ReasonGraph /
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import re
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Optional
import textwrap
class L2MStep:
"""Data class representing a single L2M step"""
number: int
question: str # The sub-question for this step
reasoning: str # The reasoning process
answer: str # The answer to this sub-question
class L2MResponse:
"""Data class representing a complete L2M response"""
main_question: str
steps: List[L2MStep]
final_answer: Optional[str] = None
def parse_l2m_response(response_text: str, question: str) -> L2MResponse:
Parse L2M response text to extract steps and final answer.
response_text: The raw response from the API
question: The original question
L2MResponse object containing main question, steps, and final answer
# Extract all steps
step_pattern = r'<step number="(\d+)">\s*<question>(.*?)</question>\s*<reasoning>(.*?)</reasoning>\s*<answer>(.*?)</answer>\s*</step>'
steps = []
for match in re.finditer(step_pattern, response_text, re.DOTALL):
number = int(
sub_question =
reasoning =
answer =
# Extract final answer
final_answer_pattern = r'<final_answer>\s*(.*?)\s*</final_answer>'
final_answer_match =, response_text, re.DOTALL)
final_answer = if final_answer_match else None
# Sort steps by number
steps.sort(key=lambda x: x.number)
return L2MResponse(main_question=question, steps=steps, final_answer=final_answer)
def wrap_text(text: str, max_chars: int = 40, max_lines: int = 4) -> str:
"""Wrap text to fit within box constraints with proper line breaks."""
text = text.replace('\n', ' ').replace('"', "'")
wrapped_lines = textwrap.wrap(text, width=max_chars)
if len(wrapped_lines) > max_lines:
wrapped_lines = wrapped_lines[:max_lines]
wrapped_lines[-1] = wrapped_lines[-1][:max_chars-3] + "..."
return "<br>".join(wrapped_lines)
def create_mermaid_diagram(l2m_response: L2MResponse, config: 'VisualizationConfig') -> str:
Convert L2M steps to Mermaid diagram.
l2m_response: L2MResponse object containing the reasoning steps
config: VisualizationConfig for text formatting
Mermaid diagram markup as a string
diagram = ['<div class="mermaid">', 'graph TD']
# Add main question node
question_content = wrap_text(l2m_response.main_question, config.max_chars_per_line, config.max_lines)
diagram.append(f' Q["{question_content}"]')
# Add decomposition node
diagram.append(f' D["Problem Decomposition"]')
diagram.append(f' Q --> D')
# Add all step nodes with sub-questions, reasoning, and answers
if l2m_response.steps:
# Connect decomposition to first step
diagram.append(f' D --> S{l2m_response.steps[0].number}')
for i, step in enumerate(l2m_response.steps):
# Create sub-question node
sq_content = wrap_text(f"Q{step.number}: {step.question}", config.max_chars_per_line, config.max_lines)
sq_id = f'S{step.number}'
diagram.append(f' {sq_id}["{sq_content}"]')
# Create reasoning node
r_content = wrap_text(step.reasoning, config.max_chars_per_line, config.max_lines)
r_id = f'R{step.number}'
diagram.append(f' {r_id}["{r_content}"]')
# Create answer node
a_content = wrap_text(f"A{step.number}: {step.answer}", config.max_chars_per_line, config.max_lines)
a_id = f'A{step.number}'
diagram.append(f' {a_id}["{a_content}"]')
# Connect the nodes
diagram.append(f' {sq_id} --> {r_id}')
diagram.append(f' {r_id} --> {a_id}')
# Connect to next step if exists
if i < len(l2m_response.steps) - 1:
next_id = f'S{l2m_response.steps[i + 1].number}'
diagram.append(f' {a_id} --> {next_id}')
# Add final answer node if exists
if l2m_response.final_answer:
final_content = wrap_text(f"Final: {l2m_response.final_answer}", config.max_chars_per_line, config.max_lines)
diagram.append(f' F["{final_content}"]')
if l2m_response.steps:
diagram.append(f' A{l2m_response.steps[-1].number} --> F')
diagram.append(' D --> F')
# Add styles
' classDef default fill:#f9f9f9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;',
' classDef question fill:#e3f2fd,stroke:#1976d2,stroke-width:2px;',
' classDef reasoning fill:#f9f9f9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;',
' classDef answer fill:#d4edda,stroke:#28a745,stroke-width:2px;',
' classDef decomp fill:#f3e5f5,stroke:#7b1fa2,stroke-width:2px;',
' class Q,S1,S2,S3,S4,S5 question;',
' class R1,R2,R3,R4,R5 reasoning;',
' class A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,F answer;',
' class D decomp;',
' linkStyle default stroke:#666,stroke-width:2px;'
return '\n'.join(diagram)