Browse files
@@ -18,3 +18,395 @@ The model was fine-tuned and evaluated as detailed in [this notebook](https://co
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The model achieves a **Rouge-2** score of 19.33 on Pubmed which is competitive to state-of-the-art models.
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The model achieves a **Rouge-2** score of 19.33 on Pubmed which is competitive to state-of-the-art models.
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## Usage
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The model can be used as follows:
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LONG_ARTICLE = """"anxiety affects quality of life in those living
27 |
with parkinson 's disease ( pd ) more so than
28 |
overall cognitive status , motor deficits , apathy
29 |
, and depression [ 13 ] . although anxiety and
30 |
depression are often related and coexist in pd
31 |
patients , recent research suggests that anxiety
32 |
rather than depression is the most prominent and
33 |
prevalent mood disorder in pd [ 5 , 6 ] . yet ,
34 |
our current understanding of anxiety and its
35 |
impact on cognition in pd , as well as its neural
36 |
basis and best treatment practices , remains
37 |
meager and lags far behind that of depression .
38 |
overall , neuropsychiatric symptoms in pd have
39 |
been shown to be negatively associated with
40 |
cognitive performance . for example , higher
41 |
depression scores have been correlated with lower
42 |
scores on the mini - mental state exam ( mmse ) [
43 |
8 , 9 ] as well as tests of memory and executive
44 |
functions ( e.g. , attention ) [ 1014 ] . likewise
45 |
, apathy and anhedonia in pd patients have been
46 |
associated with executive dysfunction [ 10 , 1523
47 |
] . however , few studies have specifically
48 |
investigated the relationship between anxiety and
49 |
cognition in pd . one study showed a strong
50 |
negative relationship between anxiety ( both state
51 |
and trait ) and overall cognitive performance (
52 |
measured by the total of the repeatable battery
53 |
for the assessment of neuropsychological status
54 |
index ) within a sample of 27 pd patients .
55 |
furthermore , trait anxiety was negatively
56 |
associated with each of the cognitive domains
57 |
assessed by the rbans ( i.e. , immediate memory ,
58 |
visuospatial construction , language , attention ,
59 |
and delayed memory ) . two further studies have
60 |
examined whether anxiety differentially affects
61 |
cognition in patients with left - sided dominant
62 |
pd ( lpd ) versus right - sided dominant pd ( rpd
63 |
) ; however , their findings were inconsistent .
64 |
the first study found that working memory
65 |
performance was worse in lpd patients with anxiety
66 |
compared to rpd patients with anxiety , whereas
67 |
the second study reported that , in lpd , apathy
68 |
but not anxiety was associated with performance on
69 |
nonverbally mediated executive functions and
70 |
visuospatial tasks ( e.g. , tmt - b , wms - iii
71 |
spatial span ) , while in rpd , anxiety but not
72 |
apathy significantly correlated with performance
73 |
on verbally mediated tasks ( e.g. , clock reading
74 |
test and boston naming test ) . furthermore ,
75 |
anxiety was significantly correlated with
76 |
neuropsychological measures of attention and
77 |
executive and visuospatial functions . taken
78 |
together , it is evident that there are limited
79 |
and inconsistent findings describing the
80 |
relationship between anxiety and cognition in pd
81 |
and more specifically how anxiety might influence
82 |
particular domains of cognition such as attention
83 |
and memory and executive functioning . it is also
84 |
striking that , to date , no study has examined
85 |
the influence of anxiety on cognition in pd by
86 |
directly comparing groups of pd patients with and
87 |
without anxiety while excluding depression . given
88 |
that research on healthy young adults suggests
89 |
that anxiety reduces processing capacity and
90 |
impairs processing efficiency , especially in the
91 |
central executive and attentional systems of
92 |
working memory [ 26 , 27 ] , we hypothesized that
93 |
pd patients with anxiety would show impairments in
94 |
attentional set - shifting and working memory
95 |
compared to pd patients without anxiety .
