import inspect |
from collections.abc import Callable |
from textwrap import dedent |
def getdoc(c_or_f: Callable | type) -> str | None: |
if getattr(c_or_f, "__doc__", None) is None: |
return None |
doc = inspect.getdoc(c_or_f) |
if isinstance(c_or_f, type) and hasattr(c_or_f, "__init__"): |
sig = inspect.signature(c_or_f.__init__) |
else: |
sig = inspect.signature(c_or_f) |
def type_doc(name: str): |
param: inspect.Parameter = sig.parameters[name] |
cls = getattr(param.annotation, "__qualname__", repr(param.annotation)) |
if param.default is not param.empty: |
return f"{cls}, optional (default: {param.default!r})" |
else: |
return cls |
return "\n".join( |
f"{line} : {type_doc(line)}" if line.strip() in sig.parameters else line for line in doc.split("\n") |
) |
def _doc_params(**kwds): |
"""\ |
Docstrings should start with "\" in the first line for proper formatting. |
""" |
def dec(obj): |
obj.__orig_doc__ = obj.__doc__ |
obj.__doc__ = dedent(obj.__doc__).format_map(kwds) |
return obj |
return dec |
"""\ |
Shared docstrings for plotting function parameters. |
""" |
doc_adata_color_etc = """\ |
adata: :class:`~anndata.AnnData` object object containing all observations. |
color: Keys for annotations of observations/patients or features, e.g., `'ann1'` or `['ann1', 'ann2']`. |
feature_symbols: Column name in `.var` DataFrame that stores feature symbols. By default `var_names` |
refer to the index column of the `.var` DataFrame. Setting this option allows alternative names to be used. |
use_raw: Use `.raw` attribute of `adata` for coloring with feature values. If `None`, |
defaults to `True` if `layer` isn't provided and `adata.raw` is present. |
layer: Name of the AnnData object layer that wants to be plotted. By default |
adata.raw.X is plotted. If `use_raw=False` is set, then `adata.X` is plotted. |
If `layer` is set to a valid layer name, then the layer is plotted. `layer` takes precedence over `use_raw`.\ |
""" |
doc_edges_arrows = """\ |
edges: Show edges. |
edges_width: Width of edges. |
edges_color: Color of edges. See :func:`~networkx.drawing.nx_pylab.draw_networkx_edges`. |
neighbors_key: Where to look for neighbors connectivities. |
If not specified, this looks .obsp['connectivities'] for connectivities |
(default storage place for pp.neighbors). If specified, this looks at |
`.obsp[.uns[neighbors_key]['connectivities_key']]` for connectivities. |
arrows: Show arrows (deprecated in favour of `scvelo.pl.velocity_embedding`). |
arrows_kwds: Passed to :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.quiver`\ |
""" |
doc_scatter_basic = """\ |
sort_order: For continuous annotations used as color parameter, plot data points with higher values on top of others. |
groups: Restrict to a few categories in categorical observation annotation. |
The default is not to restrict to any groups. |
components: For instance, `['1,2', '2,3']`. To plot all available components use `components='all'`. |
projection: Projection of plot (default: `'2d'`). |
legend_loc: Location of legend, either `'on data'`, `'right margin'` or a valid keyword for the `loc` parameter of :class:`~matplotlib.legend.Legend`. |
legend_fontsize: Numeric size in pt or string describing the size. See :meth:`~matplotlib.text.Text.set_fontsize`. |
legend_fontweight: Legend font weight. A numeric value in range 0-1000 or a string. |
Defaults to `'bold'` if `legend_loc == 'on data'`, otherwise to `'normal'`. |
See :meth:`~matplotlib.text.Text.set_fontweight`. |
legend_fontoutline: Line width of the legend font outline in pt. Draws a white outline using the path effect :class:`~matplotlib.patheffects.withStroke`. |
size: Point size. If `None`, is automatically computed as 120000 / n_features. |
Can be a sequence containing the size for each observation. The order should be the same as in adata.obs. |
color_map: Color map to use for continous variables. Can be a name or a |
:class:`~matplotlib.colors.Colormap` instance (e.g. `"magma`", `"viridis"` |
or `mpl.cm.cividis`), see :func:`~matplotlib.cm.get_cmap`. |
If `None`, the value of `mpl.rcParams["image.cmap"]` is used. |
The default `color_map` can be set using :func:`~scanpy.set_figure_params`. |
palette: Colors to use for plotting categorical annotation groups. |
The palette can be a valid :class:`~matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap` name |
