- Connecting GRBs from Binary Neutron Star Mergers to Nuclear Properties of Neutron Stars The fate of the binary neutron star (NS) merger remnants hinges sensitively upon the NS equation of state and the threshold mass, M_{rm ls}, that separates a long-lived from a short-lived NS remnant. The nature of the electromagnetic counterparts is also influenced by the remnant type, particularly in determining whether a gamma-ray burst from a compact binary merger (cbGRB) is of short or long duration. We propose a novel approach to probe the threshold mass by linking it to the estimated observed ratio of long to short cbGRBs. We find that current observations broadly favour a relatively high value for this transition, M_{rm ls}simeq 1.3 M_{rm TOV}, for which M_{rm TOV} lesssim 2.6,M_odot , consistent with numerical simulations, as also shown here. Our results disfavour nuclear physics scenarios that would lead to catastrophic pressure loss at a few times nuclear density and temperatures of tens of MeV, leading to a rapid gravitational collapse of binaries with total mass M lesssim 1.3 M_{rm TOV}. Future individual gravitational wave events with on-axis cbGRBs can further bound M_{rm ls}. 4 authors · Dec 10, 2024
- Multi-Messenger Cosmology: A Route to Accurate Inference of Dark Energy Beyond CPL Parametrization from XG Detectors One of the central challenges in modern cosmology is understanding the nature of dark energy and its evolution throughout the history of the Universe. Dark energy is commonly modeled as a perfect fluid with a time-varying equation-of-state parameter, w(z), often modeled under CPL parametrization using two parameters w_0 and w_a. In this study, we explore both parametric and non-parametric methods to reconstruct the dark energy Equation of State (EoS) using Gravitational Wave (GW) sources, with and without electromagnetic (EM) counterparts called as bright sirens and dark sirens respectively. In the parametric approach, we extend the widely used w_0-w_a model by introducing an additional term, w_b, to better capture the evolving dynamics of dark energy up to high redshift which is accessible from GW sources. This extension provides increased flexibility in modeling the EoS and enables a more detailed investigation of dark energy's evolution. Our analysis indicates that, with five years of observation time and a 75% duty cycle using Cosmic Explorer and the Einstein Telescope, it will be possible to measure the dark energy EoS with remarkable precision better than any other cosmological probes in the coming years from bright standard sirens using multi-messenger avenue. These findings highlight the potential of GW observations in synergy with EM telescopes to offer valuable insights into the nature of dark energy, overcoming the current limitations in cosmological measurements. 2 authors · Dec 16, 2024
- Exterior field of neutron stars: The singularity structure of vacuum and electrovac solutions In the present paper we study the singularity structure of the exterior field of neutron stars with the aid of the four-parameter exact solution of the Einstein-Maxwell equations. The complete analysis of this problem in the generic case becomes possible due to the implementation of the novel analytical approach to the resolution of the singularity condition, and it shows the absence of the ring singularities off the symmetry axis in the positive mass case, as well as the possibility of the removal of the ring singularity by a strong magnetic field in the negative mass case. The solution takes an extraordinarily simple form in the equatorial plane, very similar to that of the Kerr solution, which makes it most suitable for astrophysical applications as the simplest model of a rotating magnetized deformed mass. It also provides a nontrivial example confirming a recent claim that the varphi component of the electromagnetic four-potential has features inconsistent with the intrinsic properties of the electrovac metric, while the magnetic field is represented correctly by the t component of the dual electromagnetic four-potential. 4 authors · Mar 31, 2023
- Multifrequency Radio Observations of the Magnetar Swift J1818.0--1607 We report on Green Bank Telescope observations of the radio magnetar Swift J1818.0--1607 between 820 MHz and 35 GHz, taken from six to nine months after its 2020 March outburst. We obtained multi-hour observations at six frequencies, recording polarimetric, spectral, and single-pulse information. The spectrum peaks at a frequency of 5.4 pm 0.6 GHz, making Swift J1818.0--1607 one of many radio magnetars which exhibit a gigahertz-peaked spectrum (GPS). The radio flux decays steeply above the peak frequency, with in-band spectral indices alpha < -2.3 above 9 GHz. The emission is highly (> 50%) linearly polarized, with a lower degree (< 30%) of circular polarization which can change handedness between single pulses. Across the frequency range of our observations, the time-integrated radio profiles share a common shape: a narrow ``pulsar-like'' central component flanked by ``magnetar-like'' components comprised of bright, spiky subpulses. The outer profile components exhibit larger degrees of flux modulation and flatter spectral indices when compared to the central pulse component. 4 authors · Feb 20