96 |
furthermore , since previous work , albeit limited
97 |
, has focused on the influence of symptom
98 |
laterality on anxiety and cognition , we also
99 |
explored this relationship . seventeen pd patients
100 |
with anxiety and thirty - three pd patients
101 |
without anxiety were included in this study ( see
102 |
table 1 ) . the cross - sectional data from these
103 |
participants was taken from a patient database
104 |
that has been compiled over the past 8 years (
105 |
since 2008 ) at the parkinson 's disease research
106 |
clinic at the brain and mind centre , university
107 |
of sydney . inclusion criteria involved a
108 |
diagnosis of idiopathic pd according to the united
109 |
kingdom parkinson 's disease society brain bank
110 |
criteria and were confirmed by a neurologist (
111 |
sjgl ) . patients also had to have an adequate
112 |
proficiency in english and have completed a full
113 |
neuropsychological assessment . ten patients in
114 |
this study ( 5 pd with anxiety ; 5 pd without
115 |
anxiety ) were taking psychotropic drugs ( i.e. ,
116 |
benzodiazepine or selective serotonin reuptake
117 |
inhibitor ) . patients were also excluded if they
118 |
had other neurological disorders , psychiatric
119 |
disorders other than affective disorders ( such as
120 |
anxiety ) , or if they reported a score greater
121 |
than six on the depression subscale of the
122 |
hospital anxiety and depression scale ( hads ) .
123 |
thus , all participants who scored within a
124 |
depressed ( hads - d > 6 ) range were excluded
125 |
from this study , in attempt to examine a refined
126 |
sample of pd patients with and without anxiety in
127 |
order to determine the independent effect of
128 |
anxiety on cognition . this research was approved
129 |
by the human research ethics committee of the
130 |
university of sydney , and written informed
131 |
consent was obtained from all participants . self
132 |
- reported hads was used to assess anxiety in pd
133 |
and has been previously shown to be a useful
134 |
measure of clinical anxiety in pd . a cut - off
135 |
score of > 8 on the anxiety subscale of the hads (
136 |
hads - a ) was used to identify pd cases with
137 |
anxiety ( pda+ ) , while a cut - off score of < 6
138 |
on the hads - a was used to identify pd cases
139 |
without anxiety ( pda ) . this criterion was more
140 |
stringent than usual ( > 7 cut - off score ) , in
141 |
effort to create distinct patient groups . the
142 |
neurological evaluation rated participants
143 |
according to hoehn and yahr ( h&y ) stages and
144 |
assessed their motor symptoms using part iii of
145 |
the revised mds task force unified parkinson 's
146 |
disease rating scale ( updrs ) . in a similar way
147 |
this was determined by calculating a total left
148 |
and right score from rigidity items 3035 ,
149 |
voluntary movement items 3643 , and tremor items
150 |
5057 from the mds - updrs part iii ( see table 1 )
151 |
. processing speed was assessed using the trail
152 |
making test , part a ( tmt - a , z - score ) .
153 |
attentional set - shifting was measured using the
154 |
trail making test , part b ( tmt - b , z - score )
155 |
. working memory was assessed using the digit span
156 |
forward and backward subtest of the wechsler
157 |
memory scale - iii ( raw scores ) . language was
158 |
assessed with semantic and phonemic verbal fluency
159 |
via the controlled oral word associated test (
160 |
cowat animals and letters , z - score ) . the
161 |
ability to retain learned verbal memory was
162 |
assessed using the logical memory subtest from the
163 |
wechsler memory scale - iii ( lm - i z - score ,
164 |
lm - ii z - score , % lm retention z - score ) .
165 |
the mini - mental state examination ( mmse )
166 |
demographic , clinical , and neuropsychological
167 |
variables were compared between the two groups
168 |
with the independent t - test or mann whitney u
169 |
test , depending on whether the variable met
170 |
parametric assumptions . chi - square tests were
171 |
used to examine gender and symptom laterality
172 |
differences between groups . all analyses employed
173 |
an alpha level of p < 0.05 and were two - tailed .
