ReasonGraph / templates /index.html
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background-position: right 10px center;
textarea.param-input {
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max-height: 1000px;
border: 1px solid #e5e7eb;
border-radius: 4px;
padding: 15px;
resize: vertical;
background-color: #f8f9fa;
#raw-output {
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cursor: pointer;
font-size: 14px;
color: #374151;
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font-size: 14px;
color: #374151;
min-width: 50px;
text-align: center;
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transition: transform 0.2s ease;
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justify-content: flex-start; /* Changed from 'center' */
.visualization-wrapper {
overflow: auto;
height: 370px;
min-height: 100px;
max-height: 1000px;
border: 1px solid #e5e7eb;
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padding: 0;
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.chinese-tooltip .tooltiptext {
left: 50%;
.mermaid {
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border-radius: 4px;
.has-visualization .placeholder-visualization {
display: none;
<div class="banner">
<div class="banner-content">
<div class="search-area">
<div class="search-input-container">
<textarea id="question" class="search-input" placeholder="Enter your question here..." rows="1"></textarea>
<div class="error-message" id="question-error">Please enter a question</div>
<div class="search-buttons">
<select class="param-input" id="reasoning-method">
<!-- Populated dynamically -->
<button onclick="metaReasoning()" id="meta-btn" class="tooltip">Meta Reasoning
<span class="tooltiptext">Use reasoning method self-selected by the model</span>
<button onclick="processQuestion()" id="process-btn" class="tooltip">Start Reasoning
<span class="tooltiptext">Normal reasoning by selected method and model</span>
<button onclick="longReasoning()" id="long-btn" class="tooltip">Long Reasoning
<span class="tooltiptext">Only supported by deepseek-reasoner and qwq-plus models; Please insert Claude's API key for long reasoning visualization</span>
<div class="links">
<a href=""><u>Github</u> |&nbsp</a><a href=""><u>Paper</u> |&nbsp</a><a href="mailto:[email protected]"><u>Email</u></a>
<span class="link-separator"> |&nbsp|&nbsp</span><a href="./index.html" class="tooltip tooltip-top lang-tooltip english-tooltip"><u>English</u> /&nbsp
<span class="tooltiptext">Switch to English version; To get responses in other languages, ask in that language and say "please answer in this language"</span>
</a><a href="./index_cn.html" class="tooltip tooltip-top lang-tooltip chinese-tooltip"><u>中文</u>
<span class="tooltiptext">切换到中文版;如果想使模型输出中文,只需用中文提问,同时输入"请使用中文回答"</span>
<div class="container">
<div class="column">
<h2>Reasoning Settings</h2>
<div class="param-group">
<div class="param-label">API Provider</div>
<select class="param-input" id="api-provider" onchange="handleProviderChange(this.value)">
<!-- Populated dynamically -->
<div class="param-group">
<div class="param-label">Model</div>
<select class="param-input" id="model">
<!-- Populated dynamically -->
<div class="param-group">
<div class="param-label">Max Tokens</div>
<input type="number" class="param-input" id="max-tokens">
<div class="param-group">
<div class="param-label">API Key</div>
<input type="password" class="param-input" id="api-key">
<div class="error-message" id="api-key-error">Please enter a valid API key</div>
<div class="param-group">
<div class="param-label">Custom Prompt Format</div>
<textarea class="param-input" id="prompt-format" rows="6"></textarea>
<div class="output-section">
<h3>Raw Model Output</h3>
<div class="output-wrapper">
<pre id="raw-output">Output will appear here...</pre>
<div class="column">
<h2>Visualization Settings</h2>
<div class="param-group">
<div class="param-label">Characters Per Line</div>
<input type="number" class="param-input" id="chars-per-line">
<div class="param-group">
<div class="param-label">Maximum Lines</div>
<input type="number" class="param-input" id="max-lines">
<div class="output-section">
<h3>Visualization Results</h3>
<div class="zoom-controls">
<button class="zoom-button" onclick="adjustZoom(-0.1)">-</button>
<div class="zoom-level" id="zoom-level">100%</div>
<button class="zoom-button" onclick="adjustZoom(0.1)">+</button>
<button class="zoom-button" onclick="resetZoom()">Reset</button>
<button class="zoom-button" onclick="downloadDiagram()">Download Flow Chart</button>
