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{"sentence1": "Haai, waar gaan julle?", "sentence2": "Hey, where are you going?"}
{"sentence1": "Fabelagtig! eenvoudig geskryf, tog diep", "sentence2": "I can offer you a deepening of our friendship tonight."}
{"sentence1": "Hier is 'n paar tonele wat u mag boei", "sentence2": "Here are a few scenes that may interest you."}
{"sentence1": "Speel hier of by Kroger, maar moenie van jou 'n gek gaan maak voor almal nie!", "sentence2": "Play here or at Kroger's but don't look like a fool in public!"}
{"sentence1": "Komaan.", "sentence2": "Come on."}
{"sentence1": "Vaarwel, en dankie", "sentence2": "Farewell, and thank you.\""}
{"sentence1": "En waarom dink u wil die Engelse ons roetes probeer blokkeer?", "sentence2": "And why are the English trying to block our shipping routes?"}
{"sentence1": "Dit is Anna De Ruyter, laat haar deur!", "sentence2": "That is Anna De Ruyter, let her through."}
{"sentence1": "so ek kon byt jou kop af.", "sentence2": "so I could bite off your head."}
{"sentence1": "Jy sou bewe voor hierdie gesig!", "sentence2": "What's that supposed to mean? A good joke this!"}
{"sentence1": "En hy is reg, n\u00ea?", "sentence2": "And he's right."}
{"sentence1": "Dit is die enigste plek in Baltimore waar jy jou ooit veilig het gevoel.", "sentence2": "This is the one place in Baltimore you ever felt safe."}
{"sentence1": "Dit is Clark Kent.", "sentence2": "This is Clark Kent."}
{"sentence1": "Of wat? Gaan jy my skiet?", "sentence2": "Or what, you gonna shoot me?"}
{"sentence1": "Ek het nog nie boeke of pille gebruik nie.", "sentence2": "I have never taken drugs, nor books."}
{"sentence1": "- Dis wat Oom s\u00ea", "sentence2": "- It's what uncle says."}
{"sentence1": "Iemand wat ons kan vertrou", "sentence2": "-Someone we can trust."}
{"sentence1": "Volgende gaan ons sien hoe diere kan leef teen 'n stadige pas, en hoedat die oorgang van die stadige pas na die normale pas plaasvind", "sentence2": "Next, we'll see how animals live at a slower pace and how they make the transition from a slow pace to a normal one."}
{"sentence1": "Wat kan ek 'n kind gee?", "sentence2": "What could I give to a child?"}
{"sentence1": "Die eienaar is oud en siek, en kan dit nie meer hanteer nie", "sentence2": "He's old and sick and can't take care of it any more."}
{"sentence1": "Weet u, Monsieur de P\u00e9rol, wat my die meeste verbaas van Versailles is die immoraliteit wat daar heers", "sentence2": "What most surprised me about Versailles, Monsieur de P\u00e9rol, is the immorality which reigns there."}
{"sentence1": "Hoe langer hoe meer, hy slaap nou ook daar.", "sentence2": "More and more. And now he's staying the night, too."}
{"sentence1": "Aandag, moenie roer nie", "sentence2": "Attention, don't move"}
{"sentence1": "Is dit hier seer?", "sentence2": "Does that hurt?"}
{"sentence1": "Dinsdag, vier uur", "sentence2": "Tuesday, 4:00 p.m."}
{"sentence1": "Oktober", "sentence2": "- October."}
{"sentence1": "Ken ons mekaar?", "sentence2": "Do we know each other?"}
{"sentence1": "My heer, hierdie een was myne!", "sentence2": "My Lord, this one was mine!"}
{"sentence1": "Ek kan u verseker, monsieur, dat Madame Sand nie enige geld gaan wen as gevolg van my toedoen nie", "sentence2": "Did you read her latest novel? It's not literature, it's drainage. She only wrote good books when she was with me."}
{"sentence1": "Maria Tesselschade, wie se een oog deur 'n warm kooltjie beskadig was, heers oor die Muidenkasteel", "sentence2": "Maria Tesselschade whom a burning ember blinded in one eye reigns over Muiden Castle."}
{"sentence1": "Ryk in kontant, ryk in hoop", "sentence2": "Rich in banknotes, rich in hope."}
