Post-use costs comprise the costs, which occur after the product is at the end of its life: the costs include the collection, storage and disposal of the item. These costs are strongly affiliated to the type and amount of packaging, design and durability of the product, the use of recycled materials and the possible resale, recycle and deposition possibilities.Consumers are generally not very aware of post-use costs. Since developed countries usually include the disposal costs in property or public service taxes, these costs are not explicitly related to the product, except when those extra costs are billed directly to the consumer.In order to dispose waste, it either has to be dropped off at a collection point or collected at the curbside. In the first case the consumer has transportation costs; in the second case the consumer faces storage costs. In addition, there are the hidden costs for separating the waste, for the time consumed by it, and the time cost of learning how the disposal system works.Resale can be a way to reduce the post-use costs, and has become more attractive through low cost electronic selling platforms such as e-bay. Recycling a product also extends the lifespanand enhances the material value of the product.
Mazloomi currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Alliance for American Quilts.
Chung was born in Seoul, Korea on March 3, 1921. While his family had been highly respected and part of the educated class they lost everything during the Japanese occupation and, like most during that time, struggled for survival. Chung became interested in martial arts as a boy but it was illegal at that time to openly teach or learn martial art in Korea. Not until he was a young man, at the age of 25, did Chung begin to train in the art of Tang Soo Do under the instruction of Won Kuk Lee. Sometime later, after martial art training became legal, Chung circulated among the later Chung Do Kwan students and he was to become almost a mythic figure because of his exploits.
Her case Lesa v Attorney-General of New Zealand, in which she pressed her claim to be a New Zealand citizen, is a key legal case and had considerable impact on Samoans and New Zealand Law. The Privy Council ruled in July 1982 that all Western Samoans born between 1924 and 1948 were British subjects, and that in 1949 they and their descendants had become New Zealand citizens. One of the results of this ruling was the controversial decision by the Muldoon National government to pass the New Zealand Citizenship and Western Samoa Act 1982 which effectively rescinded and annulled any citizenship claims by Samoans living in Samoa in retrospect. Lesa herself (who is named in the Act) was granted New Zealand citizenship. Her barristers were George Rosenberg and Dr. George Paterson Barton, Q.C., from Wellington, who both acted in a number of prominent cases affecting Samoans.The case continues to generate controversy and spur efforts to amend the immigration and nationality laws in New Zealand.
Armenteros played for Industriales of the Cuban National Series in 2011/2012. In September 2014, he signed with the Houston Astros as an international free agent.Armenteros made his professional debut 2015 with the Tri-City ValleyCats and was later promoted to the Quad Cities River Bandits; in 61 total innings pitched between both teams, he posted a 3-2 record and 3.69 ERA. In 2016, he pitched for Quad Cities, Lancaster JetHawks and Corpus Christi Hooks, pitching to a combined 8-6 record and 3.53 ERA in 26 games (22 starts). After the season he pitched in the Arizona Fall League. Armenteros started 2017 with Corpus Christi, and after going 2-3 with a 1.93 ERA in 14 games, was promoted to the Fresno Grizzlies, where he finished the season with an 8-1 record and 2.16 ERA in 24 total games (20 total starts) between both teams. In 2018, he returned to Fresno, going 8-1 with a 3.74 ERA in 22 games (21 starts).The Astros added Armenteros to their 40-man roster after the 2018 season. He began 2019 with the Round Rock Express. He was promoted to the Major Leagues on June 14, 2019.
Her seventh outing saw her sinking two ships from convoy SC 129. Retribution was swift; one of the escorts, HMS Gentian depth charged and damaged the U-boat sufficiently to force her return to La Pallice on 26 May.Her eighth and final patrol was marked with a paucity of targets and an ever-increasing frequency of air attacks; one of which involved a Wellington of 612 Squadron, RAF on 8 September. U-402 was not hit, but the aircraft sustained enough damage to make a safe return to its base questionable.
The first university of Hungary was established in Pécs by Louis I of Hungary in 1367, the letters patent issued by pope Urban V, similar to that of the University of Vienna. The university existed for a few decades, then split into two schools, one of jurisprudence and one of theology in the course of the 15th century. The university was completely discontinued during Ottoman occupation, then restarted in 1785 by Joseph II moving the Royal Academy from Győr to Pecs. In 1802 the Royal Academy was moved back to Győr by the order of Francis I, and higher education was discontinued in Pecs until 1833, when the bishop of Pecs in conjunction with the city senate founded the Pecs Academy, comprising a legal and a philosophical faculty.The modern University of Pécs was founded in 1912, and was originally located in Pozsony (now Bratislava, Slovakia). Following World War I Pozsony became part of the newly formed Czechoslovakia. In 1921, the university moved to Pécs, where it remained to this day. In 1951 the medical faculty was separated from the university, and till 2000 was a separate institution. The university was renamed Janus Pannnonius University in 1982. The present University of Pécs was created on January 1, 2000, via the merger of Janus Pannonius University, the Medical University of Pécs and the Illyés Gyula Teacher Training College of Szekszárd.
Besides the numerous software projects, her CD entitled "KROP3ROM||A9FF" was released by Decibel Records in 1997. A second CD entitled sin(x) was released by 0f0003 in 2000.
ROAR was established as a political party in 1999, and was the first party in the country to describe itself as being ethnically-based. In the 2001 general elections it received 0.9% of the vote, winning a single seat, taken by Dev. For the 2006 elections it formed an alliance with the Guyana Action Party, which received 1.2% of the vote and won one seat.Prior to the 2011 elections many of its members joined the Alliance for Change.
Ballytarsna is a townland in County Tipperary in Ireland. Occupying 104 acres, it is located in the civil parish of Newchapel in the barony of Iffa and Offa East in the poor law union of Clonmel.
In 1924, Bullock was named by county supervisors to the Women's Court, becoming the first female judge in California above the level of justice of the peace. The cases brought before her often involved women charged with crimes such as prostitution and drug use, as well as men charged with sexual violence and failure to support their families. Committed to the principle that men and women deserved the same punishments and rewards, she held women responsible for the behavior. Her work on behalf of women was sometimes seen as progressive, but she also promoted traditional practices such as corporal punishment.In 1926, following a reorganization of the state judiciary, she became a Los Angeles municipal judge. In 1927, she ran against and beat a male opponent to retain her position. In 1928, she ran for superior court but lost. In 1931, Republican governor James Rolph, Jr. appointed her to a vacant seat on the court, making Bullock the second woman in the country to sit on a court of general jurisdiction. She was repeatedly reelected to her seat in elections in 1932, 1938, 1944, and 1950.She retired in 1956.
The German High Seas Fleet, composed of sixteen dreadnoughts, six pre-dreadnoughts and supporting ships, departed the Jade Bight early on the morning of 31 May in an attempt to lure out and destroy a portion of the Grand Fleet. The High Seas Fleet sailed in concert with Rear Admiral Franz von Hipper's five battlecruisers. The Royal Navy's Room 40 had intercepted and decrypted German radio traffic containing plans of the operation. In response the Admiralty ordered the Grand Fleet, totalling some 28 dreadnoughts and 9 battlecruisers, to sortie the night before to cut off and destroy the High Seas Fleet.On 31 May, Neptune, under the command of Captain Vivian Bernard, was assigned to the 5th Division of the 1st BS and was the nineteenth ship from the head of the battle line after deployment. During the first stage of the general engagement, the ship fired two salvos from her main guns at a barely visible battleship at 18:40. Around the time that the High Seas Fleet was reversing course beginning at 18:55 to re-engage the Grand Fleet, Neptune fired one salvo at the crippled light cruiser SMS Wiesbaden with unknown effect. After the turn the ships of the 1st BS were the closest ones to the Germans and, at approximately 19:10, she fired four salvos at the battlecruiser SMS Derfflinger, claiming two hits, although neither can be confirmed. Shortly afterwards, the ship fired her main and secondary guns at enemy destroyers without result and then had to turn away to dodge three torpedoes. This was the last time Neptune fired her guns during the battle. She expended a total of 48 twelve-inch shells (21 high explosive and 27 common pointed, capped) and 48 shells from her four-inch guns during the battle.
