# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import io import requests import json import base64 from PIL import Image import numpy as np import gradio as gr def inference_mask1_sam(prompt, img, img_): files = { "useSam" : 1, "pimage" : resizeImg(prompt["image"]), "pmask" : resizeImg(prompt["mask"]), "img" : resizeImg(img), "img_" : resizeImg(img_) } r = requests.post("", json = files) a = json.loads(r.text) res = [] for i in range(len(a)): #out = Image.open(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(a[i]))) #out = out.resize((224, 224)) #res.append(np.uint8(np.array(out))) res.append(np.uint8(np.array(Image.open(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(a[i])))))) return res[1:] # remove prompt image def inference_mask1(prompt, img, img_): files = { "pimage" : resizeImg(prompt["image"]), "pmask" : resizeImg(prompt["mask"]), "img" : resizeImg(img), "img_" : resizeImg(img_) } #r = requests.post("https://flagstudio.baai.ac.cn/painter/run", json = files) r = requests.post("", json = files) a = json.loads(r.text) res = [] for i in range(len(a)): #out = Image.open(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(a[i]))) #out = out.resize((224, 224)) #res.append(np.uint8(np.array(out))) res.append(np.uint8(np.array(Image.open(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(a[i])))))) return res def inference_mask_video( prompt, vid, request: gr.Request, ): files = { "pimage" : resizeImgIo(prompt["image"]), "pmask" : resizeImgIo(prompt["mask"]), "video" : open(vid, 'rb'), } r = requests.post("", files = files) ''' path = str(uuid.uuid4()) + "." + str(time.time()) fName = 'out.mp4' file_out = "video/" + path + "." + fName with open(file_out,"wb") as f: f.write(r.content) ''' a = json.loads(r.text) return [np.uint8(np.array(Image.open(io.BytesIO(base64.b64decode(a["mask"]))))), a["url"]] def resizeImg(img): res, hres = 448, 448 img = Image.fromarray(img).convert("RGB") img = img.resize((res, hres)) temp = io.BytesIO() img.save(temp, format="WEBP") return base64.b64encode(temp.getvalue()).decode('ascii') def resizeImgIo(img): res, hres = 448, 448 img = Image.fromarray(img).convert("RGB") img = img.resize((res, hres)) temp = io.BytesIO() img.save(temp, format="WEBP") return io.BytesIO(temp.getvalue()) # define app features and run examples = [ ['./images/hmbb_1.jpg', './images/hmbb_2.jpg', './images/hmbb_3.jpg'], ['./images/rainbow_1.jpg', './images/rainbow_2.jpg', './images/rainbow_3.jpg'], ['./images/earth_1.jpg', './images/earth_2.jpg', './images/earth_3.jpg'], ['./images/obj_1.jpg', './images/obj_2.jpg', './images/obj_3.jpg'], ['./images/ydt_2.jpg', './images/ydt_1.jpg', './images/ydt_3.jpg'], ] examples_sam = [ ['./images/nc_1.jpg', './images/nc_2.jpg', './images/nc_3.jpg'], ['./images/street_1.jpg', './images/street_2.jpg', './images/street_3.jpg'], ['./images/hmbb_1.jpg', './images/hmbb_2.jpg', './images/hmbb_3.jpg'], ['./images/earth_1.jpg', './images/earth_2.jpg', './images/earth_3.jpg'], ['./images/ydt_2.jpg', './images/ydt_1.jpg', './images/ydt_3.jpg'], ] examples_video = [ ['./videos/horse-running.jpg', './videos/horse-running.mp4'], ['./videos/a_man_is_surfing_3_30.jpg', './videos/a_man_is_surfing_3_30.mp4'], ['./videos/a_car_is_moving_on_the_road_40.jpg', './videos/a_car_is_moving_on_the_road_40.mp4'], ['./videos/jeep-moving.jpg', './videos/jeep-moving.mp4'], ['./videos/child-riding_lego.jpg', './videos/child-riding_lego.mp4'], ] demo_mask = gr.Interface(fn=inference_mask1, inputs=[gr.ImageMask(brush_radius=8, label="prompt (提示图)"), gr.Image(label="img1 (测试图1)"), gr.Image(label="img2 (测试图2)")], #outputs=[gr.Image(shape=(448, 448), label="output1 (输出图1)"), gr.Image(shape=(448, 448), label="output2 (输出图2)")], outputs=[gr.Image(label="output1 (输出图1)").style(height=256, width=256), gr.Image(label="output2 (输出图2)").style(height=256, width=256)], #outputs=gr.Gallery(label="outputs (输出图)"), examples=examples, #title="SegGPT for Any Segmentation
(Painter Inside)", description="