(`'Set2'`, `'tab20'`, …), a :class:`~cycler.Cycler` object, a dict mapping |
categories to colors, or a sequence of colors. Colors must be valid to |
matplotlib. (see :func:`~matplotlib.colors.is_color_like`). |
If `None`, `mpl.rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"]` is used unless the categorical |
variable already has colors stored in `adata.uns["{var}_colors"]`. |
If provided, values of `adata.uns["{var}_colors"]` will be set. |
na_color: Color to use for null or masked values. Can be anything matplotlib accepts as a color. |
Used for all points if `color=None`. |
na_in_legend: If there are missing values, whether they get an entry in the legend. |
Currently only implemented for categorical legends. |
frameon: Draw a frame around the scatter plot. Defaults to value set in :func:`~scanpy.set_figure_params` (default: True). |
title: Provide title for panels either as string or list of strings, e.g. `['title1', 'title2', ...]`.\ |
""" |
doc_vbound_percentile = """\ |
vmin: The value representing the lower limit of the color scale. Values smaller than vmin are plotted |
with the same color as vmin. vmin can be a number, a string, a function or `None`. If |
vmin is a string and has the format `pN`, this is interpreted as a vmin=percentile(N). |
For example vmin='p1.5' is interpreted as the 1.5 percentile. If vmin is function, then |
vmin is interpreted as the return value of the function over the list of values to plot. |
For example to set vmin tp the mean of the values to plot, `def my_vmin(values): return |
np.mean(values)` and then set `vmin=my_vmin`. If vmin is None (default) an automatic |
minimum value is used as defined by matplotlib `scatter` function. When making multiple |
plots, vmin can be a list of values, one for each plot. For example `vmin=[0.1, 'p1', None, my_vmin]` |
vmax: The value representing the upper limit of the color scale. The format is the same as for `vmin`. |
vcenter: The value representing the center of the color scale. Useful for diverging colormaps. |
The format is the same as for `vmin`. |
Example: sc.pl.umap(adata, color='TREM2', vcenter='p50', cmap='RdBu_r')\ |
""" |
doc_vboundnorm = """\ |
vmin: The value representing the lower limit of the color scale. Values smaller than vmin are plotted with the same color as vmin. |
vmax: The value representing the upper limit of the color scale. Values larger than vmax are plotted with the same color as vmax. |
vcenter: The value representing the center of the color scale. Useful for diverging colormaps. |
norm: Custom color normalization object from matplotlib. See `https://matplotlib.org/stable/tutorials/colors/colormapnorms.html` for details.\ |
""" |
doc_outline = """\ |
add_outline: If set to True, this will add a thin border around groups of dots. In some situations |
this can enhance the aesthetics of the resulting image |
outline_color: Tuple with two valid color names used to adjust the add_outline. The first color is the |
border color (default: black), while the second color is a gap color between the |
border color and the scatter dot (default: white). |
outline_width: Tuple with two width numbers used to adjust the outline. The first value is the width |
of the border color as a fraction of the scatter dot size (default: 0.3). The second value is |
width of the gap color (default: 0.05).\ |
""" |
doc_panels = """\ |
ncols: Number of panels per row. |
wspace: Adjust the width of the space between multiple panels. |
hspace: Adjust the height of the space between multiple panels. |
return_fig: Return the matplotlib figure.\ |
""" |
doc_scatter_embedding = f"""\ |
{doc_scatter_basic} |
{doc_vbound_percentile} |
{doc_outline} |
{doc_panels} |
kwargs: Arguments to pass to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.scatter`, |
for instance: the maximum and minimum values (e.g. `vmin=-2, vmax=5`).\ |
""" |
doc_show_save_ax = """\ |
show: Whether to display the figure or return axis. |
save: If `True` or a `str`, save the figure. |
A string is appended to the default filename. |
Infer the filetype if ending on {`'.pdf'`, `'.png'`, `'.svg'`}. |
ax: A matplotlib axes object. Only works if plotting a single component.\ |
""" |
doc_common_plot_args = """\ |
adata: Annotated data matrix. |
