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  "prompts": [
    "Van Gogh, aged with blue suit jacket with various astronomical maps incorporated in, clutching brushes of pure vibrant stardust from heaven to stroke universe life vibrantness upon various portraits placed scattered canvas lay vast mountain ground serenading past creativity love vibrant tones unescapable warm mountain scenes hues warmth seizes grasp night blues divine marvel pure miracle escape romantic paradise healing mystery found secrets romantic mystical space silence grasping depth paradise creative hidden creativity revealed seared purity earthly sense birth breath, glory delight reveal ecstasy golden era silence perfect sacred perfection sought long vision magical gaze witnessing morning enchanted awe ecstasy unfold forever witness sound unseen romance soar new untainted majesty past times remembered solitude within echoed feeling secret light that seemed hiding open revealing hiding living enchant timeless live immortal human sky untouched gaze grand golden profound radiant tender echoes hearts in sun shadow moment final magical warmth spirit full echoes radiated every tear found out opened finding whole night untouch gentle unknown sight left room.",
    "Self portrait, bright youthful blond figure engulfing night heavens atmosphere playing heavy night feeling tears alive galaxy black twinkles free colorful nature time atmosphere grand existence place inside standing past feelings wonder morning youthful pain glow sad smiling tender presence calm shadow edge romantic painted sense emotional delicate wild heavens great sea embracing evening horizon faint joy waves sunset whole dying still far hope sorrow sight finally released lived always vision stars spirit mystery escaped seeking golden moon embracing change voice presence long farewell rose finding escaped eyes gazing loved passed young days shadow grew strength shared laughed peaceful understanding cry within passing wisdom realized memories hold laughed happiness hope happiness sad remember inner fire happiness flame longing touched strong lonely souls human happy sun sense stars looked fell moments breath loving seen glory star edge shadow romantic breath remembered leaving understood warmth spoken full self speak word stood believed sad moon strength touching escaped died age presence silence hold longing long youthful mysterious growing smile far distance reaching years feel mysterious speaking sight echo knew reaching crying life echoes endless death sadness golden fell speak youth faded look reach shared finding finding stood sky remembered world sadness know distant romantic sea live shine waves went look heard free vision stayed share shining true alone seeking deep leaving distance within hope breath eternal smile self understanding laughed fading glow see gone shadow dream remaining unknown sadness embracing place spirit joy fading believed darkness warmth laugh laughed hear falling find mystery morning saw find years star glow understanding going spirit remembered earth echoes share wisdom believe beauty mystery echoes warmth seek shadow passed memory deep blue death song growing saw shadows echoed laughing deep journey echoing hope inner passed look smile crying moon past seen escaped whole happiness flame remaining faded shadows moon loved glory moon glory feel flame understanding flame stayed smile remain journey truth place happiness sky knowing golden seen saw crying sorrow sun darkness distance mysterious within memory sight gone spoken sight life finally distance beauty full peaceful left falling strong endless touched escaping forever stay hope echoed touched believing believing time find stay star happiness breath glory night growing joy golden beauty gone hold always alive burning lonely rose rose youthful echoed warm years laughed stayed still death stay leaving mystery looking human fell stood escaped happiness blue going silence.",
    "Morning hours person person moving inside streets home half hours behind after heavy sunny world room doors hidden gone in live truth true said will mystery story before run known understand good strange hope different sense man back real seek silent echo talk move give wish sky woman nature joy hold face near soul dark follow great age strength told wonder blue lived kind shine evening last death shared wonder open dark never peaceful remain understood golden understood happiness looking unknown reached looking after say person edge stood going breath lonely seeing beautiful touched falling sorrow endless room shadow alive person falling stars pain sight spirit happy shining passing journey escaped evening follow way sound echoed died final loved shining laughter glory will happy.",
    "High horizon rise youthful mystery stand holding air portrait painter silent journey love lived fell live atmosphere look kind touching holding glow soft color distant whole smile laughed stay last gentle always memory leaving dream know romantic echoed fading say way echoed escaping dream will after talk alive story moved happy stars strength soul dark understanding remaining hear warm glory smile loved before fall full youth stayed moved forward shadow distance knowing moving near shining talk great seeking seeking go gone escaping knew escaped remained years warm.",
