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{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '26-Feb-1995', 'DUE_DATE': '08-Jan-2022', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/76-39/908', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of USARaf CAMP19339951SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '02850 Nicole Ferry Apt. 873 Lake Antonioshire, MA 17317 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1259.32 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': 'BALANCE DUE : 1265.75 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand, two hundred an- d sixty-five point seven five'}}
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '20-Mar-2014', 'DUE_DATE': '13-Apr-2020', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 4Y1M5d-819', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of EnglandRaf CAMP15913382SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '02850 Nicole Ferry Apt. 873 Lake Antonioshire, MA 17317 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '138.29 EUR', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': 'BALANCE DUE : 142.73 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one hundred and forty- -two point seven three'}}
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '07-Feb-1997', 'DUE_DATE': '13-Mar-2019', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 8670-866', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of USARaf CAMP18422518SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '02850 Nicole Ferry Apt. 873 Lake Antonioshire, MA 17317 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '448.16 EUR', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': 'BALANCE DUE : 458.39 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'four hundred and fifty- -eight point three nine'}}
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '06-Jan-2010', 'DUE_DATE': '26-Dec-2010', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV41109146', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of EuropeRaf CAMP10295576SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '02850 Nicole Ferry Apt. 873 Lake Antonioshire, MA 17317 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '631.86 $', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': 'BALANCE DUE : 631.11 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'six hundred and thir- ty-one point one one'}}
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '31-Jan-2022', 'DUE_DATE': '13-Jul-2002', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/44-99/770', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of USARaf CAMP15655153SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '02850 Nicole Ferry Apt. 873 Lake Antonioshire, MA 17317 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '946.29 USD', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': 'BALANCE DUE : 936.80 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'nine hundred and th- irty-six point eight'}}
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '03-Nov-2017', 'DUE_DATE': '30-Mar-2015', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 2Y4M5d-676', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of TexasRaf CAMP13305590SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '02850 Nicole Ferry Apt. 873 Lake Antonioshire, MA 17317 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '178.62 $', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': 'BALANCE DUE : 185.86 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one hundred and eight- y-five point eight six'}}
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '08-Jul-2021', 'DUE_DATE': '11-Sep-2004', 'NUMBER': 'INV21437145', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of CaliforniaRaf CAMP10345571SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '02850 Nicole Ferry Apt. 873 Lake Antonioshire, MA 17317 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '310.92 EUR', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': 'BALANCE DUE : 309.28 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'three hundred and n- ine point two eight'}}
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '19-Jun-2013', 'DUE_DATE': '14-Oct-2015', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/78-98/477', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of TexasRaf CAMP11415886SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '02850 Nicole Ferry Apt. 873 Lake Antonioshire, MA 17317 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '407.87 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': 'BALANCE DUE : 414.68 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'four hundred and fou- rteen point six eight'}}
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '11-Aug-2021', 'DUE_DATE': '07-Mar-1998', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 3401-790', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of EuropeRaf CAMP14530969SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '02850 Nicole Ferry Apt. 873 Lake Antonioshire, MA 17317 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '124.64 EUR', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': 'BALANCE DUE : 125.35 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one hundred and twenty- -five point three five'}}
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '06-Apr-1999', 'DUE_DATE': '28-Nov-2021', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 3Y2M5d-808', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of EuropeRaf CAMP19011659SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '02850 Nicole Ferry Apt. 873 Lake Antonioshire, MA 17317 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '204.00 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': 'BALANCE DUE : 208.31 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'two hundred and ei- ght point three one'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Michael Jones 19021 Christopher Estate South Williammouth, NH 22397 US Tel:+(444)057-3976 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '02-Jun-1997', 'DISCOUNT': '21.34', 'DUE_DATE': '21-Sep-2006', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV92089683', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '19021 Christopher Estate South Williammouth, NH 22397 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '477.50 $', 'TAX': '17.70 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Colleen Vance 3096 Wood Junctions Apt. 859 North Adam, CA 24319 US Tel:+(632)552-9915 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '24-Apr-2002', 'DISCOUNT': '18.37', 'DUE_DATE': '06-Sep-2010', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/64-61/340', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '19021 Christopher Estate South Williammouth, NH 22397 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '698.43 