file_name,description rb_1024373821.png,"In this picture, there is a table with an empty bowl, a packet of snacks, and a blue can on it. The table has many closed drawers. A robotic arm has located the drawer in the first column and second row and has pulled it open." rb_1028500382.png,"In this scene, there is a table with three packet of snacks, one green, one blue, and one brown. A robotic arm is picking up the green bag and moving it to a spot between the blue and brown bags." rb_1035956476.png,"In this scene, in a room, there is a black cabinet with a flower pot, a cube, and a small ball on top of it. The cabinet has four compartments, and in the bottom right compartment, there is a flat, disc-shaped object. A robotic arm is picking up this disc-shaped object from the compartment in the bottom right corner of the cabinet." rb_1076690002.png,"In this scene, there are two stoves and three switches. On the second stove, there is a silver pot. On the middle switch, there is a brown object. A robotic arm moves from the left stove to the middle switch, picks up the object, and places it into the silver pot on the right stove. Afterwards, the arm picks up the pot with the object inside and places it on the left stove." rb_1096495768.png,"In this scene, there is a blue fork, a green towel folded into a square, and a green pear toy on a blue table. A robotic arm picks up the fork from the table and places it to the right of the square towel." rb_1110240249.png,"On a square tabletop, there is a plastic water bottle in the top left corner. Near the bottom edge of the table, there is a red can with a packet of snacks on its right. A robotic arm picks up the can and places it beside the plastic water bottle." rb_1236243506.png,"On a blue table, a white bottle and a silver pot are placed side by side. A robotic arm picks up the bottle and places it into the pot." rb_1391645695.png,"On a blue table, in the top left corner, there is a model oven with a blue plate inside. On its right there are two cans. In the front of the cans there is a square-folded towel with a blue and white object on top. Beside it is a light green spoon, and in the bottom left corner of the table, there is a pot. A robotic arm picks up the blue and white object from the folded tissue and moves it to the left, placing it between the pot and the model oven." rb_1486532536.png,"On a blue table, on the left side, there is a metal pot containing a green chili pepper model. On the right side of the table, there is a blue towel folded into a square with a brown spoon on top of it. A robotic arm picks up the chili pepper model from the pot and places it to the left of the square-folded towel." rb_1487737122.png,"On a table, in the top left corner, there is a green can. In the middle of the table, there is a bag of green snacks, and on the right, there is a black card. A robotic arm picks up the black card from the right side of the table." rb_1523668910.png,"In a room, there is a counter with a black induction stove on the left and a sink on the right. Below them, there is a cabinet with two doors. A robotic arm moves from the left side of the counter to the right and opens the door of the cabinet on the right side." rb_1759709163.png,"On a blue table, in the bottom left corner, there is a green cucumber model with a fork with a blue handle beside it. To the right of these items is a red towel folded into a square, and in the bottom right corner, there is a small metal pot. A robotic arm moves to the small metal pot, picks it up, and places it on the square-folded red towel." rb_1759741708.png,"On a countertop with a sink, on the left, there are two stoves: one with a green cabbage model and the other with a jar. To the right of the sink, there are models of a blue carrot, half a blue corn, a blue bottle, a horizontally placed dishwashing liquid model, and a yellow plastic bowl. Inside the sink, there is a purple and white onion model and a metal basin with a lid. A robotic arm moves to the half blue corn model, picks it up, and places it inside the yellow plastic bowl in the bottom right corner." rb_1764737247.png,"On a cabinet, there is a knocked-over plastic bottle and a white bowl. This cabinet has three drawers and the second one is open. A robotic arm pushes the drawer closed." rb_1785711889.png,"There is a workbench with a cabinet in the top left corner and a built-in oven in the top right corner. On the countertop, there is a induction stove on the left and a sink on the right, with an open cabinet below the sink. On the countertop, there is a metal pot on top of the induction stove. A robotic arm picks up this metal pot and places it inside the cabinet below the sink." rb_1792827268.png,"On a blue table, in the top left corner, there is a metal pot, and in the bottom left corner, there is a spoon with a blue handle. To their right, there is a blue towel folded into a square, placed diagonally on the table. In the bottom right corner of the table, there is a green pear model. A robotic arm straightens the towel and pushes it towards the top right corner of the table." rb_1802574376.png,"There is a storage cabinet with a drawer pulled open. On top of it, there is a green plastic wrapper, a white bowl, and a black square object. A robotic arm picks up this black square object from the top of the cabinet and places it inside the open drawer." rb_1824054087.png,"On a blue table, near the left side, there is a white towel folded into a square, a blue and white object, a model oven, and a metal basin. On the right side, there are two tin cans and a spoon with a green handle. A robotic arm picks up this spoon and places it to the right of the square-folded white towel." rb_1833278179.png,"On a square table, there is a flat empty mineral water bottle, an upside-down paper cup, and a green ceramic bowl next to it. A blue object, a black object, and a white object are also present. A robotic arm picks up the upside-down paper cup and places it on the black object, completely covering it." rb_1835112563.png,"In a room, there is a cabinet with a drawer pulled open. On top