8289 B120|BAF250|BAF250a|BM029|C1orf4|ELD|MRD14|OSA1|P270|SMARCF1|hELD|hOSA1 51244 C3orf19 11073 TOP2BP1 91442 FAAP24 9101 HumORF8|SPG59|UBPY 84942 - 55954 SNRNP20 528 ATP6C|ATP6D|VATC|Vma5 5730 L-PGDS|LPGDS|PDS|PGD2|PGDS|PGDS2 10101 CFD1|NBP 2|NUBP1 84844 INI|Rds3|SAP14b|SF3B7|SF3b14b|bK223H9.2 4993 OLFmf3|OR2C2P 23162 JIP3|JSAP1|SYD2|syd 529 ATP6E|ATP6E2|ATP6V1E|P31|Vma4 157570 2410004I17Rik|EFO2|RBS 8314 HUCEP-13|UCHL2 2997 GSY|GYS 51430 C1orf9|CH1|OPT|SLP1 387787 - 29078 C6orf66|HRPAP20|My013|bA22L21.1 51601 - 2131 EXT|LGCR|LGS|TRPS2|TTV 54880 ANOP2|MAA2|MCOPS2 2230 ADX|FDX|LOH11CR1D 471 AICAR|AICARFT|HEL-S-70p|IMPCHASE|PURH 1760 DM|DM1|DM1PK|DMK|MDPK|MT-PK 54815 p66alpha 1387 CBP|KAT3A|RSTS 7023 AP-4|bHLHc41 93183 GPI-MT-I 347734 PAPST1|SLL|UGTrel4 254528 C16orf73|gs129 9817 INrf2|KLHL19 23347 - 6449 SGT|alphaSGT|hSGT 168455 C7orf74 5290 CLOVE|CWS5|MCAP|MCM|MCMTC|PI3K|p110-alpha 116444 GluN3B|NR3B 1432 CSBP|CSBP1|CSBP2|CSPB1|EXIP|Mxi2|PRKM14|PRKM15|RK|SAPK2A|p38|p38ALPHA 1859 DYRK|DYRK1|HP86|MNB|MNBH|MRD7 5829 - 55090 MED25 388650 - 79147 LGMD2I|MDC1C|MDDGA5|MDDGB5|MDDGC5 124583 DBQD|SCAN-1|SCAN1|SHAPY 9052 GPCR5A|PEIG-1|RAI3|RAIG1|TIG1 2145 KMT6B 374875 11-DH3|11-beta-HSD3|HSD3|SCDR10|SCDR10B|SDR26C2 23545 A2|ARCL|ARCL2A|ATP6A2|ATP6N1D|J6B7|RTF|STV1|TJ6|TJ6M|TJ6S|VPH1|WSS 729991 - 9755 ProSAPiP2|SINTBAD 7862 BR140 5064 - 124565 - 92399 MRFF|MTRRF|RRF 4926 NMP-22|NUMA 28958 CCDC56|MITRAC12 6794 LKB1|PJS|hLKB1 65980 LAVS3040|PRO9856 23440 - 79184 BRCC36|C6.1A|CXorf53 1452 CK1|CK1a|CKIa|HEL-S-77p|HLCDGP1|PRO2975 54345 HLTS 1773 DNL1|DRNI 157922 PRO2405|bA100C15.1 4763 NFNS|VRNF|WSS 9143 - 8558 PISSLRE 9720 - 3032 ECHB|MTPB|TP-BETA 22820 COPG 6431 B52|HEL-S-91|SFRS6|SRP55 10524 ESA1|HTATIP|HTATIP1|PLIP|TIP|TIP60|ZC2HC5|cPLA2 1639 DAP-150|DP-150|P135 7841 CDG2B|CWH41|DER7|GCS1 4771 ACN|BANF|SCH 192670 EIF2C4 204 ADK2|AK 2 259173 RN49018 55578 C13|C13orf19|FAM48A|P38IP|SPT20 140459 - 9232 EAP1|HPTTG|PTTG|TUTR1 23385 ATAG1874 57092 - 23164 M-RIP|MRIP|RHOIP3|RIP3|p116Rip 339123 C16orf20 25831 EULIR 5245 HEL-215|HEL-S-54e|PHB1 51154 C1orf33|MRT4|dJ657E11.4 9616 CKBBP1|ROC2|SAG 339287 MSL-1|hMSL1 3550 CSA2|RED 79833 - 84928 NET31 2271 HLRCC|LRCC|MCL|MCUL1 7360 UDPG|UDPGP|UDPGP2|UGP1|UGPP1|UGPP2|pHC379 10914 PAP 8242 DXS1272E|JARID1C|MRX13|MRXJ|MRXSCJ|MRXSJ|SMCX|XE169 51257 MARCH-II|RNF172 7249 LAM|PPP1R160|TSC4 9567 GP-1|GP1|HSPC018 3225 HOX3|HOX3B 11178 F37|FEZ1 9774 BTF|bK211L9.1 10463 C4orf1|GAC63|HUEL|ZNT9 150726 FBX41 695 AGMX1|AT|ATK|BPK|IMD1|PSCTK1|XLA 23590 COQ1|COQ10D2|DPS|SPS|TPRT|TPT|TPT 1|hDPS1 116092 C20orf167|Tdif1|dJ447F3.4 84933 - 7917 BAG-6|BAT3|D6S52E|G3 3996 DLG4|HUGL|HUGL-1|HUGL1|LLGL 9451 PEK|PERK|WRS 140873 dJ477O4.4 55268 - 1513 CTS02|CTSO|CTSO1|CTSO2|PKND|PYCD 91683 SYT11|sytXII 284119 CAVIN|CAVIN1|CGL4|cavin-1 23512 CHET9|JJAZ1 2011 EMK-1|EMK1|PAR-1|Par-1b|Par1b 762 CAIV|Car4|RP17 51283 BAR|RNF47 29893 GT198|HOP2|HUMGT198A|ODG3|TBPIP 79664 BRCC1|NARG2 113510 HEL308 3188 FTP3|HNRPH|HNRPH2|hnRNPH 8445 - 23597 ACATE2|MT-ACT48|MTACT48 23623 NESCA 57617 PEP3 54953 ODR4|TTG1|odr-4 10618 TGN38|TGN46|TGN48|TGN51|TTGN2 3093 E2-25K|HIP2|HYPG|LIG|UBC1 3738 HGK5|HLK3|HPCN3|HUKIII|KV1.3|MK3|PCN3 55269 PSP1 55193 BAF180|PB1 7288 CT65|TUBL2 196 bHLHe76 4722 CI-30 377841 E-NTPDase|GLSR2492|NTPDase-8|UNQ2492 84447 DER3|HRD1 63922 C16orf41|C321D2.2|C321D2.3|C321D2.4|CHL12|Ctf18|RUVBL 414152 - 55120 FAAP43|PHF9|POG 9784 - 119392 C10orf78|MEI5|MEIR5|bA373N18.1 5728 10q23del|BZS|CWS1|DEC|GLM2|MHAM|MMAC1|PTEN1|TEP1 6598 BAF47|INI1|MRD15|PPP1R144|RDT|RTPS1|SNF5|SNF5L1|SWNTS1|Sfh1p|Snr1|hSNFS 1445 - 770 CARPX1 125965 COXVIB2|CT59 6597 BAF190|BAF190A|BRG1|MRD16|RTPS2|SNF2|SNF2L4|SNF2LB|SWI2|hSNF2b 22936 - 29066 ZC3H7|ZC3HDC7 93343 CFBP|FAM125A 6651 BASS1|C21orf50|DBP-5|NREBP|SON3 5283 GPI-H 5269 CAP|DFNB91|MSTP057|PI-6|PI6|PTI|SPI3 10945 ERD2|ERD2.1|HDEL|PM23 10617 AMSH|MICCAP 27247 HIRIP|HIRIP5|MMDS1|NIFUC|Nfu|NifU 5925 OSRC|PPP1R130|RB|p105-Rb|pRb|pp110 9987 HNRNP|HNRPDL|JKTBP|JKTBP2|LGMD1G|laAUF1 2027 GSD13|MSE 5931 RbAp46 2323 FL|FLT3L 522 ATP5|ATP5A|ATPM|CF6|F6 5033 P4HA 65057 PIP1|PTOP|TINT1|TPP1 28991 HCARG 9610 - 51547 SIR2L7 10818 FRS2A|FRS2alpha|SNT|SNT-1|SNT1 79595 - 6198 PS6K|S6K|S6K-beta-1|S6K1|STK14A|p70 S6KA|p70(S6K)-alpha|p70-S6K|p70-alpha 55749 - 6778 D12S1644|IL-4-STAT|STAT6B|STAT6C 27097 PAF65B 283373 ANKRD33 7157 BCC7|LFS1|P53|TRP53 80311 HEL-S-305 55327 LIN-7-C|LIN-7C|MALS-3|MALS3|VELI3 7555 CNBP1|DM2|PROMM|RNF163|ZCCHC22|ZNF9 11285 EDSP1|XGALT1|XGPT1 26012 HH9|NELF 10642 CRD-BP|CRDBP|IMP-1|IMP1|VICKZ1|ZBP1 22889 BLOM7 4985 OPRD 53407 Ufe1 7428 HRCA1|RCA1|VHL1|pVHL 6574 GLVR1|Glvr-1|PIT1|PiT-1 1716 MTDPS3|dGK 4637 ESMLC|LC17|LC17-GI|LC17-NM|LC17A|LC17B|MLC-3|MLC1SM|MLC3NM|MLC3SM 26235 FBL4|FBL5|MTDPS13 127687 ALAESM 91252 - 9821 ATG17|CC1|FIP200|PPP1R131 148 ADRA1C|ADRA1L1|ALPHA1AAR 7456 PRPL-2|WASPIP|WIP 1730 DIA|DIA2|DRF2|POF|POF2 8510 MIFR|MIFR-1|MMP22|MMP23A 22950 - 142683 HL-2|HL2 642273 - 60493 dJ1187M17.5 657 10q23del|ACVRLK3|ALK3|CD292|SKR5 27332 NP220|ZFML|Zfp638 25980 C20orf4 150696 PROML2 221545 - 9470 4E-LP|4EHP|EIF4EL3|IF4e 10633 RRP22 81858 SIPL1 23335 TRAG 55611 OTB1|OTU1 90853 PPP1R146 51083 GAL-GMAP|GALN|GLNN|GMAP 7328 E2-20K|GID3|UBC8|UBCH|UBCH2 29085 CGI-202|HEL-S-132P|HSPC141|PHP14 6434 Htra2-beta|PPP1R156|SFRS10|SRFS10|TRA2-BETA|TRAN2B 54587 - 3562 IL-3|MCGF|MULTI-CSF 51512 B99 2189 FAG|XRCC9 78995 - 4477 HPC13|IGBF|MSP|MSPB|PN44|PRPS|PSP|PSP-94|PSP57|PSP94 25823 PRSS31|TMT|trpA 64285 C16orf8|Dist1|EGFR-RS|gene-89|gene-90|hDist1 7158 53BP1|p202 121665 IMP2|MDHV1887|PRO4332|PSH1|PSL4 58526 G12-like|MIG12|S14R|STRAIT11499|THRSPL 328 APE|APE1|APEN|APEX|APX|HAP1|REF1 55768 CDG1V|PNG1|PNGase 89890 - 11261 CHP|SLC9A1BP|Sid470p|p22|p24 476 - 23169 UGTREL7 23269 MAD5|MXD5 8140 4F2LC|CD98|D16S469E|E16|LAT1|MPE16|hLAT1 286514 - 29109 FHOS 2326 - 29079 ARC36|DRIP36|HSPC126|TRAP36|VDRIP 3321 EWI-3|V8 9520 AAP-S|MP100|PSA 89958 C9orf140|p42.3 10933 Eaf3|HsT17725|MEAF3|MORFRG15|MRG15|S863-6 79913 Arp5|INO80M 332 API4|EPR-1 7301 BYK|Dtk|Etk-2|RSE|Rek|Sky|Tif 10721 POLH|PRO0327 57631 dA204F4.4 56254 BRE1|BRE1A|hBRE1 90231 - 55035 C9orf34|NOP132|bA62C3.3|bA62C3.4 79042 LENG5|PCH2C|SEN34|SEN34L 257 FND|FND1 79109 JC310|MIP1|SIN1|SIN1b|SIN1g 254394 C6orf61|MCMDC1|dJ329L24.1|dJ329L24.3 116028 BLAP18|C16orf75 7398 UBP 8517 AMCBX1|FIP-3|FIP3|Fip3p|IKK-gamma|IMD33|IP|IP1|IP2|IPD2|NEMO|ZC2HC9 2177 FA-D2|FA4|FACD|FAD|FAD2|FANCD 29089 PIG50 10208 C13orf22|D13S106E|bA121O19.1 7298 HST422|TMS|TS 79643 VPS20 84275 BMSC-MCP|PNC1 54676 - 4358 MTDPS6|SYM1 60625 C20orf15|DDX35|KAIA0875 6392 CBT1|CII-4|CWS3|PGL|PGL1|QPs3|SDH4|cybS 4076 GPIAP1|GPIP137|GRIP137|M11S1|RNG105|p137GPI 2580 DNAJ26|DNAJC26 51719 MO25 8575 DYT16|PACT|RAX 79065 APG9L1|MGD3208|mATG9 4850 CLONE243|NOT4|NOT4H 60673 C12orf44 57448 APOLLON|BRUCE 23244 SCC-112|SCC112 339541 NCRNA00082|p40 2923 ER60|ERp57|ERp60|ERp61|GRP57|GRP58|HEL-S-269|HEL-S-93n|HsT17083|P58|PI-PLC 1723 DHOdehase|POADS|URA1 23291 BTRC2|BTRCP2|FBW1B|FBXW1B|Fbw11|Hos 54455 Fbx42|JFK 55012 C14orf10|G4-1|G5pr 9491 PI31 7372 OPRT 123263 COXPD15|FMT1 57650 CIP2A|p90 58490 C20orf77|CREPT|NET60|dJ1057B20.2 3840 IPOA3|QIP1|SRP3 83990 BACH1|FANCJ|OF 54863 C9orf167 3483 ACLSD|ALS 6390 CWS2|IP|PGL4|SDH|SDH1|SDH2|SDHIP 2175 FA|FA-H|FA1|FAA|FACA|FAH|FANCH 8438 HR54|RAD54A|hHR54|hRAD54 201294 FHL3|HLH3|HPLH3|Munc13-4 22866 CNK2|KSR2|MAGUIN 117143 ADA1|HFI1|STAF42|TADA1L|hADA1 55135 DKCB3|TCAB1|WDR79 2186 FAC1|FALZ|NURF301 342667 24b2|24b2/STAC2 389136 VGL-3|VGL3 9969 ARC250|DRIP250|HSPC221|THRAP1|TRAP240 5300 DOD|UBL5 63916 