1942 was the first Capcom title to spawn a successful series of sequels, with five titles in the 19XX line released from 1987 to 2000. Many of Capcom's other vertical shooters featured very similar gameplay, such as Varth: Operation Thunderstorm.It was re-released in Capcom Generations 1 for the PlayStation and Saturn consoles. It was featured in the Capcom Classics Collection for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox, as well as Capcom Classics Collection: Reloaded for the PlayStation Portable. The arcade version was added to the Wii Virtual Console in Japan on December 21, 2010, the PAL an North American regions in January 2011. It was also re-released for Windows Mobile Professional.1942: Joint Strike was released for Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network in 2008. 1942: First Strike was released for iOS in 2010.The game series has sold a total of 1.4 million units worldwide as of December 31, 2018, and stands as Capcom's 18th best-selling franchise.
Two decades after Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989, he outlined the design issues of what later became the Solid project in drafts he wrote for the World Wide Web Consortium. Berners-Lee became increasingly dismayed at seeing his invention being abused, such as when Russian hackers allegedly interfered with the 2016 US elections, when the Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal became public, when Facebook in 2012 conducted psychological experiments on nearly 700,000 users in secret, and when Google and Amazon applied for patents on devices that listen for emotional changes in human voices.Berners-Lee felt that the Internet was in need of repair and conceived the Solid project as a first step to fix it, as a way to give individual users full control over usage of their data. The Solid project is available to anyone to join and contribute, although Berners-Lee advises that people without coding skills should instead advocate publicly for changing the Internet.In 2015, MIT received a gift from Mastercard to support the development of Solid. Berners-Lee's research team collaborated with the Qatar Computing Research Institute and Oxford University on Solid.In 2018, Berners-Lee took a sabbatical from MIT to launch a commercial venture based on Solid, named Inrupt. The company's mission is to "to provide commercial energy and an ecosystem to help protect the integrity and quality of the new web built on Solid."
Gross died on November 16, 2015 in Oceanside, California from cancer at the age of 70. Gross is survived by his son, Director of Photography Dylan Goss, daughter Gina, and grandchildren Luke, Oliver and Lou-Andrea.
Kent R. Weaver argues that most scholars cite the Social Security Act of 1935 as the origin of the American welfare state. That reform enacted a wide expanse of services for the poor and financially stressed, including unemployment benefits, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (later replaced in by the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program under the Clinton administration), retirement income stipends, subsidized housing, and many others.Scholars such as June Axinn and Mark J. Stern (2007) estimate that the Social Security Act of 1935 and the newly institutionalized programs accompanying the New Deal increased the capacity to find employment, avoid starvation, and secure some form of affordable housing. Furthermore, economist Robert Cohen (1973) estimated that the New Deal sparked a reduction in unemployment from 20% to 15% by the end of the 1940s.Stanley Feldman and John Zaller (1992) cite a number of economists and political historians who opposed government-based aid, because such critics credit the economic stimulus during World War II as the true solution to the unemployment and poverty of the Great Depression. During the war, American industries began to produce military weapons, food, and other material needs for the troops. The new economic incentive, in addition to a net export and an influx in gold, reduced interest rates, increased investments, and sparked job growth. Christine Romber (1992) and various other economic historians began to criticize the New Deal as the cause for unnecessary and unjustified reliance on government programs.However, Jerold Rusk (2008), a political scientist, recognizes a consensus among economic, history, and political scholars, which acknowledges that the effects of the New Deal are difficult to separate from the effects of World War II, which prevents any legitimate conclusion from being drawn on the debate.In the early 1960s, President Johnson began his War on Poverty by introducing many new elements to welfare, including Medicare, Medicaid, increases in subsidized public housing, and more. David Frum (2002) believed such increases in government programs were counterproductive and found positive correlations between government aid and those who could not stay above the poverty line without such aid. Frum concluded that welfare bred dependence on the government.During the Johnson administration, a sociologist, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, published a study on the impacts of welfare on behavior during the 1960s. His report, The Negro Family: The Case for National Action (1965), is commonly referred to as the "Moynihan Report."The Moynihan Report advocates for increased welfare for poor black families but that welfare does not empower the destitute to find solutions to their financial troubles. Moynihan stated, "The breakdown of the negro family has led to a startling increase in welfare dependency." Welfare, although helpful, was a reactive measure failing to address the true roots of poverty. Moynihan concluded that more proactive means to empower black families include the promotion of vocational training and a value in education.Johnson's precedent for increasing welfare benefits hit its pinnacle in the late 1970s under President Jimmy Carter when Temporary Assistance to Needy Family (TANF) recipients were receiving $238 a month, adjusted for inflation. According to the Census Bureau, a strong correlation with poverty reduction is noted, suggesting a link between welfare and empowerment. Poverty dropped from 23% of the population to 12% during the Johnson years. Poverty did not see an increase again until 1982 with 15% of Americans facing poverty, two years after welfare programs experienced serious cuts under President Ronald Reagan.However, the findings are not without their criticisms. According to the US Census Bureau, poverty had already begun to decrease before Johnson passed the Equal Opportunity Act. Additionally, unemployment reached some of its lowest rates in history under President Dwight Eisenhower near the end of the 1950s. Before Eisenhower left office, unemployment was estimated to be less than 5%.In 1986, Lawrence Mead introduced a series of studies on welfare culture. Mead compared changes in income levels and welfare benefits across urban dwellers from the 1960s through the 1980s. Mead's studies suggest that over half of all welfare recipients will not need to stay on welfare for more than 10 years, but only 12% will be off welfare in less than 3 years. Mead concludes that welfare has demonstrated some proven effects for helping impoverished families meet their basic needs and find employment, thus acting as a tool for empowerment. However, Mead acknowledges that the welfare system can do better. Mead believes welfare culture could breed empowerment more effectively if mandatory participation in education/job training programs were required for welfare recipients.
In addition to his many appearances in his solo work and starring in his play, Talk Radio, Bogosian has also starred in Stephen Adly Guirgis' The Last Days of Judas Iscariot directed by Philip Seymour Hoffman (LAByrinth) and Donald Margulies' Time Stands Still directed by Daniel Sullivan (Manhattan Theater Club/Broadway).
The WPI Wireless Association is regarded as the first College Amateur Radio Club to be on the air. Founded in 1909, by Oliver B. Jacobs and a group of 40 other men, the club has a historically significant role in the early age of wireless communications both in the United States and the world. The Wireless Association was one of the first 12 stations heard by Paul Godely, an American who went to Scotland to conduct the first Transatlantic Tests, when stations in America and Scotland tried to hear each other across the Atlantic Ocean.
The purpose of the Forum is to facilitate dialogue on critical issues in teacher education among the leadership of African faculties of education.
Girls play soccer at school. Most of these school based players are not counted as registered soccer players.
Rosita was founded in late 1872 by prospectors attracted by discoveries of silver. The town was composed of tents and log cabins, but soon had stores, carpenters, a hotel, saloon, blacksmith shop, and an assayer. By 1874 the town had more than a thousand residents and 400 buildings. A U.S. post office opened in 1874, and in September 1874 the Rosita Index began as a weekly newspaper. Rosita took the seat of Custer County away from Ula (now also a ghost town) in 1878.Despite some rich strikes in the Pocahantas and Humboldt mines, the silver veins around Rosita ran out of ore in a few years. In the early 1880s, Rosita was surpassed by the nearby mining towns of Querida and Silver Cliff. After a bitter four-year fight, Silver Cliff took the county seat from Rosita in the 1886 election, and Rosita declined further. The U.S. post office was closed in 1966. ZIP code 81252 now serves Rosita, but mail must be addressed to Westcliffe.Rosita gained brief publicity in 1875 when the Pocahontas Mining War occurred in October of that year. Two men from out of state, Walter Stuart and J. R. Boyd, came to Rosita, promising to establish a bank. They soon claimed ownership of the Pocahontas Mine. The mine was taken over and occupied by men hired by Boyd and Stewart, and who were led by a former Civil War officer and ex inmate, Major George W. Graham. Graham came to town vowing revenge on certain townspeople. He had escaped from the Colorado Territorial Prison in 1874 and was recaptured by several men near Rosita. On October 11, 1875, Graham shot Pringle in the foot. Early the next morning a mob of townsmen went to the Pocahontas Mine to confront Graham, who then begged to be let go. The men told Graham to turn and run, and as he did, the mob emptied their guns into his back. That same day a coroner's inquest showed he had taken 36 balls to his body. He was placed in a five dollar coffin and taken by wagon to be buried outside of town. No one was ever charged with his murder.
