How to convert a 🤗 Transformers model to TensorFlow? |
Having multiple frameworks available to use with 🤗 Transformers gives you flexibility to play their strengths when |
designing your application, but it implies that compatibility must be added on a per-model basis. The good news is that |
adding TensorFlow compatibility to an existing model is simpler than adding a new model from scratch! |
Whether you wish to have a deeper understanding of large TensorFlow models, make a major open-source contribution, or |
enable TensorFlow for your model of choice, this guide is for you. |
This guide empowers you, a member of our community, to contribute TensorFlow model weights and/or |
architectures to be used in 🤗 Transformers, with minimal supervision from the Hugging Face team. Writing a new model |
is no small feat, but hopefully this guide will make it less of a rollercoaster 🎢 and more of a walk in the park 🚶. |
Harnessing our collective experiences is absolutely critical to make this process increasingly easier, and thus we |
highly encourage that you suggest improvements to this guide! |
Before you dive deeper, it is recommended that you check the following resources if you're new to 🤗 Transformers: |
- General overview of 🤗 Transformers |
- Hugging Face's TensorFlow Philosophy |
In the remainder of this guide, you will learn what's needed to add a new TensorFlow model architecture, the |
procedure to convert PyTorch into TensorFlow model weights, and how to efficiently debug mismatches across ML |
frameworks. Let's get started! |
Are you unsure whether the model you wish to use already has a corresponding TensorFlow architecture? |
Check the model_type field of the config.json of your model of choice |
(example). If the corresponding model folder in |
🤗 Transformers has a file whose name starts with "modeling_tf", it means that it has a corresponding TensorFlow |
architecture (example). |
Step-by-step guide to add TensorFlow model architecture code |
There are many ways to design a large model architecture, and multiple ways of implementing said design. However, |
you might recall from our general overview of 🤗 Transformers |
that we are an opinionated bunch - the ease of use of 🤗 Transformers relies on consistent design choices. From |
experience, we can tell you a few important things about adding TensorFlow models: |
Don't reinvent the wheel! More often than not, there are at least two reference implementations you should check: the |
PyTorch equivalent of the model you are implementing and other TensorFlow models for the same class of problems. |
Great model implementations survive the test of time. This doesn't happen because the code is pretty, but rather |
because the code is clear, easy to debug and build upon. If you make the life of the maintainers easy with your |
TensorFlow implementation, by replicating the same patterns as in other TensorFlow models and minimizing the mismatch |
to the PyTorch implementation, you ensure your contribution will be long lived. |
Ask for help when you're stuck! The 🤗 Transformers team is here to help, and we've probably found solutions to the same |
problems you're facing. |
Here's an overview of the steps needed to add a TensorFlow model architecture: |
1. Select the model you wish to convert |
2. Prepare transformers dev environment |
3. (Optional) Understand theoretical aspects and the existing implementation |
4. Implement the model architecture |
5. Implement model tests |
6. Submit the pull request |
7. (Optional) Build demos and share with the world |
1.-3. Prepare your model contribution |
1. Select the model you wish to convert |
Let's start off with the basics: the first thing you need to know is the architecture you want to convert. If you |
don't have your eyes set on a specific architecture, asking the 🤗 Transformers team for suggestions is a great way to |
maximize your impact - we will guide you towards the most prominent architectures that are missing on the TensorFlow |
side. If the specific model you want to use with TensorFlow already has a TensorFlow architecture implementation in |
🤗 Transformers but is lacking weights, feel free to jump straight into the |
weight conversion section |
of this page. |
For simplicity, the remainder of this guide assumes you've decided to contribute with the TensorFlow version of |
BrandNewBert (the same example as in the guide to add a new model from scratch). |
Before starting the work on a TensorFlow model architecture, double-check that there is no ongoing effort to do so. |
You can search for BrandNewBert on the |
pull request GitHub page to confirm that there is no |
TensorFlow-related pull request. |
2. Prepare transformers dev environment |
Having selected the model architecture, open a draft PR to signal your intention to work on it. Follow the |
