- Single replica spin-glass phase detection using field variation and machine learning The Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin-glass model used the replica symmetry method to find the phase transition of the system. In 1979-1980, Parisi proposed a solution based on replica symmetry breaking (RSB), which allowed him to identify the underlying phases of complex systems such as spin-glasses. Regardless of the method used for detection, the intrinsic phase of a system exists whether or not replicas are considered. We introduce a single replica method of spin-glass phase detection using the field's variation experienced by each spin in a system configuration. This method focuses on a single replica with quenched random couplings. Each spin inevitably observes a different field from the others. Our results show that the mean and variance of fields named "Spontaneous Configurational Field" experienced by spins are suitable indicators to explore different ferromagnetic, paramagnetic, and mixed phases. To classify different phases of the system with defined indicators we have developed an algorithm based on machine learning to analyze the desired samples. 4 authors · Nov 7, 2024
- Replica symmetry breaking in dense neural networks Understanding the glassy nature of neural networks is pivotal both for theoretical and computational advances in Machine Learning and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence. Keeping the focus on dense associative Hebbian neural networks, the purpose of this paper is two-fold: at first we develop rigorous mathematical approaches to address properly a statistical mechanical picture of the phenomenon of {\em replica symmetry breaking} (RSB) in these networks, then -- deepening results stemmed via these routes -- we aim to inspect the {\em glassiness} that they hide. In particular, regarding the methodology, we provide two techniques: the former is an adaptation of the transport PDE to the case, while the latter is an extension of Guerra's interpolation breakthrough. Beyond coherence among the results, either in replica symmetric and in the one-step replica symmetry breaking level of description, we prove the Gardner's picture and we identify the maximal storage capacity by a ground-state analysis in the Baldi-Venkatesh high-storage regime. In the second part of the paper we investigate the glassy structure of these networks: in contrast with the replica symmetric scenario (RS), RSB actually stabilizes the spin-glass phase. We report huge differences w.r.t. the standard pairwise Hopfield limit: in particular, it is known that it is possible to express the free energy of the Hopfield neural network as a linear combination of the free energies of an hard spin glass (i.e. the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model) and a soft spin glass (the Gaussian or "spherical" model). This is no longer true when interactions are more than pairwise (whatever the level of description, RS or RSB): for dense networks solely the free energy of the hard spin glass survives, proving a huge diversity in the underlying glassiness of associative neural networks. 4 authors · Nov 25, 2021
- Phase diagram of a three-dimensional dipolar model on a FCC lattice The magnetic phase diagram at zero external field of an ensemble of dipoles with uniaxial anisotropy on a FCC lattice is investigated from tempered Monte Carlo simulations. The uniaxial anisotropy is characterized by a random distribution of easy axes and its magnitude lambda_u is the driving force of disorder and consequently frustration. The phase diagram, separating the paramagnetic, ferromagnetic, quasi long range ordered ferromagnetic and spin-glass regions is thus considered in the temperature, lambda_u plane. This system is aimed at modeling the magnetic phase diagram of supracrystals of magnetic nanoparticles. 7 authors · Nov 2, 2020
- Magnetic properties of the quasi-one-dimensional S = 1 spin chain antiferromagnet BaNiTe2O7 We report a quasi-one-dimensional S = 1 spin chain compound BaNiTe2O7. This magnetic system has been investigated by magnetic susceptibility, specific heat, and neutron powder diffraction. These results indicate that BaNiTe2O7 develops a short-range magnetic correlation around T ~ 22 K. With further cooling, an antiferromagnetic phase transition is observed at TN ~ 5.4 K. Neutron powder diffraction revealed antiferromagnetic noncollinear order with a commensurate propagation vector k = (1/2, 1, 0). The refined magnetic moment size of Ni2+ at 1.5 K is 1.84{\mu}B, and its noncollinear spin texture is confirmed by first-principles calculations. Inelastic neutron-scattering results and density functional theory calculations confirmed the quasi-one-dimensional nature of the spin systems. 17 authors · Oct 1, 2023