<button class="zoom-button" onclick="downloadMermaidCode()">Download Code</button>
<div class="visualization-wrapper">
<div id="mermaid-container">
<div id="mermaid-diagram"></div>
// Initialize Mermaid
startOnLoad: true,
theme: 'default',
securityLevel: 'loose',
flowchart: {
curve: 'basis',
padding: 15
// Store current configuration
let currentConfig = null;
// Zoom control variables
let currentZoom = 1;
const MIN_ZOOM = 0.1;
const MAX_ZOOM = 5;
// Initialize zoom lock flag
window.isZoomLocked = false;
// Save raw output for long reasoning
let currentRawOutput = "";
// Store user-entered API keys
let userApiKeys = {};
function updateButtonTextPreserveTooltip(button, text) {
for (let i = 0; i < button.childNodes.length; i++) {
if (button.childNodes[i].nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
button.childNodes[i].nodeValue = text;
// Handle API Provider change
async function handleProviderChange(provider) {
try {
// Update model list
// Check if we have a user-entered API key for this provider
if (userApiKeys[provider]) {
document.getElementById('api-key').value = userApiKeys[provider];
} else {
// Get the default API key only if user hasn't entered one
const response = await fetch(`/provider-api-key/${provider}`);
const result = await response.json();
if (result.success) {
document.getElementById('api-key').value = result.api_key;
} else {
console.error('Failed to get API key:', result.error);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error updating provider settings:', error);
// Load initial configuration
async function loadConfig() {
try {
const response = await fetch('/config');
currentConfig = await response.json();
// Populate API providers
const providerSelect = document.getElementById('api-provider');
currentConfig.general.providers.forEach(provider => {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = provider;
option.textContent = provider.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + provider.slice(1);
// Populate reasoning methods
const methodSelect = document.getElementById('reasoning-method');
Object.entries(currentConfig.methods).forEach(([id, methodConfig]) => {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = id;
option.textContent =;
// Initial provider setup
await handleProviderChange(currentConfig.general.providers[0]);
// Set other initial values
document.getElementById('max-tokens').value = currentConfig.general.max_tokens;
document.getElementById('chars-per-line').value = currentConfig.general.visualization.chars_per_line;
document.getElementById('max-lines').value = currentConfig.general.visualization.max_lines;
// Set initial prompt format and example question
const defaultMethod = methodSelect.value;
const methodConfig = currentConfig.methods[defaultMethod];
// Add event listener for API key changes
document.getElementById('api-key').addEventListener('change', function() {
const provider = document.getElementById('api-provider').value;
const apiKey = this.value.trim();
if (apiKey) {
// Save in local memory
userApiKeys[provider] = apiKey;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to load configuration:', error);
showError('Failed to load configuration. Please refresh the page.');
// Update model list based on selected provider
function updateModelList() {
const provider = document.getElementById('api-provider').value;
const modelSelect = document.getElementById('model');
modelSelect.innerHTML = ''; // Clear current options
const models = currentConfig.general.available_models;
const providers = currentConfig.general.model_providers;
models.forEach(model => {
if (providers[model] === provider) {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = model;
option.textContent = model;
// Update prompt format when method changes
document.getElementById('reasoning-method').addEventListener('change', async (event) => {
try {
const response = await fetch(`/method-config/${}`);
const methodConfig = await response.json();
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to load method configuration:', error);
showError('Failed to update method configuration.');
function updatePromptFormat(format) {
document.getElementById('prompt-format').value = format;
function updateExampleQuestion(question) {
document.getElementById('question').value = question;
function adjustZoom(delta) {
// Do nothing if zooming is locked
if (window.isZoomLocked) return;
const newZoom = Math.min(Math.max(currentZoom + delta, MIN_ZOOM), MAX_ZOOM);