of it are a bowl, a glass bottle, a blue can, and a flat, black-packaged object. A robotic arm picks up this black object and places it into the open drawer." rb_1868581698.png,"On a square table, there is a green ceramic plate, a flat empty water bottle, along with a blue object and a black object. There is also an empty cup and a white object. A robotic arm picks up the empty cup from the table and places it on the green ceramic plate." rb_1909303459.png,"In a room, there is a transparent shelf with a metal frame and a black cabinet with four compartments. On the metal shelf, there is a plate with two small balls, one blue and one green. On the black bookshelf, there are several objects and a pot of flowers. A robotic arm picks up the green ball from the plate on the transparent shelf." rb_1913291722.png,"On the table, there is a empty plastic water bottle, a can, a pack of snacks, and a pen holder. A robotic arm picks up the empty plastic water bottle from the table." rb_1937501194.png,"On the table, there are three objects: a knocked-over can, a knocked-over empty water bottle, and a blue apple model. A robotic arm picks up the empty water bottle located at the top right corner of the table and moves it to the front right diagonal of the can located at the bottom left corner." rb_1941453041.png,"On a transparent table with a metal frame, there is a white plate with a green apple model on it. Next to it, there's a black bookshelf, which holds several objects and a pot of flowers. A robotic arm picks up the apple from the plate on the transparent table." rb_2007036055.png,"On a blue table, there is a towel folded into a square shape with a spoon model on top. To the right, there's a small metal pot, and the table also has a blue cheesecake model. A robotic arm picks up this blue cheesecake model and places it into the small metal pot on the right" rb_2026501050.png,"On the table, there are three cans: a green one that is knocked over, and a red one and a blue-white one that are standing upright. A robotic arm knocks over the upright red can onto the table." rb_2212121321.png,"On the table, there is a knocked-over red can, an upright green can, and a blue apple model. A robotic arm picks up the blue apple model." rb_2218949837.png,"A peg is placed inside a nut situated on a white platform. A yellow robotic arm grabs the peg, pulls it out from the nut, and places it beside the nut." rb_2315232009.png,"Inside a yellow sink model, there is a purple coaster with a purple teacup on it. To the right of the model is a blue carrot model, and further to the right is a cut-open blue lemon model. On the left side of the sink, there is a yellow cup model. A robotic arm picks up this yellow cup model and places it on the dish rack above the sink." rb_2339123628.png,"On the left side of the table, there is an open oven with an iron tray inside, which contains a black object. To the right of the oven is an orange bowl model with a blue object inside, next to it is a white and blue bowl. Further to the right, there is a sink containing a blue object. A robotic arm picks up the black object from the tray in the open oven." rb_2376689694.png,"In the kitchen, there are two microwave stovetops. Next to the left stovetop, there is a green broccoli model, and near the right stovetop, there is a folded blue towel with a small metal pot on top. Above the stovetop, there is a blue fork. A robotic arm picks up the blue fork and places it to the left of the broccoli and to the left of the left stovetop." rb_2398831306.png,"In the room, there is a cabinet with its second drawer pulled open. On top of the cabinet, there is a blue can and a white bowl. Inside the open drawer, there is a green bagged item. A robotic arm takes out the green bagged item from the open second drawer and places it on the table." rb_2405254187.png,"On a blue table, there is an open microwave with an iron tray inside. On the table, there is an orange house model, a blue spherical object, a blue rectangular object, and an orange sink model with a blue object in it. A robotic arm is holding a light green basin and places the basin on the dish rack next to the right sink" rb_2415292566.png,"On the blue table, there is a spoon model with an orange handle, a blue carrot model, and a neatly folded green towel with a small iron basin on it. A robotic arm picks up the blue carrot model and places it inside the metal iron basin." rb_2467642008.png,"In a kitchen, there is a green cabbage model, a yellow cup, objects in dark and light blue, and a stovetop. Next to the stovetop, there is a blue model and a yellow bowl filled with a blue object. A robotic arm picks up the blue model next to the stovetop" rb_2493928065.png,"On a table, there is an open oven, a blue apple model, a black bowl containing a yellow cheese model, a white and blue bowl next to it, and on the far right, a sink model. A robotic arm picks up the cheese model from the black bowl." rb_2509222012.png,"On a blue table, to the left, there is a rice scoop with a green handle. Next to it is a brownish-red towel folded into a square shape with a white mushroom model on it. Above to the right of the towel is a metal iron basin. A robotic arm picks up the white mushroom model from the brownish-red towel and places it in the top left corner of the table." rb_2514752619.png,"On the blue table, there is an orange cup and a dark blue cup. A robotic arm picks up the orange cup and stacks it on top of the dark blue cup." rb_2619849226.png,"On a blue table to the left, there is a black bowl with a brown object and a black object behind it. Beside the bowl, there are two bottles, one lying down and the other standing upright. Initially positioned above the bowl, a robotic arm then moves towards the black object and picks it up." rb_2668245121.png,"In a room, there is a transparent table and a black cabinet. On the transparent table, there is a white plate with three apple models in deep blue, light blue, and green. On the black bookshelf, there is a stick-like object, a flat circular object, a small ball, a cube, and a pot of plants. A