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import json
import os
import librosa
import numpy as np
import torch
from tqdm import tqdm
from scipy.linalg import sqrtm
from metrics.pipelines import sample_pipeline, sample_pipeline_GAN
from metrics.pipelines_STFT import sample_pipeline_STFT, sample_pipeline_GAN_STFT
from tools import rms_normalize
def ASTaudio2feature(device, signal, processor, AST, sampling_rate):
# audio file is decoded on the fly
inputs = processor(signal, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, return_tensors="pt").to(device)
with torch.no_grad():
outputs = AST(**inputs)
last_hidden_states = outputs.last_hidden_state[:, 0, :].to("cpu").detach().numpy()
return last_hidden_states
# 计算两个numpy数组的均值和协方差矩阵
def calculate_statistics(features):
mu = np.mean(features, axis=0)
sigma = np.cov(features, rowvar=False)
return mu, sigma
# 计算FID
def calculate_fid(mu1, sigma1, mu2, sigma2, eps=1e-6):
# 在协方差矩阵对角线上添加一个小的正值
sigma1 += np.eye(sigma1.shape[0]) * eps
sigma2 += np.eye(sigma2.shape[0]) * eps
ssdiff = np.sum((mu1 - mu2) ** 2.0)
covmean = sqrtm(sigma1.dot(sigma2))
# 由于数值问题,有时可能会得到复数,只取实部
if np.iscomplexobj(covmean):
covmean = covmean.real
fid = ssdiff + np.trace(sigma1 + sigma2 - 2.0 * covmean)
return fid
# 计算FID
def calculate_fid_dict(dict1, dict2, eps=1e-6):
# 在协方差矩阵对角线上添加一个小的正值
mu1, sigma1 = dict1["mu"], dict1["sigma"]
mu2, sigma2 = dict2["mu"], dict2["sigma"]
sigma1 += np.eye(sigma1.shape[0]) * eps
sigma2 += np.eye(sigma2.shape[0]) * eps
ssdiff = np.sum((mu1 - mu2) ** 2.0)
covmean = sqrtm(sigma1.dot(sigma2))
# 由于数值问题,有时可能会得到复数,只取实部
if np.iscomplexobj(covmean):
covmean = covmean.real
fid = ssdiff + np.trace(sigma1 + sigma2 - 2.0 * covmean)
return fid
# Todo: AudioLDM
# def generate_features_with_AudioLDM_and_AST(device, processor, AST, AudioLDM_signals_directory_path, return_feature=False):
# diffuSynth_features = []
# # Step 1: Load all wav files in AudioLDM_signals_directory_path
# AudioLDM_signals = []
# signal_lengths = set()
# for file_name in os.listdir(AudioLDM_signals_directory_path):
# if file_name.endswith('.wav'):
# file_path = os.path.join(AudioLDM_signals_directory_path, file_name)
# signal, sr = librosa.load(file_path, sr=16000) # Load audio file with sampling rate 16000
# # Normalize
# AudioLDM_signals.append(rms_normalize(signal))
# signal_lengths.add(len(signal))
# # Step 2: Check if all signals have the same length
# if len(signal_lengths) != 1:
# raise ValueError("Not all signals have the same length. Please ensure all audio files are of the same length.")
# # Step 3: Reshape to signal_batches [number_batches, batch_size=8, signal_length]
# batch_size = 8
# signal_length = signal_lengths.pop() # All lengths are the same, get one of them
# # Create batches
# signal_batches = [AudioLDM_signals[i:i + batch_size] for i in range(0, len(AudioLDM_signals), batch_size)]
# for signal_batch in tqdm(signal_batches):
# features = ASTaudio2feature(device, signal_batch, processor, AST, sampling_rate=16000)
# diffuSynth_features.extend(features)
# if return_feature:
# return diffuSynth_features
# else:
# mu, sigma = calculate_statistics(diffuSynth_features)
# return {"mu": mu, "sigma": sigma}
def generate_features_with_AudioLDM_and_AST(device, processor, AST, AudioLDM_signals_directory_path, return_feature=False):
diffuSynth_features = []
# Step 1: Load all wav files in AudioLDM_signals_directory_path
AudioLDM_signals = []
signal_lengths = set()
target_length = 4 * 16000 # 4 seconds * 16000 samples per second
for file_name in os.listdir(AudioLDM_signals_directory_path):
if file_name.endswith('.wav') and not file_name.startswith('._'):
file_path = os.path.join(AudioLDM_signals_directory_path, file_name)
signal, sr = librosa.load(file_path, sr=16000) # Load audio file with sampling rate 16000
if len(signal) >= target_length:
signal = signal[:target_length] # Take only the first 4 seconds
raise ValueError(f"The file {file_name} is shorter than 4 seconds.")
# Normalize
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error loading {file_name}: {e}")
# Step 2: Check if all signals have the same length
if len(signal_lengths) != 1:
raise ValueError("Not all signals have the same length. Please ensure all audio files are of the same length.")