if (newZoom !== currentZoom) {
currentZoom = newZoom;
function resetZoom() {
// Do nothing if zooming is locked
if (window.isZoomLocked) return;
currentZoom = 1;
function applyZoom() {
const container = document.getElementById('mermaid-container'); = `scale(${currentZoom})`;
// Update zoom level display
const percentage = Math.round(currentZoom * 100);
document.getElementById('zoom-level').textContent = `${percentage}%`;
function lockVisualization() {
window.isZoomLocked = true;
const zoomButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.zoom-button');
zoomButtons.forEach(button => button.disabled = true);
document.querySelector('.visualization-wrapper').style.pointerEvents = 'none';
function unlockVisualization() {
window.isZoomLocked = false;
const zoomButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.zoom-button');
zoomButtons.forEach(button => button.disabled = false);
document.querySelector('.visualization-wrapper').style.pointerEvents = 'auto';
async function downloadDiagram() {
// Do nothing if zooming is locked
if (window.isZoomLocked) return;
const diagramContainer = document.getElementById('mermaid-diagram');
if (!diagramContainer || !diagramContainer.querySelector('svg')) {
alert('No diagram available to download');
try {
// Get the SVG element
const svg = diagramContainer.querySelector('svg');
// Create a copy of the SVG to modify
const svgCopy = svg.cloneNode(true);
// Ensure the SVG has proper dimensions
const bbox = svg.getBBox();
svgCopy.setAttribute('width', bbox.width);
svgCopy.setAttribute('height', bbox.height);
svgCopy.setAttribute('viewBox', `${bbox.x} ${bbox.y} ${bbox.width} ${bbox.height}`);
// Convert SVG to string
const serializer = new XMLSerializer();
const svgString = serializer.serializeToString(svgCopy);
// Create blob and download link
const blob = new Blob([svgString], {type: 'image/svg+xml'});
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
// Create temporary link and trigger download
const link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = url; = 'reasoning_diagram.svg';
// Cleanup
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error downloading diagram:', error);
alert('Failed to download diagram');
// Function to download the Mermaid code
async function downloadMermaidCode() {
// Do nothing if zooming is locked
if (window.isZoomLocked) return;
try {
// First, check if we have stored code from the last visualization
let mermaidCode = lastMermaidCode;
// If no stored code, try to extract it
if (!mermaidCode) {
const diagramContainer = document.getElementById('mermaid-diagram');
if (!diagramContainer) {
alert('No diagram available to download code');
// Try to find the mermaid element with the code
const mermaidElement = diagramContainer.querySelector('.mermaid');
if (mermaidElement) {
// Get the text content which contains the Mermaid code
mermaidCode = mermaidElement.getAttribute('data-processed') === 'true'
? mermaidElement.dataset.graph
: mermaidElement.textContent;
// Fallback: If we can't get the code directly, try to extract from raw output
if (!mermaidCode && currentRawOutput) {
mermaidCode = extractMermaidCode(currentRawOutput);
if (!mermaidCode) {
// Another fallback: try to extract from svg data
const svg = diagramContainer.querySelector('svg');
if (svg) {
const svgData = svg.outerHTML;
// Look for mermaid data embedded in the SVG
const match = svgData.match(/data-mermaid="(.*?)"/);
if (match && match[1]) {
mermaidCode = decodeURIComponent(match[1]);
if (!mermaidCode) {
// If we still don't have the code, try to generate a basic flowchart from the SVG
const diagramContainer = document.getElementById('mermaid-diagram');
const svg = diagramContainer && diagramContainer.querySelector('svg');
if (svg) {
// Try to reconstruct Mermaid code from SVG elements
mermaidCode = "flowchart TD\n";
mermaidCode += " A[\"This is an auto-generated approximation of the flowchart.\"]\n";
mermaidCode += " B[\"The original Mermaid code could not be extracted.\"]\n";
mermaidCode += " A --> B\n";
mermaidCode += " classDef default fill:#f9f9f9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;";
} else {
alert('Unable to extract or generate Mermaid code');
// Create blob and download link
const blob = new Blob([mermaidCode], {type: 'text/plain'});
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
// Create temporary link and trigger download
const link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = url; = 'reasoning_diagram_code.txt';
// Cleanup