\ Choose an example below 🔥 🔥 🔥
\ Or, upload by yourself:
\ 1. Upload images to be tested to 'img1' and/or 'img2'.
2. Upload a prompt image to 'prompt' and draw a mask.
\ 💎 The more accurate you annotate, the more accurate the model predicts.
\ 💎 Examples below were never trained and are randomly selected for testing in the wild.
\ 💎 Current UI interface only unleashes a small part of the capabilities of SegGPT, i.e., 1-shot case. \

", cache_examples=False, allow_flagging="never", ) demo_mask_sam = gr.Interface(fn=inference_mask1_sam, inputs=[gr.ImageMask(brush_radius=4, label="prompt (提示图)"), gr.Image(label="img1 (测试图1)"), gr.Image(label="img2 (测试图2)")], #outputs=[gr.Image(shape=(448, 448), label="output1 (输出图1)"), gr.Image(shape=(448, 448), label="output2 (输出图2)")], # outputs=[gr.Image(label="output1 (输出图1)").style(height=256, width=256), gr.Image(label="output2 (输出图2)").style(height=256, width=256)], #outputs=gr.Gallery(label="outputs (输出图)"), outputs=[gr.Image(label="SAM output (mask)").style(height=256, width=256),gr.Image(label="output1 (输出图1)").style(height=256, width=256), gr.Image(label="output2 (输出图2)").style(height=256, width=256)], # outputs=[gr.Image(label="output3 (输出图1)").style(height=256, width=256), gr.Image(label="output4 (输出图2)").style(height=256, width=256)], examples=examples_sam, #title="SegGPT for Any Segmentation
(Painter Inside)", description="

\ SAM+SegGPT: One touch for segmentation in all images or videos.
\ Choose an example below 🔥 🔥 🔥
\ Or, upload by yourself:
\ 1. Upload images to be tested to 'img1' and 'img2'.
2. Upload a prompt image to 'prompt' and draw a point or line on the target.
\ 💎 SAM segments the target with any point or scribble, then SegGPT segments all other images.
\ 💎 Examples below were never trained and are randomly selected for testing in the wild.
\ 💎 Current UI interface only unleashes a small part of the capabilities of SegGPT, i.e., 1-shot case. \

", cache_examples=False, allow_flagging="never", ) demo_mask_video = gr.Interface(fn=inference_mask_video, inputs=[gr.ImageMask(label="prompt (提示图)"), gr.Video(label="video (测试视频)").style(height=448, width=448)], outputs=[gr.Image(label="SAM output (mask)").style(height=256, width=256), gr.Video().style(height=448, width=448)], examples=examples_video, description="

\ SegGPT+SAM: One touch for any segmentation in a video.
\ Choose an example below 🔥 🔥 🔥
\ Or, upload by yourself:
\ 1. Upload a video to be tested to 'video'. If failed, please check the codec, we recommend h.264 by default.
2. Upload a prompt image to 'prompt' and draw a point or line on the target.
\ 💎 SAM segments the target with any point or scribble, then SegGPT segments the whole video.
\ 💎 Examples below were never trained and are randomly selected for testing in the wild.
\ 💎 Current UI interface only unleashes a small part of the capabilities of SegGPT, i.e., 1-shot case.
\ Note: we only take the first 16 frames for the demo. \

", ) title = "SegGPT: Segmenting Everything In Context

[paper] \ [code]

\ \

SegGPT performs arbitrary segmentation tasks in images or videos via in-context inference, such as object instance, stuff, part, contour, and text, with only one single model.

\ " demo = gr.TabbedInterface([demo_mask_sam, demo_mask_video, demo_mask], ['SAM+SegGPT (一触百通)', '🎬Anything in a Video', 'General 1-shot'], title=title) #demo.launch(share=True, auth=("baai", "vision")) demo.launch(enable_queue=False) #demo.launch(server_name="", server_port=34311) # -