import datetime import io from hydralit import HydraHeadApp import astropy.units as u import pandas as pd import streamlit as st from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord from sunpy.coordinates import frames from apps.extras.backmapping import * import hydralit_components as hc class SolarMach(HydraHeadApp): def __init__(self, title = '', **kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs) self.title = title def run(self): st.title('Solar-MACH') st.subheader('Source for this great app is from the Streamlit gallery [Solar-MACH]( An example of how easy it is to convert an existing application and use within a Hydralit multi-page application, see the secret saurce [here] (') st.markdown('

',unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown('## Multi-spacecraft longitudinal configuration plotter') # provide date and time with st.sidebar.container(): d = st.sidebar.date_input("Select date", = 2)) t = st.sidebar.time_input('Select time', datetime.time(1, 30)) date = datetime.datetime.combine(d, t).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # plotting settings with st.sidebar.container(): st.sidebar.subheader('Plot options:') plot_spirals = st.sidebar.checkbox('Parker spiral for each body', value=True) plot_sun_body_line = st.sidebar.checkbox('Straight line from Sun to body', value=True) show_earth_centered_coord = st.sidebar.checkbox('Add Earth-aligned coord. system', value=False) transparent = st.sidebar.checkbox('Transparent background', value=False) plot_reference = st.sidebar.checkbox('Plot reference (e.g. flare)', value=True) with st.sidebar.expander("Reference coordinates (e.g. flare)", expanded=plot_reference): reference_sys ='Coordinate system:', ['Carrington', 'Stonyhurst'], index=0) if reference_sys == 'Carrington': reference_long = st.slider('Longitude:', 0, 360, 20) reference_lat = st.slider('Latitude:', -90, 90, 0) if reference_sys == 'Stonyhurst': reference_long = st.slider('Longitude:', -180, 180, 20) reference_lat = st.slider('Latitude:', -90, 90, 0) # convert Stonyhurst coordinates to Carrington for further use: coord = SkyCoord(reference_long*u.deg, reference_lat*u.deg, frame=frames.HeliographicStonyhurst, obstime=date) coord = coord.transform_to(frames.HeliographicCarrington(observer='Sun')) reference_long = coord.lon.value reference_lat = import math reference_vsw = int(float(st.text_input('Solar wind speed for reference', 400))) if plot_reference is False: reference_long = None reference_lat = None st.sidebar.subheader('Choose bodies/spacecraft and measured solar wind speeds') with st.sidebar.container(): full_body_list = \ st.sidebar.text_area('Bodies/spacecraft (scroll down for example list)', 'STEREO A, Earth, BepiColombo, PSP, Solar Orbiter, Mars', height=50) vsw_list = \ st.sidebar.text_area('Solar wind speed per body/SC (mind the order!)', '400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400', height=50) body_list = full_body_list.split(',') vsw_list = vsw_list.split(',') body_list = [body_list[i].strip() for i in range(len(body_list))] wrong_vsw = False try: vsw_list = [int(vsw_list[i].strip()) for i in range(len(vsw_list))] except ValueError: wrong_vsw = True all_bodies = print_body_list() # ugly workaround to not show the index in the table: replace them with empty strings all_bodies.reset_index(inplace=True) all_bodies.index = [""] * len(all_bodies) st.sidebar.table(all_bodies['Key']) st.sidebar.markdown('[Complete list of available bodies](') if wrong_vsw: st.error('ERROR: There is something wrong in the solar wind speed list! Maybe some missing or wrong comma?') st.stop() if len(body_list) == len(vsw_list): # initialize the bodies c = HeliosphericConstellation(date, body_list, vsw_list, reference_long, reference_lat) # make the longitudinal constellation plot plot_file = 'Solar-MACH_'+datetime.datetime.combine(d, t).strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")+'.png' c.plot( plot_spirals=plot_spirals, # plot Parker spirals for each body plot_sun_body_line=plot_sun_body_line, # plot straight line between Sun and body show_earth_centered_coord=show_earth_centered_coord, # display Earth-aligned coordinate system reference_vsw=reference_vsw, # define solar wind speed at reference transparent = transparent, # outfile=plot_file # output file (optional) ) # download plot filename = 'Solar-MACH_'+datetime.datetime.combine(d, t).strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") plot2 = io.BytesIO() plt.savefig(plot2, format='png', bbox_inches="tight") # plot3 = base64.b64encode(plot2.getvalue()).decode("utf-8").replace("\n", "") # st.markdown(f'Download figure as .png file', unsafe_allow_html=True) download_button_str = self.download_button(plot2.getvalue(), filename+'.png', f'Download figure as .png file', pickle_it=False) #st.markdown(download_button_str, unsafe_allow_html=True) # display coordinates table df = c.coord_table df.index = df['Spacecraft/Body'] df = df.drop(columns=['Spacecraft/Body']) df = df.round(0) df = df.rename(columns= {"Spacecraft/Body": "Spacecraft / body", "Carrington Longitude (°)": "Carrington longitude", "Latitude (°)": "Carrington latitude", "Heliocentric Distance (AU)": "Heliocent. distance", "Longitudinal separation to Earth's longitude": "Longitud. separation to Earth longitude", "Latitudinal separation to Earth's latitude": "Latitud. separation to Earth latitude", "Vsw": "Solar wind speed", "Magnetic footpoint longitude (Carrington)": "Magnetic footpoint Carrington longitude", "Longitudinal separation between body and reference_long": "Longitud. separation bw. body & reference", "Longitudinal separation between body's mangetic footpoint and reference_long": "Longitud. separation bw. body's magnetic footpoint & reference", "Latitudinal separation between body and reference_lat": "Latitudinal separation bw. body & reference"}) st.table(df.T) # download coordinates # filename = 'Solar-MACH_'+datetime.datetime.combine(d, t).strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") # csv = c.coord_table.to_csv().encode() # b64 = base64.b64encode(csv).decode() # st.markdown(f'Download table as .csv file', unsafe_allow_html=True) download_button_str = self.download_button(c.coord_table, filename+'.csv', f'Download table as .csv file', pickle_it=False) #st.markdown(download_button_str, unsafe_allow_html=True) else: st.error(f"ERROR: Number of elements in the bodies/spacecraft list \ ({len(body_list)}) and solar wind speed list ({len(vsw_list)}) \ don't match! Please verify that for each body there is a solar \ wind speed provided!") # footer st.markdown("""---""") st.markdown('The *Solar MAgnetic Connection Haus* (Solar-MACH) tool is a \ multi-spacecraft longitudinal configuration plotter. It was \ originally developed at the University of Kiel, Germany, and further \ discussed within the [ESA Heliophysics Archives USer (HAUS)]\ ( \ group. It is now opened to everyone ([original code]\ (') st.markdown('[Forked and modified]( by \ [J. Gieseler]( (University of Turku, Finland). \ [**Get in contact**](') col1, col2 = st.columns((5,1)) col1.markdown("The development of the online tool has received funding from the \ European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme \ under grant agreement No 101004159 (SERPENTINE).") col2.markdown('[](', unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown('Powered by: \ []( \ []( \ [](', \ unsafe_allow_html=True)