The station has no station building, no ticket machines and no staff. Each platform has waiting shelters, with seating available on only one side (towards Liverpool) and a phone available on the opposite platform that takes only debit or credit cards, not cash (towards Manchester). Step-free access is available to both platforms via ramps from the road below. Train running information can be obtained from timetable posters and by phone.
Rockville is served by Montgomery County Public Schools. Public high schools in Rockville include Thomas S. Wootton High School, Richard Montgomery High School, and Rockville High School. Prior to integration in 1961, black students were educated at George Washington Carver High School in Rockville.Private schools located in Rockville include the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School, the Melvin J. Berman Hebrew Academy and the Montrose Christian School.
Social gerontology is a multi-disciplinary sub-field that specializes in studying or working with older adults. Social gerontologists may have degrees or training in social work, nursing, psychology, sociology, demography, public health, or other social science disciplines. Social gerontologists are responsible for educating, researching, and advancing the broader causes of older people.Because issues of life span and life extension need numbers to quantify them, there is an overlap with demography. Those who study the demography of the human life span differ from those who study the social demographics of aging.
Le Destroit (also known as Districtum, Horvat Qarta, or Khirbat Dustrey) is a ruined medieval fortress, built by the Crusaders in the early 12th century CE, located near the town of Atlit, Israel.
Calvano is a defender with Italian citizenship who made 13 Campeonato Brasileiro Série A appearances for Botafogo before moving to Europe.
A novel, The Praying Nun, is set in Clifton bay. It details the original 1980s discovery of the José Paquete Africa and dramatizes the sinking event with historical accuracy.
Albums produced by David Kahne
Euro short-term rate (€STR) is a reference rate for the currency euro. The €STR is calculated by the European Central Bank (ECB) and is based on the money market statistical reporting of the Eurosystem.
Jaffe is the daughter of Ukrainian immigrants who fled Russia during World World I. As a child in White Plains, New York, Jaffe was drawn to the sciences, particularly astronomy and geology. In an interview she states, "I fell in love with biology and decided in high school that I was going to become a doctor." She received her undergraduate degree from Cornell University, and completed her medical education at the University of Pennsylvania in the late 1960s, where she was one of only five women in a class of more than 100 medical students.In her second year of medical school, she met and married her husband Michael Evan Jaffe, then a law student. Jaffe and her husband have two sons, Greg—an award-winning journalist at The Washington Post, formerly a reporter at the Wall Street Journal—and Caleb—a law professor at the University of Virginia Law School, formerly the director of the Virginia office of the Southern Environmental Law Center in Charlottesville, Virginia.Jaffe, her husband and first child moved to the Washington, D.C. area, where the Jaffe's second son was born. Jaffe took a residency position at Georgetown University and worked primarily in anatomic pathology. After a year at Georgetown, Jaffe entered an NCI residency program. Jaffe's early research at NCI helped replace purely descriptive classifications with those based on immunology which helped in the development process leading to today's disease-specific therapies. Jaffe and her fellow NCI researchers showed that red blood cells coated with antibody and erythrocyte-antibody-complement (EAC) adhered to B-cell areas, proving they were lymphocytes derived from the lymphoid follicles.
On 17 January 2013 Sueliton joined Criciúma EC. After appearing regularly during the Campeonato Catarinense (with his side finishing first), he made his Série A debut on 7 July, starting in a 2–3 away loss against Atlético Mineiro.Sueliton scored his first goal in the main category of Brazilian football on 18 August, but in a 1–2 loss at Atlético Paranaense. He finished the campaign with 27 appearances and two goals, as his side narrowly avoided relegation.
All programming languages use manual techniques to determine when to allocate a new object from the free store. C uses the malloc function; C++ and Java use the new operator; and many other languages (such as Python) allocate all objects from the free store. Determination of when an object ought to be created (object creation) is generally trivial and unproblematic, though techniques such as object pools mean an object may be created before immediate use. The fundamental issue is object destruction – determination of when an object is no longer needed (i.e. is garbage), and arranging for its underlying storage to be returned to the free store for re-use. In manual memory allocation, this is also specified manually by the programmer; via functions such as free() in C, or the delete operator in C++ – this contrasts with automatic destruction of objects held in automatic variables, notably (non-static) local variables of functions, which are destroyed at the end of their scope in C and C++.
New College is rated among the best schools of theology, philosophical theology, and religious studies in the UK, according to the most recent national Research Excellence Framework.
After fighting breast cancer and having multiple surgical operations, she conceded to the disease and halted treatment in 1995. She died in 2000 in Copenhagen, survived by her three children, and is interred in Garnisons Cemetery.
In April 2004, Lanegan released an EP with former Belle & Sebastian vocalist Isobel Campbell, titled Time Is Just the Same. They would later release a single entitled "Ramblin' Man" for their collaboration album Ballad of the Broken Seas. Campbell wrote and recorded the majority of the album's tracks in Glasgow, with Lanegan adding vocals in Los Angeles. The record was well received by critics who likened the duo to Nick Cave and Kylie Minogue.In addition to providing vocals, Lanegan also wrote the track "Revolver" with Campbell. The album was nominated for the 2006 Mercury Prize. Lanegan and Campbell played four UK concerts in January 2007, with the London date being moved to a larger venue as a result of high demand for tickets. When making the decision to make a follow-up to Ballad of the Broken Seas, Campbell reflected:It was because he kinda disappeared for a year but in my heart I wanted to do another one because as soon as we'd finished Ballad of the Broken Seas I was writing new songs and I was like; "Oh God, I've got to get Mark to sing these."After a concert with Lanegan in January 2007, Campbell asked Lanegan if he would consider making a new album, Lanegan replied: "in a heartbeat". This time Lanegan flew to Glasgow to record the new album at the end of March for nine days to record the songs Campbell had written. After working with Lanegan, Campbell remarked: "It is his classic, effortless American voice that I love". She added "I think I was playing about with that a lot so there's a few of what Mark would call raunchy songs and a few ballads too". The album, Sunday at Devil Dirt, was released on May 5, 2008 with the track "Who Built the Road" being the only single released from it.A third collaborative album with Campbell was released on August 16, 2010 entitled Hawk. The pair toured to promote the album, including a set at All Tomorrow's Parties, December 10–12, 2010 (Bowlie 2) curated by Belle & Sebastian and shows in Australia in 2011. By the end of the tour the duo had ceased to function and each went their separate ways.
Moriah is an Unincorporated community in southeastern Person County, North Carolina, south of Surl, and east-southeast of Timberlake.
The diet of the glossy ibis is variable according to the season and is very dependent on what is available. Prey includes adult and larval insects such as aquatic beetles, dragonflies, damselflies, grasshoppers, crickets, flies and caddisflies, Annelida including leeches, molluscs (e.g. snails and mussels), crustaceans (e.g. crabs and crayfish) and occasionally fish, amphibians, lizards, small snakes and nestling birds.
Gay Times is published monthly in the United Kingdom and United States, and includes celebrity interviews, fashion, news, features, music, film, style and travel. Gay Times also features an online site as well as social promotion channels under the brandname.The magazine is published by Gay Times Ltd. The current CEO of Gay Times Ltd. is Tag Warner, who was appointed in January 2019.
In April 2019, Land Ports Authority of India, National Highways Authority of India and Ceigall India Ltd started construction on Indian side of the corridor. An Integrated checkpost (ICP), 3.5 km four-lane highway and a 100-metre bridge at Dera Baba Nanak was constructed in October 2019. Pakistan constructed the roadways, a 800 meter bridge over the River Ravi and an immigration office on its side.
