imagewidth (px)
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Spencer Schultz 03449 Andrade Hill Suite 722 Campbellville, PW 02320 US Tel:+(201)191-4589 [email protected]', 'DATE': '07-Sep-2002', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/70-15/233', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of EnglandRaf CAMP13723684SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '03449 Andrade Hill Suite 722 Campbellville, PW 02320 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '240.85 $', 'TAX': '14.42 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '248.94 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'two hundred and forty- -eight point nine four', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 43.35'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Shelly Kidd 182 Francis Square Aimeebury, NM 29866 US Tel:+(826)112-7460 [email protected]', 'DATE': '06-Jun-2008', 'NUMBER': '6Y9M6d-638', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of USARaf CAMP12638128SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '03449 Andrade Hill Suite 722 Campbellville, PW 02320 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '570.88 USD', 'TAX': '20.62 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '568.27 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'five hundred and sixty- -eight point two seven', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 102.76'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Sharon Newman 67710 Lang Bridge Stephenborough, MO 06995 US Tel:+(075)162-0100 [email protected]', 'DATE': '09-Dec-2004', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV81366487', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of EnglandRaf CAMP17782413SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '03449 Andrade Hill Suite 722 Campbellville, PW 02320 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '594.23 EUR', 'TAX': '35.47 EUR', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '608.55 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'six hundred and ei- ght point five five', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 106.96'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':James Richards 7813 Billy Curve Coxland, FM 48047 US Tel:+(973)291-3025 [email protected]', 'DATE': '13-Nov-2013', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 9960-961', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of CaliforniaRaf CAMP13355975SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '03449 Andrade Hill Suite 722 Campbellville, PW 02320 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '345.53 USD', 'TAX': '18.74 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '357.15 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'three hundred and fift- y-seven point one five', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 62.20'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Lonnie Lowe 1886 Christopher Park Apt. 683 West Josephfort, GA 73764 US Tel:+(306)636-8069 [email protected]', 'DATE': '07-Jul-2012', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 1Y4M2d-994', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of CaliforniaRaf CAMP15124386SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '03449 Andrade Hill Suite 722 Campbellville, PW 02320 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '388.53 USD', 'TAX': '16.67 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '394.87 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'three hundred and ninet- y-four point eight seven', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 69.94'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Brian Carpenter 58083 Rodriguez Rest South Christina, KY 69271 US Tel:+(976)427-2525 [email protected]', 'DATE': '12-Sep-1994', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/04-66/983', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of CaliforniaRaf CAMP14556569SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '03449 Andrade Hill Suite 722 Campbellville, PW 02320 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1175.51 USD', 'TAX': '50.22 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1172.01 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand, one hundred an- d seventy-two point zero one', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 211.59'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Dustin Clay 72642 Moore Mission Lake Kirstenfort, VT 22784 US Tel:+(520)068-8199 [email protected]', 'DATE': '21-Feb-1993', 'NUMBER': 'INV/45-25/056', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of EuropeRaf CAMP14045187SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '03449 Andrade Hill Suite 722 Campbellville, PW 02320 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '349.75 USD', 'TAX': '18.76 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '360.96 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'three hundred and s- ixty point nine six', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 62.95'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Mark Hill 1882 Jackson Centers Apt. 211 Velazquezbury, NH 94315 US Tel:+(488)489-4980 [email protected]', 'DATE': '22-Jul-2013', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 8Y8M5d-554', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of EnglandRaf CAMP12558600SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '03449 Andrade Hill Suite 722 Campbellville, PW 02320 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '854.88 $', 'TAX': '26.78 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '867.64 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'eight hundred and sixt- y-seven point six four', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 153.88'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Troy Mitchell 305 Edwards Inlet North Catherineshire, FL 82190 US Tel:+(012)548-1519 [email protected]', 'DATE': '07-Feb-2006', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 7Y3M7d-579', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of TexasRaf CAMP15539213SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '03449 Andrade Hill Suite 722 Campbellville, PW 02320 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '676.50 USD', 'TAX': '41.08 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '705.27 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'seven hundred and f- ive point two seven', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 121.77'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Michael Luna 708 Morgan Rue Apt. 639 New Harry, MS 06247 US Tel:+(510)321-2163 [email protected]', 'DATE': '20-Feb-1998', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV91902259', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of EuropeRaf CAMP18879444SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '03449 Andrade Hill Suite 722 Campbellville, PW 02320 