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error downloading Mermaid code:', error);
alert('Failed to download Mermaid code: ' + error.message);
function validateInputs() {
const apiKey = document.getElementById('api-key').value.trim();
const question = document.getElementById('question').value.trim();
let isValid = true;
// Validate API Key
if (!apiKey) {
document.getElementById('api-key-error').style.display = 'block';
isValid = false;
} else {
document.getElementById('api-key-error').style.display = 'none';
// Validate Question
if (!question) {
document.getElementById('question-error').style.display = 'block';
isValid = false;
} else {
document.getElementById('question-error').style.display = 'none';
return isValid;
function showError(message) {
const rawOutput = document.getElementById('raw-output');
rawOutput.textContent = `Error: ${message}`; = '#dc2626';
// Process question
async function processQuestion(isMetaReasoning = false) {
if (!validateInputs()) {
// Reset Zoom before processing question
const processButton = document.getElementById('process-btn');
const metaButton = document.getElementById('meta-btn');
const longButton = document.getElementById('long-btn');
const rawOutput = document.getElementById('raw-output');
processButton.disabled = true;
metaButton.disabled = true;
longButton.disabled = true;
updateButtonTextPreserveTooltip(processButton, 'Processing...');
rawOutput.textContent = 'Loading...'; = '#1f2937';
// Lock visualization
const data = {
provider: document.getElementById('api-provider').value,
api_key: document.getElementById('api-key').value,
model: document.getElementById('model').value,
max_tokens: parseInt(document.getElementById('max-tokens').value),
question: document.getElementById('question').value,
prompt_format: document.getElementById('prompt-format').value,
reasoning_method: document.getElementById('reasoning-method').value,
chars_per_line: parseInt(document.getElementById('chars-per-line').value),
max_lines: parseInt(document.getElementById('max-lines').value)
try {
const response = await fetch('/process', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(data)
const result = await response.json();
if (result.success) {
rawOutput.textContent = result.raw_output; = '#1f2937';
// Save the raw output for potential long reasoning
currentRawOutput = result.raw_output;
if (result.visualization) {
// Store the raw visualization code before rendering
if (result.visualization.includes('class="mermaid"')) {
const codeMatch = result.visualization.match(/<div class="mermaid">([\s\S]*?)<\/div>/);
if (codeMatch && codeMatch[1]) {
lastMermaidCode = codeMatch[1].trim();
const container = document.getElementById('mermaid-diagram');
container.innerHTML = result.visualization;
} else {
showError(result.error || 'Unknown error occurred');
} catch (error) {
showError('Failed to process request: ' + error.message);
} finally {
// Unlock visualization
processButton.disabled = false;
metaButton.disabled = false;
longButton.disabled = false;
updateButtonTextPreserveTooltip(processButton, 'Start Reasoning');
if (isMetaReasoning) {
updateButtonTextPreserveTooltip(metaButton, 'Meta Reasoning');
// Long Reasoning function
async function longReasoning() {
if (!validateInputs()) {
// Disable all buttons during processing
const processButton = document.getElementById('process-btn');
const metaButton = document.getElementById('meta-btn');
const longButton = document.getElementById('long-btn');
const rawOutput = document.getElementById('raw-output');
processButton.disabled = true;
metaButton.disabled = true;
longButton.disabled = true;
updateButtonTextPreserveTooltip(longButton, 'Processing...');
rawOutput.textContent = 'Switching to Plain Text mode and generating initial response...'; = '#1f2937';
// Lock visualization
try {
// 1. Switch to Plain Text reasoning method
const methodSelect = document.getElementById('reasoning-method');
const originalMethod = methodSelect.value; // Save original method
methodSelect.value = 'plain';
// Get and update the prompt format for Plain Text
const methodResponse = await fetch('/method-config/plain');
const methodConfig = await methodResponse.json();
if (methodConfig) {
// 2. Process with Plain Text to get initial output
const data = {
provider: document.getElementById('api-provider').value,
api_key: document.getElementById('api-key').value,
model: document.getElementById('model').value,
max_tokens: parseInt(document.getElementById('max-tokens').value),
question: document.getElementById('question').value,
