- Uncovering a Massive z~7.65 Galaxy Hosting a Heavily Obscured Radio-Loud QSO Candidate in COSMOS-Web In this letter, we report the discovery of the highest redshift, heavily obscured, radio-loud QSO candidate selected using JWST NIRCam/MIRI, mid-IR, sub-mm, and radio imaging in the COSMOS-Web field. Using multi-frequency radio observations and mid-IR photometry, we identify a powerful, radio-loud (RL), growing supermassive black hole (SMBH) with significant spectral steepening of the radio SED (f_{1.32 GHz} sim 2 mJy, q_{24mu m} = -1.1, alpha_{1.32-3GHz}=-1.2, Delta alpha = -0.4). In conjunction with ALMA, deep ground-based observations, ancillary space-based data, and the unprecedented resolution and sensitivity of JWST, we find no evidence of QSO contribution to the UV/optical/NIR data and thus infer heavy amounts of obscuration (N_{H} > 10^{23} cm^{-2}). Using the wealth of deep UV to sub-mm photometric data, we report a singular solution photo-z of z_phot = 7.65^{+0.4}_{-0.3} and estimate an extremely massive host-galaxy (log M_{star} = 11.92 pm 0.06,M_{odot}). This source represents the furthest known obscured RL QSO candidate, and its level of obscuration aligns with the most representative but observationally scarce population of QSOs at these epochs. 45 authors · Aug 24, 2023
- CEERS Epoch 1 NIRCam Imaging: Reduction Methods and Simulations Enabling Early JWST Science Results We present the data release and data reduction process for the Epoch 1 NIRCam observations for the Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science Survey (CEERS). These data consist of NIRCam imaging in six broadband filters (F115W, F150W, F200W, F277W, F356W and F444W) and one medium band filter (F410M) over four pointings, obtained in parallel with primary CEERS MIRI observations (Yang et al. in prep). We reduced the NIRCam imaging with the JWST Calibration Pipeline, with custom modifications and reduction steps designed to address additional features and challenges with the data. Here we provide a detailed description of each step in our reduction and a discussion of future expected improvements. Our reduction process includes corrections for known pre-launch issues such as 1/f noise, as well as in-flight issues including snowballs, wisps, and astrometric alignment. Many of our custom reduction processes were first developed with pre-launch simulated NIRCam imaging over the full 10 CEERS NIRCam pointings. We present a description of the creation and reduction of this simulated dataset in the Appendix. We provide mosaics of the real images in a public release, as well as our reduction scripts with detailed explanations to allow users to reproduce our final data products. These represent one of the first official public datasets released from the Directors Discretionary Early Release Science (DD-ERS) program. 37 authors · Nov 4, 2022
- MIRI Deep Imaging Survey (MIDIS) of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field The recently launched James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is opening new observing windows on the distant universe. Among JWST's instruments, the Mid Infrared Instrument (MIRI) offers the unique capability of imaging observations at wavelengths lambda > 5mum. This enables unique access to the rest frame near infra-red (NIR, lambda ge 1\mum) emission from galaxies at redshifts z>4 and the visual (lambda gtrsim 5000\AA) rest frame for z>9. We here report on the guaranteed time observations (GTO) from the MIRI European Consortium, of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF), forming the MIRI Deep Imaging Survey (MIDIS), consisting of an on source integration time of sim41 hours in the MIRI/F560W (5.6 mum) filter. To our knowledge, this constitutes the longest single filter exposure obtained with JWST of an extragalactic field as yet. 44 authors · Nov 29, 2024
- Overview of the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES) We present an overview of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES), an ambitious program of infrared imaging and spectroscopy in the GOODS-S and GOODS-N deep fields, designed to study galaxy evolution from high redshift to cosmic noon. JADES uses about 770 hours of Cycle 1 guaranteed time largely from the Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) and Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) instrument teams. In GOODS-S, in and around the Hubble Ultra Deep Field and Chandra Deep Field South, JADES produces a deep imaging region of ~45 arcmin^2 with an average of 130 hrs of exposure time spread over 9 NIRCam filters. This is extended at medium depth in GOODS-S and GOODS-N with NIRCam imaging of ~175 arcmin^2 with an average exposure time of 20 hrs spread over 8-10 filters. In both fields, we conduct extensive NIRSpec multi-object spectroscopy, including 2 deep pointings of 55 hrs exposure time, 14 medium pointings of ~12 hrs, and 15 shallower pointings of ~4 hrs, targeting over 5000 HST and JWST-detected faint sources with 5 low, medium, and high-resolution dispersers covering 0.6-5.3 microns. Finally, JADES extends redward via coordinated parallels with the JWST Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI), featuring ~9 arcmin^2 with 43 hours of exposure at 7.7 microns and twice that area with 2-6.5 hours of exposure at 12.8 microns For nearly 30 years, the GOODS-S and GOODS-N fields have been developed as the premier deep fields on the sky; JADES is now providing a compelling start on the JWST legacy in these fields. 76 authors · Jun 4, 2023
- MSA-3D: Metallicity Gradients in Galaxies at zsim1 with JWST/NIRSpec Slit-stepping Spectroscopy The radial gradient of gas-phase metallicity is a powerful probe of the chemical and structural evolution of star-forming galaxies, closely tied to disk formation and gas kinematics in the early universe. We present spatially resolved chemical and dynamical properties for a sample of 25 galaxies at 0.5 lesssim z lesssim 1.7 from the \msasd survey. These innovative observations provide 3D spectroscopy of galaxies at a spatial resolution approaching JWST's diffraction limit and a high spectral resolution of Rsimeq2700. The metallicity gradients measured in our galaxy sample range from -0.03 to 0.02 dex~kpc^{-1}. Most galaxies exhibit negative or flat radial gradients, indicating lower metallicity in the outskirts or uniform metallicity throughout the entire galaxy. We confirm a tight relationship between stellar mass and metallicity gradient at zsim1 with small intrinsic scatter of 0.02 dex~kpc^{-1}. Our results indicate that metallicity gradients become increasingly negative as stellar mass increases, likely because the more massive galaxies tend to be more ``disky". This relationship is consistent with the predictions from cosmological hydrodynamic zoom-in simulations with strong stellar feedback. This work presents the effort to harness the multiplexing capability of JWST NIRSpec/MSA in slit-stepping mode to map the chemical and kinematic profiles of high-redshift galaxies in large samples and at high spatial and spectral resolution. 17 authors · Sep 3, 2024