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '467.73 EUR', 'TAX': '20.32 EUR', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '466.39 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'four hundred and sixt- y-six point three nine', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 84.19'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Suzanne Sandoval 13868 Michael Wall North Cindytown, CT 45483 US Tel:+(836)744-4229 [email protected]', 'DATE': '23-Feb-2014', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV17967327', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '13868 Michael Wall North Cindytown, CT 45483 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Barnes, Garcia and Martin', 'SUB_TOTAL': '645.92 $', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '653.95 $', 'GSTIN': '33123456789102Z1', 'GST(7%)': 'GST(7%) : 45.21'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Anthony Brown 184 Christopher Ridge Mitchellchester, MN 32776 US Tel:+(298)995-0812 [email protected]', 'DATE': '27-Mar-2008', 'NUMBER': '2Y9M4d-800', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '13868 Michael Wall North Cindytown, CT 45483 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Barnes, Garcia and Martin', 'SUB_TOTAL': '729.65 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '739.31 USD', 'GSTIN': '33123456789102Z1', 'GST(7%)': 'GST(7%) : 51.08'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Catherine Williams 53798 Johnson Forest Suite 241 East William, UT 23216 US Tel:+(696)328-9653 [email protected]', 'DATE': '01-May-1993', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/10-47/300', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '13868 Michael Wall North Cindytown, CT 45483 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Barnes, Garcia and Martin', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1523.30 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1500.59 USD', 'GSTIN': '33123456789102Z1', 'GST(7%)': 'GST(7%) : 106.63'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Tracy Drake 0864 Michelle Haven Suite 174 Lake Kimberly, WV 26542 US Tel:+(770)167-9226 [email protected]', 'DATE': '11-May-2007', 'NUMBER': '7Y5M6d-853', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '13868 Michael Wall North Cindytown, CT 45483 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Barnes, Garcia and Martin', 'SUB_TOTAL': '161.72 USD', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '165.45 USD', 'GSTIN': '33123456789102Z1', 'GST(7%)': 'GST(7%) : 11.32'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Joanne Martin DDS 1432 Davis Orchard Apt. 198 Lake Sherriborough, WA 80890 US Tel:+(008)148-6608 [email protected]', 'DATE': '17-Dec-2004', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 6Y5M1d-598', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '13868 Michael Wall North Cindytown, CT 45483 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Barnes, Garcia and Martin', 'SUB_TOTAL': '401.84 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '402.77 $', 'GSTIN': '33123456789102Z1', 'GST(7%)': 'GST(7%) : 28.13'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Douglas Martinez 9533 Smith Landing East Amber, NE 14003 US Tel:+(605)614-0945 [email protected]', 'DATE': '28-Jul-2020', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/15-97/004', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '13868 Michael Wall North Cindytown, CT 45483 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Barnes, Garcia and Martin', 'SUB_TOTAL': '452.28 USD', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '461.05 USD', 'GSTIN': '33123456789102Z1', 'GST(7%)': 'GST(7%) : 31.66'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Terri Henderson 80544 Bradley Meadows Apt. 976 Hammondchester, ID 52172 US Tel:+(679)504-4434 [email protected]', 'DATE': '08-Jul-1999', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV92485199', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '13868 Michael Wall North Cindytown, CT 45483 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Barnes, Garcia and Martin', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1475.37 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1502.92 USD', 'GSTIN': '33123456789102Z1', 'GST(7%)': 'GST(7%) : 103.28'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Roger Rivera 80426 Morgan Cliffs South Brenda, TX 07646 US Tel:+(411)672-0904 [email protected]', 'DATE': '16-Aug-1999', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/84-38/976', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '13868 Michael Wall North Cindytown, CT 45483 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Barnes, Garcia and Martin', 'SUB_TOTAL': '747.61 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '761.92 USD', 'GSTIN': '33123456789102Z1', 'GST(7%)': 'GST(7%) : 52.33'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'James Mayer 360 Jonathan Landing Jacquelineland, OH 72397 US Tel:+(871)203-1034 [email protected]', 'DATE': '26-Jul-2013', 'NUMBER': '6549-084', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '13868 Michael Wall North Cindytown, CT 45483 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Barnes, Garcia and Martin', 'SUB_TOTAL': '274.36 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '276.09 $', 'GSTIN': '33123456789102Z1', 'GST(7%)': 'GST(7%) : 19.21'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'William Hill 18540 Aguilar Divide Dannyshire, FL 55150 US Tel:+(030)837-0761 [email protected]', 'DATE': '11-Dec-2012', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/61-80/166', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '13868 Michael Wall North Cindytown, CT 45483 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Barnes, Garcia and Martin', 'SUB_TOTAL': '408.87 $', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '412.74 $', 'GSTIN': '33123456789102Z1', 'GST(7%)': 'GST(7%) : 28.62'}}
