from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import pandas as pd import plotly.colors as pcolors import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go import streamlit as st from mlip_arena.models import REGISTRY as MODELS DATA_DIR = Path("mlip_arena/tasks/combustion") st.markdown(""" # Combustion """) st.markdown("### Methods") container = st.container(border=True) valid_models = [ model for model, metadata in MODELS.items() if Path(__file__).stem in metadata.get("gpu-tasks", []) ] models = container.multiselect( "MLIPs", valid_models, [ "MACE-MP(M)", "CHGNet", "M3GNet", "SevenNet", "ORB", "ORBv2", "EquiformerV2(OC20)", "eSCN(OC20)", "MatterSim", ], ) st.markdown("### Settings") vis = st.container(border=True) # Get all attributes from pcolors.qualitative all_attributes = dir(pcolors.qualitative) color_palettes = { attr: getattr(pcolors.qualitative, attr) for attr in all_attributes if isinstance(getattr(pcolors.qualitative, attr), list) } color_palettes.pop("__all__", None) palette_names = list(color_palettes.keys()) palette_colors = list(color_palettes.values()) palette_name = vis.selectbox("Color sequence", options=palette_names, index=22) color_sequence = color_palettes[palette_name] if not models: st.stop() @st.cache_data def get_data(models): # List comprehension for concise looping and filtering dfs = [ pd.read_json(DATA_DIR / MODELS[str(model)]["family"].lower() / "hydrogen.json")[ lambda df: df["method"] == model ] for model in models ] # Concatenate all filtered DataFrames return pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True) df = get_data(models) method_color_mapping = { method: color_sequence[i % len(color_sequence)] for i, method in enumerate(df["method"].unique()) } ### # Number of products fig = go.Figure() for method in df["method"].unique(): row = df[df["method"] == method].iloc[0] fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=row["timestep"], y=row["nproducts"], mode="lines", name=method, line=dict(color=method_color_mapping[method]), showlegend=True, ), ) fig.add_vrect( x0=512345.94, x1=666667, fillcolor="lightblue", opacity=0.2, layer="below", line_width=0, annotation_text="Flame Temp. [1]", annotation_position="top", ) fig.update_layout( title="Hydrogen Combustion (2H2 + O2 -> 2H2O, 64 units)", xaxis_title="Timestep", yaxis_title="Number of water molecules", ) st.plotly_chart(fig) # tempearture fig = go.Figure() for method in df["method"].unique(): row = df[df["method"] == method].iloc[0] fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=row["timestep"], y=row["temperatures"], mode="markers", name=method, line=dict( color=method_color_mapping[method], # width=1 ), marker=dict(color=method_color_mapping[method], size=3), showlegend=True, ), ) target_steps = df["target_steps"].iloc[0] fig.add_trace( go.Line( x=[0, target_steps / 3, target_steps / 3 * 2, target_steps], y=[300, 3000, 3000, 300], mode="lines", name="Target", line=dict(dash="dash", color="white"), showlegend=True, ), ) fig.add_vrect( x0=512345.94, x1=666667, fillcolor="lightblue", opacity=0.2, layer="below", line_width=0, annotation_text="Flame Temp.", annotation_position="top", ) fig.update_layout( # title="Hydrogen Combustion (2H2 + O2 -> 2H2O, 64 units)", xaxis_title="Timestep", yaxis_title="Temperature (K)", # yaxis2=dict( # title="Product Percentage (%)", # overlaying="y", # side="right", # range=[0, 100], # tickmode="sync", # ), # template="plotly_dark", ) st.plotly_chart(fig) # Energy exp_ref = -68.3078 # kcal/mol factor = 23.0609 nh2os = 128 fig = go.Figure() for method in df["method"].unique(): row = df[df["method"] == method].iloc[0] fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=row["timestep"], y=(np.array(row["energies"]) - row["energies"][0]) / nh2os * factor, mode="lines", name=method, line=dict( color=method_color_mapping[method], # width=1 ), marker=dict(color=method_color_mapping[method], size=3), showlegend=True, ), ) target_steps = df["target_steps"].iloc[0] fig.add_shape( go.layout.Shape( type="line", x0=0, x1=target_steps, y0=exp_ref, y1=exp_ref, # y-values for the horizontal line line=dict(color="Red", width=2, dash="dash"), layer="below", ) ) fig.add_annotation( go.layout.Annotation( x=0.5, xref="paper", xanchor="center", y=exp_ref, yanchor="bottom", text=f"Experiment: {exp_ref} kcal/mol [2]", showarrow=False, font=dict( color="Red", ), ) ) fig.add_vrect( x0=512345.94, x1=666667, fillcolor="lightblue", opacity=0.2, layer="below", line_width=0, annotation_text="Flame Temp.", annotation_position="top", ) fig.update_layout( xaxis_title="Timestep
[2] Lide, D. R. (Ed.). (2004). CRC handbook of chemistry and physics (Vol. 85). CRC press.", yaxis_title="𝚫E (kcal/mol)", ) st.plotly_chart(fig) # Total Energy # fig = go.Figure() # for method in df["method"].unique(): # row = df[df["method"] == method].iloc[0] # fig.add_trace( # go.Scatter( # x=row["timestep"], # y=np.array(row["energies"]) - row["energies"][0] + np.array(row["kinetic_energies"]), # mode="lines", # name=method, # line=dict( # color=method_color_mapping[method], # # width=1 # ), # marker=dict(color=method_color_mapping[method], size=3), # showlegend=True, # ), # ) # fig.update_layout( # # title="Hydrogen Combustion (2H2 + O2 -> 2H2O, 64 units)", # xaxis_title="Timestep", # yaxis_title="Total Energy 𝚫 (eV)", # # template="plotly_dark", # ) # st.plotly_chart(fig) # Reaction energy fig = go.Figure() df["reaction_energy"] = ( df["energies"].apply(lambda x: x[-1] - x[0]) / nh2os * factor ) # kcal/mol df["reaction_energy_abs_err"] = np.abs(df["reaction_energy"] - exp_ref) df.sort_values("reaction_energy_abs_err", inplace=True) fig.add_traces( [ go.Bar( x=df["method"], y=df["reaction_energy"], marker=dict( color=[method_color_mapping[method] for method in df["method"]] ), text=[f"{y:.2f}" for y in df["reaction_energy"]], ), ] ) fig.add_shape( go.layout.Shape( type="line", x0=-0.5, x1=len(df["method"]) - 0.5, # range covering the bars y0=exp_ref, y1=exp_ref, # y-values for the horizontal line line=dict(color="Red", width=2, dash="dash"), layer="below", ) ) fig.add_annotation( go.layout.Annotation( x=0.5, xref="paper", xanchor="center", y=exp_ref, yanchor="bottom", text=f"Experiment: {exp_ref} kcal/mol [2]", showarrow=False, font=dict( color="Red", ), ) ) fig.update_layout( # title="Reaction energy 𝚫H (kcal/mol)", xaxis_title="Method
[1] Lide, D. R. (Ed.). (2004). CRC handbook of chemistry and physics (Vol. 85). CRC press.", yaxis_title="Reaction energy 𝚫H (kcal/mol)", # annotations = [ # dict( # x=0.5, xref="paper", xanchor="center", # y=-0.5, yref="paper", yanchor="bottom", # text="Caption", # ) # ] ) st.plotly_chart(fig) # Final reaction rate fig = go.Figure() df = df.sort_values("yield", ascending=True) fig.add_trace( go.Bar( x=df["yield"] * 100, y=df["method"], opacity=0.75, orientation="h", marker=dict(color=[method_color_mapping[method] for method in df["method"]]), text=[f"{y:.2f} %" for y in df["yield"] * 100], ) ) fig.update_layout( title="Reaction yield (2H2 + O2 -> 2H2O, 64 units)", xaxis_title="Yield (%)", yaxis_title="Method", ) st.plotly_chart(fig) # MD runtime speed fig = go.Figure() df = df.sort_values("steps_per_second", ascending=True) fig.add_trace( go.Bar( x=df["steps_per_second"], y=df["method"], opacity=0.75, orientation="h", marker=dict(color=[method_color_mapping[method] for method in df["method"]]), text=df["steps_per_second"].round(1), ) ) fig.update_layout( title="MD runtime speed (on single A100 GPU)", xaxis_title="Steps per second", yaxis_title="Method", ) st.plotly_chart(fig) # COM drift st.markdown("""### Center of mass drift The center of mass (COM) drift is a measure of the stability of the