, I am using the server install iso on usb to boot right now [04:51] <Johan> is the the place where i can ask about ubuntu for mobile or tablet ? [04:52] <malgorath> ah I got it to stop TheNumb [04:52] <Johan> is the the place where i can ask about ubuntu for mobile or tablet ? [04:53] <TheNumb> Johan: if you did your research you'd have known that there is #ubuntu-touch [04:53] <Johan> ok [04:53] <TheNumb> Johan: also, repeating your question is considered rude. [04:54] <TheNumb> Johan: if someone knows the answer, they will answer you. [04:54] <Johan> ok sorry for that [05:12] <mudtar> Is there a way to resize a window in Gnome 3 once it's been snapped to the side like you can in Unity? Is there perhaps a Gnome Shell extension or a configuration option to allow this? [05:14] <home> hello [05:14] <home> I have downloaded the "autoclose.c" file from git directory and trying to compile it with this command "gcc -c autoclose.c -fPIC `pkg-config --cflags geany`" but getting errors [05:14] <home> please help me to solve it [05:16] <mudtar> home, would you mind posting the contents of your autoclose.c file to pastebin? [05:18] <home> [05:19] <mudtar> home, it looks like what you downloaded is in fact not C source but instead HTML markup. The C compiler can only compile C source code. [05:20] <mudtar> home, how did you acquire the autoclose.c file? [05:20] <home> [05:21] <lotuspsychje> cfhowlett: morning mate [05:21] <cfhowlett> lotuspsychje, greetings = lunchtime here in Beijing [05:22] <cfhowlett> :) [05:22] <lotuspsychje> cfhowlett: bon apetit then :p [05:22] <mudtar> home, it appears that you did something like "File > Save Page As..." in your browser. When you do this, it saves the page that is currently displaying in your browser window. Web pages are delivered as HTML code. [05:22] <lotuspsychje> cfhowlett: can you set #ubuntu-discuss to your favs [05:22] <home> yeah [05:22] <cfhowlett> lotuspsychje, will do [05:22] <mudtar> home, on that web page, you are only seeing a list of the files in that github project, not the files themselves. [05:22] <gr33n7007h> home: wget [05:23] <home> okay thanks let me try it [05:23] <TheNumb> gr33n7007h: that won't work. [05:24] <fattywumpus> how are most folks managing user accounts/ids/groups on 20+ systems. ldap? [05:24] <cfhowlett> fattywumpus, perhaps a question for #ubuntu-server ? [05:24] <fattywumpus> ok, thanks! [05:25] <mudtar> Does anyone know of what I can do to allow resizing of windows snapped to the side in Gnome 3? [05:25] <gr33n7007h> home: git clone [05:27] <home> these are my recent errors [05:28] <gr33n7007h> TheNumb: I thought he just wanted to the autoclose.c source file, my mistake [05:30] <TheNumb> gr33n7007h: I mean, that won't download the autoclose.c file. [05:30] <TheNumb> It will pull down the code of the webpage. [05:31] <gr33n7007h> TheNumb: of course, good call :) [05:32] <gr33n7007h> it would have to be: wget [05:34] <ar647> Hi All, Does any one knows How To Set Up Master -Master-Slave Replication on PostgreSQL on an Ubuntu 14.04? [05:38] <home> I have done what you have said to download the C file using wget but the errors I have posted at the last are the C code error not HTML error [05:39] <home> please loo at it [05:39] <home> look [05:41] <gr33n7007h> home: you won't be able to compile just autoclose.c it needs dependencies [05:42] <gr33n7007h> and my c skills are a bit rusty [05:44] <gr33n7007h> might better of asking in #c for a more detailed approach [05:44] <home> okay I will try [05:45] <home> thanks [05:45] <home> :) [05:45] <gr33n7007h> :) good luck [05:51] <pression> hello, i am looking for some laptop with stylus working good in linux? is posible surface pro 3 stylus work fine in ubuntu? [05:52] <Zerkalerka> Anyone know how 15.04 works with laptops with dual graphics like the nvidia 840m or 860m? Still have to jump through hoops to get it configured/working properly or does it work out of box these days? [05:54] <pression> hello, i am looking for some laptop with stylus working good in linux? is posible surface pro 3 stylus work fine in ubuntu? [05:55] <lotuspsychje> Zerkalerka: is that an optimus card? [05:55] <Zerkalerka> yes [05:56] <lotuspsychje> !info nvidia-prime | Zerkalerka you need this package mate [05:57] <Zerkalerka> Ah, I am not running ubuntu at the moment, I spent days trying to get it to work correctly last time, but when 15.04 official comes out I am going to install again. Just hoping it is easier this time around. lol [05:57] <Zerkalerka> I am assuming you still have to manually switch between cards. [05:57] <lotuspsychje> Zerkalerka: you can switch with that nvidia-prime tool [05:57] <Zerkalerka> ahh ok [05:58] <lotuspsychje> Zerkalerka: alot of users with black screens here, on optimus cards without that nvidia-prime package [06:00] <Zerkalerka> lotuspsychje: Yeah makes sense, I just remember having a heck of a time trying to get it to recognize the nvidia card. Just hoping it is easier this time as I want to switch back to ubuntu fulltime [06:01] <lotuspsychje> Zerkalerka: im sure you will mate [06:02] <Zerkalerka> lotuspsychje: One last thing. Official comes out on the 20th right? [06:02] <lotuspsychje> !15.04 | Zerkalerka [06:02] <Zerkalerka> tyty [06:03] <TheNumb> Zerkalerka: it comes out on 23rd. [06:03] <Zerkalerka> ok ty :) [06:09] <pression> hello, i am looking for some laptop with stylus working good in linux? is posible surface pro 3 stylus work fine in ubuntu? [06:31] <stangeland> Can i mount a usb harddisk such that all files have 777 permissions? [06:31] <stangeland> all files and directories [06:33] <HHare> mount won't change permissions, nor shiuld it [06:34] <HHare> stangeland: the root user or a sudo user will have access to all though and could even change them if he wanted - does not sound a good choice usually [06:35] <stangeland> HHare, its because i am running a local test site in apache and a bunch of images to be served is on a mounted usb disk, but apache cannot access them [06:40] <TheNumb> stangeland: well, you could mount the usb drive so that a specifis user has access to the files. [06:42] <stangeland> TheNumb, that sounds really good. how do i do that? [06:44] <Zebbi> what's the difference beetwen taliandroid and taliapple? [06:47] <TheNumb> stangeland: it depends on the filesystem. [06:48] <stangeland> TheNumb, ok, how do i find out what filesystem it is? [07:15] <geirha> stangeland: Regardless do NOT set the mode to 777. Especially not when you have a web server serving images from it [07:18] <matt|home> howdy. im having some graphical problems , getting unity/gnome/whatever it's called working. i had a friend help me set it up, but after i did a software upgrade(the automatic installer one) and rebooted, it's only booting into xfce now. if i select default from the login screen, it just shows a background picture with no menus or anything [07:18] <matt|home> i know for a fact i didn't change any config files or anything like that, all i did was install some upgrades with the graphical manager [07:18] <matt|home> so.. can someone help? [07:18] <stangeland> geirha, its a localhost server only. never exposed to web...this is nothing but development [07:19] <Ben64> stangeland: why do things the wrong way though [07:19] <stangeland> nevermind [07:20] <geirha> stangeland: I'd take the time to learn unix permissions regardless. You'll need it eventually. [07:20] <stangeland> geirha, not possible in 40 minutes ;) [07:20] <Ben64> very possible in 40 minutes. possible in 10 minutes. [07:21] <matt|home> oh and i did apt-get update/upgrade today, if that makes a difference [07:21] <geirha> [07:21] <fidel_> matt|home: and you see only a black background if you choose ubuntu/unity in the login-manager? [07:22] <matt|home> no , i see the default background picture for xfce (the little rat) [07:22] <matt|home> if i select that one [07:22] <matt|home> but no side menus, no right click drown down menu etc [07:22] <matt|home> drop down* [07:23] <matt|home> fidel_ : and like i said, it was working fine with unity before i did the upgrade [07:23] <geirha> matt|home: make sure the ubuntu-desktop package is installed [07:24] <matt|home> uh. k? [07:24] <matt|home> whats the command, pkg info or something? [07:24] <mehdi> hey guys i have installed adobe flash player & pepperflashplayer but only adobe works on firefox and i use opera as defualt browser [07:24] <mehdi> how can i activate flash plugin in opera 28? [07:24] <geirha> matt|home: as a command, you run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [07:25] <geirha> or you can search it up in the software center and check/install from there [07:25] <TheNumb> mehdi: opera might use hardcoded path for chrome's pepper flash plugin. I'm not sure. [07:25] <TheNumb> It used to work when I had both installed. [07:27] <matt|home> well , i did that. [07:27] <matt|home> i'll try rebooting, see if it works this time [07:27] <mehdi> in 14.04 it seems the path doesn't work here is the Install path : /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/opera [07:30] <matt|home> fidel_ , geirha : same problem. [07:30] <geirha> matt|home: did the apt-get install anything or did it just say already installed? [07:30] <matt|home> it's just showing the background image and mouse cursor and nothing else [07:30] <matt|home> uh . i dont remember, it did something for about five seconds then put me back at the prompt. no error messages [07:31] <geirha> ok, probably already installed then [07:32] <geirha> at the login screen, do you have multiple sessions to pick from? [07:32] <matt|home> yeah. xfce , default ubuntu , uh.... a couple others, one with a weird name [07:32] <matt|home> xorg? compiz something? [07:32] <matt|home> compiz i think [07:33] <matt|home> im just using xfce since it took .5 seconds to install and is lightweight enough for me to test, i'd really like to be able to use unity again.. [07:33] <geirha> and you used the default ubuntu now, right? [07:33] <matt|home> thats the one im logged into yes. also , i dont know if this makes a difference or not [07:34] <matt|home> but when i first installed the OS, it just said ubuntu on the loading screen. now it says 'kubuntu' [07:34] <matt|home> dunno why [07:34] <oriceon> Hello there [07:34] <geirha> perhaps you installed the kubuntu-desktop package at some point [07:34] <oriceon> I have two vm with ubuntu 14 [07:34] <matt|home> maybe, i dunno [07:34] <oriceon> I tryed to connect from one to another on a mysql server [07:35] <oriceon> but get connection refused [07:35] <oriceon> I did a sudo netstat -tlnp |grep 3306 [07:35] <oriceon> and get tcp 0 0* LISTEN [07:35] <geirha> oriceon: means it is only listening on localhost [07:36] <faust> oriceon: you should configure your mysql server to listen on [07:36] <Hiz> a [07:36] <oriceon> and how can i make it to work remote? [07:36] <oriceon> bind-address ? from my.cnf [07:36] <oriceon> or? [07:36] <matt|home> geirha : im able to switch back and forth between the gui and commandline, so it's not like it crashed or anything. is it just not loading ? i dunno what to do ;_; [07:37] <TheNumb> faust: why would he want to listen on all interfaces? [07:37] <matt|home> uh, xinitrc says 'exec unity' - should that be exec ubuntu-desktop instead? [07:37] <faust> TheNumb: because he is asking it [07:38] <geirha> matt|home: Well, at the VT, running sudo service lightdm restart should bring you back to the graphical login screen. Try some other sessions to... you have an xinitrc? [07:38] <matt|home> geirha : yeah. but no dot before it, just xinitrc [07:39] <matt|home> looks like no matter what session i try, it only displays the background image. xfce is working for some reason however [07:40] <geirha> matt|home: Hm. Ok, so login with the unity one again, then switch to a VT and look inside ~/.xsession-errors for some clues [07:43] <matt|home> extension GLX missing in display 0, openconnection connect so such file or directory, update-notifier-crash [07:43] <matt|home> something something [07:43] <TheNumb> something something won't cut it [07:43] <TheNumb> pastebin the logs [07:44] <matt|home> sure. [07:45] <oriceon> :| [07:45] <geirha> glx missing sounds like a suspect [07:45] <oriceon> so anyone have a minute please? [07:46] <cfhowlett> !patience | oriceon, [07:46] <somsip> oriceon: yes, bind-address should be in /etc/mysql/my.cnf to accept connects from any external IP [07:47] <TheNumb> somsip: unless the interface are firewalled [07:47] <TheNumb> interfaces* [07:47] <oriceon> somsip i did then restart [07:47] <somsip> TheNumb: I tend to answer the question, and work around to the details if needed. You're right of course [07:48] <somsip> oriceon: and? [07:48] <oriceon> and same result on netstat and outside connection [07:48] <oriceon> tcp 0 0* LISTEN 17966/mysqld [07:48] <oriceon> is still [07:48] <TheNumb> oriceon: did you restart mysql? [07:48] <TheNumb> ... [07:48] <oriceon> sure [07:48] <matty|home> geirha : [07:48] <matty|home> those are the .xession-errors and Xorg.1.log errors [07:48] <matty|home> also @ TheNumb i guess [07:49] <TheNumb> oriceon: can you pastebin your mysql config? [07:49] <somsip> oriceon: can you connect from localhost ok? Do you have a use that has grant for an external address? [07:49] <somsip> *user [07:49] <oriceon> sure, one min [07:50] <TheNumb> matty|home: looks like your nvidia kernel module is missing. [07:50] <oriceon> [07:51] <TheNumb> matty|home: like 92 and 93 [07:51] <TheNumb> line* [07:51] <geirha> matty|home: So it seems to be unable to find a usable driver for your graphics adapter [07:51] <matty|home> .. TheNumb : i had a friend install it, so i dont know what they did. is there a way to automatically make it load? [07:51] <oriceon> hmm [07:51] <oriceon> i see another line with bind-address = [07:51] <matty|home> but why would doing a software update remove the driver like that [07:51] <oriceon> one sec to comment it [07:52] <matty|home> this is like the fifth time ive had the stupid nvidia driver error [07:52] <matty|home> how can i permanently fix this :/ [07:52] <oriceon> yap, now workin [07:52] <oriceon> thanks for your time [07:53] <geirha> matty|home: the kernel was probably updated, which means the nvidia kernel module must be built again [07:53] <matty|home> son of a bitch... [07:53] <geirha> matty|home: If the driver was installed via Ubuntu's repositories, that would've been done automatically [07:53] <matty|home> okay. is there a way to make it installed via the repo [07:54] <somsip> matty|home: first tidy up wherever you installed it from previously. Which was...where? [07:54] <TheNumb> matty|home: ask your friend how he installed it. [07:54] <matty|home> i dont know, my friend did that for me -_- i think they used a file i downloaded [07:54] <TheNumb> I guess he downloaded the driver from nvidia's webpage. [07:54] <TheNumb> ,_, [07:54] <matty|home> looks like i'll have to wait for them to come online.. [07:54] <somsip> matty|home: WHS (TheNumb) ^^^ [07:54] <matty|home> WHS ? [07:54] <somsip> matty|home: What He Said [07:55] <matty|home> sigh [07:55] <matty|home> yeah. i followed some instructions off the nvidia website but things just broke more [07:55] <matty|home> well, thanks for your help guys -_- [07:56] <jack__> nihg [07:56] <jack__> sabndksa [07:56] <jack__> sabdksa [07:56] <jack__> dsbakjgyh [07:57] <darxmurf> hi all [07:57] <TheNumb> jack__: please unplug your keyboard before cleaning it. [07:57] <jack__> hai [07:57] <jack_> wfy [07:57] <jack_> hhh [07:57] * cfhowlett suspects troll activity [07:58] <jack_> 来聊天 [07:58] <ANJ7> hey I get flickering window while playing youtube video on ubuntu [07:58] <cfhowlett> !cn | jack_ [07:58] <jack_> 哈哈 [07:58] <jack_> 亲爱的 [07:59] <jack_> 啊啊 [07:59] <jack_> 来聊天 [07:59] <jack_> 嘿嘿、、 [07:59] <TheNumb> jack_: please stop [07:59] <jack_> 哈哈 [08:00] <jack_> 哈哈哈哈 [08:00] <DJones> jack_: Enough, this is Ubuntu support in English, please stay on topic [08:00] <ANJ7> any help ? [08:00] <xww> yangyonggang [08:00] <yang_> 666666666 [08:00] <lotuspsychje> ANJ7: did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras ? [08:01] <ANJ7> lotuspsychje: nope [08:01] <TheNumb> Drone`: plox ban the troll [08:01] <lotuspsychje> ANJ7: try it please [08:01] <yang_> 666 [08:01] <TheNumb> DJones: good call :) [08:02] <matt|home> so i reinstalled the driver , and it appears to be loading unity. except there's no menus, and when i open any windows i dont see the x/- minimize/close buttons [08:02] <gryzor> Hi. on 14.04, I use xfce4 as window manager. When I open a "terminal emulator", the terminal seems to technically wok but font is black on black background. [08:02] <matt|home> what gives [08:10] <IncredibleHighIQ> anybody knows how to make a exception apps for vpn connection? [08:12] <vagelis> Hello everybody, I have a really bad pgraphics problem. Even now, I dont see some letters that I type. [08:13] <vagelis> I see black spots where i have to point my mouse in order to see the "hidden" button etc . Its a new dell 15 inspiron 7548 laptop [08:21] <ubuntu-studio> hola [08:24] <PHPLearner> any can help me how to find www-data folder in my ubuntu [08:24] <Ben64> by default it is /var/www/html [08:25] <PHPLearner> did check but I can not find it there [08:25] <Ben64> what are you expecting to find there [08:25] <mcphail> PHPLearner: www-data is usually a user and group, rather than a folder [08:25] <PHPLearner> ok so how to I grand read and write permission to that [08:26] <PHPLearner> I am having problems with my NetBeans IDE because my ide can see the files but can not delete the files [08:26] <robotdevil> what is a good way to use your android phone as a bluetooth air mouse [08:26] <PHPLearner> the delete option is disabled [08:26] <PHPLearner> when you look at the file in the folder it is locked but you can delete the files when you visit the folders where it is ocated [08:26] <PHPLearner> located [08:28] <mcphail> PHPLearner: that's generally the right design, as most people don't directly edit the production environment and work on a copy instead. But you can change the permissions on /var/www/html to whatever you want [08:28] <PHPLearner> I alreadydid [08:28] <PHPLearner> already did with sudo chmod -R 777 but each time I run phalcon [08:28] <PHPLearner> the cache files do not get deleted [08:28] <Ben64> don't do 777 [08:28] <PHPLearner> then what [08:29] <TheNumb> ,_, [08:29] <Ben64> you could make yourself part of the www-data group, or change the owner of the directory [08:29] <MonkeyDust> PHPLearner 777 is dangerous, anyone could change anything and even lock you out [08:29] <PHPLearner> I gave that command each time run phalcon on my browser [08:29] <Ben64> chmod to 777 is almost always the wrong thing to do [08:29] <PHPLearner> oh ok [08:29] <PHPLearner> then how shall I correct this mistake [08:29] <PHPLearner> and use the www-data instead [08:30] <PHPLearner> pleae help me out on this as I am new to Linux [08:30] <PHPLearner> and I am using it because it is a course requirement [08:31] <PHPLearner> any help guys [08:31] <Ben64> pick one of the two options i gave you and do it [08:31] <linuxmint> Is there a grep command to search for a line of code, as I can't find the file containing the code? [08:32] <linuxmint> I tried man grep, but seem to get more help from Google. [08:32] <Ben64> linuxmint: grep <pattern> file .... but you should be asking the mint support for mint support [08:32] <somsip> linuxmint: grep -nir {pattern} {dir} will give you the line of code in the file for a case-insensitive search, recursive in the dir [08:33] <TheNumb> linuxmint: or use ack/the silver searcher [08:33] <linuxmint> ok, thank you. [08:33] <gr33n7007h> PHPLearner: sudo useradd -g www-data <user> [08:37] <gr33n7007h> PHPLearner: or usermod if existing user [08:37] <geirha> no, that changes the gid of the user [08:37] <geirha> use adduser, not useradd [08:38] <gr33n7007h> geirha: hey? [08:38] <geirha> adduser username groupname # to add a user to a group [08:39] <gr33n7007h> sudo useradd -g www-data <user> #adds a new user to www-data group [08:41] <geirha> it sets www-data as the primary group of the new user, yes. And it does not create a homedir, sets /bin/sh as login shell, doesn't set any gecos. In general, use adduser, not useradd. [08:42] <PHPLearner> gr33n7007h: what does recursive mean in the context of folders [08:42] <gr33n7007h> geirha: sudo usermod -a -G www-data <user> #adds existing user to www-data [08:42] <gr33n7007h> but will use adduser in future :) [08:43] <gr33n7007h> PHPLearner: all folders and subfolders [08:45] <randomrandom123> can someone tell me, why ubuntu 15.04 boots to mobile ui on a touch screen desktop? and how to fix it? [08:45] <Ben64> randomrandom123: #ubuntu+1 for support until release [08:45] <randomrandom123> thanks. [08:46] <k1l_> randomrandom123: you installed the desktop next test version obviously [08:46] <fs0i> Hey guys, whenever I try to connect to my university wlan I with my notebook I get disconnected. It worked yesterday (for some time) so I know it's set up correctly, and I verfied it with the website. I even get disconnected when I try to unencrypted wifi provided by my town, so I rule misconfiguration out. I get disconnected whenever I try to connect. The mobile hotspot provided by my cellphone works though. [08:46] <fs0i> Various stuff about my system and relevant syslog: [08:47] <randomrandom123> well i've so far found the vivd vervet and vivid vervet desktop builds. i tried both, same result. is this the wrong build too use? which one should i use instead? [08:49] <k1l_> randomrandom123: no pms please. [08:50] <k1l_> randomrandom123: get the regular 15.04 beta image. the desktop test image is the mir test image. that is not what you want. [08:50] <randomrandom123> where can i get that? if i google the beta, it always redirects me to the phone builds. [08:50] <randomrandom123> a link or a pointer on how to find it would be really nice. [08:51] <k1l_> randomrandom123: you joined the +1 channel since that is the obvious right channel for that topic. did you read that topic in there? [08:52] <randomrandom123> thanks alot. [08:52] <randomrandom123> have a nice day. [09:05] <PCatinean> Does anyone know why skype video does not work on ubuntu 14.04? also screenshare is really bad when spectating [09:07] <anmol> i m the king yes [09:07] <anmol> tn [09:07] <anmol> gnf [09:07] <anmol> nf [09:07] <anmol> n [09:07] <anmol> fn [09:13] <funkenstrahlen> Hey, I have a V-Server with ubuntu and I want to messure how fast the cpu performance is as this is a virtual cpu. How can I do it? [09:13] <archheretic> any way I can find the ethernet address in the terminal? (not the mac adress.) [09:13] <funkenstrahlen> I also would like to compare to other cpus to know how fast mine is [09:13] <funkenstrahlen> archheretic: ifconfig [09:14] <archheretic> ifconfig: HWaddr adress didnt seem to be the same as my ethernet adress, according to wireshark [09:14] <archheretic> but it might be me that is not that proficient with wireshark [09:15] <archheretic> ah ofc [09:15] <archheretic> im on the internet throught wlan0 not eth0 [09:15] <archheretic> so your answer funkenstrahlen was correct :) [09:15] <funkenstrahlen> archheretic: :) [09:17] <fRit_^> looking someone from Antwero [09:17] <fRit_^> Antwerp [09:22] <siwica> When using the Alt-Key in GNOME-Terminal the first item of the menu bar is getting focus. How can I disable this behaviour? [09:28] <MonkeyDust> siwica there's a link on this pagen explaining how to do it, good luck [09:32] <siwica> MonkeyDust: Thank you. Looks like the answer recommends not changing this bahaviour. But doesn't ALT+BACKSPC delete a word in GNOME-Terminal (like in Emacs)? How would you do that instead? [09:35] <MonkeyDust> siwica [09:36] <MonkeyDust> (learned something new myself) [09:41] <ybl> Hello, I accidently CTRL^C a running aptitude instance and now my apt-get is giving me segfaults.. is this related ? How should i fix the segfaults ? [09:42] <IncredibleHighIQ> ybl, kill yourself [09:42] <MonkeyDust> ybl try apt-get -f install (apt-get is similar to aptitude) [09:43] <PCatinean> how does one remove python3 when installed accidentaly? [09:43] <PCatinean> in ubuntu 14.04 [09:43] <ybl> IncredibleHighIQ: I would someday, and I would take you with me :) [09:43] <IncredibleHighIQ> u go 1st [09:43] <PCatinean> apt-get purge python3 seems to remove, everything [09:43] <cfhowlett> IncredibleHighIQ, ybl cease the insults. violation of channel guidelines [09:44] <ybl> cfhowlett: Sorry, about that, ignoring him now. [09:44] <cfhowlett> ybl, tyvm. [09:50] <ybl> Oh well its working after doing an apt-get update and apt-get upgrade . Thanks MonkeyDust [09:53] <utu8o> according to phoronix, Ubuntu and Linux in general drains more battery than windows, is this true? [09:54] <MonkeyDust> utu8o [09:54] <Rahul> RHEL\ [09:55] <mcphail> utu8o: in my experience, yes [09:56] <dreamon_> hello there. I installed 14.10 and cinnamon. Thats great. but how do I remove this nasty click on touchpad as click.. this drives me insane :) [10:06] <raichunator> ns identify [10:16] <mrwappie> Good afternoon [10:19] <Seveas> hello mrwappie [10:29] <DiggsRoad> I'm having real trouble finding anywhere on the internet, it's so that you can chat Skype via Finch [10:39] <loganlee> hello [10:46] <stevenm> Hi, I've been sent an Adobe After Effect project (basically a Video) - so I've got all the individual vector files that were used in making the video... I'd like to remake the video using these individual files - what program is best on Ubuntu for this? [10:47] <stevenm> I was thinking LibreOffice Impress might suffice (and perhaps export to mp4 video) but the transitions/effects are a bit limiting on the image objects [10:58] <loganlee> can u run civ v on wine? [10:58] <mcphail> loganlee: don't know, but you can run it natively on Ubuntu [10:59] <loganlee> mcphail, i have PC copy and i don't want to buy one for linux [10:59] <mcphail> loganlee: does the PC copy have a steam key? [11:00] <loganlee> mcphail, what is a steam key? [11:00] <mcphail> loganlee: a numeric key for the Steam digital download service? [11:00] <loganlee> mcphail, i dont know [11:01] <stevenm> loganlee, some normal PC game serial number also work on steam (without needing to buy again) so your product can be downloaded on there too... since steam doesn't care about platform - you'd then have access to the linux version for nothing [11:01] <stevenm> see this list... [11:01] <stevenm> civ 5 is on there - your in luck :) [11:01] <mcphail> loganlee: have a look. If there is a steam key you will have the Linux version for free [11:01] <stevenm> mcphail, doesn't have to be a steam key - that's what I'm saying [11:02] <stevenm> valve have programmed their steam to accept other non-steam keys [11:02] <mcphail> stevenm: missed that as I was distracted when typing :) [11:02] <stevenm> cd keys basically [11:08] <nalum> hello all, I'm having some trouble with my wifi connection on ubuntu 14.04. It keeps dropping and when it is connected it's very slow [11:09] <lotuspsychje> nalum: ubuntu version and wifi chipset please? [11:11] <mo_n> hello there [11:11] <nalum> not sure where to get the chipset, the product from lshw -C Network is BCM4360 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter ubuntu is 14.04.2 [11:12] <lotuspsychje> !broadcom | nalum [11:13] <scorpio_> can me help? [11:13] <lotuspsychje> scorpio_: if you ask us your issue [11:13] <lotuspsychje> nalum: did you install ubuntu with cable internet enabled? [11:14] <BluesKaj> HI all [11:14] <scorpio_> I want to install SFTP + chrootdirectory. Everything done by manual. Owner chroot folder (/var/www/igor) is root. However the owner of the folder /var/www - not root. sshd_config: Match User igor ForceCommand internal-sftp ChrootDirectory /var/www/igor AllowTCPForwarding no X11Forwarding no The logs: "bad ownership or modes for chroot directory component "/var/www". Whats problem? [11:17] <geirha> scorpio_: Hard to say without seeing ''ls -ld /var/www'' [11:18] <archheretic> whats the best way to display arp cache? [11:19] <scorpio_> geirha: owner of /var/www - is master. not root. i wrote. [11:19] <archheretic> Im trying something like this: were the last numbers is my IP adress. [11:19] <archheretic> arp [-vn] [ether] [-i wlan0] [-a] [] [11:19] <archheretic> I get Host name lookup failure [11:20] <geirha> scorpio_: group ownership and permission mode also matter [11:20] <hit_> Hi, I have bougth a new ssd drive Samsung EVO 850 120Gb, Im trying to create a partition of 30Gb with gparted and its taking forever. On the details I see is stuck at the mkfs.ext4 -L step. Is this normal? [11:20] <scorpio_> geirha: drwxr-xr-x 4 master master 4096 Apr 14 11:41 /var/www [11:20] <ponyrider> archheretic: do you have localhost up? [11:21] <archheretic> Im on my schools network so Im not sure how it all works. [11:22] <geirha> scorpio_: ah right, must be root-owner. Missed that part. [11:22] <geirha> *root-owned [11:22] <nalum> lotuspsychje: No, I had a lot of trouble getting this machine set up. At the time I didn't have access to a wired connection. [11:23] <scorpio_> geirha: but /var/www/igor - is root:root. I want use igor folder for chroot)))) [11:23] <lotuspsychje> nalum: might be reccomended to install with cable + updates enabled during setup so ubuntu will search latest broadcom drivers too [11:24] <geirha> scorpio_: «All components of the pathname must be root-owned directories that are not writable by any other user or group.» [11:24] <geirha> scorpio_: ^ says so under ChrootDirectory in sshd_config(5) [11:25] <scorpio_> geirha: thx. I was hoping it was a joke ( [11:25] <nalum> lotuspsychje: once I had a connection I installed the broadcom drivers from the additional drivers tab. [11:25] <aleray> hi, how can install a more recent version of webkit and epiphany than the ones shipped with ubuntu 14.04 by default ? [11:26] <lotuspsychje> nalum: you might wanna try that bcmlw firmware package [11:29] <mcphail> aleray: the LTS releases is designed to be stable, and does not support "more recent versions" by default. You may be able to find a PPA for your packages, but be aware that PPA's can break things in unexpected ways. [11:29] <h9x> hello [11:29] <nalum> lotuspsychje: do you know which one it is? I can't find it using [11:30] <Kartagis> ehlo [11:30] <h9x> i have big problem in my labtop [11:30] <Guest62881> h9x, be more specific :) [11:31] <h9x> i can't disconnect the HDMI [11:31] <jellie> Hey, I installed mosh without going through a PPA successfully yet according to the mosh docs to install mosh on ubuntu I should use a PPA. [11:31] <lotuspsychje> !info firmware-b43-installer | nalum [11:31] <jellie> Is there any chance that what I installed isn't complete or something? [11:32] <lotuspsychje> !info mosh | jellie [11:33] <nalum> lotuspsychje: thanks will give that a shot [11:33] <jellie> lotuspsychje: That didn't really answer my question since I have already installed it from the repos without going through a PPA [11:33] <MonkeyDust> jellie find mosh in the repos, no need to use a ppa [11:33] <aleray> mcphail, ok thanks [11:33] <jellie> which is what the mosh docs say I should do [11:33] <jellie> MonkeyDust: Thanks [11:33] <h9x> i have big problem in my labtop i can't disconnect the HDMI [11:34] <jellie> h9x: What do you mean you can't disconnect HDMI? [11:35] <TheNumb> h9x: did you glue the cable to your laptop? [11:35] <TheNumb> or what [11:35] <TheNumb> h9x: there's usually a button which allows you to switch the output. [11:36] <TheNumb> Disable the HDMI output and you're golden. [11:39] <h9x> wait a second [11:42] <nszceta> here comes [11:43] <archheretic> arp -vn ether -i wlan0 -a archheretic-P17SM [11:43] <archheretic> ether: Host name lookup failure [11:44] <lotuspsychje> archheretic: maybe the ##networking guys can help you with that [11:44] <archheretic> so the command is right? [11:44] <archheretic> ah [11:44] <archheretic> i see [11:46] <h9x> look to these picture [11:46] <h9x> [11:46] <h9x> [11:46] <Eightynine> Hi. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with Fluxbox, Openbox, LXDE, XFCE, and MATE(trying which is better) and I've noticed that Software Updater began to lag and freeze. I'm trying to click Details and it's not responding and then I'm trying to close or minimize it and it says "This window is not responding. How to fix this? [11:46] <nalum> lotuspsychje: that hasn't changed anything unfortunately [11:47] <EriC^^> Eightynine: open a terminal and type xkill [11:47] <[gtn]> ciao a tutti [11:47] <EriC^^> then aim and shoot [11:47] <Eightynine> Is this a joke? [11:47] <EriC^^> no seriously [11:47] <lotuspsychje> !it [gtn] [11:47] <h9x> i have big problem in my labtop i can't disconnect the HDMI [11:48] <lotuspsychje> !it | [gtn] [11:48] <Eightynine> It closed though I didn't type that command. [11:48] <[gtn]> qualche italia? [11:48] <hit_> No one knows my problem? It has been more than 1 hour to mkfs.ext4 on a 30Gb partition. Should I return the disk to the shop? [11:48] <[gtn]> qualcuno italiano? sono nuovo [11:48] <lotuspsychje> !english | [gtn] [11:48] <[gtn]> hello to everybody [11:48] <EriC^^> hit_: is it an empty disk? [11:49] <hit_> yes, just bought today [11:49] <EriC^^> hit_: try to make a fresh partition table [11:49] <EriC^^> hit_: gpt if you want [11:49] <hit_> ok [11:49] <EriC^^> will you be using it with uefi> [11:49] <EriC^^> ? [11:49] <Eightynine> Why that utility began to freeze? Maybe that's because of many DEs? [11:49] <hit_> humm I think Im not much technical [11:50] <EriC^^> Eightynine: i doubt [11:50] <EriC^^> Eightynine: run it from the terminal and it might say what's going on [11:51] <Eightynine> And I've noticed that wallpaper disappeared in LXDE and installed like a background for panel. What's going on with my system? [11:51] <EriC^^> hit_: are you going to install win8 to it? [11:51] <hit_> no [11:51] <hit_> its an old laptop, only lubuntu [11:51] <EriC^^> hit_: ok, make a msdos partition table [11:52] <hit_> ok, on it [11:52] <EriC^^> type sudo parted -l and get it's name, then type sudo fdisk /dev/sdX [11:52] <Eightynine> I'm planning to replace my hardware will my system work with it or I should reinstall it? [11:52] <lotuspsychje> Eightynine: check your logs: syslog, dmesg [11:52] <bazhang> what hardware Eightynine [11:54] <Eightynine> I'm currently using AMD processor and graphics but I'm planning to build Intel-based system. My motherboard uses BIOS and the new one will be with UEFI. [11:54] <svetlana> backup; reinstall; restore useful stuff from backup [11:54] <h9x> some help guys [11:54] <Eightynine> It's required because of UEFI? [11:55] <EriC^^> h9x: what exactly is the issue? [11:55] <lotuspsychje> Eightynine: whats required? [11:55] <svetlana> Eightynine: that, and the architecture change, are my guess [11:55] <Eightynine> To backup and reinstall system as svetlana said. [11:56] <EriC^^> Eightynine: you could copy your whole installation if you wanted, but why not start fresh and copy the backup stuf [11:56] <lotuspsychje> fresh installs are the best [11:56] <OerHeks> Eightynine, backup your data and try it? my best guess is that you need some steps to make UEFI work. [11:56] <OerHeks> !uefi [11:57] <Eightynine> Because I installed it a few days ago. By the way I found a cause of my problem with Software Updater. It was a conflict with LXDE. [11:57] <lotuspsychje> Eightynine: did you try to update from terminal? [11:58] <cossy> by the python? [11:58] <Eightynine> I'll try it but I've just opened it in XFCE for a second time and now it works but lags a bit. [11:59] <bazhang> how much ram there Eightynine [11:59] <Eightynine> 4 GB [11:59] <bazhang> what graphics card model and how old is the computer Eightynine [12:00] <Eightynine> Radeon 6750 and my computer is 3 years old(I built it in 2012) though hardware is pretty old(I mean generation) [12:01] <Eightynine> Python is evil, guys. [12:02] <bazhang> Eightynine, you are going to get a completely new computer, why are doing this now [12:02] <bazhang> Eightynine, stay on topic please [12:02] <k1l> Eightynine: is the right video driver installed and loaded? what says (h)top to the system load when you have that lag? [12:02] <svetlana> doing what? i think he/she intends to reinstall [12:02] <svetlana> nothing wrong with that [12:03] <bazhang> k1l, that card is ancient as far as amd support goes [12:03] <Eightynine> I have a client who wants to upgrade his 10 years old PC and I asked him if he wants to buy my PC and seems like he agreed. [12:03] <svetlana> no problem; go ahead [12:04] <Eightynine> Not my system lags, it's only program loading list for a long time. [12:04] <svetlana> didn't get that [12:04] <svetlana> when did it start lagging [12:05] <Eightynine> I'm oppening that tool and clicking on any item and than Details and waiting a few seconds until it shows details about updates. [12:05] <bazhang> which tool is that Eightynine [12:06] <OerHeks> Eightynine, is a few seconds bad? [12:06] <OerHeks> .. come on .. [12:06] <Eightynine> XFCE works pretty good but font rendering could be better and some items are small. MATE has a menu lags. [12:06] <svetlana> OerHeks: yes it is bad [12:06] <Eightynine> I mean Software Updater tool. [12:06] <svetlana> Eightynine: is it on your old computer or on your new computer [12:07] <k1l> what cpu is it? [12:07] <bazhang> Eightynine, did you install the restricted-extras as we suggested [12:07] <k1l> Eightynine: and what about the details on the system load i requested? [12:07] <Eightynine> I thought it should open details right after mouse click. [12:07] <Eightynine> I'll install extras now. [12:08] <bazhang> that depends entirely on the total system usage, cpu processes ram etc [12:08] <svetlana> am I the only one who doesn't follow [12:08] <Eightynine> svetlana I havent changed my PC yet. [12:09] <svetlana> so it's on the old computer [12:09] <svetlana> was it always like this or did this slowness start recently [12:09] <Eightynine> System load is up to 6% and RAM is loaded on 20% [12:11] <Eightynine> It's started recently and speaking about MATE when I used it before it's menu lagged only after boot and then began to work good and when I tried it on Ubuntu it lags almost everytime and sometimes looses icons. [12:11] <TheNumb> Eightynine: maybe the gpu is dying [12:11] <TheNumb> anything in dmesg? [12:12] <svetlana> ok then i need to forget all the garbage about moving computers and start over [12:12] <Eightynine> I think that the right decision will be to remove all except Fluxbox and XFCE though I consider XFCE unusable. [12:13] <k1l> Eightynine: you are telling unspecific stories. please give way more details. like cpu that is used. what does system load say (not the processes) [12:13] <k1l> *sight* [12:13] <svetlana> so your problem is 'xfce does not lag but MATE does', right? [12:13] <svetlana> k1l: i am trying to not go that tech savvy yet [12:13] <svetlana> just to understand the issue [12:13] <MonkeyDust> Eightynine yes, linux/ubuntu offers a lot of choice... if you don't lik eit, don't use it, use something else [12:13] <Eightynine> Yes, that's right. [12:13] <svetlana> ah [12:13] <MonkeyDust> typos* [12:14] <Eightynine> And LXDE is buggy. So I should remove them. [12:14] <svetlana> yeah, remove lxde and mate, and poke #xfce about making xfce usable [12:14] <svetlana> it's very customizable last i checked [12:14] <svetlana> recommend package shimmer-themes, it makes it look pretty [12:15] <Eightynine> Thanks. I'll install extras as you recommend, remove LXDE and MATE and check dmesg [12:15] <svetlana> well [12:15] <svetlana> i think extras stuff was meant to be useful together with lxde or mate to see if the problem goes away [12:15] <srvn> alacarte not working in ELEMENTARY OS Luna. running but cannot add or edit. [12:15] <Eightynine> Should I use Software Center or terminal to do that? [12:15] <svetlana> if you're not using lxde or mate it's probably useful [12:15] <Bluewolf> Hi all, Anyone know much about themes. I have Ubuntu Gnome 14.04 installed and I prefer my interface to be dark due to eye problems, yet the default theme which I like (Adwaita Dark) does not work on LibreOffice, Gimp and VLC which I use most. Anyone know how to get it dark? [12:15] <svetlana> you can use the software center, it works to do this [12:16] <bazhang> the first complaint was about fonts, thus the extras package [12:16] <k1l> srvn: ask the elementary guys what to do about that. we cant help there [12:16] <svetlana> ah [12:16] <svetlana> okay, install extras, remove mate, remove lxde [12:16] <svetlana> i am okay with this solution [12:16] <svetlana> :) [12:16] <Eightynine> MATE and LXDE has better font rendering and file manager but LXDE has ancient look and feel. [12:17] <svetlana> free to share #xfce your screenshots of font issues, it's got full fonts configuring power (there is a special dialog), and the extras thingy will help [12:17] <k1l> Eightynine: choose what you like. but we dont need to argue about what you like best in here. start a blog for your personal ranting. [12:17] <svetlana> he isn't ranting [12:17] <svetlana> he's solving a problem with performance and sharing thoughts on bugs [12:18] <svetlana> (or she) [12:18] <svetlana> if someone is ranting, that'd be me :) [12:18] <Eightynine> I got message during update installation: "System problem detected. Do you want to report now?" [12:18] <svetlana> yes, report it [12:18] <svetlana> it'll tell you what's the problem while you go through the reporting process [12:19] <Eightynine> Now it asks to restart my PC. Maybe click "Later"? [12:19] <ViK_de> hi guys! How do you manage to get iphone woriking in kubuntu? i got it workin in ubuntu gnome and rythmbox out of the box but with kubuntu i cannot even get the iphone in dolphin S: [12:20] <svetlana> Eightynine: if you can restart now, it'd be better. it must have upgraded something important that would break a bit if you don't restart (this is rare, usually just for the kernel upgrades). [12:20] <svetlana> if you click 'later', try to do it as soon as you reasonably can. [12:21] <Eightynine> It installed kernel update which fix issues. It says something about CVE etc [12:21] <bazhang> Eightynine, what does lsb_release -a in terminal say [12:22] <Eightynine> Will it better to restart now or first remove MATE and LXDE and then restart to apply updates? [12:22] <svetlana> Eightynine: right - that's why. it's okay to delay it but you'll be running a vulnerable kernel while you wait, and some programs might act up a little and complain that they don't see something. [12:22] <svetlana> better restart first, I'd say; mate or lxde removal won't ask you for another restart. [12:22] <Eightynine> Description: Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS [12:22] <bazhang> Eightynine, there is simply no need to remove mate etc, that will not fix your current issues [12:23] <svetlana> bazhang: they're slow, he dislikes them. his call. [12:23] <bazhang> svetlana, completely unneccesary [12:23] <Eightynine> LXDE is buggy and MATE is slow. [12:23] <svetlana> bazhang: i think it's good advice to suggest people remove the software they dislike. [12:23] <OerHeks> Eightynine, first restart, then remove stuff [12:24] <Eightynine> Thanks for help. [12:24] <svetlana> (of course, they can keep all software installed,if they have the space. but they won't use it.) [12:24] <Eightynine> I can't understand why fonts and icons are better in MATE and why is everything is small in XFCE. [12:25] <svetlana> i don't know how mate works, but xfce has a fonts preferences dialog where you can set font size, aliasing, hinting, and dpi - i think it should do the job [12:25] <Eightynine> I have a lot of space but no need to use something that unnecessary. [12:25] <bazhang> Eightynine, this goes back to you not having installed the extras package as we long ago suggested [12:25] <svetlana> to avoid confusion, i would not come back to fonts before rebooting and installing the extra fonts [12:26] <Eightynine> Those extras needed only for XFCE? [12:26] <svetlana> yes [12:26] <bazhang> svetlana, thats simply not correct [12:26] <Eightynine> Oh, it's clear now. [12:26] <svetlana> or not [12:27] <Eightynine> I'm restarting. See you later. [12:27] <svetlana> i thought they'd be needed only for xfce if the things work ok in other des -- i thought they use something else that replaces these extras [12:27] <svetlana> bye, see you [12:28] <svetlana> can i shoot something for subjecting me to a discussion where a user has xfce-specific fonts issues and is suggested to install a package which is not xfce-specific [12:28] <svetlana> instead of going and looking into the xfce font preferences dialog [12:28] <bazhang> shoot something? [12:28] <svetlana> yes [12:29] <svetlana> since i am not allowed to yell at people or shoot people, i have to resort to yelling at things or shooting things [12:29] <EriC^^> is it shooting season already? [12:29] <svetlana> hehe [12:29] <svetlana> about time [12:29] <EriC^^> :P [12:32] <svetlana> i'll leave you with it; it's time for me to leave; please be gentle [12:32] <Eightynine> Restarted my system and it said that problem appeared and asked me to report it. And now it says "Sorry, internal system error appeared". I opened details and I can see that cause is Grub" Grub-mount crashed with SIGSEGV in memmove() [12:36] <amahoola> i hate it when my apps get autorejected from :P [12:36] <OerHeks> amahoola, we don't, do you have an ubuntu support question? [12:37] <Bluewolf> Hi all, Anyone know much about themes. I have Ubuntu Gnome 14.04 installed and I prefer my interface to be dark due to eye problems, yet the default theme which I like (Adwaita Dark) does not work on LibreOffice, Gimp and VLC which I use most. Anyone know how to get it dark? [12:38] <bazhang> Bluewolf, how to theme those particular apps? [12:38] <bazhang> Bluewolf, did you mean something like skins for vlc and so on [12:39] <Eightynine> My system is a mess. How can I completely remove Gnome, MATE and LXDE? [12:39] <amahoola> OerHeks, well, no, my app will probably get published after the manual review [12:40] <bazhang> Eightynine, what other de do you have installed [12:40] <amahoola> OerHeks, just like my other apps that got autorejected [12:40] <Bluewolf> bazhang: Well yes something like that. I have the theme installed and yet those applications do not use it, not to mention that the test in Ubuntu Software Centre is barely visible. [12:40] <bazhang> Eightynine, removing those will not fix or remove the mess [12:40] <Eightynine> Fluxbox and XFCE [12:40] <splitwire> Eightynine - can't you just uninstall all the programs that were installed with those desktops and then uninstall the desktops [12:41] <bazhang> Bluewolf, the test? did you mean text [12:41] <Eightynine> It's a long process can I use terminal? [12:41] <splitwire> I think so [12:41] <bazhang> Eightynine, we have no idea what you did [12:41] <splitwire> if you can make a list then you could just type out a script to do it all [12:41] <bazhang> Eightynine, better to just get the xubuntu iso, and start over [12:42] <splitwire> I agree with bazhang [12:42] <Eightynine> I have Gnome splash in my system. [12:42] <splitwire> if you want to try out a lot of different desktops, use a VM and then just burn it when you're done [12:42] <Bluewolf> bazhang: Yes the text, pardon me. [12:42] <bazhang> Eightynine, and the very first step is to install xubuntu-restricted-extras package following the initail update and upgrade [12:43] <bazhang> Bluewolf, I seem to recall vlc being skinnable, not sure about gimp however [12:44] <bazhang> Bluewolf, I know that a much lighter music player, audacious is extremely skinnable, as is the all in one replacement for vlc , smplayer [12:44] <MonkeyDust> audacious is awesome [12:45] <MrNumber3isme> Hello room. Anybody knowledgable in the area of permissions granting? [12:45] <Eightynine> I think DeadBeef is a good player and SMPlayer is better for video. [12:45] <bazhang> Bluewolf, audactious is appararently qute similar to winamp, if you are familiar with that, in terms of being skinnable [12:45] <Mitt> MrNumber3isme what's the question? [12:45] <Eightynine> I installed Synaptic [12:46] <Mitt> Eightynine Parole is good for both [12:46] <bazhang> !permissions | MrNumber3isme [12:46] <bazhang> Eightynine, why are you doing that [12:46] <Bluewolf> bazhang: Well to be honest I have heard of themes for VLC, though the biggest problem for me is LibreOffice and Gimp, I do most of my work in these for long hours which definitely affects my eyes. [12:46] <Bluewolf> I don't use audactious [12:46] <Eightynine> I tried to use Parole a few years ago and didn't like it. Maybe now it's much better. [12:47] <bazhang> Eightynine, you have a very long road ahead in trying to remove the entirety of those de and all the associated applications [12:47] <Eightynine> bazhang I'm doing it to remove DEs that I don't need and install extras. [12:47] <EriC^^> i'm using gmusic-browser , it's light and nice [12:47] <MrNumber3isme> When I access any SD card I insert, the card mounts as read only. using chmod does nothing. I have to remount through terminal. the real problem is that when I try to navigate through the folders on the SD card, the permissions reset to read only. I'm getting real tired of having to remount the card every time I change folders. [12:47] <bazhang> Bluewolf, ok, just a suggestion [12:48] <splitwire> Eightynine, what he is trying to tell you is that you are going to have issues if you do not get all the programs and packages associated with each unique de you are removing also uninstalled [12:48] <splitwire> it would be easier to bu your data, nuke and pave a new install [12:48] <Eightynine> I'm trying to remove gnome-session and it asks to remove ubuntu-session. [12:49] <MrNumber3isme> specifically, the command I end up using is [12:49] <cfhowlett> splitwire is correct. way more sane! [12:49] <MrNumber3isme> mount --options remount,rwx /dev/sdb1 [12:49] <Bluewolf> bazhang: As a matter of interest, there is a theme called Gnomish Dark which themes all the applications in question, although it is a bit brighter and I do not like it much. I am forced to use it as its better than the bright background. [12:50] <EriC^^> MrNumber3isme: i think there's no rwx, just rw [12:50] <Bluewolf> Would fiddling with themes be a pain? [12:50] <EriC^^> -o remount,rw [12:51] <MrNumber3isme> @eric, no avail. still acting up. [12:51] <EriC^^> MrNumber3isme: what filesystem does it have>? [12:51] <mcphail> MrNumber3isme: what filesystem is the sdcard? [12:51] <OerHeks> list with tons of themes here, [12:51] <MrNumber3isme> Fat32. I use it for my soft-modded Wii. [12:52] <MrNumber3isme> Mounts perfectly on my wii, using Damn Small Linux. [12:52] <EriC^^> MrNumber3isme: mount it with whatever options you want, like -o uid=1000,gid=1000,fmask=000,dmask=000 [12:53] <EriC^^> MrNumber3isme: unmount it, then type sudo mount -o uid=<your uid>,gid=<your gid>,fmask=000,dmask=000 [12:53] <EriC^^> MrNumber3isme: unmount it, then type sudo mount -o uid=<your uid>,gid=<your gid>,fmask=000,dmask=000 /dev/sdb1 /mnt [12:54] <MrNumber3isme> still acting up. [12:55] <EriC^^> type ls -l /mnt | head -n 2 [12:55] <EriC^^> and paste here [12:56] <ponyrider> ill have a look [12:56] <amahoola> /join #elementary [12:56] <amahoola> derp [12:56] <ponyrider> paste the output of cat /proc/mounts [12:57] <MrNumber3isme> total 40 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 376 Sep 25 2006 README [12:57] <Eightynine> sudo aptitude remove gnome* Is this correct? [12:58] <ponyrider> i am not ubuntu sorry. sounds like you are removing your DE though.. that might be bad. [12:59] <Pici> 70 [12:59] <EriC^^> MrNumber3isme: type sudo blkid /dev/sdc1 [12:59] <EriC^^> sorry sdb1 [13:00] <MrNumber3isme> hmmm .. nothing happened. [13:00] <ponyrider> or just sudo blkid [13:00] <EriC^^> MrNumber3isme: did you use sudo? [13:00] <ponyrider> must use sudo [13:01] <MrNumber3isme> I'm in a root shell. I tried just blkid, and it worked now ... but hey. stupid question ... how does one copy from xterm? I use X11 desktop [13:01] <EriC^^> MrNumber3isme: highlight the text then click the middle mouse button to paste it [13:02] <ponyrider> or ctrl shift c [13:02] <ponyrider> if its builtin... [13:02] <MrNumber3isme> that may be an issue. laptop with no middle mouse button. Right click doesn't work, Ctrl + C doesn't work. [13:02] <Bluewolf> OerHeks: Thanks, though I would rather try and get these two applications sorted with - [13:03] <EriC^^> MrNumber3isme: type blkid | nc 9999 [13:03] <EriC^^> it should give you a link [13:03] <MrNumber3isme> either way, for some reason, sdb isn't listed at all. it's just my hdd partitions in sda 1 - 6 [13:03] <ponyrider> SHIFT. CTRL SHIFT C [13:03] <EriC^^> MrNumber3isme: try to unplug then plug back in [13:03] <ponyrider> portable hdd? [13:04] <MrNumber3isme> no. all internal hdd. multi boot system. [13:04] <EriC^^> ponyrider: it's a sd card [13:05] <MrNumber3isme> [13:06] <ponyrider> lol what are you doing on that hdd [13:06] <MrNumber3isme> still no go with reading the card now ... it's never not read the card before. [13:06] <ponyrider> tower pc or laptop? [13:06] <EriC^^> MrNumber3isme: did you try unplugging then plugging back in? [13:07] <ponyrider> try this echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/bus/pci/rescan [13:07] <MrNumber3isme> My GF refuses to learn linux, so I've got windoze vista on here, but I've been tweaking Kubuntu with KDE4 to look like vista to get her over to the light side [13:07] <MrNumber3isme> Yeah, I've unplugged/plugged. [13:07] <ponyrider> some guy on the ubuntu forum recommends restarting w sd card in slot. [13:08] <ponyrider> she wont come. shes too pure aaarrg [13:09] <MrNumber3isme> I suppose I can try restarting with the card in the slot .... [13:09] <ponyrider> try that [13:09] <MrNumber3isme> brb [13:10] <EriC^^> try partprobe [13:10] <EriC^^> maybe [13:16] <MrNumber3isme> Okie dokie. Card is recognized again [13:17] <EriC^^> MrNumber3isme: ok type sudo lsblk -f | nc 9999 [13:22] <mikhail> . [13:25] <jonascj> I am installing texlive in ubuntu 14.04, and currently it is going very very slow: "Get:20 trusty/main texlive-pstricks all 2013.20140215-2 [26.2 MB]" is going at 19kb/s, taking 2 hours. Right before other packages were going at 4mb/s. [13:25] <swizgard_> hi. any ideas why using apt-cacher-ng gives me hash-sum mismatches quite often? [13:26] <swizgard_> (making it quite unusable) [13:26] <jonascj> How can I find out if that particular archive is just really slow or if there is something else amiss? [13:26] <LittleBish> what is ubuntu? [13:26] <LittleBish> and is it uBUNtu ? [13:26] <LittleBish> or OOboontoo ? [13:26] <cfhowlett> !ubuntu | LittleBish [13:27] <LittleBish> or is it AHHBUNTUH [13:27] <compdoc> an operating system [13:27] <LittleBish> or is it [13:27] <LittleBish> how do you guys call it? [13:27] <MonkeyDust> !manual | LittleBish [13:27] <compdoc> its a way of life for some [13:27] <LittleBish> hold on hold on [13:27] <LittleBish> how do you guys call it? [13:27] <LittleBish> i'm thinking OOBOONTOO ? [13:27] <LittleBish> like that [13:27] <compdoc> ubishtu [13:27] <LittleBish> aww <3 [13:27] <cfhowlett> LittleBish, use whatever works for you [13:27] <LittleBish> yeah well i dont want to look like a retard to my boyfriend [13:28] <compdoc> too late [13:28] <cfhowlett> LittleBish, somehow I doubt that will be an issue ... [13:28] <LittleBish> :( [13:28] <LittleBish> you guys are mean [13:28] <OerHeks> swizgard_, likely because the lists are corrupted, run: sudo rm -fR /var/lib/apt/lists/* # and then: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [13:28] <MonkeyDust> LittleBish this is ubuntu support. Did you have a support question? [13:29] <LittleBish> no i stopped talking [13:29] <LittleBish> i'm just debating between linux or ubuntu [13:29] <LittleBish> or mac [13:29] <LittleBish> so i was thinking i'd watch how you guys interact [13:29] <compdoc> ubuntu is linux [13:29] <LittleBish> whhhaaaaa [13:29] <LittleBish> ok between mac or ubuntu [13:30] <cfhowlett> LittleBish, both. ubuntu will run on the mac [13:30] <mikecmpbll> heh [13:30] <swizgard_> OerHeks: i do that all the time and it does not really help [13:30] <OerHeks> swizgard_, oke, maybe this is partial, run: sudo rm -R /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/* [13:30] <swizgard_> OerHeks: i delete it all [13:31] <swizgard_> i even sometimes reset the cacher itself [13:31] <OerHeks> swizgard_, are you on a supported ubuntu version ? [13:31] <swizgard_> OerHeks: yes [13:32] <swizgard_> repositories failig in question were utopic-updates. without apt-cacher-ng it runs fine [13:32] <swizgard_> the apt-cacher-ng runs on debian wheezy [13:32] <OerHeks> swizgard_, then go look for the issue there, not on your workstation [13:32] <swizgard_> OerHeks: so would you say it's the apt-cacher's problem and #debian the right channel? [13:33] <swizgard_> ok [13:33] <OerHeks> Yes [13:34] <chotaz`w> can anyone suggest me a good app to nest terminals? or organize multiple terminal instances? [13:35] <nomic> you can do ctrl-t in the terminal window - get another terminal prompt [13:35] <Eightynine> Remove all DEs I don't need anymore and now my system works much better. Give me please a command to install Xubuntu extras. [13:35] <nomic> shift-ctrl-t [13:35] <OerHeks> Eightynine, open softwarecenter and search? [13:36] <cfhowlett> Eightynine, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras [13:36] <Eightynine> It was removed during Gnome uninstallation. Thanks cfhowlett [13:36] <nomic> shift-ctrl-t opens another terminal instance, as a tab, in your current terminal window ( chotaz`w ) [13:37] <MonkeyDust> chotaz`w or use the screen command... you can then terminate the instance and even logout, without terminating running processes ... [13:39] <jonascj> How do I debug why installing / getting a certain package (or archive) is very slow? I am install texlive-full, and some packages see 4mb/s, but others 20kb/s. [13:41] <OerHeks> jonascj, simply abort update, and run it again? [13:42] <Eightynine> Thanks for help. [13:43] <LittleBish> do people even talk here? [13:43] <MonkeyDust> !ot | LittleBish [13:44] <LittleBish> holy.... [13:44] <cfhowlett> LittleBish, this is a support channel. for chit chat, try a different channel \ [13:44] <LittleBish> got banned from chat channel [13:44] <LittleBish> what other channel can you suggest? [13:44] <cfhowlett> LittleBish, so you know the ruls [13:44] <cfhowlett> *rules* [13:44] <lmat> I'm using ubuntu and trying to get the grub menu to not show up upon boot. Did ubuntu mess this up or something? The docs ( ) say "GRUB_TIMEOUT Boot the default ... Set to '0' to boot immediately without displaying the menu..." I set it to 0, but the menu still shows up. My /etc/default/grub is [13:44] <ANJ7> LittleBish: ##explain [13:45] <lmat> bekks: I think you said something about this before? ^ [13:45] <LittleBish> 8 users on there wtff [13:45] <ANJ7> or #ubuntu-offtopic [13:45] <MonkeyDust> LittleBish please behave [13:45] <LittleBish> alright will try my niggas [13:45] <cfhowlett> LittleBish, that kind of language will get you banned from here. [13:45] <LittleBish> thank yall :) [13:45] <MonkeyDust> LittleBish of course, you were banned for no reason... [13:45] <LittleBish> wassup ? [13:45] <LittleBish> whats wrong? [13:46] <cfhowlett> LittleBish, consider yourself added to my /ignore list [13:46] <LittleBish> what kind of language? [13:46] <LittleBish> why cfhowlett? [13:46] <Harry> LittleBish, you weren't even on a chat channel before, nor are you now. If you don't need ubuntu support please leave this channel. [13:46] <LittleBish> not today [13:46] <ANJ7> LittleBish: if you need help stay here otherwise look for other channels :) [13:46] <LittleBish> was on another day got banned for 30 days [13:46] <LittleBish> ye ye i got you [13:46] <LittleBish> alright my niggas i'mma hit up offtopic section [13:47] <MonkeyDust> LittleBish switch off your computer and go out and play [13:47] <LittleBish> naw nigga got here from a party last night tho [13:47] <LittleBish> so tired af [13:47] <OerHeks> !ops | LittleBish [13:47] <LittleBish> whats up [13:47] <lmat> oh my... [13:47] <LittleBish> why yall sending bots so much? [13:47] <LittleBish> i do something wrong? [13:49] <mikecmpbll> troll alert. [13:50] <OerHeks> mikecmpbll, a little sunshine make them go [13:50] <mikecmpbll> :) [13:51] <Bluewolf> So is there no one who could knows how to get the Ubuntu Gnome default theme Adwaita Dark theme working in LibreOffice and Gimp. Would following these instructions work? - [13:52] <kulelu88> Hello there [13:52] <jonascj> OerHeks: It happens every time. Some archives are fetched at 4mb/s, and others at 20kb/s. [13:53] <kulelu88> Does anybody know how I can activate the internal hardware for a Lenovo laptop that uses 3G/Mobile-Simcard? [13:53] <kulelu88> I inserted the sim card by the battery but it doesn't seem to allow me to activate mobile broadband on the network settings [13:58] <OerHeks> kulelu88, on what model lenovo? [13:58] <kulelu88> T430 [13:58] <kulelu88> OerHeks: [13:58] <kulelu88> I'm now beginning to wonder if the slot is a dummy slot [13:59] <swizgard_> OerHeks: i get hash sum mismatch for also with no apt-cacher [14:00] <OerHeks> kulelu88, i found no howto for your model, just this one for x121 maybe it is any help ? [14:01] <swizgard_> kulelu88: thinkwiki is also a quite good resource [14:13] <eonbluez> howdy all --- is there a site where I can search across multiple repos for packages? [14:14] <eonbluez> I need specific versions of ruby and wanted to search for an existing one before I package my own [14:15] <JunkHunk> hello I need to keep the current kernel version how do I set it as default? system updates wants to install the latest and therefore the current one will be out of grub startup list... preventing me from choosing it [14:15] <cfhowlett> JunkHunk, false. [14:16] <MonkeyDust> eonbluez ruby sits in "main" [14:16] <cfhowlett> JunkHunk, once you have more than a single kernel, the old kernel is retained is the grub boot options. just won't be the default option. [14:16] <MonkeyDust> !info ruby [14:16] <JunkHunk> cfhowlett, I am using kubuntu and there are only two to choose from [14:16] <eonbluez> MonkeyDust: yeah but I want to search for a specific version [14:16] <eonbluez> in third party repos [14:16] <eonbluez> the main repo doesnt have the version I need [14:16] <cfhowlett> JunkHunk, unless you deleted it, it's still there. [14:16] <MonkeyDust> eonbluez i guess you'd need an external .deb or a ppa, then [14:17] <JunkHunk> cfhowlett I am already using an outdated kernel [14:17] <eonbluez> yeah, i was looking for a way to search those third parties [14:17] <eonbluez> like a search engine for ppas or something [14:17] <g105b> Hi guys, I want to use Mutt, and want to pin it to the Unity Launcher, but how do I do this without affecting other terminal windows that are open? [14:17] <MonkeyDust> eonbluez any search engine can find it [14:18] <MonkeyDust> if it exists [14:18] <OerHeks> eonbluez, search on launchpad, the place for 3th party ppa's. [14:18] <MonkeyDust> eonbluez start here [14:18] <JunkHunk> cfhowlett anyway how do I set a particular kernel as default and is it bad to do it? [14:19] <cfhowlett> 1JunkHunk, bad? no. just not necessary. but if you insist, edit your grub so that your preferred kernel is the first listed option. [14:19] <cfhowlett> !grub2 [14:20] <k1l> JunkHunk: kernels on ubuntu get security and bug fixes. you might want to run the latest one ubuntu got in the repos for your release. [14:20] <ProfMerlin> Hi guys. Liquid Telecoms ubuntu mirror is down. Emailing and speaking to them directly has been useless. Who can I report it to? [14:21] <k1l> JunkHunk: any reason you want to keep that kernel? [14:21] <JunkHunk> k1l I see.. I think I ll better use the reason yes [14:21] <JunkHunk> k1l mono libraries [14:22] <JunkHunk> k1l I am using opensimulator and the latest kernel was making opensim mono libraries fatal error crash [14:23] <JunkHunk> k1l but I think I will try the new one just suggested by update manager and see what happens... [14:23] <JunkHunk> I was only worried seeing nomore the .46 in the list [14:23] <k1l> what ubuntu is that exactly? [14:25] <JunkHunk> kubuntu 14.04.2 [14:30] <baxx> is there any way of displaying recent messages in ubuntu? I had one about VirtualBox pop up (top right of screen) then it vanished before i could read it all [14:30] <Knight80> Hello everyone [14:31] <Knight80> Does any of you have some experience with plex media server? [14:33] <OerHeks> Knight80, plex is not in our repos, there is a #plex channel here on #freenode. [14:34] <Knight80> OerHeks Thank you very much [14:38] <splitwire> Doesn't the plex website have a .deb you can download and install? [14:39] <OerHeks> splitwire, maybe they do. [14:52] <codeic> hi to all. can I get some info on this bug ? It still affects me, even after switching between versions [14:53] <woodsbw> I am using targetcli to present a LUN over FCoE to a Windows server, using a virtualized HBA on the Windows side. The issue that I am running into is that the virtualized HBA's WWN begins with the character "C", and targetcli keeps rejecting it as an invalid WWN (if I change the "C" at the beginning to a "2", it will allow it.) Any ideas on what can be done to get targetcli to accept this WWN? [15:00] <javnut> I have an i7-3770 according to cat /proc/cpuinfo but file /sbin/init tells me my cpu is 32 bit [15:00] <javnut> I thought the i7s were all 64-bit compatible though, what am I missing here? [15:00] <goddard> was trying to upgrade and my upgrade crashed when trying to remove KDM [15:07] <Generator_> hi I have this 2 disks how to check if they are mounted, how to mount them if not mounted. [15:09] <k1l> Generator_: "mount" into terminal [15:10] <k1l> oh, but this is a raid, hmm. i got no experience with raid setups [15:10] <Generator_> k1l mount says mount: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member' [15:11] <k1l> Generator_: no, just "mount". not mount /some/stuff /some/other/stuff [15:12] <Generator_> ok [15:12] <OerHeks> javnut, what ubuntu are you runningnow, 32 bit ? [15:12] <Generator_> k1l [15:12] <javnut> OerHeks: yeah [15:13] <OerHeks> javnut, that explains it, see lscpu for real details. [15:13] <Generator_> I dont see where those raids are mounted [15:14] <javnut> OerHeks: yes, that says Op-Mode 32-bit, 64-bit [15:14] <codeic_> is there solution to tracker-extract bug? [15:14] <k1l> Generator_: /dev/md is raid, right? [15:14] <javnut> so does that mean I can install the 64-bit version of ubuntu? [15:14] <OerHeks> javnut, sure [15:14] <javnut> will I get better performance? :o [15:15] <OerHeks> javnut, with 2gb+ mem yes, your cpu uses more registers and bigger sizes. [15:15] <Generator_> k1l: they are raid array [15:15] <javnut> cool. I have something to do then, thanks Heks [15:16] <OerHeks> have fun [15:17] <Generator_> k1l: what does this mean ? [15:18] <k1l> Generator_: i dont know that raid stuff. if you use it you should have basic knowledge and know where you can read about [15:18] <Generator_> yeah :( [15:21] <MonkeyDust> !raid | Generator_ [15:22] <Generator_> MonkeyDust thank you [15:22] <MarcGuay> Hi folks. I'm looking for an equivalent to Notepad++ for Ubuntu. Any suggestions? The features that interest me are code highlighting and easy ability to switch file encodings. [15:23] <codeic_> MarcGuay, try Sublime or Atom [15:23] <MarcGuay> (Aptana Studio 3 fails miserably at the 2nd) [15:23] <MarcGuay> codeic_: Thanks [15:23] <OerHeks> !ide [15:23] <OerHeks> !editor [15:24] <MonkeyDust> I found BlueGriffon for HTML coding, on the net, looks neat [15:25] <MarcGuay> OerHeks: I understand that you mean to be helpful but I asked a specific question and you provided a very general answer. [15:25] <MarcGuay> So the effect is actually not very helpful. I do thank you for trying, though. [15:27] <OerHeks> MarcGuay, there are a lot of extended editors, see which one suits you best. [15:27] <kunal278> I need help on url rewrite and redirection , can somebody help ? [15:29] <kunal278> I want to transform /post.php?id=2&title=Another-blog-post to /Another-blog-post.html , what should i put in .htaccess file [15:29] <pbx> kunal278, this isn't the right channel for that. go to the channel for your httpd software, e.g. #apache, #nginx [15:29] <kunal278> i am not able to redirect [15:36] <junim> oie [15:37] <junim> ou alguem me ensina a programar [15:37] <OerHeks> !es | junim [15:37] <MonkeyDust> !br [15:38] <lucian_> yoooo, people :D [15:38] <MonkeyDust> alguien is spanish, alguem is portugese [15:38] <OerHeks> oh, thank you MonkeyDust [15:38] <comodo_dragon> has ubuntu 15.04 been released ? [15:38] <OerHeks> comodo_dragon, no, 27th this month [15:38] <MonkeyDust> comodo_dragon two weeks from now [15:38] <junim> sou novo aqui ajuda [15:39] <comodo_dragon> ah ,ok. thanks [15:39] <k1l> junim: stop that, you know that this channel is english only [15:39] <k1l> !br > junim [15:40] <laowei123> when i setup an ubuntu server system, that i want to switch to full disk encryption at a later point, would it be best to use lvm or no lvm when installint? [15:43] <OerHeks> laowei123, lvm is a choise, so is encryption, i think you'll need to reinstall when you do want encryption at a later stage. [15:43] <MonkeyDust> laowei123 i guess lvm is best for servers, but better ask in #ubuntu-server [15:45] <john_doe_jr> the desktop will display the background but it will not launch the icons…any ideas who this is happening in ubuntu 14.04? [15:46] <Dexxstarr> Hey guys, I'm using Win7 and I have a USB 2TB drive that reads fine as a USB device but when plugged into the sata on my PC it reads as a corrupt or raw filesystem. Is this encryption of some sort? I'm going to switch to Ubuntu now that I'm done anyway. Any bets on what will happen? [15:50] <YvesLevier> Question : Is there a channel to help Windows users for true BUT telling them they are not using a serious OS? [15:51] <k1l> YvesLevier: that is not a real ubuntu support question. for windows support see ##windows and for questions about channels on freenode ask in #freenode [15:51] <YvesLevier> k1l: My goal is to promote Linux. [15:52] <YvesLevier> Non seriously help Wintrick but... [15:53] <YvesLevier> Look Dexx has a question about win7. Good occasion to help him to understand he is in a bad contition... [15:53] <YvesLevier> To think plz [15:55] <OerHeks> YvesLevier, nice thought, but how do we tell it is encryption or a bad partition ? [15:56] <kamkazedave> anyone know how to use modules.conf correctly? [15:56] <hivearts> where to find prepared ubuntu qemu img? [15:57] <daftykins> kamkazedave: what are you trying to do? load a module at boot? [15:57] <kamkazedave> i'm trying to suspend b43 and bcma [15:57] <OerHeks> hivearts, for 14.04 lts > [15:57] <MonkeyDust> hivearts consider using vagrant, it has plenty prepared virtualbox images [15:58] <kamkazedave> i've tried SUSPEND_MODULES="b43 bcma" and when i do sudo modprobe wl it comes up saying it's a bad line [15:58] <hivearts> i want to run dokku as my backup production server [15:58] <hivearts> shouold i can trust vagrant? [15:59] <MonkeyDust> hivearts it's a simple way to load virtualbox machines [15:59] <hivearts> yes, but is it stable and machine hard restart safety? [16:00] <MonkeyDust> hivearts the question is, if virtualbox is stable [16:00] <MonkeyDust> hivearts vagrant is simply a terminal command [16:00] <hivearts> so is virtualbox stable as qemu? [16:01] <MonkeyDust> hivearts it would not be qemu [16:01] <hivearts> i know [16:02] <hivearts> but compared to qemu [16:02] <MonkeyDust> hivearts but vagrant loads virtulabox in the background, you then ssh to it in the terminal [16:02] <hivearts> i know, i use virtualbox already [16:02] <hivearts> but should i trust to virtualbox as i can trust to qemu? [16:02] <MonkeyDust> hivearts i don't see why not [16:03] <YvesLevier> hivearts: Vbox is stable. Very. But not offering all we are used in Linux. Didnt have time to explore alternatives, but most are telling that this is not the best option. [16:04] <YvesLevier> Problem is that non opened Vbox is better. I hate that! [16:04] <YvesLevier> and dont use [16:05] <MonkeyDust> hivearts do you want to use a gui, or a command line? (server) [16:05] <hivearts> i don't need much options, i just need to have stable VM [16:05] <hivearts> cli [16:05] <MonkeyDust> hivearts then go for vagrant/vbox [16:05] <Mys7ic> hello [16:05] <YvesLevier> vagrant? [16:05] <YvesLevier> hi Mys7 [16:06] <hivearts> ok, thanks [16:06] <kamkazedave> daftykins you still there? [16:06] <daftykins> oh yeah [16:06] <kamkazedave> any idea? [16:06] <MonkeyDust> hivearts [16:07] <daftykins> kamkazedave: when you say suspend, do you mean you want them to not be loaded? [16:07] <YvesLevier> MonkeyDust: What is vagrant? [16:07] <MonkeyDust> YvesLevier look at the link I just suggested [16:07] <YvesLevier> on it. Thx :) [16:07] <kamkazedave> daftykins: yes [16:08] <daftykins> kamkazedave: so really you're talking about blacklisting :) [16:08] <kamkazedave> daftykins: how would I do that? [16:08] <daftykins> kamkazedave: dunno! plenty of advice online though i'm sure [16:08] <daftykins> it's written in tonnes of guides [16:09] <YvesLevier> Vagrant looks great. Thx again :) [16:09] <kamkazedave> daftykins: would putting it in blacklist.conf be a better idea? [16:10] <kamkazedave> daftykins: putting it in as blacklist b43 bcma? [16:10] <daftykins> kamkazedave: if you want those modules not to load, blacklisting is the way [16:10] <daftykins> kamkazedave: you're asking me questions about how to do something that i just said i don't know how :D [16:11] <kamkazedave> daftykins: still helpful, though. I'll reboot trying to blacklist it. [16:19] <kamkazedave> daftykins: it's now working. Thanks for the help [16:20] <lotuspsychje> !cookie | daftykins [16:21] <daftykins> yay \o/ [16:21] <daftykins> om nom nom [16:29] <Happy1> How do I delete a protected file? because in the process of trying to install drivers for my printer, which failed in the end, a file is on my desktop that I can't delete because it is protected. [16:29] <lotuspsychje> Happy1: you can try gksu nautilus and delete it [16:30] <Happy1> what?? sorry I don't understand [16:31] <SchrodingersScat> !gksu | Happy1 [16:32] <Happy1> so how do I delete the file? [16:34] <lotuspsychje> Happy1: open a terminal and type gksu nautilus and delete your file from there [16:35] <Happy1> ok [16:36] <goddard> how can i install without cd or flash drive? [16:36] <k1l> goddard: see if you can use the pxe install method [16:36] <goddard> can i launch that from recovery? [16:37] <k1l> recovery? [16:37] <SchrodingersScat> goddard: PXE? could grub2 boot an iso off the hdd. [16:37] <goddard> yeah my system is messed up just gonna install fresh [16:37] <kulelu88> does anybody know how to make the internal 3G work on a Lenovo T430? [16:38] <OerHeks> goddard, why can't you boot off usb?? [16:38] <goddard> dont have any [16:39] <kulelu88> OerHeks: Is it possible that I need an additional driver for internal 3G ? [16:40] <OerHeks> kulelu88, not that i know of. [16:41] <toshiba_> hi, I have a smartphone bq aquarius 4.5E but I can not synchronize with my notebook ubuntu 14:04 , what can I do ? [16:41] <lotuspsychje> !touch | toshiba_ [16:42] <lotuspsychje> toshiba_: you can install the tools from #ubuntu-touch topic [16:42] <toshiba_> ok [16:54] <egypz> hi [16:54] <egypz> hello [16:54] <egypz> who are here [16:55] <egypz> hello [16:56] <Voyage> How to restart kde [16:56] <Voyage> alt + ctrl + backspace does not works [16:57] <Fuchs> Alt+SysRQ+K, but that's not recommended, [16:57] <Fuchs> CTRL+ALT+Backspace is unrelated to the desktop in use, also not recommended and got disabled by default [16:58] <krux> sudo service lightdm restart [16:58] <Voyage> Fuchs, that doesnt works either [16:58] <coffee-> hi i'd like to get 3d acceleration with my radeon r9 270 in 14.04.02 [16:59] <Fuchs> Voyage: probably SysRQ is disabled then, I recommend enabling that. For now you can switch to a VT hopefully (CTRL+ALT+F1) and restart the graphical interface [16:59] <coffee-> i tried to get it working earlier but to no avail [16:59] <daftykins> coffee-: sure, install AMD drivers then [16:59] <daftykins> what did you try? [16:59] <Voyage> Fuchs, CTRL+ALT+F1 willl give me terminal [16:59] <coffee-> installing amdcccle and drivers [16:59] <Voyage> I dont what that [16:59] <Voyage> just restart x [16:59] <coffee-> didn't work [17:00] * genii briefly considers taking "coffee" off his highlight list [17:00] <coffee-> coffee- <--- with the dash? [17:00] <daftykins> coffee-: how *specifically* [17:01] <coffee-> downloaded from and installed [17:01] <daftykins> !ati | coffee- follow the guide here [17:01] <coffee-> i think sh install iirc [17:01] <coffee-> ok daftykins thank you :D [17:04] <goddard> [17:05] <daftykins> goddard: off topic :) [17:05] <k1l> goddard: please keep this channel for technical support only. [17:07] <baxx> symlink has no referent: "/home/vco/.config/gitbook-editor/SingletonCookie [17:07] <baxx> in this context, what does referent mean? That the directory doesn't exist that the link is meant to live in? [17:08] <Nickiniz> you webmasteR? [17:08] <Nickiniz> hi [17:08] <baxx> I'm just trying to back some stuff up... That would make sense as the location the files are being backed up to doesn't have the same absolute path, is there some copy relative version? [17:09] <daftykins> Nickiniz: do you have an Ubuntu support question? [17:10] <Nickiniz> daftykins you webmaster? [17:12] <lotuspsychje> Nickiniz: your in an ubuntu support channel here, what are you trying to find? [17:12] <Nickiniz> lotuspsychje [17:13] <Nickiniz> irc Google search bot [17:13] <daftykins> Nickiniz: you're in the wrong place. [17:13] <Nickiniz> !Google keywords [17:13] <Nickiniz> vs [17:13] <MonkeyDust> Nickiniz did you have a ubuntu support question? [17:14] <Nickiniz> thank [17:16] <niram> hey guys [17:16] <niram> any idea how to see the currently confiugured nameservers in ubuntu 14.04? [17:16] <Fuchs> cat /etc/resolv.conf [17:16] <niram> yeah, right [17:16] <ki7mt> baxx, use somethign along the lines of:fir i in $@ ; ln -s $(relpath $PWD $(readlink -f $i)) .. do other stuff ; done ... that should copy relative links, but I've performed a local test fo the command [17:16] <daftykins> Fuchs: nameserver [17:16] <daftykins> ;) [17:16] <niram> Fuchs: ubuntu desktop (should have specified) comes default with dnsmasq [17:17] <Fuchs> bah [17:17] <ki7mt> whoops .. for i in $@ .. .. .. ; done [17:17] <Fuchs> well, both dig and nslookup will show which one they used [17:17] <niram> and i don't know how to see what's configured into dnsmasq via dbus [17:17] <daftykins> niram: do you want to see or change? because you can set them in network manager if you want to change them (on a desktop the GUI way) [17:18] <niram> daftykins: i am using network-manager-openvpn [17:18] <niram> and i am switching vpns a lot [17:18] <daftykins> and? [17:18] <niram> and i want to see the current nameservers [17:18] <niram> see, not change [17:18] <niram> see what i am currently using [17:18] <Fuchs> niram: nmcli dev list does it here [17:18] <ki7mt> baxx, or a bit easier may be: for i in *; do [ -L $i ] && cd .. .. ..&& ln -s ../$i $i .. .. - ; done [17:19] <Fuchs> but that's a 14.10 [17:19] <Eduardo> Hello. What is license I need? I want program a library which can't be closeable, but it can be modified and usable by commercial programs, but distributing the modifications of my source. [17:20] <ki7mt> baxx, you can add the $(readlink ../$i) to identify what the link objects point too as well. [17:20] <daftykins> Eduardo: ask in #linux - you're off topic for Ubuntu support [17:20] <niram> Fuchs: nmcli dev list shows the wifi interface dns'es [17:20] <niram> not the ones pushed by openvpn [17:20] <niram> nmcli dev list doesn't see tun interfaces [17:20] <niram> let me rephrase my question [17:21] <niram> how do i dump dnsmasq current configuration? [17:21] <niram> the config can be updated on the fly, via dbus [17:21] <niram> can it also be queried? [17:21] <niram> isn't it bothering anyone besides me that there is no way to see what nameservers you are currently using? :) [17:23] <Fuchs> niram: as said, both dig and nslookup should be able to tell, [17:23] <Fuchs> but I'm checking if there are more sane options [17:23] <niram> dig and nslookup show [17:24] <niram> that's the nameserver they are using [17:24] <Fuchs> huh [17:24] <niram> yes [17:24] <niram> in resolv.conf there is [17:24] <niram> which is the local dnsmasq [17:24] <Fuchs> yes, that I do know, just can't reproduce that here, but then I am currently not using VPN [17:24] <Fuchs> so I don't know how much that adds to your problem [17:25] <niram> even if i weren't using vpn, there still was no way to see the current config [17:25] <niram> for example, if i connect to the running dnsmasq via dbus and change nameservers [17:25] <niram> networkManager would not know [17:26] <niram> nor would nslookup or dig or anything else [17:28] <sparr> What can cause top to show 100% user cpu usage with no processes using much cpu? %Cpu(s):100.0 us, 0.0 sy, 0.0 ni, 0.0 id, 0.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.0 si, 0.0 st [17:28] <niram> sparr: D state processes [17:33] <backbox> hey [17:33] <backbox> wtf [17:33] <backbox> is this ? [17:33] <voyt> qqq [17:33] <lotuspsychje> !language | backbox [17:33] <backbox> i'm new [17:33] <backbox> sory [17:34] <backbox> just i install this [17:34] <backbox> black box [17:34] <OerHeks> backbox, read the topic first, thanks. [17:34] <backbox> FUCK YOU BITCH [17:34] <MonkeyDust> aha [17:40] <Kully3xf> Hey all - I can't ssh with a user I used to be able too, verified that all the .ssh and authorized keys are correct, with correct permissions. I get software caused connection abort [17:40] <Kully3xf> any idea's where to look? [17:40] <lotuspsychje> !ssh | Kully3xf [17:41] <Eduard_Munteanu> Kully3xf, could be a firewall issue [17:41] <Kully3xf> nah aws - I can connect from the same machine with another user [17:41] <albert> Россия есть? [17:41] <pavlos> !ru | albert [17:45] <jason_> If I run something that starts using a lot of memory (like, to the point where it might be swapping) things grind to a complete halt and I can't interrupt the program. Is there a way to fix this? [17:45] <beachbuddah> morning folks - I'm stuck with a recovery/reinstall issue [17:46] <beachbuddah> Using a live USB version of trusty I have installed on both an extra partition on my hdd as well as an external drive [17:46] <daftykins> fire away with an explanation on one line and someone can attempt to help you :) [17:46] <beachbuddah> when booting now from either (after adjusting the bios) I get OS Not FOund errors [17:47] <jason_> Oh what the hell. I think I found the problem. I don't have a swap partition. [17:47] <daftykins> jason_: sounds about right [17:48] <beachbuddah> I really am trying to avoid a reinstall on my main hdd partition - all my good junk is there (encrypted home folder - oops) but I am arriving at the idea that my version on the live USB could be corrupt? [17:48] <jason_> I have no idea how that happened. [17:48] <hetakuso> How do you change the session? Either user or default. [17:48] <beachbuddah> ok - a bit more than 1 line but there it is - any help? [17:48] <daftykins> hetakuso: login screen [17:49] <hetakuso> daftykins: OOH, it's the ubuntu icon... would not have guess that [17:49] <hetakuso> daftykins: thanks! [17:49] <daftykins> np [17:50] <Eightynine> Hi. I have installed Xubuntu extras, but now I have bad fonts in browser. Also I have Fluxbox and I can't find any browser in it's menu though I have Chrome and Firefox. [17:52] <Eightynine> is this correct? [17:53] <OerHeks> Eightynine, IIRC you had bad font rendering before xubuntu-extra's too, is it worse now? or is this because you installed/removed so many DE's ? [17:53] <Eightynine> They haven't change in system but they became worst in browser. [17:54] <Eightynine> I think I need Infinality. [17:56] <OerHeks> !rootirc | Guest63514 [17:57] <kulelu88> is there an easier/better solution to this issue of making an internal sim-card work on a Lenovo laptop: [17:57] <kulelu88> ?? [18:01] <Eightynine> What about that pastebin link? [18:03] <OerHeks> Eightynine, what are you trying to remove? [18:03] <OerHeks> that part is missing [18:04] <Eightynine> I typed sudo apt-get autoremove after removing Gnome, MATE and LXDE and got that list. [18:05] <k1l> Eightynine: then you know why it wants to remove that. [18:05] <OerHeks> Eightynine, that would be oke, those packages arent in use then. [18:05] <Eightynine> Thanks, I'll try to confirm that. [18:06] <OerHeks> maybe it breaks your system, i cannot tell, these things occur when adding and removing DE's. but in this situation, autoremove only gives unused packages. [18:06] <ars23> hi, does anyone know why pppoeconf give the error: cannot find concentrator on eth0? [18:07] <kulelu88> how do I check if wwan is supported on ubuntu? [18:07] <kulelu88> a way to confirm if the hardware exists [18:11] <OerHeks> kulelu88, in this model, you need to enable it in your bios > in yours too ?? [18:12] <junction4> hi all. I'm trying to understand the UsePAM option when configuring sshd so that password based logins are disabled. A lot of info on the web suggests that this should be set to "No" but is it correct that if PasswordAuthentication and ChallengeResponseAuthentication are disabled, UsePAM is effectively not used and can stay set to Yes? [18:12] <OerHeks> kulelu88, then from this page: rfkill list # does it show wwan ? [18:13] <baxx> does anyone use rsnapshot? [18:13] <ianorlin> junction4: If password authentiacation is set to no then you can't login over ssh with passwords [18:13] <baxx> I'm just wondering if I'm going to run into issues editing the conf file with an editor that replaces tabs with spaces [18:15] <kulelu88> Following your instructions OerHeks . Brb [18:16] <junction4> ianorlin: okay, so the UsePAM option can safely be left as set to Yes as it is in the default Ubuntu sshd config? [18:16] <stanmcm> Hello! I have a friend asking for my help. He has a web server that has been compromised. It's been sending DoS attacks across the internet. I'm wondering if making a backup of the website's source code and transferring to a new system is the best approach. [18:17] <dsmos> Anyone think it'd be safe to tri boot Niresh and Windows along with Ubuntu? [18:17] <stanmcm> The site is programmed heavily in python. I'm worried that the DoS code could be hidden inside the website's source. Any ideas? [18:19] <Osmodivs> Hello. Wich PPA Nvidia driver do you guys recommend? I do not need a bleeding edge driver, but a stable one, there is NVIDIA Binary Driver Updates and [18:19] <Osmodivs> X Updates [18:19] <splitwire> stanmcm - I think you would run the real posibility that the botnet or whatever it is would be in the source code or at least the www directory someplace [18:20] <splitwire> was there not a backup someplace else? [18:20] <splitwire> prior to the the DoS attacks? [18:20] <k1l> Osmodivs: if you dont need bleeding edge why not use the ubuntu one? [18:20] <ki7mt> stanmcm, best thing to do is shut it down, and do a source code validation, then validate the sever software also. [18:20] <stanmcm> The attacker is a previous dev who became irate. Had root access. Compromised the backups. [18:21] <stanmcm> Thanks guys. That's what I needed to know. I think I'm in over my head trying to help my friend. :( [18:21] <ki7mt> stanmcm, Thats easy, disable root access, enable SSK Key access only, change the keys. [18:22] <ki7mt> .. SSH Keys .. [18:22] <stanmcm> ki7mt, Access is no longer the problem. Tracking down the code is. The owner took control with the help of their host. [18:23] <ki7mt> stanmcm, Well, in almost all cases, unless the dude is a serious hacker, there's a trail, e.g. log in dates etc, use those dates for the compromise time reference and work backwards from there. [18:25] <stanmcm> ki7mt, Thank you. I'll do my best. I think my real problem is going to be the fact that I'm not a pro programmer. Even if I figure out which files were changed I won't know what to look for in the code. :( I was hoping that I wouldn't have to worry about the code. lol [18:26] <Eightynine> After removing those packages my system lost network connection, I can't even open my router's interface. [18:26] <ki7mt> stanmcm, That can be an issue. If the site is mostly Python, then obviously one needs to be Python literate. Off site "secure" incremental backups would have saved you here. [18:27] <stanmcm> ki7mt, I wish I had setup this system. That's exactly what I would have done. All too common of a situation. Business man set this system up. [18:28] <ioria> Eightynine, i think router interface is indipendent from the system [18:28] <ki7mt> stanmcm, Yeah, it's a lesson nobody wants to learn the hard way, but all to often, that is how it goes. [18:29] <Eightynine> Yes, it has web interface. I booted my Windows 7 in order to connect to this channel and ask how to fix that issue. [18:30] <ioria> Eightynine, which issue ? [18:30] <k1l> Eightynine: you installed all desktop packages. so you need to install the stuff you want now manually. like networkmanager and stuff [18:30] <k1l> Eightynine: * you removed [18:30] <Eightynine> I have no internet connection at all. [18:31] <Eightynine> I had the same problem in Salix OS and somehow I launched network connection by typing command in terminal but I don't remember it. Is there any way to do the same in Ubuntu? [18:31] <compdoc> Eightynine, have you added or removed network cards? [18:31] <ioria> Eightynine, i suppose yours hasn't been a regular setup ... [18:32] <comodo_dragon> im using ubuntu 15.04 beta and is awesome and fast too. good job guys [18:32] <k1l> Eightynine: that is correct. you removed all networkmanager etc. [18:32] <bprompt> Eightynine: [18:32] <k1l> Eightynine: so what is the issue now? you removed all desktop-pakcages that removed their preinstalled stuff like networkmanager too. [18:33] <Eightynine> No, I just removed all packages using apt-get autoremove copied list to pastebin and asked guys here if that was correct and they said that all is correct. I confirmed uninstallation and my system lost connection. [18:33] <k1l> Eightynine: so you are on a very limited minimal version now and you need to choose the packages you want to install. [18:33] <Jeeves_Moss> what is the /dev/ device that the raspberry pi camera module attach to? [18:34] <k1l> Eightynine: no, you wanted to get rid of stuff that uninstalls other stuff that is "not needed" anymore. that is what people here confirmed. [18:34] <bprompt> Jeeves_Moss: you could take a quick peek at -> sudo fdisk -l <--- see where it shows [18:34] <Osmodivs> Hello. Wich PPA Nvidia driver do you guys recommend? I do not need a bleeding edge driver, but a stable one, there is NVIDIA Binary Driver Updates and [18:34] <Osmodivs> X Updates [18:34] <ars23> on a pi b+ I have problems with pppoeconf. it says cannot find concentrator on eth0. what should i do? [18:34] <Eightynine> pppoeconf? I'll try this. [18:35] <k1l> Eightynine: you want to do expert stuff. so do the reading and thinking. you didnt like the mainstream user stuff that doesnt require auser to do that work. [18:35] <Eightynine> Yes, but maybe networkmanager was in that list? [18:36] <k1l> Eightynine: did you check that list? (yes it was in that list) [18:36] <k1l> Eightynine: you want to manually choose the configuration so do it. [18:37] <Eightynine> And how can I fixed that? I'm on ADSL and my router is needed for PC, tablet and smartphone. [18:37] <Eightynine> Fix that. [18:37] <k1l> this is your router? [18:37] <Eightynine> Yes, ADSL modem router. [18:37] <k1l> you installed ubuntu on your router? [18:37] <Eightynine> No, on my PC [18:38] <k1l> so that doesnt relate do ubuntu anyhow [18:39] <Eightynine> We understood that package manager removed networkmanager. How can I connect my system to internet to install it again? [18:39] <k1l> Eightynine: put a lan cable in it? [18:40] <Eightynine> Cable is connected but network doesn't work at all but I can connect to internet only using Windows on that PC or connect smartphone or tablet to that router via Wi-Fi. [18:42] <ioria> Eightynine, if ifconfig is blank, start with lspci, or lshw, then check lspci -k for your drivers [18:42] <Eightynine> I checked if my network adapter is recognized. Seems like it works, so driver is installed? [18:43] <ioria> Eightynine, also, sudo ifup eth0, etc., etc.. [18:43] <Eightynine> It doesn't work. Tried that. [18:43] <ioria> Eightynine, so what's your ethernet card ? [18:44] <Eightynine> Realtek GBE series. [18:44] <Eightynine> Integrated adapter. [18:45] <ioria> Eightynine, lspci -k | grep Ethernet ? [18:45] <Eightynine> I'll check it now. Rebooting. [18:46] <Guest92217> hi, i just installed monkey server on 14.02 using apt-get. however, its not listed in /bin directory. where is it and ow do i start it? [18:47] <yorwos> i want to edit my lightdm.conf file so i disable my automatic login , this is now , should i delete everything excpept the first line ? or leave timeout and session inside also ? [18:48] <Eightynine> Realtek RTL8111 [18:49] <Eightynine> What's next? [18:50] <ioria> lspci -k | grep Ethernet -A 4 [18:50] <MotherMGA1> hello, I have a laptop with a GeForce 840M and Intel Integrated graphics. I'd like to use the intel chip primarily, and have it switch to nvidia for games, it doesn't seem to work. Do I need to install the proprietary nvidia driver as well as bumblebee, or just bumblebee? Are there any guides to configuring this to work? [18:50] <Eightynine> r8169 [18:51] <ki7mt> Guest92217, [18:51] <yorwos> mother , in my old desktop each card mobo + gpu had seperate cable for the monitor [18:51] <ioria> Eightynine, the driver in use is r8169 ? [18:51] <Eightynine> Yes [18:52] <ioria> Eightynine, ifconfig ? [18:52] <manh_> yorwos: just delete your user's name at line 2 [18:52] <Eightynine> Loopback running [18:52] <ki7mt> Guest92217, So the binary location is not /bin rather /usr/bin/monkey should be the right location [18:52] <yorwos> its logging in as the final line [18:52] <Guest92217> thanks, but although it tells me its installed, its not in /usr/bin [18:52] <ioria> Eightynine, no eth0 ? [18:53] <yorwos> i mean its logging as ofoto [18:53] <manh_> oh, delete one of two, and keep other null [18:53] <MotherMGA1> yorwos: I believe this uses the nvidia-prime architecture, where the nvidia is just a 3d processor that delegates the signal processing to the intel chip [18:53] <Eightynine> Only inet and inet6 [18:53] <manh_> [18:53] <manh_> just like this [18:54] <yorwos> so i should just delete my final line ? [18:54] <ioria> Eightynine, i think you have to configure by hand /etc/network/interface ... then when you have connectivity you can reintall NetworkManager [18:55] <Eightynine> Thanks. How to do that? [18:55] <manh_> yep, just keep one of theme [18:55] <yorwos> im rebooting brb [18:56] <ki7mt> Guest92217, The try: which monkey or locate monkey .. it may be in /usr/local/bin is you built it from source or something. [18:56] <ki7mt> .. then try: [18:56] <ioria> Eightynine, sudo nano interface ... and write your configuration - IP, Gateway, SUBmask, dns... etc. look here : [18:57] <ioria> [18:58] <Eightynine> My IP is dynamic [18:58] <ioria> Eightynine, ^ [18:58] <ioria> dhcp then [18:59] <Eightynine> It says not found [18:59] <ioria> iface eth0 inet dhcp [19:00] <ioria> Eightynine, the other link below [19:00] <Eightynine> Command not found [19:00] <ioria> Eightynine, what command ? [19:00] <Eightynine> Where can I find said? [19:00] <ioria> said ? [19:01] <goose> !help [19:01] <twiler> Hey guys, I need help with setting up thunderbird, so, I'm just gonna lay it out all at once: So, I downloaded a file called "thunderbird-31.6.0.tar.bz2", and I opened it with archive manager, but, then what? I don't understand linux in that there is almost never an "executable" filed, which drives me bonkers! I don't know if it installed anything, or not! Please help me! [19:03] <splitwire> twiler - why don't you just download it through the repo or download the .deb file and install [19:03] <Eightynine> iface command not found. Where