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '19-Oct-1994', 'NUMBER': '3Y3M2d-501', 'SUB_TOTAL': '614.33 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'six hundred and twent- y-four point zero one', 'SEND_TO': 'John Kent 80942 Daniel Trafficway Suite 168 New Cynthia, NV 46650 US Tel:+(394)917-0446 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '18-Sep-2012', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 3Y8M1d-551', 'SUB_TOTAL': '597.08 USD', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'six hundred and ei- ght point six seven', 'SEND_TO': 'Tiffany Stokes 278 Terri Shoals South Lance, FL 42103 US Tel:+(377)488-9542 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '15-Aug-2018', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV52179654', 'SUB_TOTAL': '272.30 EUR', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'two hundred and sev- enty-six point three', 'SEND_TO': 'Aaron Kim 2106 Amanda Mission Bauertown, TX 93634 US Tel:+(975)082-8977 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '28-Apr-2003', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV81959387', 'SUB_TOTAL': '556.80 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'five hundred and sixty- -nine point three eight', 'SEND_TO': 'Joseph Patterson 8181 Gomez Summit Suite 500 North Leahside, NC 05965 US Tel:+(026)039-1414 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '22-Nov-2014', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 5Y3M2d-123', 'SUB_TOTAL': '279.44 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'two hundred and eight- y-four point seven one', 'SEND_TO': 'Sheri Johnson 13719 Nancy Union Apt. 483 North Lisa, MN 42564 US Tel:+(852)296-9357 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '10-Aug-1993', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 1Y2M7d-110', 'SUB_TOTAL': '334.26 USD', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'three hundred and thir- ty-five point one eight', 'SEND_TO': 'James Powell 807 Mcdonald Highway Anthonybury, TX 64850 US Tel:+(350)860-0314 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '02-Jan-2004', 'NUMBER': '1989-363', 'SUB_TOTAL': '872.56 EUR', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'nine hundred - point zero one', 'SEND_TO': 'Kayla Compton 34612 Brenda Corner North Mary, AR 93057 US Tel:+(815)367-9385 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '26-Jul-1997', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 3957-846', 'SUB_TOTAL': '680.94 EUR', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'seven hundred - point six five', 'SEND_TO': 'Thomas Curtis 76631 Juarez Mills Suite 487 Jonesport, MS 14469 US Tel:+(625)909-6576 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '25-Sep-2006', 'NUMBER': '8539-305', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1139.34 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand, one hundred a- nd forty-six point seven one', 'SEND_TO': 'Mr. Jason Gallegos 13874 Dawn Pike Suite 083 Andersonborough, PR 16315 US Tel:+(381)809-9229 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '22-Sep-1995', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/47-42/546', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1169.27 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand, one hundred an- d seventy-two point six seven', 'SEND_TO': 'Angela Simmons 411 Bryan Pine Suite 737 Garciabury, IL 88179 US Tel:+(393)150-2247 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Courtney Jones 785 Kaiser Circles Suite 840 West Johnny, KS 33272 US Tel:+(902)650-9674 [email protected]', 'DATE': '26-Jun-2022', 'NUMBER': 'INV73642396', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '785 Kaiser Circles Suite 840 West Johnny, KS 33272 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '250.16 EUR', 'TAX': '9.89 EUR', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '248.12 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Brett Hatfield 59661 Estrada Causeway Kathyberg, MN 56525 US Tel:+(955)422-1074 [email protected]', 'DATE': '23-Oct-1997', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/66-26/882', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '785 Kaiser Circles Suite 840 West Johnny, KS 33272 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '170.23 EUR', 'TAX': '9.96 EUR', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '172.68 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Caitlin Levine 48025 Wood Keys Brittanybury, VI 96040 US Tel:+(701)927-8814 [email protected]', 'DATE': '07-Dec-2005', 'NUMBER': '4Y9M8d-747', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '785 Kaiser Circles Suite 840 West Johnny, KS 33272 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '321.71 $', 'TAX': '14.81 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '327.87 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Nicole Fletcher 75297 Key Circles Thomaschester, MH 04438 US Tel:+(413)199-4766 [email protected]', 'DATE': '30-Sep-1993', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/23-33/889', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '785 Kaiser Circles Suite 840 West Johnny, KS 33272 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '118.94 EUR', 'TAX': '4.96 EUR', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '119.89 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'William Hood 3844 Smith Lock Suite 410 South Sarahstad, NE 18566 US Tel:+(770)356-9017 [email protected]', 'DATE': '09-Apr-2009', 'NUMBER': '2Y8M1d-727', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '785 Kaiser Circles Suite 840 West Johnny, KS 33272 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '334.69 EUR', 'TAX': '14.86 EUR', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '338.00 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Lynn Hernandez 09788 Brandon Cove Suite 581 North Matthew, GA 47427 US Tel:+(934)510-1070 [email protected]', 'DATE': '02-Nov-2011', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/29-68/678', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '785 Kaiser Circles Suite 840 West Johnny, KS 33272 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '447.96 USD', 'TAX': '13.99 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '452.23 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Mary Andrews 139 Lopez Divide Pittmanstad, MT 85594 US Tel:+(661)717-2473 [email protected]', 'DATE': '30-Nov-2000', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 7Y5M6d-294', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '785 Kaiser Circles Suite 840 West Johnny, KS 33272 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '626.25 $', 'TAX': '26.51 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '646.37 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Jared Freeman 78111 Charles Alley New Katherineport, IN 36281 US Tel:+(065)168-9322 [email protected]', 'DATE': '19-Feb-2005', 'NUMBER': '4Y8M3d-643', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '785 Kaiser Circles Suite 840 West Johnny, KS 33272 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1016.78 $', 'TAX': '60.56 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1047.24 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Sarah Snow MD 25707 Hernandez Fort Apt. 700 Pattonmouth, WA 04884 US Tel:+(395)148-3783 [email protected]', 'DATE': '03-Oct-2007', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 1570-392', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '785 Kaiser Circles Suite 840 West Johnny, KS 33272 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '449.64 USD', 'TAX': '23.79 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '464.08 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Michael Osborne 27315 Devin Village Reeseland, AL 03751 US Tel:+(737)224-0837 [email protected]', 'DATE': '03-Oct-2005', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 8630-925', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '785 Kaiser Circles