prompt_format: document.getElementById('prompt-format').value,
reasoning_method: 'plain',
chars_per_line: parseInt(document.getElementById('chars-per-line').value),
max_lines: parseInt(document.getElementById('max-lines').value)
rawOutput.textContent = 'Generating initial output...';
// Call the process endpoint
const response = await fetch('/process', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(data)
const result = await response.json();
if (result.success) {
// Save the raw output for long reasoning
currentRawOutput = result.raw_output;
// Display the plain text output in the Raw Output area
rawOutput.textContent = result.raw_output; = '#1f2937';
// Reset Zoom and visualization at the beginning - force zoom to 100%
currentZoom = 1; // Force zoom level to 100%
applyZoom(); // Apply the zoom reset
const container = document.getElementById('mermaid-diagram');
container.innerHTML = '';
document.getElementById('zoom-level').textContent = '100%';
// 3. Now proceed with the long reasoning process using Anthropic
const question = document.getElementById('question').value;
// Prepare the long reasoning prompt
const longReasoningPrompt = `Please transform the following original reasoning process into a structured flowchart:
0. Create a visually balanced and aesthetically pleasing diagram
1. Structure each node as: [Step Name]: [Concise Summary of Reasoning]
- Keep node text simple and enclose in double quotes inside brackets like: A["Step Name: Reasoning"]
- Example: A["Problem Framing: Define the question"]
2. Support multiple reasoning structures:
- Linear reasoning: Sequential steps leading directly to a conclusion
- Tree reasoning: Branching paths exploring multiple possibilities
- Reflective reasoning: Loops that revisit and refine earlier conclusions
- Not limited to the structures above
3. Flowchart syntax guidance:
- Start with: flowchart TD
- Node definition: letter["text content"]
- Connection definition: A --> B
- Conditional branch: A -->|condition| B
4. When analyzing the reasoning:
- Preserve the logical structure of the original reasoning
- Identify implicit steps that connect explicit reasoning
- Highlight areas where reflection led to revised conclusions
- Maintain proper causal relationships between nodes
- When showing alternative methods or different solution attempts, use a tree-like structure with branches to clearly visualize parallel thinking paths
5. Include these specific style classes in your Mermaid flowchart:
- classDef default fill:#f9f9f9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
- classDef question fill:#e3f2fd,stroke:#1976d2,stroke-width:2px;
- classDef answer fill:#d4edda,stroke:#28a745,stroke-width:2px;
- classDef refinement fill:#fff3cd,stroke:#ffc107,stroke-width:2px;
- classDef aha fill:#ffcccb,stroke:#d9534f,stroke-width:2px;
6. Apply styling to specific node types:
- The first node (starting point) should use class "question"
- The final conclusion/answer node and any significant intermediate results should use class "answer"
- Any sub-questions or question refinements should also use class "question"
- Nodes that involve refinement, reflection, revision, or error correction should use class "refinement". Ensure each refinement node has both incoming arrows from preceding steps and outgoing arrows to subsequent steps, maintaining the full flow of the reasoning process while also creating proper feedback loops.
- Nodes that represent key insights, breakthrough moments, or "aha moments" should use class "aha"
7. Important:
- When applying class styles to nodes, do NOT use the ":::" syntax. Instead, define classes separately with classDef statements and then apply them using "class NodeName ClassName" syntax. For example, use "class A question" rather than "A:::question".
- Ensure all nodes are connected in a single unified flowchart. There should be no disconnected components or floating nodes. Every node must have at least one connection to another node in the diagram.
- Use special node styles (refinement and aha) sparingly and only when truly justified by the content. A node should only be classified as "refinement" if it explicitly revises a previous conclusion, and as "aha" only for genuine breakthrough moments that fundamentally change the direction of reasoning.
- Try to capture all significant steps from the original text. Do not oversimplify or omit important reasoning steps even if the input is lengthy.
- Do not use Python-style comments in the Mermaid code.