- Addendum to Research MMMCV; A Man/Microbio/Megabio/Computer Vision In October 2007, a Research Proposal for the University of Sydney, Australia, the author suggested that biovie-physical phenomenon as `electrodynamic dependant biological vision', is governed by relativistic quantum laws and biovision. The phenomenon on the basis of `biovielectroluminescence', satisfies man/microbio/megabio/computer vision (MMMCV), as a robust candidate for physical and visual sciences. The general aim of this addendum is to present a refined text of Sections 1-3 of that proposal and highlighting the contents of its Appendix in form of a `Mechanisms' Section. We then briefly remind in an article aimed for December 2007, by appending two more equations into Section 3, a theoretical II-time scenario as a time model well-proposed for the phenomenon. The time model within the core of the proposal, plays a significant role in emphasizing the principle points on Objectives no. 1-8, Sub-hypothesis 3.1.2, mentioned in Article [arXiv:0710.0410]. It also expresses the time concept in terms of causing quantized energy f(|E|) of time |t|, emit in regard to shortening the probability of particle loci as predictable patterns of particle's un-occurred motion, a solution to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (HUP) into a simplistic manner. We conclude that, practical frames via a time algorithm to this model, fixates such predictable patterns of motion of scenery bodies onto recordable observation points of a MMMCV system. It even suppresses/predicts superposition phenomena coming from a human subject and/or other bio-subjects for any decision making event, e.g., brainwave quantum patterns based on vision. Maintaining the existential probability of Riemann surfaces of II-time scenarios in the context of biovielectroluminescence, makes motion-prediction a possibility. 1 authors · Nov 6, 2007
- A helical magnetic field in quasar NRAO150 revealed by Faraday rotation Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are some of the most luminous and extreme environments in the Universe. The central engines of AGN, believed to be super-massive black-holes, are fed by accretion discs threaded by magnetic fields within a dense magneto-ionic medium. We report our findings from polarimetric Very-long-baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations of quasar NRAO150 taken in October 2022 using a combined network of the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) and Effelsberg 100-m Radio Telescope. These observations are the first co-temporal multi-frequency polarimetric VLBI observations of NRAO150 at frequencies above 15GHz. We use the new VLBI polarization calibration procedure, GPCAL, with polarization observations of frequencies of 12GHz, 15GHz, 24GHz, and 43GHz of NRAO150. From these observations, we measure Faraday rotation. Using our measurement of Faraday rotation, we also derive the intrinsic electric vector position angle (EVPA0) for the source. As a complementary measurement we determine the behavior of polarization as a function of observed frequency. The polarization from NRAO150 only comes from the core region, with a peak polarization intensity occurring at 24GHz. Across the core region of NRAO150 we see clear gradients in Faraday rotation and EVPA0 values that are aligned with the direction of the jet curving around the core region. We find that for the majority of the polarized region the polarization fraction is greater at higher frequencies, with intrinsic polarization fractions in the core 3%. The Faraday rotation gradients and circular patterns in EVPA0 are strong evidence for a helical/toroidal magnetic field, and the presence of low intrinsic polarization fractions indicate that the polarized emission and hence the helical/toroidal magnetic field, occur within the innermost jet. 10 authors · Mar 5
- Quantum mechanics with real numbers: entanglement, superselection rules and gauges We show how imaginary numbers in quantum physics can be eliminated by enlarging the Hilbert Space followed by an imposition of - what effectively amounts to - a superselection rule. We illustrate this procedure with a qubit and apply it to the Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The procedure is somewhat reminiscent of the constrained quantization of the electromagnetic field, where, in order to manifestly comply with relativity, one enlargers the Hilbert Space by quantizing the longitudinal and scalar modes, only to subsequently introduce a constraint to make sure that they are actually not directly observable. 1 authors · Aug 10, 2023