Suite 840 West Johnny, KS 33272 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '621.43 $', 'TAX': '27.80 $', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '632.08 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Luke Bowers 5190 Perry Passage Kellyburgh, RI 60615 US Tel:+(119)200-3571 [email protected]', 'DATE': '17-Jun-2012', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV52959005', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '5190 Perry Passage Kellyburgh, RI 60615 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Miller Inc', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1146.24 USD', 'TOTAL': '1162.88 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Keith Jefferson 609 Evans Street Apt. 315 Traciside, MN 17665 US Tel:+(948)794-8879 [email protected]', 'DATE': '16-Feb-2019', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV76820400', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '5190 Perry Passage Kellyburgh, RI 60615 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Miller Inc', 'SUB_TOTAL': '693.67 EUR', 'TOTAL': '715.39 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'William Thornton 0186 Mathew Extension Melissachester, SD 34753 US Tel:+(621)465-3788 [email protected]', 'DATE': '24-Mar-1997', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 7Y1M1d-913', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '5190 Perry Passage Kellyburgh, RI 60615 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Miller Inc', 'SUB_TOTAL': '365.84 $', 'TOTAL': '367.79 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':William Conley 5276 Smith Springs Port Jaredview, ID 26142 US Tel:+(748)561-4591 [email protected]', 'DATE': '11-May-2001', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 9Y7M2d-037', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '5190 Perry Passage Kellyburgh, RI 60615 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Miller Inc', 'SUB_TOTAL': '202.69 USD', 'TOTAL': '203.40 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Connie Lawrence 0512 Tran Turnpike Charlesburgh, NE 70934 US Tel:+(281)018-6160 [email protected]', 'DATE': '17-May-1995', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/87-50/230', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '5190 Perry Passage Kellyburgh, RI 60615 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Miller Inc', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1989.32 EUR', 'TOTAL': '2016.58 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Lauren Mata 561 Angela Forge Apt. 954 Lake Katherine, OR 84592 US Tel:+(105)762-2397 [email protected]', 'DATE': '29-Feb-2004', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 0561-734', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '5190 Perry Passage Kellyburgh, RI 60615 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Miller Inc', 'SUB_TOTAL': '433.71 USD', 'TOTAL': '438.67 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Melanie Glass 8422 Yates Mall Suite 015 East Michelletown, SD 11481 US Tel:+(681)339-7403 [email protected]', 'DATE': '19-Mar-1994', 'NUMBER': '4629-727', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '5190 Perry Passage Kellyburgh, RI 60615 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Miller Inc', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1347.77 $', 'TOTAL': '1362.29 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Catherine Juarez 089 Larry Hollow Suite 115 East Heathertown, HI 51831 US Tel:+(735)530-8315 [email protected]', 'DATE': '23-Nov-2001', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/22-29/855', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '5190 Perry Passage Kellyburgh, RI 60615 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Miller Inc', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1364.76 EUR', 'TOTAL': '1426.52 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Stephanie Romero 942 Kaitlin Valley Kennethmouth, NJ 28165 US Tel:+(299)216-4225 [email protected]', 'DATE': '10-Mar-1993', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 2Y3M4d-791', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '5190 Perry Passage Kellyburgh, RI 60615 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Miller Inc', 'SUB_TOTAL': '623.27 USD', 'TOTAL': '649.94 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Donna Morales 3346 Williams Brooks Apt. 185 Josephhaven, NY 49771 US Tel:+(052)866-5892 [email protected]', 'DATE': '18-Jun-2010', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 9Y5M2d-843', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '5190 Perry Passage Kellyburgh, RI 60615 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Miller Inc', 'SUB_TOTAL': '370.67 $', 'TOTAL': '376.39 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Eric Ayers 4901 Long Wall Apt. 620 Joshuaville, CT 95783 US Tel:+(016)137-4929 [email protected]', 'DATE': '07-Nov-2019', 'DUE_DATE': '23-Jun-2014', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'GSTIN 22AAAAAD000A125,', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/86-91/351', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '4901 Long Wall Apt. 620 Joshuaville, CT 95783 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Duran, Morgan and Lopez', 'SUB_TOTAL': '596.62 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': 'BALANCE DUE : 626.80 USD', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN 336SPTNO37LG120', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 107.39'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':David Smith 522 Sheena Burg Wilsonport, OH 50678 US Tel:+(202)371-4531 [email protected]', 'DATE': '04-Apr-1993', 'DUE_DATE': '03-Mar-1999', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'GSTIN 22AAAAAD000A125,', 'NUMBER': '5Y6M8d-361', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '4901 Long Wall Apt. 620 Joshuaville, CT 95783 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Duran, Morgan and Lopez', 'SUB_TOTAL': '152.94 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': 'BALANCE DUE : 157.03 $', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN 336SPTNO37LG120', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 27.53'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Garrett Cook 0846 Allen Forks Apt. 565 Sarahstad, OH 88942 US Tel:+(029)495-1954 [email protected]', 'DATE': '15-Sep-1999', 'DUE_DATE': '26-Jun-2011', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'GSTIN 22AAAAAD000A125,', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/75-33/082', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '4901 Long Wall Apt. 620 Joshuaville, CT 95783 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Duran, Morgan and Lopez', 'SUB_TOTAL': '448.59 EUR', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': 'BALANCE DUE : 446.97 EUR', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN 336SPTNO37LG120', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 