CED-12|CED12|ELMO-2 55308 DDX19-DDX19L|DDX19L 1488 - 27235 CL640|COQ10D1|MSA1 10969 EBP2|NOBP|P40 2618 AIRS|GARS|GARTF|PAIS|PGFT|PRGS 84612 PAR6B 55374 - 4717 KFYI 80039 - 5052 MSP23|NKEF-A|NKEFA|PAG|PAGA|PAGB|PRX1|PRXI|TDPX2 23279 - 2188 FAF 51646 - 196528 BAF200|p200 84196 RAP1GA1|USP31 10654 HUMPMKI|PMK|PMKA|PMKASE 9689 BZAP45|Nbla10236 10899 HJTB|HSPC222|PAR|hJT 2538 G6PC1|G6PT|GSD1|GSD1a 124590 ANKS4A|SANS 29035 PRO0149 6462 ABP|SBP|TEBG 90871 C9orf123 4712 B17|CI 51720 RAP80|X2HRIP110 10273 CHIP|HSPABP2|NY-CO-7|SCAR16|SDCCAG7|UBOX1 22800 TC21 11334 C3orf11|FUS1|PAP|PDAP2 999 Arc-1|CD324|CDHE|ECAD|LCAM|UVO 9097 TGT 4149 bHLHd4 57111 CATX-8|RAB11C 85478 CILD27|FAP250|NYD-SP28 8431 SHP|SHP1 342346 - 137492 HCRP1|PQBP2|SPG53 27129 cvHSP 51330 CD266|FN14|TWEAKR 1108 CHD-4|Mi-2b|Mi2-BETA 84283 MATT 4116 MAGOH1|MAGOHA 3695 - 220988 2610510D13Rik|D10S102|FBRNP|HNRPA3 79652 C16orf30|CLP24 6572 VACHT 84301 - 100191040 FAM148D 83873 BALGR|GPCR3 2176 FA3|FAC|FACC 699 BUB1A|BUB1L|hBUB1 3410710 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410711 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410712 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410713 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410714 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410715 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410716 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410717 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410718 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410719 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410720 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410721 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410722 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410723 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410811 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410812 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410813 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410814 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410815 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410816 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410869 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3411547 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411548 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411549 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411550 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411551 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411552 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411553 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3410724 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410725 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410726 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410727 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410728 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410729 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410730 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410731 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410732 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410733 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410734 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410735 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410736 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410737 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410738 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410739 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410817 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410818 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410819 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410820 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410821 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410822 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3411536 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411537 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411538 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411539 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411540 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411541 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411542 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411543 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411544 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411545 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411546 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3410760 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410761 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410762 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410763 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410764 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410765 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410766 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410767 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410768 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410769 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410770 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410771 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410772 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410773 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410774 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410775 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410776 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410777 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410778 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410779 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410780 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410781 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410782 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410783 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3411490 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411491 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411492 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411493 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411494 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411495 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411496 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411497 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411498 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411499 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411500 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411501 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411502 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411503 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411504 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3410784 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410785 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410786 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410787 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410788 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410789 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410790 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410823 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410824 