7 values
what are the boundaries of the superficial inguinal ring
[ { "docid": "15050bddb010e894d9de28c285fb45f6", "text": "Deep Inguinal Ring Deep inguinal ring is an oval opening in the transversalis fascia (fascia lining the transversus abdominis muscle).It is the entrance to the inguinal canal and lies about half inch above the inguinal ligament near its midpoint.oundaries of deep inguinal ring: 1 The ring is bounded above and laterally by the arched lower margin of transversalis fascia. 2 Below and medially, it is bound by the inferior epigastric vessels.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "c0b3d45c21922519fc8cf46c0514413b", "text": "Groin In human anatomy, the groin (the adjective is inguinal, as in inguinal canal) is the junctional area (also known as the inguinal region) between the abdomen and the thigh on either side of the pubic bone.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "857c2e5a78ba8ab5fac038aabc16bf4b", "text": "Inguinal Ligament The inguinal ligament is an important connective tissue structure in the inguinal, or groin, region of the human body. It supports soft tissues in the groin as well as the external abdominal oblique muscle.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "af606bb6018e6ac2fcc9dbf938366b0b", "text": "Cervical ectropion The squamocolumnar junction, where the columnar secretory epithelium of the endocervical canal meets the stratified squamous covering of the ectocervix, is located at the external os before puberty.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d32cfa0c44520eee5501dfaab1294cc1", "text": "Tinea cruris Tinea cruris, also known as crotch itch, crotch rot, Dhobi itch, eczema marginatum, gym itch, jock itch, jock rot, scrot rot and ringworm of the groin is a dermatophyte fungal infection of the groin region in any sex, though more often seen in males.inea cruris is similar to, but different from Candidal intertrigo, which is an infection of the skin by Candida albicans. The latter is more specifically located between intertriginous folds of adjacent skin, which can be present in the groin or scrotum, and be indistinguishable from fungal infections caused by tinea.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "921b2f7ec2ff5b4b84651f97a4789dfb", "text": "- At the level of the anterior commissure, the cingulate white matter is bounded on its dorsal, medial, and lateral aspects by the gray matter of the cin-. gulate gyrus. Ventrally, it is bounded by the transversely. running fibers of the body of the corpus callosum. Its. inferolateral boundary was arbitrarily defined by a line ori-. ented perpendicular to the cingulate sulcus, from the. gray matter/white matter boundary dorsally, to the. underlying corpus callosum ventrally.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ec81125de764f4799a6c00be6dd0a4be", "text": "- Adjacent to the anterior margin of the iliac crest, the ilioinguinal nerve pierces the transversus abdominis and the internal oblique muscle (providing neural branches to these) and sending neural branches to the iliohypogastric nerve.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ea41827ddf8869c08c07b57da100de8c", "text": "Superficial inguinal ring It is a triangular opening that forms the exit of the inguinal canal, which houses the ilioinguinal nerve, the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve, and the spermatic cord (in men) or the round ligament (in women). At the other end of the canal, the deep inguinal ring forms the entrance.It is found within the aponeurosis of the external oblique, immediately above the crest of the pubis, 1 centimeter above and medial to the pubic tubercle.t the other end of the canal, the deep inguinal ring forms the entrance. It is found within the aponeurosis of the external oblique, immediately above the crest of the pubis, 1 centimeter above and medial to the pubic tubercle.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3f34be4d1877d7a960ef990c2b95e473", "text": "groin (groyn), [TA] 1 1. Topographic area of the inferior abdomen related to the inguinal canal, lateral to the pubic region. Synonym(s): inguen [TA], inguinal region ☆ , regio inguinalis ☆ , iliac region. 2 2. Sometimes used to indicate only the crease in the junction of the thigh with the trunk.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5ebd01080fdb27fac7bc2ccaca3c3408", "text": "What Is the Inguinal Region? It also has a ring at each end: 1 The deep ring is the internal entrance to the canal. It’s located above the inguinal ligament and lateral to the inferior epigastric vessels. 2 The superficial ring is where the inguinal canal exits between the fibers of the aponeurosis of the external oblique near the pubic tubercle. The edges of the superficial ring are called the lateral and medial crura, with intercrural fibers keeping the crura in place so they don’t spread apart.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "be6349ad0dd8fd10a48cd027dd3eb377", "text": "Inguinal lymph nodes Lymph nodes are part of the body’s lymphatic system, which helps maintain fluid balance in the bloodstream, filters waste, and plays an important role in immune defense. The superficial inguinal lymph nodes are located in the femoral triangle of Scarpa, an area of the upper, inner thigh.loquet's node is the name of the top-most deep inguinal lymph node, which is located below the inguinal ligament. These nodes drain first to the body's external iliac lymph nodes, second to the pelvic lymph nodes, and finally to the paraaortic lymph nodes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5fbddee0c62c6b7a621b6bf2b60d4187", "text": "Anatomy of the Inguinal region The opening in the aponeurosis of the external abdominal oblique becomes the ___. superficial inguinal ring. In the male the transversalis fascia, the internal oblique muscle and the external oblique muscle contribue layers to form the ________. coverings of the spermatic cord and testes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1d453674b639fba495ac89aa4d94d5cc", "text": "Anatomy of the Inguinal region Thin outermost covering of the spermatic cord, formed from the external oblique aponeurosis; attached superior to the crura of the superficial inguinal ring; continous with the fascia of the external abdominal oblique muscle", "title": "" }, { "docid": "db7ed92c1f70283f245fb5a7c7795a51", "text": "The Spermatic Cord Fig 1.0 – Anatomical course of the spermatic cord. The anatomical course of the spermatic cord is relatively short, beginning in the inferior abdomen and ending in the scrotum. The spermatic cord is formed at the opening of the inguinal canal, known as the deep inguinal ring. This opening is located laterally to the inferior epigastric vessels. The cord passes through the inguinal canal, entering the scrotum via the superficial inguinal ring.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9bc347f7cefc79370677dc8dc32583f5", "text": "HERNIA REPAIR Inguinal Hernia Repair Incisional Hernia. ANATOMY. The inguinal canal is an oblique space measuring 4 cm in length that lies above the medial half of the inguinal ligament. At its medial end there is a triangular opening, called the external inguinal ring, that lies above and lateral to the pubic crest.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e24f0dc409107672ff4d6737e7d1dfb0", "text": "Inguinal lymph nodes There are about three to five of these nodes. Cloquet's node is the name of the top-most deep inguinal lymph node, which is located below the inguinal ligament. These nodes drain first to the body's external iliac lymph nodes, second to the pelvic lymph nodes, and finally to the paraaortic lymph nodes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f06865d53d1bf991a54bdd386bb177c5", "text": "- At this point the testicle, accompanied by a small peritoneal tube (the so-called hernia sac), passes through internal ring, inguinal canal, and external ring to take its normal position in the scrotum. Not all mammals have testicles that lie outside the main abdominal cavity.In humans, however, this location seems necessary for future fertility in that the scrotum keeps the testicles 2 to 3 degrees C. cooler than the core body temperature.t this point the testicle, accompanied by a small peritoneal tube (the so-called hernia sac), passes through internal ring, inguinal canal, and external ring to take its normal position in the scrotum. Not all mammals have testicles that lie outside the main abdominal cavity.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ea13759806b8d5c40a2fafbcd45c9cf3", "text": "- The bulbar urethra, located inside the perineum and scrotum, extends from the external distal urinary sphincter to the peno-scrotal junction, and is surrounded by the corpus spongiosum. It contains the opening of the ducts of the Cowper glands, and differs in length from person to person.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e02203022ba20770252fc76ccc6cbbff", "text": "Imaging of Groin Masses: Inguinal Anatomy and Pathologic Conditions Revisited The Femoral Triangle. This region is conceptually simpler than the inguinal canal. Its borders are as follows: the inguinal ligament (superior); medial border of the long adductor muscle (medial); the medial border of the sartorius muscle (lateral); and the iliopsoas, pectineal, and long adductor muscles (floor).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9a5cdd2caa17701e9e6cb3de7d970376", "text": "Rectum - Perianal Fistulas Surgically, the anal canal extends from the perineal skin to the anorectal ring. This is the circular upper border of the puborectal muscle which is digitally palpable upon rectal examination. The anorectal ring lies approximately 1-1,5 cm above the linea dentata.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8971d89cadb87a1a86c45ebe4f92ed51", "text": "Chapter 38: The perineal region and external genitalia Chapter 38: The perineal region and external genitalia. The perineal region is that part of the trunk below the pelvic diaphragm. It is diamond shaped and has the same boundaries as the pelvic outlet. It is divided into an anterior, urogenital triangle and a posterior, anal triangle.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5feab7e915c90a9ea310967c521d4f34", "text": "Muscles of the Upper Extremity The slips give off superficial fibers to the skin of the palm and fingers; those to the palm joining the skin at the furrow corresponding to the metacarpophalangeal joints, and those to the fingers passing into the skin at the transverse folds at the roots of the fingers.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "724b7a601afde90baef68ee7672137be", "text": "The Inguinal Canal The inguinal canal is a short passage that extends inferiorly and medially, through the inferior part of the abdominal wall. It is superior and parallel to the inguinal ligament. It acts as a pathway by which structures can pass from the abdominal wall to the external genitalia.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bcf5de95e723ecaa13fa48cd863ba544", "text": "Laparotomy 1 The upper midline incision usually extends from the xiphoid process to the umbilicus. 2 A typical lower midline incision is limited by the umbilicus superiorly and by the pubic symphysis inferiorly. Sometimes a single incision extending from xiphoid process to pubic symphysis is employed, especially in trauma surgery.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e5f3e529c340f9571860e1ac51f92828", "text": "- The prostate is covered by 3 distinct layers of fascia on the anterior, lateral, and posterior aspects. The anterior and anterolateral fascia is in direct continuity of the true capsule; this is the location of the deep dorsal vein of the penis and its tributaries. Laterally, the fascia fuses with the levator fascia.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a0e20db9394a6de1d5e82a2c45cbf311", "text": "Anatomy of the Inguinal region transversalis fascia over entire length, conjoint tendon on medial one-third, reflected inguinal ligament of the external abdominal oblique on medial one third: What are the boundaries of the inguinal canal: roof: arched fibers of the internal abdominal oblique muscle and trasnversus abdominis muscle: What are the boundaries of the inguinal canal: floor", "title": "" } ]
what are the different characteristics of water
[ { "docid": "d86dc689eb0eeb83e0f8bddd4caabe44", "text": "Characteristics and properties of water? Best Answer: Characteristics and properties of water simply means a trait of water, like density, state of matter, abilities, etc. To help you out, here's a list of some characteristics and properties. -Water stores heat efficiently: Water heats more slowly and retains heat longer than many substances. For example, you know that when we sweat, we cool down. This is because the water lost through sweat carries the heat away from our bodies.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c7e17afa9897d8a2feca388c7a58191a", "text": "How Water Works Water Properties. The hydrogen bond between water molecules that we talked about in the first section is the reason behind two of water's unique properties: cohesion and adhesion. Cohesion refers to the fact that water sticks to itself very easily.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "bfb1eab5b6735b51c473521bca448fdc", "text": "Water Properties and Measurements Water Properties and Measurements. Looking at water, you might think that it's the most simple thing around. Pure water is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. But it's not at all simple and plain and it is vital for all life on Earth. Where there is water there is life, and where water is scarce, life has to struggle or just throw in the towel.. Facts about water.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8acfee7ee41201b9ff8c66e5d471fa6e", "text": "Properties of water 1 Water is miscible with many liquids, such as ethanol, in all proportions, forming a single homogeneous liquid. 2 On the other hand, water and most oils are immiscible, usually forming layers with the least dense liquid as the top layer, and the most dense layer at the bottom.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "595d4cee093b837a3f8a69ccd97a604d", "text": "- Water's unique chemical and physical properties are essential to human survival. Without water, basic physical processes would be impossible. Cells within the human body would die. None of the essential physical functions, such as breathing, digestion, or muscle movement could take place without water. About 70 percent of the human body is made up of water and, coincidentally, more than 70 percent of Earth is covered in water. Water creates an environment that sustains and nurtures plants, animals and humans, making Earth a perfect match for life in general.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f47559314a0fa80b317ed11652bb0199", "text": "Properties of Water Properties of Water. Water is a fascinating substance – and not just because we need it to live! Water is colorless and has no taste or smell, which may make it seem uninteresting to study. However, it has many unique physical properties. For example, it is the only natural substance that is found in all three states — liquid, solid (ice) and gas (steam) — at temperatures naturally found on earth.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "139db4fefe23728b7b4edcd6ae3bbdad", "text": "Water Molecule -- Chemical and Physical Properties Water is a chemical compound and polar molecule, which is liquid at standard temperature and pressure. It has the chemical formula H2O, meaning that one molecule of water is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Water is found almost everywhere on earth and is required by all known life.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b0417b96d5a1d87392243205e4743dfe", "text": "Properties of Water Explain how the water molecule is polar. The oxygen atom is on one end of the molecule and the hydrogen atoms are on the other. As a result, the oxygen end of the molecule has a slight negative charge and the hydrogen end of the molecule has a slight positive charge.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3a2493cb4ad36fabb64cf8f40e884746", "text": "- Properties of water. Water (H 2O) is a polar inorganic compound that is at room temperature a tasteless and odorless liquid, nearly colorless with a hint of blue. This simplest hydrogen chalcogenide is by far the most studied chemical compound and is described as the universal solvent for its ability to dissolve many substances.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ed2852e81162a1d348c396a8635ac7aa", "text": "- Properties of Water--Notes Water is a molecule made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. It has the formula H 2 O. Whenoxygen and hydrogen combine (H-O-H) they form a v-shaped triangular molecule.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "37d269906f213df20f85592b48a0ed69", "text": "Properties of water Water is a polar inorganic compound that is at room temperature a tasteless and odorless liquid, which is nearly colorless apart from a hint of blue. It is by far the most studied chemical compound and is described as the universal solvent for its ability to dissolve many substances. This allows it to be the solvent of life. It is the most abundant substance on Earth and the only common substance to exist as a solid, liquid, and gas on Earth's surface. It is also the third most abundant mole", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f70c394d2098c91b9d421a9063a33690", "text": "WHAT ARE THE KEY FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE WATER QUALITY? Water quality is defined in terms of the chemical, physical, and biological content of water. The water quality of rivers and lakes changes with the seasons and geographic areas, even when there is no pollution present. There is no single measure that constitutes good water quality.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "02546b06cd78eb4d09e1a478e84c54c3", "text": "7 Basic Types of Water Pollutionby Merlin Hearn These different types of water pollution come from varied sources: surface water, groundwater, microbiological, oxygen depletion, nutrient, suspended matter, and chemical.Surface water pollution is the most visible form of pollution and we can see it floating on our waters in lakes, streams, and oceans.his type of pollution is becoming more and more relevant because it affects our drinking water and the aquifers below the soil. Groundwater pollution is usually caused by highly toxic chemicals and pesticides from farming that leak through the ground to contaminate the wells and aquifers below the surface.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "07aa28203fffdf183a87d3dc0375ca57", "text": "5 Properties of Water Water can moderate temperature because of the two properties: high-specific heat and the high heat of vaporization. High-specific heat is the amount of energy that is absorbed or lost by one gram of a substance to change the temperature by 1 degree celsius.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a7c6f4f417b52af38f81274df6eb95dc", "text": "2.characteristics of fluid 1 1. Characteristics of a fluid Fluids are divided into liquids and gases. 2 A liquid is hard to compress and as in the ancient saying ‘Water takes the shape of the vessel containing it’, it changes its shape according to the shape of its container with an upper free surface. Fig. 2.10 State change of perfect gas. 2 13. 3 18 Characteristics of a fluid The change in state of a perfect gas is expressed by the following equation: pv = constant where n is called the polytropic exponent. 4 As this value changes from 0 to 00, as shown in Fig.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a3dfa605b0041410cf313e0fb6cb7109", "text": "How to Cook Lobster Tip: Plan on one 1- to 1-1/2-pound lobster per person. This will yield about 4 to 6 ounces of meat per serving. Step 2: Prepping and boiling lobsters. For two 1- to 1-1/2-pound lobsters, bring 8 quarts of salted water to boiling in a 20-quart or larger kettle (such as a canning pot) with a lid. The size of the kettle is key because the lobsters need to fit completely inside with the lid closed.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bcddcc47c354cb1a483179aef4fcd3fd", "text": "Water type Water type. The Water type is one of the 18 Pokémon elemental types. It is one of the 3 main types, along with Fire and Grass, because all starter Pokémon belong to one of these 3 types. It is also the most common type among all 802 Pokémon. Water-type attacks are super effective against Fire, Rock and Ground, but weak to Electric and Grass. However, most Water-type Pokémon can learn Ice-type attacks to cover their weakness to Grass-type Pokémon.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ca2e01eaecb6899353b187f2ede45593", "text": "Physical Properties of Water Hydrogen bonding contributes to many of the physical and chemical properties, such as the unusual but normally known freezing point of 273.15 K, and 373.15 K respectively. The critical temperature and pressure are 647.3 K and 220.5 bar (22050 kPa) and critical volume = 0.056 m3 kmol-1. Because of the many applications of water, some more details on the properties of water are desirable. Thus, keeping track of water properties is of national interest.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "36460362283f60f365ad2bf4e8ce7e25", "text": "How is water different to other substances? What is the name for the property of water in which it sticks to other substances? The attraction between water molecules and another substance is called adhesion. An example of this phenomenon is the absorption of water by a towel. Water molecules are also …attracted to each other by cohesion. Adhesion and cohesion of water are both caused by the polarity of water molecules.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c5a73497b7f022fbe395ef6710a10aaa", "text": "- The alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test is done to: 1 Identify liver disease, especially cirrhosis and hepatitis caused by alcohol, drugs, or viruses. 2 Help check for liver damage. 3 Find out whether jaundice was caused by a blood disorder or liver disease. 4 Keep track of the effects of medicines that can damage the liver.ow levels of ALT are normally found in the blood. But when the liver is damaged or diseased, it releases ALT into the bloodstream, which makes ALT levels go up.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0ad21c14605ae2b542bad67c3de245b2", "text": "- The turbidity is a striking characteristic to know the physical status of a river. The suspended particles, soil particles, discharged effluents, decomposed organic matter, total dissolved solids as well as the microscopic organisms increase the turbidity of water, which interferes with the penetration of light.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bea9ef974464bcac87c5cb56184a617a", "text": "Chemical principles: Properties of water Cohesive forces between water molecules are the result of the polar nature of water molecules. Most of the water molecules in the liquid form of water are covalently bonded to four other water molecules that surround them. However the molecules on the surface of water cannot form bonds to four other molecules.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "17e2f8e68cfd7552d4f5116ac8a72a6d", "text": "What are 3 unique properties (characteristics) of water that make life possible on earth? What are 3 unique properties (characteristics) of water that make life possible on earth? For each property explain it in terms of the physical and chemical nature of water and describe one example of how the property effects the functioning of living organisms.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a983c4738a346a7473a26e69293fe45c", "text": "Vital Signs: The Five Basic Water Quality Parameters Temperature. Temperature is a measure of the average energy (kinetic) of water molecules. It is measured on a linear scale of degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit. It is one of the most important water quality parameters.Temperature affects water chemistry and the functions of aquatic organisms.alts and other substances affect the quality of water used for irrigation or drinking. They also have a critical influence on aquatic biota, and every kind of organism has a typical salinity range that it can tolerate. Moreover, the ionic composition of the water can be critical.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fe992963deb03b426b2bcf88673d5e4e", "text": "pH -- Water properties pH: Definition and measurement units. pH is a measure of how acidic/basic water is. The range goes from 0 - 14, with 7 being neutral. pHs of less than 7 indicate acidity, whereas a pH of greater than 7 indicates a base. pH is really a measure of the relative amount of free hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in the water. Water that has more free hydrogen ions is acidic, whereas water that has more free hydroxyl ions is basic. Since pH can be affected by chemicals in the water, pH is an important indicator of water that is changing chemically.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cff2ffe1dd5aa1a6d91045ad5db7aa86", "text": "Water Phase Diagram Water Phase Diagram. The properties of the all the known different phases of water are described. Phase diagrams The phase diagram of water. Triple points. Water density . Supercooled water. Supercritical water The ice phases", "title": "" }, { "docid": "556ca0900c0925583210cbc9b8bafb2c", "text": "- H 2 O. This simple structure is responsible for water’s unique properties. The bond between each hy-drogen atom and the oxygen atom results from a pair of electrons shared between the two atoms. In water, the electrons in the shared pair are not shared equally between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms.", "title": "" } ]
what county is cass scenic railroad wv in
[ { "docid": "1349900af7c990961da756a73f1f6966", "text": "- Cass Scenic Railroad State Park. Located in eastern West Virginia, Cass Scenic Railroad is accessible by State Route 28/92N between Dunmore and Green Bank in Pocahontas County.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "0359466c14f51a39ccd5808b39f7c6a0", "text": "- Burton, West Virginia. Nestled in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains, Burton is an unincorporated community in Wetzel County, West Virginia, United States, located on a stretch of highway where both WV Route 7 and US Route 250 join for a few short miles between Cottontown, WV, and Hundred, WV.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "80fde4741257af0c0b80627ace40f1d3", "text": "- Location. Located in eastern West Virginia, Cass Scenic Railroad is accessible by State Route 28/92N between Dunmore and Green Bank in Pocahontas County. An 11-mile connector route, WV 66, now links the town of Cass to U.S. 219 at Slatyfork. Online Reservations Tour Schedule Fares Photo Gallery MSRLHA FAQs Contact Us.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e2e2edc45c250ef5f08dcea7bf51f641", "text": "Underground Railroad The best way to get an overview of the UGRR in Cass County is to visit the website of URSCC at www.urscc.org. Another hands-on way to learn about the Underground Railroad Society of Cass County is to take the 14-site self-guided Driving Tour of Underground Railroad sites around Vandalia. You can obtain a tour map at the historic marker in Milo Barnes Park in Vandalia, the first stop.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f5d92e2874d887e10769158a759ef36c", "text": "Marion County, West Virginia Marion County, West Virginia. For counties with a similar name, see Marion County (disambiguation). Marion County is a county in the U.S. state of West Virginia. As of the 2010 census, the population was 56,418. Its county seat is Fairmont. The county was named in honor of General Francis Marion (ca. 1732–1795), known to history as The Swamp Fox.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "edd01d0a9f9f06e54c7b02964094fe2a", "text": "MASON COUNTY, SOUTHWEST, WEST VIRGINIA LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 15 of 169 listings LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Mason County, West Virginia, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates. You can also find Mason County, West Virginia real estate agents who specialize in land and rural retreats. Sign up for our Mason County, West Virginia email alerts and never miss out on a new listing again!", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e26a08274cab1a5e375f41bd9ec9cf5c", "text": "- Wildflowers of Pendleton County*. West Virginia's best-kept secret is Pendleton County, a rural, scenic landscape of forested mountains and fertile valleys at the headwaters of the South Branch of the Potomac River. New to the area?", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9ddc66781afda82b5c9485b706d3bb58", "text": "- In the end, West Virginia included only three Shenandoah Valley Counties - and the southwestern Virginia counties within the Valley and Ridge province stayed with old Virginia, due to the influence of the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad. Panhandle of West Virginia showing Morgan,", "title": "" }, { "docid": "16913e62a657e052e24f5f5e0618e76a", "text": "- View from the Right. The passing scene and what it's about viewed from the traditionalist politically incorrect Right. The correct meaning of “first generation,” “second generation”. On the subject of Muslims, a reader wrote: “What happens to a second generation Westerner who was born and grows up in a Western country…”.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7ba102ddb1a98e31f6ec2ad42917c56e", "text": "- The Shinnston News & Harrison County Journal added 41 new photos from December 1, 2012 to the album: Shinnston Christmas Parade — in Shinnston, West Virginia. The Shinnston News & Harrison County Journal shared a page.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "609399784d5502e61492d649ae4585d4", "text": "PROCIOUS, CLAY COUNTY, SOUTHWEST, WEST VIRGINIA LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 3 of 3 listings Looking for rural homes and land for sale in Procious, Clay County, West Virginia? LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Procious, Clay County, West Virginia, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "64c58f060e0ef0d7657d962e1f67e32a", "text": "- Blackwater Bikes shared Tucker County, West Virginia's photo.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "20b2a2dfcac47940db5686c66e904fd4", "text": "- Reservations may be made by calling or writing Cass Scenic Railroad directly, or by dialing toll free: 1 800 CALL WVA. The Cass office is open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm 7 days a week, in the summer season, and 8:00 am to 4:00 pm on weekdays for the Winter Season (closed on Weekends).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7b27a88d0dc28692bc190435c11aa26e", "text": "About Jim The Governor joined his family’s business in 1976. Because of his strong interest in nature and the outdoors, he started Justice Family Farms in 1977 in beautiful Monroe County, West Virginia. Under his direction, Justice Farming Operations has grown to be a major agricultural enterprise.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9cd92c2afbc4621f03650e1421bc7139", "text": "- This week's show explores Gorges State Park in Transylvania County, we enjoy the Lazy Daze Festival in Cary, visit a spa in Hot Springs, go river camping on the Tar River, and Bob Garner samples the barbecue at Tickle My Ribs in Burlington.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "99c19161088b6d1124e8f35b0226d6b7", "text": "- Main Calendar. Campbell County Fair July 27, 2015 - August 3, 2015, All Day @ CAM-PLEX Facilities. Campbell County Fair2015-07-27T00:00:00 Come join us July 27th through August 3rd at the Cam-Plex, Gillette, Wyoming.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9dd606353ee71ddc9610c4bbb9a01be7", "text": "History The Upshur County Seat. Buckhannon was established as a town, by the Virginia General Assembly on January 15, 1816. At that time, the land was owned by Robert Patton, Jr. He purchased the land from Elizabeth Cummins Jackson in 1809 for $3,000.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8aace570710138ed630c44619f97dc42", "text": "- Looking for rural homes and land for sale in Barnett, Morgan County, Missouri? LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Barnett, Morgan County, Missouri, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "03fad472cc62a30974f6f953cbd28427", "text": "Helvetia, West Virginia Sign in Helvetia, West Virginia. Helvetia is a census-designated place (CDP) in Randolph County, West Virginia, USA. As of the 2010 census, its population was 59. The isolated community was settled by Swiss starting in 1869, and is known today for maintaining Swiss traditions, food, and folkways.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f4744e0ad1e14dfe394ea3ac09f50950", "text": "Monongalia County, West Virginia Monongalia County, West Virginia. Monongalia County, known locally as Mon County, is a county in the U.S. state of West Virginia. As of the 2010 census, the population was 96,189, making it West Virginia's third-most populous county. Its county seat is at Morgantown. The county was founded in 1776. Monongalia County is included in the Morgantown, WV Metropolitan Statistical Area, and is the largest county in North-Central West Virginia. It is defined entirely as part of the Pittsburgh media market.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c65debcb8218e57a45698bec4747b896", "text": "History of West Virginia West Virginia State Wildlife Center: A Legacy of Wildlife Conservation. In 1923, the Game and Fish Commission purchased property in Upshur County and created the French Creek Game Farm. As its name implies, several species such as quail, pheasant, turkey and deer were raised on the area.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1d606655bffcdc2d9229269cb31fea90", "text": "Cass County, Michigan Cass County, Michigan. Cass County is a county in the U.S. state of Michigan. As of the 2010 census, the population was 52,293. Its county seat is Cassopolis. Cass County is included in the South Bend–Mishawaka, IN-MI, Metropolitan Statistical Area which has a total population of 316,663 and is sometimes considered part of Greater Michiana.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b27b5cc45c8b392295a3f1271fb6f161", "text": "2 Bed/2 Bath County Line Rd SCENIC WEST VIRGINIA. WILD & WONDERFUL! ~ NOTE: Information contained is provided as general information only and has been obtained from sources deemed reliable. It is provided without any guaranty, warranty or representation, expressed or implied, made by Small Town Realty, LLC, or any. related entity, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7e4c392772a208c17bb8f3c4eb95fc52", "text": "- TRIUMPH ROCKET III (2007/57) black/red, 4 owners, New in more photos to follow, Nice example of the Triumph Rocket III touring model. Awesome muscle bike and looks great in the black/ red. Removable quick release screen, Full history and will have service from us before it...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2a9f3f93829af20b558118a3ef4a3562", "text": "Lincoln County, West Virginia Lincoln County is a county in the U.S. state of West Virginia. As of the 2010 census, the population was 21,720.[1] Its county seat is Hamlin.[2] The county was created in 1867 and named for Abraham Lincoln.[3]", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d100cc0405fd6de0b61d594c21d75b1a", "text": "Winfield Regional DMV Office in Hurricane West Virginia Winfield Regional DMV Office in Hurricane West Virginia Winfield Regional DMV Office, a DMV, in Hurricane, WV 25526, address and phone number. DMVs provide information on vehicle registration, driver licenses, and driver insurance, road driving tests, and driving permit exams.", "title": "" } ]
actresses who played gidget in the movies
[ { "docid": "105aaddddad793104e0152fd6b5b182b", "text": "- Sandra Dee, Deborah Walley and Cindy Carol light up the screen as GIDGET in this box set of all three popular movies. While the first movie (with Sandra Dee) is definitely the best, there's a lot to enjoy in the sequels. James Darren is the only mainstay in all three movies, as Gidget's croonin' and swoonin' boyfriend Moondoggie. GIDGET (1959).", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "8386c5792fcda60aa46762be32c68b4e", "text": "Taco Bell chihuahua Taco Bell chihuahua. Gidget (February 7, 1994 – July 21, 2009), nicknamed the Taco Bell Chihuahua, was a popular advertising figure and mascot for the Taco Bell restaurant chain from 1997 to 2000. It was voiced by Carlos Alazraqui, and developed by TBWA.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d4ae5025b77c756df8cbf8573392b7e1", "text": "- -Although Max Casella enjoys being in Broadway musicals, he prefers a career in front of the camera. -Elle Keats, who played the oh-so-loved Sarah in Newsies (^_~) claimed that it was a little awkward being in a movie with so many young guys. -Max Casella starred in Doogie Howser M.D. with Neil Patrick Harris, who went on to play Mark in the LA stage production of RENT.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a4b481360649fa9002458e5510d6c9c6", "text": "Riele Downs Riele Downs. About Riele Downs is a child actress who is known for portraying Charlotte in the series Henry Danger. She made appearances in several movies including The Best Man Holiday, Ruby Skye P.I.: The Maltese Puppy, and The Gabby Douglas Story. Before fame She appeared in A Russell Peters Christmas Special in 2011.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bdf8b00323910b4cbf690ab4f51693d1", "text": "Emily Ratajkowski on Working With Ben Affleck in Gone Girl: âIt Was Monkey See, Monkey Doâ In the 2014 adaptation of Gillian Flynn 's psychological thriller Gone Girl, Affleck played the clueless, philandering Nick Dunne. He starred alongside 24-year-old model and actress Emily Ratajkowski, who played his mistress, Andie.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c7a0658512ed33db29f1c56e7b65a0a4", "text": "Yo Quiero No More: Taco Bell Spokes-Chihuahua Dies at 15 At the height of her popularity as the Taco Bell dog, Gidget traveled by limo and first-class in planes. She even got a seat on the company's private jet for a trip to Manhattan to open up the New York Stock Exchange.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c60959498385a193cc270ad3ad26194b", "text": "- Who is the actress that plays marsha in the brady bunch parody movie? Marsha is played by actress Christine Taylor in The Brady Bunch Movie. What is the actress' name in the Brady Bunch? In the original TV show The Brady Bunch, Florence Henderson played Mrs. Brady.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4296ae50f43ff26e76ed93a85e2f4bfa", "text": "Gidget But no one could have guessed what a phenomenon Gidget would become. It spawned two film sequels (Gidget Goes to Rome (1963) and Gidget Goes Hawaiian, 1961), two television series (Gidget (1965-66) and The New Gidget, 1986), and several TV movies along the way. Sandra Dee did not reprise her role in any of the sequels, though co-star James Darren portrayed Moondoggie twice more in Gidget Goes to Rome and Gidget Goes Hawaiian. Unknown teenage actress Sally Field made a name for herself as the bubbly surfer girl in the original 1960s TV show.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d73e86ba2386052cdc98f7418a87268d", "text": "Sandra Dee, Original Gidget, Dies Sandra Dee, once Hollywood's ideal blonde teen star and the original Gidget, died Sunday morning outside Los Angeles. She was 63. Dodd Darin, her son from her marriage to the late singer Bobby Darin, told CNN his mother had been on dialysis for four years and was recently hospitalized for kidney failure and pneumonia.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5600c7794688c69d558be5cdbb8f24fa", "text": "Kathleen Barr Kathleen Barr (born April 6, 1967) is a Canadian voice actress, best known for voicing Marie Kanker and Kevin in Ed, Edd n Eddy, Trixie and Queen Chrysalis in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Mrs. Twombly and Jasper Jones in Littlest Pet Shop, Henri LeFevbre in Liberty's Kids, Millie Burtonburger and Kat in Kid vs. Kat, Wheezie and Emmy and Max's mom in Dragon Tales and Martha Monkey in Make Way for Noddy", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cc893850ed1b80922002cef8ed993bfb", "text": "Dukes of Hazzard's Catherine Bach doesn't look like THIS anymore! She's even HOTTER at 62 The show then returned for a TV reunion movie in 1997 and the Hazzard in Hollywood TV film in 2000. Since playing Daisy, her career seems to have quietened down a little bit, but she's still been hitting TV screens in an array of series, including The Young and the Restless - in which she played Anita Lawson. GETTY.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0e38d8a38de5b19a47ce2c06a483ac9b", "text": "Jennifer Beals Jennifer Beals (born December 19, 1963) is an American actress and a former teen model. She played the role of Alexandra Alex Owens in the 1983 film Flashdance, and starred as Bette Porter on the Showtime drama series The L Word.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3f88d31c9b3226dd100242e98beefc54", "text": "- Kathleen Barr is a Canadian voice actress, best known for voicing Marie Kanker and Kevin in Ed, Edd n Eddy, Trixie and Queen Chrysalis in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Mrs. Twombly and Jasper Jones in Littlest Pet Shop, Henri LeFevbre in Liberty's Kids, Millie Burtonburger and Kat in Kid vs. Kat, Wheezie and Emmy and Max's mom in Dragon Tales and Martha Monkey in Make Way for Noddy.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5f551b631af535b3fa72f0414542fe99", "text": "Meet the rescue dog playing Sandy in âAnnieâ Berloni cast terrier mixes for both the original Broadway show and the 2012 revival. (The 1982 “Annie” movie starred an otterhound.). Marti was the 16th dog to audition, and, with her fluffy chow hair trimmed down, she scored the role. Since “Annie” wrapped, Marti has made her theater debut in the off-Broadway play “The Open House.”. “Hopefully, she’ll work a little bit more before she retires,” Berloni says.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "09a60e03f5c2c8a21dbd247a3e08b301", "text": "Sally Field Sally Field. Sally Margaret Field (born November 6, 1946) is an American film and television actress and director. Field began her career in television, starring on the sitcoms Gidget (1965–66), The Flying Nun (1967–70), and The Girl with Something Extra (1973–74). She ventured into film with Smokey and the Bandit (1977) and later Norma Rae (1979), for which she received the Academy Award for Best Actress.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ca12b00c025a0796a7b215b628d2b89e", "text": "For Film Set Decorators, Tiny Details Count Lauri Gaffin is the set decorator for an upcoming film about artificial intelligence starring Johnny Depp. She's scouting today for an iron bed, a big flag, a couch and other items on her list. She has to fill 85 sets for this film, including rooms in a house.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "001d7bdbc7998de2cf3b7245b3ca0e17", "text": "\"Bob Saget, Jodie Sweetin and Andrea Barber React to Lifetime's Full HouseCast Photo: \"\"Isnât It Painful?\"\"\" They could have not done it!. Sweetin says with a laugh, while Saget agrees. MORE: Bob Saget doesn't blame Mary-Kate and Ashley for not doing Fuller House. Andrea Barber, who played Kimmy Gibbler on the classic sitcom, had similar feelings about Lifetime's unveiling of the cast pic. My first thought is thank goodness Kimmy Gibbler didn't make it into this cast photo, Barber tells E! News.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "75ef4579c782d1aaa32986a244fb9c02", "text": "What ever happened toâ¦. Kristy McNichol. Also in 1988, Kristy landed the role of Barbara Weston in the series Empty Nest co-starring Richard Mulligan (Dr. Harry Weston), Dinah Manoff (Carol Weston), David Leisure (Charley Dietz), and Park Overall (Laverne Todd). Kristy would play the role for the entire run of the show until it ended in 1995.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e3d976920155b14613a061c07c2badd4", "text": "Lacey Chabert Lacey Nicole Chabert (/ʃəˈbɛr/; born September 30, 1982) is an American actress and voice actress. She first gained prominence as a child actress on television for her role as Claudia Salinger in the television drama Party of Five (1994–2000).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b87e71a73c0461429757c2f043d3b0f0", "text": "Series / The Flying Nun The sitcom ran for three seasons, and produced 82 color episodes from 1967 until 1970.The star was a young Sally Field (post-Gidget), who played a spunky novice nun assigned to the Daughters of Charity convent in Puerto Rico.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "84317cb31683e10ceab3142fb87e9b17", "text": "- Kathleen Barr (born April 6, 1967) is a Canadian voice actress, best known for voicing Marie Kanker and Kevin in Ed, Edd n Eddy, Trixie and Queen Chrysalis in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Mrs. Twombly and Jasper Jones in Littlest Pet Shop, Henri LeFevbre in Liberty's Kids, Millie Burtonburger and Kat in Kid vs. Kat, Wheezie and Emmy and Max ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7787222f82256543218f8056bb93536a", "text": "\"Behind the Scenes With the Dog Starring in the New \"\"Annie\"\" Movie\" © 2014 CTMG, Inc. All rights reserved. Quvenzhané Wallis (Annie) instantly bonded with Marti, the 6-year-old rescue dog who plays Sandy in the new Annie movie. The modern reboot of Annie is here, and the star we’re most excited to see on the big screen is Marti, the 6-year-old Golden Retriever-Chow mix who plays Sandy.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5f519cf87dc07ac74b8d32a7a80f1a8b", "text": "- Sally Field on starring in The Flying Nun. Clip begins at: 39:53, Duration: 17m 44s. Sally Field on starring in Gidget. Clip begins at: 13:35, Duration: 19m 30s.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "06084dace4a35cd7c0c46c45c8a54b82", "text": "- in flashback sequences in various episodes a much younger dorothy is played by actress lynnie greene a much younger dorothy played by actress lynnie greene in a flashback scene in an episode of the golden girlsorothy zbornak hollingsworth nee née petrillo portrayed by beatrice arthur is a fictional character from the tv series the golden girls dorothy was the strong sarcastic sometimes intimidating and arguably most grounded of the four women in the house", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cc6f378a44cf7c80cd84eae068e1c2d6", "text": "- Film Editing: William A. Lyon. Original Music: Fred Karger, Stanley Styne. Cast: Sandra Dee (Gidget), Cliff Robertson (The Big Kahuna), James Darren (Moondoggie), Arthur O'Connell (Russell Lawrence), Mary LaRoche (Dorothy Lawrence), Joby Baker (Stinky), Tom Laughlin (Lover Boy), Jo Morrow (Mary Lou). C-96m. Letterboxed.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d0a5e86cc6b55eae2fb9a7532d692386", "text": "Candace Hutson Candace Hutson, credited as Candy on MWC, is an American former child actress, inactive since 1996. She was probably best known as Molly Newton on Evening Shade, the early 90s Burt Reynolds vehicle. On MWC she played Tina, Bud's unwanted 'girlfriend' in Life's A Beach in Season 3 of the series. Candace is best known as the voice of Cera the Triceratops in The Land Before Time film series from the first film to The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists.", "title": "" } ]
what is diaphragm and what its role in breathing
[ { "docid": "c51a31e8e280de61972c508f42f60ae2", "text": "Medical Definition of Diaphragm (muscle) Diaphragm (muscle): The muscle that separates the chest (thoracic) cavity from the abdomen. The diaphragm is the main muscle of respiration. Contraction of the diaphragm muscle expands the lungs during inspiration when one is breathing air in.We rely heavily on the diaphragm for our respiratory function so that when the diaphragm is impaired, it can compromise our breathing.ontraction of the diaphragm muscle expands the lungs during inspiration when one is breathing air in. We rely heavily on the diaphragm for our respiratory function so that when the diaphragm is impaired, it can compromise our breathing.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "2008401a6b77b88989c3e9daebd6dec6", "text": "6 Reasons to Practice Diaphragmatic Breathing In yoga, diaphragmatic breathing (or abdominal breathing) is typically one of the first pranayama (breath control) techniques we learn and practicing it is truly a great gift to yourself. There are countless ways that abdominal breathing can benefit our overall health.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7b942bcee17a7a0626be5b445606c98b", "text": "Diaphragm A diaphragm is a method of birth control used by women. It is a soft, thin, dome-shaped rubber cup with a flexible rim. Spermicidal jelly is placed inside the dome. The diaphragm is placed high in the vagina to hold the spermicide against the cervix. The diaphragm comes in various sizes and must be fitted by a clinician to be effective. The diaphragm acts as a barrier between the opening of the cervix and semen which contains sperm.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4f856de6076b9096600e3b0b64075dd2", "text": "Breathing to reduce stress Breathing and stress. The primary role of breathing is to absorb oxygen and to expel carbon dioxide through the movement of the lungs. Muscles that control the movement of the lungs are the diaphragm (a sheet of muscle underneath the lungs) and the muscles between the ribs. When a person is under stress, their breathing pattern changes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f0ec0e572f57d9d06d81f0188c379c6a", "text": "The Diaphragm The diaphragm is the primary muscle of respiration. During inspiration, it contracts and flattens, increasing the vertical diameter of the thoracic cavity. This produces lung expansion, and air is drawn in. During expiration, the diaphragm passively relaxes and returns to its original dome shape. This reduces the volume of the thoracic cavity.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3fd4b1593bd12ca736d0b01d6ea06b19", "text": "Paralysis of the Diaphragm (Breathing Muscle Problem) The human diaphragm is a muscular sheet that contracts and relaxes to enable the movement of the air through the lungs. It sits at the base of the lungs and separates the thoracic (chest) cavity from the abdominal cavity.ome diseases that affect the muscles of the body may also involve the diaphragm. These conditions are not specific for the diaphragm and there may be other areas affected with muscle weakness or even paralysis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a70db45b47c37b7135d40639caf05553", "text": "Thoracic diaphragm The diaphragm separates the thoracic cavity containing the heart and lungs, from the abdominal cavity and performs an important function in respiration: as the diaphragm contracts, the volume of the thoracic cavity increases and air is drawn into the lungs.he diaphragm functions in breathing. During inhalation, the diaphragm contracts and moves in the inferior direction, thus enlarging the volume of the thoracic cavity (the external intercostal muscles also participate in this enlargement).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e54dbb7cb14b9edc2cc47f4359150adf", "text": "- How much is LeBron James contract is? LeBron James will earn 15.7 million dollars for next season from the total contract amount. If he extends his career into the 2010 and 2011 season, he will then receive …17.1 million dollars. James also has a contract with Nike for 90 million dollars.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b3b43d29918b7f6ab57e990ecd99cfb0", "text": "What happens to the ribs and diaphragm during exhalation? How does the diaphragm help during inhaling and exhaling? When it contracts it causes a very significant increase in the volume of the thorax, thus reducing the pressure inside and causing negative pressure in relation to outside.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "629294c7bc70a61ac383c2e6ac486f71", "text": "Thoracic diaphragm The diaphragm functions in breathing. During inhalation, the diaphragm contracts and moves in the inferior direction, thus enlarging the volume of the thoracic cavity (the external intercostal muscles also participate in this enlargement).he diaphragm separates the thoracic cavity containing the heart and lungs, from the abdominal cavity and performs an important function in respiration: as the diaphragm contracts, the volume of the thoracic cavity increases and air is drawn into the lungs.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0f6d1c28c52c5bca81efe7973376f66b", "text": "Diaphragm in Respiratory System Click to read more below. The diaphragm in the respiratory system is the dome-shaped sheet of muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen. It is also referred to the thoracic diaphragm because it’s located in the thoracic cavity, or chest.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a030cf822847a630d61776018cf36488", "text": "Respiratory System Diaphragm’s Role in Breathing. When the diaphragm contracts and moves lower, the chest cavity enlarges, reducing the pressure inside the lungs. To equalize the pressure, air enters the lungs. When the diaphragm relaxes and moves back up, the elasticity of the lungs and chest wall pushes air out of the lungs. The lungs have no skeletal muscles of their own. The work of breathing is done by the diaphragm, the muscles between the ribs (intercostal muscles), the muscles in the neck, and the abdominal muscles.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e44f3869e46a3ced8051cbddd88aaabe", "text": "6 Reasons to Practice Diaphragmatic Breathing 3. Strengthens the Immune System. Abdominal breathing helps prevent infection of the lungs and other tissues. 4. Improves the Circulatory System. Diaphragmatic breathing benefits the circulatory system by increasing blood circulation and helping with blood-return to the heart.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4efad721847d10e481815413f24f29a6", "text": "Medical Definition of Diaphragm (muscle) Diaphragm (muscle): The muscle that separates the chest (thoracic) cavity from the abdomen. The diaphragm is the main muscle of respiration. Contraction of the diaphragm muscle expands the lungs during inspiration when one is breathing air in. We rely heavily on the diaphragm for our respiratory function so that when the diaphragm is impaired, it can compromise our breathing. The nerve that controls the diaphragm is the phrenic nerve, which originates at vertebral level C3-C5.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0266c6a6c1a7c20973531abbb7c4f241", "text": "What Is Angina? Figure A shows the location of the heart in the body. Figure B shows a normal coronary artery with normal blood flow. The inset image shows a cross-section of a normal coronary artery. Figure C shows a coronary artery narrowed by plaque. The buildup of plaque limits the flow of oxygen-rich blood through the artery.f the flow of oxygen-rich blood to your heart muscle is reduced or blocked, angina (an-JI-nuh or AN-juh-nuh) or a heart attack can occur. Angina is chest pain or discomfort. It may feel like pressure or squeezing in your chest.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "411e2cde04c95bd3275e9990d88abb4b", "text": "Muscles of respiration The diaphragm is the major muscle responsible for breathing. It is a thin, dome-shaped muscle that separates the abdominal cavity from the thoracic cavity. During inhalation, the diaphragm contracts, so that it's centre moves caudally (downward) and its edges move rostrally (upward).dditional 'accessory muscles of respiration' are typically only used under conditions of high metabolic demand (e.g. exercise) or respiratory dysfunction (e.g. an asthma attack).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2632d1262b8c08abe06dccd8a7461c89", "text": "- The diaphragm regulates breathing. When your diaphragm contracts, your lungs take in oxygen. When your diaphragm relaxes, your lungs release carbon dioxide. The diaphragm contracting out of rhythm causes hiccups. Each spasm of the diaphragm makes the larynx and vocal cords close suddenly. This results in a sudden rush of air into the lungs. Your body reacts with a gasp or chirp, creating the sound characteristic of hiccups. Singultus is the medical term for hiccups.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "53d7f2013056eed274c2871527e6bc23", "text": "DR. Qassim can be reached by air from all major airports of Saudi Arabia, like Riyadh and Jeddah. Qassim airport is about 25 Kms from the Capital city Buraidah and ---- kms from sister city of Unazah. Alternatively, one can reach here by road from Riyadh by way of Riyadh-Madina Motorway in about three hours.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "687986fb1e436e1e1f83e3705bc90d0e", "text": "Thoracic diaphragm The diaphragm separates the thoracic cavity containing the heart and lungs, from the abdominal cavity and performs an important function in respiration: as the diaphragm contracts, the volume of the thoracic cavity increases and air is drawn into the lungs.s a dome, the diaphragm has peripheral attachments to structures that make up the abdominal and chest walls. The muscle fibres from these attachments converge in a central tendon, which forms the crest of the dome.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e0b1a8c560d76e1530386daf7a3f9d0e", "text": "- 194,811 pages on this wiki. Dover Castle is a medieval castle in the town of the same name in the English county of Kent. It was founded in the 12th century and has been described as the Key to England due to its defensive significance throughout history. It is the largest castle in England.he castle today Edit. Dover Castle is a Scheduled Monument, which means it is a nationally important historic building and archaeological site that has been given protection against unauthorised change. It is also a Grade I listed building, and recognised as an internationally important structure.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1d2bb938b090a1ce4d57c2630821e635", "text": "DIAPHRAGM-THE HUMAN BODY ORGAN Transcript of DIAPHRAGM-THE HUMAN BODY ORGAN. So dear students, the diaphragm is located in the thoracic cavity or chest and right beneath the lungs and is attached to the spine, ribs and sternum. It is the main muscle of the respiratory system which plays a very important role controlling the breathing process.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d0f6d37d454d9c57d3a5029d98248e3e", "text": "Diaphragm: Definition & Function Let's look at how the diaphragm carries out this very important function. Function of the Diaphragm The diaphragm is the main respiratory muscle that allows us to inhale and exhale. This is done by the contraction and relaxation of the muscle creating a vacuum that sucks air into our lungs through our mouths and noses.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f6c32052ad8836f0e3f60d9a06627bb6", "text": "Diaphragm (Human Thorax) Location, Anatomy, Function and Position The main function of the diaphragm is as a muscle of respiration, meaning that it aids with breathing. It is aided by other muscles and accessory muscles of breathing when a person experiences shortness of breath. When the diaphragm contracts, the lungs expand and air is inhaled.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "61d54c01222093de8a4af2695611ba43", "text": "Diaphragm (Human Thorax) Location, Anatomy, Function and Position The diaphragm is dome-shaped. The middle part of this dome is depressed just where the heart and its compartment, the mediastinum, are located. This makes the diaphragm a double dome, one on either side. It is the middle of these two side domes that move during respiration (breathing).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b74444d3fd4febc7f8cf603fef6f7e4f", "text": "Diaphragm in Respiratory System It is attached to the spine, ribs and sternum and is the main muscle of respiration, playing a very important role in the breathing process. The lungs are enclosed in a kind of cage in which the ribs form the sides and the diaphragm, an upwardly arching sheet of muscle,... Click to read more below.The diaphragm in the respiratory system is the dome-shaped sheet of muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen. It is also referred to the thoracic diaphragm because it’s located in the thoracic cavity, or chest.t is attached to the spine, ribs and sternum and is the main muscle of respiration, playing a very important role in the breathing process. The lungs are enclosed in a kind of cage in which the ribs form the sides and the diaphragm, an upwardly arching sheet of muscle,... Click to read more below.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ce5af660738932b71357f61e8b3d49bc", "text": "The Lungs and Respiration Air is supplied to the lungs through the process of breathing. The diaphragm plays a key role in breathing. The diaphragm is a muscular partition that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. When relaxed, the diaphragm is shaped like a dome.", "title": "" } ]
what cars are included in the takata airbag recall?
[ { "docid": "c3e80494b7cff5d458269eab33cac418", "text": "Is Your Car Part of the Takata Airbag Recall? Which cars are under recall: The 2009-11 Jaguar XF and 2007-11 Land Rover Range Rover are now affected by NHTSA's expansion of the Takata airbag inflator recall to include passenger-side airbags. (Jaguar Land Rover is a business unit of affiliated brands, both owned by India's Tata Motors.)", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ae535bdff750073c3f672e676e65d5a5", "text": "Lexus Recalls Read More. Toyota is conducting a limited regional recall for certain 2003-'05 Toyota Corolla, Matrix, Sequoia, Tundra, Lexus SC 430 and Pontiac Vibe vehicles currently registered in Florida, Puerto Rico, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands and equipped with Takata passenger-side airbag inflators.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "e8834bddb45ab0cd495735ac94b7976d", "text": "- 2015 Lexus Recalls: Takata Airbag Update. Lexus has open recalls on its 2002-2005 Lexus SC model cars as part of the Takata Airbag recall. The Takata recall expanded to approximately 34 million cars on US roads it was announced in May 2015.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7463d96ec87f2c147a557961cfc8c786", "text": "Airbag Seat belt airbag. 1 2009: Mercedes ESF 2009 Experimental Safety Vehicle had seat belt airbags. 2 2010: Lexus LFA had seat belt airbags for driver and passenger. 3 2011: Ford Explorer and 2013 Ford Flex: optional rear seat belt airbags; standard on the 2013 Lincoln MKT. 4 2013: Mercedes-Benz S-Class (W222) has rear seat beltbags.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1417054d25be35fe087d02204555be83", "text": "Ford Expands Takata Airbag Recall Ford Expands Takata Airbag Recall As part of the third planned expansion of vehicles included in Takata airbag inflator recalls described in National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Takata Coordinated Remedy Order, Ford is expanding its safety recall on vehicles with certain passenger frontal airbag inflators after Takata declared those inflators defective.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f9c34247917a20986c3b9533604e5aa9", "text": "- Official recalls have been issued for the 2010 Ford Mustang by the NHTSA. The complete details of all recalls are listed below, along with what they cover and the recommended solutions.ctions: Ford will notify owners, and dealers will replace the front driver side air bag inflator, free of charge. Ford issued an interim notification to owners on July 20, 2015. Owners will receive a second notice when remedy parts become available.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7eaeb4af59909af58d3a8ac3223fde9e", "text": "How to check if your car is on the Takata airbag recall list Consumers can also enter their VIN numbers, the 17-character serial number usually placed on the dash of a car, on the website safercar.gov. That will give car owners every recall associated with their vehicle.The website advises consumers to check back even if their vehicle is not on the list now as it could take several days or weeks for all vehicles to be listed.But the site does not include all of the vehicles impacted by Tuesday's massive recall.ut neither automakers nor the government has made it easy to find out if your car has been affected and how it should be fixed. Federal officials so far have released only a partial list of affected vehicles (see below).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cdadb4eb7e8709fd5b7aadb1a2b94187", "text": "- NHTSA has received the list of vehicles from Ford that are affected by the recent expansion of the Takata air bag recalls. The recall affects more than 360,000 Ford Ranger trucks from model years 2004-2006, Recall 16V-036.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f95a4474b11a4ee0ebaae268aec204ec", "text": "- Get information on open safety recalls and service campaigns released since 1999 for Toyota, Lexus and Scion vehicles intended for sale or sold in the U.S., U.S. Territories, and Mexico using our quick and easy recall and campaign lookup below.Important Takata Airbag Safety Recall Information.f you have completed a Campaign, but are experiencing concerns with your vehicle, please contact your local Toyota, Lexus, or Scion dealer for an inspection. Should you require additional assistance, please refer to the Contact Us section at the bottom of this page.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5d5d54291a7a770ebf411f32dcd9f9ee", "text": "- Infiniti Takata Recall Update. Infiniti has open recalls on over one million cars (including Nissan models) as part of the Takata Airbag recall. This recall was expanded as of May 2015 with the announcement that approximately 34 million cars on US roads are equipped with defective airbags manufactured by Takata.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "73e22edfa37f4e2182f4ffcc60ff6720", "text": "Takata Airbag Recall: A Complete List of Affected Vehicles Takata Airbag Recall: A Complete List of Affected Vehicles. A deployed airbag is seen in a Nissan vehicle at the LKQ Pick Your Part salvage yard on May 22, 2015 in Medley, Florida.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "14afd824281d4dc4ec03be2f0028dc8f", "text": "- The moves are the latest twist in a decade-long drama that saw Takata’s faulty air-bag inflators linked to at least 17 deaths and at the center of the auto industry’s largest recall in history. — , Bloomberg.com, How a Billionaire Family Fell From Grace After the Takata Airbag Scandal, 28 June 2017.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f0e50fdb7b8aac5be3376104dabcac9e", "text": "Honda expands airbag recall to 2.2M more U.S. vehicles has added an additional 2.23 million late model U.S. vehicles to the growing list of recalls over Takata airbags that could explode from production defects. The Japan-based automaker said late Wednesday that certain Honda and Acura vehicles from the 2005-2016 model years are being recalled to replace the Takata-manufactured PSDI-5 driver-side front airbag inflators.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "73b7ea88304174a6551f9c4d5dc88b00", "text": "Alligators, crocodiles bring potential danger during mating season Alligators, crocodiles bring potential danger during mating season. WESTON, Fla. (WSVN) – An alligator sighting isn’t unheard of in South Florida, but if there is ever a relatively close encounter, locals and visitors should know what to do in such a situation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7ae7aee5e5d99f56634121880f611cd3", "text": "Takata airbag victims looked like they had been shot or stabbed Related: Feds call for nationwide Takata airbag recall. Court records and police reports show two other fatalities tied to the exploding airbags, which were also both in Honda (HMC) cars: 1 Ashley Parkham, killed in a 2009 accident in Midwest City, Oklahoma.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dd1e071fa7d0803b3bf4f7e82e173125", "text": "Toyota Recalls 1.4 Million Vehicles as 2nd Major Airbag Maker Is Under Scrutiny Toyota did not name the airbag supplier when it announced the recall in Tokyo on Wednesday, but Autoliv later identified itself and said it was cooperating with the recall. Autoliv stressed that its airbag defect had caused no known injuries or deaths.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "55760cfa882ed07945f2171492b3e5e2", "text": "Frequently Asked Questions regarding Takata Airbag Inflator Recalls Frequently Asked Questions regarding Takata Airbag Inflator Recalls Ford is committed to providing our customers with top quality vehicles. We are equally committed to addressing potential issues and responding quickly for our customers.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2197289bb53a81669e73b5c0e5b6dc02", "text": "Ford recalls 1.5M more cars over doors that can fly open Ford says it knows of one accident and three injuries from the faulty doors. The new vehicles included in the latest recall include the 2013 to 2015 Ford C-MAX and Ford Escape, 2012 to 2015 Ford Focus, 2015 Ford Mustang and Lincoln MKC and 2014 to 2016 Ford Transit Connect.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c33b73a2493fe23dcd1719f64d234212", "text": "Here's Why The Ongoing Airbag Recall Is Terrifying As Automotive News reported : The airbag industry [major manufacturers] have located their inflator plants in arid regions. TRW makes inflators in Mesa, Ariz., while Autoliv has a plant in Brigham City, Utah. Takata’s inflator plants are in Moses Lake, Wash., and Monclova, Mexico.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "161421eb5e891bf2b5881ce628247bf8", "text": "- NHTSA has released the full list of vehicles (by model year, make and model) affected by the Takata air bag recalls. Consumers can also use NHTSA's VIN look-up tool to see if their Vehicle Identification Number matches one of the estimated 32 million vehicles from 12 auto manufacturers involved in the recall.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "456ac092cc6e871b12d41f33fbda2bd6", "text": "Which New Cars Still Have Takata Airbag Inflators? It said no other 2016 vehicles have Takata's non-desiccated ammonium nitrate inflators. Mitsubishi: Only the 2016 and 2017 Mitsubishi i-MiEV electric hatchbacks get a non-desiccated inflator and they're in the passenger-side frontal airbag.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9ee4e054431c2c6341618afaef2023ec", "text": "- Affected Vehicles, by Manufacturer, Impacted by CY 2013 and 2014 Recalls Involving Takata Airbags. BMW: 627,615 total number of potentially affected vehicles. 2000 – 2005 3 Series Sedan. 2000 – 2006 3 Series Coupe. 2000 – 2005 3 Series Sports Wagon. 2000 – 2006 3 Series Convertible. 2001 – 2006 M3 Coupe.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "14ea62ef8ef631b160e69047c6f2e1ec", "text": "- Honda Motor Company is expanding its recall in North America of late-model vehicles equipped with potentially defective Takata air bags, adding 2.23 million vehicles. usa today File photo taken in 2015 shows a deployed safety airbag in a 2001 Honda Accord at the LKQ Pick Your Part salvage yard in Medley, Florida.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f3672ae5cd6df6b1ce3c0e2862778376", "text": "Frequently Asked Questions Updated December 19, 2017 Honda was one of the first automakers to adopt a new dual stage airbag design in 2001 and the supplier of these airbags and inflators was Takata. The Takata PSDI driver front inflator contained ammonium nitrate propellant.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c14f2b504290cf3718af5620572c8870", "text": "Ford (F) Recalls Ranger Pickups with Faulty Takata Airbags - Analyst Blog Ford had recalled the 2007 Mustangs in June due to faulty airbags. These recalls covered the high-humidity states including Florida, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands as the inflators could rupture under extreme humidity.ord Motor Co. (F) announced that it is recalling Ford Ranger pickup trucks from the U.S. due to the faulty air bags supplied by Takata Corp. This recall is an addition to the previous recall announced in June due to faulty passenger air bags.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "feea14cc741130f9c95229e591c5d616", "text": "Collision avoidance system List of cars with available collision avoidance features. 1 Acura RL, MDX, ZDX Acura RDX, TLX, ILX. 2 Audi A8, A7 from 2010, A6 from 2011, Audi A3 from 2013, Audi Q7 from 2015. 3 BMW 2-Series, 3-Series, 4- Series, 5-Series, and others. 4 Buick Enclave. 5 2013 Cadillac ATS, 2013 Cadillac XTS.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1d0361ef61cd681827f4b500c7691446", "text": "- * The Chevrolet Sonic, Chevrolet Tahoe, Chevrolet Silverado HD, and Chevrolet Camaro received the highest numerical scores in their respective segments in the J.D. Power 2017 U.S. Vehicle Dependability Study, based on responses from 35,186 U.S. original owners of 2014 model-year vehicles after three years of ownership about problems experienced in the past 12 months, surveyed in October-December 2016.", "title": "" } ]
population of butler pennsylvania
[ { "docid": "25ec817cd0c01dee1b0bfeef72be19c1", "text": "- The 2016 Butler, Pennsylvania, population is 13,289. There are 4,887 people per square mile (population density). The median age is 35.8. The US median is 37.4. 41.15% of people in Butler, Pennsylvania, are married. 18.45% are divorced.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "6faaa02d8649ff8683f7680bacc1f127", "text": "Butler County Jail You can reach the Butler County jail reception desk by using the phone number (724) 284-5256. For help with Butler County bail bonds or legal matters please see our local listings posted to the right. Reviews and comments are what keep our Pennsylvania jails under the public eye.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "01f59d14ab7cdde10ed1646c4944e2e1", "text": "Parker Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania Parker Township is located in northeastern Butler County, along the Armstrong County line. The township surrounds the borough of Bruin but is separate from it. The city of Parker is along part of the eastern boundary of the township, in Armstrong County. Bear Creek, a tributary of the Allegheny River, flows from south to northeast through the township. According to the United States Census Bureau, the township has a total area of 22.9 square miles (59.4 km 2), all of it land.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "87773409300706901650aadb0c600109", "text": "Butler, NJ Butler was incorporated as a borough by an act of the New Jersey Legislature on March 13, 1901, from portions of Pequannock Township.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "681e8cff89abe309cba1cec041da8aae", "text": "Butler Butler, MO. Butler is a city in Bates County, Missouri, United States. The population was 4,209 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Bates County. According to the United States Census Bureau, Butler has a total area of 3.9 square miles (10.0 km²), all of it land. As of the census of 2000, there were 4,209 people, 1,723 households, and 1,047 families residing in the city.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "69e74a183a70e30273cd6e12fe3ea5b2", "text": "- Population of Butler County, Pennsylvania: Census 2010 and 2000 Interactive Map, Demographics, Statistics, Graphs, Quick Facts. Compare population statistics about Butler County, PA by race, age, gender, Latino/Hispanic origin etc.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "84de08ce9b0f0c6fe227125d9232e591", "text": "Butler County, Ohio Welcome to Butler County, Ohio. Butler County was formed by the State of Ohio on March 24, 1803 from portions of Hamilton County. Its county seat is Hamilton, where the first fort was built on the bank of the Great Miami River. It is named for Richard Butler of Pennsylvania, a major general in the American Revolutionary War.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4f1774e99bf4c778754d0522bb8414b8", "text": "Other cities, towns, and suburbs near Butler County, Pennsylvania: Other cities, towns, and suburbs near Butler County, Pennsylvania: The center of each city listed is within 33 miles of Butler County, PA. Scroll down the page to find a list of big cities if you're booking a flight between airports, or a list of smaller surrounding towns if you're doing a road trip. From: near/in:", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2cb8f6cf83cf7c607d5fa01da45a8c33", "text": "The Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Center Most want to know if a certain condition that you or your loved one is experiencing is unusual or cause for alarm. Below is a table of commonly experienced symptoms of pancreatic cancer and side effects of various treatments.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "54f03507e45c6307e5bb9bc098ac0653", "text": "Quakertown, Pennsylvania The population of Quakertown in 1900 was 3,014; it rose to 3,801 in 1910. By 1940, the population had reached 5,150 people. At the 2010 census, the borough's population was 8,979.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7ff498fb12d6304931628c627036c3ab", "text": "- Butler, New Jersey. Butler is a borough in Morris County, New Jersey, United States. As of the 2010 United States Census, the borough's population was 7,539, reflecting an increase of 119 (+1.6%) from the 7,420 counted in the 2000 Census, which had in turn increased by 28 (+0.4%) from the 7,392 counted in the 1990 Census.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2cdc40b05b0dcdba710df58007652925", "text": "Malvern Malvern, PA. Online Offers. Malvern is a borough in Chester County, Pennsylvania, United States. The population was 2,998 at the 2010 census. The main road through the borough is King Street, although the borough is also bordered by Paoli Pike on the south, and is near US 30 on the north. The primary cross street is Warren Avenue.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7d6751c5bc843a0df17d0e60c1401dc9", "text": "- The 2016 Blairsville, Pennsylvania, population is 3,321. There are 2,347 people per square mile (population density).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f9c7b7200019735ed7f8a9f8f7248411", "text": "Butler Police Department The Butler Police Department consists of 8 officers, including K-9 Narcotics Officer Duke. Butler Police Department strives to be part of the community not just police it. Regular visits are made to local schools so children can associate officers with events which are not traumatic. We believe in making efforts to arm our citizens with knowledge to protect themselves.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "393d327b50783d675747a1ff7dae57c6", "text": "Butler White Pages (IN) 260-868-3521. The City of Butler is Located in the state of IN. We have compiled the ultimate Database of phone numbers from around the state and country to help you locate any lost friends, relatives or family members. We offer the ability to search by first name, last name, phone number, or business name.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4f7d01a35137efa4118a098a03cdc5a5", "text": "- The Cruise-a-palooza is the biggest event and is held in downtown Butler. Activities include, live entertainment, food, a DJ, and a 50/50 drawing. Each month there is also a cruise at Buffalo Plaza in Sarver, PA. Sponsored by the Rodfathers of Butler.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "92a076a20c6c036aee197b5733de94a6", "text": "- City of Butler. 200 W. New Castle Street. Butler, PA 16001. Non-Emergency: (724) 287-7743 or dial 9-1-1. Emergency: Dial 9-1-1. Fax: (724) 287-0602. E-Mail: [email protected]. 9-1-1 is our non-emergency dispatch number for police and services. Police Chief – Ronald Brown Deputy Police Chief – David Adam. The Butler City Police Department is a full time, twenty-four hour a day department. The Police Department is staffed by an administrative captain, a detective sergeant, and twenty uniformed officers.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c9098b6a00ebec7bfbc4a794b3954f22", "text": "- Butler County Land for Sale. There are 497 real estate listings found in Butler County, PA. There are 32 cities in Butler County which include Butler , Mars , Cranberry Twp , Saxonburg , and Valencia . There are 34 zip codes in Butler County which include 16001 , 16046 , 16066 , 16002 , and 16056 .", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4d60ea44299905da1878725587a30385", "text": "Newtown demographics profile Newtown, PA has a population of 2,240 and is the 10,376th largest city in the United States. The population density is 4,046 per sq mi which is 1325% higher than the Pennsylvania average and 4366% higher than the national average. The median age in Newtown is 47 which is approximately 16% higher than the Pennsylvania average of 40.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "37bcde6276acbeee4a06f4b3347558d3", "text": "DuBois, Pennsylvania DuBois /ˈduːbɔɪz/ DOO-boys is a city in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, United States, 100 miles (160 km) northeast of Pittsburgh. The population was 7,794 at the 2010 census. It is the principal city in the DuBois, PA Micropolitan Statistical Area. DuBois is also one of two principal cities, the other being State College, that make up the larger State College-DuBois, PA Combined Statistical Area.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b0c158420a02792e8bf8984e3cb5bf35", "text": "Butler, Pennsylvania Strongest AM radio stations in Butler: 1 WISR (680 AM; 0 kW; BUTLER, PA; Owner: WBUT, INCORPORATED) 2 KDKA (1020 AM; 50 kW; PITTSBURGH, PA; Owner: INFINITY BROADCASTING OPERATIONS, INC.) 3 WBUT (1050 AM; 1 kW; BUTLER, PA; Owner: WBUT, INC.) 4 WPIT (730 AM; 5 kW; PITTSBURGH, PA; Owner: PENNSYLVANIA MEDIA ASSOCIATES, INC.)", "title": "" }, { "docid": "758ce49eb33fd616fb25143a533d8c01", "text": "Local Housing Improvement Projects Receive State Grants The Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) recently awarded $315,000 in grants for housing improvement efforts in Butler, Warren, Clarion and Venango counties, according to Senator Scott Hutchinson. A grant of $275,000 was awarded to the Butler County Acquisition/Rehab Program. Warren County’s Roofing Program received a $30,000 grant. Clarion County’s PHARE Rental Assistance Program received a $25,000 grant and $15,000 was awarded to Venango County’s Veterans Fairweather Lodge Program.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cdf0fd9925e1e597bc82f23ebd9b580c", "text": "US History The Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty is a large statue that stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. The statue was a gift from the people of France and was dedicated on October 28, 1886. It has become one of the most iconic symbols of the United States of America.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f98fa6e331578b8db6658f881c63d812", "text": "- Current Butler County, Pennsylvania Population, Demographics and stats in 2016, 2017. Learn more by clicking the Google or Facebook button below. Population Demographics for Butler County, Pennsylvania in 2016 and 2017.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "31480d0a5a7e9493cf7a1826c4af0f6b", "text": "Winfield Township Community Park Winfield Township. Winfield Township is a rural, residential community located in southeastern Butler County, Pennsylvania. Founded in 1796, Winfield Township comprises approximately 24.4 square miles of land area situated along the Route 356 corridor. As of the 2010 census, the population was 3,535. Recent Posts", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e977c8f09e820ac4bf8c83102bd5e082", "text": "Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Bucks County is a county located in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. As of the 2010 census, the population was 625,249, making it the fourth-most populous county in Pennsylvania and the 98th-most populous county in the United States. The county seat is Doylestown.", "title": "" } ]
how long will a cut watermelon last in fridge
[ { "docid": "49161804d5f14d418125f741348239a7", "text": "Produce Storage Tips To maximize the shelf life of cut watermelon, wrap tightly with plastic wrap or aluminum foil, or place in covered container or resealable plastic bag and refrigerate. How long does cut watermelon last in the fridge? Properly stored, cut watermelon will last for 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator. Can you freeze cut watermelon? Yes, to freeze: Place in airtight containers or heavy-duty freezer bags.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "66efbfd9236e91aee12ccf417ae41471", "text": "Dehydrated Watermelon and Dehydrated Cantoloupe Dehydrated Watermelon and Dehydrated Cantoloupe. Place in dehydrator at 135 until thin, dry and leathery (near brittle but not quite). The process takes 12-18 hours – but is greatly dependant on the thickness of your slices (our quarter-inch slices were pretty close to 18 hours). There is however some tricks to getting even slices.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7fbfa41d925f854c3a6457efaa3e5e75", "text": "How to Select and Store Watermelon Storing Watermelon. Watermelons are picked when they are ripe so they will not continue to ripen and soften much at room temperature; melons picked before their prime will never develop full flavor. Whole watermelon should be stored in the refrigerator for up to one week. Cut watermelon should be wrapped in plastic, refrigerated and used within three to five days. You can also freeze cut watermelon, but the texture will be soft when thawed (which is fine for cold soups and smoothies).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b5db394bca24c92cf8ead82ce4f2a4ea", "text": "- Wash watermelons in clean, running water and dry before eating to remove surface dirt. When purchasing cut watermelon, wash and dry the rind of the watermelon. Watermelon temperature should be maintained—if it is purchased at room temperature, it should be stored at room temperature. If the melon was refrigerated at the supermarket, do so at home as well.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2056bd3fc5bec40bc59430a3c1c1b641", "text": "Handling and Storing Watermelon Store uncut watermelons at room temperature. Store uncut watermelon at 55°F to 70°F (13°C to 21°C). Whole melons will keep for two weeks at 60°F (16°C), 7 to 10 days at average room temperature and up to a week in hot weather.Store it too long, and it will lose flavor and texture.Watermelon tastes best warm but is more refreshing if cooled down before eating.hole melons will keep for two weeks at 60°F (16°C), 7 to 10 days at average room temperature and up to a week in hot weather. Store it too long, and it will lose flavor and texture. Watermelon tastes best warm but is more refreshing if cooled down before eating.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f23cca7b6bc3d41bcd77de810a9b2605", "text": "How Long Does Watermelon Take to Grow & What Month Do You Plant? Generally, watermelons reach harvest 65 to 90 days after sowing. As might be expected, smaller varieties will usually be ready before larger ones, but not always. Some early icebox-size watermelons, of 2 to 4 pounds, Early Midget, Garden Baby, Golden Midget and Little Baby Flower, mature in 65 to 70 days.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "351dbc61aa88779668872425f417df62", "text": "How long bacon stay fresh at room temperature? How long will watermelon stay fresh at room temperature? You can safely say a good 2 weeks and sometimes more dependant upon when it was cropped. when cut open the fruit will obviously tell you.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cbaa2fc84b104a135dc7c3b252cfca92", "text": "How Long Does Fresh Produce Last + How Do I Store It? Honeydew Melon (once ripe, they can last another 5-7 days in the refrigerator) – Store at room temperature until ripe, then refrigerate if needed .Once cut, honeydew melon lasts 3-4 days in the refrigerator. Kale – Store it in an air-tight plastic bag in the refrigerator. Kumquats – Store them room temperature.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7ca2be0462c1c0c3139f229ca0e90939", "text": "SOAR Works! SAMHSA's SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery Technical Assistance (SOAR TA) Center is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The goals of the SOAR program speak directly to one of SAMHSA’s Strategic Initiatives- Recovery Supports.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7e933501d6d89d7434b82cbf358303db", "text": "How long will half a watermelon last if I seal the cut? In the middle of the summer, it is not un- usual to end up with half a melon to keep. If you cover it with shrink film to help it from drying out, it could keep for a week without any problems. Melons, my favorite summer fruit.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "692f5d3bf68f4a1c0aa5835e4e50d45f", "text": "- Some telephone area codes are overlaid, requiring 10-digit dialing. AreaCode.org is your one-stop site for area code lookup, area code search, and area code locator. Area code 970 serves the western half of Colorado, including Vail, Aspen, Durango, and Fort Collins.It was created in 1995 in a split of area code 303.70 Area Code 970. At AreaCode.org, you'll find helpful information on the 970 area code, including 970 area code location. Other phone area codes may be found using AreaCode.org's area code locator. Use the search function for area code look up. Purchase Toll Free with excellent customer service.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1938b517a2b1cd4692ca178113614e8c", "text": "When is Watermelon Ripe? Store watermelons at temperatures ranging from 60 to 70 degrees F. Temperatures below 50 degrees or above 90 degrees for extended periods will increase flesh deterioration. Once the melon is cut, it can be refrigerated in wedge form or in small chunks in plastic-covered containers.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "17b0ec75cd5de2e5a0150674ebc468d8", "text": "\"How long can cucumbers stay in the fridge before they are \"\"bad\"\"?\" Best Answer: If your frig is operating correctly you may find cucumber's will last 10 to 16 days. Once you cut them you will have just about 2 days or so. All produce degrades once it is harvested, the best way is to check it. If they are soft, mushy or have brown spots on them I would toss it out.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a170a38874ab43dcb00daef22532bd02", "text": "How Long Will a Whole Watermelon Stay Fresh? If the fruit is placed in the refrigerator, it lasts for two to three weeks. Continue Reading. If the watermelon is cut, it can stay fresh in the refrigerator for about three to five days. Cut watermelon can last for one day if cut and stored on the countertop. Watermelon is rich in water and electrolytes. The fruit is also high in vitamin A, which is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals. Watermelon is also high in lycopene, which protects the skin from UV rays.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e55372aba91ba1081f5ecfb03954a9b5", "text": "Elvis Presley First of all, there’s no such thing as “too much watermelon.” Second, there are so many things you can do with those leftovers, but that’s a subject for another day. To answer your question, if the watermelon has already been cut, it should be okay in the fridge for 3 or 4 days.While it’s in there, keep it in a container (if it’s cubed) or place plastic wrap over the exposed edge. keep seeing everywhere an uncut melon will only last 7-10 days, but i have had this large 1-1.5 ft long watermelon sitting in my kitchen since early summer (maybe june to very early july).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c9a094eec6b0d82a32cbfa8e4f5cfdca", "text": "How long will an un-cut watermelon last in the refrigerator? This fruit will last about a week if uncut. If cut it will only stay fresh a day or 2. Cutting allows the air to dry it out if it is not plastic wrapped. It tends to become watery if stored in an air tight container. Nitish Rawat.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "84ecaf73d8a096b072c9467f019e6f33", "text": "How long will an uncut watermelon last? Best Answer: A whole watermelon will last 10-14 days if kept in the refrigerator. A cut watermelon will last 4-5 days in the fridge before beginning to go bad. I doubt that the watermelons that are no longer on the vine will last until Halloween.est Answer: A whole watermelon will last 10-14 days if kept in the refrigerator. A cut watermelon will last 4-5 days in the fridge before beginning to go bad. I doubt that the watermelons that are no longer on the vine will last until Halloween.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e0dc22f8db8b67829505ba761d33270f", "text": "- The freshly cut fruits were then rinsed in water, dried, packaged in clamshells (not gastight) and stored at 41°F (5°C). After 6 days, losses in vitamin C were less than 5% in mango, strawberry, and watermelon pieces, 10% in pineapple pieces, 12% in kiwifruit slices, and 25% in cantaloupe cubes. No losses in carotenoids were found in kiwifruit slices and watermelon cubes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4e24211a78fc12dca9dc9f270d39e5f2", "text": "How long does a uncut watermelon stay fresh sitting on the counter? It really depends on ripe the cantaloupe is when you bring it home. If it is very fresh you should cut it up and refrigerate it immediately. It it is quite unripe you may be a … ble to hold it for 2-3 days in a cool location without refrigeration.t really depends on ripe the cantaloupe is when you bring it home. If it is very fresh you should cut it up and refrigerate it immediately. It it is quite unripe you may be a … ble to hold it for 2-3 days in a cool location without refrigeration.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4289d68996fe344a88933b9cee50200b", "text": "Handling and Storing Watermelon Store uncut watermelons at room temperature. Store uncut watermelon at 55°F to 70°F (13°C to 21°C). Whole melons will keep for two weeks at 60°F (16°C), 7 to 10 days at average room temperature and up to a week in hot weather. Store it too long, and it will lose flavor and texture. Chill the watermelon before cutting.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6d34693ebffa365818df3932dfbbedaa", "text": "Harvesting Cantaloupe After harvesting cantaloupe, store the whole melons in the refrigerator. They will last for up to a week. Cut cantaloupe will last for 4-5 days before starting to go bad. If you have lots of melons and have no hope of eating them all, you can always freeze them for later use in cool drinks, smoothies or soups.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "afa66931cee4ba422cedf959a1cd3a01", "text": "- Fresh cut pineapple could last up to 5 days in the fridge. Exactly how long will depend upon the fridge temperature and any contamination that might have occurred. I have had … cut pineapple keep for nearly two weeks, but that might be an exception.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "992f2b6e1aaf154b243fccd8a59768db", "text": "- Here's what the golf scoring terms mean for holes with pars of 5, 4 and 3. Par-5 Hole. 1 Double eagle: On a par-5, means you finished the hole in 2 strokes. 2 Eagle: You finished the hole in 3 strokes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "aed11f97529615e60800c4a0d7579171", "text": "How to Store Watermelon Cut watermelon stays safe for up to 10 months wrapped tightly in foil and plastic in the freezer. The flesh will be soft and inedible for eating out of hand, but it adds sweet, watermelon flavor in smoothies and sorbets.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b062f6400cae5ad97f2ffb0e2b2d4982", "text": "How Long Does Watermelon Last? Uncut watermelons will last 7-10 days on the counter and 2-3 weeks in the fridge, cut watermelon are also listed in our table. The shelf life of watermelon depends when the watermelon was picked and how it is stored.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "60e8980a981d5dcee4b0942a6893c9d9", "text": "How Long Does Watermelon Last? 1 Day. 3-5 Days. Of course, all foods last for a shorter period of time if they are not stored properly. But remember, watermelon, like a lot of other fresh fruits, usually does not have a use by date or a best before date so you will have to use the date purchased or date picked.here is rarely a picnic that does not include a watermelon. Its sweet, juicy red flesh has plenty of Vitamins A & C and the anti-oxident lycopene which is good for heart and bone health. It has no fat and is very low in calories as it is comprised of 90% water and 8% natural sugar.", "title": "" } ]
what catwoman in batman arkham city
[ { "docid": "e33f8381f3aec8f22af0c450104c4920", "text": "Catwoman Batman No. 1 (Spring, 1940) Also known as: Selina Kyle Catwoman is a playable character in Batman: Arkham City and accounts for roughly 10% of the campaign gameplay . Catwoman has her own moves and story. Catwoman doesn't have a bunch of gadgets. Instead, she relies on her whip and a couple of handy tools worthy of a burglar (or ninja), such as caltrops (little spikes that slow enemies).", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "faeab7fd510d46fd7df762255b291686", "text": "Catwoman Also known as: Selina Kyle. is a playable character in Batman: Arkham City and accounts for roughly 10% of the campaign gameplay [1]. Catwoman has her own moves and story. Catwoman doesn't have a bunch of gadgets. Instead, she relies on her whip and a couple of handy tools worthy of a burglar (or ninja), such as caltrops (little spikes that slow enemies). The whip can be used not only to strangle baddies, but also to swing across the city.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7f50b1c960d2cecf40588714362f0aee", "text": "Catwoman (film) Catwoman is a 2004 American superhero film directed by Pitof and stars Halle Berry, Sharon Stone, Benjamin Bratt, Lambert Wilson, Frances Conroy and Alex Borstein. The film is loosely based on the DC Comics character of the same name, who is traditionally an anti-heroine and love interest of the vigilante hero Batman. The plot features a completely new character, Patience Phillips, taking the Catwoman name, and viewing the traditional Catwoman as a historical figure.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2b142e03c0ce1c43214cb83dd8bb966e", "text": "New on Netflix July 1 - Batman: The movie and Catwoman And if you like comparing different actors' portrayals of Gotham City's two favorite masked characters, you can see Lee Meriwether as Catwoman in Batman: The Movie, while Halle Berry stars in 2004's Catwoman, also available to stream on Netflix in July.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f95a219f4cf7aeadfb53a8a5059c20b7", "text": "Arkham Asylum The Elizabeth Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane, commonly called Arkham Asylum or simply Arkham (/ˈɑːrkəm/), is a fictional psychiatric hospital appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, most commonly appearing in stories featuring Batman.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e7a20c9090a6bcf724322862418eb07a", "text": "Publication 550 (2016), Investment Income and Expenses You choose to amortize the premium on taxable bonds by reporting the amortization for the year on your income tax return for the first tax year for which you want the choice to apply. You should attach a statement to your return that you are making this choice under section 171.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cd49916475b227471a835c93a06f3015", "text": "Batman: Arkham Batman: Arkham City, set one year after the events of Arkham Asylum, features a bigger cast of characters and a story again written by Paul Dini, along with Paul Crocker and Sefton Hill. Batman is incarcerated in Arkham City, a massive new super-prison enclosing the decaying urban slums of Gotham City.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "72b0ba243d826f9f764e8d14192a40d7", "text": "- Julie Newmar might take your photo in Knoxville. Actress and dancer Julie Newmar, known for playing Catwoman in the 1960s Batman television show, talks about the role and what….", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5e7709ebb78a36f92d90e23ca84d9840", "text": "Catwoman Catwoman was an arch-nemesis and lover of Batman. Rich, glamorous and stunningly beautiful, Selina Kyle is a former socialite who became the notorious burglar called the Catwoman.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8221bf8f3617eb99f2fb7536f92f3398", "text": "Catwoman Catwoman informs Batman that she had made an uneasy alliance with Ivy to which Batman warns her that she shouldn't be playing such a dangerous game with Ivy. As Strange's grip tightened and the gates of Arkham City slammed shut on Gotham criminals, only three were left at large; Two-Face, Catwoman and Batman.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c46859a57542459f282ccd05892828d2", "text": "Catwoman (Selina Kyle) -- Catwoman. Selina Kyle is Catwoman, a costumed adventurer who's been both a super-hero and super-villain. Beginning her career as a thief and enemy to Batman, she later turned to crime-fighting and became part of the Batman Family. Despite her villainous nature, she works hard to protect the East End of Gotham City.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2a06e089f818ce0e505bcb2cd05703c8", "text": "Catwoman 1 Felix and Leo (portrayed by Ralph Manza and Jock Mahoney) - Catwoman's Ex henchmen. Felix was in charge of brushing Catwoman's pussy willows. Jack O'Shea (portrayed by Jack Kelly) - This Gotham City Times writer pens the most widely read gossip column in the country.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0ab5bb9dc3af8dec18b958a187343ca3", "text": "Which of these 6 actresses was the purr-fect Catwoman? Eartha Kitt, ‘Batman’ TV show (1967-1968) From her playful growl to her sexy cat eyes (and perfect stage name), Eartha Kitt was born to be Catwoman, and she played the part with catlike grace.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3ee2536342ee660431a389662f41684a", "text": "- Selina Kyle, AKA Catwoman, is an accomplished cat burglar with a taste for luxury. Lego Batman D.S. Character Background. Introduced in Batman #1 (Spring 1940), Catwoman is a professional cat burglar who, like Batman, has adopted an animal motif on the streets of Gotham.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6be8aef3b4527bcea0bba88399858a0c", "text": "Which of these 6 actresses was the purr-fect Catwoman? On Gotham, Camren Bicondova plays Selina Kyle, the girl who will eventually grow up to be Catwoman. She's the latest in a long line of actresses to step into the role, including (clockwise from top left) Julie Newmar, Michelle Pfeiffer, Eartha Kitt, Halle Berry, Lee Meriwether and Anne Hathaway.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "751db51ad9bed1d0e019872e819a894d", "text": "Catwoman 1 The Sandman - Worked together on a scheme to get rid of Batman once and for all, but eventually he double crossed her. 2 Nap (portrayed by Tony Ballen) - Sandman's and Catwoman henchman. Snooze (portrayed by Richard Peel) - Sandman's and Catwoman henchman.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3387b2f665dbc696e8737cf14c455ee6", "text": "Clint EastwoodWiki, Height, Age, Net Worth, Family 2018 In addition to directing many of his own star vehicles, Eastwood has also directed films in which he did not appear, such as the mystery drama Mystic River (2003) and the war film Letters from Iwo Jima (2006), for which he received Academy Award nominations, and the drama Changeling (2008).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bb500e9ef32a0e6f58b5cef4eae8c3ba", "text": "Batman: Arkham Asylum Batman: Arkham Asylum is a video game released for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Microsoft Windows and the Mac OS X, and is based on DC Comics' Batman. It was developed by Rocksteady Studios and published by Eidos Interactive in conjunction with DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Games.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "448f7df2214f8be2389552d28cbb14b9", "text": "Barbara Kean (Gotham) Barbara Kean was an art gallery owner in Gotham City, and formerly the fiancée of Jim Gordon. Both his work and Leslie Thompkins eventually ended their relationship. Under the influence of the Ogre, she murdered her parents, which got her sent to Arkham Asylum.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d041bfd84448418978d0c713c84208a1", "text": "Catwoman Catwoman (Selina Kyle) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, commonly in association with the superhero Batman. The character was created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger, and she made her debut in Batman #1 (Spring 1940), in which she is known as the Cat.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4e7762d0f3546674d7372dea2ef125e9", "text": "Batman: Knightfall Bane, the primary villain of the storyline, is introduced in Vengeance of Bane, and the vigilante Azrael is introduced in Sword of Azrael. Knightfall is divided into two parts. In The Broken Bat, Bane defeats Batman by breaking his spine.is questionable actions culminate when he encounters the serial killer Abattoir, who is keeping an innocent prisoner in a secret torture chamber. Jean-Paul purposely lets Abattoir die, thereby condemning the prisoner to death as well. Other notable villains Jean-Paul faces include Mister Freeze, Joker, and Clayface.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7d249a4b411ea2934e98c9fe4c5b0599", "text": "Killer Croc Arkham Asylum and Escape. At some point, Killer Croc was declared insane and placed in Arkham Asylum. When the Mad Hatter helped the inmates take over Arkham, Croc was assigned to guard Batman, who was kidnapped and prepared for a mock trial by the inmates. As the bailiff, Croc took Batman to the trial, and served on the jury.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b6f76cd906260270af4abff9b1745959", "text": "Mad Hatter The Mad Hatter eventually escaped from Arkham. Luring Batman into a trap, he knocked the vigilante out and put him into a machine-induced coma. During this time, Bruce Wayne's entire reality was altered. In the 'dream world' created by the Hatter, Bruce's parents were never murdered, and he was engaged to Selina Kyle.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "00bd0f29a12a6860877450a2825d6c15", "text": "Barbara Gordon Barbara Gordon's alter ego, Batgirl as she appears in the comics. Barbara Gordon is most known in the DC multiverse as the first modern age Batgirl and later Oracle. She had never used the alias of Nightwing in the comics, winch was more commonly used by her boyfriend Dick Grayson.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8694b67c36c5d60f3025550824915ddd", "text": "- Behçet's disease. Introduction. Behçet's disease is a rare and poorly understood condition in which blood vessels and tissues may become inflamed (swollen). It is sometimes referred to as an autoinflammatory disease, as certain cells of the immune system may begin this inflammation when triggered. It is also known as Behçet's syndrome.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "045e5f128e40cd95040b0aaff588ef84", "text": "Nightwing Batgirl, Nightwing, Batman, and Felix Faust eventually defeated Riddler and Batwoman. In Alfred Pennyworth's latest detective story, The Knights of Tomorrow!, Dick Grayson attended the wedding of Bruce and Selina Wayne.", "title": "" } ]
how to use quote marks?
