Changed the way that the world transforms are stored. They are now stored in order (n_frames, n_features, n_points). 765b3de Natsha commited on May 10, 2023
Moved the core functionality of FBXContainer to a new class called FBXContainerBase. 74bcef0 Natsha commited on May 9, 2023
Removed old data extraction methods and documented all the new functions. 5e3f217 Natsha commited on May 7, 2023
Changed the way transforms are extracted and added functions to export them to HDF5 (.h5) files. e269a6f Natsha commited on May 5, 2023
Updated the testing workflow. Fixed some bugs. The bug with the new animation curves not connecting properly is fixed. a0a49ab Natsha commited on Apr 24, 2023
Fixed the translation bug. TODO: Make sure the new animation curves are properly connected to their nodes. a628625 Natsha commited on Apr 24, 2023
First attempt at recalculating the correct world spaces back to local spaces. 22ebabc Natsha commited on Apr 23, 2023
Added functionality to convert a frame range to a timeline dense point cloud. 6b3d7b3 Natsha commited on Apr 22, 2023
Fixed bug: when Shogun exports an actor without animation, the app would crash because the anim curve becomes None. d82ff49 Natsha commited on Apr 16, 2023