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- {"id": "95928d3392c8-0", "text": "because the question that you should be asking is if a particular government is either Pro or anti the test is what policy what has it done correct okay so you should ask a question with the question is what has it done for Hindus to say that he's pro-hindu what has he done against Muslims for someone to say he's anti-muslim that question is never asked so it's empty opinions being aired in the form of angst The Grooming that's happening is not limited only to the Hindu Community that's happening even within the Christian Community the kind of grooming that you see of Pakistani gangs in in UK that's something that's being replicated in Kerala I would use the word sexual grooming and religiously profile sexual grooming you mean they're seducing Hindu girls I would say there is a very clear uh data and recently the retired let's say cop from madhya Pradesh was a security for that matter ended up making the statement that I've seen this as part of my own", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-1", "text": "statement that I've seen this as part of my own career that there were rate cards being distributed as to what is the price of a particular girl or what is the price of securing a particular girl rgu presents the runway shows back with literally the most requested episode that we've ever created JSI Deepak has been the most requested guest since we began this podcast for those of you who don't know what he does he's an advocate he's one of the most respected lawyers in the country he's also a spokesperson when it comes to indic religions and Indian culture and Hinduism in general Jason Deepak has achieved it in style in his career there's insights that you can learn from top lawyers that'll absolutely change the way you perceive your own country and the world in general I want to bring a lot more lawyers on the show and I feel like this man was the right beginning when it comes to this Advocates series that we will start on the show very soon for more", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-2", "text": "we will start on the show very soon for more episodes just like this make sure you follow us on Spotify every episode's available on Spotify 48 hours before it's available anywhere else in the world because we're a Spotify exclusive this super stylish look has been styled by rgo so make sure you download the azio app and get shopping straight away one of the most requested and fiery but also super funny episodes that we've created in recent times this is Jason Deepak on audio presents TRS foreign [Music] I think we should include that laugh at the start of the podcast I've never heard Jason laughing how are you usually happens oh what's up man I'm good I'm good how are you you're actually a normal guy I am social media gives you all these Illusions and pretensions but I'm just otherwise the another guy yeah on on screen I feel like uh if someone cuts you open blood wolf or some fire will come on so being a lawyer I think sometimes what happens is regardless of", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-3", "text": "I think sometimes what happens is regardless of your sign you're fundamentally a Gemini oh because you have two faces to you one is the lawyer face and the other is the non-lawyal phase okay so and if you happen to be a litigator plus someone who is trained in Delhi and who lives in Delhi October man okay how would you introduce yourself to people who have no idea who you are and there's very few of them watching this podcast right you've been the most requested guest literally probably since year one and we're in year four okay okay so two questions one how would you introduce yourself right two why are so many people lusting over you Jason so I am a practicing Advocate who practices as an arguing Council but for the Supreme Court of India and the Delhi High Court I'm a commercial litigator out and out so about 85 percent of my work revolves around intellectual property law competition law indirect taxation insolvency corporate litigation competition law so it's practically let's", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-4", "text": "litigation competition law so it's practically let's call it the most forensic aspects of commercial litigation forensic aspects of commercials okay we break down each of those words for 13 year olds so assume for a moment uh I'll let me do a compare and contrast exercise sure so the rest of the 15 is constitutional law and international law okay out of the hundred percent split Constitution that uh you fly at 60 000 feet human rights okay public interest government so on and so forth commercial litigation facts documents comma punctuation correspondence contracts right when you combine both the mix is very different okay very few people straddle the commercial world as well as the Constitutional world because the Constitutional world is more it tends to be slightly more activisty okay people are constantly talking of just people whereas in the commercial litigation you talk money you talk reputation you talk companies corporations so on and so forth right so what happens is when you start looking at a commercial litigation sometimes law is not what you're focusing", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-5", "text": "commercial litigation sometimes law is not what you're focusing on what do companies typically do this is the end goal I wish to reach is okay that's how the decision process actually flows so when you do that you're expected to be very very careful about what you say every comma makes a difference okay so that is what I mean by forensic litigation let me give you a simple example some of the finest constitutional laws in this country were not and are not hardcore constitutional practitioners was a tax lawyer who made the jump to Constitution later because tax law involves a certain elements of constitutional law and when he realized that he understood this better than most people he made the switch okay and because he understood taxation so well which requires extensive amount of forensic reading the definition of a salary is about five pages in the under the income tax act so when you bring those kind of skill sets to constitutional law you are something else okay Mr Harish Salve is a chartered accountant earned commercial lawyer turned constitutional", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-6", "text": "is a chartered accountant earned commercial lawyer turned constitutional lawyer and who now is entirely into arbitrations he practices out of London so when these people look at Constitution let's say so I think it's always better if you have certain hardcore commercial skills and then you try and transpose them onto Constitution you know I totally hear you and I'm with you with every word I don't know if the audience is with you at this point uh you're talking on a very high level that's the feedback for the first books I'll bring it down yeah so we can go to this level again right uh why would you answer the second question about why so many people go like thank you let's make a little immature so I think I've realized this based on what I've read in the comment section other places uh the unfortunate reality is about 50 of the audience is focusing on my English really yes and I think that's sad okay and what I would want them to focus on is the content that I", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-7", "text": "want them to focus on is the content that I bring to the table which I think is the dire need of the hour not because I'm bringing it forward but that's something that I have benefited from and I think people should have access to it now I'll have to interject here based on whatever I figured through the podcast and I've had some extremely left so-called left-minded video on the show as well right okay and I'll also give you the youth perspective there's basically two wings that used to be called right wing and left wing right honestly in our country according to Modern context which I feel is the peak of any context right it's actually promo the government antimodical right right okay right uh the pro Modi has exactly what you said indic every anyone who is indic is also mostly pramodi because of the geopolitical scenarios off today in terms of there's no other leader in the country who would be able to take on China America Europe there is an overlap it's not ideal as in the", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-8", "text": "there is an overlap it's not ideal as in the sense okay okay not all index fans are Modi fans exactly all right we'll break that down right uh the left is a lot of urban Elite when I go for fancy bar parties it's always some one who studied abroad who will uh even tell me bro you're too right-wing in my heart personally I do feel I'm offensitter because for me according to what I learned through media over eight years is that it is important to a certain degree for a media professional to constantly be your friend sitter and if there's an extreme Pro Modi or extreme anti-modivism keep pulling them back to the center just in order to extract more information and more learning so I feel I constantly make an effort to sit on the center that's exactly where I am right now very open to having my perspectives shaken okay coming back to the extreme left lots of anti-modie stuff right lots of urban Elite uh lots of people in the world of history which is", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-9", "text": "lots of people in the world of history which is a little strange which I mean archaeologists uh people or spokespersons for history Etc um I would say all the religions other than Hinduism of Sikhism jains and Buddhists so Muslim Christian primarily some sex on that Auntie Modi side primarily because if you actually go and speak to them and have a lot of Christian Muslim sick friends uh they do feel that their status as a minority or a status as an a person of another religion is threatened because of the current government because their whole cacab thing right etc etc etc uh they View amitsha and Modi as sort of versions of the devil uh they won't agree to a lot of the uh Pro Modi uh perspectives uh in fact people on both the ends are shut completely to the other side correct uh this is the general youth picture correct now would you correct me at any point like see there are two things one is a lot of people hate me for what I", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-10", "text": "is a lot of people hate me for what I say they have absolutely no personal equations with me whatsoever so it's not as if I've done any personal harm or good for them to form an opinion one way or the other so clearly what are they hitting what I represent or what I stand for at least what I claim to stand for I would apply that logic to a significant extent to Mr Modi most people don't know Mr Modi on a first-hand basis so what is it that they are hoping or what is it that they are