174 |
spearman correlations were performed separately in
175 |
each group to examine associations between anxiety
176 |
and/or depression ratings and cognitive functions
177 |
. as expected , the pda+ group reported
178 |
significant greater levels of anxiety on the hads
179 |
- a ( u = 0 , p < 0.001 ) and higher total score
180 |
on the hads ( u = 1 , p < 0.001 ) compared to the
181 |
pda group ( table 1 ) . groups were matched in age
182 |
( t(48 ) = 1.31 , p = 0.20 ) , disease duration (
183 |
u = 259 , p = 0.66 ) , updrs - iii score ( u =
184 |
250.5 , p = 0.65 ) , h&y ( u = 245 , p = 0.43 ) ,
185 |
ledd ( u = 159.5 , p = 0.80 ) , and depression (
186 |
hads - d ) ( u = 190.5 , p = 0.06 ) . additionally
187 |
, all groups were matched in the distribution of
188 |
gender ( = 0.098 , p = 0.75 ) and side - affected
189 |
( = 0.765 , p = 0.38 ) . there were no group
190 |
differences for tmt - a performance ( u = 256 , p
191 |
= 0.62 ) ( table 2 ) ; however , the pda+ group
192 |
had worse performance on the trail making test
193 |
part b ( t(46 ) = 2.03 , p = 0.048 ) compared to
194 |
the pda group ( figure 1 ) . the pda+ group also
195 |
demonstrated significantly worse performance on
196 |
the digit span forward subtest ( t(48 ) = 2.22 , p
197 |
= 0.031 ) and backward subtest ( u = 190.5 , p =
198 |
0.016 ) compared to the pda group ( figures 2(a )
199 |
and 2(b ) ) . neither semantic verbal fluency (
200 |
t(47 ) = 0.70 , p = 0.49 ) nor phonemic verbal
201 |
fluency ( t(47 ) = 0.39 , p = 0.70 ) differed
202 |
between groups . logical memory i immediate recall
203 |
test ( u = 176 , p = 0.059 ) showed a trend that
204 |
the pda+ group had worse new verbal learning and
205 |
immediate recall abilities than the pda group .
206 |
however , logical memory ii test performance ( u =
207 |
219 , p = 0.204 ) and logical memory % retention (
208 |
u = 242.5 , p = 0.434 ) did not differ between
209 |
groups . there were also no differences between
210 |
groups in global cognition ( mmse ) ( u = 222.5 ,
211 |
p = 0.23 ) . participants were split into lpd and
212 |
rpd , and then further group differences were
213 |
examined between pda+ and pda. importantly , the
214 |
groups remained matched in age , disease duration
215 |
, updrs - iii , dde , h&y stage , and depression
216 |
but remained significantly different on self -
217 |
reported anxiety . lpda+ demonstrated worse
218 |
performance on the digit span forward test ( t(19
219 |
) = 2.29 , p = 0.033 ) compared to lpda , whereas
220 |
rpda+ demonstrated worse performance on the digit
221 |
span backward test ( u = 36.5 , p = 0.006 ) , lm -
222 |
i immediate recall ( u = 37.5 , p = 0.008 ) , and
223 |
lm - ii ( u = 45.0 , p = 0.021 ) but not lm %
224 |
retention ( u = 75.5 , p = 0.39 ) compared to
225 |
rpda. this study is the first to directly compare
226 |
cognition between pd patients with and without
227 |
anxiety . the findings confirmed our hypothesis
228 |
that anxiety negatively influences attentional set
229 |
- shifting and working memory in pd . more
230 |
specifically , we found that pd patients with
231 |
anxiety were more impaired on the trail making
232 |
test part b which assessed attentional set -
233 |
shifting , on both digit span tests which assessed
234 |
working memory and attention , and to a lesser
235 |
extent on the logical memory test which assessed
236 |
memory and new verbal learning compared to pd
237 |
patients without anxiety . taken together , these
238 |
findings suggest that anxiety in pd may reduce
239 |
processing capacity and impair processing