[ { "docid": "853bbfc15defb7a38304566327b48933", "text": "Guidelines for Using Quotation Marks Correctly Quotation marks, sometimes referred to as quotes or inverted commas, are punctuation marks most often used in pairs* to set off a quotation or a piece of dialogue. Here are five basic guidelines for using quotation marks correctly in American English.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "267f1d17f98e4358af0913082c2579dc", "text": "Quotation Marks: When to Use Double or Single Quotation Marks First things first; decide whether you will use double or single quotation marks for the initial quote. If you use single quotations marks, then you should use double quotation marks for a quote within a quote. If you use double quotation marks, then you should use single quotation marks for a quote within a quote.For example: When I say 'immediately,' I mean some time before August, said the manager.f you use double quotation marks, then you should use single quotation marks for a quote within a quote. For example: When I say 'immediately,' I mean some time before August, said the manager.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9cabcfff6b6642c473e4791ebbda592d", "text": "Quotations 1 Do not use quotation marks at the beginning or end of the block quote—the indentation is what indicates that it’s a quote. 2 Place parenthetical citation according to your style guide (usually after the period following the last sentence of the quote). 3 Follow up a block quotation with your own words.uite rarely, you quote a passage that has a quotation within a quotation. In that rare instance, you would use double quotation marks for the second internal quotation. Here’s an example of a quotation within a quotation: Remember to consult your style guide to determine how to properly cite a quote within a quote.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e4a6738155fc9293fbb11f37d9afe5a2", "text": "How to Cite and Format a Quote to Use in an Essay Write the quote within quotation marks. If you are quoting someone else, you must write it correctly word for word. Place the author's name at the end of the quote followed by a comma followed by the date and the page number of the publication -- surround all this with brackets. Example: to evaluate performance 'a simple questionnaire can reveal a lot about what your customers think' (Morrison, 2011:23).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2699c74067697ea646750397c5f754cb", "text": "- Quotation marks are always used in pairs; you must have quotation marks at the beginning and at the end of quoted material. When opening quotation marks are placed at the beginning of a quote, the closing quotation marks are not added until the speaker changes or the quotation is interrupted.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "22233ad4c361871fa581dd99c0d6e9ca", "text": "Quotation Marks In some fields, key terms may be set apart with single-quote marks. In such cases, periods and commas go outside the single-quote marks: 1 Sartre's treatment of 'being', as opposed to his treatment of 'non-being', has been thoroughly described in Kaufmann's book.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "12c2e52eaeded8a0fa2ecd30e300cee3", "text": "Quotation Marks with Fiction, Poetry, and Titles A block quotation is removed from the main body of your text. Indent one inch from the main margin (the equivalent of two half-inch paragraph indentations) and begin your quote. Maintain double spacing throughout, but you do not need to use quotation marks.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "67fda5a6ebbc43db618528e6e95869b3", "text": "Quotation Marks Double quotation marks are used to surround a direct quotation, identify a scare quote, highlight or use a word as an example and surround a title. Remember that all quotation marks come in pairs, so if you have one at the beginning of something, you must have one at the end, too.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8ffc3ce933c4d5c11100775f0d0588ba", "text": "- Quotations and Paraphrases. When you use a source, you must choose between either quoting the exact words of the source or composing a paraphrase. If you want to use the exact words of the source, you must enclose them in quotation marks and they must accurately reproduce the original.If you want to express an idea or information found in a source without quoting, you must paraphrase. paraphrase must be entirely different from the original. When you quote, you must enclose material taken from a source in quotation marks: words taken from the source. If the quotation is more than three lines, it should be block indented and single spaced, without quotation marks.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b0149c73e885288fef579f9455ec8f60", "text": "How to Punctuate Quotations with Question Marks To sum up the rules on question marks: 1 If the quoted words are a question, put the question mark inside the quotation marks. 2 If the entire sentence is a question, put the question mark outside the quotation marks.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c1addcc144b2541e7d22975c32277140", "text": "The Ten Rules of Quoted Speech When you have a quoted sentence (or sentences) together with a verb of speaking, that is a complete sentence. As a result, you need another set of quotation marks to indicate quoted speech in the next sentence.Here's an example of a complete sentence using quoted speech:hen you use direct speech, you don't have to change the words, but you do have to know how to use the punctuation marks that separate the quoted words from the rest of the story. The rules below explain just how to do that: Rule #1: Use quotation marks for all direct speech.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6b9d10c11a4d7bc857b931286871dec9", "text": "Quotation Marks: Rules How to Use Them Correctly Quotation marks are for when you want to use someone else’s words in your writing. Let’s say you want to write about something you heard your friend say. You could do it like this: John said, “I really hate when it’s hot outside.”.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "11de04720793256e79db48e49dcbd0a4", "text": "Product management Product management. Product management is an organizational lifecycle function within a company dealing with the planning, forecasting, and production, or marketing of a product or products at all stages of the product lifecycle. Similarly, product lifecycle management (PLM) integrates people, data, processes and business systems.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ea8a7dd31df794669119a8036632868f", "text": "How to Use Quotation Marks Direct Quotations. Direct quotations involve incorporating another person's exact words into your own writing. 1. Quotation marks always come in pairs. Do not open a quotation and fail to close it at the end of the quoted material. 2. Capitalize the first letter of a direct quote when the quoted material is a complete sentence. Mr. Johnson, who was working in his field that morning, said, The alien spaceship appeared right before my own two eyes..", "title": "" }, { "docid": "83f01157ce86f6d05f2ef36f545b1ffa", "text": "- Block quotes are used only If a quotation runs more than four lines in your paper (Gibaldi 110). 2. Always use a colon at the end of the signal phrase. 3. Quotation marks are not used to open/close block quotes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c54d5a164224b52bc1c580dd6d910d8a", "text": "Punctuation: Quotation Marks RUNNING QUOTATIONS: If a full paragraph of quoted material is followed by a paragraph that continues the quotation, do not put close-quote marks at the end of the first paragraph. Do, however, put open-quote marks at the start of the second paragraph.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c1c7937b5fb36985e9d8dcfcc91ddde3", "text": "- A quotation over three lines in length should be separated from the sentence that supports it by indenting the quoted passage. In typed or word processed assignments, these quotations should be either single spaced or one and a half spaced. When you need to show a quote within a quote, use double quotation marks.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b3b57b8ce0793f9c34821687a33e7860", "text": "How and When to Use Quotations? 1 A quotation should be introduced with a complete sentence and a colon. 2 While using a quotation, indent ten spaces, double space the lines, and do not use quotation marks. Do not indent the opening line unless the quote begins a new paragraph (LEO: Using Quotations).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "57ac173ea7d0159b75913597380c91d8", "text": "How to Use Quotation Marks 1. Quotation marks always come in pairs. Do not open a quotation and fail to close it at the end of the quoted material. 2. Capitalize the first letter of a direct quote when the quoted material is a complete sentence.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "001187929d1b4f5cb4ad65af663ee93b", "text": "- Using Quotation Marks. 1. Quote a phrase. When quoting someone word-for-word, use quotation marks to show the reader exactly which words are being borrowed from a particular source. This is especially important in research writing. For example:", "title": "" }, { "docid": "634767f311d8c054ef1a19ae0b2f86ae", "text": "- Rule 1. Use double quotation marks to set off a direct (word-for-word) quotation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2ed2b622c3e3757ad967164737429363", "text": "- Things to remember about block quotes: 1 Don’t start/end the quote with quotation marks. 2 Any internal quotes should be double quotes. 3 Only indent the quote if the quote itself is the beginning of a paragraph. If the quote is in the body of the text, the footnote number goes at the end.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4d0c838d11ee9b04d8d9c0ec7e82e7e5", "text": "Using literary quotations Using the slash when quoting poetry. When quoting lines of poetry up to three lines long (which are not indented, see Indenting quotations), separate one line of poetry from another with a slash mark (see examples in Incorporating Quotations into Sentences).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "215669f977d0ddd42dd8d17c7f284049", "text": "- Some participants were skeptical about the process: “I don’t put any stock in these ‘dream diaries.’”. When multiple quotation marks are used for quotations within quotations, keep the quotation marks together (put periods and commas inside both; put semi-colons, colons, etc., outside both).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bae58f6b27b9451b8d04d1423d4e8494", "text": "- Single quotation marks are used inside double quotation marks when you have a quotation or title within a quotation. Joe said, “My favorite poem is ‘The Raven.’ ”. In your example, there are no quotation marks necessary. The best time of summer is after supper time.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b37a3355e9766b1308caa0d4214178fa", "text": "Guidelines for Using Quotation Marks Correctly Use double quotation marks to enclose the titles of songs, short stories, essays, poems, and articles: 1 Softly, almost tenderly, Legree recited the lyrics to the song She Made Toothpicks out of the Timber of My Heart.. 2 After reading Poe's story The Tell-Tale Heart, I couldn't sleep for a week.", "title": "" } ]
what cause a freckle to for,
[ { "docid": "9e4352ade1f95942ce0900834dcb4b73", "text": "Moles, Freckles, Skin Tags, Lentigines,& Seborrheic Keratoses What causes freckles? Causes of freckles include genetics, diseases (such as xeroderma pigmentosum, a rare disease that causes an increased sensitivity to ultraviolet light, such as the sun), and exposure to the sun. What causes seborrheic keratoses? The cause of seborrheic keratoses is unknown. They are seen more often as people get older.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "a96b44ecbcaae3cfdd8bc1b09f122ae7", "text": "Freckle in the Eye Choroidal nevi are not usually harmful. However, just like a freckle on your skin, if it changes in color, size or shape, you should let your doctor or a dermatologist know about it. It is difficult to observe a freckle in your own eye.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "619a9f653c852488f6011007310cced6", "text": "Skin Changes - Topic Overview Actinic keratosis and actinic lentigines are types of colored skin spots that are caused by too much sun exposure. Although these spots are not skin cancers, they may mean that you have an increased chance of getting skin cancer, such as squamous cell skin cancer or a type of melanoma.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7c1e6d1738e7433c89fcb1e6c1a09c7e", "text": "Overview Causes of vitiligo. Vitiligo is caused by the lack of a skin pigment called melanin. Melanin, which is produced by skin cells called melanocytes, gives your skin its colour. If you have vitiligo, you do not have enough working melanocytes, so not enough melanin is produced in your skin.auses of vitiligo. Vitiligo is caused by the lack of a skin pigment called melanin. Melanin, which is produced by skin cells called melanocytes, gives your skin its colour. If you have vitiligo, you do not have enough working melanocytes, so not enough melanin is produced in your skin.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "478ca72af78e930823b879ba2d217b13", "text": "- Similarly, laser freckle removal will remove the freckles caused by sun damage, but most people have some sort of sun exposure year round, so eventually the freckles will come back and require additional laser treatments.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "46ea76859ea01e65d0f7e076049ee502", "text": "Freckles 101 If you're prone to freckles, you're more likely to have them the more you expose yourself to the sun. If you spend outside without sun protection, you'll probably notice the spots on your skin getting darker and multiplying. This happens when ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun hit your skin. The outermost layer of your skin, the epidermis, thickens a little bit more. This in turn causes melanocytes, the pigment-producing cells in your skin, to produce more melanin, which can darken the freckles on your skin. How to Get Rid of Warts.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dc2470d23a9e1e4c661c3f6c272f76fa", "text": "- Freckles can occur naturally or develop as a result of sun exposure. They aren't harmful to the skin, but some people prefer to lighten or remove them for a more even complexion. Learn how to use natural lightening methods, freckle-removing treatments and prevention tactics to get rid of freckles.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "aafa8afc70d266967e8a6d8691a4a7b2", "text": "Moles, Freckles, and Skin Tags There are several skin lesions that are very common and benign (non-cancerous). These conditions include moles, freckles, skin tags, benign lentigines, and seborrheic keratoses. Moles are growths on the skin that are usually brown or black. Moles can appear anywhere on the skin, alone or in groups.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6bee1223782a00cf1bb4e08d38238bf8", "text": "Vitiligo - Leucoderma Causes In vitiligo this pigment is lost along with the keratinised cell during exfoliation of skin. Vitiligo & Leucoderma can occur either due to a disturbance in the formation of melanin or in its loss from the skin. The formed white spot gradually enlarges and forms a larger patch.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4745dfd8245536ec8fd9adc7aee07af5", "text": "White Spots on Skin: What Your White Patches Reveal About Your Skin Causes of Vitiligo. Melanin is the pigment that gives the skin its characteristic color. Vitiligo is caused by a loss of pigment in the skin, due to destruction of pigment-forming cells known as melanocytes.The exact cause of the destruction of these cells is not known.auses of Vitiligo. Melanin is the pigment that gives the skin its characteristic color. Vitiligo is caused by a loss of pigment in the skin, due to destruction of pigment-forming cells known as melanocytes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8283581dbe29ed6c5020ac4ba03e1e91", "text": "- Corns and calluses result from hyperkeratosis, which is caused by an increase in keratinocyte activity associated with stimulation of the epidermis from chronic pressure or friction on the skin.orns and calluses result from hyperkeratosis, which is caused by an increase in keratinocyte activity associated with stimulation of the epidermis from chronic pressure or friction on the skin.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "676a2a6db7102c62fe8f7731ff53c6f8", "text": "Eliminate Freckles With Laser Treatment Freckles are known as ‘sun kisses’ for good reason. Exposure to sunlight is one cause of the appearance of freckles, due to the sun’s action on melanin, a dark pigment in the skin. Freckles are inherited too and those with the chromosome 4q32-q34 will have freckles, just like their parents or siblings.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8c6c433444bf20ea796d59f93042221b", "text": "Moles Congenital nevi are more apt to become cancerous than moles that develop after birth, especially if they are more than eight inches in diameter. Lentigo maligna (melanotic freckle of Hutchinson), most common on the face and after the age of 50, first appears as a flat spot containing two or more shades of tan. It gradually becomes larger and darker. One in three of these moles develop into a form of skin cancer known as lentigo maligna melanoma. Causes and symptoms The cause of moles is unknown, although atypical moles seem to run in families and result from exposure to sunlight.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4217ab25fad4863dcce69bd46fe553fb", "text": "Moles, Freckles, Skin Tags, Lentigines,& Seborrheic Keratoses Exposure to the sun seems to be the major cause of lentigines. Lentigines most often appear on parts of the body that get the most sun, including the face and hands. Some lentigines might be caused by genetics (family history) or by medical procedures such as radiation therapy. skin tag is a small flap of tissue that hangs off the skin by a connecting stalk. Skin tags are benign and are not dangerous. They are usually found on the neck, chest, back, armpits, under the breasts, or in the groin area.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "989ee91270d01b0570bbb87db4f34576", "text": "- How to Get Rid of Freckles. Four Methods: Using Natural Lightening Methods Using Freckle Removal Treatments Making Lifestyle Changes Using Makeup Solutions Community Q&A. Freckles can occur naturally or develop as a result of sun exposure. They aren't harmful to the skin, but some people prefer to lighten or remove them for a more even complexion. Learn how to use natural lightening methods, freckle-removing treatments and prevention tactics to get rid of freckles.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3f6a6d52d6976477f8d078605d332870", "text": "Freckles Lentigines are due to localised proliferation of melanocytes. The most common type, solar lentigines, arise in middle age and also result from sun damage (age spots). They are most often found on the face and hands, and are larger and more defined than freckles. Lentigines tend to persist for long periods and don't disappear in the winter (though they may fade). The correct term for a single lesion is solar or actinic lentigo.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "671353493064b5be4b64d04406c356cd", "text": "Freckles 101 Simple freckles are darker in the summer than in the winter, and they can come in a range of colors, including red, tan, brown, black and yellow. All of the freckles on one person are usually uniform in color, though. Sunburn freckles, on the other hand, don't fade in the winter like simple freckles do. Also known as lentingines, they can appear on your back and shoulders, and they're usually larger than simple freckles. They may also have irregular borders.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a8177fed5a8c58d4d4f86f3afa6a4e30", "text": "What Bodily Changes Can You Expect During Pregnancy? The hyperpigmentation caused by changes in hormones during pregnancy can cause changes in the color of moles and freckles. Although some darkening of moles, freckles, and birthmarks can be totally benign, it is always a good idea to see a dermatologist or physician about changes in size, color, or shape.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4820035f4aa1f0475e1c68e11c338eae", "text": "Freckles These are particularly common in people of fair complexion on upper-body skin areas like the cheeks, nose, arms, and upper shoulders. They may appear on people as young as 1 or 2 years of age. Most freckles on a person's skin are usually uniform in color.On different people, freckles may vary somewhat in. may be reddish, yellow, tan, light brown, brown, or.they are basically slightly darker than the surrounding skin.hese are particularly common in people of fair complexion on upper-body skin areas like the cheeks, nose, arms, and upper shoulders. They may appear on people as young as 1 or 2 years of age. Most freckles on a person's skin are usually uniform in color. On different people, freckles may vary somewhat in.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0c618ac4263d70c7afd1144480fa4245", "text": "- Read about the causes of freckles (sun, genetics), red or brown spots on the skin. Learn about freckle prevention and treatment (laser removal, fade creams).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5ae68a94a0ec1523576c9d67df5997da", "text": "Freckle Freckles are not a skin disorder, but people with freckles generally have a lower concentration of photo protective melanin, and are therefore more susceptible to the harmful effects of UV radiation. It is suggested that people whose skin tends to freckle should avoid overexposure to sun and use sunscreen.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6db090d4edf0630847e127993e00d616", "text": "- Some say freckles come from the kiss of an angel. But we know where most of them really come from. They come from genes. And the sun. Freckles are spots usually seen on people with fair or light skin. These spots contain melanin, a pigment protein. Melanin gets made when harmful ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun hits our skin. This UV light is very powerful and can damage DNA. Melanin shades and protects our DNA from the sun.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0ad68669e7fd10f072d84c7a6a413ad1", "text": "Forms Of Hyperpigmentation Other forms of hyperpigmentation can result from residue caused by acne. Because of the dark spots that are common of acne the skin may be left scarred. The same can be said of injuries that leave the skin with scars. Freckles are also a form of hyperpigmentation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c8c946c49805e24e5b950e9c4ef7a78d", "text": "- Four Parts:Finding the CauseUsing Proven TreatmentsTrying Home RemediesPreventing More Dark Spots from FormingCommunity Q&A. The chemical that gives human skin its color is called melanin, and the production of too much in one area leads to freckles, liver spots, and other patches of darker skin.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "971ed9713bddf7a669a7b0c2edee5276", "text": "Skin Changes - Topic Overview Actinic keratosis and actinic lentigines are types of colored skin spots that are caused by too much sun exposure. Although these spots are not skin cancers, they may mean that you have an increased chance of getting skin cancer, such as squamous cell skin cancer or a type of melanoma.olored skin spots, also called pigmented lesions (such as freckles, moles, or flesh-colored skin spots), or growths (such as warts or skin tags) may be present at birth or develop as the skin ages.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8ce59981b34fef395b86170e5cc3c786", "text": "- How to Get Rid of Dark Spots on Your Face. The chemical that gives human skin its color is called melanin, and the production of too much in one area leads to freckles, liver spots, and other patches of darker skin. These dark spots on your face, which are also called hyper-pigmentation. These can be caused by sun exposure, hormonal fluctuations, or as a side effect of certain drugs. It's not a serious medical condition, but if you have dark spots you're probably ready for brighter, clearer skin.", "title": "" } ]
what did the emergency banking act allow the government to do?
[ { "docid": "6c794847a3b3068b8feb79b7d5609de5", "text": "What was the 'Emergency Banking Act Of 1933' This act was repealed in 1999. A similar act, the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, was passed in 2008, at the beginning of the Great Recession. In contrast to the Emergency Banking Act of 1933, the focus of this act was the mortgage crisis, in hopes of enabling millions of Americans to keep their homes.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "9241361cae0e9a5954204f6ec8c0df1c", "text": "Facts About Banks During The Great Depression •During the Great Depression, there were several major run on banks, times during which panic struck and Americans tried to withdraw all of their money from banks. •In 1932, the Federal Home Loan Bank Act was passed by Congress. •In 1933, the Emergency Banking Bill was passed by Congress.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3188095b196e63d5d01bc664a6ffa503", "text": "Government of India Act 1935 â All breaks, no engine The government of India act 1935 provided for an all India federation. In this all India federation the British India provinces, the chief commissioners of the provinces and those Indian states which might accede to be united were included.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3592bd1e5093286d13d6c495189b4ae3", "text": "History 1493 Wolfe President Roosevelt was able to restore America's confidence in government and the private banking system by:", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b12c1191c2d8d658640b495bc69c6e41", "text": "National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 The National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 was a US labor law and consumer law passed by the US Congress to authorize the President to regulate industry for fair wages and prices that would stimulate economic recovery. It also established a national public works program known as the Public Works Administration. The National Recovery Administration portion was widely hailed in 1933, but by 1934 business' opinion of the act had soured. By March 1934 the NRA was engaged chiefly in drawing up the", "title": "" }, { "docid": "95aebb789c1b43f5f487ed2fde8cfb28", "text": "Starting salaries rise for new grads It was the best year-over-year rise in starting salary since the class of 2008. The typical salary ranges from $36,988 for humanities and social sciences graduates to $61,913 for those who emerged with an engineering degree.Computer science majors were a close second to their engineering classmates with an average salary of $59,221.nd Labor Department figures show that college graduates age 24 and younger had a 7.7% unemployment rate in 2012, nearly twice the rate of older graduates and well above the 5.4% rate for those young graduates in the year before the start of the recession.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "86dd2fa29aae1bf96528d9f95d89ab8d", "text": "Federal Reserve Act In 1933, by way of the Banking Act of 1933, the Federal Reserve Act was amended to create the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), which consists of the seven members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and five representatives from the Federal Reserve Banks.he Federal Reserve act did create a national currency, but more importantly, the act was to create a monetary system that could respond effectively to the different stresses in the banking system and create a stable financial system.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dbcfc383b5d4eacd2a91fe1b1f4da02e", "text": "- The Bank Act created the FHLBank System and the Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBank Board) as its regulator. [6] The federal government also created the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC), the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), and Fannie Mae.he Bank Act created the FHLBank System and the Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBank Board) as its regulator. [6] The federal government also created the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation (HOLC), the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), and Fannie Mae.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "234c59c35f79187b7544bb335baf8ab6", "text": "Franklin D. Roosevelt On 9th March, 1933, Congress passed the Emergency Banking Relief Act which provided for the reopening of the banks as soon as examiners had found them to be financially secure. Within three days, 5,000 banks had been given permission to be re-opened.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2326a7a6eba7e14973d75450c1d0bcfe", "text": "Emergency Banking Act According to William L. Silber The Emergency Banking Act of 1933, passed by Congress on March 9, 1933, three days after FDR declared a nationwide bank holiday, combined with the Federal Reserve's commitment to supply unlimited amounts of currency to reopened banks, created 100 percent deposit insurance.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d093fc448beb2b6d5e29bc0d7a6027c5", "text": "Government policies and the subprime mortgage crisis Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). The Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (CRA) provides a framework for financial institutions, state and local governments, and community organizations to jointly promote banking services to all members of a community. In a nutshell, the CRA.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3ac3983fce69194b971788743cd599a6", "text": "What was the '1913 Federal Reserve Act' DEFINITION of '1913 Federal Reserve Act'. The 1913 U.S. legislation that created the current Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve Act intended to establish a form of economic stability through the introduction of the Central Bank, which would be in charge of monetary policy, into the United States.The Federal Reserve Act is perhaps one of the most influential laws concerning the U.S. financial system. Next Up.rior to 1913, panics were common occurrences, as investors were unsure about the safety of their deposits. The Federal Reserve Act gave the 12 Federal Reserve banks the ability to print money in order to ensure economic stability.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "79440dbc35f326c827ee37a2c55ae578", "text": "Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) of 1986 was created to help communities plan for chemical emergencies. It also requires industry to report on the storage, use and releases of hazardous substances to federal, state, and local governments. EPCRA requires state and local governments, and Indian tribes to use this information to prepare their community from potential risks.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5679956632816608b3012ede7d5f651b", "text": "History of the Federal Reserve In reaction to the Great Depression, Congress passed the Banking Act of 1933, better known as the Glass-Steagall Act, calling for the separation of commercial and investment banking and requiring use of government securities as collateral for Federal Reserve notes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "45a9effaa58f0d3b78de62fe7c4e9d4d", "text": "Financial Conduct Authority Specifically, the Act gave the Bank of England responsibility for financial stability, bringing together macro and micro prudential regulation, created a new regulatory structure consisting of the Bank of England's Financial Policy Committee, the Prudential Regulation Authority and the Financial Conduct Authority.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a045b50f48ed28e7456377f49ac82d55", "text": "Bank of England William Paterson proposed a loan of £1,200,000 to the Government. In return the subscribers would be incorporated as the Governor and Company of the Bank of England. The Royal Charter. The money was raised in a few weeks and the Royal Charter was sealed on 27th July 1694.The Bank started life as the Government's banker and debt-manager, with 17 clerks and 2 gatekeepers.781: renewal of the Bank's Charter. Reliance on the Bank of England was such that when its charter was renewed in 1781 it was described as ' the public exchequer'. The bankers' bank. By now the Bank was acting as the bankers' bank too.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8ffffa4d076ec257c8dc3c95c82e3b65", "text": "Franklin D. Roosevelt The day after his inauguration he called Congress into a special session and declared a 4-day bank holiday. Cliff Berryman, Washington Evening Star (1938) On 9th March, 1933, Congress passed the Emergency Banking Relief Act which provided for the reopening of the banks as soon as examiners had found them to be financially secure. Within three days, 5,000 banks had been given permission to be re-opened. Later that year Congress passed the 1933 Banking Act. The Federal Reserve Board was given tighter control of the investment practices of banks and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was set up to insure all deposits in banks up to $5,000.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c1beb09feca2a5090a578018aa48a7cf", "text": "The Great Gold Robbery of 1933 A month later, claiming authority from the Emergency Banking Act and its amendment to the Trading with the Enemy Act, the president ordered all individuals and corporations in America to hand over their gold holdings to the federal government in exchange for an equivalent amount of paper currency.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d378b0407f12eb3696ff760508b42bc7", "text": "The Federal Reserve Act of 1913: Definition & Overview The United States Congress enacted the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. The Federal Reserve Act created the Federal Reserve System (the Fed). The Fed serves as the central bank of the United States.The Act created a banking system consisting of both private and public organizations. It established 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks.he Federal Reserve Act was enacted in response to a series of financial crises. The intent of the Act was to create a degree of financial stability. The Act empowers the Fed to regulate and supervise banks and to develop and implement monetary policy.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d41bfa29d2e0a258d8769571c00c0c07", "text": "1933 Banking Act Although the 1933 Banking Act thus fulfilled Congressional designs and, at least in its deposit insurance provisions, was resisted by the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration, it later became considered part of the New Deal.he 1933 Banking Act required all FDIC insured banks to be, or to apply to become, members of the Federal Reserve System by July 1, 1934. The Banking Act of 1935 extended that deadline to July 1, 1936.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "746d8ef67614b934cc7cc6d536af9ace", "text": "Alexander Hamilton and the National Economy Hamilton, however, argued that the Elastic Clause of the Constitution gave the Congress the latitude to create such a bank because in his argument it was in fact necessary and proper for the creation of a stable federal government.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "669fa52006a047e41c5e2c52c382c547", "text": "Glass-Steagall Act Also found in: Financial, Wikipedia. The Glass-Steagall Act, also known as the Banking Act of 1933 (48 Stat. 162), was passed by Congress in 1933 and prohibits commercial banks from engaging in the investment business. It was enacted as an emergency response to the failure of nearly 5,000 banks during the Great Depression.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d1e68cf8b226bbaca3e2e34d3932c1ee", "text": "- A government or division of government (i.e. on a municipal, provincial/state level) may declare that their area is in a state of emergency. This means that the government can suspend and/or change some functions of the executive, the legislative and/or the judiciary during this period of time.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9c7bd027b8bc55b8cd178bdad79b55c7", "text": "49a. A Bank Holiday Under this new system, depositors in member banks were given the security of knowing that if their bank were to collapse, the federal government would refund their losses. Deposits up to $2500, a figure that would rise through the years, were henceforth 100% safe.The act also restricted banks from recklessly speculating depositors' money in the stock market. In 1934, only 61 banks failed.efore the Banking Reform Act of 1933, keeping your money in a bank was not a sure way to save. If the bank made unwise investments, the bank could fail and depositors' money would be lost. Here, depositors line up outside a Detroit bank hoping to get their savings back.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "19b444898f7d79c7592ae74bd1f872f4", "text": "What is the FDIC from the Great Depression? Confidence votes 37. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was created to guarantee bank deposits up to $5000. To prevent speculative abuses, it separated investment and commercial banking corporations and extended the Federal Reserve's regulatory power over credit.he Banking Act of 1933 established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and was signed by FDR in 1933. The FDIC was insurance, backed by the federal government, for depo … sits in banks.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4b94cb713de15be63b548a2a83d3400f", "text": "Making Sense of the Federal Reserve Banks needed a source of emergency reserves to prevent the panics and resulting runs from driving them out of business. A particularly severe panic in 1907 resulted in bank runs that wreaked havoc on the fragile banking system and ultimately led Congress in 1913 to write the Federal Reserve Act.", "title": "" } ]
how to recover word document on macbook
[ { "docid": "7cf2a112595689e5c1c58b329b869ad7", "text": "How to Recover Lost or Deleted Word Document on Mac If you cannot find any of your Word, Excel, PPT or other Office files on your Mac, you might have met file loss situation. But don't lose your hope, if your action is fast, uFlysoft Mac Data Recovery Tool can help you to recover the lost files on your Mac no matter what reasons make the files loss problem happen.f you cannot find any of your Word, Excel, PPT or other Office files on your Mac, you might have met file loss situation. But don't lose your hope, if your action is fast, uFlysoft Mac Data Recovery Tool can help you to recover the lost files on your Mac no matter what reasons make the files loss problem happen.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "405d2fbe0f5dae9c6381f3e19a4121a3", "text": "- If you have backups enable in Word, you can look for the backup file for the document you are missing. In Word, click File and then select Open. In the “Files of type” menu, select All Files. Navigate to the folder that your document was last saved in.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ea06f95549fcb6b832ba8e6dbd2492d9", "text": "- 1. Click “Start,” and then double-click on “Computer.”. 2. Double-click on the drive containing your overwritten file, and browse out to its location. 3. Right-click on the Word file, and select “Restore previous versions.” A list of available items will populate, along with their locations. 4. Click on the version you’d like to restore, and click “Restore . . .”.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5ccb5149e70ddf7c72702545b1c812ac", "text": "How to Recover Unsaved Documents in Microsoft Word 2013 Recovering Unsaved Documents. A new feature in Word 2013 allows you to attempt to recover unsaved document files. If you want to see if Word has automatically saved a copy of an unsaved document that you were working on, then:1 Select the “File” tab within the Ribbon and click the “Open” command at the left side of the backstage view. 2 In the area to the right of the command panel, select the “Recent Documents” command. You should see a button far at the bottom of the “Recent Documents” section. 2 Click this “Recover Unsaved Documents” button to launch an “Open” dialog box that displays any copies of unsaved documents that Word has recovered.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bdfc9159dc5140c1036786c5fec46e0f", "text": "How to recover that un-saved Microsoft Office Excel, Word, or PowerPoint file you closed before saving Open the Office 2010 applications that you were using. Click the File tab. Click Recent. Click Recover Unsaved Documents if you are in Word 2010, Recover Unsaved Workbooks if you are in Excel 2010 or Recover Unsaved Presentations if you are in PowerPoint 2010. Your saved drafts folder will open in a new window. Select the file and then click Open.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c9c9c1ebf8410da656253fb0e8eebda4", "text": "5 Ways to Recover Deleted Word Documents 4. Search for Temporary Files to Recover Deleted Word Document. Your lost Word document may be found in your computer’s temporary files folder. Open Windows Search once again, and this time search for *.tmp files. Or, check the following folder: C:Documents and Settings*USERNAME*Local SettingsTemp.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "74269867f4ae59bc9de6a980fce57711", "text": "How to recover that un-saved Microsoft Office Excel, Word, or PowerPoint file you closed before saving Here are the steps to take to recover your unsaved new document in Microsoft Office Excel, Work, or PowerPoint 2010 if you inadvertently close it before saving it: 1. Open the Office 2010 applications that you were using. 2. Click the File tab. 3. Click Recent.our saved drafts folder will open in a new window. Select the file and then click Open. 2. In the business bar at the top of the file, click Save As to save your file to your computer. You can also access these files by using these steps: 1. Open the Office 2010 application you were using.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a11f27f30f19d6f0bdc922b78862e879", "text": "- 1 On the File menu, click Open, and then click Recent Documents. 2 Scroll to the end of all recent documents, and then click Recover Unsaved Documents. 3 If you find the Word document that you are looking for, double-click it to open it.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7bc4161dd3882e87c9c9dbb493a81607", "text": "- Open Microsoft Word. Click the File tab then Recent from the left pane. Select Recover Unsaved Documents from the bottom-right side of the window. Open each document in the UnsavedFiles folder until you find the correct Word Document.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f37cfac689697a80eada33e5d98de806", "text": "10 Ways to Find a Lost Word Document (.doc / .docx) Click the start button and search %appdata%. Find the “Roaming” folder, then the “Microsoft” folder, and finally the “Word” folder. Check there for your file! (Thank user Zattara2222 in the comments for this tip!). If none of those steps work, there are also programs that will help you recover deleted files.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f838d30ad131948239ac7e0fee10be64", "text": "- You can also force Word to try to recover a document when you open it. Follow these steps to force Word to recover the document: 1. Follow one of these steps, depending on the version of Word that you use: o If you use Word 2007: Click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Open.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bc8a416d4c83290b85929340c83fe522", "text": "- Method 5: Search for temporary files. If you could not find an AutoRecover file or a backup of the lost document, you might be able to recover the document from your temporary files. To search for the lost document in your temporary files, follow these steps: 1. Click Start, and then click Search. In Word 2007, double-click the file in the Document Recovery task pane, click the Microsoft Office Button, click Save As, and then save the document as a .docx file. · In Word 2003, double-click the file in the Document Recovery task pane, click Save As on the File menu, and then save the document as a .doc file.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8736baddb0dde95559ffeb19e8bbc977", "text": "- Then, if the Always create backup copy setting is not selected, go to method 3: Force Word to try to recover a file.. If the Always create backup copy setting is selected, follow these steps to find the backup copy of the lost document: 1. Locate the folder in which you last saved the missing document.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6bf30a0f34448b623361931a49d9e589", "text": "Overview of Encumbrance Accounting You have two options for using encumbrance data to monitor over-expenditure of a budget: After actuals and encumbrances have been posted, you can generate reports to show over-expenditures. You can also can use funds checking to prevent over-expenditures before they occur.ou have two options for using encumbrance data to monitor over-expenditure of a budget: After actuals and encumbrances have been posted, you can generate reports to show over-expenditures. You can also can use funds checking to prevent over-expenditures before they occur.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "58597fb48f11e902105ee7374630d81a", "text": "- Instructions. Retrieve your deleted Word document from your computer's Recycle Bin. In the bin, go to “View” and “Details”. In the list, search for the file name and click it once to highlight it.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6af0c463ca68a22d6be0d76bf0f0e2c5", "text": "Office 2013 - Recover Saved and Unsaved File Versions OPTION TWO. To Recover an Unsaved Version of an Office 2013 File. Note. This option is for when you want to recover a file you have not saved yet when a crash or power loss happened. 1. Open Word 2013, Excel 2013, or PowerPoint 2013, and do step 2 or 3 below depending on if Office was able to AutoRecover the file.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0d823b23bdeca6efd1c8dbfeb179b0de", "text": "If youâve saved the file If you haven’t saved the file. Click File Info Manage Document Recover Unsaved Documents in Word, Recover Unsaved Workbooks in Excel, or Recover Unsaved Presentations in PowerPoint. Select the file, and then click Open. In the bar at the top of the file, click Save As to save the file.f you haven’t saved the file. Click File Info Manage Document Recover Unsaved Documents in Word, Recover Unsaved Workbooks in Excel, or Recover Unsaved Presentations in PowerPoint. Select the file, and then click Open. In the bar at the top of the file, click Save As to save the file.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3daa56912cbcd61d6f899d4041c5e0bc", "text": "- Use one of the following steps to force Word to recover the document: · If you use Word 2007: Click the Microsoft Office Button, click Open, select the Word document, click the down arrow on the Open button in the lower-right corner of the Open screen, and then click Open and Repair.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8f0c8a3ef969358a42bee67ebdfe0e50", "text": "How To⦠Recover Word & Excel Files After A Mac Crash If you’d like to change this location. 1 Open Microsoft Word. 2 In the Menu Bar, click Word then select Preferences…. 3 In the Personal Settings section, choose File Location. 4 Select Autorecover files and click the Modify button. 5 Determine the new location you want to use and click Choose.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dea9657bd2b4943296c16b9bd51da967", "text": "10+ ways to recover a corrupted Word document 8: Use Open And Repair. Word XP and later offer an Open And Repair option, which you can use to force Word to attempt a recovery. Just select the file in the Open dialog box and choose Open And Repair from the Open drop-down list in the bottom-right corner. This isn't necessarily foolproof, but it does work on a lot of problematic documents.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "899eb58700ec483eceebc715f10a03b2", "text": "Railroad Park turns 5: How it reignited civic pride, inspired development and transformed a district Railroad Park is many things to many people. For music lovers, it's an outdoor venue. For the family of a sick child at nearby Children's hospital, it's an oasis offering respite. For business owners, it's a beacon of success for an entire part of town. It's been Birmingham's backyard for five years now, since Sept. 18, 2010.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8025d8493afe59a1e04d3e3b0432ad9b", "text": "- Shakespeare Garden. One of the many hidden gems of Central Park, the Shakespeare Garden is a lovely spot to “stop and smell the roses”.Nestled between Belvedere Castle and The Swedish Cottage the garden first came into existence in 1913.Known as the Garden of the Heart it was patterned after Victorian era rock gardens.he garden was replanted and expanded upward towards Belvedere Castle. The Shakespeare Garden is once again a popular attraction in the park and the perfect place to ruminate after a performance in the nearby Delacorte Theater.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "799ac24cb2cfbf5aad617ebe5cd11e74", "text": "- Use the file recovery converter. If a document is saved in the Word 97-2003 format, with either the .doc or .dot file extension, you can use the Recover Text Converter at any time to open a document that has been damaged and recover the text.se the file recovery converter. If a document is saved in the Word 97-2003 format, with either the .doc or .dot file extension, you can use the Recover Text Converter at any time to open a document that has been damaged and recover the text.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d4eb6e3722c91fc3b69da32e40986e8f", "text": "How to recover that un-saved Microsoft Office Excel, Word, or PowerPoint file you closed before saving Here are the steps to take to recover your unsaved new document in Microsoft Office Excel, Work, or PowerPoint 2010 if you inadvertently close it before saving it: 1 Open the Office 2010 applications that you were using. 2 Click the File tab. 3 Click Recent.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a94864c94504a6f8f31a86eb57598ce2", "text": "Q: How do I retrieve an unsaved word file on a mac - using mac office 2011? AutoRecover: Pros: Lets you recover unsaved changes to a file if Word crashes, in which case Word will offer to recover the file after reopening. Cons: (1) If the file was never saved, there will be nothing to fall back on, because AutoRecover is only triggered for documents already stored on disk.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7fd57cad4504cb06b0b74e96bb769577", "text": "ARCHIVED: In Microsoft Word, how can I use the AutoRecover feature to restore a document? Word for Mac OS X. By default, Word saves documents to the Documents folder. To change the default folder: 1 From the menu, select. 2 In the Preferences window, click. 3 From the list, select, and then click. 4 Navigate to the folder you want to use, and then click.", "title": "" } ]
what cause blood in a cats stools
[ { "docid": "eae63263ddbc3af1cfc7f6ac323a4107", "text": "My Cat has Blood in its Stool â What Should I Do? The most common cause of blood in the stool in cats is colitis, or inflammation of the colon. Colitis is a symptom of various gastro-intestinal disorders, and identifying the cause of the inflammation can be difficult.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "94278ad7928640b71fe4c5a7f43c657d", "text": "Blood in Cat Stool (Hematochezia) â Bright Red Blood in Stools There are many possible causes of blood in the cat’s feces, some of which include: Parasitic infection (cryptosporidium, intestinal worms) Cryptosporidium causes inflammation which leads to bleeding, parasitic worms such as hookworm or roundworms suck the blood from the intestinal wall, resulting in blood in the stool.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "4bcd1d4bbba40ecc066c1f15d0eb45a3", "text": "Stools - Blood In What You Should Know About Anal Fissures: An anal tear is the most common cause of blood in the stools. This is called an anal fissure. It causes blood on the surface of a stool. Blood may also be found on toilet tissue after wiping.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cbd8f06bfc24d8aeb309d9bd3b87c6e0", "text": "- Some cats with. constipation pass small quantities of watery faeces due to. inflammation of the intestine and this may be mistaken for. diarrhoea. Dehydration is one of the causes of constipation. Flatulence. This is an uncommon issue in cats – compared with dogs for. example – but can occur with some disorders.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a769848ec6d353ff62952389af8eeb2e", "text": "- Many different models were made, also with different numbers of strings. As you could not move up the neck there were only 5 frets (plus zero fret). Some instruments (like the example) have slanting frets and bridge. The back is slightly rounded.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b16f16e574df29b70b63de2f692b5561", "text": "Blood in Stool: What Does it Mean? Other more serious causes of blood in stool include: 1 Crohn’s disease – Crohn’s disease causes inflammation of the digestive tract lining and can lead to severe diarrhea and abdominal pain. 2 Colon Polyps – Colon polyps are benign growths, or clumps of cells, that form along the lining of the colon.orms of additional evaluation include: 1 Fecal Occult Blood Test – This is a lab test to check for blood in the stool. 2 If blood is detected, additional tests will be used to help determine the source of the bleeding.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d4b62a3394b5e46890f96486e2afb51b", "text": "Vet Directory: Find a local vet near you Causes of Blood in Stool. Blood in the stool means there is bleeding somewhere in your digestive tract. Sometimes the amount of blood is so small that it can only be detected by a fecal occult test (which checks for hidden blood in the stool). At other times it may visible on toilet tissue or in the toilet after a bowel movement as bright red blood.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1af2176bcf82e37e7baee97103982e21", "text": "Bloody Cat Urine Blood in cat urine is a sign of serious feline illness. Medically, hematuria is the term used to indicate the presence of blood in cat urine. Various factors lead to this symptom. Some of the causes of cat urinating blood include: 1 Feline/cat lower urinary tract infections or cat bladder infections which require immediate veterinary care to protect the kidneys from further damage. 2 Congenital urinary tract abnormalities. 3 Bacterial infections like cystitis or vaginitis of the urinary and genital tracts. 4 Urinary cancer and 5 ... I", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fff6523290cec237a9300965bdddf692", "text": "Loose Stools in Cats Loose stool can be the sign of a wide variety of medical conditions. Parasites such as Giardia, coccidia and roundworms are common culprits behind runny poop. Viral or bacterial infections, such as feline immunodeficiency virus and salmonella, are also potential causes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fb6f3069d305a7c03a70f3ac402b52e5", "text": "Dealing With A Young Catâs Diarrhea It is especially important that you call your veterinarian immediately if your cat: 1 Has blood in the diarrhea or the stools are black or tarry. 2 You suspect your cat may have eaten something toxic or poisonous. 3 Your cat has a fever, is depressed, or dehydrated. Your cat's gums are pale or yellow.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e1c24ceea7ae44b6fb74f93224e58daf", "text": "Hematochezia (Blood in Stool) in Cats Causes of Hematochezia in Cats. There are many potential causes of hematochezia. The most common causes are usually associated with the gastrointestinal tract, although in some cases, the cause is completely unrelated (e.g. clotting disorders or coagulopathies).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "42f590ed6c08cd004e24d3fe72f16f14", "text": "Blood in Stool: What Does it Mean? Other more serious causes of blood in stool include: 1 Crohn’s disease – Crohn’s disease causes inflammation of the digestive tract lining and can lead to severe diarrhea and abdominal pain. 2 Colon Polyps – Colon polyps are benign growths, or clumps of cells, that form along the lining of the colon.ther more serious causes of blood in stool include: 1 Crohn’s disease – Crohn’s disease causes inflammation of the digestive tract lining and can lead to severe diarrhea and abdominal pain. 2 Colon Polyps – Colon polyps are benign growths, or clumps of cells, that form along the lining of the colon.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6749657e011aea43cb96b86e1cccc863", "text": "- Causes of constipation in cats include dehydration; GI motility problems; painful defecation; orthopedic or neurologic problems; and obstruction of the colon caused by a foreign object, tumor, or hernia. By far the most common cause is inadequate fluid intake, which is usually the result of a dry food diet.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "af2209360ac99eec1a8e8dc63129bafa", "text": "Why You Might See Blood in Your Stool Common Causes of Blood in the Stool. 1. Hemorrhoids: One of the most common causes of blood in the stool is that it is the result of a hemorrhoid that has started to bleed. Hemorrhoids appear when blood vessels in the rectum or anus become swollen and inflamed. Bleeding from a hemorrhoid is typically bright red in color.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "229581cf2b8195c292188cdffaa39645", "text": "How to Cook Ahi Tuna Ahi tuna steaks are mostly grilled or seared to bring out the best in their flavour, but you can also bake them to reach a different texture. In case you are buying a piece of sushi-grade tuna, you can forego cooking and serve it raw. 1 Prep time (Searing): 10 minutes. 2 Cook time: 4-5 minutes. 3 Total time: 15 minutes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f52cb976d80b29518d400fb642f3fd2b", "text": "Stool Testing for Blood (Fecal Occult Blood Test) Blood may appear in the stool because of one or more of the following conditions: 1 Benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous) growths or polyps of the colon. Hemorrhoids (swollen blood vessels near the anus and lower rectum that can rupture, causing bleeding)", "title": "" }, { "docid": "222f9de86ac71e2b61cd24bee8506947", "text": "Bloody Cat Urine Blood in cat urine is a sign of serious feline illness. Medically, hematuria is the term used to indicate the presence of blood in cat urine. Various factors lead to this symptom. Some of the causes of cat urinating blood include:1 Feline/cat lower urinary tract infections or cat bladder infections which require immediate veterinary care to protect the kidneys from further damage. 2 Congenital urinary tract abnormalities. 3 Bacterial infections like cystitis or vaginitis of the urinary and genital tracts. 4 Urinary cancer and 5 ... Iome of the causes of cat urinating blood include: 1 Feline/cat lower urinary tract infections or cat bladder infections which require immediate veterinary care to protect the kidneys from further damage. 2 Congenital urinary tract abnormalities. 3 Bacterial infections like cystitis or vaginitis of the urinary and genital tracts. 4 Urinary cancer and 5 ... I", "title": "" }, { "docid": "772f54def3d0312dc5383ebaa68bd37e", "text": "10 Causes of Blood in Stool (Pooping Blood) The bleeding is usually described either as dark in color or bright red blood on toilet tissue or stool. But in some occasions, the presence of blood can only be determined by a procedure known as fecal occult blood test. The causes of bloody stool can also be determined using several other diagnostic methods.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4f48551cedaf0cd6925970e744e688f0", "text": "Causes of Dog Health Blood in Stool Problems and Treatment Options Dog blood in stool can be caused by many things, including: 1 Your dog might have eaten something really sharp that is cutting him internally. 2 A scratch near the anus or from straining to defecate due to constipation. Symptoms of dog health blood stool in this beagle is due to an intestinal obstruction.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9c4f3b98ae4c4bcbc31b431adb817197", "text": "Common causes for blood in your petâs stool or urine Common causes for blood in your pet’s stool or urine. Our animal companions can have blood in the stool for a variety of medical reasons. Blood in the stool is most commonly due to colitis, which is an inflammation of the lining of the colon.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1e5efa2ea399613f59d69da3ea24d7d3", "text": "- Blood in stool. Find possible causes of blood in stool based on specific factors. Check one or more factors on this page that apply to your symptom. 1 In or on the stool. 2 In toilet bowl or on toilet tissue. 3 Drinking alcohol or caffeine. 4 Eating certain foods. 5 Straining during bowel movements. 6 Drinking more water. 7 Eating certain foods.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3fa9305a528e96ab88c28f53f0743632", "text": "Causes of Dog Health Blood in Stool Problems and Treatment Options Dog blood in stool can be caused by many things, including: 1 Your dog might have eaten something really sharp that is cutting him internally. 2 A scratch near the anus or from straining to defecate due to constipation. Symptoms of dog health blood stool in this beagle is due to an intestinal obstruction. Symptoms included anorexia, abdominal distension, weight loss and constipation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "617b57aa0644dc42482ac41edc5cc410", "text": "What Causes Blood in Stool? + 5 Natural Remedies The blood in black or tarry stools is usually coming from upper GI bleeding and can be caused by: (6) 1 Abnormal blood vessels. 2 A tear in the esophagus from violent vomiting (called Mallory-Weiss tears) 3 Bleeding stomach ulcer. 4 Blood supply being cut off to part of the intestines. 5 Gastritis. 6 Trauma. 7 The presence of a foreign body.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8400bc88c2ca7eeac646989a0c9a1ad1", "text": "What Causes Blood in the Stool? Ulcerative colitis can cause blood in the stool. Ulcerative colitis is a chronic disease that affects the lower digestive tract. Those suffering from this disease will experience ulcers and inflammation that affects their rectum and colon.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c3fafe9483dc6d4ec0f88169f55a7486", "text": "Stool Color Guide Although rare, there are many causes of larger volumes of blood in the diaper. Sometimes, bloody poops are caused by an infection. In this case, your child might appear sick and develop fever, vomiting or changes in behavior. Some other causes of bleeding include allergies, blood vessel malformations and polyps (warty growths) that have fallen off.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e7f1a266743f83c6b1cda469b23835d8", "text": "Blood in Cat Urine: What Does it Mean? Bloody and discolored urine is a common reason cat guardians seek veterinary help. It’s incredibly upsetting to see drops of blood in a litter box, on bedding, or on the floor. Sometimes you can’t see the blood until the urine is examined with a microscope or detected on urinalysis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "738d845b021e12452fde82accd3d80fd", "text": "Why You Might See Blood in Your Stool Anal fissures: Anal fissures are another possible cause of blood on the stool. An anal fissure is a tear in the tissue lining your anus. In addition to causing bright red blood to appear in your stool, anal fissures may also cause symptoms of anal pain and/or itching, as well as pain during bowel movements.", "title": "" } ]
does a will need to be notarized in massachusetts
[ { "docid": "fd3984ca7904846c718d4502cb8e3851", "text": "Is a Notarized Will Legal in Massachusetts? Notarization. The Massachusetts Probate Code does not make any provisions for a notarization to take the place of two witnesses to the will. A notary may sign the will as a witness, but does not have to notarize the will when she does so.ccording to the Massachusetts Probate Code, in order to make a legal will, you must be at least 18 years old and of sound mind.. In other words, you must be a legal adult and be able to understand what your will does.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "932aa501f412352924959f7d998a4f86", "text": "Notarize a Will Notarize a Will. A last will and testament is a complex and sensitive legal document that can take different forms, depending on state law. Some wills legally require notarization, some do not and may actually be invalidated if they are notarized, and some allow notarization as one of several witnessing options.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c3ed7a9cdb9008c757796bc7630d92f8", "text": "- Witnesses must sign in the testator’s presence (i.e. in front of testator and the testator must know that the witness is signing the will). Generally, the witnesses don’t need to see the testator sign the will, as long as she states to the witnesses that the document is her will.One the other hand, witnesses don’t have to necessarily sign the will in front of other witnesses.enerally, the witnesses don’t need to see the testator sign the will, as long as she states to the witnesses that the document is her will. One the other hand, witnesses don’t have to necessarily sign the will in front of other witnesses.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "271e6dffbe4347508f4c47645d2e1c2d", "text": "Do Wills Expire? While a will itself cannot expire without the testator's action, many states do limit the time during which a will can be filed for probate. This is called a statute of limitations, and it can affect the inheritance of the testator’s beneficiaries if the will is not filed before it elapses.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b329adf8bbf66d1abe15ac6d33af3fe3", "text": "How to Notarize a Power of Attorney Many situations can call for a power of attorney, including failing health, real estate transactions and long-distance business deals. Whether you need to get a power of attorney document notarized will depend on what state you live in and the type of power of attorney you have. This article will explain how power of attorney works and how you can ensure that your power of attorney documents are recognized in court. Ad.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "80e780c4ccbe75f8e7b518b4113c6d16", "text": "Do You Need to Notarize a Will? The basic foundation for enforceable wills in most states requires: 1 A typed or handwritten will, 2 The signature of the will writer (called the testator) along with the date when the will was signed, and. 3 The signatures of at least two witnesses (also dated).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "52534f4987d5b0231b78bb1f681b1ce4", "text": "INHERITANCE TAX Anyone of 18 or over can act as a witness, and they do not need to be resident in Hong Kong. The will can be executed out of Hong Kong. It is not entirely necessary that a separate will be made under Hong Kong law in respect of Hong Kong property.n the case of intestacy, Hong Kong law will apply to immovable property situated in Hong Kong, and the court will look to the law of the domicile of the deceased in respect of moveable property.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "73c22df827dcac11d00f4c9b3a2102b7", "text": "- Reply. You do not need a lawyer to rewrite a will. You can use a basic wills kit (such as the ones we sell, and write the distribution clause so that it indicates which part(s) of the estate goes to the mother and which part(s) to the spouse.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2b894d32f2fb1ef2a471013fbb7000b1", "text": "Signatures And E-Filed Documents No. Per Local Rule 5-1, any document which is signed by someone other than the attorney who e-files it does not need to be scanned. You may use a conformed signature as long as the e-filing attorney includes the signature attestation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "13ee19aa215bfa3a33c24119d839013f", "text": "Massachusetts Real Estate License Reciprocity Agreements Reciprocity, however, is not absolute, and requirements vary from state to state. Some states have complete reciprocity with Massachusetts, while others will require licensed real estate salespersons or brokers to have worked in the field for a number of years before a reciprocal real estate license is recognized.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7967e10bd3b87f19a82ec95d5754e1e4", "text": "- The new Massachusetts licenses and IDs include some federally-required REAL ID. The RMV is still in the process of programming additional information the federal government has authorized for REAL ID cards which Americans will need in October 2020 if they want to board a plane or enter a federal government building.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a84ad0c145c89328a4dd4731c74c3d13", "text": "- Revocable Living Trust Amendment Unlike a Will, a living trust is controlled by contract law rather than by the probatecode under state law.An amendment to a Revocable Living Trust must be inwriting, but it does not need to be witnessed.It does not need to be notarized.Itdoes need to be signed by the Grantors of the Trust and the Trustees of theTrust since they are both parties to the Trust Agreement.n amendment to a Revocable Living Trust must be inwriting, but it does not need to be witnessed. It does not need to be notarized. Itdoes need to be signed by the Grantors of the Trust and the Trustees of theTrust since they are both parties to the Trust Agreement.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ba5dff6b8cbed0004d5ea9de4ed37985", "text": "Does a contract have to be notarized? A contract typically does not have to be notarized. A notary public (or simply notary) provides an acknowledgment that the signature appearing on the document is that of the person whose signature it purports to be. There is a requirement that some documents be notarized, such as a real property deed.ny private contracts for sales of goods or services do not require a notary signature. In addition, come court papers, such as petitions and motions do not have to be notarized, mainly because the person filing the form is the person who drafted it.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e4289c5f79b12a3b96cececcc8b11835", "text": "Living Wills: State Laws Two witnesses or a notary are required for a living will, but it is not valid if pregnant unless pregnancy won't develop to a live birth. Durable power of attorney for health care requires a notary or two witnesses.innesota. A notary or two witnesses are required for a health care living will. Not valid if pregnant. Two witnesses or a notary are required for durable power of attorney for health care.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "524ff05333551c39829093d07a65df62", "text": "Connecticut Wills Laws A will that follows the Connecticut will laws can be probated in the state. In addition, if the will is found valid in the state it was created then it can be “probated” or allowed in probate court to pass any property in Connecticut to the beneficiaries as the testator requested.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3000478ee96926e57145bf17779466be", "text": "- It is not a crime for a notary public to notarize the signatures of witnesses on a will, although it is improper to notarize the signature of the principal. It is always helpful for the witnesses to print their name, give their address and a phone number as documentation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8193dd2e89d16d3beb12514ba7a942f7", "text": "New Hampshire Probate Court If there is a will, then one of the early goals of the New Hampshire Probate Court will be to validate the will. However, if there is none, then the probate process will be extended because of all the additional time that will be needed to decide which funds go to which heirs.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "34ecb750f95ccf75b4dfe73427a1a270", "text": "- 1 You can find out whether your state requires notarization for a power of attorney document on the website USLegal.com. 2 Even if your state does not require you to notarize a power of attorney, doing so may limit eventual challenges to the document.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "92e1a840a285fa05b8d18d02687eef27", "text": "Connecticut Wills Laws Oral or nuncupative wills are invalid if executed in Connecticut. That means, you can’t just verbally tell folks how you want your property to pass, even in an emergency situation as you can in some states. For example, in New York, an oral will is valid if made by a service member in armed conflict.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "95639190639f6223338245574f5a9f37", "text": "Do You Need to Notarize a Will? A notary is not be needed to make your will legal. But in some states, an optional notarized affidavit attached to your will may save time in the probate process. Notaries and Self-Proving Affidavits. If you want your will witnesses to sign an optional self-proving affidavit, then that will require a notary.he truth, however, may be surprising: Although state laws on wills differ, you do not need to notarize a will for it to be valid.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "77c1caad33e0998084f85eb83edf9ea5", "text": "For A Will To Be Valid, What Does Arizona Law Require? Arizona law also provides for holographic Wills. A holographic Will is one that is in the handwriting of the testator. For a holographic Will to be valid in Arizona, it must be signed by the testator and the material provisions must be in the testator’s handwriting. Material provisions are those provisions that name beneficiaries and their gifts. The writing must also indicate that the testator intends and wants to dispose of his or her property with the writing. A holographic Will may be witnessed, but does not need to be. (ARS § 14-2503.)", "title": "" }, { "docid": "04abbcec0f0279ec07ec48ab3ca6cb56", "text": "Is a Notarized Will Legal in Massachusetts? A will is legal in Massachusetts only if it is signed by the testator, the person who makes the will and to whom the will belongs. The will the testator signs must be in writing.ccording to the Massachusetts Probate Code, in order to make a legal will, you must be at least 18 years old and of sound mind.. In other words, you must be a legal adult and be able to understand what your will does.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ad386afd365e5e8be1e5d56110b9a16b", "text": "Does a will have to be notarized in Ohio in order for it to be legal and does it have to be recorded? 0 attorneys agreed. In Ohio a will needs to be witnessed by two persons who are unrelated to the person signing the will either by blood or marriage and the witnessess cannot be named in the will. A will is not recorded until someone passes away. Answered on 3/28/10, 12:57 pm. Mark as helpful.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f549d00a554501ce077daaad39341fc6", "text": "Does a Power of Attorney Require Notarization? Illinois law also requires a witness to sign the power of attorney in addition to requiring the principal's signature be notarized. In New York, a valid power of attorney must include the notarized signatures of both the principal and agent.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cfe7b0ee1b19a6bd0052a3f0a2dc9c82", "text": "- If your bank has a notary, it may offer the service free of charge as a courtesy. Traveling notaries will come directly to you for a fee. The cost of having documents notarized varies. For example, in Massachusetts the maximum cost is $1.25 per signature.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "eb2375070c4417a55c55529858f1b9bd", "text": "Make a Missouri durable power of attorney for health care and declaration (living will). Do I need a lawyer to make health care documents in Missouri? You usually don't need a lawyer to prepare documents directing your health care. In fact, state governments have designed these forms for people to complete on their own by filling in the blanks. You can find the health care forms you need for Missouri in Nolo's Quicken WillMaker Plus software.", "title": "" } ]
what is an accessory organ of the digestive system?