EUR', 'TAX': '43.90 EUR', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Valerie Perkins 560 Joseph Center Suite 210 Lake Katiebury, OH 99265 US Tel:+(048)077-0757 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '12-Dec-2022', 'DISCOUNT': '33.17', 'DUE_DATE': '07-Nov-2010', 'NUMBER': '9762-902', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '19021 Christopher Estate South Williammouth, NH 22397 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '752.25 $', 'TAX': '34.36 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Terry Daniel 3376 Michael Landing Suite 754 Port Eric, TX 23977 US Tel:+(298)965-0798 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '17-Aug-2019', 'DISCOUNT': '15.88', 'DUE_DATE': '23-Jan-2011', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 1Y9M4d-521', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '19021 Christopher Estate South Williammouth, NH 22397 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '502.50 $', 'TAX': '22.65 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Beth Taylor 1183 Johnson Vista Suite 194 North Brandi, SD 99274 US Tel:+(566)772-3508 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '21-Oct-2003', 'DISCOUNT': '33.87', 'DUE_DATE': '06-Mar-2017', 'NUMBER': 'INV74775920', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '19021 Christopher Estate South Williammouth, NH 22397 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '927.88 $', 'TAX': '60.50 $', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Amanda Hernandez 126 Deborah Valleys New Charles, LA 98464 US Tel:+(050)514-1935 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '16-Dec-2002', 'DISCOUNT': '9.65', 'DUE_DATE': '10-Aug-2012', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV23101810', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '19021 Christopher Estate South Williammouth, NH 22397 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '918.74 EUR', 'TAX': '36.19 EUR', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Jessica Gentry 8105 Pitts Place Suite 011 South Sandrabury, MH 05529 US Tel:+(159)024-5094 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '21-Dec-2013', 'DISCOUNT': '5.99', 'DUE_DATE': '02-Feb-2003', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 3837-466', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '19021 Christopher Estate South Williammouth, NH 22397 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '175.61 EUR', 'TAX': '6.88 EUR', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Tara Bradley 18648 Andrea Alley Collinsmouth, MT 15996 US Tel:+(992)406-4602 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '11-Feb-2013', 'DISCOUNT': '28.49', 'DUE_DATE': '17-Jan-2005', 'NUMBER': '3666-902', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '19021 Christopher Estate South Williammouth, NH 22397 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '585.08 $', 'TAX': '34.47 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Amy Armstrong 7173 Hoffman Drive Apt. 021 Burnsport, GA 05924 US Tel:+(246)214-6077 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '10-Apr-2019', 'DISCOUNT': '24.34', 'DUE_DATE': '27-Aug-2018', 'NUMBER': 'INV30184981', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '19021 Christopher Estate South Williammouth, NH 22397 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '527.90 $', 'TAX': '23.73 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Brian Fuentes 000 Amy Land South Kristymouth, LA 02818 US Tel:+(296)279-5943 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '12-Feb-2000', 'DISCOUNT': '12.91', 'DUE_DATE': '08-Feb-1994', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV96101885', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '19021 Christopher Estate South Williammouth, NH 22397 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '683.33 EUR', 'TAX': '37.56 EUR', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Sarah Ross 073 Ayers Street Apt. 371 Lake James, MO 83191 US Tel:+(546)285-1820 [email protected]', 'DATE': '03-Mar-2002', 'DUE_DATE': '20-Aug-2007', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV16291505', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'PO_NUMBER': '82', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Kirk, Murphy and Daniels', 'TAX': '86.23 $', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1377.77 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand, three hundred and- seventy-seven point seven seven'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Jennifer Leblanc 938 Gonzalez Courts Apt. 670 Kelliville, MH 96325 US Tel:+(535)274-2993 [email protected]', 'DATE': '06-Aug-2017', 'DUE_DATE': '17-Sep-2021', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 1Y7M4d-846', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'PO_NUMBER': '16', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Kirk, Murphy and Daniels', 'TAX': '18.60 USD', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '350.43 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'three hundred and fi- fty point four three'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Catherine Bond 93683 Mark Fort Suite 828 Matthewview, OR 78680 US Tel:+(518)871-6539 [email protected]', 'DATE': '23-Jun-2022', 'DUE_DATE': '01-Oct-2021', 'NUMBER': 'INV/47-99/962', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'PO_NUMBER': '08', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Kirk, Murphy and Daniels', 'TAX': '82.53 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1312.51 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand, three hundre- d and twelve point five one'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Joseph Jenkins 268 Krause Run Hesterview, MH 17423 US Tel:+(223)614-3008 [email protected]', 'DATE': '26-Oct-2011', 'DUE_DATE': '22-Sep-2014', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV67336140', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'PO_NUMBER': '93', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Kirk, Murphy and Daniels', 'TAX': '46.68 EUR', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1274.35 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand, two hundred and- seventy-four point three five'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Kathy White 72064 Carol Square Johnmouth, NY 59732 US Tel:+(973)178-0950 [email protected]', 'DATE': '20-Jun-2022', 'DUE_DATE': '29-Dec-1999', 'NUMBER': 'INV87921890', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'PO_NUMBER': '42', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Kirk, Murphy and Daniels', 'TAX': '33.41 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '591.97 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'five hundred and ninet- y-one point nine seven'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Lauren Cox 94207 Pineda Shores Lewisburgh, AK 