240 |
efficiency , especially in the central executive
241 |
and attentional systems of working memory in a
242 |
similar way as seen in young healthy adults [ 26 ,
243 |
27 ] . although the neurobiology of anxiety in pd
244 |
remains unknown , many researchers have postulated
245 |
that anxiety disorders are related to
246 |
neurochemical changes that occur during the early
247 |
, premotor stages of pd - related degeneration [
248 |
37 , 38 ] such as nigrostriatal dopamine depletion
249 |
, as well as cell loss within serotonergic and
250 |
noradrenergic brainstem nuclei ( i.e. , raphe
251 |
nuclei and locus coeruleus , resp . , which
252 |
provide massive inputs to corticolimbic regions )
253 |
. over time , chronic dysregulation of
254 |
adrenocortical and catecholamine functions can
255 |
lead to hippocampal damage as well as
256 |
dysfunctional prefrontal neural circuitries [ 39 ,
257 |
40 ] , which play a key role in memory and
258 |
attention . recent functional neuroimaging work
259 |
has suggested that enhanced hippocampal activation
260 |
during executive functioning and working memory
261 |
tasks may represent compensatory processes for
262 |
impaired frontostriatal functions in pd patients
263 |
compared to controls . therefore , chronic stress
264 |
from anxiety , for example , may disrupt
265 |
compensatory processes in pd patients and explain
266 |
the cognitive impairments specifically in working
267 |
memory and attention seen in pd patients with
268 |
anxiety . it has also been suggested that
269 |
hyperactivation within the putamen may reflect a
270 |
compensatory striatal mechanism to maintain normal
271 |
working memory performance in pd patients ;
272 |
however , losing this compensatory activation has
273 |
been shown to contribute to poor working memory
274 |
performance . anxiety in mild pd has been linked
275 |
to reduced putamen dopamine uptake which becomes
276 |
more extensive as the disease progresses . this
277 |
further supports the notion that anxiety may
278 |
disrupt compensatory striatal mechanisms as well ,
279 |
providing another possible explanation for the
280 |
cognitive impairments observed in pd patients with
281 |
anxiety in this study . noradrenergic and
282 |
serotonergic systems should also be considered
283 |
when trying to explain the mechanisms by which
284 |
anxiety may influence cognition in pd . although
285 |
these neurotransmitter systems are relatively
286 |
understudied in pd cognition , treating the
287 |
noradrenergic and serotonergic systems has shown
288 |
beneficial effects on cognition in pd . selective
289 |
serotonin reuptake inhibitor , citalopram , was
290 |
shown to improve response inhibition deficits in
291 |
pd , while noradrenaline reuptake blocker ,
292 |
atomoxetine , has been recently reported to have
293 |
promising effects on cognition in pd [ 45 , 46 ] .
294 |
overall , very few neuroimaging studies have been
295 |
conducted in pd in order to understand the neural
296 |
correlates of pd anxiety and its underlying neural
297 |
pathology . future research should focus on
298 |
relating anatomical changes and neurochemical
299 |
changes to neural activation in order to gain a
300 |
clearer understanding on how these pathologies
301 |
affect anxiety in pd . to further understand how
302 |
anxiety and cognitive dysfunction are related ,
303 |
future research should focus on using advanced
304 |
structural and function imaging techniques to
305 |
explain both cognitive and neural breakdowns that
306 |
are associated with anxiety in pd patients .
