"""Streamlit app for Presidio + Privy-trained PII models.""" import spacy from spacy_recognizer import CustomSpacyRecognizer from presidio_analyzer.nlp_engine import NlpEngineProvider from presidio_anonymizer import AnonymizerEngine from presidio_analyzer import AnalyzerEngine, RecognizerRegistry import pandas as pd from annotated_text import annotated_text from json import JSONEncoder import json import warnings import streamlit as st import os os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "false" warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # from flair_recognizer import FlairRecognizer # Helper methods @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) def analyzer_engine(): """Return AnalyzerEngine.""" spacy_recognizer = CustomSpacyRecognizer() configuration = { "nlp_engine_name": "spacy", "models": [ {"lang_code": "en", "model_name": "en_spacy_pii_distilbert"}], } # Create NLP engine based on configuration provider = NlpEngineProvider(nlp_configuration=configuration) nlp_engine = provider.create_engine() registry = RecognizerRegistry() # add rule-based recognizers registry.load_predefined_recognizers(nlp_engine=nlp_engine) registry.add_recognizer(spacy_recognizer) # remove the nlp engine we passed, to use custom label mappings registry.remove_recognizer("SpacyRecognizer") analyzer = AnalyzerEngine(nlp_engine=nlp_engine, registry=registry, supported_languages=["en"]) # uncomment for flair-based NLP recognizer # flair_recognizer = FlairRecognizer() # registry.load_predefined_recognizers() # registry.add_recognizer(flair_recognizer) # analyzer = AnalyzerEngine(registry=registry, supported_languages=["en"]) return analyzer @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) def anonymizer_engine(): """Return AnonymizerEngine.""" return AnonymizerEngine() def get_supported_entities(): """Return supported entities from the Analyzer Engine.""" return analyzer_engine().get_supported_entities() def analyze(**kwargs): """Analyze input using Analyzer engine and input arguments (kwargs).""" if "entities" not in kwargs or "All" in kwargs["entities"]: kwargs["entities"] = None return analyzer_engine().analyze(**kwargs) def anonymize(text, analyze_results): """Anonymize identified input using Presidio Abonymizer.""" if not text: return res = anonymizer_engine().anonymize(text, analyze_results) return res.text def annotate(text, st_analyze_results, st_entities): tokens = [] # sort by start index results = sorted(st_analyze_results, key=lambda x: x.start) for i, res in enumerate(results): if i == 0: tokens.append(text[:res.start]) # append entity text and entity type tokens.append((text[res.start: res.end], res.entity_type)) # if another entity coming i.e. we're not at the last results element, add text up to next entity if i != len(results) - 1: tokens.append(text[res.end:results[i+1].start]) # if no more entities coming, add all remaining text else: tokens.append(text[res.end:]) return tokens st.set_page_config(page_title="Privy + Presidio demo (English)", layout="wide") # Side bar st.sidebar.markdown( """ Detect and anonymize PII in text using an [NLP model](https://huggingface.co/beki/en_spacy_pii_distilbert) trained on protocol traces (JSON, SQL, XML etc.) generated by [Privy](https://github.com/pixie-io/pixie/tree/main/src/datagen/pii/privy) and rule-based classifiers from [Presidio](https://aka.ms/presidio). """ ) st_entities = st.sidebar.multiselect( label="Which entities to look for?", options=get_supported_entities(), default=list(get_supported_entities()), ) st_threshold = st.sidebar.slider( label="Acceptance threshold", min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, value=0.35 ) st_return_decision_process = st.sidebar.checkbox( "Add analysis explanations in json") st.sidebar.info( "Privy is an open source framework for synthetic data generation in protocol trace formats (json, sql, html etc). Presidio is an open source framework for PII detection and anonymization. " "For more info visit [privy](https://github.com/pixie-io/pixie/tree/main/src/datagen/pii/privy) and [aka.ms/presidio](https://aka.ms/presidio)" ) # Main panel analyzer_load_state = st.info( "Starting Presidio analyzer and loading Privy-trained PII model...") engine = analyzer_engine() analyzer_load_state.empty() st_text = st.text_area( label="Type in some text", value="SELECT shipping FROM users WHERE shipping = '201 Thayer St Providence RI 02912'" "\n\n" "{user: Willie Porter, ip:, email: willie@gmail.com}", height=200, ) button = st.button("Detect PII") if 'first_load' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['first_load'] = True # After st.subheader("Analyzed") with st.spinner("Analyzing..."): if button or st.session_state.first_load: st_analyze_results = analyze( text=st_text, entities=st_entities, language="en", score_threshold=st_threshold, return_decision_process=st_return_decision_process, ) annotated_tokens = annotate(st_text, st_analyze_results, st_entities) # annotated_tokens annotated_text(*annotated_tokens) # vertical space st.text("") st.subheader("Anonymized") with st.spinner("Anonymizing..."): if button or st.session_state.first_load: st_anonymize_results = anonymize(st_text, st_analyze_results) st_anonymize_results # table result st.subheader("Detailed Findings") if st_analyze_results: res_dicts = [r.to_dict() for r in st_analyze_results] for d in res_dicts: d['Value'] = st_text[d['start']:d['end']] df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(res_dicts) df = df[["entity_type", "Value", "score", "start", "end"]].rename( { "entity_type": "Entity type", "start": "Start", "end": "End", "score": "Confidence", }, axis=1, ) st.dataframe(df, width=1000) else: st.text("No findings") st.session_state['first_load'] = True # json result class ToDictListEncoder(JSONEncoder): """Encode dict to json.""" def default(self, o): """Encode to JSON using to_dict.""" if o: return o.to_dict() return [] if st_return_decision_process: st.json(json.dumps(st_analyze_results, cls=ToDictListEncoder))