actually channeling their anger towards he according to them represents the crystallization of hindutva at the highest level possible political hindua which is to say where state power is openly Hindu allow me to say this and this is my biggest criticism both of the left as well as the government establishment they are first of all not Hindu enough these guys have made them look Hindu thanks to their criticism because the question that you should be asking is", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-11", "text": "criticism because the question that you should be asking is if a particular government is either Pro or anti the test is what policy robot has it done correct so you should ask a question with the question is what has it done for Hindus to say that he's pro-hindu what has he done against Muslims for someone to say he's anti-muslim that question is never asked so it's empty opinions being aired in the form of angst without data or evidence because angst within media spreads faster faster any other reason no so one angst and two it's lazy research it's hard work to actually pull out the data and ask some serious questions okay here's a simple example there's a very popular video during the ca protests or anti-ca protests I think this was in Mumbai uh Mr faranakhtar was participating in this uh in this protest and the journalist asked what is it about this legislation that you oppose explain he had no clue not the first clue what the legislation was about not the first", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-12", "text": "clue what the legislation was about not the first clue what it was meant to deliver he said so he's saying I am here because there are other shouting that's exactly how communist marches used to take place in Kerala in the 60s and 70s so bystanders will be drinking tea some idiot would be going about taking a protest matching Long Live Revolution I will also join he'll never ask the first question is there a basis for it what is my position on it nothing I challenge most people who think they know anything about the ca to tell me what the ca is about they won't be able to you know what my next question is gonna be yeah explain it so you see CA has a historical context but before I come to the long-winded historical context I'll give the straight answer what does it do previously for a refugee from Pakistan Bangladesh or Afghanistan if they wanted to apply for citizenship in this country there were a certain set of criteria that they had to", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-13", "text": "were a certain set of criteria that they had to satisfy cutoff dates documents how many years they've actually lived in Bharat for them to say that they intend to live in Bharat for the rest of their lives that period was about 11 years that was reduced to say you don't need to live here for 11 years to claim or ask for citizenship that's one and second is it basically says in these countries there is a marked anti-non Muslim persecution where non-muslim minorities don't seem to be having a great time at all and the demographics are fast dwindling and with each passing day there's a serious problem now when they when they act on that and they come out with the ca the first question the people ended up asking is will Indian Muslims be affected by it a specific Amendment to the citizenship act which is meant to facilitate faster acquisition of citizenship to refugees ask yourself this simple common sensical question show me one provision from that Amendment which", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-14", "text": "question show me one provision from that Amendment which deprives an Indian Muslim of his right to citizenship it doesn't it doesn't deal with that at all target audience I think the question is why not just apply it on the refugees and not the Muslims already living here very clear answer to that in the backdrop of the donation theory is still active and kicking with Partition having let's say it uh played itself out on a religious basis I have no reason to trust a Pakistani Muslim I have no reason to trust a Bangladeshi Muslim okay Pakistan was partitioned with a bloody partition 1971 okay did Bangladesh say we will now merge back with India no so the premise of the partition which is donation theory that Hindus and Muslims cannot live together continues to be the premise for the existence of Bangladesh otherwise they'd have marched back we celebrate what oh common Bangladeshi culture Bangla culture language sorry food and all that none of that played a role right so therefore we are very", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-15", "text": "that played a role right so therefore we are very clear about the fact that I I don't need to extend the very same benefit of doubt that I gave to the Indian Muslim to Pakistani Muslims or Bangladeshi Muslims under any circumstances then people said what about ahmadiyas they are not seen as Muslims Pakistan you asked for it why should we end up inviting you back you will come back here and create the same trouble that you did when you were with us okay please go to their website of MD as a Pakistan their website categorically boasts that we are among the founding communities of Pakistan and today we are being ill-treated here so an internal feud between amitya Muslims and non-media Muslims doesn't change the fact that you opted for a particular decision 46 and 47 1946 and 47. why should I change my position maybe because the grandparents opted for it you're telling me that the amitya community continues or at least has no anti in Hindu and anti-india", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-16", "text": "least has no anti in Hindu and anti-india animals today wouldn't that be at least the let's say shouldn't that be the subject of a basic study to find out what is their position today okay let's ask let's ask this question Hindus and amityas are persecuted by the Punjabi majority of pakistanis of Pakistan did ahmedias ever find it in themselves to create an alliance with Hindus and say both of us are commonly affected let's speak up for each other no the ahmadiyas continue to spew Venom against Hindus in Pakistan so if 80 of this country is Hindu assuming I mean let's see we don't know it can be less than that why should I endanger the life of 80 percent of this country by inviting people merely to say i2m secular I2 I'm humanitarian my national interest in civilizational interest comes first everything else is secondary what's the reality of CA today in 2023 the unfortunate reality which is why I said that indic interest and BJP", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-17", "text": "which is why I said that indic interest and BJP interest overlapping is just a happy coincidence it's not 100 overlap the rules haven't have not been notified till date at the very least to the best of my limited knowledge and decent memory six extensions have been sought from the parliament to come out with the rules to implement the ca but happening my question is what is the level of your preparation and in the process the entire country is discussing an issue which the government has not shown the interest to implement yet maybe because of the backlash it got in which case I would then say what strong government Farm protest roll back CA you haven't done this kalistani movement has been normalized and someone managed to take out a tractor period on the 26th of January okay right the tricolor was pulled off all of this has happened Punjab is again looking at a situation where it may not be exactly the 1980s but it seems like it is hurtling towards it then I have to say", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-18", "text": "is hurtling towards it then I have to say what strong government this is exactly where my disagreements come and my criticisms come so the good part is that I'm not part of a choir which is constantly singing In Praise of anyone yeah I'm clearly saying give credit where it's due okay but also disagree and point out the mistakes okay cool I I heard like everything you said and uh I'm going to give some of my own perspective on please correct me wherever you think I'm going wrong sure okay this is from the perspective of extracting even more information right uh and I'm also going to go one layer deep and say two things right right the one thing I've learned over my career is that data is the new oil if you follow data and if you follow facts and figures you will get growth which is true and at some points in this whole journey with data I notice that no at some point you have to trust your intuition with certain decisions also in terms of what", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-19", "text": "intuition with certain decisions also in terms of what is the human angle of this etc etc uh which has led to some very good decisions in my own career right so I've begun to trust a version of data meets intuition that's one thought perfect the second thing I'd like to bring in is that we had a Tibetan monk on the show recently who explained Buddhism to me okay Buddhism has a lot of similarities with Hinduism and the more you kind of go to the depths of Buddhism you realize oh this is very similar to us he said that the one difference that he feels is Buddhism is centered first and foremost around altruistic thought which means that when they say oh Mani Padme hum you're praying for the welfare of every sentient being including animals including whales including fish including insects right including humans of other faiths right that stayed with me a lot after all these podcasts we recorded right and I feel I've become even more", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-20", "text": "recorded right and I feel I've become even more empathetic since I have started chanting since I met him because everybody absorb a certain energy okay uh which again makes me think that even with a decision like this my opinion is that you should include some amount of intuition and see what the overall effects on the morale of the overall country are right and while maybe see I'll never be able to argue with you as a lawyer about you know keeping facts and figures in mind you can I don't want to uh uh I'm not a journalist dude no I'm a YouTuber I'm a podcast what I will say is that you're the most uh I mean I hate using the word because you don't like it but you're the most right person ever had on the show like no one has come on the show till now and said no the government's not doing enough correct like you're the first person who sought a pro Modi was also pulling it further in that direction everyone is kind", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-21", "text": "pulling it further in that direction everyone is kind of on the central side some right my point is maybe I've learned this through business and through managing human beings right that even morale is a thing within the country right and I'm also giving present geopolitical scenarios in mind uh grew up in Mongolia right