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  Throughout this reflection, we have examined the accession to monetary quality by cryptocurrencies, through the complex study of their functional, organic, and symbolic attributes, and the influence of law on practices. From a fundamentally empirical approach, it results that the qualification issue remains complex: on one hand, cryptocurrencies would crystallize the essential functional sub-criteria for monetary qualification; on the other hand, they would be unequivocally rejected by domestic law, emphasizing the organic criterion tied to the requirement of legal tender, which we have nuanced in a comparative approach. Nonetheless, it is clear that cryptocurrency conforms to a contractual money quality, endowed with its own characteristics.<br><br>
  From the perspective of a symbolic criterion, we have attempted to demonstrate at the interface of economics and law that the liberatory power attached to a monetary object can emerge from usages, conditioned by the prevailing legal regime and regulatory attempts aimed at limiting its development or adoption. Our reasoning is based on a critical study of the legal framework's consequences, particularly fiscal, on practices, carefully examining its limits and confronting it with innovations still unforeseen by doctrine, law, or jurisprudence. It follows that in the current state of positive law, cryptocurrency benefits from a halfway qualification, leading to significant difficulties in assessment.<br><br>
  <strong>Consult on ResearchGate:</strong> <a href="https://www.researchgate.net/publication/360485939_La_qualite_monetaire_des_devises_cryptographiques_au_miroir_du_droit_positif" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Monetary Quality of Cryptocurrencies in the Light of Positive Law</a><br>
- <strong>Download the PDF file:</strong> <a href="ressources/La-qualite-monetaire-des-devises-cryptographiques-au-miroir-du-droit-positif.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Monetary Quality of Cryptocurrencies in the Light of Positive Law</a>
  Throughout this reflection, we have examined the accession to monetary quality by cryptocurrencies, through the complex study of their functional, organic, and symbolic attributes, and the influence of law on practices. From a fundamentally empirical approach, it results that the qualification issue remains complex: on one hand, cryptocurrencies would crystallize the essential functional sub-criteria for monetary qualification; on the other hand, they would be unequivocally rejected by domestic law, emphasizing the organic criterion tied to the requirement of legal tender, which we have nuanced in a comparative approach. Nonetheless, it is clear that cryptocurrency conforms to a contractual money quality, endowed with its own characteristics.<br><br>
  From the perspective of a symbolic criterion, we have attempted to demonstrate at the interface of economics and law that the liberatory power attached to a monetary object can emerge from usages, conditioned by the prevailing legal regime and regulatory attempts aimed at limiting its development or adoption. Our reasoning is based on a critical study of the legal framework's consequences, particularly fiscal, on practices, carefully examining its limits and confronting it with innovations still unforeseen by doctrine, law, or jurisprudence. It follows that in the current state of positive law, cryptocurrency benefits from a halfway qualification, leading to significant difficulties in assessment.<br><br>
  <strong>Consult on ResearchGate:</strong> <a href="https://www.researchgate.net/publication/360485939_La_qualite_monetaire_des_devises_cryptographiques_au_miroir_du_droit_positif" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Monetary Quality of Cryptocurrencies in the Light of Positive Law</a><br>
+ <strong>Download the PDF file:</strong> <a href="https://louisbrulenaudet.com/ressources/La-qualite-monetaire-des-devises-cryptographiques-au-miroir-du-droit-positif.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Monetary Quality of Cryptocurrencies in the Light of Positive Law</a>