Working memory capacity is correlated with learning outcomes in literacy and numeracy. Initial evidence for this relation comes from the correlation between working-memory capacity and reading comprehension, as first observed by Daneman and Carpenter (1980) and confirmed in a later meta-analytic review of several studies. Subsequent work found that working memory performance in primary school children accurately predicted performance in mathematical problem solving. One longitudinal study showed that a child's working memory at 5 years old is a better predictor of academic success than IQ.In a large-scale screening study, one in ten children in mainstream classrooms were identified with working memory deficits. The majority of them performed very poorly in academic achievements, independent of their IQ. Similarly, working memory deficits have been identified in national curriculum low-achievers as young as seven years of age. Without appropriate intervention, these children lag behind their peers. A recent study of 37 school-age children with significant learning disabilities has shown that working memory capacity at baseline measurement, but not IQ, predicts learning outcomes two years later. This suggests that working memory impairments are associated with low learning outcomes and constitute a high risk factor for educational underachievement for children. In children with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, ADHD, and developmental coordination disorder, a similar pattern is evident.
The development of Clinton Avenue from northern boundary of the city of Albany to densely developed urban residential area closely parallels the city's growth during the district's period of significance (1820–1931) in response to changes in its economy. It begins with the creation of Clinton Square and ends with the construction of the Palace Theatre at that same intersection.
Roseline started her career as a professional model in 2003, after being inspired by a biography written about Cindy Crawford. During her career, Roseline has done work for well-known brands such as Chanel, Bvlgari, Cartier, Gucci, Guess, Armani, FerrAgamo, Versace, Bottega Veneta, Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs, Chloe, agnès b., UPS and Qingdao Beer. She has also served as the brand spokesperson in Shanghai for the Shangri-La Hotel Jade 36 Bar. Roseline has participated in the 2012 New York Fashion Week New York Spring/Summer Fashion Week, the 2011 Shanghai Fashion Week, the China 2006 Fashion Week, the 2005 Singapore Fashion week and been a red carpet or VIP guest for a variety of brands such as Ferrari, Mercedes, Vertu and Coca-Cola. She earned second place in the 2003 Shanghai International Model Finals while still in high school, was the winner of the 2004 5th CCTV Model Competition for the Hefei Region, and 3rd runner-up overall in China for the 2004 5th CCTV Model Competition National Finals. She also walked for Dior. Roseline competed in reality television series The Face which aired on Oxygen. She was the last standing member on the team of Naomi Campbell, and finished as a runner-up.
Mannion was born on 16 May 1918 in South Bank, the son of Irish immigrants Tommy and Mary Mannion, and one of 10 children.
The two teams would meet at the Azadi Stadium again, this time in the Round of 16 of the Hazfi Cup. This time, however, both teams had been through a very lackluster season as they both changed coaches twice during the regular season. Sepahan and Persepolis finished 4th and 5th respectively in the IPL, which meant a very underachieving season for both teams.Persepolis would take an early lead on a 12th minute cracker by Maziar Zare. Since then, the game became more lively as both teams created numerous chances. Zare also missed a golden opportunity to double his goal tally and Persepolis' lead after missing a penalty kick. In second half stoppage time, Sepahan captain Moharram Navidkia also squandered a tailor-made opportunity by firing over the bar from just a few yards out. Persepolis would go on to the quarterfinals, where they went down 2–1 to Pas Hamedan.The aftermath of this game was very ironic in the sense that Sepahan, despite crashing out of the Hazfi Cup, would still qualify for the AFC Champions League because neighbors Zob Ahan, who finished second (among the top three) in the IPL, won the Hazfi Cup, which gave 4th placed Sepahan qualification to the AFC Champions League. Persepolis, however, had nothing to show for their efforts after having a more expensive squad than last season, when they won the IPL.
Jimmy Choux was retired to Rich Hill Stud in Matamata, where he stood for a service fee of $10,000.In 2019 Jimmy Choux was sold to Rosalee Park Stud in Serpentine, Western Australia.
In 2012, Saulsberry received a second nomination from the 44th NAACP Image Awards committee in the category of Outstanding Actor in a Daytime Drama Series for his role of Anthony on "The Bold and the Beautiful".In 2011, Saulsberry received a nomination from the 42nd NAACP Image Awards committee in the category of Outstanding Actor in a Daytime Drama Series for his role of Anthony on The Bold and the Beautiful.Saulsberry played the lead role in the Academy Award-winning short film Violet (1981).
Rhodes signed with the Oakland Athletics after the 2003 season. A's manager Ken Macha first used him as a closer after years as a successful setup man in Seattle, but he failed in this capacity with a number of blown saves and was traded to the Pittsburgh Pirates, along with Mark Redman and cash for catcher Jason Kendall and cash after the one season with the Athletics.
De Ycaza had a golden age, in which she recorded various musical themes such as “Todo me recuerda a ti”, “Dime si me quieres”, el gran éxito “Sueña”, “Solo”, “Juntos” (with Dindi), “Volverte a ver” (with Myla Vox), “Navidad es” (her own version) and her latest hit, "Bienvenido a mi vida".After getting pregnant with her first daughter, de Ycaza moved away from music and married her partner Jorge Fernández. De Ycaza lived for a long time in Nicaragua, and on her return to Panama, revealed that she was still producing music from Nicaragua.
The first Festival was held Cosquín between 21 and 29 January 1961. The initiative came from a group of city residents led by Dr. Reinaldo Wisner and Dr. Alejandro Guinder, who decided to organize a folklore music and culture show during the summer holidays, in order to attract tourism. The presence of renowned artists from around the country exceeded all expectations, and the festival became the largest annual folk event in the country, as well as one of the most important in Latin America.The Cosquín Festival unfolded into a boom of folklore music in the 1960s and '70s, becoming the nation's best-known venue for the characteristic music of the Argentine hinterland (i.e. the country with the exception of the city of Buenos Aires, whose music has traditionally been the tango). Cosquín prompted a renewal of the powerful local folk music among younger listeners in particular, and has persisted in the Argentine musical scene since.Its organizers then had the good sense to organize Cosquín Festival, not only as a musical competition, but as an integral folk experience, centered on the famous "peñas" outside the official event in which musicians from all backgrounds sing all night, until the candles do not burn". In 1997 the attendees to the festival were estimated in 600,000.Since the second edition of the festival in 1962, the important Radio Belgrano of Buenos Aires and a network of stations nationwide, began broadcasting Nine Cosquín Moons live, familiarizing millions of listeners in the far-flung country to the festival. After the success of the third edition, President José María Guido, by Decree 1547/63, designated the last week of January as National Folklore Week, and established its headquarters at Cosquín.Since then the festival has grown in Cosquín national and international repercussions. The Organization of American States (OAS) decided to become a sponsor in recognition of the festival's importance to the culture of the Americas. The Museum of Mankind in Paris has filmed and recorded the festival's multifaceted popular expressions. In Germany, the city of Stuttgart has given the name "Cosquín" to one of its stages, and in 1981, the Japanese city of Kawamata began organizing a festival called "Cosquín en Japón", held annually in October.Julio Mahárbiz, the festival's master of ceremonies since 1963, became known for his call at each of the opening nights of the festival's seasons: aquiii Cosquíííínnnn ("Here, Cosquín!"), the inspiration for which Mahárbiz attributed to a style used by a popular football sportscaster at the time, Fioravanti.In 1967, renowned guitarist Atahualpa Yupanqui won the first prize at the festival and in 1972, a newly completed stage was named in his honor. A feature documentary on the festival, Mire que lindo es mi país (My Country's Beautiful) was produced in 1981. From 1984, on the occasion of the 24th Festival of Cosquín, the public television station Argentina Televisora Color (ATC, now Channel 7), began broadcasting live throughout the country the first two hours of eachmoon, thus helping popularize the event among television viewers.Throughout its history Cosquín has been the definitive place to leverage the success of the most important artists of the folk music of Argentina, including Mercedes Sosa, León Gieco, Víctor Heredia, Eduardo Falú, Los Chalchaleros, Los Fronterizos, Los Cantores del Alba, Los Cuatro de Córdoba, Los Tucu Tucu, Los de Salta, Julia Elena Dávalos, Ramona Galarza, María Ofelia, Soledad Pastorutti, Argentino Luna, Gustavo Leguizamón, Antonio Tormo, and, among many others, comic narrator Luis Landriscina and Los Indios Tacunau, a duo who became known for their rousing rendition of the patriotic San Lorenzo march.In 2001, a new arena was completed, with a 50 meter-long stage totaling and 830 m² in surface area. The stage can rotate 180 degrees to expedite the schedule of performances.With this infrastructure, Cosquín currently has one of the largest stages in Latin America. In total, the amphitheater has a capacity of nearly 10,000 spectators, of whom 7,800 sitting in the seats of the central field, and 2,000 people are located on both side galleries.The Atahualpa Yupanqui Stage is located on Prospero Molina Square. This site was named after one of the founders of Cosquín, who lived between 1827 and 1889.