robotic arm picks up the green apple model from the plate on the transparent table." rb_2698953036.png,"On a white table, six bottles of different colors are arranged in a row from left to right. A robotic arm moves from the middle of the far end of the table towards the second bottle on the right and pushes this bottle to the edge of the table." rb_2766765269.png,"In the center of a blue table, there is a metal iron basin. In the top right corner of the table, there is a white and green object. A robotic arm picks up the white and green object from the top right corner and places it into the metal iron basin" rb_2805168739.png,"In the bottom left corner of a blue table, there is a spoon with a blue handle. On the right side of the table, there is a light blue towel folded into a square with a fork with a brown handle resting on it. A robotic arm picks up this fork and moves it to the right side of the spoon with the blue handle." rb_2839952702.png,"In the room, there is a cabinet with three drawers. On top of the cabinet, there is a white bowl and a knocked-over empty water bottle. A robotic arm opens the second (middle) drawer of the cabinet." rb_2920840142.png,"On a stovetop next to a sink, there is a metal iron basin. A robotic arm picks up this metal iron basin." rb_3000614166.png,"In this scene, on the stove, on the far right, there is a blue carrot toy, in the middle, a silver bowl, and on the far left, a green plate. The robotic arm picks up the blue carrot toy from the right and places it on the green plate to the left." rb_3024435590.png,"On the kitchen stove, there's a white kettle and a pile of scattered items. The robotic arm picks up the white kettle located near the edge of the table on the right side of the stove and places it into the silver sink on the right side of the stove." rb_3063936319.png,"On the green carpet, there's a gray box and a small gray object in the center. The robotic arm picks up the small gray object from the center and places it inside the gray box on the left." rb_3068248770.png,"On the table, in the middle at the far end, there's a bowl filled with a bunch of blue strip-like objects. The robotic arm picks up one of the strip-like objects from the bowl and suspends it in mid-air." rb_3089175146.png,"On a blue table, on the left side, there is a blue towel with a silver bowl on top, and inside the silver bowl, there is a white object. On the right side, there is a yellow spatula. The robotic arm picks up the yellow spatula from the right side of the table and places it on the left side." rb_3104889557.png,"On the top of the cabinet, on the left side, there is a plastic water bottle. In the middle on the right side, there's a blue object, and on the far left, there's a green can. The robotic arm picks up the blue object from the middle and places it to the right of the green can at the far end." rb_3105392539.png,"In this scene, the door of the top shelf of the cabinet is open. On top of the cabinet, there's a white bowl, a fallen can, and a plastic bag. The robotic arm picks up the plastic bag on the right and places it inside the open cabinet door." rb_3113084003.png,"In this scene, on the top of the cabinet, there is a fallen plastic water bottle on the left, a silver can in the middle, and a black object on the right. The robotic arm picks up the fallen water bottle from the far left and places it on the far right of the cabinet." rb_3191964642.png,"In this scene, on the top of the cabinet, there is a white bowl on the left and a green can on the right. The cabinet door is open. The robotic arm picks up the green can from the far right and places it inside the open cabinet door." rb_3221608526.png,"In this scene, on the blue table, at the far left, there is a blue towel. To the right of the towel, there's a blue spoon, and next to the spoon, there's a silver bowl containing a green object. The robotic arm picks up the blue spoon and places it on top of the blue towel." rb_3467583347.png,"In this scene, on the white table, there's a white can, a blue can, two blue objects, a green plastic water bottle, and an orange can. The robotic arm picks up the white can from the far left and suspends it mid-air." rb_3515324035.png,"In this scene, on the blue table, there's a white cup. The robotic arm picks up a blue cup which contains a white object. The robotic arm then pours the white object from the blue cup into the white cup." rb_3540965420.png,"In this scene, on the top of the cabinet, there is a plastic bottle on the left, a green plastic bag on the right, and a black plastic bag at the far end. The robotic arm picks up the plastic bottle from the left and places it between the two plastic bags on the right side of the cabinet." rb_3574413748.png,"In this scene, the door of the cabinet is open. On the top of the cabinet, there's a white bowl, a black can on the left, and a green plastic bag on the right. The robotic arm closes the topmost door of the cabinet." rb_3608811103.png,"In this scene, on the blue table, on the far left, there's a blue towel. Next to it, there are a green can, a silver bowl, a brown fork, and a blue spoon. The robotic arm pushes the green can from the left side to the far right side of the table." rb_3612454744.png,"In this scene, on the kitchen stove, there is a silver bowl, an upside-down yellow bowl, a green plate with a green object, and a blue carrot model. The robotic arm picks up the blue carrot model from the right side of the green plate and moves it to the middle of the stove." rb_3623346967.png,"In this scene, on the table, to the left, there is a white plate and a blue cup. In the middle, there's a yellow object, and to the right, there's a pink cup. The robotic arm picks up the yellow object from the middle and places it on the white plate on the far left." rb_3761811905.png,"In this scene, on the green carpet, there's a pile of gray boxes and a white mat. On the white mat, there's an open black laptop. The robotic arm helps close the laptop." rb_3778218137.png,"On the blue table, at the far end, there's a black object, a white cup with a white