where he was at war with other Mongolian tribes right like I was kidnapped sorry his wife was kidnapped right he saw a lot of atrocity because of the local Civil Wars where tribes used to face each other right eventually when he took over the country he knew that there's still going to be Wars there was a sort of inherent divide and Rule mentality there as well right so he said no instead of fighting with each other let's coagulate let's become one and then go out and Conquer Asia That's The Power of bringing multiple human beings of multiple faiths and multiple subjective realities together right and giving an external kind of motive right the one thing I've", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-22", "text": "external kind of motive right the one thing I've learned about geopolitics is that it's very money driven so the Richer you are as a country and more geopolitically powerful the world is sort of beginning to be at War constantly now right we need to first develop our armor we need to develop our Weaponry for which we need to become rich the morale of the country has to be good right for which my opinion is that Mohammed sarad should be in the same team that Shikhar Dhawan bats agreed so that's why I'm not fully in agreement with you right but please correct me so it's like this one of the finest human beings that I've Had The Good Fortune of engaging with is srike Muhammad okay and my regret is I could not interact with SRI Abdul Kalam these are examples that I'm very comfortable with and these are people who I genuinely feel warm towards okay notwithstanding his name is among the few people who renovated temples when he", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-23", "text": "among the few people who renovated temples when he was with the ASI and someone who was upfront and candid about the impact of Islamic invasions in Paris okay to my mind that's honesty wherein the current generation is not carrying the baggage of the past you say somebody may have done it I don't agree with it and I don't wish to relate to it in any way the problem is those who seek association with the Conqueror of the past are making the Conqueror an existing reality of the present okay and that's where the problem starts okay then the wounds Fester so you're saying Muslims are chill as long as they have Indian identity intact in the hearts today but you shouldn't celebrate things like Mughal invasions or uh you know the whole the kind of we're taught in history books this is not me saying actually so I have several disagreements again with Dr ambedkar but one of the finest things that he has said in Pakistan are partition of India in the", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-24", "text": "has said in Pakistan are partition of India in the opening chapters he's asking the basic question what makes a nation a nation he starts with the theoretical basis and then asks whether India has two Nations within one can it survive as a single nation because he is writing this in 1946 when Pakistan has become a reality okay so he's asking this question Congress is trying desperately to say no we can represent both interests Muslim League says sorry not happening ambedkar is asking Congress to get real and he says you have never existed as a single nation in those and Muslims so please don't kid yourself and he speaks as Politically Incorrect a language as possible from today's terms or from today's perspective and he's bloody clear about this he says what do you define as a nation is you have common Heroes common villains which is in group definition be common here who belongs to us and who doesn't both these definitions are crystal clear and you have a largely shared vision of the future but if you", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-25", "text": "a largely shared vision of the future but if you don't have a shared vision of the past future right until 1920s nobody thought that there would be a partition of Bharat there was increasing clamor but it's only after khilafat it started really taking a lot it started getting a lot of traction because the Beast had been Unleashed which was waiting for an opportunity okay so when all of this exists I am asking myself what part of this position extreme or non-xtreme is different is a historic or lacks basis in history or in lived experience that's one two I'm hundred percent with you given the geopolitics the increasingly volatile politics of the world where interestingly Bharat is poised to play a good role right why would you want to create trouble Within well I don't want to I'm I'm not interested in it at all anyone who is doing well for himself or herself has zero interest in creating trouble because peace makes it all possible right it's not as if I need", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-26", "text": "it all possible right it's not as if I need trouble for me to thrive using the media's fueled these Hindu fear narratives which Muslims and Christians and minorities have adopted therefore there's a lack of peace media is just one convenient punching bag I significantly blame and squarely blame the left okay which is all the people who meet at parties college kids the academics the marxists specifically the marxists their historigraphy and their alignment of interests has always been with the worst of examples from the non-hindu communities not with good examples the left never celebrated Dr Kalam as long as he was alive the left till date does not celebrate srike Mohammad because he was clear about the position of ramjan movie because as an ASI director he knew what he was talking about the evidence was in was speaking to him right so I have always said this remove the left from the conversation between the Hindus and Muslims you'll have a much more honest conversation okay", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-27", "text": "Muslims you'll have a much more honest conversation okay because the left feels demonization or other feeds demonization and the left also feeds victimization it happens at both ends Fair what's the future of Muslims and Christians in India I would say that Kerala Muslims today have realized that their safety lies in having a significant Hindu population so that they can survive without any trouble safety yes Kerala Christians have realized this because they're seeing the increasing radicalization of Kerala for the first time in several decades uh Christian pastors have clearly said we need to have Hindu Neighbors if I had said this I'd be accused of all sorts of things well they're saying this and they're basically saying that the grooming that's happening is not limited only to the Hindu Community that's happening even within the Christian Community the kind of roaming that you see of Pakistani gangs in in UK that's something that's being replicated in Kerala I would use the word sexual", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-28", "text": "replicated in Kerala I would use the word sexual grooming and religiously profile a sexual grooming right sexual grooming yes you mean they're seducing Hindu girls I would say there is a very clear uh data and recently the retired uh let's say cop from madhya Pradesh who's a Sydney for that matter ended up making the statement that I've seen this as part of my own career that there were red cards being distributed as to what is the price of a particular girl or what is the price of securing a particular girl this is commoditization of women it should actually be a priority for feminists right so the point is safety of Bharat or the way forward is in preserving its accommodating character and that character will be preserved only if it remains in the majority okay and you have reason to believe it's not going to remain in the majority I have no reason to believe one way or the other I just know for a fact that in at least over 100 districts", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-29", "text": "for a fact that in at least over 100 districts out of 775 districts there is a very clear demographic imbalance I've hinted at the importance of him not hinted I've spoken of it of the importance of demographic balance in the second book where I showed the populations of each of the provinces and which of the provinces which are actively batting for Pakistan it's a game of population numbers okay because you're a lawyer engineer I'm assuming that everything you're saying is backed on like research facts the tables from that particular period the census of the particular period captures the total population in each in each province and the Muslim population in each province I have cited this I have not generated data I've captured the data from existing primary authentic sources and so far the book was launched on the 23rd of August 2022. no one has been able to counter me on facts okay one last question in this segment what do you see as the way forward off our thought processes which is as uh Dr", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-30", "text": "forward off our thought processes which is as uh Dr ambedkar said if conversion to a different faith has the consequence of alienating you from your own roots and from Bharat then it poses a significant threat to the long-term interests of Bharat so we are told that there is this mythical creature called Indian Islam I am saying let it become a reality we are all safe okay I am saying which is constantly spewed and sprouted on let it become reality this takes nothing away from practices of Islam like going to the Masjid no no no those are perfectly fine see but you're saying just accept uh history in the same way that many Hindus accept history today there are three requirements one accept the fact that neither of these abrahamic faiths are native to Bharat and the culture of this land is significantly informed by its native Faith systems and therefore also be slightly more empathetic or sympathetic empathy is not possible because you're not in the same position sympathetic", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-31", "text": "because you're not in the same position sympathetic to the fact that this is an imposed faith because at the end of the day a lot of them are converts that is a reality now whether they want to come back or not I don't think it should be a matter of imposition or coercion that should be left to People's Choice that should be left to their own free will however it shouldn't come to a point where the native Faith system is struggling to find gasps of breath okay so Mr vajpay is ashes where refused cremation or they wouldn't they weren't allowed to be uh I'd say uh immersed in rivers in the Northeast because the majority communities in the Northeast said sorry this can't happen this is anti-christinal Iran Christian so in Bharat you can't immerse ashes of your former prime minister and you're telling me that's okay think about it right why should the death of a mafia Dawn result in victimization or perceived victimization of the community to", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-32", "text": "in