{"sentence1": "Leon.", "sentence2": "Leon!"}
{"sentence1": "- Ek bly hier", "sentence2": "- I'm staying."}
{"sentence1": "Ek kom", "sentence2": "Coming"}
{"sentence1": "Nee, ek het sestig", "sentence2": "-No I have sixty"}
{"sentence1": "Wat is dit?", "sentence2": "What is it?"}
{"sentence1": "Moenie besorg wees, my gaste is by my tuis.", "sentence2": "Dear Chevalier, I bid you heartily welcome on behalf of His Highness"}
{"sentence1": "Ek los dit vir jou", "sentence2": "I'll leave that to you."}
{"sentence1": "Nelly was verban om te sing, geen vriende het ons meer besoek nie", "sentence2": "Nelly was banned from singing. No friends came by anymore."}
{"sentence1": "Sjokolade!", "sentence2": "Chocolate!"}
{"sentence1": "Ek kry warm", "sentence2": "I'm hot."}
{"sentence1": "Hoe dikwels het jy dit al gedoen?", "sentence2": "How many times have you done this?"}
{"sentence1": "Jy weet nie waaroor jy praat nie", "sentence2": "You don't know what you're talking about."}
{"sentence1": "Wat is 'n regiseur as hy nie kan regiseer nie?", "sentence2": "What is a director if he can't direct?"}
{"sentence1": "Hulle beweringe raak die produkte van hierdie fabriek", "sentence2": "Their claims addressed the products of this factory."}
{"sentence1": "Komeet?", "sentence2": "Comet?"}
{"sentence1": "Hy het weggegaan", "sentence2": "-Butt out!"}
{"sentence1": "En Maja...", "sentence2": "And Maja."}
{"sentence1": "Ja, dit was lekker", "sentence2": "Yeah, it was fun."}
{"sentence1": "Jy begin met die legendes.", "sentence2": "You start with the urban legends..."}
{"sentence1": "Mnr Mathieu, ons faktotum, wat ons liewe kinders leer sing", "sentence2": "Our prefect, who makes our dear children sing."}
{"sentence1": "Ek was dom genoeg om dit te glo.", "sentence2": "I was dumb enough to listen."}
{"sentence1": "Ek wens u 'n goeie nagrus toe", "sentence2": "I wish you a good night."}
{"sentence1": "Don's doen t bekommerd oor Lady Eboshi.", "sentence2": "Don't worry about Lady Eboshi."}
{"sentence1": "Totsiens, Don Miguel", "sentence2": "Goodbye, Don Miguel."}
{"sentence1": "Pa steek goed vir ons weg", "sentence2": "You hid things from us"}
{"sentence1": "Hy lyk op julle.", "sentence2": "He will look like you."}
{"sentence1": "Moenie dat ek jou naby hom vang nie", "sentence2": "- Never let me catch you near that boy. - Why?"}
{"sentence1": "- Ek noem hom nie \"seize-anes\" nie", "sentence2": "- I don't call him \"seize-anes\""}
{"sentence1": "Maar ek moet jou waarsku.", "sentence2": "But I'm compelled to warn you."}
{"sentence1": "- Niks op jou eie nie", "sentence2": "- Nothing on your own."}
{"sentence1": "Verstaan tog...", "sentence2": "Try to understand."}
{"sentence1": "Meer soos 2 miljoen of meer", "sentence2": "More like 2 million. You half asleep?"}
{"sentence1": "Dis ons kans om die kus te bereik", "sentence2": "It's our chance to reach the coast."}
{"sentence1": "Ons het 'n kandidaat vir die Eerste Sekretaris by die universiteit", "sentence2": "We have a candidate for the First Secretary at the university."}
{"sentence1": "Jy speel, 1 miljoen! .", "sentence2": "You're kidding. 1 million!"}
{"sentence1": "Kom in, asseblief", "sentence2": "Come in, please."}
{"sentence1": "Hoe is dit gebou?", "sentence2": "How was it constructed?"}
{"sentence1": "Ons kon daardie manne met regte pyn nie behandel met die gewone verligtingsmiddels nie,", "sentence2": "We couldn't handle these men in real pain.. ...with the usual phony palliatives"}
{"sentence1": "Ben is 'n bietjie anders as die onder-gemiddelde deel van die klas", "sentence2": "Ben's just different from you, from the below-average members of the class."}
{"sentence1": "Kom aan", "sentence2": "Come on."}