41262 US Tel:+(770)257-3756 [email protected]', 'DATE': '18-Apr-2003', 'DUE_DATE': '17-Sep-2001', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV15059150', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'PO_NUMBER': '82', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Kirk, Murphy and Daniels', 'TAX': '10.68 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '289.81 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'two hundred and eight- y-nine point eight one'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Madeline Harris 640 Courtney Forge Port Miguel, DC 24632 US Tel:+(339)227-5180 [email protected]', 'DATE': '06-Mar-2006', 'DUE_DATE': '23-Jun-2006', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 1940-488', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'PO_NUMBER': '19', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Kirk, Murphy and Daniels', 'TAX': '32.39 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '717.93 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'seven hundred and seve- nteen point nine three'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Taylor Santiago 882 Steven Inlet Port John, TX 22658 US Tel:+(349)277-3643 [email protected]', 'DATE': '10-Jul-1996', 'DUE_DATE': '31-Aug-2011', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 5Y8M1d-775', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'PO_NUMBER': '54', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Kirk, Murphy and Daniels', 'TAX': '49.90 $', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '844.65 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'eight hundred and for- ty-four point six five'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Jack Johnson 093 Stafford Ferry Suite 317 New Robert, VA 22277 US Tel:+(891)830-6249 [email protected]', 'DATE': '19-Mar-2016', 'DUE_DATE': '14-Jul-2019', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/54-88/223', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'PO_NUMBER': '74', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Kirk, Murphy and Daniels', 'TAX': '12.35 EUR', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '267.38 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'two hundred and sixty-- seven point three eight'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Rebecca Gray 9583 White Green Apt. 110 Port Nicholas, OR 66999 US Tel:+(980)364-3481 [email protected]', 'DATE': '26-Feb-1996', 'DUE_DATE': '25-Jan-2000', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV02668839', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'PO_NUMBER': '46', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Kirk, Murphy and Daniels', 'TAX': '7.68 USD', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '176.52 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one hundred and seven- ty-six point five two'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Frank Eaton 8508 Morgan Forge Suite 534 North Michaelchester, VT 71194 US Tel:+(167)228-0939 [email protected]', 'DATE': '22-Feb-2001', 'DUE_DATE': '26-Jan-2009', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 6125-131', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of EnglandRaf CAMP13287946SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '8508 Morgan Forge Suite 534 North Michaelchester, VT 71194 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Parker, Phillips and Thomas', 'SUB_TOTAL': '767.81 $', 'TOTAL': '811.23 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Tyrone Noble 1690 Dyer Tunnel Apt. 276 Millerton, MA 91457 US Tel:+(626)506-2879 [email protected]', 'DATE': '19-Nov-1998', 'DUE_DATE': '25-Sep-2014', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/24-23/499', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of USARaf CAMP11886579SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '8508 Morgan Forge Suite 534 North Michaelchester, VT 71194 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Parker, Phillips and Thomas', 'SUB_TOTAL': '169.72 $', 'TOTAL': '171.45 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Anthony Martin 5608 Lynch Knoll Apt. 019 Nunezbury, ID 32616 US Tel:+(238)425-7808 [email protected]', 'DATE': '10-Jun-2016', 'DUE_DATE': '24-Apr-2013', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV13578251', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of CaliforniaRaf CAMP16899423SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '8508 Morgan Forge Suite 534 North Michaelchester, VT 71194 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Parker, Phillips and Thomas', 'SUB_TOTAL': '165.91 $', 'TOTAL': '169.65 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Benjamin Turner 7492 Wayne Land Apt. 661 West Amy, PW 69488 US Tel:+(276)470-7641 [email protected]', 'DATE': '04-Oct-1999', 'DUE_DATE': '07-Oct-1999', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 4398-730', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of EnglandRaf CAMP17450101SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '8508 Morgan Forge Suite 534 North Michaelchester, VT 71194 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Parker, Phillips and Thomas', 'SUB_TOTAL': '378.32 EUR', 'TOTAL': '396.01 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Michelle Little 768 Hardy Shoal Robertsonport, AK 24538 US Tel:+(103)967-6413 [email protected]', 'DATE': '07-May-2003', 'DUE_DATE': '05-Feb-2000', 'NUMBER': '1Y8M8d-676', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of USARaf CAMP12194127SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '8508 Morgan Forge Suite 534 North Michaelchester, VT 71194 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Parker, Phillips and Thomas', 'SUB_TOTAL': '670.36 USD', 'TOTAL': '680.32 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Kathryn Malone 8836 Chavez Viaduct Apt. 357 Alexanderberg, UT 75581 US Tel:+(925)873-3376 [email protected]', 'DATE': '17-Oct-2008', 'DUE_DATE': '07-Sep-2011', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 6830-954', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of USARaf CAMP10905028SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '8508 Morgan Forge Suite 534 North Michaelchester, VT 71194 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Parker, Phillips and Thomas', 'SUB_TOTAL': '254.50 USD', 'TOTAL': '265.04 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Richard Grimes 502 Scott Neck Anthonyland, AR 97799 US Tel:+(161)689-0738 [email protected]', 'DATE': '26-Mar-2001', 'DUE_DATE': '22-Apr-2010', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 3Y6M1d-062', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of USARaf CAMP11357203SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '8508 Morgan Forge Suite 534 North Michaelchester, VT 71194 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Parker, Phillips and