victimization or perceived victimization of the community to which apparently this man relates to or is is from what kind of elements are you really celebrating there are better examples pop culture Academia politics they're better people surely it can't be our argument that this is the best possible example to be held up as Role Models okay so many tangents to go on now in order to move forward uh we have a round called agio presents keep it casual okay I'm not going to ask you anything intense that's a lie there are some intense questions okay uh so let's hit it everybody if you say Deepak are you ready yes please okay you can't think too long but I will ask you some tangential questions sure a good guy trying to be bad or a bad guy trying to be good neither you know a lot of people say neither but in truth it always boils down somewhere on that scale so I will put you let's just say it's an evolution towards the better it's your", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-33", "text": "it's an evolution towards the better it's your bad guy trying to be good possible yeah I'm a bad guy trying to be good you've ever read Harry Potter I have okay uh I think everyone wants to be a Gryffindor when they're growing up right and then they eventually realize that oh maybe there's more sense in being a Slytherin interest big bad world right um and the other two houses just things so I would definitely say I'm a Slytherin a good-hearted Slytherin uh what house would you put you yourself in I'd certainly uh subscribe to the out of box thinking and the adventurism of Slytherin uh hoping for uh acquisition of the values of Gryffindor at some point and the work ethic of Hufflepuff okay talk number Hufflepuff what does JSI Deepak do to chill and what does he wear on such a day shots uh tease I love colory practice yeah so real it's grown on and it's something that I realized is a", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-34", "text": "on and it's something that I realized is a fantastic way to unwind for people who don't know what country why do is just explain so coloripaya 2 is a martial art form which traces its Origins to what we know as parashramakshatra which is from konkan to Malabar and therefore it's now largely associated with Kerala it has a northern tradition and Southern tradition and I'm being uh educated and taught by people who are fantastic at this why members of the Hindustan kalari sangam which is based out of question which is one of the organizations banned by the British early on and then they were re-established well I was in band martial arts okay it could make someone aggressive no no they clamped on ownership of arms and performance and let's say teaching of martial arts because they were scared of their repercussions on it okay Judo was the most important thing in my life in my childhood yeah analyzed all my aggression okay what is done to you now one is uh", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-35", "text": "okay what is done to you now one is uh uh it gives a flow because it is part choreography and part martial arts okay and the first few years like Mr Miyagi what you're taught is a series of uncoordinated steps the beauty is when all of them come together you realize the importance of each of the broken down steps that you have performed okay so it helps you enmesh everything together the building blocks come beautifully together and two it also teaches you humility there's a reason for it uh see the thing is someone who thinks of himself as fundamentally mental in the sense that he operates in the intellectual realm modulation something that has got no more in the mind and we have a tendency to put this in let's say in boxes if you're physically you're not mental if you're mentally not physical those boxes are broken thanks to Performance or let's say training and martial arts because it is both it requires you to be flexible it requires you to have stability balance", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-36", "text": "be flexible it requires you to have stability balance and whatnot and also constantly think self-awareness to a point where you know exactly what you're doing and then it becomes part of your muscle memory right it makes you very sharp it makes you very agile and it's a great stress buster so I love it okay cool when do you feel the most alive or purposeful and why uh when I'm on my feet arguing in a court of law uh especially when I'm making an argument which is uh not immediately acceptable and when I'm trying to persuade perhaps an audience which is otherwise not agreeing with me okay that is a high which is irreplaceable very short offshoot question you know when you were talking about the whole CA thing and I said that but the intuitive side is this does that intuitive side come into being a lawyer huge like you have to give a human intuitive so one is the intuitive aspect where you try and make it uh human that's there but the second is you see", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-37", "text": "uh human that's there but the second is you see it's not just about files facts and the law your ability to read the room to read the person sense the air to understand which way the wind is blowing as you argue because literally when an argument goes on a connection is established between the audience and the the spokesperson or the speaker and you can feel that live wire as you argue that's what an arguing Council or let's say someone who performs the role of a barrister brings to the table so the legal profession you have broadly two distinctions one is the solicitor who handles the client prepares the strategy files drafts and everything he then engages the services of an arguing Council who is used to exclude exclusively argue in court okay so his job is to ventilate he's the dog who box in court put it crudely he is the one who is the face there but this person's strength is to say you're very attached to your facts you're unable to look at it from", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-38", "text": "to your facts you're unable to look at it from a third party perspective and second you may have 25 points to present but you don't know how to uh let's say prioritize it if you have only half an hour and you have 30 points to make the expectation from an arguing council is choose the top five bullets from the 30 and make it simple enough other person to understand because it could be taxation it would be competition what not right so that is when uh your your intuitive and your instinctive side actually play a huge role in understanding the reading of the room you know why you may go to a particular script and then you realize you'll get to know that in the first 30 seconds then from the 30 bullets you have chosen five you've dropped these five you pick up the next five okay they're quick thinking on your feet it's amazing that's something you I enjoy macro salesman you could say that you could say that wow okay never looked at Law in that way because", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-39", "text": "wow okay never looked at Law in that way because honestly I think before I met lawyers through the show which is Advocate pradipra and yourself I thought you all are really boring and now I've realized a lot full of like fire and spicy you love The Professional questions you get into it and I'm telling you no drug can come anywhere close to the Chaska that litigation can give you yeah yeah I I hear you now as a 29 year old with some perspective but it's just that engineering is so much cooler right media so much cooler right so uh I'm changing my opinion right in fact talking to you probably I want to extract more of that cool side of law but we'll get into that right don't think too long about this one five things you would do as the PM of the country first thing is revisitation of the Constitution from an Indian perspective to perhaps what the government is already doing in terms of clearing the weed from the colonial establishment number of laws which are", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-40", "text": "from the colonial establishment number of laws which are unnecessary that's one three I would want to inculcate a certain sense of discipline in the youth by mainstreaming some part of services in the armed forces Israel style not fully a conscription style but the agneepath model in a slightly more uh let's say fashion where it becomes accessible to even people in schools okay in the 11th and 12th okay that could be one way of looking at it because having been to Israel I've seen how that actually works it's fantastic that model has worked three or four seriously revisit our education system from multiple perspectives uh it's people usually think of only history when they think of education but there's a lot more to it your approach to science and your approach to reason all these aspects of indic logic and reasoning have to be introduced five uh free temples from State Control across the board what is State Control they collect the money that are tempting not just correct the money they appoint officers who run the", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-41", "text": "just correct the money they appoint officers who run the establishment as if it's a bureaucratic establishment and do what and do what budgets they clear the budgets they interfere with rituals single-handedly responsible for changing the traditions in multiple major temples like jagannathpuri and whatnot or even tirupati for the planet single-handedly responsible for treating Temple as a port of Revenue as opposed to what it is not meant to be as opposed to let's say a place of worship or a place of spiritual Solace right if reduced religion to religious tourism that's not what it was ever meant to be for is meant to also act as a community support system where it provides money it's also a guild in a certain form right provide education to people if you're looking at the arguments relating to reservation you can perhaps offset it to a significant extent if you say the temple money will be used to educate people from the depressed classes for a certain period of time you're", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-42", "text": "depressed classes for a certain period of time you're giving a positive replacement before they're taking this away you can never take once you've given it especially in the realm of reservation so you give Alternatives okay and look at this is very entrepreneurial dude sorry like these are entrepreneurial thoughts right right anyway does that Fascinate you like being an entrepreneur no not at all no why not uh because I'm way too much in love with my profession to think of anything else outside of it okay you'll be a lawyer for as long as you can until I'm burnt really yeah you wouldn't want to get into politics never I'm not cut out for it because you can't play Game of Thrones that's one and two you have to realize that their orders of thinking is vastly superior actually