{"sentence1": "Met plesier, Mamma", "sentence2": "With pleasure, Mama."}
{"sentence1": "- Die land wil antwoorde h\u00ea", "sentence2": "- Nation requires a response."}
{"sentence1": "Ek weet dat haar werk gevaarlik is.", "sentence2": "I know that her work is dangerous."}
{"sentence1": "Net buite Kaboel ontplof 'n bomauto.", "sentence2": "Outside Kabul, there has been yet another car bombing."}
{"sentence1": "Helfte", "sentence2": "Half."}
{"sentence1": "Ek sal vertaan as...", "sentence2": "- I would understand..."}
{"sentence1": "Ons eet man.", "sentence2": "We eat man."}
{"sentence1": "Het jy gehuil?", "sentence2": "Did you cry?"}
{"sentence1": "Meneer voorsitter, ons betaal ons al jare blou aan belasting en wat kry ons daarvoor terug?", "sentence2": "Mr Chairman... we've been paying huge taxes. And what are we getting in return?"}
{"sentence1": "Ons is almal in dieselfde boot", "sentence2": "We sit're all in the same boat."}
{"sentence1": "Ek het die adres van Jake Spoke.", "sentence2": "Already on it, boss. Got an address for a Jake Spoke."}
{"sentence1": "Dis 'n bynaam.", "sentence2": "It's a nickname."}
{"sentence1": "Laat my nie alleen.", "sentence2": "- Don't leave me."}
{"sentence1": "Hoe graag ons ook wou.", "sentence2": "No matter how much we wanted to."}
{"sentence1": "- Is jy op haar verlief? - Natuurlik nie", "sentence2": "- Are you in love with her yourself?"}
{"sentence1": "Dit is die woonstel waar Ziva grootgeword.", "sentence2": "That's the apartment where Ziva grew up."}
{"sentence1": "Ek hou daarvan.", "sentence2": "I liked it."}
{"sentence1": "Jy moet kom.", "sentence2": "You must come."}
{"sentence1": "Die Suez-krisis.", "sentence2": "There are nudes in our paper too now and then."}
{"sentence1": "Dis wat Oom s\u00ea, en hy gaan haar opwek uit die dood soos die Bybel-man", "sentence2": "That's what uncle says, and then He's going to raise her from the dead, like the Bible man."}
{"sentence1": "- Wat?", "sentence2": "- What?"}
{"sentence1": "Sy toestand is ernstig, maar stabiel", "sentence2": "His condition is serious, but stable."}
{"sentence1": "Nee, ek vra om verskoon te word", "sentence2": "No, I beg your pardon."}
{"sentence1": "Jy het haar lief", "sentence2": "You love her?"}
{"sentence1": "- Max!", "sentence2": "- What is it?"}
{"sentence1": "- Een trekker tweemaal gebruik in Jemen.", "sentence2": "A trigger used twice in Yemen."}
{"sentence1": "Ek hou hierdie steen vir 'n herdenking", "sentence2": "I'm keeping this brick as a souvenir."}
{"sentence1": "Euh, ek het hom ontmoet in Pensacola tydens die API.", "sentence2": "Um, met him in Pensacola for A.P.I."}
{"sentence1": "Almal is veilig, en warm drankies is aan hulle voorsien, maar hulle sal nie voor m\u00f4reoggend kan vertrek nie", "sentence2": "Madame von Lengefeld's carriage got stuck in the mud halfway here."}
{"sentence1": "Ek sny 'n stuk van die ham af en proe, en my mond vertrek", "sentence2": "I cut a piece off that ham, tasted it and I grimaced."}
{"sentence1": "Dag Germain.", "sentence2": "- Hello, Germain."}
{"sentence1": "En onthou:", "sentence2": "And remember:"}
{"sentence1": "Ons doen maar net ons werk", "sentence2": "We're just doing our jobs."}
{"sentence1": "Kom, ek wys jou die huis", "sentence2": "I'll show you round the house."}
{"sentence1": "Ons moes 'n taai k\u00earel vind, een wat 8 ure kon hou", "sentence2": "We have to find a tough guy, one who'll last the eight hours."}
{"sentence1": "Wat van jou?", "sentence2": "What about you?"}
{"sentence1": "Ek, jou vriend?", "sentence2": "I, your friend?"}
{"sentence1": "Dit was vir ons almal hel.", "sentence2": "Since then, neither of them has talked to me."}
{"sentence1": "Arnaud!", "sentence2": "Arnaud!"}
{"sentence1": "Ja", "sentence2": "Yes."}
