[build-system] build-backend = "hatchling.build" requires = ["hatchling"] [project] name = "ehrapy" version = "0.12.0" description = "Electronic Health Record Analysis with Python." readme = "README.md" requires-python = ">=3.10,<3.13" license = {file = "LICENSE"} authors = [ {name = "Lukas Heumos"}, {name = "Philipp Ehmele"}, {name = "Eljas Roellin"}, {name = "Lilly May"}, {name = "Tim Treis"}, {name = "Altana Namsaraeva"}, {name = "Vladimir Shitov"}, {name = "Luke Zappia"}, {name = "Xinyue Zhang"}, ] maintainers = [ {name = "Lukas Heumos", email = "lukas.heumos@posteo.net"}, ] urls.Documentation = "https://ehrapy.readthedocs.io" urls.Source = "https://github.com/theislab/ehrapy" urls.Home-page = "https://github.com/theislab/ehrapy" classifiers = [ "License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License", "Development Status :: 4 - Beta", "Environment :: Console", "Framework :: Jupyter", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "Intended Audience :: Science/Research", "Natural Language :: English", "Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X", "Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12", "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics", "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization", ] dependencies = [ "session-info2", "lamin_utils", "rich", "scanpy[leiden]", "requests", "pynndescent", "miceforest", "scikit-misc", "lifelines", "missingno", "thefuzz[speedup]", "dowhy", "fhiry", "pyampute", "tableone", "imbalanced-learn", "fknni", "python-dateutil", "filelock", ] [project.optional-dependencies] medcat = [ "medcat", ] dask = [ "anndata[dask]", "dask-ml", ] dev = [ "pre-commit", ] docs = [ "docutils", "sphinx", "furo", "myst-nb", "myst-parser", "sphinxcontrib-bibtex", "sphinx-gallery", "sphinx-autodoc-typehints", "sphinx-copybutton", "sphinx-remove-toctrees", "sphinx-design", "sphinx-last-updated-by-git", "sphinx-automodapi", "sphinxext-opengraph", "pygments", "pyenchant", "nbsphinx", "nbsphinx-link", "ipykernel", "ipython", "ehrapy[dask]", ] test = [ "ehrapy[dask]", "pytest", "pytest-cov", "pytest-mock" ] [tool.hatch.version] source = "vcs" [tool.coverage.run] source_pkgs = ["ehrapy"] omit = [ "**/test_*.py", "ehrapy/data/_datasets.py", # Difficult to test ] [tool.pytest.ini_options] testpaths = "tests" xfail_strict = true addopts = [ "--import-mode=importlib", # allow using test files with same name ] markers = [ "conda: marks a subset of tests to be ran on the Bioconda CI.", "extra: marks tests that require extra dependencies." ] filterwarnings = [ "ignore::DeprecationWarning", "ignore::anndata.OldFormatWarning:", "ignore:X converted to numpy array with dtype object:UserWarning", "ignore:`flavor='seurat_v3'` expects raw count data, but non-integers were found:UserWarning", "ignore:All-NaN slice encountered:RuntimeWarning", "ignore:Observation names are not unique. To make them unique, call `.obs_names_make_unique`.:UserWarning", "ignore:Trying to modify attribute `.var` of view, initializing view as actual.:anndata.ImplicitModificationWarning", "ignore:Transforming to str index.:anndata.ImplicitModificationWarning:" ] minversion = 6.0 norecursedirs = [ '.*', 'build', 'dist', '*.egg', 'data', '__pycache__'] [tool.ruff] line-length = 120 [tool.ruff.format] docstring-code-format = true [tool.ruff.lint] select = [ "F", # Errors detected by Pyflakes "E", # Error detected by Pycodestyle "W", # Warning detected by Pycodestyle "I", # isort #"D", # pydocstyle "B", # flake8-bugbear "TID", # flake8-tidy-imports "C4", # flake8-comprehensions "BLE", # flake8-blind-except "UP", # pyupgrade "RUF100", # Report unused noqa directives "TCH", # Typing imports # "NPY", # Numpy specific rules "PTH" # Use pathlib ] ignore = [ # line too long -> we accept long comment lines; black gets rid of long code lines "E501", # Do not assign a lambda expression, use a def -> lambda expression assignments are convenient "E731", # allow I, O, l as variable names -> I is the identity matrix "E741", # Missing docstring in public package "D104", # Missing docstring in public module "D100", # Missing docstring in __init__ "D107", # Errors from function calls in argument defaults. These are fine when the result is immutable. "B008", # __magic__ methods are are often self-explanatory, allow missing docstrings "D105", # first line should end with a period [Bug: doesn't work with single-line docstrings] "D400", # First line should be in imperative mood; try rephrasing "D401", ## Disable one in each pair of mutually incompatible rules # We don’t want a blank line before a class docstring "D203", # We want docstrings to start immediately after the opening triple quote "D213", # Imports unused "F401", # camcelcase imported as lowercase "N813", # module import not at top level of file "E402", ] [tool.ruff.lint.pydocstyle] convention = "google" [tool.ruff.lint.per-file-ignores] "docs/*" = ["I"] "tests/*" = ["D"] "*/__init__.py" = ["F401"] [tool.mypy] strict = false pretty = true show_column_numbers = true show_error_codes = true show_error_context = true ignore_missing_imports = true no_strict_optional = true [tool.cruft] skip = [ "tests", "src/**/__init__.py", "src/**/basic.py", "docs/api.md", "docs/changelog.md", "docs/references.bib", "docs/references.md", "docs/notebooks/example.ipynb" ]