they are not idiots politicians are supremely intelligent creatures who understand larger audiences and scale of audiences which we can't I am catering to at best and educated audience of a particular kind it's", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-43", "text": "best and educated audience of a particular kind it's easy because it's right up my alley because of my qualification of the subject I'm talking about they have to talk about so many things they have to meet so many people their ability to read people is like this right the brilliant and all of this comes by being part of this establishment from your early years it's like swimming on horse riding you can't learn it after 40 because there's a fear factor that sets in right so you need to be able to understand this ecosystem better so politics is not and I can't do jihusuri anywhere okay too much of an outspoken person to actually do that I'd rather engage with the society than be interested in power games anywhere else okay cool um when most people actually accuse me of having political aspirations I don't yeah even the next question but it's a fun question okay if you were to start a political party name five celebrities you'd like to start it with and why one of the most", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-44", "text": "to start it with and why one of the most well-read celebrities I have come across and whose knowledge was astounding one because I was surprised and also there was truly some death is Pawan Kalyan the actor who himself runs a party I would certainly want to consult him on a few things he knows the ground realities of Andhra and Telangana better uh the other person that I'd certainly want to bring on board uh is someone from the commercial sector so from the past that is Mr mahalingam who runs or rather who's who's conglomerate has sugar Industries and whatnot his lectures at the ramakrishna mission is something I grew upon even in my engineering days because he was the first person to tell me about that energy centers in Latin America which I spoke of and he was also he had also been an elected member of The Madras legislative assembly at that time so he's one person I look for more people who are from the Heartland not from the urban Elites because", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-45", "text": "from the Heartland not from the urban Elites because Indian native intelligence has actually no substitute it's among the sharpest in the world I would say that so these are the two celebrities the others I can't really think of and uh I might as well say this uh anomaly from the BJP the tamilnadu BJP president is brilliant is a rising star for all sorts of reasons which are popular but he's truly a thinking leader and the way he's changing the landscape of tamilnadu politics is astounding okay cool uh lots of questions on this in the next section right this this round allows me to navigate through the conversation much about it all right um again coming back to the world of films are you a film guy by anything oh yes huge film all right whose style do you admire the most from the world of films and why Jimmy Stewart okay uh a very human laid back soft approach to acting you can actually relate to him one of the finest movies of his that I watched of", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-46", "text": "the finest movies of his that I watched of course most people uh think of that movie where uh this it's a movie about Christmas I don't remember the name exactly but uh Anatomy of a Murder is a movie that I would recommend to you strongly watch okay cool it is perhaps the best possible movie to understand trial litigation how cross-examination happens in the context of a Murder and with two scintillatingly brilliant actors who literally exuded a lawyerly presence on screen and it is taught in American law schools to understand trial litigation because it comes closest to real life cross-examinations okay brains that's been used there is great and the other movie is uh Spencer Tracy's uh uh it's on the the scope controversy on Darwinism versus Intelligent Design This controversy happened in the early 50s and 60s so this movie is based on that where in the Bible Belt they did not want people to teach Darwinism in evolution so that movie is rather that episode becomes the", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-47", "text": "so that movie is rather that episode becomes the basis of this movie okay any Indian movies Indian movies or Indian celebrities and also about the style so Kamal Hassan before he became an uh became a politician I'd say he shouldn't have done this squandered everything one is he's a once in a generation actor okay he's quadrated thanks to his foreign to politics and now everything that he does is political uh most people actually think Mani ratham's finest movie is roja I would say no his finest movie is nayagan because it brought together Kamal Hassan and mani ratnam okay and the magic is it's it's not been recreated again all right who's a perceived left-wing spokesperson that you'd be happy to sit down and learn from ah I actually would want to have a conversation with Noam Chomsky tall order I mean he's a giant and all that but he's a person I'd like to speak with because I've been watching some of his videos okay a lot of", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-48", "text": "been watching some of his videos okay a lot of things that he says about the West are some things that would apply uh to our perception of the West and yet his position on India and Kashmir and so on and so forth is deeply problematic that may be because he's been fed information by arundhati Ryan on this left to himself and if he had done his own research I suspect he may have come to a different conclusion about bharath but he is one person I'd like to engage with you have any Indian names Indian names from the left but not at all who do you like to see me interact with um have you heard Mr tharu Dr tharu not yet you should okay because uh uh for multiple reasons I don't agree with him on almost everything okay but I would certainly say that he is a dignified debater okay and he's very decent to engage with not commenting on anything else I'm not giving a clean on anything okay and the operative word being anything but uh it", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-49", "text": "okay and the operative word being anything but uh it was fun to engage with him and he did not have any qualms or ego in engaging with me in a debate and even asked for a signed copy of my book at the end of it okay so I would say that is one and I had equal fun as a moderator engaging with uh barrister okay yes I want to have him on the show as well you should five things that will not be present in India in 10 years time it won't be a party-based election anymore it will be a presidential style election like people yes you'll be voting for people people will be voting for individuals okay we are looking at that that's one to uh I would actually assume that we'll be less of a car economy and more of a public transport economy rich people will use public trans I would say so we are moving in the direction gradually people are realizing the trouble of having to maintain a car yeah um everyone my age uses uh cabs", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-50", "text": "a car yeah um everyone my age uses uh cabs and metros correct three we will be forced to revisit our disrespect for environment very serious ways yeah water problems yeah okay we are looking at it big flaw of the current government it is one of my major criticisms of the government all over the country you go to Himachal same problem Bombay same problems I don't like traveling to Himachal because of the destruction on the path yeah see I understand the importance of infrastructure but I think we need to strike a balance uh four is the left will no more remain cool you think it's cool right now it is still I think it's uh there's a point of inflection we're going through that point of inflection but the current de facto respect that they enjoy in certain circles may not be the case anymore because they're exposing themselves very badly by not researching Enough by not researching enough in the age of internet and by not actually dealing with facts by just still only spouting", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-51", "text": "actually dealing with facts by just still only spouting opinions five The Exodus of talent from heart will come down brain drain will reduce significantly that's already happening possibly people will come back the reverse is happening a lot of people are actually writing to me saying how do we be part of this party you know because India's scene is a big party you know yeah challenges are there lifestyle changes are going to be very difficult if you live in a first world country come to Bharat and you have a lot of issues here you still will go through all of that but they want to be a part of a journey where they get to contribute to it as opposed to being part of an established story yeah being an engineer seeing the caliber of my friends who are working abroad it's one of my motivations as an entrepreneur here to be able to be basically really rich and then either fund or co-found really large scale with the guys who've left because they are actually maybe talent wise", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-52", "text": "who've left because they are actually maybe talent wise the same as how the casual fbn but experience wise there's no comparison right you're playing in the NBA versus playing in an Indian basketball league right even if the talent levels are the same you're playing against LeBron James you haven't competed against the best yeah correct so these guys are picking up skills but I understand this post 1990 born uh generation of Indians a lot of them will come back because they'll understand that okay you can make money here as well and the parents need them correct correct and they are missing out on being part of all the festivals and the family occasions correct um plus the West is not what it was before yeah the American dream is no more what it was Europe standards are terrible now several so-called Advanced European countries are not worth living in right because of their inability to deal with the migrant population right that's a huge issue they don't know how to handle the uh impromptu rice regular laser rights they", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-53", "text": "handle the uh impromptu rice regular laser rights they don't know because it's something that we have lived with We have dealt with they haven't right so considering that they're looking at two things if I can make even 60 to 70 of what I'm making there plus I get to live with my parents and there is a cultural bonding here and I get to be part of a growth story what exactly is the state of plus if you have children and young children the support system in Bharat is irreplaceable right both