80.75'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Jennifer Ford 1037 White Fall Apt. 640 East Audreyfort, AS 48099 US Tel:+(680)574-5377 [email protected]', 'DATE': '18-Apr-1994', 'DUE_DATE': '22-Sep-2018', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'GSTIN 22AAAAAD000A125,', 'NUMBER': '8Y2M7d-825', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '4901 Long Wall Apt. 620 Joshuaville, CT 95783 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Duran, Morgan and Lopez', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1102.52 USD', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': 'BALANCE DUE : 1137.66 USD', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN 336SPTNO37LG120', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 198.45'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Andrea Frank 13411 Ray Mission Nolanborough, VT 78191 US Tel:+(851)509-3518 [email protected]', 'DATE': '14-Oct-2007', 'DUE_DATE': '04-Aug-2016', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'GSTIN 22AAAAAD000A125,', 'NUMBER': '9Y9M6d-971', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '4901 Long Wall Apt. 620 Joshuaville, CT 95783 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Duran, Morgan and Lopez', 'SUB_TOTAL': '443.68 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': 'BALANCE DUE : 458.90 $', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN 336SPTNO37LG120', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 79.86'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Jason Shah 731 Timothy Junctions Apt. 254 Frenchton, TX 94165 US Tel:+(654)396-3878 [email protected]', 'DATE': '23-Feb-2003', 'DUE_DATE': '25-Mar-2013', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'GSTIN 22AAAAAD000A125,', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV24654606', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '4901 Long Wall Apt. 620 Joshuaville, CT 95783 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Duran, Morgan and Lopez', 'SUB_TOTAL': '762.18 EUR', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': 'BALANCE DUE : 789.45 EUR', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN 336SPTNO37LG120', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 137.19'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Mathew Fitzpatrick 300 Ball Curve Sarafort, MO 25212 US Tel:+(092)602-7500 [email protected]', 'DATE': '16-Dec-2008', 'DUE_DATE': '14-Feb-2002', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'GSTIN 22AAAAAD000A125,', 'NUMBER': '4Y9M8d-985', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '4901 Long Wall Apt. 620 Joshuaville, CT 95783 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Duran, Morgan and Lopez', 'SUB_TOTAL': '297.05 EUR', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': 'BALANCE DUE : 302.09 EUR', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN 336SPTNO37LG120', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 53.47'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Ethan Stone 454 Pierce Summit Apt. 406 Lake Kathy, PR 60915 US Tel:+(000)889-6915 [email protected]', 'DATE': '19-Jan-2021', 'DUE_DATE': '20-Jan-1996', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'GSTIN 22AAAAAD000A125,', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 9Y2M3d-578', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '4901 Long Wall Apt. 620 Joshuaville, CT 95783 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Duran, Morgan and Lopez', 'SUB_TOTAL': '753.19 $', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': 'BALANCE DUE : 770.54 $', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN 336SPTNO37LG120', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 135.57'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Tammy Alexander 63268 Peters Tunnel North Ronald, NC 56947 US Tel:+(013)731-6870 [email protected]', 'DATE': '27-Oct-1994', 'DUE_DATE': '15-Sep-2011', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'GSTIN 22AAAAAD000A125,', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/99-02/911', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '4901 Long Wall Apt. 620 Joshuaville, CT 95783 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Duran, Morgan and Lopez', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1093.16 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': 'BALANCE DUE : 1116.03 $', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN 336SPTNO37LG120', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 196.77'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Madison Fitzgerald 25644 Salazar Ranch Watsonstad, AK 03561 US Tel:+(778)546-6824 [email protected]', 'DATE': '24-Mar-2013', 'DUE_DATE': '18-Oct-1993', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'GSTIN 22AAAAAD000A125,', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 9358-648', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '4901 Long Wall Apt. 620 Joshuaville, CT 95783 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Duran, Morgan and Lopez', 'SUB_TOTAL': '873.60 EUR', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': 'BALANCE DUE : 901.00 EUR', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN 336SPTNO37LG120', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 157.25'}}
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '25-May-2004', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 3Y6M4d-520', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '66636 Hernandez Loaf Suite 714 Lisafurt, LA 33980 US', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '297.10 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'two hundred and nin- ety-seven point one', 'SEND_TO': 'Kyle Martinez 06393 Nguyen Forge Apt. 907 Lake Maureen, DE 73853 US Tel:+(678)883-7278 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '05-Mar-2001', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/24-73/212', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '66636 Hernandez Loaf Suite 714 Lisafurt, LA 33980 US', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '936.63 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'nine hundred and thir- ty-six point six three', 'SEND_TO': 'Victoria Snyder 687 Gonzalez Land Suite 301 Butlerchester, KS 60711 US Tel:+(100)319-7392 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '23-Feb-2007', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV54186981', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '66636 Hernandez Loaf Suite 714 Lisafurt, LA 33980 US', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '594.31 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'five hundred and ninet- y-four point three one', 'SEND_TO': 'Laura Anderson 54991 Malone Causeway Suite 798 Brownmouth, AS 43178 US Tel:+(981)296-6180 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '09-Oct-2002', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 