import streamlit as st from sympy import symbols, diff, integrate, simplify, sin, cos, tan, exp, log, pi from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr def main(): st.title("Math Solver: Derivatives, Integrals, and Trigonometry") st.sidebar.header("Choose an Operation") option ="Select:", ("Derivative", "Integral", "Simplify Expression", "Trigonometric Evaluation")) st.write("### Input your mathematical expression below") user_input = st.text_input("Expression", "e.g., x**2 + 3*x + sin(x)") variable = st.text_input("Variable (default is x)", "x") if user_input: try: # Parse the user input var = symbols(variable) expression = parse_expr(user_input) if option == "Derivative": result = diff(expression, var) st.write(f"The derivative of {expression} with respect to {variable} is:") st.latex(f"{result}") elif option == "Integral": result = integrate(expression, var) st.write(f"The integral of {expression} with respect to {variable} is:") st.latex(f"{result}") elif option == "Simplify Expression": result = simplify(expression) st.write(f"The simplified form of {expression} is:") st.latex(f"{result}") elif option == "Trigonometric Evaluation": st.write("### Provide a value for the variable") value = st.number_input(f"Value of {variable}") evaluated_result = expression.subs(var, value) st.write(f"The result of {expression} when {variable} = {value} is:") st.latex(f"{evaluated_result}") except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error in processing the expression: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()