- Out of equilibrium Phase Diagram of the Quantum Random Energy Model In this paper we study the out-of-equilibrium phase diagram of the quantum version of Derrida's Random Energy Model, which is the simplest model of mean-field spin glasses. We interpret its corresponding quantum dynamics in Fock space as a one-particle problem in very high dimension to which we apply different theoretical methods tailored for high-dimensional lattices: the Forward-Scattering Approximation, a mapping to the Rosenzweig-Porter model, and the cavity method. Our results indicate the existence of two transition lines and three distinct dynamical phases: a completely many-body localized phase at low energy, a fully ergodic phase at high energy, and a multifractal "bad metal" phase at intermediate energy. In the latter, eigenfunctions occupy a diverging volume, yet an exponentially vanishing fraction of the total Hilbert space. We discuss the limitations of our approximations and the relationship with previous studies. 5 authors · Sep 21, 2020
5 Possible Meissner effect near room temperature in copper-substituted lead apatite With copper-substituted lead apatite below room temperature, we observe diamagnetic dc magnetization under magnetic field of 25 Oe with remarkable bifurcation between zero-field-cooling and field-cooling measurements, and under 200 Oe it changes to be paramagnetism. A glassy memory effect is found during cooling. Typical hysteresis loops for superconductors are detected below 250 K, along with an asymmetry between forward and backward sweep of magnetic field. Our experiment suggests at room temperature the Meissner effect is possibly present in this material. 9 authors · Jan 1, 2024 1
- Ergotropy and Capacity Optimization in Heisenberg Spin Chain Quantum Batteries This study examines the performance of finite spin quantum batteries (QBs) using Heisenberg spin models with Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) and Kaplan--Shekhtman--Entin-Wohlman--Aharony (KSEA) interactions. The QBs are modeled as interacting quantum spins in local inhomogeneous magnetic fields, inducing variable Zeeman splitting. We derive analytical expressions for the maximal extractable work, ergotropy and the capacity of QBs, as recently examined by Yang et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 030402 (2023)]. These quantities are analytically linked through certain quantum correlations, as posited in the aforementioned study. Different Heisenberg spin chain models exhibit distinct behaviors under varying conditions, emphasizing the importance of model selection for optimizing QB performance. In antiferromagnetic (AFM) systems, maximum ergotropy occurs with a Zeeman splitting field applied to either spin, while ferromagnetic (FM) systems benefit from a uniform Zeeman field. Temperature significantly impacts QB performance, with ergotropy in the AFM case being generally more robust against temperature increases compared to the FM case. Incorporating DM and KSEA couplings can significantly enhance the capacity and ergotropy extraction of QBs. However, there exists a threshold beyond which additional increases in these interactions cause a sharp decline in capacity and ergotropy. This behavior is influenced by temperature and quantum coherence, which signal the occurrence of a sudden phase transition. The resource theory of quantum coherence proposed by Baumgratz et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 140401 (2014)] plays a crucial role in enhancing ergotropy and capacity. However, ergotropy is limited by both the system's capacity and the amount of coherence. These findings support the theoretical framework of spin-based QBs and may benefit future research on quantum energy storage devices. 8 authors · Jul 31, 2024
- SO(N) singlet-projection model on the pyrochlore lattice We present an extensive quantum Monte Carlo study of a nearest-neighbor, singlet-projection model on the pyrochlore lattice that exhibits SO(N) symmetry and is sign-problem-free. We find that in contrast to the previously studied two-dimensional variations of this model that harbor critical points between their ground state phases, the non-bipartite pyrochlore lattice in three spatial dimensions appears to exhibit a first-order transition between a magnetically-ordered phase and some, as yet uncharacterized, paramagnetic phase. We also observe that the magnetically-ordered phase survives to a relatively large value of N=8, and that it is gone for N=9. 2 authors · Jun 5, 2024