[ { "docid": "1730541723b7051e8309c486c77739c3", "text": "- The accessory organs of digestion include the salivary glands, pancreas, liver, gallbladder. salivary glands, teeth, and tongue. The pancreas makes digestive juices called enzymes which help to digest food further. The gallbladder stores bile (which is made in the liver), the bile helps to digest fats.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "0e1c61ae499bf398ac281fc015c6b3a0", "text": "What Are Accessory Organs of the Digestive System? Without the aid of the accessory organs of the digestive system, digestion would not occur within the stomach or small intestine. Each organ and gland plays a very specific role in the system. In this way, they are as essential to the process as the main organs where digestion actually takes place.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2865a590540e8fee9f5a511aa673cafa", "text": "What are the accessory organs of the digestive system? The pancreas makes digestive juices called enzymes which help to digest food further. The gallbladder stores bile (which is made in the liver), the bile helps to digest fats. The liver is where the blood, that is carrying the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals from the small intestine, enters.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a5b5c2d17f3933b8c3ada2249a9ad28b", "text": "Histology of the Accessory Digestive Organs The first set of accessory digestive organs to be encountered is the salivary glands. The three major salivary glands to be discussed are the parotid, submandibular and sublingual glands. Apart from the gross anatomical differences of size, parasympathetic innervation and arterial blood supply, the glands share several histological similarities.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2998f80cbc03fede71da7f36723d27e0", "text": "Accessory Digestive Organs Summary Information: Accessory Digestive Organs. Accessory Digestive Organs: The accessory digestive organs are a group of organs that work with the organs in the alimentary canal to digest food. The accessory digestive organs in the mouth include the teeth and tongue. The other accessory digestive organs include the salivary glands, liver, gall bladder and pancreas, which are all connected to the alimentary canal by ducts.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cc880801fe883718c239700c9297787e", "text": "The Cardiovascular System: The Heart Muscular tube, includes: mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and anal canal. Accessory Organs. Release secretions into the canal, includes: salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas (food never enters) The Digestive System. Responsible for a number of processes that result in the uptake of food molecules into the body.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ce2882c21601e102ef35bf64f3748895", "text": "- The liver, pancreas and gall bladder are called accessory organs. This means they work with the GI tract to break down food. The liver is the largest gland in the body, weighing about 1.5 kg (3.3 lb) in an adult. The liver has many roles in the digestive system.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b8fb82c82451eb20318aae40de11af83", "text": "digestive system The salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are major accessory organs that have a role in digestion. These organs secrete fluids into the digestive tract. Food undergoes three types of processes in the body: 1 Digestion.2 Absorption. 3 Elimination.fter the nutrients are absorbed, they are available to all cells in the body and are utilized by the body cells in metabolism. The digestive system prepares nutrients for utilization by body cells through six activities, or functions.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f191bf1d2aefb2c924b2037444c04553", "text": "Anatomy and Function of the Digestive System This one long tube of the digestive system—the digestive tract—includes the esophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine along with accessory organs like the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and salivary glands.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "50a4b092525f248cd7cfa9b70058b015", "text": "Learn About All the Different Organ Systems in the Human Body Digestive juices and enzymes are secreted to break down the carbohydrates, fat, and protein in food. 1 Primary organs: mouth, stomach, intestines, rectum. 2 Accessory organs: teeth, tongue, liver, pancreas.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2eadcfd30b4d94ebb0bb0ace28175bf9", "text": "What are the accessory organs of the digestive system? GI tract include the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. The accessory digestive organs are the teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, ga…llbladder and pancreas.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cd2068a8f6171107d5ed590f4c1ba887", "text": "THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Several specialized compartments occur along this length: mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus. Accessory digestive organs are connected to the main system by a series of ducts: salivary glands, parts of the pancreas, and the liver and gall bladder (bilary system).he digestive system uses mechanical and chemical methods to break food down into nutrient molecules that can be absorbed into the blood. Once in the blood, the food molecules are routed to every cell in the animal's body. There are two types of animal body plans as well as two locations fordigestion to occur.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2ba82c589e3217896b67aaaa8bf650f5", "text": "- Anus Rectum. The digestive tract is composed mostly of the alimentary canal (see next. frame), together with accessory glands and organs. The alimentary canal is. the continuous tube stretching from the mouth to the anus. Components of. this tube, the various organs of the system, are specialized to perform. particular functions.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e23d73c3ef5c10bd88935f1d9606a576", "text": "Overview of the Digestive System The organs of the alimentary canal are the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. The accessory digestive structures include the teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, pancreas, and gallbladder.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8332c49d1ae3fe8c4190344a1c1a8dc4", "text": "- Method 1 of 3: Inviting a Friend on Android. 1. Open the Windows Phone address book app, and make sure your friend's contact information is there. If not, enter your friend's name and phone number into your address book. 1 Before you can invite a friend to WhatsApp, that friend will need to be in your address book app.f your friend is using WhatsApp, your friend's name will appear in the favorites list. 6. If your friend isn't on the list, on the favorites screen, touch all, and then touch a contact to select it. 7. Touch Invite (contact) to WhatsApp. Send an invitation via email or SMS message.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b631c4e3d560a412ee43a1a726146717", "text": "- Steps to cancel a pending payment on PayPal: 1 Login to your PayPal account online. 2 At the top of the page click on Activity. 3 Under Order Status/Actions click on Cancel. Next to the unclaimed payment click on Cancel Payment to confirm the cancellation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5f046850c3b2681935c1a9321ec9e7fa", "text": "Digestive System Accessory organs of the digestive system include the teeth, tongue, salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. To achieve the goal of providing energy and nutrients to the body, six major functions take place in the digestive system: 1 Ingestion. 2 Secretion.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bf33cca695a3f8721e9dcc7dd24cf0f8", "text": "What are the accessory organs of the digestive system? The teeth and tongue are also accessory organs of the digestive system. They help break down food. The accessory organs of digestion include the salivary glands, pancreas, liver, gallbladder. salivary glands, teeth, and tongue. The pancreas makes digestive juices called enzymes which help to digest food further. The gallbladder stores bile (which is made in the liver), the bile helps to digest fats.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "68f18f974eb8e837cf5ad91fd837a0f8", "text": "Accessory Organs in Digestion: The Liver, Pancreas, and Gallbladder Chemical digestion in the small intestine relies on the activities of three accessory digestive organs: the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder . The digestive role of the liver is to produce bile and export it to the duodenum. The gallbladder primarily stores, concentrates, and releases bile.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9cdbd4e09467a95fef0f98045eeeb2b7", "text": "- Start studying 8-accessory organs of the digestive system. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0ab0f1bf8f02c5021e946ccb6613ff9b", "text": "The Digestive System - Design: parts of the digestive system That open-ended tube, known as the alimentary canal or digestive tract, is composed of various organs. These organs are, in order, the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. The rectum and anus form the end of the large intestine.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fb815f75449651f47afd1ac02d48b2f9", "text": "Digestive System The liver is a roughly triangular accessory organ of the digestive system located to the right of the stomach, just inferior to the diaphragm and superior to the small intestine. The liver weighs about 3 pounds and is the second largest organ in the body.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7fa75d75ac42e81aa3799fe68d257e1d", "text": "Accessory Organs of Digestion The alimentary canal or the human gastrointestinal tract refers to the stomach and the intestines. Strictly speaking, the digestive system essentially is made up of these two tubular structures. However, human digestion cannot be completed in these two structures. accessory organs of digestion.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "eaa488aea9c639e56bac7280771a5727", "text": "What are the accessory organs of the digestive system? An accessory organ of digestion is one that is involved in the process of digestion but is not actually a part of the digestive tract. An example of this is the tongue. Edit", "title": "" }, { "docid": "860d649c2aec19f79f3ff383148162e1", "text": "- 5. Name 4 organs that are accessory glands or organs in the digestive system. Salivary glands, pancreas, liver, & gall bladder. Part 3: Using the key choices below, match the description given with the structure in the alimentary canal that it describes. Choices may be used more than once.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0a904f3519bd49e0db4b268c54c1c6ef", "text": "- [h1]{PAGETITLE}[/h1]. Digestion is described as a process by which food can be changed into substances that can be absorbed and utilized by the body cells. The digestive system has two major contributing components: the alimentary canal and the accessory organs.The alimentary canal starts at the mouth, follows through to the pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and finally ends at the anal canal.he digestive system has two major contributing components: the alimentary canal and the accessory organs.", "title": "" } ]
what county is white pine tn
[ { "docid": "f0f3621e0195fde0a625f4660b4c15cc", "text": "White Pine, Tennessee White Pine, Tennessee. White Pine is a town in Jefferson county in the U.S. state of Tennessee. It is part of the Morristown, Tennessee Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 2,196 at the 2010 census. Contents.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "74516dc0c38da793266e7fc2cfd5e750", "text": "Michigan Back Roads - Getaways White Pine Village-Ludington, Michigan. www.historicwhitepinevillage.org. The historic White Pine Village was opened in 1976 by the Mason County Historical Society. Situated on 23 acres the site boasts more than 25 buildings and thousands of implements and artifacts that bring the rich history of the region to life.The village is just a short drive from Ludington, Michigan.ou want to plan for a little extra time here. The site is quite extensive and there is a lot to see in nearly every building. This museum has one of the rare Opera Cars that still exist. The log cabin constructions and the stone chimneys will really take you back to the pioneering days when pine was king in Michigan.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e54f2830cc0a7f5b2cb4d86dd021bd42", "text": "- She was promoted to assistant warden at Hardeman County Correctional Facility and later served in the same role at Northeast Ohio, Metro-Davidson County Detention Facility and Whiteville. She was promoted to warden at West Tennessee Detention Facility.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "756e16b4712cc23634669291e4da9e4e", "text": "- Pemiscot County Deputies quickly arrived on scene to assist Steele PD with the arrest and transported Phillips to the Dunklin County Jail. Johnny Lee Phillips of Whiteoak Mo had an active warrant for his arrest through Dunklin County charging him with assault 1st degree – serious physical injury, armed criminal action, unlawful use of a weapon and stealing of a motor vehicle (bond 0f $250,000)", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cb59d2e4b77a5a8f0ac0c477a490462a", "text": "- The detective was not involved in the accident. According to the Tennessee Highway Patrol, Scott was driving a 1995 Honda Accord with Cox as his passenger. The detective initiated a pursuit of the car in Cannon County and crossed into DeKalb County on Hogfoot Road.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "21fbc80e52f6f9a8d2b6ce38bc8ed7af", "text": "- Where is Lewisburg TN: Where is Lexington TN: Where is Linden town TN: Where is Livingston town TN: Where is Lone Oak TN: Where is Lookout Mountain town TN: Where is Loretto TN: Where is Loudon town TN: Where is Louisville TN: Where is Luttrell town TN: Where is Lynchburg, Moore County TN: Where is Madisonville TN: Where is Manchester TN: Where is Martin TN", "title": "" }, { "docid": "05ada54ed228e903cdd321751008a446", "text": "White Pine Millings White Pine Millings is located in Racine, West Virginia. This organization primarily operates in the Lumber and other Building Materials business / industry within the Building Materials, Hardware, Garden Supplies & Mobile Homes sector. This organization has been operating for approximately 14 years.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5524b56bbf22b4a0d19eb643d724762c", "text": "- (706) 275-7501. Whitfield County broke from Murray County in 1851. Its name remembers Reverend George Whitefield, a preacher whose tent revival sermons lent fire to the First Great Awakening and whose energies, combined with those of John and Charles Wesley, defined the Methodist movement.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a14851072f198d747dad684a364c17bb", "text": "- The White County Department of Education, located in Sparta, Tennessee is comprised of 9 schools and serves approximately 4,000 students in grades PreK through 12. The Department of Education is the one of the largest employers in the area with over 580 full- and part-time staff members. The Director of Schools, Mr. Kurt Dronebarger and the system is governed by its Board of Education.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9cfdbe25373fb92c47a81f8301daf45c", "text": "White Pine, Tennessee Recent posts about White Pine, Tennessee on our local forum with over 2,000,000 registered users. White Pine is mentioned 114 times on our forum: Latest news from White Pine, TN collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: American (54.5%), English (10.3%), Irish (5.3%), German (3.2%), Scottish (1.7%), Italian (1.3%). Current Local Time: EST time zone. Incorporated in 1915.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cf61465bb33c5179949f418bfcf8bd77", "text": "- Site search engine courtesy FreeFind. Loudon County is located in East Tennessee and was formed in 1870 from parts of Roane, Monroe, and Blount Counties. Because of its close proximity to the Great Smoky Mountains and its many lakes and rivers, Loudon County is commonly referred to as the Lakeway to the Smokies..", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8a5cd566e5f3a02f9a9d5a464a7555de", "text": "- Haywood County White Oak Landfill Haywood County May 5, 2009 Doc ID: 7070 Page 3 of 18 3. Alternate Liner System Modifications / Permit to Construct for Haywood County Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Facility, Phase 2. Prepared by Municipal Engineering, Prepared for Haywood County. October, 2000. 4.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b668d2441068b7ba59efcd6c59be3b3d", "text": "- 4.66 Acres Sugar Tree, Decatur County, Tennessee $1,200,000. Other features include a drop-down window screen system in both the living room and Master suite which will keep sun out, allowing for a little extra shut eye in the morning.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ed02227ea3018f0bfba463ab05dd943b", "text": "- THE UNITED STATES 1890 SCHEDULES ENUMERATING UNION VETERANS AND WIDOWS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR BLEDSOE COUNTY, TENNESSEE. The following surnames are found in District 1: BROCK, DUKE, FERGUSON, HARVEY, HOLLAND, JOHNSON, SMITH, WHITE.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f8fbabf6578b63c7893d1817d282a4ee", "text": "- Updated: Thu 5:18 PM, Feb 04, 2016. WHITE PINE, Tenn. (WVLT) -- The 11-year-old White Pine boy charged with shooting and killing an 8-year-old girl has been found guilty. Benny Tiller's grandmother told Local 8 News he was found guilty of first degree murder in the death of his neighbor, McKayla Dyer October 4, 2015.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8b07ab87aa7161442acd79b4ea1297c5", "text": "- Harrison, Tennessee is located in Hamilton County. Zip codes in Harrison, TN include 37341. The median home price in Harrison is $198,500 which is roughly $85/per square foot. More Harrison information.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5ea8694231fa9fefa14217de4a00a269", "text": "- Pinetops, North Carolina. Pinetops is a town in Edgecombe County, North Carolina, United States. It is part of the Rocky Mount, North Carolina Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 1,374 at the 2010 census. Contents.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f66f480ed870d9627d613a5ba037a440", "text": "Dickson County, Tennessee Dickson County is a county located in the U.S. state of Tennessee. As of the 2010 census, the population was 49,666. Its county seat is Charlotte. Dickson County is part of the Nashville-Davidson–Murfreesboro–Franklin, TN Metropolitan Statistical Area. Dickson County is home to Tennessee's oldest courthouse in continuous use, built in 1835. This is the second courthouse in Charlotte as the first one, a log building, was destroyed in the Tornado of 1833, which destroyed all but one building on the courthouse square.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "211bcbea3b964334270c811a657c6b6f", "text": "- White Pine Millings is a licensed and bonded freight shipping and trucking company running freight hauling business from Racine, West Virginia. White Pine Millings USDOT number is 1192822. White Pine Millings is trucking company providing freight transportation services and hauling cargo.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "29b39aa9cb54c43ff76e866b64b1228e", "text": "- 1.14 Acres Lebanon, Wilson County, Tennessee $79,900. Great new community in Lebanon, Offering 1+ acre building lots, some with lake views and/or views of the large neighborhood pond, all with scenic view. View Details.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d31d5bcd5475187f49cc50a8fbbb2a9f", "text": "The Area of White Pine The Area. The Area of White Pine. White Pine is the right place. Whether you want to enjoy a day on beautiful Douglas Lake, or take in one of the many events ranging from horse shows to motor cross races at the Expo Center, White Pine is the right place. You are within 10 minutes of 54 holes of golf and five restaurants.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f260364e762f0f52566a306e91afc02d", "text": "Piney Flats, Tennessee Piney Flats, Tennessee. Piney Flats is an unincorporated community in Sullivan County in the U.S. state of Tennessee. It is part of the Kingsport–Bristol (TN)–Bristol (VA) Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is a component of the Johnson City–Kingsport–Bristol, TN-VA Combined Statistical Area – commonly known as the Tri-Cities region.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cffc2be405b0e1278c49dfd6565a0a35", "text": "Gray Gray is a census-designated place (CDP) in Washington County, Tennessee, United States and a rural suburb of Johnson City.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9a20f33ddc04575eadc89b003821eca9", "text": "About Sumner County, Tennessee County News. About Sumner County, Tennessee. Sumner County was created in 1789, but was orginally founded in 1786 while still a part of the State of North Carolina. Sumner County was named for General Jethro Sumner, a Brigadier General during the American Revolutionary War. The county is made up of eight cities including Gallatin, Goodlettsville, Hendersonville, Millersville, Mitchellville, Portland, Westmoreland and White House. Gallatin is the county seat.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "be4669d571b0d96201fb8312f34e2040", "text": "- Jesse Wallace. Born 10-4-1767, Mecklenburg County, NC. Moved to what is now Blount County, TN, at age 4. Enlisted at age 15, under Col. John Sevier. Married Martha George, 1788, Jefferson County, TN. Died 2-3-1854, Blount County, TN. Photo shows original stone, placed by chapter in 1923.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e066ac23f7338aa6a0dac404cf3f1973", "text": "White Pine County, Nevada White Pine County is a county located in the U.S. state of Nevada. As of the 2010 census, the population was 10,030. Its county seat is Ely. It is the home of Great Basin National Park.", "title": "" } ]
what are three disadvantages of making and using plastic?
[ { "docid": "a59ab0493540952ae64bbf5811415d62", "text": "The Advantages & Disadvantages of Plastic Containers Plastic containers are mainly used for food and storage and for home organization. There are advantages and disadvantages to using plastic in your home. Depending on the task, plastic may or may not be the best option. Advantages of plastic include durability and cost. Disadvantages include longevity, plastic's ability to absorb flavors, and its environmental impact.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "612c66425fb94fb845e72996014ca714", "text": "- Disadvantages of using plastics are: 1 Plastic products that contain a variety of additives are toxic. 2 Traces of additives like adipates and phthalates which are used in PVC products can leach out the product, which can be toxic.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "69c35593c46b7105fa05bd8d77931e9e", "text": "- Quick Answer. Two primary disadvantages of hydroelectric power include the high investment cost and its reliance on precipitation. Hydropower facilities can have a negative impact on the environment, despite not causing pollution, including the loss of fish habitats, displacement of the local population and the inundation of surrounding land.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f8b2008a7850dd6954cdf7be3735af19", "text": "- Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE): Water bottles made from LDPE are usually used as sports water bottles. There are many other types of plastic such as the Polystyrene, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), which cannot be used for packaging water. Basic Advantages of Using Plastic Water Bottles.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7167667f1490fad021f39612f502ba81", "text": "- Some examples of material properties in plastic product applications are: 1 Hot-filled packaging used for products such as ketchup. 2 Chemical-resistant packaging used for products such as bleach. 3 Impact strength of car bumpers.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "45bad3930adf6cf6290877fd083cfee0", "text": "- Plastics are derived from organic products. The materials used in the production of plastics are natural products such as cellulose, coal, natural gas, salt and, of course, crude oil. Crude oil is a complex mixture of thousands of compounds. To become useful, it must be processed. The production of plastic begins with a distillation process in an oil refinery. The distillation process involves the separation of heavy crude oil into lighter groups called fractions.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4c469d95cd4889641f37c8d2d268b25f", "text": "- Toxic plastics contain dangerous chemicals like bisphenol-A, phthalates and PVC. Plastic food packaging and food storage containers containing bisphenol-A, phthalates and PVC are toxic, and bad plastics to use in your kitchen.Safe plastics by numbers. These are the plastics safe to use in your kitchen.hthalates are toxic and are found in many plastic products in our homes. Phthalates are found in many plastic products in our homes, including children’s toys and even baby shampoo. Disclaimer – it’s up to you to make your own choices regarding toxic plastics.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f614c27935b89568711eab144693a5f7", "text": "What's So Bad About Vinyl Plastic (PVC)? In a nutshell, PVC plastic is uniquely toxic among plastics because of its highly toxic ingredients which readily migrate into the environment during its production, its use, and its disposal.Pure PVC plastic is 57% chlorine, a toxic substance whose production generates substantial pollution (see below). Vinyl is the least recyclable plastic because of the diversity of additives used to make different types of PVC products. 2 In addition, when PVC-products are accidentally mixed with non-chlorine plastics, they contaminate the entire recycling process.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2901fefed54b3c3c7207f97d3a2d3049", "text": "The Disadvantages of Plastic Bottles Much of the plastic placed in recycling boxes is not recycled at all, as most plastic cannot be recycled. Those bottles that are recycled are not used to make new bottles. Instead, recycled plastic bottles are used to make non-recyclable products, such as T-shirts, plastic lumber or parking lot bumpers.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "15849c6308d807a2c4f16564343e5ef3", "text": "Plastic Not-So-Fantastic: How the Versatile Material Harms the Environment and Human Health People are exposed to chemicals from plastic multiple times per day through the air, dust, water, food and use of consumer products. For example, phthalates are used as plasticizers in the manufacture of vinyl flooring and wall coverings, food packaging and medical devices.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8a95999a6cfd07d32d07055bbcc10942", "text": "What are the advantages and disadvantages of oil as an energy source? Some disadvantages of oil are that 1 -. it is non-renewable and fast depleting; 2 burning it releases carbon dioxide, a powerful greenhouse gas, that had been stored in the earth for millions of years. 3 it leaves behind harmful by-products upon combustion, thereby causing a lot of pollution;", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d694059837bafc1cd9cfd710a186e388", "text": "- Many cities are imposing fees and bans on plastic shopping bags. Advocates argue these measures help the environment. But others say these measures are ineffective, and hurt the urban poor.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bc8aae33fc3e1b283c00c274a88d2e12", "text": "Everything You Need to Know About Plastics Below are some of the specific types of plastics and how they are in use today. Consider their chemical properties and benefits, too: PET or Polyethylene terephthalate-This plastic is ideal for food storage and water bottles. It is commonly used for things like storage bags, too. It does not leach into the food, but is sturdy and can be drawn into fibers or films. PVC or Polyvinyl Chloride-It is brittle but stabilizers are added to it. This makes it a softer plastic that's easy to mold into various shapes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b705f92a7877f65d6d662b0ce7430955", "text": "What would be the advantages and disadvantages be of using Arylic (plastic) for the chimes on windchimes? Another great advantage of acrylic is that it is only half as heavy as glass. This makes working with acrylic much easier. It can also be sawed, whereas glass must be scored. Adding to this favorable array of properties, a transparency rate of 93% makes acrylic the clearest material known.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f596d187047ddcb5d6db9d0751eda264", "text": "- Plastic materials offer a number of benefits for cryogenic applications including : The purpose of this white paper is to describe the mechanical, thermal, and friction and wear behavior of plastics at cryogenic temperatures.It includes important considerations as engineers design devices that must operate at low temperatures.ith helpful charts and graphs, its perfect for engineers, specifiers, and buyers involved in cold temperature storage and processing equipment, spacecraft hardware, particle accelerators, cryogenically cooled supercomputers, pharmaceutical and biosciences applications, and superconducting magnets.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d8ac2ad189efeabc37cb4a6f8eed7b02", "text": "- Plastics are used for a wide and growing range of. building applications, from insulation to piping, and. window frames to interior design. The continuing. popularity of plastics is due to their durability, strength, resistance to corrosion, low maintenance, cost-effectiveness and aesthetically pleasing finish.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8fb3d18c3e5bcdbaf5332342a7877cd2", "text": "Is Your Childâs Car Seat Toxic? Know Your Plastics. Plastics are everywhere – in food containers and toys, in cosmetics packaging and household utensils. While some plastics are eco-friendly and may be safe for kids, others contain harmful chemicals or cause dangerous pollution during manufacturing.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d147adeaa6d9af732b3c328dfe4ea55f", "text": "- \\r\\nIn conclusion, plastic products marked with the numbers 2, 4 and 5 are the safer choices. Regardless of what plastic you use, avoid exposing your plastics to high temperatures (microwave, dishwasher) and use mild detergents for cleaning.his symbol is used to identify the plastic and recyclability of the product. In general plastic products marked with the numbers 2, 4 and 5 are the safer choices. The following graphic is a quick summary of the plastics labels and their “threat” level. The following sections provide information on each type of plastic.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a7b57ce585e43b935fe5bccceab664ac", "text": "How Plastics Work Plastics History. Before the invention of plastic, the only substances that could be molded were clays (pottery) and glass. Hardened clay and glass were used for storage, but they were heavy and brittle.Some natural substances, like tree gums and rubber, were sticky and moldable. Bakelite telephone in 100 Years of Plastic at the Science Museum in London in 2007. The exhibition was a celebration of plastics timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of Leo Baekeland's invention of Bakelite.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "eeb12f9601569599d7cf31e6d02e8556", "text": "The Pros (and Cons) of Recycling's Impact on the Environment Positive Effects of Recycling on the Environment. Recycling saves energy. Using recycled material when making plastics and paper uses less energy than producing them from virgin, new materials. Recycling reduces pollution. Recycling reduces the amount of waste put into landfills.Landfills are potentially hazardous due to the concentration of non-biodegradable items that slowly leach toxic chemicals into the surrounding garbage in the landfill.ecycling saves energy. Using recycled material when making plastics and paper uses less energy than producing them from virgin, new materials. Recycling reduces pollution.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d3b755cc44316da5b0f3362b88444e08", "text": "- 1 Which is a major disadvantage of using wind power? a. the environmental waste b. damage to local ecosystems c. greenhouse gases are released d. large amounts of land are required. Chemistry.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a261f4a193f28aa6b3a46bdf6115846e", "text": "Causes of Plastic Failure Poor design is the leading cause of plastic product failure. The manufacturing process itself is crucial when it comes to preventing plastic failure. Often moisture in the material, weak welding, or in-mold stress can result in a dramatically weakened product, shortening the projected lifespan of the workpiece.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f24afeea0256776a52f7797d6456d9a9", "text": "- Plastic bags are the cause of major environmental concerns. Statistics show that we are consuming more and more plastics every year. It is estimated that an average individual uses around 130 plastic bags per year.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "26f8b4df6b8cc2765f809a7f571bf671", "text": "- It generates a large part of Google’s income. Adsense ads are shown in the websites that participate in the Google Adsense program (these are called the Adsense Publishers). Adsense is a platform for publishers i.e. those people that have a website and want to show Google Ads.t’s easy to use, it’s reliable and it works better than any other platform. Adsense works by giving you the opportunity to create ad units of different types and sizes and add those to your website. Google fills that space with ads that are related to your content and audience using a complex algorithm.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8f65ef1ac88c2b089fc0565ee6a68f44", "text": "Advantages and Disadvantages One disadvantage with renewable energy is that it is difficult to generate the quantities of electricity that are as large as those produced by traditional fossil fuel generators. This may mean that we need to reduce the amount of energy we use or simply build more energy facilities.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "17c1e3457be8fd4a1b46d929c3afdfa8", "text": "PVC Plastics: Polyvinyl Chloride Advantages of PVC. As mentioned earlier, PVC is a low cost material that is lightweight and as such, is easy to handle and install. Compared to other types of polymers, its manufacturing process is not limited to the use of crude oil or natural gas.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cbf39341137c1891c292f14ceaa114b4", "text": "Bariatric Care Our Social Services staff are specially trained to provide counseling services to individuals in our Bariatric Program. Often, residents with bariatric needs feel a sense of despair and hopelessness related to their physical condition.", "title": "" } ]
anthem blue cross insurance phone number
[ { "docid": "92eedca1ef1edd86b332a3f1c8eadea1", "text": "Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield Customer Service Phone Number While 800-280-7293 is Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield's #2 most popular phone number, it's not the only way to get a hold of their customer care team. You already know from reading above that 888-231-5046 is their best customer phone number overall, and we have put together a comparison of their undefined total ways to contact support for you to look at as well.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "ef72f08b7ee0ee7782f012edc2056106", "text": "- Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of: In Colorado Rocky Mountain Hospital and Medical Service, Inc. HMO products underwritten by HMO Colorado, Inc. In Connecticut: Anthem Health Plans, Inc. In Indiana: Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.heck your Member Handbook or Certificate for details about your coverage. Your Anthem ID card is a handy resource for copayment amounts and telephone numbers to guide you in the right direction for prescription, precertification and claims filing information.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4d2ec5e8486673f8d9ad2e0d14213071", "text": "Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield Customer Service Phone Number Essentially, we navigate their phone menu for you, wait on hold, and then call you when a representative from Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield Customer Service can talk. Generally, it saves you at least 27% of your wait time.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "36d9e3a6b15d7b0895379b5f8f3c0912", "text": "- Blue Cross Blue Shield Axis is the BCBS System’s industry-leading national data capability that is driving richer analytics, sharper insights and smarter solutions, and changing the way healthcare decisions are made.ou may find that your healthcare coverage is changing due to moving to a new state, unexpected unemployment, or your employer no longer offering insurance coverage. Blue Cross Blue Shield can help. Visit AskBlue or call Blue at 888-630-BLUE (2583).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "71709d0b2bb4baeeb3a239b93580f594", "text": "Contact Anthem Blue Cross Customer Service Contacting Anthem Blue Cross Customer Service Center. Anthem Blue Cross is a health insurance company that operates in 14 states. The states that currently offer Anthem Blue Cross insurance include California, Georgia, Maine, New Hampshire, Virginia, Colorado and Indiana.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2666062662494bc6025c4c82710dbba0", "text": "Ross Valory Net Worth Who is Ross Valory? Wondering about Ross Valory Net Worth, biography & personal life? Learn about Height, Age, Measurements, Family & much more. Do you know how rich is Ross Valory? Curious about these celebrities bio and how much they worth?", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c92fd646fb3a629d3424442a1bf0b6c4", "text": "Categories Wellpoint Insurance Claim. Filing the Claim With Wellpoint Insurance Provider. If you need to file a claim under your worker’s compensation plan, you’ll need to contact Anthem Insurance at 1-877-232-8440. The human resources department of medium to large sized businesses may have a direct number to a specific agent in the service area.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b842c4a41cc198f71b4e341887b73d8f", "text": "Prior Authorization Forms A listing of the pharmacies in our network can be found in our provider directory. To make sure a pharmacy is part of our network or a drug is covered under your Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Medicaid plan, please call 1-855-690-7784. The TTY number for members with hearing or speech loss is 711.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a35f8717e3d98343ff3d810f401a6785", "text": "- • Blue Shield Access+ HMO plan members: You and your eligible family members are covered for urgent and emergency care anywhere in the world. You may not need to pay for services up front if you go to a provider in the BlueCard Program. You can locate a BlueCard provider online or by calling (800) 810-BLUE (2583) .o find a network doctor or verify that your current doctor is in a Blue Shield network, please go to Find a Provider. If you need additional help, simply contact your dedicated Blue Shield Member Services team at (800) 642-6155. return to top.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "99adeec7b2e4958ed5bf0e8732c4057c", "text": "- Have Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield call you insteadCall Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield using our web-phoneDial 212-476-1000 now. If you're already on the phone with Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield, you may want to look over any tips we have for getting better results.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "25764b8f83d06e83fab83ffb0d11bfda", "text": "Contact Us BCBSTX Provider Customer Service Numbers. BlueCard®. BlueCard is our out-of-area program that allows members from other Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans to receive health care benefits when travelling or residing in another Blue Plan's service area. Eligibility and benefits. (out-of-state subscribers) 800-676-BLUE (2583)", "title": "" }, { "docid": "680385571a89c7a7a342bca53e18cf73", "text": "- Save time before you call Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield. GetHuman collects the best phone numbers and shortcuts for companies, but we also have how-to guides for common customer issues. Or you can hire us to call Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield for you and help with your issue. Start by telling us why you're calling.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ac9928ea4772a103b00ce7412e64b705", "text": "- If anything on your ID card is wrong, call Anthem Blue Cross at 1-888-285-7801 right away. Anthem Blue Cross will connect you to the California Department of Public Social Services (DPSS), toll-free at 1-877-481-1044, to get it fixed.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1dcfee512cfa65dbd14b78167f4f58d1", "text": "Eligibility and Benefits For out-of-state Blue Cross and Blue Shield members, call the BlueCard® Eligibility Line at 800-676-BLUE (2583) for eligibility and benefit verifications. Learn more about Blue Card. For Federal Employee Program (FEP) members, eligibility and benefits can be obtained by calling 800-722-3130.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cba09930e3edd551a71373a0584f9351", "text": "Contact Anthem Blue Cross Customer Service Customer Service Email. The Anthem Blue Cross customer service email address is the same for nearly all states. You can access the email portal at http://www.anthem.com/health-insurance/customer-care/email-us. From there, choose the state where you are insured and contact the customer service department.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f166e5ce91289f59f1da9e7d2be312a5", "text": "- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association ® Registered Marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association © 2016 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts, Inc. 101 Huntington Avenue, Suite 1300 Boston, MA 02199-7611 | 1-800-262-BLUE (2583) About Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dfef8350ea51c6395445107b121c6a64", "text": "- You can call L.A. Care when you: }} Have a problem you can’t resolve }} Get a bill from a doctor }} Want to change health plans from Anthem Blue Cross to a different health plan }} Are unsure who to callL.A. Care’s toll-free number is 1-888-839-9909.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fe8b2a885c19d3afc1553aa89843a6e1", "text": "- What to know before you dial. Press 1 then 0# each time it asks for an account number, then 1. This phone number is popular with other Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield customers, but be sure to follow the 6 steps further down.14 mins average hold time.his phone number is popular with other Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield customers, but be sure to follow the 6 steps further down. 14 mins average hold time.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3d51cbbb41b2d595970ee44044a7aa7d", "text": "Blue Cross and Blue Shield (FLA) Phone Number More Blue Cross and Blue Shield (FLA) 800 numbers and support. This is the best of 4 ways to contact Blue Cross and Blue Shield (FLA) according to 47295 GetHuman users. Below you can compare the ways to contact Blue Cross and Blue Shield (FLA) customer service. 904-791-6111.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6e81bef4595ac03175e81c757b51577b", "text": "Blue Shield (CA) Provider Connection Phone Number Call Blue Shield (CA) Customer Service. Call Customer Service by tapping below if on your phone, or talk to them from your browser. Tap or click to call. Tap or click here to call (800-541-6652); Press 0# when it asks for an account number, then keep repeating Customer Service until transferred.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e704d7744bb70b73db6b4eea0b412564", "text": "WinFertility In Virginia: Anthem Health Plans of Virginia, Inc. trades as Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Virginia, and its service area is all of Virginia except for the City of Fairfax, the Town of Vienna, and the area east of State Route 123.nthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is the trade name of: In Colorado Rocky Mountain Hospital and Medical Service, Inc. HMO products underwritten by HMO Colorado, Inc. In Connecticut: Anthem Health Plans, Inc. In Indiana: Anthem Insurance Companies, Inc.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "93e91e091ec20b903df38536fa7b4876", "text": "- Call the Anthem Blue View Vision Customer Care Center at the number on the back of your ID card to speak to a live representative Monday through Saturday 7:30 AM to 11:00 PM ET and Sunday 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM ET. 2013 EyeMed Vision Care LLC. All Rights Reserved.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7c259bc918c7ceb267343909b26fc0ab", "text": "Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Florida Customer Service Number, Toll Free Number, Contact Address FL 33880. Phone Number : (863) 291-0140. For detailed information about the company policies, schemes, and services, customers are requested to visit the company official website. Blue Cross Blue Shield USA Social Media Network: Customers can send their feedback and suggestions to the company through the following social media platforms.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b3981c6b103fe59e6dcda32a02aa629c", "text": "- BCBSIl Customer Service Phone Number Phone Number of BCBSIl is 800-810-2583. The BCBSIl or Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois is health insurance providers in Illinois state. It is one of association companies of Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, which is the largest Mutual Legal Reserve Company in the United States. The Company is best known for its affordable health plans.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4651a48ab633d47c0a9811920dc643dd", "text": "- blue shield california resides at 50 Beale St (between Davis St & Market St) San Francisco, CA 94105 provides here all the necessory details like contact number 800-200-3242 (415) 229-5000 by which customers can reach to blue shield california Go to www.blueshieldca.com and get more information from there.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "736c822531c6aab5af27365de57669bb", "text": "Blue Cross Blue Shield Oregon Customer Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of Blue Cross Blue Shield Oregon is 1 (800) 541-8981, 1-844-842-4345 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Blue Cross Blue Shield Oregon Service Center and Blue Cross Blue Shield Oregon customer service phone number is given below.", "title": "" } ]
what is concepts?
[ { "docid": "799eea2e04794740f26314f4935b8ea9", "text": "Concept A concept is an abstract idea representing the type and fundamental characteristics of some set of objects in one's mind. When the mind makes a generalization such as the concept of tree, it extracts similarities from numerous examples; the simplification enables higher-level thinking. Concepts arise as abstractions or generalisations from experience; from the result of a transformation of existing ideas; or from innate properties. A concept is instantiated (reified) by all of its actual or potential instances, whether these are things in the real world or other ideas.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "59068c9452b7c32c337a60af3f8f63d5", "text": "Idea In philosophy, ideas are usually construed as mental representational images of some object. Ideas can also be abstract concepts that do not present as mental images. Many philosophers have considered ideas to be a fundamental ontological category of being. The capacity to create and understand the meaning of ideas is considered to be an essential and defining feature of human beings.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d5cc504298c180e9f7ff55f929349a58", "text": "- What are theories, concepts and propositions and how are they used? A sociological issue as a question we seek to answer with a theory or general explanation of a social phenomenon. A concept is a category of behaviour, events or characteristics that are considered similar for the sake of theory construction. A proposition is a statement that explains one concept by means of another.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a892dce965ecfbfeb2a81c404ac88033", "text": "What is knowledge? A frequently used definition of knowledge is the ideas or understandings which an entity possesses that are used to take effective action to achieve the entity's goal(s). This knowledge is specific to the entity which created it.. An understanding of knowledge requires some grasp of its relationship to information.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cc96a54605743200c00c056b7bb67a22", "text": "Defining Key Concepts: Products vs. Services Defining Key Concepts: Products vs. Services. Products and services are two closely aligned concepts, and, in fact, most products have an element of service in them. For example, a car buyer now buys a comprehensive bundle of service benefits, in addition to the tangible components of the car1.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7da5132cad8b09f89756890e3e519204", "text": "- Accounting Concepts. The preparation of Income Statement and Balance Sheet of a business is based on certain assumptions. These assumptions are called Accounting Concepts. Accounting concepts are very helpful in applying commonly established procedures in preparing financial statements. Below is a list of basic accounting concepts:", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d6cbca32017b39dcc32584b20e9f8a23", "text": "concept A general idea or understanding of something: the concept of inertia; the concept of free will. See Synonyms at idea. 2. A plan or original idea: The original concept was for a building with 12 floors.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "98d3b1af76edbff1213b74b34d4fa214", "text": "conceptual The definition of conceptual is something having to do with the mind, or with mental concepts or philosophical or imaginary ideas. An example of conceptual is when you formulate an abstract philosophy to explain the world which cannot be proven or seen.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2cfe6d796c0071e32e1440b106031af0", "text": "concept concept. n. 1. an idea, esp an abstract idea: the concepts of biology. 2. (Philosophy) philosophy a general idea or notion that corresponds to some class of entities and that consists of the characteristic or essential features of the class. 3. (Philosophy) philosophy.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e1eefd86f125ef6911485716cff0c8f5", "text": "- BASIC CONCEPTS from Sociology and Anthropology-Tools to think with. SOCIETY: humanly created organization or system of interrelationships that connects individuals in a common culture. All the products of human interaction, the experience of living with others around us.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d4a22516d3216aad80edaad15ebb3aba", "text": "The Classical Theory of Concepts The Classical Theory of Concepts. The classical theory of concepts is one of the five primary theories of concepts, the other four being prototype or exemplar theories, atomistic theories, theory-theories, and neoclassical theories.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c3ce50f431193fe652b44a0a6529cc96", "text": "Concept In a platonist theory of mind, concepts are construed as abstract objects. This debate concerns the ontological status of concepts – what they are really like. There is debate as to the relationship between concepts and natural language.he classical theory of concepts, also referred to as the empiricist theory of concepts, is the oldest theory about the structure of concepts (it can be traced back to Aristotle), and was prominently held until the 1970s.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5e41a734dab885c0b57a476346cb20ef", "text": "Conceptual model A conceptual model is a model made of the composition of concepts, which are used to help people know, understand, or simulate a subject the model represents. Some models are physical objects; for example, a toy model which may be assembled, and may be made to work like the object it represents.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "69f4b8cd51f58aa2069624c2495c774c", "text": "Concept The classical theory of concepts, also referred to as the empiricist theory of concepts, is the oldest theory about the structure of concepts (it can be traced back to Aristotle), and was prominently held until the 1970s.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d941f4b3e5365cb7fd198e97c3b3b910", "text": "what is concept design? Concepts are solutions to unsolved problems or new solutions to problems that are solved in a poor manner. A new concept can be a product, a service, or a combination of products and services. The task of creating concepts is referred to as concept design. For the purpose of this study, a model was created to describe concept design based on the processes and competences applied in concept design.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "815aa7673343a56a1cd7c8ece2246f02", "text": "conceptual Definition of conceptual. : of, relating to, or consisting of concepts conceptual thinking the project's conceptual and technical hurdles conceptual designs.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2bfaaeb0a2801d884d5f87a6d2e63bf7", "text": "FAUNA (faunae) conceptus - an animal organism in the early stages of growth and differentiation that in higher forms merge into fetal stages but in lower forms terminate in commencement of larval life. fertilized egg, embryo. animal, animate being, beast, creature, fauna, brute - a living organism characterized by voluntary movement.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "603971c83657ae80c7ba0718bf0dabf3", "text": "- Some concepts relevant to nursing are health, nursing, managed care, coping and parenting. A concept analysis is the first step in communicating meanings, understandings and feelings. A concept is usually a measurable variable in an hypothesis, assumption, or proposition.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f494e2076785374250888d9886ca87c4", "text": "What do you mean by concept in architecture? Strictly speaking in terms of architectural design, a concept is the main theme, the main idea that guides and leads the creation of a projects (could be a site, a building, interiors, etc) form or function or all of them. A concept is what gives ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6e8b92938a8b03837e9fc9f1ce46c034", "text": "Brand A concept brand is a brand that is associated with an abstract concept, like breast cancer awareness or environmentalism, rather than a specific product, service, or business.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "04c812ba5e9ef61caa58f485f875cfe7", "text": "- 1 Concepts - Concepts are basically vehicles of thought that involve images. Concepts are words that describe objects, properties, or events & are basic components of theory. 2 Types: 3 Empirical concepts. 4 Inferential concepts. Abstract concepts.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "54530176580755db8b6e1c2fdf99daf7", "text": "The Secret to Teaching Abstract Concepts to Kids Mental hooks — Previous bits of knowledge are the mental hooks (or schemata) that children hang new information on. Snow can be an abstract concept to a child in Florida. If you try to explain snow as a powdery substance, she may hang this new concept on a mental hook of bath powder.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2af0da8bab141770a168d81e647dd4c1", "text": "The Theory-Theory of Concepts On the concepts in theories view, concepts are the constituents of theories. Theories are understood as something like bodies of beliefs or other propositional representations, and these beliefs have concepts as their constituents.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a8c28c48ecfd9f745a56aab83f7f1cef", "text": "Concepts Concepts. 1 Organization. 2 Scientists have made the study of science manageable by organizing and classifying natural phenomena. 3 For example, natural objects can be assembled in hierarchies (atoms, molecules, mineral grains, rocks, strata, hills, mountains, and planets).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bc9e4c6a62379c079d8fe5116355dd9c", "text": "The Psychology of Concepts And the identical form of words is used by Medin, Unsworth, and Hirschfeld in their contribution to the “Handbook of Cultural Psychology” (Medin et al, 2007). It is taken as given that concepts are mental representations, that is, that concepts are entities or images of some kind inside the head.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "da67c33c54cff1f276c44b8ff45fe2e7", "text": "Concepts of Marketing Concepts of Marketing. There are 5 different concepts of marketing, each of which vary in the function that they deal with. For example – production concept deals with production and selling concept deals with selling. Each of the concept was developed as per the need of the market.", "title": "" } ]
what does pendergrass mean
[ { "docid": "95fe223b5489cbaf2d1c98309bf3761a", "text": "- What does Pendergrass mean?. Pendergrass means descendant of Pendegast (head stranger); one who came from Prendergast, a parish in Pembrokeshire. in . The history of Pendergrass originates from a background. Browse for all the origins, histories, and meanings of Pendergrass and almost 2,000,000 other surnames. Meaning of Pendergrass Last Name - Surname - Family Name Pendergrass", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "272a3166137889443d9a7927d986b239", "text": "Foxtail A foxtail (or fox tail) can mean the tail of a fox, or: Foxtail (diaspore), the dry spikelet or spikelet cluster of some grasses Alopecurus (foxtail grasses - the scientific name literally means fox tail) Bromus madritensis (foxtail brome) Hordeum jubatum (foxtail barley) Setaria (foxtail millets)", "title": "" }, { "docid": "12d94b659a4b5e33fede0193e58c6f76", "text": "Equisetum Horsetail redirects here. For other uses, see Horse tail (disambiguation). Equisetum (/ˌɛkwᵻˈsiːtəm/; horsetail, snake grass, puzzlegrass) is the only living genus in Equisetaceae, a family of vascular plants that reproduce by spores rather than seeds.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9374197b84a8cad50a6b0a53ae5ddb58", "text": "Celery Seeds Derived from an ancient, hardy marsh plant called smallage (wild celery), celery seeds are light brown in color, with a scent that resembles grass or hay. The seeds have a strong, warm, bitter and... Derived from an ancient, hardy marsh plant called smallage (wild celery), celery seeds are light brown in color, with a scent that resembles grass or hay. The seeds have a strong, warm, bitter and astringent flavor and go well with tomatoes and vegetable juices. They are also included in commercial poultry seasoning blends and celery salt, and the warm bitterness of the seeds go well with foods such as fish, chicken, potatoes, shellfish, cheese, tomato, carrot and eggs.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "de1129d884f43f870d30b5150161cea3", "text": "- 2. a: something that borders, limits, or bounds: as (1) : an outer margin of an object or structural part (2) : the edge of roof covering (as tiling) projecting over the gable of a roof (3) British: a paved or planted strip of land at the edge of a road: shoulder. See verge defined for English-language learners.: something that borders, limits, or bounds: as (1) : an outer margin of an object or structural part (2) : the edge of roof covering (as tiling) projecting over the gable of a roof (3) British: a paved or planted strip of land at the edge of a road: shoulder.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "230c71efc8d9561b766c8d7371717dda", "text": "Weed Descriptions: Grasses and Grasslike Weeds Foxtail is a light-green, leafy, summer annual grass weed that reaches maturity in midsummer. It is often confused with crabgrass. As a weed in turf, foxtail is much less common than crabgrass, but it can proliferate under low-fertility conditions and high mowing heights as well as in spring seedings.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0dc6974a915fdd5cc9bba45dce67c23a", "text": "Pendergrass Pendergrass, GA. Sponsored Topics. Pendergrass is a city in Jackson County, Georgia, United States. The population was 431 at the time of the 2000 census. Pendergrass is located at 34°9′51″N 83°40′52″W / 34.16417°N 83.68111°W / 34.16417; -83.68111 (34.164223, -83.681047).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3c44f5f99ed9080f90f9dc4ac1f36c0c", "text": "The Joys of Pendergrass The Joys of Pendergrass. Pendergrass, a small community nestled between Interstate 85 and Interstate 985 provides the quality of small town life within easy access of the metropolis Atlanta, the College town of Athens and the Poultry Capital of Gainesville.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b2f54bc514f94423575af245f0f570fc", "text": "Lemongrass Spice Description. Lemongrass is a long thick grass with leaves at the top and a solid portion several inches long at the root end. The lower portion is sliced or pounded and used in cooking. As a spice, fresh lemon grass is preferred for its vibrant flavour, but is also sold in dried form.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3c86706569f33ca73e5cd10ce191eafa", "text": "- Sonder is a Saxon word which meant as much as special land, or private land, in common use, land not to be used. This is what history says, but the use of the word in this manner can be derived from meaning 'set apart' or 'special' without meaning specifically 'special land'. History says such special land was called a Sonder.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c021ad25e073f1c02047c83596ac17ab", "text": "GOOSEFOOT • GOOSEFOOT (noun). The noun GOOSEFOOT has 1 sense: 1. any of various weeds of the genus Chenopodium having small greenish flowers. Familiarity information: GOOSEFOOT used as a noun is very rare.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9de2c0139a42f2785ffa078fec34ce8f", "text": "- Dandere. A dandere is a character archtype that entails someone being quiet which is usually associated with shyness. Dan comes from the word danmari which means silent and taciturn.Dere means to become lovey dovey. Not to be confused with Kuudere which is a cool person that becomes lovey dovey.They are very similar in appearence and possibly behavior, but their underlying character reasoning is different. Being silent for the sake of being silent vs being cool.andere. A dandere is a character archtype that entails someone being quiet which is usually associated with shyness. Dan comes from the word danmari which means silent and taciturn.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e8b303f4b2b0ae4db0273c5b6252f223", "text": "- pendimethalin (Pre-M, Pendulum): According to the label, this herbicide controls chickweed, henbit, knotweed, prostrate spurge, purslane, and yellow woodsorrel when applied before weed emergence. prodiamine (Barricade): According to the label, this herbicide controls common chickweed, henbit, knotweed, prostrate spurge, purslane, and yellow woodsorrel when applied beore weed emergence. Don’t worry about depriving any children of fond springtime memories of playing the dandelion “do you like butter (boys)” game.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "75a71d68e9bb397379a7b0660576f98a", "text": "What Does a Lis Pendens Mean in the Foreclosure Legal Process? One of the legal terms that homeowners in foreclosure often come across is lis pendens. They may initially find out about the term when attempting to refinance their house and the mortgage broker turns them down because of this type of document filed against the property.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "874fc5c8c2a175cdd81da0aab17fe351", "text": "pennyroyal Pennyroyal is also known as Mentha pulegium, pulegium, American pennyroyal, run-by-the-ground, lurk-in-the-ditch, pudding grass, piliolerial, mosquito plant, squaw balm, and squawmint tickweed.ennyroyal is also known as Mentha pulegium, pulegium, American pennyroyal, run-by-the-ground, lurk-in-the-ditch, pudding grass, piliolerial, mosquito plant, squaw balm, and squawmint tickweed.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5bf9bd30dccabe83a435534bb155d74e", "text": "Foxtail â Toxic Plant of the Week Hordeum jubatum is also called Foxtail. This is a perennial grass that grows up to 2 feet tall. Leaf blades are one to six inches in length and seeds are bristly, open awns around 3 inches long.his plant is a high concern in areas where it grows, they are abundant and highly problematic. The seed awns have small barbs and easily stick to fur and skin where they start to bury themselves. From the extremities barbs can work their way into the bloodstream and subsequently the heart.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7e68ad7c296ed92e421451d028b8ee0e", "text": "WHEATGRASS Wheatgrass is a kind of grass. The above-ground parts, roots, and rhizome are used to make medicine. Wheatgrass is primarily used as a concentrated source of nutrients. It contains vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E, iron, calcium, magnesium, and amino acids.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7f2f3900fea914652ff6f28479804b62", "text": "The Joys of Pendergrass Pendergrass only has a population of 422 residents but, with the addition of several plants, and distributions centers, such as, Bed Bath & Beyond, Toyota, and Walgreens in recent years thousands are employed within the community.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "95c60a68028a61214fd9b6e505e08611", "text": "Equisetum Equisetum (/ˌɛkwᵻˈsiːtəm/; horsetail, snake grass, puzzlegrass) is the only living genus in Equisetaceae, a family of vascular plants that reproduce by spores rather than seeds.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3a9e51ff60a4cdb106b3ff6ff7f165e6", "text": "- Teff grass (Eragrostis. teff) is a new type of grass being introduced around the world for hay production. Originally from the highlands of Ethiopia, there are different varieties grown for grain or. for hay.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f272fdf3eb925970c53f9aeba41b6893", "text": "- A meander, in general, is a bend in a sinuous watercourse or river.A meander forms when moving water in a stream erodes the outer banks and widens its valley, and the inner part of the river has less energy and deposits silt. meander, in general, is a bend in a sinuous watercourse or river.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b06bbca1d9fdc52b049881d58d9e2183", "text": "- Pendergrass, Jackson County, Georgia Land for Sale. Looking for rural homes and land for sale in Pendergrass, Jackson County, Georgia? LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Pendergrass, Jackson County, Georgia, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6ac99d51893e3beb63f84f3b6471efc8", "text": "Lemongrass Lemongrass is a long thick grass with leaves at the top and a solid portion several inches long at the root end. The lower portion is sliced or pounded and used in cooking. As a spice, fresh lemon grass is preferred for its vibrant flavour, but is also sold in dried form.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6f6d2748da9b0ca325e7ca8ea222123d", "text": "Coriander The word coriander refers to a plant, Coriandrum sativum, of which both the leaves and the seeds are used in the culinary arts. When the coriander leaves are used, they are considered an herb. Coriander leaves, also known as cilantro, have a bright, almost citrus-like flavor.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "87723ddc8602121398235d959c231b51", "text": "Foxtail (diaspore) Foxtail (diaspore) A foxtail is a spikelet or cluster of a grass, that serves to disperse its seeds as a unit. Thus, the foxtail is a type of diaspore or plant dispersal unit. Some grasses that produce a foxtail are themselves called foxtail, also spear grass.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "56126025b5bcf81072da6b7e3c3a334e", "text": "Pendergrass meaning True meaning of surname Pendergrass free. What does the word Pendergrass mean Pendergrass best surname meanings: Serious, Generous, Volatile, Active, Temperamental", "title": "" } ]
how big will a shorkie get
[ { "docid": "ca72974c70d0ebc554073dc0550939cf", "text": "Shorkie & Shorkie Poo Size: Since the Shorkie is a mixed breed, the size can vary depending upon the breeds it is mixed with. The adult Shorkie will weigh between 4-16 lbs. Coat: The coat of a shorkie is usually long and silky. Care: The Shorkie should be bathed when needed and brushed regularly.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "f2188ec8fa41bcaadf5e26226071f652", "text": "- My two rescue Scotties have very different builds, and weigh 9kg and 13kg. The bigger guy was 15.4kg when he first came to us, but with a sensible diet and plenty of excercise is now a much healthier weight with a waist. The little fella is just much more petite and has recently been mistaken for a lady Scottie!", "title": "" }, { "docid": "51665460845ee164122d5585e5b588d7", "text": "Labradoodle The three sizes are Standard, Medium, and Miniature. 1 The Standard Labradoodle should be 22 to 24 inches in height for a male and 21 to 23 inches in height for a female, while both can range in weight from 50 to 65 pounds.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4d778179af51feea63adedb5b8efbefd", "text": "Goldador Size The Goldador is one of the few designer breeds with a fairly predictable size, as both parent breeds are large and similar in size and shape. The Goldador is usually 22 to 24 inches tall at the shoulder and weighs 60 to 80 pounds.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2110287f422a14ff22cf595a0aac98d1", "text": "Size Guidelines for Cats Kittens up to about 5 pounds generally fit the kitten size. Kittens up to about 5 months generally fit the kitten size. Small: Approximately 6 months old / Approximately 6-8 pounds. Some kittens at 5 months may need the small size if they are growing fast or are large-breed cats.Small-boned adult cats often wear the small size.If your cat seems smaller than an average full-grown cat, choose small.mall: Approximately 6 months old / Approximately 6-8 pounds. Some kittens at 5 months may need the small size if they are growing fast or are large-breed cats. Small-boned adult cats often wear the small size. If your cat seems smaller than an average full-grown cat, choose small.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "24109a90712ba8eb6a861276ceba9aaa", "text": "Are Shetland Sheepdogs good with cats? How big does a shetland sheepdog get? The male Shetland Sheepdog should average around 13-15 inches in height, with the female reaching around 12-14 inches. The weight of the male Shetland Sheepdog is around 14-18… pounds, with females reach approximately 12-16 pounds in weight.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "337ce5616f4dae92f78944d30f929234", "text": "At What Age Is A Shorkie Its Adult Size ? There's no guarantees on what to expect from mutts.. could be the size of a yorkie, the size of a shih tzu, or anything in between. Dogs are not fully grown until 2 years of age.. he will have reached his adult height by one year.. but may still fill out a little from there. BTW, he's not a hybrid.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "45a06b2e7ff0602e031a93737dd990e6", "text": "Chorkie The hairy, tiny-size Chorkie, having a small head with large eyes and ears, and an adorable disposition, is a cross between the Chihuahua and the Yorkshire Terrier, varying in sizes, depending upon the genes inherited from their parents.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5848bff2fb67d959d6b384ff616b60f0", "text": "Understanding What Pomsky Puppies Are They’re sweet, gentle and have much to offer their human families. Read on to discover how to understand Pomsky puppies. Pomsky Puppy. Pomsky Sizes. Some Pomsky breeds can be as small as 20 pounds or as big as 30 pounds. However, the average adult size for most Pomsky puppies is 25 pounds. Because Pomsky puppies have thick and fluffy fur, that fur adds on extra weight, so your dog may not be exactly 25 pounds. Healthy Pomsky pups will weigh in at about 15 pounds when they’re mature enough to be sold.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8c2cd7dc6e4849f3ff2a34e716aee20a", "text": "Balkan countries - Romania. Geographically, they can be divided into the Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, and FYROM (Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia) and Serbia-Montenegro) and the South East Balkan countries (Romania and Bulgaria).alkan countries. Generally, the following countries are considered as Balkan countries: - Albania. - Bosnia-Herzegovina. - Bulgaria. - Croatia. - FYROM (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia). - Serbia-Montenegro.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3b31eae27aaa4871f3b1b9b44491a03d", "text": "Koi FAQ Most domestic Koi usually grow about 12 to 15 inches long. Japanese Koi usually grow 22 to 26 inches in long. Jumbo sized Koi grow up to 34 to 36 inches long.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0ef4c18c4a26f83545d82e647c4f65e5", "text": "When does a Labradoodle reach its full size? (I'll double-check his vet records.) His weight had stabilized at about the same time at about 40 pounds--but this summer, he has gained almost 5 pounds! Technically, I guess, Cosmo is a small standard now, at about 21 inches at the shoulder and 45 pounds--but we think he is the perfect size for us!", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fdb1571c5ce1724f7ec24c30fd765620", "text": "What Is The Best Dog Food for a Pomeranian? If you read the breed standard, Miniature Schnauzers are measured in inches not pounds. The standard for a regular size mini is from 12 to 14 tall at the top of the shoulder blade, which is called withers. On a toy that would be up to 11 at the top of the withers.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ae1f1839fcf2ca639ae55e54f65574ac", "text": "- One interesting element to note is that the Shih Tzu, in general and per breed standards, is not that much taller than the Yorkie to its left. However, the dog is comparatively much bigger in regard to weight...9-16 pounds compared to 4-7.This is because of the body shape and construction. The Yorkie has a long, straight back. The Shih Tzu is more compact....he has shorter legs and while a shorter back, making for a more compact, almost square dog.ut then at the age of 4 to 5 months, the dog may grow quite a bit. Therefore, unless your Tzu is having eating issues such as refusing to eat, most owners should not be concerned about growth during this time. It is an up and down time...and it is most difficult to know what the ending adult size will be.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d8f70fd4ea0b17eaf7d54fb6a330bf2a", "text": "- Gymnosperms. Gymnosperms are one of the two groups of seed plants. The flowering plants (angiosperms), are the other. In going from mosses and ferns to the seed plants, we see a very significant difference in plant life cycles. In mosses and ferns the propagating units for new individuals are spores. major difference between gymnosperms and angiosperms is how the seeds are attached to the plant. Seeds of gymnosperms are not enclosed; instead, they are open to the surrounding environment. This type of unprotected seed is a naked seed.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "53ce0ba4b866c625d859e788444de5dd", "text": "How big do Border Collies get I am watching the newest member of my household get bigger by the day and as he is a rescue I have no idea how big his parents were. Brody is a good size dog he measures 20.5 and weighs 44lbs, at 8 months Rievaulx is at least a good inch plus taller and weighs about 41lbs.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a7191f855ea6b8962e87e36da9e70ff9", "text": "- I am a little schnauzer obsessed:) I have a 5 month old miniature schnauzer and since my other one was huge (like 25 lb) i would like to know how big my pup will get. he is 11 lb now. Source(s): big mini schnauzer get: https://tinyurl.im/fNPuM. Arny · 2 years ago.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "db97b10ca9e0b66110f164768efe92e7", "text": "- male husky can get 23 feet long and females can get 20 feet long How big a Siberian husky will get is determined first by the dog's sex. A male will get between 45-60 pounds … and a female will end up being 35 - 50 pounds. They are average sized dogs. have seen big huskies before but never any over 60 lbs... If you are considering purchasing a Siberian Husky puppy, Working Group; AKC recognized in 1930. Ranging in size from 20 to 23 ½ inches tall at the shoulder and 35 to 60 pounds.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c39fe76c2bf83f636427410322851284", "text": "OsitotheKinkajou The larger varieties of kinkajous can reach a weight of up to 8 pounds, and attain a body length of about 25 inches, with a tail which can grow to a length of 18 to 20 inches. Kinkajous have fully prehensile grasping tails, which can be used like an extra hand when climbing.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "83d299fc0478f4077e1167fcaaae357c", "text": "- Achondroplastic dwarfs are not smaller dogs -- they are almost always larger in the only way that really counts when hunting, which is chest size. Though an achondroplastic dwarf terrier may be only 10 inches tall, it may be anywhere from 15 to 20 pounds in weight due to the huge chest, big bones, and large head.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f29fcaf48e7145e6bff4928c552f1124", "text": "Miniature LabradoodleMini Labradoodle The Miniature Labradoodle typically weighs between 25 to 45 pounds, right about average for a dog's weight. It's typically 14 to 17 inches in height. Visual is representative of dog growth from puppy to adult based on its size category.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "785f335a9f0513fedb4c46725dc343ab", "text": "- Shorkie babies, Parents are very small and live here with u, these babies will have their shots, will be wormed and come with a health agreement and come with a free vet visit and all are healthy and sweet and will be small, little girls and boys available...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2f133ae55d52b9258c21d8769030fe30", "text": "WHAT IS A POCKET PITBULL? Bandit is a perfect example of what many are looking for in Pocket PitBull puppies. Pocket PitBulls are defined by the ABKC as being no more than 17 inches tall at the withers for males and 16 inches for the females.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d2f6dd9f6f63b47565affa2eea4e4045", "text": "How big can a boxer get? How big can boxer dogs grow? The male boxer can weigh up to 70 pounds and stands about 2 feet tall. for the female: 55 to 70 lbs, 65 lbs being a good average. 21 to 24 inches tall at shoulder, 22 inches …being average.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d3d4863c16e4465a9258037d3a9848a4", "text": "How big do golden shelties get? Best Answer: Shelties are beautiful dogs. They usually weigh anywhere from 15-25 pounds and when they are full grown, they are about about 13-15 inches in height. The size of the dog depends a lot on the size of the parents. If you know how big they are, you can estimate how big the puppy will get when it is full grown.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c9d7fa7138ec68e9910257f056d85311", "text": "Chorkie The much sought-after mixes of this crossbreed are: 1 The chorkie poo (mixture with a miniature poodle), 2 The teacup chorkie (a miniature version of the chorkie growing up to 6 pounds maximum), The chorkie-chihuahua mix.", "title": "" } ]
define finitude.