can I find ssid? [19:03] <compdoc> Eightynine, sounds like you removed too much. might as well reinstall [19:04] <Eightynine> I wanted to write ssid but autocorrect wrote said [19:04] <splitwire> twiler: [19:04] <ars23> @Eightynine, maybe a reinstall should help you... in future, I recommend to save the list of software that is proposed by OS for uninstalling... [19:04] <ki7mt> twiler, Why not use the repo version of TBird, it's what I uses, seems to work well. [19:05] <Harry> twiler: simple way to get thunderbird is through the Software Center [19:05] <twiler> OK, thanks a lot guys! [19:05] <Eightynine> Is there any Ubuntu builds with Fluxbox? [19:05] <ki7mt> twiler, And secondly, that is a source tarball, you need to compile it for use, which may not be straight forward. [19:06] <ars23> twiller from software center is the easy way. if you download the sources from internet you have to compile them... (./configure && make && make install) [19:06] <twiler> Ohh so, that's why there isn't "a file" that can be clicked? [19:07] <ki7mt> +1 [19:07] <Eightynine> No way to repair network on my system? [19:07] <ars23> yes, that's why... only if you get .deb files, that are packaged software, that can be installed with a double click or dpkg -i name.deb [19:08] <ars23> eightynine, i understand from the conversation that you uninstalled some software and maybe between that software was network manager or dhcp... [19:08] <Eightynine> And no way to fix it? [19:08] <Harry> twiler: but if you're a new user, I highly recommend sticking to the Software Center and repos for now [19:09] <ars23> if you don't know what you uninstalled, the simplest way is to reinstall os... [19:09] <ki7mt> ars23, I would not recommend dpkg as it does nto resolve dependencies, gdebi is a much better solution for .deb's or better yet, : sudo apt-get install thunderbird ; would be best. [19:09] <Untitled> hello [19:09] <ars23> ki7mt i agree with you [19:09] <Eightynine> Thanks for help. Download Xubuntu iso or what? [19:10] <twiler> @Harry: Yes I am a new user, and I will be sticking to the main channels. I only wish I could get openbazaar running well, and I'd be good to go, lol!! [19:10] <ioria> Eightynine, try wtfayd [19:10] <ars23> what OS you want! ubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu, kubuntu... the difference between them is the desktop environment [19:11] <Eightynine> I don't like any DE. [19:11] <ki7mt> Eightynine, short asnwer, yes yuo cna repair you Network, easily, maybe not. Re: which ISO, whatever you like, but with the main Ubuntu ISO, you can install whichever DE you prefer. [19:11] <yorwos> it seems my system was autologing as account1 and then changed to autologin2 which can explain why my boot times were raised ! [19:11] <ki7mt> .. you can repair .. [19:11] <yorwos> i remover both lines to work properly [19:12] <ki7mt> Eightynine, IN the case of "no DE", install the ubuntu server then, go from there. [19:12] <ars23> ki7mt i saw your answer, but for example if you install lubuntu on your machine, you can after that migrate to kde or xfce... right? [19:13] <ioria> i tried gnome with lubuntu [19:14] <ki7mt> ars23, Yes, I believe all the DE's are availble in all the distro's, however, depending on what you use as the base ISO will determine the default DE installation ; e.g. Kubuntu ya get KDE DE, Lubuntu you get LXDE etc. [19:14] <ioria> i think xfce4 io ok too... kde i'm not sure [19:14] <ars23> yes, that's true... [19:14] <ki7mt> That would be Xubuntu them [19:14] <splitwire> I have used Ubuntu as the base and used many different DE [19:15] <splitwire> some work better than others but I'm sure the issues I had were either hardware related or I did not properly install all the depend. [19:15] <ars23> ioria, as I know, kde needs some resources... it's a nice DE... lightweight are xfce and lxde... [19:15] <ioria> sure [19:15] <k1l> splitwire: yes, that is fine if you know what you are doing. but just deleting stuff and wondering why nothing works is not going to work. like we saw. [19:16] <ki7mt> yeah shat he said ^^ not a good idea for long term use [19:16] <ki7mt> .. what [19:17] <ars23> question: pppoe gives me "could not find concentrator on eth0". did someone know something about this error? one week ago it worked perfectly but now it doesn't [19:17] <ki7mt> This is a nice overview of the 8 primary DE's: [19:19] <Eightynine> Which Ubuntu build is most stable? [19:19] <genii> !lts [19:19] <k1l> Eightynine: they are all the same base. its just the preinstalled desktop with their prefered software. [19:19] <ki7mt> Eightynine, The back end is all the same, but the primary DE's are all heavily tested for each release. [19:19] <splitwire> k11, I did a lot of the DE stuff in a VM so I could just set it back; it was back when I distro-hopped a lot so I used VMs a lot. [19:20] <genii> Eightynine: Trusty Tahr [19:21] <k1l> splitwire: yes, that sounds like a good testing setup. [19:21] <ki7mt> One world of caution, if your a python3-numpy developer, the Cinnamon DE installs python-numpy ( Py2.7 version), you'll need to be careful there. [19:21] <ki7mt> ... word .. [19:21] <Eightynine> LXDE is buggy, XFCE is unusable, MATE is slow on my system, Gnome is crap, KDE is huge and confusing. [19:21] <MonkeyDust> and Eightynine doesnt like anything [19:21] <faust> Eightynine: bash is the way [19:22] <pavlos> Eightynine, CLI [19:22] <Eightynine> I tired of being distro and DE hopper and system killer. [19:22] <k1l> Eightynine: its again your rantings? please do a blog [19:22] <ki7mt> Eightynine, I QA Test Lubuntu ISO installs, to say it's buggy is not really accurate. [19:22] <ars23> eightynine: who needs DE? just a basic one and the holly terminal [19:22] <MonkeyDust> Eightynine nobody forces you to distrohop [19:22] <Eightynine> I don't blame you. [19:22] <k1l> Eightynine: if you have specific issues come here and people will help fix them. but you just keep on ranting and blindly deleteing stuff that makes everything worse [19:22] <splitwire> the more I use linux the more I like being in the CLI [19:23] <ars23> me to splitwire... [19:23] <ki7mt> CLI rules !! :-) [19:23] <Eightynine> Yes, I agree with you. Some tools are either slow or buggy or something else. [19:23] <k1l> Eightynine: last time now: stop it! [19:23] <splitwire> plus it's just cool to throw open a terminal and do your work [19:24] <dust> Eightynine, whats buggy at lxde? [19:24] <ars23> or why gnome is a crap? [19:24] <ki7mt> Eightynine, You have more than ample chose for a Linux distros, if your unhappy with one, there's Hundreds to choose from. [19:24] <MonkeyDust> dust he doesnt want to be helped, just want to rant [19:24] <k1l> he doesnt know. he deletese stuff and wonders that nothing works anymore. so please lets stick to actual ubuntu support issues in here [19:25] <dust> well i agree that gnome is crap as u cant even position the taskbar as u want [19:25] <ki7mt> You can, to a degree [19:26] <Eightynine> First time I used Lubuntu I didn't like it's look and feel. LXDE has a bug in it's panel which causes artefacts or wallpaper disappears from desktop and installs like a background in panel. LXDE works worst in Fedora but speaking about LXDE in Ubuntu, maybe that's because of conflicts in DE. [19:26] <hit> Hello, I've buy a ssd hard drive to install on an old laptop model Packard bell MZ35. However I cannot install lubuntu on it, it stucks and keep repeiting the same messages: I've test the hard drive on my desktop and works perfect but I cant make it on the laptop. How can I fix it? [19:26] <ioria> long live Torvalds [19:27] <ki7mt> Without all the variants, Linux would be just another version of Windows OS, that's one of the many things that make Linux such a great OS, the diversity. [19:28] <Jordan_U> hit: It may be a problem with your SATA cables / controller in the laptop. Does another drive work in the same slot in that laptop? [19:28] <dust> Eightynine, try lubuntu... lxde works fine there without the problems u mentioned [19:28] <hit> Jordan_U: yes, the old drive works fine but is not ssd [19:28] <ki7mt> For the purist, Linux is just the Kernel, the rest is GNU/Linux ;-) [19:28] <Eightynine> What I like about LXDE is that it's compact and has pretty good programms. XFCE has totally unusable file manager and a bit bloated. [19:29] <Eightynine> dust [19:29] <Eightynine> dust is it looks modern? [19:29] <ki7mt> Eightynine, Then install Lubuntu if that is what you like. [19:29] <dust> use xfe or spacefm as filemanager... both are double pane style... so for poweruser.... if u prefer terminal use mc [19:30] <Eightynine> I like SpaceFM. [19:30] <dust> form follows function... the look is how u make it look [19:31] <ki7mt> Eightynine, here ya go, it's bit dates, but if you wnat to change the FM, a few more options: [19:31] <ki7mt> .. it's a bit dated .. [19:31] <dust> and a piece of shit in the best looking environment is still a piece of shit... [19:32] <Eightynine> I'm watching Lubuntu review maybe I'll like it this time. [19:32] <dust> it depends what u want [19:32] <Eightynine> Seems like it changed since I used it first time. [19:33] <ki7mt> Eightynine, Lubuntu is about to become LXQT .. a QT DE, based on RazorQT .. it's going to be nice. [19:33] <dust> when did u use it? [19:33] <Eightynine> I think it was 10.10 or 12.04 [19:34] <ars23> in 10.10 i loved mate... i think that was the DE... [19:34] <dust> well that worked good as i used that in past too... but have a look at an actual lubuntu if u like a lightweight ubuntu [19:35] <ki7mt> Mate is nice, if you like the Gnome2 style DE .. I just don't care for Green :-) [19:35] <genii> Learn the command line and then it doesn't matter what DE you use [19:36] <dust> if u like lxqt u can also try siduction... debian sid as rolling distro [19:36] <ars23> yes, gnome2 i think is quite ok, gnome3... not on my taste... [19:37] <dust> genii, command line and de cant be compared... its for totally different things and users [19:37] <Eightynine> I don't trust to some distros. Had problems installing Crunchbang for example. [19:38] <Eightynine> When they change LXDE to LXQT in Lubuntu? [19:38] <ki7mt> Eightynine, DO you have a support question ? if not, should probably take this to #ubuntu-offtopic .. not being rude, just say'en [19:39] <dust> best u ask that in #lubuntu [19:39] <ki7mt> Eightynine, Have a brows of the release notes: [19:40] <ars23> guys, just asking! know some software to configure a dsl connection from command line? but not pppoe... it seems that it gives segfault on my machine... [19:40] <Eightynine> My questions are what DE to choose and can I repair my system. How can I install system to make it work with BIOS and UEFI? [19:40] <bazhang> Eightynine, we cannot choose for you [19:40] <ki7mt> Eightynine, in particular, 15.04: Beta 1 Highlights LXQt is still in development, so Vivid Vervet is another bug fix release. [19:41] <ioria> ffmpeg is coming back with vivid i heard [19:41] <bazhang> Eightynine, for an easy fix, your system is way beyond that point [19:41] <dust> Eightynine, best u download several and try it in vbox [19:41] <ki7mt> Eightynine, [19:42] <k1l> Eightynine: either read and learn a lot or reduce your amount of demands [19:42] <bazhang> !info ffmpeg vivid [19:42] <ioria> yeah [19:42] <bazhang> ioria, smplayer with mpv backing will do most all of that with ease as well [19:43] <imbezol> isn't avconv the replacement? [19:43] <bazhang> not to mention avconv [19:43] <ioria> bazhang, i'll try, thanx [19:43] <bazhang> libav-tools that is [19:43] <imbezol> a lot of how-to documentation is for ffmpeg though, not avconv [19:43] <bazhang> yep [19:44] <k1l> iirc they found a way to handle libav-tools and ffmpeg in debian now. so ubuntu can ship both too [19:44] <imbezol> that said, ffmpeg is easy enough to install in any release [19:44] <bazhang> and of course handbrake [19:44] <k1l> libavtools works with most howtos for ffmpeg anyway [19:44] <ki7mt> imbezol, may be relevant: [19:44] <imbezol> the switches are quite different [19:45] <bazhang> not too steep a curve though [19:47] <dreamon> using ubuntu 14.10 cinnamon, how can i change background lamp intensity from notebook.? keys dont work [19:49] <Eightynine> Why it was removed? [19:49] <Eightynine> Seems like Lubuntu became much better. I'll try it. Is there any way to install Ubuntu on SSD and after replacing PC just connect it to new motherboard with UEFI? Will it work? [19:50] <Jordan_U> Eightynine: UEFI changes things a little with regard to installing to removable devices. If you want a drive to be bootable on any machine you plug it into you need to run "sudo grub-install --removable". Also, if you have proprietary drivers installed they can often make moving from one machine to another problematic, but you can just remove all proprietary drivers before changing to the new machine. [19:52] <Eightynine> Thanks. [19:53] <pgunnars> how come i cant execute executables that are in PATH env? [19:53] <ars23> open a terminal and type theyr name... [19:53] <k1l> pgunnars: are the files itselv +x? [19:53] <pgunnars> thats the cant part of the question bruv [19:53] <k1l> did you relogin to get the path loaded? [19:53] <pgunnars> just listed path [19:53] <ki7mt> pgunnars, can you give us an example of what not running? [19:54] <Eightynine> 14.04.2 is the latest version? [19:54] <ki7mt> es [19:54] <pgunnars> uhhhhhh, just by listing env variables, it works now, watttttttttttttt [19:54] <ki7mt> Yes [19:55] <pgunnars> nope, nvm, repeatedly making a typo, well played [19:57] <Eightynine> Will Ctrl-Shift work good in Lubuntu? [19:58] <Apachez> T minus 13min and counting.... spacex... [19:58] <bazhang> Eightynine, to do what [19:58] <bazhang> Apachez, wrong channel for that [19:58] <Eightynine> To switch keyboard layout. [19:59] <bazhang> Eightynine, what have you tried so far [19:59] <Eightynine> I'm downloading image. [19:59] <bazhang> Eightynine, you wish to know commands before even installing? [20:00] <Olanzapin> Hello! I have som trubble on ubuntu 14.04. I have been messing with compiz. My problem is that i cant get the water effect to work. I have tryed the super+ctrl but nothing happens. [20:00] <EriC^> Olanzapin: it's super + f9 or something [20:01] <Olanzapin> does not work [20:01] <Eightynine> Yes. I'm usually using Ctrl-Shift to change layout and I found information that only Super and Spacebar or Caps Lock works. [20:01] <bazhang> Eightynine, please get an install first, then we can help you with any issues you may have [20:02] <Olanzapin> HAVE INSTALLED IT [20:02] <arcsky> what do you guys recommend ansible or puppet or chef? [20:02] <Olanzapin> opps [20:05] <ki7mt> arcsky, there's a couple sites that do a comparison that I found: [ ] and [] I don't have direct exposure to all to suggest one over another. [20:06] <Kb52> Does anyone know of an irc channel to discuss xscreensaver? [20:07] <rypervenche> Kb52: ##linux maybe? Depends on what the question is. [20:09] <ki7mt> Kb52, also, maybe: #xorg and #xorg-devel maybe even #intel-gfx if appropriate, but as rypervenche said, depends on the issue I suppose. [20:09] <wafflej0ck> arcsky, haven't used any of them so don't have an opinion but I have used Vagrant, what's the extra benefit of those three? [20:10] <wafflej0ck> oh sorry didn't see ki7mt response there [20:10] <Kb52> Well then the question is simply, does anyone have a list of the screensavers that are unstable in xscreensaver? Example, if I pick PacMan it sometimes crashes, and Ubuntu wants to submit error reports. Or is it a sign I need to reload the package? [20:11] <ActionParsnip> Kb52: why not just turn the screen off. Power saver... [20:11] <Kb52> Yes I already disabled it. [20:12] <Kb52> Its more about having to deal with 200 of them and to determine which ones are crashing and which ones are not, and just to want to remove all the ones. How do you remove individual xscreensaver modules? [20:14] <Kb52> I am sure eventually JWZ will take them out of the distro, and/or improve the configuration program to have built in add/remove functions. But for now, its to have to manually remove the ones you dont want, and how to add in the ones you do. [20:15] <wafflej0ck> arcsky, yeah so read through that article, seems all of these are more geared towards ongoing management of lots of servers, Vagrant is just to help setup virtual machines basically but might still be of interest I use it for setting up temporary development servers that are a close match to our real deployment environment [20:16] <Olanzapin> Anyone got Steam to install on Ubuntu 14.04 64Bit? [20:16] <ActionParsnip> Olanzapin: I'd imagine many [20:16] <Kb52> Beyond this dumb issue it is all good, and everything else is running silky smooth. I am learning what GUI stuff is out there to make Ubuntu easier, and what to avoid to keep it running stable. [20:16] <Olanzapin> misssing some 32 libs [20:16] <wafflej0ck> Olanzapin, yup works fine here [20:17] <ki7mt> Olanzapin, you need to add i386 arch's I believe. [20:17] <Olanzapin> hmm 64bit? [20:17] <ActionParsnip> Olanzapin: hmm yes Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit steam install: [20:17] <Kb52> I had Steam but beyond a few very old games, nothing on it was of much value to me. For the windows games I want to play, I use VirtualBox and Windows XP. Its easier. [20:17] <wafflej0ck> yup 64bit OS don't really recall doing anything special honestly [20:18] <wafflej0ck> there's a good chunk of stuff on there now [20:18] <wafflej0ck> was playing BioShock infinite last night, the finally released that port, it's good from what I can tell [20:19] <Kb52> Yeah but you need the original software to play many things on Steam, so in the Windows world it makes sense but not much in the Linux world. The one nice game I did find for Linux I gave up on. [20:19] <ki7mt> Olanzapin, Just found this also: [20:20] <joe__> hi kim [20:20] <joe__> hi how do i turn on mf wifi [20:20] <Kb52> Anyhow does anyone here use xscreensaver and have thoughts on it? [20:21] <ActionParsnip> joe__: what WiFi chip are you using? [20:21] <ActionParsnip> Kb52: I use it but set it to none, lots easier [20:23] <EriC^> Kb52: the login screen is ugly  [20:23] <EriC^> i dont use it though [20:23] <Kb52> joe__ Some notebooks have a slide switch, others a FN key combination, some have special buttons that turn it on and off, with an indicator. [20:25] <zerowaitstate> Kb52: screensavers are a relic from before monitors supported power saving. they're a waste of resources [20:26] <genii> LED screens actually use less juice when they are lit up white than when they are black [20:26] <zerowaitstate> yeah, and they use even less when they are not lit at all [20:27] <Eightynine> Modern monitors use not much energy. Even IPS. [20:28] <Kb52> no its not power management. Screensaver is just eye candy. But I want all the eye candy. Compiz is the other eye candy. xscreensaver is the best one of the 3 choices. Sorry I like eye candy. [20:29] <Eightynine> Why not replace Compiz with Compton or Compiz developed by Canonical? [20:29] <Kb52> xscreensaver isnt being used to turn off my monitor, although it can. But Ubuntu already has all that. [20:29] <k1l> Eightynine: that makes no sense. [20:29] <ActionParsnip> Kb52: kwin can do a lot of 3D (waste of resources) eye candy [20:29] <EriC^> Kb52: did you change the login screen [20:29] <Kb52> It already has Canonical [20:30] <EriC^> that screen on fire thing put me off [20:30] <EriC^> the pacman screensaver was pretty cool, as the analog tv thing [20:30] <EriC^> and a couple other stuff [20:31] <EriC^> though gnome-screensaver is really elegant and nice [20:31] <zerowaitstate> screensavers are for when you are away from the computer. If you are away from the computer you aren't looking at it. [20:31] <Hkerk> Remote viewing [20:31] <Hkerk> wait nvm [20:31] <J6Dof> I've installed Elementary OS on my macbook pro. I tried to disable the keyboard backlight by changing the value in << /sys/class/leds/smc\:\:kbd_backlight/brightness >> but the value is overwritten whenever I restart my laptop. Is there any way to work around this? [20:31] <zerowaitstate> J6Dof: create an init script that sets it on boot [20:32] <ActionParsnip> J6Dof: ElementaryOS isn't supported here [20:32] <EriC^> J6Dof: put it in a script and ^ [20:32] <EriC^> as zerowaitstate said [20:32] <ActionParsnip> J6Dof: ask in #elementaryos [20:32] <Kb52> No I already went thru the list, to disable the ones I think were no good. But I'd like it if they put in a way to remove and install new or different ones. Just like I wish someone would develop a Plymouth Creation tool, and a GUI that actually works for Plymouth. [20:33] <EriC^> Kb52: can you pick another login screen for when you want to put the password [20:33] <EriC^> it looks like something from 1998 or so [20:33] <J6Dof> I tried to write an init script too but the permissions are overwritten as well and I really don't want to casually give root permission to a script [20:33] <k1l> !elementary | J6Dof [20:33] <EriC^> white box with a screen that has a fire on it like a warning sign [20:34] <ActionParsnip> J6Dof: your distribution isn't supported here or by the Ubuntu community. [20:34] <J6Dof> @ActionParsnip : didn't know they have their own IRC. Will ask there thanks [20:34] <EriC^> J6Dof: add the command in rc.local [20:34] <Hkerk> Hello everyone! I was trying to enable hibernate on my laptop in 14.04, I used a command to check if hibernate was enabled, and now when I boot it shows a bunch of console-like stuff [20:34] <Hkerk> Can I make this end forever without finding exactly what I did [20:34] <ActionParsnip> Hkerk: what make and model laptop? [20:34] <Hkerk> i changed a config to enable switch hibernate=no to yes [20:35] <Hkerk> fujitsu ah530 [20:35] <Hkerk> lifebook [20:35] <Hkerk> gfx [20:35] <ActionParsnip> Hkerk: if you boot to root recovery mode, you can undo the change you made. You will need to remount the file system writable [20:36] <Eightynine> Is there any Firefox channel? [20:36] <Hkerk> hmm [20:36] <bazhang> !alis | Eightynine [20:36] <Hkerk> it's not really a problem [20:36] <Hkerk> it just shows what its doing while booting [20:36] <Hkerk> so i think i will stop editing stuff [20:36] <Hkerk> and let it ride for now [20:36] <ActionParsnip> Hkerk: do you get the login page as normal? [20:37] <EriC^> Hkerk: type grep CMDLINE /etc/default/grub [20:37] <Hkerk> yes [20:37] <ActionParsnip> Hkerk: then who cares..... [20:37] <Hkerk> eric what does that do [20:37] <EriC^> Hkerk: or cat /proc/cmdline [20:37] <EriC^> Hkerk: shows your boot options [20:37] <Hkerk> i was just curious what i did to make it show text while booting [20:37] <john_doe_jr> how do I create a user with a default password through script…basically I do not want to be prompted to create the password [20:37] <Hkerk> hmm let me check [20:37] <Hkerk> also i like guake [20:37] <EriC^> it should be quiet splash [20:38] <ActionParsnip> john_doe_jr: if you install expect, you can use that to pipe the password into a script for making users. [20:38] <ActionParsnip> Hkerk: guake rocks. Should be default IMHO [20:39] <J6Dof> @EriC^: no help with rc.local either. Before I log in backlight is off. As soon as I log into Gnome it's on again [20:39] <Hkerk> CMDLINE: command not found [20:39] <Hkerk> eric [20:39] <acz32> ActionParsnip: it would be nice if guake could split, so two terminals drop down instead of one [20:39] <EriC^> Hkerk: type cat /proc/cmdline [20:39] <Kb52> Is there a way to remove passwords? Not that its what you should do, but it would be cool to be able to not have any passwords ever to use. It CAN be done because Knoppix can and it is based on Ubuntu. [20:39] <Hkerk> i used the other one and it said BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-3.16.... [20:39] <ActionParsnip> J6Dof: again, your distribution is off topic here [20:39] <Hkerk> acz it can [20:40] <Bray9082_> Can someone help me mount a NAS premaritally on ubuntu 14.10 [20:40] <EriC^> J6Dof: put it in your startup apps or .profile [20:40] <Hkerk> the bottom left button in guake adds a tab [20:40] <EriC^> J6Dof: you can add that one command to the sudoers file [20:40] <john_doe_jr> ActionParsnip: expect is complicated [20:40] <ActionParsnip> Kb52: knoppix is based on Debian not Ubuntu [20:41] <EriC^> Hkerk: did it say quiet splash at the end [20:41] <EriC^> Hkerk: paste the whole thing [20:41] <Hkerk> no [20:41] <J6Dof> @ActionParsnip: Yes got that. What if someone is willing to help here? I posted the question on #elementaryos but haven't received any reply [20:41] <Hkerk> im on two comps lol [20:41] <ActionParsnip> acz32: guake can have tabs [20:41] <EriC^> Hkerk: ok, type grep CMDLINE /etc/default/grub [20:41] <Hkerk> generic root [20:41] <imbezol> john_doe_jr: man chpasswd [20:41] <Kb52> Oh well. Its ok cause I made mine a simple password in the install but if I ever want to change it it will force me to a complex one. [20:42] <Hkerk> eric how do i respond to you [20:42] <acz32> ActionParsnip: i know, but splitting would be a nice feature [20:42] <EriC^> Hkerk: what do you mean? [20:42] <imbezol> john_doe_jr: example -- echo johndoe:hisnewpass | chpasswd [20:43] <EriC^> Hkerk: just type it out here [20:43] <Hkerk> EriC^ lol [20:43] <Hkerk> i want to make text green for you [20:43] <ActionParsnip> J6Dof: doesn't mean you are supported here. [20:43] <john_doe_jr> imbezol: I'm being prompted after enter in the adduser command [20:43] <Hkerk> it said : GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= [20:43] <Hkerk> and [20:44] <Hkerk> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="" [20:44] <Hkerk> the cmdline part was red [20:44] <EriC^> nothing after the = ? [20:44] <Hkerk> nope [20:44] <EriC^> ok, type sudo nano /etc/default/grub [20:44] <imbezol> john_doe_jr: use useradd [20:44] <Hkerk> are you breaking my computer? [20:44] <Kb52> I tried every old school method for automounting shares, but just went back to using gigolo and it works and you can put into Startup easily, and it well just works, and dont run it in the system tray option, hide it and your all set. [20:44] <EriC^> and type quiet splash after GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" [20:45] <J6Dof> @EriC^: hmm. That's a good idea. Although it's an ugly fix. thanks [20:45] <MonkeyDust> Kb52 i use gigolo too, nothing wrong with that [20:45] <EriC^> J6Dof: yeah, i don't know how else you could do it [20:45] <Hkerk> Eric i did that [20:45] <Hkerk> file is blank [20:46] <Hkerk> as far as i can see [20:46] <EriC^> Hkerk: you have to type sudo nano /etc/default/grub [20:46] <J6Dof> @ActionParsnip: So? Does that mean I'm banned from talking to people here? [20:46] <Hkerk> at the top it sayds file: etc/default/grub [20:46] <Hkerk> and gnu nano 2.2.6 at the top left [20:46] <EriC^> Hkerk: add a / before etc [20:46] <k1l> J6Dof: if you want support in here use ubuntu. dont come here because the other OS doesnt have support. thats it. thanks [20:46] <pavlos> john_doe_jr, after creating a user with useradd, type passwd -d $username and it will blank out the pass for the user. ... man passwd [20:46] <EriC^> hit ctrl+x to exit [20:46] <Hkerk> derp [20:46] <ActionParsnip> J6Dof: you can talk, just not request support for ElementaryOS [20:47] <Hkerk> haha [20:47] <Hkerk> one step ahead of me [20:48] <J6Dof> @k1l: I asked a question. I didn't "request" any support and if it from someone who is using ubuntu to someone who is another distro I can't see why it is not allowed. Aren't we here to help each other? [20:49] <Hkerk> does cntrl s save it? [20:49] <Hkerk> it says to update grub after [20:49] <EriC^> yeah type ctrl+o to save [20:49] <k1l> *sigh* [20:49] <EriC^> then exit and type sudo update-grub [20:50] <ActionParsnip> J6Dof: this is Ubuntu support only. We are maintaining channel policy [20:50] <Hkerk> says file name to write when i control o [20:50] <EriC^> hit enter [20:50] <ActionParsnip> !derivatives | J6Dof [20:51] <ActionParsnip> Funny how it has crunchbang which is dead [20:51] <Hkerk> thanks eric im going to reboot and see what I may have fixed or broke [20:51] <EriC^> Hkerk: ok [20:53] <Hkerk> contemplating putting ubuntu on my desktop and windows 10 on my laptop [20:53] <imbezol> bad idea [20:54] <Hkerk> why? [20:54] <imbezol> put ubuntu on both [20:54] <Hkerk> lol [20:54] <Hkerk> meh [20:54] <Hkerk> I just need more hdds [20:54] <Hkerk> or ssds [20:54] <Hkerk> i have two windows licenses and id like the option to use them [20:55] <k1l> Hkerk: you could use dualboot, too. which means installing both on one system and choose in grub which to start [20:55] <bianeve> ciao [20:55] <Hkerk> Tried that [20:55] <bianeve> !list [20:55] <Hkerk> never again [20:55] <imbezol> or install windows in vmware / kvm / xen [20:56] <Hkerk> Can I run virtual machines in linux independent of hardware? [20:56] <Hkerk> are there any requirements? [20:56] <imbezol> they'll run better with virt support [20:56] <imbezol> but yes [20:56] <Hkerk> does my 3570k have that [20:56] <Hkerk> z77 mobo [20:56] <imbezol> most likely. if you're in linux you can cat /proc/cpuinfo to see the flags it supports [20:57] <imbezol> then do a little searching on what flags are suggested based on what virtualization software you want to use [20:57] <Hkerk> whoa [20:57] <Hkerk> ninjaboot eric! [20:58] <Hkerk> it was like blerp blerp desktop [20:59] <imbezol> vms are addictive tho. next thing you know you'll be updating packages in netbsd and wondering where the day went [20:59] <Hkerk> That's why i like rooting and romming phones [21:00] <Hkerk> it's an easier version [21:00] <EriC^> then you turn into this guy [21:00] <imbezol> it's good for making the transition to linux though if you're new to it [21:00] <imbezol> you can still use some of your windows software until you figure out how to live without it [21:01] <Hkerk> hahaha [21:01] <EriC^> haha [21:01] <Eightynine> Which browser consumes less resources? Chrome or Firefox? [21:01] <Hkerk> I think i want to try mintbuntu [21:01] <EriC^> Eightynine: firefox i think but it's not that big of a difference [21:01] <k1l> Eightynine: both are very heavy. [21:01] <Hkerk> unity's rigid dock is myaking me cry a little [21:02] <EriC^> mintbuntu? [21:02] <Hkerk> ubuntu with mint de [21:03] <Eightynine> Tab with Gmail consumes 250 MB RAM and Chrome lags. Something is wrong with it. [21:03] <Hkerk> i just said that haha [21:03] <Hkerk> shoot i mean mate [21:03] <Hkerk> sorry [21:03] <EriC^> oh ok [21:03] <k1l> there is no mint de. if you mean mate you can have a version of ubuntu preinstalled [21:03] <ActionParsnip> Hkerk: if you use Xubuntu you will be supported here. Ubuntu Mate is what I think you mean [21:03] <Hkerk> yes [21:03] <Hkerk> the marijuans my bad [21:03] <OerHeks> Eightynine, how much ram do you have, 512 mb? [21:03] <Hkerk> ^*gasp [21:04] <Eightynine> 4 GB. I never had that problem with Gmail before. [21:05] <Hkerk> hahaha [21:06] <la> hola [21:06] <EriC^> lol [21:06] <ActionParsnip> Eightynine: try renaming the configuration folder for the browser and rerunning it. Also clear the cache of the browser. [21:07] <Eightynine> I wanted to create the best Ubuntu flavor called LightBuntu. Fluxbox, SpaceFM, Chrome, DeadBeef, SMPlayer, Gnumeric, AbiWord. [21:07] <ActionParsnip> Eightynine: that's my system :-) [21:07] <Eightynine> If someone can make ISOs, please, make this. [21:07] <OerHeks> Chrome just had an update, maybe that is why .. [21:08] <nalum> hello all, I'm having a bit of trouble with runit. Using a chef cookbook I'm setting up a uwsgi app, the cookbook is using runit to create the service. The chef run fails with the error: timeout: run: /etc/service/uwsgi-api: (pid 3479) 8s, got TERM [21:09] <Eightynine> I forgot to tell I'm using Windows 7 and Chromium it was late when I learned about Chrome 42. I think I'll install Lubuntu(I'm currently downloading it) and install Chrome 42. [21:09] <ActionParsnip> Eightynine: if you remaster the minimal ISO you can make the OS you want. Smplayer is Qt based so will haul in a tonne of kde deps [21:09] <YvesLevier> backbox: How can we help you? [21:09] <limpc> hey. im trying to install Apache2. but whenever i use apt-get install apache2, i get a fatal error that mpm_event was not found. I'm NOT selecting apache2-mpm-event. Here's the log: [21:09] <nalum> looking at the logs the service appears to be running so I'm not sure what is causing the error [21:10] <Hkerk> What DEs do you guys like/use? [21:10] <ActionParsnip> limpc: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue [21:10] <Eightynine> ActionParsnip [21:10] <Eightynine> ActionParsnip [21:10] <Eightynine> ActionParsnip can you please post your screenshot? [21:10] <ActionParsnip> Hkerk: none. Just Fluxbox here [21:10] <Eightynine> Sorry, I can't use KiwiIRC [21:10] <ActionParsnip> Eightynine: sure gimme a sec [21:10] <k1l> Eightynine: install a minimal install and install the packages you want. if you cant handle that then run a regular ubuntu flavour and be fine with it [21:11] <Hkerk> what in tarnation ActionParsnip? [21:11] <limpc> ActionParsnip, [21:11] <Eightynine> I'm too lazy to customize WMs or DEs. [21:11] <Hkerk> I tried i3 and thought i broke everything [21:12] <ActionParsnip> Hkerk: works well [21:12] <k1l> Eightynine: ok, then please stop this in here then. this is not going anywhere. [21:12] <OerHeks> So Eightynine ... you are trolling about chrome and gmail. goodluck with your issue... [21:12] <Eightynine> ActionParsnip can I send you message using PM? [21:13] <ActionParsnip> Eightynine: used to look like this but now there is no dock [21:13] <Eightynine> I'm not trolling. Before this I had the same problem with VK(on Linux, don't remember distro) and now I have this problem with Gmail. [21:14] <OerHeks> Eightynine, Not on ubuntu, so this channel is not suitable for you to complain. [21:14] <monojin> Hkerk: I'm on MATE [21:14] <limpc> ActionParsnip, did you catch my link? [21:15] <Eightynine> ActionParsnip you rock. It looks pretty good. [21:15] <ActionParsnip> limpc: yeah. Are there any bugs reported? [21:15] <limpc> not that i could find [21:15] <Hkerk> monojin: can i install on normal ubuntu? [21:15] <Hkerk> or its separate distro [21:16] <ActionParsnip> Eightynine: just clean and easy. When the system boots it's just the wallpaper and the pointer [21:16] <Eightynine> I want to have something like this but with panel and keyboard layout indicator. [21:16] <monojin> Hkerk: you can install it in regular ubuntu; if I have it right, MATE is in the official repositories from 15.04 onwards but you'll need PPAs for anything earlier [21:17] <ActionParsnip> !mate [21:17] <monojin> Hkerk: but I recommend the Ubuntu MATE distro since it's what I'm using [21:17] <monojin> ActionParsnip: not official yet ;-) [21:17] <Hkerk> is there anyway to changeto ubuntu mate without erasing data [21:17] <Hkerk> or i have to xfer game of thrones off somehow? [21:18] <Mneuro> Hkerk you can install ubuntu mate desktop and just start using it [21:18] <ActionParsnip> monojin: Ubuntu MATE Is Now An Official Ubuntu Flavor [21:18] <ActionParsnip> [21:18] <Eightynine> If you're using 14.04 you can add repos and install ubuntu-mate-core [21:18] <monojin> ActionParsnip: only once 15.04 is released :P [21:19] <bazhang> !info mate-desktop | Hkerk monojin [21:19] <OerHeks> monojin, it is already on our servers. [21:20] <ActionParsnip> !info Mate-desktop trusty [21:20] <Eightynine> ActionParsnip you have a good taste. [21:20] <Hkerk> so sudo apt-get install mate-desktop? [21:20] <ActionParsnip> monojin: it's in the official report for Trusty [21:20] <cool_boy> if ssh-keygen generates different public key when it is run next time? [21:20] <ActionParsnip> Hkerk: exactly [21:21] <ActionParsnip> cool_boy: it generates a different keypair each time [21:21] <OerHeks> cool_boy, if not, file a bugreport. [21:22] <cool_boy> ActionParsnip: so is there any possibility two computers in world generate same public key? [21:22] <OerHeks> cool_boy, do it 3 times, there is murphy's law. [21:22] <ActionParsnip> monojin: where did you read that it's not official? [21:22] <cool_boy> OerHeks: yeah I got it different [21:22] <ActionParsnip> cool_boy: incredibly slim [21:22] <Eightynine> I should install Lubuntu, change wallpaper to that one which I like, install Chrome and update my system using Software Updater and nothing will break? [21:23] <cool_boy> ActionParsnip: but there is a [21:23] <monojin> ActionParsnip: they were very adamant about it not being official until 15.04 the first time I came on this channel (last week) [21:23] <MonkeyDust> cool_boy 0.000...1% [21:23] <bazhang> Eightynine, theres no guarantee of that [21:23] <cool_boy> ActionParsnip: sorry, my cat jumped, message sent without completion [21:23] <ActionParsnip> monojin: well it's there in the repositories [21:23] <MonkeyDust> cool_boy like the chance that a chimp type the complete works of shakespeare, that's alos not zero [21:23] <cool_boy> MonkeyDust: thanks, I got it :) [21:23] <bazhang> Eightynine, install, then we can help with whatever issues arise [21:24] <Eightynine> I wonder why my system broke when I removed DEs that I don't need. Maybe I should do that in tty? [21:24] <bazhang> Eightynine, nothing to do with it at all [21:25] <Eightynine> I understood that I couldn't fix it but why it broke? [21:26] <Eightynine> How much time approximately it takes to install Lubuntu? [21:26] <k1l> Eightynine: you removed all desktop packages. so the system thought you dont need all that installed. [21:26] <bazhang> Eightynine, that is entirely dependent on your individual hardware [21:27] <k1l> Eightynine: you should have reinstalled the packages you wanted again. but that topic seems to advanced for you now. so i suggest you better stay with preinstalled setups [21:27] <ubuntu042> hey guys [21:28] <ubuntu042> can anyone help me with a user/bash related problem [21:28] <Hkerk> I installed mate-desktop but it doesnt show up as an option when i log out [21:29] <cool_boy> does private key always includes public key? [21:29] <Eightynine> I'm writing ISO. Hope all will work good. [21:30] <MonkeyDust> Hkerk i have that too, i guess it's just a meta-package [21:30] <ki7mt> cool_boy, Include is a bit misleading, it's a key "pair" so when you generate the secure key there is a public key associated with it. [21:30] <MonkeyDust> Hkerk is that ubuntu 14.04? [21:31] <cluelessperson> Hey guys, what's the best way to make a shell submit text straight to a website by POST? [21:31] <cluelessperson> like cat file.php | pastebinit ? [21:32] <ki7mt> cluelessperson, depends on the web-site ans it's means in which to accept contest. SSH, SCP would be good choices for basic uploads. [21:32] <Hkerk> yeah [21:32] <ki7mt> .. accept content .. . [21:32] <Bl4ckD34Th> hey ubuntu [21:32] <MonkeyDust> Hkerk then you need a ppa for mate, i guess [21:32] <monojin> I've had a lot of trouble with ubuntu 14.04 and HDMI to a TV today. Hard to be specific since it was so inconsistent. For most of the time, I had to crank the resolution down to the lowest possible setting to get anything displayed at all but by the end of the day it was working perfectly at native res for no apparant reason. Also, there were intermittent bouts of serious graphical glitches on the TV [21:32] <Bl4ckD34Th> please make truecrypt as default encryption app in ubuntu [21:32] <k1l> cluelessperson: pastebinit can read files, no need to cat and pipe then [21:33] <Bl4ckD34Th> after truecrypt audition result was: Truecrrypt it is safe [21:33] <acz32> Bl4ckD34Th: it's also abandoned, so no [21:33] <ActionParsnip> MonkeyDust: it's in the repositories. No need for a PPA [21:33] <Hkerk> ppa is an acronym [21:33] <MonkeyDust> Hkerk but if you're happy with non-LTS's, you can simply wait for 15.04, it has it in the installer [21:33] <cluelessperson> ki7mt, literally all the website needs is a POST containing the data. description, content, lifetime in int hours [21:33] <Hkerk> ythats all ive got [21:33] <k1l> Bl4ckD34Th: file a bug if there isnt one already for that [21:33] <cluelessperson> ki7mt, it REQUIRES just content [21:34] <monojin> is HDMI known to be spotty with TVs these days? [21:34] <MonkeyDust> ActionParsnip i guess that's a meta-package [21:34] <cool_boy> ki7mt: just want to understand "When you log in to a computer, the SSH server uses the public key to "lock" messages in a way that can only be "unlocked" by your private key" , I mean how does ssh server know which private key can unlock the message if it has no info regarding private key? [21:34] <ki7mt> cluelessperson, wel, personally, I would use a perl script rather than a bash ot sh script. [21:34] <MonkeyDust> ActionParsnip i tried it too, installed it, but it doesnt appear as DE in the list [21:34] <ActionParsnip> cluelessperson: if you connect a phone to your system you can setup an SMS gateway service [21:34] <cluelessperson> ki7mt, I prefer something I can easily toss up into an apt-get repository [21:35] <ki7mt> cool_boy, while similar, that's a different activity, that's file encryption rather than access. [21:35] <ActionParsnip> MonkeyDust: can it be added manually? [21:36] <cool_boy> ki7mt: yeah, article says that message can be decrypted only by receivers private key (valid) but how does ssh server know which private key is valid? [21:36] <ki7mt> cool_boy, for example to enctypt test.txt, I would do something like: tar cfJ - test.txt | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -e > test.txt.tar.xz [21:36] <MonkeyDust> ActionParsnip that would be in /usr/share/xsessions/ but it's almost midnight here, so not now [21:36] <ki7mt> cool_boy, then to decrypt it, I'd need the private Key. [21:37] <ActionParsnip> cool_boy: the public key knows the system you are coming from and it is in your user's name. [21:37] <ActionParsnip> MonkeyDust: indeed [21:37] <cool_boy> ActionParsnip: so can we say like public key contains some info of private key or only system login? [21:38] <ki7mt> cool_boy, then to decrypt, I would use something like: openssl enc -in test.txt.tar.xz -aes-256-cbc -d | tar -xJvf - [21:38] <jpapad> hello is anyone here that speak the greek language? [21:38] <smmc> hi guys [21:38] <cool_boy> ki7mt: sorry, I couldn't understand your examples of encryption, decryption :( [21:39] <ActionParsnip> !greek [21:39] <bbrox> exit [21:39] <jpapad> !greek [21:39] <ki7mt> cool_boy, Ok. I'll find a how-too link, but just know, that SSH Key log-in / access is different that encryption. [21:40] <cool_boy> ki7mt: that point is clear to me [21:40] <cool_boy> thanks [21:40] <monojin> Greek Christs?! [21:40] <ki7mt> cool_boy, Here's almost the exact example I used, with an explanation: [21:41] <Hkerk> HRestos vscreci [21:41] <ki7mt> cool_boy, And here's a how-to for SSH Access: [21:42] <cool_boy> ki7mt: thanks I am going through article [21:42] <smmc> hi guys, could you direct me to right place , Im new with linux and I have problem with disconnecting wifi [21:43] <ActionParsnip> smmc: what WiFi chip are you using? [21:43] <rektide> when i ssh into this box, i don't have a DBUS session [21:43] <rektide> this is a recent vivid daily [21:43] <rektide> how do i fix this? this is horrible. ssh users need envs!!! [21:43] <ActionParsnip> Smmc: also what is the output of: cat /etc/issue [21:44] <ActionParsnip> rektide: #ubuntu+1 for Vivid support [21:44] <smmc> its realtek 8188 [21:44] <rektide> ActionParsnip: ty. was going to cry tears over lack of ubuntu having nice things like #debian-systemd [21:44] <ActionParsnip> rektide: you are using a prerelease which is known to have bugs and issues. [21:44] <monojin> debian-systemd? is that a real channel? [21:45] <monojin> I'm sure it's civil [21:45] <ActionParsnip> smmc: can you please pastebin to the output of: sudo lshw -C network ; lsb_release -a; sudo iwlist scan [21:46] <jpapad> hello guys [21:46] <jpapad> i have a question [21:46] <ActionParsnip> smmc: use to host the text [21:46] <YvesLevier> jpapad: listening [21:46] <jpapad> how can i export acpi tables ? [21:46] <smmc> thanks let me try [21:47] <YvesLevier> Plz som1 help jpapad. Having no idea about his topic. [21:50] <cool_boy> which default algorithm is used when I do "ssh-keygen" on ubuntu? [21:50] <cool_boy> to generate key pair ** [21:51] <ki7mt> jpapad, Not sure about exporting all of them at once, but hey are exported to folders / files in: /sys/devices/* [21:51] <ActionParsnip> smmc: post the link of the pastebin in the channel [21:51] <YvesLevier> ki7mt: thx :) [21:51] <jpapad> thanks ki7mt !! I'll try it [21:54] <ki7mt> jpapad, This may help: [21:55] <Eightynine> I have just installed Lubuntu and I like it now. It's much better than stock LXDE and Lubuntu which I tried a few years ago. Thanks for advices and good work guys. Good luck. [21:55] <jpapad> thanks aagain ki7mt [21:55] <ki7mt> welcome [21:57] <ki7mt> Eightynine, Stay tunned to the Lubuntu channel, there is allot of good work going on there with the DE. Glad you like LUB. [21:57] <Eightynine> And again I have tearing in Firefox. Will you help me to configure Firefox tomorrow to get rid of tearing and "Firefox sends data. Chose what you share"? [22:07] <Phobos> testing [22:08] <pancake> which is the chan for ubuntuphone? [22:08] <k1l> pancake: #ubuntu-touch [22:09] <pancake> thx [22:09] <cool_boy> how would I be able to connect to server if I disable password authentication and loose key of my laptop accidentally ? [22:09] <k1l> cool_boy: try the recovery system, if your hoster provides it [22:10] <ki7mt> cool_boy, save you key pair in a safe location .. always have a backup. I use that encryption I told you earlier to encrypt my pairs on a USB thumb drive and save them in several locations. [22:11] <Guest37121> How I can enter to chat in spanish language ? I can write a little bit of english ... [22:11] <ki7mt> cool_boy, So the sequence is, generate the pairs, test them throughly, make backups, encrypt them, save in safe locations, then disable root log-in with PW's [22:12] <cool_boy> ki7mt: and in case of accidental loose I just copy that key pair to same or another system, it should work, right? [22:12] <kostkon> !es [22:12] <ki7mt> .. thoroughly .. hehee, gotta love spell check .. [22:12] <Guest37121> Muchas gracias @ubottu [22:13] <ki7mt> cool_boy, Your key will be on the server still, all you do is re-add it to the box you lost it on, reinstalled OS or whatever. [22:14] <ki7mt> cool_boy, So the recover would be, on the system that lost the keys, decrypt the keys, then add them back to the system, then log back into your server. [22:14] <cool_boy> ki7mt: fine but if I encrypt key files and keep them in safe location. if someone gets access to them, he is able to decrypt them, right? [22:16] <cool_boy> ki7mt: what if I copy key pair on another system (in case I loose system) , will another system having key pair (of old system) copied on it be able to make login ? [22:16] <ki7mt> cool_boy, No very easily, use a strong passphrase (letters+numbers Upper and Lower case, maybe some punctuation).. it would take the average hacker years to bust it, if they had the horse power and know how. [22:17] <Hkerk> apparently only password length matters according to intel [22:17] <Hkerk> [22:18] <ki7mt> cool_boy, Re: second system, yes,you can export the keys. I often use the same set for a particular purpose on several boxes. But it is safer to have (1) set per box. [22:19] <cool_boy> ki7mt: what if someone gets files compressed like "openssl aes-256-cbc -a -salt -in secrets.txt -out secrets.txt.enc" , what he would need to decrypt the file? [22:20] <cool_boy> on my system it is decrypted simply like "openssl aes-256-cbc -d -a -in secrets.txt.enc -out" [22:21] <Hkerk> what are some goods way to make kde not look like its from 2002 [22:22] <ki7mt> cool_boy, the only way to decrypt the file is with your strong encryption pass-phrase. [22:23] <cool_boy> ki7mt: If I do not supply a passphrase, it would be decrypted simply by that command, right? [22:23] <limpc> hey. im trying to install Apache2. but whenever i use apt-get install apache2, i get a fatal error that mpm_event was not found. I'm NOT selecting apache2-mpm-event. Here's the log: [22:23] <bekks> cool_boy: If that secrets.txt supllies the pass phrase, yes. I suggest NOT storing the password in a file. [22:24] <bekks> cool_boy: But it depends on the use case, though. [22:24] <limpc> zip used to do that. so easy to crack [22:24] <ki7mt> cool_boy, Exercise: try it and see the results (both ways, with and without). It's rather pointless to encrypt something without a pass-phrase. [22:24] <bekks> cool_boy: I am doing the same, with a 32bit passphrase, just for making it a bit harder to get some specific files. [22:24] <cool_boy> ki7mt: thanks gonna try it [22:24] <cool_boy> bekks: thanks :) [22:28] <hiexpo> hola [22:33] <ki7mt> Hkerk, "apparently only password length matters according to intel" .. indeed, for enc phrases, that may very well be the case. I'm just in the habit of including them as a standard practice. [22:37] <rocoloco> Hello guys [22:38] <rocoloco> You know if elementary os has a channel on this irc? [22:39] <hiexpo> rocoloco, start here [22:39] <petersaints> hi guys. I have an HP printer. Should I choose the Gutenprint+CUPS driver or the hpcups one? From my understanding the Gutenprint+CUPS version is the open-source unsupported (by HP) version and the hpcups comes from HPLIP, which is the official HP linux drivers project. Which one gives you better results? [22:39] <kostkon> !elementary [22:40] <hiexpo> thanks kostkon [22:41] <cool_boy> ki7mt: got it now, encryption also takes passphrase [22:41] <cool_boy> so big companies have always more than one person who knows their passphrase? ( offcourse they have many passphrase to remember) [22:42] <cool_boy> passphrases* [22:44] <Hell_Howl> buenas noches [22:45] <Hell_Howl> tengo una duda [22:45] <Hell_Howl> ¿ alguien puedo ayudarme ? [22:45] <kostkon> !es [22:45] <Hell_Howl> join #ubuntu-es [22:46] <BBLLCC> how do I get an invite to the wine room? [22:46] <kostkon> BBLLCC, what's the message you are getting [22:46] <BBLLCC> or maybe you can help, how do I "insert" an iso copy of a cd?, so I can use it from wine? [22:46] <BBLLCC> You have been kicked from #wine by ChanServ (Invite only channel) [22:47] <Jordan_U> BBLLCC: The channel is #winehq. [22:47] <BBLLCC> a, thnks Jordan_U [22:48] <macibookg3> I have a lintel 2.4GHz MacBook Pro 8,2 Late 2011 13" Running Ubuntu 14.04 on it. I would like to know how to install Mac OS 10.10 on to a bootable USB hard Drive [22:48] <kostkon> BBLLCC, run the wine configuration utility, click on Drives, add a new drive/disc and point it to the iso file [22:48] <Jordan_U> BBLLCC: You're welcome. [22:48] <kostkon> BBLLCC, you need to mount or otherwise extract that iso file first [22:49] <locsmif> I have a problem where I select keyboard layout US intl with dead keys, but every say ~10 minutes, dead keys stop working properly. Is this a known issue? [22:49] <Jordan_U> macibookg3: This channel can't help you with installing Mac OS, we only support Ubuntu. [22:50] <Jordan_U> macibookg3: ##mac might be able to help you though. [22:50] <cool_boy> ki7mt: even after encription I am able to edit the file :( [22:51] <BBLLCC> sudo mount hooray.iso <? [22:52] <kostkon> BBLLCC, i think you can just right click on it and select mount [22:52] <balleyne> how can I find out which Xorg driver is currently in use on my machine? [22:53] <kostkon> BBLLCC, "open with Archive Mounter", if you've got such an option [22:54] <Jordan_U> balleyne: Running "glxinfo" and looking at /var/log/Xorg.0.log will both tell you (along with giving you a lot of other information you probably don't want). [22:54] <cool_boy> well on checking ~/.ssh/known_hosts on my laptop I see many entries, what are those keys, I have never added any key in my laptop , how they come there? can I delete them from there or not? [22:54] <balleyne> Jordan_U, thanks [22:54] <kostkon> BBLLCC, or just extract it (i.e. into a folder)and then use that folder as the drive [22:55] <Jordan_U> cool_boy: Every time you ssh into a new host there is a warning that the host is unknown, and then you are asked if you want to add the host to ~/.ssh/known_hosts . [22:55] <Jordan_U> balleyne: You're welcome. [22:56] <BBLLCC> wine config tool wont show hidden files (.wine) [22:56] <BBLLCC> folders I mean [22:56] <BBLLCC> directory [22:56] <BBLLCC> * [22:56] <cool_boy> Jordan_U: hmm, I remember so I have lots of entries now, and what that means. systems having public keys which has been registered in my known_host file can access my system? [22:56] <kostkon> BBLLCC, you don't need to access .wine anyway [22:57] <cool_boy> :S [22:58] <Jordan_U> cool_boy: No, not at all. It just means that you won't get any warnings when you ssh into them again (unless their private key has changed, in which case you'll get a very loud warning that someone might be maliciously pretending to be that server). [22:58] <cool_boy> Jordan_U: aah, I have seen that warning also :) [22:59] <ki7mt> cool_boy, I dont know how that's happening, as once the file is encrypted, you should not be able to freely edit the file in plain text. [23:00] <cool_boy> ki7mt: yes I can open in vim, it opens encrypted data but I am able to edit that :s [23:01] <ki7mt> cool_boy, are you seeing the file in plain text to encrypted text? If plain, that is a problem. [23:01] <cool_boy> it malfunctions file and passphrase doesn't work to decrypt the file [23:01] <Jordan_U> cool_boy: That is completely normal and expected. If you try to decrypt that "modified" file, decryption will fail. What did you expect to happen? [23:02] <cool_boy> ki7mt: I am seeing encrypted text but not editable [23:02] <cool_boy> sorry but editable ** [23:02] <ki7mt> cool_boy, That the correct behaviour then. [23:02] <ki7mt> That is .. [23:03] <cool_boy> ki7mt: so if someone edits the file then I also loose that file, I won't be able to decrypt the file with the password I had supplied [23:03] <ki7mt> cool_boy, that is the whole purpose .. if they edit it, it's toast, if they can't decrypt it, it's of no use to them. [23:04] <Jordan_U> cool_boy: Again I ask, what did you expect to happen when you tried to edit the file? [23:04] <cool_boy> and no use of mine as well :P [23:05] <ki7mt> cool_boy, Please answer Jordan_U 's question [23:05] <cool_boy> Jordan_U: I was not expecting to be able to edit file without decrypt [23:05] <Jordan_U> cool_boy: What did you think was going to prevent editing the file? [23:06] <cool_boy> Jordan_U: I don't know, ( may be something after encription like password protected) [23:07] <ki7mt> cool_boy, If you want to prevent "access" to the file, that's a whole different ball of wax .. that's a permission setting. [23:07] <Jordan_U> cool_boy: If you have only one copy of your file on a hard drive, and someone zeroes that hard drive, you have lost that file. Encrypting it won't prevent you from losing the file. At another level, if instead of zeroing the drive they melted it with thermite then you would have also lost the file. Encryption has nothing to do with preventing file loss, that's what backups (and to a certain extent, permissions) are for. [23:08] <cool_boy> ki7mt: btw I found it safe, I can make multiple copies and store them at many locations freely. if someone edits I can get content from another [23:08] <TheLemonKing> Hey. [23:09] <cool_boy> Jordan_U: thanks got the point :) [23:09] <TheLemonKing> I dont like how xChat makes me join a IRC channel. [23:09] <danielbrazilian> hello i would like to make use of turbo boost on my core i5 4210U i am running ubuntu mate 64bit 14.04 LTS [23:11] <danielbrazilian> please any help [23:12] <bekks> danielbrazilian: Just enable it in the BIOS. [23:13] <bekks> danielbrazilian: If your system feels like needing to boost, it will. [23:13] <danielbrazilian> i think there are not many options in a notebook [23:14] <danielbrazilian> but it says it boosts from 1.7 up to 2.7 [23:14] <bekks> So it does, if the system needs to. [23:14] <danielbrazilian> i will check on the bios then [23:24] <Nikesh> What's the equivalent wget to ```curl https://url/endpoint/ -u APIKEY:X``` ? [23:26] <Nikesh> Or rather, I am sending the above request and the server responds with an XML file, but the brackets are escaped, so instead of <ol> I see &lt;ol&gt; [23:26] <limpc> hey. im trying to install Apache2. but whenever i use apt-get install apache2, i get a fatal error that mpm_event was not found. I'm NOT selecting apache2-mpm-event. Here's the log: [23:27] <bekks> limpc: So install the event mpm? [23:27] <huig> hello, how come there is no sudo file in /bin? [23:28] <compdoc> type: which sudo [23:28] <limpc> bekks, do you even know what that is :P [23:28] <bekks> huig: It is in /usr/bin/sudo [23:28] <bekks> limpc: Yes, I do. [23:28] <bekks> limpc: Which Ubuntu release are you on, actually? [23:28] <limpc> well im not using apache2-mpm-event im using worker [23:28] <limpc> 14.04.2 [23:29] <huig> bekks, and why is it sudo on /usr/bin and not in /bin? [23:29] <bekks> huig: Why not? [23:29] <bekks> limpc: Did you run a sudo apt-get update? [23:30] <limpc> im pretty sure i did, ill do it again anyway to be sure [23:31] <limpc> bekks, same error after update [23:31] <bekks> limpc: Can you pastebin the output again, please? [23:32] <huig> bekks, just curious..why are at least most of the bash commands in /bin and sudo has to be at another dir [23:32] <bekks> huig: Because sudo isnt a vital command to be residing on / [23:32] <limpc> bekks, with or without apache2-mpm-worker specifically selected? [23:32] <bekks> limpc: Without. [23:33] <huig> bekks, it isn't a vital command?! [23:33] <limpc> bekks, [23:33] <bekks> huig: It isnt. You can build a chroot including /bin and /sbin and you will have a basic set of commands. [23:35] <ki7mt> The origin is from the boostrap for which the Image was built, that's why they in /bin [23:35] <bekks> ki7mt: sudo is in /usr/bin/ [23:35] <ki7mt> That's an installed package [23:35] <bekks> limpc: Could you please pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get update"? [23:35] <ki7mt> sudo isn't part of the bootstrap [23:36] <limpc> bekks, [23:37] <bekks> limpc: You rmirror is - weird. Try an official mirror please. [23:37] <limpc> that is official. its a selected mirror based on speed [23:37] <bekks> Try another mirror please. [23:37] <limpc> ok [23:37] <bekks> Like "" [23:40] <limpc> bekks, [23:41] <bekks> limpc: And the sudo apt-get install apache2 again please [23:41] <limpc> [23:42] <bekks> limpc: Try: sudo apt-get install apache2-mpm-event apache2 please [23:42] <limpc> i dont want event driven apache [23:42] <limpc> im trying to install the worker version [23:42] <bekks> That may apply, but the error you get should change significantly. [23:44] <Zenger> Hey guys I have a problem my CTRL + C, CTRL + V don't work on a fresh installation, neither does CTRL + A, CTRL + ALT + T, CTRL + ALT + F1 anything at all. CTRL just acts like shift [23:44] <limpc> bekks, [23:46] <bekks> limpc: So try: sudo apt-get install apache2 [23:46] <limpc> ?? i did both [23:46] <bekks> limpc: If that doesnt work, please open a bug on apache2 [23:48] <hivearts> can someone help me to install ubuntu guest on qemu-kvm ? [23:51] <Jordan_U> hivearts: What problem are you having? [23:51] <discus> doing windows/ubuntu dual boot.. should I create primaty or logical partition for ubuntu? [23:52] <discus> what is the difference [23:52] <EriC^^> discus: you can only have 4 primaries, logical partitions are used as a trick to have more partitions [23:52] <EriC^^> it's basically the same thing [23:53] <ahmadsoe> anyone can help me to install aufs support for ubuntu 14.04 kernel 4.0? [23:53] <Jordan_U> discus: I would recommend simply letting Ubuntu's installer handle partitioning. [23:54] <hivearts> can i install ubuntu server 14.04 without graphics? [23:54] <hivearts> i am isntalling it on kvm remote host [23:56] <discus> since I have two partitions now, and want to add two for ubuntu (swap and /), to take the remaining space, then I can just use primary partitions? [23:56] <Jordan_U> discus: Why are you partitioning manually? [23:57] <max100> is python pip broken in ubuntu 14.04? [23:57] <discus> Jordan why not? Might as well learn something new [23:57] <Bashing-om> hivearts: A server install has no GUI . [23:58] <Jordan_U> discus: Because the installer is good at doing the right thing WRT partitioning, but wanting to learn is a great reason for wanting to do it manually :) [23:58] <discus> one slighly annoying thing if I make partitions Logical is that they are named sda5 and sda6, not sda3 and 4 [23:58] <[n0mad]> hi all [23:59] <Bashing-om> discus: That is correct, the 'extended' partition makes the difference . [23:59] <discus> Jordan_U: yup :). that is the whole point of installing linux in tge first place
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ANJ7", "ActionParsnip", "Apachez", "ArgentWarrior", "BBLLCC", "Bashing-om", "Ben64", "Bl4ckD34Th", "BluesKaj", "Bluewolf", "Bray9082_", "CountryfiedLinux", "DJones", "Dexxstarr", "DiggsRoad", "Eduard_Munteanu", "Eduardo", "Eightynine", "EriC^", "EriC^^", "Fuchs", "GeekMan1222", "Generator_", "Guest22523", "Guest37121", "Guest62881", "Guest92217", "HHare", "Happy1", "Harry", "Hell_Howl", "Hiz", "Hkerk", "IncredibleHighIQ", "J6Dof", "Jeeves_Moss", "Johan", "Jordan_U", "Joseph-", "Joseph222", "JunkHunk", "Kartagis", "Kb52", "Knight80", "Kully3xf", "LittleBish", "MannyLNJ", "MarcGuay", "Mitt", "Mneuro", "MonkeyDust", "MotherMGA1", "MrNumber3isme", "Mys7ic", "Nickiniz", "Nikesh", "OerHeks", "Olanzapin", "Osmodivs", "PCatinean", "PHPLearner", "Patero-ng", "Phobos", "Pici", "ProfMerlin", "Rahul", "SchrodingersScat", "Seveas", "Te3-BloodyIron", "TheLemonKing", "TheNumb", "Untitled", "ViK_de", "Voyage", "YeahToastIT", "YvesLevier", "Zebbi", "Zenger", "Zerkalerka", "[gtn]", "[n0mad]", "abc_harold", "acz32", "aeon-ltd", "ahmadsoe", "albert", "aleray", "amahoola", "amnesiak", "anmol", "ar647", "archheretic", "arcsky", "ars23", "austneal", "backbox", "balleyne", "baxx", "bazhang", "bbrox", "beachbuddah", "bekks", "bianeve", "bprompt", "ceibal", "cfhowlett", "chotaz`w", "cluelessperson", "codeic", "codeic_", "coffee-", "comodo_dragon", "compdoc", "cool_boy", "cossy", "daftykins", "danielbrazilian", "darxmurf", "deadmund", "discus", "dreamon", "dreamon_", "dsmos", "dust", "egypz", "eonbluez", "fRit_^", "fattywumpus", "faust", "fidel_", "fs0i", "funkenstrahlen", "g105b", "galah00", "geirha", "genii", "goddard", "goose", "gr33n7007h", "gryzor", "gunndawg", "gzcwnk", "h9x", "hetakuso", "hiexpo", "hit", "hit_", "hivearts", "home", "huig", "ianorlin", "imbezol", "ioria", "jack_", "jack__", "jason_", "javnut", "jchodyniecki", "jellie", "jmadero", "jmif", "joe__", "john_doe_jr", "jonascj", "jpapad", "junction4", "junim", "k1l", "k1l_", "kamkazedave", "ki7mt", "kostkon", "krux", "kulelu88", "kunal278", "la", "laowei123", "limpc", "linuxmint", "lmat", "locsmif", "loganlee", "lotuspsychje", "lucian_", "macibookg3", "malgorath", "manh_", "matty|home", "matt|home", "max100", "mcphail", "mehdi", "mikecmpbll", "mikhail", "millerti", "mjollnerd", "mo_n", "monojin", "mothership", "mrwappie", "mudtar", "mulga", "nalum", "nemanja", "newbnewb", "niram", "nirokato", "nomic", "notlennart", "nrml1", "nszceta", "oriceon", "pancake", "patrick__", "pavlos", "pbx", "petersaints", "pgunnars", "pid1", "ponyrider", "pression", "raichunator", "randomrandom123", "rcatorres", "rektide", "rgb-one", "robotdevil", "rocoloco", "rypervenche", "scorpio_", "shadaloo", "siwica", "skcin7", "smmc", "somsip", "sparr", "splitwire", "srvn", "stangeland", "stanmcm", "steeleven", "stevenm", "svetlana", "swizgard_", "tnkhanh", "toshiba_", "twiler", "ubuntu-studio", "ubuntu042", "utu8o", "vagelis", "valleycat", "voyt", "wafflej0ck", "wfio", "woodsbw", "xww", "yang_", "ybl", "yorwos", "zerowaitstate" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu" }
[14:17] <balloons> ping wxl elfy [14:19] <balloons> jibel, good morning! any news on the images front? The last image to have passed smoke testing for ubuntu is from the 26th of march [14:20] <jibel> Hey balloons [14:21] <jibel> balloons, there is a problem in CI, and there is an installation loop. I'll ask to force the publication to current [14:21] <jibel> balloons, the image is OK-ish, I could do a manual unstallation [14:21] <jibel> installation* [14:24] <elfy> balloons: pong, just got a working PC back together here ... desperate for something liquid and I'll be right with you :) [14:26] <balloons> jibel, I grabbed the image yesterday, but wasn't sure if I should use the new one or not. I'll grab from pending [14:27] <balloons> elfy, ack.. [14:27] <jibel> balloons, grab latest pending, it fixes the shutdown problem [14:38] <elfy> balloons: s'up then :) [14:44] <balloons> elfy, hw troubles, same as you. Swapping primary harddrives, wiping and restoring from backup :-) [14:44] <balloons> elfy, but I wanted to ask you about UOS [14:44] <elfy> lucky you - I was hoping that the psu didn't take out the mobo [14:44] <elfy> fingers crossed [14:45] <balloons> elfy, ohh, bad psu eh? I think I have some bad cables again [14:45] <elfy> heh - well even UOS sounds better than a new mobo :D [14:45] <balloons> in addition to the dead drive.. heh. The new one acted the same until I swapped the cable [14:45] <balloons> elfy, :p [14:45] <elfy> oh - that would be a :( moment for sure [14:46] <balloons> elfy, so anyways from a quality and xubuntu perspective both.. Who best to talk to about xubuntu having a session at UOS? And from a quality perspective, what session would you like to see? [14:46] <elfy> right [14:46] <balloons> We have a 'show and tell' track for demoing things, I'm wondering if we have ideas for a cool demo [14:46] <knome> there is no person with the nick "right" in the xubuntu team [14:46] <elfy> so from a Xubuntu perspective the project lead is ochosi [14:46] <balloons> demoing in theory is the easiest session to run ever :-) [14:48] <elfy> from a QA perspective from me - I've gotten a bit 'doesn't matter what you say, when you say it, how you say it' doesn't actually make much difference in the reality of what I see as XubuntuQA Lead [14:49] <knome> what's the main subject? [14:50] <balloons> hey knome :-) [14:50] <knome> hello balloons [14:51] <balloons> just talking UOS with anyone who might be interested :-) I'm curious about what the flavors might be up to for this UOS, in addition to seeing what people might want to see in the way of sessions [14:51] <knome> the most realistic one for xubuntu might be a Q&A session [14:52] <balloons> I feel like having each flavor do a q and a, or a simple community session would be awesome. I know many flavors plan things outside of UOS, which is wonderful -- whatever works for them. I do see value in sharing a small snippet of what's going on with the rest of us though [14:53] <knome> when is UOS? [14:53] <elfy> knome does not speak for me there - if he thinks it's a useful thing to do - he can run it [14:53] <balloons> at the very least I'm hoping there will be interest in demoing things.. I know new stuff is landing / changing in all the flavors and it would be neat to see some of it [14:53] <knome> elfy, i said realistic... [14:53] <knome> elfy, i didn't say useful [14:53] <balloons> elfy, :-). Only you can speak for you [14:53] <elfy> and I do, often :p [14:53] <balloons> what of the demoing idea? [14:54] <balloons> knome, UOS is May 5th [14:54] <knome> right... [14:54] <knome> i'm pretty sure we don't have any new things to demo at that point (yet) [14:54] <elfy> balloons: you about tonight at ~ 2100UTC ? [14:54] <knome> also, i'm so not going to be attending... [14:55] <knome> we fly to berlin that day [14:55] <elfy> balloons: there is a Xubuntu meeting tonight, pop by and broach the subject perhaps [14:55] <knome> and i will be having intentionally bad online presence for a week.. [14:56] <elfy> might be nice to have a Canonical type person wander in and say hi [14:56] <elfy> just a thought [14:56] <knome> yeah [14:57] <knome> generally lurkers are welcome. [14:57] <balloons> knome, new things can be old things to you, heh.. still likely new to me. I don't know about any of the changes in vivid for xubuntu really [14:57] <elfy> for sure they are - I wish they said something sometimes though :) [14:57] <balloons> but other things can be demoed ofc.. [14:57] <knome> well i don't think vivid has many fresh things either... [14:57] <knome> but point taken [14:58] <balloons> elfy, great I will do that, ty. in ubuntu-meeting or ? [14:58] <knome> balloons, #xubuntu-devel [14:58] <balloons> ahh, figured as much [14:58] * elfy needs to make some pre-meeting notes of nasty bugs still kicking about [14:59] * knome adds an agenda item [14:59] <elfy> knome: good idea :)_ [14:59] <knome> done [15:01] <balloons> i'm idling, please feel free to ping my nick to pull me away from whatever I'm doing at 2100 :-) [15:04] <knome> heh [15:05] <elfy> cue a bunch of pings ... [15:05] <balloons> :-) [15:48] <fabiomassimo> ciao [16:21] <davmor2> balloons: ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ping ......I mean it must be 2100 somewhere in the world :D [16:32] <wxl> balloons: you rang? [16:34] <balloons> davmor2, rofl [16:35] <balloons> wxl, howdy.. I was wanting to talk to you about UOS. From a lubuntu perspective . . [16:36] <wxl> 1s balloons [16:36] <elfy> hi wxl [16:46] <wxl> ok go for it balloons [16:47] <elopio> vila: [16:48] <balloons> wxl, ok so I was wondering what lubuntu might be up to for UOS. I'd like to see if there is interest in having a session on the community track. If not a planning session for next cycle, perhaps a Q and A where you discuss what's been happening / will happen inside lubuntu. [16:49] <balloons> wxl, alternatively there is a 'show and tell' track, which is for demos. I think showing off the qt version of lxde would be well recieved [16:49] <wxl> balloons: yeah as lxqt approaches, it would be valuable. maybe a show off session [16:49] <wxl> :) [16:49] <wxl> a planning session would be good too if i can organize all the cats together [16:50] <balloons> something you might be interested in doing? UOS is May 5th - May 7th [16:50] <wxl> lemme check the calendar but off hand yes [16:50] <balloons> I planned to send a mail along to lubuntu-devel, but I can send it elsewhere or make a pitch at a meeting, etc :-) [16:51] <wxl> lubuntu-admins would be best i think [16:51] <balloons> wxl, ack. I'll send it along now [16:52] <balloons> thanks, and I hope those dates / times work for you :-) [16:52] <wxl> balloons: it's a launchpad list so send it and i'll approve [16:52] <wxl> …unless you want to join the team ;) [16:53] <wxl> balloons: hah i already have it in the calendar so good to go on my end [16:53] <wxl> only thing that stinks is it's [16:53] <wxl> during work for me [16:53] <wxl> maybe this time i'll go to the coffee shop and use their wifi [16:58] <balloons> wait, elfy, is the xubuntu meeting tonight or tomorrow? wiki says april 15th at 2100 [17:09] <elfy> balloons: that all went a bit wobbly - it is definitely tonight :) [17:10] <elfy> oh [17:10] <elfy> hang on [17:10] <elfy> no idea now lol [17:11] <elfy> I think I'm wrong [17:14] <elfy> balloons: ^^ [17:15] <balloons> I assume as much :p [17:15] <elfy> and knome didn't notice either :) [17:15] <elfy> balloons: at one point it was on Wednesday and Thursday lol [17:19] <knome> hah [17:19] <knome> it's tomorrow :P [17:20] <knome> no, i didn't notice because today has been a lousy day.. [17:21] <elfy> tell me about it [17:21] <elfy> I was expecting to try and remember passwords on a clean install :p [17:22] <knome> hah [22:20] <elopio> ping veebers: so this is the right way to launch things? [23:27] <veebers> elopio: yeah, that's the one [23:27] <elopio> I got it all wrong. [23:28] <elopio> veebers: thanks for the investigation in here. I'll be correcting all the ones I messed up. [23:29] <veebers> elopio: yeah it's not the most obvious thing, and as stated in the investigation results, it needs to be clearer, the docs need improved and autopilot needs to be smarter about it [23:30] <elopio> veebers: I agree. But now that you mentioned it, it makes more sense to make the base class the same as the base of the inheritance hierarchy. [23:31] <elopio> I just thought for some reason that launch_app was going to try to match the class I passed. I didn't notice that it goes to the registry, as with any select single.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "balloons", "davmor2", "elfy", "elopio", "fabiomassimo", "jibel", "knome", "veebers", "wxl" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-quality" }
[00:00] <^k^> 新 Mint • mint 里蓝牙的链接的问题 lz想配置win7和linux mint 公共用同一个蓝牙鼠标。 找到一个针对ubunt的教程,大意就是找到 ubuntu 下 /var/lib/bluetooth/AA:11:11:11:11:11/linkkeys 这个文件,这个文件里的内容大致如下 7c:1e:52:67:61:70 57662cb0ed7cc84a4c8002fa0a79bd88 0 4 [00:22] <^k^> 新 其它类软件 • ubuntu的源的使用策略到底是怎么样的呢? 如果我要用 sudo apt-get install xxxxx 来安装软件,apt工具找到源文件之后,怎样进行工作的 假如源列表中有三个配置项或者更多都提供xxxxx 安装,如果一个是速度最快的,一个是旧版本,一个是新版本 [00:22] <^k^> ─> ,他是按照怎么样的优先级选择的? linux 的源使用测策略(不知道我这种说法是否合适)都是 … [01:15] <^k^> 新 其它类软件 • 求救 : ubuntu 应用软件的安装与卸载 1,如果两个或者多个软件会不会同时依赖一个软件包? 2,如果有这种情况,比如a,b 同时依赖与c, 我使用卸载命令 sudo apt-get remove a 会删除多个软件共同依赖的软件包c么? 3,如果删除了,需要重新安装或 [01:15] <^k^> ─> 者修复b或者c么? zz: mihuxiaozi — 2015-04-14 9:14 [01:17] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 菜鸟求问版本选择问题 我的电脑是intel64位的,下载Ubuntu的哪个版本合适呢?官方网站选择下载64位系统默认是Ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso,但是我查了一下,好像是amd的cpu才下载amd64的。那我现在到底是选择哪个版本下载呢?谢 [01:17] <^k^> ─> 谢各位大神! zz: lxy841230 — 2015-04-14 9:15 [01:23] <jusss`> hoxily: 在python里,如果连着socket,但是又要使用sleep这种计时,如果不能用多线程或多进程,怎么办? [01:23] <jusss`> hoxily: sleep应该会中断socket [01:24] <jusss`> 需要一个能计时的程序但又不会中断当前线程 [01:35] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 你啥信息被卖了 ? [02:09] <BuMangHuo> test [02:09] <^k^> BuMangHuo:点点点. 10:09 [02:10] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 人呢 [02:10] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 刚来 [02:11] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 谁知道,反正昨天又接到那种说领导让去办公室的电话 [02:11] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 然后你去办公室了? [02:11] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 开玩笑,我领导哪有办公室。。。 [02:12] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 现在的骗子,打来电话都是直呼名字啊 [02:12] <yunfan> 额 你们公司是用游击战理论武装自己? [02:12] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 要知道你名字很简单的 你没办法 [02:13] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 有办公室的领导不会找我。。。 [02:13] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 比如虽然你做得很小心 但是只要你认识的人手机中了毒 窃取了他的通讯录 不就把你名字给泄露了么 [02:13] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 也对 [02:14] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 这种事你不要想避免 只要核心信息没 泄露就行 [02:14] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 车子前叉上面看起来有点渗出来的油正常么 [02:14] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 也不知道他们究竟知道多少 [02:14] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 正常,就是活塞的密封油 [02:14] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 那就好,我还以为坏了呢 [02:15] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 呵呵 知道你的一些事迹 [02:15] <BuMangHuo> 不过这车确实需要去调一下了,链子有响,然后后刹太软了 [02:15] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 跟那没关系 [02:16] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 我昨天着急下班,所以就给挂了电话,不然我还想看看他到底要骗我啥来着 [02:16] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 没来及跟他周旋 [02:16] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 买的时候不调好 [02:17] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 好像是骑了几天才出现的? 我刚才停车的时候刚好旁边有个同事的公爵700, 顺手捏了一下刹车跟我的不一样 [02:17] <BuMangHuo> 刹车难道是没油了? [02:17] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 下次碰到了多跟他聊聊 最好聊聊it行业收入高 但是要求少之类的 看看可能反诈那边 [02:17] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 后刹简单,刹把上有个手能拧的螺丝,在刹车线上套着,往外拧,拧到你手感合适了,再把上面的小螺丝拧到刹把那边锁紧 [02:18] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 你刹车是油碟? [02:18] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 对啊 [02:18] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 多少钱买的车? 竟然是油碟? 开玩笑啊 [02:18] <BuMangHuo> 2200 [02:18] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 2015 款的都是油碟了 [02:18] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 公爵300 现在都是线碟了 [02:19] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 啥型号? 公爵? [02:19] * HowIsItGoing 擦,现在低端油碟竟然这么便宜了? [02:19] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 油碟,呵呵,出门有你爽的了。 [02:21] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 恩,公爵 600 [02:21] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 我的公爵650 有兴趣买不 [02:21] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 额,现在都这样了 [02:21] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: .. [02:21] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 我要俩干啥 [02:21] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 看来shimano出低端油碟了 [02:22] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 两个并排骑 有面子 [02:22] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 好吧,我已经out了 [02:22] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 对吧,lol, 现在都是2015款了 [02:22] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 油碟就没办法了,去查是不是缺油或者进空气了 [02:22] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 油碟没法自己处理,这是最大的麻烦,出去耍万一出问题了就瞎了 [02:22] <BuMangHuo> 对啊 [02:23] <BuMangHuo> 路上没法修 [02:23] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 你早不说 [02:25] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 嘿嘿 我早之前没这么多车啊 [02:27] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 我昨天看网上那些修车的视频,说是前后刹的手感应该一样,对吧? [02:27] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 对 [02:27] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 壕,求送 [02:27] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 但是多少都有点差别,油碟差得少而已 [02:28] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 慢慢卖 哼哼 [02:28] <BuMangHuo> 这奸商给我的车子总不会是有问题的吧,丫的几天前胎就没气了,现在有链子响,刹车没油 [02:30] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 呵呵 [02:30] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 慢撒气? 赶紧检查气嘴,摸点口水上去看看出不出气泡,哈哈 [02:31] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 你是在小店儿买的? 不排除买到库存车哦 [02:31] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 不是小店啊,西三旗专卖店,我看的那一天就卖出去 5 辆公爵 600, 不至于库存吧 [02:32] <BuMangHuo> 而且,看样子和那些配件的型号,确实是新款 [02:37] <^k^> 新 启动和引导 • ubuntu的grub开机选择ubuntu系统如何才能显示terminal 就是开机的时候选择进入ubuntu,会显示引导过程,显示terminal box。就是要跟跟openSUSE的引导过程一样。怎么配置 169523-2.png zz: mcjoeng — 2015-04-14 10:36 [02:41] <BuMangHuo> yunfan: 哎话说你的 650 是油碟还是线碟 [02:41] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 早啊 [02:43] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 黑毛儿又去米帝了? [02:43] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 为毛你没去? [02:43] <BuMangHuo> 怪不得这几天没上线 [02:48] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 他们去做正事了 [02:48] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 研究怎么带路嘛? [02:49] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 这次去事情太多, 还是在办公室清闲. [02:50] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 啧啧 [02:50] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 你们大老板才过来一次,你们就又跑过去了,这是啥节奏…… [02:52] <netsnail> emacs和wps呼不出fcitx啊 [02:53] <netsnail> LC_CTYPE也正确,好像是少了一个什么包 [02:53] <netsnail> 之前有过一次,给忘记了, [02:53] <netsnail> 有知道的兄弟吗? [02:55] <yunfan> BuMangHuo: 好像是碟刹 [02:55] <jusss> iMadper: 换行符怎么匹配 正则 [02:55] <jusss> 换行符怎么打?在vim中匹配 [02:56] <netsnail> [03:02] <onlylove> jusss: \n [03:15] <BuMangHuo> ... [03:16] <jusss> 反人类的vim 正则 [03:17] <happyaron> ee呢…… [03:17] <hoxily> jusss: 你不是 emacs 帮派的吗? [03:18] <jusss> 找了三篇文章手动输入换行符 shift-v-m shift-v-RET ctrl-v-m 都不能使,我又忘了怎么输入以前adam告诉我的 [03:18] <jusss> hoxily: 在别人机器上替换换行符 [03:19] <jusss> hoxily: 他没有emacs只有vim [03:19] <hoxily> \r\n -> \n ? [03:19] <jusss> hoxily: 最后还是把文件传我这用emacs换的发了过去 [03:19] <hoxily> or \n -> \r\n ? [03:20] <jusss> win的换linux的 [03:21] * iMadper 从来都不会用emacs正则... \r\n -> \n 用C-x RET f [03:22] <gfxmode> jusss: Vim输入 :set ff=unix 就可以了 [03:23] <gfxmode> jusss: 我看错了,是Linux下的文件转win下时,ff=unix [03:23] <iMadper> gfxmode: gbk转utf8呢? [03:24] <jusss> iMadper: me too! C-x RET f [03:24] <jusss> iMadper: 我也不会emacs正则,就是在vim要用正则 [03:25] <hoxily> iconv -f gbk -t utf-8 -c infile > outfile [03:25] <jusss> gfxmode: 正则手工输入换行符怎么敲 [03:25] <jusss> gfxmode: s/^M/ [03:25] <jusss> 这个^M怎么输入 [03:26] <gfxmode> s/\r\n/\n [03:26] <gfxmode> 可以用转义 [03:26] <gfxmode> iMadper: :set fileencoding=??? [03:26] <jusss> 我不知道基本正则里面可不可以这样用 [03:27] <jusss> gfxmode: 基本正则BRE可以这样用吗 [03:28] <gfxmode> jusss: 可以,正则支持转义 [03:32] <jusss> gfxmode: POSIX BRE支持? [03:33] <gfxmode> jusss: 我不知道 你问其他高手 [03:35] <happyaron> iMadper: ee 来了帮我告诉他,今天的版本解决他的问题 [03:40] <^k^> 新 网卡问题以及网络和拨号 • ubuntu server以太网网卡驱动问题 acer4752G win8/ubuntu-server14.04双系统,在安装ubuntu时候没有连接网线,现在可以使用无线上网,无法使用有线。 执行ifconfig -a,没有eth0,网卡是BCM857758在其官网下载过linux驱动安装,但还是 [03:53] <roylez> jusss: s/<c-v><enter>/..... [03:54] <jusss> roylez: s/C-v C-M/ [03:54] <roylez> jusss: enter就好 [03:58] <jusss> roylez: 上午做了份心理测试题,做完整个人都不好了 [03:59] <roylez> jusss: 你这是自己找消遣,自取其辱 [03:59] <jusss> roylez: 是面试公司让做的 [04:01] <roylez> jusss: 这种公司,可以归结为 sneaky,或者说是猥琐 [04:19] <^k^> 取新帖 timeout [04:45] <BuMangHuo> 面试? 心理测试? [05:04] <jusss> 希拉里要是当总统了,克林顿该怎样称呼?第一先生? [05:05] <ZCCCCCC> 问下 [05:05] <ZCCCCCC> 推荐个小巧好用的杀毒软件 [05:05] <ZCCCCCC> 最好可以放在u盘里 [05:05] <ZCCCCCC> 经常去客户医院修软件,查杀木马什么的 [05:05] <ZCCCCCC> 医院电脑又不能给他装杀毒软件 [05:10] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 三人一共有几个肾 : 小明有3个苹果,小红有2个苹果,小丽有1个苹果。 现小明给小丽2个苹果,小丽给小红1个苹果,小红给小明2个苹果。 请问:三人一共有几个肾?(答案是3个) [05:13] <BuMangHuo> ZCCCCCC: 装个 arch 在 u [05:13] <BuMangHuo> 在 u 盘里面 [05:13] <BuMangHuo> 启动进去直接删 [05:21] <ZCCCCCC> 是给医院电脑杀毒 [05:21] <ZCCCCCC> 医院电脑没有杀毒软件的 [05:21] <ZCCCCCC> 我又不能给他装 [05:25] <^k^> 新 Kubuntu • Kubuntu突然没有声音了!!!! 前几天还好好的,今天突然就没声音了! 求问该怎么解决!!! zz: Benmolly — 2015-04-14 13:16 [05:25] <ZCCCCCC> BuMangHuo arch 是什么,百度上说是破解什么的 [05:25] <ZCCCCCC> 我要的是杀毒的 [05:29] <QiongMangHuo> =,= [05:29] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: ? [05:29] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: [05:29] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ 521 => for -- unhandled response [05:30] <ZCCCCCC> 来点有营养的好不 [05:31] <BuMangHuo> 这个看电视有点小吧? iMadper [05:35] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 我有21"就够了 [05:35] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 房间又不大 [05:36] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 这个现在当电视, 以后你买房了就当显示器用. [05:36] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 以后买房了, 怎么也得来个大电视啊. [05:36] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 那是必须啊 [05:37] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: iMadper 这个有音箱? [05:37] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 貌似美柚 [05:37] <iMadper> 没有 [05:37] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: iMadper 如果有音箱的话,搞个这个,然后来个小米小盒子当电视看还不错 [05:38] <BuMangHuo> 接口:HDMI,DVI,VGA, dp 呢? [05:38] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: [05:38] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ 【科欧斯K3915M】KOIOS K3915M 39寸4K显示器,S-MVA,3840x2160,10亿色【行情 报价 价格 评测】-京东 pp: 2999.00 [05:39] <palomino|exhaust> 哎呦卧槽,39寸 [05:40] <huntxu> iMadper: 老斯基 [05:40] <BuMangHuo> 哎呦卧槽,39寸 [05:40] <BuMangHuo> 这就真是电视了 [05:40] <HowIsItGoing> im [05:40] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: QiongMangHuo 买买买 [05:40] <iMadper> huntxu: 老司机. [05:40] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 买买买 [05:40] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: [05:40] <^k^> iMadper: ⇪ 【三星U28D590D】三星(SAMSUNG)U28D590D 28英寸4K分辨率LED背光液晶显示器(1MS时间响应)【行情 报价 价格 评测】-京东 pp: 2999.00 [05:40] * HowIsItGoing 现在就用显示器带电视盒子当电视用,刷电视剧利器 [05:40] <huntxu> iMadper: ruby里有个函数的参数是value,又有另外一个函数名叫value,我要那个函数的value不要那个参数的value,how can i do [05:41] <huntxu> iMadper: self.value? [05:41] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 不过正经电视有推荐的没? 大法或者LG家的 [05:41] <iMadper> huntxu: ... ... [05:41] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 现在大法是二流电视. [05:41] <huntxu> iMadper: 真心问,别胡闹 [05:41] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: 一流被三星占据了. [05:41] <iMadper> huntxu: 问啥? [05:41] <BuMangHuo> 我的那个大法很不错啊 [05:41] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: 卧槽,那一流呢? 三爽的色彩俺不喜欢啊 [05:42] <huntxu> iMadper: ruby里有个函数的参数是value,又有另外一个函数名叫value,我要那个函数的value不要那个参数的value,how can i do [05:42] <HowIsItGoing> iMadper: LG呢?sharp呢? [05:42] <iMadper> HowIsItGoing: lg高端啊. sharp的高端线才是高端 [05:42] <iMadper> huntxu: 有点儿绕 [05:42] <iMadper> huntxu: 你这就是shadow了啊 [05:43] <BuMangHuo> 这个不错啊 [05:43] <^k^> BuMangHuo: ⇪ 【索尼KDL-55W800B】索尼(SONY) KDL-55W800B 55英寸全高清3D LED液晶电视(黑色)【行情 报价 价格 评测】-京东 pp: 6099.00 [05:43] <iMadper> huntxu: 你的本地作用域里面有同名的东西, 把全局作用域的东西给shadow了啊. [05:43] <iMadper> huntxu: 没办法. 换个参数名! [05:44] <huntxu> iMadper: 这么说吧,有def value和def value=(value),我要在value=(value)里面用那个value函数的返回值 [05:44] <huntxu> iMadper: 直接写self.value能认不 [05:45] <iMadper> huntxu: 不行吧. [05:45] <iMadper> huntxu: 草... 早先看过, 现在忘了... metaprogramming ruby里有讲, 我查查 [05:48] <huntxu> iMadper: 可以 =.= [05:48] <iMadper> huntxu: 你现在是有个函数叫value, 然后在另外一个函数里面有个value变量? [05:48] <huntxu> iMadper: bingo [05:48] <huntxu> iMadper: [05:48] <iMadper> huntxu: 昂... [05:50] * pity Windows 上的终端软件哪个好用些? [05:51] <huntxu> iMadper: 这样更清楚 [05:51] <iMadper> huntxu: 昂... [05:52] <iMadper> huntxu: 赞. [05:54] <huntxu> QiongMangHuo: 看球不 [05:54] <QiongMangHuo> huntxu: 啥球 [05:54] <QiongMangHuo> huntxu: 欧冠? [05:55] <huntxu> QiongMangHuo: . [05:56] <QiongMangHuo> huntxu: 犹豫中... [05:58] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 是不是有这个就 ok? [05:58] <^k^> BuMangHuo: ⇪ 麒翼 HDMI音频分离器5.1声道3D转光纤spdif解码转换器3.5mm耳机线 【免电源音频分离】无源设计,更方便;拉丝金属外壳,散热强,稳定;完美高清1080P、3D 【音质更强】3.5耳机接口,更明亮声音更大;光纤支持DTS、AC3等源码5.1声道音频输出。 【100%兼容】完美兼容PS4、PS3、DVI显 [05:58] <^k^> ─> 示器和各种网络盒子 价格: 元 [05:58] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 这个完美啊 [05:58] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 直接分离数字输出. [05:59] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: iMadper 壕... [05:59] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 啊? [05:59] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 笔记本没音频的数字输出, 一直是hifi的硬伤 [05:59] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 这个是除了外接usb声卡外的最佳解决方案, 我早就想买了 [05:59] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: spdif直接连一个数字功放 [05:59] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 推k3 [05:59] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 你这高端了 [06:00] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 哇咔咔, 简直完美. [06:00] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 我就想在显示器上用盒子看剧而已 [06:00] <BuMangHuo> nnd, 显示器上来个耳机口多好 [06:00] <QiongMangHuo> pity: 我喜欢putty, 但主流好像是SecureCRT和XShell [06:00] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 那也够用. [06:00] <QiongMangHuo> pity: 你为啥总来我门口游泳 [06:01] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 不过, 模拟信号输出, 不是随便就能做好的 [06:01] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 期待与你的不期而遇? [06:02] <pity> QiongMangHuo: 你门口? [06:02] <BuMangHuo> 这还用问? [06:02] <QiongMangHuo> pity: 我住朝阳公园附近 [06:02] <pity> QiongMangHuo: 你住那边了? [06:02] <pity> QiongMangHuo: 以前公司组织的,最近去过几次 [06:03] <QiongMangHuo> pity: 是啊, 公司搬到了亮马桥, 我就也搬过来了 [06:03] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: [06:03] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 这种显示器良心 [06:03] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 是啊. [06:04] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 不过数模转换, 这种做的不会太好 [06:04] <BuMangHuo> iMadper: 或者直接来个蓝牙音箱? [06:04] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 不好吧... [06:04] <iMadper> BuMangHuo: 还是那个线好 [06:04] <BuMangHuo> 看剧的话,蓝牙音箱不够? [06:04] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 蓝牙音质渣渣 [06:05] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 你是要买电视还是买显示器啊 [06:06] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 都阔以 [06:06] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 30 以下的电视很少吧 [06:07] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 现在就连电视盒子, 明年连电脑 [06:08] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 所以应该是显示器 [06:08] <dsty_> 我感觉蓝牙音箱还行啦 [06:08] <jusss`> QiongMangHuo: putty得转换证书格式,不好 [06:08] <archl> QiongMangHuo BuMangHuo 买什么电视盒子好? [06:08] <QiongMangHuo> jusss`: 什么证书? [06:09] <QiongMangHuo> dsty_: 支持apt-x或者蓝牙4.0的还好, 否则就是渣渣 [06:09] <archl> dsty_, 可以啊。最好是有外接电源的音箱。不过因为现在成本上升,我倒是好奇为啥不延时启动 [06:09] <jusss`> QiongMangHuo: 或者叫私钥格式,putty有自己的格式,和openssh的不兼容呀 [06:09] <archl> QiongMangHuo, 蓝牙4.0的耳机不存在吧 [06:09] <BuMangHuo> 反正我觉得搞个大屏幕的看电视应该很爽 [06:09] <iMadper> 蓝牙4.0耳机不要太多好伐 [06:10] <jusss`> 有的是私钥,而openssh的证书又和openssl的x509不一样 [06:10] <archl> 哦。 [06:10] <QiongMangHuo> jusss`: 没听说有这事儿... [06:10] <jusss`> QiongMangHuo: 你去win下用putty连你的linux ssh server使用linux下生成的id_rsa试试 [06:10] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 噪音好大啊 [06:11] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 求送QC20 [06:11] <QiongMangHuo> jusss`: 上次用putty是三四年前的事了 [06:11] <lainme> cygwin比较好吧 [06:11] <BuMangHuo> cygwin 启动慢哇 [06:12] <jusss`> lainme: 虚拟机更好 :) [06:12] * QiongMangHuo 我好懒啊 [06:12] <QiongMangHuo> lainme: 囡囡说的对, 去用正经ssh吧 cc pity 虽然传文件以及串口什么的不大方便... [06:12] <jusss`> QiongMangHuo: 你得了懒癌,几十年后就要不久于人世了 [06:13] <QiongMangHuo> jusss`: 你说的对 [06:13] <BuMangHuo> 万一懒得死呢 [06:13] <lainme> 启用了不关掉就不会觉得不慢了 [06:13] <jusss`> lainme: 占内存 [06:13] <lainme> 不会觉得慢。 [06:13] <iMadper> 启用了不关掉就不会觉得不慢了 <--- 好多否定句 [06:14] <iMadper> 简化一下, 启用了不关掉, 就会觉得慢? [06:14] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 求送qc20 [06:15] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 买不起... [06:15] * jusss` 用win的都会产生洁癖,不用的窗口马上关掉,哪怕5分钟后需要再次打开,这就是非平铺式wm的悲哀! [06:15] <iMadper> jusss: 毛, 我老妈一排窗口也不关 [06:16] <dsty_> win为毛不做工作区!简直反人类 [06:16] <jusss`> iMadper: 好吧,那我说的是年轻人 [06:16] <leemeng0x61> jusss`, awesome ~~~~ [06:17] <palomino|exhaust> win10有了... dsty_ [06:17] <BuMangHuo> qc20 是啥 [06:17] <HowIsItGoing> QiongMangHuo: jusss` putty有程序可以转换key的格式 [06:18] <archl> iMadper jusss` , 毛,是微软和硬件商串通好了,要求三显示器普及! 我知道啊...但是咱现在还不是得用win7啊... [06:19] <BuMangHuo> iMadper 是不是搜索思路错了,就应该搜索电视的 [06:19] <^k^> BuMangHuo: ⇪ 【飞利浦24PFF3555/T3】飞利浦(PHILIPS)24PFF3555/T3 24英寸 全高清LED液晶电视(黑色)【行情 报价 价格 评测】-京东 pp: 999.00 [06:20] <archl> BuMangHuo, 买电视吧。42寸的。抢购苏宁 [06:20] <BuMangHuo> archl: 瞎扯 [06:20] <BuMangHuo> archl: 我一北漂租房党, 要啥电视 [06:20] <BuMangHuo> archl: 42 的太大了 [06:20] <archl> BuMangHuo, 42寸的是为了随身携带啊 [06:21] <BuMangHuo> archl: 24 我都在考虑怎么携带 [06:21] <dsty_> 电视当显示器用咯=.= [06:21] <archl> BuMangHuo, 放办公室里 [06:21] <archl> BuMangHuo 北漂的意思是北京漂对吗? [06:22] <BuMangHuo> archl: 差不多的意思 [06:22] <archl> BuMangHuo, 去看樱花去。 [06:22] <cherrot> iMadper, 今天要骑行 40km [06:22] <archl> BuMangHuo, 我准备周末去 [06:22] <BuMangHuo> cherrot: 壕 [06:22] <archl> cherrot, 。。。神人。有多少腹肌了? [06:22] <iMadper> cherrot: 40km那叫通勤吧 [06:23] <iMadper> cherrot: 在北京来说 [06:23] <archl> iMadper, 北京啊北京 [06:27] <iMadper> cherrot: 你不上班了? [06:27] <QiongMangHuo> cherrot: 钱赚够了? [06:30] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 没打开的文件 [06:30] <iMadper> QiongMangHuo: 我关了? [06:30] <QiongMangHuo> iMadper: 我拿到qa去跑吧 [06:43] <jiero> 奇怪了。 [07:03] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 真可恶 : 生病的小铭在家中休息,电话铃响了,他拿起电话才一下就挂上了。父亲很奇怪,问他为什么,他气鼓鼓说道:"那边那人真可恶,我都生病了,他还说:'你好啊/" [07:11] <nyfair> iMadper: qc20是什么鬼? [07:12] <QiongMangHuo> nyfair: 博仕的主动降噪耳机 [07:12] * nyfair 最近把老手机刷回了2.3.6,发现g婊当年的东西挺好的 [07:13] <nyfair> iMadper`: 你不是木耳朵么,地摊上20块一个就行了啊 [07:13] <jusss`> nyfair: 就像2.6.32 ? [07:14] <nyfair> jusss: linux我确实觉得后面的版本号,但android2.3.6没啥问题啊 [07:14] <nyfair> 普通应用都能用,视频硬解也不卡,最关键是超级省电 [07:14] <BuMangHuo> iMadper`: 哎不对,那便携的投影不是更合适? [07:14] <nyfair> 至于那些一定要4.x的,反正我也不需要 [07:15] <iMadper`> BuMangHuo: 不行... [07:15] <iMadper`> nyfair: 我只是为了装13 [07:15] <BuMangHuo> iMadper`: 怎么了 [07:15] <nyfair> android4.0-5.1到底变了啥? [07:15] <nyfair> 我就记得4.1加了个webp [07:16] <nyfair> 4.4搞出了art [07:16] <nyfair> 跟我有啥关系? [07:18] <nyfair> 4.4我什么都没装,放个一天电就差不多了 [07:18] <jusss`> nyfair: 我就知道它们不同的是从拟物化转向了扁平丑,然后又有点返回拟物化的趋势 [07:18] <nyfair> 2.3.6我装了一堆东西,放了2天还有75% [07:18] <jusss`> nyfair: 放会儿小电影呢 [07:19] <nyfair> jusss: 没啥问题啊,都能放 [07:20] <nyfair> 不过很多第三方的播放器没法装了,反正我也用不着 [07:20] <nyfair> 自带的又没差 [07:20] <jusss`> nyfair: 外挂字幕! [07:20] <nyfair> 要什么外挂字幕,我又不是听不懂鬼子文 [07:21] <nyfair> jusss: 你看小电影还关心剧情? [07:21] <jusss`> nyfair: 嗯 [07:22] <nyfair> [07:22] <^k^> nyfair: ⇪ 日本无节操综艺:边撸边唱大赛 - AcFun弹幕视频网 - 中国宅文化基地 [07:23] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 刚才量了一下, 24 当电视用太小了吧 [07:24] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 和用电脑一样的姿势 [07:25] <BuMangHuo> 这 [07:25] <BuMangHuo> 那 13寸的笔记本都可以 [07:25] <nyfair> QiongMangHuo: 隔壁win10手机都快出小米版了,你家天朝u手机还不出来? [07:26] <jusss`> QiongMangHuo: 千呼万唤*出来 [07:34] * HowIsItGoing 各种掉线 [07:35] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 那不是不能接电视盒子么 [07:36] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 小显示器也不能接,解决声音问题麻烦 [07:37] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 戴尔的显示器有音频出口撒 [07:40] <nyfair> 今天上a岛,看到有人在拿我去年在github上调戏民逗的段子喷小白,蛤蛤 [07:42] <nyfair> [07:42] <^k^> nyfair: ⇪ image/png [07:56] <iMadper``> QiongMangHuo: 其实, 高端的才有音频出口... 我右手的显示器就没有... [07:57] <jusss`> QiongMangHuo: 有没有这样一种函数像sleep()一样可以就计时,但是又不停止当前函数的执行? [07:59] <jusss`> hoxily: ping [08:00] <jusss`> 用多进程或多线程好像可以解决这个问题,但是如果不用多线程/进程,可以吗? [08:02] <jusss`> a=1;run program b after 3s;c=2; 这样执行完语句2后马上执行c=2而不会像sleep那样停止3s, 而且3s后执行b? [08:17] <hoxily> jusss`: pong [08:19] <freeflying> iMadper``: 贵司早上庆祝啥呢 [08:22] <iMadper``> freeflying: 火灾 [08:22] <iMadper``> freeflying: 中午 [08:22] <hoxily> jusss`: 用 setTimeout(func, delayms) [08:22] <bcao> iMadper``, 你放的? [08:22] <iMadper``> bcao: ... ... [08:23] <hoxily> jusss: [08:23] <iMadper``> bcao: 你这是侮辱我! 如果我放火, 能让这栋楼今天被扑灭? [08:23] <^k^> hoxily: ⇪ HTML DOM setTimeout() 方法 [08:23] <hoxily> jusss: nodejs 你值得拥有 [08:23] * QiongMangHuo 警察叔叔就是他 [08:25] <hoxily> jusss: [08:25] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Global Objects Node.js v0.12.2 Manual & Documentation [08:26] <QiongMangHuo> bcao: 好久不见啊 [08:28] <bcao> QiongMangHuo, 好久不见 [08:29] <iMadper``> bcao: 贵司乔老板呢? [08:29] <bcao> 不知啊 [08:30] <MSErgo4K> QiongMangHuo: [08:30] <^k^> MSErgo4K: ⇪ 521 => for -- unhandled response [08:30] <QiongMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 等下一代小盒子 [08:30] <MSErgo4K> QiongMangHuo: 小盒子不方便. [08:30] <QiongMangHuo> MSErgo4K: why? [08:30] <MSErgo4K> QiongMangHuo: 没usb啊 [08:31] <QiongMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 要usb干啥? 我妈的盒子usb从没用过... [08:31] <happyaron> QiongMangHuo: 股神今天赚了多少啊 [08:31] <MSErgo4K> QiongMangHuo: 装软件方便啊, 连nas方便啊 [08:32] <QiongMangHuo> happyaron: 不说不讨论不推荐 [08:32] <happyaron> QiongMangHuo: ... [08:32] <MSErgo4K> happyaron: 一起来玩虚拟盘吧 [08:32] <QiongMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 不喜欢nas, 装软件用不着usb就阔以 [08:33] <happyaron> MSErgo4K: 啥叫虚拟盘啊 [08:33] <MSErgo4K> happyaron: [08:33] <^k^> MSErgo4K: ⇪ 模拟炒股_百度应用 [08:34] <MSErgo4K> QiongMangHuo: 很多片子, 没办法用盒子看, 就得自己下载咯 [08:34] * QiongMangHuo 还是喜欢小盒子 =,= [08:34] <happyaron> MSErgo4K: 恩。。。 [08:35] <happyaron> MSErgo4K: 这个靠谱 [08:35] <BuMangHuo> test [08:35] <^k^> BuMangHuo:点点点. 16:35 [08:35] <BuMangHuo> QiongMangHuo: 小盒子赞 [08:35] <jiero> BuMangHuo, 小盒子? [08:35] <jiero> BuMangHuo, 我要买,什么好? [08:35] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 买买买 [08:36] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 我之前玩那个 51nb 上的虚拟盘来着,现在忘了帐号了 [08:36] <jiero> happyaron, 现在买什么股票啊 [08:36] <jiero> QiongMangHuo, 买什么股票啊。 [08:36] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 自行车今天到 [08:36] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 赞 [08:36] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 登录就有 50w 啊 [08:36] <happyaron> jiero: 问股神 [08:36] * happyaron afk [08:36] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 对. [08:36] * BuMangHuo 终于体会到 QiongMangHuo 上班两天的感觉了 [08:37] <jiero> happyaron QiongMangHuo 我随意卖了个 结果第三天亏了 12%,买了个一个周才涨了 9% [08:37] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo: happyaron MSErgo4K 帮我搞个MX4啊 [08:37] <^k^> 暂无新帖 讲个笑话吧: 能预报天气的神奇石头 [08:37] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 1799 [08:37] <MSErgo4K> freeflying: 现在早就开放购买了啊 [08:37] <jiero> freeflying, 自己可以购买了呀。 [08:37] <freeflying> MSErgo4K: QiongMangHuo 没钱买 [08:37] <freeflying> 搞个二手得呗 [08:37] <MSErgo4K> freeflying: 攒钱去啊 [08:38] <jiero> freeflying, 你可以用下个月的钱卖 [08:38] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 自行车今天到. [08:38] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 你竟然不回复我, 我再说一次! [08:38] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 看到了哇 [08:38] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 自行车今天到! [08:38] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: ... [08:38] <MSErgo4K> 你nnnnd [08:38] <BuMangHuo> 啥啥啥 [08:38] <BuMangHuo> 谁吧我 +q 了? [08:38] <BuMangHuo> test [08:38] <^k^> BuMangHuo:点点点. 16:38 [08:38] <jiero> MSErgo4K 嚎。