Ellis was the head coach of the United States under-21 women's national football teams, coaching a team to win the Nordic Cup title at Germany 2000 and to Sweden's 2005 Nordic Cup. In another stint as youth team's head coach, she guided the U.S. under-20 women’s national team to the CONCACAF title in 2010 and to the FIFA U-20 Women's World Cup in Germany.
In 2011, a project called the Spoken English Skills and Capacity Building Training programme was introduced in four districts of Bihar state for high-school teachers employed by the government. British Lingua was also commissioned by the Government of Bihar to implement the first Spoken English Skills project for Dalit and Mahadalit youths with an aim to enhance their employability skills and lifestyles.The Government of Delhi also used the services of British Lingua for the 2010 Commonwealth Games to train the Delhi Home Guards in spoken English and behavioural skills.
Nayobe Catalina Gomez, known professionally Nayobe (born 1968 in Brooklyn, New York) is a U.S. singer of Afro-Cuban heritage and freestyle dance-pop musician. Her most successful singles are "Good Things Come to Those Who Wait", "Second Chance for Love" and "It's Too Late," which reached positions # 15, # 30 and # 5 on the Billboard Hot Dance Club Songs.
Hambach is located in the Anterior Palatinate on the eastern slope of the Haardt and on the west side of the Upper Rhine Plain, approximately 150 to 300 m above NHN; the old townhall has an altitude of 182 m. The central city of Neustadt an der Weinstraße joins in the North-East and the Diedesfeld district is located in the South.
The main source for the reigns of both Nikephoros I and Staurakios come from Theophanes' Chronographia, which was tainted by Theophanes' hatred of both men. Although many historians believe that both Nikephoros I and Staurakios have been falsely portrayed as malevolent, few other sources exist for their reign. Most other sources take the form of short references, which provide little insight, and tend to be riddled with errors, especially the Syriac Chronicle 754–813 AD. Because of the brevity of Staurakios' reign, and the weakness and bias of the sources, much of his life is unknown. Staurakios reigned only two months and eight days, and was therefore unable to leave a mark on the empire as his father had done. Hints from the Chronographia suggest that Staurakios wielded strategic understanding, and perhaps that Staurakios was as strong-willed as his father, but his character is otherwise unknown.
From 2013 to early 2018, Marshall dated PWBA bowler Danielle McEwan. The two initially met when both were members of Junior Team USA, but did not officially become a couple until representing Team USA at an event in Bangkok, Thailand. After five years of dating, McEwan and Kent went their separate ways for unspecified personal reasons.
The 1886 version is the same as the 1881 version but includes a number of changes made by Bruckner while preparing a score of the symphony for Anton Seidl, who took it with him to New York City. This version was published in an edition by Nowak in 1953, based on the original copyist's score, which was rediscovered in 1952 and is now in the collection of Columbia University. In the title of Nowak's publication, it was confusingly described as the "1878-1880 version". It was performed in New York by Seidl on 4 April 1888.
The increase in production due to the flying shuttle exceeded the capacity of the spinning industry of the day, and prompted development of powered spinning machines, beginning with the spinning jenny and the waterframe, and culminating in the spinning mule, which could produce strong, fine thread in the quantities needed. These innovations transformed the textile industry in Great Britain. All were attacked as threats to the livelihood of spinners and weavers, and Kay's patent was largely ignored. It is often incorrectly written that Kay was attacked and fled to France, but in fact he simply moved there to attempt to rent out his looms, a business model that had failed him in England.The flying shuttle produced a new source of injuries to the weaving process; if deflected from its path, it could be shot clear of the machine, potentially striking workers. Turn-of-the-century injury reports abound with instances in which eyes were lost or other injuries sustained and, in several instances (for example, an extended exchange in 1901), the British House of Commons was moved to take up the issue of installing guards and other contrivances to reduce these injuries.
The official logo for DP is a lion and as follows:
In January 2015, Joey Badass was arrested and charged with assault for allegedly breaking a security guard's nose before performing at the Falls Festival in Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia.
Woolston has become a retail hub in recent times. Attractions such as the Tannery has visitor numbers at an all-time high, pumping money into the local economy. The Tannery is a boutique shopping emporium on the banks of the Heathcote River and includes a number of boutique shops, bars, restaurants, and a cinema. Further east, the Woolston Village boasts around-again cycles, a brand new supermarket, various takeaways, bars, and restaurants.
Pollock was 19 when he was selected for the 1963–64 South African cricket team's tour of Australia. He had a disappointing start to the tour, making 1 and 0 against Western Australia, dismissed twice by McKenzie. He recovered in the next match scoring 127 not out against a Western Australia Combined XI. He made his Test debut at the Gabba in Brisbane making 25 in a rain-interrupted match before again being dismissed by McKenzie. The match was an infamous one with the Australian bowler Ian Meckiff no-balled for throwing, effectively ending his career. Pollock was not successful in the Second Test at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, making 16 and 2 as South Africa were heavily defeated by eight wickets.Pollock's performances in the first two Tests of the series raised questions over the youngster's place, but, in the third Test in Sydney, Pollock made 122 in South Africa’s first innings. Bradman commented: "Next time you decide to play like that, send me a telegram". At 19 years and 317 days he became the youngest South African to score a Test century, a record that still stands. In Adelaide, in the fourth Test, Pollock and Eddie Barlow shared a South African third-wicket record partnership of 341; Pollock hitting 175 and Barlow 201. South Africa won the Test by 10 wickets to level the series 1–1. Pollock finished his maiden series with 399 runs to his name, at an average of 57.00. During Pollock's innings of 17 in the drawn fifth Test, he suffered an injury which resulted in him missing the first two Tests of the New Zealand tour which followed.
The Chapel of St. Basil is a chapel on the campus of the University of St. Thomas in Houston, TX, designed by Philip Johnson in 1997.
Liverpool opened up the month of April of the fourth as they took on Manchester City at Anfield in the first leg of the Champions League quarter-finals. The Reds got off to a flying start with goals from Salah in the 12th, Oxlade-Chamberlain off a brilliant effort from outside the box in the 21st, and finally Mane in the 31st. The Reds finished with a comfortable 3–0 victory and for the second time this season defeated City at home. In between the first and second legs, Liverpool traveled across the river to take on Merseyside rivals Everton at Goodison Park on 7 April. The affair ended 0–0, with the best effort coming from Yannick Bolasie, who tried a curling effort only for it to be saved well by Karius. The Reds could not find a goal, and their opportunity to go second in the table was missed. Up next was the second leg of the quarter-finals at the Etihad against Manchester City on 10 April. City needed at least three goals, and they found one almost immediately from Gabriel Jesus in just the second minute. The Reds seemed slightly wobbled, and chances from Bernardo Silva and a goal ruled offside from Leroy Sane highlighted that. Following the half, however, with City manager Pep Guardiola sent to the stands during the break, Liverpool found their away goal in the 56th from Salah, and another in the 77th from Firmino. The Reds would win 1–2 and advance 5–1 on aggregate to the semi-finals. Liverpool returned home to Anfield to take on Bournemouth on 14 April, and they celebrated their advancement with a strong 3–0 showing. The goals came from Mane in the 7th, Salah in the 69th, and Firmino with a 90th minute addition to the scoreline. Next came a match with bottom-place West Brom on 21 April. The Baggies, coming off a victory at Manchester United to clinch the title in favor of Manchester City, had already forced Liverpool to drop points at Anfield and defeated them in the FA Cup. Liverpool found another early goal through Danny Ings, his first since the final match of Brendan Rodgers' tenure as Liverpool manager. Salah added another in the 72nd, and the Reds seemed on their way to all three points. However, a 79th-minute goal from Jake Livermore and an 88th-minute leveler from Salomón Rondón to make it 2–2 meant the points would be shared. Liverpool could not dwell on this result as the final European night at Anfield was on deck on 24 April in the Champions League semi-finals against A.S. Roma. The first key action of the game was not a goal, but rather an injury as Oxlade-Chamberlain went down with what was eventually ruled as a knee ligament injury. The Reds could not find a breakthrough until a sparkling 36th-minute effort from Salah against his former team put the Reds ahead. Salah added another in the first minute of added time of the first half and the Reds carried a 2–0 lead into the second half. The Reds would not stop as Mane added a third in the 56th and Firmino had an eight-minute double to make the lead 5–0. Roma, however, got two key away goals back through Edin Džeko in the 81st and Diego Perotti from the penalty spot after a James Milner handball in the 85th. Regardless, the Reds walked away with a 5–2 and the driver's seat of the second leg. The next day, the club would announce that Oxlade-Chamberlain was set to miss the remainder of the season as well as the 2018 World Cup for England. The final fixture of the month was at Anfield against 19th place Stoke City on 28 April. Liverpool had the best of the chances: a Salah miss on a one-on-one with the keeper in the fifth, an Ings effort ruled out for offside in the 40th, and a controversial potential handball on Erik Pieters in the 87th, but neither team could find the net and the final score was 0–0.
