import os # Load load_dotenv to load the .env file from dotenv import load_dotenv from supabase import create_client, Client load_dotenv() url: str = os.environ.get("SUPABASE_URL") key: str = os.environ.get("SUPABASE_KEY") supabase: Client = create_client(url, key) def get_supabase() -> Client: return supabase def post_github_access_token(token: str, user_emaill: str) -> None: supabase.table("users_github_access_tokens").insert({"github_access_token": token, "user_email": user_emaill}).execute() def get_github_access_token(user_email: str): # Get the last access token table_results = supabase.table("users_github_access_tokens").select("github_access_token").eq("user_email", user_email).execute() # Access the data attribute of the response object data = # Check if there are results and return the last token if data: return data[-1]['github_access_token'] else: return None # or handle the case where there is no matching token def post_github_repo(repo_name: str, user_email: str) -> None: supabase.table("users_github_repos_name").insert({"repo_name": repo_name, "user_email": user_email}).execute() def get_github_repos(user_email: str) -> list: return supabase.table("users_github_repos_name").select("repo_name").eq("user_email", user_email).execute().get("data")