--- language: gsw tags: - hf-asr-leaderboard - robust-speech-event widget: - example_title: swiss parliament sample 1 src: https://huggingface.co/manifoldix/xlsr-sg-lm/resolve/main/07e73bcaa2ab192aea9524d72db45f34f274d1b3d5672434c462d32d44d792be.mp3 - example_title: swiss parliament sample 2 src: https://huggingface.co/manifoldix/xlsr-sg-lm/resolve/main/14a2f855363920f111c7b30e8632c19e5f340ab5031e1ed2621db39baf452ae0.mp3 model-index: - name: XLS-R-1b Wav2Vec2 Swiss German results: - task: name: Speech Recognition type: automatic-speech-recognition metrics: - name: Test WER on Swiss parliament type: wer value: 34.6% - name: Test WER on Swiss dialect test set type: wer value: 40% --- ## XLSR-1b Swiss German Fine-tuned on the Swiss parliament dataset from FHNW v1 (70h). Tested on the Swiss parliament test set with a WER of 34.6% Tested on the "Swiss German Dialects" with a WER of 40% Both test sets can be accessed here: [fhnw_datasets](https://www.cs.technik.fhnw.ch/i4ds-datasets) The Swiss German dialect private test set has been uploaded on huggingface: [huggingface_swiss_dialects](https://huggingface.co/datasets/manifoldix/swg_parliament_fhnw)