Object_Remover / app.py
history blame
13.8 kB
import os
import random
import sys
import torch
from typing import Sequence, Mapping, Any, Union
import gradio as gr
from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download
import spaces
import sys
from comfy import model_management
from nodes import NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS
import sys
# Ensure /home/user/app/ is searched before /home/user/app/comfy/
sys.path.insert(0, '/home/user/app')
print("Modified sys.path:", sys.path)
print("Starting Space...")
def download_model(repo_id, filename, local_dir):
local_path = os.path.join(local_dir, filename)
if not os.path.exists(local_path):
hf_hub_download(repo_id=repo_id, filename=filename, local_dir=local_dir, force_download=True)
print(f"Model {filename} already exists. Skipping download.")
download_model("Acly/MAT", "MAT_Places512_G_fp16.safetensors", "models/inpaint")
download_model("stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse-original", "vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.safetensors", "models/vae")
download_model("Ultralytics/YOLOv8", "yolov8m.pt", "models/ultralytics/bbox")
download_model("xingren23/comfyflow-models", "sams/sam_vit_b_01ec64.pth", "models/sams")
# ------ JIT's Files --------
download_model("camenduru/YoloWorld-EfficientSAM", "efficient_sam_s_cpu.jit", "custom_nodes/ComfyUI-YoloWorld-EfficientSAM")
download_model("camenduru/YoloWorld-EfficientSAM", "efficient_sam_s_gpu.jit", "custom_nodes/ComfyUI-YoloWorld-EfficientSAM")
print("Downloaded Models")
def get_value_at_index(obj: Union[Sequence, Mapping], index: int) -> Any:
"""Returns the value at the given index of a sequence or mapping.
If the object is a sequence (like list or string), returns the value at the given index.
If the object is a mapping (like a dictionary), returns the value at the index-th key.
Some return a dictionary, in these cases, we look for the "results" key
obj (Union[Sequence, Mapping]): The object to retrieve the value from.
index (int): The index of the value to retrieve.
Any: The value at the given index.
IndexError: If the index is out of bounds for the object and the object is not a mapping.
if obj is None:
raise ValueError("Object is None, cannot retrieve index.")
return obj[index]
except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError):
return obj.get("result", [])[index] if isinstance(obj, dict) and "result" in obj else None
def find_path(name: str, path: str = None) -> str:
Recursively looks at parent folders starting from the given path until it finds the given name.
Returns the path as a Path object if found, or None otherwise.
# If no path is given, use the current working directory
if path is None:
path = os.getcwd()
# Check if the current directory contains the name
if name in os.listdir(path):
path_name = os.path.join(path, name)
print(f"{name} found: {path_name}")
return path_name
# Get the parent directory
parent_directory = os.path.dirname(path)
# If the parent directory is the same as the current directory, we've reached the root and stop the search
if parent_directory == path:
return None
# Recursively call the function with the parent directory
return find_path(name, parent_directory)
def add_comfyui_directory_to_sys_path() -> None:
Add 'ComfyUI' to the sys.path
comfyui_path = find_path("ComfyUI")
if comfyui_path and os.path.isdir(comfyui_path):
print(f"'{comfyui_path}' added to sys.path")
print("⚠️ Warning: 'ComfyUI' directory not found. Ensure it is installed properly.")
