--- language: - en tags: - llama --- # OpenChat: Less is More for Open-source Models OpenChat is a series of open-source language models fine-tuned on a diverse and high-quality dataset of multi-round conversations. With only ~6K GPT-4 conversations filtered from the ~90K ShareGPT conversations, OpenChat is designed to achieve high performance with limited data. **Generic models:** - OpenChat: based on LLaMA-13B (2048 context length) - **🚀 105.7%** of ChatGPT score on Vicuna GPT-4 evaluation - **🔥 80.9%** Win-rate on AlpacaEval - **🤗 Only used 6K data for finetuning!!!** - OpenChat-8192: based on LLaMA-13B (extended to 8192 context length) - **106.6%** of ChatGPT score on Vicuna GPT-4 evaluation - **79.5%** Win-rate on AlpacaEval **Code models:** - OpenCoderPlus: based on StarCoderPlus (native 8192 context length) - **102.5%** of ChatGPT score on Vicuna GPT-4 evaluation - **78.7%** Win-rate on AlpacaEval *Note:* Please load the pretrained models using *bfloat16* ## Code and Inference Server We provide the full source code, including an inference server compatible with the "ChatCompletions" API, in the [OpenChat](https://github.com/imoneoi/openchat) GitHub repository. ## Web UI OpenChat also includes a web UI for a better user experience. See the GitHub repository for instructions. ## Conversation Template The conversation template **involves concatenating tokens**. Besides base model vocabulary, an end-of-turn token `<|end_of_turn|>` is added, with id `eot_token_id`. ```python # OpenChat [bos_token_id] + tokenize("Human: ") + tokenize(user_question) + [eot_token_id] + tokenize("Assistant: ") # OpenCoder tokenize("User:") + tokenize(user_question) + [eot_token_id] + tokenize("Assistant:") ``` *Hint: In BPE, `tokenize(A) + tokenize(B)` does not always equals to `tokenize(A + B)`* Following is the code for generating the conversation templates: ```python @dataclass class ModelConfig: # Prompt system: Optional[str] role_prefix: dict ai_role: str eot_token: str bos_token: Optional[str] = None # Get template def generate_conversation_template(self, tokenize_fn, tokenize_special_fn, message_list): tokens = [] masks = [] # begin of sentence (bos) if self.bos_token: t = tokenize_special_fn(self.bos_token) tokens.append(t) masks.append(False) # System if self.system: t = tokenize_fn(self.system) + [tokenize_special_fn(self.eot_token)] tokens.extend(t) masks.extend([False] * len(t)) # Messages for idx, message in enumerate(message_list): # Prefix t = tokenize_fn(self.role_prefix[message["from"]]) tokens.extend(t) masks.extend([False] * len(t)) # Message if "value" in message: t = tokenize_fn(message["value"]) + [tokenize_special_fn(self.eot_token)] tokens.extend(t) masks.extend([message["from"] == self.ai_role] * len(t)) else: assert idx == len(message_list) - 1, "Empty message for completion must be on the last." return tokens, masks MODEL_CONFIG_MAP = { # OpenChat / OpenChat-8192 "openchat": ModelConfig( # Prompt system=None, role_prefix={ "human": "Human: ", "gpt": "Assistant: " }, ai_role="gpt", eot_token="<|end_of_turn|>", bos_token="", ), # OpenCoder / OpenCoderPlus "opencoder": ModelConfig( # Prompt system=None, role_prefix={ "human": "User:", "gpt": "Assistant:" }, ai_role="gpt", eot_token="<|end_of_turn|>", bos_token=None, ) } ```