import io |
import os |
import sys |
from distutils.util import convert_path |
from shutil import rmtree |
from setuptools import Command, find_packages, setup |
main_ns = {} |
ver_path = convert_path("manifest/version.py") |
with open(ver_path) as ver_file: |
exec(ver_file.read(), main_ns) |
NAME = "manifest-ml" |
DESCRIPTION = "Manifest for Prompting Foundation Models." |
URL = "https://github.com/HazyResearch/manifest" |
EMAIL = "[email protected]" |
AUTHOR = "Laurel Orr" |
REQUIRES_PYTHON = ">=3.10.0" |
VERSION = main_ns["__version__"] |
"numpy>=1.20.0", |
"pydantic>=1.9.0,<2.0", |
"redis>=4.3.1", |
"requests>=2.27.1", |
"aiohttp>=3.8.0", |
"sqlitedict>=2.0.0", |
"tenacity>=8.2.0", |
"tiktoken>=0.3.0", |
"xxhash>=3.0.0", |
] |
EXTRAS = { |
"api": [ |
"accelerate>=0.10.0", |
"deepspeed>=0.10.0", |
"diffusers>=0.6.0", |
"Flask>=2.1.2", |
"sentence_transformers>=2.2.0", |
"torch>=1.8.0", |
"transformers>=4.29.0", |
"tokenizers>=0.13.3", |
], |
"app": [ |
"fastapi>=0.70.0", |
"uvicorn>=0.18.0", |
], |
"diffusers": [ |
"pillow>=9.0.0", |
], |
"gcp": [ |
"pg8000", |
"cloud-sql-python-connector[pg8000]>=1.0.0", |
"sqlalchemy", |
], |
"dev": [ |
"autopep8>=1.6.0", |
"black>=22.3.0", |
"isort>=5.13.2", |
"flake8>=4.0.0", |
"flake8-docstrings>=1.6.0", |
"mypy>=0.950", |
"pep8-naming>=0.12.1", |
"docformatter>=1.4", |
"pytest>=7.0.0", |
"pytest-cov>=3.0.0", |
"python-dotenv>=0.20.0", |
"sphinx-rtd-theme>=0.5.1", |
"nbsphinx>=0.8.0", |
"recommonmark>=0.7.1", |
"pre-commit>=2.14.0", |
"types-redis>=4.2.6", |
"types-requests>=2.27.29", |
"types-PyYAML>=6.0.7", |
"types-protobuf>=3.19.21", |
"types-python-dateutil>=2.8.16", |
"types-setuptools>=57.4.17", |
"types-pillow>=9.0.0", |
"types-xxhash>=3.0.0", |
"sphinx-autobuild", |
"twine", |
], |
} |
EXTRAS["all"] = list(set(sum(EXTRAS.values(), []))) |
here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) |
try: |
with io.open(os.path.join(here, "README.md"), encoding="utf-8") as f: |
long_description = "\n" + f.read() |
except FileNotFoundError: |
long_description = DESCRIPTION |
about = {} |
if not VERSION: |
project_slug = NAME.lower().replace("-", "_").replace(" ", "_") |
with open(os.path.join(here, project_slug, "__version__.py")) as f: |
exec(f.read(), about) |
else: |
about["__version__"] = VERSION |
class UploadCommand(Command): |
"""Support setup.py upload.""" |
description = "Build and publish the package." |
user_options = [] |
@staticmethod |
def status(s): |
"""Prints things in bold.""" |
print("\033[1m{0}\033[0m".format(s)) |
def initialize_options(self): |
pass |
def finalize_options(self): |
pass |
def run(self): |
try: |
self.status("Removing previous builds…") |
rmtree(os.path.join(here, "dist")) |
rmtree(os.path.join(here, "build")) |
except OSError: |
pass |
self.status("Building Source and Wheel (universal) distribution…") |
os.system("{0} setup.py sdist bdist_wheel --universal".format(sys.executable)) |
self.status("Uploading the package to PyPI via Twine…") |
os.system("twine upload dist/*") |
self.status("Pushing git tags…") |
os.system("git tag v{0}".format(about["__version__"])) |
os.system("git push --tags") |
sys.exit() |
setup( |
name=NAME, |
version=about["__version__"], |
description=DESCRIPTION, |
long_description=long_description, |
long_description_content_type="text/markdown", |
author=AUTHOR, |
author_email=EMAIL, |
python_requires=REQUIRES_PYTHON, |
url=URL, |
packages=find_packages(exclude=["tests", "*.tests", "*.tests.*", "tests.*"]), |
install_requires=REQUIRED, |
extras_require=EXTRAS, |
include_package_data=True, |
license="Apache 2.0", |
classifiers=[ |
"Programming Language :: Python", |
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3", |
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10", |
"Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence", |
], |
cmdclass={ |
"upload": UploadCommand, |
}, |
) |