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410825 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410826 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410827 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410828 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410829 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410830 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410831 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410832 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410833 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410834 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3411461 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411462 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411463 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411464 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411465 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411466 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411467 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411468 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411469 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411470 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411471 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411472 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411473 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411474 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411475 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411476 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411477 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411478 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411479 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411480 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411481 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411482 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411483 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411484 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411485 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411486 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411487 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411488 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411489 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3410791 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410792 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410793 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410794 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410795 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410796 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410797 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410798 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410799 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410835 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410836 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410837 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410838 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410839 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410840 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410841 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410842 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410843 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410844 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410845 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410846 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3411435 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411436 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411437 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411438 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411439 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411440 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411441 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411442 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411443 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411444 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411445 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411446 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411447 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411448 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411449 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411450 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411451 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411452 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411453 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411454 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411455 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411456 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411457 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411458 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411459 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411460 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3410800 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410801 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410802 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410803 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410804 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410805 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410806 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410807 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410808 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410809 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410810 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410847 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410848 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410849 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410850 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410851 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410852 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410853 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410854 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410855 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410856 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410857 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410858 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3411420 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411421 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411422 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411423 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411424 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411425 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411426 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411427 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411428 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411429 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411430 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411431 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411432 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411433 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411434 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3410859 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410860 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410861 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410862 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410863 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410864 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410865 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410866 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410867 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410868 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3411402 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411403 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411404 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411405 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411406 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411407 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411408 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411409 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411410 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411411 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411412 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411413 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411414 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411415 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411416 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411417 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411418 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411419 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3410870 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410871 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410872 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410873 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410874 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410875 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410876 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410877 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410878 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410879 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410880 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410881 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410882 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410883 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3411392 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411393 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411394 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411395 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411396 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411397 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411398 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411399 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411400 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411401 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3410884 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410885 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410886 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410887 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410888 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410889 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410890 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410891 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410892 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410893 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410894 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410895 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410896 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410897 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410898 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410899 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410900 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3411377 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411378 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411379 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411380 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411381 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411382 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411383 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411384 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411385 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411386 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411387 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411388 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411389 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411390 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411391 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3410901 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410902 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410903 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410904 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410905 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410906 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410907 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410908 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410909 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3411369 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411370 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411371 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411372 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411373 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411374 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411375 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411376 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3410910 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410911 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410912 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410913 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410914 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410915 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410916 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410917 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410918 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410919 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410920 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410921 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410922 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410923 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410924 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410925 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410926 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410927 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410928 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410929 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410930 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410931 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410932 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410933 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410934 