- Uniform structural phase transition in V_2O_3 without short-range distortions of the local structure The local structure of V_{2}O_{3}, an archetypal strongly correlated electron system that displays a metal-insulator transition around 160 K, has been investigated via pair distribution function (PDF) analysis of neutron and x-ray total scattering data. The rhombohedral-to-monoclinic structural phase transition manifests as an abrupt change on all length scales in the observed PDF. No monoclinic distortions of the local structure are found above the transition, although coexisting regions of phase-separated rhombohedral and monoclinic symmetry are observed between 150 K and 160 K. This lack of structural fluctuations above the transition contrasts with the known presence of magnetic fluctuations in the high-temperature state, suggesting that the lattice degree of freedom plays a secondary role behind the spin degree of freedom in the transition mechanism. 5 authors · Sep 9, 2021
- Stacking disorder in novel ABAC-stacked brochantite In geometrically frustrated magnetic systems, weak interactions or slight changes to the structure can tip the delicate balance of exchange interactions, sending the system into a different ground state. Brochantite, Cu_4SO_4(OH)_6, has a copper sublattice composed of distorted triangles, making it a likely host for frustrated magnetism, but exhibits stacking disorder. The lack of synthetic single crystals has limited research on the magnetism in brochantite to powders and natural mineral crystals. We grew crystals which we find to be a new polytype with a tendency toward ABAC stacking and some anion disorder, alongside the expected stacking disorder. Comparison to previous results on natural mineral specimens suggests that cation disorder is more deleterious to the magnetism than anion and stacking disorder. Our specific heat data suggest a double transition on cooling into the magnetically ordered state. 12 authors · Jan 16
- Assembly and coherent control of a register of nuclear spin qubits We introduce an optical tweezer platform for assembling and individually manipulating a two-dimensional register of nuclear spin qubits. Each nuclear spin qubit is encoded in the ground ^{1}S_{0} manifold of ^{87}Sr and is individually manipulated by site-selective addressing beams. We observe that spin relaxation is negligible after 5 seconds, indicating that T_1gg5 s. Furthermore, utilizing simultaneous manipulation of subsets of qubits, we demonstrate significant phase coherence over the entire register, estimating T_2^star = left(21pm7right) s and measuring T_2^echo=left(42pm6right) s. 21 authors · Aug 10, 2021
- Strongly-Interacting Bosons in a Two-Dimensional Quasicrystal Lattice Quasicrystals exhibit exotic properties inherited from the self-similarity of their long-range ordered, yet aperiodic, structure. The recent realization of optical quasicrystal lattices paves the way to the study of correlated Bose fluids in such structures, but the regime of strong interactions remains largely unexplored, both theoretically and experimentally. Here, we determine the quantum phase diagram of two-dimensional correlated bosons in an eightfold quasicrystal potential. Using large-scale quantum Monte Carlo calculations, we demonstrate a superfluid-to-Bose glass transition and determine the critical line. Moreover, we show that strong interactions stabilize Mott insulator phases, some of which have spontaneously broken eightfold symmetry. Our results are directly relevant to current generation experiments and, in particular, drive prospects to the observation of the still elusive Bose glass phase in two dimensions and exotic Mott phases. 3 authors · Oct 15, 2020
- Quantum Monte Carlo simulations in the restricted Hilbert space of Rydberg atom arrays Rydberg atom arrays have emerged as a powerful platform to simulate a number of exotic quantum ground states and phase transitions. To verify these capabilities numerically, we develop a versatile quantum Monte Carlo sampling technique which operates in the reduced Hilbert space generated by enforcing the constraint of a Rydberg blockade. We use the framework of stochastic series expansion and show that in the restricted space, the configuration space of operator strings can be understood as a hard rod gas in d+1 dimensions. We use this mapping to develop cluster algorithms which can be visualized as various non-local movements of rods. We study the efficiency of each of our updates individually and collectively. To elucidate the utility of the algorithm, we show that it can efficiently generate the phase diagram of a Rydberg atom array, to temperatures much smaller than all energy scales involved, on a Kagom\'e link lattice. This is of broad interest as the presence of a Z_2 spin liquid has been hypothesized recently. 1 authors · Sep 1, 2023
