import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import einops import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np def overlay_heatmap_on_image( image, heatmap: torch.Tensor, save_path="results/heatmap_overlay.pdf", ): """ Overlay the given heatmap on the image """ if isinstance(heatmap, torch.Tensor): heatmap = assert len(heatmap.shape) == 2, "Heatmap should be 2D" plt.figure() plt.imshow(image) # Upscale heatmap to image heatmap = F.interpolate( heatmap.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0), size=image.shape[:2], mode="bilinear", align_corners=False ) heatmap = heatmap.squeeze(0).squeeze(0).numpy() plt.imshow(heatmap, cmap="jet", alpha=0.5) plt.axis("off") plt.savefig(save_path, dpi=300) def plot_concept_heatmaps( image, concept_basis: torch.Tensor, concept_list: list[str], image_patch_vectors: torch.Tensor, softmax=True, normalize_maps=True ): """ Plot the concept heatmaps to ensure that the concept basis is reasonable for the given image. """ assert len(image_patch_vectors.shape) in [4, 5], "Image patch vectors should be 4D or 5D, make sure you include layers and timesteps." fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, len(concept_list) + 1, figsize=(4 * len(concept_list) + 4, 4)) # Normalize the concept basis # concept_basis = concept_basis / concept_basis.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) if len(image_patch_vectors.shape) == 5: image_patch_projections = einops.einsum( image_patch_vectors, concept_basis, "layers time heads patches d, layers time heads concepts d -> layers time heads concepts patches", ) if softmax: image_patch_projections = torch.softmax(image_patch_projections, dim=-2) image_patch_projections = einops.reduce( image_patch_projections, "layers time heads concepts patches -> concepts patches", reduction="mean" ) image_patch_projections = einops.rearrange( image_patch_projections, "concepts (h w) -> concepts h w", h=64, w=64 ) else: image_patch_projections = einops.einsum( image_patch_vectors, concept_basis, "layers time patches d, layers time concepts d -> layers time concepts patches", ) if softmax: image_patch_projections = torch.softmax(image_patch_projections, dim=-2) image_patch_projections = einops.reduce( image_patch_projections, "layers time concepts patches -> concepts patches", reduction="mean" ) image_patch_projections = einops.rearrange( image_patch_projections, "concepts (w h) -> concepts w h", h=64, w=64 ) image_patch_projections = # Get min and max values min_val = image_patch_projections.min() max_val = image_patch_projections.max() if len(concept_list) > 30: for concept in concept_list: plt.figure() if normalize_maps: plt.imshow( image_patch_projections[concept_list.index(concept)], cmap="plasma", vmin=min_val, vmax=max_val ) else: plt.imshow( image_patch_projections[concept_list.index(concept)], cmap="plasma" ) plt.title(concept) plt.savefig(f"results/concept_heatmaps/{concept}.png") plt.close() else: # Plot the image axs[0].imshow(image) axs[0].set_title("Image") axs[0].axis("off") # Plot the concept heatmaps for i, concept in enumerate(concept_list): if normalize_maps: axs[i + 1].imshow( image_patch_projections[i], cmap="plasma", vmin=min_val, vmax=max_val ) else: axs[i + 1].imshow( image_patch_projections[i], cmap="plasma" ) axs[i + 1].set_title(concept) axs[i + 1].axis("off") # Save the figure plt.savefig("results/concept_heatmaps.png") plt.close() def plot_coefficients_heatmap( coefficients: torch.Tensor, concepts: list[str], save_path="results/group_coding_heatmaps.png" ): # Convert the coefficients to a dictionary coefficients = coefficients.detach().cpu().numpy() coefficients = coefficients.T dictionaries = [] for i in range(coefficients.shape[0]): dictionary = {} for j, concept in enumerate(concepts): dictionary[concept] = coefficients[i, j] dictionaries.append(dictionary) # Convert dictionaries to numpy arrays dictionaries = [np.array([dictionary[concept] for concept in concepts]) for dictionary in dictionaries] dictionaries = np.stack(dictionaries, axis=0) dictionaries = einops.rearrange( dictionaries, "(w h) concepts -> concepts w h", w=64, h=64 ) # Get min and max min_val = dictionaries.min() max_val = dictionaries.max() # Plot the coeffients of each dictioanry for each patch fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, len(concepts), figsize=(4 * len(concepts), 4)) for concept_index, concept in enumerate(concepts): axs[concept_index].imshow( dictionaries[concept_index], cmap="plasma", # vmin=min_val, # vmax=max_val ) axs[concept_index].set_title(concept) axs[concept_index].set_xticks([]) axs[concept_index].set_yticks([]) axs[concept_index].axis("off") plt.savefig(save_path) plt.close()