[ { "docid": "25f8f7059b5aa69da40f16a2ed5e8270", "text": "- Etymology[edit] From finite +‎ -itude, from Latin fīnītus + -dō ‎(“signifying a noun of state”). finitude ‎(countable and uncountable, plural finitudes) The state or characteristic of being finite; limitedness.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "8172d8545637274bb4e189926bd12f9a", "text": "ingenuity The definition of ingenuity is the quality of being clever, creative or imaginative. An example of ingenuity is Steve Job's inventions of the iPhone and iPad. Obs. the quality of being ingenuous. the quality of being ingenious; cleverness, originality, skill, etc.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4013aadfebb3ff79a6a4c5f713932869", "text": "About Aptitudes Aptitudes are natural abilities Aptitudes are natural talents, special abilities for doing, or learning to do, certain kinds of things easily and quickly. They have little to do with knowledge or culture, or education, or even interests.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2676fec5bd5163b5c2d6f3f768953fe7", "text": "ingenuity The definition of ingenuity is the quality of being clever, creative or imaginative. An example of ingenuity is Steve Job's inventions of the iPhone and iPad. ingenuity. the quality of being ingenious; cleverness, originality, skill, etc.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6f41a1f5beb72d3f86cac1d03be72d5a", "text": "fortitude Fortitude refers to strength in the face of adversity or difficulty. Eating fried worms might require a lot of intestinal fortitude. When someone has fortitude it means that they have emotional power or reserves and the ability to withstand adversity. People who have fortitude are described in an admiring way for their courage and this word comes from the Latin word fortitudo, meaning strength.. Jacueline Bisset, someone who knows about beauty, said, Character contributes to beauty. It fortifies a woman as her youth fades.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "30dd05a78bd3bccd559f1ded3db69ddc", "text": "aptitude Word Origin and History for aptitude Expand. n. early 15c., tendency, likelihood, from Middle French aptitude (14c.) or directly from Late Latin aptitudo (genitive aptitudinis) fitness, noun of quality from Latin aptus joined, fitted (see apt).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b61072d022267fcc8cf475ddd16b427c", "text": "- Fortitude is more properly called Strength. Strength refers to inner strength rather than physical. It's one of my favorite cards. Wikipedia has an extensive amount of reading about the Tarot and covers it in pretty close detail. There are also quite a few books.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "df9af56b2f78668db460a03915b1f2e4", "text": "\"What is meant by \"\"finitude\"\" in philosophy?\" Answer Wiki. The philosophy of finitude, represented by postmodernity, maintains that our finite experience of life is the ultimate horizon of human knowledge. There is no absolute truth, thinking the absolute is pretentious.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c1d0c63c3e7de5cd2b9e74fb5b938f36", "text": "aptitude test aptitude test. 1. any of various tests given to measure abilities, as manual dexterity, visual acuity, reasoning, or verbal comprehension, and used to assist in the selection of a career. Origin of aptitude test.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dc56bd7359b76784ba6d09c6a14d3097", "text": "- It is ultimately from Latin infinitus, the opposite of finitus, meaning finite.. The notion of smallness in infinitesimal derives from the mathematical concept that a quantity can be divided endlessly; no matter how small, it can be subdivided into yet smaller fractions, or infinitesimals..", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a7b1d3ceb7897f33af1204cb1c3358be", "text": "inclination inclination. n. 1. (often foll by: for, to, towards, or an infinitive) a particular disposition, esp a liking or preference; tendency: I've no inclination for such dull work. 2. the degree of deviation from a particular plane, esp a horizontal or vertical plane.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1cc9a0281701d1900378b3f5d71df4bd", "text": "- Definition of aptitude. 1 1a : inclination, tendency an aptitude for hard workb : a natural ability : talent an aptitude for gymnastics. 2 2 : capacity for learning an aptitude for languages. 3 3 : general suitability : aptness.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a091246d5c4410278224804382f4d23f", "text": "persistence persistence. n. 1. the quality of persisting; tenacity. 2. the act of persisting; continued effort or existence. 3. the continuance of an effect after the cause of it has stopped: persistence of vision.ersistence-the act of persisting or persevering; continuing or repeating behavior; his perseveration continued to the point where it was no longer appropriate. perseverance, perseveration.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "60cfd88501886acdd14c6ece4e1e26d9", "text": "- It exists by its finitude and is great in proportion to its determination. These are the ideas common to the connection between change, becoming and perishing, and Non-Being, finitude and imperfection. Isolation is finitude and limitation, community is freedom and infinity.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fb68786395f64c917cf7681363e5a675", "text": "vocational of, relating to, or connected with a vocation or occupation: a vocational aptitude. of, relating to, or noting instruction or guidance in an occupation or profession chosen as a career or in the choice of a career: a vocational counselor.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ca7af261ec4259263d61b582c14d38e3", "text": "bent Synonym Discussion of aptitude. gift, faculty, aptitude, bent, talent, genius, knack mean a special ability for doing something. gift often implies special favor by God or nature the gift of singing beautifully.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2535bbd7c3053a4d450015186b6bc814", "text": "Courage Courage, also called fortitude, is the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty or intimidation. It can be divided into physical courage — in face of physical pain, hardship, and threat of death — and moral courage — in the face of shame, scandal, and discouragement.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "32869d9739920fbd598d5bfca8215530", "text": "- Definition of financial: A broad term used to describe many aspects of finance or the financial industry, such as financial instruments, financial services, financial institutions, financial advisors, or financial planning. profitability", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dcd1e0f830f840b3afeb88f4a9f41574", "text": "tolerance Full Definition of TOLERANCE. 1. : capacity to endure pain or hardship: endurance, fortitude, stamina. 2. a: sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own b: the act of allowing something: toleration.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "62fdae6d2aa10f69701cec99a5aeb74e", "text": "Fatigue (medical) Fatigue (also called exhaustion, tiredness, languidness, languor, lassitude, and listlessness) is a subjective feeling of tiredness which is distinct from weakness, and has a gradual onset. Unlike weakness, fatigue can be alleviated by periods of rest. Fatigue can have physical or mental causes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "97e3d77c2c928dfb24364718c54b0a66", "text": "- fan·tas′ti·cal′i·ty (-tĭ-kăl′ĭ-tē) n. fan·tas′ti·cal·ly adv. These adjectives apply to what is very strange or strikingly unusual. Fantastic describes what seems to have slight relation to the real world because of its strangeness or extravagance: fantastic imaginary beasts such as the unicorn.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dfe5432fcfa65f5185d1c8d37ce011ba", "text": "- Full Definition of FORTITUDE. 1. : strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9a89439e4bea408d3c090fc3a772c1e2", "text": "- vicissitudes noun [plural]. › ​changes that ​happen at different ​times during the ​life or ​development of someone or something, ​especially those that ​result in ​conditions being ​worse: Losing ​your ​job is just one of the vicissitudes of ​life.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "620cdf7ae726f6ca5a33f4c68a6f4d9a", "text": "- 1. 1 a. A change or variation: an economy vulnerable to the vicissitudes of the oil market. 2 b. A usually unforeseen change in circumstance or experience that affects one's life, especially in a trying way: the vicissitudes of childhood.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b9056b94fc220b74c1c32cc017b5ae06", "text": "- Definition of aptitude. 1a : inclination, tendency an aptitude for hard workb : a natural ability : talent an aptitude for gymnastics. 2 : capacity for learning an aptitude for languages.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4cdb51fe6aeb440dada7f70b2ec15d84", "text": "- Definition of flair. 1 1 : a skill or instinctive ability to appreciate or make good use of something : talent a flair for color; also : inclination, tendency a flair for the dramatic. 2 2 : a uniquely attractive quality : style fashionable dresses with a flair all their own Montreal is a city noted for its … European flair — Bruce Minorgan.", "title": "" } ]
is the google platform cloud?
[ { "docid": "8967b5383a45ca091f0fe2fe1945970a", "text": "Google Cloud Platform (GCP) The Google Cloud Platform suite of services is always evolving, and Google may periodically introduce, change or discontinue services based on user demand or competitive pressures. Google's main competitors in the public cloud computing market include Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "f5572bccc196d96390fb29f90d245217", "text": "OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive and Box: Which cloud storage service is right for you? Drive is built into Google's Web-based operating system Chromium, so if you have a Chromebook, Google Drive is your best cloud storage option. Like other cloud storage services, Drive has apps for iOS and Android for viewing and managing your files from your phone. Google Drive has the benefit of a built-in office suite, where you can edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, even if you created the document in another program.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "75c3c2e0c9b919212dbcbb7d93ade51e", "text": "- Our cloud infrastructure protects your data 24/7. From custom-designed data centers to undersea fiber cables that transfer data between continents, Google operates one of the world’s most secure and reliable cloud infrastructures. And it is continuously monitored to protect your data and make it available when you need it.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0093501c94673d1aa9dff0c3be0ce08f", "text": "Is Dropbox considered a cloud computing platform? The fact that Dropbox is deployed on a very large scale and allows access to digital content for a very heterogenous set of (mobile) platforms might qualify it as a 'mobile content platform', but still not a full 'cloud computing platform'.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2ed2d8c887a8cafe6cd68bb05636e217", "text": "- In the next years the focus of cloud computing is expected to shift from building the. infrastructure, today’s main front of competition among the vendors, to the application. domain. This shift in focus is re°ected by Google’s strategy to build a dedicated cloud for. government organizations in the United States.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d65cd02afe4ccce63b305e451223ed83", "text": "- DreamFactory 2.5 now supports the Google Cloud Messaging Service (GCM). This blog post will show you how easy it is configure DreamFactory as your Android app’s push notification provider. Note that GCM support is a premium feature in DreamFactory's Silver and Gold products, not an open source feature.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6e35c5aa95c93b658830a492e4ad1105", "text": "- Google Compute Engine offers high performance virtual machines, customer-friendly pricing, fast networking, and carbon-neutral impact.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4474058b91cccac5307fe83847c2806e", "text": "Unveiling The Microsoft Cloud Platform System, powered by Dell Unveiling The Microsoft Cloud Platform System, powered by Dell. Yes!!! At last we can talk about what we have been working on for close to 18 months – “San Diego” – that was the code name for what is now “Microsoft Cloud Platform System” (CPS), which was announced earlier today by Scott Guthrie. These 18 months have been a journey for all of us in the product group.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f39d66dab911dc9acaf2cc8c45f7748d", "text": "- Here are some of the teams focusing efforts in this space: 1 Google Cloud Apigee Health APIs. 2 Google Fit. 3 Google Search (e.g., health cards, symptom search) 4 Google Research (focused on healthcare applications)", "title": "" }, { "docid": "91904eff4ca388221170a78ed72e02cf", "text": "Google Google has moved increasingly into hardware; from 2010 to 2015, it partnered with major electronics manufacturers in the production of its Nexus devices, and in October 2016, it released multiple hardware products (including the Google Pixel smartphone, Home smart speaker, Wifi mesh wireless router, and Daydream View virtual reality headset).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bf726d78c4e462b27c34db06a787b25d", "text": "- Google Cloud Storage is incredibly durable, 99.999999999%; multiple copies, multiple locations with checksums and cross region striping of data. Available. Google Cloud Storage Nearline and DRA offer 99% monthly availability, while Google Cloud Storage Standard offers 99.9% monthly availability. Scalable. Google Cloud Storage is almost infinitely scalable.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "32085137a7a56cf1edbbe5d0cafa9df9", "text": "- A Powerful, Simple and Cost Effective Object Storage Service. Powerful & Simple Storage. Google Cloud Storage offers developers and IT organizations durable and highly available object storage. Google created three simple product options to help you address the needs of your applications while keeping your costs low.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "59ad0f300ca26181a2d9a3b869fc2c56", "text": "- Google has quietly updated their developer dashboards with updated metrics relating to Screen Size and Densities, OpenGL Version and Android Platform Version Distribution.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "96eea0a1848dab50a0db6c47b43355c8", "text": "Top Overwatch Team Joins Cloud9 Top Overwatch Team Joins Cloud9. We at Cloud9 are excited to announce the acquisition of top North American Overwatch team 'google me'. To catch the team in action, tune into the weekly tournaments streamed and hosted by GosuGamers Overwatch NA and One Hit Club.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "87876dbbba2c2cb0acc1d840882ca9b2", "text": "Cloud Storage Cloud Storage provides many ways to bring your data to the cloud. Drag-n-drop your data with the Google Cloud Platform Console, use the gsutil command-line tool, or interface with the JSON API in your preferred language.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fddd51e192070623973867c30b600789", "text": "- SAP Cloud Platform is the enterprise platform-as-a-service with comprehensive application development services and capabilities.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "75579c909debb5b5792a264c446c2120", "text": "- Platform ISF simplifies the path to private cloud without forcing lock-in to one particular vendor's configuration and by automating the building of mixed virtual and physical tiers, said Jay Muelhoefer, VP of Marketing at Platform Computing.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f86815acd62f6bcda05539809f66d85f", "text": "Do more for less Pricing that’s as smart as our products. Google’s technical infrastructure is built to let you to do more with less. Our customer-friendly pricing is on average 60% less for many compute workloads compared to other cloud providers. No upfront costs required: You don't need to make commitments to get great prices. Google Cloud Platform is on average 60% less for many compute workloads than other clouds, with $0 paid upfront.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7f0f0cc74e0d3639f036291416a28919", "text": "Do more for less Our customer-friendly pricing is on average 60% less for many compute workloads compared to other cloud providers. No upfront costs required: You don't need to make commitments to get great prices. Google Cloud Platform is on average 60% less for many compute workloads than other clouds, with $0 paid upfront. Pay-as-you-go. Building data centers is probably not your business. By paying for services on an as-needed basis, you save money and direct more focus to innovation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c94c48410e88399888b55628f89b0668", "text": "Hybrid cloud: What it is, why it matters What is hybrid cloud? The hybrid cloud is the combination of a public cloud provider (such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, or Joyent Compute) with a private cloud platform — one that's designed for use by a single organization.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "14511eec47ab10822755c16da37d99d3", "text": "android studio Google is making their development tools even better, with Android Studio getting a bump up to version 1.3, and Polymer going official with version 1.0. On the stage at Google I/O 2015, Google introduced a large update to Android Studio, made Polymer official, and introduced Cloud Test Lab.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a910c03d6c68db8cf490df491d3d7f2f", "text": "- Google actively develops the Android platform but gives a portion of it for free to hardware manufacturers and phone carriers who want to use Android on their devices. 1 Google only charges manufacturers if they also install the Google apps portion of the OS.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ed505e06a1ae82b729e0cf4943b32a14", "text": "Cloud SQL A Cloud MySQL Database. Google Cloud SQL is a fully-managed database service that makes it easy to set-up, maintain, manage and administer your relational MySQL databases in the cloud.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5fc6754e0d5695e1f25abcfc833a914b", "text": "Bloat (GDV) Article Download a PDF of this article. ‘Bloat’ / gastric dilatation-torsion (GDV): what it is and how to help prevent it. Penny Watson, Bunning-Iams Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition. Queen’s Veterinary School Hospital, University of Cambridge.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6757a4a45878927a29a811a17577bea3", "text": "- Google Cloud Platform is a set of modular cloud-based services that allow you to create anything from simple websites to complex applications.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "86ebdb154b7daee6ef7ffce343113450", "text": "- Google Cloud SQL is a MySQL database that lives in Google's cloud. It has all the capabilities and functionality of MySQL, with a few additional features and a few unsupported features as listed below.", "title": "" } ]
what is intranet?
[ { "docid": "b54a925af4187273239fe29f2b59cec6", "text": "intranet An intranet is a network based on TCP/IP protocols belonging to an organization, accessible only by the organization's members or those with authorization. main browse terms", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "ec5b82a50b7b69cee1b7aef8c1f2c22b", "text": "intranet An intranet is a private network based on TCP/IP protocols, belonging to an organization, usually a corporation, accessible only by the organization's members, employees, or others with authorization.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a7b6d7737b74e38c0b774ca2eb04222c", "text": "Internet n. ( 1 Communications & Information) the internet (sometimes with a capital) the single worldwide computer network that interconnects other computer networks, on which end-user services, such as World Wide Web sites or data archives, are located, enabling data and other information to be exchanged.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "86002819e2a48b579437a23f8f2e79d1", "text": "Intranet In its simplest form an intranet is established with the technologies for local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs). Intranets began to appear in a range of larger organizations from 1994.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5c1b66aab4c0481cf7d45ebf76899312", "text": "Intranet An intranet is a private network that can only be accessed by authorized users. The prefix intra means internal and therefore implies an intranet is designed for internal communications. Inter (as in Internet) means between or among.. Since there is only one Internet, the word Internet is capitalized.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7c30f04530f3b1e076add26bf2e17607", "text": "The Pain of Shingles: Symptoms May Persist After the Rash Heals PHN is defined as pain persisting more than 3 months following rash healing. Clinical features differ among patients, and range from constant pain characterized by burning, aching, or throbbing to intermittent pain characterized by stabbing or shooting pain. Additionally, some patients present with allodynia.9.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ae6c9b1ee54597414db409662dc5191f", "text": "Intranet Techopedia explains Intranet A company's intranet is based on Internet concepts and technology, but for private use. The term can refer to anything that is web-based but for private use, but typically means a company's shared web applications.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cec2e9e16a952b1591e17bf7cdb98cc9", "text": "- Intranet Connections: Intranet Software. · 9 hrs ·. 7 Tips to Make the Switch to SharePoint As Easy As Pie. Migrating Your Intranet Content to a SharePoint Alternative -. We've provided 7 tips on how to alleviate the stress and successfully migrate content when switching your intranet to a SharePoint alternative.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "25a12848270fde1999e6c6ad37ba0a8c", "text": "Subnetwork A subnetwork, or subnet, is a logical, visible subdivision of an IP network. The practice of dividing a network into two or more networks is called subnetting. Computers that belong to a subnet are addressed with a common, identical, most-significant bit-group in their IP address.or IPv4, a network is also characterized by its subnet mask, which is the bitmask that when applied by a bitwise AND operation to any IP address in the network, yields the routing prefix. Subnet masks are also expressed in dot-decimal notation like an address.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6ca9a607bcadba595070cead42d3bc78", "text": "- (May 2010) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) In computing, an interface is a shared boundary across which two separate components of a computer system exchange information. The exchange can be between software, computer hardware, peripheral devices, humans and combinations of these.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cad568ef82dfaa256fcd8336085c20a7", "text": "Intraweb An intraweb is a web comprising all HTTP nodes on an intranet; synonyms are corporate web, internal web.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bf0b097ce988b7356c82835b26471c10", "text": "DarkNet or DeepNet: What is it and How to access it? The Darknet is a part of Internet that hosts anonymous websites that may or not be offering legal content. You will need Tor browser in order to view these websites. Read our review of the TOR browser to know more about The Onion Router and how it works.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a90b822f10e77dffa0c3fd00199ca34e", "text": "- Advertisement. An intranet often gets confused with the Internet. While there are a lot of similarities between them, they really are two different things. Simply put, the Internet is the global World Wide Web, while an intranet is a private computer network operating within a company.dvertisement. An intranet often gets confused with the Internet. While there are a lot of similarities between them, they really are two different things. Simply put, the Internet is the global World Wide Web, while an intranet is a private computer network operating within a company.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bfd5f832c81279cb26040096e80df41b", "text": "What is an intranet? The definitive explanation That’s it. It’s what an intranet is in simple, everyday language. It’s also what you can say to explain an intranet to most employees (or to your retired uncle when he asks what you’re doing for work these days). An intranet wears many hats inside an organization. It’s a website, communications channel and collaboration platform.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1fe4a5276590e60474ab8cc9ec6646a8", "text": "Intranet Connections: Intranet Software Employee engagement is a two-way street. In this post, Intranet Connection's CEO lists 5 habits employees can follow to promote an ideal work environment.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "34b9c6786573a8f4b0b26cf99a125645", "text": "False true the main difference between an intranet View Full Document. 1 false true The main difference between an intranet and the Internet is that intranets are public and the Internet is private. 2 Tender portals Classified ads Social networking sites Identify the term used for understanding the role of information in generating and using business intelligence.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7d68c8aa5d53bd108d87d2ffa9f41932", "text": "What are the key characteristics of the internet, intranet and extranet? Briefly, an extranet can be understood as a private intranet mapped onto the Internet or some other transmission system not accessible to the general public, but is managed by more than one company's administrator(s).n theory, any packet of information on the Internet can be intercepted and read by anyone with access to a router the data passes through. Intranets are private networks relying on Internet technology. Companies may set up web servers and only allow them to be visible to workstations within the network.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1d25e80a7416d73b9da58e8f4759843e", "text": "- CrossNet is a cross platform .NET Runtime. It parses .NET assemblies and generates unmanaged C++ code that can be compiled on any standard C++ compiler. More than 95% of the .NET 2.0 features are actually emulated in C++.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2bf401bff02338f864d24a974cf58ce7", "text": "Deductibles and Co-pays Don't Confuse Co-Payment and Coinsurance Coinsurance and co-payments are not the same thing. A co-payment is a specific amount that you pay at the doctor's office before you meet your deductible. Coinsurance is a percentage of a provider's charge that you may be required to pay after you've met the deductible.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "33af5d1ec026350ebad78cd8018464be", "text": "Internet The Internet, sometimes called simply the Net, is a worldwide system of computer networks-a network of networks in which users at any one computer can, if they have permission, get information from any other computer (and sometimes talk directly to users at other computers).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2a1f025b3ba0f9dbc06a650d3fee8026", "text": "What is Intranet Connections? Established in 1999, Intranet Connections has a rich history in the intranet software industry. We have worked with banks, credit unions, hospitals, hospices, medical services, government agencies, financial firms, technology companies and manufacturers/distributors, some of which have been with us from Day 1.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "19bb37c5ff7a0954bf2cceced43ec8a2", "text": "- TELNET: The Mother of All (Application) Protocols. The equipment was state of the art, but having a room cluttered with assorted computer terminals was like having a den cluttered with several televisions sets, each dedicated to a different channel.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a8a0e9836795b7ada73cd848da8dd465", "text": "- [in-truh-nash-uh-nl] /ˌɪn trəˈnæʃ ə nl/. adjective. 1. within one nation; occurring or existing within a nation's boundaries. Related forms. intranationally, adverb.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "de75b69d0914b7dd157ea93a532a7345", "text": "AlterNet AlterNet is a program of the Independent Media Institute (IMI), a nonprofit organization that empowers people with independent journalism, information, and media tools. IMI is dedicated to strengthening and supporting independent journalism, and to improving the public's access to independent information sources.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6c1f3f1fcf7f03b314d77fe5873c936e", "text": "Find subnet mask on UNIX A. A subnetwork/ subnet is a range of logical addresses within the address space that is assigned to an organization. Subnetting is a hierarchical partitioning of the network address space of an organization (and of the network nodes of an autonomous system) into several subnets.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9d41856fb160999df8a475c2171aaa6e", "text": "Intranet A company-wide intranet can constitute an important focal point of internal communication and collaboration, and provide a single starting point to access internal and external resources. In its simplest form an intranet is established with the technologies for local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs).hen part of an intranet is made accessible to customers and others outside the business, that part becomes part of an extranet. Businesses can send private messages through the public network, using special encryption/decryption and other security safeguards to connect one part of their intranet to another.", "title": "" } ]
naples fl weather monthly average
[ { "docid": "4b8b76bdb80287c07f83e0ab9f658415", "text": "- The highest monthly average temperature in Naples for August is 83 degrees. The lowest monthly average temperature in Naples for February is 65 degrees. The most monthly precipitation in Naples occurs in June with 8.6 inches. The air quality index in Naples is 33% better than the national average. The pollution index in Naples is 500% worse than the national average.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "77440fa9e3aa4982ff48f77e0b54d3ed", "text": "Naples: Annual Weather Averages Naples: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in Naples with an average temperature of 25°C (76°F) and the coldest is January at 9°C (48°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 10.1 in July. The wettest month is November with an average of 140mm of rain.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "dc9ef92119bb6a4b1c4592bd577b1472", "text": "Naples Naples is an area in Naples, Collier County, Southwest, Florida with a population of 60,717. There are 28,535 male residents living in Naples and 32,184 female residents. The total number of households is 32,302 with 1.84 people per household on average. Total household expenditures in Naples are above the national average. The median age of the current population is 54.28 with 25,992 people being married and 21,954 being single. The employment numbers show that there are 66% white collar employees and 34% blue collar employees in Naples.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5fbe65b88ae9e4da6cf8fc0fe0efc0fe", "text": "- Posting flyers and ads in the paper are also good ways to attract players. Book the venue. There's typically a charge for reserving fields, gyms and arenas, but if you explain you're organizing a charity event, you can likely book the venue for free or at a discount. Recruit volunteers.Make sure you have enough people to effectively work the event, even if you lose a few people to illness or emergencies. You'll also need a referee or umpire depending upon the specific event. Advertise the event at least 2 weeks in advance.ecruit volunteers. Make sure you have enough people to effectively work the event, even if you lose a few people to illness or emergencies. You'll also need a referee or umpire depending upon the specific event. Advertise the event at least 2 weeks in advance.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "589c0b6553e612d1b8a010daed42c077", "text": "Naples Weather, When to Go and Climate Information In the spring and autumn, temperatures in Naples are at their most pleasant. The weather in Naples can be unpredictable in the winter from November to February, when the city is at its most quiet. It is generally fairly mild with plenty of sunshine, although it can be foggy at times. There may also be heavy rain and occasional icy winds, so be sure to bring a warm overcoat, scarf and gloves.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "10b7d32e4c4ed0156fd0c0402c2dbb87", "text": "- 1 The highest monthly average temperature in Trinidad for July is 74 degrees. 2 The lowest monthly average temperature in Trinidad for December is 31 degrees. The most monthly precipitation in Trinidad occurs in July with 2.1 inches.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "31d42da9b0aad4270413325a824f07ff", "text": "- Naples, Italy weather text for Sat 19th August. The Naples, Italy weather is going to be sunny. Naples, Italy visibility is going to be around 20 km i.e. 12 miles and an atmospheric pressure of 1015 mb. The daytime temperature is going to reach 34 °c and the temperature is going to dip to 27 °c at night.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "566ea8a7c97d134200c311df5daada0d", "text": "- Florida: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in Florida with an average temperature of 28°C (82°F) and the coldest is January at 16°C (61°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 10 in July.The best month to swim in the sea is in July when the average sea temperature is 29°C (84°F).Loading weather data.lorida: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in Florida with an average temperature of 28°C (82°F) and the coldest is January at 16°C (61°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 10 in July.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bf846119f2c8bda442aa1af7d7531283", "text": "- Over the course of the year, the temperature in Naples typically varies from 56°F to 89°F and is rarely below 44°F or above 92°F. The hot season lasts for 137 days, from May 22 to October 6, with an average daily high temperature above 86°F.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1efcb34b35d11456647bd3ec2df3a0f8", "text": "Venice Weather and Climate Historic Climate Charts for Venice Vacation Planning It's the humidity; Venice is classified as having a Humid subtropical climate. There are between 6.5 and 9 precipitation days in most months, the exception being August, with fewer than two precipitation days. Unlike the other cities of Italy's Big Three, Venice's rainfall is pretty well distributed throughout the year, totalling just over 32 inches on average.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e7002088796e352e95382a9ee5bb468e", "text": "Naples Weather Naples Weather. Southwest Florida is a tropical paradise. Warm temperatures, balmy breezes, sunny skies and an occasional shower are the norm for Naples. The Gulf Water temperature ranges from the mid 60's January through March and up into the mid 80's from June through September. Southwest Florida's average air temperature is 77 degrees. Weather Forecast | Weather Maps | Weather Radar | Hurricane Center.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "130ab9d2dca0bd91c04db899c831852c", "text": "- Naples weather forecast from AccuWeather.com. Extended forecast in Naples, Italy for up to 25 days includes high temperature, RealFeel and chance of precipitation Naples weather forecast from AccuWeather.com. Extended forecast in Naples, Italy for up to 25 days includes high temperature, RealFeel and chance of precipitation my recent locations °c Naples, Italy 11°", "title": "" }, { "docid": "becbb243d99b5bef7b057cc1bd59f2e9", "text": "- Climate & Temperature > Italy > Venice Climate > Average Temperatures. The annual average temperature in Venice, Italy is mild at 12.7 degrees Celsius (54.9 degrees Fahrenheit). Mean monthly temperatures have a variation of 20.2 C (36.4F) which is a below moderate range. There is a variation/ range of mean daily temperatures of 8.3 C (15 F).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7e0c688ffd0dc6d3bd07615c34113de0", "text": "- Weekly Weather Report for Naples, Italy. Looking at the weather in Naples, Italy over the next 7 days, the maximum temperature will be 24℃ (or 75℉) on Sunday 9th April at around 1 pm. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 12℃ (or 54℉) on Saturday 8th April at around 4 am.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3a251b415eef9a93b6924062c281f112", "text": "- Previous Close Previous Close is the previous trading day's last reported trade price during official trading hours. $ 896.23. 52 Week High/Low 52 Week High is the highest sales price the stock has achieved during the regular trading hours during the most recent 52 week period. 52 Week Low is the lowest sales price the stock has fallen to during the regular trading hours during the most recent 52 week period.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "201728815342e5b7c2aba565a1351af1", "text": "- Local time in Naples: CEST. View 3 Hour Detailed Naples (Napoli) Weather Forecast for Today. Naples 4 – 7 Day Weather Forecast Summary: Mostly dry. Warm (max 22°C on Mon afternoon, min 16°C on Tue morning). Wind will be generally light.aples 7 – 10 Day Weather Forecast Summary: Heavy rain (total 21mm), heaviest during Fri morning. Warm (max 22°C on Sat afternoon, min 18°C on Fri morning).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2d55832265fca84ee460ee27bbfe477f", "text": "Average Weather in Naples Italy Based on the beach/pool score, the best time of year to visit Naples for hot-weather activities is from late June to early September. Temperature The hot season lasts for 2.8 months, from June 17 to September 12, with an average daily high temperature above 80°F.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fc85d489df0863a100676421d31dad15", "text": "Naples Temperatures: Averages by Month Days of Hot Weather in Naples. Highs in the 80s Fahrenheit are common every month of the year here. And nearly every summer day at Naples reaches into the 90s F. But the thermometer normally stops short of 100 °F (38 °C). Days per month in Naples of at least 70, 80 or 90 °F.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "57a0f638c1a5516822cb94ed53821e56", "text": "Florence: Annual Weather Averages Florence: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in Florence with an average temperature of 25°C (77°F) and the coldest is January at 7°C (45°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 13 in July. The wettest month is November with an average of 102mm of rain.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "459fd12b0a01eb28f6575b204ff0dba0", "text": "- Naples, FL - Weather forecast from Theweather.com. Weather conditions with updates on temperature, humidity, wind speed, snow, pressure, etc. for Naples, Florida Today: Cloudy skies, with a maximum temperature of 70° and a minimum temperature of 59°. Moderate northeast wind with maximum gusts of 19 mph.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "61e135993078a2a061c35f218e6845db", "text": "Ft. Myers Beach, FL Weather The annual average precipitation at Ft. Myers Beach is 54.19 Inches. Summer months tend to be wetter than winter months. The wettest month of the year is June with an average rainfall of 9.77 Inches. Weather Data Normal Climate Normal Temperatures", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6c550f81d367d54f464459c098b914c5", "text": "Charleston, South Carolina The highest monthly average temperature in Pomona for July is 77 degrees. The lowest monthly average temperature in Pomona for December is 52 degrees. The most monthly precipitation in Pomona occurs in February with 2.5 inches. The air quality index in Pomona is 71% worse than the national average. The pollution index in Pomona is 346% worse than the national average.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "02d681b32d2c51656c73e98c5f3a7a70", "text": "Venice, FL Weather Most / Least Educated Cities in FL. The average temperature of Venice is 73.10°F, which is higher than the Florida average temperature of 71.80°F and is much higher than the national average temperature of 54.45°F.he average temperature of Venice is 73.10°F, which is higher than the Florida average temperature of 71.80°F and is much higher than the national average temperature of 54.45°F.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ddf6cd3d2c0a87bc76031b8a264d88cd", "text": "- 1 The highest monthly average temperature in Trinidad for July is 74 degrees. 2 The lowest monthly average temperature in Trinidad for December is 31 degrees. 3 The most monthly precipitation in Trinidad occurs in July with 2.1 inches. The air quality index in Trinidad is 55% better than the national average.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "57e69de4c810607386dba7b93aa1c10a", "text": "- Naples: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in Naples with an average temperature of 25°C (76°F) and the coldest is January at 9°C (48°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 10.1 in July. The wettest month is November with an average of 140mm of rain. The best month to swim in the sea is in August when the average sea temperature is 26°C (79°F).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "66ba55382e5ea9879a1b487df318794d", "text": "- The weather in Naples is very pleasant. Because the city is located on the leeward side of the Gulf of Mexico it is always pleasantly warm here. Subzero temperatures and snowfall are uncommon.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4e87d04dff40519bc95f6f1082f414dc", "text": "Punta Gorda, Florida Add Favorite 13 Reviews | Review This Place Punta Gorda, Florida, gets 52 inches of rain per year. The US average is 37. Snowfall is 0 inches. The average US city gets 25 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 97. On average, there are 267 sunny days per year in Punta Gorda, Florida. The July high is around 91 degrees. The January low is 54. Our comfort index, which is based on humidity during the hot months, is a 28 out of 100, where higher is more comfortable.", "title": "" } ]
incubation period of hepatitis b
[ { "docid": "20c58ef742d8daf60a9661c0485047eb", "text": "Hepatitis B Transmission. The hepatitis B virus can survive outside the body for at least 7 days. During this time, the virus can still cause infection if it enters the body of a person who is not protected by the vaccine. The incubation period of the hepatitis B virus is 75 days on average, but can vary from 30 to 180 days.The virus may be detected within 30 to 60 days after infection and can persist and develop into chronic hepatitis B.epatitis B is a potentially life-threatening liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus. It is a major global health problem. It can cause chronic infection and puts people at high risk of death from cirrhosis and liver cancer.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e79ab4fb9e63cd45c0549b9dfafcd53f", "text": "History The incubation period for hepatitis B virus (HBV) is 30-180 days (average, approximately 75 days). Patients then enter the prodromal or preicteric phase, characterized by the gradual onset of anorexia, malaise, and fatigue.he incubation period of hepatitis E virus (HEV) is 2-9 weeks (average, 45 days). HEV usually causes an acute self-limited disease similar to HASV infection. Fulminant disease does occur in about 10% of cases. In women who are pregnant, HEV infection has a case-fatality rate of 15-20%.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "713e13fe0f144b1505e3add8dabfa64c", "text": "- Characteristic pancorporeal varicella lesions in unvaccinated person. The incubation period for varicella is 14 to 16 days after exposure to a varicella or a herpes zoster rash, with a range of 10 to 21 days. A mild prodrome of fever and malaise may occur 1 to 2 days before rash onset, particularly in adults.In children, the rash is often the first sign of disease.aricella is an acute infectious disease. It is caused by varicella-zoster virus (VZV), which is a DNA virus that is a member of the herpesvirus group. After the primary infection, VZV stays in the body (in the sensory nerve ganglia) as a latent infection.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8865a3b07a1452cdb82da00b1e7689f1", "text": "Hepatitis B (HBV, Hep B) Half of all people infected with the hepatitis B virus have no symptoms and may never realize that they have been infected. Adults are more likely to develop symptoms than children. For those who do get sick, symptoms usually develop within 1 to 4 months after exposure to the virus. The initial symptoms are often similar to the flu. Common symptoms of hepatitis B include: 1 Appetite loss. 2 Feeling tired (fatigue). 3 Nausea and vomiting. 4 Itching all over the body. 5 Pain over the location of the liver (on the right side of the abdomen, under the lower rib cage). 6 Jaundice (a condition in which the skin and the whites of the eyes turn yellow in color).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1c8e58915a4ff5ab5f988504bf6fb5ad", "text": "- The IAP Committee on Immunization has strongly recommended that the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine should be given as soon as possible after birth and especially within 24 hours. The second dose should be given along with DPT at 6 weeks and third dose at 14 weeks.he principal objective of hepatitis B immunization and its sequelae is to prevent chronic HBV infection and its sequelae. Hepatitis B immunization strategies include a three-pronged attack: (i) routine infant vaccination; (ii) prevention of perinatal HBV transmission; (iii) catch-up vaccination of older age groups.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2032d69f56a1bd6965f5d8ab277fa98c", "text": "- Hepatitis B (HepB) 0, 1, 6 months 4 weeks. 8 weeks and at least. 16 weeks after first. dose. 1. MMR and varicella vaccines. • MMR and varicella vaccine may be given simultaneously, otherwise they must be separated by at least 4 weeks.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "374b322e25dc7d2241d2d50b58f8f16a", "text": "History The incubation period of hepatitis A virus (HAV) is 2-7 weeks (average, 28 days). Clinical symptoms then develop, often with a presentation similar to that of gastroenteritis or a viral respiratory infection.he incubation period of hepatitis E virus (HEV) is 2-9 weeks (average, 45 days). HEV usually causes an acute self-limited disease similar to HASV infection. Fulminant disease does occur in about 10% of cases. In women who are pregnant, HEV infection has a case-fatality rate of 15-20%.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6ccf3178934dc9bee5e6642734791d2f", "text": "Santander Landmarks and Monuments Santander Landmarks and Monuments. (Santander, Cantabria, Spain) The Spanish city of Santander has managed to successfully retain much history, old landmarks and monuments to the past, in spite of a major city fire some 70 years ago.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1a20e25a82806d64d4b76e1e36d7bb6d", "text": "- Period of Communicability. Incubation Period. The generally recognized incubation period for hantaviruses is 5-42 days. For HPS (Sin Nombre virus), an incubation period has not yet been defined, but is thought to be approximately 2 weeks, with a range from a few days to 6 weeks.eriod of Communicability. Incubation Period. The generally recognized incubation period for hantaviruses is 5-42 days. For HPS (Sin Nombre virus), an incubation period has not yet been defined, but is thought to be approximately 2 weeks, with a range from a few days to 6 weeks.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0f08ceeac05537bb771b687f1eebc857", "text": "- 1 The CDC recommends that all infants be vaccinated with three doses of hepatitis B vaccine beginning at 12 hours of age with the last dose given before 18 months of age to prevent transmission by an infected mother to her newborn.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "20d6c70c0400b6075408c26ac372ac09", "text": "Hepatitis B Vaccine Administration. Hepatitis B vaccine (see Table 3-04) is usually administered as a 3-dose series on a 0-, 1-, 6-month schedule to achieve immunity. The second dose should be given ≥1 month after the first dose; the third dose should be given ≥2 months after the second dose and ≥4 months after the first dose.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "03fdf4304fd40e36291d77ae14136ff3", "text": "- E. Incubation period The incubation period for Hepatitis D superinfection is approximately two to eight weeks. When HBV and HDV viruses infect simultaneously, the incubation period is similar to that of HBV, 45-160 days with an average of 90 days.. Incubation period The incubation period for Hepatitis D superinfection is approximately two to eight weeks. When HBV and HDV viruses infect simultaneously, the incubation period is similar to that of HBV, 45-160 days with an average of 90 days.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "17453e976b6165ebb30e34523853c5c6", "text": "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Incubation Period For Mumps Ebola Virus: Per CDC, incubation period is 2 to 21 days w average of 8 to 10 days. A person will not transmit disease if they are asymptomatic and don't have a fever. If a person were on a lengthy flight or multiple flights- theoretically the person could evolve from incubation to active disease.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "79d5c958b98d884c713bc9728b557b90", "text": "- The incubation period of hepatitis A virus (HAV) is 2-7 weeks (average, 28 days). Clinical symptoms then develop, often with a presentation similar to that of gastroenteritis or a viral respiratory infection.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ad85a8ccd0f5d9ccd419c784dff2f3b8", "text": "Hepatitis B Hepatitis B; Electron micrograph of hepatitis B virus: Specialty: Infectious disease, gastroenterology: Symptoms: None, yellowish skin, tiredness, dark urine, abdominal pain: Complications: Cirrhosis, liver cancer: Usual onset: Symptoms may take up to 6 months to appear: Duration: Short or long term: Causes: Hepatitis B virus spread by some body fluids", "title": "" }, { "docid": "759db39fb35f68c59a9340f588b27c2f", "text": "Meaning of nameNoreen An excess of the number 9 in this first name makes Noreen a fragile, highly emotional, imaginative, capricious, intuitive woman who is quite a dreamer. She is extremely sensitive, despite her cold and detached appearance which is nothing more than a defence mechanism.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c153a9904dc255b8f49f3dd1d78a81ed", "text": "Importance of Delay Between Hepatitis B Vaccine Dosages Three hepatitis B vaccine schedules have been shown to induce levels of seroprotection of greater than 95% in infants. One schedule uses an initial dose administered at birth, followed by doses at 1 and 6 months of age. The next schedule has doses given at 2, 4, and 6 months of age.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "829abd41fcee1b82516c879688002b5f", "text": "- The hepatitis B vaccine is a three-shot series generally given to babies within the first six months of life. The first one is given at anytime, the second shot is given a mon…th after the first and the third shot is given six months after the first dose. 11 people found this useful.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "59b5e0aa82b83576582aeb778b149531", "text": "- Most acute hepatitis B infections occur during infancy or childhood and are rarely diagnosed due to the lack of obvious symptoms. The average time from exposure to symptom onset is 90 days after exposure to the virus has occurred.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2b55b7d999fd482cc86f7f422c36bb8c", "text": "Declamation Pieces for High School I think it was his eye! yes, it was this! He had the eye of a vulture --a pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees --very gradually --I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever. Now this is the point. You fancy me mad.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f81d632ee8a6e7567aaeaca7bbb981fe", "text": "LessonsThe secret of their success Mr Tragardh has a useful phrase to describe this mentality: “statist individualism”. Nordic people take this attitude to government with them when they go abroad. In the 19th and early 20th centuries some 1.3m people, a quarter of the Swedish population at the time, emigrated, mostly to the United States.ll the Nordic countries have small populations, which means that members of the ruling elites have to get on with each other. Their monarchs lived in relatively modest places and their barons had to strike bargains with independent-minded peasants and seafarers. They embraced liberalism early.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0273ac9b2190d8eabf801465b367948c", "text": "Hepatitis B Hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG) can be given along with the vaccine within seven days of an exposure incident (although it is preferable to administer HBIG within 24 hours of exposure). Unlike the hepatitis B vaccine which 95%-98% effective, HBIG is only 75% effective in preventing infection.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "abb5cd2b0fb8073cf6f2529bb6cc1c6a", "text": "Ask the Experts When necessary, postvaccination testing for antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen (anti-HBs) should generally be performed 1–2 months after completion of the vaccine series.hen necessary, postvaccination testing for antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen (anti-HBs) should generally be performed 1–2 months after completion of the vaccine series.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6e0ec820f56421efaa978258cfe6db5e", "text": "Hepatitis A Symptoms Fifteen to 45 days later, a person may develop hepatitis A symptoms. This period between transmission of the virus and the start of symptoms is called the hepatitis A incubation period.. Not everyone who is infected with the virus will develop symptoms, however.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c73fe36fcf058defe08d8b82fd7795c7", "text": "Hepatitis A Incubation Period After four weeks (on average), symptoms of hepatitis A can appear. This period between transmission of the virus and the start of symptoms is called the hepatitis A incubation period..This can be as short as 15 days or as long as 45 days.The incubation period is dependent on the number of virus particles consumed.fter four weeks (on average), symptoms of hepatitis A can appear. This period between transmission of the virus and the start of symptoms is called the hepatitis A incubation period..", "title": "" }, { "docid": "857502620cae8936686ea470ded7183b", "text": "Hepatitis A Clinical Information laboratory confirmation is needed when diagnosing hepatitis a the incubation period for hepatitis a is usually 4 to 6 weeks 28 to 42 days after exposure but can range from 2 to 7 weeks 15 to 50 dayssuspect cases of hepatitis a are reportable to the minnesota department of health mdh at 651 201 5414 or 1 877 676 5414 toll freeaboratory confirmation is needed when diagnosing hepatitis a the incubation period for hepatitis a is usually 4 to 6 weeks 28 to 42 days after exposure but can range from 2 to 7 weeks 15 to 50 days", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1e1c0bee661ad02611c7503ae315f88b", "text": "Ask the Experts The minimal intervals for hepatitis B vaccine are at least 4 weeks between doses #1 and #2, at least 8 weeks between doses #2 and #3, and at least 16 weeks between doses #1 and #3. Since in your cases 16 weeks or more have elapsed since dose #1, you should schedule dose #3 to be given 8 weeks after dose #2.", "title": "" } ]
roth earning limits 2015
[ { "docid": "01d9b4df17a9d5b4c6723ca92f65695d", "text": "401 (k) and IRA Changes Coming in 2015 Increased Roth IRA income cutoffs. The income limits for contributing to a Roth IRA will increase by $2,000 in 2015 to between $116,000 and $131,000 for individuals and $183,000 to $193,000 for married couples.RA contribution limits unchanged. The IRA contribution limit will remain $5,500 in 2015. Investors age 50 and older can contribute an additional $1,000 to an IRA, an amount that is not eligible for an annual cost-of-living adjustment.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "99d2b9de66e7a1b1638124bbf5171159", "text": "4 Critical Things to Know About Your 2015 IRA Contribution Limits A Traditional IRA allows for immediate tax deductions for the current year based on the amount you contribute, up to your 2015 IRA contribution limit. You can also make a Traditional IRA (or Roth IRA) contribution up until April 15 of the following year and retroactively apply that deduction to your current year taxes.f, however, you made between $116,000 and $131,000 then your contribution limit is reduced. Anything more than $131,000 in modified AGI for a single filer eliminates their ability to contribute to an IRA. In other words, have a good understanding of how much you stand to earn in 2015. 3.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b8a0cd0c1257f551bd04ff36c3e860a6", "text": "- Whether you can contribute to a Roth IRA depends upon your personal income. If you file single or head of household on your tax return, you are eligible to contribute the maximum amount to a Roth IRA in 2015 if you earn less than can contribute the maximum to a Roth IRA if your income is $116,000 or less.015 Roth IRA Contribution Limits. The contribution limits for 2015 remain unchanged from 2014. You can still put away up to $5,500 each year in a Roth IRA.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "58d2019596c20fcb207f518a4b1da6fd", "text": "2016 IRA Contribution Limits Stay The Same 2015 IRA Contribution Limits. The 2015 IRA contribution limits will look just like it did for 2014. Both the traditional and Roth IRA will have the same contribution limit, which will max out at $5,500. If you are 50 years or older, there is a $1,000 catch up contribution.10,000 or more. If you only qualify for a partial contribution, there is a breakdown of the Roth IRA partial contribution phaseout by income in the tables at the end of this post. It should be enough to tell you whether a Roth is a good idea for your situation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0bf6a1e92cf694dcb2e28ef58e82f658", "text": "- Posted by Madison on November 5, 2014. The 2015 Roth IRA limits and Roth 401k contribution limits were just announced, so you can start planning your contributions. The 2015 limits will stay the same for the Roth IRA; the Roth 401k limits will increase.f you contribute 2015 Roth IRA money between January 1 and April 15, be sure to designate calendar year 2015 if you have already contributed the maximum for 2014. To maximize your IRA investments, make sure you aren’t paying extra fees in your IRA. You can transfer your IRA to Scottrade to avoid annual fees.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ca84a6d1adccd936602bfef6e86c656a", "text": "Roth Comparison Chart Aggregate* employee elective contributions limited to $18,000 in 2015 and 2016 (plus an additional $6,000 for employees age 50 or over). Contribution limited to $5,500 plus an additional $1,000 for employees age 50 or over (in 2015, 2016 and 2017). Same aggregate* limit as Designated Roth 401(k) Account.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e619ea36c6f63d89d5bfd588cd488bd1", "text": "- 2015 Roth IRA Rules-Eligibility, Income, Contribution Limits, and More. Note: The article below refers to the 2015 tax year. Assuming your IRA was opened by Dec. 31, 2015, you have until the tax filing deadline–April 15, 2016–to make a 2015 contribution.The income/contribution limits may increase for the 2016 tax year.Click here for current contribution limits. When it comes to a Roth IRA, “rules” is a subjective term.015 Roth IRA Rules-Eligibility, Income, Contribution Limits, and More. Note: The article below refers to the 2015 tax year. Assuming your IRA was opened by Dec. 31, 2015, you have until the tax filing deadline–April 15, 2016–to make a 2015 contribution.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e59afe48560dae86406560721daed120", "text": "2017 & 2018 Maximum IRA Contribution Limits 2015 Roth IRA Income Limits. The 2015 Roth IRA income phaseout limits are as follows: 1 Married filing jointly or qualifying widow(er): If your modified gross adjusted income (MAGI) is $183,000 (up from $181,000) or less, you can contribute up to the $5,500 max.he 2015 maximum IRA contribution limit is still capped at $5,500, the same as the 2014 maximum IRA contribution limit. This comes as a bit of a surprise as the 2015 maximum 401K contribution limit was increased in the same press release.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5faf28bebc17a76a5fe5704bfd5f26a4", "text": "- The income limit for contributing the maximum to a Roth IRA will go up by $2,000 for singles to $116,000 in 2015; also up by $2,000 to $183,000 for married filing jointly.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a8911b6976130517bc93404dfab084ae", "text": "- IRA contribution limits unchanged. The IRA contribution limit will remain $5,500 in 2015. Investors age 50 and older can contribute an additional $1,000 to an IRA, an amount that is not eligible for an annual cost-of-living adjustment.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "03d11a809a0eefc0f7cd1ca0eb7b39f3", "text": "- The 2014 contribution limit for a Roth IRA is $5,500 for normal contributions, and $1,000 additional contribution as a “catch up” if you are over age 50. In 2015 those limits will be adjusted for inflation, but those limits haven’t been announced yet.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "45186827d686f6b6d28382deca6509d8", "text": "- For 2015, you can contribute the maximum $5,500 to a Roth IRA ($6,500 if you are age 50 or older by the end of the year) if you are single or the single head of a household and your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) is less than $164,000.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d54c3c053d6a2f1213e03ab04bfc77ff", "text": "What are Roth IRA Income Limits? Understanding Roth IRA Limits on Contributions. Those that meet the Roth IRA income limits can make the max Roth IRA contribution, which is reviewed and adjusted annually. Currently, Roth contribution limits for those under 50 are $5,500 and $6,500 for those 50 and older. Unlike with the Traditional IRA or 401(k), contributions can be withdrawn at any time without taxes and penalties. What Income Limits Apply to the Roth IRA? Roth IRA income limits are adjusted annually, and different figures apply to married couples filing jointly and individuals.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "11b0d685d2cdf55898d4f5f6dc903bc1", "text": "2015 Roth IRA Contribution Limits Because $186,000 is the midpoint between $183,000 and $193,000, and the 2015 Roth IRA contribution limit phases out on a percentage basis related to where your income falls within that range. So if your maximum contribution limit is $5,500 at $183,000 in earned income, it's $2,750 at $188,000 in earned income.t means you can NOT contribute to your Roth IRA in 2015 if your Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) exceeds the IRS limit for your tax filing status. So the idea that Roth IRA income limits disappeared in 2010 is technically false. However ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6b6014d01f947ff74f7294b12a4b6925", "text": "IRS Announces 2015 Retirement Plan Contribution Limits October 23, 2014. On October 23, 2014, the IRS announced the various adjustments applicable to retirement plan contribution limits for 2015. The elective deferral limit for 457 and 401(k) plans increases to $18,000, and the annual additions limit for 401(a) plans increases to $53,000.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8c96e38f908c2a3f3823069e03e2fb47", "text": "- There are income limits for Roth IRAs. As a single filer, you can make a full contribution to a Roth IRA if your income is less than $114,000 ($114,000 - $129,000 for a partial contribution) in 2014 and $116,000 ($116,000 - $131,000 for a partial contribution) in 2015.here are income limits for Roth IRAs. As a single filer, you can make a full contribution to a Roth IRA if your income is less than $114,000 ($114,000 - $129,000 for a partial contribution) in 2014 and $116,000 ($116,000 - $131,000 for a partial contribution) in 2015.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "154ab2db6fb29a666fde33b1b0457d32", "text": "IRS Announces 2015 Pension Plan Limitations; Taxpayers May Contribute up to $18,000 to their 401 (k) plans in 2015 Individuals and their spouses, if married filing jointly, with earned income are eligible to contribute to a Roth IRA as long as their MAGI meets the following limits: 1 Maximum Roth IRA contribution for 2014: Full contribution if MAGI is less than $114,000 (single) or $181,000 (joint). Maximum Roth IRA contribution for 2014: Full contribution if MAGI is less than $114,000 (single) or $181,000 (joint). 2 Partial contribution if MAGI is less than $129,000 (single) or $191,000 (joint). 3 Maximum Roth IRA contribution for 2015: Full contribution if MAGI is less than $116,000 (single) or $183,000 (joint).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "be1d6a34edc61167616b611fdaa9d5a9", "text": "401 (k) and IRA Changes Coming in 2015 IRA contribution limits unchanged. The IRA contribution limit will remain $5,500 in 2015. Investors age 50 and older can contribute an additional $1,000 to an IRA, an amount that is not eligible for an annual cost-of-living adjustment.Bigger IRA income limits.he income limits for contributing to a Roth IRA will increase by $2,000 in 2015 to between $116,000 and $131,000 for individuals and $183,000 to $193,000 for married couples.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "beff4ce695b986cf04876422425570fb", "text": "- Posted by Madison on November 5, 2014. The 2015 Roth IRA limits and Roth 401k contribution limits were just announced, so you can start planning your contributions. The 2015 limits will stay the same for the Roth IRA; the Roth 401k limits will increase.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "652be68cdd82085d8ca874f247b2c26f", "text": "2015 Roth IRA Contribution Limits Because $186,000 is the midpoint between $183,000 and $193,000, and the 2015 Roth IRA contribution limit phases out on a percentage basis related to where your income falls within that range. So if your maximum contribution limit is $5,500 at $183,000 in earned income, it's $2,750 at $188,000 in earned income.owever, you CAN make non-tax deductible contributions to your Traditional IRA. So you do exactly that, making a $5,500 non-deductible Traditional IRA contribution. Now, since there are no income limits on Roth IRA conversions in 2015, you're eligible to convert your Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5ef8fbe13dac98413be62b72f8d3fad8", "text": "2015 IRA Contribution Limits Roth IRA contribution limits also remain the same in 2015. You can contribute up to $5,500 in a Roth if you are younger than age 50, or $6,500 if you are older. But Roths are different than traditional IRAs. Roth IRA contributions are not tax deductible, they are made after tax.he contribution maximum in 2015 is $5,500, unchanged from 2014. The same is true for the catch-up contribution of $1,000 for individuals age 50 or older. That means the total maximum for the year is $6,500.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f81edaca48bb278222bde2089fc9c951", "text": "- 2015 Roth IRA Rules-Eligibility, Income, Contribution Limits, and More. Note: The article below refers to the 2015 tax year. Assuming your IRA was opened by Dec. 31, 2015, you have until the tax filing deadline–April 15, 2016–to make a 2015 contribution.The income/contribution limits may increase for the 2016 tax year. Click here for current contribution limits.When it comes to a Roth IRA, “rules” is a subjective term.ssuming your IRA was opened by Dec. 31, 2015, you have until the tax filing deadline–April 15, 2016–to make a 2015 contribution. The income/contribution limits may increase for the 2016 tax year. Click here for current contribution limits. When it comes to a Roth IRA, “rules” is a subjective term.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "575fd7bc93f1612f28b10e33be01811c", "text": "- The annual Roth IRA limits on contributions for the 2017 tax year are: 1 $5,500 for single individuals up to age 50. 2 $6,500 for individuals age 50 and over. 3 $11,000 to $13,000 for married couples filing jointly ($5,500 maximum for each joint filer up to age 50, $6,500 for each at age 50 and older)", "title": "" }, { "docid": "411851bb0d3f47358ece8a22ed895c02", "text": "Read Your Water Meter Learning how to read your water meter is a useful tool to keep track of water consumption in your home. By reading your meter at the beginning and the end of the day you can compare the two totals and determine how much water you and your family used in a single day.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1cab6ae389d602f88d38bbcc5f7b35cc", "text": "Roth IRA Contribution Limits 2014 Click Here Now. The 2014 contribution limit for Roth IRAs is $5,500 ($6,500 if you're age 50 or older). You can contribute up to the limit unless you earn less than that amount. You cannot contribute more than your taxable compensation for the year.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7c9c55c368cf4f17f995f86073d40f4b", "text": "2016 IRA Contribution Limits Stay The Same 2015 IRA Contribution Limits. The 2015 IRA contribution limits will look just like it did for 2014. Both the traditional and Roth IRA will have the same contribution limit, which will max out at $5,500. If you are 50 years or older, there is a $1,000 catch up contribution.oth the traditional and Roth IRA will have the same contribution limit, which will max out at $5,500. If you are 50 years or older, there is a $1,000 catch up contribution.", "title": "" } ]
is the town of vienna in deforest, wi/
[ { "docid": "3c3f8f45ce5d74d787289969626f20f7", "text": "- Town of Vienna shared DeForest Park and Recreation's photo. The ice skating rink at Sunfish Pond is now open again! We're spraying more water on the hockey rink in Fireman's Park today and anticipate having it open for ...the weekend.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "099e81d25466fb8f6fc8ebc70f6e0ce4", "text": "The Village Website is currently being upgraded by Town Web Design. Until the new site is ready to release I will not be putting any updates on this site as they would not transfer. Thank you for your patience during this time and we look forward to releasing the new site soon. Welcome to the website for Wittenberg, Wisconsin! Wittenberg, Wisconsin is a unique place, both in location and because of its small town charm and rich history. Located in the heart of Central Wisconsin you are only a short drive to all of the metropolitan areas in Wisconsin. The Reverend E.J. Homme founded Wittenberg in 1879.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c121bd1a292b5309f1d1afa35d0f7626", "text": "- About Vienna, VA Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage can help you find Vienna homes for sale, rentals, open houses and information about the Vienna, VA real estate market. Why use ColdwellBankerHomes.com?", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a412f65b191de7adbd1b206a36250b73", "text": "Welcome to the Village of DeForest Welcome to the Village of DeForest! The Village of DeForest is strategically located in South-Central Wisconsin, just minutes from the State’s capital – a part of Madison, yet a place apart. DeForest provides ready access to six major highways, rail transportation and Dane County Regional Airport.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fb6cbe51f4de6f42e643edd9dfc3fc08", "text": "- Vienna is a town in Fairfax County, Virginia, United States. As of the 2010 United States Census, it had a population of 15,687. Significantly more people live in ZIP codes with the Vienna postal addresses (22180, 22181, and 22182) bordered approximately by Interstate 66 on the south, Interstate 495 on the east, Route 7 to the north, and Hunter Mill road.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "70311ecaa1ba2c98cb7202ff278dad10", "text": "U.S. Department of State The U.S. Ambassador to Austria is Alexa L. Wesner; other principal embassy officials are listed in the Department's Key Officers List. Austria maintains an embassy in the United States at 3524 International Court, NW, Washington, DC 20008 (tel. 202-895-6700). It also maintains Consulates General in Los Angeles and New York and additional trade promotion offices in Atlanta and Chicago.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "96dd763a3b874f07ce8ac7a4768dd8f5", "text": "- SOLDIERS GROVE, CRAWFORD COUNTY, WISCONSIN LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 15 of 26 listings. 6.6 Acres Crawford County, Wisconsin $54,500 6,5 Acre Land in the unique Driftless Valley, looking from high... 41 Acres De Soto, Crawford County, Wisconsin $399,000 MOVE IN READY RIDGE TOP HOBBY FARM WITH 59 M/L BIG...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bec02a6bc13195f0dbbf19d9f577e6c0", "text": "- City of Berlin Green Lake County Discover Wisconsin. Ⓒ Berlin Chamber of Commerce - 161 W. Huron Street, Berlin, WI 54923 - (920) 361-3636 - [email protected] - Hours: 10am - 2pm Monday-Friday. Web Design & Development by Finishline Studios.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "531d15ef6ee8abd6cef2a68d83e52555", "text": "Where is Austria? Vienna is the capital city of Austria. It has a population of 1,691,468, and is located on a latitue of 48.21 and longitude of 16.37. Vienna is also the political center of Austria, which is considered a Republic, and home to its Ceremonial head of state. Quick Facts About Vienna, the Capital Of Austria", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7e32145a2a49817ad626290f729cbbd3", "text": "- Vienna is located at (44.703645, -97.500277 According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 0.84 square miles (2.18 km 2), all of it land.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4669d91832a5dd7a0ae2b5d2837e4773", "text": "Loretta, Wisconsin Loretta, Wisconsin. Loretta is an unincorporated community in the town of Draper, Sawyer County, Wisconsin, United States. Loretta is located on Wisconsin Highway 70 9 miles (14 km) northeast of Winter. U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Loretta, Wisconsin.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0e190e41f27e31bc3c4bac45dbf9632d", "text": "Comfort Inn & Suites Madison North Comfort Inn & Suites Madison North hotel in DeForest near Madison, WI. Get rested and ready for anything before exploring Wisconsin city and Madison, just minutes from our Comfort Inn & Suites® Madison North hotel in De Forest, Wisconsin. Our pet-friendly hotel in De Forest is just a few miles away from attractions like:", "title": "" }, { "docid": "021730b3e49194e7957fc652c99b40ac", "text": "- Earlier records are either unavailable or unreliable. Vienna has a humid continental climate with warm summers and no dry season. The area within 25 mi of this station is covered by croplands (78%), grasslands (11%), forests (5%), built-up areas (5%), and lakes and rivers (3%).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ed049c24d5ecc63db27d53b6cf98c8d5", "text": "Vienna, Virginia According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 4.4 square miles (11.5 km²), all of it land. As a suburb of Washington, D.C., Vienna is a part of both the Washington Metropolitan Area and the larger Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "eb2c9dd1855af98edf40e4b82a4aa8c8", "text": "- Adam L, General Manager at Comfort Inn & Suites Madison North, responded to this review. Thank you for your five star review of the Comfort Inn and Suites Deforest, Wisconsin.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4288b7e89d15444e68433554575c026c", "text": "Port Washington, WI Port Washington is the county seat of Ozaukee County in the U.S. state of Wisconsin. The city is about 25 miles north of Milwaukee and 110 miles north of Chicago. In the 2000 census Port Washington had a population of 10,467. The ZIP code is 53074. The area that became Port Washington was originally inhabited by the Sauk tribe of Native Americans, and later explored by the French in the late 17th century.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3e6bd53e418e3993099811413c6774f1", "text": "Berlin, Wisconsin According to our research of Wisconsin and other state lists there were 33 registered sex offenders living in Berlin, Wisconsin as of April 20, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in Berlin to the number of sex offenders is 34 to 1. Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Oshkosh, WI (20.1 miles , pop. 62,916).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f924deb170ac2d68304b46fb7cd7f76d", "text": "Vienna (Billy Joel song) Vienna is a song from Billy Joel 's 1977 album The Stranger, released as the B-side to his She's Always a Woman single. In a July 2008 New York Times article, Joel cited this as one of his two favorite songs, along with Summer, Highland Falls.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3089f340807bdf16ee51e310a41d1689", "text": "Vienna Vienna, German Wien, Czech Videň, Hungarian Bécs, city and Bundesland (federal state), the capital of Austria. Of the country’s nine states, Vienna is the smallest in area but the largest in population. 1 Modern Vienna has undergone several historical incarnations. From 1558 to 1918 it was an imperial city—until 1806 the seat of the Holy Roman Empire and then the capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fdb55df4af260dffc027c34987180f01", "text": "Crawford County WI Land for Sale - Page 1 of 7 40 Acres Soldiers Grove, Crawford County, Wisconsin. $112,000. This beautiful wonderland has just been re-zoned by the township to allow private hunting for the first time in years and is up for sale. This is your chance to be one of the first to step foot onto land as a private landowner and call it your own.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "32b06ad506774150d80c20a23a969266", "text": "GRB Academy chooses DeForest for new facility GRB Academy, the baseball and softball operation out of Madison that in nearly six years of existence has developed a reputation as one of the region's premier trainers, will break ground this year on a new facility in DeForest's south business park off state Hwy. 19 that will boast a foot print of 52,000 square feet.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bdaa9c6027635b613bc6b592eb89b97d", "text": "Hustisford (town), Wisconsin This article is about the town. For the village within the town, see Hustisford, Wisconsin. Hustisford]] is a town in Dodge County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 1,379 at the 2000 census. Most of the town residents live in the village of Hustisford, within the town.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8671efd929f6c0b0fc0a7c60db1891d4", "text": "- County of Fairfax, Virginia. To protect and enrich the quality of life for the people, neighborhoods and diverse communities of Fairfax. ~ . January 13, 2016. Richard Buskell. Spectrum Development, LLC. 1866 Arnberwood Manor Court. Vienna, VA 22182.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "13e1946993b4e2ec7ef4f4c38ba20c8d", "text": "Berlin, WI Berlin, WI. Sponsored Topics. Berlin is a city in Green Lake and Waushara Counties in the U.S. state of Wisconsin. The population was 5,305 at the 2000 census. The city is located mostly within the Town of Berlin in Green Lake County; only a small portion of the city extends into the Town of Aurora in Waushara County.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ad605120ceff666223a40f361c5757c7", "text": "Vienna, South Dakota Vienna is a town in Clark County, South Dakota, United States. The population was 45 at the 2010 census. A large share of the early settlers being natives of Austria caused the name to be selected.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f2e52a80c2ff20d4c5558c5701459501", "text": "- Our pet-friendly Econo Lodge ® hotel in Rothschild, WI off Interstate 39 and Highway 51 near Central Wisconsin Airport is easy to find, easy to book and easy on your wallet.Be sure to visit these popular outdoor attractions and more near our discount Rothschild, WI hotel:ated 5 out of 5 Fabulous This hotel just south of Wausau, WI was clean, nice pool/ hot tub, friendly workers, loved the courtyard, and comfortable beds. September 2, 2015. Rated 4 out of 5 highway work The motel is in a good location, there is a number of places to eat near by.", "title": "" } ]
what is a truffle?