- Dense Hebbian neural networks: a replica symmetric picture of unsupervised learning We consider dense, associative neural-networks trained with no supervision and we investigate their computational capabilities analytically, via a statistical-mechanics approach, and numerically, via Monte Carlo simulations. In particular, we obtain a phase diagram summarizing their performance as a function of the control parameters such as the quality and quantity of the training dataset and the network storage, valid in the limit of large network size and structureless datasets. Moreover, we establish a bridge between macroscopic observables standardly used in statistical mechanics and loss functions typically used in the machine learning. As technical remarks, from the analytic side, we implement large deviations and stability analysis within Guerra's interpolation to tackle the not-Gaussian distributions involved in the post-synaptic potentials while, from the computational counterpart, we insert Plefka approximation in the Monte Carlo scheme, to speed up the evaluation of the synaptic tensors, overall obtaining a novel and broad approach to investigate neural networks in general. 8 authors · Nov 25, 2022
- Classical Glasses, Black Holes, and Strange Quantum Liquids From the dynamics of a broad class of classical mean-field glass models one may obtain a quantum model with finite zero-temperature entropy, a quantum transition at zero temperature, and a time-reparametrization (quasi-)invariance in the dynamical equations for correlations. The low eigenvalue spectrum of the resulting quantum model is directly related to the structure and exploration of metastable states in the landscape of the original classical glass model. This mapping reveals deep connections between classical glasses and the properties of SYK-like models. 4 authors · Jun 21, 2019
1 Spin pumping by a moving domain wall at the interface of an antiferromagnetic insulator and a two-dimensional metal A domain wall (DW) which moves parallel to a magnetically compensated interface between an antiferromagnetic insulator (AFMI) and a two-dimensional (2D) metal can pump spin polarization into the metal. It is assumed that localized spins of a collinear AFMI interact with itinerant electrons through their exchange interaction on the interface. We employed the formalism of Keldysh Green's functions for electrons which experience potential and spin-orbit scattering on random impurities. This formalism allows a unified analysis of spin pumping, spin diffusion and spin relaxation effects on a 2D electron gas. It is shown that the pumping of a nonstaggered magnetization into the metal film takes place in the second order with respect to the interface exchange interaction. At sufficiently weak spin relaxation this pumping effect can be much stronger than the first-order effect of the Pauli magnetism which is produced by the small nonstaggered exchange field of the DW. It is shown that the pumped polarization is sensitive to the geometry of the electron's Fermi surface and increases when the wave vector of the staggered magnetization approaches the nesting vector of the Fermi surface. In a disordered diffusive electron gas the induced spin polarization follows the motion of the domain wall. It is distributed asymmetrically around the DW over a distance which can be much larger than the DW width. 1 authors · Nov 2, 2022
- Dense Hebbian neural networks: a replica symmetric picture of supervised learning We consider dense, associative neural-networks trained by a teacher (i.e., with supervision) and we investigate their computational capabilities analytically, via statistical-mechanics of spin glasses, and numerically, via Monte Carlo simulations. In particular, we obtain a phase diagram summarizing their performance as a function of the control parameters such as quality and quantity of the training dataset, network storage and noise, that is valid in the limit of large network size and structureless datasets: these networks may work in a ultra-storage regime (where they can handle a huge amount of patterns, if compared with shallow neural networks) or in a ultra-detection regime (where they can perform pattern recognition at prohibitive signal-to-noise ratios, if compared with shallow neural networks). Guided by the random theory as a reference framework, we also test numerically learning, storing and retrieval capabilities shown by these networks on structured datasets as MNist and Fashion MNist. As technical remarks, from the analytic side, we implement large deviations and stability analysis within Guerra's interpolation to tackle the not-Gaussian distributions involved in the post-synaptic potentials while, from the computational counterpart, we insert Plefka approximation in the Monte Carlo scheme, to speed up the evaluation of the synaptic tensors, overall obtaining a novel and broad approach to investigate supervised learning in neural networks, beyond the shallow limit, in general. 8 authors · Nov 25, 2022