object inside, and a blue object. Near the near end, there's a green object and a fallen plastic water bottle. The robotic arm moves the white object from inside the white cup in the middle of the far end to the right side of the cup." rb_3881007493.png,"On top of the cabinet, at the far end, there is a blue can. In the middle, there's a green plastic bag, and near the near end, there's a transparent plastic water bottle. The robotic arm moves the plastic bag from the middle to the near end." rb_3943739437.png,"On the table, there's a green object, a fallen plastic water bottle, blue, black, and white objects, and a white cup at the far end. The robotic arm picks up the black object from the middle and moves it to the right side of the near end." rb_3976666257.png,"On the right side, there's a 2x2 black cabinet. In its upper left compartment, there's a round white object, and in the lower left, a white cube. There's also a flower pot on top of the cabinet. The robotic arm picks up the white cube from the lower left compartment, extracts it from the cabinet, and suspends it in mid-air." rb_4034974035.png,"In this scene, there is a kitchen table cluttered with various items, including a green ball, some blue objects, and a pot. The robotic arm grips the green ball located on the right side of the stove at the near end of the table. It then places the ball into the pot situated on the left side of the stove at the far end of the table." rb_4054647298.png,"In this scene, there is a blue table, which holds a blue spoon, a brown fork, and a blue towel. The robotic arm grasps the brown fork and moves it from the right end of the table to the left end." rb_4071751276.png,"In this scene, there's a table covered with a collection of toys that resemble kitchen condiments and food. These include a seasoning box, a block of cheese, a toy pie cut in half, and a plate. The robotic arm grasps the toy pie that's cut in half from inside the plate and then moving it to the outside of the plate." rb_4171669004.png,"In this scene, the table is covered with blue and white blocks, a green plastic bottle, and several cans. The robotic arm continuously extends forward, first knocking over the blue block, and then as it keeps extending, it inadvertently also knocks over the white block." rb_4299267582.png,"In this scene, there's a table with a plastic bottle, a black plastic bag, and a blue ball. The robotic arm grips the blue ball located in the middle of the table and then lifts it up." rb_4300901550.png,"In this scene, there is a black chair at the far end, with a small black object underneath it. Beside the chair, on its outer side, there's a gray box. The robotic arm extends and grasps the small black object under the chair, then places it on top of the chair." rb_4318645968.png,"In this scene, the table holds a white ring, a can, a plastic bottle, and a plastic bag. The robotic arm grips the plastic bottle located in the middle of the table and lifts it above the white ring." rb_4334336291.png,"In this scene, there is a toolbox filled with many blue screwdrivers. The robotic arm grips a screwdriver near the edge of the box and pulls it out." rb_4376074324.png,"In this scene, on the table, there's a lying green can, a standing blue can, and a plastic bag. The robotic arm grips the green can near the near end of the table and stands it upright." rb_4384031461.png,"In this scene, there is a cabinet. On the first shelf of the cabinet, there's a small white square, and on the second shelf, there's a small round white object. The robotic arm grabs the small white square from the first shelf and pulls it out." rb_4408384605.png,"In this scene, there is a black box, a red plastic cup, and a white plate containing some yellow items. The robotic arm grasps the red plastic cup from the far end and places it inside the black box." rb_4448375792.png,"In this scene, there is a silver basin containing a small animal toy, a blue fork, and a green towel. The robotic arm picks up the blue fork from the middle of the near end of the table and places it on the green towel at the far end." rb_4461262000.png,"In this scene, on the table, there is a silver can, a blue plastic bag, and a transparent plastic bottle at the far end. The robotic arm grasps the plastic bottle from the far end and lifts it up." rb_4610623067.png,"In this scene, there is a table with a stack of canned boxes, a yellow towel, a silver basin, and a blue spoon. The robotic arm grasps the silver basin located on the far left side of the table and pulls it to the right side of the table at the near end." rb_4622375224.png,"In this scene, there's a table resembling a kitchen sink. The robotic arm opens the cabinet door located at the lower right side of the table." rb_4802164248.png,"In this scene, there is a table similar to one found in a kitchen. On the table, there's a kettle. The robotic arm picks up the kettle from the right side of the table and places it on a black induction cooker located on the left side of the table." rb_4810238738.png,"In this scene, there's a white block with a blue object and an electric kettle on top of it. The lid of the electric kettle is open. The robotic arm extends and closes the lid of the electric kettle." rb_4863565529.png,"In this scene, there's a cabinet with a bowl on top. The bottom shelf of the cabinet is open and contains a can. The robotic arm picks up the can from the bottom shelf and places it in the middle of the top shelf of the cabinet." rb_5004968462.png,"In this scene, there's a cabinet with a white ring on the top shelf. Inside the ring, there's a blue can, and outside the ring, there's a green plastic bag and a white bowl. The robotic arm picks up the white bowl from the far end and places it inside the white ring, close to the blue can." rb_5119753507.png,"In this scene, there is a small blue object, a brown bowl, and another brown bowl containing a small blue ball. The robotic arm picks up the small blue object and suspends it in the air." rb_5178906824.png,"In this scene, there is a cabinet with its bottom shelf door open. On the top