[ { "docid": "fbe4105ce09b7382fce50dc32ffdd252", "text": "Truffle A truffle is the fruiting body of a subterranean Ascomycete fungus, predominantly one of the many species of the genus Tuber. Truffles are ectomycorrhizal fungi and are therefore usually found in close association with tree roots. Spore dispersal is accomplished through fungivores, animals that eat fungi.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "b182135fe9a6c0bd46a136b4d2db30fa", "text": "- White truffles, rare fungi that are known to chefs and foodies as the diamonds of the kitchen, are one of the most highly prized--and expensive--ingredients in the world.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6f7d2995def7b15417620d8929fb0d78", "text": "What Are Truffles? It has the strongest aroma of all truffles and can weigh as much as one pound. Chefs who love truffles usually shave or slice them raw over dishes, including pastas, rice, salads, eggs, and meats. They can also be infused into sauces, soups, cheese, butters, and oils.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "193ae3e7128fd766e1aaf1802aa0cfa7", "text": "Famous French Food Truffles or Truffes in France, are a group of valuable and highly sought-after, edible underground fungi. The most saught after truffle is the Black truffle or Black Perigord Périgord..... Truffle 'Ceps' cepes cèpes is one of the most famous Foods. in france", "title": "" }, { "docid": "04bacd6e1a407b187a26ac7f7fd2744d", "text": "- How it tastes: Truffles have a slight mushroom flavor like their relatives, but have deeper, earthier undertones. They are slightly reminiscent of wood or nuts. Because of the different varities, truffle flavor can differ depending on the source of the truffles.eptember 11, 2011 in Unique Foods. What it is: A truffle is a mushroom fungus that grows underground. They usually live off the nutrients supplied by trees, meaning their usual location is around the roots of large plants and trees.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b08ba6f7b7dc2d2ecbe6a6cec3ed2804", "text": "Truffles: everything you need to know White truffle (Tuber Magnatum Pico) The white truffle (Tuber Magnatum Pico) is the most widely known truffle because of its taste and commercial importance. It has a globular shape, with numerous depressions on the peridium that make it irregular. The outer surface is smooth and slightly velvety.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b25a494edb49e9e5de8ced17664ea172", "text": "Truffle Black Périgord truffle. A truffle is the fruiting body of a subterranean Ascomycete fungus, predominantly one of the many species of the genus Tuber. Truffles are ectomycorrhizal fungi and are therefore usually found in close association with tree roots. Spore dispersal is accomplished through fungivores, animals that eat fungi.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ea5eb0e558879f34abbefe6ed2589ed5", "text": "- September 11, 2011 in Unique Foods. What it is: A truffle is a mushroom fungus that grows underground. They usually live off the nutrients supplied by trees, meaning their usual location is around the roots of large plants and trees.Truffles are usually black or white, with slight color variations in between.hey are slightly reminiscent of wood or nuts. Because of the different varities, truffle flavor can differ depending on the source of the truffles. People who don’t like them say they taste like dirty mushrooms. Tips: Truffles are very expensive to buy because of the difficulty in cultivation and harvesting.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9314ab75ff16bd42875f74da92358678", "text": "- Often called the diamond of the culinary world, a truffle is a rare, edible mushroom that is considered to be a delicacy due to its intense aroma and characteristic flavor.They have a firm texture and are most often shaven on top of food before serving, although they can also be used to infuse flavor into dishes.anon13635: The word must be truffle oil. And some truffles can be cultivated for home growing or for large scale production. Here in the Netherlands there are some producers that cultivate the 'Magic' Truffle containing psilocybe and are known for the psychedelic reaction they give.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3bb5bfd3135a0d8ca44e6b9856418cb5", "text": "What Are Truffles and How Are They Made? Although truffles have a gourmet reputation, they're actually one of the easiest candies to make at home! The two ingredients you must have are chocolate and heavy (or whipping) cream. The cream is heated and poured over chopped chocolate, then they're whisked together until they make a shiny, silky mixture called ganache.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0c2820d36a13ad287bb9406826c2b91a", "text": "Fresh Black Winter Truffle (Tuber Melanosporum) This is the truffle to shave paper thin and stuff under the skin of a capon, turkey, duck or pheasant before roasting. Foie gras terrines often feature layers of black truffle slices, for the ultimate flavor combination. As with any truffle, natural pairings include omelets, pasta, polentas, potatoes and risottos.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "243606b419c185c5e70e1704141ecae6", "text": "Growing Truffles Truffles are a member of the tuber family of mushrooms with an earthy flavor that is reminiscent of a cross between garlic and mushrooms. They grow underground among the roots of various trees, including hazelnut, chestnut, pine, willow, elm and oak trees.Truffles are grown primarily in the wild-mainly in France, Croatia, Italy, Oregon and Washington.hey grow underground among the roots of various trees, including hazelnut, chestnut, pine, willow, elm and oak trees. Truffles are grown primarily in the wild-mainly in France, Croatia, Italy, Oregon and Washington.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d16eede91621a2d5395b66f0ae2d25a0", "text": "- A souffle is a lightly baked cake made with egg yolks and beaten egg whites combined with various other ingredients and served as a savory main dish or sweetened as a dessert. … Cheese souffles are yummy, but chocolate souffles are the yummiest in my opinion. 1 person found this useful.plit and merge into it. Answer by Answers Publisher. Confidence votes 262K. Body souffle is a type of a lotion which a person would put onto their body. This is called body souffle if the lotion is thick or whipped, and has a nice smell, with high quality oils and ingredients for a softer and smoother feel to the skin.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "75f7012e9bf97d56af5f37c9483e2acb", "text": "Cooks, an ideal souffle is no piece of cake Souffle, as described by the culinary reference bible Larousse Gastronomique, is sweet or savory, made of ingredients cooked to a puree, thickened with egg yolks and with stiffly beaten egg whites folded in, poured into a souffle dish or ramekins, and baked. Souffles are both simple and complex. Making a basic souffle is a piece of cake.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b5da3bbec287edb14eda5b2842183d07", "text": "What Is a Truffle? While all truffles have an earthy flavor, each kind has its own distinct taste and fragrance; white truffles have a creamier taste, while black truffle are known for their woody notes.If you are interested in experimenting with truffles, you should consider picking up a bottle of truffle oil.hile all truffles have an earthy flavor, each kind has its own distinct taste and fragrance; white truffles have a creamier taste, while black truffle are known for their woody notes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e0adba9b22c92f706daaf8fe73bbae6d", "text": "Truffle The first black truffles (Tuber melanosporum) to be produced in the Southern Hemisphere were harvested in Gisborne, New Zealand, in 1993. In 1999, the first Australian truffles were harvested in Tasmania, the result of eight years of work.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "164800538cc5d98680eeabeeadea0f2d", "text": "- Truffles can be described as ‘gourmet mushrooms’. They have a pungent, intense, earthy fragrance and lend a unique flavour and aroma to food. The truffle is used in extremely small quantities and yet its flavour and aroma turn a standard offering of soup, chicken, meat or game into a gourmet experience.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ab1ee42b1076e0d94665d32c267155c1", "text": "What is a souffle? The word souffle soufflé is the past participle of The french verb souffler which means to blow up or more loosely puff — up an apt description of what happens to this combination of custard and egg. Whites every souffle soufflé is made from 2: basic components a base of flavored cream sauce or puree purée. beaten egg whites", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c253e2f68892737caa05c092f9c32071", "text": "What are Truffles? Infusing flavor into foods creates another use for the truffle. Thin slices of the fungus inserted just under the skin allows meats to readily absorb the flavor. Only small amounts are needed to make truffle butter, as the aroma will flavor the entire batch.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3ffb3bb517fcb9a683372b75b025c6f2", "text": "What Is a Truffle? Truffles are a kind of subterranean fungi, meaning they are a mushroom that grows underground. Most commonly found in Europe, Asia, North American, and North Africa, truffles tend to grow in forested areas around the base of trees.ruffles are a kind of subterranean fungi, meaning they are a mushroom that grows underground. Most commonly found in Europe, Asia, North American, and North Africa, truffles tend to grow in forested areas around the base of trees.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9727bc88b6879973fe395c33cbb56610", "text": "Truffle Some of the truffle species are highly prized as food. French gourmet Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin called truffles the diamond of the kitchen. Edible truffles are held in high esteem in French, Georgian, Greek, Italian, Middle Eastern and Spanish cooking, as well as in international haute cuisine.he whitish truffle (Tuber borchii) is a similar species found in Tuscany, Abruzzo, Romagna, Umbria, the Marche and Molise. It is not as aromatic as those from Piedmont, although those from Citta città Di castello come quite. close", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0485254b582eb9ba1e94a95da9793a5c", "text": "trifle Definition of trifle. 1 1 : something of little value, substance, or importance. 2 2 : a dessert typically consisting of plain or sponge cake often soaked with wine or spirits (such as brandy or rum) and topped with layers of preserves, custard, and cream.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "aa30196e5f047cb9fe5b2a707f819777", "text": "treason the act or fact of violating the trust or confidence of another reading a friend's diary without permission would have to be regarded as the ultimate act of personal treason Synonyms backstabbing, business, disloyalty, double cross, faithlessness, falseness, falsity, infidelity, perfidy, sellout, treachery, betrayal, two-timing, ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fb5a951bcdcd4a4b9a112b5276b9c1cf", "text": "What is Truffle Butter? 10 hilariously insightful foreign words. Truffle butter is butter that has been infused with tiny pieces of truffles, the fruiting bodies of fungi in the genus Tuber. Many people associate it with French cuisine, where it plays a very large role, but it also appears in foods from other parts of Europe, especially Italy.0 hilariously insightful foreign words. Truffle butter is butter that has been infused with tiny pieces of truffles, the fruiting bodies of fungi in the genus Tuber. Many people associate it with French cuisine, where it plays a very large role, but it also appears in foods from other parts of Europe, especially Italy.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "de5c80067ff75aa83fcfb75eaae17e05", "text": "Truffle oil Truffle oil is a modern culinary ingredient, used to impart the flavor and aroma of truffles to a dish. Most truffle oils are not made from actual truffles.he emergence and growth of truffle oil has led to an increase in the availability of foods claiming to be made with or flavored with truffles, in an era when the price of truffles has pushed them out of reach for most diners.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "57e8953c9355768d53d8b60bf3d7c700", "text": "Chocolate truffle A chocolate truffle is a type of chocolate confectionery, traditionally made with a chocolate ganache centre coated in chocolate, cocoa powder or chopped toasted nuts (typically hazelnuts, almonds or coconut), usually in a spherical, conical, or curved shape.here are now three main types of chocolate truffles: European, Swiss, and American: 1 The French truffle is made with fresh cream and chocolate and then rolled into cocoa or nut powder. 2 The Belgian truffle or praline is made with dark or milk chocolate filled with ganache, buttercream or nut pastes.", "title": "" } ]
what causes a power surge in your home how can you fix it
[ { "docid": "498fa00006a256e0231b099fb78611a2", "text": "Supressing the Surge In in some cases, if your home is near a large factory and you share the same transformer or electrical system, even simply powering heavy machinery on or off could cause a surge. A power surge can reach your home, fry your circuit breakers and spread to your outlets. If a device or appliance is plugged in, it may not survive the sudden surge of electricity. So what can you do to make sure your electronics survive an electrical surge? Start with surge protectors, both large and small.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7733c0b743122387defe264544ab6dd1", "text": "Electrical Power Surges There are many reasons why these surges occur. One of the reasons is lightning which can cause a power surge by increasing electrical pressure by millions of volts. Many electrical devices like air conditioners and elevators that draw a lot of power to switch on and off can also cause power surges. Other factors that can cause a surge may include downed power lines, problem with the wiring, and faulty equipment from the utility company.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "72a48aac3ab40bd2e4039900f95cd398", "text": "Are Power Surges Damaging Your Electronics? And if the power surge is created by a lightning strike or power fluctuation on the utility lines, the service entrance surge protection device can reduce the power surge to a lower level before it gets to the point-of-use surge protection device.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "7b7631126b0871d92e467000851723bd", "text": "What happens when lighting strikes a house with no earthing when people are inside the house? Lightning current will produce significant damage to a house that is not equipped with a good protection system. Professionally-installed lightning protection systems are expensive and the risk of a direct strike is low, so most homes do not have them. Lightning presents three main hazards to a house that is hit directly: Fire danger: The biggest danger lightning poses to a house is fire.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0f690a7c149af45f56e0ba6198fdb63c", "text": "Ground potentials and damage to LAN equipment A surge current can result when there is a difference in ground potential between two buildings--for instance, when lightning strikes one of them. The surge can potentially flow through data lines linking the two buildings, resulting in damage to sensitive electronic equipment and components.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a8c214b40cac1018213f3f059ff835df", "text": "Power surges - cause & effect Power surges occur when the flow of electricity is interrupted, then started again, or when something sends electricity flowing back into the system. Surges can range from five or ten volts when you turn on your hair dryer to thousands of volts if lightning strikes a transformer. Internal power surges. More than half of household power surges are internal. These happen dozens of times of day, usually when devices with motors start up or shut off, diverting electricity to and from other appliances. Refrigerators and air conditioners are the biggest culprits, but smaller devices like hair dryers and power tools can also cause problems.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "191d423c3e06d45ea83c8bbe73b4c629", "text": "What Is an Electrical Power Surge? A power surge can occur for several reasons. For example, high-power electrical devices can create a spike in the electrical current when they're switched on or when their motors kick on. Refrigerators, air conditioners and even space heaters can cause a power surge strong enough to damage electrical systems.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f9039e3a20fb31bbad6f9c1da8843da4", "text": "Surge protectors and fuses In a surge protector, the main power line (known as the hot wire or live wire) has an extra connection (a kind of side road) linked to it that feeds to the ground wire (sometimes also called the Earth wire; the protective wire in an electric circuit that sends any unwanted current safely into the earth).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4f4af2c38eb065e80760f14834fca7bb", "text": "- The Xbox One power supply has built-in surge protection to protect your console from power surges. You must reset the power supply if you experience a power surge. Here’s how: 1) Unplug the cables from the console, wall outlet, and power supply itself.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "10619b8223e63e50f14d98cdd397bb92", "text": "What causes power outages? Equipment failure, storms, wildlife, tree limbs and public damage cause power outages. Westar tracks outage causes and works to identify areas we can improve service reliability. Many components make up the electrical system. Electrical equipment, like any piece of equipment, can fail due to age, performance and other factors.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dd3cce55289621665ef2c7402facca12", "text": "Power Surge Protection for Your Whole House Though surge protector strips are a good first step to protect your electronics, Ashpaugh and Bruce Dowdy of Dowdy Electric Co. in Indianapolis both recommend whole-house surge protection, which is designed to prevent any voltage induction from reaching the interior of the home.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b094941eecf054b2bd24d84caf30c49b", "text": "What to do when a power outage or surge damages your PC A power outage left it unusable. Electricity doesn’t always behave itself. Sometimes a power surge can fry a piece of your computer, rendering it useless. A surge protector significantly reduces the risk, but it’s still a possibility. And yes, a power outage often ends with a power surge. Should an electrical disaster leave your PC useless, you’ll want to protect your data, and then figure out what’s damaged. It’s easier and cheaper to replace a power supply than a whole computer.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2c374b8715659dcbba569695fa706841", "text": "- For this reason, all important electronics and appliances should be connected to a surge protector. Most surge protectors resemble power strips, but they actually contain additional circuitry designed to absorb excess electrical energy and prevent it from reaching connected equipment. Some models feature telephone/modem, coaxial and Ethernet jacks, which provide surge protection on those lines as well.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e9f8d6a2fe8d34495c53a053569e6590", "text": "- What is meant by the terms continuous-2000 watts and peak surge-4000 watts is that some appliances or tools, such as ones with a motor, require an initial surge of power to start up (starting load or peak load). Once started, the tool or appliance requires less power to continue to operate (continuous load)", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dd67500465813553f6a25c7f13a63b6a", "text": "Facts About Power Surges How Does a Power Surge Cause Damage? In the United States, most homes use electrical power in the form of 120-volt, 60 Hz, single phase, alternating current. Contrary to what most people think, the voltage is not delivered at a constant 120-volts.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b324761932d8c05c10072934185b3e2e", "text": "Rick's Daily TipsTech Tips, Tricks and TutorialsTips and information on...Computers - Smart Phones - Tablets MS Windows - Linux - iOS - Android But the reason they go bad has more to do with their environment than with their age. The protective components inside surge protectors work by either absorbing over-voltage spikes outright or shunting them to ground. This keeps the amount of over-voltage reaching your device(s) to a minimum.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "87abc4280225588a3044ba7fb883cb2f", "text": "- TESTING WELL PUMPS FOR LIGHTNING OR POWER SURGE DAMAGE (COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL) There are many things which will cause a well pump to fail. Most pumps are submersible pumps and operate under water.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b5f36c9a0ecdc1848563ae04f908ff00", "text": "What causes power outages? Storms and high winds can cause lines to come into contact with tree limbs or other power lines. Straight line winds and tornadoes can knock down poles and cause extensive damage for several miles. Ice builds up on power lines, poles and tree limbs, causing them to fall or break under the weight.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0ec859bcb64f43846f1d905cbe62e912", "text": "Power surge on the USB port in Windows 10 This article provides the information on Power surge on the USB port – Unknown USB Device needs more power than the port can supply - Windows 10. Power surge on the USB port. If you expand it it says Power surge on the USB port – A USB device has malfunctioned and exceeded the power limits of its hub port.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8d57908f1247f7998b513274597fd580", "text": "Douglas, AZ Power Company Have an electrician install extra outlets if you need a power source closer to you. Only use light bulbs with the correct wattage for your lamps and light fixtures. Contact a licensed electrician if you frequently blow fuses, since this can be a sign of an electrical wiring problem.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "14026768140a05f26c4d178498c8b952", "text": "- When a surge moves through the electrical circuit in a house or building, the surge protector diverts the energy away from connected electronic devices.It’s important to understand that not all power strips offer surge protection.urge Protector Strips. The most common form of point-of-use protection is the surge protector strip. You plug multiple devices into the strip and plug the strip into a standard electrical outlet.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "92ad4a7e8a8e15b5eda25987294d2d05", "text": "- So a lightning strike can cause a power surge (large amounts of energy flowing into the system in a small amount of time), which can blow transformers and cut your power. It can also damage sensitive components connected directly to the 'grid' (so without a surge protector).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9473e404bc0a0c146f65e90ed709dd0c", "text": "Whole-House Surge Protectors Prevent Damage Over time, all surge protectors will wear down, especially if lightning strikes, so Mossop recommends you periodically check to make sure the light indicating it’s working remains lit. Dubbs spent $500 to repair his damage and add a whole-home surge protector to his main panel.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "355a0a4b283342fa301286ae8a072467", "text": "- Some electrical fires happen because of problems in house wiring or appliance failure, but many occur due to mistakes that homeowners make like overloading electrical outlets or extension cords. When working with members of your community on fire and life safety, it is important to teach the common causes of electrical fires. Here are the 5 most common causes of electrical fires. 1. Faulty outlets, appliances. Most electrical fires are caused by faulty electrical outlets and old, outdated appliances. Other fires are started by faults in appliance cords, receptacles and switches.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6c186cbbec3f6971ca3500b9e505eef2", "text": "Your Complete Guide to Power Surges More likely, a surge in your home will be caused by downed power lines, short circuits, tripped circuit breakers, a sudden change in electricity usage by a nearby factory or the transition of an on/off cycle of a large appliance on the same power line (like a refrigerator or laser printer).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e21d778e7729cf1a6bbd585307ea1e7b", "text": "Surge protector A surge protector (or surge suppressor or surge diverter[1]) is an appliance or device designed to protect electrical devices from voltage spikes. A surge protector attempts to limit the voltage supplied to an electric device by either blocking or shorting to ground any unwanted voltages above a safe threshold.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1e77d55f4e02a72a18f9f4d2ce23884e", "text": "- A power surge is a transient voltage spike in a power or data line. The most familiar cause is. lightning strikes, but it is actually just one of several common reasons. More frequent causes include the switching on and off of high-powered machinery such as elevator. motors or air conditioners.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "54ad2cfad6a3ff44de78734d7dfaae54", "text": "Do whole-house surge protectors really work? Which ones will condition the power and save energy? Are they worth it? The Energy Star website also addresses parts of this question here. Lastly, having worked on projects that involve automation, power monitoring, and renewable energy, it is still a great idea if you are incorporating any/all of these components in your home to install a whole-house surge protector.", "title": "" } ]
what county is toledo ohio in?
[ { "docid": "d9079986a72ff803d806f0e207b5033b", "text": "Lucas County, Ohio Lucas County is a county located in the U.S. state of Ohio. As of the 2010 census, the population was 441,815. Its county seat is Toledo. The county was named for Robert Lucas, 12th governor of Ohio, in 1835 during his second term. Its establishment provoked the Toledo War conflict with the Michigan Territory. Lucas County is part of the Toledo, OH Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "9a7f0946d0fbaf7a068d5bb3bb23118f", "text": "Cleveland Hopkins International Airport Toledo Express Airport (IATA: TOL, ICAO: KTOL) is a public airport located 10 miles (16 km) west of the city of Toledo in Lucas County, Ohio, USA.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "19613de3ffa8201bf648de2dc5f63a48", "text": "Toledo Bend - Newton County - Texas The community of Toledo Bend, one of the earliest entry points into Texas, has made worthwhile contributions throughout its history, and continues to be an outstanding place in Newton County. The entry way into Texas from the Louisiana side was by ferry boat.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "168d602a208e55e2680dc9df3affd3e1", "text": "- Southwest Ideally located between Cincinnati and Dayton, Butler County, Ohio features unique communities all with distinctive attractions, a variety of hotels and bed & breakfasts, and hidden historical gems.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e4728b1775ef736c8bc7632304b13ece", "text": "- About Toledo Airport. Toledo Express Airport provides citizens of Ohio with a hugely important gateway to the Southern and Midwestern regions of the United States. The airport’s code is TOL and services the northwestern Ohio region. Located in Lucas County, a 10 mile trip from the city of Toledo, this airport is also responsible for cargo operations heading to Chicago and Minneapolis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7d5718b139b60811e9bd59d1815004bd", "text": "Toledo, WA Profile Toledo, WA Profile. Toledo, WA, population 688, is located in Washington's Lewis county, about 56.1 miles from Vancouver and 59.4 miles from Tacoma. Through the 90's Toledo's population has grown by about 11%. It is estimated that in the first 5 years of the past decade the population of Toledo has grown by about 4%.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "40e7b7bdb9c6b0fad386712f27b4e19c", "text": "Waterville Each branch of the Toledo Lucas County Public Library is home to a public meeting room that is available free of charge. These rooms, in fulfillment of our mission are available for educational, instructional, or civic programs when library programs are not scheduled. To request a room, call 419.878.3055.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dcbd9880d0e698561611911643148e9d", "text": "- Doing Business with the Library. The Toledo Lucas County Public Library purchases goods and services for ongoing operations. It also employs general contractors to build and renovate its various facilities.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "387f621c0ef4448789c9794c7b2626b6", "text": "- Discover your next great find in Butler County, Ohio, just north of Cincinnati. Request a free copy of the 2017 Butler County Visitors Guide, filled with shopping hot spots, delicious dining, unique attractions, accommodations and more! Order Guide.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8d7cf7d4b506fc7f257c9774e9a133be", "text": "Toledo, Ohio The population of Toledo as of the 2010 Census was 287,208, making it the 71st-largest city in the United States. It is the fourth most populous city in the U.S. state of Ohio after Columbus, Cleveland, and Cincinnati. The Toledo metropolitan area had a 2010 population of 651,429, and was the sixth-largest metropolitan area in the state of Ohio, behind Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, Dayton, and Akron.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "99001143b084d577ddc6e5b5c1097ec0", "text": "- Normal business hours will resume on Tuesday, October 13 at 8:00 A.M. Flu Clinic Schedule: The Toledo-Lucas County Health Department is offering flu clinics to the public on the following dates and locations: Saturday, October 10, 2015 (8:30am-12:30pm) at Tabernacle of Praise 1217 Prouty Avenue, Toledo, OH 43609.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b8d1da750904bb300e8d6adf0cd72534", "text": "Akron, Ohio Show map of the US. Akron /ˈækrən/ is the fifth-largest city in the U.S. state of Ohio and is the county seat of Summit County. It is located on the western edge of the Glaciated Allegheny Plateau, approximately 39 miles (63 km) south of Lake Erie.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "50468eadc2ff3476c7a0d9e9bada1b7e", "text": "Columbus, Ohio It is also the fourth most populous state capital in the United States, and the third largest city in the Midwestern United States. Columbus is the county seat of Franklin County. The city proper has also expanded and annexed portions of adjoining Delaware County and Fairfield County.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "94196bc4148cf806fffec3aaed13cce7", "text": "Dublin Dublin, OH. Sponsored Topics. Dublin is a city in Franklin, Delaware, and Union counties in the U.S. state of Ohio. The population was 41,751 at the 2010 census. Dublin is a suburb of Columbus, Ohio. Each year in late May or early June, the city hosts the Memorial Tournament, a stop on golf's PGA Tour.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f85c8b8ac55ad878f4bb88690f63d876", "text": "Toledo Toledo, OH. Online Offers. Toledo is the fourth most populous city in the U.S. state of Ohio and is the county seat of Lucas County. Toledo is in northwest Ohio, on the western end of Lake Erie, and borders the State of Michigan.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "87900a9686ef20104f2ca7be718e99d5", "text": "All products Ecolab: Facilipro Concentrated Neutral Floor Cleaner: Ecolab: Facilipro Glass Cleaner: Ecolab: Facilipro Neutral Bathroom Cleaner GS: Ecolab: FaciliPro Neutral Floor Cleaner: Ecolab: FaciliPro Peroxide Glass & Surface Cleaner: Ecolab: FaciliPro Peroxide Multi-Surface Cleaner: Ecolab: FaciliPro Pourpak Acid Bathroom Cleaner GS: Ecolab: FaciliPro Pourpak Glass Cleaner GS: Ecolab", "title": "" }, { "docid": "691318c126ff256efe16efa67e101805", "text": "- Friends of Lucas County Seniors added 27 new photos from September 16, 2014 to the album: Issue 9 Senior Levy Support Shown at Toledo Zoo — at The Toledo Zoo. Issue 9 Senior Levy support was shown at the Toledo Zoo on September 16, 2014 at the Toledo Zoo's Nairobi Pavilion, with over 1,100 senior citizens in attendance.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5065b1b84183fb389c0462955c7b2966", "text": "Warren County, Ohio The county was erected May 1, 1803, from Hamilton County, and named for Dr. Joseph Warren, a hero of the Revolution who sent Paul Revere on his ride and who died at the Battle of Bunker Hill. Warren County is part of the Cincinnati-Middletown, OH-KY-IN Metropolitan Statistical Area. Along with Butler County, Warren County comprises the geographical center of the Cincinnati-Dayton Metropolitan Region, home to 3.3 million and the 14th most populous in the United States.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bb48d69f3ae7cd0411e91d40389e68d6", "text": "SEVILLE, MEDINA COUNTY, NORTHEAST, OHIO LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 15 of 38 listings Seville, Medina County, Ohio Land for Sale. Looking for rural homes and land for sale in Seville, Medina County, Ohio? LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Seville, Medina County, Ohio, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c8c9962762e3eaf50bc9280d000fb2f5", "text": "- Erie County is conveniently located less than one hour from Cleveland and Toledo and within hours from Columbus, Detroit, Dayton, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Buffalo, Indianapolis, Chicago, and Toronto. It is easily accessible via the Ohio Turnpike, State Route 2, State Route 4, or U.S. Route 250.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4a93972a4f736292c8d82e3deb1a773b", "text": "- Ohio County Profiles. Prepared by the Office of Research. Columbiana County. Named for: Christopher Columbus. Established: Act - May 1, 1803. 2015 Population: 104,806. Land Area: 532.5.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ba86d6c3eff53be5bb6695b2dd1a6b1f", "text": "- Cincinnati (/sɪnsɨˈnaeti/ sɪnsɨˈnæti-sin-SI-nat) ee is a city in and the county seat Of Hamilton, County, Ohio United. stateshe Cincinnati area has one of the highest private school attendance rates in the United States; Hamilton County ranks second only to St. Louis County, Missouri among the country's 100 largest counties.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6939195334ef7601f33213bb21bd8910", "text": "Dental Hygienist in Cincinnati, Ohio Salary Cincinnati (/ˌsɪnsᵻˈnæti/ SIN-si-NAT-ee) is a city in the U.S. state of Ohio that serves as county seat of Hamilton County. Settled in 1788, the city is located on the north side of the confluence of the Licking with the Ohio River. With a population of 298,550, Cincinnati is the third-largest city in Ohio and the 65th-largest city in the United States. Its metropolitan statistical area is the 28th-largest in the United States and the largest centered in Ohio.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3974abdfc9895a2c8f047746e6ef4ff1", "text": "Welcome to Perry Township, Allen County, Ohio Perry Township, Ohio has plenty to offer. Located in Northwest Ohio in Allen County, Perry Township was established in December of 1833. The 2010 census showed 3531 persons in the township and 1453 households. Perry Township is filled with a wide variety of businesses and residents.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ca200229dcf25ab6c0ec22e7a8d4c9e2", "text": "Hamilton County, Ohio Hamilton County, Ohio. Not to be confused with Hamilton, Ohio. Hamilton County is a county located in the southwest corner of the U.S. state of Ohio. As of the 2010 census, the population was 802,374. making it the third-most populous county in Ohio. The county seat is Cincinnati. The county is named for the first Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1224011fbc5e7764e617475c1769c739", "text": "Akron, Ohio For other uses, see Akron (disambiguation). Akron /ˈækrən/ is the fifth-largest city in the U.S. state of Ohio and is the county seat of Summit County. It is located on the western edge of the Glaciated Allegheny Plateau, approximately 39 miles (63 km) south of Lake Erie.", "title": "" } ]
function of reticular layer of dermis
[ { "docid": "58c031548cd4102a83382e188b02c3cf", "text": "The Skin The dermis consists of a papillary and a reticular layer which serve to protect and cushion the body from stress and strain. Differentiate among the regions of the dermis and the hypodermis. The dermis is divided into a papillary region and a reticular region.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "7f0ada24657afaf090c04b21a40372db", "text": "The Dermis and Deeper Tissues The dermis has two layers: 1 papillary dermis – made up of loosely woven connective tissue fibers embedded in a jelly-like substance known as ground substance. 2 reticular dermis – thicker and deeper and is made up of dense connective tissue that is irregularly arranged, providing additional support.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0b4c5dbc699cfcc2801fafa36aeb5b1a", "text": "Dermis The dermis is tightly connected to the epidermis through a basement membrane. Structural components of the dermis are collagen, elastic fibers, and extrafibrillar matrix. It also contains Mechanoreceptors that provide the sense of touch and thermoreceptors that provide the sense of heat.n addition, hair follicles, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, apocrine glands, lymphatic vessels and blood vessels are present in the dermis. Those blood vessels provide nourishment and waste removal for both dermal and epidermal cells.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3e0996d537f7fbe09ea4f5c6ea4e014d", "text": "Reticular formation The reticular formation (lat. formatio reticularis) is a set of interconnected nuclei that are located throughout the brainstem. The reticular formation is not anatomically well defined because it includes neurons located in diverse parts of the brain.The neurons of the reticular formation all play a crucial role in maintaining behavioral arousal and consciousness. The functions of the reticular formation are modulatory and premotor. Pain modulation – The reticular formation is one means by which pain signals from the lower body reach the cerebral cortex. 2 It is also the origin of the descending analgesic pathways. 3 The nerve fibers in these pathways act in the spinal cord to block the transmission of some pain signals to the brain.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8ef8367d8de5c9f748fa2a1f523c8216", "text": "- The dermis is the inner layer of the skin, and includes: hair follicles, nerves, sweat glands, small blood vessels and sebaceous glands. It is made up of connective tissue and consists of two layers, the stratum papillare (upper layer) and the stratum reticulare.he dermis is the inner layer of the skin, and includes: hair follicles, nerves, sweat glands, small blood vessels and sebaceous glands. It is made up of connective tissue and consists of two layers, the stratum papillare (upper layer) and the stratum reticulare.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2c3b4cb3bfd7410b9074a767649bf77b", "text": "The Skin 1 The primary function of the dermis is to cushion the body from stress and strain, provide elasticity to the skin, and a sense of touch, and heat. The dermis also contains hair roots, sebaceous glands, sweat glands, nerves, and blood vessels.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f1afad8520a5dfd03dc3163873f8783b", "text": "Retina The retina is a thin layer of tissue that lines the back of the eye on the inside. It is located near the optic nerve. The purpose of the retina is to receive light that the lens has focused, convert the light into neural signals, and send these signals on to the brain for visual recognition.The retina processes light through a layer of photoreceptor cells.These are essentially light-sensitive cells, responsible for detecting qualities such as color and light-intensity. The retina processes the information gathered by the photoreceptor cells and sends this information to the brain via the optic nerve.he purpose of the retina is to receive light that the lens has focused, convert the light into neural signals, and send these signals on to the brain for visual recognition. The retina processes light through a layer of photoreceptor cells.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d098b894ef99957f3d53d95b6d700a33", "text": "What is dermis tissue? The dermis is one of two layers that make up the skin (the other being the epidermis, which lies on top). The dermis is composed of two layers: the papillary layer and the ret … icular layer. The papillary layer is composed of areolar tissue and the reticular layer is composed of dense irregular connective tissue.he dermis is one of two layers that make up the skin (the other being the epidermis, which lies on top). The dermis is composed of two layers: the papillary layer and the ret … icular layer. The papillary layer is composed of areolar tissue and the reticular layer is composed of dense irregular connective tissue.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "99b029bad283d87716034d6c3a8f8c11", "text": "What Is the Function of the Dermis Layer of Cells? The skin's dermis is made of layers of cells, connective tissue and several structures that aid in maintaining its function. These structures include blood vessels, hair follicles, lymph vessels and glands.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "09eb577bdf6840a83d72c471cc9d070b", "text": "Human Physiology/Print Version A graphic representation of the interface between skin epithelium and the underlying connective tissue the reticular dermis. The dermis is a layer of skin between the epidermis (with which it makes up the cutis) and subcutaneous tissues, that consists of connective tissue and cushions the body from stress and strain.t also contains Mechanoreceptors that provide the sense of touch and thermoreceptors that provide the sense of heat. In addition, hair follicles, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, apocrine glands, lymphatic vessels and blood vessels are present in the dermis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "51be364bcd930f6bf9701ff77770d1ed", "text": "- 1 The dermis is divided into a papillary region and a reticular region. The primary function of the dermis is to cushion the body from stress and strain, provide elasticity to the skin, and a sense of touch, and heat.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "40bbfdb16f0f747e1719c8b38bac2fa9", "text": "Dermis The dermis is tightly connected to the epidermis through a basement membrane. Structural components of the dermis are collagen, elastic fibers, and extrafibrillar matrix. It also contains Mechanoreceptors that provide the sense of touch and thermoreceptors that provide the sense of heat.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e488825c41aa9c2b53366c89a5aaf5df", "text": "- Dermis. The inner layer of the two main layers of the skin. The dermis has connective tissue, blood vessels, oil and sweat glands, nerves, hair follicles, and other structures. It is made up of a thin upper layer called the papillary dermis, and a thick lower layer called the reticular dermis.PubMed Health Glossary.he inner layer of the two main layers of the skin. The dermis has connective tissue, blood vessels, oil and sweat glands, nerves, hair follicles, and other structures.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fdac8a078db0a43da980820e77a61f48", "text": "- I know; I told you the dermis only had two layers. Well, this next layer isn't part of the dermis; it's a separate layer underneath the dermis called the hypodermis, 'hypo' meaning 'under' or 'below.' The hypodermis is connected to the reticular layer by both collagen and elastin fibers and is made up of loose connective tissue and fat cells.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "26ae210d0cbafc5fc36fd7641d0ac595", "text": "What is the function of Reticular Activating System? This system is considered the brain’s attention center. It is the key for switching on your brain and also considered as the main center of motivation. The Reticular activating system is connected to the spinal cord at its base from where it accepts information which comes from the ascending sensory tracts directly.rain has created our mind as the entity and every thought which peeps up in our mind has its thread located in the mastermind which is the brain. Reticular activating system is one of the most important parts of our brain that has great influence over cognition.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "34bbfd694b2168f8919ee91d3d85cbdd", "text": "- Working from the outermost layer, the epidermis has no blood supply. The Dermis contains 2 main layers (plexi) of blood vessels, which can be referred to as the superficial de … rmal plexus and deep dermal plexus.More detail: The dermis can be split up into two layers, the papillary dermis and reticular dermis.orking from the outermost layer, the epidermis has no blood supply. The Dermis contains 2 main layers (plexi) of blood vessels, which can be referred to as the superficial de … rmal plexus and deep dermal plexus.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "163cfbac1152d10cfcd2baea5bbccacc", "text": "Dermis Apart from these cells, the dermis is also composed of matrix components such as collagen (which provides strength), elastin (which provides elasticity), and extrafibrillar matrix, an extracellular gel-like substance primarily composed of glycosaminoglycans (most notably hyaluronan), proteoglycans, and glycoproteins. graphic representation of the interface between skin epithelium and the underlying connective tissue the reticular dermis. The dermis is a layer of skin between the epidermis (with which it makes up the cutis) and subcutaneous tissues, that consists of connective tissue and cushions the body from stress and strain.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "afa7662feaa54c7cee9fbb1d61f9d19b", "text": "- Dermis. The inner layer of the two main layers of the skin. The dermis has connective tissue, blood vessels, oil and sweat glands, nerves, hair follicles, and other structures. It is made up of a thin upper layer called the papillary dermis, and a thick lower layer called the reticular dermis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e950226bdb0c97a7d20abd8292d7cbc0", "text": "Retina Retina. The (the innermost layer of the eye) performs the function that gives the eye its purpose: it absorbs light and transmits sensory information to the brain for processing. The retina is the delicate, transparent neural tissue that lines the posterior two-thirds of the eyeball.lthough it is only 0.5 mm thick, the retina has several layers, including a pigmented layer, neural layer (rods and cones), and nerve fiber layer. The neural layer is made up of photoreceptors and nerve cells that transmit visual information.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5d1190edad8cd8cfecdfb701a112691d", "text": "Importance of the Skin The epidermis, dermis and the subcutaneous tissue. The epidermis layer is the skin’s outermost layer. It consists of 5 layers: : stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum licidum and stratum corneum. The dermis layer consists of the papillary layer and reticular layer that contain collagen fibers.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7904bd6cdf3c54f49d612a1ee8775cbb", "text": "Dermis It is divided into two layers, the superficial area adjacent to the epidermis called the papillary region and a deep thicker area known as the reticular dermis.[1] The dermis is tightly connected to the epidermis through a basement membrane.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b5b2dcb0a66ae8b942a691524208b9b3", "text": "- The dermis is composed of two layers: the papillary layer and the ret … icular layer. The papillary layer is composed of areolar tissue and the reticular layer is composed of dense irregular connective tissue. 11 people found this useful. Answered.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3e38185af7a389054f18dbdc3be2dd6f", "text": "dermis The dermis is responsible for the tensile strength of skin. Its main functions are to regulate temperature and to supply the epidermis with nutrient-saturated blood. Much of the body's water supply is stored within the dermis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0d94b03ea64bd211a39ead0ad426b540", "text": "What is the Reticular Activating System? The reticular activating system (RAS) is a part of the mammalian brain located in the brain stem. In human biology, it is believed to play a role in many important functions, including sleep and waking, behavioral motivation, breathing, and the beating of the heart.he reticular activating system is located in the brain stem. Brain scans are used to observe the reticular activating system's role during sleep and dreaming. Sleep control is the domain of the reticular activating system. Trauma to the RAS area has been linked to narcolepsy.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1083967e90e7047315444c9ae7e7cd40", "text": "The Dermis the dermis. what are the two principal region of the dermis. the papillary and the reticular. what is the papillary layer. the more superficial dermal region composed of areolar connective tissue. what are dermal papillae.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "32142d3d85a15e3a3bcdd74e192f2f47", "text": "Do we really have seven layers of skin? These are the layers within the epidermis. The dermis has two layers within its layer. The first layer in the dermis is the dermal papillary layer. The next layer within the dermis is the dermal reticular layer; this layer is the location of a lot of structures such as the hair follicles and the blood vessels. These are the layers within the dermis.", "title": "" } ]
what is emea region
[ { "docid": "7f209764ec41ea863fbde2f49b22ef82", "text": "List of EMEA Countries EMEA is a designation given to a set of countries in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa for business purposes.Most commonly it is used for sales and marketing purposes but it is also used for other aspects of business including production and logistics.dditional Background on the EMEA countries List. The EMEA region consists of more land mass than any of the other business regions (APAC, AMER, or LATAM). The EMEA region also spans 4 continents, Europe, Africa, Asia, and because of Greenland North America as well.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "985f0896bb606196fa6219329312026b", "text": "- Paredes de Coura, Portugal Paredes de Coura Festival is an alternative music festival in northern Portugal. Situated in the scenic riverside Praia do Taboão, the festival's location is almost unrivalled in terms of natural beauty, with picturesque woodland and inviting waters open for exploration.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e07e3237bb1ad866254f33b0a31fa8f8", "text": "- The Caucasus /ˈkɔːkəsəs/ or Caucasia /kɔːˈkeɪʒə/ is a region at the border of Europe and Asia, situated between the Black and the Caspian seas.he highest peak in the Caucasus is Mount Elbrus (5,642 m) in the western Ciscaucasus in Russia, and is generally considered as the highest point in Europe. The Caucasus is one of the most linguistically and culturally diverse regions on Earth.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "42fbd558142f6028caacbfccd1c2c260", "text": "- The Serengeti (/ˌsɛrənˈɡɛti/) ecosystem is a geographical region in Africa. It is located in northern Tanzania and extends to south-western Kenya between 1 and 3 degrees south latitudes and between 34 and 36 degrees east longitudes. It spans approximately 30,000 km 2 (12,000 sq mi).The Kenyan part of the Serengeti is known as Maasai Mara.The Serengeti hosts the largest terrestrial mammal migration in the world, which helps secure it as one of the Seven Natural Wonders of Africa and one of the ten natural travel wonders of the world.t spans approximately 30,000 km 2 (12,000 sq mi). The Kenyan part of the Serengeti is known as Maasai Mara. The Serengeti hosts the largest terrestrial mammal migration in the world, which helps secure it as one of the Seven Natural Wonders of Africa and one of the ten natural travel wonders of the world.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b005f3d8f1764dc32bfa276514987602", "text": "What is it? The EMRA lab is a great place to start and continue to work on reading strategies for all students. ESL students can often get frustrated by reading because not only do they have to work through new vocabulary and unfamiliar grammar, but also cultural inferences and connections that can be opaque.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e9d4a130577ab61257d8633c8c055a2b", "text": "- ) is a country in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. Located at the crossroads of Western Asia and Eastern Europe, it is bounded to the west by the Black Sea, to the north by Russia, to the south by Turkey and Armenia, and to the southeast by Azerbaijan.eorgia is a member of the Council of Europe and the GUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic Development. It contains two de facto independent regions, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which gained limited international recognition after the 2008 Russo-Georgian War.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "26e5d1e85bb8430c8810958bb085525d", "text": "- For over two decades, the West Nile Region in north western Uganda ... Yumbe district community members by providing them with multi- skills training and ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "32fe580bdff07c52114223ef723c2f9b", "text": "- If you make use of the information, please acknowledge its source. The International Society for Electrophysical Agents in Physical Therapy (ISEAPT) is a formal subgroup of the World Congress Physical Therapy (WCPT) and is the leading International organisation concerned primarily with Electro Physical Agents.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "961c46efd93bfb2242e87e61c499a30f", "text": "The FDA And EMEA Drug Approval Process; Who Gets Cancer Drugs First? The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is often criticized as inefficient compared to its European counterpart, the European Medicines Evaluation Agency (EMEA).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "04c454474028d9e738cade7e20eec84d", "text": "- The EMEA region is a term used for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.here are; 58 countries in Europe 56 countries in Africa 14 countries in the Middle East For a grand total of 128 countries in the EMEA. 23 people found this useful. Edit.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3b12c48ad1d8b1b063638705c54f8ac7", "text": "- However, some parts. of the brain and the eyes require more oxygen to function than do other parts, and. are accordingly more susceptive to hypoxic events. Severe hypoxia first causes mal-. function, and failure, of those parts of the brain and eyes which consume more oxy-. gen, before causing malfunction and failure of those parts of the brain and eyes con-. suming less oxygen. POM Medical, LLC—Sales Force News Letter Page 2. Panoramic Oxygen Mask in use.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ed923864e2cd5f8b19e4369d26d0ff94", "text": "- The emu is a large, flightless bird endemic to Australia its body fat is the ultimate source of emu oil. The United States Department of Agriculture USDA notes that, until the 1990s, emu farming was illegal in the emu's homeland of Australia. Since the 1990s, emu farms have gai...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4016d936705ba989fa46b1ecd2fdc870", "text": "Caesarea Caesarea is located on the Israeli coastal plain, the historic land bridge between Europe, Asia and Africa approximately halfway between the major cities of Tel Aviv 45 kilometers (28 mi) and Haifa 45 kilometers (28 mi).aesarea is situated approximately 5 kilometers (3 mi) northwest of the city of Hadera, and is bordered to the east by the Caesarea Industrial Zone and the city of Or Akiva. Directly to the north of Caesarea is the town of Jisr az-Zarqa. Caesarea is divided into a number of residential zones, known as clusters.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9d18e684658447905c9b9e02356da0a5", "text": "- The Maine Environmental Education Association (MEEA) facilitates and promotes environmental education in Maine through the sharing of ideas, resources, information, and cooperative programs among educators, organizations, and concerned individuals. MEEA is built on the strengths and contributions of our members.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cdbe9fbc35ab3da281520108d220acb8", "text": "Eastern Michigan University Eastern Michigan University. Eastern Michigan University (EMU) is a comprehensive, co-educational public university located in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Ypsilanti is 35 miles (56 km) west of Detroit and eight miles (13 km) east of Ann Arbor. The university was founded in 1849 as Michigan State Normal School.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "be0b626f645407ca6acd501f7e020b4a", "text": "Iberia The Iberian peninsula is Europe's main hub to South and Central America, Madrid's Barajas airport is the most important of the hubs, while Portela airport in Lisbon is the main gateway to Brazil due to historic ties between the two countries.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b3869ce4d61d01eba539b1d6b544ebcc", "text": "List of EMEA Countries EMEA Country List in Alphabetical Order. The EMEA region consists of more land mass than any of the other business regions (APAC, AMER, or LATAM). The EMEA region also spans 4 continents, Europe, Africa, Asia, and because of Greenland North America as well.dditional Background on the EMEA countries List. The EMEA region consists of more land mass than any of the other business regions (APAC, AMER, or LATAM). The EMEA region also spans 4 continents, Europe, Africa, Asia, and because of Greenland North America as well.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "693dceb0caa3e449b2567e6342fceed4", "text": "- region surrounding the burst point \\(§ pulse of electromagnetic radiation 8.17). In EMP studies this is called the which is strongest in directions perpen-deposition region. The negatively dicular to the current; this is the EMP. charged electrons move outward faster In a high-altitude explosion, the EMP", "title": "" }, { "docid": "39e8563b5015064999a3e5d9a156d5a8", "text": "GEOGRAPHICAL REGION Elam; Susiana (an ancient country in southwestern Asia east of the Tigris River (in what is modern Iran); was known for its warlike people). Levant (the former name for the geographical area of the eastern Mediterranean that is now occupied by Lebanon and Syria and Israel).Macedon; Macedonia; Makedonija (the ancient kingdom of Philip II and Alexander the Great in the southeastern Balkans that is now divided among modern Macedonia and Greece and Bulgaria).atchment area; catchment basin; drainage area; drainage basin (the geographical area draining into a river or reservoir). basin; river basin (the entire geographical area drained by a river and its tributaries). soil; territory (the geographical area under the jurisdiction of a sovereign state).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0a72525e59ee043a776c5d38160ecea1", "text": "Emcor Group to Acquire USM Services EMCOR Group, Inc. (NYSE: EME) today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire USM Services Holdings, Inc. (“USM”), a leading provider of facilities maintenance solutions in North America, from Transfield Services Limited (ASE: TSE) in an all-cash transaction for $255 million, representing $225 million for the base USM ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "20152001ea9ec0cfd4a5a4d28d3bcd77", "text": "Regions of the United States The Mid-Atlantic region of the United States is located in the “middle” of what is referred to as the East Coast. There is some debate (depending on the source) as to what is included in this region, but traditionally, these states are Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C.,", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0b19a4919a7a0ef72a32aab159e51627", "text": "Global nuclear facilities 'at risk' of cyber attack In June this year the International Atomic Energy Agency held its first international conference about the cyber threats facing plants and manufacturing facilities. At the conference Yukiya Amano, director of the IAEA, said both random and targeted attacks were being directed at nuclear plants.Staff responsible for nuclear security should know how to repel cyber-attacks and to limit the damage if systems are actually penetrated, he said in a keynote address to the conference.t the conference Yukiya Amano, director of the IAEA, said both random and targeted attacks were being directed at nuclear plants. Staff responsible for nuclear security should know how to repel cyber-attacks and to limit the damage if systems are actually penetrated, he said in a keynote address to the conference.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c999cabf8efcd862c28d9f8cc46e5d57", "text": "Aiea, HI Aiea, HI. Online Offers. Aiea (Hawaiian: ʻAiea) is a census-designated place (CDP) located in the City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii, United States. As of the 2000 Census, the CDP had a total population of 9,019. Aiea is located at 21°23′9″N 157°55′51″W / 21.38583°N 157.93083°W / 21.38583; -157.93083 (21.385900, -157.930927).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a3ba89f835afc6866bcf74f5a798e68b", "text": "- European Medicines Agency. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is a European Union agency for the evaluation of medicinal products. Prior to 2004, it was known as the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d6cc2dda5bcf1f6072d7d1711a506610", "text": "- The Caucasus or Caucasia is a region in Eurasia bordered on the south by Turkey and Iran, on the west by the Black Sea, on the east by the Caspian Sea and to the north by the European part of Russia. The Caucasus Mountains are commonly reckoned as the dividing line between Asia and Europe.ussia and the Southern Caucasus. More than fifteen years have lapsed since the three former Soviet States of South Caucasus Region, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, got their independence, yet they are faced with severe institutional deficits.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b977412e252e80a07ccf6770aabd28f6", "text": "- Caucasus. The Caucasus region is a mountain range lying between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, considered part of the natural boundary between Europe and Asia.Geographically it is usually considered part of Western Asia, adjacent to northeastern Turkey and northwestern Iran.aucasus. The Caucasus region is a mountain range lying between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, considered part of the natural boundary between Europe and Asia.", "title": "" } ]
meaning of the name montserrat
[ { "docid": "b3f6f2ff04b20f4f8c6f61479c2e969b", "text": "- Hello, Guest. Montserrat is a Catalan name meaning ‘serrated mountain’. That may not be the most appealing meaning, but the exceptional beauty of the Montserrat mountain range near Barcelona, Spain might change your mind. Montserrat is, unsurprisingly, most common among the Spanish community.ello, Guest. Montserrat is a Catalan name meaning ‘serrated mountain’. That may not be the most appealing meaning, but the exceptional beauty of the Montserrat mountain range near Barcelona, Spain might change your mind. Montserrat is, unsurprisingly, most common among the Spanish community.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "80d8512652f19074916dbb06c09bfd2f", "text": "- The name Montserrat is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Montserrat is: Jagged mountain.A mountain in Spain: (Montserrat); a monastery.atin Meaning: The name Montserrat is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Montserrat is: Jagged mountain. A mountain in Spain: (Montserrat); a monastery. SoulUrge Number: 3. Expression Number: 8.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "2d89799a9baaaf238d4f6481430f6777", "text": "- Meaning of Jeffrey. English name. In English, the name Jeffrey means - gift of peace. Other origins for the name Jeffrey include - English, French, German.The name Jeffrey is most often used as a boy name or male name. English Name Meaning - gift of peace.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "721466a31b3f4b3b3f4ffc3119a7089a", "text": "- Meaning of Simon. English name. In English, the name Simon means-Variant of a Hebrew name meaning hear; listen. In the bible Simon was the name of two apostles including Simon Peter.. Other origins for the name Simon include-English, Israeli, Hebrew.The name Simon is most often used as a boy name or male name.English Name Meaning-Variant of a Hebrew name meaning hear; listen. In the bible Simon was the name of two apostles including Simon Peter.Origin-English.ther origins for the name Simon include-English, Israeli, Hebrew.The name Simon is most often used as a boy name or male name. English Name Meaning-Variant of a Hebrew name meaning hear; listen. In the bible Simon was the name of two apostles including Simon Peter. Origin-English.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b7092be0fc857f95e811f091fa6eaf0b", "text": "Montrell The name Montrell is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Montrell is: Mountain. Abbreviation of Montague and Montgomery.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d1f3ab939d0b0394f841ba7d6ab4b3a3", "text": "Claude The name Claude is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Claude is: Lame. French Meaning: The name Claude is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Claude is: From the Roman clan name Claudius, derived from the latin meaning lame.F: Claudette, Claudia, Claudine.Latin Meaning: The name Claude is a Latin baby name.he name Claude is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Claude is: Lame. French Meaning: The name Claude is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Claude is: From the Roman clan name Claudius, derived from the latin meaning lame.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "aab50ddc4f4493c0df647d9e091d704b", "text": "- Latin Meaning: The name Prior is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Prior is: Head of a monastery. English Meaning: The name Prior is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Prior is: Servant of the priory.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9465e0bfe216994f32a3c99b4ea80bcc", "text": "Wesley English Meaning: The name Wesley is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Wesley is: From the west meadow. John and Charles Wesley were the founders of Methodism.American Meaning: The name Wesley is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Wesley is: From the west meadow.John and Charles Wesley were the founders of Methodism.n English the meaning of the name Wesley is: From the west meadow. John and Charles Wesley were the founders of Methodism. American Meaning: The name Wesley is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Wesley is: From the west meadow. John and Charles Wesley were the founders of Methodism.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0d8062a99ee4e465848ee42f77959418", "text": "Roberts (surname) Roberts is a surname of Norman origin, deriving from the Norman given name Robert, meaning bright renown – from the Germanic elements hrod meaning renown and beraht meaning bright.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fcbd13475aa0956f65fd7faa55b99032", "text": "Leonard The name Leonard is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Leonard is: Lion. German Meaning: The name Leonard is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Leonard is: Hardy lion or lion-bold. St Leonard is the patron saint of prisoners. Famous Bearers: American composer/conductor Leonard Bernstein; Italian Renaissance artist/scientist Leonardo da Vinci (in Italian form).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d13378218b90cdc19d97f12eb04aaa33", "text": "- Italian Meaning: 1 The name Montrell is an Italian baby name. In Italian the meaning of the name Montrell is: Mountain. 2 The name Montrell is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Montrell is: Mountain.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8ac4f53970c587104ad4abef53764091", "text": "Government and Politics Montserrat's Constitution took effect on January 1, 1960. The territory is governed by a British-appointed governor and has its own Executive Council and Legislative Council. As in the other two territories, the governor is responsible for defense, external affairs, and internal security.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "15a4cb5c855c2827ca49e82a613d7124", "text": "- Latin Meaning: The name Montserrat is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Montserrat is: Jagged mountain. A mountain in Spain: (Montserrat); a monastery.SoulUrge Number: 3.Expression Number: 8.atin Meaning: The name Montserrat is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Montserrat is: Jagged mountain. A mountain in Spain: (Montserrat); a monastery. SoulUrge Number: 3. Expression Number: 8.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fc6e79a65328a2f3ca986e3bb3d96e7a", "text": "Montserrat Facts The island of Montserrat has two capitals. Plymouth is the de jure capital of the island; it is located in the Leeward Island chain of the Lesser Antilles, West Indies.ontserrat is an overseas territory of the United Kingdom located in the Leeward Islands. The territory resembles coastal Ireland and hence is nicknamed the Emerald Isle of the Caribbean..", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0d1fd0dd75fc6b60f95f5b3e008dcc39", "text": "- Czar /czar/ [1 syll.] as a boys' name is pronounced zar. It is of Russian and Latin origin, and the meaning of Czar is head of hair. Russian form of Caesar.Related boy name: King.zar /czar/ [1 syll.] as a boys' name is pronounced zar. It is of Russian and Latin origin, and the meaning of Czar is head of hair. Russian form of Caesar.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "91dc3674317efbb8871c77b279bc9b62", "text": "Jeffrey Meaning The name Jeffrey is of English, German and French origin. The meaning of Jeffrey is peace. Jeffrey is generally used as a boy's name. It consists of 7 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Je-ffrey.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1a211ac70bd4da0aa86fc3aaf64daf00", "text": "Simon The name Simon is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Simon is: Snub-nosed. Can also be a variant of a Hebrew name meaning 'hear; listen.' In the bible Simon was the name of two apostles including Simon Peter.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b5a52de029ecf5b801c3913d2e461604", "text": "Stacy The name Stacy is a baby boy name. Meaning. Greek Meaning: The name Stacy is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Stacy is: Fruitful, productive. Famous bearer: St Eustace (Eustachins) was a martyred 2nd century Roman soldier. American Meaning: The name Stacy is an American baby name.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "522faee0190873b8bb1e4deffdff3fef", "text": "Horatio Baby names meanings search results: The name Horatio is a baby boy name. The name Horatio comes from the Italian origin. In Italian The meaning of the name Horatio is: Timekeeper. Derived from the Roman clan name Horatius. The close friend of Hamlet in Shakespeare's tragedy.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6148a66df286f20d2046c00e7e8ff516", "text": "Keratin Keratin derives from Greek κερατίνη from Greek keras (κέρας) (genitive keratos, κέρατος) meaning horn originating from the Proto-Indo-European * ḱer-of the same meaning. Its Greek root is composed of horn like, i.e., kerato (Greek κέρατο) to which the chemical suffix-in is appended.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "21db1859df2a56ad8d4417bd036fae4a", "text": "Luther Teutonic Meaning: 1 The name Luther is a Teutonic baby name. In Teutonic the meaning of the name Luther is: Famous in war. 2 The name Luther is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Luther is: Famous in war. 3 The name Luther is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Luther is: Lute player. Derived from Old French 'luthier'. Famous Bearer: American black civil-rights leader Martin Luther King. German Meaning: The name Luther is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Luther is: Famous", "title": "" }, { "docid": "52b4c76ef27d4c5c8fcc9226ee8d9b5b", "text": "- The name Nathan is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Nathan is: Gift from God. American Meaning: The name Nathan is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Nathan is: Gift from God.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "08b3dc94e989774d050ab37fcc7d6472", "text": "What does Simon mean? Simon /si-mon/ [2 sylls.] as a boys' name is pronounced SYE-mun. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Simon is to hear, listen; reputation. Biblical: Simon was the name of two of the apostles, including Simon Peter.A common name from the Middle Ages through the 18th century.Orchestra conductor Simon Rattle; Latin American freedom fighter Simon Bolivar.iblical: Simon was the name of two of the apostles, including Simon Peter. A common name from the Middle Ages through the 18th century. Orchestra conductor Simon Rattle; Latin American freedom fighter Simon Bolivar.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "51fe278e66f937c3a10826b99f5c24a2", "text": "Last name: Montez There are many spellings including the French Mont, Monte, and Dumont, the Spanish Montes and Montez, and the English Mount, Mounter, and Munt. The earliest recordings are in England, this being the first country in Europe to have a central government and parliament.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "105e813139c74fb43b93a14ea287488a", "text": "Harlow English Meaning: The name Harlow is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Harlow is: Meadow of the hares..Surname. SoulUrge Number: 7. Expression Number: 5. People with this name have a deep inner need for quiet, and a desire to understand and analyze the world they live in, and to learn the deeper truths.nglish Meaning: The name Harlow is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Harlow is: Meadow of the hares..", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ea2df2f57f8e6a28e2d9d10e6c7c90f9", "text": "- In American the meaning of the name Erika is: noble. Hungarian Meaning: The name Erika is a Hungarian baby name. In Hungarian the meaning of the name Erika is: Powerful. Norse Meaning: The name Erika is a Norse baby name.In Norse the meaning of the name Erika is: Ever or eternal ruler.Island ruler.n American the meaning of the name Erika is: noble. Hungarian Meaning: The name Erika is a Hungarian baby name. In Hungarian the meaning of the name Erika is: Powerful. Norse Meaning: The name Erika is a Norse baby name.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a84cd86495c92f2d87dd95542252320b", "text": "Montserrat Montserrat is nicknamed The Emerald Isle of the Caribbean both for its resemblance to coastal Ireland and for the Irish ancestry of many of its inhabitants. On 18 July 1995, the previously dormant Soufriere Soufrière hills, volcano in the southern part of the, island became. active", "title": "" } ]
goosebumps the werewolf of fever swamp
[ { "docid": "5341720ee62556c6fe1973fa7cacf382", "text": "The Werewolf of Fever Swamp The Werewolf of Fever Swamp. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Werewolf of Fever Swamp is the fourteenth book in Goosebumps, the series of children's horror fiction novellas created and authored by R. L. Stine. The story follows Grady Tucker, who moves into a new house with his parents next to the Fever Swamp.he Werewolf of Fever Swamp was released on VHS in 1997. Billboard listed the video as the 19th best selling children's video in 1997, the only Goosebumps video on the list. In 2004, the TV special was also released on DVD.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "bdd5b68f48a46d550a005f84ff292a74", "text": "- The Deep, Dark Secret Of R.L. Stine: 'I Never Planned To Be Scary' After more than 20 years of frights, Stine's Goosebumps series is finally getting a big-screen adaptation, starring Jack Black. For Stine and Black, the key to the nightmare is in keeping things fun.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "399272c847c221f99ffb9189a5755384", "text": "Swamp Fever Swamp Fever and Cold Stream are the only campaigns to contain Mud Men (a class of Uncommon Infected) who are agile, hard to spot and blur player's vision with mud when attacking.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6a7f219266b18ddeebf7335751ad2337", "text": "- The Werewolf of Fever Swamp was the fourteenth book in the Goosebumps book series. It was preceded by Piano Lessons Can Be Murder and followed by You Can't Scare Me! The cover illustration featured a wolf (Will) howling at night on a green fogging swamp while a torn shirt and a cap are next to the wolf.he Swamp Hermit is close enough to hear these accusations and runs out of the swamp towards the children, yelling I'm the werewolf! I'm the werewolf! over and over, cackling all the way. The other children flee, as the hermit grabs Grady's ankle, keeping him in place.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6129e8fb17bc1bb6a561d86fc82afef9", "text": "Goosebumps (film) Goosebumps (film) For other uses, see Goosebumps (disambiguation). Goosebumps is a 2015 American horror comedy film based on the children's book series of the same name by R.L. Stine. It was directed by Rob Letterman, and written by Darren Lemke, based from a story by Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f286ca6584797930684ef3ace847063b", "text": "Goosebumps Goosebumps is a series of children's horror fiction novellas by American author R. L. Stine, published by Scholastic Publishing. The stories follow child characters, who find themselves in scary situations; usually involving monsters and other supernatural elements. From 1992 to 1997, 62 books were published under the Goosebumps umbrella title.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "650cfdbf65560d1d73b22246e1c44d2e", "text": "- An American Werewolf in Paris is a 1997 comedy-horror film directed by Anthony Waller and starring Tom Everett Scott and Julie Delpy. The film was in development for 6 years and follows the general concept of, and is a loose sequel to, the 1981 film An American Werewolf in London.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0bde338ca4d24379ca0f6b80d849e15c", "text": "Panic at the Playground Panic at the Playground is the eighteenth episode of the first season of Be Cool, Scooby-Doo... Panic at the Playground is the eighteenth episode of the first season of Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! (Catfish Co.).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9ac257823980706dac0406acfc958ec2", "text": "Kids in Awe of Gator on Front Lawn in South Carolina ABC News. Kids in Awe of Gator on Front Lawn in South Carolina. Two young kids in Goose Creek, South Carolina, are captivated by their unusual new neighbor: a 10-foot alligator. The alligator first took up residence in Sonya Gilreath's bushes Thursday morning, she told ABC News today.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7df02a8425892d49bafd5915dab83974", "text": "'Swamp Man' Shelby StangaBusted for Felony Botanical Violence 10/12/2014 12:35 AM PDT. Shelby Swamp Man Stanga -- one of reality TV's biggest bad ass loggers -- got a little carried away with his ax, and ended up getting busted for murder ... of a neighbor's tree. Stanga was arrested and hauled off to jail down on the bayou this week for allegedly cutting down a cypress tree 3 years ago.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a0de4662fca35336c7f82e2e2a870c7d", "text": "- (from Wikipedia): Cat Scratch Fever is a rock song by Ted Nugent that appears on thecalbum ofthe same name. The song is well known for its signature riff, which is a 3-tone blues scale melody harmonized in parallel fourth. In 2009 it was named the 32nd best hard rock song of all time by VH1.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "744459da84b001e266a20ad635a8538d", "text": "- After moving into a small town of Greenland, Maryland, a teenage boy named Zach Cooper (Dylan Minnette) meets Hannah (Odeya Rush), his new neighbor. Hannah's father, R.L. Stine (Jack Black), who writes the Goosebumps stories, keeps all the ghosts and monsters in the series locked up in his books.fter moving into a small town of Greenland, Maryland, a teenage boy named Zach Cooper (Dylan Minnette) meets Hannah (Odeya Rush), his new neighbor. Hannah's father, R.L. Stine (Jack Black), who writes the Goosebumps stories, keeps all the ghosts and monsters in the series locked up in his books.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "74d079b3ee7d11cf70e2635b002a76cc", "text": "Understanding Logon and Authentication Specify the Remote Desktop Services profile path by using Active Directory Users and Computers. Note: If the RD Session Host server is not a member of an Active Directory domain, use Local Users and Groups (lusrmgr.msc) to change the Remote Desktop Services profile path on a user account.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e26073aba0cffeb804e6f3ae15097989", "text": "[Ranked] âGoosebumpsâ âNight of the Living Dummyâ Episodes! However, one character will always have a place in my spooky heart. Slappy the Ventriloquist Dummy has been a staple of the Goosebumps franchise since it began. Slappy, and various other dummies, appears in 9 books, 3 episodes, and the upcoming feature film. You can buy collectibles and your own life size Slappy Dummy. Basically, he’s the Chucky of kid’s horror TV.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9821d98b2379ed6c1445920d60165f83", "text": "The Deep, Dark Secret Of R.L. Stine: 'I Never Planned To Be Scary' Until now: Goosebumps has been adapted into a feature film, starring dozens of monsters and Jack Black as the man himself, R.L. Stine — or, at least, a version of Stine. He's not a sinister dude at all, Black says of Stine, in an interview with NPR's Michel Martin. He's a really sweet, fun guy to hang out, with a really great sense of humor.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "15985542b59964138ab5ed60d5066b1a", "text": "Overview Tularemia is a rare infectious disease that typically attacks the skin, eyes, lymph nodes and lungs. Tularemia — also called rabbit fever or deer fly fever — is caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "66165b6e48e788ea3c128308c06d7ee5", "text": "Goosebumps From 1992 to 1997, 62 books were published under the Goosebumps umbrella title. Various spin-off series were written by Stine: Goosebumps Series 2000, Give Yourself Goosebumps, Tales to Give You Goosebumps, Goosebumps Triple Header, Goosebumps HorrorLand, and Goosebumps Most Wanted.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "88f316f1952b990fc8fa225becc85587", "text": "The Wolf Man (1941 film) The film stars Lon Chaney, Jr. as a werewolf named The Wolf Man and features Claude Rains, Evelyn Ankers, Ralph Bellamy, Patric Knowles, Bela Béla, lugosi And Maria ouspenskaya in supporting. roleshe original Wolf Man film does not make use of the idea that a werewolf is transformed under a full moon. Gwen's description and the poem imply that it happens when the wolfbane blooms in autumn.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f3d05db257597217abe0d9d2747f62de", "text": "- Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever is directed by Ti West (The Roost, The House of the Devil) from a screenplay by Joshua Malkin, story by Randy Pearlstein and Ti West. Rider Strong briefly reprised his role as Paul and Giuseppe Andrews reprised his role as Deputy Winston.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cdfa160f17d37bd3031ec30d9e89d0b4", "text": "Goosebumps Series (67 books) Goosebumps series. Goosebumps is a series of children's horror fiction novellas created and authored by R.L. Stine. Sixty-two books were published under the Goosebumps umbrella title from 1992 to 1997, the first being Welcome to Dead House, and the last being Monster Blood IV.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "96b3ecacc6673601189045ec303bd944", "text": "Destination Strange The legend of Julia Brown, the death-predicting voodoo queen of Manchac Swamp. Louisiana is no stranger to spooky stories, and Manchac Swamp is one with its roots anchored in the past. Not only is Manchac allegedly haunted, it’s also rumored to be home to the Rougarou, the Cajun werewolf. However, according to the legend, if you're visiting the swamp, the werewolf if the least of your worries... The Big Bad is resident ghost, and once practicing voodoo priestess, Julia Brown. In life Julie wasn’t the nicest of neighbors, and it wasn’t uncommon to see her rocking back and forth on her porch, giving anyone that passed the evil eye.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9bd123a2c3f2c9347ac81fc0539b4dc0", "text": "R.L. Stine reveals his most gruesome scene ever Jack Black, left, and R.L. Stine on the set of Columbia Pictures' movie Goosebumps.. Jack Black, left, and R.L. Stine on the set of Columbia Pictures' movie Goosebumps..", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8f9b1004630ba354dcdb1f33cb4f0c2a", "text": "Randall Boggs Randall Boggs is a major antagonist in the Monsters, Inc. franchise. Randall, or Randy, works as a Scarer for Monsters, Inc. by entering children's rooms through a system of closet doors and scaring sleeping children to bottle their screams, which is a source of power in their world. He is in competition with Sulley and Mike for the glorious post of Top Scarer. One day, Randall was hired by Waternoose as his right-hand henchman who has to build a scream extractor in his company and capture at least 1,000 children, most importantly Boo. He later talks with Fungus about the plot and tries to find Boo in the toilets.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0f90283699f57ebb38c5e1743bcfbc7b", "text": "Tekken Goosebumps Series 2000. Goosebumps Series 2000 was a series of books written by R.L. Stine. The series is a successor to the original Goosebumps books. It began in 1998, and ended in early 2000, with a total of twenty-five books published.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "19c189e81c1a9bc7a4d5ad8e43d8c294", "text": "- Oct 21, 2015: «Goosebumps» has no official netflix, redbox or dvd release date yet. young kid teams up with the niece of young adult horror author R.L. Stine after the writer's imaginary demons are set free on the town of Greendale, Maryland.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "569e5d9cb4c07ac5dccc79a0668a0717", "text": "Fenrir Greyback -- Fenrir Greyback Fenrir Greyback was a werewolf, low-level Death Eater, and friend of the Malfoy family. He killed for fun and especially enjoyed infecting children.", "title": "" } ]
industry-leading loan origination systems
[ { "docid": "d459c593e693081190cadd0ba8dbf341", "text": "Loan Origination Our Solution. For more than 25 years, Fiserv has provided industry-leading origination systems designed to increase consistency and reduce technology costs throughout each phase of the mortgage, home equity, consumer and business loan origination process.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "9377d49363504869d5c2d1f74dda82ef", "text": "How to Grow Garden Cress Indoors Cultivating Garden Cress Crops Indoors. Garden cress is a fast growing cool-weather plant and the sprouts will be ready for harvest 15 to 20 days after sowing. If you want to have a constant supply of garden cress, sow seeds every 10 days and you will always have fresh garden cress available!To successfully grow garden cress indoors on soil or on paper towels, follow the step-by-step instructions below:f you want to have a constant supply of garden cress, sow seeds every 10 days and you will always have fresh garden cress available! To successfully grow garden cress indoors on soil or on paper towels, follow the step-by-step instructions below:", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2a2f41af77e272809a51e9cdd42e5136", "text": "About Us Our Story. From humble beginnings in a spare bedroom in Silicon Valley in 2002, Freedom has blossomed into a leader in online financial services that provides millions of consumers with successful solutions for debt settlement, mortgage shopping and personal loans. The Start.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5f1bcbd5107195cd7c13271d606f3cb7", "text": "- Since 1983, Financial Industry Computer Systems, Inc. (FICS ®) has specialized in providing flexible and comprehensive residential and commercial technology solutions to the mortgage industry. Quick Links. Home; About Us; In The News; Contact Us; Client Access; Contact Us. FICS | Mortgage Technology Specialists 14285 Midway Road Suite 200 Addison, TX 75001", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d9182f86c43bba877ac3d591aba88cbf", "text": "Frequently Asked Questions A. LoanSphere Invoicing is a comprehensive electronic invoicing solution primarily used in the mortgage industry. Fourteen of the top 20 prime Servicers and 11 of the top 15 sub-prime Servicers use LoanSphere Invoicing to process their invoices.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a9820e2b2e139452b4d64fde5bfb9579", "text": "- Experian's new commercial credit database and search engine. BizSourceSM, Experian’s revolutionary new commercial credit database, better integrates business intelligence, quality data assets and Experian’s 30-year database management expertise to give users more thorough, accurate business credit information from a single source.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "da868719c6cc8922009202eb3ace6884", "text": "Quicken Loans Customer Service Quicken Loans is considered to be the leading online mortgage lender in the United States. Quicken Loans is a lender to many leading American companies, such as ATT, Google, Yahoo, and many others.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fa711cadfabad7ac6cc5a08cf4f66f9a", "text": "About Mortgage Loan Originators About Mortgage Loan Originators. A mortgage loan originator is an individual who, for compensation or gain, or in the expectation of compensation or gain, takes a residential mortgage loan application or offers or negotiates terms of a residential mortgage loan.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "aa573c1e327fab7e64742ca606813523", "text": "- The MERS® System is a national electronic database that tracks changes in mortgage servicing rights and beneficial ownership interests in loans secured by residential real estate.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "740a1586e40ae218403f5ebf63166fe3", "text": "- Capital Markets Origination. Citi's Capital Markets Origination business is the first choice among issuers for their underwriting needs due to its unmatched global footprint, diverse range of products and track record of executing transactions for its clients amid unprecedented market conditions.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f09b347de29721acfa88b4a62bafce18", "text": "- Functions of Proteins. Our test over Proteins and Lipids for Mr. Bennett's Biology Seminar class at KHS.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "396977bb93f87e5d0b76f2155a6651c2", "text": "Nationstar Mortgage Nationstar Mortgage holds a servicing portfolio of over 2.3 million customers nationwide. Founded in 1994 as Nova Credit Corporation, Nationstar Mortgage LLC is now one of the largest mortgage servicing companies in the country, operating in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a03a3aa8e3c1f8305e262a7e6cf20edc", "text": "- Regulated Loan Software Vendors. The following computer software products have been reviewed for use by licensed lenders making loans in the State of Texas under the provisions of Chapter 342, Subchapter E (formerly Art 3.15 and Art. 3A, Subchapter E) of the Texas Finance Code. ALLIED BUSINESS SYSTEMS, LLC. 4848 Mercer University Drive.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "99091cb4868aa091f4c21368195163ac", "text": "- Fullerton India becomes the first non-banking financial services company to launch a loan acquisition and fulfillment Chatbot By CIOReview Team", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9406ef7c74de8c7d4c59d92f759b4a83", "text": "Flood Determination Services Whether you're processing a first position loan or a second refinance, our complete line of origination products keeps the process moving smoothly. Our Flood Zone Determination Services help you maintain compliance with federal regulations while mitigating your flood risk.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fb0392115203552b10837a9083db681d", "text": "Transworld Systems Inc. Wins U.S. District Court Case Involving LiveVox Human Call Initiator LAKE FOREST, Ill., Aug. 30, 2017 /PRNewswire/ Transworld Systems Inc. (TSI) a leading analytics-enabled provider of accounts receivable management and loan servicing solutions recently prevailed on summary judgment in an important case in the Northern District of Illinois in the case of Arora v. Transworld Systems Inc. Wins U.S. District Court Case Involving LiveVox Human Call Initiator Geeks News Desk", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2cdd6a815a13735ead17eae357cf73ad", "text": "- Itron Inc. is a leading technology provider to the global energy and water industries. Our company is the world’s leading provider of metering, data collection and utility software solutions, with nearly 8,000 utilities worldwide relying on our technology to optimize the delivery and use of energy and water. Executive Summary The OpenWay ® by Itron system was designed to meet the ever-changing requirements for advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and smart grid initiatives in the energy and utility industries—industries Itron has served for over 25 years as a true market leader.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bcf01f1caf5fe7653b4d9446e70267c3", "text": "- (February 2009) Loan origination is the process by which a borrower applies for a new loan, and a lender processes that application. Origination generally includes all the steps from taking a loan application up to disbursal of funds (or declining the application).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1047d7acc78ca63d76f85748fb0ca7de", "text": "UDC Integrates TSD LOANER Management Software with Revolution Service CRM TSD is a market leader in loaner management software. With this new interface, Revolution clients can take advantage of their state-of-the-art technology to streamline their loaner processes, which will result in big cost savings..", "title": "" }, { "docid": "81221ca530fce3373ef4337a77984ad4", "text": "Quicken Loans Quicken Loans. For the financial management program, see Quicken. Quicken Loans Inc., is a mortgage lending company headquartered in the One Campus Martius building in the heart of the financial district of downtown Detroit, Michigan. In 2012, it became the second largest overall retail lender in the U.S. (it is also the largest online retail mortgage lender).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e37e040ea44fd10f26096adbaa56923f", "text": "Accredited Completes Aames Merger Accredited Completes Aames Merger. SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Accredited Home Lenders Holding Co. (NASDAQ:LEND) announced the completion, effective on October 1, 2006, of the company’s merger with Aames Investment Corporation originally reported on May 25, 2006.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "599c50be3d1a7412ebe5bd08d5e6adcf", "text": "Proctor Financial, Inc. is a leading provider of lender-placed insurance to 1,500 clients nationwide with over 45 years of industry expertise. Proctor Financial, Inc. is a leading provider of lender-placed insurance to 1,500 clients nationwide with over 40 years of industry expertise.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d6cce6338d533e9e2bbe4b76092bb7d5", "text": "Press Now, we’ve introduced Transfersafe to make getting a mortgage quicker, easier and more transparent.”. “If there’s any industry ripe for disruption from smart technology, it’s the mortgage industry,” said Martin J. Logan, chief information officer of Guaranteed Rate.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4205cfe7e39ebf8e102fddf27015e3c8", "text": "Industry-Leading Loan Origination Systems Black Knight's LoanSphere Empower loan origination system (LOS) is an enterprise platform that provides a seamless integration of capabilities to support the retail, wholesale and consumer-direct lending channels.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d971691cac9d33170575441699912ffe", "text": "- Quicken Loans received the highest numerical score in a tie in the proprietary J.D. Power 2010 – 2017 Primary Mortgage Origination Studies (tied in 2017) and 2014 – 2017 Primary Mortgage Servicer Study. 2017 Origination (or Sales) based on 5,893 total responses and measures experiences and perceptions of consumers who originated a new mortgage, surveyed in July – August 2017. 2017 Servicing based on 7,374 total responses and measures experiences and perceptions of consumers with their ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c76366e7701534ed15c462714a3554a1", "text": "Partner with CDS Software for your collection needs has been an innovator in the debt collection industry since 1970, when we revolutionized receivables management with the industry's. first debt collection software. Our action code driven technology has become an industry standard and has driven the architecture for. many of today's debt collection software solutions.", "title": "" } ]
meaning of enroot?