instructions below to set up your environment and open a draft PR. |
Fork the repository by clicking on the 'Fork' button on the |
repository's page. This creates a copy of the code under your GitHub user account. |
Clone your transformers fork to your local disk, and add the base repository as a remote: |
git clone https://github.com/[your Github handle]/transformers.git |
cd transformers |
git remote add upstream https://github.com/huggingface/transformers.git |
Set up a development environment, for instance by running the following command: |
python -m venv .env |
source .env/bin/activate |
pip install -e ".[dev]" |
Depending on your OS, and since the number of optional dependencies of Transformers is growing, you might get a |
failure with this command. If that's the case make sure to install TensorFlow then do: |
pip install -e ".[quality]" |
Note: You don't need to have CUDA installed. Making the new model work on CPU is sufficient. |
Create a branch with a descriptive name from your main branch |
git checkout -b add_tf_brand_new_bert |
Fetch and rebase to current main |
git fetch upstream |
git rebase upstream/main |
Add an empty .py file in transformers/src/models/brandnewbert/ named modeling_tf_brandnewbert.py. This will |
be your TensorFlow model file. |
Push the changes to your account using: |
git add . |
git commit -m "initial commit" |
git push -u origin add_tf_brand_new_bert |
Once you are satisfied, go to the webpage of your fork on GitHub. Click on “Pull request”. Make sure to add the |
GitHub handle of some members of the Hugging Face team as reviewers, so that the Hugging Face team gets notified for |
future changes. |
Change the PR into a draft by clicking on “Convert to draft” on the right of the GitHub pull request web page. |
Now you have set up a development environment to port BrandNewBert to TensorFlow in 🤗 Transformers. |
3. (Optional) Understand theoretical aspects and the existing implementation |
You should take some time to read BrandNewBert's paper, if such descriptive work exists. There might be large |
sections of the paper that are difficult to understand. If this is the case, this is fine - don't worry! The goal is |
not to get a deep theoretical understanding of the paper, but to extract the necessary information required to |
effectively re-implement the model in 🤗 Transformers using TensorFlow. That being said, you don't have to spend too |
much time on the theoretical aspects, but rather focus on the practical ones, namely the existing model documentation |
page (e.g. model docs for BERT). |
After you've grasped the basics of the models you are about to implement, it's important to understand the existing |
implementation. This is a great chance to confirm that a working implementation matches your expectations for the |
model, as well as to foresee technical challenges on the TensorFlow side. |
It's perfectly natural that you feel overwhelmed with the amount of information that you've just absorbed. It is |
definitely not a requirement that you understand all facets of the model at this stage. Nevertheless, we highly |
encourage you to clear any pressing questions in our forum. |
4. Model implementation |
Now it's time to finally start coding. Our suggested starting point is the PyTorch file itself: copy the contents of |
modeling_brand_new_bert.py inside src/transformers/models/brand_new_bert/ into |
modeling_tf_brand_new_bert.py. The goal of this section is to modify the file and update the import structure of |
🤗 Transformers such that you can import TFBrandNewBert and |
TFBrandNewBert.from_pretrained(model_repo, from_pt=True) successfully loads a working TensorFlow BrandNewBert model. |
Sadly, there is no prescription to convert a PyTorch model into TensorFlow. You can, however, follow our selection of |
tips to make the process as smooth as possible: |
- Prepend TF to the name of all classes (e.g. BrandNewBert becomes TFBrandNewBert). |
- Most PyTorch operations have a direct TensorFlow replacement. For example, torch.nn.Linear corresponds to |
tf.keras.layers.Dense, torch.nn.Dropout corresponds to tf.keras.layers.Dropout, etc. If you're not sure |
about a specific operation, you can use the TensorFlow documentation |
or the PyTorch documentation. |
- Look for patterns in the 🤗 Transformers codebase. If you come across a certain operation that doesn't have a direct |
replacement, the odds are that someone else already had the same problem. |
- By default, keep the same variable names and structure as in PyTorch. This will make it easier to debug, track |
issues, and add fixes down the line. |
- Some layers have different default values in each framework. A notable example is the batch normalization layer's |
epsilon (1e-5 in PyTorch |
and 1e-3 in TensorFlow). |
