sanskrit-tokenizer-demo /
gitesh-grover's picture
Removed the training option from the HuggingFace. Reading the pre-trained vocab
import regex as re
from tqdm import tqdm
# U+090x
# ऀ ँ ऄ अ आ इ ई उ ऊ ऋ ऌ ऍ ऎ ए
# U+091x
# ऐ ऑ ऒ ओ औ क ख ग घ ङ च छ ज झ ञ ट
# U+092x
# ठ ड ढ ण त थ द ध न ऩ प फ ब भ म य
# U+093x
# र ऱ ल ळ ऴ व श ष स हऺऻ ़ ऽ ाि
# U+094x
# ी ु ू ृ ॄ ॅ ॆ े ै ॉ ॊ ो ौ ् ॎ ॏ
# U+095x
# ॐ ॑ ॓ ॕ ॖ ॗ क़ ख़ ग़ ज़ ड़ ढ़ फ़ य़
# U+096x
# ॠ ॡ ॢ । ॥ ० १ २ ३ ४ ५ ६ ७ ८ ९
# U+097x
# ॰ ॱ ॲ ॳ ॴ ॵ ॶ ॷ ॸ ॹ ॺ ॻ ॼ ॽ ॾ ॿ
def sanskrit_token_preprocessor(text):
# pat = re.compile(r"""॥|।| ?\p{L}+| ?\p{N}+| ?[^\s\p{L}\p{N}]+|\s+(?!\S)|\s+""")
pat = re.compile(r"""
\ ?[\u0900-\u097F]+ # Match Sanskit words with an optional space before
|\ ?\d+ # Matches one or more numerical digits.
|\ ?[^\s\u0900-\u097F\d]+ # Matches any character that is not a space, snaskrit or digit with an optional space before
|\s+(?!\S) # trailing whitespace characters (spaces, tabs, newlines)
|\s+ # Match whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines)
""", re.VERBOSE)
return re.findall(pat, text)
def bpeAlgo(tokensList, total_runs, newTokenStartValue):
# tokensList - list of list of tokens
paired_tokens_vocab = {}
newTokensList = list(tokensList) # copy list to keep original unchanged
# newTokensList - list of list of tokens
for i in tqdm(range(0, total_runs), desc="Learning BPE"):
pair_stats = {}
for tokens in newTokensList:
pair_stats = get_pair_stats(tokens, pair_stats)
# print(pair_stats)
if not pair_stats:
print(f"Not enought unique pairs to run BPE's {total_runs} runs")
raise ValueError(f"Not enough pairs to create a vocab of size {total_runs+256}")
top_pair = max(pair_stats, key=pair_stats.get)
newTokenVal = len(paired_tokens_vocab)+newTokenStartValue
# Replace tokens
newTokensList = [merge(tokens, top_pair, newTokenVal) for tokens in newTokensList]
# print(f"replaced topPair {top_pair}'s {pair_stats.get(top_pair)} occurrences with {len(paired_tokens_vocab)+256}")
# Add the new token to paired_tokens_vocab
paired_tokens_vocab[top_pair] = newTokenVal
return paired_tokens_vocab, [tok for toks in newTokensList for tok in toks]
# Get dictonary with key as token pairs and value as number of occurence
def get_pair_stats(toks, pair_stats):
for pair in zip(toks, toks[1:]):
pair_stats[pair] = pair_stats.get(pair, 0) + 1
return pair_stats
# Replaces all the occurences of pair in the tokens list with a new token
def merge(toks, pair, newTok):
newToks = []
i = 0
while i < len(toks):
if i < len(toks) - 1 and (toks[i], toks[i+1]) == pair:
i += 2
i += 1
return newToks
# vocab - key as int values from 0 - max(vocabSize) and values are bytes
def create_vocab(paired_tokens_vocab):
vocab = {i: bytes([i]) for i in range(256)} # 0-255 bytes as is
for (p0, p1), i in paired_tokens_vocab.items():
vocab[i] = vocab[p0] + vocab[p1] # as we are iterating in order, we are deriving the values of later vocab from previous vocab value bytes
return vocab
def save_paired_tokens_vocab(filepath, paired_tokens_vocab):
with open(filepath, 'w') as f:
f.write('Token version 1\n')
for k,v in paired_tokens_vocab.items():
def save_vocab(filepath, vocab):
with open(filepath, 'w') as f:
f.write('Token version 1\n')
for k,v in vocab.items():
def load_paired_tokens_vocab(filepath):
paired_tokens = {}
with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
[k, v] = line.split(":")
paired_tokens[k] = v
return paired_tokens
def load_vocab(filepath):
vocab = {}
with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
[k, v] = line.split("<::>")
vocab[int(k)] = eval(v)
return vocab
##### Following methods are used to use the already created vocab ####
# paired_tokens_vocab - key as integer pairs (p0 & p1 would be between 0 & max_vocab_size) and value would be integer val between 0 - max_vocab_size
# vocab - key as int values from 0 - max(vocabSize) and values are bytes
def decode(intTokens, vocab):
vocalTokenVals = b"".join(vocab[vocabKey] for vocabKey in intTokens) # join actual byte values of the keys from vocab
return vocalTokenVals.decode("utf-8") # Decode the utf-code byte sequemces back to String
def encode(text, paired_tokens_vocab):
tokens = list(text.encode('utf-8'))
while len(tokens) > 1: # as long as the token values can be paired. It will break within loop below
pair_stats = get_pair_stats(tokens, {})
# Get the matching pair from the vocab with least value. That way, if it is not found, we can stop the iteration
pair = min(pair_stats, key=lambda k : paired_tokens_vocab.get(k, float("inf"))) # find min pair whose min value is decided based on the value found in paired_tokens_vocab
if pair not in paired_tokens_vocab:
return tokens
newTok = paired_tokens_vocab[pair]
# print(f"Replacing {pair} with {newTok}")
tokens = merge(tokens, pair, newTok)
return tokens