in terms of getting professional support or family support vampy you have to do everything on your own from dishwashing to everything what do you do yeah I think few things are corrected here the primary thing being money uh if if they're given even 70 to 80 percent of the money that they're making there will come yeah they'll certainly come because it's solvable yeah because you get access to a lot of things in terms of support systems yeah I am able to pursue whatever I can because", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-54", "text": "I am able to pursue whatever I can because of the support system that I've managed to create others I'll be limited only to one thing yeah times are changing man uh okay again don't think too much about this right so quick answers what do the following lack Mumbai space Delhi uh a human touch everything is too material it's a bit of aggression and uh foreign exactly what I'm saying okay Bharat I'd say a long-term vision for the next hundred years really 100 let's tackle that as well in this episode the five southern states uh they could do with more water that's the answer yes okay that's it as simple as that yes they could do with more water okay then the economy of the South can be even more self-sufficient okay jsid works hard what does it lack oh patience for laziness and mediocrity okay wardrobe uh it is I populated it with Brands the last five years but what does it lack what does it lack what does it lack uh perhaps a few", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-55", "text": "lack what does it lack uh perhaps a few more three pieces okay cool success you mean definition or what is it like what does success lack what does success lack uh the big picture give it something greater than yourself yes that it's never a solo act to break the tension you know I'm gonna ask about perfumes and shoes perfumes and shoes say a lot about someone's character okay the most character defining pair of shoes and the most character defining bottle of perfume that you've ever owned I have zero interest in Brands previously it was Bata now let's move to Hush Puppies that's it no that's fine that's the answer okay that's all I have no internet perfumes and someone gifts or my wife purchases for me outside of that I have zero idea but what do you like putting on yourself gotcha [Music] uh next question three Indians that should leave India never return are that Professor Irfan Habib Romina thapper okay little little why questioning is coming your way so why", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-56", "text": "little little why questioning is coming your way so why each of them has harmed in Indian interest in their own ways and bharti interesting has done grave Injustice to facts truth history and integrity okay five of India's biggest gifts to the world are Dharma respect for prakriti are art forms family as an institution and I'll say respect for non-human beings comes with us okay and just to add to what you said in the past the similarity between Hinduism and Buddhism is not a matter of Discovery I'd say it's the most obvious okay you're saying it's basically the same thing I said it's taken some Essence and it's very packaged itself it's also a question of how it has been projected as opposed to what it truly is how Buddha actually let's say uh propagated it from how Richard Gere sees it is very different [Music] okay who has said that Buddhism in many ways is the essence of what The Vedas actually said not too sure of that", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-57", "text": "The Vedas actually said not too sure of that okay all right okay if Jason were buried alive so you know buried alive [Laughter] see that's why WWE Fan get some corner of my head never mind the coffin matchup came coming out of it yeah god dude love the Undertaker okay if Jason Deepak were buried yeah what what does Tombstone say my Tombstone say burn me please exactly that's it that's not the podcast that's segment yeah this past segment right let's continue why don't you draw a bit of a trajectory of the current government over the rest of the 20s as well as the 30s both based on interior narratives and exterior narratives because um I think we had Rajiv Malhotra on the show who suggested that possibly again there's no other word to describe this system the closest word is dictatorship right but uh I think the word he uses single party state right uh are we going there like are we going to work because there's no opposition like the closest", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-58", "text": "to work because there's no opposition like the closest person who has even a bit of bite is probably uh I mean the party is AAP and there's nothing else which is even Neil it'll bite the dust sooner than we realize the AAP yeah yeah I mean there's a point at which you need to reign in uh your hyper billion exaggeration you've given yourself uh labels such as he is the current day Mahatma Gandhi this is going to believe this and of course delivers are not gonna believe this they're way too smart for this right so uh the problem is this um there is a huge paucity of good options uh as in in the opposition and I think as it was Anand ranganathan who said this so the dear friend who said this that uh the BJP at least Mr Modi is blessed with the joke of an opposition in his horoscope okay so that's true it's unfortunate it's unbelievable circumstances do create a destiny correct and this is true look at", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-59", "text": "create a destiny correct and this is true look at it where are the options here and surely it can't be anybody's case the government is getting everything right it's not possible humanly human error is bound to happen so that means people aren't paying attention to policy people aren't paying attention to actual issues they're busy playing identity politics to bring him down saying that he's anti anything that's not about to see anti-free speech what are you saying who's going to buy this who's going to buy this the number of Articles which are written day in and day out I mean who which of these people has been jailed for writing against Mr Modi it may have happened for any other BJP person but not for Mr Modi by the way it could have happened at the state level it could have happened for anybody else not for him I'm not going to defend him for anything I'm just saying that choose your issues well at least think through what you're saying the chances of India becoming", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-60", "text": "what you're saying the chances of India becoming a single party State almost like China or let's say a single party democracy as oxymoronic as it sounds like Singapore it's not uh it's I don't think it's it's going to happen because you see Singapore is a city-state size plays a role number of options plays a role your ability to curb and finish your political opponents all of that plays a huge role that's not going to happen here okay and importantly as in every political party there are huge differences of opinion in every party okay so it's a question of how those differences of opinion are managed right there was a point when the Congress uh in the 1920s and 30s had no alternative okay but the swaraj party came outside of it established by uh deshmadu and motilal nehru right when they realized that the non-cooperation movement isn't taking the Congress anywhere so sometimes it may not be our opposition from the outside it may also happen as a consequences of differences", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-61", "text": "it may also happen as a consequences of differences opinion from within let me clarify I'm not hinting on anything I'm just saying project is I think to be able to predict the future you need to study history indeed exactly that's why exactly so I am basically saying uh that more and more people who are interested in delivering the goods on the cultural side on the civilizational side we say vikas must go hand in hand with civilizational security especially with too many problems let's say you're wearing their heads okay and apart from that the larger revisitation that the entire world will go through is revisiting the model of democracy as it stands I'm not saying it will move to dictatorship or whatever it may want to go with some kind of what I call enlightened democracy which is exactly what the rajya Sabha was meant to do so the britishers they designed it in such a way that Lok Sabha will accommodate all the popular voices to shut up the Congress", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-62", "text": "all the popular voices to shut up the Congress I'll give you a place to shout but your policy decisions will be vetoed by rajya Sabha because that will be populated by bureaucrats and subject matter experts but that's why we have a policy even today of nominating experts from different fields as part of rajya Sabha saying the masses are represented here the intelligency will be represented here we may look at a situation where the rajya Sabha or rajya Sabha like model finds greater say in policy making and what not will that truly happen see these things can't be designed these things are usually organic it's a matter of a particular let's say Spark where people realize no we need a different model now if this is not throwing up enough options two days ago uh Anand and I had the good fortune or let's say of sharing space at the srcc business card cliff uh with Mr manishankarayur Mr Salman khushreet and Mr sudhina Kulkarni the topic of", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-63", "text": "and Mr sudhina Kulkarni the topic of the entire debate was Western narrative about Bharat and Indian narrative about Bharat that was the discussion whose topic maybe they managed to bring in BJP versus Congress the entire thing was different it was about media narratives it's about how the West sees us it's about how we see them in what context the BBC documentary the uh the downright insulting caricatures during covet or the chandrayaan and so on and so forth where they still think of us as a country of snake Charmers and whatnot and what's wrong with being a snake charmer sorry so these are the kind of caricatures that we were hoping to discuss it became about BJP versus Congress within 10 minutes so I and the best part is the audience was tired of it yeah talk about the issue we are not interested in this what about you anymore give us better content give us better issues to deal with that is what will push the conversation on democracy okay", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-64", "text": "that is what will push the conversation on democracy okay uh still want a deeper picture of things let's talk from a very specific angle there are four or five people within the BJP who could be sort of next PM candidates uh modiji probably has four years left and then at some point he's going to take a step back everyone anticipates that as well his whole uh kind