我三个月工资下来了呀,计 ¥1450 [08:39] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 周末走起. [08:39] <freeflying> MSErgo4K: 你们也不给ubuntu phone开发个支付宝或者微信 [08:39] <jiero> MSErgo4K, 给我个主意怎么花呀 [08:39] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 你妹,没有被 +q 啊 [08:39] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 走走走 [08:39] <MSErgo4K> freeflying: 你给api. [08:39] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 上图啊 [08:39] <jiero> MSErgo4K, 整车么? [08:39] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 我还没回家, 我收到快递短信了 [08:39] <MSErgo4K> jiero: 昂. [08:39] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 哦啊,你的车比我的高级多了 [08:39] <MSErgo4K> freeflying: 你给微信api... [08:39] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 点可能... 你的多少钱? [08:39] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 22 [08:39] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 我的15啊 [08:39] <jiero> BuMangHuo, 。。。 [08:39] <ZCCCCCC> 求一款能放在u盘里 即插即用的小巧杀毒软件 [08:39] <BuMangHuo> 你的不是要 29 [08:39] <freeflying> MSErgo4K: 这里不是有鹅厂的兄弟嘛 [08:40] <MSErgo4K> freeflying: 谁???? [08:40] <jiero> BuMangHuo, 你的是 22k?嚎啊 [08:40] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 不是啊, 15啊 [08:40] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 鹅厂兄弟要搞也先搞个 linux 的 qq 吧 [08:40] <jiero> BuMangHuo, 难道说是 22档的。。 [08:40] <QiongMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 买了个啥车? [08:40] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: qq跟微信比,现在用得人少了吧 [08:40] <MSErgo4K> QiongMangHuo: 就破自行车啊 [08:40] <jiero> MSErgo4K, 现在股市大涨买什么车子~ [08:41] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: qq 群还有人用 [08:41] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: qq 可以用微信代替了 [08:41] <MSErgo4K> jiero: 我不炒股, 我没这心态. [08:41] <BuMangHuo> 虚拟盘里面冲一下浪得了 [08:41] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: +1 [08:41] <jiero> BuMangHuo, 涨停了怎么办? [08:41] <BuMangHuo> jiero: 加仓啊!! [08:41] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo: 投了8000,目前收益900 [08:41] <jiero> BuMangHuo, 什么意思? [08:42] <BuMangHuo> jiero: 接着买啊 [08:42] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 不止吧 [08:42] <jiero> BuMangHuo, 低价不买高价买? [08:42] <jiero> 不懂啊 [08:42] <jiero> 不懂股市算了 [08:42] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 我给你推荐的这两周不到都30%收益了 [08:42] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo: 如果一开始全投到那支肯定不止 [08:43] <jiero> QiongMangHuo, 推荐啊。 [08:43] <QiongMangHuo> jiero: 不说不讨论不推荐 [08:43] <jiero> QiongMangHuo, 好吧。。。 [08:43] <BuMangHuo> jiero: 这事儿不好推荐吧 [08:43] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo: 最近专买电力的 [08:43] <BuMangHuo> jiero: 赚了赔了不好说 [08:44] <QiongMangHuo> jiero: 把底牌告诉别人是很没有安全感的 猴总才那么点投入本不应该告诉他我的股 =,= [08:44] <jiero> QiongMangHuo, 底牌? [08:45] <jiero> QiongMangHuo, 好吧,我一共才7000可以投入对 [08:45] <BuMangHuo> 8000w 差不多也可以了吧 [08:45] <jiero> QiongMangHuo, 7000对你都不是钱了。。。 [08:45] <freeflying> jiero: 你7000w,hedgefund啊 [08:45] <BuMangHuo> lol [08:46] <freeflying> 对冲蛋蛋 [08:46] <jiero> QiongMangHuo, 是数字啊是数字啊 [08:46] <freeflying> 太不自量力了 [08:46] <BuMangHuo> jiero: 区区 7000w 你就跟人比 [08:46] <jiero> BuMangHuo, 。。。 [08:46] <jusss`> QiongMangHuo: 股神带带我 [08:47] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 唉,什么物流这么快 [08:47] <jiero> BuMangHuo, 我将账户的1/100给你,你还我1万如何? [08:47] <MSErgo4K> .... [08:47] <jiero> BuMangHuo, 我将账户的1/100给你,你还我1万如何? [08:47] <MSErgo4K> 啥情况? [08:47] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 前两天不是还没发货呢 [08:47] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo: 最近发现无聊可以去Quora上跟人打嘴仗 [08:47] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 昂, 如风达 [08:47] <QiongMangHuo> freeflying: 英语好腻害... [08:47] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo: 毛 [08:48] <freeflying> QiongMangHuo: 这不为了练英语呢嘛 [08:48] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 快下班去装车啊 [08:48] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 等啥呢 [08:48] <jiero> MSErgo4K, 快请假去装车和 cherrot 跑40公里 [08:48] <MSErgo4K> jiero: 没钱请假 [08:48] <jiero> MSErgo4K, 请假不需要钱 [08:48] <MSErgo4K> jiero: 但是会扣钱啊 [08:49] <jiero> MSErgo4K, 看我都被扣的只有 1500了 [08:49] <jiero> MSErgo4K, 错了是只有 1450了 [08:49] <MSErgo4K> ... ... ... [08:49] <BuMangHuo> jiero: 啥, 1w? [08:49] <jiero> 扣了3000 [08:50] <jiero> BuMangHuo, 对呀,你说我账户的1/100 70w不是,给你,然后还我1w就行。 [08:50] <freeflying> MSErgo4K: 买了啥车 [08:50] <BuMangHuo> jiero: 你又骗我 [08:50] <jiero> BuMangHuo, 接着骗。 [08:50] <BuMangHuo> jiero: 你说的是你的账户,不是你在股市里面的零花钱 [08:50] <freeflying> MSErgo4K: 周末带你去刷游龙四海 [08:50] <MSErgo4K> freeflying: 闪电650b.... 15k [08:50] <BuMangHuo> jiero: 你们有钱人就这么骗我吧 [08:51] <MSErgo4K> freeflying: 还是带我下副本吧 [08:51] <freeflying> MSErgo4K: 果然牛 [08:51] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: ^^ [08:51] <MSErgo4K> 错了 [08:51] <MSErgo4K> 1.5k.... [08:51] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 周末下哪家副本 [08:51] <jiero> MSErgo4K, 15k。。。 [08:51] <MSErgo4K> 为毛我说成15k了... nnnd [08:51] <MSErgo4K> freeflying: 1.5k [08:51] <freeflying> 副本? [08:51] <BuMangHuo> 因为我刚才就用的百当单位的啊 [08:51] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 哦. [08:51] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 所以你的车是22b? [08:51] <BuMangHuo> 你们不是周末要去骑车刷怪么 [08:51] <jiero> MSErgo4K, BuMangHuo 刷什么怪? [08:52] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 22h 啊 [08:52] <jiero> MSErgo4K BuMangHuo 刷什么怪啊 [08:52] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 哦. [08:52] <freeflying> MSErgo4K: 40km不休息,来刷一次玩玩 [08:52] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 关于netstat命令的一些问题 执行命令:$ netstat -lt 显示如下: Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State tcp 0 0 *:3907 *:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 localhost:5000 *:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 localhost:5001 *:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 *:ftp *:* LISTEN tcp 0 0 *:ssh *:* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 localhost [08:52] <^k^> ─> :5000 [::]:* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 localhost:5001 [::]:* LISTEN tcp6 0 0 [::]:ssh [::]:* LISTEN <br / [08:52] <MSErgo4K> jiero: 不知道啊, freeflying 说带我刷 [08:52] <jiero> 汽车刷怪是什么 [08:52] <jiero> freeflying, 骑车刷怪是什么啊 [08:52] <MSErgo4K> freeflying: 这次先玩别的. [08:52] <BuMangHuo> 额,刚上手就玩这么大啊? MSErgo4K freeflying ? [08:52] <freeflying> jiero: 刷街 [08:53] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 周末找个中间位然后吃个饭? 你欠我的麻婆豆腐盖饭该还了 [08:53] <freeflying> MSErgo4K: BuMangHuo 平谷金海湖 [08:53] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 算上利息, 我还能要一份西红柿鸡蛋汤 [08:53] <jiero> MSErgo4K, 你还需要个 GoPro Hero [08:53] <MSErgo4K> jiero: 啥东西???? [08:53] <freeflying> MSErgo4K: BuMangHuo 这个难度系数低 [08:53] <MSErgo4K> jiero: 上个班骑车而已, 还要录下来? 怕碰瓷? [08:53] <MSErgo4K> freeflying: 骑到平谷多远? [08:54] <freeflying> MSErgo4K: 你那过去差不多70吧 [08:54] <freeflying> 可能有8-90 [08:54] <QiongMangHuo> BuMangHuo: 麻婆豆腐带上我 [08:54] <MSErgo4K> freeflying: 哦, 太远, 来回200了啊.. [08:54] <freeflying> MSErgo4K: 问下度娘 [08:54] <jiero> MSErgo4K, 你能相信么。怎么可能70 [08:54] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 好哇 [08:54] <root0> 现在linux有能用的qq么. [08:54] <root0> webqq也用不了了 [08:55] <BuMangHuo> 瞎扯,我今天看见我附近的外卖西红柿鸡蛋卖 28 了.. 哪有这么高利息 [08:55] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 西红柿鸡蛋汤!!! [08:55] <freeflying> MSErgo4K: 我干过11点钟从回龙观到八大处,上山,然后6点回家 [08:55] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 一盘子西红柿鸡蛋兑水能做十大碗汤呢 [08:55] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 价格能一样吗?! [08:56] <MSErgo4K> freeflying: 厉害. [08:56] <BuMangHuo> 哦,汤啊 [08:56] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 平谷。。。 [08:56] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 这太远了吧 [08:56] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 到平谷的难度系数比较低 [08:57] <jiero> BuMangHuo, 对 MSErgo4K 说不远啊。都在大东边 [08:57] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 咨询基蛙 [08:57] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 咱还是先挑战全程 80km 的吧 [08:58] <jiero> BuMangHuo MSErgo4K 你们都是强人,为什么能忍那么多小时在路上在路上。。。 [08:58] * jiero 一点都不能忍锻炼身体 [08:59] <BuMangHuo> 查了下我西二旗到金海湖 102 [08:59] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 昂, 好啊 [08:59] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 先找个地方, 能有路边摊吃饭的, 见面吃个饭 [08:59] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 别的不着急 [09:00] <freeflying> MSErgo4K: BuMangHuo 你俩都往奥森骑 [09:00] <freeflying> 距离估计差不多 [09:01] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 今天这个天气特别不适合骑车 [09:01] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 柳絮太多太多太多了 [09:01] <BuMangHuo> 眼睛都没法睁 [09:02] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 恩,奥森容易 [09:02] <lainme> root0: pidgin-lwqq 还可以用 [09:04] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 好像交行的车子都是红色的? [09:05] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 我看淘宝上卖交行车子的有付款20几人的,这人是怎么样级别的卡神 [09:06] <ZCCCCCC> 卧槽 现在都没人给我推荐。。。 [09:06] <BuMangHuo> ZCCCCCC: 让你装个 linux 在 u 盘里面 [09:06] <BuMangHuo> 杀毒不就是删文件么 [09:07] <ZCCCCCC> 要先知道哪个是有毒的啊 [09:07] <ZCCCCCC> 得先查出来 [09:07] <ZCCCCCC> linux能查么 [09:07] <BuMangHuo> [09:07] <^k^> BuMangHuo: ⇪ 521 => for -- unhandled response [09:08] <BuMangHuo> ZCCCCCC: 跟卡巴买个api [09:08] <ZCCCCCC> api是啥 [09:08] <jackness> 指导用书吧? [09:09] <BuMangHuo> ZCCCCCC: 跟他们买个病毒库,他们给你接口然后你自己搞一个扫描工具 [09:09] <BuMangHuo> 妥妥的 [09:09] <ZCCCCCC> 多少钱 [09:09] <ZCCCCCC> 怎么买 [09:09] <ZCCCCCC> 扫描工具怎么搞 [09:09] <ZCCCCCC> -,- [09:09] <BuMangHuo> ZCCCCCC: 支付宝会用不 [09:09] <jackness> BuMangHuo: 自己弄杀毒软件? [09:09] <ZCCCCCC> 会的 [09:09] <BuMangHuo> jackness: 怎么了 [09:09] <ZCCCCCC> 在哪里买 [09:09] <ZCCCCCC> 官网么 [09:10] <lainme> ZCCCCCC: 记得有杀毒软件,可以查windows的病毒 [09:10] <ZCCCCCC> 扫描工具 我自己搞不来 [09:10] <jackness> 你们好厉害! [09:10] <jackness> 我都是360杀毒 免费的 [09:10] <ZCCCCCC> 我要小巧一点的 u盘可以随身携带的 不需要安装的 [09:10] <ZCCCCCC> 360老把我们公司软件给当成木马隔离 [09:11] * BuMangHuo 想不起名字了 [09:11] <ZCCCCCC> BuMangHuo 扫描工具和病毒库是怎么连在一起呢 [09:11] <BuMangHuo> ZCCCCCC: 哦对对,以前记得有个大蜘蛛,有个移动版 [09:11] <BuMangHuo> ZCCCCCC: 你看看 [09:11] <ZCCCCCC> 大蜘蛛我刚才试了 [09:12] <ZCCCCCC> 完全不知所云 各种英文 [09:12] <ZCCCCCC> 而且不怎么好用 [09:12] <jackness> BuMangHuo: 大蜘蛛是有的 我曾经用过 [09:12] <jackness> 好像是俄罗斯的 [09:13] <ZCCCCCC> 是的 [09:14] <ZCCCCCC> 其实我在想 他跟我说的 u盘装linux 怎么搞呢 [09:14] <ZCCCCCC> linux还能杀毒么 [09:14] <ZCCCCCC> 这么神奇 [09:15] <BuMangHuo> ZCCCCCC: 我的意思是简单的方式 [09:15] <BuMangHuo> ZCCCCCC: 你进系统删除一些可疑文件就好了 [09:15] <BuMangHuo> autorun 之类的 [09:15] <BuMangHuo> 先按名字删一下估计能解决一些问题了 [09:15] <ZCCCCCC> 像我这种小白 根本就看不出来哪个可疑。。。或者是痘可疑 [09:16] <BuMangHuo> ZCCCCCC: 那你还去人别人机器上给人杀毒 [09:16] <ZCCCCCC> 我只是用360啥的扫一下 [09:16] <ZCCCCCC> 一顿杀 [09:16] <ZCCCCCC> 然后木马没了 [09:16] <ZCCCCCC> 我们给客户装的软件业没了 [09:18] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 骑行眼镜有必要么? cc freeflying HowIsItGoing [09:18] <^k^> BuMangHuo: ⇪ INBIKE骑行眼镜偏光近视山地自行车眼镜防风沙男女户外运动镜装备 【大部分地区包邮!最后1000件秒杀完即将涨价!全网销量爆款,多数骑友的选择,4.8分好评见证,全网热销10万副!5副镜片满足各种骑行户外运动需求】INBIKE正品直销,带近视框,运动头绳,高品质眼镜包。 [09:18] <^k^> ─> 一款真正超值的骑行眼镜!! 价格: 元 [09:18] <lainme> ZCCCCCC: 不能白名单什么的? [09:18] <ZCCCCCC> C:\RECYCLER\S-1-5-21-0243556031-888888379-781862338-186176712\r85a85asr31.exe [09:18] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 买买买 [09:18] <ZCCCCCC> 这是我刚才在客户电脑里删掉的 [09:18] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 有必要? [09:19] <freeflying> BuMangHuo: 迪卡侬吧,in-bike的东西性价比不高 [09:19] <BuMangHuo> freeflying: 我看这个里面有近视框不错 [09:20] <^k^> 新 系统安装和升级 • ubuntu10.04(2.6.32) 编译2.6.22内核 我在ubuntu10.04下编译2.6.22内核,一切就绪后,重启选择2.6.22内核后,出现了以下错误: mount: mounting none on /dev failed: No such device udevd[879] : error getting socket : Invalid argument error initializing netlink socket udev [09:20] <^k^> ─> d[879]: error initializing netlink socket libudev: udev_monitor_newfrom_netlink:error getting socket: Invalid argumen … [09:23] <^k^> 新 系统安装和升级 • 【求助】Ubuntu 14.04 内核升级 详细步骤 RT: 1、Ubuntu 14.04如何升级内核Linux4.0? 2、推荐升级的理由和不推荐单独升级内核的理由?可能出现的问题,是否有解决方案? 3、此升级步骤是否适用于其他Linux发行版的升级操作? zz: [09:23] <^k^> ─> MrScarecrow — 2015-04-14 17:23 [09:25] <MSErgo4K> bu [09:26] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 类似helm这样的东西, 竟然每天都有更新 [09:26] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 度数太高的配不了这玩意 [09:26] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 开发真活跃 [09:26] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 不错啊, 这个眼镜 [09:27] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 护蛋裤? [09:27] <^k^> MSErgo4K: ⇪ undefined method `text' for nil:NilClass [09:31] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 对啊,我看他卖家页面也写了,没明白原因 [09:31] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 说是 600 度以上不好配,这是个什么原理 [09:32] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 你近视多少度 [09:32] <MSErgo4K> bu [09:32] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 250 [09:32] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 那还可以用这种 [09:32] <MSErgo4K> bu [09:32] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 你多少? [09:33] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 快 600 了 [09:33] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 乖, 挖了吧 [09:33] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 今天中午出了趟门我觉得这眼镜还是有必要的 [09:33] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 不然眼睛各种进渣 [09:35] <HowIsItGoing> BuMangHuo: 里面的近视镜片离眼睛太近,度数高了离眼睛太近,好像跟屈光度也有关系,戴着迷糊 [09:35] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 普通眼镜不行吗? [09:35] <BuMangHuo> 哦对, [09:35] <BuMangHuo> HowIsItGoing: 因为骑行眼镜里面是有角度的 [09:36] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 普通的太小了,而且不挡阳光 [09:36] <BuMangHuo> [09:36] <^k^> BuMangHuo: ⇪ 近视骑行眼镜的理论知识(转)_公路车吧_百度贴吧 [09:36] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 好, 买买买 [09:36] <MSErgo4K> 伦理知识 [09:36] <BuMangHuo> MSErgo4K: 我买不了 [09:36] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 我教你? [09:36] <BuMangHuo> 推荐方法 [09:36] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 你买夹片 [09:36] <BuMangHuo> 1、普通框架眼镜+太阳竞夹片 [09:36] <BuMangHuo> 2、普通框架+染色(变色)镜片 [09:36] <BuMangHuo> 3、普通框架+专用运动近视镜片 [09:36] <BuMangHuo> 4、日抛隐形眼镜+运动太阳镜 [09:36] <BuMangHuo> 这里有一揽子解决方案呢 [09:36] <BuMangHuo> 赞 [09:37] <HowIsItGoing> MSErgo4K: BuMangHuo 普通眼镜骑快了不顶事,风吹得眼睛发干 [09:42] <MSErgo4K> HowIsItGoing: 哦, 赞! [09:42] <MSErgo4K> HowIsItGoing: 那么, 泳镜可以吗? 封闭的 [09:43] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: 泳镜, taobao四五十, 带度数的. [09:43] <MSErgo4K> BuMangHuo: [09:43] <^k^> MSErgo4K: ⇪ 【TANBOGE/添波奇】平光/近视泳镜150-600度 防水防雾 男女通用 价格: 元 [09:44] <root____5> 还哟偶广告阿 [09:44] <MSErgo4K> darker: 是啊. [09:44] <MSErgo4K> darker: 我经常发广告, 不服? [09:44] <darker> 有人买吗? [09:44] <^k^> darker:点点点. 17:44 [09:45] <darker> yes [09:46] <HowIsItGoing> MSErgo4K: 你可以试试 [09:46] <darker> 试试什么 [09:47] <jiero> ms [09:47] <jiero> MSErgo4K, 你发的广告比我少了呀 [09:47] <jiero> MSErgo4K, 这油好吃么? [09:47] <^k^> jiero: ⇪ 【融氏(RONGS)食用油】融氏 葵花籽油 4L【价格 图片 品牌 报价】-苏宁易购 pp: ¥ [09:47] <jiero> 。。。 [09:47] * jiero 践踏 BuMangHuo [09:48] * jiero 践踏 imadper的兄弟 [09:48] <jiero> BuMangHuo, 话说你是自己做饭么? [09:50] <darker> #[email protected] [10:06] <saimazoon> hello [10:06] <^k^> saimazoon:点点点. 18:06 [10:06] <saimazoon> is it easy to get a programming job in shenzhen? [10:17] <nyfair> [10:17] <^k^> ⇪ ti: Solidot | Google马来西亚域名被黑客劫持 [10:17] <nyfair> 话说,这个时候是不是该有个社区跳出来说,应该吊销g婊在猴子国的营业执照,正如g婊怎么对付流氓cnnic [10:25] <jusss> 某大牛说debian开发环境比centos差很多,让我用vmware装centos [10:25] <jusss> 这是真的吗 [10:25] <nyfair> 怎么可能 [10:25] <nyfair> centos搞开发丧心病狂,什么都是久远年代的要自己编译 [10:25] <jusss> 这是来自于chinaunix的大牛说的 [10:26] <nyfair> 要上也上fedora [10:26] <nyfair> fedora rawhide大法好不好? [10:26] <jusss> 还说是在阿里上班的 [10:26] <nyfair> 阿里算毛 [10:26] <nyfair> bat不都是实在找不到工作了只能去当苦力的地方么 [10:27] <jusss> 所以他就是一坑货? [10:27] <nyfair> bat都是坑货 [10:27] <nyfair> 度婊 淘婊 Q婊 g婊 [10:28] <nyfair> 我这个地图炮开得怎么样 [10:28] <nyfair> jusss: 我前几天写haskell,就想装个新版的haskell platform [10:29] <nyfair> jusss: 花了3天后,我决定还是把centos换成archlinux [10:30] <nyfair> 我都自己编译了,先跟我说gcc版本太低 [10:30] <nyfair> 然后说glib太低,然后... 实在太折腾了 [10:32] <jackness_> 额。。。 [10:32] <jackness_> gcc还有版本问题吗? [10:32] <jackness_> nyfair: 你用archlinux啊? [10:32] <jackness_> 是不是很累啊 [10:32] <jackness_> 没有图形界面啊 [10:33] <nyfair> 公司电脑,关我屁事 [10:33] <nyfair> 我只关心有新玩意 [10:33] <jackness_> 新玩意?拼命三郎吗? [10:37] <lainme> nyfair: 以为你已经不用linux了 [10:37] <lainme> jackness_: 装图形界面也就一句命令的事 [10:38] <jackness_> lainme: 但是我虚拟机上面安装图形界面失败了 [10:38] <jackness_> lainme: 不知道为什么 [10:39] <nyfair> lainme: 个人是不用了啊,公司破服务器没办法 [10:40] <lainme> 服务器上用arch还是挺少见的 [10:40] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • ubuntu或者操作系统是如何使用cpu的?谢谢 大家好想请教下, 我在ubuntu下用top命令 再按个1 显示出自己的所有cpu,有四个%cpu0,%cpu1,%cpu2,%cpu3;可是为什么进程信息中的cpu只有一个百分数呢?比如firefox 7.3%. cpuinfo: Intel(R) C [10:40] <nyfair> lainme: 公家的东西,随意折腾 [10:41] <jiero> nyfair, 我看到了 [10:41] <^k^> jiero: ⇪ 【eBay海外精选】DJI 幻像 Quadcopter 航拍器 含 GoPro 接口【图片 价格 品牌 报价】-京东 [10:41] <jiero> nyfair, 2代飞行器,2550就拿下了,买什么自行车 [10:50] <jiero> roylez, 作乐嚎 [11:34] <happyaron> freeflying: 让股神炒股给你买一个把。。。 [11:52] <^k^> 新 软件推荐 • 写了一篇 zsh 的科普文及一些视频,推荐一些 zsh 插件 话说好久不来这里了,最近我又用回了基于 Ubuntu 的发行版了。 文章(介绍了一些 zsh 插件比如 z 和 zsh-autosuggestions): 视 [11:52] <^k^> ─> 频: 去年的,那时候比较喜欢耍帅 刚不久的: http: … [12:32] <^k^> 新 手机和平板 • Ubuntu手机滑动英文输入法 Ubuntu手机滑动英文输入法 视频 zz: ubuntu526 — 2015-04-14 20:30 [12:34] <badegg> 8o| [12:47] <^k^> 新 初学者园地 - 14.10 • 【请教】ubuntu14.10如保在开机时自动以root权限运行conky?谢谢~ 各位高手: 弄好了conky后,发现开机自动运行(在启动管理器里面设置)时天气不能自动更新,但是指令sudo运行就可以自动更新天气。判断应该是自动启动权限导 [12:48] <^k^> 新 办公、图像、机械电子设计等 • latex不能输入中文了 系统:mint 17,texlive 2014 以前用fcitx搜狗,实在搞不好了,换了ibus-pinyin。问题来了,以前的tex都不能输入中文了,连输入框都没了。但是,别的firefox,LO都没任何问题,我没动哪里,就受伤了 [12:48] <^k^> ─> …… zz: xw712 — 2015-04-14 20:48 [13:57] <^k^> 新 影音多媒体 • ubuntu14.04安装VLC3.0 ubuntu软件中心里面的vlc是2.14的实在不爽,通过ppa安装最新版会报依赖错误,找到解决方案给没装成的童鞋借鉴下。 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:videolan/master-daily sudo add-apt-repository ppa:motumedia/libav10-trusty sudo apt-get update sud [13:57] <^k^> ─> o apt-get install vlc 原文地址: zz: tom861221 … [14:19] * onlylove 又被印度人坑了! [14:35] <lucypeony> what [14:46] <sennn> ( ̄_ ̄|||) [14:49] <gfxmode> 如何与某个人说话: [14:50] <gfxmode> 输入别人的nick(昵称)加一个":"(冒号) 然后是你想要说的话 举例:nyfair: 你胸真大 [14:50] <gfxmode> 这个教程写得好 [14:53] <jusss``> 谁编辑的这个页面。。。 [14:55] <jusss> 时间差判断替代sleep()但又不阻塞当前函数,这样可以n秒后执行某函数 [14:56] <gfxmode> jusss: 你是写Socket服务还是客户端? [14:57] <jusss> gfxmode: socket客户端 [14:59] <gfxmode> jusss: 客户端比服务器端简单多了,写完客户端后可以看看服务器 [15:00] <jusss> gfxmode: 在写imap idle客户端, imap idle服务器就算了吧,打不死我也不写。。。 [15:00] <gfxmode> jusss: 感觉你好牛逼 [15:00] <jusss> gfxmode: 收到新邮件提醒后,如果不读取,没3分钟重新检测下再提醒 [15:00] <jusss> gfxmode: 。。。 [15:01] <gfxmode> 广东桑拿中心外墙起火 上百女技师街头避难 [15:01] <^k^> gfxmode: ⇪ 广东桑拿中心外墙起火 上百女技师街头避难_网易新闻 [15:01] <jusss> 因为sleep()会阻塞函数导致socket超时中断,现在用时间差判断可以取代sleep()而且又不会阻塞函数导致socket超时中断 [15:03] <gfxmode> jusss: imap idle是Socket长连接么? [15:03] <jusss> gfxmode: 对 [15:04] <jusss> imap idle会一直保持连接,如果有新邮件,服务器发送 RECENT给客户端,然后客户端就去下邮件 [15:04] <gfxmode> jusss: 我写的客户端都是短连接的。总之你很牛逼 [15:04] <jusss> 这就是push mail [15:05] <jusss> gfxmode: 不是我厉害,是imap idle协议的作者和dovecot厉害 [15:07] <gfxmode> jusss: 嗯,我睡了,晚安 [15:07] <jusss> 晚安 [15:32] <hamo> iMadper: . [15:33] <hamo> iMadper: 哥貌似修好了 fwall 不能 proxychain的问题 [15:33] <hamo> iMadper: 你回头试试 [16:20] <chen_> 我去 终于找了个英文频道 [16:21] <chen_> 有多少个活人 ?? [16:41] <saimazoon> chen_: i am here [16:43] <chen_> sorry !!!! I don't speak English....... [22:58] <Aulong> hi [22:58] <^k^> Aulong:点点点. 06:59 [22:59] <Aulong> what's this [23:00] <Aulong> exit [23:00] <Aulong> ?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Aulong", "BuMangHuo", "HowIsItGoing", "MSErgo4K", "QiongMangHuo", "ZCCCCCC", "^k^", "archl", "badegg", "bcao", "chen_", "cherrot", "darker", "dsty_", "freeflying", "gfxmode", "hamo", "happyaron", "hoxily", "huntxu", "iMadper", "iMadper`", "iMadper``", "jackness", "jackness_", "jiero", "jusss", "jusss`", "jusss``", "lainme", "leemeng0x61", "lucypeony", "netsnail", "nyfair", "onlylove", "palomino|exhaust", "pity", "root0", "root____5", "roylez", "saimazoon", "sennn", "yunfan" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-cn" }
[05:16] <Mirv> renatu: pong [07:38] <Mirv> renatu: so the qtpim has been QA sign-off:d but I'm not publishing it since you didn't specify what you pinged for :) [09:11] <David______> Hi guys [09:11] <David______> Is there any chance to use another IDE to develop ubuntu phone apps than QT Creator ? [09:12] <David______> For examle with CodeLite ? [09:24] <brendand> David______, yes but there is not a lot of documentation about using the toolchain independently of the SDK [09:28] <t1mp> David______, brendand: there is this blog post from yesterday [09:29] <brendand> t1mp, well aint that a co-inky-dink :) [09:30] <t1mp> thanks to zbenjamin :) [09:32] <zbenjamin> David______: QtCreator will give you much more than just building the project. Also deployment and on device debugging [09:34] <David______> Plus a big licence chaos [09:35] <David______> If i want to build a app for commercial use. [09:35] <brendand> David______, ??? nope [09:36] <brendand> David______, besides the tool you use to develop your code has no impact on licensing [09:36] <brendand> David______, that would come from the UI toolkit, which you can hardly avoid using anyway [09:36] <brendand> David______, and afaik there are no licensing issues there [09:36] <David______> ahh ok.. [09:37] <David______> if i use qt creator wihout the qt framework right ? [09:38] <David______> Because in any other project we use CodeLite with WxWidgets. So it would be nice to use the same IDE for Ubuntu Phone apps [09:38] <brendand> David______, so you're asking if you can use the SDK and not have to open source your code? you want your app to be closed source? [09:38] <David______> yes [09:38] <brendand> David______, there aren't any impediments to that coming from either Qt or our SDK [09:38] <brendand> at least i'm pretty sure - t1mp probably knows for sure [09:39] <brendand> David______, what is WxWidgets? [09:39] <David______> [09:39] <David______> Cross-Plattform Gui lib [09:39] <David______> very nice [09:39] <brendand> David______, ahhh. i'm not so sure it will work on Ubuntu Touch [09:40] <brendand> but maybe [09:40] <David______> the first step it will be enough to run a service on ubuntu phone... compiled with gcc... [09:41] <David______> without any gui [09:41] <David______> is it possible to compile via gcc any run the app as a service in a ubuntu phone enviroment ? [09:42] <David______> imho it should work... [09:42] <mcphail> David______: ubuntu apps have very restrictive apparmor profiles, designed to limit what you can do [09:43] <David______> hmmm [09:44] <David______> I thought that the ubuntu phone os is able to run as a full ubuntu installation ( like on the pc ). [09:44] <David______> with the full desktop etc. If you plug it into a monitor :-) [09:46] <mcphail> David______: underneath everything is a slightly-modified install, but Ubuntu apps are treated as a special case and are different from standard .debs [09:46] <mcphail> David______: the idea is to allow apps to be trusted [09:50] <David______> Is there any plans to support those features ? [09:51] <bzoltan> David______: Yes, you can use the SDK tools to create close source applications [09:51] <David______> :-) nice... [09:52] <David______> with or without QT-Creator ? :-) [09:52] <bzoltan> David______: QtCreator is an important part of the SDK tools, but you can do lots of things without IDE. It is just more milage [09:53] <David______> Is there any tutorial to create ubuntu phone apps without the QT-Creator. ( with Codelite or any other free IDE ? ) [09:53] <bzoltan> David______: ... and about the application security. Well, you as a phone user do not want that apps just access your personal data without your notice, right? [09:54] <David______> right [09:54] <bzoltan> David______: QtCreator is a free IDE [09:54] <David______> free for commercial use [09:54] <mcphail> David______: I think the confusion comes from Qt itself, rather than the creator. IIRC, you have to open source your project if you change core Qt components (and are using the GPL'd version). I may be wrong on this as it is a long time since I read it [09:54] <bzoltan> David______: The QtCreator is free for commercial use [09:55] <David______> OK .. [09:56] <David______> So theres no plan to support other IDE's than QT creator ? [09:57] <bzoltan> David______: You can do most of the things without the IDE, it is just a bit more difficult. But no, we have no plans to support other IDE than QtCreator... and if we decide to do then we will not support QtCreator :) So in short, we suport one IDE and so far that is the QtC. It is a great tool. [10:00] <David______> OK . thanks for your fast support :-). [10:04] <bzoltan> David______: feel free to check in if you need any help. Actually I know lots of developers who use vi + terminal. And you can root and turn your ubuntu phone fully writable and do even native build and packaging on the phone. It is a full blown ubuntu inside. [10:07] <David______> that sounds nice :-) [10:09] <faenil> morning people o/ [10:09] <faenil> is there any method which returns the path of my click package? [10:09] <faenil> I couldn't find anything helpful in QStandardPaths [10:09] <faenil> basically, what's the best practice to access app data? [10:15] <popey> faenil: it uses the standard XDG directories [10:15] <faenil> nvm, I'm sleeping, thanks popey [11:06] <nik90> Anyone free to help review ? [11:08] <DS-McGuire> dpm, Did you get my email the other day? [11:57] <popey> nik90: should I notice any difference when running that branch? [11:58] <nik90> popey: very minor visual change. You should notice a arrow indicating the setting option chosen when you expand a listitem in the settings page. [11:58] <nik90> popey: otherwise everything else should be the same. [11:59] <popey> nik90: ok, are you planning to resolve bug 1432696 too? [12:00] <nik90> popey: I just pushed for that :) [12:00] <popey> haha [12:00] <popey> :) [12:00] <popey> Always ahead of me. [12:00] <nik90> :D [12:00] <popey> ooh, i like the arrows in settings [12:00] <popey> flip/flop/flip/flop, I could do this all day [12:01] <nik90> that arrow animation "^/ v " was there before..the new thing I added was the tick mark [12:01] <popey> clearly I didn't notice :S [12:02] <nik90> :) [12:20] <kalikiana> t1mp: have you seen [Ubuntu-phone] Page sections and corrupted stacks ? [12:24] <t1mp> kalikiana: nope, I'll read it now [12:27] <t1mp> kalikiana: wow [12:59] <renatu> Mirv, is not related with that :D [12:59] <renatu> Mirv, you can release it [13:25] <mhall119> kalikiana: is there a way to get an auto-generated unique docId in U1DB? [13:25] <kalikiana> mhall119: yes. don't pass one :-) [13:26] <mhall119> kalikiana: if I do that twice I get teh same one [13:26] <kalikiana> mhall119: can you show me the code? [13:28] <mhall119> kalikiana: [13:39] <Mirv> renatu: ok, thanks! :) [13:40] <renatu> Mirv, I was about to ask you to make a package with qtpim the private headers [13:40] <renatu> :D [13:41] <renatu> Mirv, I have a test package here "" [13:41] <renatu> Mirv, this is not urgent but probably we will need this on the future [13:45] <kalikiana> mhall119: ah, I see the problem. putDoc does *not* return the docId [13:46] <kalikiana> I can see why you'd think so, I thought myself at one point it might be convenient but it'd be an ABI change [13:51] <mhall119> ok, so what is it returning? [13:52] <mhall119> or, rather, how *do* I get the new docId from what I just put into the database? [13:53] <kalikiana> mhall119: what do you want to do with it? in the code it's not used, is it? [13:54] <mhall119> kalikiana: not in that code, but I need to move the file that content hub gives me into my app's ~/.local/share/ folder, and I'd like to use the docId as the name of the new file to avoid name clashes [13:54] <mhall119> kalikiana: is where I'm at now [13:54] <mhall119> using an md5 hash of the original filename [13:54] <mhall119> which gives me a docId ahead of time,but doesn't prevent naming clashes [13:56] <kalikiana> hmmmm so names aren't unique? normally I'd say md5 seems like a good idea [13:56] <mhall119> kalikiana: there's no guarantee, I could be shared multiple screenshot.png files from multiple places [13:57] <mhall119> I could make a hash using a timestamp, but I was hoping U1db would give me a more straightforward option [14:01] <kalikiana> mhall119: how about doing the moving in onDocLoaded? [14:01] <kalikiana> hrmm tho it might be called on next startup which you might not want [14:04] <kalikiana> mhall119: what if you hash the final filename, though? [14:05] <kalikiana> that would have to be unique [14:05] <mhall119> kalikiana: I want the final filename to *be* the docID [14:15] <renatu> charles, is silo 8 ready to test and release? [14:17] <charles> renatu, yea [14:17] <charles> renatu, what was the build issue yesterday? [14:17] <Mirv> renatu: we've worked to get rid of all private headers so that we don't have them in anywhere besides qtbase/qtdeclarative. could you instead convince upstream to change the required functions to be public API instead? [14:18] <Mirv> renatu: note that we used to have qtpim5-private-dev already, but it was removed during utopic cycle [14:19] <Mirv> renatu: anyway, let's keep the need on mind, please file a bug about the functions needed and then we can see if the upstream route could be taken or if it's needed to package the private headers [14:19] <renatu> Mirv, ok I will need to take a deep look why buteo uses that [14:20] <karni> Hey folks. I can check for env var with QProcessEnvironment properly, but only if I export the env var in /etc/environment . If I do it in ~/.profile, it doesn't work. I see .profile is used for GRID_UNIT_PX, for instance, so I wonder why QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment().contains('foo') isn't working for me well. Any hints? [14:21] <renatu> charles, it was caused by EDS. Sometimes it get unstable during the tests. [14:28] <Mirv> renatu: ok, thanks [14:32] <karni> mardy: what would that be? (FWIW UOA panel works just fine) [14:32] <karni> Now executing: click-review ./ [14:32] <karni> Errors [14:32] <karni> ------ - online_accounts_telegram_account-service_name Could not find '<name>' tag [14:34] <karni> kenvandine: any hints on the above ↑ ? [14:34] <kenvandine> karni, sorry, no [14:34] <karni> kenvandine: ok :) [14:35] <karni> popey: have you ever seen an app click review fail with similar msg ↑ ? [14:35] <popey> karni: nope [14:35] <popey> dholbach: ^ [14:40] <dholbach> karni, no - maybe jdstrand knows? which click-reviewers-tools version? [14:41] <karni> dholbach: jdstrand: Installed: 0.24-0~407~ubuntu14.10.1 [14:41] <karni> jdstrand: Jamie, I'm getting an error I pasted above, even though the app works just fine on the phone. Ideas? [14:43] <dholbach> 436 is the newest - let me backport it [14:45] <dholbach> copied to sdk release ppa, will take a while to publish [14:45] <karni> dholbach: thank you [14:46] <dholbach> I don't know if that's going to help though :) [14:46] <karni> Yes, I'm aware of that. I haven't seen that error before, and it's the first time I'm using UOA account config panel, so want to make sure what I'm releasing is not broken. [15:01] <jdstrand> karni: apparently the service is nissing the <name> tag in the xml. you might want to talk to mardy [15:02] <faenil> DanChapman: hey :) I installed Dekko yesterday as I wanted to help out with the testing [15:02] <karni> jdstrand: 'name' in the <service> is not documented. mardy, thoughts? [15:02] <faenil> but it didn't even let me go through the account setup :( [15:03] <faenil> there was a red X on the right side of the input field of username and password, but no message or output about the setup process, I was a bit confused [15:03] <faenil> I can only imagine that it means "wrong username or password" but that wasn't the the lack of an error message intended? [15:04] <faenil> could it be the 2FA? [16:09] <dpm> faenil, I had the same issue [16:09] <rickspencer3> kalikiana, so, I have some records in u1db [16:09] <rickspencer3> they have a list of dictionaries [16:09] <dpm> faenil, I was told to remove the dekko app folder as it could be a conflict from a previous installation, but I've not had the chance to try it yet [16:10] <rickspencer3> when I push a new dictionary to the list, and then call db.putDoc(docID) the new doc doesn;t seem to get saved [16:10] <rickspencer3> any idea what I am doing wrong? [16:25] <faenil> dpm: I had no previous installation [17:13] <kalikiana> rpadovani: the first argument is the contents, not the id [17:13] <kalikiana> er sorry [17:13] <kalikiana> rickspencer3: the first argument is the contents, not the id [17:13] <rpadovani> :-) [17:13] <kalikiana> you want to do db.putDoc({}, docId) [17:14] <kalikiana> rpadovani: autocompletion fail :-D [17:14] <rpadovani> kalikiana, don't worry, it happens :-) [17:15] <rickspencer3> weird, but ok [17:16] <kalikiana> rickspencer3: it has to be this way so that putDoc({}) can give you an autogenerated docId [17:17] <kalikiana> in which case obviously you'd put something useful in there and not just {} [17:17] <kalikiana> arguably adding an empty doc is the weird one ;-) [17:17] * kalikiana hides [17:19] <rickspencer3> kalikiana, it's only weird because the documentation just says this: string Database::putDoc(string) [17:19] <rickspencer3> [17:19] <rickspencer3> otherwise, the putDoc call makes sense as you describe it [17:30] <kalikiana> hmmmm that's odd indeed [17:44] <DanChapman> faenil: hey sorry was afk. Yes so google can cause us problems in 2 ways atm either 2fa or you need to get an app specific password for their "less secure apps" policy. I've got a work item to prompt a dialog on that issue and forward on to the relevant google help docs. Just havn't got to it yet [18:56] <faenil> DanChapman: ok, thanks [19:02] <DanChapman> faenil: np :-). also just so you know, there is work mostly done to enable authentication for gmails XOAUTH2 we just need to figure out how we are going to make it work with online accounts as an additional account store. Once that is done, we will only allow gmail access through online accounts. [19:07] <davmor2> DanChapman: who said you could leave you're keyboard???? ;) [19:07] <balloons> *your [19:08] <davmor2> balloons: meh [19:08] <DanChapman> davmor2: I was instructed by my other half. It wasn't by choice!! :-) [19:08] <davmor2> DanChapman: oh well perfectly understandable then :) [20:13] <DS-McGuire> dholbach, Are you here? [20:15] <dholbach> DS-McGuire, yes [20:16] <DS-McGuire> dholbach, Did you get the email I sent the other day? [20:18] <dholbach> DS-McGuire, I did [20:18] <dholbach> DS-McGuire, but I'm afraid that I'm at a sprint right now and busy most of the time, which is why I didn't reply yet [20:18] <dholbach> sorry about that [20:22] <DS-McGuire> No no no, don't apologize. I have had a problem with my emails ending up in peoples spam folder due to a signature I added. I was concerned about that, that's all. [20:36] <nik90> popey: hey can you test .. it uses the same code used in the document-viewer MP. [21:09] <faenil> DanChapman: ok cool :) [22:17] <popey> nik90: ok
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DS-McGuire", "DanChapman", "David______", "Mirv", "balloons", "brendand", "bzoltan", "charles", "davmor2", "dholbach", "dpm", "faenil", "jdstrand", "kalikiana", "karni", "kenvandine", "mcphail", "mhall119", "nik90", "popey", "renatu", "rickspencer3", "rpadovani", "t1mp", "zbenjamin" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-app-devel" }
[03:47] <Ionic> what's the difference between this channel and #ubuntu-app-devel? [04:24] <Snow-Man> this one is better [04:24] <Snow-Man> (I have no idea) [04:28] <RAOF> Ionic: From /topic - “Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel)”. [04:36] <Ionic> RAOF: yes, but what is "app development" specifically? [04:36] <RAOF> Development of apps that run on Ubuntu? [04:36] <Ionic> if I have problems with the ubuntu build system for building a package, where do I ask? [04:36] <RAOF> Particularly: Ubuntu Touch apps. [04:37] <RAOF> #ubuntu-app-devel [04:37] <RAOF> Unless you're developing a component of Ubuntu, this is not (the best) channel for you :) [04:37] <Ionic> (more like dh_* stuff, but the problem seems to be ubuntu-specific) [04:38] <Ionic> ok, thanks [04:38] <RAOF> Hm, dh_ stuff is more this channel's forte. [04:38] <RAOF> What's seems to be your problem? [04:39] <Ionic> well, I have a rather complex source package with multiple subpackages [04:39] <Ionic> some libraries, some binaries, some data stuff [04:39] <Ionic> one of those binaries naturally depends on libraries build off that source package [04:40] <RAOF> As is so often the case, yes... [04:40] <Ionic> dependencies are added via dh_makeshlibs/dh_shlibdeps... which works okay-ish for Debian, but seems to be problematic on Ubuntu for some reason [04:40] <Ionic> the dependencies are "okay", but incomplete [04:40] <RAOF> That's odd; we don't change that infrastructure to any great extent. [04:40] <Ionic> not really incomplete more like... minimal [04:41] <Ionic> a dependency on other_pkg is added that depends on lib_pkg{1,2,3} [04:41] <Ionic> our Debian package also depends on lib_pkg{1,2,3} directly [04:42] <RAOF> Ah. [04:42] <Ionic> the issue is weird, I'm currently using override_dh_* to run dh_makeshlibs -- -dV and dh_shlibdeps -- -v [04:42] <Ionic> (for getting more useful information) [04:42] <RAOF> Does base_pkg link directly with lib_pkg{1,2,3}, or does it only link with other_pkg? [04:42] <Ionic> I can show you what I mean once the pbuilder run is through [04:42] <Ionic> it links directly with lib_pkg{1,2,3}, that's the weird thing [04:43] <Ionic> it looks like Ubuntu optimizes this stuff, while Debian is fine leaving it unoptimized [04:43] <RAOF> Does it use any symbols from lib_pkg{1,2,3}? [04:43] <RAOF> (Directly) [04:44] <RAOF> Because we do indeed by default not add transitive dependencies of that nature. [04:44] <RAOF> (Although neither will Debian at some point) [04:44] <Ionic> of that I'm not sure [04:44] <Ionic> meh [04:44] <Ionic> -dV was a mistake, now my build failed [04:45] <Ionic> dpkg-gensymbols probably wants -d -V for some reason [04:46] <Ionic> RAOF: just for reference, can I force Ubuntu to add transitive dependencies? [04:46] <Ionic> although, to be honest, I do not understand why the specific user ran into problems anyway [04:47] <Ionic> as transitive dependencies should still be fulfilled by minimized dependencies [04:47] <RAOF> Ionic: dpkg-shlibdeps *should* be adding a dependency for everything in your DT_NEEDED sections. [04:47] <RAOF> (As dumped by objdump -x /path/to/your/thingy | grep NEEDED) [04:47] <Ionic> thanks, that will be handy [04:48] <Ionic> aha! [04:48] <Ionic> the three libraries are not showing up in DT_NEEDED [04:49] <Ionic> that's rather new though... older versions of the software have them in DT_NEEDED, so we probably broke something(?) [04:50] <RAOF> This likely means that the program doesn't use symbols from those libraries directly, and our default flags pass --as-needed throug to the linker. [04:50] <RAOF> Or possibly you broke something :) [04:50] <Ionic> ah [04:51] <Ionic> well, I can "bisect" at least [04:51] <RAOF> --as-needed shouldn't change program behaviour, though, because you'll still load the libraries, just indirectly. [04:51] <Ionic> so that's very helpful, thank you [04:51] <Ionic> when was -Wl,-as-needed introduced? [04:51] <RAOF> Quite a while ago. [04:52] <RAOF> 2010 :) [04:52] <Ionic> weird... my gentoo system is also listing the libraries in DT_NEEDED [04:52] <Ionic> and AFAIK it also uses -Wl,-as-needed by default [04:54] <RAOF> Also, -as-needed looks like it was a Wheezy Debian goal :) [04:55] <Ionic> so, probably not the cause of this [04:55] <RAOF> That's looking likely, yse. [04:57] <Ionic> does launchpad PPA have an automatic version history, or is that up to the group/person? [04:59] <RAOF> Up to the group/person. [04:59] <RAOF> It'll keep old binaries around for a small time, but it's pretty aggressively reaped. [05:01] <Ionic> definitely linking against libNX_{damage,tst,composite} ... and not even using -Wl,-as-needed [05:09] <Ionic> hmhmhm. [05:09] <Ionic> our release builds are still fine, only nightlies are affected [05:09] <Ionic> according to anyway [05:10] <Ionic> unpacking and examining leads to "NEEDED" etc., which is fine [05:10] <Ionic> ok, now... what did I break? [05:11] <RAOF> :) [05:16] <Ionic> the only changes are related to the client part, and adding pointer guards to the server code... [05:23] <Ionic> weird, I cannot reproduce that [05:24] <Ionic> building myself via pbuilder-dist trusty leads to the same missing libraries in DT_NEEDED [05:25] <Ionic> off the release branch ofc [05:35] <Ionic> just to make sure I didn't mess up by using the upstream git repo, I've checked out the bzr branch (bzr branch lp:~x2go/x2go/nx-libs_build-main), ran dpkg-buildpackage -S and am now running pbuilder-dist trusty ../nx-libs_3.5.0.31-0x2go1.dsc again [05:35] <Ionic> it's missing the "ubuntu..." tag, but I believe this to be a non-issue [05:38] <Ionic> 'lo and behold... same issue [05:38] <Ionic> at this point I can only assume it's caused by something ubuntu-internal [05:43] <RAOF> Ionic: Hm. Feel free to pastebin the pbuilder log or something. [05:43] <Ionic> uh, that's huge [05:44] <RAOF> True :) [05:44] <RAOF> That's why it's in a pastebin! [05:44] * RAOF is going to make dinner now, but will be back later. [05:45] <StevenK> RAOF: Dinner at quarter to 4? [05:46] <RAOF> *Making* dinner. It then gets to simmer gently until we want to eat it! [05:49] <Ionic> well, that crashed my terminal. [05:50] <Ionic> [06:21] <Ionic> I'll need to go to bed, but I'll read the backlog [06:21] <Ionic> oh, one more thing maybe [06:22] <Ionic> < this is the build log for the "same" build on launchpad about a month ago (2015-03-17) [06:24] <Ionic> and the package created through that is fine, seriously. < that's the file created by that build [06:24] <Ionic> feel free to unpack it and check with objdump [06:44] <ricotz> flexiondotorg, [07:13] <RAOF> pitti: Good morning! Would you like to upload a new colord to experimental? [07:15] <seb128> RAOF, hyey, he's in Texas this week, maybe not up yet [07:15] <RAOF> seb128: Oho! [07:15] <RAOF> Well, that invitation is open to all DDs :) [07:20] <seb128> RAOF, sorry, I don't have a debian install to build binaries and Debian doesn't accept source uploads, maybe Laney can help when he gets online in 40min or so [07:20] <RAOF> seb128: Oh, no urgency. [07:29] <tjaalton> RAOF: I can do that :) [08:01] <darkxst> cjwatson, hi, is user-setup in ubuntu forked from debian? we have a bug with Automatic Login option, but that code does not exist in debian. see bug 1412791 [08:03] <darkxst> cjwatson, and relevant code: [09:21] <Odd_Bloke> How can I map between Ubuntu versions and codenames in Python? I'm struggling to get Google to produce anything useful. [09:26] <jamespage> Odd_Bloke, python-distro-info [09:28] <Odd_Bloke> jamespage: Ah, thanks. Is there documentation for it anywhere? [09:30] <jamespage> Odd_Bloke, "pydoc distro_info" [09:30] <jamespage> ;-) [09:31] <jamespage> Odd_Bloke, UbuntuDistroInfo is probably the class you're interested in [09:37] <Odd_Bloke> jamespage: Great, thanks! [09:53] <Anupkumar> can any one help me with this bug? [10:47] <Riddell> pitti: can you say why should a bunch of regressions on kde bits but when I look at the public links it's all green ? [10:49] <Laney> Riddell: Looks like it hasn't synced from the machine which runs them to [10:52] <Laney> Riddell: I pinged the people who should be able to see [10:52] <Laney> (#ubuntu-ci-eng) [10:53] <Riddell> thanks Laney [10:53] <LocutusOfBorg1> hi folks :) [10:54] <LocutusOfBorg1> ginggs, sometimes people give thanks to developers [10:54] <LocutusOfBorg1> and this is for you :) [10:54] <LocutusOfBorg1> [11:03] <ginggs> LocutusOfBorg1: it was all your handiwork :) [11:04] <LocutusOfBorg1> there is no work without a sponsor ;) [12:17] <cjwatson> darkxst: Automatic login is an Ubuntu addition to user-setup, yes. It should be reasonably clear from the changelog. [12:18] <cjwatson> darkxst: You should branch from and propose merges into lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/user-setup/ubuntu, not lp:user-setup. [12:18] <cjwatson> darkxst: Then the MP might be comprehensible :-) [12:19] <cjwatson> I suspect you just need to resubmit that MP with the correct target branch. [12:38] <smoser> pitti, wolfe is back [12:38] <smoser> sorry, i was on holiday yesterday [13:24] <strikov> Hey guys. Is it possible that /run/systemd/system/ folder disappears from time to time? We're trying to fix juju bug where it can't detect systemd *from time to time* by checking if this path exists. [13:24] <strikov> I suspect that the issue is somewhere else but want to make sure that we don't do anything very wrong. [13:26] <rbasak> strikov: you know that /run disappears on boot, right? [13:27] <strikov> rbasak: yeah, i observe this issue by running juju bootstrap multiple times [13:28] <strikov> rbasak: so i don't think that reboot is our problem [13:28] <pitti> Good morning! [13:28] <pitti> smoser: cheers [13:28] <pitti> Riddell: I think the public jenkins is ridiculously behind [13:28] <pitti> RAOF: ah, can do; just from git? [13:31] <pitti> Riddell: I retried a bunch of failed tests this morning [13:31] <pitti> there's still a couple of them left, I'll keep retrying [13:32] <pitti> RAOF: want to push a release tag? [13:33] <pitti> RAOF: ah, collab-main, I'll do it I guess [13:35] <strikov> morning pitti; i just integrated your 'switch to upstart' adt code into juju-1.22.1 (1.23 won't be ready before release); it works nicely but I wonder if it's possible to run this code once during testbed setup; Right now I do this switch at the very beginning of every test and it looks messy; [13:37] <cjwatson> bdrung: Would you mind if I uploaded an sbuild merge? There's a bug fix in Debian that affects building d-i [13:37] <bdrung_work> cjwatson, not at all! [13:38] <cjwatson> bdrung_work: Thanks. We're very close to being able to run modern sbuild in Launchpad and it'd be nice to be using a package from Ubuntu for the purpose :-) [13:38] <pitti> strikov: (sprint meeting going on, let's discuss later) [13:39] <strikov> pitti: sure, thanks [13:40] <bdrung_work> cjwatson, why are Debian and Ubuntu have problems to use the packages from the repositories on their build machines? [13:53] <cjwatson> bdrung_work: Debian has a load of changes to buildd, nothing significant to sbuild [13:55] <cjwatson> bdrung_work: In Ubuntu's case the main blocker has been patches for ddebs, but we're almost over that hump now [14:16] <rbasak> pitti: fyi, bug 1431581 looks like it is due to systemd switch, based on from slangasek [14:17] <pitti> rbasak: queueing, thakns [14:23] <pitti> RAOF: uploaded and release tag pushed [14:25] <pitti> Laney: can I ask you to review/accept my apport upload? important security update [14:27] <pitti> infinity1: or you &^ [14:29] <infinity1> pitti: Looking. [14:29] <pitti> Laney, infinity1: ah, stgraber is looking already [14:30] * Laney nods [14:31] <infinity1> pitti: You should normalize your TZ when generating ChangeLog. [14:32] <stgraber> apparently there's no bzr flag for it (we just checked) [14:32] <pitti> yeah, sorry about that massive changelog diff [14:32] <pitti> perhaps I can call bzr log with $TZ or so [14:32] <infinity> stgraber: No, but there's an environ... Yeah. [14:35] <pitti> infinity, stgraber: fixed in, so from now one this shouldn't happen any more [14:36] <pitti> except for the next upload which will put the changelog timestamps back [14:43] <infinity> pitti: Ta. That drives me nuts. [14:52] <pitti> infinity: is a final full langpack upload okay for next Monday? We often/usually do that on Monday (final translation deadline), but just checking [14:53] <pitti> we'll get a cron'ed export on Monday; if we need/want it earlier, I'll ask the LP guys to kick off a manual run [15:39] <pitti> wgrant: can we do a manual full vivid langpack export on Thursday, so that we can upload the final packs on Fri? [15:39] <pitti> wgrant: I think the cron would only give them to us on Monday, which is too late [15:39] <pitti> seb128: FYI, we just got a langpack update for vivid, so cron is working again [15:40] <seb128> pitti, \o/ [16:03] <mdeslaur> kees, infinity, stgraber, slangasek: meeting? [16:03] <pitti> kees: TB meeting? [16:56] <arges> hallyn_: bug 1444057 fyi [18:15] <smoser> arges, does that really only fail inside a vm ? [18:22] <cyphermox> kirkland: could you please check if /usr/lib/pulse-6.0/modules contains [18:27] <arges> smoser: it fails outside a vm, i'm trying to debug a vm [18:28] <smoser> ok. that makes more sense. [18:28] <smoser> "in a guest vm" was confusing in the subject of the bug. [18:29] <arges> smoser: i'll fix that= [18:29] <arges> gdb remote target of a guest VM fails to continue Edit [18:30] <smoser> :) [18:59] <hartmans> Hi. I made a backport request (LP: #1439215) and unfortunately the person resolving that didn't act on the debdiff I attached. The package builds but is useless without the package. [19:00] <hartmans> I could use help with the right procedure to request a new upload with the diff applied. [19:00] <hartmans> Should I use the existing bug or a new bug and if a new bug, on the package or on the backports project? [19:26] <cjwatson> pitti: [19:27] <cjwatson> debfx: ^- Could you look at hartmans's request above, since you processed that backport? [19:28] <cjwatson> hartmans: if it were me I would reopen the bug on the grounds that it wasn't completely acted upon [19:29] <hartmans> If I do that should I attach a new debdiff to update version and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors? [19:29] <hartmans> Also, do sponsor requests need a debdiff or is a branch link acceptable? [19:29] <cjwatson> hartmans: Shouldn't be necessary; any sponsor should be able to cope with trivial reformatting [19:29] <cjwatson> hartmans: And ditto I'd expect a sponsor to be able to cope with grabbing a patch from any roughly reasonable source [19:30] <cjwatson> (I'm not saying that definitely nobody will be jobsworth about it, but ...) [19:33] <debfx> hartmans: sorry, must have missed that. I'll upload a new version. [19:35] <cjwatson> pitti: We should manually create .lp-threshold for the first run set to something reasonable, say today's date, so that we don't have to scan back through everything [19:36] <pitti> cjwatson: agreed [19:36] <pitti> cjwatson: I didn't look through it with a fine comb again, but this looks very similar to the changes I've reviewed some two weeks ago? [19:36] <cjwatson> pitti: Yes, it's just bug-fixes since then [19:36] <cjwatson> pitti: And the order_by_date=True stuff which was a result of LP reviews [19:36] <pitti> cjwatson: so if you feel good about it, please feel free to merge [19:37] <pitti> or rather, push, for cleaner history [19:38] <cjwatson> pitti: will do, thanks! [19:38] <pitti> thanks to you! [19:40] <hartmans> debfx: thanks much. [19:40] <cjwatson> pitti: Done; please yell if cronspam explodes [19:41] <cjwatson> pitti: Otherwise I believe we can now flip the switch right after vivid [19:42] <pitti> cjwatson: did you already roll it out? (cron doesn't bzr pull) [19:42] <cjwatson> pitti: Yes [19:42] <pitti> ah, good [19:42] <cjwatson> And I did date -d 2015-04-14 +%s >/srv/ [19:42] <pitti> cjwatson: so we should spot-check some ddebs which are being uploaded today [19:42] <cjwatson> Right, it should be a no-op at the moment but worth confirming [20:25] <Ionic> so... any help with the DT_NEEDED situation would be greatly appreciated [21:43] <Ionic> for debian, there's this stuff called... snapshots? [21:44] <Ionic> unstable is typically snapshotted and the state of a specific day archived [21:44] <Ionic> I don't know if the same holds for testing and stable, though [21:44] <Ionic> and if that is applicable to Ubuntu in any way [21:45] <Ionic> if I could build a base image via pbuilder-dist ... create from a specific "snapshot repo", that might be helping in debugging my issue [21:45] <Ionic> (yes, I'm kinda desperate) [21:47] <infinity> Ionic: Not at all discounting that snapshotting would be useful, I'm not sure how it would help much here. [21:47] <infinity> Ionic: If your build system is producing underlinked binaries, that's generally your build system's fault. [21:50] <Ionic> infinity: I would like it to be, but I don't see any way how that may be the case [21:51] <Ionic> infinity: checking out the bzr branch that was used for building the packages a month ago, using dpkg-buildpackage -S and pbuilder-dist trusty foo.dsc is precisely recreating the missing lib dependency situation, while the packages built on launchpad a month ago don't have that bug [21:52] <Ionic> from the same branch and everything [21:52] <Ionic> the nightlies show this weird behavior, and also they are built from master, there were no changes that would explain this behavior [21:54] <Ionic> I've been thinking about triggering a rebuild of the latest release on launchpad, but that would mean removing the "good" packages and potentially replacing them with the "bad" ones if the bug is indeed reproducable [21:57] <cjwatson> Ionic: You can always create a separate PPA for that kind of test. [21:57] <Ionic> under my account, maybe? [21:58] <Ionic> I have only been working with launchpad the past two days, so I'm still very unknowing of how to upload a package correctly, copy a build recipe and stuff [22:02] <pitti> sforshee: bug 1444166 [22:03] <cjwatson> Ionic: It can have the same owner as the PPA you're presumably already using. [22:03] <cjwatson> Ionic: [22:04] <Ionic> cjwatson: the owner is a group currently (which I'm a member of, naturally) [22:05] <Ionic> I'd just need to copy the stuff over into my own PPA to not disrupt the group [22:07] <cjwatson> Ionic: Teams can have multiple PPAs too, but as you like. [22:08] <cjwatson> Ionic: It'd be a copy either way. [22:08] <Ionic> point is that I don't want to have a test build publicly visible on the team... pages, whatever [22:09] <Ionic> I'll look into that, thank you [22:09] <Ionic> is ubuntu<version> automatically added by launchpad without me having to do anything? [22:10] <cjwatson> No. [22:10] <cjwatson> The version is up to you. [22:11] <Ionic> hum [22:11] <cjwatson> [22:11] <Ionic> we do not add an ubuntu tag in our source explicitly [22:11] <cjwatson> "ubuntu" has a special meaning in the primary Ubuntu archive. It isn't required for PPAs, and is indeed potentially confusing/undesirable in some cases. [22:12] <cjwatson> (that special meaning is precisely "this package has an Ubuntu delta and should not be overridden by an automatic sync of a newer version from Debian") [22:13] <Ionic> ok [22:13] <Ionic> for our packages, ubuntu<ubuntu-version> is being added, presumably to make the packages in the PPA unique [22:13] <Ionic> for each dist [22:14] <Ionic> I thought that to be standard behavior when building for multiple dists [22:18] <Ionic> 36 [22:18] <Ionic> ... wrong command, sorry [22:19] <Unit193> Pingo! [22:19] <Unit193> ..Bingo! [22:29] <cjwatson> Ionic: That's reasonable, but Launchpad doesn't add it for you. If it's not in your VCS, then some tool you're using is adding it. [22:33] <Ionic> cjwatson: probably. I will have to investigate. [23:02] <infinity> cjwatson: Hrm? It's added for recipe builds, is it not? [23:03] <infinity> '--append-version', [23:03] <infinity> '~ubuntu%s.1' % distroseries_version], env=env) [23:03] <infinity> cjwatson: I imagine that's what he was refering to. [23:03] <Ionic> I was told that "launchpad adds this", but no further explanation (because I didn't care) [23:04] <Ionic> yep, exactly :) [23:04] <Ionic> that's what I'm seeing [23:04] <infinity> Ionic: Yeah, that happens for recipes, but not for direct uploads. [23:04] <infinity> Ionic: Direct uploads get whatever version you used in debian/changelog. [23:05] <Ionic> well, the recipe is triggered by bzr updates which syncs with our git repository, or something like this [23:08] <Ionic> (so, for reproducibly, I will also use recipes) [23:10] <RAOF> pitti: Thanks muchly! [23:15] <cjwatson> infinity,Ionic: Oh, right, yeah, recipes do it. [23:15] <cjwatson> I always forget about those. :-) [23:39] <pitti> RAOF: yw! [23:46] <RAOF> pitti: Next colord job: work out why all the tests don't pass in an autopkgtest environment :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Anupkumar", "Ionic", "Laney", "LocutusOfBorg1", "Odd_Bloke", "RAOF", "Riddell", "Snow-Man", "StevenK", "Unit193", "arges", "bdrung_work", "cjwatson", "cyphermox", "darkxst", "debfx", "ginggs", "hartmans", "infinity", "infinity1", "jamespage", "mdeslaur", "pitti", "rbasak", "ricotz", "seb128", "smoser", "stgraber", "strikov", "tjaalton" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-devel" }
 Because I installed it a few days ago. By the way I found a cause of my problem with Software Update [11:58] <bazhang> this sounds exactly like 'newbnewb' [11:58] <bazhang> same strange issues, wont give full info, etc [12:03] <Unit193> "Darkforce, Eightynine." [12:03] <bazhang> nice [12:09] <bazhang> he was complaining about horribly ugly the fonts were, kept at it, we suggested restricted-extras. [12:24] <bazhang> stellar "support" from gry as always  since i am not allowed to yell at people or shoot people, i have to resort to yelling at things or shooting things [12:29] <bazhang> wth [12:30] <k1l> seems like the perfect match found themselves. [13:50] <Pici> jpds_: thanks [18:34] <bazhang> k1l, he was completely advised against that. svetlana was the lone voice saying he should remove everything [18:35] <bazhang> and the router depends on having a browser, thats it, perhaps javascript as well [18:35] <k1l> he removed networkmanager too. [18:36] <bazhang> he was told by many of the regular helpers to just get an xubuntu iso then start from scratch  Is there any Ubuntu builds with Fluxbox? [19:09] <bazhang> he wanted to remove everything an have xubuntu only, now he wants to bring all that back just a day later [19:09] <Unit193> And then fluxbox is somehow involved? [19:10] <bazhang> he had flux gnome xubun and lxde DE all on there [19:11] <bazhang> installed synaptic on the lone advice of a most singular helper [19:11] <bazhang> removed most of the entire, well, everything [19:12] <k1l> mainstream is to mainstream. so better ruin my system!  LXDE is buggy, XFCE is unusable, MATE is slow on my system, Gnome is crap, KDE is huge and confusing. [19:30] <bazhang> shoulda chose HURD! [19:30] <Pici> theres twm [19:32] <bazhang> thunar is bloatware [19:32] <bazhang> Pici, haha [19:32] <bazhang> wtheck is spacefm [19:33] <Unit193> Forked pcmanfm, iirc. [19:33] <Unit193> Description-en: Multi-panel tabbed file manager [19:33] <bazhang> lubuntu then [19:33] <elky> someone is being forced to give up fluxbuntu? [19:33] <Jordan_U> bazhang: It's part of SETI@home, analyzing FM signals from space. [19:34] <Unit193> elky: Can't be! I still have the 7.10 installer! [19:34] <bazhang> Jordan_U, nice! [19:34] * Jordan_U Just made that up if it's not clear :) [19:37] <Unit193> bazhang: And no not by default. [19:38] <bazhang> ok [19:38] <bazhang> kil is ignoring chekhov; if you display a gun on the mantel in act I, it must be fired by act III [19:46] <bazhang> * GoobiePls3554 ([email protected]) has joined [19:51] <bazhang> Jordan_U, he is going to new install a new everything [19:51] <bazhang> new graphics, hdd, motherboard etc [19:52] <bazhang> so his 'ssd' only is a complete red herring [19:52] <bazhang> "someone here told me!11" [19:53] <bazhang> day three of this [19:54] <Jordan_U> bazhang: I admit I originally misread it as "SD" (as in SD card), but my answer is still relevant since you're booting the drive on a motherboard that doesn't have a UEFI entry for Ubuntu already. [19:55] <bazhang> Jordan_U, yep, just wanted to catch you up [21:27] <bazhang> why is gnome so ugly!!!1?? [21:28] <bazhang> he's bordering on trolldom at this point
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Jordan_U", "Pici", "Unit193", "bazhang", "elky", "k1l" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ops" }
[10:17] <nitroshift> hello people [10:20] <nitroshift> NCommand`, hello [10:20] <nitroshift> sorry, NCommander :) [10:20] <nitroshift> are you around? [11:18] <nitroshift> anyone here can answer a question regarding ubuntu on armada xp? [18:46] <nitroshift> hello people [18:47] <nitroshift> NCommander, hello, are you around?\ [18:48] <ars23> hi nitroshif! [18:50] <nitroshift> hello ars23 [18:50] <nitroshift> i've got a question regarding ubuntu on marvell arm [18:51] <ars23> ask, and if I know, I'll try to help... I also have some problem, but with debian and pppoeconf on a pi... [18:51] <nitroshift> more specifically on a patch [18:51] <ars23> so, let's try. [18:52] <nitroshift> marvell released a patch to enable network fast processing but that was for kernel 3.2 [18:52] <nitroshift> how feasible is it to portr it for current kernel versions? [18:52] <nitroshift> meaning 3.18 - 4.0 [18:53] <nitroshift> the tricky part is integrating the hooks in netfilter code [18:54] <ars23> yes, and also the dependencies... [18:54] <nitroshift> those too [18:55] <nitroshift> but the dependencies are easier to port [18:56] <nitroshift> i really wanted to talk to NCommander as he was the one that brought the patch into ubuntu code (though it was for kernel 3.2.0) [18:57] <ars23> yes, I think is better to wait for him... and talk with him... [18:58] <nitroshift> thought so... but it's late here, going to bed [18:58] <nitroshift> talk tomorrow [18:58] <nitroshift> see ya guys [18:58] <nitroshift> see ya ars23 and thanks :) [18:59] <ars23> you're welcome! bye! [21:05] * NCommander is [21:05] <NCommander> But I missed nitroshift [23:11] <danielbrazilian> hello is odroid c1 officially supported by ubuntu?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "NCommander", "ars23", "danielbrazilian", "nitroshift" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-arm" }
[01:52] <thafreak> dzho: sorry...i didn't see your mention the other day :) [01:53] <thafreak> I should configure my irssi better [02:31] <Unit193> No notify-remote? hilightwin? [13:45] <thafreak> any of you fine folks play with any ubiquiti hardware? [13:46] <thafreak> I'm considering buying one of their edge switches [14:48] <jrgifford> thafreak: I love their router [14:49] <jrgifford> and i love their switches [14:49] <jrgifford> and i love their access points [14:49] <jrgifford> this is the gateway drug to UBNT: [14:49] <jenni> [ Ubiquiti Networks - NanoStation®M ] - [14:50] <jrgifford> i have 2 of these @ work: [14:50] <jenni> [ Ubiquiti Networks - TOUGHSwitch™ ] - [14:51] <jrgifford> and one of these: [14:51] <jenni> [ Ubiquiti Networks - EdgeRouter™ PRO ] - [14:51] <jrgifford> and the pro variant of these: [14:51] <jenni> [ Ubiquiti Networks - UniFi® AP ] - [14:52] <jrgifford> thafreak: long story short, they build great stuff. [14:52] <jrgifford> needs to get sued over the GPL though [14:52] <Unit193> Soo, yes you use a lot. :D [14:52] <jrgifford> and is on backorder at my normal supplier, but i'm waiting for one of these. [14:59] <thafreak> their phone? [15:00] <thafreak> Do you know anything about their phones actually? [15:00] <thafreak> Are they vanilla sip and you just use them with your pbx, or do they have their own pbx? [15:00] <jrgifford> I don't know [15:00] <thafreak> ah ok [15:00] <jrgifford> I'm getting one for 2 reasons: [15:00] <jrgifford> 1. i don't like my samsung desk phone. [15:00] <thafreak> I'm interested to know when you get one [15:01] <jrgifford> 2. I want to tinker with one. [15:01] <thafreak> I buy one of each thing alot for experimenting [15:01] <thafreak> write it off as R&D costs :) [15:02] <thafreak> I have a used (from ebay) hp switch and a cheap dumb gigabit switch, and I think both are starting to flake a bit [15:02] <thafreak> so I was going to replace them with the edge switch 24 port [15:02] <jrgifford> let me put it this way: If you don't mind their GPL infractions, getting the UBNT stuff is a good move. [15:03] <thafreak> since all the other decent brands (HP, even Dell) all seem to cost > $300 for their entry level web managed switches [15:03] <jrgifford> [15:03] <jenni> [ Four ways Ubiquiti Networks is creatively violating the GPL ] - [15:04] <thafreak> i seem to remember seeing they were using vyatta for there edge routers [15:04] <jrgifford> it's a fork, yeah [15:07] <thafreak> that sucks...wish they were better citizens [15:07] <jrgifford> Yeah... i didn't know about that until after we had already bought all their stuff. [15:08] <jrgifford> which is why i recommend their hardware. not their ethics. [15:08] <jrgifford> the SEC got 'em for some shady stuff back when they first started trading. [15:34] <jrgifford> Has anyone here seen ec2/virtual instances get corrupt partitions more often than their physical counterparts? [15:35] <jrgifford> Ours all get corrupted after 10-15 days of uptime.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Unit193", "jenni", "jrgifford", "thafreak" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-oh" }
[13:12] <Jcq> l [14:04] <cyphermox> Jcq: 'jour [15:48] <YvesLevier> cyphermox: J'ai une question... [15:48] <YvesLevier> quand tu seras libre svp [15:52] <cyphermox> oui> [15:53] <YvesLevier> cyphermox: Salut [15:54] <YvesLevier> Je fais la promotion des logiciels libres, même auprès des utilisateurs de Winchose [15:55] <YvesLevier> Existe-t-il un canal qui leur offre de l'aide en Winmachin tout en leur rappelant que Win est davantage un jouet qu'un OS? [15:55] <YvesLevier> Partages-tu l'idée? [15:56] <cyphermox> je ne sais pas si ca existe [15:57] <YvesLevier> Ouïouïouïouïou! [15:57] <YvesLevier> Je ne veux pas le faire [15:57] <YvesLevier> haha [16:00] <YvesLevier> J'en suis à demander aux gens de me dire ce qu'ils veulent plutôt que de charcher un control panel. [16:00] <YvesLevier> Merci de ta participation au libre :) [16:47] <Ankman> YvesLevier: Facebook ou Twitter pour promotion ca? [19:36] <YvesLevier> Ankman: Je ne suis ni Charlie, ni Facebook ni Twit. [19:36] <YvesLevier> On ne me vendra pas. D'où mon intérêt sans compromis pour le Libre (Open) [19:36] <YvesLevier> ;) [19:37] <Ankman> pour promoter quelque chose FB ou Twitter peut etre perfect [19:37] <YvesLevier> Je n'en doute pas. [19:38] <YvesLevier> Juste que ce ne sera pas moi [19:39] <YvesLevier> Notre projet de Saint-Camille en Minetest a été approuvé à l'unanimité au conseil municipal [19:40] <YvesLevier> maintenant, la MRC (Township) m'attend au prochain conseil. [19:41] <YvesLevier> Pour élargir l'idée à la région. Au Québec, les régions en arrachent (having an hard time) en ce moment [19:41] <YvesLevier> Merci à tous de votre support. [19:44] <YvesLevier> Ankman: Aussi j'utilise le port 6661 - (excusez l'anglais) tell me when youre free to help me to solve that port problem [19:44] <YvesLevier> plz [20:03] <Ankman> ok [20:08] <Ankman> YvesLevier: am here [21:08] <l4l13n> o/ [21:11] <cyphermox> l4l13n: o/ [21:12] <l4l13n> Je heureux d'avoir trouvé ce canal, j'ai ajouté au favoris :) [21:13] <YvesLevier> l4l13n: Bienvenue [21:13] <l4l13n> Merci :) Est-ce-que vous organisez encore des évennements de temps en temps? [21:14] <YvesLevier> Suis pas au courant de ça. Événements? [21:15] <l4l13n> Ouai j'écris mal je viens de me lever, j'me force pas désolé. [21:20] <YvesLevier> Je ne parlais pas de tes fautes. J'ignorais qu'il y avait des événements [21:22] <l4l13n> Bah. <des événements> ... j'en ai vu sur le site qui date de 2007. [21:22] <YvesLevier> Très événementiel! [21:23] <l4l13n> Ça doit encore être 2%
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Ankman", "Jcq", "YvesLevier", "cyphermox", "l4l13n" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-qc" }
[21:03] <adrian> hola gente [21:03] <adrian> estamos buscando charlas de ubuntu para el FLISOL CABA [21:03] <adrian> y tambien difusion del evento [21:03] <adrian> [21:04] <adrian> asi q los q puedan correr la voz por las redes sociales y las listas bienvenidos! [21:04] <adrian> nos faltan charlas de ubuntu si pueden colaborar
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "adrian" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ar" }
[17:54] <belkinsa> Hello, I changed my primary e-mail address a few days ago but it didn't update to my Can you help me with that? [17:54] <belkinsa> is who I am [17:58] <ki7mt> belkinsa, Are you referring to your "Contact This User Email" ? if so, I font think that's associated with the Ubuntu1 login, but may be wrong. I've changed my LP email addy several times, and it did not affect the UB1 login. [17:59] <belkinsa> Yes. I will change that. [17:59] <belkinsa> Changed, and do I wait 2 days now? [18:00] <ki7mt> I think they are unrelated. Maybe updating the UB1 account email addy to match LP is the right approach. [18:00] <dobey> belkinsa: yeah, you have to update your address in login.u.c if you want things to change outside launchpad. the launchpad e-mail config settings are only for the launchpad service [18:00] <belkinsa> Alright, let's see what happens in 2 days then. [18:00] <dobey> 2 days? [18:01] <belkinsa> [18:03] <mapreri> actually, the email aliases are updated by a scrip run manually [18:03] <dobey> belkinsa: oh ok, it says it uses the launchpad primary e-mail. [18:04] <belkinsa> mapreri, I see. Can it be updated then? [18:05] <mapreri> belkinsa: do you really need it to be changed now right now or can you just wait once the sysadmins run it? otherwise people might be poked, but perhaps is better avoiding that... [18:06] <belkinsa> I can wait. [18:07] <mapreri> belkinsa: if it's not changed in some days (2?) then please come back and complain loudly :) [18:07] <belkinsa> Alight, I will. Thanks for the help! [18:08] <ki7mt> Just for my info, the @ubuntu email addy and LP addy should be different addy;s right? Doesn't the @ubuntu addy forward to LP addy ? [18:09] <cjwatson> You should indeed not set your primary address in Launchpad to [18:09] <mapreri> ki7mt: yes. otherwise there might be bounces [18:09] <cjwatson> I think the forwarding setup script just refuses to consider that. [18:09] <ki7mt> Right, you'd end up in a loop I would think [18:09] <ki7mt> Im in a do-loop ost of the time anyways, so that's par for the course for me :-) [18:09] <mapreri> that's exactly the reason why the script is run manually, they told me once. to also review such changes. (i hope they actually automated this, but YMMV and it's my business) [18:09] <ki7mt> ..most [18:13] <ki7mt> I'd like to get an @ubuntu email addy, but that's not as easy as it sounds. Been after that for a a few years now. [18:14] <dobey> it's actually very easy [18:15] <ki7mt> Hmmm .. ok, Im listening with much interest :-) [18:15] <dobey> all you have to do is become an ubuntu member. you don't have to become a developer [18:15] <dobey> [18:17] <ki7mt> This is OT for here, but I've tried to do a bit on severas things .. docs, packaging, IRC, Q&A, QA ISO testing etc. [18:18] <ki7mt> ..several [18:18] <ki7mt> I guess it's the "sustained superior performance" part that I need to work on :-) [20:02] <Kb52> I am sure the xscreensaver is an exhausted topic, but lately it seems certain screensavers seem to crash. Is there a list of the ones that are stable. And/or how do you remove screensavers from xscreensavers interactively? [20:02] <Kb52> Or tell me of a better channel to discuss this. [20:03] <wgrant> Kb52: #ubuntu might make more sense, if you're using Ubuntu. [20:03] <wgrant> This is the support channel for, nothing to do with xscrensaver. [20:03] <Kb52> Well Zorin but same idea. [20:03] <dobey> then #zorin maybe [20:03] <wgrant> You'll want a Zorin channel. [20:04] <Kb52> Ok I will go look for a xscreensaver channel. The Zorin channels are usually empty. [20:04] <Kb52> Thanks anyhow. [21:59] <micahg> is it possible to get a virt armhf PPA these days? [22:00] <wgrant> micahg: It's emulated with qemu-user, but it works for many packages. [22:00] <wgrant> We can enable it on request. [22:00] <micahg> should I just file a request on answers? [22:01] <wgrant> micahg: Or just mention the PPA name here and I'll do it now. [22:02] <micahg> [22:08] <wgrant> micahg: Done. [22:08] <micahg> wgrant: thanks [23:05] <henrikhodne> Hi! We’re seeing slow downloads from for Travis CI builds (~500 kbps). From another datacenter we’re seeing ~85 Mbps, so I was wondering if there might be some rate limiting on your end or something. The slow connections are coming from our VPC in EC2 us-east-1, while the fast connections are from a different datacenter in Ashburn, Virgina. [23:08] <wgrant> henrikhodne: There's no reate limiting like that. How do the routes appear to differ? [23:11] <henrikhodne> wgrant: They look quite similar, here are the traceroutes: [23:12] <henrikhodne> The hosts on the slower network are all behind a NAT, so all connections will appear to be from the same IP, which is why I was suspecting a rate limiter of sorts. [23:26] <wgrant> henrikhodne: How's the slow host's connectivity to other UK/EU hosts? [23:28] <henrikhodne> wgrant: Ah, also really slow. Okay, so probably not Launchpad-specific then. I’ll continue poking. [23:29] <wgrant> henrikhodne: yeah, some ISPs (like mine) are pretty dodgy, unfortunately. [23:30] <DalekSec> I find it faster to use my VPS as a proxy to bzr clone, download from cdimage, or whatnot. >_> [23:31] <wgrant> Uhuh
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DalekSec", "Kb52", "belkinsa", "cjwatson", "dobey", "henrikhodne", "ki7mt", "mapreri", "micahg", "wgrant" ], "url": "", "channel": "#launchpad" }
[02:50] <gunndawg> Does Super-boot-Manager work with Kubuntu? I'd like to change my plymouth theme, etc [04:55] <robotdevil> why do my windows never remeber the last window size setting? [04:56] <robotdevil> opening system settings for example shows up across both screens [06:09] <lordievader> Good morning. [06:21] <soee> good morning [06:32] <xennex81> morning lordievader [06:32] <lordievader> Hey xennex81 [08:00] <C855> hello [08:00] <C855> Anyone home? [08:01] <soee> hiho [08:10] <C855> Anyone here know about dual boot kubuntu with windows? [08:11] <C855> Any help is appreciated [08:12] <hateball> !dualboot [08:13] <C855> checking them out now. I've just installed kubuntu as a dual boot system but there's no option to use windows.. goes straight to kubuntu [08:19] <valorie> sounds like grub is being clueless [08:38] <miguelauso> Hi all, somebody kwon how to move cursor/focus to another monitor using keyboard shortcut in KDE? [08:40] <c855> I set up kubuntu as dual boot with windows but on start up don't get the option to use windows. Does anyone know a fix? [08:43] <valorie> !grub | c855 [08:44] <valorie> grub should present you the option [08:47] <c855> thanks, I'll look at those links now. I dont get the grub menu on start up. I had windows already installed. I lost grub after installing kubuntu [08:50] <valorie> odd, it must be looking the wrong place [08:50] <valorie> how did you install? [08:50] <valorie> via USB, perhaps? [08:51] <c855> I installed from disk [08:52] <valorie> hmmm, ok [08:52] <c855> I tried using the disk again but it tried to reload Kubuntu [08:52] <valorie> grub could still be confused [08:52] <c855> I'm certainly confused [08:52] <valorie> of course, that's what a live disk does [08:52] <c855> I can't get into windows at all. [08:53] <valorie> well, grub is a rather stupid little program, but that is its only function: boot whatever OSs you have [08:54] <c855> and grub is supposed to appear when I start the computer? [08:54] <valorie> so it seems not to be starting, otherwise it would offer you the choice of windows or kubuntu [08:54] <c855> no, its not starting [08:54] <valorie> if you have more than on OS installed, and want to have a choice, yes [08:55] <c855> yes, I want the choice. I installed it as dual boot. [08:55] <valorie> I'm no expert, but I have fixed problems with those two links ubottu posted above [08:56] <c855> One talks about reinserting the cd. I assume that should now be dvd, but as I said, that just starts the installation process [08:56] <valorie> ? [08:57] <valorie> you should still be able to access a tty [08:57] <valorie> control + alt + f2, f3, etc. [08:57] <valorie> yes, it should read DVD [08:57] <valorie> hardly any OSs still fit on a cd [08:58] <c855> tty? [09:00] <valorie> console, whatever you like to call it [09:01] <c855_> oops. hit Ctrl Alt F2 and the screen went black [09:01] <valorie> sorry, I'm off to bed, I hope you will get help from someone who knows grub better than I do [09:01] <valorie> yes, that's the tty [09:01] <valorie> ctl+alt+f6 usually to get back [09:01] <valorie> just try them until you return [09:02] <valorie> I wish you luck! [09:02] <c855_> ta [11:14] <BluesKaj> HI all [11:32] <rick_> Hi [11:32] <rick_> has anyone experienced a crush when you try to add widget to the desktop? [11:33] <rick_> running plasma5 [11:37] <soee> not for a long time [11:38] <rick_> +Soee did you update any differently? [11:39] <soee> rick_: im on direct install [11:41] <rick_> +Soee it started misbehaving two days ago, am also on direct install beta2 [11:41] <Ryoma721> hi [11:42] <soee> hiho Ryoma721 [11:42] <rick_> lol #Hihi [11:42] <soee> rick_: do you have all latest updates ? and also plasmashell crashes or ? [11:43] <rick_> my system is upto date... [11:43] <Ryoma721> I'm using kubuntu 15:04 .... but after some updates I had to format [11:43] <rick_> plasmashell??? [11:43] <soee> Ryoma721: what happend ? [11:43] <rick_> +Ryoma why? [11:43] <Ryoma721> sorry i am italian [11:44] <soee> rick_: yes the panel, widtgets etc = plasmashell [11:44] <rick_> ehehehe [11:44] <Ryoma721> after a few seconds desktop unusable [11:44] <soee> Ryoma721: define unusable ? [11:44] <Ryoma721> always [11:45] <soee> Ryoma721: by any chance, do yuo have propriety drivers installed for gpu ? [11:45] <Ryoma721> impossible to use the desktop, blocked [11:45] <Ryoma721> noooooooo always radeon [11:45] <Ryoma721> oibaf driver [11:46] <soee> BluesKaj: any idea hot to debug or what logs lok into to check this issue ^ [11:46] <soee> Ryoma721: the desktop freezes ? [11:47] <Ryoma721> I can not select the windows, the Start menu does not work [11:47] <Ryoma721> yes yes [11:47] <Ryoma721> freeze [11:47] <soee> well i had such problem several times but i think it was related to my tests with gpu drivers [11:48] <BluesKaj> Ryoma721, did you try alt+tab to unfreeze your desktop ? [11:48] <soee> Ryoma721: anyway once it was some problem with configuration files, next time try to backup and remove .config and .kde [11:49] <Ryoma721> already tried deleting kde .... improves slightly, but then crashes [11:49] <Ryoma721> .kde [11:50] <Ryoma721> alt-tab works for 5 minuts, after not work nothing [11:50] <Ryoma721> reset..... [11:50] <Ryoma721> after format works good [11:50] <Ryoma721> sorry my english is bad [11:50] <Ryoma721> i like kubuntu [11:51] <soee> oh dont be sorry :) [11:51] <Ryoma721> after update....not work freeze [11:51] <Ryoma721> all day i use apt-get update [11:51] <Ryoma721> dist-upgrade [11:54] <Ryoma721> I think it's a problem of the desktop, the programs work although I can not interact [11:54] <Ryoma721> yesterday update and after reboot freeze [11:54] <Ryoma721> this day format [11:55] <Ryoma721> now works good [11:56] <soee> strange [11:57] <Ryoma721> I have a10-7800 [12:02] <Ryoma721> I am alone having this problem [12:05] <soee> well freezing sometimes is known to me [12:05] <Ryoma721> freezes after 2 minutes [12:07] <BluesKaj> Ryoma721, have you tro=ied to update, upgrade abd dist-upgrade since this issue ? [12:07] <BluesKaj> err tried [12:08] * BluesKaj searches for his glasses [12:09] <Ryoma721> during the search of the update remains indefinitely [12:10] <BluesKaj> search of the update? [12:11] <Ryoma721> yes [12:13] <Ryoma721> 100% [13 Packages 1.471 MB/1.471 MB 100% [12:13] <Ryoma721> not stop [12:14] <Ryoma721> goes on to download without stopping [12:19] <ViK_de> hi guys! How do you manage to get iphone woriking in kubuntu? i got it workin in ubuntu gnome and rythmbox out of the box but with kubuntu i cannot even get the iphone in dolphin S: [12:37] <webnetedgar> hi [12:37] <webnetedgar> anyone know when the 15.04 stable version will be released? [12:38] <lordievader> !schedule [12:39] <lordievader> < ubottu> A schedule of Vivid Vervet (15.04) release milestones can be found here: [12:39] <BluesKaj> Apr 23rd [12:39] <webnetedgar> Thank you so much! [12:40] <Ryoma721> I do not want to reformat hihihih [12:40] <BluesKaj> webnetedgar, google is your friend for these genaral questions [12:40] <soee> but we could put it in topic :-) [12:40] <soee> as we are 2 weeks before release date [12:41] <BluesKaj> soee, yes we should [12:41] <webnetedgar> didn't find any official info, that's why. thanks though [13:14] <Ryoma721> hi [13:16] <BluesKaj> what method do you use to update and upgrade, Ryoma721 ? [13:17] <Ryoma721> sudo apt-get update [13:17] <Ryoma721> sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [13:17] <Ryoma721> always day [13:18] <BluesKaj> ok good [13:18] <colbyf> any plasma 5 users [13:18] <BluesKaj> you should apt-get upgrade before dist-upgrade [13:18] <BluesKaj> Ryoma721, ^ [13:18] <Ryoma721> firs update [13:18] <Ryoma721> after upgrade [13:19] <Ryoma721> first update [13:19] <Ryoma721> after upgrade [13:19] <BluesKaj> colbyf, yes on 15.04 [13:19] <Ryoma721> seems like a configuration problem [13:20] <colbyf> BluesKaj cool, you have any idea on fixing the icon size by any chance [13:21] <soee> colbyf: what icon size ? [13:21] <Ryoma721> the amazing thing that amule works even if the desktop is freeze [13:21] <colbyf> where the best place to quicklu upload a screenhot [13:21] <soee> the new fancy commads are: apt update and apt full-upgrade [13:21] <Ryoma721> although I can not use it [13:21] <soee> colbyf: [13:22] <BluesKaj> colbyf, system settings>icons>advanced , but I don't think the settings do much atm [13:23] <Ryoma721> 100% [13 Packages 2.488 MB/2.488 MB 100%] [13:23] <colbyf> [13:23] <Ryoma721> repository not work? [13:24] <colbyf> you see the icons are massive I can't seem to change then in advanced settings [13:25] <colbyf> I can get the drop box to unlock in advanced but values don't chnage anything [13:25] <soee> colbyf: yes because they scale with panel [13:25] <soee> colbyf: what widget is it ? [13:26] <colbyf> its just icons [13:26] <colbyf> that I add by dragging onto the pannel [13:26] <colbyf> the only options I key when I right click is icon settings and this only brings up keyboard shortcuts [13:27] <colbyf> i suppose an idea is to move them off there on a separate panel. Which I could keep small, that should work? [13:27] <soee> colbyf: ok but tehy are activator splaced in task manager ? [13:29] <colbyf> ok lost :) [13:32] <soee> colbyf: ok seems liek you just put single icons in panel, its not tasdk manager, you have task manager above the icons [13:33] <BluesKaj> colbyf, your panel seems quite large , and the iconsd there expand with the width of your panel in your setup [13:33] <soee> well atm in Plasma 5 you can't scale this icons i think, in KDE4 there was widget called i think QuickLaunch taht allows you to set columns or rows for added icons [13:33] <soee> but it is not ported to Plasma 5 yet [13:34] <colbyf> thought so, I will create a separate panel [13:34] * BluesKaj waits patiently for quicklaunch amongst other missing widgets [13:34] <soee> :) [13:34] <colbyf> lol :P this is my 1st time with any KDE desktop. I know its still in development but does look very good [13:35] <soee> we all have our favs, mine is colorpicker - also missing in P5 [13:35] <soee> colbyf: yup, wait some time and in backports Plasma 5.3 shoudl land :) [13:35] <colbyf> yea :) [13:36] <soee> colbyf: [13:36] <colbyf> ....away back to experimenting :P [13:37] <BluesKaj> prefer panel at the bottom , old school :) [13:38] <soee> and we are lucky with KDe that we can put it where we want [13:38] <colbyf> lol i dont know where I want it yey, I keep moving it, plus I have a nice wide screen monitor so lots of wasted space width wise [13:38] <donniezazen> soee: that's like your opinion man. [13:38] <donniezazen> haha I had to say that [13:39] <soee> :D [13:39] <colbyf> desktop fight lol :P [13:39] <donniezazen> You would get it if you are a Big Lebowski fan. [13:40] <mparillo> Shame about the timing of 5.3...ISTR that earlier the KDE SC releases seemed to align better with the Kubuntu releases. [13:40] <colbyf> ahh my mate tries to make me watch that movie, [13:40] <donniezazen> Yeah, timing is a shame. Both Kubuntu and Fedora KDE are going to be shipped with 5.2 [13:41] <Riddell> we should get backports soon enough [13:41] <soee> mparillo: imo yes and no, now we are sure we have pretty stable 5.2.X [13:41] <soee> each 5.x release might have some issues at first [13:42] <soee> so its better to ship it with first bug release [13:43] <mparillo> Gimme new stuff. If I wanted stable I would be on LTS.1+ ;-) [13:44] <soee> :D [13:44] <soee> mparillo: yes but think about simple user [13:44] <BluesKaj> has 14.10 plasma 4 as my backup OS [13:45] <donniezazen> or machines that are meant for special purposes like dev machines that can only be upgraded once in 2 years. [13:49] <colbyf> where woudl you download widgets too, i like to keep things tidy. Should I create a folder for them in my /home or should I put them to the kde folder, which I dojn't know where that is [13:53] <BluesKaj> colbyf, the widget downloader leaves them in the "widgets File" until you click on the desktop and "add widgets" or the wrench on the end of the panel [13:53] <colbyf> the link I am using dosen't download them auto, its a manual install [13:55] <BluesKaj> yes theres' that option too [13:57] <BluesKaj> click on add widgets then choose "get new widgets" for a list of available stuff [13:57] <colbyf> cool :) [14:01] <LINKSWORD2> Hello. How do I hide an unused device in KMix? [14:05] <BluesKaj> LINKSWORD2, dunno if it's possible to hide it [14:06] <LINKSWORD2> Hi, Blues. [14:06] <BluesKaj> Hi LINKSWORD2 [14:07] <LINKSWORD2> BluesKaj: Well, here's the deal. Kubuntu is on a desktop system with a built-in soundcard on the motherboard, and when I go into the settings for KMix, it shows an HDMI device in the configuration, which I know I do not have. Any thoughts? [14:08] <colbyf> cool :)you plugged into a hdmi monitor [14:09] <colbyf> i had the same but I use pulse audio [14:09] <LINKSWORD2> That doesn't make sense. I have HDMI ports on my monitor, but not on my video card. [14:09] <BluesKaj> HDMI connects to your spdif soundcard output by default if you have a HDMI output , LINKSWORD2 [14:10] <LINKSWORD2> That's just it. I don't have an HDMI output on my system. [14:10] <colbyf> oh you have no HDMI port on ur laptop [14:10] <colbyf> pass :) sry [14:10] <BluesKaj> then the HDMI is being detected on your monitor by the HW system [14:11] <LINKSWORD2> .... *Points to original post.* Desktop. No HDMI on graphics card. Motherboard default audio. [14:11] <BluesKaj> it's like an outboard device most likely [14:11] <LINKSWORD2> BluesKaj: Odd. I've never seen that happen. [14:13] <LINKSWORD2> BluesKaj: So... It's detecting an HDMI port on my monitor, through my VGA port KVM switch, which the monitor is hooked up to.... [14:13] <BluesKaj> yes, but it's possible with better HW detection nowadays [14:13] <LINKSWORD2> Mind... Blown.... [14:14] <rberg> I bet your chipset supports HDMI even if no connecter is attached.. and the driver found it [14:14] <LINKSWORD2> rberg: Ahh..... Interesting hypothesis.... [14:14] <BluesKaj> my sdpif output was never detected by my nvidia gpu until about 3 yrs ago, but now i have a ackup in case my pci soundcard dies [14:15] <BluesKaj> my onboard spdif I mean [14:16] <LINKSWORD2> Hmm..... [14:16] <rberg> but I dont know how to hide it from kmix other then looking around the bios to see if it can be disabled [14:16] <colbyf> go into ur sound options and see can you disable it there [14:17] <colbyf> I hid HDMI output settings in there [14:17] <LINKSWORD2> Considering that I don't have an HDMI device on my system, I don't think I will have HDMI settings in the bios. [14:17] <BluesKaj> dunno why you'd want to hide it though, it might come in handy someday LINKSWORD2 [14:18] <LINKSWORD2> I have 2 audio devices, and one of them, (the HDMI) does nothing. I want to disable the one that doesn't do anything. I can always re-enable it later if it does something useful, or if I need it for something. [14:19] <colbyf> if you download pulseaudi volume control, you can disbale it there and should run through to the rest of ur applications [14:20] <LINKSWORD2> PulseAudio, you say? Hmm.... [14:21] <colbyf> thats whi I was able to kix skype and different programs from playing through my HDMI devices [14:21] <LINKSWORD2> I'll look around. Thanks. [14:22] <lordievader> pavucontrol \o/ [14:22] <colbyf> Bluekaj: what email app do you use, just the one that comes with KDE [14:25] <BluesKaj> i just use gmail , kmail iis too complex for my needs altho thunderbird works well too, colbyf [14:25] <Zundrli_> hello everyone, i need help with kde and my dual screen setup. is there anyone here with experience in that topic? [14:26] <colbyf> ahh i am looking to use pgp and that [14:26] <colbyf> Zundrli_ : I don't know about experienced but I am running dual screen [14:26] <BluesKaj> I have no need for an email database/server setup colbyf [14:28] <Zundrli_> colbyf i have everything set up nicely but one thing is really bothering me: i have one monitor (big, 16:9) on the right, and one smaller monitor on the left (4:3). on the left side of the bigger screen i have a panel placed vertically. windows maximize under that panel and its driving me mad. its everywhere around google too, but no fix to be found [14:29] <colbyf> same prob haven't looked at it yet but its on my todays todo list lol [14:30] <colbyf> u using KDE desktop [14:30] <Zundrli_> yes kde 4 [14:30] <colbyf> kde 5 still same prob [14:30] <Zundrli_> it drives me nuts [14:31] <colbyf> did you go into windows behaviour in settings [14:31] <Zundrli_> another thing, how do i make icons in the task manager stack ontop of eachother to save space? [14:31] <colbyf> going there now myself to see [14:32] <Ryoma721> now kubuntu works good [14:32] <colbyf> on kde 4 there should be a package search the net for resize panel icons kde4 might help [14:32] <Ryoma721> crossing my fingers in future updates [14:34] <Zundrli_> can you add me on skype or something colbyf in case you find a fix [14:34] <colbyf> sure [14:34] <LINKSWORD2> Later, ya'll. [14:34] <colbyf> msg me ur id [14:35] <colbyf> r email [14:35] <Zundrli_> how lol [14:35] <colbyf> right click on my name and there should be a dialoge option [14:36] <Zundrli_> im on a webirc in my browser [14:36] <Zundrli_> i think my skype id is the same as here, without the _ [14:36] <colbyf> k [14:57] <goddard> was trying to upgrade and my upgrade crashed when trying to remove KDM [14:57] <goddard> and replace it with SDDM [14:59] <goddard> getting plasmashell borted [15:00] <zundrli_> i have a dual screen setup in kubuntu 14.10, one monitor 16:9, right side, and one, 4:3 on the left side. i set a vertical panel up at the left side of the bigger (16:9) screen. whenever i maximize windows they go under the panel and its really frustrating..... anyone an idea for fixing this? [15:02] <alvin> I did something.... As a user, you can run tcpdump on some interfaces. In the hope of being able to run it on all interfaces, I ran dpkg-reconfigure tcpdump. Now, I lost all permissions. How to reverse this and set it back to default? (And why did this happen? I didn't get any questions.) [15:08] <alvin> Ok, now I'm wondering why it actually worked before as non-root user. [15:44] <s_20> i only realised now that kf 5.9 made it into vivid, nice [16:31] <goddard> can i install 15.04 over the net? [16:31] <goddard> without a flash drive or cd [16:36] <genii> !debbootstrap [16:37] <genii> !debootstrap [16:37] <genii> goddard: See the bots link for more info [16:49] <goddard> yikes sounds time consuming [16:56] <Voyage> How to restart kde alt + ctrl + backspace does not works [16:58] <Graf_Westerholt> Voyage, wait a minute, let me try. ;) [16:58] <Graf_Westerholt> :D [16:58] <Voyage> k [16:58] <Graf_Westerholt> LOL [16:59] <Graf_Westerholt> Try ALT+Print+K [16:59] <Voyage> Graf_Westerholt, doesnt works [17:00] <Graf_Westerholt> Voyage, maybe it is disabled. [17:00] <Graf_Westerholt> !ubottu sysrq [17:00] <Graf_Westerholt> !sysrq [17:00] <Graf_Westerholt> !sysrq | Voyage [17:01] <goddard> big problem i see already with the Kubuntu installer [17:01] <goddard> you can't connect to a wifi network with a hidden SSID [17:05] <goddard> [18:12] <Aristide> Hi ! [18:12] <Aristide> Lot of packages are not available into 15.04 repository, its normal ? [18:17] <NickStone> anstide 15.04 hasn't been released yet [18:39] <MoonUnit`> todays plasma5 updates broken kickoff search? [18:45] <soee> there was Kf 5.9 update but that shoudl break it i think [18:46] <MoonUnit`> baloosearch and find from dolphin still work. [18:48] <MoonUnit`> installed plasma5 on a spare drive today, logoff, reboot and shutdown worked. so something broken on my main system. [18:48] <MoonUnit`> will reinstall at the weekend. [21:31] <YAFU> Anyone using Kubuntu 15.04 here? [21:33] <genii> YAFU: Might also check #ubuntu+1 which is for all 15.04 *buntu [21:36] <YAFU> Ok. I just want to discuss some issues that I found on Kubuntu 15.04 before reporting [22:25] <Headpool182> hi [22:26] <Headpool182> I was wondering if anyone knew, for non-linux steam games, do i have to install steam for windows via wine, or can i configure them to automagically launch with wine?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Aristide", "BluesKaj", "C855", "Graf_Westerholt", "Headpool182", "LINKSWORD2", "MoonUnit`", "NickStone", "Riddell", "Ryoma721", "ViK_de", "Voyage", "YAFU", "Zundrli_", "alvin", "c855", "c855_", "colbyf", "donniezazen", "genii", "goddard", "gunndawg", "hateball", "lordievader", "miguelauso", "mparillo", "rberg", "rick_", "robotdevil", "s_20", "soee", "valorie", "webnetedgar", "xennex81", "zundrli_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#kubuntu" }
[22:14] <goku417> Hi everybody ! [22:18] <goku417> I have a question for all of you, I wonder how I can make my script run after the network is up... I tried everything like "start on started net-device-up" and "start on static-network-up" [22:19] <goku417> and it still sends me that my script can bind with the ip who is associated with the interface
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "goku417" ], "url": "", "channel": "#upstart" }