Thomas', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1172.18 USD', 'TOTAL': '1212.94 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Lisa Ortiz 337 Robert Common Suite 449 Craigchester, MP 39947 US Tel:+(984)302-5409 [email protected]', 'DATE': '13-Dec-2015', 'DUE_DATE': '24-Aug-2010', 'NUMBER': 'INV/05-07/647', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of TexasRaf CAMP11948295SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '8508 Morgan Forge Suite 534 North Michaelchester, VT 71194 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Parker, Phillips and Thomas', 'SUB_TOTAL': '515.18 $', 'TOTAL': '531.25 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Michael Stewart 53442 Marsh Falls East Jacquelineside, KY 20462 US Tel:+(462)423-2057 [email protected]', 'DATE': '17-Nov-2008', 'DUE_DATE': '01-Aug-1998', 'NUMBER': 'INV61173113', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of EnglandRaf CAMP10375368SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '8508 Morgan Forge Suite 534 North Michaelchester, VT 71194 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Parker, Phillips and Thomas', 'SUB_TOTAL': '630.47 USD', 'TOTAL': '632.58 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Teresa Wright 096 Bryant Square Apt. 194 Smithhaven, OR 15658 US Tel:+(898)662-6831 [email protected]', 'DATE': '05-Feb-2021', 'DUE_DATE': '01-Jul-2017', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/00-08/844', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of EuropeRaf CAMP18713338SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '8508 Morgan Forge Suite 534 North Michaelchester, VT 71194 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Parker, Phillips and Thomas', 'SUB_TOTAL': '526.92 $', 'TOTAL': '532.73 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Leroy Mcclain 831 Harrison Manors Suite 420 New Pamela, MO 75723 US Tel:+(935)013-7662 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '23-Dec-1996', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 8020-685', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '831 Harrison Manors Suite 420 New Pamela, MO 75723 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Buchanan and Sons', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '599.88 USD', 'TOTAL': '612.31 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'six hundred and twe- lve point three one', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN : 34AABCBSS76GIZX'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Melanie Lee 648 Smith Mission Apt. 530 West Barbara, ME 36373 US Tel:+(187)619-1994 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '11-Aug-2015', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/43-38/016', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '831 Harrison Manors Suite 420 New Pamela, MO 75723 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Buchanan and Sons', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '122.33 $', 'TOTAL': '122.38 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one hundred and twenty- -two point three eight', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN : 34AABCBSS76GIZX'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Dr. Gabriel Ewing 146 Brown Burg Suite 945 Santiagoside, NJ 22593 US Tel:+(141)321-4313 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '02-Sep-2019', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/83-48/151', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '831 Harrison Manors Suite 420 New Pamela, MO 75723 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Buchanan and Sons', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '623.93 EUR', 'TOTAL': '630.37 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'six hundred and thir- ty point three seven', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN : 34AABCBSS76GIZX'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Melissa Cooper 9776 Shelia Mills Suite 939 East Megan, GA 10456 US Tel:+(497)417-2970 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '05-Apr-2020', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 9Y4M4d-680', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '831 Harrison Manors Suite 420 New Pamela, MO 75723 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Buchanan and Sons', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1148.76 EUR', 'TOTAL': '1177.51 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand, one hundred and- seventy-seven point five one', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN : 34AABCBSS76GIZX'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Jason Smith 194 Rojas Passage Thomasmouth, MA 40956 US Tel:+(556)373-7901 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '07-Nov-2002', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 3Y5M9d-770', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '831 Harrison Manors Suite 420 New Pamela, MO 75723 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Buchanan and Sons', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '842.75 $', 'TOTAL': '854.37 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'eight hundred and fifty- -four point three seven', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN : 34AABCBSS76GIZX'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Jessica Mcmahon 297 Olson Isle Apt. 390 Port Kevinmouth, OK 55191 US Tel:+(186)669-4923 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '02-Feb-2020', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 2Y2M2d-222', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '831 Harrison Manors Suite 420 New Pamela, MO 75723 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Buchanan and Sons', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '451.01 USD', 'TOTAL': '448.63 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'four hundred and forty- -eight point six three', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN : 34AABCBSS76GIZX'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Elizabeth Nelson 868 Jennifer Wall North Lori, WI 59738 US Tel:+(739)750-3836 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '25-Apr-2021', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/93-00/872', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '831 Harrison Manors Suite 420 New Pamela, MO 75723 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Buchanan and Sons', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1412.49 EUR', 'TOTAL': '1461.43 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand, four hundred a- nd sixty-one point four three', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN : 34AABCBSS76GIZX'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Jessica Marquez 609 Carter Bypass Kristenchester, NE 44691 US Tel:+(731)299-3206 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '16-Jul-2011', 'NUMBER': 