{"sentence1": "Dus, wat doen ons hier?", "sentence2": "So, what are we doing here?"}
{"sentence1": "Sit nou neer, en gaan na jou kamer, of anders...", "sentence2": "Hang up and go to your room. Or else..."}
{"sentence1": "Wit begin, jy moet speel", "sentence2": "White opens. Your move."}
{"sentence1": "Ek het gedink dat jy jou verdriet nou wel aan die verdrink sou wees.", "sentence2": "I figured you'd be drowning your sorrows by now."}
{"sentence1": "Jy maak seker 'n grap?", "sentence2": "You're kidding?"}
{"sentence1": "Dis Klara, my liefste maatjie!", "sentence2": "It's Klara. My dearest friend!"}
{"sentence1": "- Jou nuwe vrou?", "sentence2": "- Your new wife?"}
{"sentence1": "U bedoel, hy...", "sentence2": "You mean, uh..."}
{"sentence1": "Jy het dit opgemerk?", "sentence2": "You noticed that?"}
{"sentence1": "- Is jy altyd so ongevoelig?", "sentence2": "- Are you always so blunt?"}
{"sentence1": "Dit stel die koerant in gevaar!", "sentence2": "Then compromised the paper's finances."}
{"sentence1": "Ag Ma!", "sentence2": "Oh Ma!"}
{"sentence1": "In effek word ek 'n monster 'n Soort bullebak, verstaan jy?", "sentence2": "In effect, I become a monster. A sort of ogre, do you understand?"}
{"sentence1": "Doen hy dit nie van harte.", "sentence2": "Adequate. He doesn't have his heart in it."}
{"sentence1": "Ek verstaan nie ...", "sentence2": "I cannot understand..."}
{"sentence1": "Wat's verkeerd?", "sentence2": "Each in his own way."}
{"sentence1": "Ja, selfs liefdesgedigte vir my", "sentence2": "- Yes, even love poems for me."}
{"sentence1": "Jy is die gelukkigste man in die koninkryk", "sentence2": "Are you not one of the most fortunate men in the kingdom?"}
{"sentence1": "Sien jou vanaand.", "sentence2": "See you tonight."}
{"sentence1": "Wel, bravo!", "sentence2": "Well, bravo!"}
{"sentence1": "Die jongman het jou dit nie vandag in die bos vertel nie?", "sentence2": "- No. The young man didn't tell you this afternoon in the woods?"}
{"sentence1": "Ek bel jou straks terug, OK?", "sentence2": "Let me call you back, all right?"}
{"sentence1": "Hy was gemoedelik aan tafel, in sy kamerjapon, met sy vrou! In sy japon, aan tafel met sy vr...", "sentence2": "He sat cosily at supper, in his dressing-gown, with his wife ln his dressing-gown, having supper with his..."}
{"sentence1": "- U Eminensie ook?", "sentence2": "- Your Eminence too?"}
{"sentence1": "Margaretha is reg, selfs sy vriende praat daaroor", "sentence2": "Margaretha is right. Even his friends comment."}
{"sentence1": "Sy hoort by ons, sy's familie.", "sentence2": "And I want you out in five minutes!"}
{"sentence1": "Jy!", "sentence2": "You!"}
{"sentence1": "Ja, ek kan!", "sentence2": "Surely, you couldn't?"}
{"sentence1": "Meester, P\u00e9rol se manne kom met die rivier langs Hulle sal nou hier wees", "sentence2": "Master, P\u00e9rol's men are coming along the river."}
{"sentence1": "Sy storie, en ons s'n ook", "sentence2": "About his story, and ours too."}
{"sentence1": "Sy is gestuur na die hertogdom van Sakse-Weimar se hoofstad, hopende dat haar tante, Charlotte Albertine Ernestine von Stein haar kan vorm tot 'n hofdame", "sentence2": "Frau von Stein, a bright star at Duke Carl August's court, has been much plagued by the departure of her famous poet friend to Italy a year ago."}
{"sentence1": "Jy is nie opgesluit nie", "sentence2": "No, you're not."}
{"sentence1": "Opstaan!", "sentence2": "Everyone out!"}
{"sentence1": "Dit pas my nog goed. Verder, ek moet Omagi nog baie leer voor hy dit kan oorneem.", "sentence2": "Besides, I got a whole lot of lessons to teach Omagi before I let him take over."}
{"sentence1": "As hulle siek is, ja", "sentence2": "When they're sick, yes."}
