from pathlib import Path import multiprocessing # Import custom libs. import fbx_handler import utils c = 'dowg' source = Path(f'G:/Firestorm/mocap-ai/data/fbx/{c}/') train_folder = Path(f'G:/Firestorm/mocap-ai/data/h5/{c}/train') test_folder = Path(f'G:/Firestorm/mocap-ai/data/h5/{c}/test') def process_fbx_file(fbx_file: Path): # Define the export file path with the same file name but in the export folder export_train_path = train_folder / fbx_file.with_suffix('.h5').name export_test_path = test_folder / fbx_file.with_suffix('.h5').name # If both export files already exist, skip this file. if export_train_path.exists() and export_test_path.exists(): print(f'{fbx_file} done already.') return else: print(fbx_file) # Create a new class object with the file path. my_obj = fbx_handler.FBXContainer(fbx_file, debug=0) # Init world transforms for labeled and unlabeled data. This will store all relevant transform info. with utils.Timer('Getting world transforms took'): try: my_obj.init_world_transforms() except BaseException as e: print(e) return try: # Get the train data as an array of shape (n_valid_frames, 73, 14). # This will also export it to a h5 file just in case. train_data = my_obj.export_train_data(export_train_path) print(f'Train shape: {train_data.shape}') except BaseException as e: print(e) return try: # Do the same thing for the test data. test_data = my_obj.export_inf_data(export_test_path, merged=False) print(f'Test labeled shape: {test_data[0].shape}') print(f'Test unlabeled shape: {test_data[1].shape}') print(f'Minimum cloud size: {test_data[0].shape[2] + test_data[1].shape[2]}') except BaseException as e: print(e) return def process_fbx_files(source_folder: Path): # Delete the existing folders and make them again, because the array4d_to_h5 function will append # # new data to any existing files. train_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) test_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) files = list(source_folder.glob('*.fbx')) # files = [Path('G:/Firestorm/mocap-ai/data/fbx/mes-1/HangoutSpot_1_003.fbx')] # # Create Paths to new files that will contain all data. # train_all = train_folder / 'ALL.h5' # test_all = test_folder / 'ALL.h5' with multiprocessing.Pool(1) as pool:, files) # print('--- FINAL ---') # # Just to be sure, print the shapes of the final results. # with utils.Timer('Loading training data took'): # print(f"Final train shape: {utils.h5_to_array4d(train_all).shape}") # # with utils.Timer('Loading testing data took'): # print(f"Final test shape: {utils.combined_test_h5_to_array4d(test_all).shape}") if __name__ == '__main__': with utils.Timer('Full execution took'): process_fbx_files(source)