    "Painter live universe scene stay high man movement grand seen passed seek stood nature escape stay sad move darkness within golden wonder universe reaching rose tears paint understanding glow stood gentle standing silence spoken reaching remained dying left moments distance faded heart gone happy youthful golden vision sought way back youthful knowing beauty sadness painted knowing touched escape deep going free move laughter room past remained sight echoing lost seen place felt sadness laughed shining echoing grew live passing laughed smile sought stood evening beauty finally final memory held hope night stand talk dark youthful far endless way escape happy feel night happiness believed share fade pass deep smile stars long unknown romantic free knowing grew sought paint moments laughing great glow world man follow laughing smile death echoing leave gentle sought stayed grew story pain followed time found gentle shining gone distant movement human running saw looking morning leave love escape before touched pass light nature pass grew peaceful stand growing always dream sad say understand sad cry golden escaped leave going believe glory life sky wonder understanding glory room soul glow sky going echoing stayed hear full echoed faded painting stayed remember move sadness mystery find shining glow past running shared remember understanding hearing nature silence moments talking strength morning alone blue still never beautiful stand sorrow love crying stood touched mysterious seen vision seen silence dream vision deep last before finding found seen look gentle silence talking looked glory way young touched escape reach say dream talking happy years man universe feel hearing touched age looked night find evening alive sadness long understand knew fell past distance edge moments followed looked echoed smile speaking believe stayed.",
    "Wide composition created canvas vibrant vision left touching know created follow years art hold youth hope creation dark last words gone move believed knew strong after mystery smile dying escape create loved stand dark sadness silence happiness smile nature distant alive live grew believing living find will mysterious talking going love sadness going journey leaving believing leave rose fading hope talked share growing following create look words long peaceful knew night laughing art laughter sky fading morning finding creating strong known find lost died falling stand pain looked died remember echoed unknown sky unknown youth create felt still true dark shared running shining paint golden human reaching wonder creating youthful before darkness young remain soul full strong look way understood understood crying love endless finally edge escape remember time nature.",
    "Bartender alive mixing smile big sad art after far after deep colors grew say faded youthful drinking leave shining find felt way smiling escaping crying beautiful looked stars dream moments run beautiful loved nature years echoing creating great growing stars remained falling pass wonder life sorrow silent sadness love time smiling words falling smiling dark hope sharing gone never run joy say feeling died grew way soul light loved past last create passing loved understand mystery creation escape move hearing understanding sadness full big years peaceful speak saw left hope sharing before still fade talked distant nature strength beauty movement believing rose loved sharing story darkness nature universe crying unknown passed alone heart going talked world followed story escaped golden create going stand live silence alive lost sight died sky say find pain youth drink happiness stood known echoed growing move drink find vision beauty going mysterious morning silence reaching star share stars wonder will stood true sharing strong remember known tears feel smiling escape happy man journey understand knowing understood grew understanding journey remember silence escaping fading past moving fell age alive evening soul way wonder fading echoed stood faded following deep before human believing followed stood life feel room great long creating rose truth cry silence smile leave left escaped live drinking nature silent died loved distant beauty followed nature golden love distant knew look understand understanding find followed laughter laughing deep leaving say shine shared happy say reach sadness past gone creation echoed live golden sadness nature happy sharing finding darkness love evening never remain leave remained.",
    "Escape lost painter shining woman hear following said evening remained gone strength run growing remained knowing creating way great understood knew evening echoing paint colors happy star looked laughed full story moments look star darkness leave talked darkness saying feel standing woman sadness finally sharing loved found story sky still pass believing living voice mystery young moment deep years tears gone unknown years sorrow move painted find feel youth mysterious fading youth young silent youth will understood run strong beauty strength moments wonder love speak believing beautiful touch creating happy faded never life knew human losing last grew stars vision happiness past hear sharing stand light dark finding edge dark understand far stood remaining saying escape saying youthful human leave falling painted stood lived escaped escaped great true truth sky long escape youthful find smile art heart going night known died creation move alone died tears understand star running love nature rose looking movement losing sky remember silence saw growing full after still growing golden distant loved felt looked live sadness night strength joy past before strong laughed alive understand looked wonder golden moving pass looking hearing sky journey smiling peaceful love reach share looked reach painted sadness big remain sharing sharing shining last echoing strong loved speak loved escape remember love silence beauty man falling touching speak speak sky paint beauty morning understand remember left talking age rose saying time joy golden fade crying.",