[ { "docid": "8e86813671db01bb404addba24283c59", "text": "- Chambers 20th Century Dictionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Enroot. en-rōōt′, v.t. to fix by the root: to implant firmly: (Shak.) to join firmly, as root by root.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "91f8d2a7461c430fa8c4439313eac4c9", "text": "Meaning of âoutlawâ in the English Dictionary Meaning of “outlaw” in the English Dictionary. outlaw in British English. outlawnoun [ C ] Robin Hood was an outlaw who lived in the forest and stole from the rich to give to the poor.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "15ced54c0322175648b9f768215aff83", "text": "Endangerment Law and Legal Definition Endangerment Law and Legal Definition. Endangerment refers to an act or an instance of putting someone or something in danger or exposure to peril or harm. In US law, endangerment comprises of several types of crimes involving conduct that is wrongful and reckless or wanton, and likely to produce death or grievous bodily harm to another person.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "88bcad73e623190197ac13b216116dca", "text": "taproot taproot: the main root of a plant, which runs directly down into the earth to a considerable depth without dividing. The root of evil, the taproot from which the evils of modern society develop, is the profit idea. And one of these was respect for authority, the loss of which was the taproot of Bolshevism.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "145b073b0107f695cdaaf197a52b6cb3", "text": "encroach Encroach definition, to advance beyond proper, established, or usual limits; make gradual inroads: A dictatorship of the majority is encroaching on the rights of the individual. See more. Dictionary.com", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ae845dc234d0fc5a796b58ae81d6e1cd", "text": "- From Webroot SecureAnywhere protects you from online threats with the world's most powerful cloud security solution, keeping you safe no matter how or where you connect. It scans faster, uses fewer system resources, and protects you in real-time by instantly identifying and blocking new threats as soon as they appear.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4ac09c3fa0119db75c77b1fe8560c71d", "text": "enmity Enmity is defined as a deep and bitter hatred, usually shared between enemies. An example of enmity is the feelings held by many who live in Palestine and Israel. YourDictionary definition and usage example.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "74b2c7bbe24948990e1fd4d71182dc43", "text": "Definition of 'suppress' Definition of 'suppress'. suppress (səpres ) If someone in authority suppresses an activity, they prevent it from continuing, by using force or making it illegal. ...drug traffickers, who continue to flourish despite international attempts to suppress them.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c1e168b289dbdecac3cb6a62d3c5a8a7", "text": "extortionist Foreboding had entered even the hearts of the forestaller and extortioner. A traitor, and an extortioner, by the black stake driven through him. Let the extortioner catch all that he hath: and let the strangers spoil his labor. Let the extortioner catch all that he hath; and let the strangers spoil his labor.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e13b264a7adab1c2f83bcc79ad3cfe01", "text": "- Define entangle: to wrap or twist together : interweave; ensnare; to involve in a perplexing or troublesome situation — entangle in a sentence to wrap or twist together : interweave; ensnare; to involve in a perplexing or troublesome situation…", "title": "" }, { "docid": "db5c8cdd524f1de72b33545fc242b740", "text": "weed 1 to root out or remove (a weed or weeds), as from a garden (often followed by out):", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d8f6d18c785ac00bcd3858426b0b9e9b", "text": "- Numerology. 1 Chaldean Numerology. The numerical value of enroot in Chaldean Numerology is: 3. 2 Pythagorean Numerology. The numerical value of enroot in Pythagorean Numerology is: 6.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1f6401f6e31cc223f6e0d901839552c3", "text": "- Full Definition of TAPROOT. 1. : a primary root that grows vertically downward and gives off small lateral roots. 2. : the central element or position in a line of growth or development. See taproot defined for English-language learners.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "03b66c47c55572a0e41f91aed1225718", "text": "extortion Extortion means forcing someone into giving you something through threats. A bully who tells kids he'll beat them up if they don't give him their lunch money is guilty of extortion. Because extortion is a crime––mobsters are often charged with it––the word has a strict, legal meaning. It's the act of using threats or force to obtain something from someone. But the word is used in a general context as well.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "81e86ce420c6c7ab9d9d264a8d44f6e7", "text": "Definitions &Translations Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word temptation. Princeton's WordNet(1.00 / 2 votes)Rate this definition: temptation, enticement(noun) something that seduces or has the quality to seduce. temptation(noun) the desire to have or do something that you know you should avoid. he felt the temptation and his will power weakened. enticement, temptation(noun) the act of influencing by exciting hope or desire.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1ef3cd2c1e4ea341909c31e674378426", "text": "\"In \"\"To Kill a Mockingbird\"\", what does entailment mean?\" Thus the family would be what was known as land poor.. The inability to raise money by either selling or borrowing against it would, especially in hard times, constitute a severe impairment of the farmer's ability to do business because borrowing money in advance of the crop was the essence of the agricultural system.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4a9ff1426a8b436f1813c277c217633e", "text": "ensnare trap, snare, entrap, ensnare imply seizing by some device that holds the one caught at the mercy of the captor. trap and snare apply more commonly to physical seizing. trap animals; snared butterflies with a net; entrap and ensnare more often are figurative. entrapped the witness with a trick question; a sting operation that ensnared burglars", "title": "" }, { "docid": "eeb5e6433cb4959421a206f76579fb6e", "text": "- enmity definition: Enmity is defined as a deep and bitter hatred, usually shared between enemies. (noun) An example of enmity is the feelings held by many who live in Palestine and Israel....", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b66d0857bdf1e1c7d9625f6508ee67ad", "text": "threat 1. a declaration of an intention to inflict punishment, injury, etc., as in retaliation for, or conditionally upon, some action or course. 2. an indication or warning of probable trouble. 3. a person or thing that threatens.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b97345694724374265e5e86309f40e25", "text": "- Define atrocity: a shockingly bad or atrocious act, object, or situation; the quality or state of being atrocious — atrocity in a sentence a shockingly bad or atrocious act, object, or situation; the quality or state of being atrocious…", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5d46aa0d7ac5c9f073e57518aa476d7f", "text": "Natural Pesticides For Backyard Fruit Trees Entrust (OG) is relatively new insecticide product that contains spinosad, a naturally derived chemical registered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), approved by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI), and approved for use on USDA certified organic produce.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5735b507747053380dedda728d7c88a9", "text": "Yes, enroot is in the scrabble dictionary Sentence Examples with Enroot The aim is to fight corruption, wasta and nepotism and enroot integrity. 0 | 0 | Write your own sentence example for Enroot and get creative, maybe even funny. ×", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5ac6f1d2a4303720def43e354cf88983", "text": "What Does Enmity Mean? A Biblical Definition of Enmity The word enmity is from the Greek word “echthra” and means “hate, being hostile with” or “in opposition too.” Someone who has enmity with you is basically at war with you. By the way, if the world loves you and you love the world, then the love of God does not abide in you.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "91940fea9e48cd2660577ba6503c2e45", "text": "- enormity ‎(countable and uncountable, plural enormities) ( 1 uncountable) Extreme wickedness, nefariousness, cruelty. ( 2 countable) An act of extreme evil or wickedness. ( 3 uncountable) Hugeness, enormousness, immenseness.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "73c1aba106ea09b062453ce3b0839309", "text": "loot Definition of loot. transitive verb. 1a : to plunder or sack in warb : to rob especially on a large scale and usually by violence or corruption. 2 : to seize and carry away by force especially in war.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ef83430f2dd2dc07c6965f2cd612660b", "text": "What is encroachment on property? The definition of bush encroachment is when land is changed over from vegetation. The land is changed from various grasses and vegetation to shrubland.", "title": "" } ]
loyola jesuit abuja
[ { "docid": "763035a41959dc7e0e0a81fba6344d97", "text": "Loyola Jesuit College Loyola Jesuit College. Loyola Jesuit College is a private, co-educational, boarding, secondary school in Abuja, operated by the Society of Jesus of the Roman Catholic church. The school was opened on October 2, 1996, and is named after the Society's founder, St. Ignatius of Loyola.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "2c10dccc8510dced63f7956a2b813524", "text": "LOYOLA JESUIT, ABUJA PAST QUESTIONS PAPERS ENGLISH PAPER 3 Express 10/1000 as a decimal. b) 176 cm2 a) 0.00001 c) 154 cm2 b) 0.0001 d) 44 cm2 c) 0.001 e) 38.5 cm2 d) 0.01 e) 0.1 Go on to the next page. Loyola Jesuit College Entrance Examination (May 2004) 33.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5b279883279281d4ad96dea13e84e0de", "text": "- Ricardo Sanchez. Born: 1953 Birthplace: Rio Grande City, TX. Gender: Male Religion: Christian Race or Ethnicity: Hispanic Sexual orientation: Straight Occupation: Military. Nationality: United States Executive summary: Commander of US forces in Iraq, 2003-04. Military service: US Army. Like many devout Christians, Lt. General Ricardo Sanchez has a favorite Bible verse. But as the Abu Ghraib torture scandal unfolded, his verse seemed especially fitting. It's from Psalms: Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust; who subdueth my people under me.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1ba8291e663f0ea25dfb53c260ac4e2c", "text": "- Presidio San Francisco Xavier de Gigedo (H) was founded in 1750 to serve the three San Xavier missions, namely, missions San Francisco Xavier de Horcasitas, San Ildefonso, and Candelaria. The presidio was situated on the south bank of the San Gabriel River, west of the three missions.ll the missions had a stone church building by the mid 1750s. Mission San Jose josé was the, exception with an adobe church finished in, 1749 and a stone church was not even begun until 19 years (Later scurlock et. al", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c3f599515ce398b718de3432cb83cef6", "text": "Xavier School For similarly named educational institutions, see List of schools named after Francis Xavier. Xavier School (XS) (simplified Chinese: 光启学校; traditional Chinese: 光啓學校; pinyin: Guāngqĭ Xúexìao; Hokkien: Kông Khē Hák Hàu), is located at 64 Xavier Street, Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines. It is a private, Catholic, college preparatory school for boys run by the Philippine Province of the Society of Jesus.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e91769e4e776cd0620cd5144cf342c93", "text": "Welcome to the Parish of St. Ignatius of Loyola Welcome to the Parish of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Our mission: As a Jesuit parish community, animated by the spirit of St. Ignatius, we welcome all to share in the joy of the Gospel and to come to know, love and serve God and one another.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4cc18457a29bb586130c79f14c403490", "text": "Donnelly On November 3, 1831, Ignatius Loyola Donnelly was born to Philip Donnelly (an Irish immigrant and a physician) and Catherine Gavin (a pawnbroker) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was born in what is now referred to as the Old City, on Pine Street between 9th and 10th Streets, but attended public primary school in Moyamensing Township.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5f90c939572998eb441e14ab1b971839", "text": "In 1666 Jesuit Bark was used as a prevention against what Answer Malaria Jesuit's Bark, also called Peruvian Bark, is the historical name of the most... Answer Malaria Jesuit's Bark, also called Peruvian Bark, is the historical name of the most celebrated specific remedy for all forms of malaria. It is so named because it was obtained from the...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "11f78ed6de09447d4e4f98facd3edb4b", "text": "Loyola University Maryland Baltimore, MD. Loyola University is widely recognized as one of the best colleges in Maryland, with courses and programs offered through its three schools: the School of Arts and Sciences, the School of Education, and the Sellinger School of Business and Management.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dfb001633409f7e7ba4548bc3e692a74", "text": "St. Ignatius of Loyola Founding of the Jesuit order. The final period of Loyola’s life was spent in Rome or its vicinity. In 1539 the companions decided to form a permanent union, adding a vow of obedience to a superior elected by themselves to the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience to the Roman pontiff that they had already taken.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5f7386f122e03645552439021b9d36b1", "text": "The Jesuits Share. The Society of Jesus is a Roman Catholic religious order founded in 1534, by Ignatius of Loyola, a Spanish soldier. Following a religious awakening while recovering from wounds, Ignatius gathered a small group of dedicated followers who pledged themselves to lives of poverty and chastity.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "86011fb21d2a67d84ad57e5200d76250", "text": "Explore your new home Lake Shore Campus. Loyola's main residential campus is set along the shore of Lake Michigan on Chicago's North Side, minutes from downtown Chicago and the Water Tower Campus. If you’re visiting Loyola for the first time, we recommend you start here. Learn more about our Lake Shore Campus.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "83dc00e05db6f9a4121b1444b402ade9", "text": "- Loyola Jesuit College runs the Junior Secondary and Senior Secondary Programmes as specified in the Nigerian National Policy on Education. It offers a wide variety of academic subjects taught by a dedicated and professional staff.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ea4c5c9a1775572ecdb3ecd26890b278", "text": "Program Overview Program Overview. On our Semester in Cusco program, you’ll quickly learn why this great city, with its blend of ancient and modern influences, is a revered World Heritage Site. You’ll study at the small, beautiful, centrally located satellite campus of the Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola in Cusco.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c533388c0915bcc64715415685edae1b", "text": "- Íñigo íñigo lopez López (de loyola sometimes Íñigo Called inigo íñigo) lopez lópez de recalde was born In the municipality of azpeitia At the castle'of Loyola, In Today, S. gipuzkoa basque country spain", "title": "" }, { "docid": "262993fee47df8fddd16fb875e32fed0", "text": "Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary IHMS, ayeychemes locator map of Tagbilaran City, Bohol The Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary or IHMS, located at Pacifico Cabalit St., Taloto, Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines, is a diocesan college seminary established in 1950 by Julio Rosales, Bishop of Tagbilaran, in implementation of Canon 1354, no. 2 of the 1917 Code of Canon Law that required the Bishop to establish such institution. It was first administered by the Divine Word Missionaries or SVDs for a contract of 10 years. To date, IHMS has educated hundreds of diocesan and religious pri", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8fb1006cd94db8748a72de2a66e0537c", "text": "Loyola University Chicago Today, Loyola ranks among the top 100 universities in the nation, and is in the midst of over $800 million in capital construction projects. In 2015, the university established Arrupe College, a uniquely structured work-study program designed to give low income students access to a Loyola education.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "255cbcd5866be4ea4a2f26c51552b123", "text": "A Biography of St. Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556): The Founder of the Jesuits While at the University of Paris, Ignatius roomed with Peter Faber, a young man from Savoy in the south of France, and Francis Xavier, a nobleman from the eastern end of the Basque country.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ad32844e48691e5aeeace28e750d53ab", "text": "- Xavier University (/ ˈ z eɪ v i ər / ZAY-vee-ər) is a co-educational Jesuit, Catholic university in Norwood and Cincinnati, Ohio, United States. The school is the sixth-oldest Catholic and fourth-oldest Jesuit university in the United States. Xavier has an undergraduate enrollment of 4,485 students and graduate enrollment of 2,165.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "627cfc288da043931ef1982d8ee02f47", "text": "- References. The Loyola Family Crest was acquired from the Houseofnames.com archives. The Loyola Family Crest was drawn according to heraldic standards based on published blazons. We generally include the oldest published family crest once associated with each surname.This page was last modified on 7 April 2012 at 04:35.ur PDF Coat of Arms + Extended History product is the whole package all in one. With a full color Coat of Arms along with a very detailed History, full symbolism, bibliography and settlers listed by the centuries.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "866add1833355ff16e876084ce6fc141", "text": "Wikipedia You are challenged to reach higher standards and to use your education to promote justice and serve the common good. At the University of San Francisco, youll find the excellence inherent in an institution established over 150 years ago, and inherent in nearly five centuries of Jesuit education.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f63c18aaa72134ebe27728a09372e39d", "text": "- Founded in 1870, Loyola University Chicago is one of the nation's largest Jesuit, Catholic universities, with nearly 16,000 students. Nearly 10,000 undergraduates hailing from all 50 states and 82 countries call Loyola home.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7589040009a4aca44f582950831ac66d", "text": "A. Gabriel Esteban, PhD A. Gabriel Esteban, PhD, is the 12th president of DePaul University, the nation’s largest Catholic university. He assumed the presidency on July 1, 2017 as the first lay leader in DePaul’s history. Dr. Esteban oversees a $599 million budget and 22,769 students on two major Chicago campuses at DePaul, which employs more than 2,400 full-time faculty and staff, and 1,150 part-time faculty and staff.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ca4d3a4b78b28fd4c9784c2c82340269", "text": "Jesuit Tradition Jesuit education is a call to human excellence, to the fullest possible development of all human qualities. This implies a rigor and academic excellence that challenges the student to develop all of his or her talents to the fullest.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cf202fe0b01344b8630885e1a7c336e5", "text": "Loyola University Chicago Comprising eleven colleges and schools, Loyola offers over 80 undergraduate and 140 graduate/professional programs and enrolls approximately 16,000 students total. Loyola has six campuses located across the Chicago metropolitan area, as well as a campus in Rome and guest programs in Beijing and Ho Chi Minh City.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9dc033571d98aff0f7358babd2e643c9", "text": "San Gabriel, California Today a center for culture and art, the Mission San Gabriel Arcangel, arcángel founded By Father Junipero, serra is the fourth of-twenty One California, missions and is known as The pride of The California .. missions", "title": "" } ]
what is an alt test?
[ { "docid": "a1d9dc5ece02e32feaa91e5fd70995d6", "text": "- Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT). Guide. An alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test measures the amount of this enzyme in the blood. ALT is found mainly in the liver, but also in smaller amounts in the kidneys, heart, muscles, and pancreas. ALT was formerly called serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT).", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "f23e84697edb084e609109d217e56259", "text": "- The ALT test checks the level of alanine aminotransferase in the blood to see if the liver is healthy. Elevated levels of the enzyme could indicate damage caused by trauma or a disease process, such...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "77d151893aed100ac707333f7f608873", "text": "- What To Think About. 1 The alanine aminotransferase (ALT) value is often used along with the results of the aspartate aminotransferase (AST) test to obtain the AST to ALT ratio. 2 This value can often help determine whether there is damage to the liver related to alcohol abuse.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ed496bcca23b657c88f3b98df02f0f13", "text": "Liver function tests Liver transaminases (AST or SGOT and ALT or SGPT) are useful biomarkers of liver injury in a patient with some degree of intact liver function. Most liver diseases cause only mild symptoms initially, but these diseases must be detected early. Hepatic (liver) involvement in some diseases can be of crucial importance.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "186eb2751092a4ee996d4fc5acb1f928", "text": "- The ALT blood test measures the level of the enzyme alanine transaminase (ALT) in the blood. ALT is found primarily in the liver, but is also found in smaller amounts in the kidneys, heart, muscles, and pancreas. The ALT test checks how well your liver is working and evaluates its overall health. The ALT test was formerly called serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT). ALT is typically measured to determine if the liver is damaged or diseased. If the liver is damaged or diseased, it will release ALT into the blood. Increases in ALT levels are generally caused by liver damage. The ALT blood test can help to identify liver diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, jaundice and liver damage.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "92631a550fbc01b88bf0fc15575c2df9", "text": "- Technical Bulletin Number 109. ALT (GPT) — Alanine Aminotransferase. Introduction. The purpose of this technical bulletin. is to provide information about Alanine. Aminotransferase (ALT), how and why. it is measured, applications for use, its. significance in human health and. disease, and important notes about the. procedure for testing ALT on the. Cholestech LDX®.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d0c7101fd9a6c25b8cb752aece6e48e8", "text": "6 tests to check your liver function Aspartate aminotransferase (AST): AST is another enzyme produced by cells of the liver. But this marker is slightly less specific as compared to ALT because AST is also produced by muscle cells in the body. Readings: Normal range of AST is between 10 to 34 IU/L.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d324782feccb2f84468263fd168b0317", "text": "- Liver function tests check the blood for two main liver enzymes: 1 Aspartate aminotransferase (AST). 2 Alanine aminotransferase (ALT).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e02062aed904d4b3e600b9e6d008a71c", "text": "- Transaminases are various enzymes produced by the liver. A diagnostic blood test can determine when transaminases, most commonly aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine transaminase (ALT), are in the blood at levels above normal and healthy, i.e. are elevated.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d2b2b3ceee511fd039a8bc0f724c87a8", "text": "- The alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test is done to: 1 Identify liver disease, especially cirrhosis and hepatitis caused by alcohol, drugs, or viruses. 2 Help check for liver damage. 3 Find out whether jaundice was caused by a blood disorder or liver disease. 4 Keep track of the effects of medicines that can damage the liver.he ALT test is often done along with other tests that check for liver damage, including aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and bilirubin. Both ALT and AST levels are reliable tests for liver damage.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7fb9d4b5042558a843e00d0d9dce02d1", "text": "- Liver Enzyme Tests. Alanine Transaminase (ALT) is an enzyme mainly found in your liver. The ALT test measures the level of ALT in your blood. Consistently high levels of ALT in your blood can be a sign of liver damage.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "44524680f0993ecc78181ef3f3b3b45b", "text": "ALT Alanine transaminase (ALT) is an enzyme found in the highest amounts in the liver. Injury to the liver results in release of the substance into the blood. This article discusses the test to measure the amount of ALT in the blood. News & Features.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f17273f9bd00f28949266e277724da44", "text": "Top 5 Kosher for Passover Foods You Should âPassâ Over It has also created a prosperous kosher for Passover food industry. “Passover represents 40% of annual kosher food sales and each year, more and more new products are introduced to keep up with the needs of the growing and ever-changing kosher consumer.sem Onion Bissli Ingredients: Matzo meal, palm oil, dehydrated onions, and garlic, slat, flavor enhancer (monosodium glutamate) spices, edible acid (citric acid) contains gluten. These popular, addictive Passover snacks are addictive for a reason – all Bissli flavors have MSG. Read #2 why they should be avoided.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "eb366b5e3e3003dbc500df9c2b336391", "text": "Alanine transaminase Alanine transaminase (ALT) is a transaminase enzyme (EC It is also called alanine aminotransferase (ALAT) and was formerly called serum glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (SGPT) or serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (SGPT).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6875389ff3f3bb7c7a79132781407dbc", "text": "- Guide. An alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test measures the amount of this enzyme in the blood. ALT is found mainly in the liver, but also in smaller amounts in the kidneys, heart, muscles, and pancreas.ALT was formerly called serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT).he alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test is done to: 1 Identify liver disease, especially cirrhosis and hepatitis caused by alcohol, drugs, or viruses. 2 Help check for liver damage. 3 Find out whether jaundice was caused by a blood disorder or liver disease. 4 Keep track of the effects of medicines that can damage the liver.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0d01056e9a113906ef879f96e80c5ec9", "text": "Summit Medical Group Web Site ALT is an enzyme made in the liver. It is released into the blood when tissues are damaged. This enzyme is also called serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, or SGPT. The ALT test checks for and measures damage to the liver.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a3749dfc9717ec10d2060df138cac300", "text": "- ALT and AST. Alanine transaminase, or ALT, and aspartate transaminase, or AST, are the two most common liver enzymes to be tested. It is relatively common for one or both of these liver enzymes to be high. These enzymes leak out into the blood when liver cells are damaged or destroyed, the Mayo Clinic explains.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4af957b7331c0855bdf2b9748220e7ed", "text": "Killing of British politician Jo Cox stuns nation London (CNN)British politician Jo Cox died in a street attack on Thursday, a brazen and startling assault in a country where attacks on politicians are extremely rare and the slaying of a lawmaker is without parallel in recent history.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2460af2cfae701a83e00010eab50780a", "text": "Liver Blood Tests Liver blood tests are designed to show evidence that abnormalities, for example, inflammation, liver cell damage, has or is occurring within the liver. The blood tests most frequently used for liver disease are the aminotransferases (alanine aminotransferase or ALT and aspartate aminotransferase or AST). Normal levels of ALT ranges from about 7-56 units/liter, and 10-40units/liters for AST. Elevated levels of AST and ALT may signify the level of liver damage in a person.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8754dce0eb30ce6f06a8f82ffbe03294", "text": "What does AST in a lipid panel mean? AST or aspartate aminotransferase is a test of liver function. In roughly 1 to 2% of patients starting statin therapy, AST and ALT (alanine aminotransferase, another test that monitors liver function) may increase. However, significant increases in AST or ALT are extremely rare and new guidelines no longer recommend routine monitoring of liver function studies with statin therapy.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e3eb93c807ef78465efd037cedc3c69e", "text": "Diagnostic purpose of blood test The alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test is typically used to detect liver injury. It is often ordered in conjunction with aspartate aminotransferase (AST) or as part of a liver panel to screen for and/or help diagnose liver disease.he alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test is typically used to detect liver injury. It is often ordered in conjunction with aspartate aminotransferase (AST) or as part of a liver panel to screen for and/or help diagnose liver disease.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ca0853d8efdacd6f196be724860165c4", "text": "- You are probably referring to the basic metabolic panel. Alanine transaminase (ALT or SGPT) is a liver enzyme that plays a role in protein metabolism. While ALT is part of a … liver function test, it more appropriately used as a marker of liver damage rather than function. + 7 others found this useful.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a8e0b56f040cd22ed68dfbc0a303e7c9", "text": "- The ALT blood test measures the level of the enzyme alanine transaminase (ALT) in the blood. ALT is found primarily in the liver, but is also found in smaller amounts in the kidneys, heart, muscles, and pancreas.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dd42f94b12af70caf235a2bbcfb43a8b", "text": "Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) [en Español] Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT). Guide. An alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test measures the amount of this enzyme in the blood. ALT is found mainly in the liver, but also in smaller amounts in the kidneys, heart, muscles, and pancreas. ALT was formerly called serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT). ALT is measured to see if the liver is damaged or diseased. Low levels of ALT are normally found in the blood.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "225f9936fa758ececd23764a25398b80", "text": "- Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT). Guide. An alanine aminotransferase (ALT) test measures the amount of this enzyme in the blood. ALT is found mainly in the liver, but also in smaller amounts in the kidneys, heart, muscles, and pancreas. ALT was formerly called serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT).ow levels of ALT are normally found in the blood. But when the liver is damaged or diseased, it releases ALT into the bloodstream, which makes ALT levels go up.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e3376a88b867ea4c3cf6e9b92331ad45", "text": "What do my blood tests mean? Why the Test is Performed. ALT is an enzyme found in a high level in the liver. Injury to the liver results in release of ALT into the blood. This test is used to determine if a person has liver damage.", "title": "" } ]
how tall is peyton list how tall is peyton list
[ { "docid": "5cd49bbe4788ca0e2d75a984a2a31573", "text": "Peyton Roi List height and weight How tall is Peyton Roi List? Peyton Roi List’s height is 5ft 6in (168 cm). How much does Peyton Roi List weigh? Peyton Roi List weighs 112 lbs (51 kg). What is Peyton Roi List’s shoe size? Peyton Roi List’s shoe size is 7 US (37 EU). What is Peyton Roi List’s zodiac sign? Peyton Roi List’s zodiac sign is Aries. When was Peyton Roi List born? Peyton Roi List’s birthday is on April 6, 1998. Where was Peyton Roi List born? Peyton Roi List was born in Florida, USA. American actress, Peyton Roi List’s real name is Peyton Roi List.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "6c8df1006e6dc7cbd4e021012f4a1f91", "text": "Carrie Fisher's Height Earlier than that she also said: I'm 5'1 and my legs end almost right after they start. People think I'm taller. I meet people and they say, 'You're soooo short' as if I didn't know this fact . This photo (by Chantelle) is from a London Film Con in 2014, she had about 0.5in more footwear than me this day.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "74c86f9429f1461b1a9a6fe8953ac7c7", "text": "Peyton LIst Height and Weight: Measurements All About Peyton LIst. Peyton LIst Bio. She was born as Peyton List on the 6th of April 1998 in Florida in the United States. She is an actress and a model who got into the acting scene at a very tender age. She is famous for her role as Emma Rose in the television comedy Jessie.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "07441585798a06b68d8d490c3487f6b0", "text": "Cher Height Cher is a beautiful American singer and actress whose career spans an amazing five decades, she stands at 5’6” tall or 168cm. Biography and Career: Cher was born on May 20, 1946. Cher was born in California. She rose to fame as part of a duo singing with her husband Sonny Bono.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6c271db2bde31593c293ea73c8bc6d16", "text": "Peyton List Body Measurements Bra Size Weight Height Shoe Vital Statistics Peyton List Body Measurements: Below we have listed complete Peyton List body measurements including her height, weight, bra, shoe and dress size. Height: 5′ 6″ Weight: 53 kg (117 pounds) Bra Size: 32A; Shoe Size: 8 (US) Dress Size: 2 (US) Body Measurements: 33-23-33; Peyton List Interesting Facts: Her first acting job was an uncredited role in “As the World Turns” at the age of just four. She has two brothers who are also actors. Peyton List is one minute older than her twin brother Spencer.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2048bd2a39bbdf3a787413f213fed3ea", "text": "Meet Logan Routt: The Tallest Quarterback Ever Logan Routt. The quarterback position isn't usually held by extremely tall players; the tallest QB to play in the NFL was Dan McGwire, at 6'8. Cameron High School (West Virginia) starting QB Logan Routt is 6'11. Bleacher Report sat down with Logan and discussed what it's like to be the tallest QB in the world.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1e65bff8ceba5053b60fa80dfdbe2249", "text": "- Height Peyton List Sometimes we have questions about: How tall is peyton list? At the moment, 04.01.2017, we have next information/answer: 1,85m.*It was Contacts", "title": "" }, { "docid": "67891ad58119e10885e162e577164933", "text": "- Actually r12, short is the default for the majority of actors/actresses. So much so that many tall actors have been known to shave a few inches off their heights in bios in order to not put off casting directors. I have an actor friend who is 6'4 but is listed at 6'1.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cf80c7ea420b7097e82b187bcadbed38", "text": "Orson Welles height and weight How tall was Orson Welles? Orson Welles’s height was 6ft 1in (185 cm). “The physical examination (which records his height as 72 inches, three and a half inches shorter than his usual reported height, and his weight as 218 lbs: 15 1/2 stones)…”. Source: Orson Welles: The Road to Xanadu.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "597ed3c66fe3ea3cdc1187c91f435afe", "text": "One Direction Members Height One Direction photo by Wikipedia. For all those One Direction fans out there, this height post goes for you. Also for those who just simply want to know the height of the One Direction guys. We've already posted individual posts about the height of One Direction members so check out the links below. Niall stands 173 cm tall. He is 5'8 in feet and inches.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b2ab82900914c24db2a5c5bc913799d1", "text": "- How tall is Jared Leto? Are you wondering, how tall is Jared Leto? this American singer and actor is actually average height, he stands at 5 feet 9 inches tall (175cm). Jared Leto was born 26th of December, 1971. He is an American actor, singer and songwriter.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9e777e035a229cd9ae772b5d01133475", "text": "- Sometimes we have questions about: “How tall is peyton list?” At the moment, 04.01.2017, we have next information/answer: 1,85m.*It was submitted by Isacco Krone, 51 years old.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a225c9b134bfbf5169f8bf2e1ab98552", "text": "James Stewart Height: How Tall Is Movie Actor? So exactly how tall is James Stewart? Let’s take a look below. In 2018, at old, James Stewart height is listed at 6′ 3″ inches tall, which is approximately 191 cm, 75 inches or 1.91 meters. Recent data collected from the federal Centers for Disease Control show that average height for Americans has stabilized in the past 50 years, and the average American height for men is 5′ 9″ inches (175 cm or 69 inches) and 5′ 4″ inches (162 cm or 64 inches) for women.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9a596693ddda73cb1b652731e1eabde2", "text": "Who is Peyton List? Biography, gossip, facts? Peyton List was born on the 6th of April 1998, which was a Monday. Peyton List will be turning 20 in only 357 days from today. Peyton List is 19 years old. To be more precise (and nerdy), the current age as of right now is 6943 days or (even more geeky) 166632 hours. That's a lot of hours!", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4214f0ff1c39d3b6d3bd177fcb204304", "text": "- How tall is Emma Stone? Emma Stone is 5’6” tall or 168cm. The celebrity is probably most recognized for her role in the comedy horror production “Zombieland”. Biography:", "title": "" }, { "docid": "513a4487de452b88cb734b86c43343c1", "text": "Peyton List Height, Weight, Age, Affairs, Wiki & Facts From 2001 to 2005, she became referred to as Lucy Montgomery within the soap As the Planet Turns. Let’s cheek Peyton List Height, Weight, Figure, Age, Biography & Wiki. Let’s go to check Tiffany Thornton and Julia Ling Wiki.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f1f343c4717d5c9c0959e7de083c32a7", "text": "- Rooney Mara's Height is 5ft 3in (160 cm). American Actress best known for her portrayal of Lisbeth Salander in the US remake of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Other film roles include A Nightmare on Elm Street and The Social Network.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "42b69e8a1ec1cc739791f03bb55c907a", "text": "Harold Carmichael He currently ranks 25th all-time in career touchdown receptions, but he was 7th all-time at the time of his retirement. At 6 foot 8 inches, he is believed to be the tallest wide receiver in the history of the NFL. Carmichael was selected to the NFL 1970s All-Decade Team by voters of the Pro Football Hall of Fame.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1760d65dabae6185734bdb655f9bb10d", "text": "Tyrese Gibson Height and Weight How tall is Tyrese Gibson? What is Tyrese Gibson’s height and weight? Tyrese Gibson is an American R&B singer, rapper, actor, author, former fashion model and MTV VJ, who is xxx feet tall and weighs xxx pounds. Tyrese was born on December 30, 1978 in Los Angeles, California and he was raised in the Watts neighborhood.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "62b225fa5068f9e49d29c896972f0763", "text": "Rooney Mara's Height Rooney Mara's Height is 5ft 3in (160 cm). American Actress best known for her portrayal of Lisbeth Salander in the US remake of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "638c4c31c650d0788d1bee13846312e6", "text": "- Peyton List Personal Details: 1 Complete Name: Peyton Roi List. 2 Nicknames: Pey. 3 Date of Birth: April 6, 1998. 4 Birthplace: Florida, U.S. 5 Occupation: Actress, Model. 6 Zodiac Sign: Aries. 7 Eye Color: Light Brown. 8 Hair Color: Blonde.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e7de045cd27255e6007f3860aa1d9cd8", "text": "The Most Shockingly Short Celebrities We've picked out some of the most shockingly short celebs to put in a lineup and see how they measure up against other Hollywood elites, and the average American (5-foot-10 for males, 5-foot-4 for females). Check out the slideshow below for more short celebrities!", "title": "" }, { "docid": "894af8bf124e27413fc6fecb40f59416", "text": "Democracy Civil society is the aggregate of non-governmental organizations and institutions that manifest interests and will of citizens.. Civil society includes the family and the private sphere, referred to as the third sector of society, distinct from government and business.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "554c365d796959388cd8d0fe5fac2af9", "text": "Jaden Smith Height and Weight: Measurements With a height of 5 feet 7 inches, Jayden is one of the tallest youngsters in America and the world beyond. According to many celebrity analysts, Jaden’s height is very appropriate for the level of activity he always shows in some of his most remarkable films.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b7ddf3403d55a710e810b2fd14c84b85", "text": "Is The NFL Downsizing? How Russell Wilson And Drew Brees Are Bucking A Long-Standing Trend Their combined height (143 inches) was the shortest for two opposing signal callers since 1970. The average height of NFL quarterbacks is 6-foot-3, but that hasn't stopped Brees or Wilson from succeeding in the league. Brees, a Super Bowl MVP, has shattered passing record after passing record the past few years. Meanwhile, Wilson nearly led his team to the NFC championship game as a rookie and has been a top-five quarterback this year.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f354017c5556f7cee1cd8e2cfa9b43d4", "text": "- Discuss East Sparta, Ohio on our local forum with over 1,900,000 registered users. Latest news from East Sparta, OH collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: German (35.6%), Irish (17.2%), English (5.9%), United States (4.1%), French (3.8%), Italian (3.0%). Current Local Time: EST time zone. Elevation: 970 feet.", "title": "" } ]
what does the trinity knot represent
[ { "docid": "52ade4b067c48c8f17ba479b252f0f02", "text": "The Many Interpretations of the Trinity Knot The trinity knot is also called a triquetra. Christians believe that the three points of the Irish trinity knot represent the three elements of the holy trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.Pagans (with related beliefs to the Celts) see the trinity knot as a representation of the natural forces – earth, air, and water.The trinity knot has also been known to symbolize life, death, and rebirth.Other groups and people offer additional meanings for the Irish trinity knot, all of which reference three separate entities having influence upon one another.agans (with related beliefs to the Celts) see the trinity knot as a representation of the natural forces – earth, air, and water. The trinity knot has also been known to symbolize life, death, and rebirth.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "1ce62024321f70028fac5492bde212aa", "text": "The Many Interpretations of the Trinity Knot Christians believe that the three points of the Irish trinity knot represent the three elements of the holy trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Pagans (with related beliefs to the Celts) see the trinity knot as a representation of the natural forces – earth, air, and water.hristians believe that the three points of the Irish trinity knot represent the three elements of the holy trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Pagans (with related beliefs to the Celts) see the trinity knot as a representation of the natural forces – earth, air, and water.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f50ac74190bcd82cddbe6909bd0c2820", "text": "Celtic Trinity Knot Origin of the Celtic Trinity Knot The Celtic Trinity Knot is also known by the name 'Triquetra' which means triangle and means a three-cornered shape.It is a popular feature in Celtic art, more specifically in Insular art.eltic Trinity Knot Celtic Symbol-Image The image below shows a simple Triquetra. This is in fact a mathematical symbol used in geometry! The trefoil is in fact the simplest example of a nontrivial type knot.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0cd5406d59ad0251afde31e56ddadf05", "text": "- The Solomon's Knot is a very ancient Celtic Knot symbol that is believed to represent the union of man and the Divine. In fact, it is one of the oldest symbols and is seen even in the stone-age carvings. It is also one of the few symbols that can be found in nearly all the major civilizations.ymbolism and history At its most basic, the Celtic knot symbolizes the sign of the Cross. If you look closely at knots with crosses, you will find that the knots hide the crosses between the knot’s ribbons. Trinity knot Of these, the triquetera knot or the Trinity knot is the most famous.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b380fff9b10ea3d13c3e7c1cf6cde841", "text": "- The Quaternary Celtic Knot. As the name suggests this is a four cornered knotwork. As typical of Celtic symbols, much of their meanings depend on the era and the region that they belonged to, as these symbols are found throughout history without any documented Celtic meaning attributed to them.uthor Login. Also known as the mystic knots or endless knots, the Celtic knots stand for endlessness. If you are interested to know more about Celtic knots and what they mean, welcome aboard as I take you through the enthralling world of Celtic knots and their meanings.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "39e298fb3348db8ef36d3bd48d22f8c5", "text": "Celtic Knots: History and Symbolism Celtic Knots: History and Symbolism A large range of knots and some stylized type or knots that are used as decoration by the ancient Celts are known as Celtic knots.ymbolism and history At its most basic, the Celtic knot symbolizes the sign of the Cross. If you look closely at knots with crosses, you will find that the knots hide the crosses between the knot’s ribbons.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4ac4ea23967aae23f6fa530b1668b5ca", "text": "Celtic Symbol for Trinity Celtic Trinity Symbol and Triquetra Meaning. The Celtic symbol for trinity has a myriad of symbolic meaning. We see the trinity motif in Celtic knots, as well as in symbol-form like the triquetra and triskelion (a.ka. triskele or fylfot).To the ancient Celtic mind, it may also signify the lunar or solar phases.This conclusion is made as we see the trinity/triquetra motif alongside other solar and lunar symbols in ancient remants and archeological digs.o the ancient Celtic mind, it may also signify the lunar or solar phases. This conclusion is made as we see the trinity/triquetra motif alongside other solar and lunar symbols in ancient remants and archeological digs.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "505ab740ab5b4fa0990ed24b52f81216", "text": "The meaning of Celtic Knot Symbols The Irish Celtic knot represents the full development of the knotwork tradition. The style is known as Ultimate La Tene or Hiberno-Saxon Insular art and emerged around 650 AD when Gaelic monks put together biblical manuscripts in monasteries in Ireland and the island of Britain.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1866a38a4887780e9f45be8bbe14df78", "text": "A Quick Guide to the Symbols of Irish â Celtic Jewelry Here is a quick guide to the meaning behind some of the most popular Irish/Celtic symbols commonly used in jewelry that evokes the essence of Ireland: the Trinity knot, the Celtic knot, the Celtic spiral, St. Brigid’s Cross, the Celtic cross, the Tree of Life, and the Claddagh.nce having pagan meaning, the symbol was adopted by Christians as a good illustration of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. The symbol received its common name, the Trinity Knot, and came to demonstrate the three-ness in one-ness of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e50cc2612eb790b686177c895d04c676", "text": "Charmed Logo The Triquetra represents the Holy Trinity: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The unbroken circle represents eternity. The interwoven nature of the symbol denotes the indivisibility and equality of the Holy Trinity. It symbolizes that the Holy Spirit is three beings of power, honor, and glory but is indivisibly one God.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d1b0b03805a83a0f6765e175d350d587", "text": "- Celtic Love Knot-Is any Celtic Knot used to represent love and affection, often given in the form of Celtic Jewelry. The Celtic K nots are still Infinity Knots but used as a Symbol of Love. It doesn’t matter what Celtic Knot design you choose, it’s the emotion and intent behind the gift that makes it a Celtic Love Knot.eltic Love Knot-Is any Celtic Knot used to represent love and affection, often given in the form of Celtic Jewelry. The Celtic K nots are still Infinity Knots but used as a Symbol of Love. It doesn’t matter what Celtic Knot design you choose, it’s the emotion and intent behind the gift that makes it a Celtic Love Knot.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "27b556f6fb99b4b7b3078b229afeebe3", "text": "Aprovocative Christian Meaning. One of the most important symbols and beliefs in Christianity is the unity of the Holy Trinity: the Father (God), Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit. Derived from the Latin word “trinitas,” meaning threefold, Holy Trinity stands for “God in three persons,” emphasizing the nature of one God as distinct yet one.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2a2128872cf8a28ad347e49851a4f184", "text": "Triquetra â the Trinity Knot Also known as The Trinity Knot. Like all Celtic knots the triquetra is constructed of one continuous line interweaving around itself symbolising no beginning or end, an eternal spiritual life.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e6180826858ac5f2ba889d575e5669ed", "text": "Triquetra â the Trinity Knot Trinity knot on the Book of Kells. Today the triquetra is a popular symbol in jewellery and tattoo design. Neopagans have adopted it as a symbol of the goddess and the three stages of womanhood: maiden, mother, crone.riquetra – the Trinity Knot. Also known as The Trinity Knot. Like all Celtic knots the triquetra is constructed of one continuous line interweaving around itself symbolising no beginning or end, an eternal spiritual life.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4fe806883110100e9c6fd240db411be1", "text": "Trinity Knot Meanings One of the great things about the Trinity knot is its versatility; it has been used as a symbol in a variety of religions and even today, it has new significance. In the Christian faith, the three points of the Trinity knot represent the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0de4b93d573bb3a8a14fc2d91d4f9323", "text": "- Another example of an Irish ring is the newest interpretation of the Claddagh ring, which stands for love, loyalty and friendship, entwined with Celtic knot work. A Celtic trinity heart ring is another good choice.ptions. Another example of an Irish ring is the newest interpretation of the Claddagh ring, which stands for love, loyalty and friendship, entwined with Celtic knot work. A Celtic trinity heart ring is another good choice. It features a knot work-filled heart in the middle, flanked by trinity knots.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fdc899b2525dc2639553efda124d8208", "text": "Celtic Knots and Meanings The Celtic knot symbol, is also referred to as the mystic knot, or the endless knot. The more esoteric or spiritual meaning of this symbol eludes to beginnings and endings. In viewing these beautiful knots, we cannot see a beginning or and end, and therefore we are reminded of the timeless nature of our spirit.hereas, a more pagan school of thought sees the trinity knot as the drawing of the three inherent feminine powers: Mother, Crone, and Maiden. Still another understanding can be found in a more metaphysical arena where the three corners represent mind, body and spirit.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "52e735f6197abc86d57b34fdb28c2dd9", "text": "Celtic Knot Symbolism The Celtic Motherhood Knot is a stylized holy trinity knot depicting a parent and child embrace. It is representative of the Madonna and child. Combined with a Celtic trinity knot it is a true testament to the enduring bond between a mother, her child, faith and their Celtic heritage.The Celtic motherhood symbol looks like 2 hearts made out of knot work. One heart is lower than the first heart and both hearts are intertwined in a continuous knot.ombined with a Celtic trinity knot it is a true testament to the enduring bond between a mother, her child, faith and their Celtic heritage. The Celtic motherhood symbol looks like 2 hearts made out of knot work.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "87f9db5ad5ad88ad82fa5f03667ecc69", "text": "Celtic Knots and Meanings The Celtic Trinity Knot, or the Triquetra, is one of the most common of the knot ilk. The term Triquetra comes from Latin, and it means three-cornered.. There are many schools of thought when discussing the Celtic trinity knot meaning.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "06de4e94445bebe3172dbd33ade868ef", "text": "Celtic Knots: History and Symbolism Symbolism and history At its most basic, the Celtic knot symbolizes the sign of the Cross. If you look closely at knots with crosses, you will find that the knots hide the crosses between the knot’s ribbons. Trinity knot Of these, the triquetera knot or the Trinity knot is the most famous.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e8f25c0382f726d1ab167cebd59ffd0e", "text": "Celtic Symbols and Their Meanings Here are a few of the meanings of celtic knots. The Eternity Celtic knot symbolizes the never-ending eternal circle of life. The Shield Celtic knot is a symbol for protection. The ancient Celts used it to decorate the shields of warriors, the clothing of children, and to protect the sick.ere are a few of the meanings of celtic knots. The Eternity Celtic knot symbolizes the never-ending eternal circle of life. The Shield Celtic knot is a symbol for protection. The ancient Celts used it to decorate the shields of warriors, the clothing of children, and to protect the sick.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "db79e7f325469d9fd9c46cd96b40fa74", "text": "- Celtic knot. The Celtic knot is a symbol mainly known form Celtic culture, but has been used in different variaties in other cultures like Roman, Copts etc., especially midieval cultures all around the world. The origin of the Celtic knots dates back to the Celtische cultere in the 3rd and 4th century. The meaning ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7cac618a4860a23cd5667a9a8796e0cc", "text": "- We see the trinity motif in Celtic knots, as well as in symbol-form like the triquetra and triskelion (a.ka. triskele or fylfot). To the ancient Celtic mind, it may also signify the lunar or solar phases.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "77fbb4d1d12f1866ae6e7f827563f39b", "text": "What Is the Meaning of a Triple Trinity Ring? The trinity ring was also a symbol of Celtic culture before it was adopted as a Christian symbol. Also known as a “triquetra” or Celtic knot, the pattern is found throughout Celtic art and culture. The Celtic knot was associated with Celtic mother goddesses, and as a symbol for the meeting of the earth, ocean and sky.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5694e8a89f975a6e4aebc565f45fbb9e", "text": "Triquetra â the Trinity Knot Triquetra – the Trinity Knot. Also known as The Trinity Knot. Like all Celtic knots the triquetra is constructed of one continuous line interweaving around itself symbolising no beginning or end, an eternal spiritual life.riquetra – the Trinity Knot. Also known as The Trinity Knot. Like all Celtic knots the triquetra is constructed of one continuous line interweaving around itself symbolising no beginning or end, an eternal spiritual life.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "27295b752a8f0015dc19421f28de53a8", "text": "A Quick Guide to the Symbols of Irish â Celtic Jewelry The Trinity Knot (also known as the triquetra) is an ancient Celtic symbol comprised of one interconnected line with three distinct ends. Once having pagan meaning, the symbol was adopted by Christians as a good illustration of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity.", "title": "" } ]
what county is springfield, ma in'
[ { "docid": "6ddfb4eb1bfd8baf3bddafffea6ba44c", "text": "Springfield, Massachusetts Springfield is a city in western New England, and the seat of Hampden County, Massachusetts, United States. Springfield sits on the eastern bank of the Connecticut River near its confluence with three rivers: the western Westfield River, the eastern Chicopee River, and the eastern Mill River. As of the 2010 Census, the city's population was 153,060.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "f5703f46a995a6075d1f8f3b5aaac254", "text": "SpringfieldThe Coast Just north of both Savannah and Rincon, Springfield serves as the county seat of Effingham County and a vital part of its heritage. Springfield's Main Street winds its way through storefronts that years ago provided patrons with hitching posts for horses and carriages.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d3d4a9b1f2d65b2e702c17a0a5586512", "text": "Blandford, Massachusetts Blandford is a town in Hampden County, Massachusetts, United States. The population was 1,233 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Springfield, Massachusetts Metropolitan Statistical Area. It is the home of the Blandford Ski Area.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9f95c7a4526fd3070fb89d99954ef465", "text": "Springfield, Massachusetts Springfield is a city in western New England, and the seat of Hampden County, Massachusetts, United States. Springfield sits on the eastern bank of the Connecticut River near its confluence with three rivers: the western Westfield River, the eastern Chicopee River, and the eastern Mill River. As of the 2010 Census, the city's population was 153,060. Metropolitan Springfield, as one of two metropolitan areas in Massachusetts, had a population of 692,942 as of 2010. The first Springfield in the Ne", "title": "" }, { "docid": "812cafe043b4f3bb02465d24c928ef3b", "text": "Uniforms Lieutenant General – 2 inches by 3 ¼ inches with both hook and loop fasteners attached. Soldiers may wear up to five skill badges on the ACU. All skill badges will be worn above the U.S. Army tape in order of precedence from the wearers left.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7035aa87f6c9948484d849ce75ef0ade", "text": "- Sheriff Nick Cocchi. The Office of the Sheriff - Hampden County continuously strives to provide professional, efficient and responsive legal process services within the twenty-three cities and towns of Hampden County, Massachusetts.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "93718fb12505c4e4484506932fd473e4", "text": "Springfield, VA Springfield, VA. Springfield is located in northeast Virginia. Springfield is part of Fairfax County. Springfield has 7.88 square miles of land area and 0.06 square miles of water area. As of 2010-2014, the total Springfield population is 30,154, which has shrunk 0.86% since 2000.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3314d6b389c5b56f46416033bbb9e96b", "text": "City of Salem, Massachusetts Tax Assessors' Office City of Salem is a locality in Essex County, Massachusetts. Unlike many other areas where property taxes are collected on a county level, City of Salem has its own tax assessor's office. If your property is located in a different Essex County locality, see that page for tax assessor's information.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f43710148758ecd7d809490386c18ef3", "text": "- The combined sales tax rate for Springfield, MO is 7.6%. This is the total of state, county and city sales tax rates. The Missouri state sales tax rate is currently 4.225%. The Greene County sales tax rate is 1.25%. Springfield sales tax rate is 2.125%. Other Cities in Greene County. Ash Grove; Battlefield; Fair Grove; Pleasant Hope; Republic; Springfield", "title": "" }, { "docid": "113c9c966f9f597d8fa85e24db401bea", "text": "Hampden County, Massachusetts To the north of Hampden County is modern-day Hampshire County; to the west is Berkshire County; to the east is Worcester County; to the south are Litchfield County, Hartford County, and Tolland County in Connecticut. Hampden County is part of the Springfield, MA Metropolitan Statistical Area. It is the most urban county in Western Massachusetts. The Knowledge Corridor surrounding Springfield-Hartford is New England's second most populous urban area (after Greater Boston) with 1.9 million people.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b85d82cea009d7dfac03b9c4a6adeb15", "text": "Northampton, Massachusetts The city of Northampton (/nɔːrˈθæmptən/) is the county seat of Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States. As of 2012, the estimated total population of Northampton (including its outer villages, Florence and Leeds) was 28,592. Northampton is known as an academic, artistic, musical, and countercultural hub.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0811b3c2899f25cba794e5f1f4496399", "text": "Worcester County, Massachusetts Worcester County is a county located in the U.S. state of Massachusetts. As of the 2010 census, the population was 798,552, making it the second-most populous county in Massachusetts. The largest city and traditional county seat is the city of Worcester.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ca4360dcbc3f0a02425298bd27a22284", "text": "SPRINGFIELD, CONWAY COUNTY, RIVER VALLEY, ARKANSAS LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 7 of 7 listings Looking for rural homes and land for sale in Springfield, Conway County, Arkansas? LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Springfield, Conway County, Arkansas, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "321703664164553e6874a0f0221eaa0b", "text": "Chicopee Massachusetts MA Warrant Search Chicopee (/ˈtʃɪkəpi/ CHIK-ə-pee) is a city located on the Connecticut River in Hampden County, Massachusetts, United States of America. It is part of the Springfield, Massachusetts Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4adb3d16c8677689f6e16eb929f58467", "text": "- City of Springfield, MO - 2 reviews - Springfield, MO. The Rutledge-Wilson Farm Park - a community park with the Springfield-Greene County Parks department - is looking for a qualified individual to fill the open...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b7466a5a9aec5625856e42a9153234e9", "text": "- Start your search by typing in the business name below. Springfield, VA Fairfax County Government West Springfield. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0e68ecf3e0a298ed3fb6cabbce9f2859", "text": "Springfield Springfield is a city in the U.S. state of Ohio and the county seat of Clark County. The municipality is located in southwestern Ohio and is situated on the Mad River, Buck Creek and Beaver Creek, approximately 45 miles (72 km) west of Columbus and 25 miles (40 km) northeast of Dayton.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2ac61c668dc251c88504e7356cd1629e", "text": "Springfield Springfield is a city in Effingham County, Georgia, United States. The population was 2,520 at the 2010 census. The city is the county seat of Effingham County . Springfield is part of the Savannah Metropolitan Statistical Area. Springfield is the seat of government for Effingham County. Ebenezer was the county seat from 1797 to 1799. In 1799, Effingham County had three different county seats.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "725073adea499fe8aafa6e09320b1bcf", "text": "Worcester, Massachusetts Worcester, Massachusetts. Worcester /ˈwʊstər/ WUUSS-tər local pronunciation /ˈwᵻstə/ is a city and the county seat of Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States. Named after Worcester, England, as of the 2010 Census the city's population was 181,045, making it the second most populous city in New England after Boston. Worcester is located approximately 40 miles (64 km) west of Boston, 50 miles (80 km) east of Springfield and 40 miles (64 km) north of Providence.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "321b52cdf1b3225c03084ec96530a4ca", "text": "South Hadley, Massachusetts South Hadley (/ˈhædliː/, HAD-lee) is a town in Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States. The population was 17,514 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Springfield, Massachusetts Metropolitan Statistical Area.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5cd035a633188944a5fa6d8d2aa72558", "text": "Haverhill, Massachusetts For other uses, see Haverhill (disambiguation). Haverhill (/ˈheɪvrɪl/ HAY-vril) is a city in Essex County, Massachusetts, United States. The population was 60,879 at the 2010 census. Located on the Merrimack River, it began as a farming community of Puritans, largely from Newbury Plantation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5b07df6b947849cc7f5b9797a149e42b", "text": "Springfield Springfield is a city in Lane County, Oregon, United States. Located in the Southern Willamette Valley, it is within the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Statistical Area. Separated from Eugene to the west, mainly by Interstate 5, Springfield is the second-most populous city in the metropolitan area after Eugene. As of the 2010 census, the city has a total population of 59,403. The Briggs family first settled the Springfield area, arriving in 1848.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "db26455bf6888d71718dd5f25d7b3fbb", "text": "Saugus, MA (1873) Saugus, MA (1873) Saugus History, 1873 — Saugus occupies the south-western extremity of Essex County, and has Lynnfield on the north, Lynn on the northeast, Revere (from which it is divided by Chelsea Creek) on the southeast, Revere and Melrose on the south-west, and Wakefield on the north-west.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3d3c0c0e50fa26ae6af2667e98c7e8de", "text": "- Click here for info on COMMUNITY DAY!! Springfield Township, Mahoning County, Ohio. Springfield Township was settled in approximately 1801 by Peter and Margaret Musser when they purchased Sections 21, 26, 27 and 36, Township 9, Range 1 In what is now Springfield Township of Mahoning County, Ohio. Springfield officially became a Township in 1803.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "26a0a7c2f61b74c91263a31211a25d22", "text": "- Springfield The Coast. The county seat since 1799, Springfield still retains ties to railroad and sawmill industries. Remnants of the community’s traditional “square town plan” still exist around the historic Courthouse. Tour the historic jail, home to the local museum, to learn more about Springfield and the county’s unique heritage. In the heart of one of the Southeast's oldest yet fastest growing counties, the City of Springfield offers a unique blend of hometown hospitality, rich regional history and modern day convenience.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3d180ee829e2fe0ed82d4074b541ddce", "text": "Framingham, Massachusetts Framingham (IPA: /ˈfreɪmɪŋˌhæm/ ( listen)) is a town in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States. The population was 68,318 as of the United States 2010 Census, making it the 14th most populous municipality in Massachusetts. Founded in 1700, Framingham was placed at # 36 on 'Best Places to Live in US' by CNN Money magazine in 2012.", "title": "" } ]
definition of live
[ { "docid": "a16e6a00e2002b16c4c5eae9f41d5127", "text": "live 1 Biologyof, pertaining to, or during the life of a living being:the animal's live weight. 2 characterized by or indicating the presence of living creatures:the live sounds of the forest. 3 Informal Terms[Informal.](of a person) energetic; alert; lively:The club members are a really live bunch.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "7d38e6f24338b49af75cff78bc5ff779", "text": "citizen citizen definition: The definition of a citizen is a person born in a place or a naturalized resident. (noun) An example of a citizen is a person born in the United States....", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e4b5f82967225b2183bef5de3772a63f", "text": "Death It is possible to define life in terms of consciousness. When consciousness ceases, a living organism can be said to have died. One of the flaws in this approach is that there are many organisms which are alive but probably not conscious (for example, single-celled organisms).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7eeba508a7071a3ba4d5a69e3f7f625c", "text": "Definition of living document Definitions include: personal information about a person (for example: their real name, home address, phone number) that has been released on the web. Other terms relating to 'live': how (one) living.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ab6775213e8baa12eb4d30302fbb3b7e", "text": "survive sur•vive. 1. to remain alive, as after the death of another or the occurrence of some event; continue to live. 2. to remain or continue in existence or use. 3. to continue to function or manage in spite of some adverse circumstance or hardship; hold up; endure.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5447cd5ad936fe0876745a56af6faed2", "text": "Definition of a live-work unit Live-work unit simply is a contemporary way of referring to a building that is both the residence and place of business of the proprietor. Certainly the live-work unit doesn't have to be organized in that same way, namely, an apartment on the second story above a storefront or walk-in office.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "82ec95dc59a21c55162e783633b95fc8", "text": "life span Medical Definition of life span. 1 1: the duration of existence of an individual. 2 2: the average length of life of a kind of organism or of a material object especially in a particular environment or under specified circumstances.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d880276f619ee519c0cf7e60fd5269ee", "text": "- DEFINITION of 'Life Expectancy'. 1. The age until which a person is expected to live. 2. The remaining number of years an individual is expected to live, based on IRS issued life expectancy tables.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c55bfaa02ae3290e95caff49b83deaee", "text": "Cell Biology/Introduction/What is living Some definitions of life are: 1 The quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a non-living or dead body or purely chemical matter. 2 The state of a material complex or individual characterized by the capacity to perform certain functional activities including metabolism, growth, and reproduction.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "899bf501eb12b1d86d46d87f26f490f0", "text": "dwell 1. to live or stay as a permanent resident; reside. 2. to exist or continue in a given condition or state. 3. (of a moving tool or machine part) to be motionless for a certain interval during operation. 4. dwell on or upon, to think, speak, or write about at length or with persistence; linger over.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ad7161284402ec02e32c217b39068bfc", "text": "Definition of a live-work unit Live-work unit simply is a contemporary way of referring to a building that is both the residence and place of business of the proprietor. We're using the old-fashioned word proprietor on purpose, because historically in the U.S. and many other parts of the world, business owners lived above the store..", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d37163051916e347f278ba3abc83b40e", "text": "Life Life. Definition. noun, plural: lives. (1) A distinctive characteristic of a living organism from dead organism or non-living thing, as specifically distinguished by the capacity to grow, metabolize, respond (to stimuli), adapt, and reproduce.(2) The biota of a particular region.ife. Definition. noun, plural: lives. (1) A distinctive characteristic of a living organism from dead organism or non-living thing, as specifically distinguished by the capacity to grow, metabolize, respond (to stimuli), adapt, and reproduce.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "64e04970fc72b66e42ba8b65f82cd243", "text": "- Does the SRP Anxiety scale have a higher ceiling in BASC-2 in comparison to the BASC? Yes. In the BASC revision, an effort was made to increase the number of items intended to measure high anxiety levels on the SRP Anxiety scale.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "67f1bb7720881dea18871aba8db34594", "text": "- The term living refers to the fact that the Constitution is not only still in effect but it can be edited and added to, making it a live document. Edit. Share to: GB.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d0dd9e34dc5b6a111b5454bb160789f4", "text": "live birth Medical Definition of live birth. : birth in such a state that processes of life are manifested after the emergence of the whole body : birth of a live fetus—compare stillbirth.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1eacd23afb1a9d7f706dbef7adb8a81e", "text": "- The noun 'life' is a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for the period between the birth and death of a person or thing. The word 'life' is also an adject … ive, a word that describes a noun (life saver).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "85bdb682a601002903a1b697f746f991", "text": "- inhabit. 1 to live or dwell in (a place), as people or animals: Small animals inhabited the woods. 2 to exist or be situated within; dwell in: Weird notions inhabit his mind. 3 Archaic. to live or dwell, as in a place.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6335f8e2a636197548be5b6a67bc4dab", "text": "Definitions &Translations Princeton's WordNet(1.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: live, unrecorded(adj) actually being performed at the time of hearing or viewing. a live television program; brought to you live from Lincoln Center; live entertainment involves performers actually in the physical presence of a live audience.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4220ea245fa0a7bb566218b3c3c8a46c", "text": "Live (band) Live (band) Live (/ˈlaɪv/, often typeset as LīVE or +LīVE+) is an American rock band from York, Pennsylvania, consisting of Ed Kowalczyk (lead vocals, rhythm guitar, primary songwriter), Chad Taylor (lead guitar, backing vocals), Patrick Dahlheimer (bass) and Chad Gracey (drums).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d205ee70eaca8e09c25e529ea86213f3", "text": "- live /ˈlaɪv/ adjective. live. /ˈlaɪv/. adjective. Learner's definition of LIVE. 1. a always used before a noun: having life: living or alive. They object to the use of live animals in scientific experiments. a live birth [=a birth of a living child or animal]. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b09bf5862d914988e886eaba4d5251b4", "text": "Life 7. That which imparts or excites spirit or vigor; that upon which enjoyment or success depends; as, he was the life of the company, or of the enterprise. 8. The living or actual form, person, thing, or state; as, a picture or a description from, the life. 9.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8272cae5c7cef9294ccb7ab6530f8e15", "text": "English proverbs alive (live) and kicking. 1 as I live and breathe. 2 close to home (where one lives) ( 3 live from) day to day. 4 fat of the land, live off the. 5 high off the hog, live. 6 in one's pocket (live in each other's pockets) 7 learn to live with. 8 people who live in glass houses.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ae02230ab50d2cd7dde076d3c3cd9214", "text": "Definitions &Translations a live television program; brought to you live from Lincoln Center; live entertainment involves performers actually in the physical presence of a live audience live (adj) exerting force or containing energy", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b0a952212920db0a1c78bd7641dbe06e", "text": "arouse liven up - make lively; let's liven up this room a bit. liven, enliven, invigorate, animate. energize, perk up, energise, stimulate, arouse, brace - cause to be alert and energetic; Coffee and tea stimulate me; This herbal infusion doesn't stimulate.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "539e822f9beae6bdfef1e707f5ccbe3d", "text": "- Lives. It's similar to knives, which is the plural form of knife. To use it in a sentence: An old saying is that cats have nine lives, because they can survive falls from high places with little or no injury.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9d6b7745838806bf3650549874037645", "text": "breatheverb breathe verb (AIR) B1 [ I or T ] to move air into and out of the lungs: It's so airless in here - I can hardly breathe. The instructor told us to breathe in deeply and then breathe out slowly. I'm sorry if I'm breathing (= blowing out air containing) garlic fumes all over you!", "title": "" } ]
hyderabad pakistan
[ { "docid": "4c4aa361a51042a655aeda21d4c2a60d", "text": "- Hyderabad (Sindhi: حيدرآباد‎, Urdu: حيدرآباد ‎) is a city located in the Sindh province of Pakistan. Hyderabad is the 4th largest city in Pakistan and the 2nd largest in the province of Sindh. It is located in south-east of the countr", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "8d126ad46bee1e82655c07f1bde46570", "text": "Hyderabad Hy·der·a·bad. 1. A city of south-central India east-southeast of Mumbai. Center of a former Mughal kingdom, Hyderabad was founded in 1589 and is today a commercial center and transportation hub and is the capital of Andhra Pradesh. 2. A city of southern Pakistan on the Indus River northeast of Karachi.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9182cdc1e018358d9bfc893f3f065d23", "text": "HYDERABAD 2. Hyderabad-a city in south central India in Andhra Pradesh. Bharat, India, Republic of India-a republic in the Asian subcontinent in southern Asia; second most populous country in the world; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1947. 1 Facebook.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "194bdcafd85a778393b862e8bb3603b8", "text": "- Hyderabad (Hyderãbãd) 10 day weather forecast, updated four times a day and shows the weather summary plus detailed sun, rain, snow, wind and temperature. The weather forecast extends out to 10 days showing information for morning, afternoon and overnight.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8e13d75bcebc6d22ceba8db63cc607fa", "text": "- Hyderabad (Sindhi: حيدرآباد‎, Urdu: حيدرآباد ‎) is a city located in the Sindh pr ovince of Pakista", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7982fd6707906af3925c0395bbb439b7", "text": "Hyderabadi cuisine Hyderabadi cuisine (native: Hyderabadi Ghizaayat) also known as Deccani cuisine of India, was developed after the foundation of Qutb shahi dynasty by Sultan Quli, promoting the native cuisine along with their own. Hyderabadi cuisine had become a princely legacy of the Nizams of Hyderabad State. It is an amalgamation of Mughlai, Turkish and Arabic along with the influence of the native Telugu and Marathwada cuisines.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e02a664fbc414c83a0bcd6692f6b433b", "text": "Maruti Suzuki Celerio in Chennai Pricing The ex-showroom prices of the Maruti Suzuki Swift in the city of Hyderabad, located in Telangana state, starts from INR 4,73,614 lakhs and go on till INR 7,42,067 lakhs. The vehicles registered in this city will bear the registration code 'TS'. The mileage figures of the Swift starts from 25 kmpl.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "874d8c7f1c2d11af83d4207bb1f58ae2", "text": "- Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. Anwarul-Uloom College of Engineering and Technology, Vikharabad was established in 1997 under the aegis of Anwarul-Uloom Educational Association, which is one of the oldest educational associations in Hyderabad. Anwar Ul Uloom College of Engineering &...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5f3b219790bc66a242411f04d852f194", "text": "History of Hyderabad, Sindh History of Hyderabad, Sindh. Hyderābād City (Haidarābād) (Sindhi: حیدرآباد‎, Urdu: حیدرآباد‎ ), headquarters of the district of Sindh province of Pakistan traces its early history to Neroon, a Sindhi ru ler of the area from whom the city derived its previous name, Neroon Kot", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d8088bd9dfbf5f3b2f88b7b718056cf7", "text": "- It is the capital city of Sindh province. Karachi is the famous educational centre of Pakistan. Therefore there are a number of institutes established in Karachi to give basic and professional education to the students. Educational institutes present in Karachi are well known for the excellent education to the students.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fa385b248fd4913809e58c16920cfbad", "text": "- Welcome to Lahore. Although Lahore may not be Pakistan’s capital city, it wins hands down as its cultural, intellectual and artistic hub. If history and architecture are your passion there’s an evocative mix, from formidable Mughal monuments to faded legacies of the British Raj. Indeed, even a ramble around the Old City can unfold into a mini-adventure. For those in search of spiritual sustenance, Lahore has qawwali (Islamic... Read More.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fc863accfc2ae1594f35361406d910de", "text": "- View 3 Hour Detailed Hyderabad (Hyderãbãd) Weather Forecast for Today. Hyderabad 4 – 7 Day Weather Forecast Summary: Mostly dry. Warm (max 40°C on Wed afternoon, min 27°C on Sun night). Winds decreasing (fresh winds from the N on Mon morning, calm by Mon night).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e637c47f1a182f257deaab76d18792f1", "text": "Find current Diesel prices in all cities of Haryana. We provide latest Diesel rates from Indian Oil, Hindustan Petroleum, Bharat Petroleum and Shell for all district cities of Haryana. Find Petrol Prices in other cities. The Lowest Petrol Price in Hyderabad is at Bharat Petroleum : 72.65 Rs/Ltr. The Highest Petrol Price in Hyderabad is at Hindustan Petroleum : 72.7 Rs/Ltr. IndianPetrolPrice.com provides the latest fuel rates from all retailers in your city. Every fuel retailer (Petrol Pumps) fixes price of petrol, diesel differently and it varies across the cities.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2ef8225b5fa1666f8dc682a3199503de", "text": "Islamabad: Wikis M-2 Motorway is 367 km long and connect Islamabad and Lahore. M-1 Motorway connects Islamabad with Peshawar and is 155 km long. Islamabad is linked to its sister city Rawalpindi through the Faizabad Interchange, the first cloverleaf interchange in Pakistan with a daily traffic volume of about 48,000 vehicles.slamabad is located in the Pothohar Plateau in the north of the country, within the Islamabad Capital Territory. The region has historically been a part of the crossroads of Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, Margalla pass being a gateway to the North-West Frontier Province.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b95b7a01fdba471491e274ecef41256f", "text": "Population of Hyderabad Current Population of Hyderabad in 2015. With a total population of 9,507,434 people, Hyderabad is the fourth most populous city of India. Just like other rapidly growing metros of India, Hyderabad is also experiencing high growth in its population.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "51d1c32df94e8a3470602f3f6f3ed6e7", "text": "6 Amazing Festivals in Pakistan Here’s a list of 6 amazing festivals and observances in Pakistan. Ramadan. Ramadan is the holiest month of the Islamic calendar. It is a month of fasting from sunrise to sunset, and self-discipline. Observed by Pakistan’s Muslim majority, Muslims will fast during Ramadan, attend mosque with increased frequency, and recite the Qur’an. Special foods are cooked and parties are held.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b1d68cdc725c3076be09fbd11a1cf7b3", "text": "Lahore Lahore is the historic cultural centre of the Punjab region, and is the largest Punjabi city in the world. The city has a long history, and was once under the rule of the Hindu Shahis, Ghaznavids, Ghurids, and the Delhi Sultanate.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "57d78ad0d4a1a59a37f59d794bcbe682", "text": "- The ex showroom price of Maruti Swift in Hyderabad ranges from Rs 4.80 Lakh to Rs 7.49 Lakh. Maruti Swift is available in 9 variants.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "998db42e52264a018b6a017b8fe0168a", "text": "Hyderabad Airport (HDD) I think as the second largest city of Sind and the fourth largest of Pakistan there is a need of International Airport, because when we come to Hyderabad we have to take a bus or other transport from Karachi to Hyderabad.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "172109c8be6c204dfeba1cd8bcc907ea", "text": "- 5-star Hotels in Hyderabad; 4-star Hotels in Hyderabad; 3-star Hotels in Hyderabad; Popular Amenities Hyderabad Hotels with Free Parking; Hyderabad Hotels with Pools; Pet Friendly Hotels in Hyderabad; Popular Neighborhoods Banjara Hills Hotels; Gunfoundry Hotels; Jubilee Hills Hotels; Sultan Bazar Hotels; Popular Hyderabad Categories Hyderabad Cheap Hotels", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b3a63d0a3eb581ad348080685c513534", "text": "Lahore Lahore (/ləˈhɔər/) (Punjabi: لہور, Urdu: لاہور‎) is the capital city of the Pakistani province of Punjab. It is the second largest and most populous city in Pakistan, after Karachi, and the 32nd most populous urban city in the world.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8f2c8f2364f68cb7ecd70d0b602f3638", "text": "Dialing Hyderabad Landline vs. Mobile Phone Numbers You may find that some Hyderabad phone numbers already include the area code (' 40 ') and/or the national direct dial code (' 0 '). For instance, like this: 40 - nnnnnnnn or like this 040 - nnnnnnnn. In such cases, you obviously already have all 10-digits and should not add the area code a second time.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b5749bc859e0cf2efd72e8621eaff20d", "text": "- Islamabad (/ɪzˈlɑːməˌbɑːd/; Urdu: اسلام آباد‎, Islāmābād, Urdu pronunciation: [ɪsˌlɑːmɑˈbɑːd̪]) is the capital city of Pakistan located within the federal Islamabad Capital Territory.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6f9fafe4b5d27dc1d78938f7ff4041c8", "text": "Average Temperatures in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India Average Temperatures in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. The mean annual temperature in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India is hot at 26.7 degrees Celsius (80.1 degrees Fahrenheit). There is a range of average monthly temperatures of 11.4 C (20.5F) which is a low range. There is a range/ variation of mean diurnal temperatures of 11.3 C (20.4 F).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7d7027043cdc84d45fef68075492b87b", "text": "Languages Spoken in Hyderabad Hyderabad, due to its cultural heritage, is one of the popular tourist spots in India. Many of its historical constructions are included in the ‘World Heritage List’ by UNESCO. Apart from its historical background, Hyderabad is also recognized as the fastest growing IT hub in India.eographically it is located in such a way that linguistic traditions of both North India and South India meet here at Hyderabad. Hyderabad is a hub of the Muslim culture (Moguls and Nizams ruled Hyderabad) and hence pronounced use of Hindi and Urdu can be noted in the city.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3ad2fa50be1b16e2e4ce6f356dd4f46e", "text": "- Best time to visit Hyderabad. The best time to visit Hyderabad will be when the average temperatures are at a comfortable level (between 20°C / 68.0°F and 30°C / 86.0°F on average) which is during months January, February, March, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.est time to visit Hyderabad. The best time to visit Hyderabad will be when the average temperatures are at a comfortable level (between 20°C / 68.0°F and 30°C / 86.0°F on average) which is during months January, February, March, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.", "title": "" } ]
what is a pulmonologist?
