ReasonGraph /
ZongqianLi's picture
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from flask import Flask, render_template, request, jsonify
from api_base import create_api # New import for API factory
from plain_text_reasoning import (
create_mermaid_diagram as create_plain_diagram,
from cot_reasoning import (
create_mermaid_diagram as create_cot_diagram,
from tot_reasoning import (
create_mermaid_diagram as create_tot_diagram,
from l2m_reasoning import (
create_mermaid_diagram as create_l2m_diagram,
from selfconsistency_reasoning import (
create_mermaid_diagram as create_scr_diagram,
from selfrefine_reasoning import (
create_mermaid_diagram as create_srf_diagram,
from bs_reasoning import (
create_mermaid_diagram as create_bs_diagram,
from configs import config
import logging
# Configure logging
format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Initialize Flask app
app = Flask(__name__)
def index():
"""Render the main page"""
return render_template('index.html')
def index_direct():
"""Directly render the main page when accessed via index.html"""
return render_template('index.html')
def index_cn():
"""Render the Chinese version of the main page"""
return render_template('index_cn.html')
def get_config():
"""Get initial configuration"""
return jsonify(config.get_initial_values())
def get_method_config(method_id):
"""Get configuration for specific method"""
method_config = config.get_method_config(method_id)
if method_config:
return jsonify(method_config)
return jsonify({"error": "Method not found"}), 404
def get_provider_api_key(provider):
"""Get default API key for specific provider"""
api_key = config.general.get_default_api_key(provider)
return jsonify({
'success': True,
'api_key': api_key
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error getting API key for provider {provider}: {str(e)}")
return jsonify({
'success': False,
'error': str(e)
}), 500
@app.route('/save-api-key', methods=['POST'])
def save_api_key():
"""Save API key for a provider in memory only (no file storage)"""
data = request.json
if not data:
return jsonify({
'success': False,
'error': 'No data provided'
}), 400
provider = data.get('provider')
api_key = data.get('api_key')
if not provider or not api_key:
return jsonify({
'success': False,
'error': 'Provider and API key are required'
}), 400
# Update API key in config (this updates the in-memory API keys only)
config.general.provider_api_keys[provider] = api_key"Saved API key for provider: {provider} (in memory only)")
return jsonify({
'success': True
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error saving API key: {str(e)}")
return jsonify({
'success': False,
'error': str(e)
}), 500
@app.route('/select-method', methods=['POST'])
def select_method():
"""Let the model select the most appropriate reasoning method"""
data = request.json
if not data:
return jsonify({'success': False, 'error': 'No data provided'}), 400
# Extract parameters
api_key = data.get('api_key')
provider = data.get('provider', 'anthropic')
model = data.get('model')
question = data.get('question')
if not all([api_key, model, question]):
return jsonify({'success': False, 'error': 'Missing required parameters'}), 400
# Create the selection prompt
methods = config.methods
prompt = f"""Given this question: "{question}"
Please select the most appropriate reasoning method from the following options to solve it:
{chr(10).join(f'- {method_id}: {}' for method_id, config in methods.items())}
Consider the characteristics of each method and the nature of the question.
Output your selection in exactly this format:
where method_id is strictly one of: {', '.join(methods.keys())}.
Do not use the method or words that are not in {', '.join(methods.keys())}."""
# Get model's selection
api = create_api(provider, api_key, model)
response = api.generate_response(prompt, max_tokens=100)
# Extract method ID using basic string parsing
import re
match ='<selected_method>(\w+)</selected_method>', response)
if match and in methods:
selected_method =
return jsonify({
'success': True,
'selected_method': selected_method,
'raw_response': response
return jsonify({
'success': False,
'error': 'Invalid method selection in response'
}), 400
except Exception as e:
return jsonify({
'success': False,
'error': f'API call failed: {str(e)}'
}), 500
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Error in method selection: {str(e)}")
return jsonify({
'success': False,
'error': str(e)
}), 500
@app.route('/process', methods=['POST'])
def process():
"""Process the reasoning request"""
# Get request data
data = request.json
if not data:
return jsonify({
'success': False,
'error': 'No data provided'
}), 400
# Extract parameters
api_key = data.get('api_key')
if not api_key:
return jsonify({
'success': False,
'error': 'API key is required'
}), 400
question = data.get('question')
if not question:
return jsonify({
'success': False,
'error': 'Question is required'
}), 400
# Get optional parameters with defaults
provider = data.get('provider', 'anthropic') # New parameter for provider
model = data.get('model', config.general.available_models[0])
max_tokens = int(data.get('max_tokens', config.general.max_tokens))
prompt_format = data.get('prompt_format')
chars_per_line = int(data.get('chars_per_line', config.general.chars_per_line))
max_lines = int(data.get('max_lines', config.general.max_lines))
reasoning_method = data.get('reasoning_method', 'cot')
# Initialize API with factory function
api = create_api(provider, api_key, model)
except Exception as e:
return jsonify({
'success': False,
'error': f'Failed to initialize API: {str(e)}'
}), 400
# Get model response"Generating response for question using {provider} {model}")
raw_response = api.generate_response(
except Exception as e:
return jsonify({
'success': False,
'error': f'API call failed: {str(e)}'
}), 500
# Create visualization config
viz_config = VisualizationConfig(
# Generate visualization based on reasoning method
visualization = None
if reasoning_method == 'cot':
result = parse_cot_response(raw_response, question)
visualization = create_cot_diagram(result, viz_config)
elif reasoning_method == 'tot':
result = parse_tot_response(raw_response, question)
visualization = create_tot_diagram(result, viz_config)
elif reasoning_method == 'l2m':
result = parse_l2m_response(raw_response, question)
visualization = create_l2m_diagram(result, viz_config)
elif reasoning_method == 'scr':
result = parse_scr_response(raw_response, question)
visualization = create_scr_diagram(result, viz_config)
elif reasoning_method == 'srf':
result = parse_selfrefine_response(raw_response, question)
visualization = create_srf_diagram(result, viz_config)
elif reasoning_method == 'bs':
result = parse_bs_response(raw_response, question)
visualization = create_bs_diagram(result, viz_config)
elif reasoning_method == 'plain':
parse_plain_text_response(raw_response, question)
visualization = None"Successfully generated visualization")
except Exception as viz_error:
logger.error(f"Visualization generation failed: {str(viz_error)}")
# Continue without visualization
# Return successful response
return jsonify({
'success': True,
'raw_output': raw_response,
'visualization': visualization
except Exception as e:
# Log the error and return error response
logger.error(f"Error processing request: {str(e)}")
return jsonify({
'success': False,
'error': str(e)
}), 500
def not_found_error(error):
"""Handle 404 errors"""
return jsonify({
'success': False,
'error': 'Resource not found'
}), 404
def internal_error(error):
"""Handle 500 errors"""
return jsonify({
'success': False,
'error': 'Internal server error'
}), 500
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Run the application
debug=False # Disable debug mode in production
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Failed to start application: {str(e)}")