Double-check the documentation! |
- PyTorch's nn.Parameter variables typically need to be initialized within TF Layer's build(). See the following |
example: PyTorch / |
TensorFlow |
- If the PyTorch model has a #copied from on top of a function, the odds are that your TensorFlow model can also |
borrow that function from the architecture it was copied from, assuming it has a TensorFlow architecture. |
- Assigning the name attribute correctly in TensorFlow functions is critical to do the from_pt=True weight |
cross-loading. name is almost always the name of the corresponding variable in the PyTorch code. If name is not |
properly set, you will see it in the error message when loading the model weights. |
- The logic of the base model class, BrandNewBertModel, will actually reside in TFBrandNewBertMainLayer, a Keras |
layer subclass (example). |
TFBrandNewBertModel will simply be a wrapper around this layer. |
- Keras models need to be built in order to load pretrained weights. For that reason, TFBrandNewBertPreTrainedModel |
will need to hold an example of inputs to the model, the dummy_inputs |
(example). |
- If you get stuck, ask for help - we're here to help you! 🤗 |
In addition to the model file itself, you will also need to add the pointers to the model classes and related |
documentation pages. You can complete this part entirely following the patterns in other PRs |
(example). Here's a list of the needed manual |
changes: |
- Include all public classes of BrandNewBert in src/transformers/__init__.py |
- Add BrandNewBert classes to the corresponding Auto classes in src/transformers/models/auto/modeling_tf_auto.py |
- Add the lazy loading classes related to BrandNewBert in src/transformers/utils/dummy_tf_objects.py |
- Update the import structures for the public classes in src/transformers/models/brand_new_bert/__init__.py |
- Add the documentation pointers to the public methods of BrandNewBert in docs/source/en/model_doc/brand_new_bert.md |
- Add yourself to the list of contributors to BrandNewBert in docs/source/en/model_doc/brand_new_bert.md |
- Finally, add a green tick ✅ to the TensorFlow column of BrandNewBert in docs/source/en/index.md |
When you're happy with your implementation, run the following checklist to confirm that your model architecture is |
ready: |
1. All layers that behave differently at train time (e.g. Dropout) are called with a training argument, which is |
propagated all the way from the top-level classes |
2. You have used #copied from whenever possible |
3. TFBrandNewBertMainLayer and all classes that use it have their call function decorated with @unpack_inputs |
4. TFBrandNewBertMainLayer is decorated with @keras_serializable |
5. A TensorFlow model can be loaded from PyTorch weights using TFBrandNewBert.from_pretrained(model_repo, from_pt=True) |
6. You can call the TensorFlow model using the expected input format |
5. Add model tests |
Hurray, you've implemented a TensorFlow model! Now it's time to add tests to make sure that your model behaves as |
expected. As in the previous section, we suggest you start by copying the test_modeling_brand_new_bert.py file in |
tests/models/brand_new_bert/ into test_modeling_tf_brand_new_bert.py, and continue by making the necessary |
TensorFlow replacements. For now, in all .from_pretrained() calls, you should use the from_pt=True flag to load |
the existing PyTorch weights. |
After you're done, it's time for the moment of truth: run the tests! 😬 |
py.test -vv tests/models/brand_new_bert/test_modeling_tf_brand_new_bert.py |
The most likely outcome is that you'll see a bunch of errors. Don't worry, this is expected! Debugging ML models is |
notoriously hard, and the key ingredient to success is patience (and breakpoint()). In our experience, the hardest |
problems arise from subtle mismatches between ML frameworks, for which we have a few pointers at the end of this guide. |
In other cases, a general test might not be directly applicable to your model, in which case we suggest an override |
at the model test class level. Regardless of the issue, don't hesitate to ask for help in your draft pull request if |
you're stuck. |
When all tests pass, congratulations, your model is nearly ready to be added to the 🤗 Transformers library! 🎉 |
6.-7. Ensure everyone can use your model |
6. Submit the pull request |
Once you're done with the implementation and the tests, it's time to submit a pull request. Before pushing your code, |
run our code formatting utility, make fixup 🪄. This will automatically fix any formatting issues, which would cause |
our automatic checks to fail. |
It's now time to convert your draft pull request into a real pull request. To do so, click on the "Ready for |
review" button and add Joao (@gante) and Matt (@Rocketknight1) as reviewers. A model pull request will need |