of the cabinet, there is a silver can, a white bowl, and a lying plastic water bottle. The robotic arm grasps the plastic water bottle located near the right side and places it inside the open bottom shelf of the cabinet." rb_5231648253.png,"In this scene, there is a blue object on the table, a blue can at the far end, and a silver can near the left side. The robotic arm grips the blue object in the middle and places it to the right side of the silver can." rb_5234546461.png,"In this scene, there's a white bowl on the table, which contains some blue fruits. The robotic arm grips one of the blue fruits and suspends it mid-air." rb_5243144852.png,"In this scene, on the top shelf of the cabinet, there is a green plastic bag and a white bowl containing a blue fruit. The robotic arm picks up the blue fruit from the white bowl and suspends it mid-air." rb_5404615704.png,"In this scene, on the cabinet, there's a blue can at the near end, a silver can at the far end, and a green can in the middle towards the right. The robotic arm grips the blue can near the near end and places it to the right of the silver can at the far end." rb_5441550333.png,"In this scene, on the cabinet, there's a green plastic bag on the right, a blue circular object on the left, and a plastic water bottle at the far end. The robotic arm grasps the blue circular object on the left and places it to the left of the green plastic bag on the right." rb_5479111041.png,"In this scene, the top shelf door of the cabinet is open, and on top of the cabinet, there's a white bowl and a silver can. The robotic arm closes the open door of the top shelf of the cabinet." rb_5521074447.png,"In this scene, on the kitchen counter, there is a white object, a brown fork, a blue towel, and a silver bowl near the right side at the near end. The robotic arm picks up the silver bowl and moves it to the far left side of the counter." rb_5592644052.png,"In this scene, on the kitchen counter, there's a silver bowl, a green plate, and a blue carrot model. The robotic arm picks up the blue carrot model from the middle and places it on top of the green plate." rb_5736563250.png,"In this scene, on the kitchen table, there is a faucet and a kettle. The robotic arm picks up the kettle from the middle and places it on the black induction cooker to the left." rb_5746727530.png,"In this scene, on the kitchen table, there is a faucet and a kettle. The robotic arm picks up the kettle from the right side and moves it to the induction cooker on the left side of the table." rb_5780646838.png,"In this scene, there is a three-tier cabinet. On the top of the cabinet, there is a white bowl, a green plastic bag, and a lying plastic water bottle. The robotic arm opens the door of the second tier of the cabinet." rb_5868365195.png,"In this scene, there is a 2x2 black cabinet. In the upper right compartment, there's a small white square, and in the lower left compartment, there's a round object. The robotic arm reaches into the upper left compartment of the cabinet but doesn't grasp anything. Then, it retracts back out." rb_5882221830.png,"In this scene, there is a three-tier cabinet with two cans and a white bowl on top. The robotic arm opens the door of the top shelf of the cabinet." rb_5897002735.png,"In this scene, there is a table with a brown towel, a white object, a silver bowl, and a green spatula. The robotic arm picks up the white object from the brown towel and places it inside the bowl on the right." rb_5910679906.png,"In this scene, there is a blue table with a blue model, a green towel, a green spatula, and a silver bowl. The robotic arm picks up the green towel from the left side and moves it to the right side of the table." rb_5932979888.png,"In this scene, there is a table with a net, a blue plate, a brown spoon, and an upside-down cup. The robotic arm moves the brown spoon to the far end of the table, places the blue plate on top of the net, and then also places the upside-down cup on the net." rb_5956108460.png,"In this scene, there's a white cup, and the robotic arm is holding a transparent cup containing blue granules. The robotic arm pours the blue granules from the transparent cup into the white cup in the middle of the table, and during this process, some granules are spilled." rb_5987616003.png,"In this scene, on the cabinet, there is a lying silver plastic can, a lying transparent water bottle, and a blue spherical object. The robotic arm stands up the silver can that is lying near the middle of the near end." rb_5989818247.png,"In this scene, on the table, there is a red can on the left, a green can on the right, and a red plastic bag on the far left side. The robotic arm picks up the green can from the right side and moves it to the right side of the plastic bag at the far end." rb_6143887533.png,"In this scene, the door of the cabinet is open, and on top of the cabinet, there is a blue can and a white bowl. The robotic arm picks up the blue can and places it inside the open cabinet." rb_6153580193.png,"In this scene, on the table, there is a blue object in the middle of the near end, a blue plastic bag on the far left side, and a green plastic bag on the far right side. The robotic arm picks up the green plastic bag from the far right side and moves it to the right side of the blue object in the middle of the near end." rb_6230002592.png,"In this scene, on the top of the kitchen table, there is a microwave, a faucet, and some hanging objects. The robotic arm opens the door of the microwave on the top." rb_6270626364.png,"In this scene, on the table, there's a blue plastic bag, an upright blue can, and a lying plastic water bottle. The robotic arm knocks over the blue can that is standing on the far left side." rb_6361750021.png,"In this scene, on the table, there is a white bowl, a green plastic bag, and a grey object. The door of the second shelf of the cabinet is open, revealing a blue ball inside. The robotic arm picks up the blue ball and places it to the left of the green plastic bag on top of the cabinet." rb_6428315030.png,"In this scene, on top of the cabinet, there is