var_names: `var_names` should be a valid subset of `adata.var_names`. |
If `var_names` is a mapping, then the key is used as label |
to group the values (see `var_group_labels`). The mapping values |
should be sequences of valid `adata.var_names`. In this |
case either coloring or 'brackets' are used for the grouping |
of var names depending on the plot. When `var_names` is a mapping, |
then the `var_group_labels` and `var_group_positions` are set. |
groupby: The key of the observation grouping to consider. |
use_raw: Use `raw` attribute of `adata` if present. |
log: Plot on logarithmic axis. |
num_categories: Only used if groupby observation is not categorical. This value |
determines the number of groups into which the groupby observation should be subdivided. |
categories_order: Order in which to show the categories. Note: add_dendrogram or add_totals |
can change the categories order. |
figsize: Figure size when `multi_panel=True`. Otherwise the `rcParam['figure.figsize]` value is used. |
Format is (width, height) |
dendrogram: If True or a valid dendrogram key, a dendrogram based on the hierarchical |
clustering between the `groupby` categories is added. |
The dendrogram information is computed using :func:`scanpy.tl.dendrogram`. |
If `tl.dendrogram` has not been called previously the function is called with default parameters. |
feature_symbols: Column name in `.var` DataFrame that stores feature symbols. |
By default `var_names` refer to the index column of the `.var` DataFrame. |
Setting this option allows alternative names to be used. |
var_group_positions: Use this parameter to highlight groups of `var_names`. |
This will draw a 'bracket' or a color block between the given start and end |
positions. If the parameter `var_group_labels` is set, the corresponding |
labels are added on top/left. E.g. `var_group_positions=[(4,10)]` |
will add a bracket between the fourth `var_name` and the tenth `var_name`. |
By giving more positions, more brackets/color blocks are drawn. |
var_group_labels: Labels for each of the `var_group_positions` that want to be highlighted. |
var_group_rotation: Label rotation degrees. By default, labels larger than 4 characters are rotated 90 degrees. |
layer: Name of the AnnData object layer that wants to be plotted. By default adata.raw.X is plotted. |
If `use_raw=False` is set, then `adata.X` is plotted. If `layer` is set to a valid layer name, |
then the layer is plotted. `layer` takes precedence over `use_raw`.\ |
""" |
doc_scatter_spatial = """\ |
library_id: library_id for Visium data, e.g. key in `adata.uns["spatial"]`. |
img_key: Key for image data, used to get `img` and `scale_factor` from `"images"` |
and `"scalefactors"` entires for this library. To use spatial coordinates, |
but not plot an image, pass `img_key=None`. |
img: image data to plot, overrides `img_key`. |
scale_factor: Scaling factor used to map from coordinate space to pixel space. |
Found by default if `library_id` and `img_key` can be resolved. Otherwise defaults to `1.`. |
spot_size: Diameter of spot (in coordinate space) for each point. Diameter |
in pixels of the spots will be `size * spot_size * scale_factor`. |
This argument is required if it cannot be resolved from library info. |
crop_coord: Coordinates to use for cropping the image (left, right, top, bottom). |
These coordinates are expected to be in pixel space (same as `basis`) and will be transformed by `scale_factor`. |
If not provided, image is automatically cropped to bounds of `basis`, plus a border. |
alpha_img: Alpha value for image. |
bw: Plot image data in gray scale.\ |
""" |
doc_common_groupby_plot_args = """\ |
title: Title for the figure |
colorbar_title: Title for the color bar. New line character (\\n) can be used. |
cmap: String denoting matplotlib color map. |
standard_scale: Whether or not to standardize the given dimension between 0 and 1, meaning for |
each variable or group, subtract the minimum and divide each by its maximum. |
swap_axes: By default, the x axis contains `var_names` (e.g. genes) and the y axis |
the `groupby` categories. By setting `swap_axes` then x are the `groupby` categories and y the `var_names`. |
return_fig: Returns :class:`DotPlot` object. Useful for fine-tuning the plot. Takes precedence over `show=False`.\ |
""" |