simulation. A well-behaved simulation should have a COM drift close to zero. The COM drift is calculated as the displacement of the COM of the system from the initial position. """) @st.cache_data def get_com_drifts(df): df_exploded = df.explode(["timestep", "com_drifts"]).reset_index(drop=True) # Convert the 'com_drifts' column (which are arrays) into separate columns for x, y, and z components df_exploded[["com_drift_x", "com_drift_y", "com_drift_z"]] = pd.DataFrame( df_exploded["com_drifts"].tolist(), index=df_exploded.index ) # Drop the original 'com_drifts' column df_flat = df_exploded.drop(columns=["com_drifts"]) df_flat["total_com_drift"] = np.sqrt( df_flat["com_drift_x"] ** 2 + df_flat["com_drift_y"] ** 2 + df_flat["com_drift_z"] ** 2 ) return df_flat df_exploded = get_com_drifts(df) fig = go.Figure() for method in df_exploded["method"].unique(): row = df_exploded[df_exploded["method"] == method] fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=row["timestep"], y=row["total_com_drift"], mode="lines", name=method, line=dict( color=method_color_mapping[method], # width=1 ), marker=dict(color=method_color_mapping[method], size=3), showlegend=True, ), ) fig.update_yaxes(type="log") fig.update_layout( xaxis_title="Timestep", yaxis_title="Total COM drift (Å)", ) st.plotly_chart(fig) if "play" not in st.session_state: = False def toggle_playing(): = not # st.button( # "Play" if not else "Pause", # type="primary" if not else "secondary", # on_click=toggle_playing, # ) increment = df["target_steps"].max() // 200 if "time_range" not in st.session_state: st.session_state.time_range = (0, increment) # @st.experimental_fragment(run_every=1e-3 if else None) @st.experimental_fragment() def draw_com_drifts_plot(): if start, end = st.session_state.time_range end += increment if end > df["target_steps"].max(): start = 0 end = 0 st.session_state.time_range = (start, end) start_timestep, end_timestep = st.slider( "Timestep", min_value=0, max_value=df["target_steps"].max(), value=st.session_state.time_range, key="time_range", # on_change=check_range, ) mask = (df_exploded["timestep"] >= start_timestep) & ( df_exploded["timestep"] <= end_timestep ) df_filtered = df_exploded[mask] df_filtered.sort_values(["method", "timestep"], inplace=True) fig = px.line_3d( data_frame=df_filtered, x="com_drift_x", y="com_drift_y", z="com_drift_z", labels={ "com_drift_x": "𝚫x (Å)", "com_drift_y": "𝚫y (Å)", "com_drift_z": "𝚫z (Å)", }, category_orders={"method": df_exploded["method"].unique()}, color_discrete_sequence=[ method_color_mapping[method] for method in df_exploded["method"].unique() ], color="method", width=800, height=800, ) fig.update_layout( scene=dict( aspectmode="cube", ), legend=dict( orientation="v", x=0.95, xanchor="right", y=1, yanchor="top", bgcolor="rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", ), ) fig.add_traces( [ go.Scatter3d( x=[0], y=[0], z=[0], mode="markers", marker=dict(size=3, color="white"), name="origin", ), # add last point of each method and annotate the total drift go.Scatter3d( # df_filtered.groupby("method")["com_drift_x"].last(), x=df_filtered.groupby("method")["com_drift_x"].last(), y=df_filtered.groupby("method")["com_drift_y"].last(), z=df_filtered.groupby("method")["com_drift_z"].last(), mode="markers+text", marker=dict(size=3, color="white", opacity=0.5), text=df_filtered.groupby("method")["total_com_drift"].last().round(3), # size=5, name="total drifts", textposition="top center", ), ] ) st.plotly_chart(fig) draw_com_drifts_plot() st.markdown(""" ### References [1] Hasche, A., Navid, A., Krause, H., & Eckart, S. (2023). Experimental and numerical assessment of the effects of hydrogen admixtures on premixed methane-oxygen flames. Fuel, 352, 128964. [2] Lide, D. R. (Ed.). (2004). CRC handbook of chemistry and physics (Vol. 85). CRC press. """)