badalsahani's picture
feat: chroma initial deploy
from threading import Lock
from chromadb.segment import (
from chromadb.config import System, get_class
from chromadb.db.system import SysDB
from overrides import override
from chromadb.segment.distributed import SegmentDirectory
from chromadb.telemetry.opentelemetry import (
from chromadb.types import Collection, Operation, Segment, SegmentScope, Metadata
from typing import Dict, Type, Sequence, Optional, cast
from uuid import UUID, uuid4
from collections import defaultdict
# TODO: it is odd that the segment manager is different for distributed vs local
# implementations. This should be refactored to be more consistent and shared.
# needed in this is the ability to specify the desired segment types for a collection
# It is odd that segment manager is coupled to the segment implementation. We need to rethink
# this abstraction.
SegmentType.SQLITE: "chromadb.segment.impl.metadata.sqlite.SqliteMetadataSegment",
SegmentType.HNSW_DISTRIBUTED: "chromadb.segment.impl.vector.grpc_segment.GrpcVectorSegment",
class DistributedSegmentManager(SegmentManager):
_sysdb: SysDB
_system: System
_opentelemetry_client: OpenTelemetryClient
_instances: Dict[UUID, SegmentImplementation]
_segment_cache: Dict[
UUID, Dict[SegmentScope, Segment]
] # collection_id -> scope -> segment
_segment_directory: SegmentDirectory
_lock: Lock
# _segment_server_stubs: Dict[str, SegmentServerStub] # grpc_url -> grpc stub
def __init__(self, system: System):
self._sysdb = self.require(SysDB)
self._segment_directory = self.require(SegmentDirectory)
self._system = system
self._opentelemetry_client = system.require(OpenTelemetryClient)
self._instances = {}
self._segment_cache = defaultdict(dict)
self._lock = Lock()
def create_segments(self, collection: Collection) -> Sequence[Segment]:
vector_segment = _segment(
SegmentType.HNSW_DISTRIBUTED, SegmentScope.VECTOR, collection
metadata_segment = _segment(
SegmentType.SQLITE, SegmentScope.METADATA, collection
return [vector_segment, metadata_segment]
def delete_segments(self, collection_id: UUID) -> Sequence[UUID]:
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_segment(self, collection_id: UUID, type: Type[S]) -> S:
if type == MetadataReader:
scope = SegmentScope.METADATA
elif type == VectorReader:
scope = SegmentScope.VECTOR
raise ValueError(f"Invalid segment type: {type}")
if scope not in self._segment_cache[collection_id]:
segments = self._sysdb.get_segments(collection=collection_id, scope=scope)
known_types = set([k.value for k in SEGMENT_TYPE_IMPLS.keys()])
# Get the first segment of a known type
segment = next(filter(lambda s: s["type"] in known_types, segments))
grpc_url = self._segment_directory.get_segment_endpoint(segment)
if segment["metadata"] is not None:
segment["metadata"]["grpc_url"] = grpc_url # type: ignore
segment["metadata"] = {"grpc_url": grpc_url}
# TODO: Register a callback to update the segment when it gets moved
# self._segment_directory.register_updated_segment_callback()
self._segment_cache[collection_id][scope] = segment
# Instances must be atomically created, so we use a lock to ensure that only one thread
# creates the instance.
with self._lock:
instance = self._instance(self._segment_cache[collection_id][scope])
return cast(S, instance)
def hint_use_collection(self, collection_id: UUID, hint_type: Operation) -> None:
# TODO: this should call load/release on the target node, node should be stored in metadata
# for now this is fine, but cache invalidation is a problem btwn sysdb and segment manager
types = [MetadataReader, VectorReader]
for type in types:
collection_id, type
) # TODO: this is a hack that mirrors local segment manager to force load the relevant instances
if type == VectorReader:
# Load the remote segment
segments = self._sysdb.get_segments(
collection=collection_id, scope=SegmentScope.VECTOR
known_types = set([k.value for k in SEGMENT_TYPE_IMPLS.keys()])
segment = next(filter(lambda s: s["type"] in known_types, segments))
# grpc_url = self._segment_directory.get_segment_endpoint(segment)
# if grpc_url not in self._segment_server_stubs:
# channel = grpc.insecure_channel(grpc_url)
# self._segment_server_stubs[grpc_url] = SegmentServerStub(channel) # type: ignore
# TODO: this load is not necessary
# self._segment_server_stubs[grpc_url].LoadSegment(
# to_proto_segment(segment)
# )
# if grpc_url not in self._segment_server_stubs:
# channel = grpc.insecure_channel(grpc_url)
# self._segment_server_stubs[grpc_url] = SegmentServerStub(channel)
# self._segment_server_stubs[grpc_url].LoadSegment(
# to_proto_segment(segment)
# )
# TODO: rethink duplication from local segment manager
def _cls(self, segment: Segment) -> Type[SegmentImplementation]:
classname = SEGMENT_TYPE_IMPLS[SegmentType(segment["type"])]
cls = get_class(classname, SegmentImplementation)
return cls
def _instance(self, segment: Segment) -> SegmentImplementation:
if segment["id"] not in self._instances:
cls = self._cls(segment)
instance = cls(self._system, segment)
self._instances[segment["id"]] = instance
return self._instances[segment["id"]]
# TODO: rethink duplication from local segment manager
def _segment(type: SegmentType, scope: SegmentScope, collection: Collection) -> Segment:
"""Create a metadata dict, propagating metadata correctly for the given segment type."""
cls = get_class(SEGMENT_TYPE_IMPLS[type], SegmentImplementation)
collection_metadata = collection.get("metadata", None)
metadata: Optional[Metadata] = None
if collection_metadata:
metadata = cls.propagate_collection_metadata(collection_metadata)
return Segment(