[01:37] <jchodyniecki> anyone available for a silly question? [01:38] <jchodyniecki> maybe mahmoh or kirkland? or anyone [01:44] <jchodyniecki> guess I'm 0 for 91 here [08:46] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Equal Pay Day! :-D [11:12] <zbenjamin> does anyone know where mvo is these days? [11:20] <ogra_> zbenjamin, at a sprint i think ... [11:20] <ogra_> US timezone [11:22] <zbenjamin> ogra_: aaa ok, makes sense [11:23] <zbenjamin> ogra_: right there is a sprint in austin afaik [11:30] <zbenjamin> ogra_: what would be the right way to hack around on snappy in a VM? [11:30] <zbenjamin> ogra_: do we have any images [11:30] <ogra_> i never used it in a VM :) [11:31] <zbenjamin> ogra_: heh, how do you use it ? :) [11:31] <ogra_> but i think there are instructions for runnin it in KVM on the website somewhere [11:31] <ogra_> on arm boards [11:31] <ogra_> once you have it running you should be able to ssh into it or open the webdm UI in a browser ... [11:32] <ogra_> [11:32] <ogra_> that has a KVM section [11:33] <zbenjamin> ogra_: aa nice thank you [13:13] <sergiusens> cprov: [13:14] <ogra_> sergiusens, that *might* need a re-spin for the latest release ... havent done one since the last milestone ... [13:16] <sergiusens> no worries [13:17] <cprov> sergiusens: thanks [14:40] <ezobn> Hi All, Can the "repository"/store for the snappy packages be installed localy ? [14:41] <ogra_> no [14:48] <ezobn> ogra_: Is it available in commercial terms ? Or some other ideas here ? [14:52] <ogra_> ezobn, ah, i dont know ... beuno might though [14:52] <beuno> ezobn, hi [14:52] <beuno> what do you mean? as in, run your own version of the store? [14:54] <ezobn> beuno, yes. To have scenario like vCPE for the telcom and application delivery using localised store. [14:56] <beuno> ezobn, you can't run it locally, we do offer a sub-store for products [14:56] <beuno> still hosted by us, but you have control over what goes into it [14:56] <beuno> in some cases, we will offer a local proxy, so clients don't need to talk outside of the network to get updates [14:57] <mvo> jdstrand: [14:58] <jdstrand> thanks [14:59] <ezobn> beuno, good to know, the idea for the local proxy is to deliver updates to not get it all from outside network, decrease amount of possible traffic or so ? [15:01] <beuno> ezobn, yeah, different people want to lock down networks for different reasons [15:01] <beuno> for some it's security, some bandwidth [15:02] <ezobn> beuno, thanks, got the point. [15:09] <sergiusens> zbenjamin: ah yes you are [15:10] <sergiusens> mvo: raise your ears just in case :-) (or eyes) [15:10] <sergiusens> zbenjamin: I'd rather have mvo be the main stakeholder here ;-) [15:11] <sergiusens> zbenjamin: we don't have a concept of hand holding builds with snappy [15:11] <sergiusens> like click chroots didd [15:11] <zbenjamin> sergiusens: hm yeah i just had the idea that it would be nice and more lightweight to create a buildenv with the snappy tools [15:11] <zbenjamin> sergiusens: since we already have package versioning and so on [15:12] <sergiusens> zbenjamin: right, we have no versioning in snappy either [15:12] <zbenjamin> sergiusens: you can do rollbacks no? [15:12] <sergiusens> zbenjamin: yes [15:13] <sergiusens> zbenjamin: but there is no dependency chain that ties you to the versioning [15:13] <zbenjamin> sergiusens: thats what i meant, so lets say you want to build a specific snap, you need a rootfs with the dependencies. The rootfs builder could read your dependencies and install them into a core rootfs [15:13] <sergiusens> zbenjamin: as in, in the click world you could depend on ubuntu-sdk-13.10 [15:14] <zbenjamin> sergiusens: yes, but i can depend on frameworks in the snappy world [15:14] <zbenjamin> or did i get that wrong [15:14] <sergiusens> zbenjamin: yes, you can [15:14] <sergiusens> zbenjamin: for native builds you might want to look at what lool did [15:15] <zbenjamin> sergiusens: if it uses schroot then thats exactly what we would like to prevent... [15:15] <sergiusens> zbenjamin: just take into account, snappy rootfs don't have apt (and won't have dpkg) [15:15] <zbenjamin> sergiusens: schroot has proven to be slow and unstable in the SDK. [15:15] <zbenjamin> bzoltan: ^^^ jus t case you want to read as well [15:16] <zbenjamin> sergiusens: so for example schroot leaks mounts. For any reason a click chroot .. run is killed or terminated it will leave mounts behind. Those mounts are restored on boot.... We had people with 16k mounts [15:16] <zbenjamin> sergiusens: also the mount/umount on every command is horribly slow [15:16] <sergiusens> zbenjamin: [15:17] <zbenjamin> sergiusens: ah teh devpacks yeah [15:18] <zbenjamin> sergiusens: ok i thought the devpacks would be installed by snappy as well [15:19] <zbenjamin> sergiusens: the idea was that i can construct the rootfs from outside. and then use it as chroot/sysroot/whatever [15:20] <zbenjamin> sergiusens: but reverting it to a clean state is the problem here [15:21] <elopio> ping ogra_, if I install your chatroom snap in kvm, what is the url? [15:22] <sergiusens> zbenjamin: that's snapcraft; but I suggest to reply with that in the rfc email which needs some interaction love [15:22] <sergiusens> elopio: don't forget to -redir if using kvm [15:22] <sergiusens> elopio: and you can check by looking at the ports entry in package yaml maybe [15:22] <ogra_> elopio, $ip:6565/ [15:23] <ogra_> elopio, for kvm you need to forward that port somehow [15:23] <ogra_> then i think localhost:6565 might work [15:23] <elopio> sergiusens: where should I use -redir ? [15:23] <ogra_> you likely use it already in your kvm commandline [15:24] <ogra_> just add another redirect for the 6565 port [15:24] <elopio> got it. [15:24] <ogra_> elopio, and thanks for the blog comment !! [15:24] <elopio> ogra_: this is really cool actually. Thanks to you for the magic tool. [15:26] <ogra_> :D [15:41] <zbenjamin> sergiusens: sadly i can not answer to that mail. I just registered for the snappy-devel ML [15:44] <elopio> where do I report a bug for snappy-remote? [17:05] <lool> ogra_: would you know where the pins for the serial console are on the ninja sphere develoepr kit? [17:08] <lool> ogra_: nevermind, found it [22:08] <fishcooker> is anyone here with "Screen version 4.00.03 + CentOS release 6.6 " that support vsplit release? [22:08] <fishcooker> err sorry wrong channel
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "JamesTait", "beuno", "cprov", "elopio", "ezobn", "fishcooker", "jchodyniecki", "jdstrand", "lool", "mvo", "ogra_", "sergiusens", "zbenjamin" ], "url": "", "channel": "#snappy" }
[04:37] <barrydk> More almal [05:23] <Kilos> morning all [05:24] <Kilos> good evening tumbleweed all good there? [05:29] <Kilos> hi Tonberry [05:29] <Tonberry> hi [05:57] <Kilos> hi pieter2627 [05:59] <pieter2627> morning Kilos [06:17] <plustwo> good morning everyone [06:44] <inetpro> good mornings [06:44] <inetpro> oh and hi plustwo as well [06:48] <Jacques_Stry> Morning all [06:50] <superfly> morning everyone [06:50] * Jacques_Stry waves [06:57] <Jacques_Stry> Sorry for being away so long - was on vacation on a game farm(no signal) [06:59] <superfly> nice ! [07:01] <Jacques_Stry> Was nice - except being offline for 2 weeks >.< [07:48] <Squirm> Morning [08:29] <Kilos> hmm... loadshedding done for the day hopefully [08:29] <Jacques_Stry> haha i'm probably going off in 30 min [08:30] <Kilos> hi Jacques_Stry [08:30] <Kilos> what a pain [08:30] <Jacques_Stry> Hi Kilos :) [08:34] <Jacques_Stry> 2 Days till 15.04 Release Candidate [08:34] <Kilos> im very tempted to try it [08:34] <Jacques_Stry> Same [08:35] * pieter2627 wonders how many will try it [08:35] <Kilos> the main things are systemd and mir right? [08:35] <Kilos> maybe ill go kde and see what plasma5 is like [08:35] <Jacques_Stry> I'm especially cautious of MIR [08:36] <Kilos> is kde also going to be using it? [08:36] <Jacques_Stry> Don't think so [08:36] <Kilos> oh isnt the x thing flavour wide [08:40] <Jacques_Stry> Last time i heard Kubuntu was still wondering whether to go wayland or mir [08:40] <Kilos> ah [08:41] <Kilos> im trying to think what you havent done Jacques_Stry with you unanounced holiday [08:41] <Jacques_Stry> >.< [08:42] <Kilos> lol [08:42] <Jacques_Stry> Yea it was a bit of a impulsive decision [08:42] <Kilos> oh you guys blog is at [08:42] <Kilos> Maaz [08:42] <Maaz> [08:43] <Kilos> its more like a help thing [08:43] <Kilos> some cool advice there [08:43] <Jacques_Stry> Yea I still have a few things I have to add [08:44] <Kilos> has inetpro said anything today? [08:44] <Jacques_Stry> Not that I know of [08:45] <inetpro> Kilos: yes [08:45] <Kilos> we are lucky at night an old hand, hibana, watches him at night [08:45] <Jacques_Stry> Haha [08:45] <Kilos> ohi inetpro koud in die oggend ne [08:46] <Kilos> inetpro did you go see the conversation of last night on locoteams [08:49] <Kilos> from about 20.31 [08:50] <inetpro> Kilos: ai! [08:50] <inetpro> you'll get yourself in trouble very quickly [08:51] <Kilos> nono we will do it legally [08:51] <inetpro> just be patient and the the fly handle it [08:51] <Kilos> ive applied [08:51] <inetpro> let the fly* [08:51] <inetpro> jaja, and what exactly did you fill in... don't just do that... first discuss! [08:52] <Kilos> ok let me try find that thing again [08:52] <inetpro> too late now [08:52] <Kilos> well we dont need a domain name right? [08:53] <inetpro> you see, there we go again [08:53] <inetpro> Maaz: assumption [08:53] <Maaz> An assumption is a proposition that is taken for granted, as if it were true based upon presupposition without preponderance of the facts, but when made by intelligent people is often proven to be true. [08:53] <Kilos> so i asked for permision to use the buntu logo on a site [08:53] <Kilos> oh do we? [08:54] <Kilos> oh my [08:54] <Kilos> well DalekSec is here so he can advise what they say [08:54] <Kilos> hi DalekSec [08:55] <Kilos> oi its 4 am there [08:57] <Kilos> lol inetpro i couldnt first discuss, you went to bed [08:57] <inetpro> Kilos: no, you must learn to find that pause button of yours [08:58] * Kilos looks [08:58] <Kilos> oh thats the broken one [08:58] <inetpro> fix it, because I know you have one [08:59] <Kilos> lol [08:59] <inetpro> you've often used it even [09:03] <inetpro> Kilos: you press your pause button and an automatic message comes up as follows, "thanks $who, I will discuss with our team and get back to you asap" [09:03] <Kilos> aha [09:04] <inetpro> now please go fix your remote :-) [09:04] <Kilos> ok will do [09:17] <Kilos> hi SDCDev [09:19] <SDCDev> hey Kilos [09:21] <Kilos> hi dan [09:21] <Kilos> ai! [09:21] <Kilos> danfowler [09:22] <danfowler> yo [09:58] <Kilos> hmm... [10:03] <Jacques_Stry> Hmmmm... [10:04] <Kilos> Maaz hmm... [10:04] <Maaz> hmm... is often used to try make others believe one is actually thinking [10:05] <Jacques_Stry> Good thing Maaz doesn't use urban dictionary [10:05] <Kilos> lol [10:13] <inetpro_> hmm... [10:15] <Kilos> wb inetpro and other hoppers [11:24] <Kilos> sjoe [11:26] <Jacques_Stry> irc giving prob's? [11:26] <inetpro> ty Kilos [11:27] <inetpro> netsplits messing us around [11:27] <Kilos> ai! [11:28] <Kilos> maybe i must go back to drive repairs and data recovery [11:28] <inetpro> the bad peeps having fun again [11:28] <Kilos> yeah looks like [11:28] <inetpro> where is padroni when we need him? [11:29] <Kilos> he has gone for a job interview today [11:40] <Kilos> actuallinetthats a good idea, rmember to ask him if he can trace and stop that kinda bad peeps [11:42] <Kilos> will be trickt i think, dont they use other peeps pcs to cause the prob [11:42] <Kilos> tricky [11:42] <Kilos> oh my now spcae bar playing up [11:42] <Kilos> space [11:43] <Jacques_Stry> haha [11:44] <Kilos> better to blame it on the keyboard than clumsy fingers i think [11:46] <Kilos> hi nlsthzn wb [11:46] <Kilos> blame it on looking after the new baby [11:46] <nlsthzn> o/ uncle Kilos [11:46] <nlsthzn> oh that is a big part of it :p [11:46] <Kilos> lol [11:46] <Kilos> you well lad? [11:47] <Kilos> and the family? [11:49] <nlsthzn> fine thanks, how are things with you and yours over there in sunny ZA-land (and obviously abroad ;)) [11:50] <Kilos> we all seem fine ty . note seem [11:52] <Kilos> im in trouble again as usual [11:53] <Kilos> said something i shouldnt have or ommited something i shouldnt have or didnt do what i should have [11:53] <Kilos> sigh [11:54] <nlsthzn> I guess it happens... hope it resolves itself quickly [11:54] <Kilos> hmm... [11:55] <Kilos> well i suppose thats up to the pro [11:55] <Kilos> with every mood swing im in a different place [11:57] <Kilos> and ill be in trouble because i didnt give you work to do [11:57] <Kilos> etc etc [12:00] * Kilos hides [12:01] <nlsthzn> ? [12:01] <Kilos> lol [12:02] <Kilos> just joking man [12:02] <Kilos> pro must be working for a change [12:04] <Kilos> why am i getting lots of there when updating [12:04] <Kilos> W: Failed to fetch 403 Forbidden [IP: 80] [12:04] <Kilos> Symmetri1 what have you broken [12:08] <Jacques_Stry> have had that allot lately too Kilos [12:08] <Jacques_Stry> change your source mirror to saix [12:09] <Kilos> i just swopped to the neology mirror and update ran fine [12:09] <Kilos> neology is fast [12:09] <Jacques_Stry> i'll try that [12:10] <Kilos> and last i checked it was the first mirror to be updated [12:10] <Jacques_Stry> nice [12:11] <Kilos> Symmetri1 is loafing on the job again [12:12] <Kilos> someone here works there but i forget who [12:16] <Kilos> oi system restart needed [12:16] <Kilos> wbb [12:16] <Jacques_Stry> k [12:18] <Jacques_Stry> WB [12:18] <Kilos> ty [12:19] <Kilos> 14.04 kde has been so good to me [12:24] <Kilos> Jacques_Stry do you get the ubuntu weekly newsletter [12:25] <Jacques_Stry> No... [12:25] <Jacques_Stry> Where can I sign up? [12:25] <Kilos> [12:26] <Kilos> maybe there is a link there to sign up [12:26] <Jacques_Stry> There is [12:26] <Jacques_Stry> Marked 18. [12:27] <Kilos> i get it in the mail but dont remember how i did that [12:27] <Kilos> hehe [12:39] <Kilos> oh Jacques_Stry i just remembered [12:40] <Jacques_Stry> Yes? [12:40] <Kilos> william is running some thing to get books for schools [12:40] <Kilos> are you on our mailing list [12:40] <Jacques_Stry> Don't think so - I should sub [12:41] <Kilos> go to our site and joing from there [12:41] <Jacques_Stry> k [12:41] <Kilos> join [12:42] <Jacques_Stry> Subbed [12:42] <Kilos> ok ill mail the list and see if wwk can update on whats happening [12:46] <Kilos> you should get your first mail there shortly [12:53] <inetpro> ai! [12:53] <Kilos> wat nou? [12:54] <inetpro> Kilos: you should catch that barry dude before he goes and tie him to a pole [12:54] <Kilos> lol why? [12:54] <inetpro> Jacques_Stry: check the archives at [12:54] <Kilos> they knock off at this time [12:55] <inetpro> Kilos: he's way to slippery [12:55] <inetpro> comes and goes without saying much [12:55] <Kilos> no man hes is here early and knocks off now [12:55] <Kilos> if i dont greet he does [12:55] <Kilos> same as most peeps here [12:55] <Kilos> he doesnt [12:56] <inetpro> Kilos: relax!! [12:56] * inetpro is not even upset with you [12:56] * Kilos relaxes [12:56] <Kilos> oh wow its gonna rain [12:58] <inetpro> you see, you keep making the wrong assumptions [12:58] <Jacques_Stry> These email lists confuse the hell out of me... [12:58] <Kilos> yaya but i have an excuse, whats yours [12:59] <Kilos> our list is cool Jacques_Stry [12:59] <Kilos> no spam unless from me [13:00] <Jacques_Stry> haha, I just can't get used to the formatting - doesn't feel like conversations flow [13:00] <inetpro> Jacques_Stry: I agree Jacques_Stry, thanks! [13:00] <Kilos> why do you think i prefer irc [13:00] <inetpro> that's because some peeps continue to ignore our calls about top posting etc [13:01] * inetpro still prefers a default setting of text only emails [13:02] <Kilos> some top post and others bottom post. i just delete as much as possible now from old posts and bottom post [13:07] <Kilos> if i dont delee most of the stuff , fly fights me [13:07] <Kilos> delete [13:08] <Kilos> wbb, just wanna test sisters sim [13:12] <arnaudmez_> hello guys [13:12] <arnaudmez_> hello Kilos [13:12] <Jacques_Stry> Hi [13:12] <Kilos> hi arnaudmez_ [13:13] <Kilos> whats broken arnaudmez_ [13:14] <arnaudmez_> nothing [13:14] <arnaudmez_> wish I could break something today [13:14] <Kilos> lol no man [13:14] <Kilos> you have lots of work [13:15] <Kilos> this visiting once a month or less is very sad [13:15] <Kilos> you need to get members on #ubuntu-africa [13:16] <Kilos> or linux users anyway so i can convert them to ubuntu [13:18] <Kilos> oh my that frightened him [13:24] <Jacques_Stry> brb going home [13:25] <Kilos> hmm... [13:39] <Kilos> oi join/part same time [13:40] <Kilos> ek sukkel darem [13:42] <Kilos> hi georgelappies [13:47] <georgelappies> hi Kilos, how are you? [13:47] <Kilos> good ty and you? [13:47] <georgelappies> good thanks [13:54] <Kilos> hi kulelu88 [13:54] <kulelu88> do you guys know how to setup internal 3G on a laptop where you insert the sim card in it? [14:01] <Kilos> on ubuntu? [14:02] <Kilos> play in network manager setup it should see it [15:02] <Kilos> aw i missed mage [16:06] <Kilos> nou gaan julle sukkel [16:07] <pieter2627> evening all [16:07] <Kilos> hi pieter2627 [16:13] <Squirm> Load Shedding Stage 3B [16:13] <Squirm> The joy... [16:14] <Kilos> eish i already had over 2 hours this morning [16:34] <georgelappies> yeah load sheddding stage 3 till 22:00 [16:34] <Kilos> eish [16:34] <georgelappies> then it is stage 2 till 06:00 [16:36] <Kilos> hi kulelu88 did you win? [16:37] <kulelu88> nope [16:37] <kulelu88> still trying to figure it out [16:37] <Kilos> doesnt network manager see it? [16:37] <Kilos> maybe a driver needed [16:38] <kulelu88> yeah I'm thinking a driver is needed [16:38] <Kilos> you on unity? [16:38] <Kilos> i dont know if additional drivers looks there too [16:39] <kulelu88> i'm on xfce [16:40] <Kilos> does that not have the additional drivers function [16:40] <kulelu88> you mean the option? [16:40] <kulelu88> it's there [16:41] <Kilos> what does that say [16:42] <kulelu88> it doesn't specify an internal 3G driver [16:42] <Kilos> oh my [16:43] <Kilos> someone will know [16:44] <Kilos> might be the lappy manufacturer settings [16:44] <Kilos> maybe in bios [16:58] <kulelu88> oh ja. crap, I'll need to fix it before tomorrow. loadshitting at 4 [16:58] <Kilos> ai! [18:32] <Kilos> hmm... [18:35] <superfly> I think we're safe for the night [18:36] <Kilos> from loadshedding? [19:25] <Kilos> hi qwebirc57646 [19:25] <Kilos> qwebirc57646 [19:26] <Kilos> guys can someone guide qwebirc57646 here please [19:26] <Kilos> he has an internal bluetooth [19:27] <Kilos> and it doesnt light up when turned on [19:27] <qwebirc57646> Im the guy looking for Help and Kilos is trying to help me . Await assistance. [19:27] <Kilos> qwebirc57646 ping [19:27] <Kilos> cool [19:28] <Kilos> qwebirc57646 just be patient the guys are busy [19:28] <qwebirc57646> yea sure I can wait [19:28] <Kilos> qwebirc57646 is from finland guys [19:32] <Kilos> elacheche you here? [19:33] <Kilos> ai! [19:33] <kulelu88> does anybody know how to unlock a 3G modem from a network? [19:33] <qwebirc57646> hello. [19:36] <Kilos> whew kulelu88 very quiet here tonightr [19:37] <kulelu88> I figured [19:37] <kulelu88> now I need to buy a 3G modem or get a tablet and use it on wifi mode [19:39] <Kilos> what do you see in bios [19:40] <Kilos> isnt there some setting to enable wireless and other stuff [19:40] <kulelu88> I checked [19:40] <kulelu88> nothing in there about it [19:41] <Kilos> whew [19:41] <kulelu88> I'll try their forums [19:41] <Kilos> the manufacturers [19:41] <Kilos> must be a simple setting [19:42] <Kilos> because 3g is quite common in network manager [19:42] <kulelu88> it can find a dongle easy [19:42] <Kilos> open nm and look [19:42] <kulelu88> but internal 3G I don't know [19:42] <Kilos> oh [19:42] <Kilos> whew [19:42] <kulelu88> most folks have used the files from the windows driver [19:42] <Kilos> even more whew [19:42] <kulelu88> I'm beginning to wonder if this machine has the WWAN card [19:43] <kulelu88> bloody phoned the seller and they say it does support it [19:43] <Kilos> ubuntu is good with hardware [19:43] <kulelu88> this is balls. I need this cause those numbnuts at shitkom cant supply power [19:48] <MaNI> have you figured out what chipset it is? thats usually a good starting point - try lspci or lshw commands and see what comes up [19:52] <Kilos> MaNI can i hit you with this bluetooth prob as well please? [19:52] <Kilos> i know nothing about internal bluetooth [19:53] <MaNI> don't have much bluetooth on linux experience, but my above comment stands, figuring out the chipset is the best starting point [19:54] <kulelu88> I think the powercuts have messed my modem up also [19:55] <Kilos> eish [19:55] <kulelu88> can anyone access [19:55] <kulelu88> [19:55] <Kilos> ya im in [19:55] <kulelu88> i'm getting lagged [19:57] <Kilos> pastee is slower than though [19:57] <Kilos> and is even faster [19:58] <kulelu88> https guarantees better security [19:58] <kulelu88> but anyways [19:59] <kulelu88> MaNI: Here is the output: [20:00] <kulelu88> it doesn't look like an internal card reader exists [20:00] <Kilos> Maaz time in finland [20:00] <Maaz> Kilos: It is 2015-04-14 23:00:56 EEST [20:01] <Kilos> ah an hour ahead of us [20:01] <kulelu88> whos in Finland? [20:02] <Kilos> that qwerbirc guy [20:02] <kulelu88> he left [20:02] <Kilos> i get caught up all over the world [20:03] <Kilos> ya he is tired so will come back tomorrow [20:03] <Kilos> hehe [20:03] <Kilos> new to ubuntu as well [20:04] <Kilos> and new to irc [20:04] <MaNI> kulelu88, yeah I only see SD card reader and wireless card there [20:05] <Kilos> inetpro you asleep already? [20:05] <Kilos> ai! he is really getting old [20:06] <kulelu88> MaNI: I don't know if lshw provides more info though. it looks like something is there [20:06] <MaNI> lshw is much more comprehensive usually [20:07] <kulelu88> Let me show you the relevant output for it [20:09] <inetpro> Kilos: yes [20:09] <inetpro> oh I mean... [20:09] <Kilos> sleep tight old man [20:09] <Kilos> oh you mean you old [20:10] <Kilos> or you mean no you not asleep [20:10] <kulelu88> MaNI: [20:14] <MaNI> hrm I still just see wireless/SD card reader/ethernet/audio there [20:14] <MaNI> "RTS5229 PCI Express Card Reader" - thats the SD card reader [20:15] <kulelu88> I have a few slots here and there on this machine [20:15] <inetpro> sorry, just had to read the backlogs [20:15] <kulelu88> I'm wondering if 1 of them allows me to use a simcard somewhere [20:16] <inetpro> now am awake again [20:16] <Kilos> sorry inetpro [20:16] <inetpro> for a few minutes [20:16] <Kilos> go sleep sir [20:16] <Kilos> check pm inetpro [20:18] <MaNI> kulelu88, try lsusb as well [20:19] <MaNI> and see if you can figure out the function key combo to turn it on/off (fn _ on some laptops) [20:20] <MaNI> what laptop brand? [20:28] <inetpro> good night everyone [20:28] <Kilos> night inetpro [20:28] <Kilos> sleep tight [20:32] <MaNI> ideally if you are lucky you should see something like: Bus 001 Device 005: ID 0bdb:1904 Ericsson Business Mobile Networks BV F3607gw Mobile Broadband Module [20:33] <MaNI> after toggling it on with right key combo (and assuming it isn't turned off by some buried away BIOS setting) [20:33] <MaNI> anyway I'm off good luck [20:33] <Kilos> night MaNI [20:34] <Kilos> night all. sleep tight [20:46] <kulelu88> take care MaNI . if you are still here I can check quickly [20:47] <kulelu88> yeah there's nothing there sadly [20:47] <kulelu88> thanks MaNI
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Jacques_Stry", "Kilos", "MaNI", "Maaz", "SDCDev", "Squirm", "Tonberry", "arnaudmez_", "barrydk", "danfowler", "georgelappies", "inetpro", "inetpro_", "kulelu88", "nlsthzn", "pieter2627", "plustwo", "qwebirc57646", "superfly" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-za" }
[03:42] <scottbomb> anyone here? [04:05] <valorie> scottbomb: what do you need? [04:07] <scottbomb> I am a xubuntu tester and have been using kubuntu for over a year now so i'd like to contribute here. the kubuntu testers page at says i should come here to request notification when testing is required [04:07] <valorie> ovidiu-florin: happy birthday! I want to share a glass of that Hobgoblin with ya [04:21] <valorie> welcome, scottbomb [04:22] <valorie> unfortunately I think those who can add you to that list (testers) are just waking [04:23] <valorie> if you can stick around or write to kubuntu-devel you'll be added [04:23] <valorie> testers are always needed [05:46] <ovidiu-florin> valorie: will you come to Akademy? [05:51] <valorie> yes [05:51] <valorie> you? [05:51] <valorie> it will be difficult, but I am determined to come at A Coruna [05:51] <valorie> with Scarlett [05:52] <valorie> my husband flies out in less than 30 hours and will be hiking for a half-year [05:53] <valorie> Akademy is right in the middle of that [06:09] <lordievader> Good morning. [06:21] <soee> good morning [06:24] <lordievader> o/ [07:23] <sitter> Riddell: build broken [07:38] <sitter> mhhh [07:38] <sitter> konsole master has soversion 3, apps/15.04 has soversion 15 [07:42] <ovidiu-florin> there's something spooky going on between Dolphin and Kate in vivid [07:43] <soee> ios it possible to catch somewhere on irc Alberto Milone ? [07:47] <valorie> ovidiu-florin: again, happy birthday [07:47] <ovidiu-florin> valorie: thank you [07:47] <valorie> what is the spooky Dolphin<>Kate? [07:48] <valorie> ovidiu-florin: I want to share a Hobgoblin with you [07:48] <valorie> :-) [07:48] <valorie> looks delicious! [07:48] <ovidiu-florin> it is [07:48] <ovidiu-florin> when opening files from dolphin [07:48] <ovidiu-florin> they both freeze sometimes [07:48] <valorie> hmmm [07:49] <ovidiu-florin> and untill I close Kate, dolphin is unusable [07:49] <valorie> has not happened to me, and I do that rather often [07:50] <valorie> just now, opened a konvi logfile, instantly [07:50] <valorie> from dolphin [07:50] <ovidiu-florin> open many files, one after another [07:50] <valorie> do you think that might be a memory problem? [07:51] <valorie> maxing out your RAM or so [07:51] <ovidiu-florin> I did this: Open Kate, open file in kate from kate open menu, open dolphin, open file in kate from dolphin, dolphin frozen [07:51] <ovidiu-florin> close file from kate (the one oppened form dolphin) [07:51] <ovidiu-florin> get error in dolphin: "KDEInit nu a putut executa „/usr/bin/kate”" [07:51] <ovidiu-florin> click ok [07:51] <ovidiu-florin> Dolphin is now usable [07:52] <ovidiu-florin> translation: KDEInit could not execute „/usr/bin/kate” [07:52] <valorie> hmmm, both still usable.... [07:52] <ovidiu-florin> it hapens on 2 computers [07:52] <ovidiu-florin> my laptop and my work computer [07:52] <ovidiu-florin> if relevant, I'm using btrfs [07:53] <valorie> aha, I did get kate to crash [07:53] <valorie> but nothing froze [07:55] <ovidiu-florin> If I start dolphin from Konsole, I get no output when frozen [07:57] <valorie> have you filed bko bugs? [07:58] <ovidiu-florin> I haven't filed any bugs for this yet [07:59] <ovidiu-florin> what is ? [07:59] <ovidiu-florin> the name seems to point to something that doesn't exist, there's ni KDE 5 [07:59] <ovidiu-florin> no* [08:00] <soee> ovidiu-florin: check & [08:02] <valorie> ovidiu-florin: that looks like kdelibs for unported applications [08:02] <valorie> we have to have those until all apps are ported to KF5 [08:02] <ovidiu-florin> so this bug appears to be fixed [08:08] <ovidiu-florin> but we still have it in Vivid [08:08] <ovidiu-florin> CMake Error at /usr/share/kde4/apps/cmake/modules/FindQt4.cmake:886 (MESSAGE): [08:08] <ovidiu-florin> Could NOT find QtCore. [08:08] <ovidiu-florin> I guess installing libqt4-core would fix it [08:09] <ovidiu-florin> no [08:13] <Riddell> hola chicos [08:13] <ovidiu-florin> hola Riddell como estas? [08:13] <Riddell> Sput: solid freeze is about to happen on thursday, any final quassel due? [08:14] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: can we get this fix in? [08:14] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: es el dia de plasma cinco punt tres beta, es muy excitable! [08:15] <ovidiu-florin> oh, I see now that, that fix wasn't released yet [08:15] <ovidiu-florin> horrible [08:19] <valorie> freezes are sometimes inconvenient [08:20] <soee> want some cool frezes ? :) try using nvidai propriety driver with nvidia-prime [08:21] <valorie> heh [08:21] <soee> if you will be lucky to get throiugh black screen or plymouth freeze, you will get freeze in sddm or just after login [08:22] <soee> there is more cool stuff, we cant use different tty because whole command line is spammend y some error all the time [08:50] <Sput> Riddell: can do a release today or tomorrow [08:51] <sitter> Riddell: [08:53] <Riddell> if I do a debcommit -a -r -R it gives a tag like debian/5.9.0-0ubuntu2 which then can't be pushed "remote: [ REJECTED ] refs/tags/debian/5.9.0-0ubuntu2: referenced object under refs/tags/ must be an annotated tag" [08:53] <Riddell> now what does that mean [08:53] <Riddell> sitter: ack [08:53] <Riddell> Sput: pronto pronto! :) [08:56] <sitter> Riddell: that the pkg-kde server hooks are incompatible with debcommit [08:56] <yofel> they're fine with us putting the tags in the debian/ namespace? [08:57] <Riddell> I wouldn't expect they are [08:57] <yofel> I put a working tagging command in kubuntu-archive-upload which is commented out as I never actually tested it [09:05] <Riddell> mparillo: how did you get on with virualbox last night? [09:06] <sitter> yofel: I do wonder though if it matters since the versions do not conflict anyway what with ubuntu revisions [09:08] <yofel> hm [09:09] <Riddell> sitter: they /might/ conflict [09:09] <sitter> how so? [09:09] <Riddell> obviously not in kubuntu packages cos we're awesome but some ubuntu packages have conflicted [09:09] <yofel> how does one see whether a tag is annotated? [09:09] <sitter> well... ubuntu :P [09:10] <sitter> yofel: git show $tag supposedly [09:10] <sitter> or in gitk you can click on the tag [09:10] <yofel> hm, "okular Debian release 4:14.12.3-0ubuntu1", not quite there yet.. [09:10] <Riddell> kf5.9 upload seems to be going ok but I'm confused/worried by the regressions here [09:13] <sitter> [09:13] <sitter> such a wall of patch [09:14] <yofel> something like this should work: git-buildpackage --git-ignore-branch --git-tag-only --git-debian-tag='ubuntu/%(version)s' --git-debian-tag-msg='%(pkg)s Ubuntu release %(version)s' [09:14] <Riddell> sitter: you didn't move it out of ~jr ? [09:15] <sitter> Riddell: no [09:23] <sitter> Riddell: workspace stable says 09:21:11 dpkg-source: error: cannot read source/debian/patches/kubuntu_default-systray-applets.diff: No such file or directory [09:46] <mparillo> Riddell: does not seem to apply to Kubuntu (at least on VMware Player 6.0.5 build-2443746) I just used today's ISO. [09:47] <Riddell> mparillo: so it all ran fine? [09:48] <mparillo> I ran both the live mode and installer. That said, when I got the message to re-boot there were a bunch of squashfs errors, but I powered down the VM, and it came back up. The first time it came back up I had some strange messages in konsole, but I applied updates and re-booted again and everything seems fine. [09:48] <mparillo> But certainly nothing critical the way Lubuntu has. [09:48] <Riddell> phew :) [09:48] <Riddell> thanks mparillo [09:49] <Riddell> the squashfs issue on shutdown from live I've seen and is inelegant but it's kindae below what I know about [09:49] <mparillo> Since I had kate and dolphin open, I wonder if it is related to the discussion earlier today on #kubuntu-devel [09:49] <mparillo> it = the strange messages in my konsole [10:31] <ovidiu-florin> there's no Open Konsole here in the dolphin context menu anymore, why? [10:40] <Riddell> maybe it's a kdelibs4->kf5 integration issue [10:41] <ovidiu-florin> konsole is ported, dolphin is ported [10:41] <ovidiu-florin> what's there in beteeen?\ [10:43] <Riddell> dolphin isn't ported in the version we ship [10:50] <soee> There is new 15.04 revie on g+ [10:50] <soee> *review [10:50] <soee> [10:54] <Riddell> gosh 20 mins [10:54] <soee> yeah people these days prefere less talk more nice video :) [10:55] <soee> such reviews shoudl have ~ 5 minutes showing the software [10:55] <Riddell> mparillo: good for promo on wire/social media? [11:14] <BluesKaj> HI all [11:15] <soee> hiho BluesKaj [11:15] <BluesKaj> hey soee [11:25] <soee> we should have packaging video tutorial like 10 lessons [11:26] <soee> so step by step all explained [11:26] <soee> than it would be much esier to potential packagers to start with it [11:32] <Riddell> frecel: we need to get this digikam release tested and in a PPA [11:34] <frecel> Riddell: downloading it right now [11:35] <frecel> Sorry about sunday, just as we started talking my phone went crazy and I needed to go do some damage control [11:36] <soee> :=) [11:36] <frecel> and now I'm back to working 13hour days for a week or so [11:38] <frecel> I'm actually about to head off to work in about 10 minutes [11:38] <frecel> its 5:37 here, it should be illegal to be awake this early [11:42] <frecel> Riddell: works like a dream [11:43] <Riddell> frecel: great, I'll copy it over [11:45] <Riddell> frecel: up now in kubuntu-ppa/backports thanks for your help [12:54] <mparillo> Riddell: On it ( Thanks soee. [13:04] <BluesKaj> not my cuppa tea [13:06] <soee> ~.~ [13:36] <mparillo> I use Passwordsafe which is built on wxWidgets and the theming does not seem to mesh well with any of the three themes on Plasma 5 (for example, a checkbox is almost invisible). Where is a good place to ask about that kind of thing? [13:37] <Riddell> ask passwordsafe whyever they use wxwidgets and not qt like a sensible project :) [13:40] <mparillo> I know the reply..."It's open-source...have a go" [13:43] <yofel> IIRC wx just used the gtk themes, and I don't think there's a gtk3 theme that fits good into plasma5 [13:48] <Riddell> we do set orion [13:48] <Riddell> should be set in ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini [13:51] <mparillo> Yes, I see that: gtk-theme-name=Orion [13:51] <yofel> yeah, that is at least tolerable, but not good [13:52] <Riddell> the toolbars looks similar, is why I picked it [13:52] <yofel> right, I don't think we have something better either :/ [13:53] <Riddell> a breeze theme for gtks2 and 3 was promised, dunno how that's going [14:06] * genii makes more coffee [14:40] <darthanubis> wake up to plasmashell dead [14:40] <darthanubis> well I still have graphic effects, just no desktop or taskbar [14:40] <darthanubis> or wallpaper [14:40] <darthanubis> whats the cmd to restart the shell? [14:48] <darthanubis> guess I'll install all these updates and see if it fixes or brings any stability [14:48] <darthanubis> looks like there is some breeze,plasma, and sddm stuff inthere [14:49] * darthanubis crosses fingers [14:50] <darthanubis> lets see if I can log out [14:55] <yofel> Riddell: do you remember why we depend on a specific mysql version for akonadi? We don't even ship multiple ones in the archive.. [14:56] <Riddell> yofel: nope, is it some ubuntu policy to not accidently compile against another one like boost maybe? [14:57] <yofel> this is the runtime dep, the build one is already "just" libmysqlclient-dev. [14:59] <yofel> meh, I'll write a mail to the ML, this packaging doesn't match reality at all [15:05] <darthanubis> sweet, can logout now! [15:08] <darthanubis> still getting this message about mscorefonts installer, and I know the package installed successfully [15:14] <BluesKaj> so is apt-get no longer needed ? replaced by just apt ? [15:35] <ScottK> BluesKaj: It's not replaced. Both are still there. Use whichever you prefer. [15:36] <ScottK> yofel: If the MySQL dependency is generated from shlibs, then that's normal library versioning at work. It should just need a no change rebuild for the new ABI. [15:37] <BluesKaj> ScottK, kind of like apt without the "get" even tho i use short alaises for those commands I like the ideaof a progressbar when upgrading and installing [15:37] <ScottK> My fingers are sufficiently trained I've never managed to use it. [15:38] <yofel> ScottK: it's not, it's manually hardcoded, as in: [15:38] <yofel> Depends: mysql-client-core-5.5 | mysql-client-core-5.6 | mariadb-client-core-5.5 | mariadb-client-core-10.0 [15:38] <yofel> see the mail I just sent [15:39] <ScottK> OK. [15:39] <ScottK> No idea then. [16:03] <mparillo> I still seem to need apt-get autoremove -y Seems to choke on simply apt, but otherwise I save four characters and get a nifty progress bar. [16:12] <yofel> you could also set APT::Get::AutomaticRemove "1" in apt.conf - then you can skip that [16:13] <Riddell> hmm kubotu all silent on trello changes :( [16:14] <Riddell> frecel: how would you like a useful task? [16:14] <Riddell> frecel: kamoso needs testing and packaged [16:14] <kubotu> [15.04 :: To Do :: test/package kamoso ++ ] [16:15] <yofel> that would be sweet, even if it needs an FFE [16:18] <Riddell> yofel: not going to happen in vivid :) [16:18] <Riddell> and actually looking at it it'll get complex [16:18] <yofel> oh well [16:18] <Riddell> needs qt 5 gstreamer packaged [16:18] <yofel> geh [16:18] <Riddell> and kf5 kpurpose [16:19] <yofel> yeah, not vivid then [16:19] <Riddell> frecel: so maybe not an easy task then ↑ [16:19] <Riddell> and kamoso isn't released, it's just that apol asked me for testers and maybe some CI packaging [16:22] <Riddell> ok I'm off, Adéu [18:47] * ahoneybun is on the Ubuntu Membership Board [18:55] <yofel> ahoneybun: congrats :) [18:55] <ahoneybun> yofel: thanks :) [18:57] <xennex81> how are you doing ovidiu-florin [18:57] <xennex81> ? [18:59] <lordievader> ahoneybun: Congratulations. But what does it mean that you are on the Membership Board? Do you get to evaluate membership applications? [18:59] <lordievader> ahoneybun: Congratulations. But what does it mean that you are on the Membership Board? Do you get to evaluate membership applications? [18:59] <lordievader> Whoops. [19:00] <xennex81> whoopsie [19:00] <xennex81> the s/ first/ second thing did not work in #kubuntu :P [19:00] <ahoneybun> lordievader: yes [19:00] <xennex81> or is it tied to individual members? [19:01] <lordievader> ahoneybun: Fancy :) [19:01] <ahoneybun> lordievader: yea lol [19:01] <xennex81> :) [19:01] <xennex81> I'm hearing you! :P [19:01] <xennex81> lol [19:01] <xennex81> (I'm busy with getting some development time ready for Calligra :) ) [19:02] <xennex81> minus the space at the end [19:02] <xennex81> (have my first builds ready of the stock software...) [19:33] <yofel> xennex81: the s/ thing is a kubotu thing. kubuntu is not in #kubuntu [19:33] <yofel> s/kubuntu/kubotu/ [19:33] <kubotu> yofel meant: "xennex81: the s/ thing is a kubotu thing. kubotu is not in #kubuntu" [19:33] <yofel> -.- [19:36] <soee> someone tested lately nvidia-prime with propriety drivers ? [19:54] <xennex81> :) [19:54] <xennex81> hahahahahahaha [19:55] <xennex81> i like kobuto [19:55] <xennex81> but I am not sure if I spell it right haha [19:55] <xennex81> s/kobuto/kubotu/ [19:55] <kubotu> xennex81: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed" [19:55] <yofel> only works on the previous line [19:55] <xennex81> it doesn't want me to be late [19:55] <xennex81> :P :( [19:55] <xennex81> i see [19:56] <xennex81> it doesn't want me to use it on the previous line yes [19:56] <xennex81> hrm.. [19:56] <xennex81> .. [19:56] <xennex81> ................. [19:56] <xennex81> s/...../blaat/ [19:56] <kubotu> xennex81 meant: "blaat............" [19:56] <xennex81> :) [19:56] <xennex81> haha i like scripts :) ..... i wish i had more :P [20:00] <ahoneybun> KF 5.9! [20:01] <Riddell> ahoneybun: you get yourself as a member of the membership board? [20:01] <ahoneybun> Riddell: yes [20:01] <Riddell> gosh, how exciting :) [20:01] <ahoneybun> I know :) [20:02] <soee> sgclark: hiho [20:02] <ahoneybun> darn crazy [20:02] <xennex81> congratulations then :), even if I don't know what it is ? : ) :P [20:02] <ahoneybun> soee: I don't dare install the drivers [20:02] <xennex81> everything in life should be revertible [20:03] <xennex81> if it is not okay [20:03] <ahoneybun> xennex81: not sure about those drivers [20:03] <ahoneybun> *should be* [20:03] <xennex81> just undo everything rm -rf / [20:03] <ahoneybun> right lol [20:03] <xennex81> i mean undo that also [20:03] <xennex81> it should be possible lol [20:03] <xennex81> everything that is not okay :p [20:04] <xennex81> :P [20:04] <ahoneybun> If I had saved a list of the packages and removed the blacklist of the drivers it should work [20:04] <xennex81> I currently have a KDE that cannot select a different Window Decoration theme because the current one makes it crash [20:04] <ahoneybun> just easier to reinstall [20:04] <ahoneybun> g2g brb [20:04] <xennex81> bye [20:05] <xennex81> there are many themes for that (perhaps) that makes the tool crash [20:05] <xennex81> segfault, whenever you load it [20:05] <soee> ahoneybun: well i have them installed but cant use :) [20:05] <soee> im on intel profile atm [20:06] <xennex81> i'm not sure how to clear that setting, it is in the .kde I think [20:06] <soee> nvidia driver makes plymouth freeze [20:09] <xennex81> blah that's bad [20:09] <soee> ~.~ [20:09] <xennex81> found, kwinrc [20:09] <xennex81> that is an essential component [20:10] <xennex81> you can't have it freeze like that :P [20:11] <soee> nah you can get used to, when working on a dev version [20:17] <ovidiu-florin> xennex81: I'm trying to recover from a headake [20:17] <ovidiu-florin> that still won't let me go [20:17] <ovidiu-florin> I can't do anything [20:18] <ovidiu-florin> I don't know what's happening [20:21] <lordievader> ovidiu-florin: Too much birthday alcohol? [20:21] <ovidiu-florin> I suspected at first [20:21] <ovidiu-florin> but actually I didn't drink that much [20:21] <ovidiu-florin> I didn't even get drunk [20:22] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: ping [20:22] <lordievader> Hmm, too bad :( [20:23] <soee> who thinks im the boss ? [20:24] <soee> ahoneybun: win [20:25] <soee> wfter logout i had only black screen but hard reset and it somehow started [20:25] <soee> with EGL panel is whole white - no effects, but with GLX it seems to work [20:26] <soee> brb one more reboot to check if it will work [20:27] <soee> back [20:28] <soee> someone can confirm that with latest updates, rightclick on desktop not working ? [20:29] <stoocot> soee: I can, also desktop search is completely broken [20:29] <soee> oO [20:30] <soee> well i can search for applications in krunner [20:30] <soee> *cant [20:30] <soee> so indeed it is broken [20:31] <xennex81> ovidiu-florin: I think it is a cause for more water drinking in any case ;-) ! [20:31] <xennex81> but nice to see you're back [20:32] <xennex81> not doing anything or not being able to do anything Is Something I Am Used To :P. [20:34] <xennex81> I am wondering if you 're still or still would be interested.... if You'd Still Be Interested in having a look at what i had been writing about the ...*gasp*... argh... website... ? [20:35] <xennex81> if I am to or were to make it as image-rich As I Could ? [20:35] <xennex81> s/if I am to or were to/If I am to make it or were to/ [20:35] <kubotu> xennex81 meant: "If I am to make it or were to make it as image-rich As I Could ?" [20:36] <xennex81> lol [20:36] <xennex81> I just need a better mouse for image manipulation lol [20:40] <Riddell> hi ovidiu-florin [20:40] <ovidiu-florin> I've skimmed over your mail [20:40] <ovidiu-florin> I'll read it again though [20:40] * ahoneybun high fives soee [20:41] <ovidiu-florin> Riddell: I'd like to finish the Team page and the publish it [20:41] <ovidiu-florin> and do the rest after [20:41] <ovidiu-florin> any reason not to? [20:41] <ovidiu-florin> soee ahoneybun anyone else ^^ [20:42] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: sounds good [20:43] <soee> there is this bug in menu on small screens i reported on github [20:43] <ovidiu-florin> which menu? [20:43] <ovidiu-florin> main navigation? [20:44] <ovidiu-florin> aha [20:44] <ovidiu-florin> soee: do you have a fix for it, or do I have to investigate? [20:44] <soee> ovidiu-florin: its simple, i explained it in bugreport i think [20:46] <ahoneybun> sup ovidiu-florin [20:46] <ahoneybun> oh Team page [20:47] <soee> and we need to make better banner on frontpage [20:47] <ovidiu-florin> soee: go to ahoneybun for that [20:48] <ovidiu-florin> soee: I can't find through inspect element the css selector for .skt-mob-menu [20:48] <soee> ovidiu-florin: ill make a sample tomorrow to show you how i would see [20:48] <soee> it [20:49] * ahoneybun hates the Ubuntu Wiki [20:49] <soee> ovidiu-florin: resize page to smaller size [20:49] <ahoneybun> what do you have in mind soee [20:50] <soee> ahoneybun: ? [20:50] <ahoneybun> banner soee [20:50] <soee> separate background image and text etc [20:51] <ovidiu-florin> soee: check it out now (navigation) [20:51] <ahoneybun> have a slight trans background for the text and images? [20:53] <soee> ovidiu-florin: yes its fine now, but the menu button and logo arent verticaly centered in this to panel hight [20:53] <soee> woudl be got to fix it [20:54] <ovidiu-florin> can you make a pull request for that? [20:54] <soee> ovidiu-florin: tomorrow [20:54] <ovidiu-florin> ok [21:06] <soee> Riddell: ping [21:06] <soee> users report the same 2 issues we did: [21:08] <Riddell> mm meh, I'll test it out tomorrow [21:08] <ovidiu-florin> W: Failed to fetch Hash Sum mismatch [21:08] <ovidiu-florin> E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead. [21:16] <soee> kernel upgrade [21:25] <Riddell> ovidiu-florin: wait a bit and try again [22:15] <valorie> I have the same issues soee reports [22:15] <valorie> where should this be reported? [22:16] <valorie> ie: no right-click on teh desktop, krunner doesn't search [22:16] <valorie> in fact, it doesn't add 2+3 [22:33] <valorie> I guess I'll file it on krunner on bko [22:35] <Riddell> valorie: one on krunner and one of plasma-framework [22:35] <Riddell> bugs.k.o and launchpad [22:35] <Riddell> if you can [22:38] <valorie> hmmm [22:38] <valorie> apt-cache policy krunner yields nothing [22:38] <valorie> what do we call it? [22:41] <valorie> I mean, our packagename [22:41] <Riddell> krunner source package [22:41] <valorie> eeek, lost without my krunner [22:42] <valorie> omg, search isn't working in kicker either [22:42] <Riddell> frameworks-krunner in [22:42] <valorie> ok [22:43] <valorie> apt-cache policy tells me I have neither [22:44] <valorie> apt install can't find it [22:44] <Riddell> libkf5runner5 is the library [22:44] <valorie> something wicked this way comes [22:44] <Riddell> which is what has changed [22:45] <valorie> that I do have [22:46] <valorie> do you happen to know our version of krunner since apt-cache is being so stupid? [22:47] <valorie> [22:47] <valorie> none of those sound right [22:48] <valorie> and search for frameworks-krunner finds null [22:53] <Riddell> valorie: 5.2.95 [22:53] <valorie> ty [22:53] <Riddell> valorie: [22:54] <Riddell> valorie: [22:54] <Riddell> valorie: [22:55] <valorie> excellent [22:55] <valorie> plasma components? [22:56] <valorie> I assume [22:56] <Riddell> hmm here is no frameworks-krunner [22:57] <shadeslayer> Riddell: how's it going [22:57] <Riddell> shadeslayer: can I put a load of anarchist vegans in the office this weekend? [22:57] <Riddell> they'll be well behaved [23:00] <valorie> but will they wear kilts? [23:00] <shadeslayer> hah [23:01] <shadeslayer> Riddell: what's with the anarchist vegans [23:01] <Riddell> valorie: unlikely, they're from england [23:01] <shadeslayer> Riddell: do they use KDE? [23:02] <valorie> too bad, vegans should all wear kilts [23:02] <valorie> heck, guys in Seattle wear them [23:03] <Riddell> shadeslayer: they will if they want a bed for the night [23:03] <valorie> even if they are utilikilts [23:03] <shadeslayer> lol [23:04] * valorie spreads the rumour that Riddell beds vegans to get them to use KDE [23:04] <valorie> so naughty [23:05] <shadeslayer> Nim still uses OS X [23:05] <shadeslayer> I think he's failing at that if that is his agenda [23:08] <valorie> frameworks: [23:09] <valorie> krunner: [23:09] <valorie> confirmations, please [23:12] <valorie> [23:12] <ahoneybun> Riddell: seems the installer bug will be fixed soon [23:13] <ahoneybun> ^ [23:15] <valorie> - confirm please [23:15] <valorie> all of them [23:19] <ahoneybun> valorie: let me reboot after those updates and try brb [23:20] <valorie> yes, I'm glad I rebooted after the updates so I could report this stuff on day one [23:20] <valorie> also weird that G+ is now where we find this stuff...... [23:20] <valorie> I guess I'll go add those links and ask the plussers to confirm also [23:23] <valorie> done [23:28] <ahoneybun> krunner search, counts, and launches [23:28] <ahoneybun> valorie: * [23:30] <valorie> interesting [23:30] <valorie> all I did was update, restart, and then test [23:30] <claydoh> laptop udated just now, confirming the bugs [23:30] <valorie> a bit of a Heisenbug situation, I fear [23:31] <ahoneybun> no updates left [23:33] <claydoh> updating the media center now [23:39] <stoocot> ahoneybun: maybe you used mirror, not main repo server and it's not in sync yet? I was affected by these bugs about 8 hours ago [23:40] <ahoneybun> kf 5.9 was installe [23:41] <ahoneybun> stoocot: so same version [23:42] <stoocot> right, strange difference [23:46] <stoocot> ahoneybun: what's about your right-click desktop menu? [23:47] <ahoneybun> all good [23:47] <valorie> and kicker/kickoff search/launch? [23:48] <claydoh> valorie: both mine have all the bugs, not going to bother checking the third one [23:53] <valorie> there are two bko bugs, and two in launchpad [23:54] <valorie> confirmation needed for all 4 bug reports
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BluesKaj", "Riddell", "ScottK", "Sput", "ahoneybun", "claydoh", "darthanubis", "frecel", "genii", "kubotu", "lordievader", "mparillo", "ovidiu-florin", "scottbomb", "shadeslayer", "sitter", "soee", "stoocot", "valorie", "xennex81", "yofel" ], "url": "", "channel": "#kubuntu-devel" }
[00:56] <fabianoSJ> Olá [00:56] <fabianoSJ> como funciona isso aqui? [00:57] <astroo-> ola [00:57] <astroo-> diz a duvida... [00:57] <fabianoSJ> assim, é que é a primeira vez que estou aqui [00:58] <fabianoSJ> qual a finalidade desse canal? [00:58] <fabianoSJ> como faço para listar os canais disponíveis? [00:58] <fabianoSJ> desculpe minha ignorância [00:59] <astroo-> bem-vindo [00:59] <fabianoSJ> obrigado [00:59] <astroo-> este e sobre o sistema ubuntu [00:59] <fabianoSJ> legal [00:59] <fabianoSJ> são todos voluntários? [00:59] <astroo-> para veres canais e fazeres /list [01:00] <astroo-> sim [01:00] <fabianoSJ> tipo uma mútuo ajuda? [01:27] <dk_millares> boa noite [01:32] <astroo-> ola [02:30] <Rogerio> Eu tenho uma duvida, gostaria de saber qual os dispostivos suportados pelo ubuntu [02:31] <dk_millares> como assim Rogerio? [02:32] <Rogerio> Quando instalamos um S.O.em um computador ele possui o reconhecimento dos drives instalados, sem precisarmos ter que baixar este drive do site de algum empresa dona deste drive, queria saber sobre isso, quais os drivers que o ubuntu suporta [02:33] <Rudolf> Rogerio: [02:34] <dk_millares> pois é Rogerio, acho que existe uma lista de hardware homologado pro ubuntu [02:35] <dk_millares> deixando claro que não quer dizer que o que nao esteja na lista nao va suportar [02:36] <dk_millares> Rogerio: [02:36] <Rogerio> obrigado a todos [02:36] <dk_millares> veja se acha oq precisa [02:37] <dk_millares> ou [02:37] <dk_millares> puta bosta [02:37] <dk_millares> assim nao da graça ajudar :S [02:47] <astroo-> ciao pessoal [02:53] <Rudolf> hueheiuheiuheiuhe [02:53] <Rudolf> dk_millares: tu desanima muito facil suporte [02:55] <dk_millares> uahuahauhua [02:55] <dk_millares> pois é Rudolf [13:28] <Elfon> Pessoal, compartilhei uma pasta via samba e não localizo os pcs [13:28] <Elfon> colocando o ip até vai...mas montá-la...só modo leitura [13:28] <Elfon> o que pode estar acontecendo? [13:38] <mirqui> bom dia :) [13:54] <Elfon> alguem? [13:54] <mirqui> fala :) [13:55] <|Dante|> alguém usa gerenciador de janelas i3 com ubuntu? [13:55] <Elfon> mirqui: compartilhei uma pasta pelo parece que o servidor não libera escrita...como resolvo? [13:55] <mirqui> ahaha desculpa cara , sou novo no linux [13:56] <mirqui> olha isrto [13:56] <mirqui> [13:57] <mirqui> primeiro ítem [13:57] <Elfon> ok [13:57] <Elfon> vlw [13:58] <mirqui> que é gerenciador i3? [13:58] <|Dante|> é um gerenciador de janelas [13:59] <mirqui> vc tem algum problema? [13:59] <|Dante|> em outras palavras eh uma inteface gráfica diferente da unity, que é a padrão do ubuntu [13:59] <mirqui> sim , compreendo [13:59] <|Dante|> instalei o i3 com opção de alternar com unity [14:00] <|Dante|> quando estou no i3 o layout do meu teclado fica desconfigurado [14:00] <|Dante|> mas no unity fica ok [14:00] <mirqui> tenta o hggdh ele é avançado [14:00] <mirqui> ou o elfon tbm [14:00] <mirqui> eles sabem bastante [14:01] <|Dante|> blz, valeu :) [14:01] <mirqui> boa sorte :) [14:02] <Elfon> DanielSa: não conheço o i3 mas geralmente os ambientes gráficos vêm com um utilitário pra algumas configurações [14:02] <Elfon> verifica se tem para o teclado [14:09] <|Dante|> o i3 não configurações por gráficos, tudo no arquivo de configuração mesmo [14:10] <|Dante|> ja fucei esse arquivo e não tem opção [14:10] <|Dante|> ele parece pegar as configurações do unity [14:10] <mirqui> vc baixou ele pelacentral de programas? [14:10] <|Dante|> mas não tenho certeza [14:10] <|Dante|> apt-get [14:11] <mirqui> desinstala e instala de novo [14:11] <mirqui> pode ser que funcione [14:11] <|Dante|> vou tentar [14:11] <mirqui> vc não usa o ubuntu tweak? [14:13] <|Dante|> não [14:13] <mirqui> também tem como configurar as janelas no tweak [14:13] <|Dante|> pode crer, não conhecia [14:13] <mirqui> mas tem que baixar os temas , isso eu não sei [14:14] <|Dante|> o legal do i3 é que é tudo automático [14:14] <mirqui> o ubuntu tweak tbm , tem a parte gráfica [14:14] <|Dante|> cada janela que você abre ja ocupa metade da tela certinho [14:15] <|Dante|> vou tentar o tweak também [14:15] <mirqui> então boa sorte :) [14:15] <mirqui> sabe como encontrar? [14:15] <|Dante|> valeu obrigado [14:16] <|Dante|> pela central? [14:16] <|Dante|> qual o melhor caminho? [14:17] <mirqui> pela central tem a ferramenta de ajuste do unity , tbm [14:17] <mirqui> que dá para personalizar [14:17] <mirqui> o ubuntu tweak é a mesma coisa [14:17] <mirqui> me parece que pelo synaptic tem [14:18] <mirqui> mas se não achar digita no google ubuntu tweak , é um pacote .deb [14:18] <|Dante|> encontrei na central o ferramentas do unity [14:19] <mirqui> sim, da uma olhada [14:22] <|Dante|> estou conferindo aqui [14:23] <mirqui> eu peguei um vídeo de como se personaliza o ubuntu [14:23] <mirqui> dá uma olhada [14:23] <mirqui> [14:41] <|Dante|> opa, deu certo! [14:41] <|Dante|> reinstalei o pacote do i3 e está funcionado agora [14:41] <|Dante|> obrigado ae! [15:21] <eltonfernandes> olá [15:21] <eltonfernandes> eu pus o cd do ubuntu baixado do site para instalar... e a tela está preta somente com o indicador do mouse... isso já faz uns.. 15 min... [15:21] <eltonfernandes> é normal? [15:56] <mirqui> boa tarde :) [17:22] <Marcos_> Olá boa tarde! [17:23] <Marcos_> Pessoal, a nova distro do ubuntu (15.04) já tem versao final liberada? [18:02] <Elfon> pessoal, alguem familiarizado com o samba? [18:17] <Geese_Howard> Elfon: só trash metal [18:25] <alexschiavo> alguem sabe instalar o itunes no ubuntu? [18:27] <Geese_Howard> alexschiavo: não instala iTunes no ubuntu champs [18:27] <Geese_Howard> alexschiavo: iTunes NÃO tem para linux [18:27] <alexschiavo> mais o proprio atendente da apple, informou que tem como fazer. [18:27] <Geese_Howard> e você acreditou? [18:28] <alexschiavo> pois eh. [18:28] <alexschiavo> essa é minha duvida [18:28] <Geese_Howard> alexschiavo: curte Saci, Mula sem cabeça, Papai-Noel também? [18:28] <Elfon> Geese_Howard: é sério...não consigo acessar em modo escrita [18:28] <alexschiavo> vlw, obrigado [18:29] <Elfon> alexschiavo: iphne 4, 5 ou 6? [18:29] <alexschiavo> 5 [18:30] <alexschiavo> 5c [18:30] <Elfon> alexschiavo: dá uma procurada sobre o amarok...parece que alguns iphones funfan de boa [18:31] <alexschiavo> Elfon. Obrigadp [18:57] <Geese_Howard> Linux asgard 4.0.0-asgard #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Apr 14 01:01:32 AMT 2015 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 460 @ 2.53GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux [18:58] <hggdh> heh [18:59] <Elfon> hggdh: vc é familiarizado com o samba? [18:59] <Elfon> rapaz...não acesso em modo escrita [19:13] <Elfon> alguem? [19:13] <mebellin> oi [19:46] <converge> alo [20:46] <astroo-> ola pessoal [20:47] <mebellin> ola [20:48] <astroo-> ola [20:54] <Vitor> Boa tarde ! [20:55] <astroo-> Vitor ola [20:56] <Vitor> olá astroo - poderia me ajudar? [20:56] <astroo-> duvido... [20:56] <Vitor> rs [21:05] <Vitor> alguem sabe onde encontrar programas .deb , para instalar no ubuntu? Sou leigo , e vi que arquivos de extensao .deb é de facil instalação [21:05] <astroo-> es novo aqui? [21:05] <Vitor> sim [21:05] <astroo-> bem-vindo [21:05] <Vitor> Obrigado ! [21:08] <Rudolf> Vitor: não recomendo instalar assim [21:08] <Rudolf> Vitor: apesar de ser fácil [21:08] <Rudolf> Vitor: vamos supor que o pacote a dependa de b e c [21:08] <Rudolf> Vitor: ok, você acha b e c [21:09] <Rudolf> Vitor: e também instala usando dpkg -i [21:09] <Rudolf> Vitor: se vc tiver a sorte de não ferrar os pacotes atualmente instalados [21:09] <Rudolf> Vitor: pode ser que no futuro, ao atualizar quebre todo seu sistema de dependências [21:10] <Rudolf> Vitor: sugiro sempre utilizar o apt/aptitude/central de programas [21:10] <hggdh> +1 [21:10] <Rudolf> Vitor: que mantém o sistema de pacotes estável [21:11] <Vitor> entendi [23:47] <converge> alo [23:50] <astroo-> ola [23:54] <Rudolf> aloha!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Elfon", "Geese_Howard", "Marcos_", "Rogerio", "Rudolf", "Vitor", "alexschiavo", "astroo-", "converge", "dk_millares", "eltonfernandes", "fabianoSJ", "hggdh", "mebellin", "mirqui", "|Dante|" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-br" }
[15:40] <codeic_> pozdrav svima [21:02] <cvetan> drugari jel koristi neko prisutan kde? :) [22:38] <Githzerai> ovo njesra jopet ne radi? [22:40] <TildaTurn> Githzerai, šta? :) [22:40] <TildaTurn> .. aha, forum [22:41] <Githzerai> ma forum
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Githzerai", "TildaTurn", "codeic_", "cvetan" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-rs" }
[05:24] <Kilos> hi nhaines and others [08:39] <Kilos> sigh load shedding sucks [13:46] <elacheche> ping pleia2! [13:48] <Kilos> hi elacheche [13:48] <Kilos> congrats [13:54] <elacheche> Hey Kilos! on what! [13:54] <Kilos> read the news letter [13:54] <belkinsa> Kilos, I think that is someone else, maybe elacheche's brother or something. [13:55] <belkinsa> General Community News [13:55] <belkinsa> Welcome New Members and Developers [13:55] <belkinsa> Eleanor Chen, on behalf of the Ubuntu Membership Board, announces four new Ubuntu Members who have been approved by the 2200 UTC board: [13:55] <belkinsa> Brendan Perrine [13:55] <belkinsa> Cheng-Chia Tseng [13:55] <Kilos> oh my again i dint read properly [13:55] <belkinsa> Bedis ElAcheche [13:55] <elacheche> I did, it's about the new ubuntu members :) my little brother is one x) [13:55] <belkinsa> Andrew Hayzen [13:55] <belkinsa> [13:55] <belkinsa> Ah, I figured that he was a brother of yours, elacheche. [13:55] <mhall119> yay Ubuntu Members! [13:55] <elacheche> yep belkinsa :) [13:55] <Kilos> ive already congratulated him on irc [13:57] <elacheche> belkinsa, my Fiancee is an ubuntu member too.. Do you think that one day, my children will be ubuntu members by default? :D x) [13:57] <Kilos> rofl [13:57] <belkinsa> You wish. They need to prove themselves. [13:57] <elacheche> hahahahahah :D [16:12] <Kilos> elacheche congrats [16:15] <elacheche> thx :D :D :D How did you knew? [16:15] <Kilos> i know everything [16:15] <Kilos> except what i forget [16:16] <elacheche> belkinsa, now I can't apply to be part ofthe CC?? x) congrats Kilos too :D [16:16] <Kilos> im very thatnkful for the honour [16:16] <Kilos> thankful [16:24] <Kilos> elacheche no missing meetings hey! [16:24] * genii makes a celebratory pot of coffee and passes the mugs around [16:24] <elacheche> I don't miss meetings :D Maybe I sleep in irc but not during mettings :p [16:25] * Kilos accepts thanfully [16:25] * elacheche Happy to share coffee with the LoCo :D [16:25] <Kilos> good man :D [16:25] <genii> :) [16:32] <toddy> congrats Kilos and elacheche [16:32] <Kilos> ty toddy [16:32] <elacheche> Thx toddy :) [16:32] <Kilos> oi i always forget smiley things [16:32] <Kilos> :D [16:33] <toddy> I hope we will make a good job :) [16:33] <Kilos> we will do our best i think [16:33] <Kilos> i might just need reminders, im rather forgetfull [16:36] * elacheche congrats toddy too :) [16:37] <Kilos> oh my did you also get it now toddy ? [16:37] <Kilos> congrats [16:40] <toddy> :=) [16:40] <toddy> thx [16:49] <elacheche> Kilos, canonical don't offer XPS 13 Laptops for the new board members :p #troll x) [16:50] <elacheche> that was a question btw x) [16:50] <Kilos> no man [16:50] <Kilos> ive also been looking but my old desktop works fine [16:51] <elacheche> hahaha :D [16:51] <Kilos> nice to dream though [17:13] <pleia2> elacheche: pong [17:13] <Kilos> pleia2 ty [17:13] <Kilos> and hi there [17:14] <pleia2> hi Kilos [17:14] <elacheche> pleia2, I lokking for an information about the membership board.. but now it's ok x) Kilos & myself we're aboard x) [17:15] <pleia2> elacheche: ah yes, a formal announcement will go out soon :) [17:15] <elacheche> pleia2, but now am wondering.. now I can't apply to be part of the CC?? x) [17:15] * elacheche have huge dreams, and he know that :D [17:15] <pleia2> elacheche: there will be a call for nominees in the fall, it happens every 2 years [17:16] <Kilos> oh pleia2 for info to the weekly magazine can i just mail you the info? [17:16] <pleia2> of that list, Mark selects 12 for voting on by the Ubuntu Membership community [17:16] <pleia2> Kilos: mention it in #ubuntu-news or mail [email protected] [17:16] <pleia2> I travel a lot, so best to tell the whole team in case I'm busy :) [17:16] <Kilos> ty pleia2 [17:17] <belkinsa> pleia2, do you know when is the next election for the CC is? I'm just wondering it. [17:17] <elacheche> belkinsa, pleia2 [17:17] <belkinsa> Er, that's for LoCo. [17:17] <genii> Oh! Yesterday [17:18] <pleia2> belkinsa: in the fall, we all expired on November 13th [17:18] <pleia2> s/expired/expire [17:18] <pleia2> will probably start the call for nominations in september [17:18] <belkinsa> Alright. [17:18] <belkinsa> Thank you. [17:20] <elacheche> Emm.. Sorry belkinsa.. I have no idea why I read it as Community council x) But now I should findout the difference between CC and LC x) [17:21] <belkinsa> LC is for the LoCo's and CC is the community as a whole. [17:22] <elacheche> Emm.. I see :) [18:16] <wxl> word is there is a need for loco council members? [18:25] <mhall119> wxl: yup [18:26] <wxl> mhall119: what's the process for nominating? [18:26] <mhall119> wxl: [18:27] <wxl> thx mhall119 :) [18:27] <mhall119> np [18:41] <wxl> is IS caught up with their backlog from christmas time yet? our loco is still waiting on official canonical hosting :( [18:44] <wxl> nomination sent :) [18:45] <Kilos> good luck wxl [18:46] <dk___> Hello need help [18:46] <dk___> with bluetooth [18:47] <dk___> my bluetooth cant be switched on with the bluetooth app on my ubuntu 14.04 [18:47] <dk___> help is much appreciated [18:49] <Kilos> dk___ type in /j #ubuntu [18:49] <Kilos> this isnt a support channel [18:49] <dk___> ow [18:49] <Kilos> where are you? [18:49] <dk___> finland where exactly coudl I get some help? [18:51] <Kilos> look at your pm message [18:51] <Kilos> ill try help you [18:52] <dk___> very kind of you Im extremely new to Ubuntu [18:52] <dk___> what is pm message. [18:52] <Kilos> look in one of the side panels [18:52] <Kilos> you should see an extra one [18:53] <Kilos> an extra channel that is [18:53] <Kilos> private message [19:58] <Kilos> sorry guys, i hate seeing new peeps battle
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kilos", "belkinsa", "dk___", "elacheche", "genii", "mhall119", "pleia2", "toddy", "wxl" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-locoteams" }
[05:03] <larsu> good morning! [06:03] <didrocks> good morning [06:06] <seb128> hey didrocks & desktopers [06:06] <didrocks> re seb128 [06:55] <willcooke> morning [06:57] <didrocks> good morning willcooke [06:58] <larsu> hi willcooke! [07:15] <seb128> willcooke, hey [07:42] <darkxst> hey seb128 didrocks [07:42] <darkxst> user-setup package is forked in ubuntu? [07:46] <didrocks> darkxst: hey, what do you mean by forked? version is 1.48ubuntu3, so yeah, not in sync with debian [07:46] <didrocks> (only used in xubuntu apparently) [07:47] <darkxst> didrocks, it is setting gdm Auto login [07:47] <darkxst> and TimedLogin which we don't want [07:47] <darkxst> but that code seems non-existant in debian [07:47] <seb128> hey [07:47] <darkxst> bug 1412791 [07:48] <didrocks> - Add preseedable passwd/auto-login question; if set to true, configure [07:48] <didrocks> gdm, kdm, lxdm, and lightdm for automatic login. Add [07:48] <didrocks> passwd/auto-login-backup question which backs up the previous contents [07:48] <didrocks> of the files as well. [07:48] <didrocks> darkxst: ^ [07:48] <darkxst> didrocks lp:~darkxst/user-setup/noTimedLogin [07:50] <didrocks> darkxst: sounds better for the foundation team to have a look, they did all changes to it and own ubiquity [07:50] <didrocks> so I guess they would have a better knowledge of the impacts [07:50] <didrocks> also, referencing the bug in the changelog + MP would help them [07:52] <didrocks> (even if it seems you are the only one impacted as the change is in a gdm section, better to double check with them for unseen impacts) [07:54] <darkxst> didrocks, this is why I am condfused, that code does not exist in the debian package there is nothing setting AutoLogin there [07:55] <didrocks> darkxst: it's been a long time I didn't use DI, but I'm not even sure they have an option for setting autologin during install [07:55] <darkxst> and debian changelog doesnt have any notable changes apart from a few fixes and translations [07:56] <darkxst> (since 1.48) [07:56] <didrocks> my bet is that this change is only for ubiquity [07:57] <didrocks> but I may be wrong [07:57] <didrocks> (maybe maas as well?) [07:58] <darkxst> didrocks, but then why is ubuntu patching upstream code if its not a fork? [07:58] <darkxst> I suppose I should ask cjwatson [07:58] <didrocks> right [08:06] <Laney> hullo [08:06] <Laney> bloody suspend failures [08:06] <darkxst> hey Laney [08:06] <Laney> resume* [08:06] <didrocks> morning Laney [08:06] <Laney> hi darkxst didrocks [08:08] <Laney> what's upski [08:10] <darkxst> Laney, just silly installer bugs [08:12] <willcooke> supposed to be getting upgraded to fibre today - so might disappear offline for a while at some point. [08:13] <seb128> hey Laney [08:13] <willcooke> That said, I'm dealing with Open Reach, so it's equally likely that nothing will happen at all [08:18] <didrocks> willcooke: well, when I switched recently, got some surprised (like not plug the day it should have been, and "magically" fixed without any interventions and things like that [08:18] <didrocks> willcooke: btw, before you disappear, meeting reminder email? :) [08:18] <seb128> didrocks is not forgetting about business :-) [08:19] <didrocks> never *ever* [08:19] <willcooke> :D:D [08:20] <larsu> didrocks: maybe we should start writing reminder emails for the reminder emails? [08:20] <larsu> I can remind you about doing that every Tuesday morning if you wish [08:22] <didrocks> inception! [08:23] <larsu> not deep enough yet [08:23] <didrocks> larsu: TBH, for a while, I was always reminding seb128 about the reminder email [08:23] <didrocks> so we went already there :p [08:23] <larsu> I might forget reminding you though... seb128, do you mind reminding me? [08:23] <larsu> (about reminding didrocks to remind willcooke to send the meeting reminder to us all) [08:23] <didrocks> larsu: be careful to not create deadlocks though! [08:23] <willcooke> seb128, I'll write a script to email you a reminder [08:23] <larsu> didrocks: HAHA [08:24] <Laney> we need a 7 person chain [08:24] <larsu> willcooke: wait.......... [08:24] <willcooke> ???? [08:24] <Laney> "good morning, remember to remind <person> tomorrow" [08:24] * larsu has a feelin we're circular now [08:24] <larsu> Laney: $PERSON [08:24] <didrocks> yeah, I bet we should change our dependency strategy [08:24] <larsu> what is this? html? [08:24] <Laney> %s, person [08:24] <didrocks> and for tests, we need to add mocks [08:24] <larsu> Laney: that's good as well :) [08:24] <didrocks> so time for dependency injection [08:25] * davmor2 remembers to remind Laney tomorrow no idea of what but I'll remind him damn it [08:26] <Laney> remind me to finish that last bit of easter egg [08:26] <Laney> HAHA as if i'll need reminding [08:26] <larsu> lol [08:35] <willcooke> seb128, guess what... [08:35] <willcooke> I have a meeting with the browser folk at 15030 UTC [08:35] <willcooke> to talk about stuff from the product sprint in LDN the other week [08:36] <willcooke> I can probably manage to run an IRC meeting and do a hangout at the same time though. [08:36] <willcooke> just fyi [08:37] <seb128> willcooke, I'm happy to lead the meeting [08:38] <seb128> you can still be around and ask questions and stuff as well [08:38] <willcooke> seb128, let's see how it goes... [08:38] <willcooke> thx [08:38] <seb128> but at least if you need to focus on your hangout it doesn't create gaps on IRC [08:38] <seb128> yw [09:36] <Laney> seb128 / larsu: I see unity-greeter in the upload queue ;-) [09:36] <seb128> Laney, great! [09:36] <Laney> thanks for reminding! [09:37] <larsu> \o/ [09:42] <seb128> yw! [09:50] <ochosi> hey guys [09:50] <ochosi> so did you resolve that menu-shadow problem in gtk3 in the end? [09:51] <larsu> ochosi: yep, thanks to Laney :) [09:52] <ochosi> good :) [09:52] <Laney> so shady [09:52] <Laney> nice and cool under those menus now [09:53] <ochosi> haha [09:53] <ochosi> yeah, "summer is coming" ;) [10:33] <bregma> sound like a GTK+ bug, ja? [10:36] <larsu> bregma: that's probably an issue with gtk's natural scrolling [10:37] <larsu> and I guess this is the fix? [10:39] <larsu> hm probably not, we already have that fix [10:54] <larsu> ah it is that commit, but it breaks it [11:50] <happyaron> willcooke: sent you my updates just now [11:51] <seb128> happyaron, hey, how is that ibus issue going? [11:52] <willcooke> thx happyaron [11:53] <happyaron> seb128: seems something wrong in glib, there's many crash in ibus that trace down to glib... [11:54] <happyaron> seb128: atm working on striping python2 from its dependency, and will come back to that crash later [11:55] <seb128> happyaron, python2 is not a priority for vivid, we should rather focus on the segfaults [11:55] <seb128> happyaron, are you sure it's not just incorrect glib use in ibus? [11:55] <happyaron> not very sure yet [11:56] <happyaron> well, doko kicked me on that python2 issue earlier, and it's easy to fix, doing testing right now [12:05] <seb128> k [12:42] <davmor2> why is menus being displayed with Alt Gr how are you meant to get special characters now? [12:45] <ogra_> you press prt-scrn with your right big toe while pressing AltGr with your left index finger ... then you cast the maic spell and it will appear [12:45] <ogra_> *magic [12:47] <davmor2> ogra_: no you don't now I'm going to have to beat you [12:47] <ogra_> did you try ? [12:47] <davmor2> ogra_: yes [12:48] <ogra_> probably you didnt pronounce the spell in the right tune [12:48] <davmor2> ogra_: I'm still closing the gnome-screenshot widows [13:28] <pitti> Good morning! [13:29] <didrocks> hey pitti :) [13:30] <didrocks> slept longer today? [13:30] <pitti> didrocks: 5:30, was quite okay [13:30] <pitti> like my normal time at home :) [13:30] <didrocks> heh, in a way, indeed :) [13:31] <seb128> pitti, hey, happy birthday! [13:31] <pitti> seb128: merci beaucoup ! [13:34] <pitti> seb128, didrocks: my parents gave me a tandem parachute jump; apparently 35 is enough :-P [13:35] <didrocks> waow, sounds nice (and scary) [13:35] <seb128> lol [13:35] <seb128> do you plan to do it? [13:35] * seb128 is not sure he would [13:36] <Laney> hey pitti, happy birthday! [13:36] <Laney> that sounds like fun [13:36] <pitti> Laney: thanks! I'm sure it will be, after I made it through the door :) [13:37] <Laney> being strapped to an expert should be quite reassuring :P [13:37] <pitti> I might need a motivational push to jump out of a perfectly working plane, but I'm looking forward to it -- it's going to be exciting [13:48] <larsu> pitti: happy birthday! [13:49] <pitti> larsu: danke! [13:50] * ogra_ hugs pitti [13:50] <ogra_> HAPPY BÖÖÖRSDAI !! [13:51] <pitti> hey ogra_, danke! [13:51] <mdeslaur> pitti: happy birthday! :) [13:52] <willcooke> I'm going to have to go 3g until I can fix it [13:52] <willcooke> oops, seb128 ^^ [13:52] <seb128> willcooke, no worry [13:56] <pitti> mdeslaur: merci ! [14:03] <seb128> bah, hidpi is annoying [14:03] <seb128> [14:03] <seb128> scaling kicks in on a "2560x1440" monitor [14:03] <seb128> that looks wrong [14:04] <ogra_> seb128, well, does that monitor actually run at that resolution ? [14:04] * ogra_ highly doubts it [14:04] <seb128> ogra_, seems so [14:04] <seb128> [14:05] <ogra_> wow [14:14] <Laney> that sucks [14:18] <davmor2> ogra_: ha figured it out thanks pipe symbol. After the reboot from the update the keyboard was set to us layout even though the only option was en_GB D'oh [14:18] <davmor2> ogra_: now AltGr is working again [14:19] <willcooke> seb128, am I really here? [14:19] <Laney> that's a deep question [14:19] <seb128> willcooke, yes [14:19] <didrocks> hard to answer, indeed… :) [14:19] <willcooke> progress [14:19] <willcooke> :) [15:30] <seb128> hum, it's meeting time? [15:30] <didrocks> yep! [15:31] <seb128> attente, desrt, dgadomski, didrocks, FJKong, larsu, qengho, Sweet5hark, hey [15:32] <seb128> #startmeeting [15:32] <meetingology> Meeting started Tue Apr 14 15:32:05 2015 UTC. The chair is seb128. Information about MeetBot at [15:32] <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick [15:32] <seb128> not forgetting the bot this time! [15:32] * Sweet5hark reporting in [15:32] <dgadomski> hey o/ [15:32] <attente> hi [15:32] <seb128> let's get started [15:33] <seb128> #topic attente [15:33] <seb128> attente, hey [15:33] <willcooke> qengho, can you come to the oxide meeting? [15:33] <qengho> yes. I thought I was in it! [15:33] <willcooke> qengho, will send you a HI link [15:33] <willcooke> HO [15:33] <willcooke> qengho, oh - I see you :) [15:34] <attente> trying to write a service that should allow us to switch between input method frameworks without restarting the session [15:34] <attente> gtk already includes some support, but not sure if it'll work under unity8 since we don't have u-s-d there [15:34] <attente> for qt4 and qt5, we'll have to write a proxy input method plugin to forward to the active framework [15:34] <qengho> willcooke: I have two invitations. Wrong one. [15:35] <seb128> attente, hum, did you talk to anyone about the service? [15:36] <seb128> it might be a good idea to have other people participating to the conversation so we do something that is futur proof [15:36] <attente> seb128: not yet, but i'm pretty sure we're going to need it at some point if we want to be able to switch between maliit and ibus/fcitx [15:37] <attente> especially because of [15:37] <seb128> attente, right, just saying that we should have the conversaiton in front [15:37] <seb128> otherwise we risk having a design that doesn't accomodate all needs and to have to throw away and start again [15:37] <seb128> which would be a waste [15:38] <seb128> anyway, let's get moving [15:38] <seb128> attente, thanks [15:39] <seb128> #topic desrt [15:39] <attente> sure [15:39] <seb128> desrt, hey [15:40] <desrt> hey [15:40] <seb128> desrt, weekly summary? [15:40] <desrt> had a pretty unproductive week -- spent some time at the doctor [15:41] <desrt> but i managed to get to the bottom of the text/plain fallback class of bugs [15:41] <desrt> currently rewriting a bit of the code there to avoid some extra memory allocations (and get rid of the remaining leak) [15:41] <desrt> should be done today [15:41] <desrt> also continued work on the no-polling-with-inotify-missing-files stuff [15:42] <desrt> still not feeling 100%, but am quite a bit better, so hopefully next week will be a bit more productive :p [15:42] <desrt> (end) [15:43] <seb128> desrt, hope you recover fully soon!: [15:43] <seb128> desrt, is the mimetype fix something we might be able to backport to vivid/for stable? [15:43] <desrt> yes [15:44] <seb128> great [15:44] <seb128> desrt, thanks [15:44] <seb128> #topic dgadomski [15:44] <seb128> dgadomski, hey [15:44] <dgadomski> hey [15:44] <dgadomski> * bug #445333 fixed, the user is super happy! Thanks! Side note - the bug has been out there since 2009 :) [15:44] <dgadomski> * SRU complete, bug #1020210 fixed for precise [15:44] <dgadomski> * there is a user experiencing weird Evolution crashes related to some specific content, although there are no crashdumps after them. Looks like Evolution is not using any non-standard, so I am expecting crashdumps from apport to be present in /var/crash. Is that right? [15:45] <seb128> dgadomski, sorry it took a while on that gtk/printer bug, thanks for the work and persevering to get it SRUed [15:46] <dgadomski> seb128: it was quite a change for SRU, so I'm happy that it got through at all :) [15:46] <seb128> dgadomski, apport should trigger yes, not sure why it doesn't ... if the user can reproduce get him to use gdb? [15:46] <dgadomski> seb128: I asked him to do that, waiting for feedback [15:46] <seb128> k [15:46] <seb128> dgadomski, thanks [15:46] <dgadomski> and one more thing: [15:46] <dgadomski> * a problem related to printing from Evince. User's setup: remote cups printer connected to a prorietary Unix server, Ubuntu workstation. The problem is about sending username to cups. The username is not used for authentication, the user just needs it to be printed on every sheet to identify who the printout belongs to. So it works as expected for any other gtk3 application (e.g. gedit, evolution), but fails for Evince. I will take a lo [15:46] <dgadomski> ok into the code to check out how it does handle printing. Ccan you recommend anybody that has the knowledge in the Evince area? Just in case. [15:46] <seb128> sure :-) [15:47] <seb128> nobody specific for that issue [15:47] <seb128> just ask on the channel I think, a bunch of us can help you [15:48] <dgadomski> seb128: great, thanks, I'll file a bug for discussion as soon as I will get an overview of what is going on there [15:48] <dgadomski> that's it from me, thanks [15:48] <seb128> thanks dgadomski [15:48] <seb128> #topic didrocks [15:48] <seb128> didrocks, hey [15:48] <didrocks> hey [15:48] <didrocks> ubuntu make: [15:48] <didrocks> - default install path discussions [15:48] <didrocks> - last turn of bug triaging before vivid release, nothing big needing a last minute upload [15:48] <didrocks> systemd: [15:48] <didrocks> - systemd fsckd discussion (again) on the upstream ML. Will be kicked off soon, so prepared for this and sanitize the set of patchs in few ones, adapt to v219 and add the last patch which has never been peer-reviewed upstream changing the way fsckd/fsck/plymouth connect to each other (fewer messages and socket chains) [15:48] <didrocks> - add some more fixes to have systemd autopkgtest being independent of lightdm failures (fix flacky tests). Ensure that fsck autopkgtests still work with this. [15:48] <didrocks> - xdiagnose fix to ensure people shooting in their feet by removing the display manager but still booting to graphical target gets a system booting (bug #1441883) [15:48] <didrocks> misc: [15:48] <didrocks> - port gconf (debian scripts), webapps-applications and xdiagnose to python3 [15:48] <didrocks> - wrote some thoughts about converged desktop [15:48] <didrocks> - help/discuss/sponsor larsu's work on gtk3/g-t handling backward compatible (thanks!) [15:48] <didrocks> - patch pilot followup with sponsorees [15:49] <didrocks> . [15:49] <seb128> didrocks, sorry about how the systemd/fsckd thing went :-/ [15:49] <desrt> :( [15:50] <didrocks> seb128: well, seeing how another thread on fsck is happening on systemd, I feel not alone at least [15:50] <seb128> yeah [15:50] * larsu met the systemd guys on a bridge yesterday [15:50] <larsu> like, all of the rh ones [15:50] <didrocks> and I avoided harsh words on my thread, contrary to the other ones :) [15:50] <larsu> should've said something :) [15:50] <desrt> larsu: or pushed them in the water :) [15:50] <didrocks> larsu: well, seems they made their mind, no worry [15:50] <seb128> didrocks, staying class for the win :-) [15:51] <larsu> desrt: that's mean (and impossible) [15:51] <didrocks> but yeah "fsck is a thing of a past", not sure I agree with this [15:51] <didrocks> the* [15:51] <larsu> because btrfs!!!!!1! [15:51] <seb128> larsu, should have told them to proxy buy you a beer for poor didrocks! [15:51] <larsu> seb128: haha yeah [15:51] <didrocks> ;) [15:51] <seb128> :-) [15:51] <seb128> anyway [15:51] <seb128> didrocks, thanks! [15:51] <didrocks> yw! [15:51] <larsu> seb128: just met them while walking the other direction and said hi real quick [15:51] <Sweet5hark> hrhr [15:51] <seb128> #topic FJKong [15:51] <seb128> FJKong, hey [15:51] <FJKong> hey [15:52] <FJKong> * sogou IM new version realease testing, core dump file analyzing [15:52] <FJKong> * learn sample of vala-sqlite for create a scope [15:52] <FJKong> * track with bug [15:52] <FJKong> * go to visa office submit the material and interview [15:52] <FJKong> * Beijing Office Gathering - Invited by Jon [15:52] <FJKong> . [15:53] <FJKong> EOF [15:53] <seb128> FJKong, thanks [15:53] <seb128> #topic larsu [15:53] <seb128> larsu, hey [15:54] <larsu> hi [15:54] <larsu> not a lot from me. Worked on gtk and theming bugs this week [15:54] <larsu> and plan to do that for the rest of the week as well [15:54] <larsu> (including some triage) [15:54] <larsu> like the --class thing,gedit underlines, long discussion about horizontal scrolling, etc [15:55] <larsu> also some flight booking and sneezing (got sick again :( ) [15:55] <larsu> fin. [15:55] <seb128> I saw you triaged some gtk buygs, thanks for doing that ;-) [15:55] <seb128> hope you shake out the bugs before London! [15:55] <larsu> seb128: got distracted right after I started unfortunately [15:55] <seb128> larsu, thanks [15:55] <larsu> seb128: but got to close upstream ones as well in the procrss [15:55] <seb128> good :-) [15:56] <seb128> ok, next is... [15:56] <seb128> #topic qengho [15:56] <seb128> qengho, hey, there or in that meeting? [15:56] <qengho> Both. [15:56] <qengho> - in progress: updating flash player for PES, merging two packages. [15:56] <qengho> - in progress: convergence mobile-desktop handoff and SNNS file parsing. [15:56] <qengho> - stalled: chromium update for precise [15:56] <qengho> EOF [15:56] <seb128> qengho, thanks [15:56] <seb128> #topic Sweet5hark [15:56] <seb128> Sweet5hark, hey [15:57] <Sweet5hark> heya [15:57] <Sweet5hark> - snappy stuff -- FWIW, I think I need some talk time about that in London ;) [15:57] <Sweet5hark> - backport verification [15:57] <Sweet5hark> - prepared LibreOffice 4.3.7~rc1 for PPA [15:57] <Sweet5hark> - upstream refactoring for the next release, killed 1000 LOC convulted C++ production code so far (out of a 5100 LOC file), not quite there yet with adding 1000 LOC of test code in return ... [15:57] <Sweet5hark> - quarterly reports, annual reports, budgeting (ugh) [15:57] <Sweet5hark> EOF [15:57] <seb128> re. snappy, London is going to be a good time to talk about, I think it's going to be a topic for several discussions [15:58] <seb128> Sweet5hark, thanks [15:58] <Sweet5hark> seb128: great! [15:58] <seb128> #topic seb128 [15:58] <seb128> • helped to SRU a unity-control-center fix to trusty [15:58] <seb128> • changed unity-settings-daemon to not do hidpi scaling on the greeter, unity-greeter is having issue with that that needs to be resolved first [15:58] <seb128> • reviewed/landed vivid fixes to unity-control-center [15:58] <seb128> • sponsored libreoffice update [15:58] <seb128> • backported gnome-font-viewer segfault bugfix [15:58] <seb128> • change bluez to restart the bluetoothd service on errors [15:58] <seb128> • updated translations in xdg-user-dirs and language-selector for vivid [15:58] <seb128> • ubuntu-system-settings [15:58] <seb128> ∘ looked a bit at some issue with the clicks listed in storage and upgrades [15:58] <seb128> ∘ fixed issue where the discharge graph would start with a spike [15:58] <seb128> ∘ investigated a bit wrong optionselector value in the lock settings [15:58] <seb128> • some discussions about hidpi issues in ubiquity [15:58] <seb128> • tried to debug data not working on the phone, turned out to be a sim issue (android having the same problems/giving as few feedback on it than we do) :-( [15:58] <seb128> • quite some bugs triage (launchpad & e.u.c) for vivid, pinged people about some issues, looked at some other myself as well  [15:59] <seb128> ok, so I think that's it for people here, summaries from others now! [15:59] <seb128> #topic robert_ancell [15:59] <seb128> Worked on: [15:59] <seb128> - Fix gnome-calculator FTBFS [15:59] <seb128> - Investigate snappy framework for XMir [15:59] <seb128> - Investigate DRI3 enablement for Intel driver [15:59] <seb128> - Simple Scan, 3.14.3 releases and SRUs [15:59] <seb128> - Unity Greeter 15.04.4 release [16:00] <seb128> #topic TheMuso [16:00] <seb128> * Took some bug reports/crashers for pulseaudio upstream, and getting them looked into. Bug reports in the upstrea tracker will be added to the lp bugs once it has been determined that we do not yet have a fix that we can cherry pick from upstream. [16:00] <seb128> * Discussion with unity 7 team about some classes relating to some dash widgets, and private classes needing to be exposed publically for a11y improvement work. [16:00] <seb128> * Started looking into the best way to make sed classes be publically available for improving dash filter settings a11y. [16:00] <seb128> #topic Laney [16:00] <seb128> • Very many queue reviews and FFe reviews [16:00] <seb128> • Patch pilot, some random extra sponsoring too (adwaita-icon-theme [16:00] <seb128> upgrade robustification, an update to Debian for seb) [16:00] <seb128> [16:01] <seb128> (hum, client seems to not like the copy spam ... let's try again) [16:01] <seb128> Laney still [16:01] <seb128> • Updates: cairo gtk+3.0 gvfs gtksourceview3 [16:01] <seb128> ∘ package new dconf and dconf-editor in exp for syncing in W [16:01] <seb128> • Shadows fix in ubuntu-themes (& land this), thanks to ochosi [16:01] <seb128> • Pick some stuff from the FTBFS and rls-v bug lists to fix before release - next up: proposed-migration. [16:01] <seb128> ✑ [16:01] <seb128> #topic tkamppeter [16:01] <seb128> - cups-filters: Solved the problem of the frequent crashes of cups-browsed [16:01] <seb128> - cups-filters: Upstream release of 1.0.68, especially containing the crash fix. [16:01] <seb128> - ghostscript: Applied an upstream bug fix of Ghostscript taking too long when printing DjVu files out of evince. [16:01] <seb128> - Organizational stuff for trip to Desktop Sprint and OpenPrinting Summit [16:01] <seb128> - Bugs. [16:02] <seb128> #topic happyaron [16:02] <seb128> * Released sogoupinyin/ [16:02] <seb128> * Ubuntu Kylin RC preparation, bug fixings and uploads [16:02] <seb128> * Kubuntu fcitx default for zh_* locales [16:02] <seb128> * Sogou Wubi preparation, [16:02] <seb128> * Contacts and preparation of Ubuntu Phone's sogoupinyin [16:02] <seb128> * Working on 1439202 and 1440391 [16:02] <seb128> #topic other topics [16:02] <seb128> ok, updates spam done [16:02] <seb128> do we have any other topic? [16:02] <seb128> did I forget anyone? [16:02] <Laney> I made it back! [16:02] <didrocks> Laney: too late, your report was copied already :) [16:02] <larsu> Laney: a minute too late! [16:03] <Laney> oh, well, hi ;-) [16:03] <didrocks> with the unicode character, all fine! [16:03] <seb128> hey Laney [16:03] <seb128> Laney, any comment/other topic? ;-) [16:04] <Laney> nein [16:04] <seb128> ok, seems not [16:04] <Laney> final freeze is tomorrow though [16:04] <seb128> it's a wrap then, thanks everyone [16:04] <seb128> #endmeeting [16:04] <meetingology> Meeting ended Tue Apr 14 16:04:54 2015 UTC. [16:04] <meetingology> Minutes: [16:05] <seb128> oh, right [16:05] <seb128> I'm sure we forgot to fix things [16:05] <seb128> going to need some SRUs [16:05] <didrocks> thanks! [16:05] <Laney> ya like that hidpi bug [16:05] <Laney> but that needs fixes on the image [16:06] <Laney> ho hum [16:06] <Sweet5hark> oh, heh: forget the 4.4.2-0ubuntu1 bump for LibreOffice on vivid -- which was just as much work for you as for me though ... [16:07] <Sweet5hark> seb128: ^^ [16:08] <seb128> Sweet5hark, :-) [18:04] <willcooke> yahhh! [18:04] <willcooke> making progress on the broadband front - I have a pppoe connection at last [18:05] <willcooke> although it seems I'm being throttled to 8mbps still, considering my sync speed is 70mbps that is rather annoying [18:06] <willcooke> latency is way down though [18:24] <willcooke> spoke too soon [19:30] <desrt> willcooke: daily launch reminder :) [19:31] <willcooke> desrt, thx! How's the weather looking? [19:31] <desrt> 60% go [19:33] <willcooke> just off conf call in time then [19:33] <willcooke> woo [19:34] <willcooke> fingers crossed the lightning holds off [19:34] <desrt> still ~35mins to go [19:51] <willcooke> desrt, wooooaahhh [19:51] <willcooke> desrt, that was weird [19:52] <willcooke> I had the video stream open in a tab somewhere and then music just started playing out of nowhere :) [19:52] * desrt is on [19:52] <willcooke> same feed as: [19:52] <willcooke> I expect [19:53] <desrt> minus the groove [19:53] <willcooke> :) much more grown up [19:54] <willcooke> remind me again how nmcli is nicer than ifup [19:54] <desrt> it is? :) [19:54] <willcooke> it is not [19:54] <desrt> do you know about nmtui? [19:55] <willcooke> I do now [19:55] * willcooke googles [19:55] <desrt> it's a reasonable compromise [19:59] <willcooke> desrt, [20:10] <qengho> ? [20:10] <willcooke> qengho, [20:10] <willcooke> quick! [20:10] <willcooke> 10 [20:10] <willcooke> 9 [20:10] <willcooke> 8 [20:10] <willcooke> 87 [20:11] <willcooke> gooooooo! [20:11] * qengho counts 4 minutes now to hear the rumble. [20:11] <willcooke> :) awesome [20:13] <qengho> I miss Shuttle and its boom-boom pass overhead, but at least something new will be landing here again soon. [20:13] <desrt> ya.... now we wait to see if they can actually land it [20:13] <desrt> the real exciting part :) [20:19] <willcooke> the nasa tv feed is much more reliable [20:20] <sarnold> the youtube stream was more reeliable for me than either the nasatv or spacex feed.. [20:22] <willcooke> thx sarnold, that is much better for me too [20:24] <duflu> desrt: Is there a function to query the active GDK backend? [20:24] <duflu> (ie. to avoid calling X11 functions that may crash if inactive) [20:24] <desrt> there may be more than one [20:24] <desrt> but in general you are probably interested in whether some particular window, screen or display is associated with a given backend [20:25] <desrt> you can just use gobject rtti for that [20:25] <desrt> like GDK_IS_X11_WINDOW() GDK_IS_X11_SCREEN() GDK_IS_X11_DISPLAY() on the object in question [20:25] <duflu> desrt: Kay, thanks. Might try [20:25] <willcooke> noooo - no landing [20:26] <qengho> Can't we pirate it somehow?! [20:26] <desrt> note that those are only available if X11 support was built, so strictly you should also #ifdef GDK_WINDOWING_X11 [20:27] <desrt> willcooke: where do you get your info? [20:27] <willcooke> desrt, the man on the video told me [20:27] <desrt> ah. difference between spacex and nasa streams, i guess [20:27] <desrt> spacex stream was super unreliable for me :( [20:31] <CrazyLemon> landing failed ... just fyi [20:31] <willcooke> :( [20:31] <desrt> ya [20:31] <desrt> "Ascent successful. Dragon enroute to Space Station. Rocket landed on droneship, but too hard for survival." [20:32] <duflu> desrt: No problem. I'm in that #ifdef already :S [20:33] <willcooke> maybe next time. g'night all [20:33] <desrt> willcooke: g'night [20:47] <qengho> FYI, the rocket hit the ship too hard again. [21:59] <duflu> desrt: Now I'm trying to build GTK minus X. Gets stuck on silly include lookups which apparently only work with the X11 backend enabled. Have you tried such a thing?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "CrazyLemon", "FJKong", "Laney", "Sweet5hark", "attente", "bregma", "darkxst", "davmor2", "desrt", "dgadomski", "didrocks", "duflu", "happyaron", "larsu", "mdeslaur", "meetingology", "ochosi", "ogra_", "pitti", "qengho", "sarnold", "seb128", "willcooke" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-desktop" }
[17:55] <Unit193> We, again, don't care about UOS right? [17:56] <knome> Unit193, and because we don't care, we have an agenda item for it? [17:56] <Unit193> knome: Shush, you. ;P [17:57] <Unit193> knome: And, nah, wasn't aware of that yet. [17:57] <knome> i can ping balloons if you want to volunteer running a session [17:57] <knome> oops, i already did [17:57] <knome> hai balloons! [17:57] <Unit193> Just happend to see a message about it. [17:58] <knome> balloons can tell you more about running a session [17:58] <Unit193> That's fine, though I won't personally be running one. [17:58] <knome> sure? [17:59] <Unit193> Very. [17:59] <knome> even if you get a cookie? [17:59] <knome> (from microsoft's website) [18:04] <balloons> <3 [18:04] <balloons> I'm happy to inform, never coerce or force :-) [18:04] <Unit193> Howdy. [18:05] <knome> luckily, i'm not you ;)= [18:06] <elfy> lol [18:06] <elfy> so balloons comes by to hang with the really cool kids [18:06] <Unit193> Oooh, elfy is going to do one? [18:07] <elfy> behind the bikesheds ... I note that mhall119 sneaks about in here too and even reconnects :p [18:07] <Unit193> Several oddities are. [18:07] <elfy> <- [18:08] * balloons briefly considers idling longer [18:08] <elfy> :) [18:08] <elfy> at least 48 hours [18:08] <elfy> my timing is bad [18:08] <Unit193> I tried idleing in a new channel recently, kept getting pings... [18:09] <ochosi> poor Unit193 ;) [18:09] <ochosi> that must've been a nightmare! [18:09] <elfy> you can just imagine [18:09] <Unit193> "Why must you be doing the pinging?" [18:18] <mhall119> elfy: I've been idling in here for years [18:18] <elfy> mhall119: I know :) [18:25] <Unit193> So, we should ping mhall119 for no reason whatsoever? [18:25] <Unit193> We've also got a cypher mox in here, which I need to bribe for my packageset application. [18:27] <knome> Unit193, mhall119 that is? [18:27] <Unit193> Yep, that's the one. [18:27] <knome> there can be only one mhall119 [18:27] <Unit193> ochosi: So when you get back, what exactly is for that matter? I know it does smooth scrolling, but any idea what else? [18:27] <mhall119> yup, if there was another, he's be mhall120 [18:27] <Unit193> It doesn't say much. [18:28] <Unit193> mhall119: Or, mhall118? Did you kill the 18?! [18:28] <mhall119> we don't talk about mhall118 [18:29] <knome> mhall119, is that the royal we? [18:29] <Unit193> cyphermox: Speaking of you and plymouth, have you tried building with --list-missing or --fail-missing? Or gotten anywhere with LP 1386005? [18:33] <cyphermox> Unit193: haven't looked carefully [18:33] <cyphermox> I'm still mostly reacting to bugs right now, and higher priorities often pop up [18:34] <Unit193> cyphermox: OK, think that bug might be a bit important, but I'll bug you about the other stuff for wombat of course. :) [18:34] <cyphermox> that bug looks like it's somewhere between plymouth and the kernel screwing things up, IIRC if I use 3.19 mainline things would work, but I haven't checked again in a little while [18:34] <Unit193> Removing 'splash' from the boot options is a workaround, but maybe not a well known one. Anywho, figured I'd poke. [18:35] <cyphermox> it was a good idea to [18:35] <cyphermox> thanks for reminding me of it, unfortunately I certainly won't be able to retest this until next week [18:48] <davmor2> knome: same with davmor1 and davmor3 is just evil :D [18:48] <knome> :) [18:51] <Unit193> cyphermox: I have a VM handy, I'll test a couple different kernels. [18:53] <cyphermox> Unit193: did you see this in VMs? [18:53] <Unit193> cyphermox: Yep. [18:53] <cyphermox> ok... in my experience it was especially a problem on nouveau/radeon, not necessarily on qxl and whatnot [18:53] <cyphermox> ... though I haven't tried so much in VMs. [18:59] <Unit193> cyphermox: I sware I'm just commenting, found it odd that Plymouth wouldn't display, and in fact somewhat recently would put the monitor to sleep during boot rather than showing, used a non-Ubuntu kernel and now plymouth even shows up right now. [19:01] <cyphermox> ah what? [19:55] <Unit193> Can't get plymouth to show the 'logo' theme anymore in vbox, thus can't test. >_> [20:03] <elfy> who care's, lets get an image that allows you to reboot and I'll be happy [20:07] <ochosi> Unit193: it disables all animations toolkit-wide. that includes certain widgets that sport animations (e.g. GtkRevealer, which is used for Parole's playback-control bar, or GtkStack, which is a replacement for GtkNotebook) [20:07] <ochosi> so yeah, i still think it'd be a worthwhile setting to have in the UI somewhere [20:10] <Unit193> elfy: Eh, being seemingly unable to unlock an encrypted install doesn't seem good either though. [20:10] <Unit193> ochosi: Dang.. [20:11] <ochosi> Unit193: "dang" good or "dang" bad? [20:11] <Unit193> ochosi: Well, Parole uses it, so likely not going to disable by default... [20:11] <ochosi> depends [20:12] <ochosi> who knows, if animations cause issues [20:13] <Unit193> That, and the new Xfwm highlights I want gone. [20:13] <ochosi> seems to me you dont like all the new things [20:14] <Unit193> Could well be, sure. Just don't like when the whole screen goes a shade of green. :D [20:14] <Unit193> I'm guessing that's a 'no' to both. OK. [20:15] <ochosi> it's not [20:16] <Unit193> ochosi: FWIW, that's also a compliment! It means that Xubuntu is quite good how it is. :D [20:16] <ochosi> heh [20:17] <ochosi> well it mostly means that either Gtk+, X11, graphic card drivers or the hardware sucks [20:18] <Unit193> While it isn't great, I don't like smooth scrolling, always feels laggy even on good systems. It's just a preference, and if you could only disable smooth scrolling it'd be great but the fact it hits parole is bad, IMO. [20:19] <Unit193> Anywho, put it on my tracker for Wombat, thanks for the additional information. [20:21] <elfy> Unit193: ofc, but being that we don't test that - is it something we should get noisy about [20:21] <elfy> more than just referring to it [20:21] <Unit193> elfy: Ah, well this is my personal noise, not Xubuntu team. [20:22] <elfy> but does impact on comments made in here [20:22] <elfy> by me - should we test this stuff now [20:22] <Unit193> elfy: Ah, well FWIW it's not an Xubuntu issue, soo. [20:22] <elfy> yes [20:22] <elfy> I know :) [20:23] <Unit193> Great! So no more work for you. :D [20:23] <elfy> but if we were testing then it would not be just 1/5th or 2/5ths [20:25] <elfy> the issue is - that if it is not seen in Ubuntu, they only care if it's a nightmare [20:25] <elfy> and as Ubuntu now only bother right at the end - nightmares for everyone else don't figure much [20:25] <elfy> the trouble is everyone - us include - release with fails [20:25] <elfy> perhaps we shouldn't [20:26] <Unit193> Indeed, but in this case it's either an older bug or a recurring one. And, as Kubuntu is aware of it, they tend to make noise and have more weight to throw around than we do. [20:26] <elfy> if blog xyz all said - wow no ubuntu flavours released beta 1 because of this - they would notice [20:27] <Unit193> (And of course I'd hate to push more testing load on you.) Encryption works, and logging in works if you use the plymouth-text theme. [20:28] <elfy> yea and it's fail if Xubuntu releases because one person tested and reported [20:39] <Unit193> ochosi: Oh, that soundmenu/pulseaudio merger still on your agenda for $LONGTERM? [20:41] <ochosi> Unit193: well what did you think i was going to ask about..? :) [20:42] <Unit193> Niiice. [20:42] * Unit193 stops bugging. [20:55] <ochosi> Unit193: ooook, so i just got another heads up about the animation settings, it even stops the spinner... [20:55] <ochosi> so humm, that's a pass on switching that off by default in xubuntu [20:56] <ochosi> otherwise we would prolly have to be consistent and switch off the compositor by default again too [20:56] <Unit193> Spinner? [20:56] <ochosi> yeah, you know, that progress indicator apps have..? [20:56] <Unit193> And yeah, understandably. I think the smooth scrolling annoys me enough to leave it off for myself. Aha, that. [20:57] <Unit193> Stupid GTK... [20:58] <Unit193> ochosi: Well hey, thanks for lookin' [21:01] <ochosi> sure, np [21:01] <ochosi> i wanted to know too [21:01] <Unit193> (Took it off my tracker, of course.) [21:02] <cyphermox> Unit193: ochosi: elfy: just checking, are we good with the rebooting after install on your side? [21:02] <cyphermox> in case anything is still exploding :) [21:02] <cyphermox> very lastest image 20150414 should work, AFAICT [21:09] <ochosi> cyphermox: sorry, was out for a day or two, i'm not really up to speed [21:09] <cyphermox> just askin', don't worry about it :) [21:10] * ochosi stops worrying and loves the bomb [22:24] <bluesabre0> hey everyone. just a heads up that my internet is out through at least Thursday [22:25] <Unit193> bluesabre0: Hello mein freund! [22:25] <knome> huhu [22:25] <bluesabre0> :) [22:25] <knome> bluesabre0, why did you break it? [22:26] <bluesabre0> I did nothing... I'd prefer to have something functional :D [22:26] <bluesabre0> been playing lots of offline games though as a result [22:26] <knome> bluesabre0, openttd? [22:26] <knome> that's such an awesome offline time waster [22:27] <Unit193> bluesabre0: Oooh, which ones? [22:27] <bluesabre0> Mario, Sonic, other Wii games... might play some final fantasy later [22:28] <knome> hah [22:28] <Unit193> Wife happy? Wife the one that do it? :P [22:28] <knome> i'm sure she's happy for sean spending less time in front of the computer [22:28] <bluesabre0> She's less happy than I am, needs to get photos to client [22:28] <knome> bluesabre0, snailmaiillll ;) [22:29] <knome> or telnet them [22:29] <bluesabre0> ewwww [22:29] <knome> well in fact, i should snailmail my client some photos [22:29] <Unit193> Library. [22:29] <knome> mobile web. [22:30] <bluesabre0> Yeah, she's probably going to upload from somewhere else tomorrow [22:31] <bluesabre0> anyhoo, just letting you guys know. If you need an upload, will have to get Micah or a sponsor :) [22:32] <bluesabre0> Gotta run... be back hopefully Thursday :) [22:32] <knome> hf bluesabre0 [22:32] <Unit193> Byebyebyebyebyebyebye. [22:44] <micahg> I'm around [22:44] <micahg> more or less [22:44] <Unit193> \o/ [22:44] <micahg> except on Thursday :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Unit193", "balloons", "bluesabre0", "cyphermox", "davmor2", "elfy", "knome", "mhall119", "micahg", "ochosi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#xubuntu-devel" }