8Y8M4d-815', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '66636 Hernandez Loaf Suite 714 Lisafurt, LA 33980 US', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '182.23 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one hundred and eight- y-two point two three', 'SEND_TO': 'Robert Edwards 2309 Adam Square New Shirleyview, AL 02428 US Tel:+(492)298-7545 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '09-Jul-1995', 'NUMBER': '3588-922', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '66636 Hernandez Loaf Suite 714 Lisafurt, LA 33980 US', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '232.63 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'two hundred and thirt- y-two point six three', 'SEND_TO': 'Caitlin Rodgers 858 Lopez Springs Apt. 606 Hamiltonberg, VA 04118 US Tel:+(310)080-6815 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '10-Jun-2012', 'NUMBER': 'INV/27-07/587', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '66636 Hernandez Loaf Suite 714 Lisafurt, LA 33980 US', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '693.53 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'six hundred and ninety- -three point five three', 'SEND_TO': 'Richard Smith 174 Peterson Village Lake Brittany, OH 97137 US Tel:+(509)238-2196 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '16-Jul-2003', 'NUMBER': 'INV50541281', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '66636 Hernandez Loaf Suite 714 Lisafurt, LA 33980 US', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '293.25 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'two hundred and ninet- y-three point two five', 'SEND_TO': 'Douglas Simpson 818 Elliott Cape Apt. 045 Greenton, AL 99415 US Tel:+(755)893-6177 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '24-Nov-1999', 'NUMBER': 'INV/77-20/437', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '66636 Hernandez Loaf Suite 714 Lisafurt, LA 33980 US', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '166.95 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one hundred and sixt- y-six point nine five', 'SEND_TO': 'Clayton Rasmussen 8619 Thompson Turnpike Apt. 529 Johnsonchester, HI 66165 US Tel:+(313)814-0097 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '01-Mar-2009', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 4002-609', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '66636 Hernandez Loaf Suite 714 Lisafurt, LA 33980 US', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '361.72 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'three hundred and six- ty-one point seven two', 'SEND_TO': 'Christine Jones 23217 Gomez Greens North Timothyland, NE 95972 US Tel:+(872)342-8262 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '04-Apr-1995', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV41228070', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '66636 Hernandez Loaf Suite 714 Lisafurt, LA 33980 US', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '174.41 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one hundred and seven- ty-four point four one', 'SEND_TO': 'Johnathan Wright 94807 Russell Meadows Smithton, HI 41258 US Tel:+(107)738-3349 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Roger Smith 61959 Fernando Island Apt. 694 South Jessica, CT 86255 US Tel:+(618)477-2671 [email protected]', 'DATE': '13-Jul-1997', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV22803409', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '61959 Fernando Island Apt. 694 South Jessica, CT 86255 US', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '645.06 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'six hundred and fort- y-five point zero six', 'GSTIN': '20QX0C0C9424D1Z5', 'SEND_TO': 'Regina Morgan 109 Jessica Parkways Suite 428 East Reneeborough, MI 34915 US Tel:+(100)753-3798 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Gail Lopez 242 Susan Drive Apt. 344 South Christopher, MO 53634 US Tel:+(288)071-9392 [email protected]', 'DATE': '19-Nov-1997', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 7Y4M3d-572', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '61959 Fernando Island Apt. 694 South Jessica, CT 86255 US', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '783.13 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'seven hundred and eight- y-three point one three', 'GSTIN': '20QX0C0C9424D1Z5', 'SEND_TO': 'Deanna Sanchez 2185 Martinez Gardens Apt. 568 New Triciastad, SD 40609 US Tel:+(011)175-6626 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Katherine Patrick 666 Miller Ports Maldonadoberg, TN 04285 US Tel:+(084)736-5819 [email protected]', 'DATE': '18-Dec-2011', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV65110428', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '61959 Fernando Island Apt. 694 South Jessica, CT 86255 US', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '254.52 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'two hundred and fift- y-four point five two', 'GSTIN': '20QX0C0C9424D1Z5', 'SEND_TO': 'Brandon Price 35455 Lawson Center Apt. 672 East Mike, KY 05062 US Tel:+(369)924-3305 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Jesse Arnold 21985 Robert Loop Valerieport, WV 19939 US Tel:+(583)326-4616 [email protected]', 'DATE': '01-Apr-2014', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/92-62/293', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '61959 Fernando Island Apt. 694 South Jessica, CT 86255 US', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '533.47 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'five hundred and thirty- -three point four seven', 'GSTIN': '20QX0C0C9424D1Z5', 'SEND_TO': 'Christopher Robinson 27591 Andrew Keys Apt. 518 North Sethmouth, WV 29413 US Tel:+(029)929-4223 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Richard Sanders 6141 Stephens Ferry Craigland, NC 92918 US Tel:+(912)832-8123 [email protected]', 'DATE': '12-May-2005', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/83-89/443', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '61959 Fernando Island Apt. 694 South Jessica, CT 86255 US', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '780.31 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'seven hundred and ei- ghty point three one', 'GSTIN': '20QX0C0C9424D1Z5', 'SEND_TO': 'Cody Brown 026 Kelly Tunnel Apt. 248 Ellisborough, KS 90233 US Tel:+(343)410-5113 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Jonathan Mora 4252 Eddie Garden Apt. 600 East Coreyton, CA 00683 US Tel:+(237)306-8445 [email protected]', 'DATE': '09-Mar-1997', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 4Y3M8d-036', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '61959 Fernando Island Apt. 694 South Jessica, CT 86255 US', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '705.54 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'seven hundred and f- ive point five four', 'GSTIN': '20QX0C0C9424D1Z5', 