'INV/16-30/481', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '831 Harrison Manors Suite 420 New Pamela, MO 75723 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Buchanan and Sons', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1235.33 $', 'TOTAL': '1212.67 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand, two hundred - and twelve point six seven', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN : 34AABCBSS76GIZX'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Isabel Sampson 19075 Steven Falls Suite 173 North Alexandra, OH 68028 US Tel:+(779)574-8975 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '16-Mar-2018', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/85-11/062', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '831 Harrison Manors Suite 420 New Pamela, MO 75723 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Buchanan and Sons', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '865.50 EUR', 'TOTAL': '881.14 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'eight hundred and eig- hty-one point one four', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN : 34AABCBSS76GIZX'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Kevin Compton 6362 Joanne Stream Suite 329 Jeremyberg, AR 55716 US Tel:+(310)544-0554 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '05-Nov-1999', 'NUMBER': '2890-220', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '831 Harrison Manors Suite 420 New Pamela, MO 75723 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Buchanan and Sons', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '506.39 USD', 'TOTAL': '515.31 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'five hundred and fif- teen point three one', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN : 34AABCBSS76GIZX'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Stephen Mcmillan 51423 Mcpherson Valley Apt. 405 East Amy, ID 77847 US Tel:+(999)480-8737 [email protected]', 'DATE': '24-Dec-1999', 'DUE_DATE': '13-Sep-1994', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/74-12/829', 'PO_NUMBER': '01', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '84945 Watson Greens Suite 097 Maryshire, TX 73257 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'White-Owens', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Valerie Hancock 36719 Martin Wall South Daniel, IN 11508 US Tel:+(278)750-0113 [email protected]', 'DATE': '11-May-1995', 'DUE_DATE': '21-Apr-2022', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 6481-814', 'PO_NUMBER': '36', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '84945 Watson Greens Suite 097 Maryshire, TX 73257 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'White-Owens', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Miguel Freeman 927 Brooks Motorway Suite 943 Cameronland, OK 53679 US Tel:+(522)899-7153 [email protected]', 'DATE': '06-May-2019', 'DUE_DATE': '12-Sep-2004', 'NUMBER': '8Y4M6d-594', 'PO_NUMBER': '01', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '84945 Watson Greens Suite 097 Maryshire, TX 73257 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'White-Owens', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Joseph Moses 551 Christopher Canyon Oliviaview, NH 18724 US Tel:+(638)957-9233 [email protected]', 'DATE': '02-Jul-2005', 'DUE_DATE': '10-Nov-2021', 'NUMBER': 'INV/50-04/460', 'PO_NUMBER': '85', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '84945 Watson Greens Suite 097 Maryshire, TX 73257 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'White-Owens', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Jason Morris 654 Cole Bypass Lake Michael, IN 15722 US Tel:+(433)858-5531 [email protected]', 'DATE': '19-Feb-2014', 'DUE_DATE': '15-May-2020', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/78-58/557', 'PO_NUMBER': '09', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '84945 Watson Greens Suite 097 Maryshire, TX 73257 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'White-Owens', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Shannon Sanchez 765 Haley Lodge Suite 051 West Janice, IL 30967 US Tel:+(593)386-1604 [email protected]', 'DATE': '10-Jan-2007', 'DUE_DATE': '05-Dec-2017', 'NUMBER': 'INV59765448', 'PO_NUMBER': '93', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '84945 Watson Greens Suite 097 Maryshire, TX 73257 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'White-Owens', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Jean Robinson 1596 Jeffrey Manor Suite 706 Port Paulafurt, RI 73527 US Tel:+(647)579-5092 [email protected]', 'DATE': '02-Dec-2008', 'DUE_DATE': '02-Aug-2016', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/81-17/384', 'PO_NUMBER': '07', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '84945 Watson Greens Suite 097 Maryshire, TX 73257 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'White-Owens', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Alejandra Williams 728 Richard Ridges Suite 497 South Vanessaland, CO 38246 US Tel:+(590)383-9524 [email protected]', 'DATE': '02-Jul-2000', 'DUE_DATE': '15-Jan-2008', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV03172019', 'PO_NUMBER': '08', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '84945 Watson Greens Suite 097 Maryshire, TX 73257 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'White-Owens', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Mark Flores 311 Ashley Estate Thompsonstad, WV 09873 US Tel:+(860)580-7186 [email protected]', 'DATE': '28-Jun-2011', 'DUE_DATE': '01-Jan-2017', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/07-13/707', 'PO_NUMBER': '13', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '84945 Watson Greens Suite 097 Maryshire, TX 73257 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'White-Owens', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Robert Thompson 847 Palmer Forges Apt. 830 Myersville, NE 32255 US Tel:+(243)613-4624 [email protected]', 'DATE': '31-Dec-2014', 'DUE_DATE': '06-Feb-2016', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV68037887', 'PO_NUMBER': '22', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '84945 Watson Greens Suite 097 Maryshire, TX 73257 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'White-Owens', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Rebecca Barajas 1335 Martin Summit Lake Angelicaside, ND 80800 US Tel:+(033)004-6437 [email protected]', 'DATE': '09-Apr-2005', 'DISCOUNT': '40.51', 'DUE_DATE': '31-Jul-2015', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 0380-762', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '938 Gonzalez Key Suite 573 New Anitaport, MN 04941 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '873.10 USD', 'TAX': '48.10 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '904.70 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Christopher Hayes 301 Andrew Cliff Brownberg, AR 