Please visualize the thinking steps from the original reasoning process as a proper Mermaid flowchart.`;
// Use Anthropic for the flowchart generation
// Get the appropriate API key for Anthropic
let anthropicApiKey = userApiKeys["anthropic"];
if (!anthropicApiKey) {
// If no user-entered key exists for Anthropic, try to get the default
try {
const keyResponse = await fetch('/provider-api-key/anthropic');
const keyResult = await keyResponse.json();
if (keyResult.success) {
anthropicApiKey = keyResult.api_key;
} else {
throw new Error('No API key available for Anthropic');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching Anthropic API key:', error);
alert('Unable to get Anthropic API key for flowchart generation');
const longData = {
provider: "anthropic",
api_key: anthropicApiKey,
model: "claude-3-7-sonnet-20250219", // Use Claude for visualization
max_tokens: parseInt(document.getElementById('max-tokens').value),
question: longReasoningPrompt,
prompt_format: "",
reasoning_method: "cot",
chars_per_line: parseInt(document.getElementById('chars-per-line').value),
max_lines: parseInt(document.getElementById('max-lines').value)
// Keep showing the plain text result while generating the flowchart
// Don't update rawOutput.textContent here
const longResponse = await fetch('/process', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(longData)
const longResult = await longResponse.json();
if (longResult.success) {
// Keep displaying the original plain text output
// We don't overwrite rawOutput.textContent here to preserve the plain text output
// Extract Mermaid diagram code from the response
const mermaidCode = extractMermaidCode(longResult.raw_output);
if (mermaidCode) {
// Store the code before rendering
lastMermaidCode = mermaidCode;
// Render the Mermaid diagram
const container = document.getElementById('mermaid-diagram');
container.innerHTML = '<div class="mermaid">' + mermaidCode + '</div>';
// Initialize Mermaid
startOnLoad: true,
theme: 'default',
securityLevel: 'loose',
flowchart: {
curve: 'basis',
padding: 15
// Force rendering
mermaid.init(undefined, '.mermaid');
// Add visualization class
// Reset zoom
} else if (longResult.visualization) {
// Fall back to any visualization
const container = document.getElementById('mermaid-diagram');
container.innerHTML = longResult.visualization;
} else {
// If visualization fails, show error without overwriting raw output
const errorMsg = longResult.error || 'Unknown error during flowchart generation';
alert('Visualization error: ' + errorMsg);
} else {
// Use standard error function since we don't have valid output to preserve
showError(result.error || 'Unknown error during initial processing');
// Don't restore the original method - keep it on Plain Text
// This way the user stays in Plain Text mode after the operation
// Optional: Update the prompt format for Plain Text if needed
const plainTextResponse = await fetch('/method-config/plain');
const plainTextConfig = await plainTextResponse.json();
if (plainTextConfig) {
} catch (error) {
console.error('Long reasoning error:', error);
// Only use showError if we don't already have plain text output to preserve
if (!currentRawOutput) {
showError('Failed to process long reasoning request: ' + error.message);
} else {
alert('Error in visualization: ' + error.message);
} finally {
// Unlock visualization
// Re-enable all buttons
processButton.disabled = false;
metaButton.disabled = false;
longButton.disabled = false;
updateButtonTextPreserveTooltip(longButton, 'Long Reasoning');
// Helper function to extract Mermaid code from response
function extractMermaidCode(text) {
// Look for code blocks with Mermaid content
const mermaidRegex = /```(?:mermaid)?\s*(flowchart[\s\S]*?)```/i;
const match = text.match(mermaidRegex);
if (match && match[1]) {
return match[1].trim();
// If no code block, look for just the flowchart content
const flowchartRegex = /(flowchart[\s\S]*?)(?:\n\n|$)/i;
const flowchartMatch = text.match(flowchartRegex);
if (flowchartMatch && flowchartMatch[1]) {
return flowchartMatch[1].trim();
return null;
// Global variable to store the last mermaid visualization code
let lastMermaidCode = "";
// Meta Reasoning function
async function metaReasoning() {
const metaButton = document.getElementById('meta-btn');
const rawOutput = document.getElementById('raw-output');
try {
metaButton.disabled = true;
updateButtonTextPreserveTooltip(metaButton, 'Selecting Method...');
rawOutput.textContent = 'Analyzing question to select best method...';
// Get current parameters
const data = {
provider: document.getElementById('api-provider').value,
api_key: document.getElementById('api-key').value,
model: document.getElementById('model').value,
question: document.getElementById('question').value