[ { "docid": "e59bb07136e561a353539a917be45608", "text": "What does a pulmonary doctor do Pulmonologist Overview. A pulmonologist, or pulmonary disease specialist, is a physician who possesses specialized knowledge and skill in the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary (lung) conditions and diseases. Pulmonology is classified as an internal medicine subspecialty.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "93d70dbb44be89fee804262a671f12d4", "text": "Overview Dr. Kevin Trice MD. Pulmonary Disease | Hermitage, PA. Dr. Kevin Trice is a pulmonologist in Hermitage, Pennsylvania and is affiliated with Sharon Regional Hospital. He received his medical degree from University of Louisville School of Medicine and has been in practice between 11-20 years. Dr. Trice accepts several types of health insurance, listed below.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a84039c0797a3bc402eca42704beb373", "text": "pathologist Definition of pathologist. : a specialist in pathology; specifically : one who interprets and diagnoses the changes caused by disease in tissues and body fluids.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0c251df28efce496d5900b3c7c829b05", "text": "- A pathologist is a physician who studies body fluids and tissues, helps your primary care doctor make a diagnosis about your health or any medical problems you have, and uses laboratory tests to monitor the health of patients with chronic conditions. pathologist may also recommend what you can do to prevent illness and maintain good health. For example, when your blood is drawn as part of your annual physical, the pathologist supervises testing and performs tests to help assess your health.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4ae781ef7cdccd7742a6cb28837e8a1d", "text": "Your Health Care Team A cardiologist is a doctor with special training and skill in finding, treating and preventing diseases of the heart and blood vessels.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8d0e47055ce65ae43c0b3eba96e932a8", "text": "'Shameless' Surprise: Former Series Regular Returns (Video) [Warning: This story contains spoilers from Sunday's season-four finale of Showtime's Shameless.]. A close member of the Gallagher family has returned. During Sunday's season-four finale of Showtime's Shameless, former series regular Justin Chatwin made a surprising comeback as aka Jimmy (aka Steve).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a488cbce9f40118681ffb47314988e63", "text": "- The average age of pulmonologists was 50 years, compared to between 43-45years for the critical care specialists. Nearly 30 percent of pulmonologists were age 50 or over,compared to between 4 and 10 percent for critical care physicians.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dd72be0c5e1522d5097a623d33bf39da", "text": "- A cardiologist is a physician who is certified to treat problems of the cardiovascular system—the heart, arteries, and veins. Cardiology is classified as an internal medicine subspecialty.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "af60603182be1c1729c33762c416481f", "text": "- What is a pathologist? A pathologist is a physician trained in the medical specialty of pathology. Pathology is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis of disease and causes of death by means of laboratory examination of body fluids (clinical pathology) cell samples, (cytology) and tissues (anatomic pathology). The autopsy is the procedure utilized to study the dead.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e890392e76262150789d30b958ea521f", "text": "What Is A Hepatologist ? What Is A Gastroenterologist? A hepatologist is the most experienced and qualified type of doctor to treat people with liver disease. Since there is currently no separate board certification examination in the field of hepatology, there is no official definition of a hepatologist.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e49140a33fb346c857db7c39ab432a89", "text": "Pulmonology Pulmonology is known as chest medicine and respiratory medicine in some countries and areas.Pulmonology is considered a branch of internal medicine, and is related to intensive care medicine. Pulmonology often involves managing patients who need life support and mechanical ventilation. common example being the usage of inhalers in the treatment of inflammatory lung conditions such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Oxygen therapy is often necessary in severe respiratory disease (emphysema and pulmonary fibrosis).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dd545b4c97d1d48ad38931d7b652dbcc", "text": "Pulmonology Pulmonology is a medical speciality that deals with diseases involving the respiratory tract. The term is derived from the Latin word pulmō, pulmōnis (lung) and the Greek suffix -λογία, -logia (study of).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ff75af64f0dc012b50b7b1c554e4d46a", "text": "Interventional Pulmonology Interventional pulmonology is a relatively new field in pulmonary medicine. Interventional pulmonology uses endoscopy and other tools to diagnose and treat conditions in the lungs and chest.nterventional pulmonology is a relatively new field in pulmonary medicine. Interventional pulmonology uses endoscopy and other tools to diagnose and treat conditions in the lungs and chest.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "71bfa2e1935e753c09b39a0f0718a784", "text": "Types of Mesothelioma Doctors An oncologist is a medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. There are few oncologists who specialize in the treatment of mesothelioma. An oncologist is typically referred to you by a general practitioner. An oncologist often will see you as part of the diagnosis process.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f34c840299109457266b220eda52c051", "text": "Respiratory therapist Respiratory therapists are specialists and educators in cardiology and pulmonology. Respiratory therapists are clinicians trained in advanced airway management; establishing and maintaining the airway during management of trauma, intensive care, and may administer anaesthesia for surgery or conscious sedation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8ed701ed6336ceea14fc7cf78ec2bbb7", "text": "What is a rheumatologist? A rheumatologist is physician who is qualified by additional training and experience in the diagnosis and treatment of arthritis and other diseases of the joints, muscles and bones. Many rheumatologists conduct research to determine the cause and better treatments for these disabling and sometimes fatal diseases.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "01ddd76d7c46d964c83a394fba52feb5", "text": "How to Become a Pulmonologist A pulmonologist (sometimes referred to as a pulmonary disease specialist) is a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions and diseases associated with the lungs.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "63e29b307994639dbb259ca076ca5752", "text": "Pulmonary Defined Pulmonologists do not perform lung surgeries, but they may perform lung procedures, such as a bronchoscopy, a procedure that allows a medical professional to visualize the inside of the lungs. If surgery is needed, pulmonary problems are typically addressed by a cardiopulmonary surgeon.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7261db23b726405525898f7533c503ec", "text": "Pulmonology (Redirected from Pulmonary medicine) Pulmonology is a medical speciality that deals with diseases involving the respiratory tract. The term is derived from the Latin word pulmō, pulmōnis (lung) and the Greek -λογία, -logia. Pulmonology is synonymous with pneumology (from the Greek πνεύμων (lung) and -λογία, -logia), respirology and respiratory medicine.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2b3d563d3601a283a0c75468637568b4", "text": "Doctors Who Treat Leukemia Patients What is a Hematologist? A hematologist is a doctor who specializes in treating conditions involving the blood. He or she studies the blood and tissues that form blood, such as the spleen and bone marrow. Hematologists can work in a variety of environments, including hospitals, blood banks, diagnostic laboratories, and private clinics.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c7b4844d017421592f5264bdc84bff0f", "text": "Medical Terminology- Lungs Pulmonology (pul-moh-naw-loh-jee). is a medical specialty that studies the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system and uses diagnostic test, medical and surgical procedures, and drugs to treat respiratory disease.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2a756d668d283f9644ee05a7824d1fcb", "text": "- After passing the exam, the physician receives board certification in internal medicine. This is a prerequisite to becoming certified in pulmonology. Once board certified in internal medicine, the physician must be trained in the subspecialty of pulmonary medicine in order to receive certification in pulmonology.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3b8ee0140c245cb42b7888ded74ac21e", "text": "- In locations throughout the Philadelphia region our board-certified pulmonologists treat and manage many pulmonary diseases that affect your ability to breathe, including: 1 Asthma. 2 Chronic bronchitis. 3 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 4 Cystic fibrosis. 5 Emphysema. 6 Lung cancer. 7 Pneumonia. 8 Pulmonary fibrosis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "550d9ea5dfa8adb419bc4facdd8140b6", "text": "What do you call a doctor that works in the ICU? Pulmonologists (lung doctors) are probably the most common type of doctor, overall, to run ICU's. On the other hand, within the world of surgery, there is an entire subspecialty of Trauma/Surgical Critical Care which also leads to the position of managing an ICU.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a192011882d8771fbb1188aebc6a1b04", "text": "What does a pulmonary doctor do What does a pulmonary doctor do. A pulmonologist, or pulmonary disease specialist, is a physician who possesses specialized knowledge and skill in the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary (lung) conditions and diseases.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "af512c99a33b95d2a2f87a2068deae0b", "text": "Finding the Right COPD Treatment Team A pulmonologist specializes in COPD treatment, but your primary care doctor is equally important. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a long-term disease that causes obstruction of air flowing through your lungs. Although there is no cure for COPD, treatment can be very effective if you have the right COPD treatment team working with you.", "title": "" } ]
what is a rheostat?
[ { "docid": "6be53008345e080e89f09f786165f791", "text": "Rheostat What is a rheostat? A rheostat is a variable resistor which is used to control current. They are able to vary the resistance in a circuit without interruption. The construction is very similar to the construction of a potentiometers. It uses only two connections, even when 3 terminals (as in a potentiometer) are present.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "70a1d44c8f47c041f034fd55cc8ee815", "text": "- A thermostat may be a control unit for a heating or cooling system or a component part of or air conditioner. Thermostats can be constructed in many ways and may use a variety of sensors to measure the temperature. The output of the sensor then controls the heating or cooling apparatus.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e7f71a329feadb514e4a8208d48fd364", "text": "Methotrexate Methotrexate (Rheumatrex, Trexall) is a disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) indicated (approved for use) for the treatment of adults with RA. It has become the cornerstone of RA treatment since it was first introduced over five decades ago as an anti-cancer drug.1.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "673a4affa6eff5be1fe9a5df4cdaab2b", "text": "What is a rheostat and how is it used and why? Report Abuse. A rheostat is an adjustable resistor that is used to control the electrical resistance of a circuit without interrupting the flow of electrical current to that circuit.Rheostats are used for appliances and other items that need both high voltage and electrical current that can be interrupted. rheostat is simply a coil of resistance wire with a slider on it so that the resistance can be varied. The list of ways that it can be used is very long. Prior to solid state devices they have been used to control lighting or battery charging. speed control of motors. production of variable emf etc.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bdae9e3b45283aa71a04f1f2422ffa40", "text": "Definitions &Translations The Standard Electrical Dictionary(4.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: Rheostat. An adjustable resistance; an apparatus for changing the resistance without opening the circuit. Its action may depend on the introduction of variable lengths of mercury column, of some other liquid, or of wire into a circuit.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "10977c561ee81a90a75a1b7b3a78ed55", "text": "Registered Health Information Technician Registered Health Information Technician. Registered Health Information Technician (RHIT) is a professional certification administered by the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) in the United States. Passing the exam results in licensure as a health information technician.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c8de6850ec1e99a92bb2512177836f62", "text": "- What you want to have is the ability to use a system almost as a rheostat [similar to a humistat] and dial in market preferences, square footage, times sales, times margin. A quick disconnect allows users to move around the aircraft as necessary, and a rheostat allows users to control the coolant temperature.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7fada9e0e60d7ef5e28388411d2a390f", "text": "What Is a Rheumatologist? A rheumatologist is a physician who specializes in the diagnosis, management, and treatment of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (e.g., arthritis, lupus).Rheumatic diseases are characterized by pain and inflammation in the joints and associated structures, and muscle soreness and stiffness. rheumatologist is a physician who specializes in the diagnosis, management, and treatment of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (e.g., arthritis, lupus).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f4ebbd8f6421507d2c229437dfe4c602", "text": "Electronic Components - Rheostats. What is a Rheostat? Rheostat is an adjustable or variable resistor. It is used to control the electrical resistance of a circuit without interrupting the flow of current. Rheostat has 3 terminals and usually consist of a resistive wire wrapped to form a toroid coil with a wiper that slides along the surface of the coil. It is most often designed with a ceramic core.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "469ea8da6f1721079a503066f353f703", "text": "RHEOSTAT rheostat - resistor for regulating current. variable resistor. dimmer - a rheostat that varies the current through an electric light in order to control the level of illumination. resistor, resistance - an electrical device that resists the flow of electrical current. contact arm, wiper arm, wiper - contact consisting of a conducting arm that rotates over a series of fixed contacts and comes to rest on an outlet.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f924185b2898c67961d41d721277085f", "text": "- The thermostat is a temperature controlled valve. The spring loaded valve is attached to a small cylinder filled with thermal wax. As the engine warms up, coolant transfers heat to the wax-filled cylinder. The heat causes the cylinder to expand and pushes down on the spring loaded valve.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1218b32c05fd03a5f8cf1dea6fbb92c4", "text": "rheumatic rheu·mat·ic. adj. Of or relating to any of various diseases and disorders that chiefly affect the joints, tendons, ligaments, muscles, and bones and are characterized by pain, stiffness, and swelling. Rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and gout are rheumatic diseases. n. 1. One who is affected by a rheumatic disease or disorder.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "aa07b86ee6e38532ce3e68b3db224934", "text": "What is a Potentiometer? When only two of the three terminals are used, the potentiometer acts as a type of variable resistor called a rheostat. One end terminal is used, along with the sliding terminal. Rheostats typically are used to handle higher levels of current or higher voltage than potentiometers.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e78e8c3e044fa494941fd26850a47950", "text": "- Rheostat is simply a variable resistor. i.e., typically 3 contacts, either end of resistive element and slider contact that moves along resistive element. So, in old radios wo … uld typically be used as a volume control. A variable resistor may be used to control current, in which case it is called a rheostat. rheostat is a resistor with variable resistance.There are many type of rheostat,involved of a rotary-type rheostat and a sliding rheostst.I dunn know much about the rotary-t … ype rheostat but I can tell u how does a sliding rheostat work.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "84f56d885fd092f26c1c1181b470221d", "text": "- Allostasis is the process of achieving stability, or homeostasis, through physiological or behavioral change. This can be carried out by means of alteration in HPA axis hormones, the autonomic nervous system, cytokines, or a number of other systems, and is generally adaptive in the short term (McEwen & Wingfield 2003).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2e2c73f4e6353de11efa1e25437c7701", "text": "HOMEOSTASIS What is homeostasis? Homeostasis is the process which the body is able to maintain a state of stable physiological balance or basically maintain equilibrium. If we didn’t have homeostasis in our bodies, we would not be able to survive! Stimulus-A change occurs in the internal or external environment that disturbs homeostasis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1df6fef5b20e797220e7636c651b0004", "text": "Rhode Island Nurse Practitioner Salaries How much does a Nurse Practitioner make in Rhode Island? Rhode Island Nurse Practitioner salaries vary greatly from town to town. See below for Nurse Practitioner salaries, bonus and benefits information for 9 cities in the Rhode Island area.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0bf6b70cb2b2814f9de9200b867a44bd", "text": "- A thermostat is a temperature-sensitive switch that turns heating and cooling systems on and off in your home when the temperature reaches a preset limit. thermostat is a temperature-sensitive switch that turns heating and cooling systems on and off in your home when the temperature reaches a preset limit.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a2e5c5b3b69745987fea61f97bcd4194", "text": "Tax Reform Act of 1986 Tax Reform Act of 1986 - Income tax rates. 1 The top tax rate for individuals for tax year 1987 was lowered from 50% to 38.5%. [3] 2 For tax year 1987, the Act provided a graduated rate structure of 11%/15%/28%/35%/38.5%.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "06db6f175e686e45b2e323e995195172", "text": "Rheumatism Rheumatism or rheumatic disorder is an umbrella term for conditions causing chronic, often intermittent pain affecting the joints and/or connective tissue. The study of, and therapeutic interventions in, such disorders is called rheumatology. The term rheumatism, however, does not designate any specific disorder, but covers at least 200 different conditions.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dd6be5e61947a516b5b4917ca1d1a53b", "text": "- rheostat noun [C]. › a ​device used to ​control and ​change the ​flow of ​electric ​current through a ​machine such as an ​electric ​light. (Definition of rheostat from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2b17ac637d1f285e7fa594e9f0fc7929", "text": "What are the uses of rheostat? Rheostat is generally used in the applications where high voltage or current is required. Rheostats are used in dim lights to change the intensity of light. If we increase the resistance of the rheostat, the flow of electric current through the light bulb decreases. As a result, the light brightness decreases.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ecec38c7d9c931d4596a0610dcfd685d", "text": "Prolotherapy A Proven Treatment Alternative for Painful Conditions. Prolotherapy (aka Regenerative Injection Therapy – RIT), also known as ligament reconstructive therapy or sclerotherapy, is a recognized nonsurgical procedure that stimulates the body's natural healing processes to strengthen joints weakened by trauma or arthritis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "aecb153566eba02d52f89fd718d600fa", "text": "Rheostats Rheostats. A rheostat is an electrical component that has an adjustable resistance. It is a type of potentiometer that has two terminals instead of three. The two main types of rheostat are the rotary and slider.The symbol for a rheostat is a resistor symbol with an arrow diagonally across it.t is a type of potentiometer that has two terminals instead of three. The two main types of rheostat are the rotary and slider. The symbol for a rheostat is a resistor symbol with an arrow diagonally across it.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f138e4e3e4c4c7bb550056e76a13064b", "text": "- If your business provides an interesting product or service to pilots, flight crews, aircraft, or users of the Mineral County Memorial Airport, you should consider listing it here. To start the listing process, click on the button below.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a70399086b8724df00ed5925e25fdf27", "text": "What is Homeostasis? WALTER CANNON devised the term homeostasis in 1930 while referring to how the body maintains its temperature, among other key variables. Homeostasis, from the Greek words for same and steady, refers to any process that living things use to actively maintain fairly stable conditions necessary for survival.omeostasis, from the Greek words for same and steady, refers to any process that living things use to actively maintain fairly stable conditions necessary for survival.", "title": "" } ]
the 18th amendment and its impact
[ { "docid": "2a05468b67e7e887e0545ce6246238d7", "text": "- Continued from page 1. The 18th Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified by 36 states on January 16, 1919, and took affect one year later, beginning the era of prohibition.The first section of the amendment reads:ontinued from page 1. The 18th Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified by 36 states on January 16, 1919, and took affect one year later, beginning the era of prohibition.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "b440a38833ff081ca0c8576314cc4a5e", "text": "The History of Prohibition in the United States By 1916, over half of the U.S. states already had statutes that prohibited alcohol. In 1919, the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which prohibited the sale and manufacture of alcohol, was ratified. It went into effect on January 16, 1920—beginning the era known as Prohibition. The Volstead Act While it was the 18th Amendment that established Prohibition, it was the Volstead Act (passed on October 28, 1919) that clarified the law.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3cc9c7cfe594218a57e66212113d38c1", "text": "How Did the 19th Amendment Change the United States The 19 th amendment gave women the right to vote. It was proposed on June 4, 1919 and ratified on August 18, 1920. The impact of the 19 th amendment was enormous it gave women the same power that men had.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1f4ad58f48575ab3ceb858bc88ecec4b", "text": "US Prohibition And Crime Overall, the Eighteenth Amendment and Prohibition was an important lesson in American history. Whenever there is a movement of any kind, there will be opposition. Opposition, as it did during the 1920s and the mob, can attribute to increasing crime levels and corruption.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4bc3da476e70d0f25e5e408094d4aed9", "text": "- It is the only amendment to be repealed. Prohibition The 18th Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibited the production or sale of alcohol.it created prohibition. no alcohol consumption was allowed in the US.he amendment went into effect one year later on the 16th of January, 1920, and was later … repealed by the 21st Amendment on December 5, 1933. In the 230 plus years of the U.S. Constitution, the 18th is the only Amendment ever to have been repealed.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "db8df75601295ad95a2a8b2d25acde1b", "text": "What Effect Was Caused by the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution? Prohibition. With the ASL linking beer to German brewers during World War I – thus posing drinking as an unpatriotic pastime -- Congress passed the 18th Amendment in 1917. It was ratified by all states in 13 months and went into effect at 12:01 a.m. on January 17, 1920.ince the 18th Amendment did not ban possession or drinking of alcohol, there was a real market for it, and bootleggers stepped in to fill the void.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d75266684992ba537d968862387e4d60", "text": "Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution Amendment XXI in the National Archives. The Twenty-first Amendment (Amendment XXI) to the United States Constitution repealed the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which had mandated nationwide Prohibition on alcohol on January 17, 1920. The Twenty-first Amendment was ratified on December 5, 1933.he eighteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed. Section 2. The transportation or importation into any State, Territory, or possession of the United States for delivery or use therein of intoxicating liquors, in violation of the laws thereof, is hereby prohibited.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "785107eccb4e3721677d7b0829439e61", "text": "- Beginning in 1920, the 18th Amendment prohibited the. manufacture, sale, and transport of alcohol, but the idea. of temperance in drinking began more than a century. earlier. Eventually, religious groups, politicians, and social. organizations advocated for total abolition of alcohol, leading. to Prohibition.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1d82e5db2bdeba85c5851339b21b4034", "text": "Franklin D. Roosevelt Congress saw hope in a tax – this time, the return of a federal tax on alcohol. By the time Franklin Roosevelt came out for repeal during the 1932 campaign, it was clear that the 18th Amendment was doomed.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b1a9106e90a90256df50818e615b60fa", "text": "What was the impact of the seventeenth amendment? Making the world better, one answer at a time. The 17th amendment allows voters to elect senators by popular vote. Before this amendment senators were elected by state legislature not the people.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "945b18a979e90f50fcfd1f21fbd7ee62", "text": "History of the United States As the 18th Amendment went into effect, Americans could no longer manufacture, sell, or transport intoxicating beverages. Prohibition was now part of the Constitution, holding the same status as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the abolition of slavery.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f6d542743c71f13b2ef84322e95cb0ec", "text": "Prohibition in the United States Three months before the 18th amendment went into effect, the Volstead Act, otherwise known as the National Prohibition Act of 1919, was passed. The Volstead Act was the enabling legislation for the 18th Amendment that established prohibition in the United States.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "54f97dc7aa7ae4ec28778c94096aaf8d", "text": "A Look at the Prohibition Amendments Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, made during important time periods in the United States, often take on the title of that era. This is true of the Eighteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which is informally referred to as the Prohibition Amendment.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0a43c17817fca830bc1f33a20d9769f0", "text": "Understanding the 18th Amendment The ratification of the 18th Amendment was completed on January 16th, 1919 and would take effect on January 17th, 1920. It is important to note that the 18th Amendment did not prohibit the consumption of alcohol, but rather simply the sale, manufacture, and transportation of alcoholic beverages.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d0461a8f203874e5406f08cc8fab37aa", "text": "Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution Amendment XXI in the National Archives. The Twenty-first Amendment (Amendment XXI) to the United States Constitution repealed the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which had mandated nationwide Prohibition on alcohol on January 17, 1920. The Twenty-first Amendment was ratified on December 5, 1933.he Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution had ushered in a period known as Prohibition, during which the manufacture, distribution, and sale of alcoholic beverages was illegal. Passage of the Eighteenth Amendment in 1919 was the crowning achievement of the temperance movement, but it soon proved highly unpopular.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "796e30aa38bcadfb32467bfb494032a9", "text": "The Unintended Consequences of Prohibition Instead, the 18th Amendment produced many unintended consequences; a marked decline in the amusement and entertainment industries with theater revenues dropping and many restaurants closing. It seems that these establishments could not make a profit without the sale of alcohol.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "38f4a6f61af9047125a452f47b0e973c", "text": "- Understanding the 18th Amendment. The Eighteenth Amendment is the only Amendment to ever have been repealed from the United States Constitution--via the inclusion of the Twenty-First Amendment.The 18th Amendment called for the banning of.rticle II of the Constitution sets forth the definition and terms of the Executive Branch of Government in the United States of America. The Executive Branch of any governmental structure.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f217640adcbbd437d8fab2a29549b3dc", "text": "The History of Prohibition in the United States In 1919, the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which prohibited the sale and manufacture of alcohol, was ratified. It went into effect on January 16, 1920—beginning the era known as Prohibition.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b7d71b9e1f8e8dc31e1ee0aaec3ea913", "text": "Temperance movement in the United States The 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution banned the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages in the Unite…d States and its possessions. Contrary to common belief, it did not prohibit the purchase or consumption of alcohol.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "48aa13ac15985a88d78a9e9af0516070", "text": "- The 18th Amendment and the Volstead Act. The Anti-Saloon league, through its allies in Congress, introduced the Prohibition Amendment in 1917. It was submitted to the House of Representatives on April 4, 1917. The Senate received the resolution on July 30, 1917 and passed it August 1 by a vote of 65 to 20.he exhibit ran from October 27, 2005 until April 10, 2006. As part of my research I wrote a short history of the passage of the 18th Amendment and the Volstead Act which I present here in the hopes that it may be useful. I also wrote a page on the history of Prohibition in Virginia.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8ca08e0e3db053516363965a5925d4b5", "text": "What Was the Volstead Act? The 18th Amendment was introduced into the Senate in 1917, and it was successfully ratified by 1919, when the need for the Volstead Act to enable its enforcement became clear. Under the 18th Amendment, “intoxicating liquor” was essentially prohibited within the United States.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "606476cc53f355934d3178151318417e", "text": "21st Amendment to the Constitution The eighteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.Section 2. The transportation or importation into any State, Territory, or Possession of the United States for delivery or use therein of intoxicating liquors, in violation of the laws thereof, is hereby prohibited.Section 3.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3edb4b31d97e93cd1204933008c6ce0c", "text": "- The 18th amendment made it difficult to sell and produce alcohol. The actual act that was used to enforce the 18th amendment, was the National Prohibition Act (Volstead act), which was named after Andrew Volstead. This act consisted of three main provisions: 1.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a98559de6af4a68aa47359551ce348c9", "text": "18th and 21st Amendments In February 1933, Congress adopted a resolution proposing the 21st Amendment to the Constitution, which repealed both the 18th Amendment and the Volstead Act.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bc650ffe12f700eb14c7326d0fcbabc4", "text": "- It increased crime because alcohol consumption was no longer available so the public turned to gangsters and bootleggers for their alcohol.he passage of the 18th Amendment proved to be a mistake. Instead of reducing crime the ban on alcohol actually increased crime and created a more ominous form of it-organized crime.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5f3851b3eacd0e9cf1443e42e52fdcf0", "text": "What does the 21st amendment mean? The Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution had ushered in a period known as Prohibition, during which the manufacture, distribution, and sale of alcoholic beverages was illegal. Passage of the Eighteenth Amendment in 1919 was the crowning achievement of the temperance movement, but it soon proved highly unpopular.", "title": "" } ]
what is a superbill
[ { "docid": "b93ef13ab56d9b38789f8e1dba30b910", "text": "Superbill A superbill is a primary data source for the creation of a data claim enlisted by health care agencies, doctors' offices, hospitals and health care providers. Superbills generally contain four mandatory fields: Rendering provider including name and location.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "147204372d2a646655a6565dc4fdc270", "text": "Azithromycin Azithromycin is an antibiotic useful for the treatment of a number of bacterial infections.This includes middle ear infections, strep throat, pneumonia, traveler's diarrhea, and certain other intestinal infections.zithromycin is an acid-stable antibiotic, so it can be taken orally with no need of protection from gastric acids. It is readily absorbed, but absorption is greater on an empty stomach. Time to peak concentration (T max) in adults is 2.1 to 3.2 hours for oral dosage forms.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "67ecee65851a83ff86244e7c370e7619", "text": "- Definition of SUPERBUG. : a pathogenic microorganism and especially a bacterium that has developed resistance to the medications normally used against it. ADVERTISEMENT.hymes with SUPERBUG. antidrug, chugalug, date rape drug, doodlebug, gateway drug, jitterbug, ladybug, lightning bug, litterbug, mealybug, orphan drug, pull the plug, scatter rug, shutterbug, sulfa drug, water bug, wonder drug.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7121de3a9c9ae4da1c1d07acef663e20", "text": "What is superbug NDM-1? The NDM-1 gene makes the bacterium produce an enzyme which neutralizes the activity of carbepenem antibiotics. A bacterium carrying the NDM-1 gene is the most powerful superbug around. Put simply: The DNA code can easily jump from one bacteria strain to another through horizontal gene transfer.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ad442fafb52eeeec1c0d1fac2e148be9", "text": "threshold windowsill - the sill of a window; the horizontal member at the bottom of the window frame. 1 sill - structural member consisting of a continuous horizontal timber forming the lowest member of a framework or supporting structure. 2 window frame - the framework that supports a window.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "891f58e9771dfd887736862a88d21843", "text": "Stephen Guptill From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Stephen Gardner Guptill is a former American journalist and elderly advocate who resigned as Massachusetts Secretary of Elder Affairs after less than one week on the job when it was revealed that he falsely claimed to have had graduated from two foreign colleges. 1 Early life.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fd962eda37bd4ef81c4a93adce7a4c32", "text": "Superbills: ICD-9 vs. ICD-10 Superbills: ICD-9 vs. ICD-10. A superbill is a form used by medical practitioners and clinicians so they can quickly complete and submit the procedure(s) and diagnosis(s) for a patient visit for reimbursement.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a2c6971e5658f3769b4cbe5264b407e0", "text": "- Surgery | Oak Lawn, IL. Dr. Rodney Thill is a surgeon in Oak Lawn, Illinois and is affiliated with Advocate Christ Medical Center. He received his medical degree from Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cb754a8c1db3ad514f2813d5ab1843f3", "text": "- BUMINATE 25%. Albumin (Human), USP, 25% Solution. BUMINATE 25%, in 20, 50 and 100 mL glass bottles is a sterile, nonpyrogenic preparation of albumin in a single dosage form for intravenous administration. Each 100 mL contains 25 g of albumin and was prepared from human venous plasma using the Cohn cold ethanol fractionation process.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d6f7c327c912a7b0ef40d7ad93a1f663", "text": "encounter form A service form also called a superbill that lists health care procedure codes completed during a patient's office visit. en·coun·ter form. A service form also called a superbill that lists codes for health care procedures. encounter form,", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5ef13fa78acde06ff187601d5e2cca53", "text": "- Superbug: An informal term for a bacterium that has become resistant to antibiotics usually used to treat it, as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) or any multiresistant bacterium.uperbug: An informal term for a bacterium that has become resistant to antibiotics usually used to treat it, as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) or any multiresistant bacterium.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "27a3488c644f6c0109cae5186dec4c5c", "text": "Noorvik, AK Weather * The temperature, snow fall, and precipitation information on this page were calculated from the historical data of 18,000+ U.S weather stations for the period of time from 1980 to 2010.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "984a304f9dda5ce6b8af794c7d4e5ecd", "text": "Tonsillitis Tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils, typically of rapid onset. It is a type of pharyngitis. Symptoms may include sore throat, fever, enlargement of the tonsils, trouble swallowing, and large lymph nodes around the neck. Complications include peritonsillar abscess. Tonsillitis is most commonly caused by a viral infection, with about 5% to 40% of cases caused by a bacterial infection. When caused by the bacterium group A streptococcus, it is referred to as strep throat. Rarely bacteria such", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e021ce871c8d1ba7d52dc1a886bb854b", "text": "- Mandrills are most closely related to drills and baboons, though the mandrill is placed in its own genus. They are the most brightly colored mammals alive today, and they use this bright coloration for a variety of communication purposes.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5fa307d966626532cb0f65097d2ae6dc", "text": "Bursa of Fabricius In birds, the bursa of Fabricius (Latin: Bursa cloacalis or Bursa fabricii) is the site of hematopoiesis, a specialized organ that, as first demonstrated by Bruce Glick and later by Max Cooper and Robert Good, is necessary for B cell (part of the immune system) development in birds.ammals generally do not have an equivalent organ; the bone marrow is often both the site of hematopoiesis and B cell development. The bursa is present in the cloaca of birds and is named after Hieronymus Fabricius who described it in 1621.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "06bf6194f7e78771ae3c2150cb3c5d8d", "text": "49 Superbill Templates (family practice, Physical Therapy, Acupunctureâ¦) There you have—a brief overview of the superbill. A form used by doctors and other medical staff who have no direct working relationship with insurance companies, a superbill helps patients to get reimbursed for what they paid to the doctor/hospital/clinic.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b758c571b23c3272349e5b8262b67bcd", "text": "- Dicloxacillin is a narrow-spectrum β-lactam antibiotic of the penicillin class. It is used to treat infections caused by susceptible (non-resistant) Gram-positive bacteria. It is active against beta-lactamase-producing organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus, which would otherwise be resistant to most penicillins.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "173e53c881ddcdac909022d05c915ea9", "text": "- Medical Definition of Superbug. Superbug: : An informal term for a bacterium that has become resistant to antibiotics that usually are used to treat it, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) or any multidrug-resistant bacterium.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7d238da68f2faff241165f8554f2ba7d", "text": "Attention Veterinary Prescribers⦠iFill is far more than just an on-line ordering system. iFill is built from the ground up so that Stokes Pharmacy and our prescribing partners can work together in providing the best possible customer care through compounded medications. How much will it cost to start up? There is no cost to join iFill. You can start prescribing with iFill today!", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8c84db78a09376282168dc4dce8b08b4", "text": "- allowed for the use of a SuperBill. This was a single page that included the patient’s demographics, the medical office information such as address and medical license, the most commonly used procedures. (CPT codes) used by the doctor and the most common diagnoses (ICD-9) used by the doctor.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "547e334f03e71c001d626214285abdb3", "text": "Charbroiler Hamburgers cooking on a charbroiler. A charbroiler (also referred to as a chargrill, char-broiler or simply broiler) is a commonly used cooking device consisting of a series of grates or ribs that can be heated using a variety of means, and is used in both residential and commercial applications for a variety of cooking operations.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "90b8667f27c74a2df1acf915e35675df", "text": "Superbill Definition - What does Superbill mean? A superbill is a primary data source for the creation of a data claim enlisted by health care agencies, doctors' offices, hospitals and health care providers. Superbills generally contain four mandatory fields: Rendering provider including name and location.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "00c0be989c5280ea9fb0513effc37b1e", "text": "Will Brill Will Brill is an actor, known for Not Fade Away (2012), King Kelly (2012) and Muckland (2015).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "31f799d98dada232abed2366735d2c89", "text": "Bupleurum Definition of Bupleurum. : a genus of widely distributed herbs (family Umbelliferae) having simple often stem-clasping leaves and greenish yellow flowers.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "50e998f76a1793050a168fb89d455b34", "text": "- Introduction. Quinsy, also known as a peritonsillar abscess, is a rare and potentially serious complication of tonsillitis. The abscess (a collection of pus) forms between one of your tonsils and the wall of your throat.This can happen when a bacterial infection spreads from an infected tonsil to the surrounding area.Quinsy can occur at any age, but most commonly affects teenagers and young adults.It's possible to get it more than once.he abscess (a collection of pus) forms between one of your tonsils and the wall of your throat. This can happen when a bacterial infection spreads from an infected tonsil to the surrounding area. Quinsy can occur at any age, but most commonly affects teenagers and young adults. It's possible to get it more than once.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "317d8c72daafda814d008e616824413a", "text": "Jeffrey R. Thill, MD Dr. Thill may diagnose and treat conditions like urinary tract infections, prostate cancer, kidney stones and incontinence, among others. Treatment options can be surgical or non-surgical in nature, depending upon the patient's specific diagnosis and medical history.", "title": "" } ]
weather in alamogordo
[ { "docid": "69b9dad4fec778c877edec8d7f652b89", "text": "Average Weather in Alamogordo New Mexico, United States Over the course of the year, the temperature in Alamogordo typically varies from 30°F to 94°F and is rarely below 20°F or above 101°F. The hot season lasts for 117 days, from May 20 to September 14, with an average daily high temperature above 86°F.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e15c2af7fbcdf04777fbf0eb31a565a6", "text": "Alamogordo, New Mexico Add Favorite 14 Reviews | Review This Place Alamogordo, New Mexico, gets 12 inches of rain per year. The US average is 39. Snowfall is 6 inches. The average US city gets 26 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 31. On average, there are 285 sunny days per year in Alamogordo, New Mexico. The July high is around 93 degrees. The January low is 28. Sperling's comfort index for Alamogordo is a 83 out of 100, where a higher score indicates a more comfortable year-around climate. The US average for the comfort index is 54.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "19170b14a90dbc4dc2c9c02e67e2c466", "text": "- HIGHS IN THE LOWER 80S. SOUTHWEST WINDS 15 TO 20 MPH. GUSTS UP TO 30 MPH IN THE AFTERNOON. CHANCE OF RAIN 50 PERCENT. OVERNIGHT: MOSTLY CLEAR. HIGHS IN THE UPPER 70S. LOWS IN THE LOWER 60S.IGHS IN THE LOWER 80S. SOUTHWEST WINDS 15 TO 20 MPH. GUSTS UP TO 30 MPH IN THE AFTERNOON. CHANCE OF RAIN 50 PERCENT. OVERNIGHT: MOSTLY CLEAR. HIGHS IN THE UPPER 70S. LOWS IN THE LOWER 60S.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "092aca3b3448d6196ada6c58ef622ee2", "text": "- 20%55°46°Mostly cloudy with a high of 56 °F (13.3 °C). Winds variable at 4 to 11 mph (6.4 to 17.7 kph).Night - Windy with a 80% chance of precipitation. Winds variable at 11 to 22 mph (17.7 to 35.4 kph). The overnight low will be 47 °F (8.3 °C).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ae8b6fb8760cf0e3b2d11e16707d54a8", "text": "Santa Fe Weather & Tips Santa Fe Weather. Santa Fe has a very dry, high desert climate with intense sunlight. On average, the city experiences more than 300 sunny days per year. The highest temperatures in July and August are 80-90 °F with only 3-6 days per year with 90+°F highs.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7be13a72db2db597d0af5e95d643c0b4", "text": "Average Weather in Alamogordo New Mexico, United States In Alamogordo, the average percentage of the sky covered by clouds experiences mild seasonal variation over the course of the year. The clearer part of the year in Alamogordo begins around March 17 and lasts for 112 days, ending around July 7.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a203ed320a8cdd82945ce537459e9d49", "text": "- Badlands National Park Weather. The Badlands climate is variable and unpredictable with temperatures ranging from 116 F to -40F. Most of the scant fifteen inches of annual precipitation fall just before and during the warmer months, often in the form of torrential thunderstorms. June is the wettest month while December and January are the driest.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7a25454631d2591e199c9c5a54281424", "text": "Taos Weather and When to Go It is actually a pretty good idea to try to be down out of the mountains by 3 o'clock in the afternoon during the summer. Now, for the good news. Virtually no one in Taos has air conditioning. The combination of low humidity, summer highs generally in the 80's, and cool nights makes air conditioning unnecessary.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ac862476a72bf27b4151b9a9f72f6ca2", "text": "- Winds E at 10 to 15 mph. Evening: Partial cloudiness early, with scattered showers and thunderstorms later during the night. Low 76F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "af2e97bb287230118bcd5441ae995ba1", "text": "- As of Saturday afternoon, Denver's weather forecast called for a high temperature today of 50 degrees with a 90-percent chance of rain and winds of 10-15 mph.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5984daceff19f3ecd31020efb53af0c0", "text": "Hand fracture - aftercare The five bones in your hand that connect your wrist to your thumb and fingers are called the metacarpal bones. You have a fracture (break) in one or more of these bones. This is called a hand (or metacarpal) fracture.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2014203d046e97d4a1c97cb2990e7272", "text": "- You are here: United States > New Mexico > Alamogordo. °C | °F. Climate data for Alamogordo, NM - 88310 - 1961-1990 normals - weather. Jan: January, Feb: February, Mar: March, Apr: April, May: May, Jun: June, Jul: July, Aug: August, Sep: September, Oct: October, Nov: November, Dec: December.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "19e17811413a2ec521a3d3356c937e99", "text": "- Las Cruces Weather Forecast. A look at today’s regional weather for Southwestern New Mexico including Las Cruces’ 7-day forecast and today’s weather for Quemado, Glenwood, Silver City, Lordsburg, Deming, Socorro, Truth or Consequences and Alamogordo. Video Forecast.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e74b133d3936fc1afdd79aa1c78a275f", "text": "Alameda, CA Weather Alameda, CA Weather. Alameda, CA climate is mild during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 60's and cool during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 50's.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "433b9161f145f6e8bf77a6e291766b82", "text": "- A steady rain arriving overnight. Low 62F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 80%. A shower or two around the area in the morning, then partly cloudy in the afternoon. High 69F. Winds NNE at 10 to 15 mph.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c6061cc8a53cf372a2b75d8e3a421051", "text": "\"\"\"What is a Good Weather Forecast?\"\" in the eyes of a forecaster\" A definition might include some specific ranges of tolerance for various parameters. For example, a 24 hour maximum temperature forecast that is within two degrees of what occurs might be considered a good forecast. Of the group of forecasters surveyed, only four focused their answer on measures of skill.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "253d938580f36e1cd34e4af70840d9e6", "text": "one shoulder knee length dress Fashion Union Peplum Frill Skirt More Info Product cell. Mini skirt by Fashion Union, Woven fabric, High-rise waist, Peplum frill, Regular fit - true to size, Machine wash, 100% Polyester, Our model wears a UK 8/EU 36/US 4 and is 178cm/5'10 tall. ABOUT FASHION UNION Fashion Union helps you overhaul your party-girl wardrobe with its standout collection.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bc8d361d374e30673513b22f8414d3d4", "text": "- Hourly Forecast Detailed. 0am:The Tabernash, CO forecast for Aug 13 is 59 degrees and Fog. There is 95 percentage chance of rain and 5 mph winds from the West-Northwest. 3am:The Tabernash, CO forecast for Aug 13 is 55 degrees and Fog.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "549a8d0d97b40ba967b5ffa5bf018f01", "text": "- Alamogordo /ˌaeləməˈɡɔrdoʊ/ ˌæləməˈɡɔrdoʊ is the county seat and economic center Of Otero county in-south Central New, Mexico United. states", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1b1adfab55f14154b3eac9683477ed70", "text": "- Variably cloudy with scattered showers in the morning, then partly cloudy with isolated showers in the afternoon. Highs 92 lower elevations ranging to 87 higher elevations. East winds 5 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 30 percent.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "c5bceb66158ed7e99e201a147deb5759", "text": "- Friday: A chilly morning as temps plunge into the mid-30s overnight, then a chance of showers and thunderstorms from Noon - Sunset. Thundershowers could have small hail, graupel and brief but heavy rain so heads up! High: 50°. Friday Night: Showers and t/storms die down after sunset before clearing out for another chilly night in the mid-30s. Saturday/Sunday: The Easter Weekend is shaping up nicely for all of those Easter egg hunts!", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d9ca39279b63fac910b2778ffd0ef76a", "text": "- Mount Orab 10 Day Weather. 1 Tuesday:The Mount Orab forecast for Apr 04 is 54 degrees and Patchy rain possible. There is 79 percentage chance of rain and 15 mph winds from the West-Southwest. 2 Wednesday:The Mount Orab forecast for Apr 05 is 58 degrees and Patchy light rain with thunder.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "77c0d0d5833fcf3758e47c7257b3f465", "text": "Average Weather in Boca Raton Florida, United States In Boca Raton, the summers are hot, oppressive, wet, and mostly cloudy and the winters are short, comfortable, humid, windy, and mostly clear. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 61°F to 89°F and is rarely below 46°F or above 92°F.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "37384d39916ac43b3718be6caf81013f", "text": "- Texas Weather > Fort Hood Weather. Fort Hood, TX climate is hot during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 80's and cold during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 40's.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8cae51b7e83b0b5fe93d065cfb2c54db", "text": "- Friday: A chilly morning as temps plunge into the mid-30s overnight, then a chance of showers and thunderstorms from Noon - Sunset. Thundershowers could have small hail, graupel and brief but heavy rain so heads up! High: 50°. Friday Night: Showers and t/storms die down after sunset before clearing out for another chilly night in the mid-30s.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9133e49aa6d66dade0f297886f0cff6e", "text": "Average Weather in Stephenville Texas, United States Average Weather in Stephenville Texas, United States. In Stephenville, the summers are hot and muggy, the winters are cold and windy, and it is partly cloudy year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 35°F to 94°F and is rarely below 23°F or above 100°F.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b1bd15e0d4650ecc51baca1723ae9fcd", "text": "- Hourly Forecast Detailed. 0am: The Rio Linda, CA forecast for Feb 15 is 41 degrees and Partly cloudy. There is 83 percentage chance of rain and 4 mph winds from the East. 3am: The Rio Linda, CA forecast for Feb 15 is 37 degrees and Partly cloudy. There is 87 percentage chance of rain and 4 mph winds from the Southeast. 6am: The Rio Linda, CA forecast for Feb 15 is 37 degrees and Clear. There is 82 percentage chance of rain and 7 mph winds from the North-Northwest. 9am: The Rio Linda, CA forecast for Feb 15 is 43 degrees and Sunny.", "title": "" } ]
how to cope with depression without medicine
[ { "docid": "e398680ed8acfad0c59641b64cdd2bfa", "text": "- Along with therapy and sometimes medication, there's a lot you can do on your own to fight back. Changing your behavior -- your physical activity, lifestyle, and even your way of thinking -- are all natural depression treatments. These tips can help you feel better -- starting right now.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f61aea6d3eb3d9e8d5f7dcd85cc57d51", "text": "How To Deal With Depression Without Medication Talking to a professional is one of the best ways to treat depression without the use of medication. If your depressive symptoms start to seriously interfere with your daily life, your next step should be to contact a counselor or psychologist.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "8ed783f4ae662d10178202d657662024", "text": "- In this article. Font Size. A. A. A. Your treatment plan for depression will depend on the type you have and how severe it is. Some people get psychotherapy. Others also take antidepressants or get other treatments. Exercise can also be part of the plan.If those don't give you enough relief, there are more options.f you have bipolar depression, your doctor may prescribe different types of medicines, such as mood-stabilizing drugs or certain antipsychotic medicines, instead of antidepressants. Everyone is different. It may take some trial and error to find the treatment plan that works best for you.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ca2d6d56107cdafd0e395026f8ee5e69", "text": "- Regular exercise probably helps ease depression in a number of ways, which may include: Releasing feel-good brain chemicals that may ease depression (neurotransmitters, endorphins and endocannabinoids) Reducing immune system chemicals that can worsen depression.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d3cbebdb6e1befb42930e0ab975742d7", "text": "Dangers of Self-Medication Recreational Drugs. Other ways to self-medicate for depression can include the use of drugs and these might be either pharmaceutical or recreational. The use of recreational drugs to treat depression will often mean using ecstasy/MDMA which causes euphoria and thereby can improve mood to a great degree.elf-Medication for Pain. Many people will use analgesics (painkillers) in order to self-medicate for pain and this is considered normal. If you can use a paracetamol in order to help yourself cope with a headache or back ache then this is a good idea and will have relatively few consequences if any.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "60fcbbe7a6bf6cdc341d1d879e9eb718", "text": "Depression: Supporting Someone Who Is Depressed This topic will give you the tools to do so. 1 Depression is a disease. 2 The best thing you can do for someone who is depressed is to help him or her start or continue treatment. 3 Offer support. 4 Don't ignore talk about suicide. 5 Reassure the person that he or she will get better with the right kind of treatment.f you have permission, you can: 1 Help the person set up and get to visits with a doctor or other health professional. 2 Help the person manage medicines. 3 Know the side effects of medicines and contact the doctor if needed.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b04d39c818bdd3dbcc91fe1d1fc39666", "text": "- There are several supplements, herbs, and vitamins as alternatives to depression medication treatment-natural herbal remedy cures Exercise, sports, a proper and healthy diet, relaxation techniques, movement of the body such as dance and yoga, can help fight depression.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2c442dd79545e834ae785ce945a79a90", "text": "- Here are 10 ways you can help someone today with depression. 1 Recognize the symptoms. 2 Convince the depressed person to get treatment or, in the case of a depressed child or adolescent, help the youngster get treatment.t’s often frustrating and can make a person feel helpless to try and help someone who’s depressed or who suffers from depression. Whether it’s clinical depression or the winter blues, a person who’s depressed is often looking for ways to get help, but may not know where or how to start.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "500ee0cd6b1532baee7f370d27a1b26f", "text": "10 Ways to Cope With Depression 1 Lifestyle Factors That Affect Mood When you have depression, you can find ways to take control of your life and manage your treatment even beyond medications. 2 Making some lifestyle changes can boost your mood and help alleviate many of your symptoms, including low self-esteem.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0cb958106e22f643f81f403a5eeaaa15", "text": "10 Ways to Show Love to Someone With Depression HOW TO BETTER COPE. 1 Recognize your own feelings. Also understand that your feelings are a normal reaction to an abnormal situation. 2 Talk about the experience. Talk is healing. 3 Reach out to friends and family for support. Try to connect with others, especially those who may have shared the same stressful experience.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f6e035e6f4283e4f98d94dfb60986700", "text": "- 1921 Taggart Baking Company of Indianapolis was planning to launch its 1.5 pound loaf of bread. 1921 Taggart Vice President Elmer Cline names the new bread Wonder Bread. 1925 Continental Baking Company bought the Taggert Baking Compan. 1930 Wonder begins selling pre-packaged pre-sliced bread. 1941 The war effort needs metal used in slicing blades, so Wonder is only sold by the loaf.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0d18da10537c0f1b42bb638331913e4e", "text": "- In addition, the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department contracts with the Del Mar Thoroughbred Club and the 22nd Agricultural District for law enforcement services at the San Diego County Fair, Del Mar Races, and other events throughout the year.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "105879d18c4785da172d09d2eba70030", "text": "Depression: Helping Someone Get Treatment 1 The best thing you can do for someone who has depression is to help him or her get treatment. 2 Don't ignore talk about suicide. 3 Talk to a doctor, or call 911 or emergency help if needed. 4 Treatment works, and there are many choices in treatment. It's not being lazy, and you can't just get over it.. 2 Depression is very common and is nothing to be embarrassed about. 3 The best thing you can do for someone who has depression is to help him or her get treatment. 4 Don't ignore talk about suicide.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d3a9c9142107f9e48ed904f06ccc8f2f", "text": "Depression: Supporting Someone Who Is Depressed Home support. A person who has depression may feel alone in the world. Your support can help. 1 Listen when the person wants to talk. 2 If you're there to help the person talk things through, it may help the person feel better or continue treatment. 3 Avoid giving advice.his topic will give you the tools to do so. 1 Depression is a disease. 2 The best thing you can do for someone who is depressed is to help him or her start or continue treatment. 3 Offer support. 4 Don't ignore talk about suicide. 5 Reassure the person that he or she will get better with the right kind of treatment.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a2ee139d16aeee206b3c01c180e85fac", "text": "- Save. sue-scheff.com. Depression can become severe and debilitating and may require the use of medication to treat it, but many times you can treat depression without the use of medications. The use of natural remedies, as well as participation in counseling, can help address the many symptoms of depression.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1ee4ad53bbb75558f278c2268dc4e190", "text": "Simponi Depression can be treated. Treatment typically includes medicines, with or without talk therapy. If you are thinking about suicide or are very depressed and cannot function, you may need to be treated in a hospital. After you have been on treatment, if you feel your symptoms are getting worse, talk with your provider.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1a9783cdab940a50464b53ca894fcef3", "text": "- What Are Some of The Ways I Can Relieve Pain Without Taking Medicine? For some people, pain can be relieved without using medicine. They use relaxation, imagery, distraction, and skin stimulation. You may need the help of health professionals to learn to do these for yourself. Friends or family members can help with some of them. The techniques are also useful along with pain medicines.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cee6aaa81dfa68a4e7e414432892c766", "text": "Depression: Recognizing the Physical Signs Sometimes, treating your depression -- with therapy or medicine or both -- will clear up your physical symptoms. Medicines for depression tweak the chemicals your nerve cell networks use communicate, making them work more efficiently.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6078de4b5fc908d6baa1ac8cc14a3aa3", "text": "How to Fight Depression Without Drugs If you prefer to fight depression without drugs, however, there are many simple, effective strategies to try, especially if you’re dealing with a passing case of the blues or a situational depression triggered by life circumstances.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3cc574ccc2ef04ff104321a5638fb793", "text": "- Continue taking antidepressant medicine even when you start to feel better. Although it may be tempting to stop medication as your mood lifts, continue taking it for as long as your doctor recommends. Most doctors advise patients to take antidepressants for six months to a year after they no longer feel depressed. Stopping before that time can cause depression to return.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2f9288986a8cbccc95516fc6de358c01", "text": "Depression - treatment and management Some symptoms of depression, such as fatigue, can be mistaken for a physical illness. Professional help is very important, but there are also things you can do every day to help your recovery. Education, lifestyle changes, social support and psychological therapy are important treatments for depression.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "895a517f47ba3321b9e057f51a896402", "text": "- Talk with your doctor. Drugs are only part of your depression treatment. Talk with your doctor about steps you can take, such as lifestyle changes or changes in your diet, that can help ease your depression and help your medication to work its best.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "73a46cc7251a13c05429b9188572d627", "text": "How Your Depression Medicine Can Affect Your Life “You definitely have to be a little patient for the medicine to work,” says Lisa Brennan, who started taking medication for her depression several years ago. “For me, the change was very subtle at first, and then I realized that I really was feeling better.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ea64f6c05f55a5e5f1305fd17fab5d82", "text": "Protein subunit This receptor has a bound peptide (in the binding pocket) of heterologous origin that also contributes to function. In structural biology, a protein subunit is a single protein molecule that assembles (or coassembles) with other protein molecules to form a protein complex. Some naturally occurring proteins have a relatively small number of subunits and therefore described as oligomeric, for example hemoglobin or DNA polymerase.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3b5930210170036c92abf90436f849c7", "text": "Depression medication may make things worse 1 Low zinc has been linked to depression in women. 2 Men and women with low levels of B vitamins might raise depression risk. 3 A daily dose of fish oil has been shown to help depression. 4 If you’re on medication, exercise has been shown to be as effective as adding a second drug.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "900c81fd869b28989317594a620b509d", "text": "What Medications Help Treat Depression? Depression affects your brain, so drugs that work in your brain may prove beneficial. Common antidepressants may help ease your symptoms, but there are many other options as well. Each drug used to treat depression works by balancing certain chemicals in your brain called neurotransmitters.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "103dba982a97b8dda48cf2d0f4a3263b", "text": "Management of depression Two studies suggest that the combination of psychotherapy and medication is the most effective way to treat depression in adolescents. Both TADS (Treatment of Adolescents with Depression Study) and TORDIA (Treatment of Resistant Depression in Adolescents) showed very similar results.", "title": "" } ]
translate birthday to chinese
[ { "docid": "f1362410a5ea693891e12940eb53ec4a", "text": "- Happy Birthday in Chinese is 生日快乐(shēngrì kuàilè). 生日(shēngrì) -- means birthday or day of birth. 快乐(kuàilè) -- means happy. So saying it in Chinese is the reverse of English, like Birthday Happy.. If someone wishes you Happy Birthday in Chinese you can respond with, 谢谢 (xièxie) Thank you..", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "4c783337a12ae6e96ee02e92aa121919", "text": "Abacus Chinese Translation Services Chinese Pinyin Translation. Chinese Phonetic Translation. English to Chinese Pinyin Translation. English to Pinyin Translation. We are one of the few firms that provide English to Pinyin translation services. Translating from English to Pinyin is fairly quick and accurate, and we can do that with a quick turnaround time. However, if you are requesting translation service from Pinyin into English, then please contact us to see if it is doable.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "bbcc699d16c2b4141c7f443107281a58", "text": "Chapter 2: Medical Asepsis and the OSHA Standard What is the purpose of a Sharps Injury Log? To maintain a log of injuries from contaminated sharps. To help employers and employees keep track of all needle-stick injuries Engineering Control All control measures that isolate or remove health hazards from the workplace", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a1d2026ee39c808d7202c468a95b7476", "text": "- Ham6 gaa1 chaan2 (Chinese: 咸家鏟 or Chinese: 冚家鏟; Jyutping: ham6 gaa1 chaan2) is another common curse phrase in Cantonese that literally means may your whole family be dead. Interestingly, 鏟 chaan2 means a shovel or to shovel, which possibly relates to a funeral and ultimately to the meaning of death.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5e1c07f4d540b396e09ed5cfe6a2c325", "text": "Chinese Calendar Conversion ⢠Convert Chinese - English Date Chinese calendar is a lunar calendar whereas Gregorian calendar is a solar calendar. Here is a Chinese calendar converter to convert Chinese date to their corresponding English date and vice-versa.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6da2f90e5d550e10c78bf83c7fad9a6a", "text": "- Happy Holidays is 佳節快樂 (simplified: 佳节快乐, pinyin spelling jiā jié kuài lè, pronounced jee-ah jee-eh kwhy luh) in Chinese. ​. 佳 (pinyin spelling jiā, pronounced jee-ah) is good, excellent, beautiful, or fine. 節 (simplified: 节, pinyin spelling jié, pronounced jee-eh) is festival or holiday. 快樂 (simplified: 快乐, pinyin spelling kuài lè, pronounced kwhy luh) is happiness, joy, delight, or rejoicings. So, 佳節快樂 (jiā jié kuài lè), Good Holidays Happy, is how you say Happy Holidays in Chinese.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "27028f99c98cb518d02f4fe397d33e9b", "text": "- 誕 (simplified: 诞, pinyin spelling dàn, pronounced dahn) is birth or birthday. 快樂 (simplified: 快乐, pinyin spelling kuài lè, pronounced kwhy luh) is happiness, joy, delight, or rejoicings. So, 聖誕快樂 (shèng dàn kuài lè), Holy Birth Happy, is how you say Merry Christmas in Chinese.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e63ececbf8e8607ceafedb2804ab237a", "text": "- 1. 恭喜. pinyin. In Chinese, 恭 means “respectfully; politely”, 喜 means “happy”, so 恭喜 together means “(I am) respectfully happy (for you)”. 恭喜 is the standard way to congratulate people in Chinese. If anything good happens to someone, you can say 恭喜 to them.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f8f912db91e1943ccbf6545db3c1450c", "text": "- Chinese-English dictionary: 子 ( zi / zĭ ) (English translation: son) as Chinese character including stroke order, Pinyin phonetic script, pronunciation in Mandarin, example sentence and English meaning", "title": "" }, { "docid": "72906b39f1530c048d9621a2d94536a5", "text": "Translate Help Show only Chinese inline-details in popup Show Chinese and Pinyin inline-details in popup Show Chinese, Pinyin and English inline-no popup. Please note: these are machine translation, translations may not be accurate / correct. This item uses the translation engine of Microsoft Bing Translator for translations.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2ed9ecebcf7e3d57562df099649f2e0c", "text": "- Chinese uses several words for good luck. The common used are好运【hǎoyùn=good luck】,幸运【xìngyùn= good fortune, good luck, lucky】and 福【fú= good luck, good fortune, blessing, happiness】. Good luck is a phrase often used in the Chinese language. Learn the appropriate times to say it with these examples.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8de2aca47a169b3db977d4f9b3b0eee6", "text": "- Chinese Fortune Calendar 2015 Astrology 2015 Zodiacs Baby Gender Love Match Palm Reading Site Map News. The Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Calendar Chart of Ching Dynasty was revealed in 1972. It provides baby gender information based on Chinese Lunar month and woman's Chinese age. This helps people to choose baby gender before pregnancy. The Baby Gender Predictor of Chinese Fortune Calendar uses very accurate astronomical data to calculate Chinese lunar month and Chinese age at any selected year.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d70d22b1f0afa679b5117cca9630e08b", "text": "- Learn to say Happy Birthday in German with these ready-made phrases with audio, perfect for use in birthday cards, emails or even-if you are feeling brave enough-making a quick call.appy Birthday in German. Learn to say Happy Birthday in German with these ready-made phrases with audio, perfect for use in birthday cards, emails or even-if you are feeling brave enough-making a quick call. Herzlichen Glueckwunsch glückwunsch Zum-Geburtstag Happy. birthday", "title": "" }, { "docid": "851d5e4901b7334273d8e7429da0b6f8", "text": "Online dictionary: English-Chinese translation of words and expressions, definition, synonyms As we try to make it easy for you to translate into Chinese the English words and expressions, you are given the possibility to see synonyms of a word, conjugate it and obtain the word pronunciation, or even add another meaning to the English-Chinese dictionary, all these in only one click on the word.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fda2bc2eec870d9546cc2f9297c3f9f7", "text": "- Chinese calendar is a lunar calendar whereas Gregorian calendar is a solar calendar. Here is a Chinese calendar converter to convert Chinese date to their corresponding English date and vice-versa. Also get the corresponding Chinese lunar calendar years and date for any English date.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0371f36a4790a4a1832fe29f61ef885b", "text": "30 Creative Ways to Say Happy Birthday 1 Likewise for an Italian flavor you can say, ‘Buon Compleanno’ while for a dash of Oriental exoticism you can use ‘Otanjou-bi Omedetou Gozaimasu’ which is Happy Birthday in Japanese. Yet another creative way to wish Happy Birthday is to accompany it with a quote on birthdays.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b3bfb88cb9a69d38f42bdc52c9036246", "text": "- Fortune Cookie. Open a Fortune Cookie; Fortune Cookie Recipe; Fortune Cookie Quotes. Chinese Translation; Lucky Numbers (Lotto) Daily Numbers (Pick 3) Submit a Fortune Cookie; Buy Fortune Cookies; Fortune Cookie in Email; About This Site. Fortune Cookie Fan Page", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d80a6e6328d1e305818bcba0a42e674f", "text": "\"Saying \"\"Happy New Year!\"\" Around the World\" Ways to say Happy New Year in such languages as Arabic, Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin), French, Hebrew, Korean, Swedish, Vietnamese, and more. See also Names for Santa Around the World, Greetings Around the World, Thank You Around the World, and Saying “Merry Christmas” or “Season's Greetings”Around the World.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d44d0341624a5b20ea0b8337fb545c6c", "text": "Why do Chinese people prefer to celebrate a birthday before or on the actual date, but not after it? 3 Answers. , Chinese. Not all Chinese people prefer to celebrate a birthday before the actual date instead after, actually. I think it's safe to say it's always the most preferable to have the birthday on the actual date, but beliefs vary when you have to celebrate it before or after.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "78de1664151cee38c96bcd7ed830fddf", "text": "- expactation vector in Chinese : 期望值向量…. click for more detailed Chinese translation, definition, pronunciation and example sentences. 简体版 繁體版", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f6e3de92809f1c99b6280539c894ee50", "text": "Chinese gender predictor The Chinese Gender Calendar is considered one of the oldest methods for predicting the gender of an unborn baby. It is also one of the simplest, where the only necessary information is the mother's age at conception and the month of conception. The Chinese Gender Calendar can be used in two ways. If you will use it for predicting the sex of an unborn child, simply enter your age at conception and the month of conception. If you will use it for planning your baby's gender, then find a suitable period for conception based on your age.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0d634142cbada0a898522b1586f27807", "text": "Chinese Translation Services Chinese Translation Services. SDL FreeTranslation.com has everything you need for Chinese translation. Our free translation website allows you to translate documents, text and web pages from English to Chinese. For professional, human translations in Chinese get an instant free quote from our expert translators.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f6ddc818824e5a8f7d6dfa4c22aab77e", "text": "\"How do you say \"\"happy birthday\"\" in Spanish?\" Currently in IB Spanish. Well in Spanish the word Happy translates to Feliz and the word Birthday translates to cumpleaños. So the correct way to say it is Feliz Cumpleanos. However unlike in the United States, Spanish culture differs by region and most people just congratulate the person by saying something like Felicidades.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9236c4eb30035a77ccb992532998d975", "text": "English to Chinese (s) Translation Target Language. If it is an online English to Chinese (s) translator you need, you have just found the best English to Chinese (s) translator around, and it is free! Babylon, the world's leading provider of language solutions, puts at your disposal an automatic translator for instant English to Chinese (s) translation of single words and phrases.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "79ba6b92d6c4da49abc2514e7f4c1e75", "text": "- Translations. 1 Chinese: Mandarin: 通俗地说. 2 Czech: laicky řečeno. 3 Finnish: kansanomaisesti, selkokielellä, yleiskielen käsittein. German: 1 allgemeinverständlich. Georgian: გლეხურად ‎(glexurad) Italian: senza 1 fronzoli. Persian: در اصطلاح عامیانه. Polish: na chłopski rozum, po ludzku, (humorous) z polskiego na nasze.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2c3c214cb371126afa33830fda1a3044", "text": "- In China, the practice of celebrating one’s birthday is a relatively new phenomenon brought about by Westernization. Chinese birthday beliefs still remain largely governed by superstition, with very specific traditions assigned to the age of the birthday celebrant.", "title": "" } ]
what causes crankshaft knock
[ { "docid": "2b6e97ba618329c411325d0dbf27a993", "text": "What Is Engine Knocking? Internal Mechanical Problems. 1 Internal mechanical problems can also cause engine knocking. One such problem stems from excessive clearance inside the bearings in the connecting rods that transfer the downward movement of the pistons to crankshaft rotation. Each time the piston changes direction, there is a knock from the metal hitting metal. This is often referred to as a rod knock. It is usually very rhythmic—it increases with engine speed and intensifies with engine load. Other mechanical problems that lead to engine knocking are: Defective main crankshaft bearings", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9708445b7708468e85f0951fb6ebc74b", "text": "What is a rod knock? If the situation is really bad it can even be caused by the rod itself contacting the crankshaft journal (where the bearing has become out of place). The most common cause of rod knock is due to a spun bearing (bearing itself actually spins in the end of the rod so it becomes out of position).", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "351925b12759950ea845b5ba73d01642", "text": "- The knock sensor is a good engine monitor tool when it is working correctly and the engine is fairley new, but after you get some miles on the engine it hears alot of normal engine noise that comes with engine age.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "54b38681588b4be90d0cd911caa6e5df", "text": "What is engine knock? One of the causes of engine knock is sub-par gasoline -- low quality and low octane fuel can cause a whole cluster of problems, such as increased combustion chamber temperatures and higher cylinder pressures.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6c3bc89463b137aa1f7d2bd57b1ad5dd", "text": "- A Diesel-Like Clattering in Your Gas-Powered Car. Worst-Case Scenario: Detonation, also known as pinging or knock. Why: Things like bad gasoline or incorrect ignition timing cause the fuel to go boom too early. If left unchecked, you risk serious engine damage. What To Do: Switch to higher octane gas, which resists detonation, and check the timing.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9d7766cffbc442ea7ad644e18f5adf17", "text": "What Does a Knocking Noise Mean When I Apply the Brakes? The culprit could be bad tie rods if the knocking sound is accompanied by a loose or wobbly steering wheel when brakes are applied. Tie rods keep the front tires running in the same direction, and are connected to the wheels by an articulating bearing, which pivots to allow an arc-shape movement of the front wheels.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3261bc077a988c35bf23c7d14ebbf0e4", "text": "Knock Sensor With 9 Free ASE Practice Tests. Knock Sensor. The knock sensor is located on the engine block, cylinder head or intake manifold. This is because its function is to sense vibrations caused by engine knock or detonation. The PCM uses this signal to alter the ignition timing and prevent detonation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "815181a123dc47a8fe61d98c5c9cb617", "text": "Crankshaft Position Sensor Symptoms Problems with the crankshaft sensor will often present as problems with engine timing. If you think your sensor has failed, here are some common symptoms of a bad crankshaft sensor that can help you in determining whether or not it has failed.here are a number of different problems that can cause similar symptoms to a crankshaft position sensor problem. Many of the issues mentioned above can be caused by failures in the ignition system or fuel injection system. Before you conclude that the crankshaft position sensor is bad you may need to run some tests.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "aea9e7e063dec11d277d16434c74f194", "text": "Engine Noises | Knocking and Ticking | Common Causes As with most engine noise, understanding the cause of the noise will help you imagine what the noise sounds like. An indication of piston slap is a decrease in noise as the engine warms up. When the engine is cold, the piston to bore clearance is greater and piston slap will be louder.s with most engine noise, understanding the cause of the noise will help you imagine what the noise sounds like. An indication of piston slap is a decrease in noise as the engine warms up. When the engine is cold, the piston to bore clearance is greater and piston slap will be louder.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6d0056ff6d2e8b9fca0c7ba82ed2e996", "text": "What Does Engine Pinging / Detonation Sound Like This is a car engine that has a ping. Also called spark knock, preignition or detonation. If left uncorrected it can ruin the motor. Caused by either a lean fuel condition, carbon deposits in the combustion chamber, over advanced ignition timing, wrong spark plugs, or overheating.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1eb3462904b733345cb341e15e7ee9e0", "text": "How to solve engine hesitation and stumble problems on the 90+ There are more than 33 items, which if faulty, that can cause engine hesitation and stumble problems. 3 Basic Causes of Stumble. As with engines before the days of Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI), stumble had two basic causes- incorrect ignition and incorrect fuel/ air mixture for the required operating condition.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3dab1d093095525bf967fa8ffd274b0a", "text": "- The knock sensor is in the engine V under the intake manifolds and coolant crossover pipe. As it requires considerable disassembly and an expensive new gasket set to reach it,… I suggest you make very sure there is something wrong with it first.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "247a981c797865f6974354ec8f7d0e0a", "text": "Help! My engine is making a loud knocking noise!? The knocking noise is the piston rods hitting on the main rod bearings because there is no lubrication. Because of the lack of oil and probably the excessive frictional heat, the rod bearings and the rocker arms have worn to the point that they are loose and will continue to knock and tick.he knocking noise is the piston rods hitting on the main rod bearings because there is no lubrication. Because of the lack of oil and probably the excessive frictional heat, the rod bearings and the rocker arms have worn to the point that they are loose and will continue to knock and tick.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0bbcfe0065379b2d1e0e9411eaf2bb7f", "text": "- a small air leak at a crank seal or an intake gasket will cause the usually perfect fuel air mixture in the crankcase to become slightly lean sometimes very lean this lean mixture can quickly result in a seized piston air leaks are by far the number one cause of vintage engine piston seizures", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fc3debac8080662671f614eee7f79977", "text": "What Causes a Piston Rod to Break? Over-revving the engine can lead to rod breaks. The revving causes rod failure due to a valve's spring failing or being sucked into the engine. Faulty bearings cause too much play in a crankshaft and stresses the rod. Continued stress causes metal fatigue and eventual rod failure.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d225603f3c2bdc3fa7a05c9804d3f1dc", "text": "Sounds Like Trouble: A Quick Guide to Diagnosing Common Engine Noises Crankshaft Knock. A heavy, yet dull metallic knock is typically crankshaft knock. Loudest when the engine is under load or acceleration, crankshaft knock can be diagnosed by paying close attention to the specific type of knock: 1 A regular, rumble-like knock is often from worn main bearings.2 A more distinct knock is routinely attributed to worn rod bearings.rankshaft Knock. A heavy, yet dull metallic knock is typically crankshaft knock. Loudest when the engine is under load or acceleration, crankshaft knock can be diagnosed by paying close attention to the specific type of knock: 1 A regular, rumble-like knock is often from worn main bearings.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0162fce44b2f95a30f964fa46b9a4697", "text": "- Buttoo much advance causes engine knock.Once knock starts, performance decreasesand there is a risk of serious engine damage.Knock gets its name because it causesvibrations and banging in the cylinder.Mild knock causes a “pinging” noisethat sounds like marbles or small ballbearings bouncing on a piece of metal.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3285d9bc329f39fb95d7c92ef5d2530c", "text": "Engine Knock Sound - Explained Engine knock can be prevented using higher octane fuels, retarding ignition timing, or by using a lower compression ratio, among other solutions. Related Videos: Octane Rating-http://youtu.be/cfhTTuxF6Mk. Tuning Ignition Timing-http://youtu.be/R1tPT7anjwk.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "34b7dcdf7df916bd6465ae37c2e305cb", "text": "Engine knocking Also such engines were sensitive to ignition advance and had less power. Knocking is more or less unavoidable in diesel engines, where fuel is injected into highly compressed air towards the end of the compression stroke. There is a short lag between the fuel being injected and combustion starting.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3fe2d768289db0f5551c947576f9acf0", "text": "- Knock sensor is located on the engine cylinder block or cylinder head. It works on the principal of Piezoelectricity: when pressure or vibration is applied to piezoelectric material, it changes its shape and vice versa. Engine generates vibration when knocking occurs in the engine.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "964613f543a519d3f2ec7227578358a3", "text": "Why your car's engine might be knocking (Hint: it's not the oil) In Pictures: The most over-the-top chick cars and macho-mobiles on the road. “There are a number of possible causes of knocking or pinging sounds in vehicle engines,” says Hayato Mori, product planning manager at Honda Canada.“I can say that switching to synthetic oil is unlikely to be your answer -- the Honda Pilot does not require synthetic oil.”.Sometimes knocking sounds can be caused by using the wrong type of fuel for a particular vehicle, for instance, using regular unleaded if a vehicle requires higher octane fuel,” Mori says. “Other times the sounds could be caused by a malfunction with the spark point.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f98cb73508c528deef611fa343ca72dc", "text": "Toyota Knock Sensor Knock occurs when the air-fuel mixture. doesn’t burn smoothly or is ignited too soon. Knock can be caused by “hot spots” in the. cylinder, such as carbon deposits or spark. plugs that are too hot for the engine, or high. combustion chamber temperatures.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e90d537e86488db5b0fe88b34dcdd63a", "text": "What causes engine knocking noise? Engine noise under the hood may be caused by loose torque converter bolts, low oil pressure, spark knock or excessive piston clearance. A cracked flywheel on an automatic transmission or excessive connecting rod clearance may also cause an engine to knock. Continue Reading.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b79106d68cf8ce2e862275abf6623590", "text": "Engine Builders: Pistons and Rings â Hypereutectic, Valve, Installation Normal wear also takes its toll on pistons. The constant pressure and reciprocating motion in the cylinder bore causes wear on the piston skirt as well as the wrist pin bosses and ring lands. Elevated temperatures and high loads cause microwelding between the rings and lands, resulting in rapid land wear.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "209ff23bd49ed54fcb0c833fcfc2dbcc", "text": "- Definition: Knock sensor is used to measure the amount of vibration generated inside the engine during operation. Requirement: Knocking has a bad effect on the engine performance and power output. It reduces engine life, wastage of fuel, reduction in power output, less engine efficiency and noise that creates headache to the human.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5ab470d7491416fcfbf7ea9a5f423b10", "text": "The Causes of Internal Engine Knock, and How to Eliminate it. Abnormal combustion got the nickname knock from the noise that is transmitted from the colliding of the multiple flame fronts and the increased cylinder pressure that causes the piston, connecting rod and bearings to resonate.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "95b08e43bfb92cb968ff2d60fea509cd", "text": "The Causes of Internal Engine Knock, and How to Eliminate it. The Causes of Internal Engine Knock, and How to Eliminate it. Abnormal combustion, more commonly known as knock or detonation, has been the limiting factor in internal combustion engine power generation since the discovery of the otto cycle itself.", "title": "" } ]
what causes crepitus when moving the patella?