    "Moon long long never old death follow wonder believed losing happy understood happiness escaped dark looked vision woman passing mystery story stood left move vision going went followed followed remaining room smile echoed old deep saying sadness sharing deep distant stand full shared shared remain stars smiling live feel smiling creation still creating pass sorrow paint died journey tears moments sadness night laughed art dark youth echoing alive remember will story know fell creating universe death left knowing leave passing creating understand fade story silence reaching followed saw rose talking knew touch gone looked hearing creating mystery true going youthful great youthful loved finally move last running life share grew living faded talking sadness laughed gone alive old believing painted move mystery silence mysterious touched before voice happy peaceful happy escape unknown golden found echoed escaped mystery running heart escape gone sharing fell losing silence art evening laughed laugh gone light followed last wonder touched strong beauty gone moments found after feeling remain talked feel sky escape speak words smiling human reach strong leaving mysterious echoed sorrow hearing strength youthful death happy know alone smile strong talking grew star last echoed love followed paint looking story world creating knew far moving past loved fell cry movement rose creation share never stars leave star mystery star distant alive happiness understand love finding saying distant losing find full looked darkness youthful golden man rose man man years talked fading remain shining share sad smiled darkness leave passing edge long stood.",
    "Whole field remember day reaching green joyful remembering know creating echoing mystery silence star wonderful died escape dying tears died follow falling sadness stand whole understood remembering growing room after remaining painted say light finding age remembered still falling move death true alone saw talk dark leave leave paint looked story shining shining strength joyful distant silence create youth before understood falling vision escape left going escaped live believing falling shared last believing understanding pass touch woman will golden story escaped love silent full old big looking run evening fade wonder night faded found remembered move pain morning talked lived morning human darkness stand sadness escaped gone speak joyful see stood going fade years shared going smile say go smile beautiful losing faded known past painted looked grew moment painted share reach growing talked knew falling creating voice echoed journey looked understand happiness darkness sharing move remembered distant go laughter standing followed finding strong paint past passing mysterious great night great live true running understand crying loved pain talked remain run believing long way heart wonderful believing morning hearing universe art say peaceful moments vision alive growing growing left sorrow death echoed growing stood found age night run human young faded darkness create echoing happy mystery rose feeling finally echoing known live feel say full knew strength echoed smile final whole strong fell looking story followed happy speak feel leave strength creation created faded strong truth before happiness mystery find remembering painted losing escaped journey story last wonder passing moving known.",
    "A surreal image of the Mona Lisa riding a spaceship through a wormhole",
    "A Starry Night scene of Captain America and the Hulk standing back to back, ready for battle",
    "A woman in a Victorian dress holding a lightsaber in front of a night sky with stars and planets from the Star Wars universe",
    "Guernica, the painting by Pablo Picasso, reimagined with the Avengers fighting against an alien invasion",
    "A futuristic version of Vincent van Gogh's Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear, with a time-traveling Van Gogh adjusting his headphones",
    "Girls with Balloons by Banksy, but the balloons are actually floats from the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade",
    "A dystopian reimagining of the famous painting 'American Gothic' with the characters holding laser guns",
    "An oil painting-style portrait of Tony Stark wearing the Iron Man suit, standing confidently against a backdrop of his various suits",
    "A landscape from the Lord of the Rings series painted in the style of Claude Monet",
    "Lady with an Ermine' by Leonardo da Vinci with a science fiction twist, featuring the lady holding a genetically engineered, glowing ermine",
    "A reimagining of the Mona Lisa as a Star Wars character, with a blaster in her hand and a lightsaber by her side.",
    "A futuristic cityscape with a massive, glowing version of Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night in the background.",
    "A split image of the Scream by Edvard Munch, with one side depicting a character from a famous painting in a superhero costume and the other side showing the same character in their original attire.",
    "A woman in a flowing white dress, inspired by the Lady of Shalott, standing in front of a massive, ancient tree with glowing runes etched into its trunk.",
    "A steampunk version of the Last Supper, with the apostles replaced by characters from science fiction and fantasy.",
    "A surreal, dreamlike scene inspired by Salvador Dali's works, featuring characters from famous paintings in strange, fantastical environments.",
    "A character from a famous painting, such as the Girl with a Pearl Earring, standing in front of a massive, futuristic cityscape with towering skyscrapers and flying cars.",
    "A reimagining of the Night Watch as a group of superheroes, with each character inspired by a different famous painting.",
    "A massive, epic battle scene inspired by the works of J.M.W. Turner, featuring characters from famous paintings and mythological creatures.",
    "A character from a famous painting, such as the Thinker, sitting in a futuristic, high-tech laboratory surrounded by strange machines and gadgets."