// Call the method selection endpoint
const response = await fetch('/select-method', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(data)
const result = await response.json();
if (result.success) {
// Set the selected method
const methodSelect = document.getElementById('reasoning-method');
methodSelect.value = result.selected_method;
// Fetch and update the corresponding method configuration
const methodResponse = await fetch(`/method-config/${result.selected_method}`);
const methodConfig = await methodResponse.json();
if (methodConfig) {
// Update the prompt format
// Update example question if needed
if (document.getElementById('question').value === '') {
console.log(`Selected reasoning method: ${}`);
// Update button to show method was selected
updateButtonTextPreserveTooltip(metaButton, 'Method Selected');
try {
// Process the question with the selected method
await processQuestion(true);
} catch (processError) {
console.error('Error processing with selected method:', processError);
showError('Failed to process with selected method: ' + processError.message);
// Make sure to re-enable the button on error
metaButton.disabled = false;
updateButtonTextPreserveTooltip(metaButton, 'Meta Reasoning');
} else {
showError('Failed to load method configuration');
metaButton.disabled = false;
updateButtonTextPreserveTooltip(metaButton, 'Meta Reasoning');
} else {
showError(result.error || 'Failed to select method');
metaButton.disabled = false;
updateButtonTextPreserveTooltip(metaButton, 'Meta Reasoning');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Meta reasoning error:', error);
showError('Failed to execute meta reasoning');
metaButton.disabled = false;
updateButtonTextPreserveTooltip(metaButton, 'Meta Reasoning');
// Add event listener for mouse wheel zoom
document.querySelector('.visualization-wrapper').addEventListener('wheel', function(e) {
// Do nothing if zooming is locked
if (window.isZoomLocked) {
if (e.ctrlKey) {
e.preventDefault(); // Prevent default zoom
const delta = e.deltaY > 0 ? -0.1 : 0.1;
// Load configuration when page loads
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', loadConfig);
* Process Mermaid node text with character and line limits
* @param {string} mermaidCode - Original Mermaid code
* @param {number} maxCharsPerLine - Maximum characters per line
* @param {number} maxLines - Maximum number of lines per node
* @param {string} truncationSuffix - Suffix for truncated text
* @returns {string} Processed Mermaid code
function processMermaidNodeText(mermaidCode, maxCharsPerLine, maxLines, truncationSuffix = "...") {
// Node definition regex: matches patterns like A["text content"] with capture groups
const nodeRegex = /([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*\[\s*"([^"]+)"\s*\]/g;
// Process each node's text content
return mermaidCode.replace(nodeRegex, (match, nodeId, text) => {
// Clean text by replacing existing <br> tags and newlines with spaces
const cleanText = text.replace(/<br>/g, ' ').replace(/\n/g, ' ');
// Text wrapping function similar to Python's textwrap.wrap
function wrapText(text, width) {
const words = text.split(' ');
const lines = [];
let currentLine = '';
for (const word of words) {
if (currentLine.length + word.length + (currentLine ? 1 : 0) <= width) {
currentLine += (currentLine ? ' ' : '') + word;
} else {
currentLine = word;
if (currentLine) {
return lines;
// Wrap text according to max chars per line
let wrappedLines = wrapText(cleanText, maxCharsPerLine);
// Limit number of lines and add truncation indicator if needed
if (wrappedLines.length > maxLines) {
wrappedLines = wrappedLines.slice(0, maxLines);
const lastLine = wrappedLines[wrappedLines.length - 1];
if (lastLine.length > maxCharsPerLine - truncationSuffix.length) {
wrappedLines[wrappedLines.length - 1] =
lastLine.substring(0, maxCharsPerLine - truncationSuffix.length) + truncationSuffix;
} else {
wrappedLines[wrappedLines.length - 1] = lastLine + truncationSuffix;
// Join lines with <br> for Mermaid formatting
const processedText = wrappedLines.join('<br>');
// Return the node with processed text
return `${nodeId}["${processedText}"]`;
// Override extractMermaidCode to apply text processing for Long Reasoning
const originalExtractMermaidCode = extractMermaidCode;
extractMermaidCode = function(text) {
// Call the original function to extract the code
const mermaidCode = originalExtractMermaidCode(text);
if (mermaidCode) {
// Get character and line limits from UI
const maxCharsPerLine = parseInt(document.getElementById('chars-per-line').value) || 40;
const maxLines = parseInt(document.getElementById('max-lines').value) || 4;
// Apply text processing to enforce character and line limits
return processMermaidNodeText(mermaidCode, maxCharsPerLine, maxLines);
return mermaidCode;