from __future__ import annotations from collections import defaultdict from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple import uuid from chromadb.config import Settings, System from chromadb.ingest import Consumer, ConsumerCallbackFn, Producer from overrides import overrides, EnforceOverrides from uuid import UUID from chromadb.ingest.impl.pulsar_admin import PulsarAdmin from chromadb.ingest.impl.utils import create_pulsar_connection_str from chromadb.proto.convert import from_proto_submit, to_proto_submit import chromadb.proto.chroma_pb2 as proto from chromadb.telemetry.opentelemetry import ( OpenTelemetryClient, OpenTelemetryGranularity, trace_method, ) from chromadb.types import SeqId, SubmitEmbeddingRecord import pulsar from concurrent.futures import wait, Future from chromadb.utils.messageid import int_to_pulsar, pulsar_to_int class PulsarProducer(Producer, EnforceOverrides): # TODO: ensure trace context propagates _connection_str: str _topic_to_producer: Dict[str, pulsar.Producer] _opentelemetry_client: OpenTelemetryClient _client: pulsar.Client _admin: PulsarAdmin _settings: Settings def __init__(self, system: System) -> None: pulsar_host = system.settings.require("pulsar_broker_url") pulsar_port = system.settings.require("pulsar_broker_port") self._connection_str = create_pulsar_connection_str(pulsar_host, pulsar_port) self._topic_to_producer = {} self._settings = system.settings self._admin = PulsarAdmin(system) self._opentelemetry_client = system.require(OpenTelemetryClient) super().__init__(system) @overrides def start(self) -> None: self._client = pulsar.Client(self._connection_str) super().start() @overrides def stop(self) -> None: self._client.close() super().stop() @overrides def create_topic(self, topic_name: str) -> None: self._admin.create_topic(topic_name) @overrides def delete_topic(self, topic_name: str) -> None: self._admin.delete_topic(topic_name) @trace_method("PulsarProducer.submit_embedding", OpenTelemetryGranularity.ALL) @overrides def submit_embedding( self, topic_name: str, embedding: SubmitEmbeddingRecord ) -> SeqId: """Add an embedding record to the given topic. Returns the SeqID of the record.""" producer = self._get_or_create_producer(topic_name) proto_submit: proto.SubmitEmbeddingRecord = to_proto_submit(embedding) # TODO: batch performance / async msg_id: pulsar.MessageId = producer.send(proto_submit.SerializeToString()) return pulsar_to_int(msg_id) @trace_method("PulsarProducer.submit_embeddings", OpenTelemetryGranularity.ALL) @overrides def submit_embeddings( self, topic_name: str, embeddings: Sequence[SubmitEmbeddingRecord] ) -> Sequence[SeqId]: if not self._running: raise RuntimeError("Component not running") if len(embeddings) == 0: return [] if len(embeddings) > self.max_batch_size: raise ValueError( f""" Cannot submit more than {self.max_batch_size:,} embeddings at once. Please submit your embeddings in batches of size {self.max_batch_size:,} or less. """ ) producer = self._get_or_create_producer(topic_name) protos_to_submit = [to_proto_submit(embedding) for embedding in embeddings] def create_producer_callback( future: Future[int], ) -> Callable[[Any, pulsar.MessageId], None]: def producer_callback(res: Any, msg_id: pulsar.MessageId) -> None: if msg_id: future.set_result(pulsar_to_int(msg_id)) else: future.set_exception( Exception( "Unknown error while submitting embedding in producer_callback" ) ) return producer_callback futures = [] for proto_to_submit in protos_to_submit: future: Future[int] = Future() producer.send_async( proto_to_submit.SerializeToString(), callback=create_producer_callback(future), ) futures.append(future) wait(futures) results: List[SeqId] = [] for future in futures: exception = future.exception() if exception is not None: raise exception results.append(future.result()) return results @property @overrides def max_batch_size(self) -> int: # For now, we use 1,000 # TODO: tune this to a reasonable value by default return 1000 def _get_or_create_producer(self, topic_name: str) -> pulsar.Producer: if topic_name not in self._topic_to_producer: producer = self._client.create_producer(topic_name) self._topic_to_producer[topic_name] = producer return self._topic_to_producer[topic_name] @overrides def reset_state(self) -> None: if not self._settings.require("allow_reset"): raise ValueError( "Resetting the database is not allowed. Set `allow_reset` to true in the config in tests or other non-production environments where reset should be permitted." ) for topic_name in self._topic_to_producer: self._admin.delete_topic(topic_name) self._topic_to_producer = {} super().reset_state() class PulsarConsumer(Consumer, EnforceOverrides): class PulsarSubscription: id: UUID topic_name: str start: int end: int callback: ConsumerCallbackFn consumer: pulsar.Consumer