[04:45] <mandje> seamless win applications in ubuntu. [04:45] <mandje> mogge. ik vind deze aanpak wel vernuftig. [06:10] <lordievader> Goede morgen. [07:04] <mysterio> goedemorgen, als ik visual studio wil draaien op ubunto 14, hoe kan ik dat dan het best doen, of toch ubunto mono maar ervaren? [07:06] <Sling> waar wil je vs voor gebruiken? [07:06] <Sling> C# development? [07:07] <mysterio> het programmeren van een numerology programma, daar was ik binnen vs al mee bezig [07:07] <Sling> dan is dit misschien een goed moment om over te schakelen naar een taal zoals C++ of Python :p [07:07] <Sling> dan zit je meteen niet meer aan 1 platform vast [07:07] <Sling> of Java desnoods [07:08] <mysterio> vooral het visuele aspect was voor mij als een beginnend programeur bijzonder handig, dat heb ik bij mono nog niet voor elkaar gekregen bij de instellingen, dat ik de gereedschapsbox kan gebruiken zoals in vs [07:08] <mysterio> Het programmeren doe ik in C# [07:09] <Sling> om te leren programmeren is een drag-and-drop interface met knopjes in het begin wel handig maar uiteindelijk leer je er niet heel veel van, is mijn ervaring [07:11] <mysterio> de grafische omgeving had ik al gemaakt, en ik hoefde alleen nog maar formules in te vullen en dat te laten uitprinten, het uiteindelijk programeren dus. [07:12] <lordievader> How about Kdevelop? [07:12] <mysterio> Dat werkt in c# vrij intuitief, hogere doelen had ik ook nog niet, ik was niet tevreden met de huidige numerology programmaś in wilde er een maken die aan mijn behoeften voldoet, met plaatjes bij de tekst en een layout gebasseerd op ms word [07:13] <mysterio> ik ben nieuw met ubuntu, en ken dus zeker nog geen andere develop software, c# zijn mijn eerste stapjes op dit gebied [07:14] <Sling> ik programmeer eigenlijk niks met grafische interfaces tenzij webbased, dus ik zou zo 123 ook geen goede IDE's weten daarvoor [07:16] <mysterio> ik heb windows emulatie geprobeerd, wine werkt het niet mee, en met virtualbox krijg ik geen vol scherm, en kan ik niet bij de bestanden op de host komen, dan zou ik een dvd moeten branden en daar van aflezen. aangezien de functie filesharing niet werkt, ook al doe ik wat op het net aagegeven wordt. [07:17] <jpjacobs> Ik zou voor python gaan. Betrekkelijk eenvoudig, goede docs, veel bibliotheken, gratis, grote community [07:18] <jpjacobs> En om GUI's te maken zijn er massas pakketten ter beschikking : [07:19] <lordievader> mysterio: VB kan prima files sharen. [07:19] <lordievader> Desnoods via samba. [07:20] <mysterio> ik zal mij daar in verdiepen dank voor de info [07:20] <mysterio> dat weet ik, ik heb het ingesteld bij de instellingen, maar hij laat het binnen windows niet zien. [07:21] <lordievader> \\vboxsvr\<sharenaam> IIRC. [13:05] <goudfazant3991> hallo alle [13:06] <goudfazant3991> is de version 14.04 goed [13:06] <goudfazant3991> het is voor mij een vraagteken [13:07] <goudfazant3991> ik werk 3 dagen met 14.04 en kreeg van de morgen nieuwe update,s aangeboden [13:08] <goudfazant3991> en die installeerd hij ook goed [13:08] <goudfazant3991> maar????? [13:08] <goudfazant3991> als ik dan op nieuw opstart [13:12] <goudfazant3991> dan is mijn 14.04 weg en komt hij terug met de Grup beta~2.02-15 [13:13] <goudfazant3991> mijn vraag is hoe komt het als ik update aangeboden krijg van ubuntu dat dan mijn 14.04 weg is????? [13:14] <Sling> goudfazant3991: dat heeft waarschijnlijk niets met elkaar te maken [13:14] <goudfazant3991> zijn er nog mensen die mij wat kunnen vertellen hoe dat komt?? [13:14] <Sling> je hebt zo te horen al maanden problemen met het instellen van je bootloader, Grub [13:15] <goudfazant3991> hallo Sling [13:16] <goudfazant3991> nou ik had vernomen van een persoon die zij dat ik voorloopig geen 14.10 er op zou zetten omdat die nog niet [13:16] <goudfazant3991> hele maal volledig is [13:17] <goudfazant3991> daarom ben ik terug gegaan naar 14.04 [13:18] <goudfazant3991> maar als ik dan er drie dagen mee werk en nieuwe updata.s aangeboden krijg van ubuntu en op nieuw opstart [13:18] <goudfazant3991> dan gaan het fout [13:19] <goudfazant3991> nu zit ik ook weer met 14.04 dat gaat goed [13:20] <goudfazant3991> maar ik kan niet weten als ik de nieuwe update,s installeer en op nieuw opstart dat het dan weer fout gaat?? [13:20] <lordievader> goudfazant3991: Hoe ziet jouw /boot/grub/grub.cfg eruit? [13:21] <goudfazant3991> hallo lorievader [13:21] <Sling> 14.10 werkt prima hoor [13:21] <Sling> maargoed [13:22] <goudfazant3991> nou wat ik voorheen had dat heb ik niet meer nou [13:22] <Sling> ik ben inderdaad ook wel benieuwd hoe je grub nu ingesteld hebt, staan er nog meerdere besturingssystemen op deze computer? [13:22] <goudfazant3991> ik heb nu 14.04 er op staan endie staat goed [13:22] <Sling> dus er is geen probleem? [13:24] <goudfazant3991> ik kan wel de eerste update laden dat is wel goed maar die laadste van +/- 0.64 Mb daar zit volgens mij een fout in want [13:24] <goudfazant3991> alles stond goed [13:25] <goudfazant3991> wel als ik die update download sling [13:25] <Sling> leg nou eens uit wat je precies bedoelt [13:25] <Sling> - welke actie voer je uit [13:25] <Sling> - wat verwacht je dat er gebeurt [13:26] <Sling> - wat gebeurde er in de werkelijkheid (inclusief complete errormessages) [13:26] <goudfazant3991> nou nog maals [13:26] <goudfazant3991> ik heb er nu opstaan 14.04 ok [13:26] <goudfazant3991> alles draait goed ok [13:26] <Sling> alleen 14.04 of ook nog andere besturingssystemen? [13:26] <goudfazant3991> maar!!!!! [13:26] <Sling> laat de inhoud van je grub.cfg zien in een pastebin [13:27] <goudfazant3991> als ik moren of op een andere dag die laadste update,s weer opneem en installeer [13:28] <Sling> ho wacht [13:28] <Sling> lees eerst even de vraag die ik stelde [13:28] <goudfazant3991> dan gaat het weer fout [13:28] <goudfazant3991> ja ik waach [13:28] <goudfazant3991> wacht [13:28] <goudfazant3991> laat maar horen Sling [13:28] <Sling> het is al twee keer gevraagd [13:29] <Sling> 15:26:50 < Sling> alleen 14.04 of ook nog andere besturingssystemen? [13:29] <Sling> 15:26:58 < Sling> laat de inhoud van je grub.cfg zien in een pastebin [13:29] <goudfazant3991> nee alleen 14.04 en geen Server pakket meer [13:31] <goudfazant3991> bij installeren heb ik gezegt alles opnieuw [13:31] <goudfazant3991> en alleen 14.04 [13:32] * lordievader hint op een /boot/grub/grub.cfg [13:32] <Sling> ja laten we het voor de derde keer vragen [13:32] <Sling> wat staat er in je /boot/grub/grub.cfg ? [13:32] <goudfazant3991> lordievader even over die grub die dan tevoorschijn komt [13:32] <Sling> of je negeert het gewoon weer, kan ook :) [13:32] * Sling gaat weer door met andere dingen [13:33] <goudfazant3991> brub version 2.02 beta~2-15 [13:33] <goudfazant3991> ok sling dank je [13:36] <goudfazant3991> bovenaan staat Grub beta~version 2.02-2-15 [13:37] <goudfazant3991> en dan is mijn 14.04 version weg die ik heb geinstalleerd waar ik nu mee werk [13:38] <goudfazant3991> die laadste update van ubuntu die heeft het in de war gebracht want het was goed [13:39] <goudfazant3991> als je update aangeboden krijgt dan denk je toch dat het goed is???? [13:40] <goudfazant3991> ik zal hem nu niet meer aanklikken>>> want dan gaat het weer fout [13:41] <goudfazant3991> lordievader bent u er nog [13:42] <lordievader> Half, ik wacht nog steeds op /boot/grub/grub.cfg [13:43] <goudfazant3991> ok ja wat wilt u zien of weten met /boot/grub/grub.cfg [13:44] <lordievader> Ik wil het volledige bestand zien. [13:44] <goudfazant3991> ik zal het proberen duidelijk te maken [13:45] <goudfazant3991> ik sta nu zo zoals ik nu werk ok [13:45] <goudfazant3991> maar???? [13:45] <lordievader> Ik hoef alleen het bestand te zien. [13:45] <Sling> hoe moeilijk kan het zijn om de inhoud van een bestand te delen met ons :) [13:45] <Sling> is een half uur geleden al gevraagd [13:47] <goudfazant3991> Sling waar ik nu over praat staat niet >>> binnen het programma hoor<<<< [13:48] <Sling> ik heb geen idee wat je bedoelt. [13:49] <Sling> linux werkt op basis van configuratiebestanden, wat tekstbestanden zijn. daarin staan alle instellingen die bepalen hoe bijvoorbeeld grub werkt [13:49] <goudfazant3991> ja het toch een beetje ingewikkeld om dat duidelijk uit te leggen [13:49] <Sling> om problemen te analyseren moeten we dus de inhoud van die bestanden zien [13:49] <goudfazant3991> ik sta nu in het programma ja ok [13:49] <Sling> vage omschrijvingen met allerlei aannames en dergelijke erin zijn geen goede basis voor de oplossing van een probleem [13:49] <Sling> 'het programma' ? [13:50] <goudfazant3991> ja ubuntu 14.04 [13:50] <Sling> open een teksteditor, open het bestand /boot/grub/grub.cfg [13:50] <Sling> kopieer de inhoud van dit bestand [13:50] <Sling> plak het op [13:50] <Sling> en geef ons de link die je te zien krijgt [13:50] <Sling> dat is alles wat we vragen, nu al 5 keer [13:50] <Sling> als dit niet lukt, kunnen we je niet helpen [13:51] <goudfazant3991> ik sta gewoon in het buroblad [13:52] <goudfazant3991> dat verschijnt er opeens dat er nieuwe ubuntu update,s zijn die kan downloaden [13:52] <Sling> waarom ga je nu weer opnieuw je uitleg geven? [13:53] <Sling> we begrijpen hoe updates werken [13:53] <Sling> lees wat ik zeg :) [13:53] <Sling> en als je een stap niet begrijpt, geef dat dan aan [13:53] <goudfazant3991> nou Sling als ik die naar binnen heb gehaald [13:53] <Sling> nee, niet opnieuw doorgaan met je uitleg [13:53] <Sling> zucht. [13:53] <goudfazant3991> en opnieuw opstart [13:54] <goudfazant3991> dat gaat het fout [13:54] <Sling> DAT SNAP IK [13:54] <goudfazant3991> ok [13:54] <Sling> dat heb je al meerdere keren gezegd [13:54] <goudfazant3991> en nu komt het [13:54] <Sling> omg [13:55] <Sling> goudfazant3991: ben je van plan onze vragen te beantwoorden? [13:55] <goudfazant3991> als in dan op het scherm zie dat er geen buroblad aanwezig is maar gewoon een zwart scherm [13:55] <Sling> zo niet, stop dan aub met support vragen in dit kanaal [13:55] <Sling> dit werkt zo niet. [13:56] <goudfazant3991> sorry Sling ik kan het niet anders uit leggen zoals ik het op het scherm zie?? [13:57] <Sling> je hoeft het niet uit te leggen [13:57] <Sling> we begrijpen de symptomen [13:57] <goudfazant3991> ok [13:57] <Sling> om er achter te komen waarom dit gebeurt, hebben we informatie nodig uit het bestand grub.cfg [13:57] <Sling> dus lees even terug waar ik "open een teksteditor, open het bestand /boot/grub/grub.cfg" zeg [13:58] <Sling> en volg de regels die ik daar getypt heb [13:59] <goudfazant3991> ik zal het proberen Sling [14:03] <goudfazant3991> sorry ik krijg dat niet voor elkaar [14:04] <Sling> welke stap ben je en wat gaat er precies mis? [14:06] <goudfazant3991> alles gaat goed>>>>>>>>>>> zolang ik maar niet de laadste update,s van 14.04 naar binnen haal<<<<<<< [14:06] <goudfazant3991> want als ik dat doe [14:07] <Sling> ... [14:07] <Sling> ik bedoelde de stappen om grub.cfg met ons te delen [14:08] <Sling> want zoals ik al een paar keer gezegd hebt, je probleem is inmiddels wel duidelijk [14:08] <Sling> heb* [14:08] <Sling> ik heb nu al 10+ jaar ervaring met het support geven van IRC maar dit gaat me wel erg moeilijk :) [14:08] <goudfazant3991> en weer opstart >>>> dan sta ik opeens in het zwarte scherm van de grub en als ik dan op Tab druk dan zie ik alle command,s [14:09] <Sling> lees je wat ik zeg? [14:09] <goudfazant3991> ja natuurlijk Sling [14:09] <Sling> waarom geef je dan geen antwoord op de vragen [14:09] <Sling> je herhaalt jezelf telkens [14:10] <Sling> kun je een teksteditor openen? [14:10] <goudfazant3991> omdat ik van mijn kant niet exact weet wat u bedoeld [14:10] <Sling> kun je een teksteditor openen? [14:11] <goudfazant3991> bedoel je die van office? [14:11] <Sling> liever een iets simpelere, 'gedit' bijvoorbeeld [14:13] <goudfazant3991> dus ik moet in de terminal gaan staan?? en dan sudo geedit intoetsen [14:13] <Sling> dat kan ook, je kan dan zelfs meteen het bestand zelf openen: sudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg [14:13] <goudfazant3991> ok ga ik proberen [14:16] * lordievader hoort een Yoda voorbij waggelen [14:17] <goudfazant3991> nou [14:17] <goudfazant3991> hij zegt [14:17] <goudfazant3991> do not edit this file [14:18] <goudfazant3991> it is automatically generated by grub-mkconfig using templates [14:20] <goudfazant3991> from /etc/grub.d and setting from etc/default/grub [14:20] <lordievader> Je hoeft niet alles over te tikken. Kopieer het naar [14:21] <goudfazant3991> lordievader dat heb ik al vaker geprobeerd niet dat lukt bij mij niet zo goed hoe dat komt weet ik niet [14:21] <goudfazant3991> ok verder [14:22] <lordievader> ctrl + a -> ctrl + c -> webbrowser -> -> ctl + v -> paste klikken. [14:23] <goudfazant3991> ok probeer ik [14:25] <goudfazant3991> alles gaat weer fout [14:26] <lordievader> *plop* [14:26] <Fermata> Proost! [14:26] <Fermata> Of was dat geen Grolsch beugelflesje/ [14:27] <lordievader> Was geluids effect bij het verdwijnen van een fazant. [14:27] <Sling> 't is wel tijd voor een biertje ja [14:27] <Sling> *pang* [14:27] <Sling> aww [14:27] <OerHeks> en toch denk ik dat er eens iemand bij die goudkip langs moet gaan. [14:27] <pjotter> Onomatopeeën [14:28] <pjotter> Wat gaat er fout bij Goudkip? [14:28] <Sling> OerHeks: ben erg benieuwd wat je dan aantreft :) [14:28] <Sling> pjotter: ken je het fenomeen 'support vampire' ? [14:28] <pjotter> nee [14:28] <Sling> [14:28] <Sling> dat is wat er mis gaat :) [14:28] <OerHeks> Tot 2009 ben ik vaak gestruikeld met linux, pas toen iemand naast me ging zitten en de eerste beginselen voordeed, ging het ook voor mij pas werken. [14:28] <Sling> oh betere link @ [14:29] <Sling> de linuxkennis is niet eens zo relevant in dit geval [14:29] <Sling> het gaat meer om het hulp vragen en geholpen kunnen worden [14:29] <pjotter> OerHeks: Tja, ik ben ook al jarenlang bezig. Beetje bij beetje leer je steeds meer en wordt het ook steeds leuker. [14:29] <lordievader> Niet een 12 o'clock flasher? [14:31] <lordievader> Zie ook [14:32] <pjotter> three dead squirrels in a baggy [14:32] <pjotter> Gouwe ouwe inmiddels :D [14:47] <pjotter> ehm... "dead trolls" :D... haha... hoe kom ik nou bij "squirrels" ?? :o [15:23] <goudfazant3991> nou nu weer opnieuw 14.04 [15:24] <goudfazant3991> ik heb weerde opdate gedaan maar nog niet overnieuw opgestart [15:24] <goudfazant3991> de update is 133,2 MB [15:26] <goudfazant3991> ik denk zo allemaal als ik opnieuw opstart dat niet meer het buroblad zien en niet meer in het chatscherm kan?? [15:27] <goudfazant3991> kijk de 133,2 Mb is binnen gehaald maar nog niet op nieuw opgestart??? [15:28] <goudfazant3991> in die 133,2 Mb gaat er wat fout?? [15:29] <goudfazant3991> anders moet ik terug komen in het buroblad [15:55] <goudfazant3991> op welke manier kan ik die update,s uitpakken zonder op nieuw op te starten anders gaat het volgens mij weer mis [15:56] <OerHeks> goudfazant3991, updates zijn gedownload en geinstalleerd, er zit niks anders op dan te rebooten. [15:56] <goudfazant3991> 4 pagina,s vol van de grub [15:57] <goudfazant3991> hallo OerHeks [15:58] <goudfazant3991> ja dat is wel leuk maar dan ben ik alles weer kwijt [15:58] <goudfazant3991> nu ik nu nog niet opnieuw heb opgestart gaat alles goed [15:59] <OerHeks> Er was een kernelupdate vandaag, misschien fixt die een issue waar jij tegenaan liep? [16:01] <goudfazant3991> nou de update die ik vanmorgen en nu overnieuw heb gedaan die is zoals het op het scherm stond 133,2 Mb [16:02] <goudfazant3991> ik heb ik wel naar binnen gehaald maar nog niet overnieuw opgestart [16:02] <goudfazant3991> toen ik dat vanmorgen deed [16:02] <goudfazant3991> ging alles mis [16:03] <OerHeks> Tja, ik heb geen ander antwoord, reboot ! [16:03] <goudfazant3991> ik kwam weer in het zwart scherm terecht [16:04] <goudfazant3991> en dan kan ik niet meer terug naar het buroblad>>> wat eigenlijk toch wel zou moeten??? [16:05] <OerHeks> Ik snap niet wat er steeds fout gaat :-( [16:06] <goudfazant3991> nou ik heb er 14.04 op gezet [16:06] <goudfazant3991> en de Server van voorheen er af gedonderd [16:06] <goudfazant3991> 14.04 draaid goed [16:06] <goudfazant3991> maar?????????????? [16:08] <goudfazant3991> als ik update dan gaat die update het program 14.04 weg donderen en staat alleen de grub er op [16:09] <goudfazant3991> als jij update dat moet je toch opnieuw terug in het buroscherm komen?? [16:09] <goudfazant3991> maar niet in het zwarte prompt scherm [16:10] <goudfazant3991> begrijp je een beetje OerHeks [16:11] <OerHeks> Ja, maar mij is onduidelijk of dit vandaag WEER gebeurt, of dat je bang bent zoals gisteren ? [16:11] <OerHeks> misschien moet er eens iemand langskomen en je een eind opweg helpen. [16:11] <goudfazant3991> ja dat is nu juist vandaag gebeurd [16:13] <goudfazant3991> ik heb de grup uitgeprint ik heb hier 4 A4 vellen vol [16:13] <lordievader> Waarom? Waar is dat goed voor? [16:13] <lotuspsychje> recoverymode/fix broken packages? [16:14] <goudfazant3991> voorheen had ik toch die server er op staan die is er vorige week af gegaan [16:15] <Sling> de enige manier waarop we problemen kunnen oplossen is als er heen-en-weer communicatie mogelijk is tussen de helpers en de persoon die wil helpen [16:15] <goudfazant3991> hallo lordievader [16:15] <Sling> en dat lijkt - in ieder geval via irc - niet mogelijk in dit geval [16:15] <Sling> (en je hoeft niet steeds hallo te zeggen ;)) [16:16] <goudfazant3991> ja niet voor iets bizonders [16:16] <Sling> configuratiebestanden delen in een pastebin, of foutmeldingen exact kunnen geven, dat zijn toch wel minimale dingen die nodig zijn om te kunnen helpen [16:16] <Sling> daar is niet zoveel bijzonders aan [16:17] <goudfazant3991> ik vraag mij af als ik 14.04 aan het werk heb en daar alles goed van doet en naderhand update aangeboden krijg lijkt mij wel dat je dan bij het [16:18] <Sling> (en weer komt de boodschap niet aan) [16:18] <goudfazant3991> overnieuw opstarten gewoon in het buroblad terecht dien te komen [16:20] <goudfazant3991> Sling de boodschap heb ik daar straks uitgeprobeerd maar het is mij niet gelukt sorry [16:23] <goudfazant3991> Sling vind jij normaal als je update,s aangeboden krijg en je start overnieuw op dat je dan in een zwart prompt scherm terecht komt?? [16:23] <goudfazant3991> ik niet [16:23] <Sling> nee, uiteraard is dat niet normaal [16:23] <goudfazant3991> nou zijn we er [16:23] <Sling> maargoed, je hebt al 10 keer gezegd dat dit gebeurd is [16:24] <Sling> dus dat weten we ondertussen [16:24] <lotuspsychje> goudfazant3991: probeer grub recoverymode [16:24] <Sling> lotuspsychje: zonder hele duidelijke stap-voor-stap instructies gaat dat niet lukken denk ik [16:24] <Sling> goudfazant3991: weet je *welke* updates er precies zijn geinstalleerd? [16:25] <goudfazant3991> het zou best wel eens kunnen ja [16:25] <Sling> wat? [16:25] <lotuspsychje> goudfazant3991: grub recoverymode/ fix broken packages kan soms wel uit de nood helpen [16:25] <goudfazant3991> dat de uitleg te gekomplieseerd is [16:26] <Sling> lotuspsychje: we weten nog niet wat het probleem is, dus willekeurige dingen proberen lijkt me niet handig [16:26] <mandje> waar woon je in belgie goudfazant3991? misschien kan iemand van deze kaart je van dienst zijn 'in het echt'.. [16:27] <lotuspsychje> Sling: opstart met zwart scherm krijgen we constant zulke users na update in #ubuntu [16:27] <goudfazant3991> dit tweede deel bij het opnieuw opstarten val alles weg wat ik nu kanzien en heb?? [16:27] <Sling> lotuspsychje: dan nog, het kan allerlei oorzaken hebben [16:27] <Sling> het is een symptoom, dus is de truc het onderliggende probleem te vinden [16:27] <lotuspsychje> Sling: das waar, je kan maar uit testen he [16:27] <Sling> pas dan kun je het oplossen :) [16:28] <goudfazant3991> de update,s staan er in [16:28] <Sling> van willekeurige dingen testen wordt niemand wijzer [16:28] <goudfazant3991> maar ik heb nog niet opnieuw opgestart [16:28] <lotuspsychje> ik zou broken packages niet willekeurig noemen, maar goed [16:28] <Sling> wie zei er iets over broken packages dan? [16:28] <lotuspsychje> ik [16:29] <goudfazant3991> ja dat had ik vroeger ook bij het zoeken in een TV [16:29] <Sling> misschien is de /boot wel vol waardoor er bestanden missen, of misschien zijn er wel andere bootloaders actief dan grub-configure gebruikt, of EFI boot menu's, of.. etc [16:29] <Sling> zonder informatie is het gissen [16:30] <lotuspsychje> goudfazant3991: je hoort het maat, we hebben meer info nodig van je :p [16:30] <Sling> dat proberen we nu al een aantal uren :) [16:30] <Sling> maar zelfs een configuratiebestand delen lukt niet helaas [16:31] <Sling> goudfazant3991: heb je de vraag van mandje gezien? [16:31] <goudfazant3991> ja vol met nullen en eene [16:32] <Sling> wat? [16:32] <lotuspsychje> lolz [16:33] * lotuspsychje kijkt naar de 00110101 in de lucht [16:34] <Sling> 53? [16:34] <Sling> :) [16:34] <lotuspsychje> :p [16:34] <goudfazant3991> nou ik wil mandje zijn vraag wel gedeeldtelijk beantwoorden in iedergeval niet in de anverse,s [16:35] <goudfazant3991> ik hou het maar gewoon bij brabant [16:35] <Sling> je hoeft ons je adres niet te geven, maar je kan op die kaart de dichtstbijzijnde ubuntu supporter zien [16:35] <Sling> en daar evt mee contact opnemen om eens samen in het echt te kijken naar de problemen met grub [16:36] <Sling> want ik denk niet dat het via IRC gaat lukken om dit op te lossen [16:36] <Sling> (via deze chat dus) [16:36] <goudfazant3991> daar komt al iemand voor maar die heeft voorloopig nog geen tijd [16:37] <Sling> en iemand op die kaart is geen optie? [16:39] <goudfazant3991> nou ik ben gisteren toch jarig geweest maar ik wil wel wedden voor een vla >>> als ik hem overnieuw opstart dat ik weer opnieuw het [16:39] <goudfazant3991> programma er op moet zetten [16:43] <goudfazant3991> ik ga het proberen >> jullie heren het wel als het zo is [16:43] <goudfazant3991> bedankt allemaal [16:43] <Sling> ik denk niet dat het veel zin heeft [16:43] <Sling> als het eerder ook mis ging, zal het nu ook niet goed gaan :) [16:43] <Sling> dus nogmaals, is iemand benaderen in je buurt op die kaart geen optie? [16:44] <goudfazant3991> ja Sling maar dan moet het toch in de update,s zitten <<<<<< de rest die werkt goed>>>>>>>>>>> [16:45] <Sling> nee, want dan zou iedereen deze problemen hebben [16:45] <Sling> er is dus wat anders aan de hand [16:45] <Sling> dus voor de 3e keer, is iemand benaderen in je buurt op die kaart geen optie? [16:46] <goudfazant3991> ja 14.04 laad goed in en werkt normaal hiet op deze minitower [16:46] <goudfazant3991> alleen de update,s [16:46] <Sling> poging 4, is iemand benaderen in je buurt op die kaart geen optie? [16:48] <goudfazant3991> nou zoals ik je al heb gezegt ik wacht wel op die persoon die met mij een afspraak heeft gemaakt ik kan nog draaien dus geen probleem [16:48] <Sling> ok dan stel ik voor dat we het daarbij laten [16:49] <Sling> en tot die tijd moet je maar geen updates doen dan [16:49] <goudfazant3991> maar altans bedank voor de tip [16:50] <goudfazant3991> in iedergeval nog een fijne avond en bedankt alle [16:50] <goudfazant3991> Bye [16:50] <OerHeks> Succes goudfazant3991 [16:51] <goudfazant3991> dank je OerHeks [16:52] <lotuspsychje> oO [16:52] <Sling> [16:52] <lotuspsychje> jullie zijn zeker moe nu? [16:53] <Sling> och, ik ben wel wat gewend [16:53] <Sling> :) [16:53] * mandje applaudiseert voor Sling en de anderen die zoveel geduld hadden. [16:54] <lotuspsychje> sommige mensen passen echt wel niet met ubuntu [16:55] <Sling> hm ik vrees dat mn GPU helaas gta 5 niet gaat trekken :( [16:55] <Sling> wordt tijd voor een nieuwe dan maar [16:56] <OerHeks> wacht op gta6 [16:56] <lotuspsychje> ga je dat sepeln op ubuntu dan? [16:56] <lotuspsychje> spelen [16:56] <Sling> nee, ik heb gewoon windows op m'n desktop [16:56] <Sling> servers zijn ubuntu [16:56] <OerHeks> gta 1 en 2 lopen prima, zijn kostenloos te downloaden ook nog [16:57] <Sling> die heb ik 15 jaar geleden oid al versleten :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Fermata", "OerHeks", "Sling", "goudfazant3991", "jpjacobs", "lordievader", "lotuspsychje", "mandje", "mysterio", "pjotter" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-nl" }
[12:32] <cmaloney> morning [12:36] <_stink_> yo [14:00] <cmaloney> Come to MUG tonight. I'm talkiing computer emulators. :) [14:00] <brousch> eq [14:00] <brousch> ew [14:00] <brousch> Run the real thing! Be a man! [14:03] <cmaloney> brousch: please to be sending me a Spectrum 48K / Spectrum 128K and Jupiter Ace. :) [14:04] <cmaloney> There were only 8,000 made of the Ace so that should be easy. :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "_stink_", "brousch", "cmaloney" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-mi" }
[02:47] <astroo-> ciao pessoal [20:46] <astroo-> ola pessoal
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "astroo-" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-pt" }
[13:41] <bwmaker> So our Monday chat was 5 lines. What's Tuesday going to be like? [13:42] <Unit193> Shorter! But less prone to headaches. [14:22] <bwmaker> I hope so. So this is 3 lines. :) [16:03] <xTEMPLARx> Four lines now. Boo-YAH. [17:10] <bwmaker> [17:10] <Unit193> bwmaker: You ruined it! [17:10] <bwmaker> :( [17:14] <Unit193> Well, now at least I get to say I made French Roast coffee. [17:15] <bwmaker> Nice. Did you also use a French press? [17:15] <Unit193> Yes I did. [17:26] <xTEMPLARx> French press is one of my favorite ways to make coffee [17:27] <xTEMPLARx> between pourovers, aeropress, drip and french press, we have quite a few ways to make coffee at our house. Great thing is, a coffee that may taste awful in one method may be the bees knees in another [17:27] <xTEMPLARx> had some starbucks guatemala antigua coffee recently that was awful in drip and aeropress, but french press really did it justice [17:34] <bwmaker> Wow, going to have to go get my bowtie for this conversation. :) [17:35] <Unit193> I only use French Press. [17:35] <bwmaker> I don't feel quite classy enough. :D [17:35] <Unit193> We have drip, but... :P [17:35] <bwmaker> I broke my French press Friday. :( [17:36] <Unit193> Ouuuch. [17:38] <bwmaker> Yeah, at least my coffee was done. I'll get a new one this weekend since we have pretty good coffee at work. [17:45] <bwmaker> Speaking of, just got a fresh cup. [17:47] <xTEMPLARx> i'm thinking about brewing a pot [17:47] <xTEMPLARx> I have a pourover cone here at work, but my grinder here is all but dead [18:11] <bwmaker> Go get 2 stones, caveman style. :) [18:11] <xTEMPLARx> bwmaker :D [18:11] <xTEMPLARx> [20:24] <Unit193> Annnnnd, decided to make more coffee, baaaad idea. >_< [20:45] <bwmaker> 3PM's my cut off, but I just grabbed a Coke. [20:45] <bwmaker> Probably not my best decision today. [20:47] <xTEMPLARx> you'll never sleep now [20:48] <bwmaker> Probably won't [23:44] <Unit193> Byebye. :(
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Unit193", "bwmaker", "xTEMPLARx" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-tn" }
[06:20] <fateme> salam [06:21] <fateme> kasi mitone javabe mano bede?! [06:21] <MortezaE> salam [06:21] <MortezaE> befarmayid [06:21] <fateme> salam [06:21] <fateme> man noskhe 14.04 ubuntu daram [06:22] <fateme> dishab baram peyghame upgrade baraye noskhe 15.04 omad [06:22] <fateme> zadam ro upgrade [06:23] <fateme> alan ghesmate configuring mysql client hang karde [06:23] <fateme> chika konam [06:23] <fateme> mamnon misham komqkam konin [06:25] <MortezaE> fateme, manzur az ghesmate configure chie? [06:25] <MortezaE> fateme, dpkg-reconfigure ? [06:27] <MortezaE> fateme, ^ [06:27] <fateme> na...toye upgrade panel ye seri marahelo neveshte mese prepare to download,setting new softwares,installing ... [06:28] <MortezaE> aha, man nemidunam, ta hala upgrade nakardam. faghat fresh install kardam. [06:28] <fateme> hala ke mysql ro dare nasb mikone hang karde [06:28] <MortezaE> pas moshkel ba mysql nist, doroste? [06:28] <MortezaE> moshkel ba hang shodane upgrade [06:29] <fateme> na [06:29] <fateme> bale [06:29] <fateme> khob hala be nazareton chik konam?! [06:29] <MortezaE> nemidunam, bezarid be hale khodesh bashe, age nashod, be nazaram restart konin [06:29] <MortezaE> bezarin tuye #ubuntu ham beporsim... [06:30] <fateme> ok mersi [06:31] <fateme> alan sudo dpkg --configure -a ham ke mizanam [06:31] <fateme> mige [06:31] <fateme> database is locked by another process [06:32] <MortezaE> migam ye kari konin... [06:33] <MortezaE> service mysql ro stop konin shayad moshkel hal she [06:33] <MortezaE> va motmaen shin ke stop mishe [06:33] <MortezaE> "database is locked by another process" [06:34] <MortezaE> database dar jomleye bala be nazaram be db e apt eshare dare, na mysql. na? [06:37] <MortezaE> fateme, [06:42] <fateme> ozr mikham ertebatam ghat shod [06:43] <fateme> man alan ino bayad bezanam toye terminal doroste? sudo service mysql stop [06:44] <fateme> vali bazam ke dpkg mizanam hamon peghame ghabli ro mide [06:44] <MortezaE> are ino goftam, amma fek konam rahe hal in nist [06:44] <MortezaE> chon:  "database is locked by another process"  database dar jomleye bala be nazaram be db e apt eshare dare, na mysql. na? [06:44] <MortezaE> pas:  fateme, [06:46] <fateme> pas migin felan upgrade ro stop konam? [06:46] <MortezaE> are, vali baz mojaddad rah mindazin [06:46] <fateme> ok [06:49] <fateme> man alan raftam ke stopesh konam didam dorost shode va dare istalation ro edame mide [06:49] <fateme> :O :O :O [06:49] <MortezaE> khob thx god [06:49] <fateme> :D [06:49] <fateme> mamnon az shoam [06:50] <MortezaE> khahesh mikonam, movaffagh bashid :) [06:50] <fateme> mersi hamchenin [15:18] <MortezaE> Azitrex, khuneye mordeha ro didi? [18:39] <Kyan> salam [18:40] <Kyan> kasi online hast?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kyan", "MortezaE", "fateme" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ir" }
[05:40] <NeverW8> morgon [05:40] <NeverW8> räknas det osm fredag idag? [05:40] <andol> Jajjamensan! [05:43] <Barre> mörrn mörrn [05:44] <Barre> nej. i dag är det Torsdag [05:44] * Barre jobbar imorgon [05:45] <andol> Barre: Warum? [05:46] <delhage> Barre: klassförrädare! ;) [05:48] <Barre> delhage: hmmm dessutom i landet som verkligen kan det där med att demonstrera [05:48] <Barre> lite rätt blir jag för att bli kallad svartfot och klassförädare :) [05:49] <Barre> andol: är på utbildning :/ [05:50] <andol> Barre: Om? [05:50] * andol kör den fåordiga approachen idag. [05:52] <NeverW8> Ja jag såg något på sl's hemsida om "förseningar i city pga. demonstrationer" [05:52] <NeverW8> vad är det tal om? [05:54] <delhage> Barre: frankrike? [06:23] <Barre> delhage: korrekt :) [06:24] <Barre> andol: Hadoop, mongoDB och cassandra [06:24] <delhage> hipster [06:25] * delhage håller på med mongo och docker atm [06:25] <Barre> mmm [06:26] <Barre> nu på morgonen är läraren dock i portogal och kör med en "sheldon robot". En skärm med kamera på hjul. Kör runt i rummet... [06:26] <Barre> *portugal [06:26] <NeverW8> Vilken framtid [06:27] <Barre> känner lite då att jag kunde sitta på distans, varför måste jag vara på plats när inte läraren är det? :/ [06:29] <delhage> har ni en sån "robot" i klassrummet? [06:32] <Barre> mmm [06:32] <Barre> bara för de två första timmarna idag [06:32] <Barre> svårt att ta honom på allvar när allt jag ser är Sheldon [06:38] <delhage> :) [06:56] <larsemil> Barre: när jag hälsar på dig, du kommer inte dra en delhage då och säga "huset har blivit stulet" [06:58] <Barre> delhage: har jag helt glömt bort, du kommer väl och grillar lite? [06:58] <Barre> larsemil: nejdå :) [07:03] <delhage> Barre: va? när? [07:05] <larsemil> 9 maj [07:05] <Barre> jag pm:ade [07:06] <larsemil> men säg det då! [07:06] <larsemil> :D [07:06] <larsemil> sorry! [07:06] <Barre> :) [07:07] <delhage> Barre: ah, då är jag i España tyvärr [07:08] <Barre> delhage: ok.. stackars dig då :) [07:11] <delhage> eller hur? [07:13] <larsemil> vafan har inte du precis kommit hem från tyskland? [07:13] <larsemil> eller frankrike? vad det nu var [07:14] * Barre är kompis med delhage på tripit och vet hur mycket han reser.. en glidare helt enkelt ;P [07:19] <delhage> larsemil: jo, bägge [07:19] * delhage sprang Nice halvmarathon i söndags [07:19] <Barre> but why? [07:20] <delhage> kul [07:23] <Barre> ok :| [08:06] <Sebastia1Thorn> för att få oss andra att känna oss som dåliga människor :( [09:05] <NeverW8> Undrar om roboten kör ubuntu [09:05] <NeverW8> *fniss* [17:19] <andol> bamsefar: Ifall jag vill ominstallera en vmware-vps utifrån en annan template, är det delete+create som gäller då, eller finns det något ominstallations-val jag inte hittat? [17:23] <bamsefar> andol: Delete+create, yes [18:17] <andol> bamsefar: Tackar. [19:27] <goopen> Amoz: sluta elda nu och kom in
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Barre", "NeverW8", "Sebastia1Thorn", "andol", "bamsefar", "delhage", "goopen", "larsemil" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-se" }
[13:33] <elacheche> ping guys! can you please join us on #ubuntu-africa & #ubuntu-arabic → And please make sure to add those channels to you favorite ones! [13:41] <elacheche> ping theShirbiny :) [13:46] <theShirbiny> hey elacheche [13:50] <elacheche> did you seen my msg? [13:51] <elacheche> ping guys! can you please join us on #ubuntu-africa & #ubuntu-arabic → And please make sure to add those channels to you favorite ones! [13:54] <theShirbiny> elacheche: nope, didn't see that one before, are they offcial? [14:03] <elacheche> Yes! #ubuntu-africa is almost new.. But the other one is official and it's dead! [14:04] <elacheche> in #ubuntu-locoteams when you ask for help in arabic the guys tell you to go to #ubuntu-arabic .. as it's dead how can people find help [14:11] <elacheche> BTW theShirbiny.. I'm anis from #ubuntu-tn :) [14:13] <theShirbiny> nice to meet you anis :) [14:14] <theShirbiny> I'm there now
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "elacheche", "theShirbiny" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-eg" }
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ru" }
[09:48] <cjwatson> wgrant: I'm looking into the reported (non-timeout) bug unsubscribe oops. [09:48] <cjwatson> Unless you are already. [09:50] <wgrant> cjwatson: Fixed on DF already. [09:50] <wgrant> Just writing tests for the untested cod [09:50] <wgrant> e [09:50] <cjwatson> Heh, OK. [09:59] <cjwatson> wgrant: Did you have any thoughts on ? [10:01] <wgrant> "Default" is ew, the rest makes some sense. [10:02] <cjwatson> Mm, maybe I can just drop that and the singular is enough. [10:03] <wgrant> In an ideal world that would be where the repository selector was, I think. [10:03] <wgrant> But "default" should definitely not be the first word on the page! [10:03] <cjwatson> repository selector> how do you mean? [10:04] <wgrant> Well, we need some way to see the other repositories, probably near the top of the page. [10:04] <cjwatson> Right. [10:04] <wgrant> Maybe even above the "You can browse the source code" [10:04] <cjwatson> Maybe just "Git branches". It's "branches associated with the default Git repository", but "Git repository branches" just sounds like we're confused. [10:04] <wgrant> That would make it clear which repo is selected. [10:04] <wgrant> Yeah, "Git branches" makes sense-ish. [10:06] <cjwatson> The page is annoyingly spread out over and right now, which makes it awkward. [10:26] <wgrant> dammit nvidia [10:27] <wgrant> number_of_duplicates [10:27] <wgrant> 1156 [10:27] <wgrant> other_users_affected_count_with_dupes [10:27] <wgrant> 2865 [22:14] <wgrant> cjwatson: [22:18] <cjwatson> wgrant: r=me [22:18] <wgrant> cjwatson: Thanks. [22:18] <cjwatson> I think we can NDT without that, though - I was going to sort that out after this call [22:18] <cjwatson> if that's OK [22:19] <cjwatson> since at least ASCII-only MPs work [22:20] <wgrant> yep [22:20] <wgrant> sounds good to me [22:43] <cjwatson> wgrant: LPSed/RTed; feel free to amend both if your rev is ready before webops take that [22:45] <cjwatson> was the ASCII-only case I mentioned, BTW [22:46] <wgrant> Yep, saw it in the OOPS. [22:46] <wgrant> I poked around locally and found all the obvious crashers and fixed them. [22:46] <cjwatson> Yep. Thanks for that. [22:47] <cjwatson> I think anything further from our side is gravy at this point. [22:48] <cjwatson> Is there anybody at the sprint who might be able to help chase down the nova scheduling thing tomorrow? [22:49] <wgrant> If it's not solved overnight, I will harrass someone. [22:50] <wgrant> I'm talking to designy people tomorrow morning, will try to get something useful out of them. But I think we just need something like your screenshot, target/owner repo listings... [22:50] <wgrant> And GitRef:+activereviews would be nice and might be easy. [22:50] <wgrant> All of which are quick to do something roughly as dirty as the bzr equivalent. [22:51] <cjwatson> Yeah, there's a huge pile of misc views to clean up. [22:51] <cjwatson> Layouts of the worst cases of combining git and bzr listings that also show a useful set of information about git branches would be good. [22:52] <cjwatson> In some ways I'd like to ram them all into a single table. [22:53] <cjwatson> Partly because multiple similar-content tables on a single page look bad because their column widths don't match. [22:53] <cjwatson> I haven't touched the package views yet. [22:53] <wgrant> The only place we really need to show both simultaneously is on Person:+branches [22:54] <wgrant> Since a target (or an owner-target) has a primary VCS defined. [22:54] <cjwatson> The project and package views could get away with having a mode switch, indeed. [22:54] <cjwatson> Once we model such a thing. [22:55] <wgrant> Person:+branches already has a relationship filter. [22:55] <wgrant> (it was several separate pages a few months ago, but it's all one now) [22:57] <cjwatson> I'd been focusing on the target partly because I'd like to have a rule that the target page for a target with a default repository always shows at least something about the default repository, so that we can switch the canonical URL over to shortened_path rather than unique_name [22:57] <cjwatson> since I really don't like the canonical URL for default project repositories being /~owner/project/+git/project [22:57] <wgrant> Yeah, definitely. And that's the only bit that really requires thought. [22:58] <wgrant> The others are, well, tables. [22:58] <cjwatson> so I think that even if we have a mode switch we always need to show *something* about the non-default mode [22:58] <cjwatson> (if there's any content for it) [22:58] <wgrant> yep [22:58] <cjwatson> we could certainly have a radically different summary, though [22:59] <cjwatson> very hard to get the summary right without a mode switch - I tried, it's a mess as you saw [22:59] <cjwatson> "you can clone a git repository! oh and by the way you can push a bzr branch!" [22:59] <wgrant> Mhm. [23:01] <cjwatson> but perhaps I could go and try Person:+branches for a while, because that involves a lot of the same kind of infrastructure but has a fairly minimal summary [23:01] <cjwatson> and, I think, should probably just show repositories rather than refs [23:01] <cjwatson> maybe? [23:02] <cjwatson> although "last commit" is meaningless for repositories, so perhaps that's wrong [23:03] <cjwatson> perhaps repositories should have an expander for branches [23:03] <cjwatson> worth asking design if they have any thoughts there [23:04] <wgrant> I don't really know. I like seeing all the recent work, but it might get drowned out by eg. a push --mirror [23:04] <cjwatson> Yeah. And status is meaningless for repositories *and* refs, too. [23:05] <cjwatson> (To the extent that it's meaningful for branches ...) [23:05] <wgrant> I would not complain if the status column accidentally went missing tomorrow. [23:05] <wgrant> mm [23:05] <wgrant> I guess Merged is useful [23:05] <wgrant> But meh [23:06] <cjwatson> In the default view, which excludes it :-) [23:06] <wgrant> yep [23:07] <cjwatson> If we're using committer_date (which we do right now in ref listings), then push --mirror is less of a problem [23:07] <cjwatson> One of my branches in progress fixes ref listings to sort by descending committer_date [23:07] <cjwatson> Which makes them a lot more sensible [23:07] <wgrant> blr: Do you want to experiment with these couple of views and see if you can get something vaguely sensible? [23:08] <cjwatson> is what I have today, if you want to crib anything from that [23:08] <blr> wgrant: sure - thanks cjwatson [23:09] <cjwatson> (also I have lying around from an older branch that tried to do more with targets, but I suspect more of that branch is crap) [23:09] <wgrant> I'll work with designy people tomorrow, but it'll be a while before we have anything useful, and we just need something vaguely adequate for tomorrow. [23:09] <blr> cjwatson: will move push-instructions to a partial, it is used in two places [23:10] <blr> and add the git specific copy we discussed last night [23:10] <cjwatson> The fixed sorting is the top bit of the patch to lib/lp/code/browser/, and we likely want that regardless [23:10] <cjwatson> (from the first paste) [23:11] <cjwatson> I'm inclined to say that we may want to drift away from trying to have a single view for Person again [23:12] <wgrant> Yeah [23:12] <cjwatson> Person:+branches is recent work, but there could also be a view that lists all your repositories [23:12] <cjwatson> Then Person:+branches can just mix in refs with the committer date as "last modified" [23:12] <wgrant> A push --mirror with a billion branches seems not hugely likely. [23:12] <wgrant> Can always be adjusted if it doesn't work out. [23:12] <cjwatson> right, but even if somebody does that, a lot of those branches are going to be old [23:12] <wgrant> Yep [23:13] <cjwatson> in terms of committer date [23:13] <wgrant> So Person:+branches intersperses branches and refs. [23:13] <cjwatson> we miiiight have a perf problem, but I don't think it's a fundamental UI problem if you end up with a bazillion branches off in batch 87 [23:13] <wgrant> Product:+branches shows one or the other, and additionally the default git repo if git is selected, plus a VCS switcher. [23:14] <wgrant> I don't see a perf problem here, though it will be awkward to implement. [23:14] <cjwatson> GitCollection lalala [23:14] <wgrant> It may be better to have a VCS switcher for Person:+branches in the first iteration. [23:14] <wgrant> No fundamental perf problem, then :) [23:14] <cjwatson> like another dropdown? [23:14] <wgrant> It's a simple matter of code. [23:14] <wgrant> Could be, yeah. [23:15] <cjwatson> Or just Person:+repositories, if it's going to have totally different semantics anyway [23:15] <wgrant> We can't currently dynamically change the default view for a particular object. [23:15] <wgrant> Only an interface. [23:16] <wgrant> But I guess having it as a secondary page for the first iteration is OK. [23:16] <cjwatson> right, but we could have another slot in PersonBranchesMenu [23:16] <cjwatson> which already has "Branches", "Active reviews", "Source package recipes" [23:16] <cjwatson> the only concern would be whether we're painting ourselves into a corner, but redirects are a thing ... [23:17] <wgrant> Right, it works short term. [23:18] <wgrant> Anyway, I need to sleep. [23:18] <cjwatson> I'm not convinced we can fix the canonical URL of target default repos by tomorrow, but even making it possible to find them via a Person view would be a small step up [23:18] <cjwatson> yeah, me too [23:19] <wgrant> blr: Experiment with what you can today, and Colin and I can hopefully bikeshed over whatever you have into something releasable in our morning. [23:19] <cjwatson> (conceivably, Person:+repositories could list all the projects you've worked on in code terms, whether that be bzr or git - take advantage of the bzr repository metaphor even if it isn't precisely identical [23:19] <cjwatson> ) [23:19] <wgrant> True [23:20] <cjwatson> that sort of thing might help address people's issues with code [23:22] <cjwatson> and after all e.g. is a thing, so we *sort of* have that notion already
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "blr", "cjwatson", "wgrant" ], "url": "", "channel": "#launchpad-dev" }
[20:00] <Yarin> ?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Yarin" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-il" }
[07:06] <alexxxxxxxxxx> buongiorno a tutti, ho un problema con la luminosità dello schermo, ossia non me la fa cambiare manualmente dalleimpostazioni di sistema-luminosità, quando la abbasso mi resta uguale, qualcuno può aiutarmi? [07:42] <akis24> giorno [08:31] <b00k3r> giorno [09:00] <revoltjonh> salve community.. ho 2 problemi a riguardo di lubuntu [09:01] <revoltjonh> 1: non visualizzo l'icona di lubuntu all'avvio del pc (è normale); 2: non riesco a creare il collegamento del cestino sul deskstop [09:02] <akis24> revoltjonh: se carica regolarmente nessun problema [09:02] <jester-> 'ngiorno [09:03] <revoltjonh> si si carica regolarmente.. quanto al collegamento del cestino? ho fatto l'identica procedura per l'icona della home, ma per il cestino non funziona [09:04] <revoltjonh> ho messo questo codice: [Desktop Entry] [09:04] <revoltjonh> Type=Application [09:04] <revoltjonh> Icon=user-trash [09:04] <revoltjonh> Name=Trash [09:04] <revoltjonh> Name[it]=Cestino [09:05] <akis24> eh [09:09] <indeciso> buongiorno a tutti [09:10] <indeciso> qualcuno che mi possa dare una mano ? [09:10] <akis24> !qualcuno | indeciso [09:10] <ubot-it> indeciso: la maggior parte delle prime domande fatte in questo canale è del tipo «qualcuno puo' aiutarmi/qualcuno ha tempo/qualcuno usa...?». Fate la vostra domanda tecnica e se qualcuno sa, rispondera' [09:10] <indeciso> ok [09:13] <indeciso> possiedo un acer aspire one d255 processore Intel Atom N550 con memoria cache L2 di 512 KB è affiancato da 1GB di memoria RAM [09:14] <indeciso> quale versione mi consigliereste ? [09:15] <akis24> indeciso: lubuntu viste le caratteristiche del pc [09:15] <indeciso> versione 32 o 64 bit ? [09:15] <akis24> indeciso: 64 bit credo quel processore lo supporti [09:16] <jester-> indeciso: dovrebbe tirare la 64bit [09:16] <indeciso> dato che ho scaricato già la 32 bit... se installassi la 32 bit andrebbe più veloce rispetto la 64 ? [09:17] <jester-> indeciso: visto che hai meno di 4 gb ram va benissimo anche la 32 [09:17] <indeciso> ok altra cosa [09:18] <indeciso> ho letto di una distro chiamata [09:18] <indeciso> elementary os [09:18] <indeciso> che ne pensate ? [09:18] <davegarath> !chat | indeciso [09:18] <ubot-it> indeciso: per qualsiasi argomento non inerente strettamente il supporto a ubuntu, /join #ubuntu-it-chat [09:19] <jester-> indeciso: che non trattiamo argomenti al di fuori delle ubuntu ufficiali ma col pc che hai non hai tanto da scegliere [09:19] <indeciso> capisco [09:19] <indeciso> perdonate l'errore XD [09:19] <indeciso> grazie mille per l'aiuto [10:40] <lubuntu68> Salve ho un problema con installazione di lubuntu sul mio pc fisso dual core [10:40] <jester-> !dettagli | lubuntu68 [10:40] <ubot-it> lubuntu68: Per favore dacci dettagli completi. Per esempio "Ho un problema con..., sto usando Ubuntu versione... con interfaccia.... Quando provo a fare..., ottengo questo output: ..., ma mi sarei aspettato che facesse..." [10:41] <lubuntu68> Quando installo scelgo di cancellare il volume e spunto le due caselle di lvm e crittografia [10:41] <jester-> lubuntu68: pessima idea crittograare [10:41] <lubuntu68> tuttavia il programma non va avanti dicendomi di aver trovato uno swap non sicuro [10:41] <jester-> si sminchia ogni 2 x 3 [10:42] <jester-> lubuntu68: formatta la swap e che sia di dimensioni adeguate = gradezza della ram installata [10:42] * bip Back! [10:43] <lubuntu68> quindi ho ricominciato l'installazione senza crittografare [10:43] <jester-> lubuntu68: mettila su normale ext4 e non crittografata [10:43] <lubuntu68> ma l'installazione mi è andata in crash [10:43] <lubuntu68> ho inviato il report [10:44] <lubuntu68> ed ho di nuovo cliccato su install lubuntu 15.04 [10:44] <jester-> lubuntu68: controllato md5sum della iso prima di fare il cd o usb? [10:44] <lubuntu68> questa volta [10:44] <lubuntu68> è andato tutto per il meglio ovviamente senza crittografare [10:44] <jester-> !md5sum | lubuntu68 [10:44] <ubot-it> lubuntu68: Per una lista completa, si veda: [10:45] <jester-> lubuntu68: se è andata per il meglio quale è o problema [10:45] <lubuntu68> mi chiedo come mai la prima volta che ho installato mi ha crashato mentre la seconda è andata per il meglio ? [10:46] <jester-> lubuntu68: boh ma che importanza ha [10:46] <lubuntu68> non vorrei che ci siano ripercussioni sulla sicurezza o stabilità del sistema [10:46] <lubuntu68> solo per tale motivo [10:46] <lubuntu68> non vorrei che ci siano ripercussioni sulla sicurezza o stabilità del sistema [10:47] <lubuntu68> non vorrei che ci siano ripercussioni sulla sicurezza o stabilità del sistema [10:51] <lubuntu68> jester: il motivo è che non vorrei che sia compromessa la stabilità o sicurezza del sistema operativo [10:58] <z8z> lubuntu68: hai controllato che la ram sia ok? [10:58] <ricky_> ciao a tutti come abilitare il desktop cubico? [10:59] <ricky_> ho installato compiz su 15.04 ho gli effetti delle finestre tremolanti ma non ruota [10:59] <z8z> lubuntu68: può dipendere da IO con ram o disco fisso...per questo esistono le ram ECC [10:59] <jester-> ricky_: è roba obsoleta [11:00] <ricky_> jester-, mi smonti sempre tutto :D [11:00] <jester-> ricky_: compiz è morto [11:00] <LoZioNe> ricky_,apri le impostazioni di Compiz e nel campo di ricerca scrivi cubo [11:00] <lubuntu68> z8z non ho capito di cosa parli [11:00] <lubuntu68> non sono molto ferrato [11:00] <LoZioNe> Intanto buongiorno a tutti :) [11:00] <ricky_> LoZioNe, lo abilito ma non ha effetto [11:00] <z8z> ricky_: del perche la prima volta ha dato problemi e la seconda no [11:00] <LoZioNe> ricky:,driver video installati e funzionanti? [11:01] <z8z> lubuntu68: del perche la prima volta ha dato problemi e la seconda no [11:01] <ricky_> LoZioNe, si è una doppia gtx 760 in sli [11:01] <ricky_> z8z, mi funziona al 50% effetti su finestre si desktop che ruota sul cubo no [11:01] <z8z> ricky_: devi aver settato il desktop con più di 2 workspaces per farlo funzionare [11:02] <ricky_> z8z, sai dirmi dove abilitare le "facciate" [11:02] <LoZioNe> quoro z8z [11:03] <z8z> ricky_: credo dalle impostazioni del desktop di ubuntu.... non da compiz per quello che ricordo di ubuntu [11:04] <ricky_> z8z, uhm capirai è come cercare un ago in un pagliaio :S [11:05] <LoZioNe> ricky_Nella finestra di dialogo del programma selezionare la voce "Desktop" e spuntare le caselle di controllo degli effetti "Desktop cubico" e "Ruota cubo". Il gestore chiederà di disabilitare "Desktop Wall" e di ridurre il numero delle scrivanie virtuali da quattro a uno [11:05] <lubuntu68> z8z altra domanda esistono virus per lubuntu ? [11:06] <z8z> lubuntu68: la domanda implica che non hai idea di cosa sia un virus [11:07] <ricky_> sono riuscito ad abilitarlo ma ne ha solo 2 [11:07] <z8z> lubuntu68: i virus esistono se qualcuno li crea [11:08] <ricky_> in aspetto comportamento c'è solo la spunta per abilitare gli spazi di lavoro ma non quantifica quanti [11:08] <lubuntu68> effettivamente no :D volevo solo sapere se lubuntu ha bisogno di antivirus [11:09] <z8z> lubuntu68: se usi solo programmi presi dal repositorio ubuntu no [11:09] <ricky_> ecco qua [11:09] <z8z> lubuntu68: se hai intenzione di installare roba presa in giro da terze parti si [11:09] <lubuntu68> se per sicurezza volessi farlo che antivirus mi consiglieresti ? [11:11] <ricky_> uhm nessuno? [11:11] <z8z> lubuntu68: clamAV ma non vedo perchè dovresti farlo :D [11:13] <lubuntu68> Andrebbe bene anche avira antivir ? [12:20] <ricky_> ho risolto per il desktop andava attivato da geneal settings in compiz [12:21] <ricky_> general* [12:22] <z8z> ricky_: ottimo :) [12:22] <luca90> ciao come mai le icone sulla scrivania ogni volta che avvio ubuntu non sono piu allineate? [12:23] <z8z> luca90: ma a che servono le icone sul desktop? :D [12:24] <luca90> abitudine credo :D [12:24] <z8z> luca90: brutta abitudine... LOL [12:25] <luca90> z8z: ehehehe riusciro a toglierla! nel mentre volevo capire il perche se spengo il pc con la spunta mantieni allineate lo riaccendo e stanno tutte sfasate [12:27] <z8z> luca90: non ti so aiutare che non ho icone da anni :D ...... forse l'hanno fatto come deterrente per chi ancora le usa [12:28] <luca90> z8z: hai lo spirito di un mio amico che anche lui usa ubuntu da sempre!! ahahahah forse verra anche a me... [12:29] <z8z> luca90: è che veramente non esiste più uno scopo... quello esisteva ai tempi in cui avevi 2 applicazioni ed una cartella dati [12:30] <z8z> luca90: oggi è più complicato avere roba sul desktop [12:30] <luca90> all'ora vi faccio un altra domanda che mi sta mandando ai matti avevo messo conky sulla mia scrivania per monitorare i parametri del mio pc, pero dopo qualche secondo iniziava a sovrapporsi su se stesso [12:30] <luca90> e diventava illeggibile [12:32] <z8z> luca90: vabbè salto i miei commenti altrimenti mi mandi a f....o ...... hai provato ad aggiornarlo per assicurarti intanto che non sia un bug? [12:33] <z8z> luca90: è una installazione fresh o lo fa dopo un intero aggiornamento di ubuntu? [12:34] <luca90> ho messo ubuntu 15.04 pochi giorni fa, e seguendo alcune guide e forum avevo istallato conky da terminale... [12:34] <luca90> ci vuole pazienza con me :D [12:35] <z8z> luca90: però prima mi devi dire che devi monitorare XD [12:36] <z8z> luca90: di la verità è solo che fa figo conky LOL [12:37] <luca90> si direi è da sborroni!!! continuo a pensare che parli come il mio amico xD [12:37] <luca90> a me interessava cmq CPU RAM E temperatura [12:38] <z8z> il monitoring in genere si fa per i server quando hai delle responsabilità sui servizi che offri [12:38] <z8z> ma sul desktop da privato :D [12:39] <z8z> la ram è IMPOSSIBILE riempirla con linux a meno che non hai il computer di 10 anni fa ed usi applicazioni di grafica [12:39] <z8z> la CPU se mai ti sembra abbia qualche problema di sovraccarico dal terminali lanci "top" e vedi tutto quando ti serve [12:39] <z8z> (se mai ti servirà) [12:39] <luca90> niente di tutto ciò anche se ho soltanto 3GB di ram [12:40] <luca90> z8z mi hai risolto i problemi non faccio nulla e via hahahaha lascio le cose come stanno che è meglio [12:40] <z8z> XD [12:41] <z8z> t'ho ottimizzato la vita riducendo i problemi inutili :D [12:42] <z8z> tramanda l'insegnamento ad altri ed il mondo sarà più semplice [12:48] <luca90> Lo faro!!! [12:49] <luca90> grazie vado ad ottimizzare la mia vita aspirando la macchina [12:49] <luca90> :D [13:08] <johack> Salve a tutti, qualcuno sa dirmi come installare la gtk+? ho seguito mille guide ma quando vado a compilare il mio programma mi da problemi [13:13] <lollyk> Salve a tutti, ho Ubuntu 14.04 e mio figlio voleva vedere un film in DVD ("Diario di una schiappa"). Purtroppo, però, il DVD non parte e, dopo circa 10 minuti, appare una schermata che indica che è stato inserito un CD vergine. Provando con altri DVD, tutto funziona e non capisco quale sia il problema. Ho inserito il DVD su un PC Windows e ha funzi [13:13] <lollyk> onato. Qualcuno può aiutarmi? Grazie [13:16] <lollyk> Ho un Acer Veriton X2631-G [13:18] <gigirock> il pc windows funziona..... [13:18] <gigirock> quindi devi dare il pc figo con win a tuo figlio e tu ti tieni la skifezza con ubuntu........ [13:19] <gigirock> !info multimedia [13:19] <ubot-it> Package multimedia does not exist in trusty [13:20] <lollyk> Ho risolto... bastava installare i Codec di Windows [13:20] <gigirock> [13:20] <johack> qualche anima pia che mi aiuta :D [13:21] <gigirock> !info gtk+ [13:21] <ubot-it> kde-config-gtk-style (source: kde-gtk-config): KDE configuration module for GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3.x styles selection. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:2.2.1-1fakesync1 (trusty), package size 113 kB, installed size 789 kB [13:21] <gigirock> johack, ma che compili ? [13:21] <lollyk> Se a qualcuno può interessare, ho installato i codec a questo indirizzo: [13:21] <johack> gigirock: gli esempio contenuti nella gtk [13:21] <lollyk> grazie lo stesso. [13:21] <johack> più altri pezzi di porgrammi trovati in giro [13:22] <johack> !info gtk+ [13:22] <ubot-it> kde-config-gtk-style (source: kde-gtk-config): KDE configuration module for GTK+ 2.x and GTK+ 3.x styles selection. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:2.2.1-1fakesync1 (trusty), package size 113 kB, installed size 789 kB [13:22] <gigirock> johack, e allora devi installare anche gtk-devel etc etc [13:23] <johack> dove posso trovare una guida? [13:23] <gigirock> [13:29] <krabador> johack, ti servono le dev [13:29] <johack> krabador: cioè? [13:30] <krabador> per compilare, servono le dev [13:30] <krabador> johack, devi compilare qualcosa in particolare? [13:31] <johack> vorrei fare programmi in c con grafica [13:36] <krabador> lollyk, per leggere dvd originali , sudo apt-get install libdvdread4 [13:36] <krabador> sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/ [13:36] <krabador> e riavvio [13:37] <lollyk> l'avevo gia fatto [13:37] <krabador> lollyk, allora vlc , e passa la paura [13:37] <lollyk> installato anche vlc [13:37] <lollyk> ma non parte [13:37] <lollyk> non viene nemmeno mostrato [13:37] <lollyk> prima però era partito, che strano... [13:37] <lollyk> non so se centra qualcosa l'installazione dei codec windows [13:38] <krabador> lollyk, non si installano codec windows su ubuntu [13:38] <lollyk> questo era il link: [13:39] <krabador> lascia stare pacchetti debian non ufficiali [13:39] <lollyk> era sulla wiki di ubuntu [13:39] <lollyk> [13:40] <lollyk> comunque dopo l'installazione di quel pacchetto il DVD era partito [13:40] <lollyk> dopo averlo chiuso però [13:40] <lollyk> tolto* [13:40] <lollyk> e reinserito nel lettore [13:41] <lollyk> mi dice Disco CD-ROM vergine... mentre prima DVD Video UNDEFINED. [13:41] <krabador> lollyk, apri un terminale [13:41] <krabador> lollyk, sudo apt-get install pastebinit [13:41] <krabador> dpkg -l | grep w64codecs > file [13:42] <krabador> cat file | pastebinit [13:42] <krabador> quest'ultimo restituisce un link, incollalo qui per favore [13:43] <lollyk> fatto tutto ma mi dice: Bad API request, invalid api_dev_key [13:43] <krabador> quale di essi? [13:44] <krabador> che ubuntu stai usando? [13:44] <lollyk> ubuntu 14.04 [13:45] <krabador> lollyk, dpkg -l | grep w64codecs [13:45] <krabador> e fa un pastebin a mano tramite questo sito [13:45] <krabador> !paste | lollyk [13:45] <ubot-it> lollyk: servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina [13:45] <lollyk> [13:46] <krabador> sudo apt-get remove --purge w64codecs && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras [13:47] <lollyk> ok fatto [13:48] <lollyk> ma il dvd non lo legge lo stesso... [13:48] <krabador> se il dvd originale è di quelli compatibili con libdvdread4, e non ci sono problemi di lettura fisica, con il lettore, verrà letto [13:48] <krabador> da vlc [13:50] <lollyk> non so se sia uno di quelli compatibili con lbdvdrea4 [15:16] <akis24> sera [16:06] <mauro4> ciao a tutti [16:06] <b00k3r> ciao mauro4 [16:07] <mauro4> avrei un problema su una nuova installazione di Lubuntu [16:07] <b00k3r> mauro4: descrivi il tuo problema [16:08] <mauro4> Si tratta di un pc portatile vecchio con 512 MB e 20 GB, prima avevo il LUBUNTU 12 e mi andava bene o aggiornato al 15 e non riesco ad avere il desktop [16:09] <b00k3r> mauro4: dove si blocca? [16:09] <mauro4> piu precisamente, non riesco agilmente a configurarlo [16:10] <mauro4> cioe' non riesco ad avere lo stesso desktop di prima [16:10] <b00k3r> mauro4: quindi lubuntu parte? [16:11] <mauro4> perfettamente, e per quanto ho capito parte anche il destop manager, ma preferrei averlo magari un po' piu' pesante ma facile da usare [16:11] <mauro4> e' possibile installare un desktop manager piu facile ? [16:11] <mauro4> con il LUBUNTU? [16:12] <alexxxxxxxxxx> buonasera a tutti, ho un problema con la luminosità dello schermo, ossia non me la fa cambiare manualmente dalle impostazioni di sistema-luminosità, quando la abbasso mi resta uguale, qualcuno può aiutarmi? [16:15] <alexxxxxxxxxx> ciao cristian_c ;) [16:16] <b00k3r> mauro4: lxde è un ambiente minimale [16:16] <b00k3r> mauro4: ce ne sono diversi.. [16:17] <b00k3r> puoi installare quello più adatto alle tue esigenze [16:17] <cristian_c> mauro4, spiega esattamente qual'è la situazione [16:17] <cristian_c> mauro4, inoltre descrivi il tuo pc [16:17] <jester-> lxde troppo complicatooo? [16:18] <jester-> prova openbox [16:18] <mauro4> E' un pc sony vaio molto vecchio ma buono, avevo il lubuntu 12 che andava bene, oggi l'ho aggiornato a 15 [16:18] <alexxxxxxxxxx> chi lascia la via vecchia per quella nuova.... [16:18] <jester-> mauro4: la retrocompatibilità è stata ridotta [16:18] <cristian_c> mauro4, come l'hai aggiornato? [16:19] <cristian_c> mauro4, puoi descrivere modello o caratteristiche del pc? [16:19] <mauro4> sony vaio pcg fx801 512 mb 20gb [16:20] <jester-> un reperto piu che un pc [16:20] <mauro4> ho scaricati lubuntu nuovo e ho fatto l'aggiornamento senza azzeramento della partizione [16:20] <cristian_c> mauro4, esattamente qual è il problema? [16:20] <cristian_c> mauro4, forse è meglio se reinstalli, previo backup dei dati, se ne hai [16:21] <jester-> mauro4: prova la 14.04.1 non la 2 se fa uguale rimetti 12.04 [16:21] <mauro4> ok [16:21] <alexxxxxxxxxx> nessuno mi può aiutare? :( [16:21] <cristian_c> mauro4, e in effetti, potrebbe essere una buona idea usare la 14.04 che è più rodata avendo sulle spalle un annetto buono di esercizio [16:22] <mauro4> provo, potrebbe essere buona la xubuntu? [16:22] <jester-> alexxxxxxxxxx: la 15.04 non supporta piu il reperto 100% [16:23] <alexxxxxxxxxx> io ho la 14.04 [16:23] <jester-> mauro4: con 512 di ram lubuntu [16:23] <mauro4> ah! [16:23] <jester-> xubuntu almeno 1 giga [16:23] <mauro4> grazie, provo... [16:24] <mauro4> non si potrebbe installare un desk top maneger altro? [16:24] <jester-> alexxxxxxxxxx: altro pc reperto? [16:25] <alexxxxxxxxxx> no jesterino, ha solo 1 anno e mezzo il mio pc [16:25] <alexxxxxxxxxx> asus f552e [16:25] <jester-> mauro4: lubuntu è lxde windows manager [16:25] <jester-> se metti altro peggiori [16:26] <jester-> alexxxxxxxxxx: aratteristiche? [16:26] <alexxxxxxxxxx> quali vuoi sapere? scheda video? [16:26] <jester-> cpu e ram [16:27] <alexxxxxxxxxx> ti arrabbi se ti chiedo dove lo posso trovare? ;) [16:28] <alexxxxxxxxxx> AMD quad core A4 [16:28] <alexxxxxxxxxx> la RAM non so [16:28] <alexxxxxxxxxx> ah si 4 GB [16:28] <ricky_> da quando ho messo i driver proprietari nvidia per la gpu all'accensione prima di partire mi scrive acpi probe failed... come mai? [16:29] <ricky_> anche s epoi il sistema sembra funzionare bene [16:29] <krabador> ricky_, puoi ignorarlo [16:29] <jester-> alexxxxxxxxxx: sudo gedit /etc/default/grub [16:29] <ricky_> krabador, da cosa può dipendere? [16:30] <jester-> ricky_: è il verbose del kernel non è un errore [16:30] <krabador> ricky_, [16:30] <alexxxxxxxxxx> gia fatto jester, ho modificato quella stringa, solo che a me non c'è scritto "acpi" ma "nomodeset" ed avevo paura a modificarlo perchè grazie a nomodeset sono riuscito ad installare ubuntu... [16:30] <alexxxxxxxxxx> dici che posso modificarlo senza arrecare danni? [16:30] <mauro4> Ciao a tutti e grazie [16:30] <jester-> alexxxxxxxxxx: va bè visto che sei preveggente arrangiati [16:31] <alexxxxxxxxxx> ma ti sto spiegando quello che ho fatto [16:31] <ricky_> ok perfetto meglio cosi allora [16:31] <jester-> ti ho chiesto di aprire un file non quello che hai fatto [16:31] <alexxxxxxxxxx> e me devi risponde così male? [16:32] <jester-> va bè capita l'antifona [16:32] <krabador> alexxxxxxxxxx, hai installato con nomodeset, hai provato adesso che hai installato , a toglierlo? [16:33] <alexxxxxxxxxx> no krabador, infatti chiedevo (prima di far danni e soprattutto prima che mi si rispondesse in quel modo) se potevo farlo [16:34] <alexxxxxxxxxx> non voglio fare danni visto che ne ho fatti diversi, ma da solo non riesco [16:34] <jester-> alexxxxxxxxxx: o segui o esci [16:34] <alexxxxxxxxxx> sto seguendo, ho aperto quel file [16:34] <jester-> o pensi che siamo i tuoi camerieri idioti? [16:35] <alexxxxxxxxxx> no penso che stai a fa na polemica inutile [16:35] <alexxxxxxxxxx> che devo fare ora? [16:35] <jester-> alexxxxxxxxxx: cosa hai in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= [16:35] <alexxxxxxxxxx> "quiet splash nomodeset_backlight=vendor" [16:35] <krabador> alexxxxxxxxxx, puoi provare prima di modificare il file, ad inserirlo nel grub in avvio , in modo da provarlo solo per la sessione che carichi [16:35] <krabador> alexxxxxxxxxx, se funziona lo metti poi nel file di cui stiamo parlando, come ti sta segnalando jester- [16:36] <jester-> alexxxxxxxxxx: hai scritto male [16:36] <jester-> alexxxxxxxxxx: cosi GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi_backlight=vendor" [16:36] <jester-> modifica salva e sudo update-grub [16:37] <alexxxxxxxxxx> salvato, mi è uscita questa scritta sul terminale [16:37] <alexxxxxxxxxx> (gedit:3877): Gtk-WARNING **: Calling Inhibit failed: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files [16:37] <jester-> alexxxxxxxxxx: modifica il file come sopra [16:38] <alexxxxxxxxxx> ok fatto tutto [16:38] <jester-> alexxxxxxxxxx: salva e dai sudo update-grub [16:39] <alexxxxxxxxxx> si ho fatto anche quello [16:39] <jester-> riavvia [16:39] <alexxxxxxxxxx> ok [16:45] <alexxxxxxxxxx> non mi si avvia più ubuntu, schermo nero...... [16:45] <alexxxxxxxxxx> ho dovuto riavviare in recovery mode e poi ripristinare l'avvio normale [16:45] <jester-> alexxxxxxxxxx: se hai fatto giusto la modifica anche se non funza non influisce [16:45] <jester-> alexxxxxxxxxx: lo vedi il menu di grub? [16:45] <alexxxxxxxxxx> si [16:45] <jester-> riapri quel file e postalo su pastebin [16:46] <alexxxxxxxxxx> ok [16:47] <alexxxxxxxxxx> com'era il link di pastebin? [16:47] <alexxxxxxxxxx> ah eccolo [16:48] <alexxxxxxxxxx> [16:48] <jester-> alexxxxxxxxxx: luminosità funza? [16:49] <alexxxxxxxxxx> no [16:49] <jester-> alexxxxxxxxxx: togli acpi_backlight=vendor [16:49] <jester-> salva e sudo update-grub [16:49] <alexxxxxxxxxx> ok [16:50] <alexxxxxxxxxx> riavvio? [16:50] <jester-> eh [16:54] <alexxxxxxxxxx> niente, mi compare sempre un errore cannot find a backlight controller, poi schermo nero, devo forzare lo spegnimento e riavviare in recovery mode.... [16:55] <alexxxxxxxxxx> e la luminosità non funziona [16:55] <jester-> alexxxxxxxxxx: togliendo la modifica è tornato come prima [16:56] <alexxxxxxxxxx> no, prima c'era "nomodeset" al posto di "acpi" [16:56] <jester-> alexxxxxxxxxx: che ubuntu stai usando [16:56] <alexxxxxxxxxx> 14.04 lts [16:56] <jester-> alexxxxxxxxxx: allora rimettilo ma nomodeset va separato [16:57] <alexxxxxxxxxx> oggi ho anche provato ad installare xbacklight dai repository ufficiali ma niente, uff :( [16:57] <jester-> alexxxxxxxxxx: sempre fatto cosi? [16:57] <alexxxxxxxxxx> si [16:57] <jester-> acpi del tuo pc è poco compatibile [16:57] <jester-> poco o niente [16:58] <jester-> alexxxxxxxxxx: prova a metter acpi=force [16:58] <alexxxxxxxxxx> ok [16:59] <alexxxxxxxxxx> mi dà sempre l'errore sul terminale [16:59] <jester-> centra na sega [16:59] <alexxxxxxxxxx> ah [16:59] <alexxxxxxxxxx> faccio update e riavvio [16:59] <jester-> eh [17:04] <alexxxxxxxxxx> niente, come prima [17:05] <jester-> alexxxxxxxxxx: pc non digeribile [17:05] <jester-> alexxxxxxxxxx: prova la 15.04 [17:05] <alexxxxxxxxxx> immaginavo, vabbe lo rimetto come prima allora, almeno si avviava normalmente [17:05] <jester-> sperando che abbiano aggiunto il driver [17:05] <alexxxxxxxxxx> ho paura di installarla... [17:06] <jester-> cedi subito dalla live prova ubuntu se funza [17:06] <jester-> alexxxxxxxxxx: se la tipa pa tira fuori hai paura? [17:06] <alexxxxxxxxxx> sono gay [17:08] <alexxxxxxxxxx> Stasera provo la live di ubuntu 15.04, grazie comunque ;) [18:16] <densing> non sono pratico ho difficolta con il trovare i driver per un lettore smart card ADJ cr231 ed anche per upgrade a 14.04, in quest'ultimo caso ho qualche problema con i pacchetti e l'avanzamento si interrompe e ritorna alla versione precedente [18:17] <cristian_c> densing, su quale ubuntu sei attualmente? [18:18] <densing> credo 12.04, dove vado per verificare? [18:18] <cristian_c> densing, lsb_release -a [18:18] <densing> intanto grazie per la risposta [18:18] <cristian_c> densing, in un terminale [18:18] <cristian_c> !paste | densing [18:18] <densing> mom ci provo [18:18] <ubot-it> densing: servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina [18:20] <densing> Distributor ID: Ubuntu [18:20] <densing> Description: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS [18:20] <densing> Release: 12.04 [18:20] <densing> Codename: precise [18:20] <densing> denis@pc-nordenall:~$ [18:22] <densing> cristian, scusa non sapevo che non dovevo incollare [18:22] <densing> comunque 12.04 [18:23] <Somewhere> Ciao a tutti, ho installato ubuntu da qualche mese ma, dato che pensavo di usarlo come sistema secondario, ho allocato poco spazio per la partizione. Adesso lo uso come sistema principale, quindi vorrei ampliarne la partizione. Usando Gparted, riesco a ridurre parte del disco della partizione di windows e generare spazio "non allocato", ma non trov [18:23] <Somewhere> o un modo per aggiungere quello spazio alla partizione di ubuntu. Potete darmi qualche consiglio? [18:25] <jester-> Somewhere: per aggiungere spazio serve avere dello spazio libero [18:25] <cristian_c> densing, ti avevo linkato pastebin [18:25] <cristian_c> densing, apri un terminale [18:25] <densing> ok vado [18:25] <jester-> non puoi allargare il bagno se non hai uno spazio adiacente libero [18:26] <densing> aperto, dimmi pure [18:26] <Somewhere> Si jester-, infatti ho 65 GB liberi sulla partizione di windows, pensavo di ridurre quella e usare parte di quello spazio per ubuntu... Non è possibile? [18:27] <jester-> Somewhere: purchè sia adiacente alla ubuntu [18:27] <densing> non ho trovato il link....sono saltato fuori perche ho incollato [18:28] <Somewhere> Scusami jester- non sono molto pratico di queste cose... Cosa intendi per adiacente? [18:28] <jester-> Somewhere: che confina [18:29] <jester-> apri gparted fai uno screenshot e postalo [18:29] <Somewhere> Ok arriva subito grazie [18:31] <Somewhere> [18:31] <densing> cosa devo fare? [18:31] <jester-> Somewhere: hai 14.65 gb non allocati usali [18:32] <Somewhere> Come vedi, ho ridotto la partizione di windows di 15 GB, che adesso sono quelli selezionati "non allocati"... La partizione è adiacente alla ext4 di ubuntu... [18:32] <jester-> Somewhere: quindi ridimensiona la sda4 allargandola [18:34] <Somewhere> se provo a inserire un valore superiore di quello attuale non mi fa cliccare su ridimensiona... [18:34] <Somewhere> aspetta, ti mando un altro screen [18:34] <jester-> Somewhere: destro su sda4 resize [18:35] <jester-> trascina il cursore in alto [18:35] <cristian_c> densing, digita: sudo apt-get update [18:36] <Somewhere> [18:36] <Somewhere> Mi dice che la dimensione massima è quella attuale [18:36] <densing> fatto [18:36] <densing> basta cosi? [18:37] <jester-> Somewhere: chiudi e dai sudo gparted [18:37] <cristian_c> densing, incolla il risultato su pastebin [18:38] <densing> cos'è pastebin? [18:38] <jester-> Somewhere: trascina tutto a destra il cursore giallo [18:38] <cristian_c> !paste | densing [18:38] <ubot-it> densing: servizio che permette di incollare lunghi output senza intasare il canale; incollare il testo, indicare il nick, premere paste e postare in canale l'indirizzo della pagina  densing, ti avevo linkato pastebin [18:38] <krabador> densing, sudo apt-get update | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' [18:38] <densing> !paste [18:39] <densing> ? [18:39] <krabador> densing, incolla tutta la linea che ti ho mantato , darà un link [18:39] <Somewhere> Non me lo fa trascinare neanche di un millimetro [18:39] <krabador> che incolli qio [18:39] <jester-> Somewhere: hai salvato i cambiamenti dopo aver ridotto sda2? [18:39] <jester-> clicca V verde [18:40] <densing> fatto, credo di esserci riuscito [18:40] <Somewhere> No, ancora avevo lasciato l'operazione in sospeso, pensavo le facesse a cascata [18:40] <Somewhere> Quindi applico la riduzione? [18:40] <jester-> eh [18:40] <jester-> poi allarghi dsa4 [18:40] <jester-> sda4 [18:41] <jester-> Somewhere: hai deframmentato winzoz prima di ridurre? [18:41] <Somewhere> No :\ [18:42] <Somewhere> Può creare problemi? Devo annullare l'operazione? [18:42] <jester-> spera che winz non si fotta [18:42] <jester-> se hai dato ok lascia stare [18:42] <Somewhere> Ma potrei anche perdere tutti i dati? :o [18:43] <Somewhere> Io avevo letto da qualche parte che non deframmentarlo portava solo a un rallentamento dell'operazione :\ [18:44] <cristian_c> densing, ok, posta il link [18:44] <densing> come scusa?  densing, incolla tutta la linea che ti ho mantato , darà un link  fatto, credo di esserci riuscito [18:45] <cristian_c> densing, eh, però manca il link [18:45] <krabador> densing, il comando che ti ho suggerito, produce un link [18:45] <Somewhere> Comunque ero abituato a deframmentarlo periodicamente windows, l'ultima deframmentazione sarà stata non più di due mesi fa [18:45] <krabador> se non lo posti qui , non risolviamo nulla [18:45] <densing> cosi? [18:48] <Somewhere> jester- ha completato l'operazione, ma ancora non mi fa aumentare sda4 [18:48] <Somewhere> devo riavviare gparted? [18:49] <cristian_c> densing, hai aggiunto repository esterni [18:49] <cristian_c> non supportati ufficialmente [18:49] <jester-> Somewhere: no allarga sda4 [18:50] <densing> repository? ho collegato uno smart card reader della ADY cr231 [18:50] <densing> na no sono riuscito ad installare i driver [18:50] <densing> dal cd [18:51] <Somewhere> jester- non me lo fa fare... si comporta esattamente come prima, non fa trascinare la partizione verso destra e mi dice ancora che la dimensione massima è quella attuale :| [18:51] <densing> scusa ADJ cr231 [18:52] <Somewhere> Ti invierei un altro screen, ma sarebbe identico al precedente :\ [18:54] <jester-> Somewhere: devi avere pacioccato parecchio visto come è messa la tabella partizioni [18:55] <jester-> e le partizioni non sono semplici files [18:55] <jester-> Somewhere: prova a riavviare la baracca [18:55] <Somewhere> Intendi tutto il sistema o solo gparted? [18:56] <jester-> il sistema [18:56] <Somewhere> ok, riavvio e poi ti dico [19:00] <Somewhere> jester- niente :( [19:00] <Somewhere> E ora ho pure sprecato 15 GB che avrei potuto usare su windows :\ [19:01] <cristian_c> densing, non c'entra niente [19:01] <densing> cosa ho combinato allora? [19:01] <cristian_c> densing, digita: cat /etc/apt/sources.list && ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ [19:02] <cristian_c> Somewhere, jester è uscito [19:02] <cristian_c> (almeno momentaneamente) [19:02] <Somewhere> grazie per l'info cristian_c , aspetto un po' se rientra [19:03] <cristian_c> Somewhere, magari posta schermata gparted [19:04] <densing> ecco......che pazienza che hai [19:04] <Somewhere> [19:04] <Somewhere> eccola cristian_c [19:04] <cristian_c> densing, eri partito da una 10.10 [19:04] <densing> puo darsi, non lo escludo [19:05] <densing> si ho gia fatto un aggiornamento di versione [19:05] <Somewhere> non capisco proprio... Non è che la partizione non allocata dovrebbe stare a destra rispetto a sda4? [19:05] <cristian_c> deb precise-proposed restricted main multiverse universe [19:05] <cristian_c> densing, hai attivato pure i repo proposed [19:05] <densing> cosa scusa? e grave? [19:05] <cristian_c> densing, perché lo hai fatto? [19:05] <cristian_c> inoltre: [19:06] <cristian_c> awn-testing-ppa-precise.list [19:06] <densing> non lo so neanche cosa sia [19:06] <cristian_c> densing, i proposed non si attivano da soli [19:06] <cristian_c> !repository | densing [19:06] <ubot-it> densing: Guida ai repository: e | Esempio di sources.list | Da Kubuntu: [19:06] <cristian_c> jd-team-jdownloader-precise.list [19:06] <cristian_c> oneiric-partner.list [19:07] <densing> faccio sia awn che jd? [19:07] <cristian_c> densing, e pure i partner della 11.10 [19:07] <cristian_c> densing, quindi, sì, hai aggiunto repository esterni [19:08] <cristian_c> densing, ma sopratutto con i proposed hai reso l'os abbastanza instabile [19:09] <cristian_c> densing, a questo punto, considerato il tutto, faresti bene ad installare una 14.04 o una 15.04 da zero [19:09] <cristian_c> previo backup [19:09] <densing> ok, ma come faccio? [19:10] <cristian_c> densing, che cosa? [19:10] <densing> di cosa devo fare il backup, solo dei miei files personali? [19:10] <densing> installare il 15.04 da zero [19:10] <cristian_c> Somewhere, sembra un po' un casotto [19:11] <cristian_c> densing, sì dei file personali, le applicazioni le reinstalli a mano, quelle aggiuntive [19:11] <cristian_c> densing, beh, installare la 15.04 non è difficile [19:11] <cristian_c> !installazione | densing [19:11] <ubot-it> densing: | Per installazione grafica | Si consiglia la visione della guida ufficiale in inglese [19:11] <densing> ok come procedo dopo il backup [19:11] <Somewhere> In che senso? [19:11] <cristian_c> densing, leggi la guida wiki linkata [19:11] <Somewhere> Cioè, è recuperabile la situazione? [19:12] <cristian_c> Somewhere, puoi riassumere la problematica? [19:12] <Somewhere> Ah già, scusa tu non avevi letto all'inizio, ecco ti spiego [19:12] <cristian_c> ok [19:12] <densing> va bene, vado e provo [19:12] <cristian_c> densing, facci sapere [19:13] <densing> abbiamo finito oppure hai altri consigli da darmi? [19:13] <cristian_c> densing, dipende se hai altre domande [19:13] <densing> non per il momento, grazie mille... [19:13] <cristian_c> ok [19:13] <densing> ah [19:14] <densing> ancora una cosa.......cosa posso fare per imparare a conoscere il sistema un po meglio? da dove inizio? [19:14] <cristian_c> densing, ci sono vari modi, il primo tra tutti è fare pratica [19:14] <cristian_c> utilizzando l'os [19:14] <Somewhere> Ho installato ubuntu insieme a windows, ai tempi pensavo di usarlo come sistema secondario e quindi ho allocato poco spazio per la partizione. Adesso però lo sto usando come sistema principale, quindi mi serve più spazio di archiviazione e ho pensato di ridurre la partizione di windows (che in pratica non uso più) e usarla per aumentare quella di u [19:14] <Somewhere> buntu. Ho ridimensionato la partizione di windows, però non mi fa allargare quella di ubuntu [19:14] <cristian_c> densing, il secondo è leggere la documentazione ufficiale e il wiki [19:14] <densing> ok intanto grazie mille e buona serata [19:15] <cristian_c> !documentazione | densing [19:15] <ubot-it> densing: Documentazione ufficiale - Documentazione della comunità - Gruppo documentazione: pagina principale [19:15] <cristian_c> Somewhere, da dove hai ridimensionato la partizione windows? [19:15] <Somewhere> sempre da gparted [19:16] <mahila> hello [19:16] <cristian_c> Somewhere, eh, no, va fatto da windows stesso [19:16] <cristian_c> Somewhere, come spiega la stessa guida wiki [19:16] <mahila> avrei bisogno di un'informazione... come installare avira su ubuntu [19:16] <mahila> qualcuno puo' aiutarmi? [19:16] <Somewhere> cristian_c ma adesso se vado su windows posso recuperare quei 15 GB che avevo tolto? [19:17] <cristian_c> Somewhere, [19:17] <cristian_c> Somewhere, prova a leggere e a vedere cosa puoi fare [19:17] <krabador> mahila, lascia perdere antivirus su ubuntu [19:17] <cristian_c> mahila, che ci devi fare con avira? [19:18] <mahila> mi hanno consigliato di installarlo, ho letto che anche su ubuntu è consigliato... ma se non serve meglio ancora [19:18] <mahila> avira è uno dei migliori antivirus sul mercato gratuito e pagante... ha superato un mare di test, l'ho letto su una rivista specializzata... [19:18] <cristian_c> mahila, chiedi a chi ti ha consigliato il motivo di c'ò [19:19] <krabador> mahila, non serve, lascia perdere antivirus, su linux [19:19] <mahila> mi ha detto che linux non è esente da virus e l'ho letto su alcuni documenti sulla rete [19:19] <cristian_c> !virus [19:19] <ubot-it> Voce non trovata: 'virus' [19:19] <mahila> se voi dite che non serve, tanto meglio, io è la prima volta che lo uso ubuntu [19:20] <cristian_c> *ciò [19:20] <Somewhere> cristian_c mi sa che avvio windows e vedo come legge le partizioni da lì e se posso recuperare lo spazio non allocato... [19:20] <mahila> non uso piu' il pc ho solo mac ... sono abituata a non essere disturbata dai virus [19:20] <cristian_c> Somewhere, se hai problemi con le partizioni, torna pure qui [19:20] <mahila> comunque grazie per i vostri consigli [19:21] <Somewhere> grazie cristian_c ti farò sapere tra un po' [19:21] <krabador> mahila, mac è piu' vulnerabile di linux, sul fronte sicurezza, ma , se dici di esserteli scordati, a maggior ragione su linux puoi non pensarci [19:21] <mahila> perfetto, so che mac è piu' vulnerabile e non ho mai avuto problemi, allora lascio perdere, grazie mille [19:22] <mahila> mi sapete consigliare dei programmi per gestire file musicali e video, creare playlist da installare sull'ipod ? [19:23] <mahila> leggere e vedere video... non solo gestirli [19:23] <krabador> mahila, l'ipod gestiscilo dal mac, non puoi ? [19:24] <mahila> si ma non solo l'ipod ho anche un lettore usb, non è solo per me [19:24] <cristian_c> !programmi [19:24] <ubot-it> Per una lista di programmi disponibili per Ubuntu consulta [19:24] <krabador> mahila, allora , lettore usb, lo monti come mass storage, e ci metti dentro quello che ti pare [19:24] <mahila> grazie ubot... ma un consiglio.... una lista è impersonale... un consiglio spassionato e personale lo preferisco... [19:25] <krabador> mahila, al che installi vlc [19:25] <krabador> mahila, per ipod , ti fai un 'idea qui [19:26] <mahila> vlc perfetto e per la musica? [19:26] <krabador> mahila, vlc legge tutto [19:27] <mahila> bene, non l'ho mai usato con i file audio grazie a tutti per l'aiuto e buona serata :) [19:59] <beppapig> ciao [20:33] <Somewhere> cristian_c: rieccomi, ho provato a ridurre la partizione da windows, ho riavviato, ma ancora da gparted non mi permette di estendere sda4 [20:34] <cristian_c> Somewhere, posta schermata [20:37] <Somewhere> Ok arriva, ma è uguale a prima... [20:37] <Innerina1> Come faccio a disinstallare completamente LiVES? Mi lascia ancora tracce nel sistema... [20:38] <Somewhere> [20:50] <cristian_c> Somewhere, la tabella è ms-dos? [20:50] <cristian_c> Somewhere, sei in live? [20:51] <cristian_c> Innerina1, come l'hai installato? [20:52] <Innerina1> Tramite pacchetto .tar, ma ho risolto ora googlando... adesso provo a reinstallarlo dal Center come suggerito sul sito stesso... [20:53] <Innerina1> ma prima devo essere sicura che ha rimosso tutto tutto, come faccio a saperlo? [20:53] <Somewhere> Si, ms dos [20:54] <Somewhere> No sto proprio sul sistema installato [21:01] <cristian_c> Somewhere, e ci credo che non puoi [21:01] <cristian_c> Somewhere, non puoi toccare le partizioni , se sono montate [21:02] <cristian_c> Somewhere, e non puoi smontare la partizione di sistema, visto che la stai utilizzando [21:02] <cristian_c> ergo... [21:02] <cristian_c> Innerina1, come l'hai disinstallato? [21:03] <Innerina1> sono entrata nella cartella lives-2.2.8, ho dato .configure, poi sudo make uninstall [21:03] <Somewhere> cristian_c: quindi dovrei avviare una versione live e usare gparted da lì? [21:03] <Innerina1> ed ho rimosso a mano .lives-dir e .lives da caja come root [21:04] <Innerina1> ha rimosso tutto? Altrimenti che comando posso dare per avere un bel purge di tutto? [21:04] <cristian_c> Innerina1, cos'hai rimosso? [21:04] <Innerina1> Lives e le varie cartelle correlate in quel modo [21:04] <cristian_c> Innerina1, hai disinstallato con uninstall, non ho capito cos'altro hai fatto [21:04] <cristian_c> Somewhere, ovvio [21:05] <cristian_c> Innerina1, dove sono queste cartelle? Correlate in che senso? [21:05] <Innerina1> mancavano da disinstallare le cartelle "personali" .lives-dir e .lives che ho rimosso da caja come root [21:05] <Innerina1> nella home [21:05] <cristian_c> Innerina1, ahhh, le cartelle di configurazione nella home [21:05] <Innerina1> voglio solo sapere se ho rimosso proprio tutto... [21:05] <cristian_c> essì [21:06] <cristian_c> Innerina1, dipende da cosa installa [21:06] <cristian_c> Innerina1, se guardi il makefile magari capisci [21:06] <Innerina1> ok... [21:06] <cristian_c> o il log dell'install, se ce l'hai ancora [21:06] <cristian_c> il log era la cosa migliore [21:06] <Innerina1> ah... purtroppo non ce l'ho... [21:07] <Somewhere> grazie cristian_c come ho fatto a non pensare a una cosa così ovvia :\ [21:07] <Innerina1> cmq c'é un comando per ripulire tutto per sicurezza? [21:07] <Innerina1> O va già bene così? [21:07] <cristian_c> Innerina1, non c'è una regola generale, il make install installa secondo le regole del makefile [21:07] <cristian_c> i file contenuti nella cartella dei sorgenti [21:07] <Innerina1> ah ok... va bene anche se l'ho disinstallato dall'ultima versione? [21:08] <cristian_c> Innerina1, quindi devi fare affidamento a quello [21:08] <cristian_c> Innerina1, ??? [21:08] <Innerina1> L'avevo installato versione 2.2.6, ma ho usato il pacchetto del 2.2.8... [21:08] <Innerina1> per toglierlo... [21:09] <cristian_c> Innerina1, lol [21:09] <cristian_c> Innerina1, non c'entra niente [21:09] <cristian_c> Innerina1, e francamente non capisco cos'hai fatto [21:09] <Innerina1> ah quindi va bene lo stesso [21:09] <Innerina1> ho disinstallato Lives del tutto usando i comandi per i pacchetti .tar [21:09] <Innerina1> tutto qui [21:09] <cristian_c> Innerina1, non so, se hai installato con il makefile, sempre lo stesso makefile usi per disiinstallarlo [21:09] <Innerina1> sì ho fatto così  L'avevo installato versione 2.2.6, ma ho usato il pacchetto del 2.2.8... [21:10] <cristian_c> O.o [21:10] <Innerina1> I comandi li ho usati su quello [21:10] <cristian_c> Innerina1, ti ho spiegato come funziona [21:11] <Innerina1> sì ho capito...  Innerina1, non so, se hai installato con il makefile, sempre lo stesso makefile usi per disiinstallarlo [21:11] <Innerina1> beh i makefile sono nel pacchetto estratto dal .tar, no? [21:11] <Innerina1> La cartella dico [21:11] <cristian_c> quindi un pacchetto non c'entra niente con l'altro [21:12] <cristian_c> Innerina1, se hai estratto, suppongo tu avessi già installato, prima di disinstallare [21:12] <cristian_c> oltre che compilare [21:12] <Innerina1> sì esatto [21:12] <Innerina1> ho solo fatto il processo inverso, dopo che ho trovato googlando [21:12] <Innerina1> ma procedendo così siamo sicuri che ha rimosso tutto? [21:13] <cristian_c> Innerina1, il makefile contiene tutte le regole, comprese install e uninstall [21:13] <Innerina1> ah ok [21:13] <cristian_c> e quindi dipende da cosa contiene il makefile [21:13] <Innerina1> grazie  ma procedendo così siamo sicuri che ha rimosso tutto? [21:13] <cristian_c> ti ho risposto prima [21:13] <Innerina1> Sì ho letto, grazie, adesso ho capito =)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Innerina1", "LoZioNe", "Somewhere", "akis24", "alexxxxxxxxxx", "b00k3r", "beppapig", "bip", "cristian_c", "davegarath", "densing", "gigirock", "indeciso", "jester-", "johack", "krabador", "lollyk", "lubuntu68", "luca90", "mahila", "mauro4", "revoltjonh", "ricky_", "ubot-it", "z8z" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-it" }
[04:48] <matias_> como instalo librerias [04:49] <matias_> ayuda x favor [04:50] <matias_> ???? [04:51] <matias_> 9 [04:51] <matias_> 9 [04:51] <matias_> 9 [04:51] <matias_> 99 [04:53] <matias_> no te entiend [08:14] <bielp> hola [08:14] <bielp> a ver si me podéis ayuar [08:14] <bielp> ayudar* [08:15] <bielp> no me detecta el escáner [08:15] <bielp> estoy en lubuntu 15.04 [08:16] <bielp> la impresora sí la detecta [12:28] <MarioMey1> Hola, gente. [12:29] <MarioMey1> Necesito una mano para compilar xawtv. En el archivo README dice que, para instalar, hay que hacer ./configure y make... pero el archivo ./configure no existe. Están "install-sh" (con ese guión, no punto), "", ""... me suena uno de los dos primeros, pero en el texto no dice nada de ellos. [14:53] * merrick buenas.. [15:08] <rengo> busca interent hay guias comandos uso terminal [16:58] <successus> salud o/ [16:58] <successus> reinicio [16:59] <successus> res o/ [20:14] <successus> salud [21:03] <bielp> regards [23:12] <successus> salud, hasta otro rato o/ [23:46] <^^ARcANgEL^^> hola alguien me podria ayudar? [23:48] <^^ARcANgEL^^> no puedo montar dos discos duros con particion NTFS que antes eran usados como exclavos en windows, ahora son exclavos en linux queriendolos usar en ubuntu pero me marcan error al quererlos montar [23:55] <^^ARcANgEL^^> ayuda [23:55] <ivedci89> hihi
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "MarioMey1", "^^ARcANgEL^^", "bielp", "ivedci89", "matias_", "merrick", "rengo", "successus" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-es" }
[09:22] <tvansteenburgh> niedbalski: where's your repo for converting juju status to a bundle? [09:25] <tvansteenburgh> niedbalski: nevermind, i found it [10:03] <g3naro> yo yo yo [11:00] <lazyPower> g3naro: to answer your question re: is anyone running juju for prod - lots of people [11:01] <lazyPower> g3naro: anyone that stands up ubuntu openstack is using juju under the covers + there are lots of orgs that use juju to model their infra on top of our openstack, and public cloud integration (not to mention the ones that are hard to measure as they reside behind corp firewalls) [13:01] <bmoosefh> Hi, I have a setup question for a juju environment I'm working on. Is it ok to ask here? [13:10] <bmoosefh> Perhaps this isn't the right venue for user questions? [13:21] <bmoosefh> I'll just ask anyway, and if anyone could help I'd be very grateful [13:21] <bmoosefh> I've bootstrapped juju onto a multihomed server [13:22] <bmoosefh> in a maas environment [13:22] <bmoosefh> and I'm having trouble understanding how the master node is chosing the ip it advertises as the api end point [13:23] <bmoosefh> it's not chosen the one that was specified in the bootstrap [13:23] <bmoosefh> this has the effect of meaning I can't deploy LXC hosted services [13:24] <bmoosefh> as the LXC instances are only bridging on to the management network, which was also the network I'd accessed the master over during bootstrap [13:24] <bmoosefh> specifically the cloud-init rtask can't fetch the juju-tools tar as it's trying to connect on the wrong IP [13:34] <jrwren> bmoosefh: please post that question on [13:34] <bmoosefh> ok [13:34] <jrwren> please include juju version and a bit more detail about the network configuration [13:35] <jrwren> oh, and the provider. looks like manual provider? [13:36] <bmoosefh> maas in this case [13:36] <bmoosefh> I'll write it up on askubuntu [13:37] <jrwren> you might also ask in #maas [13:43] <bmoosefh> thanks
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "bmoosefh", "g3naro", "jrwren", "lazyPower", "tvansteenburgh" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju" }