a white bowl, a blue can, a silver can, and a white ring. The robotic arm moves the blue can from the top of the cabinet to the open door of the first tier of the cabinet." rb_6566206594.png,"In this scene, on the top of the kitchen table, there is a microwave. The robotic arm opens the door of the microwave on the top." rb_6576102930.png,"In this scene, on the table, there is a blue plastic bag, a blue can, and a green plastic bag. The robotic arm picks up the green plastic bag from the far end and suspends it in mid-air." rb_6681567424.png,"In this scene, on the stove, there is a blue toy, a silver bowl, a green plate, and another blue object. The robotic arm picks up the blue object from the middle of the stove and places it inside the green plate on the left side." rb_6705257568.png,"In this scene, there is a 2x2 cabinet with a white cube on the top. The robotic arm reaches into the upper left compartment of the cabinet but does not grasp anything." rb_6705929673.png,"In this scene, the stove is cluttered with various items. In the middle of the stove, there's a silver bowl. On the far left side of the stove, there's a green object. The robotic arm picks up this green object and places it inside the silver bowl in the middle of the stove." rb_6751170666.png,"In this scene, there is a white refrigerator with three tiers. The robotic arm opens the door of the top tier of the refrigerator." rb_6759487764.png,"In this scene, on a blue table, there is a brown cup on the left and a blue cup on the right. The robotic arm picks up the brown cup from the left and places it inside the blue cup on the right, stacking them together." rb_6766138376.png,"In this scene, there's a cabinet with its door open. On top of the cabinet, there is a white bowl and a blue object. The robotic arm picks up the blue object and places it inside the open door of the cabinet." rb_6797198158.png,"In this scene, on the stove, there's a silver pot with a green plate on top. In the sink, there is another silver pot, lying down, and a blue object. The robotic arm picks up the lying silver pot from the sink and stands it upright." rb_6880655151.png,"In this scene, on a white table, there's a green water bottle, a white object, a blue object, a purple object, and an orange can. The robotic arm picks up the blue object located in the middle and suspends it mid-air." rb_6894223792.png,"In this scene, on the table, there's a blue bowl, a yellow bowl, and a standing colorful square object. The robotic arm picks up the standing colorful square object." rb_6915740912.png,"In this scene, there is a 2x2 black cabinet to the right of the robotic arm. On top of the cabinet, there are flowers, a white round plate, and a white cube. The robotic arm reaches into the upper right compartment of the cabinet but does not grasp anything." rb_6941084414.png,"In this scene, on the cabinet, at the far left end, there's a blue can, and on the right end, there's a brown object. Near the near end, there's another blue object. The robotic arm picks up the blue can from the far left end and knocks it over." rb_6962981367.png,"In this scene, inside the sink, there's a yellow bowl, a lying white object, and blue and green round objects. The robotic arm picks up the yellow bowl and suspends it mid-air." rb_7109184359.png,"In this scene, there's a water bottle, a brown snack, and a green snack on the table. A robotic arm picked up the brown snack and placed it next to the green snack." rb_7109282016.png,"In this scene, there's a table with a water cup, a bowl, a black object, a white sponge, a bottle, and a blue object on it. A robotic arm picked up the cup and placed it into the bowl." rb_7221242728.png,"In this scene, there's a sushi toy, a fork, a stainless steel bowl, and a towel. A robotic arm picked up the towel and placed it next to the bowl." rb_7233332097.png,"In this scene, there's a four-section wooden display cabinet. On top of the cabinet, there's an artificial flower and a round disk. In the top-left compartment, there's a pen, in the bottom-left compartment, there's a small white cube, and in the bottom-right compartment, there's a large white cube. A robotic arm took out the pen from the top-left compartment." rb_7237053814.png,"In this scene, there are two cans, and a ball. A robotic arm took one of the cans and placed it next to the other can." rb_7241838362.png,"In this scene, there's a wooden display cabinet. On top of the cabinet, there's a round dish, a cube, and an artificial flower. In the upper-right compartment of the cabinet, there's a small white cube, and in the lower-right compartment, there's a pen. A robotic arm took out the small cube from the upper-right compartment." rb_7324753447.png,"In this scene, there's a small table. A dishwashing brush was underneath the table, and a robotic arm brought the dishwashing brush onto the table." rb_7334450873.png,"In this scene, there's a spoom a pot, and underneath the pot, there's a towel. Inside the pot, there's a toy. A robotic arm picked up the spoon and placed it next to the pot." rb_7342135898.png,"In this scene, there is a dish soap and a bowl on a table. A robotic arm picked up the dish soap and placed it into the bowl." rb_7432169727.png,"In this scene, there is a kettle next to a sink. A robotic arm lifted the kettle and placed it onto a stove nearby." rb_7438787584.png,"In this scene, there's a spoon, a blue object, a bowl, and underneath the bowl, there's a towel. A robotic arm picked up the spoon and placed it next to the bowl." rb_7462147483.png,"In this kitchen scene, there is a sink, and above the sink is a faucet, which is skewed to the left. A robotic arm grabbed the faucet and moved it back to the correct position." rb_7503168684.png,"In this scene, there's a fork, a towel, a bowl, and an eggplant toy. A robotic arm picked up the fork and placed it next to the toy." rb_7573219124.png,"In this scene, there's an orange plate, a blue cup and an orange bowl. Inside the orange bowl, there's a cube. A robotic arm picked up the cheese toy from the orange plate and placed it on the table." rb_7574034204.png,"In