23373 US Tel:+(146)205-4386 [email protected]', 'DATE': '13-Nov-2013', 'DISCOUNT': '11.07', 'DUE_DATE': '03-Jan-2011', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV30649350', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '938 Gonzalez Key Suite 573 New Anitaport, MN 04941 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '417.81 USD', 'TAX': '13.73 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '421.93 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: John Johnson 735 Scott Point Mooreside, NJ 86080 US Tel:+(176)649-1135 [email protected]', 'DATE': '02-Nov-2011', 'DISCOUNT': '11.97', 'DUE_DATE': '16-Nov-2006', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/70-98/044', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '938 Gonzalez Key Suite 573 New Anitaport, MN 04941 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '321.66 $', 'TAX': '13.65 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '321.77 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Kelly Anderson 125 Griffin Plaza Suite 068 Andersonton, KY 23795 US Tel:+(347)181-7341 [email protected]', 'DATE': '27-Feb-2008', 'DISCOUNT': '28.65', 'DUE_DATE': '03-Mar-2008', 'NUMBER': '3Y8M5d-299', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '938 Gonzalez Key Suite 573 New Anitaport, MN 04941 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '850.08 EUR', 'TAX': '58.59 EUR', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '899.57 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Juan Dodson 3987 Edwards Street Apt. 805 Carterburgh, NE 92607 US Tel:+(709)647-4371 [email protected]', 'DATE': '12-Feb-2010', 'DISCOUNT': '15.02', 'DUE_DATE': '12-Jan-2008', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 4Y4M5d-308', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '938 Gonzalez Key Suite 573 New Anitaport, MN 04941 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '685.86 USD', 'TAX': '24.17 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '694.67 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Crystal Davis 843 Ronald Road Joanland, SD 25864 US Tel:+(226)233-5139 [email protected]', 'DATE': '13-Sep-1995', 'DISCOUNT': '30.95', 'DUE_DATE': '21-Sep-2015', 'NUMBER': 'INV/03-01/803', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '938 Gonzalez Key Suite 573 New Anitaport, MN 04941 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '889.41 $', 'TAX': '39.01 $', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '913.66 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Lisa Johnson MD 3298 Carmen Skyway Suite 028 Francisburgh, NE 68387 US Tel:+(287)190-4868 [email protected]', 'DATE': '28-Jan-2004', 'DISCOUNT': '32.98', 'DUE_DATE': '16-Mar-2002', 'NUMBER': '3Y5M1d-503', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '938 Gonzalez Key Suite 573 New Anitaport, MN 04941 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '724.94 EUR', 'TAX': '46.03 EUR', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '763.00 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Dr. Sharon Tyler 916 Lowe Mountain Kaylastad, FM 84075 US Tel:+(874)969-0023 [email protected]', 'DATE': '15-Jan-1995', 'DISCOUNT': '9.82', 'DUE_DATE': '18-Jul-1994', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 1Y1M9d-917', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '938 Gonzalez Key Suite 573 New Anitaport, MN 04941 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '452.31 EUR', 'TAX': '20.74 EUR', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '463.33 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Dr. Antonio Maxwell DDS 06651 Bennett Ramp Jameston, DC 20000 US Tel:+(546)724-9871 [email protected]', 'DATE': '27-Jan-2022', 'DISCOUNT': '8.05', 'DUE_DATE': '27-May-1995', 'NUMBER': '1Y5M6d-974', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '938 Gonzalez Key Suite 573 New Anitaport, MN 04941 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '209.05 $', 'TAX': '9.82 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '213.54 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Dakota Knight 9008 Johnson Trafficway Roachmouth, RI 31983 US Tel:+(824)406-4813 [email protected]', 'DATE': '25-Jun-2000', 'DISCOUNT': '7.11', 'DUE_DATE': '15-Jun-2022', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV19322743', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '938 Gonzalez Key Suite 573 New Anitaport, MN 04941 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '362.91 EUR', 'TAX': '14.67 EUR', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '365.02 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '23-Nov-2008', 'NUMBER': 'INV/31-86/458', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of CaliforniaRaf CAMP18116809SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '087 Michael Lodge Kristiborough, IN 63843 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Knight, Huffman and Moore', 'SUB_TOTAL': '330.61 USD', 'TAX': '11.98 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '331.05 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '03-Jul-2004', 'NUMBER': 'INV/03-79/878', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of USARaf CAMP14471684SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '087 Michael Lodge Kristiborough, IN 63843 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Knight, Huffman and Moore', 'SUB_TOTAL': '43.01 USD', 'TAX': '2.30 USD', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '44.68 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '11-Feb-2004', 'NUMBER': '7Y1M1d-019', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of TexasRaf CAMP18593478SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '087 Michael Lodge Kristiborough, IN 63843 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Knight, Huffman and Moore', 'SUB_TOTAL': '519.17 USD', 'TAX': '15.94 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '514.91 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '28-Aug-1999', 'NUMBER': '0306-902', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of USARaf CAMP12908894SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '087 Michael Lodge Kristiborough, IN 63843 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Knight, Huffman and Moore', 'SUB_TOTAL': '466.84 EUR', 'TAX': '15.24 EUR', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '468.73 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '03-Mar-2002', 'NUMBER': 'INV83442867', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of USARaf CAMP15069997SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '087 Michael Lodge Kristiborough, IN 63843 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Knight, Huffman and Moore', 'SUB_TOTAL': '345.81 $', 'TAX': '11.65 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '347.81 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '26-May-2020', 