# Step 3: Reshape to signal_batches [number_batches, batch_size=8, signal_length]
batch_size = 8
signal_length = signal_lengths.pop() # All lengths are the same, get one of them
# Create batches
signal_batches = [AudioLDM_signals[i:i + batch_size] for i in range(0, len(AudioLDM_signals), batch_size)]
for signal_batch in tqdm(signal_batches):
features = ASTaudio2feature(device, signal_batch, processor, AST, sampling_rate=16000)
if return_feature:
return diffuSynth_features
mu, sigma = calculate_statistics(diffuSynth_features)
return {"mu": mu, "sigma": sigma}
def generate_features_with_diffuSynth_and_AST(device, uNet, VAE, mmm, CLAP_tokenizer, processor, AST, num_batches,
positive_prompts, negative_prompts="", CFG=1, sample_steps=10, task="spectrograms", return_feature=False):
diffuSynth_features = []
if task == "spectrograms":
pipe = sample_pipeline
elif task == "STFT":
pipe = sample_pipeline_STFT
raise NotImplementedError
for _ in tqdm(range(num_batches)):
quantized_latent_representations, reconstruction_batch, signals = pipe(device, uNet, VAE, mmm,
CFG=CFG, seed=None,
features = ASTaudio2feature(device, signals, processor, AST, sampling_rate=16000)
if return_feature:
return diffuSynth_features
mu, sigma = calculate_statistics(diffuSynth_features)
return {"mu": mu, "sigma": sigma}
def generate_features_with_GAN_and_AST(device, gan_generator, VAE, mmm, CLAP_tokenizer, processor, AST, num_batches,
positive_prompts, negative_prompts="", CFG=1, sample_steps=10, task="spectrograms", return_feature=False):
diffuSynth_features = []
if task == "spectrograms":
pipe = sample_pipeline_GAN
elif task == "STFT":
pipe = sample_pipeline_GAN_STFT
raise NotImplementedError
for _ in tqdm(range(num_batches)):
quantized_latent_representations, reconstruction_batch, signals = pipe(device, gan_generator, VAE, mmm,
CFG=CFG, seed=None,
features = ASTaudio2feature(device, signals, processor, AST, sampling_rate=16000)
if return_feature:
return diffuSynth_features
mu, sigma = calculate_statistics(diffuSynth_features)
return {"mu": mu, "sigma": sigma}
def get_FD(train_features, device, uNet, VAE, mmm, CLAP_tokenizer, processor, AST, num_batches, positive_prompts,
negative_prompts="", CFG=1, sample_steps=10):
diffuSynth_features = generate_features_with_diffuSynth_and_AST(device, uNet, VAE, mmm, CLAP_tokenizer, processor,
AST, num_batches, positive_prompts,
negative_prompts=negative_prompts, CFG=CFG,
mu_real, sigma_real = calculate_statistics(train_features)
mu_gen, sigma_gen = calculate_statistics(diffuSynth_features)
fid_score = calculate_fid(mu_real, sigma_real, mu_gen, sigma_gen)
print('FID score:', fid_score)
def get_fid_score(feature1, features2):
mu_real, sigma_real = calculate_statistics(feature1)
mu_gen, sigma_gen = calculate_statistics(features2)
fid_score = calculate_fid(mu_real, sigma_real, mu_gen, sigma_gen)
# print('FID score:', fid_score)
return fid_score
def calculate_fid_matrix(features_list_1, features_list_2, get_fid_score):
# 初始化一个矩阵来存储FID分数
# 矩阵的大小为 len(features_list_1) x len(features_list_2)
fid_scores = [[0 for _ in range(len(features_list_2))] for _ in range(len(features_list_1))]
# 遍历两个列表,并计算每一对特征集合的FID分数
for i, feature1 in enumerate(features_list_1):
for j, feature2 in enumerate(features_list_2):
fid_scores[i][j] = get_fid_score(feature1, feature2)
return fid_scores
def save_AST_feature(key, mu, sigma, path='results/AST_metric/pre_calculated_features/AST_features.json'):
# 尝试打开并读取现有的JSON文件
with open(path, 'r') as file:
data = json.load(file)
except FileNotFoundError:
# 如果文件不存在,创建一个新的字典
data = {}
if isinstance(mu, np.ndarray):
mu = mu.tolist()
if isinstance(sigma, np.ndarray):
sigma = sigma.tolist()
# 添加新数据
data[key] = {"mu": mu, "sigma": sigma}
# 将更新后的数据写回文件
with open(path, 'w') as file:
json.dump(data, file, indent=4)
def read_AST_features(path='results/AST_metric/pre_calculated_features/AST_features.json'):
# 尝试打开并读取JSON文件
with open(path, 'r') as file:
AST_features = json.load(file)
for AST_feature_name in AST_features.keys():
AST_features[AST_feature_name]["mu"] = np.array(AST_features[AST_feature_name]["mu"])
AST_features[AST_feature_name]["sigma"] = np.array(AST_features[AST_feature_name]["sigma"])
return AST_features
except FileNotFoundError:
# 如果文件不存在,返回一个空字典
print(f"文件 {path} 未找到.")
return {}
except json.JSONDecodeError:
# 如果文件不是有效的JSON,返回一个空字典
print(f"文件 {path} 不是有效的JSON格式.")
return {}