# def add_extra_model_paths() -> None:
# load_extra_path_config = None
# try:
# from main import load_extra_path_config
# except ImportError:
# print("Could not import load_extra_path_config from main.py.")
# try:
# from utils.extra_config import load_extra_path_config
# except ImportError:
# print("Could not import load_extra_path_config from utils.extra_config. Skipping extra model paths.")
# extra_model_paths = find_path("extra_model_paths.yaml")
# if extra_model_paths is not None and load_extra_path_config is not None:
# load_extra_path_config(extra_model_paths)
# else:
# print("Skipping extra model paths: config file or loader function not found.")
# # add_comfyui_directory_to_sys_path()
# add_extra_model_paths()
print("Model paths added")
import app_utils
print("app_utils package imported:", app_utils)
# print("app_utils.__path__:", app_utils.__path__)
# Update debug prints
print("App_utils directory contents:", os.listdir('app_utils') if os.path.exists('app_utils') else "app_utils not found")
print("Parent app_utils directory contents:", os.listdir('../app_utils') if os.path.exists('../app_utils') else "parent app_utils not found")
print("Checking for app_utils in sys.modules:", 'app_utils' in sys.modules)
if 'app_utils' in sys.modules:
print("app_utils module location:", sys.modules['app_utils'])
print("Attempting to import app_utils manually...")
import app_utils
print("app_utils imported successfully:", app_utils)
print("app_utils.__path__:", getattr(app_utils, '__path__', 'Not a package'))
print("app_utils.json_util available:", hasattr(app_utils, 'json_util'))
except ImportError as e:
print("Failed to import app_utils:", e)
# Later in the file, update the debug prints again
print("App_utils directory contents:", os.listdir('app_utils') if os.path.exists('app_utils') else "app_utils not found")
print("Parent app_utils directory contents:", os.listdir('../app_utils') if os.path.exists('../app_utils') else "parent app_utils not found")
print("Checking for utils in sys.modules:", 'utils' in sys.modules)
if 'utils' in sys.modules:
print("utils module location:", sys.modules['utils'])
print("Attempting to import utils manually...")
import app_utils
print("utils imported successfully:", app_utils)
print("utils.__path__:", getattr(app_utils, '__path__', 'Not a package'))
print("utils.json_util available:", hasattr(app_utils, 'json_util'))
except ImportError as e:
print("Failed to import utils:", e)
def import_custom_nodes() -> None:
"""Find all custom nodes in the custom_nodes folder and add those node objects to NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS
This function sets up a new asyncio event loop, initializes the PromptServer,
creates a PromptQueue, and initializes the custom nodes.
import asyncio
import execution
from nodes import init_extra_nodes
import server
# Creating a new event loop and setting it as the default loop
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS.clear() # Clear previous mappings
print("Reloading custom nodes...")
# Creating an instance of PromptServer with the loop
server_instance = server.PromptServer(loop)
# Initializing custom nodes
print("Custom Nodes Loaded:", NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS.keys())
import sys
print("Current working directory:", os.getcwd())
print("Current directory contents:", os.listdir('.'))
print("Parent directory contents:", os.listdir('..') if os.path.exists('..') else "No parent directory")
print("sys.path:", sys.path)
print("Utils directory contents:", os.listdir('utils') if os.path.exists('utils') else "utils not found")
print("Parent utils directory contents:", os.listdir('../utils') if os.path.exists('../utils') else "parent utils not found")
def object_remover(object_name, image) :
with torch.inference_mode():
loadimage_1 = loadimage.load_image(image=image)
yoloworld_esam_zho = NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS["Yoloworld_ESAM_Zho"]()
yoloworld_esam_zho_2 = yoloworld_esam_zho.yoloworld_esam_image(
yolo_world_model=get_value_at_index(yoloworld_modelloader_zho_3, 0),
esam_model=get_value_at_index(esam_modelloader_zho_4, 0),
image=get_value_at_index(loadimage_1, 0),
growmask = NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS["GrowMask"]()
growmask_8 = growmask.expand_mask(
mask=get_value_at_index(yoloworld_esam_zho_2, 1),
loadimage = NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS["LoadImage"]()