MIRR is calculated as follows:, where n is the number of equal periods at the end of which the cash flows occur (not the number of cash flows), PV is present value (at the beginning of the first period), FV is future value (at the end of the last period).The formula adds up the negative cash flows after discounting them to time zero using the external cost of capital, adds up the positive cash flows including the proceeds of reinvestment at the external reinvestment rate to the final period, and then works out what rate of return would cause the magnitude of the discounted negative cash flows at time zero to be equivalent to the future value of the positive cash flows at the final time period.Spreadsheet applications, such as Microsoft Excel, have inbuilt functions to calculate the MIRR. In Microsoft Excel this function is "=MIRR(...)".
He appeared in NASCAR Thunder 2004 as an unlockable driver in a car numbered 36.
Early colonial administrations were anxious to address the gender imbalance in the population brought about by the importation of large numbers of convict men. The first attempt to redress this balance was in 1777, with the voyage of the Lady Juliana, a chartered ship to carry only female convicts to NSW, but which became notorious on the trip and was nicknamed "the floating brothel" Between 1788 and 1792, around 3546 male to 766 female convicts were landed at Sydney. Women came to play an important role in education and welfare during colonial times. Governor Macquarie's wife, Elizabeth Macquarie took an interest in convict women's welfare. Her contemporary Elizabeth Macarthur was noted for her 'feminine strength' in assisting the establishment of the Australian merino wool industry during her husband John Macarthur's enforced absence from the colony following the Rum Rebellion.The Catholic Sisters of Charity arrived in 1838 and set about providing pastoral care in a women's prison, visiting hospitals and schools and establishing employment for convict women. They established hospitals in four of the eastern states, beginning with St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney in 1857 as a free hospital for all people, but especially for the poor. Caroline Chisholm (1808–1877) established a migrant women's shelter and worked for women's welfare in the colonies in the 1840s. Her humanitarian efforts later won her fame in England and great influence in achieving support for families in the colony. Sydney's first Catholic bishop, John Bede Polding founded an Australian order of nuns—the Sisters of the Good Samaritan—in 1857 to work in education and social work. The Sisters of St Joseph were founded in South Australia by Saint Mary MacKillop and Fr Julian Tenison Woods in 1867. MacKillop travelled throughout Australasia and established schools, convents and charitable institutions. She was canonised by Benedict XVI in 2010, becoming the first Australian to be so honoured by the Catholic Church.
Heywood is a town in the Metropolitan Borough of Rochdale, Greater Manchester, England, and it is unparished. The town and the surrounding countryside contain 18 listed buildings that are recorded in the National Heritage List for England. Of these, two are listed at Grade II*, the middle grade, and the others are at Grade II, the lowest grade. Until the coming of the Industrial Revolution the area was rural, and during the 19th century cotton mills were built. The earliest listed buildings are a house and a farmhouse with farm buildings. The later listed buildings include cotton mills and a chimney, churches and associated structures, a railway warehouse, a library, a house designed by Edgar Wood, and two war memorials.
Elric of Melniboné's wife is kidnapped by chaos beings, spurring him into fateful actions and the recovery of Stormbringer, the demon-sword that often dominates his destiny.
According to the 2011 census of India, Dharmapuri had a population of 3301, of which 1854 were male and 1447 were female. The average sex ratio of the village was 780, which was lower than the Maharashtra state average of 929. The literacy rate was 75.53% compared to 82.3% for the state. Male literacy rate was 85% while female literacy rate was 62%.
His career suffered a serious reverse due to a curious episode in 1329 when the former Chief Baron of the Irish Exchequer, Walter de Islip, was engaged in litigation with one William de London. Grauntsete appeared as advocate for de London: his conduct in appearing as an advocate after his appointment to the Bench was perhaps unique in the history of the common law. He then proceeded to offend the judges by reading out letters of excommunication from the Papal Court. He was charged with attempting to subvert the Royal authority in favour of that of the Pope, deprived of office, imprisoned and fined. King Edward III however soon granted him a royal pardon and he was restored to office.
This duck is indigenous to the southern part of South America, where it is found on freshwater lakes, marshes, shallow lagoons and slow flowing rivers. Vagrants have been observed in South Georgia, South Orkney and the South Shetland Islands.It breeds primarily in Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile. The northern border of the breeding range is in Argentina at 36° S and Chile at 40° S. It also breeds sparingly in the Falkland Islands. It migrates to southeastern Brazil for the winter.It was first introduced to Europe in 1870; it soon bred in zoos.Because the Chiloé wigeon is widely distributed and has a large, stable wild population, it is categorized as least concern by the IUCN.
Ugo Capocchini moved from Barberino Val d'Elsa to Florence where he attended Liceo Artistico and later the Accademia di Belle Arti. He met Pietro Annigoni at the school of the Circolo Degli Artisti.
Mosley was born in Shreveport, Louisiana. He attended Huntington High School from 2003–04 to 2006–07, and as a senior he was named Second-team All-District 1-5A on a team that finished with a 34–6 overall record. The Raiders, as the team was known, was the second-ranked team in Louisiana's Class 5A. During his final high school season, Mosley averaged 9.2 points, 11.3 rebounds 5.2 blocks per game.
Duthoit Point (62°19′S 58°50′W) is a point which forms the eastern tip of Nelson Island, in the South Shetland Islands. The point appears on charts dating back to 1822. It was recharted by Discovery Investigations, 1934–35, and named after Arthur Duthoit, a draftsman in the Admiralty Hydrographic Office at the time.
Kim was a prominent playmaker for the U-23 national team before injuries took their toll. He scored against the Maldives during his five appearances in the 2006 FIFA World Cup qualifiers. He was part of the South Korean 2004 Olympic football team, who finished second in Group A, making it through to the quarter finals, before being defeated by silver medal winners Paraguay. Kim played in all four of South Korea's matches during the tournament. He was one of the 23 Korean footballers who were called by Dick Advocaat, then manager of South Korea for the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany. However, due to the presence of Manchester United's Park Ji-Sung in the same position, Kim had to watch from the sidelines as Korea failed to qualify for the knockout stage.On 14 June 2008, Kim accomplished his first international hat-trick in a 3–1 victory against Turkmenistan in the World Cup qualification stage. Korea advanced to the final qualification stage as a result. He was omitted from the Korean squad for the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, meaning that he would be available for the start of West Bromwich Albion's 2008–09 Premier League campaign.
The Basic Neopet cards are the foundation of the game, and are based upon fictional Neopets taken from the Neopets website, including the species and color of the Neopet. The cards list four abilities or attributes, which are: strength, agility, intelligence, and magic. Each of these is given a value, with a higher number denoting a greater power or skill in a given category. Basic Neopets never have a printed score higher than 10, or lower than 1.