'NUMBER': '6Y9M8d-552', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of EuropeRaf CAMP15343823SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '087 Michael Lodge Kristiborough, IN 63843 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Knight, Huffman and Moore', 'SUB_TOTAL': '809.74 USD', 'TAX': '31.65 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '825.68 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '22-Aug-2012', 'NUMBER': 'INV02854942', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of EnglandRaf CAMP13197380SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '087 Michael Lodge Kristiborough, IN 63843 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Knight, Huffman and Moore', 'SUB_TOTAL': '759.55 EUR', 'TAX': '41.23 EUR', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '779.51 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '12-Sep-2001', 'NUMBER': '3239-053', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of EnglandRaf CAMP14154669SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '087 Michael Lodge Kristiborough, IN 63843 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Knight, Huffman and Moore', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1483.97 EUR', 'TAX': '51.73 EUR', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1464.32 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '09-Nov-2004', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 9Y1M7d-932', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of EuropeRaf CAMP16106105SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '087 Michael Lodge Kristiborough, IN 63843 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Knight, Huffman and Moore', 'SUB_TOTAL': '529.08 $', 'TAX': '29.20 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '539.60 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '31-Oct-1993', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/66-82/505', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of CaliforniaRaf CAMP10002078SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '087 Michael Lodge Kristiborough, IN 63843 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Knight, Huffman and Moore', 'SUB_TOTAL': '432.96 EUR', 'TAX': '27.75 EUR', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '448.15 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Richard Mitchell 07924 Daniel View North Austinhaven, AK 96663 US Tel:+(769)550-4184 [email protected]', 'DATE': '08-Jan-1995', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV00871889', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of TexasRaf CAMP19720078SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '07924 Daniel View North Austinhaven, AK 96663 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Patton, Ortiz and Moore', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '543.81 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Carolyn Long 6134 Charles Ports Apt. 044 North Jenniferton, MT 51467 US Tel:+(100)203-2024 [email protected]', 'DATE': '14-Oct-2002', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/40-05/519', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of USARaf CAMP10239218SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '07924 Daniel View North Austinhaven, AK 96663 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Patton, Ortiz and Moore', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '386.50 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Emily Edwards 062 Lane Circle Tylermouth, ME 81848 US Tel:+(265)296-4046 [email protected]', 'DATE': '26-Apr-1998', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV91664839', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of USARaf CAMP10901221SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '07924 Daniel View North Austinhaven, AK 96663 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Patton, Ortiz and Moore', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '678.72 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Danny White 60732 Daniel Flats Suite 633 Richardshire, AR 30655 US Tel:+(447)926-2025 [email protected]', 'DATE': '01-Jul-2019', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/73-58/614', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of EuropeRaf CAMP16854566SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '07924 Daniel View North Austinhaven, AK 96663 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Patton, Ortiz and Moore', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '504.97 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Jamie Gonzalez 985 Anita Radial Patriciabury, MH 88808 US Tel:+(222)205-1858 [email protected]', 'DATE': '14-Jun-1998', 'NUMBER': 'INV/15-39/555', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of USARaf CAMP18953663SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '07924 Daniel View North Austinhaven, AK 96663 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Patton, Ortiz and Moore', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '622.21 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Marcus Smith 782 Jerome Fork Suite 259 Louisport, NH 08968 US Tel:+(882)703-3464 [email protected]', 'DATE': '29-Apr-2010', 'NUMBER': 'INV70009677', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of USARaf CAMP17721280SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '07924 Daniel View North Austinhaven, AK 96663 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Patton, Ortiz and Moore', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '882.60 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Richard Williams DDS 2254 Guzman Groves Apt. 068 Christophershire, AZ 39285 US Tel:+(786)054-0953 [email protected]', 'DATE': '19-Apr-2020', 'NUMBER': 'INV/27-08/509', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of TexasRaf CAMP16254810SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '07924 Daniel View North Austinhaven, AK 96663 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Patton, Ortiz and Moore', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '723.60 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Linda Stevens 2274 Camacho Mount Suite 734 New Gary, TN 29595 US Tel:+(692)483-0271 [email protected]', 'DATE': '27-Jan-2018', 'NUMBER': '3798-551', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of CaliforniaRaf CAMP12798285SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '07924 Daniel View North Austinhaven, AK 96663 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Patton, Ortiz and Moore', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '433.46 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':David Orr 473 David Wells Suite 507 East Matthewville, ME 43257 US Tel:+(254)356-3895 [email protected]', 'DATE': '19-Oct-2015', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 5850-369', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of