'SEND_TO': 'Christopher Thomas 198 Kennedy Club South Allison, CO 78015 US Tel:+(452)807-9122 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Wendy Bishop 44318 Jenna Park East Bethland, MH 09315 US Tel:+(117)090-5407 [email protected]', 'DATE': '14-Apr-2017', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 1Y6M1d-810', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '61959 Fernando Island Apt. 694 South Jessica, CT 86255 US', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '80.45 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'eighty poin- t four five', 'GSTIN': '20QX0C0C9424D1Z5', 'SEND_TO': 'Katherine Benjamin 50855 Kenneth Burg Apt. 243 Davisborough, OR 77085 US Tel:+(814)753-2559 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Joe Hopkins 5292 Tracy Bridge Meltonton, NC 33418 US Tel:+(842)538-5151 [email protected]', 'DATE': '11-Feb-2006', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/33-31/016', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '61959 Fernando Island Apt. 694 South Jessica, CT 86255 US', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '598.44 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'five hundred and ninet- y-eight point four four', 'GSTIN': '20QX0C0C9424D1Z5', 'SEND_TO': 'Robert Williamson 3132 John Pines West Leroyview, AZ 31351 US Tel:+(042)657-7714 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':David Bray 28834 Higgins Junctions Apt. 089 North Dillonmouth, NY 58022 US Tel:+(641)126-7544 [email protected]', 'DATE': '16-Jan-2013', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 3834-459', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '61959 Fernando Island Apt. 694 South Jessica, CT 86255 US', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1063.39 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand and sixty- -three point three nine', 'GSTIN': '20QX0C0C9424D1Z5', 'SEND_TO': 'Bradley Ellis 842 William Curve Suite 185 Port Katherinefort, MH 21048 US Tel:+(155)436-8354 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Meghan Rivera 5431 Kelly Crescent Suite 035 Lake Lisa, MH 23427 US Tel:+(187)710-3799 [email protected]', 'DATE': '18-Jan-1998', 'NUMBER': '2568-123', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '61959 Fernando Island Apt. 694 South Jessica, CT 86255 US', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1267.52 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand, two hundred an- d sixty-seven point five two', 'GSTIN': '20QX0C0C9424D1Z5', 'SEND_TO': 'Jennifer Moore 4636 Wesley Junctions West Dennishaven, PA 02332 US Tel:+(798)086-8543 [email protected]'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Michael Green 047 Jackson Meadows Apt. 391 Pearsonmouth, OH 83042 US Tel:+(652)704-9470 [email protected]', 'DATE': '02-Aug-2021', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV37478055', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '047 Jackson Meadows Apt. 391 Pearsonmouth, OH 83042 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1113.41 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand, one hundred an- d forty-one point seven four', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN No. 24AADCP1453)/AZZ', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'AMOUNT_DUE : 1141.74 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Tammy Fisher 93159 Anderson Crossing Russochester, WY 64384 US Tel:+(742)713-4533 [email protected]', 'DATE': '27-Jul-1999', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 5811-948', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '047 Jackson Meadows Apt. 391 Pearsonmouth, OH 83042 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '399.25 EUR', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'four hundred and fo- urteen point six six', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN No. 24AADCP1453)/AZZ', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'AMOUNT_DUE : 414.66 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Mrs. Amanda Lewis 570 Christensen Spur East Caitlinfurt, WA 33935 US Tel:+(677)583-4248 [email protected]', 'DATE': '19-Nov-2019', 'NUMBER': '1992-166', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '047 Jackson Meadows Apt. 391 Pearsonmouth, OH 83042 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '582.50 USD', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'five hundred and eigh- ty-four point zero six', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN No. 24AADCP1453)/AZZ', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'BALANCE_DUE : 584.06 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Eric Young 95372 Davis Roads New Ryan, TX 53040 US Tel:+(905)330-9698 [email protected]', 'DATE': '29-Nov-2021', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 1Y3M7d-369', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '047 Jackson Meadows Apt. 391 Pearsonmouth, OH 83042 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '645.30 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'six hundred and fifty- -nine point four seven', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN No. 24AADCP1453)/AZZ', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'AMOUNT_DUE : 659.47 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':James Rowe 2143 Stewart Spurs Suite 763 East Patrickburgh, PW 23753 US Tel:+(400)459-7009 [email protected]', 'DATE': '06-Jun-2020', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/43-22/434', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '047 Jackson Meadows Apt. 391 Pearsonmouth, OH 83042 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '345.47 $', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'three hundred and for- ty-two point four nine', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN No. 24AADCP1453)/AZZ', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'AMOUNT_DUE : 342.49 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Timothy Harris 35543 Coffey Mall Ethanview, ID 75840 US Tel:+(555)465-5892 [email protected]', 'DATE': '18-Jan-2012', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 2Y2M6d-986', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '047 Jackson Meadows Apt. 391 Pearsonmouth, OH 83042 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '212.30 USD', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'two hundred and eigh- teen point eight one', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN No. 24AADCP1453)/AZZ', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'BALANCE_DUE : 218.81 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Calvin Whitney 55291 Kelly Crest West Jenniferton, KY 78833 US Tel:+(507)338-7510 [email protected]', 'DATE': '12-Mar-2009', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/76-86/564', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '047 Jackson Meadows Apt. 391 Pearsonmouth, OH 83042 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '350.49 