[00:09] <Finetunrda_> hello folks, I'm having an issue with colors being reversed in a fresh vivid inastall. not all colors just a handful, like red is blue and blue is red and teal was yellow and yellow was teal. any thoughts? [00:32] <holstein> Finetunrda_: did it do that from the live iso? have you installed any GPU drivers? have you tested the hardware in an officially supported os? or, did it used to work "fine" in another ubuntu or linux distro? have you tried as another user? the guest account, for example [00:50] <Finetunrda_> holstein: no additional gpu drivers, offically supported os works fine, guest account has same issue [00:51] <holstein> Finetundra: has any linux ever worked? are there other drivers available for your GPU? [00:53] <Finetundra> holstein: never tried linux on this one machine till today. no other drivers are avaliable [00:53] <holstein> Finetundra: what colors where? on some web page? [00:54] <Finetundra> as I said red is blue yellow is teal, etc. this happens throughout the whole install including the login screen [00:54] <Finetundra> holstein: [00:55] <holstein> Finetundra: can you please take a screenshot, and see if the colors are "bad" and share it? [00:55] <holstein> !paste [01:08] <Finetundra> holstein: I apologize, but my internet is acting up. posting a screenshot is going to take a bit [01:11] <Finetundra> holstein: but it appears to be justa a display issue, as a screenshot came out fine(moved the image to a different machine), but viaually one the problem machine colors aren't working wright [01:13] <holstein> Finetundra: was the issue present from the live iso? [01:14] <Finetundra> holstein: not that I recall [01:14] <holstein> Finetundra: take the installer you used, boot it up, and see.. also, make certain you are up to date with upgrades, and please check again under windows, since, this can be a sign of failing hardware [01:15] <holstein> after that, i would look for GPU drivers, if i have ati/nvidia.. then,i would simply try other kernels.. if the issue is present in live iso's, you can try different live iso's that have different kernels, and see if the issue goes away [01:16] <holstein> i would look at the LTS 14.04 version, as well as 15.04 [01:18] <Finetundra> holstein: ok, will do [01:24] <Clock-Work> Hello [01:24] <Clock-Work> How is everybody? [01:45] <xubuntu44w> I'm just trying to format a flash drive in the Disks utility. All the instructions are old. They say click on the gear icon and then choose format, but when I do that format, as well as the other choices, is grayed out. When I click on the + button it says "create partition." I'm a newbie. All I want to do is clear the flash drive. Can anybody tell me what to do? [01:46] <holstein> xubuntu44w: i use gparted.. in a terminal, sudo apt-get install gparted.. then, i run it and use the dropdown menu in the upper right to select my usb stick, right click on the partitioning scheme, and do what i need to do [01:47] <xubuntu44w> thx but too complicated for me. I don't know what partitioning scheme means. Plus I already have the Disky utitlity on the computer. [01:48] <holstein> xubuntu44w: cool. just let me know if you want me to volunteer any more assistance. good luck, and you can use #ubuntu since its not related to xubuntu or xfce [01:49] <holstein> i used "partitioning scheme", since, i dont know how you want to partition your drive.. its a generic term for doing what you want to do with it.. which may be, for example right clicking and creating a fat32 partition, or whatever your needs are.. [01:49] <holstein> i dont find the "disks" tool included to fit my needs, so, i install gparted.. [01:50] <xubuntu44w> I'm thrown by the terminology. I just want to clear the disk. Is that "creating a partition"? [01:50] <xubuntu44w> Clear the flash drive. [01:50] <xubuntu44w> Not the disk. [01:50] <holstein> xubuntu44w: clearing the disk could be done by simply opening it in a file manager, and deleting the data [01:51] <holstein> not sure what you mean by "clearing", but, if you want to simply partition it, and format it, you can with gparted, as well as many other tools [01:51] <xubuntu44w> But I was told (I'm using the flash drive for a new installation) that I need to format it. [01:52] <holstein> xubuntu44w: sure... gparted is capable of that [01:52] <holstein> [01:52] <holstein> as well explains how to do it using the disks tool [01:53] <xubuntu44w> Yeah, but the Disks link is old. It tells you to click on the gear icon and when you do the choices are greyed out. [01:54] <xubuntu44w> And the gparted link has "create a partition" too. [01:54] <holstein> xubuntu44w: i think you are assuming why the choices are greyed out.. could be permissions related [01:55] <holstein> xubuntu44w: regardless, i wouldnt lose sleep over it.. if you are making a live usb to install, just try making it, and bother with the format *if* you have issues [01:55] <holstein> xubuntu44w: you can also take it to a windows or mac machine, where you may be more comfortable, and simply format [01:55] <holstein> otherwise, i assure you, if you run gparted as root, you can simple right click and format the stick [01:56] <xubuntu44w> You gonna hang around a couple of minutes if I try the gparted? [01:57] <holstein> xubuntu44w: you can use #ubuntu, as i said, if no volunteers are available here.. though, what i suggested was actually to go on and create your stick and try that.. [01:58] <holstein> but, i will likely be here.. [01:58] <holstein> simply run the command i linked a while back.. sudo apt-get install gparted ..then, gksudo gparted [01:58] <holstein> then, you can read above where i suggested the dropdown menu, and also, shared a link with the gparted GUI for yoyu to review [01:59] <xubuntu44w> So use the stick without formatting it (even with the stuff that's on there)? And what are you referring to with 'using #ubuntu'? [02:00] <holstein> xubuntu44w: the #ubuntu support channel, where, there are more active members.. since this is not a xubuntu or xfce issue.. [02:00] <holstein> xubuntu44w: i would simply open a file manager, delete the files, and use a tool such as unetbootin to create the stick [02:01] <holstein> !install [02:01] <holstein> or whatever tool is officially suggested.. or dd copy it [02:04] <xubuntu44w> I think I thought this was going to be easier than I thought it would be. [02:05] <holstein> its a matter of learning the tools.. i do the same on other OS's.. finding the disk utility, and finding the format i need in OSx, or the older admin tool if its still there in windows [02:05] <holstein> gparted is the one i learned on, so its the one i use.. [02:06] <holstein> "disks" is likely just not running with permission to format your stick [02:07] <xubuntu44w> I think Disks is using 'create a partition' as the formatting thing, because that's what it looks like 'create a partition' in that how2geek link about using gparted. [02:08] <holstein> right [02:08] <holstein> thats what you want to do [02:08] <holstein> "clear the disk".. that will happen by simply formatting the partition, or deleting the one there, creating a new one, and partitioning it [02:09] <holstein> when i do *exactly* what you are doing, which is, from ubuntu, formating a usb stick fat 32, i open gparted, and simply right click on the disk, delete the partition, and make a new one [02:09] <holstein> takes me typically about a minute and a half [02:13] <xubuntu44w> Okay, the heading on Disks utility is "Create Partition" under that it has the current partition size (1.1MB) and the Free space (0). Then it says 'don't overwrite existing data' (quick)'. Then it says "compatible with all systems and devices (FAT)". Then it aks me to name it. Then there's a "create" button. [02:15] <holstein> xubuntu44w: sure.. you can use that tool to do whatever scheme you want [02:15] <holstein> xubuntu44w: is the scheme you want, just one fat 32 partition? [02:15] <holstein> xubuntu44w: if so, just delete what is there, and make a new one.. [02:16] <xubuntu44w> Yeah, FAT 32 is fine for the whole flash drive. But there's no delete option. Just the "Create" button. [02:18] <holstein> xubuntu44w: cool.. thats about when i just simply install the tool that i know how to use.. gparted.. but, im sure you can poke about and figure out how to use that tool, or ask in #ubuntu and find a volunteer that has used it [02:19] <holstein> [02:19] <xubuntu44w> Okay. And can you define by what you mean by a "partition"? [02:19] <holstein> xubuntu44w: [02:21] <xubuntu44w> Okay. Cool. Holstein, you've been a gem! Thanks for all the help, links and patience. I really appreciate it! [02:21] <holstein> xubuntu44w: sure.. good luck.. i know its challenging migrating to a different system [05:49] <pragomer> light-locker in xubuntu 14.04 always has wrong keyboard layout.. how can I fix this? [06:20] <ochosi> pragomer: you're looking for lightdm-gtk-greeter, light-locker isn't involved in the keyboard layouts [06:21] <ochosi> and for that you need to check lightdm, i think it reads the system default keyboard layout, so you might have to change that to affect the greeter/unlock screen's keyboard layout [06:21] <ochosi> in newer versions of the greeter we have added a keyboard layout switcher, but not yet in 14.04 [06:24] <pragomer> ochosi: Thank you. So what file would I have to edit manually? [06:25] <ochosi> i haven't done this in a while, so i can't give you a step-by-step instruction now. but you have some reasonable pointers to google now ;) [06:26] <pragomer> ok but thanks in any case. you helped a lot ! [06:40] <ochosi> pragomer: np, yw! [06:52] <stdin[]> on 15.04, how do I change qt font settings? system settings and qt config do not have anti aliasing or hint settings like 14.10 had [10:56] <freiform> Hi, anyone using MATLAB on a recent xubuntu release? I'm haiving trouble using sound(), i only get a short, crackling sound. [12:34] <knob> Good morning everyone!!!!!! [12:34] <knob> =) [12:34] <knob> Question: In the Application Shortcuts (Settings --> Keyboard --> Application Shortcuts)... what would be the "context menu" (ie: mouse right-click) ?? What is the command for that? [12:38] <knob> I mean, I know how to add a shortcut... yet I don't know the "command" for the "context menu". I am searching in google... yet, not coming up with what I want. [19:42] <m3n3chm0> hello, my Xubuntu 15.04 is freezing... just the mouse freezes and i need to press control+alt +F1 for example and go back with control + alt + F7 ... but the issue is happening continuosluy .. any clue ¿??? [19:53] <xubuntu56w> I'm trying to install linux from a usb drive onto a Windows computer and when I hit F12 and then choose "USB Flash Device" it tells me "Missing Operating System." What am I doing wrong? [19:54] <xubuntu56w> I've got the OS on the flash drive. [19:54] <mrkramps> obviously not [19:54] <xangua> xubuntu56w: how did you create the xubuntu bootable usb [19:54] <mrkramps> efi bootmanagement? 32bit or 64bit? [19:55] <xubuntu56w> I don't know that it's bootable. I just downloaded the linux. Then I tried to use Unebooten to install it and it was downloading all the files from the Windows computer. [19:56] <xubuntu56w> Do I have to have a bootable usb drive? [19:56] <xubuntu56w> And if so, just how do I do that? (If not with Unebooten.) [20:02] <xubuntu56w> See, I don't want to transfer the files from the computer. I just want a clean install of Linux. [20:05] <drc1> xubuntu56w: Have you looks at this page? [20:07] <xubuntu56w> I will. Thx. [20:07] <stdin[]> on 15.04, how do I change qt font settings? systemsettings and qtconfig do not have anti aliasing or hint settings like 14.10 had [20:08] <xubuntu56w> drcl, Isn't that like Unebooten? See, I DON'T want the files of the computer. I just want the Linux. [20:17] <xubuntu51w> hello. just installed ubuntu 14.04 on some older hardware, compiz is destroying me. I'd like to try xfce without a complete wipe, before I take the plunge to xubuntu. any easy way? install xubuntu-desktop, and then...? [20:19] <mrkramps> xubuntu51w, start with uninstalling unity first [20:20] <mrkramps> and i dare to sa there is no "easy way" [20:22] <drc1> xubuntu56w: I'm confused...what do you want? A USB that will install Xubuntu to your computer? That link should help (it's Ubuntu, but just substitute Xubuntu for Ubuntu). [20:23] <mrkramps> xubuntu51w, actually … just install xubuntu-desktop and choose the xubuntu session at login [20:24] <mrkramps> xubuntu51w, got your first question wrong … [21:59] <stdin[]> What is the most xfce-firendly IDE for C? I want one that's smart enough to understand and highlight functions [21:59] <Hudsonkem> hello, im using xubuntu 15.04 and sometimes when i open folder with external software like google chrome it open nautilus? why I dont installed that, and I found this packages nautilus-data, libnautilus-extension1a, may I remove that? [22:00] <drc> Hudsonkem: How did finding what app it actually is go? [22:01] <Hudsonkem> yes i'm looking for now [22:26] <Hudsonkem> yeah! I don't have lucky, but why are u asking about version, o something like that?, as I said i had that with google chrome( opera, etc) [22:28] <krytarik> Hudsonkem: Not version, app. [22:28] <drc> Hudsonkem: No one was asking about "version" (that I know of), what I asked was to confirm which app was actually being opened. [22:29] <Hudsonkem> ^^ >.< [22:30] <Hudsonkem> well, sometimes google, sometimes opera, mousepad [22:30] <drc> OK, I'm out. [22:30] <Hudsonkem> I really don't like nautilus '-', so annoying. [22:32] <krytarik> Ftr, in -devel earlier: '<drc> Hudsonkem: Do whatever you do to "open nautilus" and then check "Help>About" to see what tha app really is.' [22:40] <Hudsonkem> Krytarik thx, ^^ as said, the layout and settings is nautilus, one more detail "when I open it from another application i cant see manager option because i'm not open file manager properly" [22:45] <krytarik> Hudsonkem: It looks like you are actually referring to: [23:27] <garfield> Hey I want to download Xubuntu 15.04. (I've got a 10 year-old Dell 32-bit desktop. I don't know how to use Torrence and there's a lot of the mirrors to choose from, and the files are seemingly quite different. How do I know which one to choose? [23:28] <garfield> The previous version installed was: 14.10 AMD 64 [23:29] <garfield> No, scratch that. That 14.10 AMD64 was for a different computer. [23:29] <drc> try here [23:29] <krytarik> garfield: Alright, then that'd be "xubuntu-15.04-desktop-i386.iso". [23:29] <bazhang> !torrents [23:30] <drc> garfield: Any of the mirrors listed there should get you the same thing 32bit 15.04 [23:31] <drc> pick the on e closest to you. [23:31] <Unit193> !magnets [23:31] <garfield> Even though some say 64 and others say i386? [23:31] <garfield> Don't I want i386 for 32 bit? [23:31] <bazhang> yes [23:31] <drc> i386 is 32 bit [23:31] <Unit193> i386 = 32bit, yes. [23:33] <drc>'s been so long since I used a non-torrent method to grab the iso's, I forgot what a sordid mess it can be :( [23:33] <garfield> Okay, but there's are i386 versions with all these different endings: .iso, iso.zsync, .list, .manifest, .metalink [23:34] <bazhang> not a torrent then get the iso [23:34] <drc> iso [23:34] <garfield> Here's the link [23:34] <bazhang> do NOT unpack it [23:34] <bazhang> dl as is ----->iso [23:34] <drc> xubuntu-15.04-desktop-amd64.iso is what you wnat from that link [23:34] <drc> opps [23:35] <bazhang> he's on 32bit [23:35] <drc> xubuntu-15.04-desktop-i386.iso [23:35] <drc> yeah...another "so liong since..." I automatically pick the wrong one. [23:35] <garfield> LOL [23:35] <garfield> So, go with that one then? [23:36] <garfield> And I'm not going to unpack it. I'm just going to make a bootable USB flashdrive. [23:36] <drc> if you wnat 32 bit then get xubuntu-15.04-desktop-i386.iso from the link you provided. [23:37] <garfield> That's what I will do. Many many thanks! [23:37] <drc> garfield: He was just warning you, not'd be surprised as the the lack of knowledge that shows up here sometimes [23:38] <garfield> Okay. I'm okay with warnings. Rather get warned than screw things up. [23:38] <garfield> Thanks again. You guys have a good day.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Clock-Work", "Finetundra", "Finetunrda_", "Hudsonkem", "Unit193", "bazhang", "drc", "drc1", "freiform", "garfield", "holstein", "knob", "krytarik", "m3n3chm0", "mrkramps", "ochosi", "pragomer", "stdin[]", "xangua", "xubuntu44w", "xubuntu51w", "xubuntu56w" ], "url": "", "channel": "#xubuntu" }
[07:06] <diplo> Morning all [07:09] <Knightwise> morning everyone [07:11] <MooDoo> morning all [07:15] <Knightwise> doin an upgrade to 15.04 on the Surface pro [07:15] <Knightwise> have been having some terrible wifi performance lately :( [07:16] <Knightwise> been trying everything , but by the looks of it this is becoming my last option [08:37] <foobarry> wow facebook suddenly decided to email me twice today about some random persons birthday [08:37] <foobarry> i have other emails turned off [08:37] <foobarry> and log into to fb most days. i don't think the email is necessary! [08:43] <zmoylan-pi> it's a social experiment to see at what point people snap... [08:48] <foobarry> liekwise for amazon [08:48] <foobarry> trying to dial down the amount of notifications i receive, especially useless ones [08:57] <foobarry> anyone aware of a twitter aggregator code i can use to retweet unique tweets ? some accoutns i follow have lots of dupes and i want to see only unique tweets [08:58] <diplo> Do dead projects not get removed from the repos? [08:58] <diplo> Turpial hasn't had a update since 2011 yet is installable on 14.04 [08:58] <diplo> Bugs haven't been answered etc [08:59] <diplo> !info turpial [08:59] <diplo> Is that a command :D I don't know them :) [08:59] <diplo> yay [08:59] <foobarry> looks like teython might do it, not sure about unique [08:59] <foobarry> twython* [09:00] <popey> diplo: yes, if someone files a bug to have it removed [09:01] <diplo> I'll work that out, do I do it just against the package ? [09:02] <diplo> Github repo also not been updated in 4 years, so not just launchpad [09:02] <foobarry> maybe it's stable :P [09:02] <foobarry> but probably dead [09:02] <diplo> I'd go with the latter [09:02] <brobostigon> morning boys and girls. [09:02] <zmoylan-pi> i think i had that installed at one point but it stopped working when twitter started restricting number of tokens to client apps [09:03] <foobarry> remember gwibber? lol [09:05] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Poem in Your Pocket Day! :-D [09:06] <nigelb> JamesTait: I'm disappointed to wear a shirt with no pockets today. [09:06] <zmoylan-pi> apart from a few limericks/haikus i have never enjoyed poetry [09:06] <JamesTait> nigelb, zmoylan-pi: maybe Honesty Day is more to your taste? [09:07] * zmoylan-pi looks shifty when nodding agreement... [09:07] <JamesTait> Or International Jazz Day? Or Oatmeal Cookie Day? [09:09] <nigelb> The Thursday Before Long Weekend Day. [09:10] <popey> diplo: yeah, file a bug against it, I have done this for a few apps. let me find one so you know who to ping [09:10] <awilkins> Anyone know anything about getting thunderbolt ports to work as a display on Ubuntu? [09:10] <zmoylan-pi> extra long in dublin as it looks like a bus strike on friday which will make it impossible for some to get to work [09:11] <diplo> thanks popey :) [09:12] <awilkins> Ok, looks like it's not going to work, it's just stack dumping in the kernel logs [09:13] <popey> diplo: you know this will only remove it from 15.10 onwards, we generally don't remove packages retrospectively [09:13] <popey> (we have once or twice though) [09:13] <popey> like owncloud [09:15] <diplo> Well I guess it's worth it though [09:15] <diplo> As it has already been packed for vivid [09:27] <davmor2> JamesTait: [09:28] <JamesTait> Very good, davmor2! [09:29] <davmor2> JamesTait: My mom read me that when I was young cause I loved trains, I still love trains and I always remember that peom :D [10:04] <MooDoo> hody davmor2 [10:05] <davmor2> MooDoo: nice write up on hosting your own site [10:07] <MooDoo> davmor2: ta, wasn't really for the tech, but just a generalisation, works for me :D [10:07] <MooDoo> glusterfs is ace does exactly what i wanted. [10:09] <popey> so which distro are you on this week? :) [10:09] <MooDoo> ubuntu [10:11] <MooDoo> sticking with LTS releases though on the servers, it'll do. [10:12] <popey> found out my desktop hasn't been backed up for 2 months :S [10:12] <popey> so now it's doing a very chunky backup [10:12] <diddledan> chunky! :-p [10:13] <foobarry> last backed oup on world backup day? [10:13] <popey> 26 feb as far as I can see from the rsnapshot log [10:13] <zmoylan-pi> ouch [10:13] <foobarry> :-| [10:13] <popey> not a massive problem as I rarely use the desktop [10:13] <foobarry> world backup day = 31/03 [10:13] <popey> so probably only thing it will backup is updated steam games :) [10:14] <foobarry> yeah, i threw my desktop away/loft [10:14] <popey> oh, and my photos [10:15] <popey> mine's been booted to windows mostly recently for GTA5 [10:15] <popey> and a bit of game dev [10:16] <zmoylan-pi> so world system crash day is 30-03? [10:21] <foobarry> by definition yes [10:21] <MooDoo> :) [10:31] <bigcalm> Good morning peeps :) [10:41] <bigcalm> Has anybody tried out MS's Visual Studio Code on Linux yet? [10:41] <bigcalm> (in here) [10:41] <bashrc_> no. And I don't intend to [10:41] <zmoylan-pi> ditto [10:42] <bashrc_> what license is it under? [10:42] <diddledan> bigcalm: it only came out last night. yeesh :-p [10:43] <bigcalm> Was a simple enough question :) [10:43] <ali1234> i heard it's just with some plugins [10:43] <ali1234> i heard this on reddit so it might be false, i dunno [10:50] <Myrtti> hubby did [10:51] <Myrtti> apparently the font was too small -___- ^___^ [10:52] <Myrtti> that's what you get from buying a 4k laptop [10:53] <zmoylan-pi> wasn't there a complaint when last version came out that all menus were in uppercase so it was like it was shouting at you? [10:53] <diddledan> it uses microsoft's monaco editor which is also embedded in the azure control panel [10:54] <diddledan> so I'm not sure it quite qualifies as "just with plugins" [10:55] <diddledan> I think that's akin to saying is just google chrome with html [10:55] <diddledan> (because I'm viewing it in chrome) [10:55] <zmoylan-pi> nah, is ie4 with notepad :-) [10:56] <zmoylan-pi> i shouldn't have said that this close to lunch, should i? sorry :-) [11:05] <popey> bigcalm: yeah, i tried it, in terms of downloaded, ran it, closed it :) [11:07] <popey> Myrtti: CTRL+ expands the font size [11:19] <Myrtti> popey: I think he's having a problem with everything being too small, still [11:20] <popey> yeah, it's not good on those laptops [11:20] <popey> still not sure what I'm going to upgrade to when this x220 dies [11:20] <popey> tempted to just keep it and run it into the ground [11:20] <popey> just progressively put larger SSDs in it as needed [11:21] <popey> /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root 205G 159G 35G 83% / [11:21] <popey> /dev/mapper/data_crypt 235G 189G 34G 85% /home [11:21] <popey> seem to be doing okay for the moment [11:24] <directhex> don't get a macbook pro [11:24] <zmoylan-pi> get a computer on a stick when the processor ram is too slow and remote desktop from the x220 into it :-) [11:24] <directhex> they're pretty poopy for linux [11:27] <popey> i had a macbook pro before this x220, the mbp is now wifeys facebook machine [11:28] <bashrc_> are thinkpads no longer made? [11:28] <popey> they are [11:28] <popey> I guess I'd need a whole new dock [11:29] <popey> only real "upgrade" I can do to this x220 is a bigger / faster SSD [11:29] <popey> this one does 5GB/s - dunno if it will go faster [11:31] <bigcalm> popey: I can't extract the downloaded zip. Failing at the 2nd hurdle [11:31] <popey> wat [11:32] <popey> 50d4547e3617ace370f040edace6d7cd [11:32] <popey> dunno if they updated it since yesterday [11:32] <bigcalm> Archive manager reports: An error occurred while extracting files. [11:32] <popey> i think I just did "unzip" [11:32] <bigcalm> 50d4547e3617ace370f040edace6d7cd [11:32] <popey> try unzip [11:33] <bigcalm> Yeah, that worked [11:33] <popey> yeah, file roller fails here too [11:33] <popey> wonder why [11:48] <bigcalm> Yep, it worked. Back to life now [11:48] <bigcalm> Ooo, 1st night this week that I'm not doing any thing [11:48] <bigcalm> Any Hayley is out at work until 10.30pm [11:49] <bigcalm> GTA V with the soundbar :D [11:49] <bigcalm> s/Any/And [11:49] <bigcalm> s/any thing/anything [11:52] <ali1234> you could say... you are not doing... alot of any thing [11:52] <bigcalm> I'll possibly be doing a lot of swearing at the computer [11:52] <bigcalm> Oh, I do that in my day job already [11:58] <foobarry> google news: Interested in Sheldon Cooper? Yes/no [11:58] <foobarry> wut [11:59] <foobarry> odd. afaik sheldon is not a real person or a news item [12:00] <foobarry> hmm i think it is harvesting my searches for these suggestions. i once googled tina turner to find out if she is still alive, and she is in my suggested news items [12:03] <popey> bigcalm: I had a stress relieving evening last night shooting a lot of people in GTA5 [12:03] <bigcalm> :D [12:04] <zmoylan-pi> for that i shoot people during ad&d games with nerf... [12:04] <Laney> tip: save the assassination missions for the endgame [12:05] <bigcalm> It's nice that if you fail missions too many times you are offered the chance to skip it (not that I have). What's amusing is that the mouse cursor then changes to a hand giving the middle finger on that screen [12:05] <bigcalm> It took me a while to complete the Rampage mission with Trevor [12:05] <bigcalm> and the rednecks [12:06] <popey> the rednecks wasn't too bad, took me 3 goes, found a place to back away and have them mostly in my eyeline [12:08] <popey> bigcalm: [12:08] <bigcalm> Nice! [12:08] <popey> i like getting diverted from one mission to others as they come up. [13:13] <diplo> I think I'm going to have to play it again now [13:13] <diplo> :/ [13:18] <directhex> i haven't really played much GTA5 [13:18] <directhex> just enough to take a couple of screenshots on new PC [13:18] <popey> [13:18] <popey> fun [13:18] <popey> guy changed his name to Michael Green and is standing against Grant Shapps [13:18] <directhex> [13:59] <ali1234> what causes zombie processes that don't die even when reparented to init? [14:02] <penguin42> ali1234: that depends [14:02] <penguin42> ali1234: how do they appear in ps ? [14:02] <ali1234> [Defunct] [14:02] <intrbiz> do you know what forked them? [14:02] <ali1234> have to wait until it happens again to give you any more details [14:03] <ali1234> what forked them? bash [14:03] <penguin42> I think 'defunct' is normally where the parent process didn't wait() for them? [14:03] <ali1234> going to try to attach a debugger [14:04] <penguin42> if they are marked defunct I'd bet you can't [14:04] <ali1234> first of all, i wrote the program and it should never terminate [14:04] <penguin42> your complaining that a program that shouldn't terminate hasn't terminated? [14:04] <ali1234> no, i'm complaining that it stops working for no reason and then can't be killed [14:04] <penguin42> ah [14:05] <intrbiz> a zombie is already dead however, so it can't be killed, surely [14:05] <foobarry> or undead [14:05] <ali1234> it uses the raspberry pi camera so for all i know it is a bug in the firmware [14:07] <ali1234> it also uses a lot of glib timers and could be deadlocking somewhere in that [14:07] <ali1234> but i don't know if that would cause a zombie [14:07] <ali1234> what it can't do is exit the glib mainloop [14:09] <ali1234> oh it also uses i2c-dev [14:09] <penguin42> ali1234: if you can't attach gdb, the other thing you can do is look at /proc/pidnumber/stack that is a kernel backtrace [14:10] <ali1234> i removed all the timeouts and i2c code and with just the camera stuff it doesn't seem to crash or whatever it is doing [14:10] <ali1234> okay i'll check that, thanks [14:22] <foobarry> i have a scatter plot in gnuplot, anyone know how i can add a line of y=x to the same chart? [14:24] <bashrc_> I think it can be done by adding another line to the plotfile [14:25] <dutchie> "plot x" works just on its own [14:25] <foobarry> doesn't get added to chart though [14:25] <dutchie> so something like "plot x, datafile" [14:25] <dutchie> however you call it, i forget the details [14:25] <bashrc_> where datafile could just contain a couple of points [14:25] <bashrc_> plotted with a line style [14:25] <foobarry> AAH [14:25] <foobarry> thanks, need to be on the same line [14:26] <dutchie> np [14:27] <foobarry> seems to kill imgur :P [14:29] <foobarry> perhaps because its not a cat [14:36] <foobarry> the gnuplot manual is horrific [14:40] <bashrc_> I have used gnuplot quite a lot on various projects [14:43] <foobarry> they tell you about linetypes and point types but don't tell you what the different types are [15:02] <diddledan> daftykins: if you're around in 30 minutes, another "keynote" is happening at MS Build [15:06] <foobarry> where does the phrase keynote come from? [15:07] <diddledan> no idea [15:07] <ali1234> possibly from "keystone"? [15:10] <foobarry> the note or tone on which a key or system of tones is founded; the tonic. [15:10] <shauno> The term key note comes from the practice of a cappella, often barbershop singers, playing a note before singing. The note played determines the key in which the song will be performed.[citation needed] [15:10] <foobarry> the main idea or central principle of a speech, program, thought, action, etc. [15:10] <foobarry> google confirms it [15:10] <foobarry> set the tone for the conference [15:12] <directhex> i have a conf call, i'll miss the keynote [15:14] <diddledan> aww :-( [15:14] <diddledan> they'll record it tho [15:14] <diddledan> if you're lucky you can jump onto the livestream and scroll it back to the time of the keynote [15:15] <penguin42> directhex: You mean you can only do one conf call at once? [15:15] <directhex> yes! [15:15] <penguin42> directhex: Week! [15:15] <penguin42> a [15:16] <diddledan> I can't multitask either - I'm good at context-switching however [15:18] <foobarry> you can't eat and watch tv? [15:18] <davmor2> diddledan: no you're not [15:18] <diddledan> I'm not? [15:18] <diddledan> why not?! [15:19] <davmor2> diddledan: cause I said so :D [15:19] <diddledan> well that's just sucky for me [15:20] <davmor2> foobarry: I go one further I breath, eat and watch tv, get me and multitasking skills :D [15:20] <davmor2> we don't need to multitask anyway we have computers for that :D [15:36] <foobarry> [15:36] <foobarry> found someone else who has my problem [15:36] <foobarry> no answer :( [18:36] <daftykins> diddledan: did anything fun happen? [18:37] <diddledan> minecraft has a new mod-creation addon for visual studio [18:37] <diddledan> that's about it [18:37] <daftykins> haha [18:37] <daftykins> i downloaded the 950MB MP4 of the windows 10 news one, they made it like they were going to answer some questions then added nothing [18:37] <diddledan> android apps and ios apps can be recompiled for windows with few if any changes [18:37] <daftykins> "yeah lots of people wanna know what 'free upgrade' means... so if you sign up you'll get the answer in the coming months!" [18:45] <DJones> daftykins: Along with a spam email every other day [18:46] <daftykins> :) [18:47] <ali1234> diddledan: a proper mod api? [18:47] <ali1234> does it still use the bizarre "decompiler and spreadsheet of obfuscated method names -> human readable ones" system? [18:47] <diddledan> ali1234: they didn't say so, more that they're taking the already used api and providing type hinting and intellisense in visual studio [18:52] <shauno> isn't "already used api" an overactive imagination? [18:52] <ali1234> no, there are a couple of API systems already [18:52] <ali1234> but they are third-party and have to figure out the decompiled, obfuscated code themselves [18:53] <ali1234> despite one of them maybe technically being owned by mojang now [18:54] <shauno> I never figured out if mojang actually own bukkit, or just acqui-hired the contents [18:54] <shauno> I mean, I thought they actually bought them, but it's been a few years, and they've never actually acted like it [18:54] <DJones> ali1234: owned by mojang, would that suggest owned by Microsoft as well [18:55] <DJones> Maybe not directly, but "controlled" [18:55] <ali1234> right [18:56] <ali1234> shauno: they seem to think they own it. the GPL might say otherwise, but the whole project was never really GPL compliant in the first place. the whole thing is a giant mess and nobody really knows what is going on [18:56] <ali1234> and it's not like they weren't warned about it either [20:40] <diddledan_> I wonder if they'll ask my question at MS Build ( [20:40] <diddledan_> I requested they ask about display output on the pi [20:48] <daftykins> diddledan: in what way? [20:49] <diddledan_> whether win10 IoT can drive it [20:49] <diddledan_> the kinda answered it via someone else's question tho explaining the the ui is whatever your app displays [20:52] <shauno> aww, lucid is dead :( [20:53] <diddledan_> shauno: good riddance :-p [20:53] <shauno> meanie [20:53] <diddledan_> bit fat meanie! [20:54] <shauno> I wasn't going to make it that personal :p [20:54] <diddledan_> lol [20:54] <penguin42> sniff, Lucid was good to us [20:54] <diddledan_> it's crazy that it;s 5 already [20:55] <shauno> it also means a few months of having to point people to old-releases to dig their way out [20:56] <shauno> (and no, not complaining, just commenting. I don't mind it being dead - the predictable release cycle has been their strongest point for me for a long time) [20:57] <daftykins> i find it weird i just got a new kernel on lucid just now [20:57] <diddledan_> lol [20:58] <diddledan_> someone forgot to tell the security guys? [20:58] <daftykins> seems like it [20:58] <daftykins> since new year when people come in with lucid problems i tell 'em, well - you can fix it and have 3 or 4 more months - or you can just put the effort into a reinstall [20:59] <daftykins> i've already rejigged my web server VM, so it's just this little on that runs irssi left now [20:59] <daftykins> hardly mission critical :D [20:59] <diddledan_> well done :-) [21:01] <daftykins> *one [21:01] <ali1234> diddledan it can certainly drive the display [21:01] <shauno> I keep getting an odd itch to redo my mailserver in docker, for no good reason other than curiousity [21:01] <ali1234> diddledan you get this when you boot it [21:01] <ali1234> "DefaultApp" [21:02] <ali1234> so presumably you can replace it [21:02] <ali1234> what it doesn't have is anything resembling a desktop [21:02] <shauno> odds that someone will create one? lol [21:03] <diddledan_> they're onto talking about .net on mac and linux [21:03] <shauno> I might actually wet myself laughing if someone ports Calmira [21:04] <diddledan_> I don;t know tht one [21:04] <ali1234> progman.exe replacement? [21:04] <shauno> it was a replacement shell for windows, win95-style on win16 [21:04] <diddledan_> aah [21:05] <ali1234> sorry, PROGMAN.EXE [21:05] <diddledan_> what about litestep? [21:05] <shauno> and it took a loooong time to die. last I looked they were trying to make win3.1 look like vista [21:05] <daftykins> lulstep [21:06] <shauno> calmira is basically evidence that germans do have a sense of humour [21:10] <daftykins> hmm my brother just said he turned on an older Dell LCD and it went pop! with added burn smell [21:10] <daftykins> wonder if that can be remedied [21:11] <zmoylan-pi> only with a skip if the magic smoke was released [21:11] <daftykins> =] [21:11] <ali1234> sounds like a dead capacitor [21:11] <daftykins> power supply portion though perhaps [21:11] <ali1234> easy enough to replace, but you don't know why it died [21:11] <zmoylan-pi> home soldering and fixing of monitors might qualify you for darwin award [21:11] <ali1234> only CRTs [21:12] <ali1234> LCDs are nowhere near as dangerous [21:12] <shauno> yeah, LCDs aren't scary. HT voltages are specific to tubes [21:12] <ali1234> they might still have some HV for the backlight but nothing like a CRT [21:12] <zmoylan-pi> less dangerous yes but i'm more worried about home repairs starting a fire than electrocuting the repairer [21:12] <shauno> no more so than anything else you point a soldering iron at, really [21:13] <ali1234> worst that will happen is you replace the dead capacitor and the new one pops within a few days [21:13] <shauno> (or possibly even less so, given the number of chinese wallwarts I've exploded) [21:15] <daftykins> i took apart an acer LCD once that had a really odd quirk, after a while of being on the image would bounce up and down as if it were a window blind someone was repeatedly raising and lowering [21:15] <diddledan> vga sync [21:15] <diddledan> it lost the lock to the syncpulse [21:15] <ali1234> wouldn't that just roll? [21:16] <daftykins> it was VGA only and i couldn't find a cheap replacement for the board so i gave up [21:16] <ali1234> i was reading about HDMI the other day... it's literally just digital VGA [21:16] <ali1234> has sync packets and everything [21:16] <daftykins> D: [21:17] <ali1234> nothing is buffered [21:17] <diddledan> hence why you can get analogue vga from the same circuitry I guess [21:17] <diddledan> just need a D2A [21:17] <ali1234> not quite, but it does mean the converters are easy to make [21:18] <ali1234> it's not a raw bitstream... it is packetized into lines, horizontal sync packets, and vertical sync packets [21:18] <diddledan> DVI and DisplayPort/Thunderbolt display lines are just HDMI in a different plug AFAICT [21:18] <ali1234> and audio packets, which are sent in the blanking interval [21:18] <ali1234> displayport is similar but not compatible [21:19] <daftykins> TMDS signalling for the most part yeah, different voltage in DP though i think [21:20] <diddledan_> signalling protocols are weird [21:21] <diddledan_> QAM ftw? [21:21] <ali1234> PCIe is not a million miles away either [21:21] <diddledan_> seems everyone and his dog wants QAM [21:21] <ali1234> QAM is simple [21:21] <daftykins> it's out of phaaaaaase, maaaaan! [21:22] <diddledan_> better invert the phase [21:22] <diddledan_> or modulate the phase [21:22] <daftykins> reverse the polarity, Marty! [21:23] * diddledan_ tries to remember a quote from StarTrek that involves phase [21:23] <diddledan_> reverse the polarity of the phase inverter? [21:23] <ali1234> phasers on stun? [21:23] <daftykins> imagine for a moment, if you will... Carlton Banks from Fresh Prince as Geordi La Forge [21:23] <diddledan_> oh god [21:24] <diddledan_> including the dancing? [21:24] <daftykins> :D [21:24] <shauno> WHY [21:24] <ali1234> i can't see a problem with this [21:29] <shauno> speaking of WHY, I appear to be watching Thunderbirds. a new version. [21:30] * zmoylan-pi watches st:voyager [21:30] <daftykins> shauno: live action or the CG thing? [21:30] <ali1234> watch thunderbirds 20x6 [21:30] <daftykins> i watched all of the original not long ago, this might entertain [21:30] <ali1234> *2086 [21:31] <shauno> daftykins: CG, 'thunderbirds are go', looks like it was recorded off itv [21:31] <daftykins> don't tell me you obtained this through unscrupulous means, shauno !? [21:31] <shauno> oh no no no [21:31] <shauno> it just shows up on my xbmc box [21:31] <daftykins> o0 [21:32] <shauno> I fear there may be some script somewhere acting nefariously though [21:32] <daftykins> ;[ [21:32] <daftykins> * ;] [21:32] <shauno> anyway, it's not completely terrible, but it's .. close. and a little to ADD for my taste [21:34] <daftykins> flitting from one thing to another repeatedly is it? [21:35] <shauno> it may have just been the first episode trying a bit too hard to show us all the toys [21:36] <daftykins> ah yes [21:36] <shauno> it takes some real effort to require all 5 in one episode, and they managed to do so without making that effort [21:36] <daftykins> i hope it has the mandatory repeating scenes of the thunderbird launching each episode [21:37] <shauno> lol, yes, 2, over and over [21:37] <shauno> I have a feeling the countdown is ripped from the original too [21:38] <zmoylan-pi> i always felt tb1 was... irrelevent [21:38] <shauno> (but sticking with the ADD theme, they seem to have cut the gaps between the counts out, if that makes sense. he doesn't sound sped up, but it's not a 5-second count, and it's missing the DUUUN camera angles between each count) [21:39] <shauno> 1's just fast. his job is to get there first so he can make a failed effort & add suspense before 2 shows up and fixes it [21:48] <ali1234> does anyone else remember this show? [21:49] <shauno> not me [21:49] <ali1234> the english dub had the same theme music [21:50] <ali1234> it's basically thunderbirds rescuing dinosaurs [21:50] <shauno> because that makes perfect sense :) [21:50] <ali1234> it was pretty awesome [21:52] <ali1234> [21:54] <shauno> oh hah, they've kept some of the whackier design trends from thunderbirds. like having the flight deck on jumbos hanging off the back like a cargoship [21:55] <shauno> (apparently being able to see the runway is wildly overrated) [22:30] <diddledan> I'm confused, is it puppets and models or cartoon? [22:30] <diddledan> (dinosaur patroll, I mean) [22:30] <shauno> yes? [22:30] <ali1234> yes! [22:33] <diddledan> their naming is pretty .. uninventive [22:33] <diddledan> "carry donkey" [22:33] <diddledan> and "born free" [22:33] <diddledan> really? [22:34] <ali1234> it gets better/worse [22:34] <diddledan> "pilot, land over there" [22:34] <diddledan> no pointing or anything [22:39] <ali1234> i don't think anyone involved in the translation of this spoke japanese [22:40] <diddledan> and had a terrible idea of dialogue [22:40] <diddledan> "look, a cliff!" [22:42] <shauno> I think mot things like this only survive with rose-tinted glasses. if you go back to anything 80s-90s without the nostalgia, it's just .. [22:48] <diddledan> I think they've recorded several soundbites and just mixed them together to form the actual dialogue [22:49] <diddledan> it's either that or their voice actors can't act (even as just a voice) [22:50] <ali1234> brilliant... a random thunderbirds style close-up of a wrist watch on a real human arm [22:50] <ali1234> as if the mix of cartoon and models wasn't weird enough [23:13] <mappps> 5 months till my next trip [23:13] <mappps> sheesh [23:13] <mappps> going to uk and spain in between but they dont count:) [23:13] <mappps> 7/09 -15/09 going to Ukraine [23:15] * penguin42 hands mapps a flak jacket, helmet and emergency supply of vodka for bargaining [23:15] <mappps> :D [23:38] <shauno> I actually thought about trying kiev this summer [23:38] <daftykins> mmm chicken kiev [23:40] <shauno> turns out I completely underestimated 'close'. the train to the slovak border is 14 hours [23:40] <shauno> (but only 15euro lol) [23:40] <daftykins> O_O [23:45] <mappps> should do [23:45] <mappps> ya [23:45] <mappps> you can get a train from Latvia to Moscova [23:45] <mappps> cheap [23:45] <mappps> but its like 22hrs [23:45] <mappps> you in slovakia shauno? [23:45] <mappps> i was just in czech republic [23:45] <shauno> not now, but I'm over there often enough [23:46] <shauno> probably june now, may's kinda spoken for before it even started [23:46] <mappps> been to vz then i take it? [23:46] <shauno> vz? [23:48] <mappps> cz i mean [23:48] <shauno> ah, yeah, but not so much [23:49] <mappps> ah [23:49] <mappps> been to prague i take it? [23:49] <mappps> the view from the astronomical; clock is COOL [23:54] <shauno> been trying to make more trips into the country instead of just bratislava, but they don't make it easy [23:55] <shauno> english disappears really quickly outside the city, and I'm hopeless at languages. I'm getting better at reading it, but spoken, I couldn't even tell you what language it is half the time [23:55] <daftykins> same :D [23:56] <daftykins> noises i cannot comprehend! [23:56] <shauno> they have noises I can't even discern when they're trying to make it easy [23:56] <shauno> they have sounds that simply don't exist in english. the same way germans have trouble with 'th' because it's not a sound native to german [23:57] <daftykins> must be that whole thing of how you can't hear new phonemes (sp) after a young age [23:57] <shauno> pretty much. so I'm not just stupid, and I'm old and stupid :( [23:58] <daftykins> d'aww [23:58] <penguin42> yeh, I'm hopeless at languages [23:58] <penguin42> when I was last in Germany I was trying to fall asleep watching a German TV program teaching English [23:58] <daftykins> i remember a mate trying to learn some phrases from a chap in Thailand, the Thai guys just laughed their asses off at him when he tried saying something, it sounded exactly like what they said, but clearly it was something we could no longer hear [23:59] <daftykins> Ich liebe Deutsch. Ich hatte for funf jahr lang Deutsch in die Schule gelernt. [23:59] <daftykins> s/for/fur/
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "DJones", "JamesTait", "Knightwise", "Laney", "MooDoo", "Myrtti", "ali1234", "awilkins", "bashrc_", "bigcalm", "brobostigon", "daftykins", "davmor2", "diddledan", "diddledan_", "diplo", "directhex", "dutchie", "foobarry", "intrbiz", "mappps", "nigelb", "penguin42", "popey", "shauno", "zmoylan-pi" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-uk" }
[01:03] <nagetier> "Das Krieg eigentlich verboten sein müsste", Helmut Schmidt .. für das Protokoll [07:10] <pog> moin [07:13] <pog> kann man tar dazu verwenden, ein paar Dateien, in eine bestehende Folderstruktur zu expandieren, ohne das alte, insb. die Folder, zu löschen? (ich wollte aus Folderstruktur auf USB-Disk für Upload, files als tar-archiv hochladen, und dann in eine bestehende Filestruktur auspacken). [07:15] <koegs> pog: tar -k [07:15] <pog> thanks [11:13] <p01nt3r> hallo. habe ein problem mit sub-processing in einem shell-script: - habe das, was der "mate-terminal"-befehl ausführen soll, in eine kommando-substitution "$()" gepackt, da mir das terminal sonst den yes - befehl am anfang einfach abschneidet und nur die pipe übernimmt. weiss jemand, wieso das beim aufruf passiert und wie ich erreiche, dass der befehl korrekt im terminal sichtbar ausgeführt wird? [11:13] <kubine> p01nt3r: Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at [11:19] <p01nt3r> mate-terminal -e "/usr/bin/yes | echo hallo" verdeutlicht mein problem vereinfacht. [11:21] <sdx32> als Befehl eine Shell aufrufen, die das da als Argument bekommt. [11:28] <p01nt3r> sdx32: es funktioniert jetzt zwar, bekomme aber je nach befehl einen fehler nach der ausführung. liegt das am quoting? [11:29] <sdx32> welcher Befehl, welches Quoting, welcher Fehler? [11:30] <p01nt3r> sdx32: als beispiel: bash mate-terminal -e /usr/bin/yes | echo hallo -> ausgabe: hallo, dann: /usr/bin/mate-terminal: /usr/bin/mate-terminal: Kann die Datei nicht ausführen. [11:33] <sdx32> naja, du hast nicht getan, was ich meinte. mate-terminal -e "sh -c 'yes | echo fool'" [11:33] <p01nt3r> ach so war das gemeint [11:38] <p01nt3r> sdx23: genial, funktioniert wie erwartet. [11:38] <p01nt3r> DANKE [11:39] <sdx23> de nada [11:45] <p01nt3r> sdx23: mir ist nur nicht ganz klar, wieso das ersetzen von variablen und sonderzeichen zwischen den beiden ' ' noch funktioniert - sollte das, was darin steht, nicht einfach so interpretiert werden, wie es eben da steht? [11:51] <sdx23> nein, die ' sind einfach Buchstaben innrehalb der " - und innerhalb von " wird normal substituiert. [11:56] <ThreeM> hmm [11:56] <ThreeM> wieso kann man über eine wordpress lücke nen cronjob anlegen? [11:56] <ThreeM> kann das nicht nur admins? läuft apache nicht immer als eigener user? [11:59] <sdx23> es existieren User Cronjobs, man crontab [12:00] <ThreeM> ja, der angreifer müsste den user aber kennen oder nicht? bzw dessen account [12:01] <sdx23> su www-data ; crontab -e [12:01] <sash_> www-data ist auch n User. [12:18] <nagetier> und der User www-data bekommt eine shell und hat ein Passwort? [12:22] <sdx23> wozu braucht er das? [12:22] <nagetier> Ja, überlege ich auch gerade.. 'crontab -e' könnte wohl auch so abgesetzt werden. [12:32] <stevieh> sonst würde es nicht "crontab" sondern "beliebige shell kommandos" heissen. [13:02] <pog> ich moechte ein Script ausloesen (über usbmount) - ich moechte von der USB-Device gewisse BASH-Variablen holen, damit ich mi Script z.B. andere Ordner suchen und copieren kann. [13:03] <pog> die Frage ist, wie kann ich von einem aufgerufenen Script Variablen so definieren, dass sie im aufrufenden Script dann bekannt sind? [13:03] <pog> export ging nicht. [13:04] <pog> eigentlich moechte ich einfach eine globale Variable, die aber nicht zu beginnn bekannt ist. [13:05] <pog> ich koennte wohl mit "source" das Script aufrufen, aber dann hab ich nur die Variablen. [13:06] <sash_> Wieso reicht das nicht? [13:08] <sash_> Variablen und Funktionen kannste dir durch source holen, das ist doch ganz gut. [13:08] <dadrc> eigentlich ist source sogar genau dafür da =) [13:09] <sash_> Jo. [13:14] <pog> ok ich versuchts mal so [13:16] <pog> das reicht mir so als Parameter-Empfang, danke. und es funkioniert [13:18] <pog> ja, und allenfalls koennte ich ja auch Funkionen aus dem gesourcten File ausfuehren. ja, das ist wirklich o.k. [14:51] <pog> #ubuntu-de-offtopic [17:01] <KlaWa> ich möchte eine 259GB SSD mit Dualboot (Win7+Ubuntu) installieren. Frage zu Ubuntu swapfile: bei 16GB RAM (2x16=32GB swapfile) da wirds aber eng auf der ssd. wieviel ist empfehlenswert? [17:04] <dasjoe> KlaWa: mir reicht normalerweise 1 GB, was nie ausgeschöpft wird. Suspend-to-disk geht dann nicht, aber das mache ich eh nicht [17:04] <apollo13> KlaWa: für was willst überhaupt ein swap file? [17:05] <apollo13> und die frage ist dann halt warum man so ne kleine ssd kauft :þ [17:06] <dasjoe> Swap ist schon nützlich, alleine um den OOM-Killer abzuhalten [17:06] <KlaWa> 250GB [17:08] <mrkramps> KlaWa, wenn du suspend-to-disk (hibernation) also tiefschlaf verwenden möchtest, dann swap=ram [17:08] <mrkramps> andernfalls ist es fast egal [17:09] <mrkramps> statt eine swap partition kannst du auch nachträglich noch eine swapfile einrichten [17:11] <KlaWa> geht aucg [17:12] <KlaWa> geht auch hiberbation auf ne zusätzliche disk - alte SATA... [17:12] <mrkramps> KlaWa, du kannst natürlich eine gesamte zweite festplatte als swappartition verwenden [17:13] <mrkramps> oder dort einfach deine swapfile ablegen [17:14] <mrkramps> wenn du lustig bist, kann man das auch mit 'nem usb-stick machen … oder 'ner diskette (obwohl vielleicht etwas klein) [17:14] <KlaWa> so mach ich es .. SSD ohne swapfile zusätzliche disk für swap und sonstiges... [17:15] <mrkramps> hört sich nach einem plan an [17:18] <KlaWa> ich hätt noch ein ZIP-Drive 256MB [17:24] <mrkramps> KlaWa, das etwas langsam für swap [17:29] <apollo13> dasjoe: den oom-killer kann man auch einfacher abschalten als mit swap^^ [17:39] <k1l_> KlaWa: erwartest du denn viel ram verbrauch? [17:40] <KlaWa> eigentlich nicht [17:40] <KlaWa> ich machs anders ... ganz ohne Win7 - iat am Besten [17:40] <k1l_> weil ich hab 8 gb ram und komme ohne swap komplett aus [17:41] <KlaWa> ich will auch terminalserver laufen lassen [17:41] <k1l_> aber wenn du halt weißt, dass du für virtualisierung X ram eh bruachst, oder foto/video bearbeitung machst etc. aber für normales rumgehampel ist das weit mehr als gebraucht wird [17:42] <KlaWa> stimmt [17:43] <k1l_> und mit dem "2 mal ram größe" ist total veraltet. [17:44] <KlaWa> eben; das war zu Zeiten von 256MB Ram [17:44] <KlaWa> M wie 'emm' [17:46] <k1l_> ja, und als ram auch noch nicht so viel schneller war als der festplattenspeicher. [18:03] <KlaWa> tanzt schön in den Mai ... bye [19:40] <Fedora-User> Hi, ich habe ein Problem mit gnome3 könnte mir vielleicht einer helfen? [19:41] <_moep_> wenn du ne frage stellst vllt [19:41] <dadrc> Fedora-User, aber wenn's mit Fedaro zu tun hat, eher in #fedora [19:42] <Fedora-User> ja gerne, also ich möchte gerne in gnome3 meine Anwendungen sortieren, und diese in Ordner verwalten ... Jetzt habe ich bereits einen Artikel auf ubuntuusers gefunden, der mir aber leider nicht weiterhilft! [19:42] <Fedora-User> ne [19:42] <Fedora-User> mit gnome3 [19:42] <Fedora-User> und bei fedora muss man sich regestrieren und auf das habe ich nicht lust [19:42] <Fedora-User> nur wegen einer frage [19:43] <mrkramps> fedora hat bestimmt auch irc channel [19:43] <dadrc> → #fedora [19:43] <Fedora-User> doch aber man muss sich reggen [19:43] <Fedora-User> und ich habe doch nur eine frage und das zu gnome3 [19:43] <Fedora-User> ach menoo [19:43] <Fedora-User> jetzt steht ich soll mich reggen [19:43] <dadrc> Frag halt, aber kann sein, dass die Fedora-Typen das anders machen als "wir" [19:44] <Fedora-User> ja ein wenig [19:44] <Fedora-User> aber nun ja [19:44] <mrkramps> was denn so mit #gnome? [19:44] <mrkramps> oder #gnome-de [19:44] <Fedora-User> was soll's man will halt nicht der Konkurenz helfen, obwohl ich auch öfters ubuntu genutzt habe, bzw. benutze ... [19:44] <mrkramps> sry, letzteres nicht im irc sondern im GIMPnet oO [19:45] <mrkramps> Fedora-User, hier geht es nicht um konkurenz, sondern darum, dass fedora anders ist, andere versionen verwendet usw. [19:45] <dadrc> Wie gesagt, frag halt, aber im Zweifelsfall sind halt die Details an. [19:45] <dadrc> ı ı [19:46] <dadrc> *anders [19:46] <Fedora-User> ja [19:46] <Fedora-User> aber meistens nur etwas [19:47] <Fedora-User> und die frage wäre jetzt nicht gerade sooo komplex, wird aber halt auch nicht in lpic1 oder 2 behandelt ... [19:47] <dadrc> nu frag schon =) [19:47] <Fedora-User> habe ich doch! [19:47] <Fedora-User> also ich möchte gerne in gnome3 meine Anwendungen sortieren, und diese in Ordner verwalten ... Jetzt habe ich bereits einen Artikel auf ubuntuusers gefunden, der mir aber leider nicht weiterhilft! [19:48] <kitikonti> warum erhalte ich keine autocomplete vorschlaege wenn ich die tab taste druecke? [19:48] <Fedora-User> ich möchte meine installierten Programme in Ordner verwalten [19:48] <Fedora-User> und das geht nicht so ohne weiteres [19:48] <Fedora-User> :/ [19:48] <mrkramps> Fedora-User, und wir kennen die artikel alle? [19:48] <mrkramps> mal so'n link?! [19:48] <Fedora-User> moment [19:48] <Fedora-User> [19:48] <kubine> Fedora-User: Title: Bedienung › GNOME Shell › Wiki › (at [19:48] <Fedora-User> Untermenü Kategorien erstellen [19:49] <Fedora-User> aber genau das funktioniert nicht, da unter fedora der Schlüssel nicht exisitiert und ich den uirgendwie auch nicht anlegen kann [19:50] <dadrc> das ist genau ein dieser probleme, die distrospezifisch sind. mit ubuntu geht das. [19:51] <mrkramps> fedora verwendet vermutlich eine andere gnome3-version [19:51] <Fedora-User> okay [19:52] <Fedora-User> hmm, also über google komme ich auch zu keiner Lösung, und im gnome channel meldet sich auch keiner [19:52] <hdp> Das ist das gleiche Vorgehen, wie es auch für das Gnome 3 von Fedora beschrieben wird. Also wird es wohl tatsächlich an der Version liegen. [19:53] <nagetier> kitikonti, schau mal ob dir das ausreicht, ich meine da gab es auch pakete zu installieren, bzw. kontrollieren - [19:53] <kubine> nagetier: Title: Bash › Wiki › (at [19:53] <Fedora-User> okay, und was genau kann/soll ich jetzt machen? [19:57] <kitikonti> nagetier ne hilft leider nicht weiter. vervollstaendigung bei verzeichnissen funktioniert ja, aber zum beispiel wenn ich "sudo service ng" und dan TAB mache kommt nix [19:58] <kitikonti> normalerweise kommt dan statt ng -> nginx [19:58] <nagetier> ja [19:58] <nagetier> kitikonti, egal welcher user? [19:59] <kitikonti> muss ich mal schnell testen [19:59] <dadrc> aber 'bash-completion' ist installiert? [19:59] <nagetier> ah, das war es xD [20:00] <kitikonti> muss ich auch noch kontrollieren [20:01] <dadrc> Fedora-User, ich fürchte, das ist ein fedora-spezifisches Problem, also bleibt dir nicht viel anders übrig, als die zu fragen [20:01] <dadrc> kitikonti, mach mal. [20:01] <nagetier> kitikonti, [20:01] <kubine> nagetier: Title: bash - Why dont custom upstart job names tab complete in the service command? - Ask Ubuntu (at [20:01] <nagetier> wird auch auf die regulären eingegangen [20:02] <nagetier> und bei 150.04 bestimmt recht ähnlich [20:02] <nagetier> *15.04 [20:03] <RagingCactus> Guten Abend, ich hab ein kleines Problem mit iptables, ich hoffe das ist hier der richtige Ort um auch danach zu fragen. mein ISP biete mir keine öffentliche IP, deshalb möchte ich einen Server quasi als relay für eingehende Verbindungen nutzen und die dann per VPN auf meinen computer weiterleiten. [20:03] <RagingCactus> So wie ich das sehe funktioniert die VPN Verbindung, vom Server aus kann ich meine VPN IP anpingen und auch ein testweise angeworfener lokaler Webserver ist erreichbar. Welche iptables Regeln brauche ich jetzt zum Weiterleiten der Server Anfragen zu meiner VPN Adresse? [20:04] <_moep_> RagingCactus: hast du redirect gateway in der config stehen? [20:04] <_moep_> also von openvpn [20:04] <RagingCactus> _moep_: oooh... das sollte ich mal nachgucken [20:08] <RagingCactus> moment mal, es geht um die client config richtig? kann ich nicht stattdessen auf dem server die quell IP über SNAT ändern sodass mein client seinen standardgateway behalten kann? [20:09] <_moep_> hm _das_ weiß ich gerade nicht [20:09] <kitikonti> dadrc thx, bash-completion war nicht installiert [20:09] <_moep_> ich hatte irgendwas mit snat (hatte ne andere ip-adresse, die dann auf die andere erste gejagt) und redirect gw in der client config [20:14] <RagingCactus> Hm, damit kann ich leider gerade nicht sehr viel anfangen. Danke trotzdem [20:35] <deus__> hi leute [20:36] <deus__> mal ne kurze Frage: ist es mittlerweile möglich Gnome 3.16 auf Ubuntu 14.04 zu kriegen? gibt es irgendwelche repositories dafür? Die, die ich im netz gefunden habe, funzen net [20:38] <deus__> weiss also keiner was? ^^ oder schlafen alle schon? [20:49] <mrkramps> gibt es irgendeinen trick, wie man eine ssh verbindung zu einem vbox gast auf dem gleichen system aufbaut? [20:51] <mrkramps> stupid me, falschen adapter für die netzwerkbrücke gewählt :S [21:26] <bekks> mrkramps: ;) [21:27] <bekks> mrkramps: mich hat heute seit jahren zum ersten mal wieder ein running wild vboxnet treiber genervt. guest hat netz, aber eingehende verbindungen vom host gehen nicht. eingehende verbindungen von anderen hosts gehen. hab ich so seit v2.x nicht mehr gesehen. [21:28] <mrkramps> so ein klassischer wtf-bug [21:30] <bekks> exakt. [21:30] <bekks> Vor allem weil das in unverändertem setup seit vier monaten funktionierte. [21:31] <mrkramps> vier monate dauerbetrieb? [21:31] <bekks> vbox update gemacht - geht alles wieder. reboot vorher hatte keine lösung gebracht. [21:31] <bekks> Ja, Dauerbetrieb. [21:32] <mrkramps> hat wahrscheinlich niemand lust gehabt vor dem release mal eben monatelang die stabilität des treibers zu testen [21:33] <bekks> agility und scrum halt :) [21:33] <bekks> die grösste scheisse die wo gibt in softwareentwicklung. [21:33] <bekks> "Software reift beim Kunden." [21:34] <mrkramps> was wären die schon ohne unsere bug reports [21:35] <mrkramps> wahrscheinlich genötigt sorgfältiger zu arbeiten ^^ [21:35] <bekks> aber nur ein bisschen. seit vbox zu oracle gehört, ist die quali noch ok, hat aber stark abgenommen. stichwort "release plan". [21:37] <mrkramps> die scheiße ist halt irgendwie alternativlos, vor allem für private zwecke [21:37] <mrkramps> monopol ist eben auch ein bug [21:38] <bekks> Die Alternativen sind einfach Müll.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Fedora-User", "KlaWa", "RagingCactus", "ThreeM", "_moep_", "apollo13", "bekks", "dadrc", "dasjoe", "deus__", "hdp", "k1l_", "kitikonti", "koegs", "kubine", "mrkramps", "nagetier", "p01nt3r", "pog", "sash_", "sdx23", "sdx32", "stevieh" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-de" }
[03:03] <magu42> ta [23:49] * magu42 is away: ~
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "magu42" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-uy" }
[13:02] <u_glide> hello guys! [13:02] <u_glide> Is it possible to test dynamically created qt Dialogs?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "u_glide" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-autopilot" }
[14:24] <bladernr-malta> anyone know who owns libxslt? I need someone to take a look at [14:45] <dandruczyk_work> Anyone else get hit with 14.04LTS 3.13.0-51.84 kernel panic'ing on boot ??? all of my environments got killed by this today and i have to rollback to .49 [14:46] <dandruczyk_work> [14:47] <penguin42> hmm that's not fun [14:47] <dandruczyk_work> seems tied to any process that uses unix domain sockets (in this case php5-fpm was starting up which uses them) [14:48] <penguin42> I've not got a 14.04LTS to hand [14:48] <dandruczyk_work> env runs on VMware ESXi 5.5, evey node panic'd (over 12) shortly after boot, the SQL servers made it slightly longer before they hit the same failure [14:49] <penguin42> lets see, 14.04 is trusty isn't it, I've got a VM I've not booted in a while [14:50] * penguin42 updates it [14:51] <penguin42> dandruczyk_work: Bug report it anyway and then lets see if anyone else hits it [14:51] <dandruczyk_work> working on it, the link is not easy to find [14:52] <penguin42> dandruczyk_work: Just run ubuntu-bug linux from any ubuntu terminal on a 14.04 box [14:52] <dandruczyk_work> the main issue is since this is on vmware esxi I cannot capture the top part of the OOPS [14:53] <penguin42> yeh, that's life - if you can get a serial console output you might be able to, if you're really lucky it'll be in some logs on disk [14:54] <dandruczyk_work> the trouble with "ubuntu-bug linux" is that it'll be on the WORKING kernel, not the failed one. , I'll have to patch something together, otherwise it'll generate a bogus report against the wrong kernel release [14:54] <penguin42> no, it's ok [14:54] <penguin42> it's OK to run the report using the working one and attach the screenshot [14:55] <penguin42> I'd boot to the failing one, then reboot to the working one, if you're lucky there maybe some boot logs from the failed boot [14:55] <dandruczyk_work> k [14:56] <penguin42> I mean sure it would be best to report it on the failing kernel, but hey that's ok when stuff is that broken [14:56] <dandruczyk_work> yeah it never gets past the crash to a prompt to do anything, so i have to do it from a working one [14:58] * penguin42 has to go out in a few minutes, but please post the bug number you get here, and also add it as a comment to [14:59] <penguin42> If I had to guess I'd bet it's the fix that went in for bug 1439441 that's audit related [15:04] <dandruczyk_work> [15:08] <penguin42> I've marked it as 'critical' [15:08] <dandruczyk_work> thanks [15:10] <penguin42> did you add a comment to that other bug? [15:11] <dandruczyk_work> i have not, should I [15:12] <penguin42> I will [15:13] <penguin42> added [15:13] <dandruczyk_work> i just did, sorry if i stepped on you [15:13] <dandruczyk_work> parallel paths.. [15:13] <penguin42> hehe oh well [15:13] * penguin42 waits for his VM to finish upgrading [15:22] <penguin42> dandruczyk_work: 51.84 booted into a desktop fine here in a kvm quest [15:22] <dandruczyk_work> is audit enabled and do you have apache installed and enabled? [15:22] <penguin42> hmm, it'll be a default trusty install, so probably not - what's the quick way to enable audit? [15:24] <dandruczyk_work> service auditd start? [15:24] <penguin42> ok, just give me a sec [15:24] <dandruczyk_work> though you may need to configure the rules. [15:25] <dandruczyk_work> in my case I saw the crash when apache tried to start, but my apache config isn't anything close to "stock", [15:25] <dandruczyk_work> I suspected the issue was either with audit or unix domain sockets.., let me turn off audit on my test vm nad see how it explodes.. [15:26] <penguin42> yeh, I've got auditd running and apache installed now [15:27] <penguin42> ok, so not immediately triggering - anyway, got to go out, add stuff to the bug if you figure more out [15:28] <dandruczyk_work> k, my setup uses php5-fpm using unix domain sockets and apache configured to use fastcgi passthrough over those sockets... [15:28] <dandruczyk_work> a somewhat unconventional setup, but works well. [15:29] <dandruczyk_work> with audit disabled it managed to boot and startup OK [15:45] <dandruczyk_work> my audit rules trigger it. unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at (null) in strlen+0x0/0x30 [15:45] <dandruczyk_work> details at the end of:
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "bladernr-malta", "dandruczyk_work", "penguin42" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-bugs" }
[00:07] <bbradley> i found a message in cloud-init-dev about building a package for cloud-init. i'll post a bug to the debian package if it works. [06:37] <smoser> bbradley, should be able to (with dependencies installed) ./packages/bddeb [11:03] <bbradley> smoser: thanks. if i have anymore trouble after testing a new version, i'm going to post to the mailing list. [13:47] <bbradley> oh my [13:47] <bbradley> i think it's because i'm quoting the value of source in apt_sources. [14:13] <bbradley> that's not it [14:14] <bbradley> but something is causing my apt_sources block to quit parsing. if i move my apt_sources block above other statements, the rest of the file is not parsed. [14:14] <bbradley> very strange [14:17] <smoser> can you show a file that is working and one that is wrong ? [14:17] <smoser> pastebin [14:18] <bbradley> [14:19] <bbradley> this one has the apt_sources statement at the bottom. [14:19] <bbradley> if i moved that statement above other statements, apt_sources & all below it do not execute. [14:19] <bbradley> move [14:19] <bbradley> smoser ^ [14:21] <bbradley> it works if i remove the apt_sources statement. [14:23] <smoser> bbradley, /var/log/cloud-init-output.log ? [14:23] <bbradley> one moment [14:26] <bbradley> [14:28] <smoser> use . much less obnoxious [14:28] <bbradley> sure no worries [14:29] <smoser> (also, for your info, you can 'apt-get install pastebinit; pastebinit /var/log/cloud-init.log') [14:30] <bbradley> sweet [14:30] <bbradley> cloud config [14:30] <smoser> so what is it that you think failed ? [14:31] <bbradley> apt_sources does not add anything to the sources.list or sources.list.d [14:31] <bbradley> nor are packages installed using using this source. [14:32] <bbradley> -using [14:32] <smoser> paste /var/log/cloud-init.log ? [14:34] <bbradley> oih i'm on debian so pastebinit made this. [14:34] <bbradley> [14:35] <smoser> fine with me. [14:35] <smoser> still much less obnoxious than . [14:36] <bbradley> cool [14:36] <bbradley> please observe lines 708 and 709 [14:37] <smoser> line 708 has warning. yeah. [14:37] <smoser> it is failing. you will need to declare the mirror for 'security' which you can just define to or maybe None [14:37] <smoser> let me see how you could do that [14:38] <bbradley> oh ok [14:38] <smoser> ideally your debian image would have done that for you. [14:38] <bbradley> i can do that with my setup. [14:39] <bbradley> i'm using xen-tools to build images and it copies sources.list from the host machine. [14:40] <bbradley> i suppose cloud-init uses unattended-upgrades packages and needs a security package repo. is that the problem? [14:43] <bbradley> hmm [14:44] <bbradley> i have security in my sources file. [14:44] <bbradley> so you mean in the cloud config. [14:45] <smoser> [14:45] <smoser> try adding that stanza [14:50] <bbradley> i noticed the 'security' in the warning immediately but was not sure of the context until your help just now. [14:51] <bbradley> done [14:51] <bbradley> will be a few minutes until i know if it works. [14:53] <bbradley> what do you mean by 'debian image would have done that for you'? [14:59] <bbradley> ah [15:00] <bbradley> my cloud.cfg (unedited from official package install) only has a failsafe for the primary. [15:03] <bbradley> smoser: that worked. [15:03] <bbradley> thanks a bunch [15:09] <bbradley> will file a bug with debian cloud-init. [15:09] <bbradley> the default cloud.cfg should have a failsafe security mirror in it. [17:26] <bbradley> [18:46] <nosleep77> hi there, can I inject a cloud init file into an existing running openstack instance? [18:46] <nosleep77> and then have it run of course
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "bbradley", "nosleep77", "smoser" ], "url": "", "channel": "#cloud-init" }
[07:48] <mwhudson> morning [20:09] <ibeardslee> morning
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "ibeardslee", "mwhudson" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-nz" }
[15:02] <sil2100> o/ [15:04] <infinity> In lieu of a meeting, which our manager and tech lead both seem to not be able to attend, barry has proposed we party. [15:04] <infinity> o/ [15:04] <infinity> \o/ [15:04] <infinity> \o [15:04] <infinity> Untz, untz, untz. [15:05] <barry> o/ [15:05] <barry> \o [15:05] <barry> o\ [15:05] <sil2100> \o [15:05] <sil2100> o/ [15:05] <barry> /o [15:05] <sil2100> /o\ [15:05] <barry> irc macarena fail [15:06] <sil2100> ~.o.~ [15:07] <infinity> And I believe that concludes our party meeting. [15:07] <sil2100> AOB? [15:07] * slangasek waves [15:07] <bdmurray> I like to party, but I'd appreciate talking about a bug or two. [15:07] <infinity> Oh, look, it's vorlon. [15:07] <slangasek> infinity: vincent? [15:08] <slangasek> bdmurray: which bugs? [15:09] <bdmurray> bug 1445239 - is it more likely to be an apt or mirror issue? [15:10] <infinity> bdmurray: antonb had seen a similar bug, and was working out how to reproduce it. [15:10] <bdmurray> infinity: okay [15:12] <bdmurray> then there is bug 1449626 brought up by the cert team [15:12] <infinity> bdmurray: I've pointed him at it to see if it's the same or another exciting bug. [15:12] <doko> barry, bdmurray: before you party, any update on pip/requests? [15:13] <bdmurray> doko: I haven't overridden the regressions yet [15:14] <doko> bdmurray, where did you run this pip command? [15:14] <doko> in a virtualenv, or on the system itself? [15:14] <bdmurray> doko: and I was not testing in a virtual env. In a trusty chroot on the system itself. [15:15] <doko> bdmurray, so can you verify, that pip removed files installed by dpkg? [15:15] <bdmurray> doko: I'll have to try again but I'm pretty sure it didn't remove files installed by dpkg. So I'm guessing it changed the environment somehow. [15:16] <slangasek> bdmurray: just followed up on bug #1449626, which is not reproducible on porter-ppc64el [15:16] <doko> bdmurray, sure, but your log says so [15:16] <slangasek> looks like a corrupted install, not a bug in libxslt [15:16] <bdmurray> slangasek: thanks, I noticed we aren't subscribed to that package. Should we be? [15:17] <slangasek> bdmurray: appears to be owned by the desktop team [15:20] <bdmurray> doko: trusty-amd64)root@impulse:/home/bdmurray# debsums python-requests [15:20] <bdmurray> debsums: missing file /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests-2.2.1.egg-info (from python-requests package) [15:21] <bdmurray> doko: does that explain things? [15:23] <barry> doko, bdmurray if i can make a little more progress on this system-image stuff, i'll dig in more on pip/requests later today [15:24] <doko> bdmurray, hmm, looks like it's overwriting system stuff ... barry assured me that this would never happen :-/ [15:24] <barry> it definitely shouldn't [15:24] <bdmurray> For what its worth it happens w/o the packages from -proposed too [15:24] <barry> if it does, it's a bug <wink> [15:25] <doko> and a very severe one ... [15:27] <bdmurray> Given that this isn't a new issue should we override the regressions? [15:30] <bdmurray> doko / barry: ? [15:31] <barry> bdmurray: i'm not sure right now [15:31] <doko> bdmurray, from my point of view, yes, as said in my email [15:32] <doko> bdmurray, what does ls -ld /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests* say? [15:35] <bdmurray> doko: [15:37] <doko> bdmurray, hmm, only the egg-info missing. where is the new one installed, in /usr/local? [15:40] <bdmurray> doko: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests-2.6.2.dist-info [15:41] <doko> ahh [15:43] <barry> bdmurray, doko is the problem that `pip install httpie` installs requests in ~/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages and that's earlier on the sys.path than /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages ? [15:44] <doko> I'm curious why requests gets installed in /usr/local and httpie in ~/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages [15:44] <barry> doko: requests doesn't get installed in /usr/local for me [15:44] <bdmurray> barry: it also seems to have removed requests-2.2.1.egg-info [15:44] <barry> only ~/.local [15:45] <barry> bdmurray: not for me, on vivid [15:45] <barry> in a vivid chroot [15:45] <barry> requests-2.4.3.egg-info is still in /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages [15:46] <barry> this is a clean vivid chroot, after `apt-get install python-pip` then `pip install httpie` [15:46] <bdmurray> I'm using a trusty chroot [15:46] <barry> it still fails on vivid, but let me try trusty [15:50] <barry> heh, chroots don't overlay ~/.local ;) [15:51] <barry> bdmurray: are you using `pip install --user httpie`? [15:51] <barry> bdmurray: or sudo? [15:52] <bdmurray> barry: I was root so just pip install httpie [15:52] <barry> bdmurray: okay, sec [15:53] <barry> bdmurray: okay, yes it deleted the egg-info file for me in /usr/lib [15:54] <barry> but i still think the problem is that /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages is on sys.path before /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages [15:54] <barry> and `sudo pip install httpie` installs a newer requests that doesn't play nice with pip [15:56] <doko> barry, the path order for this is always to have /usr/local before /usr. echo $PATH [16:01] <barry> doko: for pip's own imports, it can't do that [16:01] <barry> doko, bdmurray replied in email [16:01] <barry> doko, bdmurray i'm off to get some lunch. i know what the problem is. i need to experiment and think about the right solution. let's take it back to email
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "barry", "bdmurray", "doko", "infinity", "sil2100", "slangasek" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-meeting" }
[07:50] <Dro__> bjr [08:17] <elacheche> GM :) [08:53] <Dro__> ahla elacheche :D [08:53] <Dro__> je re :P [09:39] <Dro__> re [09:42] <elacheche> re [10:16] <Dro__> elacheche, how can i check if the plugin called "dvbapi" is the same plugin-sc / new version of it ? :D [10:17] <elacheche> Dro__, find the source :D :) or ask the developers or the api or sc :) [10:17] <Dro__> elacheche, i can't find the exact developer.. it exist everyone ! :o [10:18] <Dro__> everywhere* [10:18] <Dro__> + if i find it, i don't think he'll answer me :/ [10:19] <elacheche> ask one of those guys → [10:26] <Dro__> hani b3athtlou mail, nchallah yrod ! [10:29] <elacheche> Dro__, take a look at the last paragraph [10:29] <elacheche> They have an irc channel :) :D ;) [10:34] <Dro__> el channel mta3hom mita akther mel réunion mta3 mars 2014 :p [10:34] <Dro__> * [manio] inactif 39:10:51, ouverture de session : Mon Mar 30 19:31:27 [10:34] <Dro__> 3andou nharin yadhreb fennoum [10:35] <elacheche> hahahah :D hana mail support :p [10:36] <Dro__> oss haw rad 3ammek el hd  dvbapi is not the same ;) it just a api plugin between vdr + OSCam [10:36] <Dro__> mouch nafs el plugin donc [10:37] <elacheche> ha3 x) [10:37] <elacheche> Go here [10:38] <Dro__> 3an'hom channel zeda? :P [10:38] <elacheche> ask 3PO why you can't find the config file :D :p [10:38] <elacheche> Oh no! You should ask aap about the config file, because it's he's ppa.. [10:38] <elacheche> you can try installing the plugin via the source code.. why niot :) [11:22] * Dro__ is back ! [11:23] * elacheche will go for launch :p [11:23] <Dro__> sa [11:23] <Dro__> sa77a sa77a elacheche :P [11:24] * Dro__ already done ! :D [11:24] <elacheche> Dro__, t'es connecté via un VPS en europe x) 5ayif 3al IP mté3ik? :p [11:24] <Dro__> hahaha lé mahou connecté mel école, j'utilise un vpn ! :D [11:24] <elacheche> hahaha :D béhi :) [11:25] <Dro__> t7ebbou yesr9ouli mes discussions m3ak !!! :D [11:25] <elacheche> hahahha [11:26] <Dro__> i use a vpn, but i don't feel really in security! [11:27] <elacheche> if it's not your VPN server so you should not :D [11:27] <elacheche> Try to use Tor ;) [11:27] <Dro__> its mine ! [11:27] <Dro__> cheri vps belthemma pour le VPN ! :P [11:28] <Dro__> Tor y5awef berjouliya... [11:28] <elacheche> Awesome :D OpenVPN? [11:28] <Dro__> biensur§ [11:28] <elacheche> GTG.. See you y 2pm :) [11:28] <Dro__> ok, a+ [11:28] <Dro__> koul belbehi 7ajti bik ba3d :P [13:08] <elacheche> re [13:34] <elacheche> ping guys! can you please join us on #ubuntu-africa & #ubuntu-arabic → And please make sure to add those channels to you favorite ones! [14:37] <elacheche> Dro___, [14:38] <elacheche> Do you know what is an irc cloak? [14:38] <Dro___> elacheche, [14:38] <Dro___> :P [14:38] <Dro___> no [14:38] <Dro___> ça cache l'ip ? [14:39] <elacheche> yep.. It's good to have one ;) [14:39] <Dro___> comment ça se fait ? [14:39] <Dro___> sur undernet +x içi pas de +x :/ [14:39] <Dro___> et pas de hostserv :/ [14:40] <elacheche> It's better to prove that you're involved in a project and get a special one too, like SalahMessaoud, [14:40] <Dro___> 7lowa, je le ferai plus tard [14:40] <Dro___> brb [14:40] <elacheche> For freenode, you should register your nickname, then go to #freenode and ask an OP for a cloak [16:43] <elacheche> Time to go.. have a good weekend [20:27] <elacheche_anis> "Hey!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Dro__", "Dro___", "elacheche", "elacheche_anis" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-tn" }
[06:05] <mgedmin> huh gnome-terminal's word-chars setting got removed in 3.13 [06:10] <mgedmin> waaah is where : got removed from the now-hardcoded setting :( [06:14] <mgedmin> so if it was removed in 3.14, why didn't I notice when I was running 3.14? did ubuntu-gnome patch it back in? [06:14] <mgedmin> or was the vte change applied in a later version? [06:29] <mgedmin> towo, it's the new default upstream look, AFAIU (I also had the same reaction as you initially) [11:30] <towo> mgedmin: Initially thought some theme files were missing, yeah.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "mgedmin", "towo" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-gnome" }
[06:13] <gdi2k> I have no idea where to start with this, so I thought I would start here - hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. We have our office at A and a server hosting a PBX at C. We are trying to optimize the route between A and C to reduce latency, but our ISP is inept. But we also have a server at B which is very close to C but has much better routes from A than A->C. So we would like to route the traffic A->B->C - what do I need at B to make [06:13] <gdi2k> that work? [06:22] <hariom> Hey guys, I have installed openblas-dev and liblapack-dev on my Ubuntu 14.04. How to know which version of these libraries are installed? [06:30] <samba35> how do i redirect url to domain for ex .www-abcdefgh-com/xyz should redirect to test-abcdefgh-com [06:42] <william_home> samba35: [07:20] <rbasak> teward: pong [07:42] <lordievader> Good morning. [08:56] <Vexena> Hello, I heard that enabling automatic updates can be potentially dangerous on a server in a live environment, why is this exactly? [11:04] <william_home> jamespage: i was told to bug you, for packaging issues in the cloud archive? [11:29] <Vexena> Anyone know what would be the best way to start a screen session upon startup? I've tried it with a upstart .conf script like this: but that only makes "service tsbot start" and "service tsbot stop" work but the service does not start upon startup [11:32] <Vexena> Seems like it's fixed now [12:42] <teward> rbasak: sorry about not being here around 3AM - nginx dynamic module loading slated to exist in 1.9.x, which I believe Debian might end up having. (I hate the continual shift between mainline and stable, but Debian nginx maintainers do that) [12:42] <teward> rbasak: not sure if we'll need additional review of the package going forward or not, because there'd be a lot more 'main' packages if we support 'core' modules... [12:42] <teward> no timeline yet, but... [12:57] <rbasak> teward: thanks. Sounds good - should save us from the multiple static build hell? We can check with the security team nearer the time. [13:08] <teward> rbasak: it should, but i think we should partly rely on Debian for some of the packaging. 1.9.x was released only a couple days ago, and AFAIK dynamic package support is listed on the timeline of goals, but no idea of actual timeline or ease of implementation ye [13:08] <teward> yet* [13:12] <teward> rbasak: if it's anything like Apache, there may be a couple core "global" functions still built in, but additional plugins would be available. The tricky part, I believe, is balancing stable vs. mainline in Ubuntu - 1.8.x is the stable release, 1.9.x is the mainline release, and that's going to supersede the stable release, my guess is for maybe a year [13:12] <teward> rbasak: i wouldn't mind additional security reviews closer to then though, code format changes, etc. and what not [13:15] <rbasak> teward: I imagine we'll want the stable release in every LTS release. [13:16] <rbasak> teward: and that implies we should try and stick to the stable release in all releases if we can - otherwise it wouldn't work. [13:16] * rbasak wonders what Debian does here. [13:17] <devster31> dd of a 3.1 gb image is taking forever, like 30+ minutes, is this normal? [13:18] <teward> rbasak: that's... doable to an extent, but that'll require a manual upload to Ubuntu specifically of Stable [13:18] <teward> rbasak: and at that point we break Debian inheritence [13:19] <rbasak> teward: so Debian stick to mainline? [13:20] <teward> rbasak: i forget exactly how my Debian maintainer contact worded it, let me see if I can get a oneliner to provide. [13:20] <teward> i do know at one point they start using mainline then go back to stable, as for actual timeline I don't know how they determine that, probably something related to Debian release dates [13:21] <teward> rbasak: but if W series is open and 1.9.x made available in Debian, that's a mainline release, which is always going to have a higher version # than nginx stable releases [13:21] <teward> rbasak: a good 'starting point' would be what i just uploaded to the nginx team PPAs - 1.8.x [13:21] <teward> which is stable, and has debian HEAD as of... what, two days ago now? [13:21] <teward> (debian HEAD as in from the nginx git repo there) [13:22] <teward> (was needed for 1.8.x builds to work) [13:22] <rbasak> OK [13:22] <teward> but since W's name hasn't even been released yet, I don't even think W-series is open [13:22] <teward> so i'll keep my radar pointed at Debian and the announce lists waiting for W to open [13:23] <rbasak> Yeah it's not open yet. [13:23] <teward> then we'll discuss further [13:23] <rbasak> OK. Thanks! [13:23] <teward> you're welcome, i just wanted to give you the heads up :) [13:23] <teward> rbasak: <-- roadmap for the 1.9 milestone [13:25] <rbasak> Hmm. Based on that 1.9 will just miss our next LTS. [13:25] <teward> rbasak: well, i don't trust the milestone date there [13:25] <teward> because of their news statement... [13:25] <teward> 2015-04-28: nginx-1.9.0 mainline version has been released, with the stream module for generic TCP proxying and load balancing. [13:25] <rbasak> Ah [13:25] <teward> (from shows that 1.9.0 is available) [13:26] <teward> rbasak: i think that's the date the milestone expires, not the date it's absolutely needed by. [13:27] <teward> rbasak: nginx has always provided both versions... one for 'stable' (not many new features, althoug hwhatever was in 1.7.x is now in 1.8.x), and one for 'mainline' which is cutting edge features [13:27] <teward> (it's an in-development release, but AFAICT it *does* work 'stable'ishly [13:27] <teward> ) [13:27] <teward> (trust me, triaging for these versions is a headache sometimes... >.<) [13:41] <ebonics> anyone know offhand what happens when you run out of memory or disk space while tarring something. like does it delete the temp file [13:51] <patdk-wk> what tempfile? [13:51] <patdk-wk> tar shouldn't be making a tempfile [14:01] <teward> rbasak: this is the response from my contact @ Debian: "We stick with mainline in testing until freeze and then we stick with that version. The hope is to bump versions one time after freeze to stable and release a new debian stable with the current nginx stable" [15:01] <frickler> jamespage: would you have time to look at this is blocking which you already fixed for Ubuntu, but it would be great if that could also be fixed upstream [15:02] <jkyle> could someone let me know what the equivalent of the linux-headers-server package is in 15.04? [15:03] <patdk-wk> same as it was on 14.04 [15:03] <patdk-wk> there is no -server for awhile now [15:03] <patdk-wk> I think it went away in 12.04 [15:04] <ronator> if in doubt, use 'aptitude search foobar' [15:04] <patdk-wk> is your kernel in /boot called -server? [15:04] <patdk-wk> likely, only -generic [15:19] <jkyle> patdk-wk: My installation script isn't finding the package [15:19] <jkyle> by that name [15:19] <jkyle> also looks like some preseed options have changed [15:19] <patdk-wk> the package has not existed since before 14.04 [15:19] <patdk-wk> it was a meta package that just referenced -general instead [15:19] <patdk-wk> since that reference hasn't been needed for upgrades, it's gone [15:21] <jkyle> ah, ok, I see, linux-headers-server is marked "transitional" in 14.04 [15:21] <jkyle> I'll switch my scripts over [15:38] <jkyle> alright, there we go, now I just have to figure out how to automatically install grub into the MBR in the new preseed for 15.04 [19:31] <_2_misstiababy> hi [19:38] <Vexena> Have anyone used Plesk before? I don't have a apache server running but I got a license for Plesk together with my VPS. I wonder if I could use Plesk for example to restart my teamspeak server? [19:39] <Vexena> Or is this only to monitor, restart,... web hosting processes such as apache, nginx, ...? [19:40] <sarnold> I have a strong dislike for web-based admin panels, I'm going to guess that they are the second most common route for attackers to gain access to systems (after ssh password bruteforce) [19:40] <Vexena> I agree with that, but it's so tempting to use :) [19:40] <Vexena> As I would like to be able to control my server from distance with my phone incase something goes wrong [19:50] <tflgen2> Question: just set up ltsp-pnp on a 14.04 box and I was wondering if there was a way to have the pxebooted clients search for their specific config file (I'd like only specifed mac addresses to be able to boot to ltsp. All others should boot from local HDD) So far, even with the correct aa-bb-cc-dd-ee-ff file, the client always gets default config. Any ideas? [21:23] <swizgard> hi. any advice on getting rid of dnsmasq here? [21:23] <swizgard> or even a good reading resource would be nice as i don't get how all these things (dhclient, network-manager, dnsmasq, etc.) play together in ubuntu [21:26] <spyridonas> Hello guys , i try to make a website work on my apache , both apache2 runs as www-data user and the folder is under www-data user/group but php can't write. Whats wrong with that? :/ [21:37] <spyridonas> echo shell_exec("whoami"); says www-data [21:38] <spyridonas> folder is www-data group,user with 777 , still cant' write... [21:38] <Patrickdk> so? [21:38] <Patrickdk> did you check apparmor? [21:39] <Patrickdk> dmesg? [21:39] <spyridonas> i dont have apparmor [21:39] <spyridonas> and dmesh [21:39] <spyridonas> and dmesg [21:39] <Patrickdk> heh? [21:39] <Patrickdk> EVERYONE has dmesg [21:40] <spyridonas> oh wait [21:40] <spyridonas> how i check if apparmor is installed? [21:40] <Patrickdk> if apparmor is an issue, it would be logged in dmesg [21:40] <Patrickdk> if apparmor was active, it would also be in there [21:40] <jjohansen> spyridonas: sudo aa-status [21:41] <Patrickdk> or, someone that knows more :) [21:41] <spyridonas> oh well i guess i have it installed then [21:41] <spyridonas> but apache is not on the rules thing [21:42] <spyridonas> 5 processes are in enforce mode. /usr/bin/freshclam (2070) /usr/sbin/clamd (1953) /usr/sbin/mysqld (1130) /usr/sbin/named (1105) /usr/sbin/ntpd (2837) [21:42] <jjohansen> Patrickdk: is correct in that if apparmor is denying something it should be logging it to dmesg, and /var/log/syslog [21:42] <ebonics> does anyone know if there's a difference in the way some ssh commands are piped back to the ssh client from sshd [21:42] <bekks> ? [21:42] <bekks> difference in the way compared to what? [21:43] <ebonics> like fundamentally. i'm using a "session" to send a command. say "ls" and it returns a single string with the output for that command [21:43] <ebonics> but when i do something like "du" i just get read errors [21:44] <bekks> Which doesnt mean the ssh session is the issue. [21:45] <ebonics> which is why i'm asking :( cause i can't think of what it could be [21:46] <bekks> open a terminal, ssh to the remote host, run du. [21:46] <ebonics> bekks, it works fine [21:46] <Patrickdk> can the command run without a pty? [21:46] <Patrickdk> did you tell ssh to use a pty? [21:47] <Patrickdk> or did you mean actually ssh to the other machine and run it? [21:47] <Patrickdk> ssh user@remote du [21:47] <ebonics> Patrickdk, i am sshing to another machine and running it. [21:47] <Patrickdk> is different from ssh user@remote, then run du [21:47] <ebonics> but i have the ability to request a pty [21:47] <spyridonas> jjohansen: i disabled apparmor, apache still can't write on folder... [21:47] <ebonics> i do the latter Patrickdk [21:48] <ebonics> i don't know if pty is necessary for du, that's definitely a possibility [21:48] <bekks> So try it. [21:48] <Patrickdk> works with and without pty [21:48] <bekks> Thats what I told you :) [21:48] <jjohansen> spyridonas: well then its definitely not apparmor [21:49] <Patrickdk> your issue is clearly not ssh :) [21:49] <spyridonas> jjohansen: apache2 whoami says www-data [21:49] <ebonics> Patrickdk, i' m not "blaming" ssh, i just think i'm not understanding [21:49] <Patrickdk> are acl's enabled? [21:49] <jjohansen> spyridonas: I assume you have checked DAC permission [21:49] <spyridonas> jjohansen: /var/www says www-data (user-group) [21:49] <spyridonas> jjohansen: permissions are on 777 [21:50] <jjohansen> right [21:50] <spyridonas> jjohansen: (temporary) [21:50] <bekks> 777 on /var/www is pretty safe way for shooting injuries in your knees. [21:51] <jjohansen> spyridonas: hrmmm other so other things that could be blocking it, are how its mounted, seccomp [21:51] <jjohansen> apache could be failing it self because of 777 [21:51] <spyridonas> well since 777 can't write i dont think any kind of injuries is possible [21:52] <jjohansen> I'm not sure [21:52] <Patrickdk> I have my suexec disable itself on world writable [21:52] <Patrickdk> not sure what stock apache does [21:53] <spyridonas> the specific error is about unziping (does php have other user/permissions than apache?) [21:54] <spyridonas> error] PHP Warning: ZipArchive::extractTo(): Permission denied in /var/wwwl/testshop/classes/Tools.php on line 2548 [21:54] <ebonics> ops Patrickdk it was because i wasn't waiting for the command to complete. ls just happens to return gaster [21:54] <ebonics> faster* [21:55] <Patrickdk> heh? [21:55] <Patrickdk> /var/www != /var/wwwl [21:55] <Patrickdk> ebonics, maybe a pmtu issue? [21:56] <spyridonas> yeah i typed l somehow here >_<; [21:57] <ebonics> Patrickdk, not in this case, but i think that could very well be a problem later on [21:57] <ebonics> when i start using scp protocol [21:57] <Patrickdk> well, it would affect everything [21:57] <Patrickdk> if you have mtu issue, blocking icmp, ..., causing pmtu to break [21:57] <Patrickdk> it's noticable cause like when doing du, or ls [21:57] <Patrickdk> anything large, suddently, it stops [21:58] <Patrickdk> unless you have pmtu blackhole detection enabled [21:58] <ebonics> Patrickdk, i don't know what that is. but what's the solution? chunk the response packets? [21:59] <Patrickdk> what kind of internet connection is it on? [21:59] <ebonics> TCP [21:59] <Patrickdk> or, what is it's ip address? [21:59] <Patrickdk> tcp is a protocol [21:59] <ebonics> what do you mean [21:59] <Patrickdk> is it reachable publically? [21:59] <Patrickdk> that ssh host? [21:59] <ebonics> Patrickdk, no [22:00] <Patrickdk> well, try installing tracepath [22:00] <Patrickdk> and running it against the ssh host [22:00] <Patrickdk> and see [22:00] <Patrickdk> if both are on the same local network [22:00] <Patrickdk> your mtu's should likely be 1500 [22:00] <Patrickdk> and you shouldn't have this issue [22:00] <Patrickdk> it's normally when going over the internet, and expecially if one side is on dsl [22:00] <Patrickdk> this issue will crop up [22:01] <Patrickdk> or if you use a vpn [22:01] <ebonics> Patrickdk, is there a solution, assuming it is a problem? [22:01] <ebonics> and yes i am on a vpn [22:01] <Patrickdk> yes, just properly configuring the vpn correctly :) [22:01] <Patrickdk> and not blocking icmp [22:02] <ebonics> Patrickdk, i'm not sure if this is my problem though [22:02] <ebonics> when i wait for the response then du works [22:02] <ebonics> i thought you were talking about max packet sizes over ssh [22:02] <Patrickdk> I am [22:02] <Patrickdk> but normally ssh packets are tiny [22:03] <Patrickdk> but when you run du, ls, ..., that will make larger packets [22:03] <Patrickdk> and you will notice pmtu issues [22:03] <Patrickdk> same for scp [22:03] <Patrickdk> or http [22:03] <Patrickdk> I'm not saying this IS your problem, but it sounds close [22:04] <ebonics> so Patrickdk i guess i would just need to read the ssh manpage [22:04] <ebonics> the solution would be to understand how ssh handles pmtu i guess [22:07] <Patrickdk> it doesn't [22:07] <Patrickdk> tcp does [22:08] <Patrickdk> or rather, ip does [23:26] <grendal_prime> hey im creating a ln to a usb->serial adapter for a wine application. It works fine untell i reboot. [23:27] <grendal_prime> the user i run ln -s /dev/ttyUSB0 ~/.wine/dosdevices/com1 and everything works fine. application can get access to the com port. Then after i reboot i have to destroy the link and recreate it. [23:28] <grendal_prime> whhat would cause that. [23:28] <grendal_prime> ? [23:32] <bekks> the fact that the inode of the device in /dev/ is changing this is linux, not UNIX. [23:32] <bekks> Easy workaround: create an entry in /etc/rc.local with full paths [23:32] <grendal_prime> oh [23:33] <grendal_prime> sorry for my ignorance [23:33] <bekks> In linux, nowadays, /dev/ is a dynamic FS, thats why it is changing [23:33] <grendal_prime> sooooo...basically if i use a full path when i create it....well will that fix it? [23:33] <sarnold> I'm surprised it fails [23:34] <bekks> if you are using something like /usr/bin/ls -sf /dev/... /home/user/... ---- then yes. [23:34] <sarnold> it makes me wonder if wine is checking the lstat of each link and ignoring symlinks older than dev entries or osmething to try to workaround the linux dynamic /dev [23:34] <bekks> It isnt wine which is checking that. [23:35] <grendal_prime> it is wine could be a half a dozen problems [23:35] <bekks> And since the symlink resides outside of /dev/, its age is irrelevant. [23:36] <bekks> Some more sophisticated way would be creating a script in the initrd which recreates the symlink. [23:36] <bekks> But thats more a headshot than a simple workaround. [23:36] <grendal_prime> so exact syntax to creat the ln would be ... ln -s /dev/ttyUSB0 /home/myuser/.wine/dosdevices/com1 [23:37] <bekks> Nope. [23:37] <bekks> /where/is/ls ... [23:37] <bekks> Dont assume you have any sort of $PATH in /etc/rc.local [23:37] <grendal_prime> have to have the /usr/bin/ls confused [23:38] <bekks> Why are you confused? [23:40] <grendal_prime> ok so basically because its not being created on system boot it is pointing to an inode that no longer exists... [23:40] <grendal_prime> that is what i sounds like your saying [23:40] <bekks> correct. [23:41] <grendal_prime> ok, so if i create a boot up script that just deletes it and then creates it..that should do the trick right? [23:42] <bekks> thats what /full/path/to/ln -sf ... does. [23:43] <grendal_prime> oh see thats what confused me [23:43] <grendal_prime> in your post you put ls no ln [23:43] <grendal_prime> i was not understanding how ls would do that. [23:44] <bekks> So take "ln" then. [23:44] <grendal_prime> alright ill give it a shot. [23:44] <grendal_prime> i need to add that to a initrd job though. [23:47] <bekks> Why? :) [23:47] <bekks> Dont you have a sane OS? :) [23:47] <bekks> wine doesnt start before /etc/rc.local [23:47] <bekks> So you can do that in /etc/rc.local [23:47] <grendal_prime> im using ..well on that machine it is using linuxmint [23:48] <grendal_prime> oh ok or there [23:48] <grendal_prime> except ln is not in /usr/bin/ [23:48] <grendal_prime> hmm [23:50] <bekks> "which ln". [23:53] <grendal_prime> ok i need to put this into rc.local /usr/bin/ln -sf /dev/ttyUSB0 /home/user/.wine/dosdevices/com1 [23:53] <grendal_prime> but, ln is not located in that dir. [23:54] <grendal_prime> basically looking for the absolute path to ln executable. [23:55] <grendal_prime> maybe im going about it the wrong way [23:59] <grendal_prime> im gonna give it a shot without the full path