EuropeRaf CAMP19703317SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '07924 Daniel View North Austinhaven, AK 96663 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Patton, Ortiz and Moore', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '304.64 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Molly Knight 920 Walker Brook Apt. 914 Cameronville, CT 66511 US Tel:+(856)002-2791 [email protected]', 'DATE': '14-Aug-1993', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/41-28/696', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of TexasRaf CAMP13983765SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '07924 Daniel View North Austinhaven, AK 96663 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Patton, Ortiz and Moore', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '133.91 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Mrs. Yolanda Moses 86673 Gutierrez Orchard Shaffermouth, FL 10247 US Tel:+(378)881-8181 [email protected]', 'DATE': '09-Jul-2005', 'DUE_DATE': '11-Sep-2005', 'NUMBER': '3125-883', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of IndiaRaf CAMP20000004512SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '98324 Espinoza View North Olivia, NY 66612 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Morton-Leach', 'SUB_TOTAL': '571.04 EUR', 'TAX': '36.63 EUR', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '593.85 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: David Carr 949 Bruce Spring Davisland, CO 19020 US Tel:+(807)920-1362 [email protected]', 'DATE': '07-Oct-1999', 'DUE_DATE': '06-Jul-1997', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 4079-074', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of IndiaRaf CAMP20000004512SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '98324 Espinoza View North Olivia, NY 66612 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Morton-Leach', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1144.68 $', 'TAX': '48.87 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1143.76 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Leslie Curtis 2134 Kari Lodge Apt. 217 Port Brandiburgh, GA 51948 US Tel:+(075)125-4161 [email protected]', 'DATE': '21-Jun-2018', 'DUE_DATE': '30-Apr-2017', 'NUMBER': '5213-175', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of IndiaRaf CAMP20000004512SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '98324 Espinoza View North Olivia, NY 66612 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Morton-Leach', 'SUB_TOTAL': '524.06 USD', 'TAX': '21.94 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '536.88 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Mark Rice 40064 Keith Plaza Christinemouth, TX 20108 US Tel:+(174)427-2919 [email protected]', 'DATE': '05-Dec-2005', 'DUE_DATE': '18-May-2010', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV09002176', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of IndiaRaf CAMP20000004512SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '98324 Espinoza View North Olivia, NY 66612 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Morton-Leach', 'SUB_TOTAL': '100.95 $', 'TAX': '3.73 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '103.05 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Jason Thompson 243 Stanley Loaf Apt. 171 Breannafurt, IL 05018 US Tel:+(314)491-0507 [email protected]', 'DATE': '17-Dec-2016', 'DUE_DATE': '25-May-2012', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 8973-734', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of IndiaRaf CAMP20000004512SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '98324 Espinoza View North Olivia, NY 66612 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Morton-Leach', 'SUB_TOTAL': '453.82 $', 'TAX': '19.02 $', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '465.94 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Jessica Patterson 06049 Lauren Mall Lopezshire, PR 25161 US Tel:+(829)816-8821 [email protected]', 'DATE': '01-Dec-1997', 'DUE_DATE': '13-Apr-2022', 'NUMBER': '0844-775', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of IndiaRaf CAMP20000004512SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '98324 Espinoza View North Olivia, NY 66612 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Morton-Leach', 'SUB_TOTAL': '281.98 EUR', 'TAX': '19.34 EUR', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '289.45 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Rachel Peterson 9495 Austin Lodge East Paigeburgh, CA 83693 US Tel:+(732)057-6829 [email protected]', 'DATE': '21-Mar-1997', 'DUE_DATE': '16-Sep-2004', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV72867459', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of IndiaRaf CAMP20000004512SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '98324 Espinoza View North Olivia, NY 66612 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Morton-Leach', 'SUB_TOTAL': '538.67 $', 'TAX': '22.66 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '545.71 $'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Timothy Gaines 181 Ashley Key Apt. 233 Sanchezhaven, GU 40082 US Tel:+(733)966-9647 [email protected]', 'DATE': '03-May-2008', 'DUE_DATE': '28-Apr-2016', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/43-12/071', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of IndiaRaf CAMP20000004512SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '98324 Espinoza View North Olivia, NY 66612 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Morton-Leach', 'SUB_TOTAL': '323.84 EUR', 'TAX': '10.61 EUR', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '330.60 EUR'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Michael Li 28589 Green Park Apt. 929 Matthewton, NV 36003 US Tel:+(993)760-2998 [email protected]', 'DATE': '06-Jan-1995', 'DUE_DATE': '10-Jun-1993', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV31425142', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of IndiaRaf CAMP20000004512SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '98324 Espinoza View North Olivia, NY 66612 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Morton-Leach', 'SUB_TOTAL': '150.07 USD', 'TAX': '10.03 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '154.94 USD'}}
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Kristin Nielsen 31264 Timothy Ramp Alexisview, MN 53115 US Tel:+(773)493-1737 [email protected]', 'DATE': '12-Mar-2001', 'DUE_DATE': '21-Jan-1998', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV90238783', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of IndiaRaf CAMP20000004512SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '98324 Espinoza View North Olivia, NY 66612 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Morton-Leach', 'SUB_TOTAL': '251.42 USD', 'TAX': '15.72 USD', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '258.16 USD'}}