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410935 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410936 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410937 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410938 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410939 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410940 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410941 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410942 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410943 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410944 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410945 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410946 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410947 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3411336 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411337 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411338 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411339 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411340 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411341 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411342 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411343 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411344 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411345 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411346 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411347 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411348 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411349 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411350 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411351 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411352 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411353 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411354 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411355 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411356 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411357 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411358 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411359 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411360 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411361 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411362 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411363 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411364 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411365 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411366 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411367 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411368 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3410948 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410949 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410950 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410951 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410952 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410953 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410954 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410955 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410956 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410957 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410958 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410959 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410960 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410961 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410962 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410963 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410964 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410965 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410966 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410967 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410968 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410969 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410970 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410971 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410972 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410973 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410974 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3410975 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO>5, QBF_X_WT_Average<3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max>5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P<0.01) 3411325 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411326 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411327 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411328 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411329 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411330 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411331 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411332 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411333 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411334 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411335 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411523 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411527 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411531 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411510 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411515 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411522 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411525 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411535 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411528 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411532 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411505 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411506 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411507 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411508 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411509 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411511 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411512 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411513 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411514 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411516 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411517 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411518 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411519 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411520 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411521 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411524 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411526 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411529 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411530 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411533 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01) 3411534 35559673 Feng X (2022) High Throughput CRISPR GI screen|Cell Line:HEK-293A|Experimental Setup: Timecourse|GIST: A-phenotypic negative genetic interaction|Library: TKO v3 (ADDGENE:90294)|Significance Threshold: BAGEL (QBF_X_TSG KO&gt;5, QBF_X_WT_Average&lt;3, and QBF_X_TSG KO - QBF_X_WT_Max&gt;5, where X is any gene from TKOv3 library) and DrugZ (P&lt;0.01)