def __init__( self, id: UUID, topic_name: str, start: int, end: int, callback: ConsumerCallbackFn, consumer: pulsar.Consumer, ): = id self.topic_name = topic_name self.start = start self.end = end self.callback = callback self.consumer = consumer _connection_str: str _client: pulsar.Client _opentelemetry_client: OpenTelemetryClient _subscriptions: Dict[str, Set[PulsarSubscription]] _settings: Settings def __init__(self, system: System) -> None: pulsar_host = system.settings.require("pulsar_broker_url") pulsar_port = system.settings.require("pulsar_broker_port") self._connection_str = create_pulsar_connection_str(pulsar_host, pulsar_port) self._subscriptions = defaultdict(set) self._settings = system.settings self._opentelemetry_client = system.require(OpenTelemetryClient) super().__init__(system) @overrides def start(self) -> None: self._client = pulsar.Client(self._connection_str) super().start() @overrides def stop(self) -> None: self._client.close() super().stop() @trace_method("PulsarConsumer.subscribe", OpenTelemetryGranularity.ALL) @overrides def subscribe( self, topic_name: str, consume_fn: ConsumerCallbackFn, start: Optional[SeqId] = None, end: Optional[SeqId] = None, id: Optional[UUID] = None, ) -> UUID: """Register a function that will be called to recieve embeddings for a given topic. The given function may be called any number of times, with any number of records, and may be called concurrently. Only records between start (exclusive) and end (inclusive) SeqIDs will be returned. If start is None, the first record returned will be the next record generated, not including those generated before creating the subscription. If end is None, the consumer will consume indefinitely, otherwise it will automatically be unsubscribed when the end SeqID is reached. If the function throws an exception, the function may be called again with the same or different records. Takes an optional UUID as a unique subscription ID. If no ID is provided, a new ID will be generated and returned.""" if not self._running: raise RuntimeError("Consumer must be started before subscribing") subscription_id = ( id or uuid.uuid4() ) # TODO: this should really be created by the coordinator and stored in sysdb start, end = self._validate_range(start, end) def wrap_callback(consumer: pulsar.Consumer, message: pulsar.Message) -> None: msg_data = msg_id = pulsar_to_int(message.message_id()) submit_embedding_record = proto.SubmitEmbeddingRecord() proto.SubmitEmbeddingRecord.ParseFromString( submit_embedding_record, msg_data ) embedding_record = from_proto_submit(submit_embedding_record, msg_id) consume_fn([embedding_record]) consumer.acknowledge(message) if msg_id == end: self.unsubscribe(subscription_id) consumer = self._client.subscribe( topic_name, subscription_id.hex, message_listener=wrap_callback, ) subscription = self.PulsarSubscription( subscription_id, topic_name, start, end, consume_fn, consumer ) self._subscriptions[topic_name].add(subscription) # NOTE: For some reason the seek() method expects a shadowed MessageId type # which resides in _msg_id. return subscription_id def _validate_range( self, start: Optional[SeqId], end: Optional[SeqId] ) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Validate and normalize the start and end SeqIDs for a subscription using this impl.""" start = start or pulsar_to_int(pulsar.MessageId.latest) end = end or self.max_seqid() if not isinstance(start, int) or not isinstance(end, int): raise TypeError("SeqIDs must be integers") if start >= end: raise ValueError(f"Invalid SeqID range: {start} to {end}") return start, end @overrides def unsubscribe(self, subscription_id: UUID) -> None: """Unregister a subscription. The consume function will no longer be invoked, and resources associated with the subscription will be released.""" for topic_name, subscriptions in self._subscriptions.items(): for subscription in subscriptions: if == subscription_id: subscription.consumer.close() subscriptions.remove(subscription) if len(subscriptions) == 0: del self._subscriptions[topic_name] return @overrides def min_seqid(self) -> SeqId: """Return the minimum possible SeqID in this implementation.""" return pulsar_to_int(pulsar.MessageId.earliest) @overrides def max_seqid(self) -> SeqId: """Return the maximum possible SeqID in this implementation.""" return 2**192 - 1 @overrides def reset_state(self) -> None: if not self._settings.require("allow_reset"): raise ValueError( "Resetting the database is not allowed. Set `allow_reset` to true in the config in tests or other non-production environments where reset should be permitted." ) for topic_name, subscriptions in self._subscriptions.items(): for subscription in subscriptions: subscription.consumer.close() self._subscriptions = defaultdict(set) super().reset_state()