inpaint_inpaintwithmodel = NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS["INPAINT_InpaintWithModel"]()
inpaint_inpaintwithmodel_12 = inpaint_inpaintwithmodel.inpaint(
seed=random.randint(1, 2**64),
inpaint_model=get_value_at_index(inpaint_loadinpaintmodel_13, 0),
image=get_value_at_index(loadimage_1, 0),
mask=get_value_at_index(growmask_8, 0),
vaeencode = NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS["VAEEncode"]()
vaeencode_18 = vaeencode.encode(
pixels=get_value_at_index(inpaint_inpaintwithmodel_12, 0),
vae=get_value_at_index(vaeloader_20, 0),
masktoimage = NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS["MaskToImage"]()
vaedecode = NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS["VAEDecode"]()
image_comparer_rgthree = NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS["Image Comparer (rgthree)"]()
saveimage = NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS["SaveImage"]()
for q in range(1):
masktoimage_9 = masktoimage.mask_to_image(
mask=get_value_at_index(growmask_8, 0)
vaedecode_19 = vaedecode.decode(
samples=get_value_at_index(vaeencode_18, 0),
vae=get_value_at_index(vaeloader_20, 0),
image_comparer_rgthree_17 = image_comparer_rgthree.compare_images(
image_a=get_value_at_index(vaedecode_19, 0),
image_b=get_value_at_index(loadimage_1, 0),
saveimage_24 = saveimage.save_images(
images=get_value_at_index(inpaint_inpaintwithmodel_12, 0),
if saveimage_24 and "ui" in saveimage_24 and "images" in saveimage_24["ui"]:
output_dir = "output"
os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)
saved_path = os.path.join(output_dir, saveimage_24['ui']['images'][0]['filename'])
return saved_path
raise ValueError("Image generation failed. Check model inputs.")
return "Error: Image generation failed."
# yoloworld_modelloader_zho = NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS["Yoloworld_ModelLoader_Zho"]()
if "Yoloworld_ModelLoader_Zho" in NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS:
yoloworld_modelloader_zho = NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS["Yoloworld_ModelLoader_Zho"]()
yoloworld_modelloader_zho_3 = yoloworld_modelloader_zho.load_yolo_world_model(
raise KeyError("❌ Error: 'Yoloworld_ModelLoader_Zho' not found. Check if custom nodes are loaded.")
esam_modelloader_zho = NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS["ESAM_ModelLoader_Zho"]()
esam_modelloader_zho_4 = esam_modelloader_zho.load_esam_model(device="CUDA")
inpaint_loadinpaintmodel = NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS["INPAINT_LoadInpaintModel"]()
inpaint_loadinpaintmodel_13 = inpaint_loadinpaintmodel.load(
vaeloader = NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS["VAELoader"]()
vaeloader_20 = vaeloader.load_vae(
loadimage = NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS["LoadImage"]()
yoloworld_esam_zho = NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS["Yoloworld_ESAM_Zho"]()
growmask = NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS["GrowMask"]()
inpaint_inpaintwithmodel = NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS["INPAINT_InpaintWithModel"]()
vaeloader = NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS["VAELoader"]()
vaeencode = NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS["VAEEncode"]()
masktoimage = NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS["MaskToImage"]()
vaedecode = NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS["VAEDecode"]()
image_comparer_rgthree = NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS["Image Comparer (rgthree)"]()
saveimage = NODE_CLASS_MAPPINGS["SaveImage"]()
#Add all the models that load a safetensors file
model_loaders = [yoloworld_modelloader_zho_3,esam_modelloader_zho_4,inpaint_loadinpaintmodel_13,vaeloader_20]
# Check which models are valid and how to best load them
valid_models = [
getattr(loader[0], 'patcher', loader[0])
for loader in model_loaders
if not isinstance(loader[0], dict) and not isinstance(getattr(loader[0], 'patcher', None), dict)
#Finally loads the models
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
model_management.load_models_gpu(valid_models) if device == "cuda" else model_management.load_models_cpu(valid_models)
with gr.Blocks() as app:
gr.Markdown("# Object Remover")
with gr.Column():
image = gr.Image(label="Image",type="filepath")
object_name = gr.Textbox(label="Obj_name")
generate = gr.Button("Generate")
with gr.Column():
output = gr.Image(label="output")
print("Launching app...")
app.launch(share=True, debug=True)