USD', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'three hundred and f- ifty point nine six', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN No. 24AADCP1453)/AZZ', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'DUE_AMOUNT : 350.96 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Kathleen Short 65516 Phillips Centers Whiteburgh, MN 62505 US Tel:+(343)536-5915 [email protected]', 'DATE': '27-Apr-2002', 'NUMBER': '8055-920', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '047 Jackson Meadows Apt. 391 Pearsonmouth, OH 83042 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '752.88 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'seven hundred and si- xty-two point one six', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN No. 24AADCP1453)/AZZ', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'DUE_AMOUNT : 762.16 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Wesley Fields 72422 Jasmin Plain Suite 996 Thomasfurt, AL 05085 US Tel:+(973)415-6489 [email protected]', 'DATE': '26-Mar-1993', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV77352912', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '047 Jackson Meadows Apt. 391 Pearsonmouth, OH 83042 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '680.10 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'six hundred and eight- y-four point three six', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN No. 24AADCP1453)/AZZ', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'DUE_AMOUNT : 684.36 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':David Lara 45879 Linda Gardens Suite 850 Branditon, IL 47504 US Tel:+(481)722-5986 [email protected]', 'DATE': '09-Aug-2011', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV08208833', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '047 Jackson Meadows Apt. 391 Pearsonmouth, OH 83042 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '356.30 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'three hundred and fift- y-seven point three two', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN No. 24AADCP1453)/AZZ', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'BALANCE_DUE : 357.32 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Matthew Watson 05866 Velazquez Mount North Diane, NJ 20651 US Tel:+(839)237-3484 [email protected]', 'DATE': '16-Aug-2006', 'DUE_DATE': '27-Aug-2009', 'PO_NUMBER': '01', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '05866 Velazquez Mount North Diane, NJ 20651 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1777.00 $', 'TAX': '85.63 $', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'AMOUNT_DUE : 1776.45 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Mrs. Emily Durham PhD 7706 Hannah Alley Apt. 379 South Kathryn, NE 12397 US Tel:+(455)980-8901 [email protected]', 'DATE': '26-Jan-1993', 'DUE_DATE': '19-Aug-2005', 'PO_NUMBER': '21', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '05866 Velazquez Mount North Diane, NJ 20651 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '850.08 $', 'TAX': '39.87 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'DUE_AMOUNT : 870.74 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Alexander Gutierrez 6991 Jenna Streets Williamport, NY 82450 US Tel:+(486)220-8255 [email protected]', 'DATE': '19-Mar-2004', 'DUE_DATE': '26-Oct-2012', 'PO_NUMBER': '49', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '05866 Velazquez Mount North Diane, NJ 20651 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '211.13 USD', 'TAX': '10.63 USD', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'AMOUNT_DUE : 216.76 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Thomas Sutton 226 Garrett Extension Christophertown, CA 58911 US Tel:+(210)826-5648 [email protected]', 'DATE': '26-Apr-1999', 'DUE_DATE': '29-Apr-2012', 'PO_NUMBER': '56', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '05866 Velazquez Mount North Diane, NJ 20651 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '150.35 $', 'TAX': '9.92 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'BALANCE_DUE : 156.99 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Christy Madden 5475 Horton Village Nunezport, WA 79059 US Tel:+(059)973-2699 [email protected]', 'DATE': '14-Aug-2000', 'DUE_DATE': '25-Aug-2010', 'PO_NUMBER': '37', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '05866 Velazquez Mount North Diane, NJ 20651 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '193.41 EUR', 'TAX': '11.73 EUR', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'DUE_AMOUNT : 195.76 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Destiny Guzman 0871 Erickson Fields Rachaelfort, MI 93507 US Tel:+(685)590-7043 [email protected]', 'DATE': '28-Apr-2003', 'DUE_DATE': '24-Jun-2020', 'PO_NUMBER': '80', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '05866 Velazquez Mount North Diane, NJ 20651 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '789.01 $', 'TAX': '30.80 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'BALANCE_DUE : 782.49 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Thomas Rubio 0931 Brooks Coves Suite 212 Christinestad, NV 39034 US Tel:+(525)750-4485 [email protected]', 'DATE': '11-Aug-2014', 'DUE_DATE': '04-Dec-2022', 'PO_NUMBER': '68', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '05866 Velazquez Mount North Diane, NJ 20651 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '235.54 $', 'TAX': '9.44 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'BALANCE_DUE : 242.60 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Gregory Bruce 864 Jacqueline Junctions North Danny, CT 60391 US Tel:+(397)915-7987 [email protected]', 'DATE': '08-Jul-2017', 'DUE_DATE': '19-Sep-1994', 'PO_NUMBER': '96', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '05866 Velazquez Mount North Diane, NJ 20651 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '488.68 $', 'TAX': '33.79 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'BALANCE_DUE : 516.65 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Carl Proctor 779 Rodriguez Station Apt. 580 Mendezland, VI 95488 US Tel:+(747)791-6899 [email protected]', 'DATE': '02-Nov-2007', 'DUE_DATE': '17-Dec-1999', 'PO_NUMBER': '74', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '05866 Velazquez Mount North Diane, NJ 20651 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '151.53 USD', 'TAX': '10.37 USD', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'BALANCE_DUE : 159.98 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Sara Brown 297 Bowen Estate Suite 664 East Michael, MS 34281 US Tel:+(134)016-7260 [email protected]', 'DATE': '09-Jun-2011', 'DUE_DATE': '11-Mar-2003', 'PO_NUMBER': '34', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '05866 Velazquez Mount North Diane, NJ 20651 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '741.44 $', 'TAX': '43.13 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'BALANCE_DUE : 770.71 $'}}