{"sentence1": "TERREURAANVAL DOOD NAVYSECRETARIS Dit is so vreemd.", "sentence2": "This is so weird."}
{"sentence1": "- Sy weet ons is hier.", "sentence2": "- She knows we're here."}
{"sentence1": "Verstaan jy dit al?", "sentence2": "Has it sunk in yet?"}
{"sentence1": "As Ziva in die probleme sit kan die penning van pas kom.", "sentence2": "If Ziva's in trouble, a badge might come in handy."}
{"sentence1": "Moenie nou slegte grappe maak nie, dr.", "sentence2": "- Very witty!"}
{"sentence1": "My heer, verskoon my", "sentence2": "My Lord, excuse me."}
{"sentence1": "Sukses?", "sentence2": "-Success?"}
{"sentence1": "- Stop dit!", "sentence2": "- Stop it!"}
{"sentence1": "Niemand kon dit tog voorspel nie", "sentence2": "No one could've predicted this."}
{"sentence1": "Mamma, nou kan ons Sissi vertel waarom ons hier is", "sentence2": "Mama, now we can tell Sissi why we're here."}
{"sentence1": "Elke Saterdag; maar niemand kom nie", "sentence2": "Every Saturday, nobody comes. We tell him it's for next week, and so on."}
{"sentence1": "- Nee, waarvan het ons gepraat?", "sentence2": "- What were we talking about?"}
{"sentence1": "Die ligte gaan af oor 5 minute.", "sentence2": "The lights will go out in five minutes."}
{"sentence1": "Sy het soveel bewonderaars", "sentence2": "That, that's a Boletus piperatus."}
{"sentence1": "- Ons sal maar sien...", "sentence2": "- We shall see..."}
{"sentence1": "Liewe Theo,", "sentence2": "Dear Theo..."}
{"sentence1": "Mammie!", "sentence2": "Mommy!"}
{"sentence1": "Laat ons al 3 die droom leef, asseblief", "sentence2": "Wake me up when you leave."}
{"sentence1": "Was jy lief vir hom?", "sentence2": "- Did you love him?"}
{"sentence1": "Don's doen t gryp my daar.", "sentence2": "Don't grab me there."}
{"sentence1": "Sou ek andersinds toelaat dat hy my uitgooi?", "sentence2": "Would I let him push me out, otherwise?"}
{"sentence1": "Sy spot met my, tog het ek haar lief", "sentence2": "She makes a fool of me! And yet, I love her!"}
{"sentence1": "Hoe is jou gesondheid?", "sentence2": "How's your illness?"}
{"sentence1": "Waarvoor?", "sentence2": "What for?"}
{"sentence1": "Nog nooit opgelet nie", "sentence2": "Never paid attention to it."}
{"sentence1": "My ouers het daar gebly", "sentence2": "My parents had jobs there."}
{"sentence1": "Dit is eerlik", "sentence2": "Yes."}
{"sentence1": "Wat is dit?", "sentence2": "K\u00f6rner is a good fellow."}
{"sentence1": "Dit het nog nie begin nie, Kom Pa?", "sentence2": "It hasn't started yet. Coming?"}
{"sentence1": "- Ek s\u00ea, probeer dit eens by die interns.", "sentence2": "- I say you should go back to trolling the intern pool."}
{"sentence1": "Dit is weg.", "sentence2": "It's gone."}
{"sentence1": "Die teendeel, U Majesteit", "sentence2": "On the contrary, Your Majesty."}
{"sentence1": "Ek is bly!", "sentence2": "I am glad!"}
{"sentence1": "'n Rukkie, ja", "sentence2": "On time as usual."}
{"sentence1": "Ek stel nie belang in kontroversie nie, dit sal die einde wees van my, jou en jou film", "sentence2": "I'm not interested in controversy. It would be the end of... me, you and your film."}
{"sentence1": "Laat 'm met rus.", "sentence2": "- Leave him alone, Pete."}
{"sentence1": "Kom aan!", "sentence2": "Come on!"}
{"sentence1": "Ek sien mense op die heli-platform.", "sentence2": "I got some guys on the helipad."}
{"sentence1": "Goeie idee!", "sentence2": "Excellent idea!"}
{"sentence1": "Wil jy dit alles opgee?", "sentence2": "You want to give up all of that ?"}
{"sentence1": "Ons hoef nie daaroor te praat nie", "sentence2": "We don't have to speak about that."}
{"sentence1": "U kry dit weer terug daar bo.", "sentence2": "This is my TV!"}
{"sentence1": "Waarom?", "sentence2": "Why?"}