of basis is what I've learned from Sanjeev sanyal is that he wants to focus on infrastructure right someone will have to take the game forward right simple question who's an xpm what's the future of the video when there is no opposition or quality opposition the only opposition that can theoretically come from then is from within the society where the society says we need one more or from within the existing power structure so this is a a theoretical projection not based on any firsthand knowledge and based on what has happened in the past if that were to happen I would see the the gradual formation of what I call the", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-65", "text": "see the the gradual formation of what I call the naranda and the garam Dal within the BJP the narendal focus is only on infrastructure investment all this is the governmental saying and you have people asserting themselves in the most vigilante Fashions possible and you're looking at illegal migration you're looking at China you're looking at the changing demographic balance in Border districts under close to 200 districts are we then creating vikas where a country with fantastic infrastructure is ripe for taking over um effectively what's happening with Europe first world infrastructure being handed over to Third World immigrants especially from the Middle East okay or even for that matter from Pakistan specifically right so if you have to look at a situation which you don't want that situation is Europe where you've got vikas but you have zero cultural Moorings or civilizational identity anymore thanks to their hyper focus on secularism where they have killed their own identity and they they don't have an identity to speak off and when identity does not", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-66", "text": "an identity to speak off and when identity does not exist the human consciousness will be filled with something else because Vacuum cannot exist s either it's gold or garbage it's for you to decide right so this fight May at some point come to the fore and that may result in changing the Outlook of the party or it could result in other possibilities I hope it results in let's say a reorientation of the apparatus for a good reason because it's now become a winning machine right for the most part of course Statewide they have lost a few and with that traction momentum I think it's it would be a tragedy if that momentum is cut short because of irreconcilable differences Within on these aspects so they have to start accommodating it so somewhere I'd say uh a Yogi's approach to a yogiti's approach to Law and Order okay the ins continued insistence on infrastructure right both these may have to go hand in hand you have to realize that not only has uttar Pradesh", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-67", "text": "have to realize that not only has uttar Pradesh improved in the context of Law and Order from 2017. it's also done really well in terms of infrastructure by the way it's just that I think his branding is extremely uh intense for the left wing that they push certain matters what's the population for the Pradesh [Music] you're looking at at least 20 crores which state in this country can handle that kind of population and this is a state which is unfortunately previously called one of the bimaru states right he did not inherit a Gujarat he inherited an uttar Pradesh after mayavathi and samajwadi party right people living in Noida will tell you that there were massive power cuts and every house had to have either a generator or inverter depending on what they could afford that's changed roads have become safer and better police stations are more approachable previously a police station in uttar Pradesh was a difficult place to go to you never knew how you would be treated that", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-68", "text": "you never knew how you would be treated that has changed uh Samsung wanted to move out of Noida because they weren't sure of how the new establishment would handle in let's say investment he convinced them to stay back the manufacturing facility from what I understand a delegation comes from Iran he brings together that delegation with artists uh in uttar Pradesh of Shia Persian origin and makes them meet each other and he says you know what if you have any problems investing in the state I'm available here's a hotline this is what I've heard from reliable journalists okay so clearly he seems to be able to balance both sides in a in a state like uttar Pradesh with this huge Legacy let's not forget that Ramadan movie happened in uttar Pradesh it therefore there are very clear communal tensions in the state in terms of Legacy what he has inherited I would say compared to that it's turned around it's one thing to actually do well in a state which already has a", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-69", "text": "actually do well in a state which already has a fantastic reputation for progress it's always been associated with what the Badlands of India or the cow belt what a pleasurative thing to say about a country that civilizationally has a certain place of worship for cow to use it as a president it was a cow belt Hindi Heartland right I'd say that the way of the future is to combine both sides infrastructure with a very clear position on Law and Order is your pick for the next PM I have no idea because I'd like to see how he goes in terms of his appeal Beyond his home territory okay he has to because you see there is going to be a Hindi barrier in Tamil Nadu uh he also wears the saffron which I'm very happy about okay I have no problems with it I'd want to see how that translates to his ability to reach out to people then also is the important factor of his ability to handle International Optics hmm one is pan India the second", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-70", "text": "International Optics hmm one is pan India the second is the global stage both which could be his weakness I'm not saying it's a weakness I'd simply say it's an area because you see I'm someone who looks at it's a weakness if someone cannot work on it or does not have the ability to actually work on it but if someone shows the ability to work on something I'd say it's an area for work okay that's how I put it I don't have enough research or facts and figures to uh argue on the left behalf I'll tell you what the left will say encounter killings okay that's what they'll latch on to they'll say Law and Order ask the women Folk or even men folk for that matter or to use their language the non-binary gender identity okay if they're safer in uttar Pradesh today and compared to before this I can validate because I've been to uttar Pradesh this is the General Eric right safer than ever Lucknow has become such a place to go to", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-71", "text": "Lucknow has become such a place to go to it's brilliant in Lucknow mimics Connaught place in Delhi in terms of its architecture what a happening place of course I'm not going to say that let's use that as the basis for everything else but other cities also it's not as if this is one of those states where it has only a couple of cities to Showcase it's trying to do so you have a prayag you have a Kashi uh you have a Noida you have a luck now a lot of these cities each of them is capable of generating a lot of income because they have traditional Industries which is about 60 kilometers away from Varanasi is known for being the carpet uh town of the world almost most carpets that go from Bharat have some contribution from their place similarly several places have each let's say their own industry so their own legacy of Industries so it's actually a sleeping giant which is awakened and uttar Pradesh can turn around the two", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-72", "text": "and uttar Pradesh can turn around the two states which Frankly Speaking are beautiful culturally rich and which have the resources Bihar and uttar Pradesh turn them around Bharat will see greater strides towards uh progress on an overall level one because of the sheer size and the scale of the populations I've not had the Good Fortune of going to Bihar in fact but everyone who's been there says what a green and beautiful state what is it that Bihar lacks in terms of resources and let me challenge anyone when they say that biharis don't have the IQ for it no not at all bureaucracy they're fantastic engineering they're bloody good at it yeah they're probably the most high IQ Community exactly they're among the best you need to go and find that high IQ when you interact with them if you go to uh your let's say your Railway Depots or let's say your irsme establishment which is where you manufacture your coaches and your repair most of them are biharis the bloody good edit", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-73", "text": "most of them are biharis the bloody good edit they don't believe in passing of communication skills as knowledge so their emphasis is not on English rightly so they focus on core strengths manufacturing sector and is there's a huge Bihar contribution there because they have a legacy contribution there so these two states I think are to watch out for madhya Pradesh uh has turned around the agriculture sector brilliantly and now it's focusing on Industrial policy okay I should know this I'm the special counsel for the state government of madhya Pradesh and the Basmati litigation and I know how they've turned this around I'm just coming from Indore I had a lecture last evening I do gen enlightened students youngsters culturally rooted very proud of their civilizational Origins their religious Origins and eager and Keen to perform and show that do not associate madhya Pradesh with the chambal Valley of the past they come with that kind of zeal and ambition so what is stopping them if there are right opportunities", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-74", "text": "what is stopping them if there are right opportunities provided these three states huge large resource Rich can turn the India story around the Bharat story around fully by selling things to the rest of the world yes you know one of the things that's undertapped is what I call The Branding economy from the perspective of intellectual property I'll give you a simple example sure what do you think of France when you come to when you think of let's say Foods liquids champagne yeah right Scotland you're looking at Scott Scott risky right or the sweet uh let's sorry the Tweed jackets right why one is creating a product the second is to create an ecosystem around it and quality standards so that you know Champion key quality this is how it should be swiss cheese feta cheese Greek cheese or whatever it is right during world trade negotiations these countries were fighting for rights over Spirits in Jesus because that's their primary industry each of these states has such products to offer across the board on the", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-75", "text": "has