307 |
research has indicated that those with amnestic
308 |
mild cognitive impairment who have more
309 |
neuropsychiatric symptoms have a greater risk of
310 |
developing dementia compared to those with fewer
311 |
neuropsychiatric symptoms . future studies should
312 |
also examine whether treating neuropsychiatric
313 |
symptoms might impact the progression of cognitive
314 |
decline and improve cognitive impairments in pd
315 |
patients . previous studies have used pd symptom
316 |
laterality as a window to infer asymmetrical
317 |
dysfunction of neural circuits . for example , lpd
318 |
patients have greater inferred right hemisphere
319 |
pathology , whereas rpd patients have greater
320 |
inferred left hemisphere pathology . thus ,
321 |
cognitive domains predominantly subserved by the
322 |
left hemisphere ( e.g. , verbally mediated tasks
323 |
of executive function and verbal memory ) might be
324 |
hypothesized to be more affected in rpd than lpd ;
325 |
however , this remains controversial . it has also
326 |
been suggested that since anxiety is a common
327 |
feature of left hemisphere involvement [ 48 , 49 ]
328 |
, cognitive domains subserved by the left
329 |
hemisphere may also be more strongly related to
330 |
anxiety . results from this study showed selective
331 |
verbal memory deficits in rpd patients with
332 |
anxiety compared to rpd without anxiety , whereas
333 |
lpd patients with anxiety had greater attentional
334 |
/ working memory deficits compared to lpd without
335 |
anxiety . although these results align with
336 |
previous research , interpretations of these
337 |
findings should be made with caution due to the
338 |
small sample size in the lpd comparison
339 |
specifically . recent work has suggested that the
340 |
hads questionnaire may underestimate the burden of
341 |
anxiety related symptomology and therefore be a
342 |
less sensitive measure of anxiety in pd [ 30 , 50
343 |
] . in addition , our small sample size also
344 |
limited the statistical power for detecting
345 |
significant findings . based on these limitations
346 |
, our findings are likely conservative and
347 |
underrepresent the true impact anxiety has on
348 |
cognition in pd . additionally , the current study
349 |
employed a very brief neuropsychological
350 |
assessment including one or two tests for each
351 |
cognitive domain . future studies are encouraged
352 |
to collect a more complex and comprehensive
353 |
battery from a larger sample of pd participants in
354 |
order to better understand the role anxiety plays
355 |
on cognition in pd . another limitation of this
356 |
study was the absence of diagnostic interviews to
357 |
characterize participants ' psychiatric symptoms
358 |
and specify the type of anxiety disorders included
359 |
in this study . future studies should perform
360 |
diagnostic interviews with participants ( e.g. ,
361 |
using dsm - v criteria ) rather than relying on
362 |
self - reported measures to group participants ,
363 |
in order to better understand whether the type of
364 |
anxiety disorder ( e.g. , social anxiety , phobias
365 |
, panic disorders , and generalized anxiety )
366 |
influences cognitive performance differently in pd
367 |
. one advantage the hads questionnaire provided
368 |
over other anxiety scales was that it assessed
369 |
both anxiety and depression simultaneously and
370 |
allowed us to control for coexisting depression .
371 |
although there was a trend that the pda+ group
372 |
self - reported higher levels of depression than
373 |
the pda group , all participants included in the
374 |
study scored < 6 on the depression subscale of the
375 |
hads . controlling for depression while assessing
376 |
anxiety has been identified as a key shortcoming
377 |
in the majority of recent work . considering many
378 |
previous studies have investigated the influence
379 |
of depression on cognition in pd without
380 |
accounting for the presence of anxiety and the
381 |
inconsistent findings reported to date , we
382 |
recommend that future research should try to
383 |
disentangle the influence of anxiety versus
384 |
depression on cognitive impairments in pd .
385 |
considering the growing number of clinical trials
386 |
for treating depression , there are few if any for
387 |
the treatment of anxiety in pd . anxiety is a key
388 |
contributor to decreased quality of life in pd and
389 |
greatly requires better treatment options .
390 |
moreover , anxiety has been suggested to play a
391 |
key role in freezing of gait ( fog ) , which is
392 |
also related to attentional set - shifting [ 52 ,
393 |
53 ] . future research should examine the link
394 |
between anxiety , set - shifting , and fog , in
395 |
order to determine whether treating anxiety might
396 |
be a potential therapy for improving fog ."""
397 |
398 |
from transformers import LEDForConditionalGeneration, LEDTokenizer
399 |
400 |
tokenizer = LEDTokenizer.from_pretrained("patrickvonplaten/led-large-16384-pubmed")
401 |
402 |
input_ids = tokenizer(LONG_ARTICLE)"cuda")
403 |
global_attention_mask = torch.zeros_like(input_ids)
404 |
# set global_attention_mask on first token
405 |
global_attention_mask[:, 0] = 1
406 |
407 |
model = LEDForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("patrickvonplaten/led-large-16384-pubmed", return_dict_in_generate=True).to("cuda")
408 |
409 |
sequences = model.generate(input_ids, global_attention_mask=global_attention_mask).sequences
410 |
411 |
summary = tokenizer.batch_decode(sequences)
412 |