{"sentence1": "Ek is oortuig dat u net so'n lieflike onderwyser in Athene sal vind, soos hier of in Hongarye - Dink u so?", "sentence2": "I am convinced that you will find an equally beautiful teacher in Athens as you found here and in Hungary."}
{"sentence1": "Nie nou nie Mamma, ek wil gaan jag", "sentence2": "Not now, Mama. I want to go hunting."}
{"sentence1": "Die klas sal later kan inpas in ons kamer", "sentence2": "He bit me."}
{"sentence1": "Wou jy nog nooit wegtrek nie?", "sentence2": "Never wanted to move somewhere else?"}
{"sentence1": "Ek dink dit is onregverdig om te praat van opstandigheid as Graaf Batthyani vir sy moeder 'n eed gesweer het", "sentence2": "I think it is mean to talk about obedience when Count Batthyani took an oath for his mother."}
{"sentence1": "Iets is verkeerd", "sentence2": "Something's wrong."}
{"sentence1": "Ek sou dit nie doen nie", "sentence2": "I wouldn't have done it."}
{"sentence1": ", Dis omdat ons 'n klok het!", "sentence2": "But I've become used to it"}
{"sentence1": "Weet jy wat jy s\u00ea?", "sentence2": "Do you know what you're saying?"}
{"sentence1": "Wou jou nog nooit wegkom nie?", "sentence2": "Didn't you ever want to leave?"}
{"sentence1": "O, genade!", "sentence2": "Oh, goodness!"}
{"sentence1": "Ek is nie seker of dit 'n goeie idee was om die \"\u00c9tudes\" aan haar op te dra nie", "sentence2": "It's good to see you, Franz."}
{"sentence1": "Ek klop aan sy deur, ek het probeer om hom sy pos te besorg en...", "sentence2": "I was knocking at the door. I-I was trying to give him his mail, and..."}
{"sentence1": "- Moenie baklei nie", "sentence2": "Don't fight."}
{"sentence1": "Ek het Sissi meer lief as my eie lewe", "sentence2": "I love Sissi more than my life."}
{"sentence1": "Gooi dit vir my, Mariechen! - Mariechen!", "sentence2": "Throw it to me, Mariechen!"}
{"sentence1": "- Nee, ek drink water", "sentence2": "- No, I'm on water."}
{"sentence1": "Ag, hoe sal ek wegkom?", "sentence2": "But it's a tricky business lf only I knew how to get away!"}
{"sentence1": "Kan ek u help?", "sentence2": "Can I help you?"}
{"sentence1": "Is almal hier?", "sentence2": "Is everyone here?"}
{"sentence1": "Hulle wil nie dat ons dit weet nie, hulle is bang ons kom kuier", "sentence2": "They don't want us to know it. Afraid we'll drop by."}
{"sentence1": "Ek het dit oor die moord.", "sentence2": "I was talking about the murder."}
{"sentence1": "Hy gee toe, kyk weg, en ek dink ek het nou gewen", "sentence2": "He yields, looks away, I think I've won."}
{"sentence1": "Goeie nag Ek hoop sy voel spoedig beter", "sentence2": "Good night. I hope she feels better soon."}
{"sentence1": "Miskien moet julle 'n hotelkamer kry, dit sal goedkoper wees as om hier te slaap", "sentence2": "Perhaps we could arrange a hotel room for you. It'd be cheaper than sleeping here."}
{"sentence1": "Jy stink soos 'n Fransman!", "sentence2": "You stink like a Frenchman!"}
{"sentence1": "Arme gek, jy het gedink jy kon daarmee wegkom?", "sentence2": "Poor fool! You won't get away with it."}
{"sentence1": "Geteken, Nelly Lenz", "sentence2": "Signed, Nelly Lenz."}
{"sentence1": "Niemand gee om nie.", "sentence2": "Nobody cares"}
{"sentence1": "- Bravo, wat skryf sy?", "sentence2": "- Bravo. What did she write?"}
{"sentence1": "- Dink u dat dit die end hiervan is?", "sentence2": "-Do you think this will be the end of it?"}
{"sentence1": "\"Doen al die vuil werk, terwyl die herders slaap,", "sentence2": "\"Do all the dirty work, while the shepherds sleep..."}