this scene, two robotic arms unfolded a wrinkled towel." rb_7610876013.png,"n this scene, there's a purple bowl on the left and a white bowl on the right. Inside the purple bowl, there's an animal toy. A robotic arm picked up the animal toy from the purple bowl and placed it into the white bowl on the right." rb_7670057073.png,"In this scene, there's a sink with a cutting board, a sponge and an onion toy in it. Next to the sink, there's a draining area with some vegetable toys in it. A robotic arm picked up a yellow cup and placed it into the sink." rb_7670888281.png,"In this scene, there's a table with several objects: two bowls, some food molds, a cup, a basin, and a black object in the basin. A robotic arm picked up the black object and placed it into one of the bowls." rb_7700803365.png,"In this scene, a robotic arm opened a closed white box containing wires and tools." rb_7731872966.png,"In this scene, there's a white cube, a towel, a fork, and a stainless steel bowl. A robotic arm placed the towel next to the stainless steel bowl." rb_7748300499.png,"In this scene, there's a vending machine. A robotic arm picked up the drink from the left side of the second tier." rb_7814218456.png,"In this scene, there's a table with some toys, a toppled drink can, a white jar, and a black bowl on it. A robotic arm picked up the black bowl." rb_7830663405.png,"In this scene, there's a drawer with a soda can, two apples, and some objects on top of it. The second drawer of the table is open, and a robotic arm closed the open drawer." rb_7889859857.png,"In this scene, there's a microwave, two cans, a stainless steel basin, a towel, a bread toy, and a brush. A robotic arm picked up the brush and placed it in front of the microwave." rb_7963031946.png,"In this scene, there's a cup and a bottle of dish soap in a sink. A robotic arm picked up the dish soap and placed it into the adjacent draining area." rb_8001739787.png,"In this scene, there's two stoves with a stainless steel pot in the middle. Next to the stainless steel pot, there's a toy cauliflower. A robotic arm picked up the cauliflower and placed it into the stainless steel pot, then removed the it from the stainless steel pot." rb_8016776273.png,"In this scene, there is a table. On top of it there's a towel, a stainless steel bowl with a toy egg inside, and a fork. A robotic arm tried to pick up the toy egg from the bowl and put it on the towel but failed. " rb_8089765982.png,"In this scene, there's a glass table with a plate on top. On the plate, there's an apple. Next to the glass table, there's a wooden display cabinet. On the cabinet, there's a flower, a pen, a white round dish, a small cube, and a large cube. A robotic arm picked up the apple from the plate on the glass table." rb_8119900064.png,"In this scene, on a three-tiered drawer, there's a can in the top-left, another can in the top-right, and a bag of snacks in the bottom-left. A robotic arm picked up the can from the top-left and placed it next to the bag of snacks in the bottom-left." rb_8141560663.png,"In this scene, there's a stainless steel pot on the stove. A robotic arm placed blue toy vegetables into the stainless steel pot." rb_8349551807.png,"In this scene, there's a two-tiered small cabinet on a board. A robotic arm opened the lower part of the cabinet." rb_8359754390.png,"In this scene, there's an open drawer with a bag of snacks inside. On top of the drawer, there's a bowl. A robotic arm took the snacks from the open drawer and placed them next to the bowl." rb_8463303354.png,"In this scene, there's a table. On the table, there's an apple. On the left, there's a bag of potato chips, and on the right, there's a bag of snacks. A robotic arm picked up the bag of potato chips from the left and placed it next to the bag of snacks on the right." rb_8522849447.png,"In this scene, there's a stainless steel pot in the sink, and a robotic arm is picking up the lid of the stainless steel pot and placing it onto the pot." rb_8540740699.png,"In that scene, there's a table with a bottle of dish soap and a stainless steel bowl on top. A robotic arm picked up the dish soap and placed it into the stainless steel bowl." rb_8579136120.png,"In this scene, there's a glass table and a wooden cabinet. A robotic arm attempts to pick up a banana from the plate on the glass table but fails to do so" rb_8691385790.png,"In this scene, there’s a table with a can of cola, a dishwashing sponge, and an empty mineral water bottle lying on its side. A robotic arm picked up the dishwashing sponge and placed it next to the mineral water bottle." rb_8700085806.png,"In this scene, there is a wooden board with a small cabinet with two drawers. A robotic arm opened the upper drawer." rb_8729046258.png,"In this scene, there's a table with a brush, a stainless steel bowl, and a towel placed under the bowl. Inside the bowl, there's a white toy. A robotic arm picked up the white toy from the bowl and placed it on the table." rb_8779802673.png,"In this scene, there's a wooden display cabinet. On top of the cabinet, there's a cube. In the top right compartment of the cabinet, there's a pen; in the bottom left compartment, there's a round plate, and in the bottom right compartment, there's a large cube. The robotic arm picked up the pen" rb_8857245887.png,"In this scene, there's a blue cube shaped like the letter 'T' on the table. A robotic arm has placed the blue 'T' cube in the designated spot drawn on the table." rb_8891142901.png,"In this scene, there's a table with a toy, a spoon, a towel, and a bowl on it. The robotic arm picked up the towel and moved it backward a bit." rb_8962169528.png,"In this scene, on a three-tiered drawer with the bottom tier opened, on top of the drawer there's a bowl, two beverage cans. A robotic arm has closed the bottom drawer." rb_8969601554.png,"In this scene, there's a bag of green snacks, a bag of brown snacks, and a can of Coca-Cola on the table. A robotic arm picked up the canned Coke and placed it next to the brown snacks." rb_8976112434.png,"In this scene, there's a table with a plate, a cup, a yellow