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Patrickdk", "Vexena", "_2_misstiababy", "bekks", "devster31", "ebonics", "frickler", "gdi2k", "grendal_prime", "hariom", "jjohansen", "jkyle", "lordievader", "patdk-wk", "rbasak", "ronator", "samba35", "sarnold", "spyridonas", "swizgard", "teward", "tflgen2", "william_home" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-server" }
[03:37] <oSoMoN> trainguards: can I have a silo for line 56, please? [03:38] <oSoMoN> (I’ll also need a binary copy into that silo, once assigned) [03:39] <robru> oSoMoN: on it [03:39] <robru> oSoMoN: didn't I just do an oxide-qt for yo? [03:39] <oSoMoN> robru, that was for 1.7.4, yesterday [03:40] <oSoMoN> robru, but we found more critical issues, which were fixed in 1.7.5 and 1.7.6, now we need to land the fixes [03:40] <robru> oSoMoN: heh, ok [03:40] * robru is totally out of the loop [03:41] <robru> oSoMoN: what's the PPA to copy from? [03:41] <oSoMoN> robru, [03:41] <robru> oSoMoN: thanks [03:42] <robru> oSoMoN: ok, copy looks good. feel free to run build job [03:42] <oSoMoN> robru, thanks! [03:42] <robru> oSoMoN: you're welcome! [04:24] <Mirv> early oSoMoN :) (or late) [04:50] <ToyKeeper> Most likely going to need some pay-ui fixes before this next milestone... nobody has been able to get an app purchase to work. [08:21] <davmor2> Saviq: Don't think you're getting off that lightly....oh no it will be blaming you twice.......once for leaving that team and again for not fixing it before leaving ;) Enjoy your excursion into magic pendants :D [08:21] <Saviq> davmor2, tx ;) [08:23] <Mirv> ;) happy journey to server, Saviq [08:23] <sil2100> ;) [08:24] <Laney> Serviq [08:27] <fgimenez> hi trainguards, i need permission for requesting a silo [08:28] <fgimenez> trainguards, could you help me with this please? [08:28] <sil2100> fgimenez: hey, sure, I can add you to the permission lists - do you know the essentials of how the CI Train works? [08:29] <fgimenez> sil2100, more or less, i'm following [08:30] <sil2100> Ok then, let me add you in this case but remember to poke us whenever you have any questions [08:32] <sil2100> fgimenez: you should be set-up now [08:32] <fgimenez> sil2100, thanks a lot :) we have the MR ready and i have a link for the test plan [08:32] <fgimenez> sil2100, ok thx! [09:51] <sil2100> fgimenez: assigning a silo - just make sure no existing AP tests regress with the new autopilot :) [09:52] <sil2100> fgimenez: ...actually, it seems I can't assign a silo since we're out of free silos [09:52] <fgimenez> sil2100, ok thanks! yep that's it :) [09:53] <sil2100> Mirv: do we need silo 18 now? [09:54] <Mirv> sil2100: well it'd be the testbed for further upstream work, but as silos are full I can free it for now (I've also checked no recent upstream activity on the branches) [09:56] <Mirv> freed [09:57] <sil2100> Mirv: thanks :) Let's hope we can open up the gates soon [09:57] <sil2100> Mirv: I guess since we won't be using ubuntu-rtm anymore, might be a good idea to increase the number of silo PPAs [09:58] <sil2100> Since we don't have ephemeral PPAs yet [09:58] <sil2100> Having both stable and 'w' in only 30 silos will be hell [10:18] <Mirv> that's true [11:11] * Mirv makes a deal about XPS 13 Developer Edition \o/ [11:22] <popey> Mirv: blog your experience pls :) [11:22] <popey> Mirv: I'm considering just keeping my x220 till it dies. [11:29] * sil2100 off to prepare lunch [11:35] <tsdgeos> cihelp: Can we make MR created by community members also get run in CI? [11:35] <tsdgeos> Like doesn't get run automatically because it's a community member (or that's the only difference i could find to any other MR) [11:36] <tsdgeos> so i have to trigger a CI build manually [11:36] <tsdgeos> which is a bit suboptimal [11:37] <popey> isn't it because the person isn't in the team [11:37] <popey> not that they're community [11:37] <popey> community core apps developers have CI run against their merges just fine. [11:37] <popey> but if a random drive by community person does a merge then it doesn't because they're not in the team. [11:38] <popey> tsdgeos: ^ [11:38] <tsdgeos> maybe [11:38] <tsdgeos> still i think it makes sense to get run CI all the time [11:38] <tsdgeos> what does it matter if they are on the team or not? [11:39] <popey> drive by malicious code executed on our hardware? [11:39] <popey> (I suspect) [11:41] <tsdgeos> i feel that's a rare possibility compared to the burden of me having to trigger builds manually [11:41] <tsdgeos> but oh well [11:42] <fgimenez> trainguards, sorry, don't know if this is already done, is there a free silo for the AP request? [11:51] <Mirv> popey: I'll blog about it, yes [11:53] <Mirv> fgimenez: you have the silo already, 018 [11:53] <fgimenez> Mirv, ok thanks! [12:49] <pmcgowan> sil2100, whats the latest [12:53] <pmcgowan> sil2100, sorry disconnected [14:29] <pmcgowan> sil2100, jibel update? [14:29] <sil2100> pmcgowan: hey! [14:29] <sil2100> pmcgowan: we sent out e-mails to you [14:29] <sil2100> Check your mail ;) [14:29] <pmcgowan> ok will look [14:30] <jibel> pmcgowan, I just sent the testing report [14:30] <sil2100> pmcgowan: in the meantime jibel finished the final formal report, it should be sent out soon (if it wasn't yet) [14:32] <sil2100> kenvandine: you'll have to wait probably, we're out of vivid silo ;) [14:32] <kenvandine> sil2100, no rush on the vivid silo [14:32] <kenvandine> but we are rushed for an rtm silo, which i already assigned :) [14:33] <kenvandine> pmcgowan, ^^ building now, so far on schedule :) [14:34] <sil2100> oSoMoN_: hey! How's testing of oxide-qt 1.7.6 going? [14:34] <pmcgowan> sil2100, jibel even the wizard crash requires specific back forward and timing to hit [14:34] <pmcgowan> so not sure thats a blocker [14:34] <oSoMoN_> sil2100, on it, looking good so far, should be good for QA validation very soon [14:35] <pmcgowan> only the browser crash seems worthy of discusuion [14:37] <sil2100> pmcgowan: the store issues also seem webbrowser related [14:42] <davmor2> sil2100: that is my best guess and might not be at all [14:45] <davmor2> sil2100, pmcgowan: I'm assuming that the intial screen is a webview that creates a frame and is then destroyed to open the ubuntu one account web frame instead. At that point crashes. It seemed the most logical explanation considering it works when you have a u1 account [14:46] <pmcgowan> davmor2, that would be good as we have that fix in progress [14:47] <jibel> pmcgowan, re wizard if mterry_ is sure that back/forward is key to triggering the bug, I'm fine to not block on it. [14:47] <sil2100> pmcgowan: anyway, if the wizard bug requires specific steps to reproduce then I suppose it would be fine to let it slip for this release [14:47] <sil2100> I just didn't want new users to curse when trying to change their language ;) [14:48] <pmcgowan> yeah if it needs a back with specific timing I would not block [14:48] <jibel> pmcgowan, bug 1450243 is a blocker IMO, the only way out is to reboot [14:48] <pmcgowan> jibel, we can address that in day one update though [14:48] <pmcgowan> user wont hit it in first hour? [14:49] <jibel> if they don't try to purchase something in first hour they won't hit it [14:49] <pmcgowan> since we have only a handful of purchases in last months [14:50] <pmcgowan> I would say no [14:50] <sil2100> mterry_: ping [14:55] <pmcgowan> jibel, do we still have the issue with the version string? I was thinking that was sortof critical but maybe not for one image [14:58] <sil2100> jibel: how much time do you think would be needed to re-run 30% of tests due to the oxide-qt landing? [14:59] <jibel> pmcgowan, the version string is fine on this image. It must be confirmed on an image where the rootfs didn't change. [14:59] <om26er> Kaleo, Hi! [14:59] <om26er> Kaleo, I reported camera-app test failures a few days ago. Can you look into those now ? [15:09] <jibel> sil2100, last time it took 3 hours with 2 testers [15:11] <sil2100> jibel: so in theory if we land the new oxide-qt in the nearest time we would sill be able to get the image re tested today by the US crew, right? [15:11] <Kaleo> om26er, sure [15:12] <om26er> Kaleo, I fixed one of them, the MR is here: [15:13] <jibel> sil2100, in theory yes [15:13] <sil2100> jibel: well, it indeed depends when we get oxide in, since image builds take a while too... ok, thanks :) [15:14] <Kaleo> om26er, 2 to go? [15:14] <sil2100> pmcgowan: so, what's the decision from your side? We try to get the webbrowser issues fixed (new oxide), retest and done? [15:14] <Kaleo> [15:14] <Kaleo> [15:14] <om26er> Kaleo, yep [15:14] <rvr> sil2100: If we begin to test the pending silos, anything to take into account? [15:15] <sil2100> rvr: the highest priority, as it's a blocker fix, would be silo 28 - but it's not ready yet [15:16] <sil2100> rvr: not much else that would be safe to land to vivid right now [15:16] <sil2100> rvr: we have a few good ubuntu-rtm silos that need releasing, but they're not set as ready for QA yet [15:16] <sil2100> pstolowski: how's the scopes fix RTM testing going? [15:16] <rvr> sil2100: I have one for RTM in the queue [15:17] <rvr> sil2100: ubuntu-rtm/landing-002 - gst-plugins-good0.10,qtmultimedia-opensource-src,qtmultimedia-opensource-src-gles : rsalveti [15:17] <rsalveti> there is another one coming in a minute [15:17] <rsalveti> hotfix, rtm [15:17] <pmcgowan> sil2100, yes land oxide fix and retest [15:18] <sil2100> rvr: yeah, well, that one I think was meant to land as well, but I think it wasn't signed-off yet since it probably needed a bit more testing [15:18] <sil2100> But it's targetted to land indeed [15:18] <sil2100> pmcgowan: ok, thanks [15:18] <om26er> renatu, Hi! [15:18] <rvr> rsalveti: Silo 4? [15:19] <rsalveti> rvr: yeah, silo 4, just moved to QA [15:20] <pstolowski> sil2100, not good unfortunately :(. we've just found a few moments ago that this fix, when backported, uncovers some other issues that affect only RTM. Fixing it proper would need a great chunk of other trunk code to be backported. I'm currently preparing a workaround for the favorites bug that can be applied on the shell plugin side [15:20] <rvr> rsalveti: "On airplane mode battery discharge more rapidly than with airplane mode off" [15:21] <rvr> rsalveti: So this requires leaving the phone some hours to discharge, right? [15:22] <rsalveti> rvr: I added more info to the bug, but yeah, that is the best way to check [15:23] <rvr> rsalveti: Ok [15:24] <pstolowski> sil2100, can you reconfigure silo 3 for me? it's failing because I changed it to shell plugin [15:24] <sil2100> pstolowski: sure [15:24] <john-mcaleely> jibel, sil2100 just to check - the vivid tarball for krillin is still in queue for +1, yes? [15:25] <sil2100> john-mcaleely: yes, sorry about that, RC and hot-fix OTA are in the way ;) [15:25] <sil2100> john-mcaleely: still in the queue [15:25] <renatu> om26er, hi [15:25] <john-mcaleely> no worries. just don't want to miss the news when it arrives :-) [15:25] <om26er> renatu, I left a comment on [15:25] <sil2100> rvr: this might be a good thing to work on if no vivid-blocker or rtm silos are ready [15:25] <sil2100> ^ [15:25] <om26er> renatu, can you please fix that so we can merge that fix [15:25] <renatu> ok [15:26] <renatu> om26er, btw it is on silo 20 [15:26] <rvr> sil2100: Yeah [15:27] <om26er> renatu, hmm, ok we can rename the test later. [15:27] <renatu> om26er, I can rename it now before it lands [15:27] <mandel> trainguards can I get silo 005 reconfigured?? We need to add location-service to it else the fix does not work [15:28] <om26er> renatu, that'd be great. [15:29] <sil2100> mandel: on it [15:29] <sil2100> mandel: I assume ubuntu silo 005, right? [15:29] <ogra_> sil2100, i have another initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch dput to do ... (just FYI ... as always this will only get used and tested from a device tarball build later) [15:29] <pmcgowan> elopio, is silo 0 ready for qa? [15:30] <renatu> om26er, done, could you approve it? [15:30] <pmcgowan> sil2100, rvr for rtm we want silos 0 and 4 [15:30] <elopio> pmcgowan: wrong ping? I don't know what's in silo 0. [15:30] <om26er> renatu, done. [15:30] <pmcgowan> elopio, sorry :( [15:30] <renatu> om26er, thanks [15:30] <rvr> pmcgowan: Not 2? [15:31] <sil2100> ogra_: hope it doesn't introduce any big changes, since we're almost done with the RC [15:31] <pmcgowan> rvr, oh yeah we sadi 2 as well [15:31] <pmcgowan> overooked it [15:31] <rvr> pmcgowan: Ok, so 0, 2 and 4 [15:31] <pmcgowan> ack [15:32] <ogra_> sil2100, it is needed for factory images, else all devices will only use 8GB, even the ones that have 32 ... (it resizes the userdata FS on first boot in the factory) [15:32] <ogra_> sil2100, we need the binary built in the PPA to actually test it ... but it is irrelevant on the rootfs (only used in the initrd in the device tarball) [15:33] <sil2100> ogra_: ok, makes sense [15:33] <pmcgowan> ogra_, is that going into todays image for rc? [15:33] <rvr> RTM silo 0 is not marked for QA sign off yet [15:33] <pmcgowan> ogra_, we had defered the resizing stuff [15:34] <ogra_> pmcgowan, oh ? i was told it has to be ready be EOW ... but anyway it ia an all manual process to pull that bit into the device tarball, so no risk here [15:34] <ogra_> s/ia/is/ [15:35] <pmcgowan> ogra_, so does it dynamically resize on first boot now? [15:35] <pmcgowan> vs fixed size [15:35] <ogra_> it checks how much space is unused and if thats above a threshold it will expand the FS to the full disk size [15:35] <rsalveti> ogra_: pmcgowan: iirc we're using 16gb by default [15:35] <ogra_> ah [15:35] <rsalveti> which is the device we are currently using [15:35] <rsalveti> but, we need the resizing [15:36] * ogra_ didnt know the exact number [15:36] <rsalveti> just not required to land for the factory image [15:36] <pmcgowan> right not today [15:36] <rsalveti> yeah [15:36] <pmcgowan> ok [15:36] <pmcgowan> sil2100, ^^ [15:36] <ogra_> pmcgowan, yeah, but we need the binary in the PPA to actually be able to test it [15:36] <pmcgowan> ok [15:36] <ogra_> else we are stuck [15:36] <pmcgowan> I see [15:36] <pmcgowan> ok [15:36] <pmcgowan> so its there but not turned on [15:36] <ogra_> no worries, it wont actually land anywhere [15:37] <pmcgowan> ok [15:37] <ogra_> (apart from showing up on the changes indeed ... ) [15:37] * ogra_ dputs [15:50] <oSoMoN_> ubuntu-qa: silo 28 (with oxide 1.7.6) is ready for validation [15:50] <rvr> oSoMoN_: Ack [16:02] <sil2100> jibel: meeting! [16:10] <mterry_> sil2100, sorry, was afk [16:10] <mterry_> sil2100, but am here for a moment :) [16:11] <sil2100> mterry_: a question about the wizard crash [16:11] <sil2100> mterry_: does it require some really specific steps, or is it easily reproducible? [16:12] <mterry_> sil2100, fairly easily reproducable. Just have to change language, go forward, go back, repeat a few times [16:13] <mterry_> sil2100, can that change be silo'd? I'm on vacation for the next 8 days and won't be able to babysit it, but I'd like to see it land [16:16] <rsalveti> sil2100: jibel: going to create another silo now for a small, contained fix, that fixes the size of the booting logo (spinning ubuntu logo) [16:16] <pmcgowan> mterry_, you have a fix? [16:16] <rsalveti> should be ready in a few [16:16] <mterry_> pmcgowan, [16:17] <mterry_> pmcgowan, already top-approved [16:19] <pmcgowan> sil2100, jibel so we can try to take that fix as well, and there is a cosmetic fix to the boot logo in 26 that we can take as well [16:19] <pmcgowan> that being the wizard crash fix [16:32] <sil2100> mterry: is the fix tested? When would it be ready for QA sign-off? [16:36] <rvr> sil2100: Silo 28 is empty [16:37] <rvr> sil2100: Oh, right, creating the new image, don't mind [16:38] <sil2100> pmcgowan: so, we landed oxide - you think I should wait for the wizard fix before kicking a new image? [16:38] <sil2100> Or the spinner fix? [16:39] <ogra_> sil2100, why not kick an image inbetween [16:39] <ogra_> so the oxide fix gets some real life testing already [16:39] <pmcgowan> sil2100, spinner fix is ready for a quick verifiction [16:39] <ogra_> it is not like image builds cost us anything (except time, that we have while waiting for the rest) [16:39] <pmcgowan> sure we can kick it twice is you want [16:40] <pmcgowan> sil2100, seems someone can check the boot logo in a few mins [16:41] <sil2100> pmcgowan: few mins to QA verification? [16:41] <kenvandine> sil2100, can i grab a vivid silo now? or is there someone else ahead of me in the queue? [16:41] <pmcgowan> sil2100, for qa its been ready [16:42] <sil2100> pmcgowan: oh, it's ready for QA? [16:43] <sil2100> kenvandine: not sure if we won't need one for mterry's fix [16:43] <kenvandine> ok [16:43] <kenvandine> his is more important [16:44] <kenvandine> the click update bug isn't really going to be noticed by vivid users, it's really just critical for rtm [16:44] <sil2100> pmcgowan, ogra_, jibel: I'll kick a new image now and then we can re-kick in case the spinner lands (and maybe the wizard) [16:44] <kenvandine> but i do want to get it landed in trunk soon [16:44] <ogra_> +1 [16:45] <pmcgowan> sil2100, its not yet marked couple mins it seems [16:45] <pmcgowan> so yeah go ahead [16:46] <rsalveti> sil2100: pmcgowan: already tested with the deb, just waiting the jenkins job to show that it is built and tested [16:46] <rsalveti> should take just a few minutes [16:46] <rsalveti> if we can test it right away, I'd wait this silo [16:47] <rsalveti> I'd wait until we land this silo [16:49] <pstolowski> sil2100, the favorites fix in rtm silo 3 is good to go [16:52] <cwayne> \o/ [16:54] <robru> rsalveti: what's the status of silo 15? it looks a bit stale and isn't in the qa queue... [16:54] <sil2100> \o/ [16:55] <sil2100> ogra_: where's imgbot?! [16:55] <rsalveti> robru: it was but then a dput happened [16:55] <rsalveti> still need to check it [16:55] <rsalveti> sil2100: pmcgowan: silo 26 is ready for QA [16:55] <robru> rsalveti: also silo 13 ;-) We're out of silos so it's possible to free any that'd be great [16:56] <ogra_> sil2100, damn ... dead it seems ... and i have no access to my home machine atm :( [16:56] <rsalveti> robru: I think we can free 19 [16:56] <rsalveti> ogra_: can we free silo 19? [16:56] <rsalveti> or is there any other work you need to do in there [16:56] <sil2100> Noooo poor imgbot! [16:57] <kenvandine> i'll free silo 16 [16:57] <robru> kenvandine: thanks [16:57] <kenvandine> done [16:57] <rsalveti> robru: released 15 [16:58] <rsalveti> but we'll have the same issue soon [16:58] <rsalveti> as we already got a big pile of silos waiting the freeze to be released [16:58] <kenvandine> what about silo 0? that was for mwc, and quite old [16:58] <sil2100> rsalveti: shouldn't take long, the RC is almost good [16:58] <kenvandine> or did we want to keep that around? [16:59] <rsalveti> sil2100: famous last words [17:00] <robru> kenvandine: kgunn had requested that silo relatively recently... although if he's done with it now it would be nice to free, yeah [17:00] <kenvandine> ok, we have 2 free now :) [17:00] <robru> kenvandine: rsalveti: great, thanks guys [17:04] <kenvandine> now that we have 2 free, do you guys mind if i grab one? [17:04] <kenvandine> that'll still leave one for mterry's fix [17:04] <robru> kenvandine: bah, we just freed them up! [17:04] <kenvandine> this is why :) [17:04] <robru> kenvandine: j/k, but as long as it's not an SRU it should be fine [17:04] <kenvandine> it's not [17:05] <robru> kenvandine: k, go fo it [17:05] <kenvandine> robru, and since i set col L, it should publish properly right? [17:06] <robru> kenvandine: yep, as long as you set column L before assigning it's all good [17:06] <kenvandine> great [17:06] * kenvandine is nervous now :) [17:07] <robru> kenvandine: yeah you can see 'stable-phone-overlay' in the dashboard, it's good [17:07] <kenvandine> i see [17:12] <mterry> sil2100, you asked if my crash fix was tested, ready for QA -- it was by me, the fixer [17:18] <ogra_> imgbot, stunt [17:18] * imgbot rolls on its back and purrs [17:18] <ogra_> sil2100, ^^ [17:18] <sil2100> Ah ha! [17:18] <sil2100> It's back! :) [17:19] <davmor2> sil2100: it never left you just weren't looking in the right place ;) [17:23] <renatu> elopio, all changes merged on: [17:23] <renatu> elopio, could you approve it? [17:23] <ogra_> sil2100, flowers go to my GF for being my remote typist ;) [17:23] <elopio> renatu: yes, thanks. [17:28] <mandel> sil2100, yes, but rsalveti took care of it, thx! [17:49] <kenvandine> crap... dep wait... guess i need to refactor my tests to not depend on ubuntu-sdk-libs [17:52] <om26er> ricmm, where do I find the test plan for USC ? the one attached to the spreadsheet is non-existent. [17:54] <om26er> rsalveti, do you know ? ^ [17:55] <rsalveti> om26er: not sure we have one [17:57] <om26er> rsalveti, interesting, what should I test apart from making sure the Ubuntu logo is bigger on boot ? :) [17:57] <rsalveti> om26er: that was the only change [17:57] <om26er> rsalveti, I guess that code only runs on device boot ? so if it boots then things are fine ? [17:58] <rsalveti> om26er: that code yeah [17:58] <rsalveti> om26er: you'll see a big difference on arale [17:58] <om26er> rsalveti, yeah, I noted [18:10] <imgbot> [18:10] <imgbot> [18:42] <ricmm> om26er_: as salveti said, the only binary that changed is the actual spinner program [18:42] <ricmm> which is different than usc itself [18:42] <ricmm> however, just making use the phone boots to unity and you can use apps and so on it means its fine [19:01] <rsalveti> sil2100: pmcgowan: ricmm: publishing silo 26 [19:02] <sil2100> Did it pass sign-off? :) [19:02] <sil2100> Ah, it did [19:03] <ogra_> so whats left ? [19:03] <sil2100> I'm semi-EOD now so missed it [19:03] <pmcgowan> mterry, do you have a silo yet? [19:03] <sil2100> The wizard fix [19:03] <sil2100> But I don't see it in a silo yet [19:03] <sil2100> mterry: how far are you with the fix? [19:03] <mterry> sil2100, pmcgowan: no --- I thought I saw you guys putting it in a silo... [19:03] <mterry> sil2100, the fix is ready and top-approved. a one-liner [19:04] <sil2100> Uh oh :) [19:04] <sil2100> mterry: do you ahve a moment to put in a request? [19:04] <mterry> sil2100, [19:04] <mterry> sil2100, ok... [19:04] <sil2100> mterry: if you're busy I can do that [19:04] <mterry> sil2100, in a meeting now, but will be done soon [19:04] <sil2100> mterry: ok, creating one then [19:05] <mterry> sil2100, ok thanks -- sorry I dropped the ball on that [19:05] <mterry> I thought I saw you folks talking about a silo with a few tiny fixes, including the crash one [19:05] * mterry is not on top of things today [19:06] <robru> mterry: I'm afraid there are zero silos available. [19:06] <ogra_> kick one out then [19:06] <ogra_> we need it for RC [19:06] <mterry> robru, boo [19:06] <robru> ogra_: well I did two already, but then they filled up again. I'm not sure what others are freeable [19:07] <ogra_> just be evil (we will point people at you later) [19:07] <robru> oh heh, 26 just freed... [19:07] <ogra_> yep [19:07] <ogra_> :) [19:08] <robru> mterry: k ^ [19:09] <sil2100> Building the silo [19:09] <sil2100> ;) [19:10] * mterry hugs robru [19:10] * mterry also throws an arm around sil2100 [19:11] <ogra_> and what about powerpc ? [19:18] <rsalveti> pmcgowan: can you add the milestone for ? it's quite high as if a process holding a wakelock dies, the lock itself wasn't going away with the process [19:19] <rsalveti> this fixes it, releases once the process that requested it goes away from the bus [19:19] <rsalveti> pmcgowan: fix already in a silo, testing, and waiting qa [19:19] <rsalveti> could be one of the reasons why a unity8 crash could end up draining the battery [19:20] <ogra_> +1 [19:20] <rsalveti> *tested [19:23] <sil2100> \o/ [19:47] <sil2100> mterry: are you testing silo 26? :) [19:47] <sil2100> mterry: please switch it to tested whenever it's ready for QA sign-off [19:47] <sil2100> It's the only critical thing we need before kicking a new image [19:49] <pmcgowan> sil2100, any qa around? [19:49] <jibel> pmcgowan, qa is around [19:50] <pmcgowan> there he is [19:50] <pmcgowan> jibel, silo 16 has a wakelock fix if we want it [19:51] <pmcgowan> jibel, and rtm 0 4 and 5 all ready [19:51] <pmcgowan> jibel, what moves a silo from needs signoff to ready to test? [19:52] <jibel> pmcgowan, manual review [19:52] <jibel> essentially check the diff, changelog, bugs, and approved for a milestone [19:52] <pmcgowan> gotcha [19:53] <pmcgowan> jibel, what do you think about ubuntu 16, rsalveti wanted to land it [19:53] <pmcgowan> probably more important for rtm really [19:53] <jibel> it's nice to have as long as it is not too invasive. [19:53] <pmcgowan> its a one liner when an app disappears [19:55] <pmcgowan> jibel, we could wait on vivid, ut get it out sooner in rtm [19:55] <pmcgowan> but [19:57] <sil2100> I want mterry's fix in vivid ASAP [20:19] <pmcgowan> sil2100, seems it requires a fresh flash [20:19] <pmcgowan> so not sure how we even test it [20:24] <pmcgowan> sil2100, ok I got it with just a wizard re-enable [20:28] <pmcgowan> sil2100, with the fix I cannot hang the wizard [20:28] <pmcgowan> without it I hung it in 4 tries [20:29] <pmcgowan> tested on 29 [20:29] <pmcgowan> arale [20:30] <sil2100> Nice [20:30] <om26er_> pmcgowan, what are the steps I should try to reproduce. I was not able to reproduce the crash yesterday. [20:30] <sil2100> Ok, I say the silo is tested locally now, let's hand it over to QA [20:31] <om26er_> now I need to be able to reproduce it so that I can validate the silo [20:31] <pmcgowan> om26er_, I eneabled the wizard, change language continue back change language continue back etc [20:31] <pmcgowan> on te continue it hung for me [20:31] <pmcgowan> blank screen [20:31] <sil2100> om26er_: silo 26 ready for sign-off, pmcgowan can give you useful info :) [20:31] <pmcgowan> om26er_, but you need to change the language [20:33] <om26er_> pmcgowan, aah, finally. [20:33] <om26er_> took me 8 language switches [20:33] <pmcgowan> om26er_, awesome [20:34] <om26er_> sil2100, any testplan to run ? [20:40] <pmcgowan> tedg, how do we test a change to qmenumodel per [20:43] <pmcgowan> om26er_, I would say verify indicators and settings still work properly [21:04] <rsalveti> pmcgowan: so silo rtm 6 is ready for QA [21:09] <om26er_> pmcgowan, silo 26 approved. [21:10] <pmcgowan> om26er_, woot [21:12] <pmcgowan> will land it and trigger a build [21:29] <om26er_> pmcgowan, do we know if bug 1446584 affects arale as well ? [21:32] <pmcgowan> om26er_, it does yes [21:33] <pmcgowan> om26er_, silo 16 and 30 are both battery related that are slated for rtm ota [21:34] <om26er_> pmcgowan, they are showing up as vivid silos, not RTM on the board. [21:35] <pmcgowan> om26er_, there are sios for both [21:35] <pmcgowan> om26er_, we wanted to stop landings for vivid though [21:35] <pmcgowan> unfortunately out of time [21:35] <pedronis> silo 4 is the rtm silo matching silo 30 [21:36] <pedronis> if I understand things [21:40] <sil2100> Publishing [21:42] <sil2100> pmcgowan: once the silo migrates I'll kick a new image [21:42] <pmcgowan> sil2100, vg sir [21:42] <pmcgowan> I think we lock now [21:42] * pmcgowan crosses fingers [21:42] <rsalveti> alright [21:42] <rsalveti> then sil2100 will take care of it :-) [21:42] * rsalveti gets back to the camera bug [21:43] <sil2100> :) Yeah, I'm still around [21:50] <sil2100> Ok, building the image [21:51] <sil2100> o/ [21:51] * sil2100 off now [21:51] <ricmm> o/ [21:51] <sil2100> If anything, tomorrow there's a national holiday, so I'll be only around briefly [21:51] <sil2100> See you! [21:55] <imgbot> [22:21] <robru> bfiller_: no silos available, sorry [22:22] <robru> bfiller_: I'll send an email asking people to free any that aren't needed [22:22] <bfiller_> robru: thanks [22:22] <robru> bfiller_: it's been tight all day. as soon as I free one, one more fills it up... [22:43] <robru> mzanetti: camako: are you guys using silo 0? I just noticed kgunn is on holiday [22:44] <camako> robru, kgunn put anpok in charge of it. Yes we are using it. [22:44] <robru> camako: ok thanks [22:50] <davidbarth> silo 003 good for qa, if you want to reclaim some more silos [22:51] <robru> davidbarth: thanks for moving that along! [23:17] <ogra_> imgbot, status 189 vivid [23:18] <imgbot> Status: succeeded, Started: 2015-04-30 21:51:39 UTC, Finished: 2015-04-30 22:43:37 UTC [23:18] <imgbot> Build URL: [23:18] <imgbot> Changelog: [23:18] <ogra_> aha [23:25] <bfiller_> robru: mind reconfiguring silo 28 [23:25] <bfiller_> robru: added a new package [23:26] <robru> bfiller_: sure, one sec. [23:27] <robru> bfiller_: ok done. [23:27] <bfiller_> robru: thanks [23:28] <robru> bfiller_: you're welcome!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kaleo", "Laney", "Mirv", "Saviq", "ToyKeeper", "bfiller_", "camako", "cwayne", "davidbarth", "davmor2", "elopio", "fgimenez", "imgbot", "jibel", "john-mcaleely", "kenvandine", "mandel", "mterry", "mterry_", "oSoMoN", "oSoMoN_", "ogra_", "om26er", "om26er_", "pedronis", "pmcgowan", "popey", "pstolowski", "renatu", "ricmm", "robru", "rsalveti", "rvr", "sil2100", "tsdgeos" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ci-eng" }
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[06:58] <napsy> [07:13] <pitastrudl> jutor [07:13] <pitastrudl> jutro [08:23] <slax0r> jutro [08:23] <Sky[x]> dan [08:31] <pitastrudl> yo [08:37] <zdobersek> moshi moshi [08:37] <pitastrudl> desu jesus [08:37] <zdobersek> mata patata [08:37] <pitastrudl> baka [08:38] <zdobersek> ti bakas [08:38] <pitastrudl> :D [08:51] <Seniorita> [Ubuntu Security] USN-2589-1: Linux kernel (Utopic HWE) vulnerabilities [08:51] <jabuk> M 1.8 > S od HUMINA (GEMONA DEL FRIULI, ITALI @30/04/2015 10:41:08,+13.18+E [08:52] <Seniorita> [Ubuntu Security] USN-2590-1: Linux kernel vulnerabilities [08:53] <Seniorita> [Ubuntu Security] USN-2588-1: Linux kernel vulnerabilities [08:54] <Seniorita> [Ubuntu Security] USN-2587-1: Linux kernel (Trusty HWE) vulnerabilities [08:55] <Seniorita> [Ubuntu Security] USN-2586-1: Linux kernel (OMAP4) vulnerability [08:55] <zdobersek> opa! [08:55] <idioterna> o [08:55] <idioterna> lih se mi applyja to [08:56] <Seniorita> [Ubuntu Security] USN-2585-1: Linux kernel vulnerability [08:57] <Seniorita> [Ubuntu Security] USN-2584-1: Linux kernel (EC2) vulnerability [08:58] <Seniorita> [Ubuntu Security] USN-2583-1: Linux kernel vulnerability [08:59] <jabuk> M 1.8 > S od HUMINA (GEMONA DEL FRIULI, ITALI @30/04/2015 10:41:09,+13.23+E [09:07] <jabuk> M 1.2 > S od ŠENTJERNEJA @30/04/2015 10:56:42,+15.34+E [09:07] <napsy> u [09:11] <idioterna> taljani pa tut ne morjo bit pet minut prmer [09:11] <idioterna> aja [09:11] <idioterna> sentjernej mogoce ni v italiji [09:11] <idioterna> trenutno :) [09:12] <idioterna> o kok kul [09:12] <idioterna> a ste vidl kaj je epicenter od tadruzga :) [09:12] <idioterna> odprite gugl maps link [09:12] <napsy> na njivi se je tresl [09:13] <zdobersek> wat en drmaa [09:13] <dz0ny> drama [09:13] <zdobersek> drama [09:14] <idioterna> se kr drama ja [09:20] <anny_> CrazyLemon [09:20] <anny_> [09:20] <napsy> o ja [09:20] <idioterna> to je pa una ta plasticna [09:20] <idioterna> kva je ze [09:20] <idioterna> nek fetish model [09:20] <idioterna> branka al kaj [09:20] <napsy> aja to je slovenka? [09:20] <anny_> plastična in photoshop na delu [09:21] <idioterna> photoshop more bit k je ubistvu se kr bajsa :) [09:21] <anny_> ampak slika je za Krejzija, ne za vas" [09:21] <idioterna> ja mormo se vsajat mal [09:21] <idioterna> aha bianca je [09:21] <idioterna> se mi je zdel da je neki tacga :) [09:21] <anny_> od slovenk lahko samo sliko latoye dam [09:22] <napsy> kak fetis pa ma? [09:22] <anny_> napsy, enkrat lahko ugibaš [09:22] <napsy> neki s kolesom? [09:22] <anny_> mimo [09:22] <napsy> ja drugega ni neki ocitno [09:22] <anny_> če je na kolesu, je že kul ampak manjka bistvena sestavina [09:24] <anny_> [09:24] <Seniorita> 'Allo 'Allo - Selling the Fallen Madonna with the Big Boobies by Van Clomp - YouTube [09:24] <Seniorita> »S06E6, The Crooked Fences The four Germans go into the back room and, when the fence arrives, put paper bags over their heads. The fence turns out to be Mons...« [09:26] <idioterna> dunno, men so se zmer storaste zdele [09:26] <napsy> kaj storaste [09:26] <napsy> o cem govorite? :) [09:27] <idioterna> o velikih prsih [09:27] <napsy> hm [09:27] <napsy> ah [09:27] <napsy> js tut ne maram velikih [09:27] <idioterna> moja mama je bla bl taka pa sm meu skos filing da ji je hkrati vsec ampak jo skos mot [09:27] <idioterna> suni je pa skos skrbel da ma premejhne pa so cist top [09:27] <idioterna> po dveh frocih so se zmer naravnost :) [09:28] <napsy> je vlka razlika ce se zenska s portom ukvarja [09:28] <anny_> za šport so zelo nepraktične [09:28] <napsy> al pa sam hujsa kadar je treba [09:29] <idioterna> njena sestricna je bla zmer bl busty in ji je pol za rojstne dneve une add-2-cups modrce nosila [09:29] <idioterna> tko da ni cudn da so dekleta pol insecure [09:29] <idioterna> ce se jih tko podmuklo prepricuje [09:30] <napsy> ma to da vsak tip pali na velike je tut tak [09:31] <napsy> posledicno so tiste ki majo manjse bol insecure [09:31] <idioterna> [09:31] <anny_> kaj naj rečem o topicu, kjer ste vi insecure? [09:31] <idioterna> tle se kr uredu vid [09:31] <idioterna> anny_: ja kr povej da je isto [09:32] <anny_> povem, da je isto [09:32] <idioterna> no vids! [09:32] <idioterna> sm vedu! [09:32] <napsy> to ma pa a-cup [09:32] <idioterna> ja odkar mamo ameriske cifre [09:32] <idioterna> prej je mela b :) [09:32] <idioterna> a mam js! [09:32] <napsy> moja ma b pa so top pa tut ucas postane insecure [09:33] <idioterna> k so bli froci je itak ratal vecje od c [09:33] <idioterna> pa sej je blo cist uredu [09:33] <idioterna> sam pac ni mogla nc delat vec [09:33] <idioterna> od zanimivih stvari [09:33] <idioterna> je bla bl za gledat neki casa [09:34] <idioterna> me zanima kaj bo cez 20 let k tkivo not zacne atrofirat pol [09:35] <anny_> obstaja tudi c trebuh? [09:35] <idioterna> dunno [09:35] <anny_> pri moških [09:35] <idioterna> mislm [09:35] <idioterna> sej ne nosjo modrcov cez trebuh [09:36] <idioterna> ampak zihr obstaja ja [09:36] <napsy> [09:37] <idioterna> js mam ene 15 kil mascobe od cez zimo nabrane [09:37] <idioterna> ce bi zuni spal se zihr neb tok zredu [09:41] <anny_> pod fužinskim mostom mora biti še kaj prostora [09:42] <idioterna> ja sej tut pod kaseljskim bi se kr dal [09:43] <idioterna> razn kdr se res ornk dvigne lublanca [09:43] <anny_> no vidiš [09:43] <anny_> kul infografika o Jobsu: [09:43] <anny_> [09:43] <Seniorita> Infographic: The Life Of Steve Jobs And How He Started Apple - [09:43] <Seniorita> »As the world welcomes Apple's newest product category since Steve Jobs' passing, let's take a look at the various challenges faced by Jobs...« [09:45] <idioterna> ma sej taglavn faktor je work related stress [09:47] <pitastrudl> idioterna treba mal na kolo skočt i guess [09:47] <pitastrudl> :P [09:49] <idioterna> pitastrudl: letos mam ze 3000km [09:49] <pitastrudl> nice [10:20] <anny_> [10:20] <Seniorita> Preiskava pri študentu, ki je razkril ranljivost sistema Tetra :: Prvi interaktivni multimedijski portal, MMC RTV Slovenija [10:20] <Seniorita> »Ljubljanski kriminalisti so zaradi suma kaznivega dejanja napada na informacijski sistem izvedli hišno preiskavo pri 25-letnem študentu Dejanu Ornigu.« [10:21] <anny_> a si nor... [10:21] <napsy> ha-ha [10:22] <anny_> ni smešno! [10:22] <napsy> o ja je [10:22] <anny_> ta država je v k... [10:22] <napsy> zdj ta dejan je: [10:23] <napsy> a) naiven tip ki nima pojma kako politika deluje [10:23] <napsy> b) mastermind ki je to prej nacrtoval da privabi pozornost [10:23] <napsy> js bi sicer reku prej a [10:23] <anny_> lahko je tudi kakšna druga kombinacija [10:24] <anny_> če je pameten, samo pokaj kufre in zvizzz iz države [10:25] <CrazyLemon> anny_ nice panties..but thats all thats nice :) [10:25] <anny_> ccc [10:25] <napsy> ka pa boobies? [10:25] <anny_> Krejzi je razvajen [10:25] <anny_> hoče samo naravne [10:26] <CrazyLemon> napsy fake [10:26] <napsy> :) [10:27] <CrazyLemon> nič..lejtr! [10:30] <anny_> za tega tipa zgoraj....mislim, da do diplome nosi odgovornost fakulteta oz. metor [10:35] <dz0ny> anny_: s polnoletnostjo si kr sam odgovoren ce si terorist :) [10:36] <anny_> terorist si, če ne obvestiš javnosti in prodaš podatke tujim obveščevalcem :) [10:36] <dz0ny> anny_: ne po črki zakona :) [10:37] <dz0ny> prestrezanje varovanih komunikacij je ogrožanje nacionalne varnosti [10:37] <dz0ny> ogražanej nacionalne varnosti je teroristično dejanje [10:37] <dz0ny> just fyi [10:41] <anny_> nabava opreme z luknjami za 12 mio najbr [10:41] <anny_> najbrž ni teroristično dejanje [10:42] <yang> anny_: ne mores hakati po omrezjih kar tako malo za hec, ne da bi bil odgovoren, razen ce bi bil pri njih zaposlen pogodbeno in bi raziskoval ranljivost omrezja [10:42] <yang> tega bi se pac moral zavedati [10:43] <dz0ny> no on hi hekal [10:43] <dz0ny> sam prestrezal [10:43] <yang> tudi to ne bi smel [10:43] <dz0ny> sam prekršek ma isto težo [10:44] <anny_> haha [10:44] <dz0ny> anny_: its not funny [10:44] <dz0ny> ker bi ga preden je začel o tem podučit profesor [10:44] <dz0ny> najmanj [10:45] <anny_> kdaj bi našli cedilasto opremo? [10:45] <yang> ne samo da je javno objavil kje je ranljivost in luknja sistema, katere verjetno ne morejo enostavno odpraviti, brez modifikacije softwera, zato da zdaj lahko po navodilih vsak to izrablja...prvo bi moral o tem obvestiti njih, sele kasneje blogati o tem [10:45] <anny_> imo nikoli, ker bi uspešno zataškali [10:45] <anny_> to pa ni ogrožanje nacionalne varnosti? [10:45] <dz0ny> anny_: seveda bi [10:46] <dz0ny> in 4 years, sam eden k bi bil pooblaščen za to [10:46] <anny_> sploh veš, koliko so 4 leta v virtualnem svetu? [10:46] <dz0ny> anny_: sej policiji tud ne greš pregledovat če so pištole spucane [10:46] <dz0ny> anny_: ^^ or you do? [10:46] <anny_> hmmm [10:52] <anny_> čaki č sedaj AnonSlo udaril? [10:53] <anny_> :) [10:53] <anny_> kam morajo, že vedo :) [10:53] <dz0ny> anny_: thats would be even worse [10:53] <dz0ny> anny_: are you that naive [10:53] <anny_> nisem [10:54] <anny_> saj vidiš, da se smejem [10:54] <anny_> [10:54] <Seniorita> Varnostna analiza slovenskega digitalnega radijskega omrežja TETRA [10:54] <Seniorita> »SI: Varnostna analiza je razkrila številne varnostne ranljivosti slovenskega TETRA omrežja. EN: Security analysis of TETRA network in Slovenia revealed a numbe…« [10:57] <yang> anny_: a ti ves kaj se je zgodilo z unim tipom k oje odkril luknjo v NLB prokliku [10:57] <yang> jaz sem slisal da se je ustrelil [10:58] <anny_> storil samomor? [10:58] <yang> bje [10:58] <yang> baje [10:58] <yang> ce ga ni kdo pospravil [10:58] <anny_> in zakaj bi ga? [10:59] <yang> bil je racunalniski strokovnjak zaposlen v vojski [10:59] <anny_> aha...tako je prišel do pištole [10:59] <yang> ja [11:00] <yang> lahko da ga je kdo tudi izsiljeval glede pomankljivosti v sistemu da bi se okoristil na njegov racun [11:01] <yang> bbl [11:05] <yang> .vreme lj [11:05] <jabuk> ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 14°C @30.04.2015 10:00 UTC. [11:05] <jabuk> Vlažnost: 53% zahodnik 0.5 m/s oblačno [11:05] <jabuk> Sončni vzhod: 03:52:10, Kulminacija: 11:00:17, Sončni zahod: 18:08:24 [11:05] <jabuk> Dan je dolg: 14ur 16min 14s, Luna je v ščipu [11:06] <anny_> o temu tipu slišim različne informacije [11:06] <anny_> ki je opozoril na nevarnosti v NLB [11:06] <anny_> upam, da bodo novinarji kaj izbrskali [11:07] <anny_> ukvarjam se s tem: [11:07] <Seniorita> Coursera - Free Online Courses From Top Universities [11:07] <Seniorita> »Take free online classes from 115+ top universities and educational organizations. We partner with schools like Stanford, Yale, Princeton, and others to offer courses in dozens of topics, from computer science to teaching and beyond. Whether you are pursuing a passion or looking to advance your career, Coursera provides open, free education for everyone.« [11:08] <anny_> zanimivo, da so v kurikulumu samo pomanjkljivosti Linux in iOS....WIN so kar izpustili :) [11:09] <dz0ny> anny_: k ni relavanten :) [11:10] <anny_> no od linuxa je poudarek na androidu [11:11] <dz0ny> anny_: ne vidm [11:11] <dz0ny> k hocjo webcam picture od mene [11:12] <anny_> hihi [11:13] <anny_> skip that [11:13] <dz0ny> ne spusti nikamor brez tistega [11:14] <anny_> teden 4 [11:14] <anny_> [11:14] <Seniorita> About the Course Cybercrime has become both more widespread and harder to bat - [11:14] <dz0ny> In order to use this webs ite you need to Set Up Your Identity [11:14] <idioterna> hehe [11:14] <idioterna> kr uredu kosilo [11:14] <anny_> [11:14] <Seniorita> CopperDroid [11:14] <anny_> lahko prideš sem? [11:15] <idioterna> lahko pridem tja [11:15] <idioterna> uploadam lahko apk [11:15] <idioterna> ce prav razumem [11:15] <anny_> dz0ny :) [11:15] <idioterna> aja [11:15] <idioterna> grem se mal ulezt po kosilu [11:15] <idioterna> bbl [11:16] <anny_> lepo v miru prebavljaj [11:37] <Seniorita> [OMG! Ubuntu!] Joey-Elijah Sneddon: Facebook Chat API Empathy Pidgin Stop Working [11:43] <napsy> shkocking [11:43] <dz0ny> are you choking? [11:43] <napsy> shocking [11:44] <napsy> :D [12:00] <idioterna> nism mogu [12:00] <idioterna> kolega je ful dobr predavanje meu [13:23] <zdobersek> obstaja ksna pametna resitev za pravilen stdout/stderr output iz vec paralelnih procesov? [13:25] <zdobersek> ce dam `xargs -P4 | tee log,out`, bi zelel met pravilen izpis, ne da se mi output iz dveh procov mesa [13:25] <zdobersek> pac, mutex-protected output [13:26] <upd> !g xargs stdout stderr multithreading [13:26] <Seniorita> Sharing stdout among multiple threads/processes - Stack Overflow [13:27] <zdobersek> GNU parallel [13:27] <zdobersek> RMS so proud [13:37] <Seniorita> [Ubuntu Security] USN-2591-1: curl vulnerabilities [13:48] <yang> Led Zeppelin starship plane [14:45] <yang> [14:45] <Seniorita> Anybody want to adopt a kid? : kauai [14:45] <Seniorita> »3 points and 1 comments so far on reddit« [14:48] <zdobersek> THEY ATE HIS MOMMA [16:17] <CrazyLemon> [16:17] <Seniorita> First Flight - YouTube [16:17] <Seniorita> »Highlights from Blue Origin's New Shepard space vehicle as it makes its first developmental test flight.« [16:18] <CrazyLemon> zgleda kr hud touchdown [16:32] <upd> ql nikoli nisem vedel kaj je fora the cevi ki se takoj odtrgajo [16:32] <upd> ? [16:32] <zdobersek> boosterji? [16:32] <upd> ne razumem [16:34] <upd> kolikor se vidi po cevi ko se odtrga zgleda kot nek tekoči dušik, a mogoče filajo ker se ga veliko porabi v prvih sekundah [16:38] <CrazyLemon> [16:38] <Seniorita> Why are the rockets tethered before take-off? [16:38] <Seniorita> »What are those "hoses" that you see in all the rocket launch videos? The ones that let go of the rocket as soon as the rocket takes off? Example: (50 seconds in)« [16:38] <CrazyLemon> upd ^ [16:38] <upd> tethered to besedo sem iskal thanks :) [16:46] <yang> Brač sa smoči guzice [16:46] <idioterna> tekoci dusik? :) [16:52] <zdobersek> aah, to niso boosterju [16:52] <zdobersek> boosterji [16:52] <zdobersek> kva zej mone [16:52] <zdobersek> a bomo mel kle vkres [16:52] <idioterna> dunno [16:52] <idioterna> js ne bom kresoval [16:53] <idioterna> pa to [16:53] <Seniorita> The Fireplace Delusion : Sam Harris [16:53] <Seniorita> »Sam Harris, neuroscientist and author of the New York Times bestsellers, The End of Faith, Letter to a Christian Nation, and The Moral Landscape.« [17:20] <miha> Ah ti rdeckarji, najprej janšo zaprejo, zdaj bi še študente [17:20] <miha> Poslušanje radijskih signalov ni vdiranje [17:21] <miha> Prekleta negativna selekcija, že veber je biser, to pa presega vse meje [17:21] <miha> Na ulice [17:22] <upd> packet sniffing je ilegalno [17:23] <upd> in to v tujini bi dobil službo je tud bullshit, ne najprej greš na sodišče, potem pa ti lahko kakšno podjetje ponudi službo [17:23] <miha> Says who? Udbomafija in krivosodje? [17:24] <upd> v vsakem primeru pa moraš odgovarjat za dejanje, predstavljal si da ti trenutno nekdo prisluškuje na wifi [17:24] <miha> Moje komunikacije so toliko zavarovane kot želim da so [17:24] <upd> si kriv ti, ker nisi zaklenil avta, al tisti ki ti ga je ukradel [17:25] <miha> Kaj meni to pomaga? Nimam mašinerije da bi komu tako težil [17:25] <idioterna> miha: zakonodajo s katero ga mislijo zapret je sprejel jansa [17:25] <idioterna> in predlagal. [17:25] <idioterna> ampak naj te to ne obremenjuje prevec :) [17:30] <miha> Saj me ne [17:30] <miha> Trenutno pa rdeckarji preganjajo nedolžne [17:30] <idioterna> a majo izbiro? [17:31] <idioterna> tak je zakon [17:31] <idioterna> zanimiv je pa da niso nc nardil ko sm poskusal ovadit RKC, ki deluje protiustavno in protidrzavno [17:31] <miha> Je pa ironija da jaz jemljem 128 bit pptp kot pač neki da imam malo miru na vpn, čez je tls .... Za njih je pa taka varnost nedosegljiv ideal [17:32] <miha> Prekleti amaterji [17:32] <idioterna> jah, udbovci pac [17:32] <idioterna> ni cudn da so vsi v SDS :) [17:32] <miha> :-) [17:33] <zdobersek> [17:33] <Seniorita> Mountains of Mouthness [17:33] <Seniorita> »A WebGL experiment where two mountains have a lot to tell you.« [17:33] <miha> Idioterna no a ni res? Da ima vsako normalno podjetje močnejši vpn kot ima država uradne komunikacije [17:33] <miha> In stane nas nič, oni pa kurijo milijone [17:34] <miha> Pol jim pa kdo hoče pomagati, bi ga pa zaprli [17:36] <miha> Dobro, za ssl certifikat plačamo 300 eur na leto [17:36] <miha> To je pa tud to [17:36] <miha> Oni pa 2.5 milijona [17:36] <miha> Wtf [17:37] <idioterna> miha: men se to ne zdi neobicajno [17:37] <miha> :-) [17:37] <idioterna> zgleda da sam ti ne razumes kako delujejo birokracije [17:37] <miha> Zakaj ne? [17:37] <miha> :-) [17:37] <miha> Ok [17:37] <miha> Oprosti [17:38] <idioterna> ja ker je primarni cilj vseh zaposlenih v takih organizacijah ne da karkoli dela [17:38] <idioterna> ampak da oni niso krivi za nic [17:38] <idioterna> in pol pac nihce noce pipat nicesar [17:38] <idioterna> ker ce se cesarkoli lotis [17:38] <miha> Ok [17:38] <idioterna> you own it [17:38] <idioterna> ampak tega ne more SDS spremenit [17:38] <miha> Ok [17:38] <miha> Ok [17:38] <idioterna> rabis racionalno stranko [17:38] <idioterna> take pa nimamo [17:38] <miha> Ok [17:39] <idioterna> a bos ustanovil? [17:39] <miha> Boš ti? Jaz nisem racionalen [17:39] <idioterna> aja tocno ti mas krscansko moralo [17:39] <idioterna> jaz ne utegnem [17:40] <miha> :-) [17:40] <miha> Zdobersek morda? [17:48] <idioterna> airbus bo tozu BND [17:50] <idioterna> o sasa84 [17:55] <dz0ny> idioterna: for? [17:56] <idioterna> dz0ny: ker je BND v imenu americanov vohunu za francozi [17:56] <dz0ny> ah [17:56] <dz0ny> miha: prestreganje državnih komunikacij je prekršek [17:59] <miha> Dz0ny ja, še dobro da vse ostale tajne službe in kriminalne združbe niso tako naivne, da bi povedale to policiji. Ker odkriti poslušalca brez hišnih preiskav v stilu gestapa(ko so iskali radio sprejemnike) ni možno? [18:00] <miha> Še če oddajaš (aktivno), je dokaj zoprno najti, če si npr v bloku [18:00] <idioterna> hisna preiskava je vedno odrejena ko je treba zavarovati dokaze v kazenskem postopku in so ti dokazi na racunalnikih [18:00] <miha> Ok [18:00] <miha> I give up [18:00] <idioterna> tak je zakon [18:01] <miha> Yes [18:01] <idioterna> ne mores kar nehat zakona uporabljat ker je primer bedast [18:01] <miha> Yes [18:01] <idioterna> bom pa podprl vsako smotrno spremembo zakonodaje [18:01] <miha> :-) [18:01] <idioterna> trenutno policija kvecjemu tezi parlamentu, da potrebuje vec pooblastil [18:01] <idioterna> kar je logicno [18:01] <idioterna> njim je veliko lazje opravljati delo, ce morajo vsi imeti ves cas ovratnice z gps sprejemnikom [18:02] <miha> To je že v bibliji ane [18:02] <miha> 666 [18:03] <miha> It's !g end of the world and I feel fine [18:03] <Seniorita> R.E.M. - It's The End Of The World - YouTube [18:05] <dz0ny> kot drugo mi ni jasno kako je fakulteta dovolila da kot diplomsko delo krši evropsko zakonodajo [18:05] <dz0ny> ko sem jaz podpisal tist papir za diplomsko je gor pisalo da se bom držal moralnih načel in ne bom kršil zakonodaje [18:06] <dz0ny> jaz tle vidm sam polom šolstva, ki so enga mladega pripeljale tko daleč [18:07] <dz0ny> policija se bo pa vedno ko išče dokaze držala minimalnega standarda, ali je moralno bo pa sodišče odločilo [18:07] <dz0ny> sam oboje pri nas ne dela, sadly [18:07] <miha> Dobrega odvetnika rabi, pa bo dobil lepo odškodnino [18:08] <miha> Najkasneje na nivoju eu [18:08] <dz0ny> well pogodit se bo moral [18:08] <dz0ny> lol [18:08] <idioterna> to ziher [18:08] <dz0ny> miha: kako v eu če je pa to kaznivo kar je on počel [18:08] <miha> Ni [18:08] <dz0ny> je [18:08] <idioterna> ja je [18:08] <idioterna> obstaja evropska direktiva ki to prepoveduje [18:08] <miha> Mah [18:09] <idioterna> ni treba posebi poudarjat kdo jo je prpelu skoz parlament ane [18:09] <miha> I give up [18:09] <dz0ny> iz leta 2010 [18:09] <idioterna> niso bli rdeckarji, oni so bli proti :) [18:09] <miha> :-) [18:09] <idioterna> konzervativci majo pac radi ordnung und disziplin [18:10] <miha> Mah [18:10] <miha> I give up [18:11] <miha> Upam, da bo kaj dobrega iz tega nastalo. Pm freeswitch s tls, ali kaj v tem stilu [18:12] <dz0ny> miha: you should not, sam izobrazi se kaj smeš počet in kaj ne in kako to javnosti posredovati [18:12] <miha> Je ceneje in ful bolje [18:12] <miha> Jaz nimam časa za tole [18:12] <dz0ny> men se zdi da je to dobra učna ura za vse z IT področja [18:13] <miha> Vem vse ranljivosti mojih komunikacij, ampak je par nivojev bolj varno [18:13] <miha> So be it [18:13] <zdobersek> miha: for starters, irc [18:13] * dz0ny otr on [18:13] <miha> Zdobersek? [18:13] <dz0ny> :> [18:14] <miha> Tole je javno, imam pa tls in vpn in vsega boga [18:14] <miha> Just for the joke [18:14] <miha> Na koncu je javen log [18:14] <zdobersek> for shits and giggles [18:14] <miha> :-) :-) :-) [18:15] <zdobersek> miha: kok bos pa podmornico s kabla spravu? [18:15] <miha> Ne vem? [18:17] <yang> miha: skeniranje omrezij ozicenih ali brezzicnih komunikacij je protizakonito [18:17] <Seniorita> Threat Spotlight: SSHPsychos [18:18] <miha> Yang vsekakor bom tožil vsakega in plačal vse pravne stroške [18:18] <miha> Da bom blokiral račun študentu ki dela prek napotnice, if [18:19] <miha> Če bom imel srečo, bo iz bogate države [18:19] <yang> se bolj pa je skodljivo to, da je na blogu pisal kaksne so ranljivosti tetra omrezja, za kar ni imel pooblastil [18:19] <dz0ny> .imdb Kingsman The Secret Service [18:19] <jabuk> Ne najdem! [18:19] <miha> Ker tisti en evro na dan mi res odtehta duševne bolečine [18:19] <yang> ker luknja verjetno ni bila odpravljena in se kar nekaj casa ne bo [18:19] <miha> ... [18:20] <idioterna> ne rabis pooblastil za pisanje o ranljivostih tetra omrezja [18:20] <dz0ny> well on je zajebu ker je povedal kaj so se pogovarjal [18:20] <yang> ne samo da je s tem ogrozil in izpostavil "drzavno" varnost, ce je ze kaj vedel bi lahko informacije posredoval njim zaupno [18:20] <idioterna> za posredovat podatke ki si jih prestregel pa _ne mores_ dobit pooblastila [18:20] <idioterna> ker je prepovedano [18:20] <idioterna> yang: saj jim je [18:21] <idioterna> pa niso nicesar naredili [18:21] <miha> ... Ja kaznivo je povedati, da je cesar gol. Zagotovo NSA tega ni sama uspela ugotoviti. [18:21] <idioterna> samo potem je grozit zacel [18:21] <idioterna> javno [18:21] <yang> niso nicesar naredili in se je odlocil dati v javnost kar je bila napaka [18:21] <idioterna> miha: ne, ni [18:21] <miha> :-) [18:21] <idioterna> miha: kaznivo je povedat, kaj ma vtetoviran na riti [18:21] <idioterna> da je gol vedno lahko poves [18:21] <miha> Varstvo osebnih podatkov? [18:21] <idioterna> ma ne [18:21] <idioterna> prestrezanje zasebnih komunikacij [18:21] <idioterna> je kaznivo [18:21] <idioterna> tudi ce niso zascitene [18:21] <miha> ... [18:21] <yang> ja [18:22] <miha> Prav imate [18:22] <idioterna> postar ti ne sme v kuverto gledat [18:22] <miha> Idiot sem [18:22] <idioterna> tut ce pismo o tem kere spolne bolezni so ti najdl na krvnih preiskavah ni sifrirano [18:22] <idioterna> pa loh vids ce prot luci pogledas [18:25] <idioterna> pa valda ne sam postar [18:25] <idioterna> nihce ne sme gledat [23:33] <upd> alo
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "CrazyLemon", "Matthai", "Seniorita", "Sky[x]", "anny_", "dz0ny", "idioterna", "jabuk", "miha", "napsy", "pitastrudl", "slax0r", "upd", "yang", "zdobersek" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-si" }
[06:53] <Kilos> morning africa [08:05] <Kilos> QA hi [08:05] <QA> howsit [08:05] <Kilos> QA greet [08:05] <QA> Hello everyone here, I am your Python bot. To use me type QA help and see my functions :D [08:18] <elacheche> GM :) [08:21] <Kilos> hi elacheche [08:25] <elacheche> hi :) [08:30] <Kilos> elacheche lots of work for you guys that speak french contacting [08:30] <Kilos> and pulling the ubuntu peeps to here, and other linux users too if they like [08:31] <Kilos> enrol your fiance to help :D [08:32] <elacheche> hahahaha :D OK :) I'll make a plan for that :) [08:33] <Kilos> cool ty. we need to start planning our first meeting too [08:33] <Kilos> the bot ccan do meetings and logs etc too [08:34] <Kilos> and records minutes and so on [08:40] <R0ok_> QA: hello bot [08:40] <QA> hey [08:41] <R0ok_> QA: it's alive! so what are you made of ? [08:41] <QA> R0ok_: Got it [08:41] <R0ok_> QA: are you opensource ? [08:41] <QA> R0ok_: What? [08:42] <R0ok_> QA: where is your code ? [08:42] <QA> R0ok_: Erk, dunno [08:42] <Kilos> R0ok_ qa was written by the za guys [08:42] <R0ok_> Kilos: nice, so is the code opensource ? [08:43] <Kilos> look for the source in the ubuntu ibid package [08:43] <R0ok_> I'd like to add some of that functionality to our nairobi-bot in #nairobilug [08:43] <R0ok_> Kilos: oook, thanx [08:43] <Kilos> yw [08:44] <R0ok_> Kilos: i think i got it: [08:44] <Kilos> our maintainer has been stolen by silicon valley [08:44] <Kilos> yes thats it [08:46] <R0ok_> Kilos: so is the bot running from some heroku instance ? [08:47] <Kilos> it is running from ec2 atm [08:48] <Kilos> there is an ibid channel where the ibid team is [08:48] <Kilos> irc:// [08:48] <Kilos> then you join #ibid [08:50] <R0ok_> Kilos: thanx dude [08:51] <Kilos> yw [16:43] <elacheche> Time to go.. have a good weekend [16:43] <Kilos> you too elacheche [16:44] <Kilos> we are here all the time [16:44] <elacheche> I know :) :D [19:59] <Kilos> hi orfix [19:59] <orfix> Hi Kilos, hello everyone [20:00] <Kilos> those that arent asleep already are weekend off [20:00] <Kilos> orfix have you seen our new site? [20:00] <Kilos> [20:01] <orfix> nop checking it out right now [20:01] <Kilos> hit refrewsh quite a few times and see [20:01] <Kilos> refresh [20:02] <Kilos> and you can join us at [20:02] <Kilos> and the mailing list is i the join us section
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Kilos", "QA", "R0ok_", "elacheche", "orfix" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-africa" }
[04:05] <vubuntor856> alo [04:05] <vubuntor856> co ai k a
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "vubuntor856" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-vn" }
[00:50] <holstein> why call for contributors, and then, when folks try and join the contributing teams, they dont get to join? [00:50] <holstein> that was a mailing list wide call out.. and you are getting responses [00:52] <holstein> anyways, im sure you are communicating that to the persons trying to join.. what they need to do to prove them selves, and to whom, exactly, and why and by when [00:54] <holstein> zequence: ^ [04:57] <zequence> holstein: Yes, I am communicating with each person [04:58] <zequence> Set is in the contributor team, and a couple of open ones. There's no need for him to be in the dev team [04:58] <zequence> Not yet anyway [04:58] <zequence> We don't know if ever touched a debian package yet [04:59] <zequence> OvenWerks: I only stopped maintaining linux-lowlatency for precise. Since trusty, linux-lowlatency has been merged with -generic [04:59] <zequence> So, canonical are maintaining it now [04:59] <zequence> We have a small config diff in the main kernel source for creating our package [04:59] <zequence> Also, our own debian folder - debian.lowlatency [04:59] <zequence> with our own control section, etc [05:02] <zequence> holstein: We have the contributor team for a reason - so that contributors can work on source without us having to worry about them messing up our main sources [05:03] <zequence> We have enough trouble with out own mess ups [05:05] <zequence> Set seems like he could do well, so let's hope he continues to be interested [05:06] <zequence> There's a lot to learn before doing any big work, as you know [05:06] <zequence> Didn't take him long to prepare a LP account and the keys, which is a good sign [05:07] <zequence> Ah, no he's been member since 2011 [05:07] <zequence> Well, anyway [08:27] <zequence> OvenWerks: How about you apply to be Ubuntu member and work on getting upload rights too? [08:27] <zequence> There are always people who can assist, but it's nicer being able to do the work yourself [18:29] <zequence> holstein: You ever done any changes to a package or a source branch? [18:30] <zequence> I know you wanted to learn some stuff in the past. [18:30] <zequence> I guess you are pretty busy as is [18:38] <zequence> !es [18:58] <cub> Question for you who know more about packages need and so on, Kdenlive has become an offical KDE application which they inform (among other things) mean: "Since we are now based on Qt5/KF5, you NEED KDE Frameworks 5 to run Kdenlive." [18:59] <cub> How will that affect Ubuntu Studio including Kdenlive? Will it pull in loads of KDE stuff, or "just the Framework? And what does that mean? [19:00] <holstein> zequence: nothing that worked out.. i was working with scott on a package ages ago [19:00] <holstein> that will not be in the scope of my contributions [19:00] <holstein> not likely anytime in the near future, at least [19:00] <zequence> cub: Not exactly sure, but we are already shipping qt stuff for a lot of apps. Has been mostly qt4 for a while. Guess we'll be shipping both for a while now [19:01] <zequence> holstein: Ok. You are more than welcome to start doing it, whenever you want to. [19:01] <zequence> It's easier when you have a clear job to do for a package of course [19:02] <zequence> One thing I really like with this cheap atom laptop is the battery time. It's about 4h continuous use [19:02] <holstein> i miss that with the chromebook.. it'll go for about 14 hours [19:02] <zequence> Whoah [19:02] <zequence> arm? [19:03] <holstein> nope [19:03] <holstein> one of the c720's with touchscreen [19:03] <holstein> *if* i keep the screen dim, etc.. it really adds up [19:03] <holstein> i have literally took my charger out of the house twice for that machine in the 2 years or whatever ive had it [19:04] <zequence> I try to keep this screen dim, but it's harder during summer. I use dark theming a lot now, and that actually helps - as long as the text is bright enough [19:05] <holstein> this laptop is lucky to get 6 hours [19:05] <holstein> which, is and was impressive.. before i had the chromebook going for a while [19:06] <zequence> 6h is a lot if you are using it continuosly [19:06] <zequence> I get about 4h, using virtual machines, and the usual stuff [19:06] <zequence> It doesn't sleep during that time. Not for very long, anyway [19:07] <zequence> I'm used to 2h or less. But I haven't had a lot of laptops, and they are usually old when I get them [19:22] <cub> I actually bought myself and iPad mini to replace laptop outside the house. Battery time is marvelous [19:22] <cub> still, it's iOS though [19:22] <zequence> cub: You are seriously disappointing me now :) [19:22] <cub> hehe [19:23] <cub> I need Garageband on my bus travels [19:23] <cub> no good replacement for Android there [19:23] <zequence> Android won't work with its stock kernel, no [19:23] <cub> not that I get to use it much anymore since my toddler learned how to use an ipad [19:24] <zequence> It's fascinating to see how quickly they learn [19:24] <zequence> They don't understand what they are doing, but it works, sort of [19:24] <cub> I'll fiddle a bit later on with the latest version of Kdenlive and see how it works. They will do KDe release schedule though with new releases every 4 months [19:25] <zequence> I guess you have all heard about the recent changes in MS as far as open source and Linux support goes? [19:25] <cub> yeah it's strange and fascinating. My daughter is 2,5 years old and when I was talking about buying new skis (skidor) [19:25] <zequence> I thought I recognized their latest work - MS Visual Code [19:26] <zequence> It's based on Atom, which in turn is based on chromium [19:26] <cub> she said daddy come look, and then pointed at the Blocket app where she had found two pairs, one for me and one for her. I was stunend. [19:26] <cub> I saw about Visual Studio, but are they releasing more? [19:27] <zequence> Haha [19:28] <zequence> They are open sourcing .net and I suppose .asp, and from what I gather they are working on supporting Linux with that [19:28] <zequence> So, would make sense if there is more to come [19:29] <zequence> [19:29] <zequence> It's not badly designed for a simple code editor, but again, based on atom - which I like [19:29] <zequence> [19:31] <zequence> So weird [19:32] <zequence> Wondering about the licensing actually [19:32] <cub> exactly [19:36] <zequence> I have to give this a try [19:45] <cub> :) [20:34] <OvenWerks> cub: we were actually surprised at how little difference in ISO size kdenlive made. [20:35] <OvenWerks> cub: The only thing I am not so sure is a good thing, is that after closing kdenlive, the KDE framework does not go away. It keeps running/using memory. [20:36] <cub> OvenWerks, which kdenlive version did make it into 15.04? [20:36] <OvenWerks> It makes me wonder how manu other apps leave things alive in memory after use [20:36] <OvenWerks> cub: I am not sure... I would have to reboot I think to find out. [20:37] <cub> OvenWerks, that sounds bad. I need to compare memory usage with 0.9.10 and the 15.04.01 [20:37] <cub> no worries, I'll check it on my installation later on [20:40] <OvenWerks> cub there is (of course) no visual indicator that the KDE frame work is running, it is just through using ps that I noticed it. [20:41] <cub> mhm they assume you run KDE anyhow and will need it running [20:41] <cub> Lightworks have still not released the promised open source version, but if/when they do it will be an interesting application [20:42] <OvenWerks> yes. I don't know if it would be easy to add a wrapper to shut it off after. [20:42] <cub> but wait, OvenWerks did you run Kdenlive in the US 15.04? [20:42] <OvenWerks> I have not done that no. [20:42] <cub> aha ok [20:44] <cub> Anyhow, time for bed, g'nite all!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "OvenWerks", "cub", "holstein", "zequence" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntustudio-devel" }
[00:01] <SvenGek> You just figured out? [00:02] <SvenGek> Si usted tiene alguin con quien hablar, no veo problema (no soy op) [00:04] <todoparaelbano> tu no lo haces mal [00:05] <todoparaelbano> bueno, acabo de instalar gnulinux debian 8 y mi sorpresa es que se inicia directamente a la linea de comandos [00:05] <todoparaelbano> NADA DE GUI GRAFICO [00:05] <SvenGek> jeje [00:06] <todoparaelbano> como inicio el escritorio gnome por ejemplo, desde la linea de comandos inicial? [00:06] <todoparaelbano> he probado con startx, o xinit ....? [00:09] <todoparaelbano> venga lanzate!!! [00:09] <todoparaelbano> dime algo [00:09] <SvenGek> Eh, no sé :P /yo no soy muy bien por Linux. [00:10] <SvenGek> Cambia a GUI si apresta Alt+Ctrl+F7 o F4? [00:10] <SvenGek> ._. [00:12] <SvenGek> Tambien no hablo muy bien español :< [03:43] <Nothing_Much> mhall119: I missed the answer to my question from the last Q&A thing, is there a .deb to .click? [13:21] <mhall119> Nothing_Much: there is, but it's pretty hacky, we're looking into better approaches [17:27] <Nothing_Much> mhall119: alright, awesome [21:44] <ahoneybun> mhall119: I'll be with KeithIMyers__ for the event from the ML [21:49] <ahoneybun> SELF
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Nothing_Much", "SvenGek", "ahoneybun", "mhall119", "todoparaelbano" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-fl" }
[00:00] <sinzui> waigani, oh, I understand. Yes i think so. I can confirm though that the "upgrade-charm --force" hack is a permanent fix, so envs/users can resolve the problem in minutes if they need too [00:01] <sinzui> waigani, We cannot an an upgrade step to 1.22, since we cannot distribute that version any more. [00:02] <sinzui> waigani, We need 1.23 to do the fix an 1.24 to do the fix. [00:02] <waigani> sinzui: right, got it. perrito666 ^ [00:03] <sinzui> waigani, one complicate is that our early adopters still believe odd numbered jujus are dangerous, so they only upgrade to even numbers [00:26] <waigani> wallyworld: I bootstrapped on aws without issue: As I understand it: PrepareForCreateEnvironment is checking UnknownAttrs for control-bucket. configFields, which already had control-bucket, is used to determine what attrs are unknown, thus control-bucket will not be in the unknown attrs, it will be nil. The configDefault is only used to check Coercion of the value types of the attributes: [00:26] <waigani> environs/config/config.go:1384 [00:29] <waigani> wallyworld: this is the same for openstack [00:30] <waigani> wallyworld: though if that is correct, and control-bucket will never be an unknownAttr, it begs the question - why check if it's set at all? [00:52] <wallyworld> waigani: you are misunderstanding what UnknownAttrs are [00:52] <wallyworld> they are attrs specific to different environment types [00:53] <wallyworld> control bucket will always be there [00:53] <wallyworld> there are other areas in the codebase that will fail if control bucket defaults to "" [00:53] <wallyworld> are you sure you didn't have a value set in your env yaml for that bootstrap? [00:54] <waigani> wallyworld: ah, sorry that makes sense. Let me check... [00:55] <waigani> wallyworld: nothing set in environments.yaml let me read the code again and have another crack at understanding what's going on [00:58] <wallyworld> waigani: also, if bucket name is "", bootstrap will not fail but errors will be logged (i haven't seen the code before but just checked then) [00:58] <wallyworld> so the tl;dr; is we must not allow bucket name to be "" [01:03] <waigani> wallyworld: no errors all-machines.log on machine 0 [01:13] <wallyworld> waigani: does the jenv file have a control bucket attr? [01:24] <waigani> wallyworld: not in .jenv I just bootstrapped again and dumped out the attrs - only access-key and secret-key are set, contol-bucket is not passed through. It is later set by the prepare func. It looks as though empty attrs are being removed. [01:28] <mup> Bug #1450265 was opened: juju depends on but is not included in dependencies.tsv <juju-core:New> <> [01:32] <waigani> wallyworld: actually no. I still think configFields and configDefaults are used to validate the unknownAttributes - to make sure they are expected attrs for the provider and not typos and the values are of the right type. They are not being passed through as default values to prepare. The config values are being read from environments.yaml [01:34] <wallyworld> waigani: when control bucket is generated, it should end up in jenv, if it's not there, that means there's an issue [01:36] <waigani> wallyworld: after bootstrap it's there, before it's not. [01:37] <wallyworld> correct, it will not be there until after [01:37] <waigani> wallyworld: yep, that's whats happening [01:38] <waigani> I bootstrapped again to double check that [01:38] <wallyworld> hmm, i can't see how it's being generated then if it's in the map (but "") [01:38] <wallyworld> not without the extra != "" check [02:28] <mup> Bug #1450265 changed: juju depends on but is not included in dependencies.tsv <juju-core:Invalid> <> [02:44] <axw> wallyworld: can you please review ? [02:44] <wallyworld> syre [02:47] <axw> ta [02:47] <wallyworld> axw: you may have seen, 1.24 and master now have no storage ff and also have upgrade step for block devices [02:47] <axw> wallyworld: I have, thank you [02:47] <axw> had minor merge conflicts [02:48] <wallyworld> just minor, that's good [02:50] <natefinch> davecheney: constabulary is a terrible name for a github org [02:52] <natefinch> anyone used the canonical VPN? I can't understand their directions... seems like they're missing a step [02:53] <axw> natefinch: yes, what bit are you stuck on? [02:55] <natefinch> axw: thanks. So, I installed network-manager-openvpn-gnome, restarted network manager, then the instructions say: [02:55] <natefinch> Select network manager -> VPN Connections -> Configure VPN... [02:55] <natefinch> network manager from where? [02:55] <natefinch> ....I think I just fdigured it out [02:55] <natefinch> they mean the network icon in the top right there [02:55] <axw> yep [02:55] <natefinch> .. I had no idea that was called the network manager :/ [02:58] <natefinch> axw: ok, another dumb question - how do I get the select file dialog to show dot files? it says to pick the file from the ~/.sesame directory, but the file picker isn't showing hidden directories. [02:58] <menn0> ericsnow: can you confirm that the fix for bug 1447446 made it into the 1.24 branch and master? (and update the ticket accordingly) [02:58] <mup> Bug #1447446: 1.23.1: bootstrap failure, vivid, local provider <bootstrap> <landscape> <juju-core:Fix Committed by ericsnowcurrently> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <juju-core 1.24:New> <> [02:59] <axw> natefinch: you can use Ctrl+L to enter the location [02:59] <axw> not sure if there's a better way, that's what I do [02:59] <menn0> ericsnow: it was one the tickets that was incorrectly targetted [02:59] <axw> ah, right click has "show hidden files" [02:59] <natefinch> OMG... why doesn't that show all the time :/ [03:00] <natefinch> ahh yeah, I didn't think to right click there... much better [03:02] <ericsnow> menn0: done [03:02] <menn0> ericsnow: cheers [03:04] <mup> Bug #1447446 changed: 1.23.1: bootstrap failure, vivid, local provider <bootstrap> <landscape> <juju-core:Fix Committed by ericsnowcurrently> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <juju-core 1.24:New> <> [03:11] <natefinch> axw: Thanks for the help, got it working. . [03:11] <natefinch> sinzui: you around? [03:11] <axw> natefinch: cool [03:38] <natefinch> axw, menn0: do you guys know how to make the JFDI thing on github work? I swear I got the syntax right, but it's not going through (still says "doesn't match fixes-blah") [03:38] <axw> natefinch: $$__JFDI__$$ [03:38] <natefinch> :/ did that [03:39] <menn0> natefinch: that's what I would have said [03:39] <natefinch> wonder if the functionality got broken at somepoint (or maybe it just doesn't like me) [03:39] <natefinch> hahaha ... or maybe I mispelled jfdi... :/ [03:39] <axw> natefinch: hum, not sure what's up with that. I've been doing that today, so it's not broken in general [03:40] <natefinch> JDFI is not gonna work [03:40] <axw> heh [03:40] <axw> that'll do it :) [03:40] <menn0> natefinch: maybe check one of axw's uses of it today? [04:08] <jw4> menn0: I'm pretty sure that change went in before 1.24 was cut... I'll verify [04:09] <menn0> jw4: thanks! i'm not saying it make it I just wanted to be sure. the ticket wasn't targetted correctly so it could have been missed. just update the ticket once you've checked. [04:09] <jw4> menn0: will do [04:10] <mup> Bug #1450299 was opened: api/client: test fails on ppc64le <ppc64el> <juju-core:In Progress by dave-cheney> <> [04:14] <waigani> wallyworld: the bucket val is being set because it's not in the map. the validation (which would set the default) happens later. [04:14] <waigani> wallyworld: I've sent an email with the details [04:15] <wallyworld> ok, ty, will look [04:21] <wallyworld> waigani: thanks for explanation. i just wanted to be 100% sure that setting the default to "" wouldn't accidentally fail to generate a control bucket if one were not specified, and that config stuff is a bit of a mess which we've managed to break before :-( [04:22] <waigani> wallyworld: no, I appreciate it. I now understand what's going on much more, so thanks :) [04:23] <wallyworld> waigani: i did too 2 years back but have since only vaugue recollections (nightmares?) about config [04:23] <waigani> haha [04:23] <wallyworld> the schema default vs omit stuff is really hard to get right [04:23] <wallyworld> and it really is a convoluted web [04:24] <wallyworld> and we have relased juju which broke set ups in the wild [04:25] <waigani> yeah, it would be good to see if there is a better design pattern that could be used to clear things up a bit [04:25] <waigani> until then, comments are really important! [04:28] <waigani> wallyworld: so is that a shipit? (not that we can land anything) [04:28] <wallyworld> waigani: yeah, but if it's a bug fix for 1.24, feel free to jfdi at this point [04:29] <waigani> wallyworld: thanks [07:26] <wallyworld> axw: this fixes the critical blocker [07:26] <wallyworld> hopefully [07:49] <TheMue> morning o/ [07:50] <TheMue> hmm, got a fix for 1.24 but CI doesn't accept it *sigh* [08:00] <axw> wallyworld: reviewed [08:00] <wallyworld> ty [08:06] <mgz> TheMue: if the bug you're fixing is actually urgent, you have discretion - but it seems that issue doesn't actually break our bundle test on maas (it probably should) [08:07] <TheMue> mgz: it's a port that of a critical bug in 1.23 to 1.24, where it is only high. don't know why. [08:08] <TheMue> mgz: the bug is #1445063 [08:08] <mup> Bug #1445063: addressable containers cannot resolve non-FQDN in maas <addressability> <cloud-installer> <kvm> <landscape> <lxc> <maas-provider> <network> <oil>  <uosci> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by dimitern> <juju-core 1.24:In Progress by themue> <> [08:08] <mgz> TheMue: that actually makes some sense - we couldn't release a 1.23 with it, but we have time before we're putting out 1.24 so a [08:08] <mgz> and it's not actually stopping any of *us* doing work [08:09] <TheMue> ic [08:09] <mgz> whereas the deployer stuff being borked prevents us improving our tests to catch issues like lxc networking problems :) [08:09] <TheMue> mgz: just saw that dimiter commented is with JFDI [08:09] <mgz> yeah, it's fine [08:10] <mgz> we don't gain anything from doing it but it's not really harmful [08:11] <TheMue> that's great, thx [08:13] <wallyworld> axw: updated, i also added an index, i think it may help with the sorts [08:15] <axw> wallyworld: you didn't explain the change from updated to created though. is it for performance? [08:15] <wallyworld> axw: oh, i see what you're asking, sorry missed the point [08:16] <wallyworld> updated is only to the nearest second [08:16] <wallyworld> we need much finer grained to get the order right [08:16] <wallyworld> most timestamps we store in mongo for juju are to the nearest second [08:18] <axw> wallyworld: so why not store a number somewhere and just increment it each time you need to create an entry? using time is fragile, whatever the resolution [08:19] <wallyworld> could do, but creating a sequence seems overhead for what is being done here, it's just charm status entries, hardly expected to change even a few times per second [08:20] <wallyworld> and the sort is done after filtering for the unit [08:22] <axw> wallyworld: if you're confident with that, okay. I would just like to point out that it's trivial to do, and you could drop the additional index. you could just use State.sequence(), and use the result as the _id field [08:22] <axw> anyway [08:22] * axw takes a final look [08:22] <wallyworld> ok, i'll do that [08:26] <mgz> wallyworld: if you get a mo, can I have a stamp on <> [08:26] <mgz> (thanks for the status info) [08:26] <wallyworld> sure give me a sec [08:28] <mgz> it is sadly much larger now, but the commit history should make sense to you [08:44] <wallyworld> axw: sequence number used [08:45] <axw> wallyworld: thanks [08:45] <axw> shipit [08:45] <wallyworld> np, thanks for pointing it out [08:46] <wallyworld> mgz: i need dinner, i'll look at branch after [08:55] <mgz> wallyworld: no probs, won't be landing till this evening I guess [09:37] <perrito666> Wallyworld: nice catch on the legacy status [09:37] <wallyworld> perrito666: yeah. also found issues with history, incl tests not wired up :-) [09:42] <perrito666> The test for legacy was long due (which test was not wired I just briefly went trough the diff and didn't notice them) [09:42] <wallyworld> perrito666: status_test.go - the status history tests [09:43] <wallyworld> so they were never run nd hence missed picking up bugs [09:48] <perrito666> Duh, just saw it dang [09:48] <perrito666> Btw [09:48] <perrito666> + c.Assert(len(history), gc.Equals, 100) c.Assert(history, gc.HasLen, 100) [09:48] <perrito666> You are checking twice the same [09:48] <wallyworld> oh i added that to make the failures easier to debug [09:48] <wallyworld> i'll remove thanks [09:49] <perrito666> Sorry for that not being a comment I am in the phone [09:49] <wallyworld> np :-) [09:50] <perrito666> And getoldesttimetokeep no longer gets time so it might need a name change and comment correction :) [09:51] <wallyworld> perrito666: yeah true, same sentiment though :-) [09:51] <natefinch> mgz: you around? [09:53] <mgz> natefinch: I am here [09:57] <natefinch> mgz: I;m trying to connect to stilson-7, but even connected to the VPN, I can't even ping the server, and ssh never connects... any ideas? [09:57] <natefinch> mgz: also, does it matter if I use the US or UK VPN? [10:03] <mgz> natefinch: shouldn't [10:06] <mgz> natefinch: I can get in via our ssh bouncer [10:07] <mgz> if the vpn isn't playing ball for you [10:08] <mgz> natefinch: also ssh -vv is useful for general debugging [10:08] <natefinch> mgz: that might be a good option. I don't know what's up with the VPN... but if all I'm supposed to need to do is connect to it, and then ssh... yeah, it's not working. [10:08] <natefinch> mgz: yeah, it just gets stuck at connecting to the IP..... verifying, stilson-07 is ? [10:19] <mgz> natefinch: yup - you should see that ip via either the vpn or the bouncer [10:32] <mgz> lunching now [10:56] <TheMue> lunch, afk [11:38] <mup> Bug #1450437 was opened: Juju bootstrap fails with sub error code 1 <juju-core:New> <> [13:00] <perrito666> sinzui: ping me when you are around please [13:00] <sinzui> perrito666, I have just arrived, though a little low on caffeine [13:01] <perrito666> I sadly have been awake for too much already [13:02] <perrito666> so, I have a fix for that should go into 1.22, 1.23 and 1.24 and master :p can I do that? I mean push a fix to 1.22 [13:02] <mup> Bug #1447853: Local charms are not added to storage on upgrade to 1.22.x <charms> <regression> <storage> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:In Progress by hduran-8> <> [13:13] <sinzui> mgz, r=me for joyent, but you conflict with my changes in check_blockers [13:21] <sinzui> katco, can you ask someone to read the new comment on bug 1437266. Do we need this fixed in 1.24 or 1.25? [13:21] <mup> Bug #1437266: Bootstrap node occasionally panicing with "not a valid unit name" <deploy> <destroy-machine> <destroy-service> <juju-core:Triaged> <> [13:30] <sinzui> natefinch, Are bug 1340749 and bug 1450437 the same as bug 1412621. Can I make them dupes? [13:30] <mup> Bug #1340749: Replicaset initiation failure reports wrong error <mongodb> <juju-core:Triaged> <> [13:30] <mup> Bug #1450437: Juju bootstrap fails with sub error code 1 <juju-core:New> <> [13:30] <mup> Bug #1412621: replica set EMPTYCONFIG MAAS bootstrap <bootstrap> <maas-provider> <mongodb> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.24:Triaged> <> [13:32] <voidspace> dooferlad: TheMue: alexisb: I'm off to the dentist [13:32] <voidspace> bbiab [13:32] <dooferlad> voidspace: enjoy! [13:33] <TheMue> voidspace: just a check or more? have to do that the next days too ;) [13:33] <TheMue> voidspace: yes, enjoy [13:33] <voidspace> a check, but for all the family... [13:34] <perrito666> sinzui: dont forget my question now that you are caffeinated :p [13:35] <sinzui> perrito666, 1.22 is superseded in our PPAs by 1.23. and the packaging rules know it is an error to try to release a lower version [13:36] <perrito666> soo, 1.23, 1.24, master? [13:38] <sinzui> perrito666, alexisb, mramm, and xwwt to agree to purge our ppa and rush a 1.22 fix out...which means 1.23 will be released next week, not today [13:43] <sinzui> perrito666, yes. I will add the 1.23 task to the bug [13:57] <mup> Bug #1450437 changed: Juju bootstrap fails with sub error code 1 <juju-core:New> <> [14:00] <katco> sinzui: i don't know whether or not bug 1437266 need be fixed in 1.24 or 1.25. it looks like it only affects a few people, so probably 1.25? we should discuss in the release call [14:00] <mup> Bug #1437266: Bootstrap node occasionally panicing with "not a valid unit name" <deploy> <destroy-machine> <destroy-service> <juju-core:Triaged> <> [14:02] <katco> ericsnow: stand up [14:03] <natefinch> ericsnow: stup? [14:04] <natefinch> sinzui: I'll take a look at those bugs in a few minutes [14:48] <perrito666> question about upgrades, when upgrading to a minor, are the steps for that whole mayor rerun? [14:53] <natefinch> perrito666: not sure. I would hope not. [14:53] <perrito666> natefinch: they are supposed to be idempotent [14:54] <natefinch> perrito666: then why do you care? :) [14:56] <perrito666> natefinch: I need them to [14:58] <fwereade> perrito666, we *should* run any steps that haven't already been run, but I'm pretty we shouldn't rerun them (ok, if we do by accident they should be idempotent... but still) [14:58] <fwereade> perrito666, why do you need them? [15:42] <perrito666> can anyone stamp this oneliner? [15:43] <perrito666> natefinch: [15:44] <perrito666> katco: ericsnow ? [15:44] * ericsnow takes a look [15:44] <natefinch> perrito666: looking... are there no tests for this stuff? [15:45] <ericsnow> perrito666: nice 6 line oneliner :) [15:45] <natefinch> right? [15:45] <perrito666> natefinch: there are but the migration step was already there in the wrong version [15:45] <perrito666> ericsnow: I meant another work but since I dont know it in english my brain replaced with oneliner [15:45] <perrito666> sorry [15:45] <perrito666> word* [15:45] <ericsnow> perrito666: no worries :) [15:45] <perrito666> natefinch: or you mean tests for the contents of the step? [15:46] <natefinch> perrito666: I mean... this code was wrong before, and obviously no test was failing because of it. It would be nice if there were a test that would fail if your addition was not there. [15:46] <ericsnow> natefinch: I expect the testing is already there in state/upgrades_test.go [15:46] <ericsnow> natefinch, perrito666: ah, there should be a test that checks that the step was run [15:47] <perrito666> ericsnow: yes, I should have committed it :p [15:48] <perrito666> sorry I had all these changes in patches that a testing script applied after checkout [15:49] <ericsnow> perrito666: looks like the test is missing in steps122_test.go [15:49] <ericsnow> (or the step, rather) [15:49] <ericsnow> perrito666: so TestStateStepsFor122 should be failing [15:50] * perrito666 looks why his unstaged changes checker did not fail [15:52] <perrito666> fixed [15:52] <perrito666> ericsnow: can I consider you a holy reviewer or do I need a signature on that stamp? [15:52] <ericsnow> perrito666: I wasn't going to bring it up <wink> [15:53] <katco> perrito666: i trust ericsnow's judgement [15:53] <katco> perrito666: go with it [15:54] <natefinch> perrito666: me too [15:54] <perrito666> so do I it is the burocratic weight of the stamp what I was looking for, but this is heavy enough for me to let it pass [15:55] <natefinch> perrito666: I rubber stamped it [15:55] <perrito666> natefinch: I already hit merge anyway :p [15:55] <perrito666> I am hurried enough [15:57] <natefinch> wow, those are some... ummm.... high level tests [15:57] <perrito666> natefinch: ?? [15:58] <perrito666> there is a separate test for the function being run :) if that is what worries you [15:58] <natefinch> sorry, high level isn't the right word..... what's the opposite of comprehensive? [15:58] <natefinch> perrito666: ahh, ok [15:58] <natefinch> perrito666: just with the changes, it looks like all we're testing is that the upgrade step has the right description [15:59] <perrito666> natefinch: but again, htat was already there, only in the wrong version, the merge of the patch got delayed until 1.22 so the steps where added in a place where they would never run [15:59] <perrito666> natefinch: well there is no way to test that the upgrade function does what it says [16:00] <perrito666> we check that the steps are the right ones based on their description, we know that at least that is what we want to run [16:18] <natefinch> perrito666: I'm sure there's a way to test that the upgrade function at least calls AddEnvUUIDToCharms.... [16:25] <natefinch> mgz, sinzui: I'm trying to connect to stilson, but can't seem to make the connection no matter how I do it. pure VPN doesn't work for me, I just never can get a response from the IP address. Martin told me about the CI bouncer, and I can connect to it, but I think I must be messing up the proxy command, because it never hops to stilson from the bouncer. [16:30] <sinzui> natefinch, I will get you a ssh config stanza [16:31] <natefinch> sinzui: thank you. I'll be afk for an hour-ish, so no rush [16:34] <katco> ericsnow: nttac meeting [16:34] <katco> nttca [17:32] <katco> ericsnow: hey can you join the nttca meeting again? [17:45] <mup> Bug #1450573 was opened: HA and backup recovery tests failed <backup-restore> <blocker> <ci> <ec2-provider> <ensure-availability> <regression> <juju-core:Triaged> <> [17:49] <TheMue> anyone willing for a review of a forward port of a fix from 1.23 and 1.24 to now master? see thx [17:51] <natefinch> TheMue: you should reference the original PR so that it's easy to check that the port is the same as the original [17:55] <katco> natefinch: running a little behind, may be slightly late [17:55] <natefinch> katco: no worries. I know how it is. [17:56] <TheMue> natefinch: will add it [18:00] <TheMue> natefinch: done [18:02] <natefinch> TheMue: ship it! [18:02] <TheMue> natefinch: thx [18:07] <natefinch> TheMue: seems like we should be able to have an automated check that a forward port is identical to an existing PR on another branch and skip the second review. obviously, if changes needed to be made to the PR for the forward port, then it needs human eyes, but for ones like this where it's identical... would be nice to skip that. [18:08] <TheMue> natefinch: sounds like a good idea. but now also the fix doesn't match the listed fixes, so I've got to use JNDI [19:05] <TheMue> hmm, my CI output shows "Extant directories unknown:". any idea what this means? [19:11] <TheMue> natefinch: any idea here ^^ [19:11] <natefinch> TheMue: no idea. sinzui? ^ [19:13] <sinzui> natefinch, are you using the make-release-tarball script? [19:13] <sinzui> natefinch, That error looks like the checks that ensure every package in the tarball is documented. [19:14] <TheMue> sinzui: it's me, and I'm only trying to merge a PR into master. [19:14] <TheMue> sinzui: only 5 files changes, dependencies are unchanged [19:16] <sinzui> TheMue, I think one of things you are trying to merge is injecting charm.v6-unstable. either we document that it is needed, or fix the code to not get it [19:19] <TheMue> sinzui: strange, I only ported a fix, a few code lines [19:20] <perrito666> TheMue: if you brought charm v6 definitely its a bigger change, we where using v5 yesterday [19:21] <TheMue> perrito666: no, I haven't. no change of imports. and I just scanned the code here, no where found [19:24] <sinzui> abentley, jog, something in CI is very wrong. it is trying to upgrade from 1.23.2 to 1.22.2. I think the upgrade-jenkins script was run a few hours too early [19:24] * sinzui looks for downgrade options [19:25] <abentley> sinzui: on the bright side, upgrade-jenkins-branches ran to completion without errors :-/ [19:25] <sinzui> yep Ci is on the new 1.23.2, but we weren't ready for it [19:26] <sinzui> abentley, I will take this opportunity to downgrade to 1.21.1 to watch the upgrade [19:28] <sinzui> I just got a tax bill for $326,000 for the sale of my home 2 years. ago. I think I am going to pieces right now [19:29] <abentley> sinzui: Wow. Ugh. [19:29] <abentley> sinzui: Yeah, you might want to take some time out. [19:29] <TheMue> ok, I'll retry then tomorrow [19:30] <sinzui> abentley, I think I need an account to explain to the IRS that I did pay tax, on the sale of my house, not the sale of a business under different tax lass [19:30] <sinzui> law [19:51] <sinzui> perrito666, We had a misfire with the release of the new juju. all the CI machines got upgraded during the test. So it tried an impossible upgrade of 1.23.2 to 1.22.3 :( [19:52] <sinzui> perrito666, But CI has a cache of all the old jujus. I installed 1.21.3, then reset all the upgrade tests. All is well! The logs show after upgrade we could set new charms configs with and juju did the right thing \o/ [19:53] <sinzui> I will update CI to the real stable when we are finished testing 1.22.3 [19:53] <sinzui> wow, and we just got a bless [20:00] <katco> ericsnow: running just a little late brt [20:00] <ericsnow> katco: k [20:02] <perrito666> Sinzui cool can i fwport now? [20:03] <sinzui> perrito666, yep. [20:04] <perrito666> Sweet [20:09] <sinzui> perrito666, should I make CI wait for your 1.23 merge? if it will be several hours, I would test 1.24 [20:12] <perrito666> I am at the dentist currently so it should be 1.5h from now :p [20:16] <perrito666> There is a limit to the things you can do with a phone [20:23] <sinzui> natefinch, thank you! [20:24] <sinzui> natefinch, maybe I should also grab the old broken package and run in there too [20:24] <natefinch> sinzui: certainly seems like a good idea. I wish I knew more of how the packaging process worked, I might be of more help. But I'm glad I was able to at least do this much. [20:28] <sinzui> natefinch, the container doesn't have our build deps ppa attached, so it is pure trusty, but I don't see anything in the ppa that could uncouple: [20:28] <sinzui> regardless, natefinch you have given me something I can work with [20:31] <natefinch> sinzui: I am really glad it's useful. [20:36] <sinzui> TheMue, CI s broken as you described in your own branch. I think an upstream change to a repo has broken all builds [20:37] <sinzui> TheMue, mgz discovered some months ago that Go will always get all the deps in the git master branch even when they will not be used. It pollutes the tree. mgz's fix was to fix the upstream repo. [21:06] <menn0> davecheney: morning [21:09] <sinzui> katco, wallyworld: we need to form an angry mob and address bug 1450631. [21:09] <mup> Bug #1450631: Something is injecting into the tree <blocker> <ci> <packaging> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-release-tools:Triaged> <> [21:09] <sinzui> I will send an email to the list since it break all merges and CI testing [21:19] <katco> sinzui: sorry i was in a meeting... TAL now [21:22] <mup> Bug #1450631 was opened: Something is injecting into the tree <blocker> <ci> <packaging> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-release-tools:Triaged> <> [21:24] <jw4> sinzui: it looks like it may be the repo that has a reference to [21:25] <katco> jw4: ty [21:25] <jw4> sinzui, katco: I wonder if referring to jujusvg through would resolve this? [21:25] <sinzui> jw4, uhg, we didn't change our dep of to get it though. [21:25] <sinzui> jw4, maybe [21:26] <sinzui> ps jw4, did you get credentials to see test results? [21:26] <jw4> sinzui: not yet [21:26] <jw4> sinzui: alexisb is still working on that :) [21:26] <sinzui> okay, I will see If I can get that to you tommorow jw4 [21:28] <jw4> sinzui: very likely the trigger: [21:29] <jw4> sinzui: we could ask jujusvg folks to tag our revision 28683402583926ce903491c14a07cdc5cb371adb as v1 maybe [21:29] <jw4> sinzui: then we might be able to use [21:29] <jw4> s/our revision/their revision/ [21:30] <sinzui> jw4, katco: while changing our dep to jujusvg in every branch might work around this issue, we cannot go back and change branches we aren't developing. Since we did an unplanned build of 1.22.3 today, I worry that we will not be able to respond to emergencys in older jujus [21:31] <jw4> sinzui: jujusvg is not in dependencies.tsv for 1.22 [21:31] <sinzui> oh, I see what you are saying jw4. I think you are right. and this means that older branches are probably not affected [21:32] <sinzui> jw4, jobs that make the tree will always reject when a package is not documented appears in the tree. [21:33] <jw4> sinzui: yeah... I'm hoping that using it will pull in only the tagged versions and not the master revisions [21:33] <jw4> sinzui: I haven't verified that yet though [21:33] <katco> jw4: i think you are correct [21:33] <jw4> sinzui: but we can't use on jujusvg until it's tagged [21:34] <jw4> (otherwise we just get the default v0 which is master) [21:35] <sinzui> Makyo, ^ maybe you can help tag jujusvg so that we can build juju again [21:35] <jw4> Makyo: if we could tag revision [21:35] <jw4> 28683402583926ce903491c14a07cdc5cb371adb as v1 [21:36] <jw4> in jujusvg that might help us with this CI issue [21:36] <sinzui> Makyo, or someone you know. We are getting pulled into the juju tree. since it is not documented, the merge and build jobs break [21:36] <jw4> Makyo: it might even be better if v1 was a branch vs. a tag [21:38] <sinzui> jw4, I might have permission to tag it! [21:38] <jw4> sinzui: woot! [21:38] <sinzui> well yes I can tag, lets see if I can push tags [21:42] <sinzui> jw4, is this what you expect for the tag command? [21:42] <sinzui> git tag -a v1 -m "Version 1 for" 28683402583926ce903491c14a07cdc5cb371adb [21:42] <sinzui> just "v1" [21:42] <katco> what branch is this being triggered on? 1.24? [21:42] <sinzui> katco, every branch! [21:42] <jw4> katco: 1.24 and master [21:42] <katco> godeps -u dependencies.tsv && cat dependencies.tsv |awk '{print $1}' |xargs -I % grep -r "charm.v6" $GOPATH/src/% [21:42] <katco> this is not giving me anything useful [21:42] <sinzui> 1.23 1.24 and all the feature branches [21:42] <jw4> katco: it's a transitive dependency [21:43] <sinzui> katco, hence we know something happened outside of juju [21:43] <jw4> katco: master refers to charm.v6 [21:43] <katco> jw4: right, so i am searching all of juju-core dependencies for charm.v6 [21:43] <katco> and i'm not finding anything? [21:43] <jw4> katco: exactly [21:43] <jw4> katco: that's why CI is complaining [21:43] <sinzui> katco, that is the error, you will not find it because it is not supposed to be there.. [21:43] <jw4> CI compares what go get builds against dependencies.tsv [21:44] <katco> jw4: no as in, none of juju-core's dependencies are referencing charm.v6-unstable [21:44] <jw4> katco: that's the problem jujusvg does [21:44] <sinzui> katco, and all merging branches, not just ci [21:44] <jw4> but not in the version that's pinned [21:44] <sinzui> jw4, is the tag just "v1" [21:44] <jw4> sinzui: yeah I think so [21:45] <katco> jw4: but if not in the version that's pinned, why is it causing problems? effectively juju is not utilizing a version of jujusvg that is referencing charm.v6? [21:45] <jw4> katco: so "go get" pulls down jujusvg master which refers to charm.v6, causing charm.v6 to be pulled down [21:45] <Makyo> sinzui, jw4 Will gladly tag, but I'm a little curious, why is jujusvg showing up in core? [21:46] <katco> jw4: so the ci server is doing a go get, and not a godeps? [21:46] <jw4> katco: even go deps does a go get first before syncing to the right revision [21:47] <jw4> Makyo: good question [21:47] <sinzui> katco, merge might be, but the rules to make the tar ball don't besides, I think godeps is still calling git to do something which is still the problem [21:47] <katco> jw4: so the issue is that charm.v6 exists at all on the CI server? [21:47] <Makyo> jw4, jujusvg's only consumer should be charmstore [21:47] <katco> jw4: not that juju-core uses it? [21:47] <jw4> katco: exactly [21:47] <katco> jw4: thx for walking me around the block on that [21:47] <jw4> katco: because CI checks that all dependencies downloaded are accounted for [21:47] <sinzui> katco, not at all [21:48] <jw4> Makyo: it's in our dependencies.tsv, but it's not actually referred to in code... I think it's a transitive dependency [21:48] <jw4> Makyo: gimme a sec to figure out the third level up :) [21:48] <sinzui> katco, anyone who tries to get juju using go get or godeps is getting a tree witn unised deps because Go's use of git is to always checkout master. [21:49] <Makyo> jw4, ack, thanks. I'll work on tagging. [21:49] <jw4> Makyo: it's charmstore.v4 that's using it [21:49] <sinzui> katco, There are jobs owned by Core to do merging, and jobs owned by QA to make release tarballs for testing. Both jobs fail because the tree contains a package that us not Used. Ubuntu requires us to abort. We cannot accept a unused an undocumented dep [21:49] <jw4> Makyo: so it's a legitimate transitive dependency [21:50] <katco> sinzui: i understand now. ty [21:50] <sinzui> I might be a minute from fixing this if someone can config the tag is just "v1" [21:50] <Makyo> jw4, alright, thanks [21:50] <jw4> sinzui: Makyo will tag for us... (thanks Makyo) [21:51] <katco> well it sounds like you guys have this under control, and i'm well past eod and need to get dinner going [21:51] <katco> i'll see you all around [21:51] <jw4> katco: control is an illusion [21:51] <jw4> katco: ttyl [21:51] <katco> jw4: later morpheus ;0 [21:52] <katco> ;) [21:52] <jw4> haha [21:53] <sinzui> I think my main dislike of Christmas is lack of control. I don't like surprises, even if they are gift wrapped. [21:53] <jw4> sinzui: I'm so there... I hate surprises :) [21:57] <Makyo> jw4, sinzui should now work. I went with 890de36 because that's the commit before charm.v6 was added, but after the NewFromBundle() api solidified. [21:57] <Makyo> jw4, sinzui if need be, I can roll it back. I went with a branch for v1 [21:57] <jw4> Makyo: actually I preferred a branch [21:58] <jw4> Makyo: that should be fine [21:58] <jw4> Makyo: thanks@! [21:58] <Makyo> jw4, np, ping if anything else comes up around that. [21:58] <jw4> sinzui: now for the test [21:58] <jw4> Makyo: will do [21:58] <sinzui> jw4, shall I just ask CI to start again? [21:59] <jw4> sinzui: we have to update dependencies.tsv... but I just realized... charmstore will have to use the gopkg version [21:59] <sinzui> :? [21:59] <sinzui> Well this is a pickle [21:59] <jw4> sinzui: because it's charmstore that actually causes the transitive download of jujusvg [22:00] <jw4> sinzui: a veritable dilly of a pickle [22:01] * sinzui ponders a hack to just purge undocumented deps [22:01] <jw4> sinzui: the good news is, it looks like the version works without pulling in charm.v6 [22:02] <sinzui> :) [22:02] <jw4> sinzui: so now we just need to get a PR in to charmstore... [22:03] <wallyworld> sinzui: i'm back now, catching up on irc croll back [22:04] <Makyo> jw4, sinzui will +1 it [22:04] <Makyo> I will, that is. Vague. [22:04] <jw4> Makyo: hehe [22:11] <sinzui> wallyworld, jw4: My family insists we celebrate the mixed news my son got into advanced academics and the IRS sent me a $326,000 bill. When I might hack the scripts to ignore the bad package so that we can test what we have. We are not planning to releasing any of th development branches this week [22:11] <jw4> sinzui: that's crazy - congrats on one of those bits of news [22:12] <sinzui> :) [22:12] <jw4> sinzui: okay - it looks like I'll need at least 2 PR's to convert to anyway [22:14] <wallyworld> sinzui: oh wow [22:14] <wallyworld> go have fun and drown your sorrows [22:14] <wallyworld> surely that bill is a mistake [22:37] <jw4> Makyo: I think we're going to need the v1 branch to start right at 28683402583926ce903491c14a07cdc5cb371adb, and then I'll do a PR to update internal references to to use [22:38] <jw4> Makyo: the problem is the head of the v1 branch has some breaking API changes (IconFetcher interface) that would cascade out [22:39] <Makyo> jw4, ack, sounds good. [22:39] <Makyo> jw4, otp, will do after [22:39] <jw4> Makyo: thanks... [22:39] <jw4> Makyo: I'll be in and out the next few hours, but appreciate it whenever you get that change in [22:39] <Makyo> jw4, np, will do [22:41] <Makyo> jw4, git's amazing and now that's done, I think. [22:41] <jw4> suh-weet! [22:41] <jw4> Makyo: thanks again