[ { "docid": "10fa60b344b500ddcd550de2b2d35555", "text": "Popping knees and crackling knuckles Crepitus in the knees may be caused by knee injuries such as meniscus tears. These are fairly common in people who play sports, jog, or run. A meniscus tear can cause crepitus as the joint moves. Chondromalacia patella is a dull ache behind the kneecap, usually caused by overuse or injury. There will be damage to the undersurface cartilage covering the kneecap.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "114f7ff085f64d100d8f5d23d2534b22", "text": "- 1 Grade II and III-As the condition worsens, the cartilage may become fibrillated (it has a shredded appearance). 2 The grade of injury depends on the size of the involved area and how much of the cartilage thickness is worn down. 3 Noise as the knee bends, called crepitus, may be present.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3a5176a50f7cb500badef92afa31aa25", "text": "- Patellofemoral pain syndrome occurs when the patella cartilage becomes overloaded due to overuse (often caused by high-impact activities) or as a result of poor alignment. High-impact sports — such as football, basketball, soccer, tennis and running — can aggravate existing abnormal kneecap alignment.he most common symptom of patellofemoral pain syndrome is a dull ache underneath the kneecap while walking down stairs, squatting or getting up after sitting for long periods of time. In addition, your knee may catch when bending, and you may experience a painful grating or creaking sensation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7fd8d53c7ebeeedff6e8cc92f767deac", "text": "A Massage Therapistâs Guide for a Hyperextended Knee However, this over-straightening of the knee is a common result of posture and movement anomalies from certain types of activities, such as from volleyball, dance, gymnastics, soccer or yoga. Because a tight soleus can pull the tibia back, activities that tighten this muscle may encourage knee hyperextension.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "06b2d5fc69b588ecc8d215def39189d8", "text": "Miami County, Indiana Miami County is a county located in the U.S. state of Indiana. As of 2010, the population was 36,903. The county seat is Peru.arts Michigan and Illinois both broke away from the territory before it became a state in 1816. Miami County was formed in 1832 from Cass County and unorganized land. It was named for the Miami, a Native American people, many of whom still live in this area.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7e937c3842bcbd826b40afdd5f900f26", "text": "Popping and Snapping Crepitus can be seen in patients with cartilage irritation, as is the case in chondromalacia, or in patients with cartilage wear, such as knee arthritis. Unlike a mechanical popping where there is a sensation of something getting caught in the knee, the sensation of crepitus is a more constant problem.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "cf30c32e74e5493bea8b2314c325aeec", "text": "2015 Weather & Climate Year in Review February: In Wilmington this was the fifth coldest February in recorded history; temperatures averaged a frigid 8.1 degrees below normal. Similarly cold departures for the month were observed in Florence (7.0 degrees below normal) and in North Myrtle Beach (7.1 degrees below normal). The culprit for this cold weather was a series of arctic outbreaks particularly during the second half of the month.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "28749c218d66525e8bac6d54fa643c0f", "text": "- The name of this noise is Crepitus. Crepitus is a medical term to describe the grinding, crackling or popping sounds and sensations experienced in the joints. It is possible that the noise is coming from scar tissue which is normal wear and tear on the joints. This sound happens when two rough surfaces in the human body come into contact.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a95b53e07e74cca3d65396a1bd93ef56", "text": "Neck Cracking and Grinding: What Does It Mean? Possible Causes of Neck Cracking. Crepitus, sometimes called crepitation or cavitation, refers to any type of noise or sensation such as a cracking, popping, snapping, or grinding sound that is heard during neck movement. For example, feeling a cracking sensation in the neck when turning the head to back up the car. See Neck Strain: Causes and Remedies Crepitus can occur in any moveable joint in the body, and there are many moveable joints in the neck. The neck joints are bathed in an oily-like substance call synovial fluid, which allows motion to freely occur in between the bones. The underlying cause of crepitus in the neck is still not yet fully understood.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9e402fe140c45c2e9d4396d684e4fa50", "text": "What Is Crepitus? These changes can result in crepitus. Read more about Knee Osteoarthritis. Many people experience crepitus in their knees. People can also get crepitus in other joints, such as the hip, shoulder, neck and spine, which are frequently affected by arthritis. See Crepitus in the Knee. Does Crepitus Need to Be Treated? Crepitus usually is not a cause for concern. In fact, most people’s joints crack or pop occasionally, and that is considered normal. But if crepitus is regular and is accompanied by pain, swelling, or other concerning symptoms, it may be an indication of arthritis or another medical condition.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4c701fccd6f40953b3727abc6c957c61", "text": "- Chondromalacia patella facts. 1 Chondromalacia patella is the most common cause of chronic knee pain. 2 Chondromalacia patella has also been called patellofemoral syndrome. The pain of chondromalacia patella is aggravated by activity or prolonged sitting with bent knees.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5d100414e70fbf4b0f24d7651c0931f8", "text": "Runner's Knee Your kneecap (the patella) is aligned in a groove at the bottom of your femur, and movement within this groove is referred to as patellar tracking. If your kneecap doesn't move properly in this groove, as you bend and extend your leg while running, it may cause runner's knee. Runner’s Knee: Risk Factors. Specific factors that can contribute to runner's knee include: 1 Weak thigh muscles. 2 Poor flexibility — tight thigh muscles and ligaments. 3 Overuse — running too much. 4 Trauma or injury. 5 Poor alignment of the kneecap, resulting in wear and tear of the cartilage of the kneecap.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "aaf3ca5169031ae76e7a48af9ac00edd", "text": "Is Joint Popping and Cracking Serious? Crepitus is the medical term that refers to joint noises, such as popping and cracking and creaking, particularly in the knees. Such joint noise can be quite disturbing and cause concern, especially when it shows up suddenly. In most cases, these noises are not indicative of any underlying problem.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "321ecc90b80ad9fc2e6f8607beacb914", "text": "Chondromalacia Patella (Patellofemoral Syndrome) Chondromalacia patella is the most common cause of chronic knee pain. Chondromalacia patella has also been called patellofemoral syndrome. The pain of chondromalacia patella is aggravated by activity or prolonged sitting with bent knees. Abnormal tracking allows the kneecap (patella) to grate over the lower end of the thighbone (femur), causing chronic inflammation and pain.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "00eb178ff79b011276250c15251b6bfd", "text": "Crepitus The sound can be created when two rough surfaces in an organism's body come into contact—for example, in osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis when the cartilage around joints erodes and the surfaces in the joint grind against one another, or when the fractured surfaces of two broken bones rub together. Crepitus is a common sign of bone fracture.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "caa9fc17fb5222101bb004116f86a8b7", "text": "What Is Crepitus (Joint Popping)? In orthopedic medicine and sports medicine, crepitus describes a popping, clicking or crackling sound in a joint. Joint popping sounds may mean that air is moving in the joint, which is usually harmless. People most often notice crepitus in their knees, but it can also happen in other joints like the shoulder, elbow or neck. Crepitus with pain can be a sign of wear and tear or injury. If crepitus is painful, you should consult a doctor.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "47e5ee933fb5701ab1c4341e27933aa2", "text": "Hyperextended knee: Cause of serious injury? Answers from Edward R. Laskowski, M.D. A hyperextended knee occurs when the knee is bent backward, often as a result of landing wrong after a jump. A hyperextended knee can damage ligaments, cartilage and other stabilizing structures in the knee. Young children have softer bones because they're still growing, so a hyperextended knee can result in a chip of bone being pulled away from the main bone when the ligaments stretch too far.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2240e44f507814a05671e7e8f966c63c", "text": "Anatomy A dislocation occurs when the patella shifts out of its normal position in the patellofemoral groove (trochlea), the V-shaped notch on the front of the femur. Symptoms If you dislocate your patella, you may experience some of the following symptoms: 1 Your knee buckles and can no longer support your weight. 2 Your kneecap slips off to the side. 3 You feel your knee catching when you move it. 4 You have pain in the front of your knee that increases with activities.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "61d9c4cda694f1b1ddcbbd3ffb605877", "text": "- Mary Nightingale: 'There's still no role for white-haired women on TV'. The ITV news presenter is the oldest female newsreader on network television. From sexist editors to a fear of ditching the hair dye, she explains why TV is still a young woman’s game.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5e5378a85abcf936792cfe62901510fa", "text": "- Causes of Crepitus or Joint Popping. Often, crepitus is harmless. It happens when air seeps into the soft tissues around the joint (such as the kneecap). When you bend the joint, the air bubbles burst, and you hear a cracking sound. While most crepitus is harmless, some forms of crepitus signal a problem.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b02c2aba53843ab860382cc1b96920c4", "text": "Chondromalacia Tendons and ligaments attach your kneecap to your shinbone and your thigh muscle to the kneecap. When any of these components fails to move properly, it can cause your kneecap to rub up against your bone. This rubbing can lead to deterioration in the patella, and then chondromalacia or runner’s knee.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "be675102e1664049edddb282116bca54", "text": "Runner's Knee - Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) What Causes Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome? While the exact cause of patellofemoral pain isn't known, it's believed that the way the patella tracks along the groove of the femur can lead to irritation of the cartilage on the underside of the patella. The patella can move up and down, side to side in the groove, as well as tilt and rotate.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9b0517878710f52e8710d3ce899c638a", "text": "Peeling Skin on Feet Moisturizing and massaging the area with oils or skin moisturizers, can mostly cure the problem of peeling feet and hands. For peeling sunburn skin, you need to apply some cold and soothing gels. Aloe vera gel is the best one to opt for in this case. You can either buy it or get fresh juice from the aloe vera stems.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0dd9806900361cdce919489dfab83537", "text": "Chondromalacia Patella Chondromalacia patella is when there is softening and damage to the cartilage on the back of the patella (kneecap). Here we will look at the most common causes and symptoms of chondromalacia as well as the best ways to treat it and the recovery process. Chondromalacia patella caused front knee pain, swelling and clicking/grinding noises when moving the knee.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4f21aeae2053dc4d1a4096c840a8a2a8", "text": "Chondromalacia Improper kneecap movement may result from: 1 poor alignment due to a congenital condition. 2 weak hamstrings and quadriceps (the muscles in the back and front of your thighs). 3 muscle imbalance between the adductors and abductors (the muscles on the outside and inside of your thighs).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ada8b4226c3ab5a8ba02f29717d1d009", "text": "Popping knees and crackling knuckles Crepitus in the knee is common and usually painless. There’s no need to be concerned. But, pain that accompanies the crackling and popping sounds could indicate a problem. Knee crepitus is one of the common symptoms of osteoarthritis (OA). It also can be one of the symptoms of rheumatoid or infectious arthritis, and may accompany several different types of knee injuries.", "title": "" } ]
what does tbh mean in texting
[ { "docid": "edece942834b4ccb70783bd66078a092", "text": "TBH Meaning: What does TBH mean? TBH means To Be Honest. TBH Meaning: To Be Honest. There are nearly 6 million photos with the TBH hashtag on Instagram. TBH, or To Be Honest, is an acronym that is especially popular on Facebook, but also used frequently when texting, messaging, or chatting online. TBH means “To be honest”.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "9e58f70cf113e76cf3612194ed51bdc7", "text": "TBT Meaning: What does TBT mean? TY Meaning: What does TY mean? Find the meaning of TY and Hashtag TY that’s used commonly on Instagram and other forms of social media. It’s very likely that you’ve heard the TY Acronym or hashtag used in a social media app such as Instagram or Vine, or on a website like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Tumblr, Reddit, etc. We are here to provide you with the TY meaning and give you some examples of its uses and its users.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "95e076bab8b03021ab381ccb05144da6", "text": "- What Does TBH Mean on Facebook, Instagram and Texting. TBH means “To be honest”. The term is limited to online world. People don’t use TBH when they physically interact. Most of the teens use the term so that they don’t have to type “to be honest”.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e29671de25e38a213271fb7f7170c330", "text": "TBH Meaning: What does TBH mean? TBH Meaning: What does TBH mean? Find the meaning of TBH and Hashtag TBH that’s used commonly on Instagram and other forms of social media. It’s very likely that you’ve heard the TBH Acronym or hashtag used in a social media app such as Instagram or Vine, or on a website like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Tumblr, Reddit, etc. We are here to provide you with the #TBH meaning and give you some examples of its uses and its users.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "776bf3fab34fb655db228e6d4fb7d17d", "text": "What does the term 'mwah' mean in text speak? Read more at MTV.com. Mwah means kiss in a text message. Mwah is the sound of a quick kiss made when kissing through the air (an air kiss). It’s a gesture which implies a meaning basically the same as that of various forms of kissing, without actually touching the other person’s body.Here's a selection of online and text message abbreviations from Webopedia.com.wah is the sound of a quick kiss made when kissing through the air (an air kiss). It’s a gesture which implies a meaning basically the same as that of various forms of kissing, without actually touching the other person’s body.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5dafeb263cb5a7bd0dfdc2e05c329c91", "text": "What does TBH mean? Meaning of TBH, Rate, Date? What is TBH? What does TBH mean and Full form: Nowadays, TBH has become a very popular term. Forget other social networks; you will find billions of posts with the #TBH if you search on Facebook alone. People are widely using it in chats, messages or texts to partners, friends, colleagues or any person with whom you want to get closer.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6d952876d125aecb807bcb2bfcfe3f71", "text": "Wt does hun mean in texting language Wt does hun mean in texting language. In texting lingo hun is a shortened and less formal form of the word honey, a term of endearment.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7830fa33e0b4d13e23c621b4f405f601", "text": "- Penn FanThe O-T LoungeMember since May 200830438 posts Online. re: What does HHS stand for (Posted by heypaul on 4/16/10 at 3:13 pm to Longbaugh). quote:If she's drunk texting you at 3 in the afternoon, then she wants to frick.why did i just start singing.enn FanThe O-T LoungeMember since May 200830438 posts Online. re: What does HHS stand for (Posted by heypaul on 4/16/10 at 3:13 pm to Longbaugh). quote:If she's drunk texting you at 3 in the afternoon, then she wants to frick. why did i just start singing.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d9e57613f03da78f8f1d65d8e0477338", "text": "Iambic Tetrameter: Definition & Examples First, let's review the definition of an iamb. An iamb is a beat in a line of poetry where one unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed syllable. Iamb sounds like a heartbeat, sort of like duh-DUH. When four beats are placed together in a line of poetry, it is called tetrameter. When we combine iamb with tetrameter, it is a line of poetry with four beats of one unstressed syllable, followed by one stressed syllable, and it is called iambic tetrameter. It sounds like: duh-DUH, duh-DUH, duh-DUH, duh-DUH.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d6379d4357afa7c3d4f4576800ca5efd", "text": "- 1 acronym for ta-ta for now (i.e. 2 goodbye for now.) Used mainly in computer-based conversation (instant messaging, email, text messaging, etc.) TTFN. 3 See more words with the same meaning: Internet, texting, SMS, email, chat acronyms (list of) . 4 See more words with the same meaning: goodbyes (list of) .", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b86934f67ab0b05bc27485ce911e7fa9", "text": "If a girl types awe alot in her text messages does that mean im being sweet If a girl types awe alot in her text messages does that mean im being sweet. kgb answers » Local & Lookup » Definitions & Word Origins » If a girl types awe alot in her text messages does that mean im being sweet. We think so, because 'awe' or 'aww', in the context you describe, often is said when a young woman, or any woman for that matter, is overcome by adorable cuteness.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5ddb12821e64a64483e19b5a184d381f", "text": "TBH (To Be Honest) and More Slang Parents Should Know As you can imagine, TBH carries both the power to lift another person up (which it often does) with kind or flattering comments or—with just a few clicks—TBH can go south and crush another person if others opt to post negative comments (all shrouded in the virtuous effort “to be honest,” of course).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a5d609b98eaaad38b15f818cb26df294", "text": "- Transmetatarsal amputation (TMA) is a relatively common operation that is performed to safeguard limb viability. curved fish-mouth incision is made just proximal to the infected tissue of the foot (see the image below). The incision runs from the fifth metatarsal midshaft laterally to the midshaft of the first metatarsal medially through a midplane axis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3c65c9fc24bfc608330413b2ac96f879", "text": "- TBT means Throwback Thursday.BT means Throwback Thursday.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7ee89ea75646304c823ae7576017160e", "text": "- The definition of TBH is To Be Honest or Honest Opinion. This page talks about TBH and its meaning on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, and Yubl as well as in SMS texts and chat forums.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "df7f16811f7811d6a8f6dcc49063ce84", "text": "Understanding Acronyms: TBH and Facebook TBH is an acronym. TBH means “to be honest” for most teens. It is a way of talking to their friends without using words. It saves them time, they exert less energy when they are typing, and it looks cool when they use acronyms instead of words. TBH is often used when chatting online, through text and in online forums.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fb3ee42ef91ee8820bd3e59e2b87ad8e", "text": "\"if a girl is using \"\"haha\"\" in text, does that mean something\" Messages: 25,313. Date Posted: Dec 30, 2008 #23. it means your penis is small and you shouldnt text pictures of it to her or anyone except your doctor if there is a growth or some type of irritation. of course, when he replies haha you're ****ed. legacyAccount Old Account Joined: Nov 10, 2011. Messages: 4,475,847.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3592edc690dc5c636eafd11521e67ca9", "text": "\"What Does \"\"HMU\"\" Stand for in Texting?\" In texting lingo, the abbreviation HMU stands for hit me up. This means the sender wants the recipient to contact him in regard to something either by text or... In texting lingo, the abbreviation HMU stands for hit me up. This means the sender wants the recipient to contact him in regard to something either by text or phone. Continue Reading", "title": "" }, { "docid": "517974fccf8e19fe7c093e1984617959", "text": "About Our goal is to help clients include their customer service in their marketing plan and help the growth of their business! TBH combines strategic acumen with the extensive industry insight to help clients enhance business performance and gain market share via our service offerings-.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ffceaf269e09384f83f6a681b7e15eba", "text": "- The most popular meaning of TBH is: a slang term which refers to and emphasizes one's sincerity in what they are saying or are about to say; To Be Honest is the literal slang dictionary meaning of this abbreviation.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e96eacaff308e4bb92c8e3be9569ec98", "text": "- All Acronyms. TBH [Internet]; Aug 4, 2016 [cited 2016 Aug 4]. Available from: http://www.allacronyms.com/TBH/Texting. 'TBH', All Acronyms, 4 August 2016, <http://www.allacronyms.com/TBH/Texting> [accessed 4 August 2016] All Acronyms, TBH (Aug. 4, 2016, 9:08 PM), available at http://www.allacronyms.com/TBH/Texting.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f67871be3151316851a1ab8dd78656a1", "text": "- 1 acronym for ta-ta for now (i.e. 2 goodbye for now.) Used mainly in computer-based conversation (instant messaging, email, text messaging, etc.) TTFN. 3 See more words with the same meaning: Internet, texting, SMS, email, chat acronyms (list of) .", "title": "" }, { "docid": "02352d21c63b1fd56cdda10077a6e29d", "text": "What Does 'TBH' Mean? Answer: TBH stands for to be honest. TBH is used when someone is trying to be frank while discussing something that is uncomfortable or controversial. Other common abbreviations used by the same online authors include:", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8d00241a4f634b76181ee9c0fdd4cdea", "text": "- The second way is to assign the VLAN to a port is by using the following CLI command in Enable/Configure mode: (configure)# set VLAN <vlan-id or name> <options>. By selecting the VLAN name or VLAN ID, you can bind the selected VLAN to additional ports.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3e68b36ba5f828ae31b03a70698307d2", "text": "- 15. 0. The word BR in text messaging is short for BEST REGARDS, and is normally used to end a text conversation. Words like BR are part of text lingo and abbreviations. Oftentimes these lingos are used in chat sessions. /philip ice.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "aca87ca016d2ac4f0496282a19859bd3", "text": "Definition of TBH Definitions include: acronym for be back in a bit, i.e. I will return in a short amount of time..", "title": "" } ]
how long do pork chops bake?
[ { "docid": "e0db1b87d8985313fb544a2806fadbf4", "text": "Marinated Baked Pork Chops Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). In a small bowl, thoroughly blend soy sauce, vegetable oil, Worcestershire sauce, lemon juice, brown sugar, and ketchup. Place pork chops in a medium baking dish, and spread with 1/2 the sauce. Bake pork chops 30 minutes in the preheated oven. Turn, and spread with remaining sauce. Continue baking 30 minutes, or until internal temperature of the chops has reached 145 degrees F (63 degrees C).", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "a824007bce86088e9e5957e1c7f14da0", "text": "- Results 1 - 10 of 81 for easy baked pork chops. Result Page: 1 &nbsp 2 &nbsp 3 &nbsp 4 &nbsp 5 &nbsp 6 &nbsp 7 &nbsp 8 &nbsp 9 &nbsp Next. 1. EASY BAKED PORK CHOPS. Preheat oven to 350 F. Place chops in baking dish. ... with foil and bake for 30-45 minutes, ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "548405068e6afaaddaf6939ebddb9b23", "text": "- Thirty Minutes, Give or Take. Take as one example stuffed pork chops, 3/4 inch thick. These should take around 30 minutes in a 350 F oven to complete baking, so that the stuffing cooks through. Unstuffed, thinner pork chops take less time, and thicker pork chops take longer.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f06d777fbd6991646de6f1c7e2f99136", "text": "Baked Pork Chops 1 Remove pork chops from the buttermilk. 2 Dip each pork chop in the crumb mixture and place on prepared baking sheet. 3 Spray pork chops with cooking spray. 4 Bake at 425 degrees Fahrenheit for 40 to 45 minutes or until pork chops are no longer pink, and internal temperature reaches 160 degrees Fahrenheit.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1f3aa667436d673eceec00428ee99809", "text": "- 1 Place pork chops in a medium baking dish, and spread with 1/2 the sauce. 2 Bake pork chops 30 minutes in the preheated oven.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "07f7724a2bcd8df72877e77989be87ae", "text": "How Long Do You Cook Pork Chops in the Oven? Using this method, expect bone-in pork chops to require about 20 minutes cooking time per pound, and boneless pork chops to need about 23 minutes per pound.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "53e48eb5f9616ceb4f72d4e585abaf10", "text": "How Long Do You Cook Boneless Pork Chops in an Oven? Bake the pork chops in an uncovered shallow pan at 350 F. Boneless chops take approximately 11 minutes for every pound, with most pork chops being about a pound. Leave the pork chops to rest in the pan for 3 minutes after they are finished baking. Aim for an internal temperature between 145 and 160 F. Sources:", "title": "" }, { "docid": "04f29fe219cc977f4167300b41a9526e", "text": "How Long Do I Cook Pork Chops? Once all the pork chops are seared, fit them all into the pan at the same time. Slide the frying pan into the oven. Cook the pork chops for 15 to 20 minutes, until a meat thermometer inserted in the pork reads 140°F (60°C). Remove the pork chops from the oven, cover with foil, and let rest for 5 minutes before serving.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d65bb5f822081a31a4a10d03b11d16b2", "text": "How to Bake Pork Chops How to Test Pork Chops for Doneness. The thickness of a pork chop will determine its final cooking time, regardless of whether it's boneless or bone-in. Chops typically range in thickness from 3/4 inch to 1-1/2 inches.he pork chops are then rubbed with a flavorful mixture of black pepper, oregano, crushed red pepper, and thyme before they are baked at 375 degrees F for 35 minutes or until they reach an internal temperature of 145 degrees F. Allow chops to stand for 3 minutes at room temperature before serving.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f9ae32800455c2e9a5526f146ec31558", "text": "- Coat both sides of pork chops well with salt, pepper and brown sugar. Rub it in good. Place coated pork chops in baking pan and cook for 15 minutes on center rack of oven. Turn over and cook an additional 15 minutes for a total of 30 minutes cooking time.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "85470f258c46192440511287f86f19a5", "text": "- Baking Boneless Pork Chops. 1 1. Preheat the oven to 425°F (218°C). 2 2. Season your pork chops. 3 3. Lay the pork chops in a single file in a large roasting pan or baking dish. 4. Bake the chops in the oven for 15 to 20 1 minutes. 5. Remove the dish from the oven and allow the pork chops to sit for 3 to 4 minutes before serving.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3b8e428c50ac47fac5afb11388de40cd", "text": "How to Make Oven-Baked Boneless Pork Chops Step 5. Bake the pork for about 15 to 20 minutes. Cooking time varies based on the thickness of the chops, your oven's performance and other factors. Read the internal temperature at the center of the thickest piece with an instant-read meat thermometer; they're done when it reads 145 F.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "be3f95abe2d2cf8615526e5541fedc5d", "text": "How Long Do You Cook Boneless Pork Chops in an Oven? It is important to know the weight of the boneless pork chops when determining how long to cook them. Bake the pork chops in an uncovered shallow pan at 350 F. Boneless chops take approximately 11 minutes for every pound, with most pork chops being about a pound.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "348aba14d9fe7d24db3e40b987f0847b", "text": "How Long Do You Cook Pork Chops in the Oven? To use the simplest method, bake your pork chops at 350 degrees Fahrenheit on a shallow, uncovered roasting pan. Using this method, expect bone-in pork chops to require about 20 minutes cooking time per pound, and boneless pork chops to need about 23 minutes per pound. Remember, these are only approximations, and the meat's internal temperature is the key to perfectly cooked meals.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0e5b835a58813599f6e41ee3ec86df92", "text": "Simple Time Pork Chops Ready In. 1 Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180 degrees C). 2 Place pork chops in a baking pan. 3 Bake 35 minutes in preheated oven, or until the internal temperature of the chops has reached 145 degrees F (63 degrees C).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "b685efdaa84b1ace416128aa4f184e73", "text": "Italian Breaded Pork Chops I used 1 inch thick pork chops and increased the oven temp to 375. I bypassed the skillet altogether, and baked the chops on a cookie sheet for 30 minutes. Perfect every time.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9da1b822a8b1bfc216a6031c402ef5be", "text": "How to Bake Pork Chops The Keys to Perfectly Baked Pork Chops. The temperature and how long you cook the pork chops are the two most important factors. I like to go high on the first one...400 - 450 degrees. The lenght of time will vary a bit based on the thickness of the chop. Thin pork chops will only need about 8 minutes in the oven using my method below.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "950f570cbf4f19ccc2b289dbe84221d0", "text": "Marinated Baked Pork Chops 1 Bake pork chops 30 minutes in the preheated oven. 2 Turn, and spread with remaining sauce. 3 Continue baking 30 minutes, or until internal temperature of the chops has reached 145 degrees F (63 degrees C). Place pork chops in a medium baking dish, and spread with 1/2 the sauce. 2 Bake pork chops 30 minutes in the preheated oven.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0139b25d980965a640a386a6167de5e5", "text": "How long to bake pork chops in the oven? Place water in bottom of baking plan. (enough to cover the entire pan) Season pork chops the way you like Cover with foil. Bake for 35 minutes at 275 Remove foil Bake for additional 10-15 minutes depending on how well done you want them Your pork chops with be very tender.'m making pork chops for dinner tonight, but can't find consistent information about how long and at what temperature. some say 350 degrees for an hour and a half. some say 425 degrees for 10 minutes, flip the pork chops, then another 10 minutes. and then there's everything in betweeen. when i bake...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e253afa5060abf01667056ee5d78ec9d", "text": "How long do pork chops take to cook in the oven Report Abuse. This entirely depends on the thickness of the chop and temperature of your oven. At 190 C (375 F) I would cook a 1 inch pork chop about 40 minutes in the center of the oven. Thicker chops would require more time, while thinner chops a shorter period.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9f4697749e95431a8c3d1c08b39d2b42", "text": "Simple Time Pork Chops 1 Season each one with seasoning salt, pepper and parsley. Sprinkle 1/4 cup cheese over the top of each pork chop. Bake 35 minutes in preheated oven, or until the internal temperature of the chops has reached 145 degrees F (63 degrees C).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "03dacde2d3695003480f3ff54867d899", "text": "How Long to Cook Stuffed Pork Chops You can also use a baking dish, but make sure to rub it with non-sticky grease. 3. Place the stuffy pork chops on the baking sheet or baking dish. 4. Bake the pork chops. Put the meat inside the oven uncovered and then leave it for about 30-60 minutes. After 30 minutes, get a meat thermometer and insert it in the meat.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "abe79de13d75132f3ced8a421339febd", "text": "How long do i fry pork chops? After mixed remove from heat and cover. At this time you should put your pork chops into oven and let cook for 30 minutes at 350 degrees. In 30 minutes, pour gravy over pork chops, place back in oven and cook for another 30 minutes. After 1 hour it is ready. It's great served with mashed potatoes, green beans and dinner rolls (wheat).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "90ea1226b363024df6e2740cb8cc1d55", "text": "What is BIC or SWIFT code? BIC code or SWIFT code (also known as ISO 9362) is a standard format of Bank Identifier Codes approved by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization). It is the unique identification code of a particular bank. It is necessary for sending money across countries.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "18b919cd42665e2a46bf23f29757f74e", "text": "- First the pork chops are dipped in a mixture of milk and egg, then they are coated with corn bread stuffing mix. The chops are baked at 425 degrees F for 20 minutes or until the chops reach an internal temperature of 145 degrees F. Allow chops to stand for 3 minutes at room temperature before serving.To stuff, cut a pocket in the side of each pork chop.he chops are baked at 425 degrees F for 20 minutes or until the chops reach an internal temperature of 145 degrees F. Allow chops to stand for 3 minutes at room temperature before serving.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2ff620fffb40bad5d561828954125647", "text": "How Do You Cook a Filet Mignon in the Oven? One way to bake pork chops is to coat them with a package mix such as Shake 'N Bake and bake them in the oven at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes. Spice it up by adding additional spices or even fruit, such as peaches, to the baking dish.", "title": "" } ]
what happens during a prenatal care office visit?
[ { "docid": "cb0a929d93ab69efe16cb01a9ed9eb28", "text": "Prenatal care: 1st trimester visits Prenatal care: Other first trimester visits. Subsequent prenatal visits — often scheduled about every four weeks during the first trimester — will probably be shorter than the first. Your health care provider will check your weight and blood pressure, and you'll discuss any concerns. Near the end of the first trimester — by about nine to 12 weeks of pregnancy — you might be able to hear your baby's heartbeat with a small device that bounces sound waves off your baby's heart (Doppler). Remember, your health care provider is there to support you throughout your pregnancy. Your prenatal appointments are an ideal time to discuss any questions or concerns — including things that might be uncomfortable or embarrassing. Also find out how to reach your health care provider between appointments.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "8e2293aaadf692cb82b615eb8b7f8361", "text": "Prenatal care Prenatal care, also known as antenatal care is a type of preventive healthcare, with the goal of providing regular check-ups that allow doctors or midwives to treat and prevent potential health problems throughout the course of the pregnancy while promoting healthy lifestyles that benefit both mother and child.[1][2] During check-ups, pregnant women ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1a3d93c82e523297bea5ab3b635c594f", "text": "Nora-BE Prenatal care is the health care you get while you are pregnant. Take care of yourself and your baby by: 1 Getting early prenatal care. 2 If you know you're pregnant, or think you might be, call your doctor to schedule a visit. 3 Getting regular prenatal care.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fb730f1592d64ec00967c25fee866334", "text": "What is a reasonable daily/weekly rate for an entry-level freelance graphic designer in New York City? 5+ years $61,000 to $83,250. Using the above figures and an average of 1787 hours worked per year in the US (Source: OECD - Average annual hours actually worked per worker) that equates to $21 per hour at the lower end of the scale for a entry-level designer and $30 per hour at the top end of the scale. While these figures come from the AIGA/Aquent 2012 salary survey:", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2697cbced367fda62e9ce293a8f533a5", "text": "How Often Do I Need Prenatal Visits? Recommended Schedule for a Healthy Pregnancy. For a healthy pregnancy, your doctor will probably want to see you on the following recommended schedule of prenatal visits: Weeks 4 to 28: 1 prenatal visit a month. Weeks 28 to 36: 1 prenatal visit every 2 weeks. Weeks 36 to 40: 1 prenatal visit every week.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "825b8db7d0cb224e35d52b8f79ab34dd", "text": "A Typical Schedule for Prenatal Visits and Tests Pregnancy For Dummies, 4th Edition. To ensure the health of you and your baby, you’ll need to schedule regular visits to your doctor during your pregnancy. Use this guideline for making your appointments and understanding common procedures for each visit:", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2a186ff4a2ef0e2f415660a5fdf8d32c", "text": "About antenatal visits Antenatal visits-check-ups during your pregnancy. When you are pregnant, it is important for you to have regular check-ups with a midwife or doctor. These check-ups are called antenatal care or antenatal visits. Antenatal means before birth. A midwife specialises in caring for women during pregnancy, birth and after the birth. Contents. 1 About antenatal visits.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "714a1972ba2b1f3e0bcd225724a7ab40", "text": "Prenatal care The study showed the importance of prenatal care and how universal prenatal care would help people of all origins get proper care before pregnancy/birth (Castelló et al., 2012). The WHO recommends that pregnant women should all receive four antenatal visits to spot and treat problems and give immunizations.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "da94ed394e5fcfa5f16e781c0a250b08", "text": "Evaluation of the Obstetric Patient The initial routine prenatal visit should occur between 6 and 8 wk gestation. Follow-up visits should occur at about 4-wk intervals until 28 wk, at 2-wk intervals from 28 to 36 wk, and weekly thereafter until delivery. Prenatal care includes screening for disorders, taking measures to reduce fetal and maternal risks, and counseling.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "7f03f1862d74c8b9ac6199ef63d04db3", "text": "First trimester pregnancy: What to expect The answers you provide will help you and your baby receive the best care. If you're uncomfortable discussing your health history in front of your partner, schedule a private consultation. Also expect to learn about first trimester screening for chromosomal abnormalities. After the first visit, you'll probably be asked to schedule checkups every four to six weeks. During these appointments, raise any concerns or fears you might have about pregnancy, childbirth or life with a newborn.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8c121083728472f26c70ae316b1f9b42", "text": "Your First Prenatal Visit During your first visit, you will probably have: 1 Blood tests to check for blood type, Rh factor, anemia, syphilis, rubella, Hepatitis B. 2 Urine tests to give information about levels of sugar and protein or possible infections. 3 A Pap test to check for changes of the cervix that could lead to cancer.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a70e88f6422c1214323e174367aec837", "text": "Pregnancy: The Second Trimester During your second and third trimester prenatal visits, your health care provider or midwife may check the following, depending on your current medical condition and the health of your fetus: 1 Any current symptoms or discomforts. 2 Your weight. 3 Your blood pressure. Urine test.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f39c0e9adf1731e19fe0e03159647ffe", "text": "Carbon Isotopes ( 12 C, 13 C, 14 C) 14C is a radioactive isotope of carbon. It was discovered in 1934 by Grosse as an unknown activity in the mineral endialyte. In the same year, Kurie (Yale) exposed nitrogen to fast neutrons and observed long tracks in a bubble chamber. He had produced 14C. It was in atmospheric CO2 by Libby in 1946.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4c0a8538797994f3ac2844ed056d7c76", "text": "Babyâs First Doctor Visit Below are some general questions to ask at your newborn's pediatrician at his or her first office visit. Print this page, check your concerns, take it with you to your appointment, and give it to a pediatric nurse or to your baby's pediatrician.ost newborn babies are seen in the pediatrician's office within a few days after leaving the hospital. Parents should be sure the baby is properly secured in an infant safety seat (car seat) in the back seat of the car on the way to this appointment, and every time he or she rides in a car.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "96e2b360107a4d54d60c10fa6fbe1e66", "text": "Pregnancy week by week Prenatal care. During the third trimester, your health care provider might ask you to come in for more frequent checkups — perhaps every two weeks beginning at week 28 and every week beginning at week 36. Like previous visits, your health care provider will check your weight and blood pressure and ask about any signs or symptoms you're experiencing.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "32de66fd246236f392fc7f5ed729f9c6", "text": "Adult Well-Care Visits, Screenings, and Immunizations You can take charge of your health by staying current on well-care visits, screenings, and immunizations. Your primary care physician will help you stay on track by sending annual reminders about your upcoming screenings around the time of your birthday. Our goal is to help you live a healthier and happier life through preventive care. During your well-care visit, you and your doctor will discuss how to improve your health and prevent disease. You may receive recommended tests or immunizations during your visit, or you may need to schedule separate appointments. Depending on your health and personal risk factors, your preventive care schedule may differ from the standard recommendations. Talk with your doctor about a schedule that's best for you.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "753282a8f317458aa3718622e8f304cc", "text": "Prenatal care Traditional prenatal care in high income countries generally consists of: 1 monthly visits during the first two trimesters (from week 1–28) 2 fortnightly visits from 28th week to 36th week of pregnancy. 3 weekly visits after 36th week until delivery (delivery at week 38–42) 4 Assessment of parental needs and family dynamic.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "24930f5147b3098a1a982e77725bab44", "text": "Your First Prenatal Visit This is also a good opportunity to bring a list of questions that you and your partner have about your pregnancy, prenatal care and birth options. Your doctor will ask for your medical history, including: 1 Medical and/or psychosocial problems. 2 Blood pressure, height, and weight. 3 Breast and cervical exam. 4 Date of your last menstrual period (an accurate LMP is helpful when determining gestational age and due date).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "af2bba102656e7aa10242083c1f33b39", "text": "When Will I Show, When Will I Go? A typical prenatal care schedule for a low-risk woman with a normally progressing pregnancy is: * Weeks 4 to 28: 1 visit per month (every 4 weeks) * Weeks 28 to 36: 2 visits per month (every 2 to 3 weeks) * Weeks 36 to birth: 1 visit per week. Since it may take a while to find the perfect doctor/midwife for you, ask around for recommendations and make appointments for meet-and-greets with a few.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "fbca289f8235ecdf0b11dbff7d46f77a", "text": "About antenatal visits Antenatal visits - check-ups during your pregnancy. When you are pregnant, it is important for you to have regular check-ups with a midwife or doctor. These check-ups are called antenatal care or antenatal visits. Antenatal means before birth. A midwife specialises in caring for women during pregnancy, birth and after the birth. Contents.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "ee01a482957378bb3e40962b07393e5f", "text": "Prenatal Care This appointment is one of the longest appointments that you will have during your pregnancy. You will want to be prepared for this visit by knowing your basic health information, as you will be asked to give a detailed health history. You will also have additional testing and blood work done during this visit.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "35f05d9716baccface54399a0c129477", "text": "Prenatal care in your first trimester In your first trimester, you will have a prenatal visit every month. The visits may be quick, but they are still important. It is OK to bring your partner or labor coach with you. During your visits, your doctor or midwife will: 1 Weigh you. 2 Check your blood pressure. 3 Check for fetal heart sounds.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "03f21a236370d158b089866c789a03cc", "text": "1st Trimester: 1st Prenatal Visit In this article. It's the first doctor visit of your pregnancy. Congratulations! During this visit, your doctor will check your overall health and determine your due date. He or she will also look for any risk factors that might affect your health or the health of your baby.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3c455b225abed8aa9be03df94f31712f", "text": "Oxygen Uptake of O2 from the air is the essential purpose of respiration, so oxygen supplementation is used in medicine. Treatment not only increases oxygen levels in the patient's blood, but has the secondary effect of decreasing resistance to blood flow in many types of diseased lungs, easing the work load on the heart.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8e84315551d2a272f9b1ea04490337b3", "text": "Your First Prenatal Doctor's Visit What Happens at My First Medical Visit for Prenatal Care? The first visit is designed to confirm your pregnancy and to determine your general health. In addition, the visit will give your healthcare provider clues to any risk factors that may affect your pregnancy. It will typically be longer than future visits. The purpose of the prenatal visit is to: Determine your due date.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0384a260fdcd9426ed59bd4e9bb8f6ef", "text": "Prenatal care: 1st trimester visits Pregnancy week by week. Prenatal care: Other first trimester visits. Subsequent prenatal visits — often scheduled about every four weeks during the first trimester — will probably be shorter than the first. Your health care provider will check your weight and blood pressure, and you'll discuss any concerns.", "title": "" } ]
the _________ is the largest organization representing psychologists in the united states.
[ { "docid": "9d4b51a3773bb75d2bd672569cb14ca9", "text": "Professional Organizations National Organizations American Psychological Association (APA) The American Psychological Association (APA) is located in Washington, D.C., and is the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States. APA was founded at the turn of the 20th century, and is the world's largest association of psychologists. APA - Division 16 - Division of School Psychology", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "6bf8393469a163492dfdd2ec193c5781", "text": "- The American Psychological Association (APA) is the largest scientific and professional organization of psychologists in the United States,[2] with around 117,500 members including scientists, educators, clinicians, consultants, and students.[2] The APA has an annual budget of around $115m.[3] There are 54 divisions of the APA—interest groups ...", "title": "" }, { "docid": "a46bc0c2487fea74ee52f420015c7ab6", "text": "Chicago School of Professional Psychology sued over its LA campus The Chicago School, a nonprofit graduate school founded in 1979 that focuses on psychology and related behavioral and health sciences, serves about 4,500 students in 20 degree programs at three campuses and online, according to the institution.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "209c6f65676567c266dbde890a91dd7c", "text": "- Salaries for Industrial-Organizational Psychologists. Industrial-organizational psychology is one of the fastest growing specialty areas, with an expected 19 percent increase in jobs through the year 2024.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "dc90adc2665a8274c2da1d3423bda049", "text": "Our Partners Make Us Better The National Capital Area chapter of the Association of Proposal Management Professionals (APMP-NCA) is by far the largest of APMP’s 25 worldwide chapters. Located in the hub of federal government business activity, APMP-NCA offers networking opportunities with over 1,000 active members in capture and proposal.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f19b7afd77632b7870efbb67f81a0b6b", "text": "- The ABAPsa, having met the rigorous requirements of the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) to be recognized as a specialty in psychology and to qualify and examine psychologists meeting the criteria of the specialty, was accepted as a member board of the ABPP in 1996.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8b729ee300b2c94aed0d7a9163221a02", "text": "Chapter 1 Psychology American psychologist who established the first psychology research laboratory in the United States; founded the American Psychological Association. G. Stanley Hall. American philosopher and psychologist who founded psychology in the United States and established the psychological school called functionalism.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2092d04039c0ff7011ee079d4a221eee", "text": "Winchester Psychological Assessment, LLC About us. Winchester Psychological Assessment, LLC, was formed by Dr. Paul Hill, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in the Commonwealth of Virginia, in 2014. Licensed since 2009 in the Commonwealth, Dr. Hill provides general clinical, neuropsychological, and forensic evaluation services to the people of Shenandoah Valley and Northern Virginia. Read more Refer a Patient", "title": "" }, { "docid": "99f0282a6265728e0df918703940730e", "text": "Historic Review of Humanistic Psychology The first issue of the Journal of Humanistic Psychology appeared as The Phoenix in December, 1963. In 1964, at Old Saybrook, Connecticut, the first invitational conference was held, an historic gathering that did much to establish the character of the new movement.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "9616434b94cc28f5197643b3a7685ba2", "text": "Psychology Chap 1 Key people Mary Whiton Calkins. 1863-1930. Mary Calkins studied under William James, founded one of the first dozen psychology laboratories in America at Wellesley College in 1891, invented a widely used technique for studying memory, and became the first woman to serve as president of the American Psychological Association in 1905.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "af29147938a8d1ec9516237581e792b1", "text": "American Protective Association Written By: American Protective Association (APA), in U.S. history, an anti-Catholic, anti-immigrant group that briefly acquired a membership greater than 2,000,000 during the 1890s. A successor in spirit and outlook to the pre-Civil War Know-Nothing Party, the American Protective Association was founded by Henry F. Bowers at Clinton, Iowa, in 1887. It was a secret society that played upon the fears of rural Americans about the growth and political power of immigrant-populated cities.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "02156669c31b7d578514f413252942d1", "text": "History of psychology Websites of physical archives. 1 The Archives of the History of American Psychology - Large collection of documents and objects at the University of Akron, directed by David Baker. 2 Archives of the American Psychological Association directed by Wade Pickren. 3 Archives of the British Psychological Society.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4942dc45ebf5d951fe43b5ac7f420ba5", "text": "-  If a climate controlled facility is available, for maximum shelf life, store between 68oF (20oC) and 23 oF. (-5oC).  Store DEF out of direct sunlight. If DEF is stored outside it must be shaded from the sun.  Store DEF below 86oF (30oC), if possible and/or in the coolest part of the storage facility.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "539345875158c8af4520c5787c3f2194", "text": "Top 15 Most Affordable School Psychology Degrees 2016 The school psychology program at the University of Arizona was established in the 1960s. In 1979, the program earned accreditation by the American Psychological Association, and in 1991 the National Association of School Psychologists accredited the program.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2eb5e2e0cfd34cdb03569e38c596b615", "text": "- This expansion continued during the period of 1960 to 1979, with “industrial” psychology now “industrial-organizational” psychology. We close with an overview of developments from 1980 to the present day. Keywords: History of Psychology, industrial-organizational psychology.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "11e4e77cb90e71884c93550d5afc378e", "text": "Employment Expert Witnesses in California Employment Expert Witnesses in California. Stephen Reich, Ph.D., J.D. - The Forensic Psychology Group - Covering California. Stephen Reich, Ph.D., J.D. is a forensic psychologist who is also an attorney. Dr. Reich directs the Forensic Psychology Group, a team of leading providers of expert forensic psychological and psychiatric services.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d9aaf411374e5ee329451f428375c4b7", "text": "APA Applauds Landmark Illinois Law Allowing Psychologists to Prescribe Medications WASHINGTON — The American Psychological Association applauded a law signed today making Illinois the third state in the country to authorize licensed clinical psychologists with advanced, specialized training to prescribe certain medications for the treatment of mental health disorders.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2e5e99b3d2a9803ff1a9964238c0d374", "text": "- Friends at the world’s largest anti-bullying conference. The world’s largest anti-bullying conference just closed in Denver Colorado. The opening speech at the conference was held by Lars Arrhenius, secretary general of Friends and Friends ambassador Gabriel Landeskog, captain of the NHL-team Colorado Avalanche. – International research influences….", "title": "" }, { "docid": "1d34987bcd8aa3d0d1d4bb268764285d", "text": "Peace psychology Organizations that focus on peace psychology include, for example, in the United States the Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence (Peace Psychology Division [Division 48] of the American Psychological Association) and Psychologists for Social Responsibility, a nongovernmental organization based in Washington, DC.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f0528dd95a44768d46b4d9bc4a11e368", "text": "- American Psychiatric Association Publishing is the world’s premier publisher of books, eBooks and journals on psychiatry, mental health and behavioral science.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "3aa52831401c9f41ff10ce3eea7ee338", "text": "Join APA Join APA. Thank you for your interest in joining the APA – the largest Psychiatric organization in the world. Please select the appropriate category that represents where you are in your career to learn more about each membership category, benefits, dues information, and how to apply online. General Members.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f348704e169ede2637ee042911a04d29", "text": "- website: aayofpa.com. Founded in 1970, Anesthesia Associates Of York, Pa, Inc is a mid-sized organization in the doctors industry located in York, PA. It has 50 full time employees and generates an estimated $5.3 million in annual revenue.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "4a2c9b689b1157b2b75f3d8f2cc987c5", "text": "Largest Accounting Firms in the US 1. Deloitte. Deloitte is one of the largest big four accounting firms in the world and is obviously the largest in the US. Their revenues topped $17 billion in the US with employees over 65,000. Deloitte’s able to pass up PwC in the United States because they have a much lower share of big four audit work for US companies.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "17f3410fb17314f5bf1c2be0817003ec", "text": "American Psychological Association A year after the establishment of the Human Resources Research Organization by the U.S. military in 1951, the CIA began funding numerous psychologists (and other scientists) in the development of psychological warfare methods under the supervision of APA treasurer Meredith Crawford.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "839d6320ac3ca1af4e744b0f5e182b76", "text": "A Literature Review: Psychiatric Boarding Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and. Human Services (DHHS), by Northrop Grumman Health Solutions and by the National. Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors (NASADAD) under Prime Contract.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "982abf9da203b40b1ae4e26318def4de", "text": "Sponsor New Division 16 Members for Just $20 Each! Welcome to Division 16! Welcome, friends and colleagues, to the American Psychological Association’s Division of School Psychology. Our members’ primary professional interests focus on psychology with children, youth, families, and the schooling process.elcome to Division 16! Welcome, friends and colleagues, to the American Psychological Association’s Division of School Psychology. Our members’ primary professional interests focus on psychology with children, youth, families, and the schooling process.", "title": "" } ]
natural remedies for grover's disease
[ { "docid": "9f9090a445db2f0005fdd9691e52b7a1", "text": "- Grover's Disease Remedies. Apr 02, 2017. Natural cures for Grover's Disease include dietary suggestions like eliminating sulfides, wheat and gluten, and taking Vit B supplements. Earth Clinic's readers explain what worked best to cure symptoms of GD.", "title": "" } ]
[ { "docid": "6787659b35a85893e1874ecf55113e3c", "text": "- Grover’s disease is a pruritic condition that typically affects adult individuals and classically presents on the trunk and proximal extremities. The characteristic lesion is a crusted erythematous papule, pustule, or papulovesicle. Grover’s may be triggered by heat, sweating, and occlusion and may persist for years.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "68bf82c79e414a0b609cbd5258e22537", "text": "Natural Cures for Arthritis Using Herbal Oils Natural oils that work the best to improve circulation are: 1 Juniper Oil. 2 Cypress Oil. 3 Grapeseed Oil. 4 Lemon Oil – use topically only, highly acidic foods can be triggers to your arthritis.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "527f553a54b934ee05047705ca78fd81", "text": "- Treatment of Grover's disease can include the following: 1 Calcipotriol cream. 2 Diphemanil methylsulfate powder. 3 Remain cool - sweating may induce more itchy spots. 4 Experimentally, oral retinoids such as acitretin or isotretinoin. 5 A mild topical steroid such as hydrocortisone in a cool lotion.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0c86909ce12fba6029c1839ee989e9b2", "text": "Dry Hacking Cough Natural Cure Natural remedies are the most effective treatment for a dry cough. 1 Salt water gargle is an effective way of treating a dry hacking cough. Add a bit of salt to lukewarm water and gargle with it. 2 Honey has a plenty of curative properties and is recommended as a great home remedy for many ailments.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "76f848edcf8215105d4e5566c8994021", "text": "22 Best Natural Home Remedies for Vitiligo treatment II) Psoralea seeds: Psoralea. seeds soaked in the juice of ginger or tamarind seeds (to be replaced daily) for three days is perhaps the most time tested and best home remedy for vitiligo. Psoralea seeds essentially replicate the effect of the sun tanning and is effective in restoration of skin color.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "37e60fc77030ee0ad96b04b47f07494d", "text": "Home Remedies for Weakness Licorice is another herb that can fight the various symptoms of weakness. This herb motivates the adrenal hormones naturally produced by the body, thus giving your energy and metabolism a boost. Add one teaspoon of licorice powder and two teaspoons of honey to a glass of warm milk.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5b6932de12aee733e9ffa53f96392924", "text": "- Grover's Disease Remedies. Natural cures for Grover's Disease include dietary suggestions like eliminating sulfides, wheat and gluten, and taking Vit B supplements. Earth Clinic's readers explain what worked best to cure symptoms of GD.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "5537f47688179df4ad900b587f73bcd6", "text": "Heartburn/GORD guide Remedies registered for the relief of heartburn and other digestive problems include: 1 Ginger rhizome, milk thistle fruits, holy thistle herb, valerian root, dandelion root and myrrh resin. 2 Meadowsweet herb, gentian root and euonymus bark. 3 Oat seed, peppermint leaf, lemon balm leaf, southern prickly ash berries.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f37385fb74ce52808b0590b9c7ea8d98", "text": "11 Home Remedies For Hoarseness Apple Cider Vinegar. If black pepper fails to work its magic this is the next remedy for you to try. Add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to warm water. Mix well and then drink it. Repeat this procedure once in every seven hours. This is one of the age old remedies used for hoarse throat.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "66e81c3d1d02217da04f600aa92aaa55", "text": "14 natural home remedies for chest congestion and cough This is one of the mostly used natural home remedies for chest congestion. You can gargle with saline water to remove mucus from the respiratory tube. Initially, you boil a glass of water and then add 1 or 2 tablespoons of the salt into it. After that, stir it well before adding one pinch of turmeric powder to it.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "8a49e81f09e75a41429e358203589268", "text": "Top Natural Remedies for Coronary Heart Disease Natural Treatments for Coronary Heart Disease. Adjusting your diet, reducing stress levels and regularly exercising are fundamental to controlling inflammation and, therefore, naturally treating and preventing coronary heart disease.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0dee3452a7de3662f9e31e1914396ea7", "text": "- The homeopathic remedy Cina is prepared from an herb called wormseed. As the rumor has it, this herb derived its name from Artemisia, a 4th century BCE Persian queen who is famous for her skills in botany.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "17131b22edd2e42efd05ce53ca63e8ae", "text": "HOME REMEDIES FOR ARTERIOSCLEROSIS OR ATHEROSCLEROSIS Other Home Remedies for Arteriosclerosis. 1 Drink beetroot juice daily as it helps in reducing the blockages in the arteries. 2 Drink one glass of carrot juice everyday as it helps in getting rid of the accumulated plaque in the arteries. 3 Spinach juice is also helpful in reducing the plaque in the arteries.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "e05ed310cbda470016c8ffe3d2ba506b", "text": "The best homemade remedies to treat hay fever and seasonal allergies Homemade remedies consisting of herbal recipes are often highly effective at providing allergy relief for hay fever sufferers. Chamomile tea is reputed to relieve hay fever symptoms. Some herbalists suggest smearing chamomile and lemon oil on a tissue and inhaling to prevent hay fever symptoms.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "30d9854d03784887f041b34d2ce1e62a", "text": "- Home Remedies for Hoarseness. 1 Black pepper: Take 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper powder with 1 teaspoon of clarified Butter. 2 Turmeric & Milk: Add a pinch of turmeric powder to a cup of hot milk and drink before going to bed. 3 Honey: Add honey to juice of basil leaves and take this mixture, it will help to soothe throat.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "f3455fd95665171373400ae12ca0719b", "text": "- I’ve had laryngitis for days and googled a natural remedy. I’ve been drinking the apple cider vinegar in water with cayenne and honey as well the lemon in water. My vocal cords aren’t as hoarse and I’m actually getting my voice back. The tightness in my throat is much better.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "eeea4a1519af9386ef2bebd74fecb1f0", "text": "How long do you grill ribs 1 Grill your ribs for 3 hours bone-side down. 2 Wrap them in foil and grill, bone-side up, for 30 to 60 minutes. 3 Same as with baby backs, you can an extra special touch here by pouring a cup of apple cider or juice into the foil packet.4 Unwrap them and grill for 30 more minutes bone-side down. Grill your ribs for 3 hours bone-side down. 2 Wrap them in foil and grill, bone-side up, for 30 to 60 minutes. 3 Same as with baby backs, you can an extra special touch here by pouring a cup of apple cider or juice into the foil packet.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "959ac3aff89c2ebc46ddebe7bd709db2", "text": "The Ileocecal Valve: One Valve, Many Problems The cure for ileocecal valve syndrome? Eliminating certain foods for several weeks, such as raw fruits and vegetables (celery, carrots, cucumber, tomatoes), nuts, seeds, popcorn, spicy foods (salsa, cayenne pepper, hot peppers, chili powder) and stimulants (coffee, tea, caffeine, alcohol, chocolate).", "title": "" }, { "docid": "0cd56d7b59ce4bef6968c8fe8fe470f7", "text": "- The following natural anxiety treatments that have some scientific studies supporting their use: 1 Magnesium. 2 Inositol. 3 Valerian Root. 4 Kava Herb. 5 Rhodiola Herb. 6 Appropriate Exercise (not too much, not too little) 7 Hypoglycemia Diet. 8 Food Allergy Elimination Diet. 9 Candida Yeast Theory (speculative)", "title": "" }, { "docid": "96fa5fb314eaadccca011c17c1a0f685", "text": "Degrees of Levoscoliosis Wearing a brace does not prevent or improve a levoscoliosis curve, but it can prevent progression. This degree of curve may or may not progress to the point where surgery is required. Greater Than 45 Degrees", "title": "" }, { "docid": "224ad526358a8e7adfc0e6837d207a15", "text": "diarrhea natural treatment for Geranium oil is a traditional remedy for diarrhea and dysentery. It is anti-infectious, anti-spasmodic, and astringent, affecting all aspects of this condition. Oak bark is a powerful astringent treatment for throat and mouth infections, bleeding gums, and to cure acute diarrhea. Taken as a strong tea, oak bark stops the acute diarrhea of gastroenteritis. IBS, irritable bowel syndrome, is a debilitating disorder of the intestines that caused irregular bowel movements.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "23123c0f1c64c52d3c74c8eb767a9c71", "text": "- 1 Sabadilla is a homeopathic remedy for relief of cravings for sweets and starches. 2 It is particularly suited for people who tend to be nervous and who startle easily. 3 Staphysagria decreases the desire for stimulants and relieves hunger even when the stomach is full.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "2fce6251522ef27c19839f474f1b0252", "text": "- @Dorsen – Ok, sorry if it wasn’t clear enough. DVI is a digital cable that can carry analog (VGA) video as well. It’s more clunky, and still uses pins more like VGA cable, but it does carry HD digital video without audio. HDMI, on the other hand, is a smaller connector, easier to use, more like USB.Dorsen – Ok, sorry if it wasn’t clear enough. DVI is a digital cable that can carry analog (VGA) video as well. It’s more clunky, and still uses pins more like VGA cable, but it does carry HD digital video without audio. HDMI, on the other hand, is a smaller connector, easier to use, more like USB.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "d8540d2d8a8ba314f1594df57a8772bd", "text": "Home Remedies for Chest Congestion Lemon can also help treat chest congestion naturally. The citric acid in lemon reduces the thickness of the mucus, so that it can be expelled from the body easily. Plus, the vitamin C in lemon helps improve the body’s immunity. Add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to a glass of hot water along with a little honey. Drink this solution several times daily. Another option is to add 1 tablespoon of grated lemon zest to a cup of hot water. Cover and allow it to steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Strain and drink the warm solution. You can even gargle with it.", "title": "" }, { "docid": "6bbae6b333243c254b5815ae66f8d4db", "text": "17 Best natural home remedies for whooping cough Quick tips and simple natural home remedies for whooping cough to apply right away: 1 Do not consume crumbly, dry foods because they can cause a cough spasm. 2 Avoid food allergens like starch, wheat, dairy, and sugar foods. 3 Add more vitamin C-rich foods into your diet to shorten the duration of a whooping cough.", "title": "" } ]