- Predication of novel effects in rotational nuclei at high speed The study of high-speed rotating matter is a crucial research topic in physics due to the emergence of novel phenomena. In this paper, we combined cranking covariant density functional theory (CDFT) with a similar renormalization group approach to decompose the Hamiltonian from the cranking CDFT into different Hermit components, including the non-relativistic term, the dynamical term, the spin-orbit coupling, and the Darwin term. Especially, we obtained the rotational term, the term relating to Zeeman effect-like, and the spin-rotation coupling due to consideration of rotation and spatial component of vector potential. By exploring these operators, we aim to identify novel phenomena that may occur in rotating nuclei. Signature splitting, Zeeman effect-like, spin-rotation coupling, and spin current are among the potential novelties that may arise in rotating nuclei. Additionally, we investigated the observability of these phenomena and their dependence on various factors such as nuclear deformation, rotational angular velocity, and strength of magnetic field. 1 authors · Sep 1, 2023
- Coherent shuttle of electron-spin states We demonstrate a coherent spin shuttle through a GaAs/AlGaAs quadruple-quantum-dot array. Starting with two electrons in a spin-singlet state in the first dot, we shuttle one electron over to either the second, third or fourth dot. We observe that the separated spin-singlet evolves periodically into the m=0 spin-triplet and back before it dephases due to nuclear spin noise. We attribute the time evolution to differences in the local Zeeman splitting between the respective dots. With the help of numerical simulations, we analyse and discuss the visibility of the singlet-triplet oscillations and connect it to the requirements for coherent spin shuttling in terms of the inter-dot tunnel coupling strength and rise time of the pulses. The distribution of entangled spin pairs through tunnel coupled structures may be of great utility for connecting distant qubit registers on a chip. 5 authors · Jan 3, 2017
- The enigma of the pseudogap phase of the cuprate superconductors The last few years have seen significant experimental progress in characterizing the copper-based hole-doped high temperature superconductors in the regime of low hole density, p. Quantum oscillations, NMR, X-ray, and STM experiments have shed much light on the nature of the ordering at low temperatures. We review evidence that the order parameter in the non-Lanthanum-based cuprates is a d-form factor density-wave. This novel order acts as an unexpected window into the electronic structure of the pseudogap phase at higher temperatures in zero field: we argue in favor of a `fractionalized Fermi liquid' (FL*) with 4 pockets of spin S=1/2, charge +e fermions enclosing an area specified by p. 2 authors · Dec 30, 2014
1 Neuromorphic Spintronics Neuromorphic spintronics combines two advanced fields in technology, neuromorphic computing and spintronics, to create brain-inspired, efficient computing systems that leverage the unique properties of the electron's spin. In this book chapter, we first introduce both fields - neuromorphic computing and spintronics and then make a case for neuromorphic spintronics. We discuss concrete examples of neuromorphic spintronics, including computing based on fluctuations, artificial neural networks, and reservoir computing, highlighting their potential to revolutionize computational efficiency and functionality. 2 authors · Sep 16, 2024
- CHGNet: Pretrained universal neural network potential for charge-informed atomistic modeling The simulation of large-scale systems with complex electron interactions remains one of the greatest challenges for the atomistic modeling of materials. Although classical force fields often fail to describe the coupling between electronic states and ionic rearrangements, the more accurate ab-initio molecular dynamics suffers from computational complexity that prevents long-time and large-scale simulations, which are essential to study many technologically relevant phenomena, such as reactions, ion migrations, phase transformations, and degradation. In this work, we present the Crystal Hamiltonian Graph neural Network (CHGNet) as a novel machine-learning interatomic potential (MLIP), using a graph-neural-network-based force field to model a universal potential energy surface. CHGNet is pretrained on the energies, forces, stresses, and magnetic moments from the Materials Project Trajectory Dataset, which consists of over 10 years of density functional theory static and relaxation trajectories of sim 1.5 million inorganic structures. The explicit inclusion of magnetic moments enables CHGNet to learn and accurately represent the orbital occupancy of electrons, enhancing its capability to describe both atomic and electronic degrees of freedom. We demonstrate several applications of CHGNet in solid-state materials, including charge-informed molecular dynamics in Li_xMnO_2, the finite temperature phase diagram for Li_xFePO_4 and Li diffusion in garnet conductors. We critically analyze the significance of including charge information for capturing appropriate chemistry, and we provide new insights into ionic systems with additional electronic degrees of freedom that can not be observed by previous MLIPs. 7 authors · Feb 27, 2023
