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import os
import math
import time
import inspect
from dataclasses import dataclass
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn import functional as F
class Attention(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, config):
assert config.nn_embed % config.nn_head == 0
self.nn_head = config.nn_head
self.nn_embed = config.nn_embed
# K,Q,V NN layer calculated for the every token of the every batch
self.w_qkv = nn.Linear(config.nn_embed, config.nn_embed * 3) # (X, embed) -> (X, 3*embed)
# Projection layer to mix up the heads or the every token of the every batch
self.proj = nn.Linear(config.nn_embed, config.nn_embed) # (X, embed) -> (X, embed)
# TODO What does the following line do (coiped from class)
self.register_buffer("bias", torch.tril(torch.ones(config.nn_max_tok_seq, config.nn_max_tok_seq)).view(1, 1, config.nn_max_tok_seq, config.nn_max_tok_seq))
def forward(self, x):
B, T, E = x.size() # Batch size, token numbers, Embediing(nn_embed)
q, k, v = self.w_qkv(x).split(self.nn_embed, dim=2) # Split the last dimension in size od embed ie into 3
# divide the q,k,v last dim in groups (heads) and then shuffle to for the calculation
q = q.view(B, T, self.nn_head, E//self.nn_head).transpose(1,2) # (B, head, T, headEmbedSize)
k = k.view(B, T, self.nn_head, E//self.nn_head).transpose(1,2) # (B, head, T, headEmbedSize)
v = v.view(B, T, self.nn_head, E//self.nn_head).transpose(1,2) # (B, head, T, headEmbedSize)
att = (q @ k.transpose(-2, -1)) * (1.0 / math.sqrt(k.size(-1))) # Q*K / sqt(headEmbedSize)...(B, head, T, T)
att = att.masked_fill(self.bias[:, :, :T, :T] == 0, float('-inf')) # Mask fill the B,headEmbedSize,T.a,T.b with -infinity where T.a < T.b
att = F.softmax(att, dim = -1) # maxFilled vals -infinity will become 0 after softmax
y = att @ v # B, head, T, headEmbedSize
# Shuffle the head and headEmbedSize together and append one after another to get back embed
y = y.transpose(1,2).contiguous().view(B, T, E) # B, T, head, headEmbedSize -> B, T, E
# Projection NN layer to shuffle the last dim that were stacked together
y = self.proj(y) # B, T, E
return y
# Feed Forward NN Layer
class MLP(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, config):
self.fc = nn.Linear(config.nn_embed, config.nn_embed * config.nn_mlp_expansion)
self.gelu = nn.GELU(approximate='tanh')
self.proj = nn.Linear(config.nn_embed * config.nn_mlp_expansion, config.nn_embed)
self.proj.NANGPT_SCALE_INIT = 1
def forward(self, x):
x = self.fc(x)
x = self.gelu(x)
x = self.proj(x)
return x
class Block(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, config):
self.ln_1 = nn.LayerNorm(config.nn_embed)
self.att = Attention(config)
self.ln_2 = nn.LayerNorm(config.nn_embed)
self.mlp = MLP(config)
def forward(self, x):
x = x + self.att(self.ln_1(x))
x = x + self.mlp(self.ln_2(x))
return x
class DecoderTransformer(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self.wte = nn.Embedding(config.vocab_size, config.nn_embed)
self.wpe = nn.Embedding(config.nn_max_tok_seq, config.nn_embed)
self.blocks = nn.ModuleList([Block(config) for _ in range(0, config.nn_layer)])
self.lm_head = nn.Linear(config.nn_embed, config.vocab_size, bias=False)
# weight sharing for cost optimization
self.wte.weight = self.lm_head.weight
# weight initialization
def _init_weights(self, module):
if isinstance(module, nn.Linear):
std = 0.02
if hasattr(module, 'NANGPT_SCALE_INIT'):
std *= (2 * self.config.nn_layer) ** -0.5
torch.nn.init.normal_(module.weight, mean = 0.0, std = std)
if module.bias is not None:
elif isinstance(module, nn.Embedding):
torch.nn.init.normal_(module.weight, mean=0.0, std = 0.02)
def forward(self, idx, targets=None):
B, T = idx.size()
assert T <= self.config.nn_max_tok_seq, f"Token length ({T}) can not exceed the max allowed sequence size (block size) ({self.config.nn_max_tok_seq})"
# Embedding Layer
pos = torch.arange(0, T, dtype=torch.long, device=idx.device) # 1-D vector from 0..T represing token seq of a single batch
pos_embed = self.wpe(pos) # position embedding (T, nn_embed) - every token of given sequence will have a nn_embed size output
tok_embed = self.wte(idx) # Token embedding (B, T, nn_embed) - every token of a batch will have individual token embedding
# As pos embedding would be same for all the batches (as it is based on token sequence and not value), it can be added to every batch as is
x = pos_embed + tok_embed # B, T, nn_embed
# Transformer blocks..nn_layers
for block in self.blocks:
x = block(x) # B, T, nn_embed
# Head - last layer
logits = self.lm_head(x) # B, T, vocab_size
# If targets are supplied, calculate loss and return both logits & loss, otherwise just the loss
loss = None
if targets is not None:
loss = F.cross_entropy(logits.view(-1, logits.size(-1)), targets.view(-1))
return logits, loss