Katrin Koov (born 17 April 1973) is an Estonian architect.Koov was born in Tallinn. She graduated from the Department of Architecture of the Estonian Academy of Arts in 1997. Since 2003, she has worked in the architectural bureau KAVAKAVA OÜ which she co-founded. In 2013, the Government of Estonia presented her with a cultural award for creative achievements in 2012. In 2014, she became the editor of Maja, the Estonian Architectural Review.Notable works by Koov are the Concert Hall of Pärnu, the new sports arena of Pärnu and the new building of the Narva College of the University of Tartu. Koov is a member of the Eesti Arhitektide Liit (the Union of Estonian Architects).
William Stafford (1627–1665) of Blatherwycke, Northamptonshire was an English politician.He was born the 3rd son of William Stafford (d.1637) of Blatherwycke and succeeded his brother in 1644.He was elected a Member (MP) of the Parliament of England for Stamford on 6 April 1661, sitting until his death in 1665.He married Margaret, the daughter of Sir John Corbet, 1st Baronet of Stoke, Shropshire and left a surviving son and 2 daughters.
His early work owes a debt to Stuart C. Dodd and George A. Lundberg, sociologists and psychologists. This group applied quantitative measure, statistical data analyses, and descriptive mathematical models used in the physical sciences to the development of sociology.Another force affected his work: He began his career when the memories of World War II were fresh, and entered into the academic world when the Cold War played a critical role in shaping the United States' political, economic and social atmosphere. Social psychology research added to the knowledge that the United States government and military felt they needed for operating in a new world dynamic (East v. West). For example, the leafleting processes studied by Project Revere were an obvious way to communicate information to a displaced, captive, or isolated population.He maintained a sociological focus during the early 1970s, co-writing an introductory sociology textbook that went into several editions. He co-authored a study of discrimination in university hiring practices, particularly in sociology departments (Wolfe et al., 1973), again with a strong emphasis on statistics and survey methods. However, his focus shifted. With the spread of television, he began to study the mass media. Specifically, he researched the effect of television on children's knowledge of occupational roles, and on the factors that influence the content and output of the American broadcasting systems. He and others established a formal definition of social expectations theory, applied to a model to predict that watching television attunes a viewer to social organization patterns of various groups, even if they "have never been members or never will be". Other works examined the potential relationships forged by mass media between the perception of social problems and their portrayal by the media. He wrote of his suggestion of a cultural norms theory in 1970, an idea that, in his estimation, "provided the foundation for the more comprehensive social expectations theory".In the 1970s and 1980s he continued studies on news diffusion. In reviewing some major studies (DeFleur, 1988), he found that despite emerging technology, word of mouth is still important, and major events that concern a broader population will travel further and faster. His research lead to the creation of the Media Systems Dependency Theory with Sandra Ball-Rokeach in 1976.DeFleur cites his idea (formed with Timothy Plax) of the language-shaping function of the media as one of four theories on how media shape messages, and what that means for social conduct (DeFleur & Ball-Rokeach, 1989). The other three are the meaning-construction function of the press; cultivation theory; the agenda setting function of the press. His transition from "pure" social psychology to mass communication mirrors the growth of this field. His theories, are widely cited in mass communication studies and in general theoretical surveys.He is on the Executive Board of the Center for Global Media Studies at Washington State University, an organization whose motto, "Global Media Cover the World ... We Cover Global Media," connects with the focus of his recent work studying the accuracy of audience recall of news media in a cross-cultural vein (Faccoro & DeFleur, 1993).
The control unit (CU) is a component of the CPU that directs the operation of the processor. It tells the computer's memory, arithmetic and logic unit and input and output devices how to respond to the instructions that have been sent to the processor.It directs the operation of the other units by providing timing and control signals. Most computer resources are managed by the CU. It directs the flow of data between the CPU and the other devices. John von Neumann included the control unit as part of the von Neumann architecture. In modern computer designs, the control unit is typically an internal part of the CPU with its overall role and operation unchanged since its introduction.
Since the Shunzhi Emperor's time, the Qing emperors had identified China and the Qing Empire as the same, and in treaties and diplomatic papers the Qing Empire called itself "China". During the Kangxi and Yongzheng emperors' reigns, "China" (Dulimbai Gurun in Manchu) was used as the name of the Qing Empire in official Manchu language documents, identifying the Qing Empire and China as the same entity, with "Dulimbai Gurun" appearing in 160 official diplomatic papers between the Qing Empire and the Russian Empire. The term "China" was redefined by the Qing emperors to be a multi-ethnic entity which included non-Han Chinese ethnic groups and their territories. China and Qing were noticeably and increasingly equated with each other during the Qianlong Emperor's reign, with the Qianlong Emperor and the Qing government writing poems and documents using both the Chinese name Zhongguo and the Manchu name Dulimbai Gurun. Compared to the reigns of previous Qing emperors such as the Yongzheng and Kangxi emperors, the use of China to refer to the Qing Empire appears most during the Qianlong Emperor's reign, according to scholars who examined documents on Sino-Russian relations.The Yongzheng Emperor spoke out against the claim by anti-Qing rebels that the Qing were only rulers of Manchus and not China, saying "The seditious rebels claim that we are the rulers of Manchus and only later penetrated central China to become its rulers. Their prejudices concerning the division of their and our country have caused many vitriolic falsehoods. What these rebels have not understood is the fact that it is for the Manchus the same as the birthplace is for the people of the central plain. Shun belonged to the Eastern Yi, and King Wen to the Western Yi. Does this fact diminish their virtues?" (在逆賊等之意,徒謂本朝以滿洲之君入為中國之主,妄生此疆彼界之私,遂故為訕謗詆譏之說耳,不知本朝之為滿洲,猶中國之有籍貫,舜為東夷之人,文王為西夷之人,曾何損於聖德乎。
In the 1970s, Lanza and Mulligan teamed up to form The Blackjacks. Lanza was a main-eventer when the duo began teaming together. They were managed by Bobby Heenan.In 1975, they joined the WWWF. On August 26, 1975, The Blackjacks defeated Dominic DeNucci and Pat Barrett for the WWWF World Tag Team Championship. The match was a two-out-of-three falls match, and the Blackjacks won the match by winning the first and third falls. As part of his tenure in WWWF, Vince McMahon promised Lanza that he would receive one World singles title shot a month.
Napier City Rovers won the league/cup double. As the league changed from a club competition to one contested by regional franchises in 2004, they were the last team ever to do so.The Jack Batty Memorial Cup is awarded to the player adjudged to have made to most positive impact in the Chatham Cup final. The winner of the 2008 Jack Batty Memorial Cup was Jimmy Cudd of Napier City Rovers.
Astronaut Colonel Adam Cook (Richard Basehart) crash lands on a strange planet with gravity and atmospheric conditions similar to those of his home world. Most of his equipment is destroyed in the crash and cannot be repaired due to a broken right arm and lack of resources. He contacts his home base, but they have little encouragement for him; there is no replacement spacecraft to rescue him, and his home planet may be at war in a matter of hours. They promise to send instructions on how to repair his ship.From base, General Larrabee (Harold Gould) reports that the enemy attacked and destroyed their entire coast in 12 minutes, after which they retaliated. Those at base will have to move soon, meaning Cook will not have anyone to contact.Cook leaves his ship at night and finds drawn patterns in the dirt. While looking for the source, he is hit by a rock from an unseen source, and knocked unconscious. During this time, General Larrabee sends his last transmission to Cook reporting that the radiation from the attacks will kill any remaining survivors, so Cook can expect no rescue.Upon regaining consciousness, Cook returns to his ship and is startled by a noise coming from a closet. Cook leaves the ship as a gesture showing that he means the alien no harm. A human-like female (Antoinette Bower) emerges from his ship. Not knowing each other's languages, they communicate through sketches in the sand and pantomime. He learns that she is also stranded; her planet left its orbit and she is its sole survivor. Her name is Norda. As they ready to look for food, Cook picks up a stick, which Norda interprets as a threat. She scratches his face and runs.Soon after, Norda returns and expresses remorse for her actions, which Cook happily forgives. They find a more fertile area, which Cook likens to a "garden." He fully introduces himself as "Adam Cook" and Norda gives her full name as "Eve Norda". Adam and Eve begin a new life on this planet she calls "Earth." At this point she offers him a "seppla" (an anagram of the word "apples", which are artistically depicted as the biblical forbidden fruit). As they venture further, Rod Serling narrates that he presumes the place they are heading to is Eden.