- Low-energy Injection and Nonthermal Particle Acceleration in Relativistic Magnetic Turbulence Relativistic magnetic turbulence has been proposed as a process for producing nonthermal particles in high-energy astrophysics. Particle energization may be contributed by both magnetic reconnection and turbulent fluctuations, but their interplay is poorly understood. It has been suggested that during magnetic reconnection the parallel electric field dominates particle acceleration up to the lower bound of the power-law particle spectrum, but recent studies show that electric fields perpendicular to magnetic field can play an important, if not dominant role. In this study, we carry out 2D fully kinetic particle-in-cell simulations of magnetically dominated decaying turbulence in a relativistic pair plasma. For a fixed magnetization parameter sigma_0=20, we find that the injection energy {varepsilon}_{rm inj} converges with increasing domain size to {varepsilon}_{rm inj}simeq 10m_ec^2. In contrast, the power-law index, the cut-off energy, and the power-law extent increase steadily with domain size. We trace a large number of particles and evaluate the contributions of the work done by the parallel (W_parallel) and perpendicular (W_perp) electric fields during both the injection phase and the post-injection phase. We find that during the injection phase, the W_perp contribution increases with domain size, suggesting that it may eventually dominate injection for a sufficiently large domain. In contrast, both components contribute equally during the post-injection phase, insensitive to the domain size. For high energy ({varepsilon}varepsilon_{rm inj}) particles, W_perp dominates the subsequent energization. These findings may improve our understanding of nonthermal particles and their emissions in astrophysical plasmas. 4 authors · Apr 29, 2024
- On the generation of periodic discrete structures with identical two-point correlation Strategies for the generation of periodic discrete structures with identical two-point correlation are developed. Starting from a pair of root structures, which are not related by translation, phase inversion or axis reflections, child structures of arbitrary resolution (i.e., pixel or voxel numbers) and number of phases (i.e., material phases/species) can be generated by means of trivial embedding based phase extension, application of kernels and/or phase coalescence, such that the generated structures inherit the two-point-correlation equivalence. Proofs of the inheritance property are provided by means of the Discrete Fourier Transform theory. A Python 3 implementation of the results is offered by the authors through the Github repository https://github.com/DataAnalyticsEngineering/EQ2PC in order to make the provided results reproducible and useful for all interested readers. Examples for the generation of structures are demonstrated, together with applications in the homogenization theory of periodic media. 2 authors · Feb 4, 2020
- First Order Quantum Phase Transition in the Hybrid Metal-Mott Insulator Transition Metal Dichalcogenide 4Hb-TaS2 Coupling together distinct correlated and topologically non-trivial electronic phases of matter can potentially induce novel electronic orders and phase transitions among them. Transition metal dichalcogenide compounds serve as a bedrock for exploration of such hybrid systems. They host a variety of exotic electronic phases and their Van der Waals nature enables to admix them, either by exfoliation and stacking or by stoichiometric growth, and thereby induce novel correlated complexes. Here we investigate the compound 4Hb-TaS_2 that interleaves the Mott-insulating state of 1T-TaS_2 and the putative spin liquid it hosts together with the metallic state of 2H-TaS_2 and the low temperature superconducting phase it harbors. We reveal a thermodynamic phase diagram that hosts a first order quantum phase transition between a correlated Kondo cluster state and a flat band state in which the Kondo cluster becomes depleted. We demonstrate that this intrinsic transition can be induced by an electric field and temperature as well as by manipulation of the interlayer coupling with the probe tip, hence allowing to reversibly toggle between the Kondo cluster and the flat band states. The phase transition is manifested by a discontinuous change of the complete electronic spectrum accompanied by hysteresis and low frequency noise. We find that the shape of the transition line in the phase diagram is determined by the local compressibility and the entropy of the two electronic states. Our findings set such heterogeneous structures as an exciting platform for systematic investigation and manipulation of Mott-metal transitions and strongly correlated phases and quantum phase transitions therein. 11 authors · Mar 2, 2023