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Makyo", "TheMue", "abentley", "axw", "dooferlad", "ericsnow", "fwereade", "jw4", "katco", "menn0", "mgz", "mup", "natefinch", "perrito666", "sinzui", "voidspace", "waigani", "wallyworld" ], "url": "", "channel": "#juju-dev" }
[10:16] <daker> PabloRubianes: yes [10:16] <daker> you can forget about this MR
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "daker" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-website" }
[07:05] <extraymond> Hi! I'm pretty new to utouch, would like to know whether nexus 4 is gonna be supported in the future? Would like to buy a 2nd hand nexus 4 for development. [07:06] <dholbach> good morning [07:07] <extraymond> Is this the right channel to ask such question? [07:08] <dholbach> extraymond, it is the right channel yes [07:09] <dholbach> I don't know if there's an official answer to it, but with N4s in widespread use right now, I'd assume that it's a safe bet for quite a while [07:09] <dholbach> especially with many of the automated tests running on N4s [07:10] <extraymond> dholbach, Thx! That's good to know! [07:14] <dholbach> in the worst case, you could sell it again on ebay and try to get a different one [07:14] <dholbach> it'll be easier and easier over time with more ubuntu powered handsets getting on the market [07:18] <extraymond> Will Nexus 7(2013) have the chance of having a longer supported life cycle? Since its newer. [07:21] * elfy hopes so [08:41] <TenLeftFingers> rsalveti: ping [09:05] <JamesTait> Good morning all; happy Poem in Your Pocket Day! :-D [09:40] <social> Anyone had luck syncing calendar with google accounts? I keep getting 400 bad request and so on [09:42] <popey> social: known bug, fix is in progress in vivid [09:43] <social> popey: some bug to check, I have error : no datastores active check configuration [09:58] <TenLeftFingers> I don't see the Reminders app listed at so which package should I run unity-bug against? [09:58] <popey> [10:00] <TenLeftFingers> popey: thanks [10:00] * popey edits the avengers page [10:00] <popey> well, i would if the wiki didn't 500 on me [10:00] <TenLeftFingers> I feel special now :) [10:01] <popey> Welcome to my world. [10:04] <TenLeftFingers> After all that, I can't replicate the conditions for the bug right now... I went out of coverage while making a note and lost a good chunk of text. Too vague for a bug report? [10:05] <popey> no, it should work offline [10:05] <popey> if you can try and reproduce again that would be great [10:06] * davmor2 renames it avengers:assemble to see how many hits it gets :D [10:06] <TenLeftFingers> I think it works offline, but switch while making the note causes the issue. Okay, I'll wait until I can be more specific on exactly what happened. [10:09] <popey> thanks TenLeftFingers [10:10] <TenLeftFingers> popey: no problem [10:36] <asis> hey there!! [10:36] <asis> I wanted to install Ubuntu touch in my Android Phone ... But my phone is not listed .. So what should I need to do [10:39] <asis> hello ?? [10:42] <ahoneybun> asis: would have to port it [10:42] <asis> I read about port .. But gets More Confused [10:42] <asis> Any help would be appreciated :) [10:50] <ahoneybun> asis: from what I understand if there is CyanogenMod for the phone the port is a lot more easy to do, but sadly I have no dev exp to do it [11:08] <TenLeftFingers> Oh dear. Dekko has been "Saving to the sent folder" for a few minutes now with a rather long email. I may need to kill it. Is there some way to recover what I typed? [11:10] <TenLeftFingers> Ah, it eventually returns and lets me copy out the text. I can live with that. [11:18] <DanChapman> TenLeftFingers: So did it eventually just back out of the "Saving to sent folder" step? (that part has always been slightly broken IMO anyway) [11:19] <DanChapman> But yes it should preserve the message in the composer except after successful submision or composer is closed, but you should get a prompt to save it for that. [11:37] <TenLeftFingers> DanChapman: yes, it did preserve the message. In the past I have killed the app and lost the message because it looked like it wasn't going to return but I think I could have saved those messages too had I waited a little longer. [11:55] <social> popey: I have found is there some bug on which someone is working on? I'm not familiar with launchpad :( [12:49] <tedg> ogra_, FYI: [12:50] <tedg> ogra_, Looks like an unset variable somewhere [13:15] <ogra_> tedg, oh ... when did that happen ? [13:15] <ogra_> while sharing a pic from gallery ? [13:16] <ogra_> (clicking on the url-dispatcher part on the error tracker gets me to gallery logs) [13:26] <extraymond> Hi! Does anyone know why I can't find those apps in uappexplorer on my emulator? [13:27] <popey> extraymond: x86 emulator, and apps in the store are mostly armhf only [13:27] <extraymond> Oh!! That makes sense... [13:27] <popey> (unless they're pure qml or html5 in which case they're multi-arch) [13:27] <popey> yeah [13:27] * popey pokes bzoltan and zbenjamin about fat package building.... [13:28] <extraymond> well, I'll try setup a arm one! Thx popey! [13:28] <popey> np [13:28] <popey> its uber slow, the armhf emulator [13:28] <popey> like, slow as molasses [13:28] <zbenjamin> popey: fat package building only with qmake based projects [13:28] <popey> do we have to migrate zbenjamin ? [13:29] <zbenjamin> popey: alternatively you can manually package it up [13:31] <zbenjamin> popey: so basically its, building your project manually in every chroot and then make install it all into the same directory, for example /tmp/mypackage. Then edit the manifest.json file and list the architectures you included. Last step is run click build on the /tmp/mypackage folder [13:31] <popey> hm. [13:31] <popey> tvoss: any chance you can reply to my mail about terminal? [13:32] <tvoss> popey, sure, in a meeting right now. did we talk with security, yet? [13:32] <extraymond> popey: will the emulator run faster if we get in running on rpi2 or something arm? [13:33] <popey> tvoss: no, I can do. [13:33] <tvoss> popey, that would help me, thx [13:34] <popey> ok [13:48] <trickvi_> would this be a good place to get help to add a new layout for the on screen keyboard? [13:48] <trickvi_> (and also a bit of help with the ubuntu sdk) [13:49] * trickvi_ is a bit confused what irc channel is best [13:49] <ogra_> trickvi_, for phone stuff this is the right channel [13:50] <ogra_> trickvi_, and for the SDk and apps #ubuntu-app-devel is a good one [13:51] <trickvi_> ogra_: ah great, I just got my phone and want to add a keyboard layout, so I've set up the Ubuntu SDK imported the bzr repo but it talks about Maliit framework being missing, but there's nothing in the docs that I can find that tell me about this Maliit framework, I guess I have to import that project as well and build it and then I can add my layout [13:51] <trickvi_> ogra_: ok will direct SDK questions there [13:51] <ogra_> Elleo, ^^ [13:52] <trickvi_> (first time contributor here) [13:54] <Elleo> trickvi_: heya; building the keyboard is a bit complicated; but if you put together a layout appropriate for your language I'll see about fixing up any (non-language specific) issues with it and get it merged [13:55] <Elleo> trickvi_: there's a couple of existing MRs that should the sort of changes needed to add a new layout, I'll dig one out for you [13:55] <Elleo> trickvi_: this is quite a good example: [13:55] <trickvi_> thanks Elleo, so I should just blindly make adjustments and rely on you to guide me when I screw up ;) [13:55] <Elleo> trickvi_: there's also some half-finished docs here: [13:56] <trickvi_> Elleo: that's the page I was looking for yesterday :) [13:56] <Elleo> trickvi_: pretty much :) it's in our backlog to redesign the layout system to make it much easier to develop and test new layouts [13:57] <trickvi_> Elleo: if I'd make an awesome MR how long would it take for it to get from today to my phone? [13:57] <Elleo> trickvi_: really only the layout files part of that is probably of use, since the template generator was never finished [13:57] <trickvi_> as in upstream and released [13:57] <trickvi_> (I can probably somehow put it on my phone -- but that comes later when I've seen that I've done it correctly) [13:59] <Elleo> trickvi_: that depends a bit on when you finish it really; we typically build up a little queue of new layouts and then review and merge them all in a big batch; I'm currently going through a batch at the moment, so if you finish your layout within the next couple of weeks it'll probably get included in this group [13:59] <Elleo> trickvi_: after that it'll be however long between it getting merged and there being another OTA update [14:00] <Elleo> trickvi_: so probably a couple of months on average [14:00] <trickvi_> Elleo: I'll get this working as soon as possible :) [14:00] * trickvi_ is excited to be able to contribute [14:00] <Elleo> trickvi_: once its ready for merging there will be test packages that you can install manually though (if you don't mind making your device writable) [14:01] <cwayne> rpadovani, ping! [14:01] <trickvi_> Elleo: I don't mind :) [14:01] <trickvi_> but I would like to test before destroying my phone [14:03] <Elleo> trickvi_: after the next major OTA (when the phone switches to vivid) it'll be possible to try new layouts whilst still in read-only mode, but I'm not sure exactly when that'll be [14:03] <rpadovani> cwayne, hey :-) [14:05] <trickvi_> OTA? acronym newbie [14:05] <Elleo> trickvi_: oh sorry, Over The Air update [14:07] <trickvi_> as in "phones can install an update" [14:08] <Elleo> trickvi_: yeah, every month or two we push an update to the overall system that you can install by just pressing the "Install" button on the updates page in system settngs [14:09] <trickvi_> right, so the icons that got lost in my last update won't get fixed until next OTA [14:11] <jhodapp> popey, btw, updated my flo to image 186 and it boots with no issues [14:11] <popey> jhodapp: yeah, it was my fault. apparmor taking ages to process all the 1222 apps I have installed [14:11] <popey> sorry. [14:11] <jhodapp> wow [14:11] <jhodapp> good testing :) [14:16] <Elleo> trickvi_: I don't think that's necessarily related to this OTA specifically, it hasn't happened to everyone, but I do remember someone else mentioning it; I think it has something to do with the icon cache getting messed up in some way, so it might be possible to clear that cache and get it working [14:16] <john-mcaleely> I think a system where having apps installed stalls boot is not 'your fault' popey :-) [14:16] <Elleo> trickvi_: I'm not sure on the details of that though, I just vaguely remember someone else talking about it in the past [14:16] <popey> john-mcaleely: fair! I mean, I should have known what it was because I've seen that before, and we filed a bug about it. [14:17] <Elleo> popey: is that all the apps in the store on one device? [14:17] <john-mcaleely> popey, is it on every OTA? [14:17] <popey> yes Elleo [14:17] <popey> john-mcaleely: no, I don't think so, only where there's some low level change like a kernel update I think [14:17] <popey> jdstrand: knows better (of course) what triggers an apparmor profile regenerate [14:17] <john-mcaleely> phew. that's less terrible then [14:18] <Elleo> popey: cool [14:18] <john-mcaleely> still terrible [14:18] <popey> Elleo: it stresses the system update process a bit too [14:18] <ogra_> john-mcaleely, i blame popey for having 1222 apps installed [14:18] <popey> doing OTA updates after a few days reveals a lot of app updates to pull in [14:18] <popey> Wise. Who would do that!?! [14:18] <john-mcaleely> perhaps he should only have 1221 [14:18] <popey> <- this guy [14:18] <john-mcaleely> that would be fine [14:18] <Elleo> heh [14:18] <popey> i can make it 1223 if you like [14:18] <ogra_> john-mcaleely, +1 [14:19] <john-mcaleely> argh. no more apps! [14:19] <john-mcaleely> +1 is back 1222 [14:19] <ogra_> :D [14:19] <popey> climbing climbing.... [14:20] <john-mcaleely> what's the cwayne percentage? [14:20] <ogra_> tedg, is there a corresponding bug to that e.u.c report ... i would really like some context [14:21] <cwayne> john-mcaleely, just added two more this morning [14:21] <john-mcaleely> so popey is definately out of date then [14:21] <popey> note that some don't install because they use 15.04 framework [14:26] <abeato> jgdx, ping [14:27] <jgdx> abeato, pong [14:38] <Elleo> popey: for the sake of my curiousity could you try running this on your device with all the clicks? find /opt/ -name *.qml | cut -d '/' -f 4 | uniq | wc -l [14:38] <Elleo> popey: it'll tell us how many apps have at least one qml file (rough estimate of native QML apps) [14:39] <popey> Elleo: 322 [14:39] <Elleo> popey: cool, thanks [14:39] <cwayne> popey, PING [14:40] * cwayne makes his pings count [14:40] <popey> cwayne: PONG! [14:40] <cwayne> popey, hey, is it generally possible to revert clicks int he store to a previously uploaded version? or does it generally need to be re-uploaded? [14:41] <popey> cwayne: it is possible, but it's frowned upon [14:41] <popey> cwayne: last time I pressed that button, beuno was surprised to discover its existence [14:41] <popey> and we broke things [14:41] <Elleo> heh [14:42] <cwayne> ah [14:42] <cwayne> hm [14:42] <Elleo> presumably that'd also leave anyone who installed it with the later version, since it won't be seen as an update [14:42] <popey> yeah, and you have to bump past that [14:43] <popey> so, I'm reluctant to press that button without consulting beuno [14:54] <cwayne> popey, Elleo thanks, was just curious :) [14:59] <elopio> Kaleo: Elleo: we need a couple of quick reviews from you: [14:59] <elopio> [14:59] <elopio> [15:03] <kenvandine> elopio, i hear the webbrowser-app has a custom test runner for running qml tests, we should do the same thing for settings [15:03] <kenvandine> it would be much better than reorganizing our tree [15:04] <Elleo> elopio: sure thing, will take a look in just a sec [15:06] <elopio> kenvandine: as long as you can put the individual qml files under test, it's good for me. I would prefer everybody from your team to use the same style, but that's bonus points. [15:06] <kenvandine> i assume that's how it works [15:06] <kenvandine> oSoMoN_, ^^ [15:06] <kenvandine> you can run your custom running on individual qml files? [15:06] <kenvandine> s/running/runner [15:07] <elopio> kenvandine: can you tell more about this runner? [15:07] <kenvandine> not really, oSoMoN_ was telling me about it over breakfast :) [15:07] <kenvandine> haven't looked at it [15:08] <kenvandine> but he created it to solve the same type of problem [15:08] <oSoMoN_> kenvandine, elopio: [15:08] <elopio> ok. So the decission is yours. I just would like to understand it so I can help writing tests. [15:08] <kenvandine> thx [15:16] <social> how does one get devel images for touch device and how to install it? [15:18] <Beliq> Hey guys, can I run Ubuntu SDK on mac ? [15:46] <davmor2> Beliq: possibly not [15:47] <davmor2> social: what phone [15:48] <social> davmor2: bq 4.5 [15:49] <davmor2> social: So you will get an automatic ota to vivid when it ready. [15:51] <social> davmor2: is there a dev channel? some quckstart for devs especially system maintenance? [15:52] <social> davmor2: in short I don't like some stuff on NetworkManager and I'd like to have that fixed best way usually is to grap latest devel release and start changing there [15:57] <davmor2> social: so there is a dev channel you can use system-image --switch command you can use to get on it [15:58] <davmor2> social: system-image-cli --switch sorry and the channel you want [15:58] <social> davmor2: for NM package (it'll take me some time to get into apt package building) I can than just build it for the device and install ? [15:59] <social> and in worst case I'll just reflash [15:59] <davmor2> social: possibly best to talk to cyphermox [15:59] <davmor2> social: there is almost certianly a ppa you can use [16:00] <cyphermox> social: you can definitely rebuild packages on the phone directly if you have enough room to install the right packages [16:01] <social> well I'd prefer to build elsewhere and just set up repo [16:02] <cyphermox> you could do that, but I don't think you can just build NM for armhf on any random PPA [16:02] <cyphermox> though you definitely can cross-build, etc. [16:02] <cyphermox> social: if you have things you don't like and want changed, best is to file a bug about it so we all know about the issues [16:39] <brunch875> Hello!! [16:39] <cwayne> brunch875, Hello! [16:39] <brunch875> I hope you're having an excellent and sunny day, cwayne! [16:41] <cwayne> brunch875, You as well! [16:41] <cwayne> how pleasant [16:46] <brunch875> Ooof, ubuntu accounts are behaving badly on the desktop. I hope the issue doesn't spread to the phone. [16:48] <ogra_> define "behaving badly" [16:48] <brunch875> well, on my desktop I can barely join IRC [16:48] <brunch875> and on my laptop, gmail doesn't work [16:49] <ogra_> IRC doesnt use any accounts from the system though [16:49] <ogra_> sounds more like you have some network issue [16:49] <brunch875> but that's very odd since both computers use the same net [16:50] <brunch875> and only started happening since vivid [17:30] <bqphone> what is the best video player app for ubuntu phone? i got a video through telegram and for some reason its not opening, i get open with and i see there only gallery app [17:38] <brunch875> is ubot alive again? [17:38] <brunch875> !isitoutyet [17:47] <bqphone> anyone knows a good video app that allows you to open videos you get throught Telegram app (ubuntu phone) [17:49] <ogra_> theoretically it should just open via the builtin mediaplayer [17:49] <ogra_> but you probably need to take a detour through the gallery app [17:57] <bqphone> i cant see it in gallery to try media [18:21] <Elleo> elopio_: is also ready for review? [18:22] <Beliq> So the latest ubuntu touch has no home screen with the background like here ? [18:23] <Elleo> Beliq: nope, that changed quite a long time ago [18:23] <Elleo> Beliq: all modern images have a light coloured background in the apps scope [18:24] <Beliq> Ok, in that case is there a way to make transparent scopes ? [18:26] <Elleo> Beliq: nope [18:26] <bqphone> anyone knows a good video app that allows you to open videos you get throught Telegram app (ubuntu phone) [18:26] <Beliq> Geez, I wish I could file a issue for that.... [18:29] <popey> bqphone: i have a feeling we're missing a codec for that [18:29] * popey tests sending video to himself [18:29] <bqphone> update me w hen your test is done :) [18:29] <popey> bqphone: [18:30] <bqphone> will it be fixed when the phone update to 15.04? [18:33] <popey> bqphone: just tested and a video I recorded on my iphone plays back fine here [18:33] <bqphone> well i got a video from my sis [18:33] <bqphone> i was able to send it to someone else [18:33] <bqphone> but when i click open [18:34] <bqphone> i get black screen with play button [18:34] <bqphone> cant click on it though [18:34] <popey> sounds like a bug [18:35] <bqphone> how can i report a bug? [18:35] <popey> [18:35] <elopio_> Elleo: yes, I've just added the checklist. [18:36] <Elleo> elopio_: okay, cool; thanks [18:39] <bqphone> submited thx for the help [18:58] <kenvandine> pmcgowan, i filed bug 1450595 for that [19:03] <pmcgowan> kenvandine, thanks
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Beliq", "DanChapman", "Elleo", "JamesTait", "TenLeftFingers", "abeato", "ahoneybun", "asis", "bqphone", "brunch875", "cwayne", "cyphermox", "davmor2", "dholbach", "elfy", "elopio", "elopio_", "extraymond", "jgdx", "jhodapp", "john-mcaleely", "kenvandine", "oSoMoN_", "ogra_", "pmcgowan", "popey", "rpadovani", "social", "tedg", "trickvi_", "tvoss", "zbenjamin" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-touch" }
[08:27] <alan_g> greyback: quick Q - does Unity8 pass command line options to Mir? [08:27] <greyback> alan_g: yes it does [08:29] <alan_g> Thanks. (Confirms what I thought) [13:25] <alan_g> alf_: is this something we want off our TODO list?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "alan_g", "greyback" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-mir" }
[00:08] <jun__> 안녕하세요~ 오랫만에 아침에 들어왔습니다~ ㅎㅎㅎ [00:08] <Work^Seony> 안녕하세요 [00:08] <jun__> 한국은 이제 여름인거 같아요... 무지덥네요 [00:39] <AutoWiZ_znc> 네네 안녕하세요~~ [00:40] <Work^Seony> 안녕하세요 [00:41] <AutoWiZ_znc> 낮에는 거의 여름이구요 아침 저녁으론 조금 선선한 정도 [00:41] <AutoWiZ_znc> 딱 좋습니다. [01:22] <ujuc> 안녕하세요 :) [01:22] <Work^Seony> 안녕하세요 [01:25] <ujuc> 음 맥용 vs 라이센스 파일이 안보이네요.ㅡ.ㅡ; utf-8로 작성안한..;;; [01:26] <jun__> 맥을 한번도 써본적이 없어서 해드릴말이 없네요;;;; [01:26] <ujuc> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ :) [01:27] <ujuc> 그런데 vs code군요 맥용으로 풀린건.;;; 이건 거의... 그냥 편집기 수준..;; [01:42] <jun__> 혹시 웹로직 잘하시는분 있으신가요...?? ㅜㅜ [02:18] <Work^Seony> 웹로직은 뭐에요? [02:18] <jun__> WAS의 일종으로 오라클에서 지원하는 겁니다~ [02:18] <jun__> 유사 제품으로 Tomcat, Jues, webspear 등이 있지요 ㅎㅎ [02:18] <Work^Seony> 아.... 저는 모르는거네요 ㅎㅎ [02:19] <jun__> 아.. 락플레이스에서 하는 JBOSS도 같은 제품이네요 [02:19] <Work^Seony> iNotify를 이용해서 실시간 파일동기 스크립트 만들려고 하는데, 이게 샘플로 나온게 별로 없네요.. [02:20] <jun__> ....................................... [02:21] <jun__> iNotify가 뭔지를 모르겠네요;;;; [02:21] <Work^Seony> 커널에서 지원하는 기능인데요, 파일시스템에 변경이 생겼을 때 즉시 알려주는 기능이에요 [02:22] <Work^Seony> 파이썬에서 쓸 수 있는 모듈이 있어서 굳이 C를 안해도 파일시스템 제어가 가능하죠... [02:22] <jun__> 그럼 파일시스템 변경이 일어나면 바로 스크립트를 실행하도록 만드시는건가요? [02:22] <Work^Seony> 파이썬에서 함수 하나 만들어서, 특정 디렉토리를 감시하게 하고, 그 디렉토리 내에 있는 어떤 파일의 변경이 감지되면 해당 함수의 내용을 실행하는거죠... [02:23] <jun__> 아하! [02:23] <Work^Seony> 뭐 예를 들면, 자동백업 같은거요 ㅎㅎ [02:23] <jun__> 음.. 파이썬을 붜야하나... 뭐 이리 배워야할게 많은지;;;ㄷㄷㄷ [02:25] <jun__> 저는 점심시간이라 잠시 외출 하고 오겠습니다~ [02:25] <jun__> 다들 맛점하세요~ Seony님은 수고하세요 ^^ [02:25] <Work^Seony> 네 다녀오세요 [03:31] <HolyKnight> [03:33] <HolyKnight> LG G4에 전면을 할애한 중앙기사. 조금 놀란부분. "구회장은 G4의 개발 단계부터 양산까지 거의 전 과정을 관여했다." [04:06] <PotatoGim> lsync를 이용하시면 어떨까요? [05:40] <HolyKnight> @hankyungmedia: 이케아가 2020년까지 국내에 4개 매장을 추가로 열기로 했다. 경기 광명점에 이어 경기 고양시에 2호점을, 서울 강동구에 3호점을 열 계획입니다. 4, 5호점은 부산시와 세종시를 후보지로 검토 중입니다. [06:09] <samahui_TPC> x파일을 오랜만에 보는데 역시 재미있군요. 대전 출장갈일이 취소되서 빈둥빈둥 놀고있습니다 [06:10] <samahui_TPC> 안녕하세요~ [06:10] <Seony> 안녕하세요 [06:12] <samahui_TPC> 충장펑크내고 놀고있습니다 [06:13] <samahui_TPC> 날도 더운데 농땡이 부리니 기분이 좋군요 [06:13] <samahui_TPC> 오늘 펑크나서 내일까지 널널하겠네요 ... 다만 사장 돌아오면 욕 좀 먹을거 같습니다 ㅎㅎ;; [06:15] <Seony> 날이 벌써 더워요? [06:16] <samahui_TPC> 바람불면 시원한데 아니면 햇살이 따가워요 [06:16] <samahui_TPC> 차타고 다니면 에어컨 없이는 땀뻘뻘이 되네요 [06:16] <samahui_TPC> 창가자리도 좀 햇살이 강하네요 [06:27] <samahui_TPC> 오늘 서울 기온 28도선이네요 [06:28] <samahui_TPC> 올 여름은 유난히 더운 여름이 될 듯 합니다. [06:29] <Seony> 헐... 상상만해도 힘드네요 ㅎㅎ [06:47] <jun__> 올 여름 진짜 더울거 같네요.....ㅜㅜ [07:23] <Seony> 배트맨 아캄나이트 트레일러 봤는데, 정말 죽여주네요 [07:24] <Seony> 사람들이 입이 벌어질만 하겠네요.... [07:27] <jun__> 아직 어벤져스도 못봤는데...... [07:27] <jun__> 배트맨이라니... [07:28] <jun__> 전 문명을 거스르는거 같아요 ㅎㅎ 이런거 보면 [07:35] <Seony> 영화가 아니고 게임이에요 [07:36] <jun__> 아하! [07:36] <jun__> 전 참 바보처럼 굴었군요~~~ [07:41] <HolyKnight> @golbin: 오큘러스와 MS 홀로렌즈의 차이점: 오큘러스는 완전히 세로운 세상을 경험하게, 홀로렌즈는 실세계와 작용하는 새로운 방법을 제공하는 것 [07:47] <Seony> [08:47] <jun__> 우와~ 내일은 근로자의날이네요.... 전 내일부터 시작해서 5월 5일까지 쭉 쉽니다~~~ [08:48] <jun__> 퇴근 12분 전.... 두둥! [08:53] <pchero_work> 어제 처음 안 사실... [08:53] <jun__> pchero_work ..??? [08:55] <pchero_work> 지금 회사에서는 고객 서비스를 하고 있습니다. 그런데 한번도 야간 작업이 없어서 회사 업무 시간 이후에 회사로 걸려오는 전화는 전부 무시하는 줄 알았는데요.. 실은 그게 아니라, 업무 시간 이후에 회사로 문의 및 서비스 요청을 하게되면, 건단 16만원 가량의 추가 금액을 내야하더더라구요. -_--;; [08:56] <pchero_work> 그냥 무시하는게 아니라 [08:56] <pchero_work> 서비스를 제공하는데... 엄청난 유료. -_-;; [08:56] <pchero_work> 아니면 프리미엄 서비스를 구입해야 함.. -_-;;; [08:57] <pchero_work> 발상의 전환.. [08:57] <Seony> 다른 회사들도 비슷해요 [08:57] <Seony> 예를 들면, 서포트 티켓을 오픈하면 서비스 요금제에 따라서 바로 응답을 준다거나, 1-2일 걸린다거나.. [08:58] <Seony> pchero_work: GTA V 해보셨어요? [08:58] <jun__> 저희 회사에서는 상상도 못해본 상황... [08:58] <pchero_work> Seony: 아하.. 넵 해봤습니다. ㅎㅎㅎㅎ [08:58] <jun__> 야간 작업은 그냥 저한테 다이렉트로 전화오는데 -_-;;; [08:58] <pchero_work> 트레버... 완전 싸이코 같아요. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ [08:58] <Seony> jun__: 지금 다니시는 회사의 문제라기보단, 한국사회가 전체적으로 근로자를 부려먹죠 ㅎㅎ... [08:59] <Seony> pchero_work: 대사 번역이 아주 잘되지 않았어요? ㅎㅎ [08:59] <pchero_work> ㅠㅠ [08:59] <Seony> 누가 번역했는지 아주 죽이더라구요 ㅎㅎ [08:59] <pchero_work> 보면서 완전 빵빵 터졌어요. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ [08:59] <Seony> 셋다 막장이지만, 그래도 트레버 제외하면 봐줄만은 해요 ㅎㅎ [08:59] <Seony> 마이클은 아들이나 딸이나 둘다 막장이고 ㅎㅎ [08:59] <pchero_work> 일부러 대사 들을려고 목적지 도착해도 플래그 동작 안시키고 대기함.. ㅋㅋㅋ [09:00] <pchero_work> 특히 딸... 에휴. [09:00] <Seony> 암튼 대사 보면 아주 재밌어요 [09:00] <pchero_work> 마이클은 우리나라 기준으로는.. 뭔가 대인배느낌. [09:00] <pchero_work> 와이프랑 테니스 강사랑 바람나도 [09:00] <Seony> ㅋㅋ [09:00] <pchero_work> 그냥 넘어가던데요. -_-;; [09:00] <Seony> 안넘어가요 [09:00] <pchero_work> 아, 결국 테니스 강사는 그냥 넘어가는걸로.. [09:01] <pchero_work> 엉뚱한 집만 부시고.. ㅋㅋㅋ [09:01] <Seony> 나중에 테니스 강사 뒤집어엎는데, 모르시는거 보니까 아직 많이 못하셨군요.. [09:01] <Seony> 아... [09:01] <Seony> 네 ㅎㅎ [09:01] <Seony> 집 박살내잖아요 [09:01] <Seony> 마피아 두목 집 ㅎㅎ [09:01] <pchero_work> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 하필.ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ [09:02] <pchero_work> 마이클 마리화나 폈을때가 대박이었어요.. 클라운... -_-;;;; [09:02] <Seony> 아 ㅎㅎ [09:02] <pchero_work> 도대체 시나리오 누가 쓴건지... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 완전 대박!!!!!!!!!!! [09:03] <Seony> 저는 엔딩 보고 바로 접었어요 [09:03] <Seony> 사이드퀘 몇개 하고... [09:04] <pchero_work> ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ [09:04] <Seony> 사이드퀘 중에서 가장 기억에 남는건, 프랭클린이 견인차 알바 대타 뛰어줄 때 옆에 타는 흑인 아줌마랑 대화하는게 무지 웃겼습니다 [09:04] <pchero_work> 아. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ JB! [09:05] <pchero_work> 도대체 JB가 누군지!!! ㅋㅋㅋ [09:05] <Seony> 약에 쩔어 살던데요 ㅎㅎ [09:05] <pchero_work> ㅋㅋㅋㅋ [09:05] <pchero_work> 그동네는 그게 그냥 일상인가봐요. [09:05] <Seony> 네 ㅎㅎ 그리고 프랭클린 친구랑 하는 미션도 대화가 인상깊었어요 ㅎㅎ [09:07] <pchero_work> ㅎㅎㅎㅎ [09:58] <PotatoGim> 써니님 계시나요? ㅎㅎ [10:21] <pchero_work> 흠.. 우분투 보안 관련 이슈가 나왔네요. [10:21] <pchero_work> [11:57] <DarkCircle> 버전을 너무 낮은걸 쓰는데요. [13:43] <AutoWiZ_znc> 안녕하세요~~ [13:45] <pchero_work> 안녕하세요! :) [15:29] <imsu> AutoWiZ_znc: 이 늦은 시간에 어인일이시옵니까 ㅋㅋ [15:47] <AutoWiZ_znc> 나는 뭐 일때문에 어쩔 수 없는시간 빼고는 항상 있지 ㅎㅎ [18:36] <Work^Seony> 안녕하세요 [18:37] <AutoWiZ_znc> 안녕하세요 [18:40] <Work^Seony> 노동절인데 노동을 하시다니.... [18:41] <AutoWiZ_znc> 뭐 그렇게 되었네요 ㅋ [18:46] <Work^Seony> 저는 진짜 한국 돌아가면 이제는 적응 못할거 같아요 [18:48] <AutoWiZ_znc> 저희 회사 같은덴 흔하진 않아요 ㅎㅎ [23:22] <HolyKnight> @sm_park: 얼마전 아마존서 주문한 $200짜리 물건을 오늘다시 체크하니 가격이 $50정도 내려가있다. 이메일 보내니까 10분만에 차액을 환불해줌. 아마존이 흥하는 한가지 이유는 이렇게 빠른 고객 편의 서비스.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "AutoWiZ_znc", "DarkCircle", "HolyKnight", "PotatoGim", "Seony", "Work^Seony", "imsu", "jun__", "pchero_work", "samahui_TPC", "ujuc" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-ko" }
[02:12] <nhaines> /part [02:13] <nhaines> Hmm, so much for that. :) [02:13] <nhaines> It's been fun peeking into the process for the past week, and I admired everyone's hard work on release day. [02:13] <nhaines> So now I'll leave you all to it! :) [08:28] <flexiondotorg> cjwatson, I realise W is not named yet. But when that happens do I need to create new branches for my seeds or does that happen automatically? Anything else I should be aware of? [09:17] <cjwatson> flexiondotorg: we'll do that automatically [10:28] <Laney> (please reject that first account-plugins/utopic) [12:06] <mdeslaur> infinity: hi! can I haz lucid death announcement, plz? :) [12:20] <flexiondotorg> cjwatson, Thanks. [12:45] <teward> has there been an announcement out yet with regard to lucid server's death? or is that still pending? [12:53] <mdeslaur> teward: I asked infinity [13:07] <teward> ok [13:51] <infinity> mdeslaur: Patience, east coast keener. [13:51] <mdeslaur> infinity: WAKE UP!! [13:51] <mdeslaur> :) [13:51] <infinity> *grunt* [13:51] <mdeslaur> die.lucid.die.die.die [14:11] * davmor2 renames mdeslaur lucid waits to see if his attitude changes :D [14:11] <mdeslaur> die.mdeslaur.die.die.die [14:11] <mdeslaur> oh wait, you tricked me! [14:12] <davmor2> mdeslaur: I was hoping more for Rip lucid you faithful workhorse, rest now, rest in peace :D [14:13] <mdeslaur> hehehe [14:13] <cjwatson> I think that's less obvious when you've been carrying the horse for the last mile or two [14:13] <davmor2> no instead you went straight for suicide :D [14:14] <davmor2> cjwatson: hahaha [14:18] <infinity> cjwatson: We've been carrying this horse since birth. [14:34] <ogra_> so now that tthe hhorse is dead, could we just recycle the name and prefix it with W ? [14:44] <infinity> ogra_: wucid wynx? Has a similar ring to wascawy wabbit, I like it. [14:46] <davmor2> infinity: no I think we found the winner yesterday with worrisome worms and the tagline "Incoming" [14:47] <infinity> davmor2: worrisome is a lot of typing in changelogs. [14:48] <ScottK> wiggly worms would be shorter [14:49] <davmor2> infinity: whining worms [14:50] <infinity> davmor2: Better. [14:51] <davmor2> infinity: my favourite was wobbly weeble [14:51] <infinity> davmor2: Would be a better LTS name. [14:52] <rbasak> suggests Wivid Wervet [14:53] <rbasak> And that name is already tested against Juju :) [15:57] <ogra_> ergh ! [15:58] <ogra_> please reject the initramfs-tools-ubuntu-touch upload above ... that was supposed to go to the overlay PPA ... brainfart :/ [19:15] <cyphermox> could someone please reject usb-creator from the precise queue? [19:27] <arges> cyphermox: i can do that [19:28] <cyphermox> arges: thanks [19:28] <arges> cyphermox: don [19:28] <arges> e
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Laney", "ScottK", "arges", "cjwatson", "cyphermox", "davmor2", "flexiondotorg", "infinity", "mdeslaur", "nhaines", "ogra_", "rbasak", "teward" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-release" }
[07:06] <dholbach> good morning [13:05] <ScottK> Rhonda: Added wesnoth-1.13 to the sync-blacklist. [13:05] <Rhonda> ScottK: Thanks! [13:06] <ScottK> yw [17:43] <reversiblean> what file should i look into to, change unity launcher (.desktop) for a package in launchpad?
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Rhonda", "ScottK", "dholbach", "reversiblean" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-motu" }
[00:34] <joshuan> hello everyone, I need help with figuring out why hyperlinks inside my synaptic package manager will not open my browser.. [00:35] <holstein> joshuan: i would just copy paste those.. it really shouldnt come up that often that you need to do that [00:35] <holstein> open links in a web browser from a package manager.. [00:35] <holstein> what is it? a link for a screenshot? [00:36] <joshuan> its to a website [00:36] <holstein> sure, what for? a screenshot? [00:36] <holstein> on the website? is it a link to screenshots? documentation? [00:37] <joshuan> example: you search for alienarena and there is a link to there web page [00:37] <holstein> right.. i always just copy and paste, or search in the web browser [00:37] <holstein> you can look for a bug about it, im sure someone has noticed.. it'll be something you can use #ubuntu for as well, since its not directly related to lubuntu or lxde [00:38] <holstein> i dont remember them being clickable links.. anyways, im on 15.04, are you? i'll fire it up and test.. [00:39] <joshuan> I'm on 14.10 [00:39] <joshuan> lubuntu [00:40] <holstein> plus, synaptic is running as root.. you dont want root opening web pages [00:40] <holstein> lubuntu *is* ubuntu [00:40] <joshuan> yeah [00:42] <joshuan> oh I see because it being root [00:46] <holstein> joshuan: i am unable to click on the "visit homepage" buttons [00:47] <holstein> i can right click, and "copy url" without issue [00:47] <holstein> joshuan: [00:51] <joshuan> thanks holstein, i will take a look [01:01] <Jake1> !hi [01:02] <Jake1> time zone issue. i set the right time zone but the time its not the rihgt one [01:02] <Jake1> any idea ? [01:02] <Jake1> lunbuntu 15.04 [01:03] <holstein> Jake1: i say, its actualy not set to the "right" one, then.. share how you set it, please, and where you set it.. and what setting you have, and what you want.. thanks [01:04] <Jake1> i m french, sorry for my english [01:04] <holstein> !fr [01:04] <Jake1> thanks [01:34] <Jake1> America/Guadeloupe. not the good time [01:34] <Jake1> i set it to another island near, still the same [01:34] <holstein> Jake1: how did you set what exactly? and where? [01:36] <Jake1> time zone : america/guadeloupe [01:36] <Jake1> setting: sync to serv [01:36] <holstein> Jake1: please open a terminal, and use the command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata" and follow the prompts [01:38] <Jake1> Current default time zone: 'America/Guadeloupe' [01:38] <Jake1> Local time is now: Thu Apr 30 17:39:20 AST 2015. [01:38] <Jake1> Universal Time is now: Thu Apr 30 21:39:20 UTC 2015. [01:38] <Jake1> universal time its the good one [01:38] <holstein> Jake1: use the settings in the terminal to set it as you please [01:39] <Jake1> why local and universal its not the same ??? [01:40] <holstein> Jake1: if you want them the same, set them the same [01:41] <Jake1> how ? i m living in guadeloupe. should i set another country to get the good time ? [01:41] <holstein> [01:41] <holstein> [01:41] <holstein> Jake1: just set it to what you want.. [01:44] <Jake1> fixed ! thanks you alot holstein [01:45] <holstein> sure.. and to be clear, this wasnt breakage that needed fixing.. but, im glad you have your system configured as you need it to be [01:49] <Jake1> on the previous version i never had to take care about that. now i ll have to everytime i install :/ [02:33] <Jake1> how can i froce mplayer to play video streaming in 1080p ? [02:33] <Jake1> somtin like -y1920 -x1080 ? [02:34] <holstein> is the source 1080p? if not, i dont think you'll get the result you are wanting.. [02:35] <Jake1> yes the source its 180p but everytime it play in 720p [02:35] <Jake1> i don t want to use mpv [02:35] <holstein> not sure. but, you can alwasy ask volunteers in #ubuntu since its not related to lubuntu or lxce [02:35] <holstein> lxde* [02:36] <Jake1> smplayer -x1920 -y1080 something like dat [02:36] <holstein> Jake1: yes, i understand.. do you understand that i refer you to #ubuntu ? [02:36] <Jake1> yes, i already asking on #ubuntu [04:11] <Jake1> is there any way else to get skype audio working whitout installing pulseaudio ? [04:12] <holstein> Jake1: i have used it in the past without pulse, but, its not an ubuntu package, so, you just do whatever is needed to make the 3rd party package work.. since, they dont really support linux well [04:12] <holstein> they, being microsoft, in this case [04:13] <holstein> also, you can ask in #ubuntu for that too, since, more folks will be using skype there [04:13] <Jake1> you r the boss holstein. thanks again [12:42] <position> anyone can create drivers from xp to run in lubuntu? [12:44] <position> If we have the proprietary driver of a device in win xp can we convert it tou run in lubuntu? [12:44] <position> to run in lubuntu? [13:58] <holstein> position: ideally, the creator of the hardware would, as they did for windows xp, create a driver for linux/ubuntu.. all of linux and ubuntu are open and freely available for that company to do so.. or release information that would make that possible [13:59] <holstein> if its an older device, then, there may be little/no interest from a community to try and reverse engineer, or make a driver that may or may not work well [14:00] <holstein> basically, there is nothing in linux or lubuntu/ubuntu that is preventing that device from working, or from haveing a driver created for it to work by the creators of the hardware... but, typically, these days, *if* things can work, they just work [14:01] <holstein> position: what device are you dealing with? and have you tried it with linux? its usually rather simple to load a live iso for lubuntu and just test the device, first-hand, under linux [14:01] <position> well I have an old crypto camera [14:01] <position> I must try it in linux [14:02] <position> I dont have drivers [14:02] <holstein> sure.. try loading a live iso, and see how it works [14:02] <holstein> the linux kernel is modular.. and contains drivers for most hardware [14:02] <holstein> if it doesnt "just work" out of the box, then, it can be either simply a matter of installing the driver the manufacturer provides, or it may just not work [14:13] <Jake1> lubuntu really need to fix that time zone issue [14:13] <Jake1> now i get the wrong date [14:15] <holstein> Jake1: im getting the date just fine here, friend [14:16] <holstein> Jake1: where are you getting the incorrect date? [14:17] <Jake1> the date [14:17] <Jake1> sys tray [14:19] <holstein> Jake1: sure, friend.. the date is fine here.. how are you syncing the date? and to what? how did you set it and when? [14:19] <Jake1> sync to serv [14:19] <Jake1> should not be any error [14:20] <Jake1> i havec to set it manually and then chosse back sync to serv [14:42] <fwioq> when would lubuntu get the functionality to configure the default soundcard a bit more userfriendly? [14:43] <fwioq> writing manually asoundrc is defenetly not userfiendly [14:43] <fwioq> kubuntu and so on can configure the default soundcard in the sound settings [14:44] <fwioq> i had again the situation where someone tell me that he installed 15.04 and had no sound. the default soundcard was his hdmi soundcard. not the normal build in realtek soundcard [15:39] <holstein> Jake1: seems like you are having an issue that could be related to your network connectivity at the time the machine is trying to sync its time settings [15:40] <holstein> Jake1: there should be a battery on the machine that keeps its time settings, but, i have had machines where that battery was removed, or dead, and i have experienced what you have stated.. where, at boot, the time is "off" til it syncs [15:41] <holstein> thats just one scenario/possiblity.. you'll just have to postulate, and test.. and see if you can track the issue down [15:41] <holstein> fwioq: you can try using pulseaudio.. pavucontrol [15:41] <holstein> fwioq: those labels can change, in alsa, and make the default jump or change.. AFAIK, pulseaudio tries to address that [15:42] <Jake1> holstein, good idea ! i ll look after that [15:48] <fwioq> holstein: i have edit the alsa default configuration file. Would this problem be fixed in 15.10 thanks to lxqt? [15:50] <holstein> fwioq: well, its not actually a problem, AFAIK.. [15:50] <holstein> there are ways to nail that down, i suppose, but, im not sure that this is breakage.. the HDMI, for example, is a viable default [15:51] <holstein> if a user wants, they can use pulseaudio, and pavucontrol.. that can help faciliate a lot of the functionality that you mention, though, at a cost [15:57] <fwioq> holstein: a normal user have totaly no idea what to do when the sound is not working in lubuntu. he did not know anything about pulseaudion and pavucontrol. thats the usability problem i talk about. [15:57] <holstein> fwioq: i dont think the goal of lubuntu is necessarily what you are discussing.. though, i completely understand what you are saying [15:58] <holstein> if you feel you have a bug, or want to file a wishlist bug, feel free.. otherwise, i personally find the lightness of lubuntu a refreshing compromise.. where, maybe not all things are catering for out of the box perfection, but, lightness [18:44] <Keyan> Hi, I have a question about lxde. How can i reset all lxde settings in my home folder and recreate theme in default? [18:45] <Mr_Comet> no idea. never had to do that. O_o [18:46] <wxl> theoretically all the settings should be in .config [18:46] <wxl> they should be recreated if the folder is not there [18:46] <wxl> but .config is a place to put a lot of settings, not just lxde, so be careful with that [18:47] <wxl> alternately you can find the default configs outside the home folder [18:47] <wxl> e.g. there's a bunch in /etc/xdg [18:47] <wxl> tl;dr there's no global reset button Keyan :) [18:48] <Keyan> Thank you. [18:49] <Keyan> Can't reconfigure lxde to create new files in my home folder? [18:49] <wxl> Keyan: if the files aren't there, they will be copied from default [18:52] <Keyan> Yes, I copied default folders from /usr/share/lxpanel/profile/Lubuntu/panels to ~/home/keyan/.config/lxpanel/Lubuntu/panels but not work. Icons disapear from desktop. and commands like this not work: XDG_DESKTOP_DIR="$HOME/Desktop" [18:54] <Keyan> This problem occure when i change defaul desktop folder in Desktop Preferences, Now, when i want change to default, lxde crash [18:55] <Keyan> @wxl, Any idea? [18:56] <Keyan> @Mr_Comet, Thank you, sorry for late! [18:57] <Mr_Comet> np :D [18:57] <Keyan> :D [18:57] <Mr_Comet> sorry im not expert in linux :( [18:57] <Keyan> Me too [18:57] <Mr_Comet> i just use the os. not tweak it :D [18:57] <Mr_Comet> ex windows user. that should explain :D [18:58] <Keyan> I dont want tweak it, only checked simple item!! [18:59] <Keyan> and i cant uncheck it :D [19:01] <Mr_Comet> lol ok :)
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Jake1", "Keyan", "Mr_Comet", "fwioq", "holstein", "joshuan", "position", "wxl" ], "url": "", "channel": "#lubuntu" }
[00:26] <Voldenet> ółółółółó [05:50] <m477_> ;o [15:10] <isthisreallife> czesc [15:11] <isthisreallife> mam problem z wlaczeniem polskich znakow w ubuntu 15.04 [15:11] <isthisreallife> jesli dobrze rozumiem powinienem miec polish w text entry [15:11] <isthisreallife> w opcjach [15:11] <isthisreallife> i mam [15:11] <isthisreallife> a polskich znakow nadal brak [15:12] <isthisreallife> dobra juz wiem [15:12] <isthisreallife> ;] [16:28] <drathir> to zapewne za ten join spam...
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Voldenet", "drathir", "isthisreallife", "m477_" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-pl" }
[04:40] <taihsiang> henrix, I saw proposed kernels of the cycle (10-Apr through 02-May) were released like [04:40] <taihsiang> henrix, and new cycle kicks off [04:41] <taihsiang> henrix, and I noted one description of the bug report of the new cycle: kernel-stable-Certification-testing-start [04:42] <taihsiang> henrix, my questions are: [04:45] <taihsiang> henrix, 1. do we change any part of SRU policy/flow now? or it is just that the kernels are prepared well earlier this time and promoted to proposed pocket earlier? [04:49] <taihsiang> henrix, 2. do the description like " kernel-stable-Certification-testing-start" will be applied automatically right after the kernels are ready to test? (compared to the flow before: the description was applied when I change the status from "confirm" to "in progress") [08:13] <henrix> taihsiang: there's no change in the SRU workflow; however, we're doing a quick respin of all the kernels in between the 2 SRU cycles to fix a security bug (it's only one commit) [08:13] <henrix> taihsiang: so, the next SRU cycle hasn't actually started yet [08:14] <henrix> taihsiang: all these new kernels you're seeing contain a single commit [08:32] <taihsiang> henrix, it sounds like the new proposed kernels I saw are still of the original cycle (10-Apr through 02-May), am I right? [08:33] <taihsiang> henrix, and they are going to release to update- before 02 May? [18:21] <bdmurray> Is there some kernel versions to releases cheat sheet somewhere? [18:24] <infinity> bdmurray: There's one in my head. [18:25] <bdmurray> that seems hard to access [18:25] <infinity> bdmurray: [18:26] <infinity> bdmurray: Seems to be lacking vivid/lts-vivid, but otherwise accurate. [18:26] <bdmurray> thanks [18:49] <sconklin> @infinity any idea when Trusty -proposed will hit -updates? [18:50] <infinity> sconklin: Soon. [18:51] <infinity> sconklin: It's a question better aimed at bjf, though. I'l just going to release it when his fancy tracking bugs tell me he's ready. [18:51] <infinity> s/I'l/I'm/ [18:51] <sconklin> thanks [18:58] <Taloth> Any dev willing to give a bug report of mine a quick glance, see if it's something useful? (bug 1450584) It's a bug that's been the bane of my existence for the last month.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Taloth", "bdmurray", "henrix", "infinity", "sconklin", "taihsiang" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-kernel" }
[00:00] <gsilva> btw, wxl, my membership meeting will be on the 7th. Do you think you can attend to that one? [00:00] <wxl> yep i will be there gsilva [00:00] <gsilva> Okay, thank you :) [00:00] <gsilva> I'll also ask belkinsa in one of these upcoming days [00:00] <wxl> only thing that would keep me from it is if work pulled me away for some reason [00:01] <wxl> in which case, i'd email in a +1 (that counts) [00:01] <gsilva> I see. No worries, if you can, great, if you can't, I'll survive :P [01:45] <ianorlin> wxl I want to save that to a subpage under my user page on the wiki for future reference [15:09] <wxl> ianorlin: which'n? [15:34] <fwioq> would 15.10 get finaly lxqt? [15:34] <fwioq> [15:35] <fwioq> For the moment we are still working on our plans to implement LXQt in either 15.04 or 15.10.” [15:35] <fwioq> it does not get into 15.04 so it would get for shure into 15.10 ? [16:58] <wxl> anyone have time to confirm the fix in bug 1300798 [17:35] <ianorlin> wxl when you were explaining the workflow to get changes in launchpad and github [17:42] <wxl> ianorlin: we should make a "launchpad for github users" page :) [18:14] <pedanticweirdo49> hello ladies and gents - just to let you know that the link to the ubuntu release notes on the lubuntu home page is wrong [18:15] <pedanticweirdo49> specifically [18:15] <pedanticweirdo49> running jQuery("#Ubuntu_Release_notes+ul a").attr("href") [18:15] <pedanticweirdo49> in developer console [18:16] <pedanticweirdo49> result is "" [18:16] <pedanticweirdo49> but result should be "" [18:20] <ianorlin> I don't have access to edit that but thanks [18:21] <pedanticweirdo49> while I'm here, do you know if I will be able to install on a 64 bit system with 32 bit uefi (and no legacy boot) without having to recompile grub? [18:26] <ianorlin> pedanticweirdo49: I am not sure about that as I don't have any of those systems [18:27] <wxl> pedanticweirdo49: nice nick. that's on [18:27] <wxl> ? [18:27] <pedanticweirdo49> yes [18:28] <wxl> hm i might not be seeing the same thing you are. 1s [18:29] <wxl> i see it thanks [18:30] <wxl> that might be on the wiki page too [18:30] <wxl> nope it's not [18:30] <wxl> hahahah it's like someone re-typed all the notes XD [18:32] <krytarik> wxl: [18:32] <pedanticweirdo49> looks like my work here is done [18:32] <pedanticweirdo49> thanks for all your hard work chaps [18:33] <wxl> i see [18:33] <wxl> if only we had access to >:( [21:02] <wxl> well, i've hit it: nth-level geek status. running in emacs in a terminal with evil for vi keybindings. [21:08] <ianorlin> I don't think running emacs on a rotary phone would be possible [21:33] <wxl> ianorlin: oh, did i mention i'm running my whole computer off of a treadmill? [21:34] * wxl kids :) [21:41] <Unit193> wxl: You killed him. [23:02] <gsilva> ianorlin, is gilir usually around on irc? [23:02] <gsilva> or his nickname is another one? [23:02] <wxl> gsilva: rarely ever [23:03] <gsilva> Hum, okay. Was expecting more answers from the community to join the session of Lubuntu next Thursday [23:03] <wxl> huh? [23:03] <gsilva> At the UOS, the one we were organizing? [23:04] <gsilva> I was expecting more answers on the mailing list of people warning us if they are interested to attend or not [23:04] <wxl> oh yeah i wouldn't expect that [23:04] <wxl> in fact i wouldn't expect nothing [23:04] <wxl> but people WILL join :) [23:05] <wxl> might want to encourGe them to register [23:05] <gsilva> Hope so :) [23:21] <gsilva> wxl, do you know any remote work website? [23:21] <wxl> gsilva: you mean like businesses that support remote work? [23:21] <gsilva> I only know weworkremotely but that one is focused on programming and design offers [23:21] <wxl> yeah don't know, sorry [23:21] <gsilva> No, a job market focused on remote work [23:22] <gsilva> The offers in my country are a complete joke. What the hell is going on, jesus christ...
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Unit193", "fwioq", "gsilva", "ianorlin", "krytarik", "pedanticweirdo49", "wxl" ], "url": "", "channel": "#lubuntu-devel" }
[07:42] <lordievader> Good morning. [07:43] <elfy> morning lordievader [07:43] <lordievader> Hey elfy, how are you? [07:45] <elfy> just chilling for a bit before work :) [07:46] <elfy> you? [07:46] <lordievader> Trying to wake up. [07:49] <elfy> :) [10:05] <BluesKaj> 'Morning folks [14:44] <BluesKaj> why is this room still here?, there's no 15.10 on the horizon , nor is there any mention of it anywhere [14:44] <Pici> no reason [14:47] <BluesKaj> well ppl are still joining hoping to see some news about the next release whatever the name is :-) [14:49] <genii> I'm still hoping for Wascally Wabbit [14:49] <Meerkat> warty warthog? [14:49] <genii> Meerkat: Already been used :) [14:49] <BluesKaj> wacky wombat [14:51] * penguin42 still hopes for wiggly worm [14:51] <BluesKaj> of course "wiley coyote" doesn't fit, but it would be good for laughs [14:52] <elfy> I'm just going to be sorely disappointed :( [14:53] <Meerkat> penguin42, I like that : [14:53] <Meerkat> :) [14:54] <lordievader> UDS is somewhere next week, right? [14:55] <BluesKaj> hey elfy, I'm already disappointed in 15.04 and I'm afraid 15.10 will continue the mood [14:55] <elfy> lordievader: UOS is 5th to the 7th [14:55] <lordievader> Check, thanks. [14:56] <BluesKaj> poor plsama intehration with lotsa bugs and dropped features that I really miss [14:57] <BluesKaj> scuse my annoyed spelling mistakes [14:58] <elfy> lordievader: [14:58] <elfy> mostly phone stuff from what I can see [15:01] <penguin42> BluesKaj: I think that's upstream Plasma 5 tbh [15:01] <BluesKaj> ok, now the panel is frozen..great [15:02] <penguin42> BluesKaj: I've switched to xfce for my main machines [15:03] <BluesKaj> 2008 all over again, KDE3.5 to KDE4 wasn't easy either ..have to keep that in mind [15:07] <genii> BluesKaj: Yes, that was a pretty rough period [15:14] <penguin42> BluesKaj: Yeh, that's the point I switched to Gnome2 I think [15:16] <BluesKaj> penguin42, i struggled thruogh with KDE , never cared for gnome. I have tried it many times but it always leaves me wanting more and KDE fills the bill ...mostly [15:16] <penguin42> BluesKaj: later 4 did for me as well [15:17] <BluesKaj> what's all tis talk abour snappy on ubuntu , are they dropping deb packaging ? [15:18] <penguin42> apparently so - but I don't how it's going to work [15:18] <elfy> dropping debs will - if ever - be a long way from here [15:19] <elfy> they'd necessarily have to force it on flavours [15:19] * penguin42 doesn't really understand how that will work if the infrastructure changes for it [15:21] <BluesKaj> that kind of upsets me, I know it shouldn't because it's been in the cards for a while that ubuntu and kubuntu are becoming more independent with each new development on either OS [15:21] <elfy> I've seen or read or been told anything that suggests that they'll only be supporting snappy [15:21] <elfy> BluesKaj: Kubuntu is not the only official flavour :) [15:22] <BluesKaj> or to put it more correctly r"respective OSs" [15:23] <BluesKaj> elfy, yes I know but the other flavours are still supported by canonical , kubuntu has gone to blue systems [15:23] <elfy> we're not anymore supported than you are [15:24] <elfy> you used to have a paid dev - we don't ;) [15:24] <elfy> kubuntu gets from Canonical the same as Xubuntu does [15:25] <BluesKaj> elfy, then that shows neglect since blue systems supports kubuntu on it's own with dedicated devs [15:26] <elfy> you feel neglected - Xubuntu doesn't ;) [15:29] <BluesKaj> no I don't feel neglected, Canonical is doing the neglecting IMO... i have to remember we're in transition and that's the reason for my complaints
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "BluesKaj", "Meerkat", "Pici", "elfy", "genii", "lordievader", "penguin42" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu+1" }
[04:10] <mup> Bug #1450296 was opened: Cannot remove if user maas does not exist <amd64> <apport-bug> <vivid> <maas (Ubuntu):New> <> [12:14] <mup> Bug #1450450 was opened: 1.8b4 Cluster status can be changed <ui> <MAAS:Triaged by mpontillo> <> [12:23] <mup> Bug #1450450 changed: 1.8b4 Cluster status can be changed <ui> <MAAS:Triaged by mpontillo> <> [12:32] <mup> Bug #1450450 was opened: 1.8b4 Cluster status can be changed <ui> <MAAS:Triaged by mpontillo> <> [14:27] <mup> Bug #1450488 was opened: MAAS does not list all the tags <oil> <MAAS:New> <> [20:01] <bmorriso> My first failed deployment with MAAS :( [20:22] <bmorriso> I have no idea where this command is getting ran from. I don't see this block in any curtin files
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "bmorriso", "mup" ], "url": "", "channel": "#maas" }
[08:49] <tsdgeos> Saviq: 2 days left, do ! [08:49] <Saviq> tsdgeos, actually flashing my mako now to test [08:49] <tsdgeos> \o/ [08:50] <Saviq> tsdgeos, SessionGrabber::screenshotGrabbed, don't want ::grabbed? [08:51] <Saviq> tsdgeos, and re: shared ptr, yeah for the watcher [08:53] <tsdgeos> Saviq: i think i prefer the extra verbosity there tbh [08:54] <Saviq> tsdgeos, ah and now I get it I think, the watcher likely registers itself with the future that's on the other thread? [08:55] <tsdgeos> Saviq: tbh i don't think i need a shared pointer in there [08:55] <tsdgeos> i can just use a raw pointer as well [08:56] <Saviq> tsdgeos, /me just looked at the whole .reset() logic and thought it maybe unnecessarily complex [08:56] <tsdgeos> i just did it because the evil unity-api people created noise on my head about how raw pointers are evil [08:57] <tsdgeos> let me turn it into a raw pointer [08:57] <Saviq> :D [09:03] <tsdgeos> Saviq: pushed [09:12] <Saviq> tsdgeos, tx, btw, you being in BlueFin it'd make sense to grab someone from design and show them this, ask if maybe they'd like some visual treatment [09:12] <Saviq> tsdgeos, noticed a visual issue: splash → screenshot has no transition [09:13] <tsdgeos> hmmm [09:19] <tsdgeos> Saviq: what transition would you like there [09:19] <Saviq> tsdgeos, I think we need a fade-in [09:20] <tsdgeos> Saviq: "Yeah, but at least it writes in ~/.cache/*unity8*/, not in ~/.cache/ directly ;)" [09:20] <tsdgeos> well the trello card said to write in .cache directly [09:20] <tsdgeos> thus is what i did [09:20] <Saviq> tsdgeos, I don't think the trello card went to such detail :) [09:20] <Saviq> tsdgeos, so: show splash → fade screenshot in → drop splash → fade app in → drop screenshot [09:20] <tsdgeos> oh it did [09:21] <tsdgeos> "Screenshots should be stored on suspend, removed on user-close, in $cacheDir/app_shots/$app_id.png, and loaded from there by the Shell if app has not drawn to a surface yet." [09:21] <tsdgeos> i guess you can argue that $cacheDir should be .cache/unity8 [09:21] <tsdgeos> tbh i don't care [09:21] <tsdgeos> i'm just following wht other places of the code want [09:21] <tsdgeos> if you want me to use QStandardDirs [09:21] <tsdgeos> i'll do that [09:22] <Saviq> tsdgeos, I just don't want to pollute ~/.cache/* [09:44] <Saviq> greyback, [09:46] <greyback> looks reasonable, testing.. [10:38] <dandrader> Saviq, that's new. adding the ppa and doing dist upgrade always worked  dandrader, sure, because dist-upgrade upgrades everything [10:42] <Saviq> dandrader, but if you `apt-get install unity8`, it will only upgrade unity8 and explicit deps [10:43] <Saviq> dandrader, without those explicit deps we might end up in a situation where, say, ubuntu-keyboard gets released into distro, but unity8 is held back for whatever reason [10:44] <Saviq> and people will dist-upgrade ubuntu-keyboard and find stuff broken [10:47] <Saviq> dandrader, so we really need to remember to encode real dependencies between packages [10:49] <dandrader> Saviq, and what dependency tree (or mesh) do you suggest? [10:49] <Saviq> dandrader, depends on what reality is [10:50] <Saviq> dandrader, if qtubuntu breaks unity8, it should say so, same for ubuntu-keyboard, if either unity8 or qtubuntu breaks it, it should have a Breaks [10:50] <Saviq> or [10:50] <Saviq> if ubuntu-keyboard depends on qtubuntu or unity8 at certain versions [10:50] <Saviq> then u-k should have a Depends [10:51] <dandrader> Saviq, so you wanna make ubuntu-keyboard depend on unity8? [10:52] <Saviq> dandrader, no, but unity8 might Breaks: ubuntu-keyboard (<< foo) [10:53] <dandrader> Saviq, unity8 will break the current dialer-app as it will be rotated to landscape and look horrible. should unity8 package also have Breaks: dialer-app << foo? [10:54] <dandrader> Saviq, I'm not sure we should go down that road... [10:54] <Saviq> dandrader, "look horrible" is ~fine [10:55] <Saviq> dandrader, I'm talking about real breakage, like stuff won't boot / work [10:55] <Saviq> dandrader, you can fix dialer by rotating to portrait, you can't fix a keyboard that doesn't launch [10:56] <dandrader> Saviq, in that case I don't think there's a need to tie unity8 with ubuntu-keyboard [10:56] <Saviq> dandrader, sure, I'm not saying there is, I'm just asking to consider it [10:58] <Saviq> dandrader, basically what I'm saying is, consider what would be the impact of only intalling ubuntu-keyboard or only unity8, or only qtubuntu, or any two of those [10:58] <Saviq> dandrader, and if in some case stuff gets really broken, we need to prevent it from happening [11:00] <dandrader> Saviq, but how realistic are those scenarios? [11:00] <Saviq> dandrader, quite [11:00] <Saviq> dandrader, when publishing stuff from a silo, they land together in proposed [11:00] <Saviq> dandrader, then, DEP-8 tests are run on them all [11:00] <dandrader> Saviq, what's DEP-8? [11:02] <Saviq> dandrader, autopkgtest [11:02] <Saviq> dandrader, [11:03] <Saviq> dandrader, if one of the DEP-8 tests fails for whatever reason, the rest of the packages will still migrate to the main archive [11:03] <Saviq> dandrader, an image can be built in that situation and break people's phones [11:04] <Saviq> dandrader, doesn't really matter what the reason might be for the migration to be delayed, it might even just be a test suite taking longer [11:05] <Saviq> and appropriate dependencies are the only way to prevent that [11:46] <tsdgeos> @unity: what do you guys think about ? [11:46] <sidi> hmkay so, my unity started playing up and crashing on start for no apparent reason (literally I just changed a static string I use for debug). I reverted my change, and it would then refuse to compile because of an alleged missing type in tests/gnome-session-manager.c (which I've obviously never touched). It would compile if I removed the tests/ subdir but immediately crash on launch. --advanced-debug showed various "graceful" shutdowns, sigaborts, si [11:46] <sidi> gsegvs, usually when the GMainLoop starts or CompWindow code is touched. Then, I reverted *all* my code back to the original lp branch you guys maintain. I removed my ~/staging dir. I purged /usr/local just in case. I reinstalled compiz and unity from the package manager. I even grepped for "staging" in /usr/bin in case the unity script still refers to something long gone. It still crashes every time i try to log in. What can that be? [12:05] <greyback> tsdgeos: a +1 from me. I didn't know clang could do that [12:31] <tsdgeos> greyback: yeah it's great, it has some other stuff [12:31] <tsdgeos> like turning the correct 0 to nullptr [12:32] <tsdgeos> and some other stuff [12:32] <greyback> nice [12:32] <tsdgeos> but i find the override one to be most usefull really [12:32] <tsdgeos> since 0 to nullptr is "mostly" "stylistic" [12:32] <tsdgeos> and the override stuff is actually helping if stuff chnges [12:39] <dandrader> Saviq, so qtubuntu/shellRotation is backwards compatible [12:41] <Saviq> MacSlow, saw my comment on your shellRotation MP? [12:41] <MacSlow> Saviq, have not looked at shellRotation today... but will do later today [12:41] <Saviq> k [12:43] <MacSlow> Saviq, hm... that's odd... this missing _ for get_unity_pid() I did fix... I'll sort it out before my EOD [13:10] <Saviq> mzanetti, tsdgeos, I'm not sure is right... it means that a failed test will result in FAILURE, not UNSTABLE as today [13:11] <tsdgeos> Saviq: it does, yes [13:11] <Saviq> and so the job won't even collect the test results [13:11] <Saviq> so we basically lose a state, we're only left with SUCCESS and FAILURE [13:12] <tsdgeos> that's right [13:12] <tsdgeos> didn't realize we were losing test results [13:13] <tsdgeos> Saviq: it's a bit ugly though, it will help us when things go bad like now where we were not running the dbus-launch tests [13:13] <tsdgeos> and it was all green [13:13] <tsdgeos> i'm open to another sugestion on how to fix that if you have one [13:14] <tsdgeos> or i can try to be smarter and see if it's xvfb-run failing or make failing [13:14] <tsdgeos> and then return an error or not [13:15] <Saviq> tsdgeos, we need to speak with fginther on what's the right approach there [13:15] <tsdgeos> not sure how fragile that is [13:15] <Saviq> and what can jenkins do for us [13:17] <Saviq> tsdgeos, so that's where the ~100 new tests come from? [13:17] <tsdgeos> i guess [13:18] <tsdgeos> we had a dbus-launch'ed tests that just didn't happen [13:18] <tsdgeos> switched them to dbus-test-runner [13:18] <Saviq> [13:18] <Saviq> tsdgeos, yeah, on that note, I just dropped it all in the qmltest refactor... [13:18] <tsdgeos> dropped what? [13:18] <Saviq> tsdgeos, well, refactored QmlTest.cmake [13:19] <tsdgeos> k [13:19] <tsdgeos> i'll have a look [13:19] <Saviq> tsdgeos, so your change from dbus-launch to dbus-test-runner died (but I did make the dbus tests work) [13:30] <tsdgeos> Saviq: ok [13:41] <tsdgeos> Saviq: pushed QStandardPaths stuff [13:42] <Saviq> tsdgeos, tx [15:41] <tsdgeos> mterry_: is there a test we could add for ? [15:49] <tsdgeos> larsu: can you quick review ? [15:52] <larsu> tsdgeos: done. obivous. thanks. [15:52] <larsu> *obvious [15:57] <tsdgeos> larsu: thanks :) [16:03] <tsdgeos> Saviq: if you have some extra 5 minutes, maybe try ? [16:09] <mterry_> tsdgeos, sorry, was afk [16:09] <tsdgeos> mterry_: no worries, we've already top approved it :D [16:10] <mterry_> tsdgeos, yeah ok :) [16:10] <tsdgeos> mterry_: now we need someone to launch it though [16:10] <mterry_> tsdgeos, it was a simple fix, barely test worthy [16:10] <tsdgeos> mterry_: don't know, sure the fix is obvious, but having a test exercising the function may still be worth in case it breaks somewhere else, but yeah [16:10] <tsdgeos> don't worry [16:11] <tsdgeos> just get someone to silo it :D [16:11] <mterry_> tsdgeos, fair [16:11] <mterry_> tsdgeos, the interaction was complicated, I didn't track down the exact repo steps that a test would need [16:11] <mterry_> tsdgeos, eh, it will get rolled up in the next qmenumodel release, eh? [16:11] <tsdgeos> understand [16:11] <mterry_> or do other teams not do release days like unity8? [16:12] <tsdgeos> mterry_: i don't think qmenumodel release will happen unless we make it happen D [16:12] <tsdgeos> like last release is from 3 months ago [16:12] <tsdgeos> [16:12] <tsdgeos> and it just had 1 change [16:12] <mterry_> fair [16:12] <tsdgeos> so i think we need to find someone to do it or do it ourselves [16:36] <tsdgeos> greyback: dednick: any idea? [16:38] <dednick> tsdgeos: not off-hand. would need to look into it [16:52] <Saviq> tsdgeos, hehe fun, I managed to suspend browser before it drawn, so I had an appshot of the splash screen ;) [16:52] <tsdgeos> lol [16:53] <Saviq> tsdgeos, only issue I can see is activity indicator moving up'n'down between splashscreen and screenshot, but I won't block on that [16:53] <tsdgeos> yeah i didn't really love that either, hard to fix though tbh [16:54] <tsdgeos> since the activity indicator of the splash can be in various places [16:54] <tsdgeos> the other thing about the screenshot is weird [16:54] <Saviq> well, we tell it where to be, so in theory we could tell it over splash screen too [16:54] <tsdgeos> since property bool needToTakeScreenshot: has sessionContainer.surface && d.surfaceInitialized [16:54] <Saviq> s/splash screen/screenshot/ [16:56] <Saviq> tsdgeos, hmm, could it be that surface was initialized but not drawn to? [16:57] <tsdgeos> may be, not really deep on qtmir's knowledge at that level tbh [16:57] <Saviq> greyback, ↑? [16:58] <Saviq> tsdgeos, I think we'll later need to tweak it so that if splash screen is shown at all (well, it will always be shown, right?) it will be shown for at least 200ms or something [16:59] <Saviq> tsdgeos, because now the splash screen shows but is covered by screenshot before it reaches the screen [16:59] <Saviq> but again, not a blocker [16:59] <tsdgeos> makes sense [17:03] * greyback back, was chatting [17:05] <greyback> Saviq: tsdgeos: surface (i.e. the mirsurfaceitem) will only appear in qml when it has the first frame drawn [17:05] <Saviq> wierd [17:06] <greyback> but it may be that the first frame mir gives us is not the frame the app drew [17:06] <greyback> that is a theory I have had for while now [17:07] <greyback> so I think there's a delaying timer before we hide the screenshot/splashscreen [20:58] <mhall119> Saviq: mzanetti: can one of you help answer
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "MacSlow", "Saviq", "dandrader", "dednick", "greyback", "larsu", "mhall119", "mterry_", "sidi", "tsdgeos" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-unity" }
[05:38] <shasten76> Hey y'all. How's it going? [13:08] <studio-user778> ciao [13:09] <studio-user778> à benesto installando ubuntu studio ma non ho fatto un area di swap andrà bene lo stesso? [14:37] <nazareno> Hi, how to play th [14:38] <nazareno> sorry [14:38] <nazareno> Hi, how to play virtual piano? [14:40] <nazareno> what program i may use to play virtual piano? [18:35] <musica> hola! [18:35] <zequence> musica: Hi there [18:36] <musica> hablás español? [18:36] <zequence> musica: No. And this is an English speaking channel. There's no spanish channel for Ubuntu Studio, but there is one for Ubuntu [18:37] <zequence> !ubuntu-es [18:37] <musica> ok i understand, not! [18:38] <zequence> musica: Try #ubuntu-es [18:38] <musica> ok is more easy for me in spanish, but we try, if you want [18:38] <zequence> !es [18:38] <zequence> Sure, shoot [18:38] <musica> yes but in spanish the information is limited [18:39] <musica> +when i use hydrogen or ardour [18:40] <musica> the sound of the mozilla for example, leave of run, after close hydrogen or ardour [18:41] <zequence> pulseaudio-module-jack [18:41] <zequence> !proaudio [18:41] <zequence> Set pulseaudio to use jack output [18:41] <zequence> Not sure that is what you asked [18:43] <musica> ahh ok! when i use ardour or hydrogen and after of use it, i open mozilla for example, lost sound, pc turn mute [18:44] <zequence> qjackctl? [18:45] <musica> no without use qjactl [18:45] <zequence> jackdbus + pulseaudio = <3 [18:46] <zequence> jackd + pulseaudio is ok, but you need to use "pactl" to make connection to jack [18:46] <zequence> If you use qjackctl, it uses jackdbus by default [18:46] <musica> patchage? [18:46] <zequence> patchage uses jackd [18:46] <zequence> Better to use qjackctl to start jack, then you can use patchage [18:47] <zequence> Or, in the terminal: jack_control [18:47] <zequence> jack_control is for jackdbus [18:48] <zequence> After starting jackdbus, open "pavucontrol" [18:48] <zequence> Select jack as output [18:48] <zequence> Ubuntu Studio 14.04? [18:48] <zequence> [18:48] <musica> ah ok! now i do! thank you very much for your assistance! and excuse me my english!, [18:49] <zequence> No problem [18:53] <musica> Congratulations for ubuntu Studio! Is my favourite distro and i use continuously! thanks for make it! regards from Argentina! [20:42] <nick87720z> Hello. I have proposal for out-of-box theme. First time it was dark, but since some time (integration of gtk3 probably), it uses only greybird by default. I recently tried noobslab ppa with themes and found some good dark.... [20:43] <nick87720z> gtk2/gtk3: MediterraneanDark family (Darkest), Ambiance-Blackout. [20:44] <nick87720z> Also could be OMG, but it is too thick, e.g. by menu items. [20:45] <nick87720z> Will post screenshot soon... [20:49] <nick87720z> [20:49] <nick87720z> icons on my screen are Clarity
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "musica", "nazareno", "nick87720z", "shasten76", "studio-user778", "zequence" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntustudio" }
[08:34] <RJHsiao> Anyone there? 這裡有篇COSCUP2015 開源社群推廣目錄,大家可以幫想一下要寫些什麼 [08:34] <RJHsiao> [09:30] <RJHsiao> 有簡單寫了一些東西上去,歡迎大家幫忙 debug~XD
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "RJHsiao" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-tw" }
[09:13] <rmg51> Morning [10:12] <TengokuNoIsan> morning [10:18] <JonathanD> TengokuNoIsan: sure, if my wife wouldn't kill me in the process :P [10:50] <TengokuNoIsan> lol [10:50] <TengokuNoIsan> she wouldnt kill you [10:50] <TengokuNoIsan> Maim and disfigure, maybe [12:30] <teddy-dbear> Morning peoples, critters, dumb birds and everything else
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "JonathanD", "TengokuNoIsan", "rmg51", "teddy-dbear" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-us-pa" }
[18:47] <pleia2> updating fridge w/ 10.04 eol announcement
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "pleia2" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-news" }
[05:12] <Euaki> Νέα από ubuntugrforum: Νέα - Ειδήσεις - Ανακοινώσεις | Re: (Ανα)ζητείται προγραμματιστής <> [08:53] <Euaki> Νέα από ubuntugrforum: Νέα - Ειδήσεις - Ανακοινώσεις | Re: (Ανα)ζητείται προγραμματιστής <> [09:09] <Euaki> Νέα από ubuntusecurity: USN-2590-1: Linux kernel vulnerabilities <> || USN-2589-1: Linux kernel (Utopic HWE) vulnerabilities <> || USN-2588-1: Linux kernel vulnerabilities <> || USN-2587-1: Linux kernel (Trusty HWE) vulnerabilities <> || USN-2586-1: Linux kernel (OMAP4) vulnerability <http://www.u [13:52] <Euaki> Νέα από ubuntusecurity: USN-2591-1: curl vulnerabilities <> [15:34] <Euaki> Νέα από ubuntugrforum: Νέα - Ειδήσεις - Ανακοινώσεις | Re: (Ανα)ζητείται προγραμματιστής <> [16:07] <tinsfor> γεια σασ παιδια [16:09] <Anoniem4l> geia sou tinsfor [16:09] <tinsfor> mia erotisoyla ena ubuntu 14.4.2 [16:10] <Anoniem4l> an kserw tha se voithisw [16:10] <tinsfor> kai exw karta grafikon amd r7 260x kai molis kanw egatastasi toys driver amd catalyst den ksekinah kan pagoni [16:10] <tinsfor> bebea apo terminal toys ksana bgazw pali apla den mporw na parw oli tin dinami tis kartas grafikon [16:10] <harispc> Δοκίμασε από τις ρυθμίσεις συστήματος>λογισμικό> οδηγοι καρτας γραφικων να το κανεις απο εκει [16:11] <tinsfor> apo ekei epilego toys px amd kai den toys perni to kanh akyro [16:12] <harispc> τι εννοεις ακυρο? [16:13] <tinsfor> ekei moy bgazi 3 epiloges toys kai meta ales 2 epiloges tis amd pataw stin epiogi amd pataw efarmogi alagon kai ksana girnah ekei poy itan xoris na katebasi tpt ktlp [16:15] <harispc> δοκιμασε και τις δυο της AMD [16:16] <tinsfor> to dokimasa kai tpt kai paw apo apo to kentro logizmikoy grafw ati moy bgazi to paketo na to katebasw pataw egatastasi kai leei Αυτό το σφάλμα μπορεί να προκλήθηκε από αναγκαία πρόσθετα πακέτα λογισμικού που είτε λείπουν είτε δεν μπορούν να εγκατασταθούν. Επιπλέον μπορεί να υπάρχει σύγκρουση [16:16] <tinsfor> kai leptomeries Τα ακόλουθα πακέτα έχουν ανεπίλυτες εξαρτήσεις: fglrx: Depends: libqtcore4 (>= 4:4.8.4) αλλά το 4:4.8.5+git192-g085f851+dfsg-2ubuntu4 πρόκειται να εγκατασταθεί Depends: xorg-video-abi-15 αλλά είναι ένα εικονικό πακέτο [16:19] <Anoniem4l> genika ta amd driver sta linux einai berdema [16:19] <Anoniem4l> dokimases na valeis fglrx? [16:21] <tinsfor> mpika sto site tis amd kai moy dini driver gia ubuntu 14.4 ala molis toys pernaw kani reboot kai den ksekina to pc [16:21] <tinsfor> ayto oxi den to dokimasa [16:22] <tinsfor> fglrx 2:13.350.1-0ubuntu2 to exei leei mesa sto paketo tis amd den to perni [16:23] <Anoniem4l> aposo kserw, h tha pareis tous driver apo to site tis amd pou den einai free software, h tha valeis to open-source fglrx [16:23] <Anoniem4l> autes tis 2 epiloges exeis [16:25] <tinsfor> tha to psaksw eyxaristo poly :D [16:26] <Anoniem4l> np [16:26] <harispc> sudo apt-get install fglrx λογικα θα το βαλει [16:26] <tinsfor> ok to dokimazw [16:27] <tinsfor> Κατασκευή Δένδρου Εξαρτήσεων Ανάγνωση περιγραφής της τρέχουσας κατάσταση... Ολοκληρώθηκε Μερικά πακέτα είναι αδύνατον να εγκατασταθούν. Αυτό μπορεί να σημαίνει ότι δημιουργήσατε μια απίθανη κατάσταση ή αν χρησιμοποιείτε την [16:28] <geothom230> [16:28] <geothom230> des kai ayto ama mporei na voithisei tin katastasi [16:29] <tinsfor> ayto ekana prin [16:32] <harispc> [16:32] <harispc> Δες το Ινσταλλινγ Via the command line [16:38] <pc_magas> Καλησπέρα [16:38] <harispc> hi pc_magas [16:39] <pc_magas> Τι κάνετε? [16:39] <harispc> Παντως ο propiertary για την καρτα γραφικων ειναι στο εχει μονο beta ως στιγμης [16:39] <harispc> βασικα στο [16:40] <harispc> @pc_magas για καρτα γραφικων [16:41] <pc_magas> harispc, δοκιμάζεις driver? [16:46] <harispc> οχι εγω ο @γεοτηομ230 [16:46] <harispc> Και τυο δινουμε links [16:47] <harispc> Βγηκε το VS 2015 Code for Linux [16:47] <harispc> VS gia Linux kala akoute [16:47] <harispc> [16:47] <pc_magas> harispc, τα εμαθα αλλά στο site διάβασα και την άδεια χρήσης [16:48] <harispc> Δεν ειναι και κατι τρομερο [16:48] <pc_magas> harispc, αν εξαιρέσεις το αναλέητο drifting και το europop να παιζει απο πίσω όχι. [16:48] <pc_magas> Αλλά από καγκουρίστικη ματιά είναι. [16:49] <harispc> to europop entaxei den einai kai poly tromero [16:49] <harispc> to drifting ειναι τυπικο με τα ΜS Products [16:49] <harispc> Αλλα εχω x86 Linux το εβαλα σε Windows 7 δεν εχει compilers για VB.NET, C++, ktl εχει μονο για λιγες web languages και για C#. ειναι πολυ φτωχο [16:50] <pc_magas> harispc, για drifting προοριζόταν για άλλο κανάλι σε άλλο δίκτυο ☹ [16:51] <harispc> Ειναι Preview μαλλον για αυτο. Να υποθεσω πως στην final θα το βγαλουν [16:51] <harispc> βασικα θα το βαλουν ως προεραιτικο [16:51] <pc_magas> harispc, αλλα αν δεν δω κάτι που να λέει GPL Licence η MIT κάτι κοντά σε GPL τότε δεν το βάζω. [16:52] <harispc> Η λεξη Micro$oft και GPL δεν γινεται να ειναι στην ιδια προταση [16:53] <harispc> Το Mono ειναι πολυ καλυτερο παντως [16:54] <pc_magas> harispc, αλλά .NET περιβάλλον για web services τρέχει μόνο σε Win προς το παρόν [16:55] <harispc> Ναι [16:56] <harispc> Παντως φιλοδοξη η προσπαθια της M$ να φτιαξει ενα "devenv" για Linux και ας μην ειναι πληρης [16:56] <pc_magas> Άμα βγει για linux και το .NET (που το προορίζουν) πιστεύω θα αυξηθεί και τα μηχανάκια που θα τρέχουν Linux. [16:57] <harispc> Θα βγει για Linux [16:57] <pc_magas> Γιατί είναι ποιο οικονομικά να έχεις VPS με Linux [16:57] <harispc> Ετσι λενε τουλαχιστων [16:57] <harispc> Αν βγει .NET for Linux τοτε η συμβαγτοτητα apps gia linux θα αυξηθει [17:02] <geothom230> min peftete stin pagida tis m$ [17:03] <Anoniem4l> ^ [17:03] <Anoniem4l> episis kati akousa oti paizei to windows 10 na dexete apps apo android kai ios [17:04] <pc_magas> Anoniem4l, Ε πρέπει για να μπορεί να είναι ανταγωνιστική. [17:05] <harispc> τα win10 θα αποτυχουν χαλια ειναι σαν τα 8 με ενα start meni [17:05] <harispc> Τα 7 και τα ΧΡ ειναι τα μονα καλα windows [17:06] <pc_magas> harispc, μέχρι να λείξει το Support ήδη τα XP είναι Depricated. [17:06] <harispc> το ξερω [17:06] <harispc> τα 8,8.1,10,11,12,13,14... θα ειναι αποτυχιες [17:07] <pc_magas> Και οποιος τα έχει και τρέχει παάνω σε δίκτυο το pc είναι λίγο σαν την Κυρια στο φανάρι με την μίνη φούστα και τις Ζαρντιέρες στισ 3 η ώρα τα χαράματα. [17:08] <harispc> Σε servers οποιος εχει win ειναι καμμενος [17:08] <pc_magas> harispc, why? Αλλά για .ΝΕΤ θες. [17:08] <harispc> σιγα το .net παντως, το linux σε server εχει πολυ καλυτερα πραγματα [17:09] <geothom230> i m$ einai o megalyteros lystis patenton software alla exei to megalytero stolo dikigoron gia poinikes dioxeis diladi den axizei mia i m$ [17:09] <pc_magas> harispc, Nodejs [17:09] <harispc> Αλλα τα win δεν ειναι reliable αρκετα για servers και αυτο ειναι το μεγαλυτερο προβλημα [17:09] <pc_magas> geothom230, η Google? [17:09] <harispc> η Google Linux trexei stous server ths [17:10] <pc_magas> KAi den έχει και αυτή στόλο δικηγόρων? [17:10] <harispc> MS, Google εχουν [17:10] <harispc> και οι δυο για τους λογους τους [17:10] <geothom230> oxi opos i M$ [17:10] <pc_magas> Αλλα η google κάνει και λίγο foss contribution [17:10] <geothom230> i google einai o efialtis tou linux [17:10] <harispc> η google δεν ειναι και τοσο εφιαλτηξς το lin [17:11] <geothom230> tha to deite mellontika [17:11] <harispc> καθως στους server της Linxu τρεχει και το ChromeOS/Android στο Lin βασισμενο ειναι [17:11] <pc_magas> geothom230, logo Blobing? [17:11] <geothom230> imoun prin dyo meineis palo alto se seminario cisco kai ematha polla apo tin silicon valley [17:11] <pc_magas> Με propriatery λογισμικό [17:11] <geothom230> tha erthoun efialtika pragmata [17:11] <pc_magas> geothom230, :O :O :O [17:12] <harispc> Θυμαμε καποτε ενα ωραιο αρθρο για το Android 3.1 (τοτε) σε ενα LinuxInside [17:12] <geothom230> monon to unix/linux tha epizisoun [17:12] <harispc> Αυτο το Linux Inside ειχε και ενα αρθρο για την Canonical και το OpenCore [17:12] <pc_magas> geothom230, λογο ότι βασίζεται σε ανοικτή κοινότητα και είναι μαι κοινή πλατφόρμα που ο καθένας μπορεί να χτίσει. [17:13] <geothom230> exei ena mistiko i azure alla kai ta kolowindows 10 signomi gia tin ekfrasi giati mou tin deinei ayti i etairia [17:13] <harispc> Τα 10 ειναι %$^*^%%^%^&# [17:13] <harispc> ειναι τα 8 με ενα startmenu και κατι νεες μ*^%* [17:14] <geothom230> minite stis ideologikes apopsis tou sympanthitikou unix linux tha deite kai den tha xasete [17:14] <pc_magas> harispc, το κακαό ξέρεις ποιο θα είναι όσοι έχουν Win μπορεί να μην έχουν και Linux. [17:14] <harispc> Οι περισσοτεροι χρηστες των win δεν ξερουν τι ειναι "το linux" [17:14] <harispc> Η νομιζουν πως Linux ειναι μονο εντολες [17:14] <tinsfor> egw pantos apo linux ubuntu kai centos server poy exw edw kai mia 5etia eimai yper eyxaristimenos [17:15] <tinsfor> 180 meres uptime kai kanena problima [17:15] <harispc> τα win πανω απο 25 μερες uptime δεν τα πας ακομη και τα 7 [17:15] <pc_magas> Αν και τώρα που βγήκε ο κράχτης και η Canonical έχει κάνει κάποιες λάθος επιλογές. [17:15] <geothom230> to android kai kathe chrome etc... miso kleisto kodika exei kai trexei se pyrina tou linux [17:15] <pc_magas> tinsfor, πςσ κάνεις kernel update? [17:16] <tinsfor> ekana twra teleytea genika eixa 12.4 kai to ekana 14.4 [17:16] <harispc> το kbuntu 15.04 εχει πολλα bugs (asxeto) [17:16] <geothom230> ena itan to oraiotero unix/linux sun microsystem Sun Solaris [17:16] <pc_magas> geothom230, Πλέον το blob επικρατεί [17:17] <tinsfor> anikw sto iwmn asirmato diktio hmathias kai egw exw toys server site ktlp [17:17] <geothom230> pc_magas:ti einai to blob [17:17] <harispc> ασχετο: Στην Ελλαδα στο δημοσιο ολοι οι υπολογιστες τωρα τρεχουν κατι ΧΡ με SP2 χωρις ΑV (σχεδων ολοι) [17:18] <pc_magas> geothom230, παίρνεις ένα ελέυθερο κομμάτι κώδικα και τον καβουργίζεις με propriatery κώδικα και το σερβίρεις. [17:18] <pc_magas> καβουρδίζεις* [17:19] <harispc> Ενταξει, το να βαζεις λιγο propiertary δνε ειναι κακο με την λογικη πως ο αρχαριος θα το θελει [17:19] <harispc> ο αρχαριος θεωρει το flashplayer, mp3 playback, graphicscard drivers δεδωμενα [17:19] <geothom230> tespa i epilogi einai ston aplo xristi [17:19] <harispc> γενικα το ubuntu/mint τον απλο χρηστη στοχοποιουν κυριως [17:20] <geothom230> nai [17:20] <pc_magas> Αλλα το ANdroiδ εκεί το propriatery πάει και έρχεται. [17:20] <harispc> Το Debian/Slackware/Arch κτλ στον ποιο προχωριμενο [17:20] <tinsfor> kai to webmin bohthah para poli sta server gia aploys xristes [17:20] <harispc> Στο Android τωρα, το core os ειναι open source, αλλα ολα τα apps (μεχρι και μερικα της google) einai closed soruce [17:21] <pc_magas> Ουσιαστικά χάνεται η ουσία της ελευθερίας του λογισμικού. [17:21] <pc_magas> Αλλά πάλι σε Androiod έχεις επιλογές για ROM ;) [17:21] <harispc> και στο linux exeiw epiloges gia Arch ;) [17:22] <geothom230> den yparxei eleutheria yparxei to kerdos$ [17:22] <harispc> sthn M$ eleytheria exeis periorismenh [17:22] <pc_magas> harispc, υπάρχουν και χειρότερα Apple. [17:22] <geothom230> diktaotoria exei i M$ [17:22] <harispc> Η M$ δεν ειναι εντελως closed [17:23] <pc_magas> geothom230, γιατί η Apple τι είναι [17:23] <pc_magas> ? [17:23] <geothom230> nai symfono kai gia tin apple [17:23] <geothom230> i M$ einai entelos closed [17:23] <harispc> οχι εντελως [17:23] <pc_magas> Αν και το CUPS πάλι της apple είναι ;) [17:23] <harispc> Καθως τμπορεις να φτιαξεις προγραμμα για win χωρις αδεια της MS [17:23] <geothom230> na xereis oti kai sto linux mporeis na pouliseis [17:24] <harispc> to suse linux kai to red hat auto kanoun [17:24] <geothom230> kai se ligo kai to ubuntu [17:24] <geothom230> mellontika [17:24] <geothom230> to mono pou tha minei einai to DEBIAN [17:24] <harispc> Δεν πιστευω (τουλαχιστων ακομη) [17:24] <harispc> Το Mint ειναι καλυτερο για αρχαριο απο το Ubu παντως [17:24] <pc_magas> Αλλά για κάποιο λόγο στην Ελλάδα λιγο απεχθάνονται να παράξουν ελεύθερο λογισμικ/ό [17:25] <geothom230> to mint to goustaro kai ego [17:25] <harispc> στην ελλαδα οχι μονο να παραξουν, αλλα και να το δοκιμασουν [17:26] <harispc> Στο σχολειο μας φορτωσα σε 2 υπολογιστες Mint μαζι με windows και σε ενα παλιο Lubuntu [17:26] <pc_magas> harispc, δεν έχεις και άδικο λόγο ότι στην πρακτική τρίβαν τα μάτια στους και πίναν νερό για το dreamweaver. [17:26] <pc_magas> (t;vra gel;ate) [17:26] <pc_magas> (τώρα γελατε)* [17:26] <pc_magas> εω το σιχαινόμουνα [17:27] <harispc> Οι περισσοτεροι νομιζουν πως το Linux einai ena terminal ή αλλοι δεν ξερονυ οτι υπαρχει καν [17:27] <pc_magas> harispc, χωρς να ξέρουν ότι μπορούν να πουν Δώτα τον ϋψιστο που το linux έχει ΚΑΙ terminal. [17:28] <harispc> καταρχας λενε TA Linux [17:28] <pc_magas> Για κάποιο λόγο έχει επικτατήσει ο πλυθιντικός σε OS. [17:30] <pc_magas> Μάλλον λόγο ότι είναι συνήθειο που λέγαν Τα Windows. [17:30] <harispc> Οπως λεμε τα παραθυρα του σπιτιου [17:30] <harispc> ετσι και τα windows του υπολογιστη :P [17:31] <pc_magas> harispc, και ιδού που κολλάει το Marketing. Η λέξη Windows είναι Πλυθιντικός γι αυτό λες Τα. [17:31] <harispc> το ξερω [17:31] <pc_magas> Αλλά λόγο ότι υπάρχουν πολλά Distros έξι έχει επικρατείσει να λέμε τα Linux. [17:32] <pc_magas> Και όχι το λόγο ότι οπ Kernel είναι ένας. [17:32] <harispc> Για να γινει το Linux πιο γνωστο πρεπει οι ΟΕΜ να το προεγκαθηστουν [17:32] <harispc> Με τα windows 10 το αλλο τωρα που θα κανουν lock τον bootloader [17:32] <pc_magas> harispc, για να μαζέψουν τον ανταγωνισμό. [17:33] <harispc> Και ο ΙΕ να βασιλευει στους browsers λογω του οτι ειναι προεπιλογη των ςιν [17:33] <pc_magas> Αν δεν μπορείς να βάλεις άλλο Os θα μείνεις σε αυτό. [17:33] <harispc> λογικο [17:33] <harispc> Αν και βεβαια το ubuntu/mint υποστηριζουν το secure boot [17:34] <pc_magas> harispc, μέχρι να βάλεις Ψρομε. [17:34] <pc_magas> Crome* [17:34] <harispc> και ο σπαρταν η νεα μ&&^ τους [17:53] <harispc> hi again pc_magas [17:54] <pc_magas> harispc, και παλει γεια. [17:54] <pc_magas> Και έχω νέα να σας πω. [17:54] <pc_magas> ΒΑΡΙΕΜΑΙ αφάνταστα. [17:55] <harispc> Ας σε ξεβαρεσουμε :P [17:55] <harispc> Κανε φορματ τα παντα :P [17:55] <harispc> Θα ξεβαρεθεις :P [18:01] <pc_magas> harispc, hahahah υπάρχει και η λύση του να κλείσω τα πάντα και να βγώ βόλτα αλλα είναι αργά. [18:01] <pc_magas> ΚΑι γι αυτό γεια σας
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "Anoniem4l", "Euaki", "geothom230", "harispc", "pc_magas", "tinsfor" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-gr" }
[07:06] <dholbach> good morning [07:11] <MooDoo> morning [09:17] <dholbach> dpm, I was asked to juggle a few sessions around and merge a few others, but I hope that some time this afternoon everyone's happy with the schedule and I can announce this evening :) [09:18] <dpm> thanks dholbach [09:19] <dholbach> pleia2, I put the women's team planning as the last session on 5th May - let me know if that suits you or if it should be moved [10:28] <dpm> dholbach, davidcalle, I just saw the "A script to create a device tarball" e-mail to snappy-devel. It seems everyone starts creating their tools to get things done with snappy, but we've got no central place to learn about them. Do you think it'd be a good idea to have a "Tools" page that lists them, with a warning that this is just a crazy collection of tools that might break things, but could be useful nevertheless? [10:28] <dpm> i.e. put this tool, then mterry's deb2snap... etc [10:29] <davidcalle> dpm, snappy -> participate -> tools , maybe? [10:30] <dpm> yeah, perhaps, or even in Participate itself [10:30] <davidcalle> dpm, or, I'm going to say a bad word but : wiki page. [10:31] * dpm quits IRC [10:31] <dpm> on a more serious note, I don't have anything against the wiki (other than tables, that is) [10:32] <davidcalle> Come baaack, it could work [10:32] <dpm> :) [10:32] <dpm> but I think in this context the wiki is better for things like specs [10:33] <dholbach> dpm, I noted it down to maybe document it as part of the "oem snap" (or whatever the new name will be) article [10:34] <dholbach> but we are going to need more guidance on that [10:34] <davidcalle> dpm, right, but since we are talking about community tools/hacky things, maybe it's good to have a place where people can maintain and update their own tool paragraph [10:34] <dholbach> ah ok [10:35] <dholbach> sure... if people want to do that on the wiki, why not [10:35] <dpm> davidcalle, yeah, perhaps that's a better idea, and then have a link to it on the Participate page [10:36] <dpm> do you guys know of any other tools for now? ubuntu-device flash (already documented), deb2snap, this script^... [10:36] <davidcalle> dpm, dholbach, on a related note, I don't get what's not working with snappy-remote, do you have any issues with it? Works fine for me (at least with a kvm snappy) [10:36] <dholbach> I had it ask me for a password too [10:37] <dpm> I've not used snappy-remote, sorry [10:37] <dholbach> not sure if that was the issue people were complaining about [10:37] <dpm> just been doing the regular installation and used snappy install & co. [10:37] <dholbach> is it [10:37] <davidcalle> dholbach, I believe it's the ssh login password (in doubt, "ubuntu" is the password to everything :p) [10:39] <davidcalle> dholbach, looks like it, but snappy-remote just works for me [10:39] * davidcalle tries again [10:39] <dholbach> mh [10:42] <dpm> popey, dholbach, davidcalle, balloons, mhall119, it's the last week of our 3-week sprint, so I'll set up a meeting later on to review and plan the next. Before the call, could you all go through the cards on and make sure their status is up-to-date? [10:45] <davidcalle> dholbach, yep, the build snaps example works for me "2015/04/30 10:44:22 Signature check failed, but installing anyway as requested" [10:45] <davidcalle> dpm ok [10:47] <dpm> cool, thanks [10:50] <dholbach> yep [10:51] <popey> dpm: i can't make the time you have scheduled. [10:52] <dpm> popey, any other time that would work for you? [10:52] <popey> 1.5 hours later. [10:54] <dpm> popey, hm, that's a bit late for Daniel and I. what about 1h or 1.5 h before? [10:54] <popey> i have meetings all afternoon. [10:55] <dpm> popey, if I move it to 30 mins earlier, you should be able to make it for the first half hour, right? [10:56] <popey> yeah [10:56] <dpm> ok, cool, let's do that, then [10:57] <dholbach> <3 [10:57] <dholbach> I'll just have audio, but I'll be there :) [13:52] <dpm> jose, around? [14:01] <dholbach> mhall119, slangasek is a 'core' track lead, right? [14:01] <dholbach> he just confirmed :) [14:04] <mhall119> dholbach: I'll add him [14:05] <mhall119> dholbach: can you ask him to register for uos-1505? [14:05] <mhall119> I can't add him until he's in the system [14:27] <dholbach> mhall119, done [14:55] <dholbach> jcastro, did you have any luck with the blueprints approval review? [14:58] <jcastro> gaughen is going to do it [14:59] <jcastro> but we'll likely approve them all, I'll remind her. [15:05] <dholbach> cool [15:05] <dholbach> thanks [16:05] <pleia2> dholbach: I haven't been involved with ubuntu women for quite some time, you'll want to ask belkinsa or one of the other current leaders [16:15] <mhall119> dholbach: belkinsa did email the uos-track-leads about that session, did you see it? [16:40] <dholbach> mhall119, no, I didn't [16:40] <dholbach> mhall119, I'm not on the list [16:46] <mhall119> dholbach: you're on the team, you should get it [16:46] <mhall119> unless your LP settings are preventing it [16:52] <dholbach> mh [17:11] <czajkowski> venue sourcing is one of the largest pita ever!!! [17:13] <mhall119> czajkowski: jose knows all about that now :) [17:15] <jose> wat? [17:15] <jose> oh yeah :P [17:15] * pleia2 nags jose to update the website [17:19] <dpm> mhall119, I'm scheduling the plenaries' hangouts in ubuntuonair. Do I need to do anything special for the plenary sessions in summit? Just add the session and then change the hangout broadcast link to that of the ubuntuonair one? [17:20] <mhall119> dpm: yes, just make sure you mark them as plenary types [17:20] <dpm> ok [17:39] <dpm> mhall119, ok, plenaries scheduled and events scheduled on the Ubuntu OnAir G+ account and calendar [17:39] <balloons> mhall119, how's things with IS today? [17:39] <dpm> jose, ^^ [17:39] <czajkowski> well if you have any for Boston or DC let me know :) [17:39] <jose> dpm: everything is set, or so it seems [17:39] <dpm> cool [17:41] <mhall119> balloons: chatting with them as we speak [17:42] <mhall119> balloons: tl;dr, the proxy stuff left some garbage around that prevented us from deploying to staging again yesterday, it's cleaned up now and we just finished a successful staging redeployment, so we're going for production now [17:42] <dholbach> all right my friends - have a great rest of your day! [17:42] <dholbach> I call it a day! [17:42] <dholbach> see you! :) [17:42] <mhall119> have a good weekend dholbach [17:42] <dholbach> you too! [17:42] <mhall119> mine doesn't start tomorrow :) [17:42] <pleia2> mhall119: psst, it's thursday [17:43] <pleia2> ah! [17:43] <dholbach> Mayday! [17:43] <balloons> mhall119, woot [17:43] <mhall119> pleia2: they're european [17:43] <balloons> dholbach, enjoy! [17:43] <pleia2> I didn't realize it was a holiday :) [17:43] <balloons> hippie! [17:43] <balloons> hugs! [17:43] <dholbach> it is, in quite a few places [17:43] <mhall119> pleia2: yeah, they do that to me a lot too [17:44] <pleia2> May 1st in the US usually just means a lot of confusingly timed cinco de mayo parties [17:44] <dholbach> last time I counted the number of holidays in DE was quite close to the ones in US [17:44] <mhall119> pleia2: lol, it's funny because it's true [17:44] <pleia2> :) [17:45] <dholbach> all right [17:45] <dholbach> see you around! :) [17:45] <mhall119> also thinking that cinco de mayo is Mexico's independence day [17:45] <pleia2> yeah, I tend to forgive that one [17:58] <dpm> ok, calling it a day and bank holiday here tomorrow [17:58] <dpm> have a nice rest of the week everyone and see you on Monday!
{ "license": "Public Domain", "authors": [ "MooDoo", "balloons", "czajkowski", "davidcalle", "dholbach", "dpm", "jcastro", "jose", "mhall119", "pleia2", "popey" ], "url": "", "channel": "#ubuntu-community-team" }