CinemaSins success had led to the production of three other spin-off channels under the "Everything Wrong With..." subtitle. On April 3, 2014, CinemaSins launched their Music Video Sins channel. On October 8, 2014, Brand Sins was launched. On September 4, 2018, a third spin-off channel, TV Sins, featuring reviews of popular drama serials, was launched.
The main character Qinghong is a 19-year-old student living with her overly repressive father, mother and younger brother in a typical small apartment. Her 'boyfriend' Honggen, a working local boy who plays only a minor role in the film and develops an obsession with Qihong to her father's contempt. Confiding in her best friend Xiao Zhen, Qinghong strives for love and independence.Qinghong's father Wu Zemin is a stubborn and aggressive man, who has never forgiven his wife for persuading him to move to rural Guiyang. He regularly meets with other 'Third Line' volunteers to discuss strategies for returning to Shanghai. He becomes increasingly strict with Qinghong, often following her home from school to ensure a restricted social life. He forbids her from seeing her 'boyfriend' Honggen, discourages her from spending time with Xiao Zhen and after discovering that she has sneaked out to an underground dance party confines her to the house. Xiao Zhen has meanwhile fallen for the local boy Lu Jun, the son of another 'Third Line' volunteer couple. Lu gets a local girl pregnant and is forced by his angry father to marry her. Soon after the wedding, though, he runs away with Xiao Zhen, causing panic in the local community.Honggen stalks Qinghong and she promises to meet him secretly one evening. She slips out of the house while her father hosts a meeting with other “Third Line” friends to discuss a plan to flee to Shanghai without official permission. When Qinghong tells Honggen that they cannot be together because her family will soon leave, the nervous Honggen loses control of himself and rapes her. Qinghong totters home, muddied and bleeding. Her father initially tries to retaliate by beating up Honggen at work, but subsequently alerts the police and has Honggen arrested. Traumatised, Qinghong attempts suicide. She is recovering when a sad and chastened Xiao Zhen returns to Guiyang.Very early one morning, as dawn is breaking, the Wu family boards a van for the drive to Shanghai. They are delayed in the streets of Guiyang by the crowds gathering to watch a round of public executions. Called out on loudspeaker are the names of those to be executed, with the last name called Honggen.
In July 2015, Vancouver Animation School and Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla entered into a partnership bridging Mexico and Canada educational sectors, delivering a joint program in Entertainment Design consisting of a hybrid education using online and on-site models of delivery. Mexican students receive education from both institutions and dual academic credentials from both countries.
The Taoudeni Basin is a major geological formation in West Africa, named after the Taoudenni village in northern Mali. It covers large parts of the West African craton in Mauritania and Mali. It is of considerable interest due to its possible reserves of oil.
The 1992 reauthorization of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act included an amendment that instructed state juvenile justice systems to assess their gender responsiveness and provide gender-appropriate services in order to qualify for federal formula dollars. This was the first time that the JJDP act explicitly focused on the needs of juvenile females and ultimately led to increased attention on a state-level to gender bias assessments and gender responsive policy development and implementation.
Stefan Bodek is the son of a poor washerwoman. His father is a groundsman in the Prater. He is the third of six brothers and the strongest. He wants to be an engineer but fears that he can't afford to study.
From its headwaters in the forest, the river flows south at first, receiving Meadow Creek from the left and then the East Fork Pistol River, also from the left. Turning southwest, it receives the North Fork Pistol River from the right and Sunrise Creek from the left about 11 miles (18 km) from the mouth before turning west toward the ocean. South Fork Pistol River enters from the left, then Deep Creek and Glade Creek, both from the right about 5 miles (8 km) from the mouth. Crook Creek enters from the right at the community of Pistol River, where the river passes under Pistol River Loop Highway and then U.S. Route 101 before entering the Pacific Ocean at Pistol River State Scenic Viewpoint.
The extremely large timescale of Prehistoric Europe left stone tools and weapons dating from the Paleolithic to the Iron Age that were chronologically ordered and dated in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Tribes such as the Chatti, Cimbri, and Langobardi have not been well distinguished until relatively recently.
First class medals were totally silver made in a convex egg-shape. They were 36 mm (1.4 in) high and 29 mm (1.1 in) wide. In the upper part of the medal contained a red enamel flag with the phrase Материнская слава (Maternal Glory) and the Roman number showing the order's class. Below the flag, there was a white enamel shield with the CCCP (USSR) inscription. The upper part of the shield was decorated with a five-pointed star and the lower part with the hammer and sickle symbol. On the left side, there was a figure of a mother holding a son in her arms covered with roses on her lowest part. The lower part of the medal contains a flag and gilded lettering. In second class medals, the flag's enamel was dark-blue and there were not gilded parts while in the third class ones enamel disappeared from the flag, shield and star. The back of the medals was in white enamel. First class medals were suspended to a single light-blue fringe while second class had two light-blue fringes and third class three of them.
Shim-Misato Station is served by the orbital Musashino Line from Fuchūhommachi to Nishi-Funabashi and Tokyo. It is located 51.3 kilometers from Fuchūhommachi Station and 80.1 kilometers from the official starting point of the line (for freight operations) at Tsurumi Station.
A correspondent of E. M. Curr's, Peter McIntosh, a resident of the area, stated that the Kangulu were a confederation of several tribes, the main ones being the Karranbal, the Maudalgo and the Mulkali. No further data were recorded to enable Norman Tindale to clarify the precise nature of the last two groups.Along with many other remnants of Queensland tribes who had lost their traditional lands to colonial pastoralists, members of the Kangulu moved to the Cherbourg settlement.
Chaga people have their traditional food according to food crops they grow in their region. Most of food among Chaga people are made by banana; an example is machalari, which is most favorite food among Chaga. Machalari is prepared with banana and meat, while other traditional food includes kiburu (Banana and Beans), Kitawa (Banana and sour milk porrdige like), mtori (Meat with banana like porridge mainl food for few days after birth), mlaso, ngararimo, kisusio (soup with Blood), kimamtine and others of the like, according to nature of crops and animals on the Chaga land.
Davis became interested in Labour politics from an early age. He joined the Labour Party at the age of 15 and formed the Labour Society at King’s College London. He was a member of the executive council of the National Association of Labour Student Organisations (1948–50).In 1959, Davis was elected as a councillor for the London Borough of Hackney. He served as a councillor until 1971 and was Chairman of Social Services. He was Mayor of Hackney in 1968–1969.
Barrie became a naturalized American citizen in 1942. She was reportedly engaged to and had a daughter named Carolyn with the infamous gangster Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel, and at one time married to textile manufacturer David L. Meyer. She died in Englewood, New Jersey, in 1978, aged 65, following a stroke that had left her debilitated for several years. She was buried in the Kensico Cemetery in Valhalla, New York.
Mary Wickes was born to Frank Wickenhauser (1880-1943) and his wife Mary Isabella (née Shannon; died 1965) in St. Louis, Missouri of German, Scottish, and Irish extraction, and raised Protestant. Her parents were theater buffs, and took her to plays from the time that she could stay awake through a matinee. An excellent student, she skipped two grades and graduated at 16 from Beaumont High School. She was accepted into Washington University in St. Louis, where she joined the debate team and the Phi Mu sorority, and was initiated into Mortar Board in 1929. She graduated in 1930 with a double major in English literature and political science. Although she had planned a career in law, a favorite professor encouraged her to try drama, and she shifted direction.
On April 8, 1873, Brigham Young added John, Brigham Jr., George Q. Cannon, Lorenzo Snow, and Albert Carrington as additional counselors to him in the First Presidency. After Young's First Counselor George A. Smith died in September 1875, John Willard Young was called as First Counselor to his father on October 8, 1876. Young served in this capacity until the First Presidency was dissolved by Brigham Young's death less than a year later on August 29, 1877. During his time in the First Presidency, John Willard Young never spent much time in Salt Lake City attending to church leadership duties; since 1863 he had preferred living in New York City, where he was engaged in a number of business ventures that ultimately failed and resulted in him assuming a large amount of debt.