{"sentence1": "Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller, neem jy Charlotte Luise Antoinette von Lengefeld as u wettige vrou, van vandag af vorentoe, tot die dood julle skei?", "sentence2": "Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller, do you take Charlotte Luise Antoinette von Lengefeld to be your wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward until death do you part?"}
{"sentence1": "Verdomp!", "sentence2": "Shit!"}
{"sentence1": "Dag", "sentence2": "Hello."}
{"sentence1": "Sy s\u00ea nie te weet wie die name lek en sy sterf liewer as om dit self te doen.", "sentence2": "She says she doesn't know who would leak any names and she would die before doing so herself."}
{"sentence1": "- Het jy geheel opgehou?", "sentence2": "- You dropped everything?"}
{"sentence1": "Stella.", "sentence2": "Stella."}
{"sentence1": "En ek is so gelukkig, liewe Franz, om u persoonlik te kan gelukwens", "sentence2": "And I'm so happy, dear Franz, to be able to wish you a happy birthday in person."}
{"sentence1": "- Ja, natuurlik", "sentence2": "- Yes, of course."}
{"sentence1": "Ek het dit nou self gesien", "sentence2": "I've seen enough."}
{"sentence1": "Jy kan begin, maar hoe hou jy daarmee op?", "sentence2": "You can start it, but how do you stop it?"}
{"sentence1": "Hond", "sentence2": "Bitch."}
{"sentence1": "Hy kon gaan werk in enige teater in die weste, maar hy wil HIER bly, want hy glo in sosialisme en hierdie land", "sentence2": "He could work for any theater in the West. But he wants to stay here. Because he believes in socialism and in this country."}
{"sentence1": "Kyk wat daarvan geword het", "sentence2": "See what has come of it."}
{"sentence1": "Hierdie is nie 'n moord nie!", "sentence2": "This isn't a murder!"}
{"sentence1": "Ons glo dat die afwesigheid van Ziva vrywillig is en jy ook.", "sentence2": "We believe that Ziva's absence is voluntary, and so do you."}
{"sentence1": "Onthou die keer toe Oupa met my stad toe gegaan het?", "sentence2": "Remember when I went to the city with grandpa?"}
{"sentence1": "Dat weet ek nie.", "sentence2": "I don't know."}
{"sentence1": "- Doen jy maar, ek is so terug.", "sentence2": "One second. Why don't you take care of it, honey."}
{"sentence1": "Gaan saam met hulle.", "sentence2": "Go with them."}
{"sentence1": "Ander sou hulle nie gekom het nie", "sentence2": "Otherwise you wouldn't have come."}
{"sentence1": "En in haar.", "sentence2": "And in her."}
{"sentence1": "My Ma is dood", "sentence2": "- Mom is dead."}
{"sentence1": "Almal sterf.", "sentence2": "Everyone dies."}
{"sentence1": "Ek het 'n heerlike dag gehad", "sentence2": "I've had a nice day."}
{"sentence1": "Jy het aan my opgedra om pret te h\u00ea", "sentence2": "No. I'm used to it."}
{"sentence1": "Ja meneer.", "sentence2": "Yes, Sir."}
{"sentence1": "Aan wie?", "sentence2": "- A letter. - To whom?"}
{"sentence1": "Om my so te onderkruip!", "sentence2": "Fucking me over like this."}
{"sentence1": "Ja, Larry Purcell.", "sentence2": "Yeah, yeah. Larry Purcell."}
{"sentence1": "Hy het my aangeraak en my hart ewig verwond", "sentence2": "His shot hit my heart wounded forever"}
{"sentence1": "Hy wil 'n hoop skenk aan die anti terreur veldtog, voor hy dood gaan.", "sentence2": "He wants to donate a bundle to the anti-terror campaign before he departs."}
{"sentence1": "Wat kolonel Hardy en sy span het vermoed 'n ou Sowjet duikboot was, was iets veel exotischer.", "sentence2": "What Colonel Hardy and his team surmised was a Soviet-era submarine was actually something much more exotic."}
{"sentence1": "Wag, ek is net verplig", "sentence2": "Wait. I have to."}
{"sentence1": "Die Here sal Sy aangesig oor julle laat skyn en julle genadig wees", "sentence2": "The Lord make His face to shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee."}
{"sentence1": "- Ek is nie mal nie", "sentence2": "- I'm not crazy."}