such products to offer across the board on the manufacturing side as well as in the agriculture side if you were to actually create a brilliant branding economy and quality control economy for each of these things you are ensuring the local population stays there what does that do stops the local population from running to cities and crowding cities the local brain drain exactly because then there's so much of stress on the cities and people are leaving the villages that leads to all kinds of problems so if you're able to give them enough empowerment and enough enabling metrics which give them incentive to stay back Thrive when people are watching TV what are they looking at people say we'll stay here we'll turn this into a different place altogether that's the trick and so local branding of the economy and giving it a foothold and and let's say the support that the state can is where I think the the Antarctica started doing it here the entrepreneurial perspective here is that I think a", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-76", "text": "the entrepreneurial perspective here is that I think a bunch of generations have missed out on marketing 101s and branding 101s there probably this new under 16 under 14 Generations because of Geo because of YouTube just the internet reaching there so the startup culture has gone to the tier two in the tier three cities yeah and using their traditional strengths it's not as if they're suddenly talking about apps they're talking about startups for their category for their carpets for let's say whatever they manufacture locally here there's a huge leap in people's understanding of what is known as the GI tag the geographical indication stack the kanchipuram silk basmati rice right the tag is what gives it value if you remove the Basmati tag from the rice it sells at 500 rupees per quintal if you add it it's 1500 bucks that's the difference that is the importance of branding I would have asked you how you actually solve this problem of teaching people branding and marketing but I think it's", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-77", "text": "teaching people branding and marketing but I think it's happening right through the internet correct so it's kind of a function of time there are rough edges but they learn yeah goes to show why Shark Tank India has taken off so much right there's actually that much interest in correct correct correct raising money I just hope or at least I wish it weren't as elitist as it is yes what's your criticism I think uh some of the judges could perhaps lower their strawberry you want nicknames no okay because names take away uh attention from the content okay if I'm interested in the issue okay I'm saying it's a good idea you have a great platform you can actually help build the India story from a starter perspective maybe Park your elitism aside for a while I'm not accusing everyone some and hope to actually uh encourage people a bit more especially those who may not have the The Grooming skills of the social graces that you expect of them yeah that's it the one thing I figured about", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-78", "text": "yeah that's it the one thing I figured about Loyals generally is that they know a lot of that the general Masters don't right about the reality of certain things or incidents or national narratives right is there anything you'd like to bring to the Forefront through the podcast in terms of more people should know about this see most people have a very academic perspective to how courts work or how the legal process works they're like is okay and they don't realize that there are serious human considerations that go into a legal analysis I give you a certain set of facts and I approach this very same set of facts very little chance that both of us arrive at the same outcome okay because both of us are applying our own conditioning and our own preconceived notions to those set of facts to say that there is something called as objectivity in a legal process it has to be forced through the creation of tests but otherwise people typically go to the conclusions that they otherwise would have gone anyways", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-79", "text": "the conclusions that they otherwise would have gone anyways despite the facts okay to stop them from following their biases is why you need an objective test maybe differences as someone who practices day in and day out same set of facts different set of people you get widely different outcomes okay wildly and widely different outcomes that's a function of human nature most people don't understand this at all okay this is not mathematics it's it's a part of larger humanities interpretation is a subjective game you may have certain rules but still how those rules are applied will change from mind to mind People to People person to person okay that's what I'd say okay which before I begin my spiritual questioning uh is there any national issue that people should know more about uh something that I have spoken often about as a lawyer uh not remotely as a campaigner is how are temples are under State Control at least in 15 states okay and how that translates to Declaration of the cultural ecosystem of Hindus the alienation", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-80", "text": "the cultural ecosystem of Hindus the alienation of our real estate uh the dissipation of our liquid liquid resources smuggling of our artifacts okay organized smuggling with police officials State uh government officials for the Hindu religious charitable departments officials along with International sparklers it's a huge racket okay that's very active right very active hugely active and those who are seen us cracking down on that particular network are the ones who get hounded by the state I've seen that including police honest police officials really yeah yeah so I've represented the Dig of the idle Wing former dig of the tamilnadu State Police tiger of a man and uh how he was appointed as a a special he was given extensions to pursue this work after his retirement he ended up pointing fingers to his former colleagues or people from this Police Department with evidence the state Machinery fell on him like a ton of bricks and we had to go to the Supreme Court to point out what is happening here and", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-81", "text": "Court to point out what is happening here and so on and so forth so uh it's not an elitist issue it's not a stominity cup where only the rich and the affluent think about it it's our nerve center it's a civilizational identity you fought and died for Generations together to protect this and now you're trying to make money off it exactly okay cool uh where is that story going um I'd say the awareness level has gone up in the last five years state governments know for a fact that a ba election okay so once something becomes an election issue that means it has acquired enough traction critical muscle now we have to see how to go forward from that so A lot of people are working I contribute only as a practicing Hindu who's a practicing lawyer that's it uh before the final segment I'm going to take my phone out yeah and I'm gonna do a very basic exercise that we do for a bunch of our guests which is I'll type your", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-82", "text": "bunch of our guests which is I'll type your name in the YouTube search bar okay and I'll see what like some uh the worst thing that comes is my pre weight loss face 109 kilos and 84.6 is like I'm wearing a fat suit like they wear in France okay nice interesting we will look for that you've got a lot of j7 versus OAC your predictions about the future in some ways uh one top one is not our first conversation right uh uh that's pretty much it dude I think people are taking these left uh oriented celebrities and putting their stuff next to your name to see what I've said yeah okay do the amount people have requested to get you on the show is insane okay people keep commenting on rajashi nandi and abhiji chavra and you're the third guy who people keep commenting about but you've not even appeared on the show until today right so it says a lot about just the general amount of work you're doing like how many heads and hearts you're affecting", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-83", "text": "like how many heads and hearts you're affecting so I wish you luck man thank you thank you so on behalf of the whole team for coming on the show and uh just kind of exploding with all this information thank you for the hospitality yeah bro uh this is on behalf of team rgo and team TRS okay so that's a little happy it's a little heavy so just be careful thank you yeah bro uh thank you man thank you looking forward to having you on the show again I feel people uh uh some people that I meet are built for this format right and you're definitely one of those thank you thank you so I know that from the time I'm meeting him now till the next time I see you you're gonna learn new your perspectives I'm Gonna Keep building right and I'm just looking forward to it man thank you so much I appreciate the openness thank you thank you thank you see you soon that was the episode for today steel Manning an argument was a straw Manning an", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-84", "text": "steel Manning an argument was a straw Manning an argument straw Manning is where you see very Twitter style arguments where they'll pick out just one point try beating you know much more personal level rather than understanding the topic in detail steel Manning is what I believe we did today breaking down a very complex problem with all its complexities understanding every nook and corner of it and that's the Vibe when you're speaking to Advocates of this statue thank you Jason Deepak Bhai I am 100 sure that we're getting you back on the show very very soon want you want a part of you from your busy schedule so looking forward to shooting with you on a weekend once again for more episodes just like this my friends my ladies my gentlemen make sure you follow us on Spotify every episode's available on Spotify 48 hours before it's available anywhere else in the world the circus been styled by rgo make sure you download the rgo app and get shopping straight away in order to look this stylish baby", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
- {"id": "95928d3392c8-85", "text": "shopping straight away in order to look this stylish baby please send your feedback for this one in the comment section I wanna know what you guys thought of this particular episode and very importantly I want more guest recommendations from this genre which other Advocates would you like to see on TRS what did you think of this episode I know you loved it but what did you love about it tell us so we can build you an even better podcast foreign [Music]", "source": "RNXqM8vdw4M&pp=ygULdHJzIHBvZGNhc3Q%3D"}
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