at least 3 reviewers, but they will take care of finding appropriate additional reviewers for your model. |
After all reviewers are happy with the state of your PR, the final action point is to remove the from_pt=True flag in |
.from_pretrained() calls. Since there are no TensorFlow weights, you will have to add them! Check the section |
below for instructions on how to do it. |
Finally, when the TensorFlow weights get merged, you have at least 3 reviewer approvals, and all CI checks are |
green, double-check the tests locally one last time |
py.test -vv tests/models/brand_new_bert/test_modeling_tf_brand_new_bert.py |
and we will merge your PR! Congratulations on the milestone 🎉 |
7. (Optional) Build demos and share with the world |
One of the hardest parts about open-source is discovery. How can the other users learn about the existence of your |
fabulous TensorFlow contribution? With proper communication, of course! 📣 |
There are two main ways to share your model with the community: |
- Build demos. These include Gradio demos, notebooks, and other fun ways to show off your model. We highly |
encourage you to add a notebook to our community-driven demos. |
- Share stories on social media like Twitter and LinkedIn. You should be proud of your work and share |
your achievement with the community - your model can now be used by thousands of engineers and researchers around |
the world 🌍! We will be happy to retweet your posts and help you share your work with the community. |
Adding TensorFlow weights to 🤗 Hub |
Assuming that the TensorFlow model architecture is available in 🤗 Transformers, converting PyTorch weights into |
TensorFlow weights is a breeze! |
Here's how to do it: |
1. Make sure you are logged into your Hugging Face account in your terminal. You can log in using the command |
huggingface-cli login (you can find your access tokens here) |
2. Run transformers-cli pt-to-tf --model-name foo/bar, where foo/bar is the name of the model repository |
containing the PyTorch weights you want to convert |
3. Tag @joaogante and @Rocketknight1 in the 🤗 Hub PR the command above has just created |
That's it! 🎉 |
Debugging mismatches across ML frameworks 🐛 |
At some point, when adding a new architecture or when creating TensorFlow weights for an existing architecture, you |
might come across errors complaining about mismatches between PyTorch and TensorFlow. You might even decide to open the |
model architecture code for the two frameworks, and find that they look identical. What's going on? 🤔 |
First of all, let's talk about why understanding these mismatches matters. Many community members will use 🤗 |
Transformers models out of the box, and trust that our models behave as expected. When there is a large mismatch |
between the two frameworks, it implies that the model is not following the reference implementation for at least one |
of the frameworks. This might lead to silent failures, in which the model runs but has poor performance. This is |
arguably worse than a model that fails to run at all! To that end, we aim at having a framework mismatch smaller than |
1e-5 at all stages of the model. |
As in other numerical problems, the devil is in the details. And as in any detail-oriented craft, the secret |
ingredient here is patience. Here is our suggested workflow for when you come across this type of issues: |
1. Locate the source of mismatches. The model you're converting probably has near identical inner variables up to a |
certain point. Place breakpoint() statements in the two frameworks' architectures, and compare the values of the |
numerical variables in a top-down fashion until you find the source of the problems. |
2. Now that you've pinpointed the source of the issue, get in touch with the 🤗 Transformers team. It is possible |
that we've seen a similar problem before and can promptly provide a solution. As a fallback, scan popular pages |
like StackOverflow and GitHub issues. |
3. If there is no solution in sight, it means you'll have to go deeper. The good news is that you've located the |
issue, so you can focus on the problematic instruction, abstracting away the rest of the model! The bad news is |
that you'll have to venture into the source implementation of said instruction. In some cases, you might find an |
issue with a reference implementation - don't abstain from opening an issue in the upstream repository. |
In some cases, in discussion with the 🤗 Transformers team, we might find that fixing the mismatch is infeasible. |
When the mismatch is very small in the output layers of the model (but potentially large in the hidden states), we |
might decide to ignore it in favor of distributing the model. The pt-to-tf CLI mentioned above has a --max-error |
flag to override the error message at weight conversion time. |