bowl, and an orange cube on top of it. A robotic arm has picked up the cup." rb_9027551469.png,"In this scene, there's a table with a plate and some vegetable models on it. A robotic arm is attempting to pick up a potato and place it onto the plate." rb_9113713540.png,"In this scene, there is a table, and a white bowl filled with many bananas.A robotic arm picked up one of the bananas." rb_9120084010.png,"In this scene, there's a black wooden display cabinet. On top of the cabinet, there's a vase of flowers. Inside the compartments of the cabinet, there's a pen, a round plate, a small ball, and a cube. Meanwhile, a robotic arm has picked up the round plate from the top right corner." rb_9121988033.png,"In this scene, there's a table with a bottle of water, an apple, a bag of snacks. A robotic arm is trying to pick up the snacks. " rb_9138510073.png,"in the scene there's a vending machine with three tiers: water on the top tier, cola and soda in the middle tier, and tea and sports drinks on the bottom tier. A robotic coin took a can of soda from the middle tier." rb_9212527001.png,"In this scene, there's a box containing a bath bomb, a metal mold, a cup, a metal cube, and a purple cube. A robotic arm picked up the metal mold." rb_9274033541.png,"In this scene, there's a white semicircular table with a row of objects on it. They consist of a white cube, a blue cylinder, a blue cube, a red cylinder, a bottle of drink, and another blue cylinder. A robotic arm picked up the red cylinder and overturned it." rb_9331201241.png,"In this scene, there's a drawer with brown snacks on it, a white bowl, a bottle of green drink, and a bottle of red-and-white drink. There's also a robotic arm. It pulled open the lower layer of the drawer and placed the brown snacks into the it." rb_9347899945.png,"In this scene, there's a black cabinet and a glass table. On the glass table, there are blue apples, a blue ball, a dark blue ball, and a green ball in a wihite plate. Also, there's a vase of flowers, a cube, a pen, a small cube, and a round plate on the table. The robotic arm picks up the apple from plate on the glass table." rb_9394160441.png,"In this scene, there's a white semicircular table. On the table, there's a row of objects: a blue object, a transparent cube, a red drink, a blue drink, a blue cube, and a green drink. A robotic arm picked up the blue cylindrical object and moved it towards the edge of the table." rb_9450244244.png,"In this scene, a robotic arm picked up a blue cup which had a ball inside and poured the ball into a white mug." rb_9452246825.png,"In this scene, there's a table. On the table, there's a grape and a white plate. A robotic arm picked up the grape and placed it onto the plate." rb_9497022114.png,"In this scene, there's a three-tiered drawer, there's a bottle of water, a can of drink, a blue ball, a white bowl, and a robotic arm. A robotic arm pulled open the bottom drawer." rb_9519969630.png,"In this scene, there's a table. In the bottom-left corner, there's a can of drink, in the top-right corner, there's another can of drink, and in the bottom-right corner, there's a packet of snacks. A robotic arm picked up the drink from the top-right corner and placed it between the drink in the bottom-left corner and the snacks in the bottom-right corner." rb_9531918041.png,"In this scene, there's a table with a stainless steel bowl, a microwave, a can of tomatoes, a can of pineapple slices, a towel, a spoon, a blue-and-white object, and a cartridge stove. A robotic arm picks up the spoon with a blue handle and puts it between the microvase and the towe.." rb_9549272515.png,"In this scene, there is a green countertop. On the countertop there is a white board with two grey storage boxes on it, along with a blue cross and a screwdriver. A robotic arm picks up the screwdriver and placed it into the front storage box." rb_9568396127.png,"In this scene, there's a spoon, a white toy dog, a long-handled stainless steel bowl, and a green towel underneath the bowl. A robotic arm picks up the white toy dog and placed it into the bowl." rb_9645335785.png,"In this scene, there is a table with three bags of snacks on top. The top-left one is brown, the top-right one is green, and the bottom-right one is black. A robotic arm picks up the brown snack from the top-left corner." rb_9654436022.png,"In this scene, there is a blue table. On the table, there's a long-handled stainless steel bowl, a sushi, a spoon, and a green towel. The robotic arm picked up the spoon and placed it in between the bowl and the towel." rb_9663766231.png,"In this scene, there is a blue table. On the blue table, there's a bottle of dishwashing liquid and a stainless steel bowl. A robotic arm picked up the dishwashing liquid and placed it into the stainless steel bowl." rb_9718913181.png,"In this scene, there's a box containing two green elongated objects and three blue elongated objects. A robotic arm picks up two blue elongated objects." rb_9720664907.png,"In this scene, there are canned soda, a sponge, and a bottle of mineral water on the table. The robotic arm picks up the mineral water." rb_9723044867.png,"In this scene, there's a vending machine with mineral water, cola, canned soda, tea, and sports drink. A robotic arm picks up a can of soda." rb_9798430555.png,"In this scene, there's a black cabinet and a glass table. On the glass table, there are blue apples, a blue ball, a dark blue ball, and a green ball in a wihite plate. Also, there's a vase of flowers, a cube, a pen, a small cube, and a round plate on the table. The robotic arm picks up the blue ball from plate on the glass table." rb_9894471314.png,"In this scene, there is a drawer with a snack on top, a bowl, and a can of drink. A robotic arm picks up the drink and pulls open the bottom layer of the drawer and puts it into the drawer." rb_9943321923.png,"In this scene, there is a blue table with a spoon, a can of tomato sauce, a can of pineapple slices, a microwave, and a bowl on top of a towel. A robotic arm is picks up the bowl and moves it from the front of the microwave to another corner."